aynrand.org/impact Volume 17, Number 12, December 2011 Highlights of the Past Year

RI’s mission is to foster a growing awareness, paign this fall, we received more orders for free A understanding and acceptance of ’s books in the first month of this academic year revolutionary of , in order than in the same period over the last few years. to create a culture whose guiding principles are As a result, ARI projects it will be out of reason, rational self-interest and laissez-faire books for distribution by the end of this month. If —a culture in which individuals are free you would like to contribute to the Free Books to to pursue their own happiness. All of ARI’s activi- Teachers program so more high school students ties are geared towards achieving this end. are exposed to Ayn Rand’s ideas in the class- OAC instructor Keith Lockitch (at right) discussing environmentalism with Our efforts are focused on impacting three main room, please visit aynrand.org/freebooks to learn this year’s interns areas in the culture, those targets that, if impacted more about the program and how you can make a internship program for college students new to effectively, will most directly and widely change difference. Rand’s ideas but who are planning to pursue intel- the culture as a whole. These areas of focus are the Another effort to educate young people about lectual careers at its offices in Irvine, . education system, which includes students and aca- Ayn Rand’s ideas includes ARI’s annual essay This year’s class, our largest yet, consisted of nine- demics; public policy, which includes think tanks, contests, most of which are held exclusively for teen students eager to learn about Rand’s scholar- politicians and activists; and business, the field that high school and college students. A new essay ship at a more in-depth level from ARI’s experts. funds and influences the other two systems. contest, based on the themes in , was The three-week program included classes on Rand’s Below are this year’s highlights of ARI’s introduced this year, bringing the total number of novels, topics in philosophy and application of activities in these areas. essay contests ARI offers to five. In addition to We Rand’s ideas to public policy issues. Students also the Living, students can participate in contests on participated in debates and professional-skills semi- the themes in , nars, and gained real-world office experience. Education and . Those who previously entered an ARI essay contest can also enter a contest on how Scholars Students Ayn Rand’s novels have affected them. In addition to students, ARI reaches out to profes- Two of ARI’s longest standing programs, the Free ARI received more than 22,000 entries this sors and scholars to enrich understanding of Rand Books to Teachers program and our annual essay year and awarded more than $100,000 in prize in academic circles. For example, ARI senior fellow contests, completed another successful year. money to the winners of these contests. contributed several new essays on Established in 2002, the Free Books to Teachers To introduce college students interested in Rand’s fiction and philosophy to scholarly publica- program gives free copies of Anthem, We the Liv- free markets and capitalism to Rand’s contribution tions. For the forthcoming volume Concepts and ing, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged to high to moral and political thought, a new initiative, Their Role in Knowledge: Reflections on Objectivist school teachers. The program exposes young people, the Books to Free-Market Students program, was Epistemology, Dr. Ghate contributed two pieces. The some of whom will go on to be the leaders and launched. Through the program, ARI distributes collection is spearheaded by the Ayn Rand Society important thinkers of tomorrow, to Ayn Rand’s nov- Atlas Shrugged to organizations who work with (not a part of ARI), which is an affiliate of the Amer- els, and helps to establish Rand’s literature as a regu- young people interested in free-market ideas. These ican Philosophical Association, Eastern Division. lar inclusion in the high school English curriculum. organizations hold summer seminars and internship Dr. Ghate also wrote a new article for the upcoming ARI has shipped more than two million programs for college students. The response to the expanded edition of Essays ’s “We the books as part of the Free Books to Teachers pro- program was extremely positive—all copies of the Living,” edited by Robert Mayhew, on the character gram, and demand from teachers continues to book were claimed within just a few months of the Leo Kovalensky. In addition, Dr. Ghate has two grow. ARI estimates that as a result of this pro- offer by various organizations, including the Foun- contributions to the forthcoming Blackwell volume gram, more than five million students have been dation for Economic Education, the Koch Founda- Ayn Rand: A Companion to Her Works and Thought, introduced to Ayn Rand’s ideas in the classroom. tion and the Institute for Humane Studies. edited by and Gregory Salmieri. One In response to a more targeted marketing cam- In addition, ARI held its growing summer continued on page 2

