Permanent Deacons: Rev. Peter Mascarenhas and Rev. John Penny
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ST. ANNE’S CHURCH PILLORY STREET NANTWICH. CW5 5SS Tel: 01270 625494 Email [email protected] Website www. Parish Twitter Feed @stannesnantwich Parish Priest: Fr. Tony Grace Fr Michael Ryan OMI Permanent Deacons: Rev. Peter Mascarenhas and Rev. John Penny 27th June 2021 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time B Sacrament of reconciliation is available 15 mins before Mass Saturday 26 6.30pm Vigil Mass John Procter RIP Anniversary Sunday 27 9.30am Mass Magdalen Donlan RIP 2nd Anniversary Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Max Swinson RIP Recently Deceased Peter’s Pence Desmond Mascarenhas RIP Recently Deceased 11.00am Baptism of Elizabeth Julia Reynolds Michael O’Neill RIP Recently Deceased Monday 28 No Mass or Service today St Irenaeus 8.00pm Becoming a Catholic – Welcome meeting Tuesday 29 10.00am Mass Thanksgiving intention for 31st Anniversary of Sts Peter & Paul Fr Tony Grace’s Ordination Wednesday 30 No Mass or Service today First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church Thursday 1 10.00am Mass John Wilson RIP 1st Anniversary St Oliver Plunkett Friday 2 No Mass or Service today Saturday 3 6.30pm Vigil Mass Special prayer intention for Yrs 3 & 4 pupils making their 1st Holy Communion this morning Sunday 4 9.30am Mass Thanksgiving intention for 18th Anniversary of Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Deacon Peter Mascarenhas’s ordination Bridget Smith Birthday Intention Bridie and Dennis Stephen Golden Wedding Intention and for the intentions of their Grandson Ted. 11.00am Baptism of Spencer Eugene Reynolds IN NEED OF A PRIEST Please contact Fr Grace on 01270 877736 Prayer and Mass Intentions can be sent by email to us at [email protected] Emergence from lockdown You will continue to be directed to Communion by stewards and we must continue to sanitise our hands coming into church, wear face coverings and keep 1m + apart. Please remain cautious. Baptism On Sunday we welcome Elizabeth Julia Reynolds into God’s family through Baptism. We pray for God’s blessing on Elizabeth and her family. Peter’s Pence There will be a second collection this weekend. The Pope, as Pastor of the universal Church, is concerned both with the needs of evangelization, spiritual, educational, justice, communication, and with the material needs of poor dioceses, religious institutes and faithful in serious difficulties such as the poor, children, the elderly, the marginalized, victims of wars and natural disasters; special aid to Bishops or Dioceses in need, Catholic education, aid to refugees and migrants. At present the collection is taken up throughout the Catholic world either on 29 