Ayn Rand in the Culture nterest in Ayn Rand’s ideas has soared in the last that they must choose between her philosophy and FoxNews.com, about the I few years. Since the 2008 election, more than Christianity. In response, ARI senior fellow Onkar relevance of the novel to one million copies of Atlas Shrugged have been Ghate wrote in an article on FoxNews.com about today’s events. sold, more than any similar period in the book’s how America’s founding principles cannot be ARI also responded fifty-four-year publishing history. This year alone, reconciled with the Christian teachings of faith and to technological trends in Atlas Shrugged was on the top one hundred best- self-sacrifice and need Rand’s pro-reason, pro-self- the culture more broadly in sellers list on Amazon for more than thirty days. interest philosophy to support them. ARI board order to expose more peo- At one point it climbed member wrote in American ple to Ayn Rand’s ideas. to number 4 on the list. Thinker magazine about AVN’s improper attempt In response to the growing As Rand has to bring religion into politics. ARI intellectuals popularity of e-books, ARI Home page of the new Atlas appeared in the cultural also appeared on several programs to discuss the Shrugged iPad app worked with Penguin, and political debates issue, including ones on National Public Radio and the publisher of Atlas this year, ARI has CNN Radio. Shrugged, to develop an application for Apple’s sought, as always, to When a movie adaptation of the first third of iPad that offers readers an amplified edition of the amplify understanding Atlas Shrugged was released, with which ARI was book, making Ayn Rand’s magnum opus one of the Atlas Shrugged number 4 on of her novels and ideas. not affiliated, we anticipated an increased interest few amplified e-books on the market today. The Amazon’s overall best-sellers list For example, during in the novel and ramped up our efforts to promote app offers many exciting features that allow readers the summer, the American Values Network, a it. These efforts included, among other activities, to learn more about the novel, Ayn Rand and her left-wing public advocacy organization, launched the launch of a “Read Atlas Shrugged” campaign ideas, and was advertised in leading publications, a campaign against Rand, telling religious and the publication of articles in major news out- such as the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the conservatives who have voiced support for Rand lets, such as The Christian Science Monitor and continued on page 2 Highlights of the Past Year, continued from page 1 were offered in live video format, enabling students which were on the meaning of freedom and the and instructors to see each other during class. morality of capitalism, respectively. is on man as a being of self-made soul and another is ARI intellectuals continued to appear every on the free mind and the . week on the online news program Front Page, Last month Tom Bowden, ARI’s outreach liai- Public Policy where we commented on the latest issues mak- son, published a book review in the George Mason ing headlines, such as the Occupy Wall Street Law Review, a journal of the George Mason Uni- In addition to educating students and scholars about protests, proposals from election candidates and versity School of Law in Arlington, Virginia. The Objectivism, some ARI intellectuals focus their the financial crisis in Europe. We also appeared article discussed a recent book by David E. Bern- efforts on writing and speaking on public policy on popular TV programs, such as Freedom Watch, stein, a George Mason law professor, titled Reha- issues to influence other think tanks, policymakers Stossel and Glenn Beck, and radio programs, such bilitating Lochner: Defending Individual Rights and activists. as National Public Radio, the Wall Street Shuffle against Progressive Reform. In 2011 we published more than twenty opin- and CNN Radio. “Professor Bernstein’s book explores the his- ion pieces in leading publications. ARI executive In addition to regularly commenting on issues tory behind a landmark case in which the Supreme director and analyst in the culture today, ARI organized campaigns Court struck down a labor regulation that violated continued to write articles for their column on around issues Ayn Rand has a particularly distinct of contract,” Mr. Bowden explained. “Dis- Forbes.com, titled “The Objectivist,” where they point of view on. The first campaign addressed senting in the Lochner case, Justice Oliver Wendell comment on issues related to the morality of capi- Earth Day, during which ARI intellectuals wrote Holmes, Jr., argued that the Constitution is agnostic talism. For example, in response to Representative and spoke about environmentalism and energy on whether individuals have a right to liberty of Paul Ryan’s budget plan, they wrote a piece titled issues and hosted a Q&A session. contract, and therefore the law should have been “It’s Time to Kill the ‘Robin Hood’ Myth,” in The second campaign focused on the tenth upheld. A century later, judges still don’t agree on which they argued that entitlements, such as Medi- anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the climax of whether the individual has rights that government care and Social Security, are unearned benefits. In which was a symposium ARI hosted to reflect on the may not violate. Ayn Rand’s philosophy has the response to the notion that wealth is a fixed social post-9/11 decade and examine the ongoing threats potential to influence this debate in a positive direc- “pie,” Dr. Brook and Mr. Watkins wrote a piece emanating from the Middle East. The event brought tion, and through articles like this, the legal com- dispelling this myth. together ten foreign policy scholars and commenta- munity will become more aware of the importance Their most popular article this year, as of this tors, including , ARI’s director of policy ARI places on such controversies.” writing, “The Entitlement State Is Morally Bank- research, and Dr. Brook. For the sixth year in a row, ARI co-hosted the rupt,” received more than 27,000 views and argued In response to the growing trend of “livecast- annual BB&T Foundation Programs Conference on that Social Security is not only fiscally but also ing,” ARI streamed many of its events for live view- the morality of capitalism in Clemson, South Caro- morally bankrupt. ing this year, including the Earth Day Q&A and 9/11 lina. Close to seventy professors and deans attended ARI also published articles in other popular symposium. Since we began offering live broadcasts the event, in which Objectivist scholars discussed publications. For example, Tom Bowden wrote in the of our talks, debates and workshops, they have been and debated, among other topics, the relevance Daily Caller about how to assess the significance of viewed close to 60,000 times by more than 21,000 of Atlas Shrugged to the world today and Rand’s the ObamaCare litigation and in the Christian Sci- different people, who, as a result of this new techno- unique defense of capitalism with professors who ence Monitor about how the Tea Party will fail unless logy, have been able to watch these events from any- sometimes disagree with her views yet agree that her it fully embraces as a moral . where in the world, ask questions and expand their views deserve a hearing in the classroom. The post- In addition to writing opinion pieces, ARI knowledge of Ayn Rand’s ideas and how they apply conference feedback once gain confirmed that par- intellectuals spoke at many venues about how to public policy issues. ticipants find the experience to be highly valuable. Ayn Rand’s ideas are crucial to solving the prob- ARI intellectuals and educational staff also lems plaguing our nation. Dr. Brook alone spoke at attended various conferences and events to intro- more than sixty events about individual rights, the Business duce scholars to Rand’s views and engage in discus- morality of capitalism and Atlas Shrugged. He lec- sion about them. Among the most prestigious of tured on college campuses, including Cambridge In April Penguin published these were events of the Mont Pelerin Society, the (UK), Stanford and Brown Universities, and at Why Businessmen Need Phi- Adam Smith Institute and the Foundation for Eco- Tea Party gatherings. He participated in numerous losophy: The Capitalist’s Guide nomic Education. debates, including two at Oxford University, one at to the Ideas Behind Ayn Rand’s the Ford Hall Forum in Boston and many others. “Atlas Shrugged.” A revised He also participated in a number of debates around and expanded edition of Why the country with members of the organization Businessmen Need Philosophy, Demos on the proper role of government. originally released in 1999, the The first of these was part of a debate series new collection features rarely organized this spring by the New York Chapter of published essays by Rand and the . Titled “First Principles,” new essays by Objectivist writ- the series consisted of three debates between ers on the importance of maintaining the right prin- ARI and Demos. ARI board members Harry ciples in the corporate environment at all levels of Yaron Brook speaks at the Foundation for Economic Education Binswanger and John A. Allison represented ARI business. The collection was edited by Debi Ghate, in the second and third debates, respectively, ARI vice president of Education and Research, and Advanced Training in Objectivism Richard E. Ralston, ARI publishing manager. ARI educates serious students of Ayn Rand’s ideas In August sales of the new book already equa- through its Objectivist Academic Center, the Insti- led ten years’ worth of sales of the first edition. tute’s premiere program of advanced instruction In addition, ARI’s executive director, Yaron in Objectivism. In July nineteen more students Brook, spoke to businessmen at various venues graduated from the program, the largest class yet. In about Ayn Rand’s ideas. The most noteworthy of October the OAC launched a newly designed pro- these was a conference, titled “Global Supply Chains gram, at the heart of which is an intensive year-long in an Ayn Rand World,” at the University of Arkan- course that provides an introductory, foundational sas’s business school, where Dr. Brook was the key- education for those interested in pursuing careers as note speaker. The conference was attended by top Objectivist intellectuals in academia or public policy. Elan Journo on PJTV’s Front Page program executives from America’s leading companies. Students learn Ayn Rand’s philosophy and how it contrasts with other schools of thought, how to exer- cise proper thinking methods, and how to effectively communicate Objectivism and its application to cur- Ayn Rand in the Culture, continued from page 1 larly with quotes from Rand and links to her writ- rent policy issues in both written and oral form. ings and lectures. After completing the Core Course, students can Huffington Post, and on ABCNews.com. To further apply for the Advanced Education Program, which promote the app, the publisher helped ARI publish provides a deeper understanding of Objectivism an opinion piece on FoxNews.com, written by and the opportunity to hone communication skills Dr. Ghate, on how Rand could paint villains in the at a more advanced level. For example, this fall the novel that “seem ripped from today’s headlines.” OAC hosted a workshop for those on the job mar- ARI’s and Ayn Rand’s popularity on social ket seeking academic positions in philosophy. Four media sites also grew substantially this year. At the participants who are already on the market submit- end of last year, the Ayn Rand Center’s Facebook ted their dossiers for feedback and participated in page had close to 4,000 “Likes.” As of the publica- mock interviews and practiced talks about their tion of this issue, the page is liked by more than work. They were given feedback by two professors 10,500 members, who find regular updates on the from leading philosophy departments. Four other page about new articles and media appearances OAC students who are currently in philosophy PhD by ARI intellectuals. The Atlas Shrugged page programs and expect to be on the market in the next jumped from 200,000 Likes to more than 300,000, few years were invited to observe. and the Ayn Rand page grew from 190,000 to For the first time this year, some OAC classes more than 295,000. These pages are updated regu- Facebook page of the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights 2 Coming in 2012! NEXT YEAR’S CONFERENCE LINEUP ere’s a look at just a few of the exciting events Special Week-Long Offering from ARI’s Experts and products to come in 2012. Be sure to New Books H • “An Introduction to Ayn Rand’s Philosophy: check out Impact every month for the latest news There are three books on our Objectivism”—Doug Altner, Onkar Ghate and about ARI’s activities. radar for 2012. The first two Keith Lockitch are not ARI projects but ones we are especially looking for- General Sessions Ayn Rand Institute Campus ward to seeing published and • “Fifty Years Since the First Objectivist will help market. The last is Periodical: Objectivism as a Philosophy for Next month ARI will launch its brand new educa- an ARI project. Living on Earth”—Shoshana Milgram tional initiative: Ayn Rand Institute Campus. Stu- In March Understanding • “How to Dissuade an Altruist”— dents will be able to pursue a course of self-study Objectivism, based on a series • “A Culture’s Sense of Life—and Lessons for in an interactive environment where many tools of lectures of the same name Cultural Change”— have been made available to support their learning. by Dr. Peikoff, will hit stores. The book is edited • “‘And I Mean It’—Taking Ideas Seriously”— The Campus will be a virtual place where students by ARI board co-chair Michael S. Berliner. Pre- Tara Smith can learn, discuss ideas and interact with ARI using orders can be placed at Amazon.* • “The New Abolitionism: On Separating School technological means. Here is a preview of just a few Later in the year, Dr. Peikoff’s newest work, and State”—C. Bradley Thompson of the courses ARI Campus will offer. The DIM Hypothesis, will be published. On his • “Changing the Debate: How to Move from website (peikoff.com), Dr. Peikoff describes the an Entitlement State to a Free Market”—Don Ayn Rand: The Radical Thinker book as such: “Integration is the process by which Watkins This course introduces students to Ayn Rand’s people interrelate concrete data to make a connected • Panel discussion on strategic constitutional thought by examining three of her most provocative whole, data such as individual facts, values, laws, litigation—featuring Dana Berliner, Deborah ideas and how they contrast to traditional views: her the events in a novel, the provisions of the Constitu- Simpson and Steve Simpson, moderated by championing of laissez-faire capitalism; her view of tion and so on. In all these contexts and more, The Larry Salzman selfishness as a moral ideal; and her view of envi- DIM Hypothesis identifies three different methods • Panel discussion on the state of our political ronmentalism as anti-man and anti-progress. of integration and their consequences for the West’s culture—featuring Yaron Brook and Peter past—and for America’s future.” Schwartz Ayn Rand: A Writer’s Life Both Understanding Objectivism and The DIM “I decided to be a writer at the age of nine,” Ayn Hypothesis will be published by Penguin, the pub- Optional Courses Rand once said, “and everything I have done was lisher of Atlas Shrugged. • “Capitalist Solutions to America’s Dilemmas”— integrated to that purpose.” This course traces Lastly, ARI executive director Yaron Brook Rand’s life (1905–1982) from the perspective of her and analyst Don Watkins’s book on the morality • “History of the Supreme Court (part 2): Laissez- central productive goal—writing. Topics covered of capitalism is slated for release next fall. Keep Faire Constitutionalism?”—Eric Daniels include what motivated Rand to escape from Soviet up with Impact for the latest updates on the book’s • “Changing Habits: Why It’s Hard, How to Do Russia to America, defy mainstream opinion on publication! It”—John Dennis and Edwin A. Locke both left and right, become a best-selling author and • “Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: An Introduction innovative philosopher and forge a controversial for Objectivists”—Gena Gorlin legacy that’s still hotly debated today. Objectivist Summer Conference • “A New Way to Understand and Enjoy the Sky”—David Harriman Moral Virtue* The annual Objectivist summer conference is the • “The Tudors: The History of England (part 4): Adapted from ’s course of the same best opportunity of the year to learn about Ayn 1453–1603—Andrew Lewis title, which he originally gave in 1989, this course Rand’s ideas from leading Objectivist intellectuals, • “Greece and the Rise of Alexander the Great”— offers an in-depth treatment of the Objectivist ask them your questions and to meet other fans of accounts of the virtue of justice, the evil of the ini- Rand’s works. Next year’s conference will take • “Preserving the Hero in Your Soul: Integrity tiation of force and the virtue of independence. place June 30–July 8 in San Diego, California, at and Self-Betrayal in Selected Short Fiction”— the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina. Impact Shoshana Milgram is pleased to announce the full conference lineup • “Toward a Society of Privacy”—Amy Peikoff on this page. In addition to our educational offer- • “The Size and Scope of American ings, the conference will offer plenty of time to Government”—Richard M. Salsman socialize and relax. • “Chopin and the Birth of Musical More information about the conference, Romanticism”—Thomas Shoebotham including the schedule of events and pricing, will • “The Roberts Court and ”— be made available in the coming months. To keep Steve Simpson up with the latest updates about the conference, • “Bringing an Artwork to Life”—Luc Travers visit objectivistconferences.com. • “The Battle over Reason in the Islamic World (and How It Was Lost)”—Barry Wood * Though Leonard Peikoff has authorized these proj- Early screenshot of an ARI Campus course ects, he has not reviewed or approved their content.

writings of Ayn Rand, and to provide resources to the Anthem-led session we surveyed the group to others in academia interested in understanding her obtain a better picture of the present state of the ideas. One of the most challenging—and reward- field, and brainstormed ways in which Anthem ing—aspects of this mission is that Ayn Rand’s could support academics interested in the appli- thought is applicable to so many disciplines. To cation of Rand’s ideas to law. I am excited about How the Anthem Foundation effectively fulfill our charter, we must be able to the ideas that were generated, and look forward to offer resources and support meaningful scholar- telling you more as we begin to implement them. Furthers Rand’s Ideas ship in a variety of fields, such as philosophy, Once we have a better understanding of a in Academia , political science, literature, and law. field, one of the basic ways in which we engage I’d like to share with you more about how your in outreach is to host an exhibit booth at a major The Anthem Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organiza- contributions allow us to further the understand- conference, where we display Ayn Rand books, tion, separate from ARI, that provides funding to ing of Objectivism within and across such a diver- hand out pamphlets and flyers, and interact with colleges and universities whose academics are sity of fields, and to update you on some recent attendees. These conferences attract thousands of engaged in serious scholarship based on Objec- developments. academics. Our booth provides us with crucial tivism. The following is an excerpt from senior Our first step in determining how best to sup- name recognition, introduces attendees to the idea director Debi Ghate’s quarterly letter to donors. port the study of Objectivism within a field is that Objectivism is relevant to their field, and To learn more about the Anthem Foundation, visit research. To ensure the most efficacious deploy- reinforces that idea in those who may be aware anthemfoundation.org. ment of our resources, we must identify a field’s of Rand but have not yet embraced her works in major organizations, events, and individuals, as their classroom or research. Our physical presence Dear Anthem Donor: well as those areas of thought where Rand’s body is also important to networking, as it provides the of work is most applicable. For instance, one opportunity to meet new professors and graduate s you know, Anthem’s of our goals this year is to make further inroads students as well as strengthen existing relation- A mission is to provide into law. To this end we recently participated in a ships. We have committed to exhibiting this year support for the benefit of aca- two-day workshop on legal philosophy organized at the annual meetings of the Southern Economic demic professionals engaged by Tara Smith. The workshop brought together Association, the Modern Language Association, in serious, scholarly work scholars and others in the legal field to discuss the American Economic Association, and the based on the philosophy and academic work in progress and other issues. In continued on page 4 3 Happy Holidays from the Staff at the Ayn Rand Institute

Sitting, left to right: Richard E. Ralston, Anu Seppala, Elan Journo, Debi Ghate, Yaron Brook, Onkar Ghate, Julie Ferguson, Mark Chapman, Marilee Dahl

Standing, left to right: David Antonacci, Steven Dougherty, Rituparna Basu, , Keith Lockitch, David Gulbraa, Donna Montrezza, Impact is published monthly by the Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI) and is Matthew Morgen, Bryan Olive, Stewart Margolis, Jason Eriksen, Adam Edmonsond, Vince Tannahill, Justin Lesniewski, Don Watkins, complimentary to current donors who contribute $35 or more per year. Lew Hendrickson, Daniel T. Richards, Jeff Janicke, Lucy Hugel, Doug Altner, Simon Federman, Jeff Scialabba, Stacy Smith For information on how you can support ARI and to learn about our projects, please visit our website: aynrand.org. Atlantis Legacy®, the Institute’s planned giving program, and related indicia are registered trademarks. Absent: David Arceneaux, Kirk Barbera, Autumn Bennett, Kathy Cross, Angela Dietrich, Rachel Knapp, Duane Knight, Keith Knutter, Matt Ludin The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights (ARC) is the public policy and outreach division of the Ayn Rand Institute. The Ayn Rand Archives is a Special Collection of the Ayn Rand Institute. Objectivist Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Bookstore are owned and operated by the Ayn Rand Institute. The Ayn Rand Institute does not necessarily endorse the content of the lectures and courses offered. All photos of Ayn Rand are used by permission of Leonard Peikoff. Purchases from the Ayn Rand Bookstore and OCON do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. Staff at the Ayn Rand Center Editor: Rituparna Basu for Individual Rights Editorial Advisers: Yaron Brook, Mark Chapman, Julie Ferguson, Debi Ghate, Elan Journo, Anu Seppala, Lin Zinser Left to right: Tom Bowden, Designer: Simon Federman Lin Zinser, Kurt Kramer Printing: David Antonacci Copy Editor: Donna Montrezza Headquarters: 2121 Alton Parkway, Suite 250 Irvine, CA 92606-4926 Phone: 949-222-6550 Fax: 949-222-6558 © The Ayn Rand Institute 2011. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced without permission. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to ARI in the are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law.

book on their shelves. How the Anthem Foundation Furthers Professors with a more established interest in Rand’s Ideas in Academia, continued from page 3 Rand may request support from us for bringing a speaker to campus. My last letter mentioned American Philosophical Association (Eastern and two such Anthem-supported visits: Tara Smith is Pacific), which combined draw more than 20,000 speaking at Rhodes College on the importance of attendees each year. We are also researching con- the rule of law, and Yaron Brook is the keynote ferences in other disciplines where Anthem would speaker and a panelist at a morality of capitalism benefit from having a presence. It is through symposium at the University of Nebraska at Kear- this and other forms of personal contact that we ney. It is with great pleasure that I provide more increase the community of professors discussing details on another visit: Anthem is supporting a Ayn Rand and Objectivism. visit by John Allison to Southwestern Law School Once professors have been introduced to in Los Angeles in the spring semester, in what we the Anthem Foundation, your support allows us anticipate will be the first in a series of Objectivist to provide a wealth of resources to facilitate the speakers at the school. incorporation of Ayn Rand into their classroom or As we establish ourselves in a field and build scholarship. One of the most common requests is relationships with promising academics, we enter books, including review copies of specific titles, into a position of being able to provide support a classroom book set, or a collection of Rand for more resource-intensive activities, such as works for a department or university library. In workshops and conferences exploring Rand’s this latter category, I’m happy to report that an ideas in depth. We have found that the work we Ayn Rand library collection is on its way to the have done previously through networking and the English department at the University of Trinity provision of smaller-scale resources actually cre- at Dublin, a world-renowned department where ates the demand for such activities: the more aca- we’ve been informed there is a cluster of pro- demics interact with us, the more they understand fessors and graduate students studying Rand. the value of Ayn Rand’s ideas, and the more they (Two professors in the department have already want to work with Anthem to study how Objec- requested more substantial resources from us; we tivism can inform their field. . . . are presently evaluating that request.) We also Thank you for your continued support. sent copies of Why Businessmen Need Philoso- phy to the main libraries of the top 100 national Sincerely, universities and liberal arts colleges in the United States. At the time of writing, close to thirty have Debi Ghate written to thank us and acknowledge placing the Senior Director

of the enclosed envelope or email your request to Impact by Email [email protected]. In place of the print edition, ARI donors may opt to receive Impact by email each month. The email edition saves ARI $30 annually per donor on printing and mailing costs. To start receiving Impact by email, please see instructions in the lower-right-hand corner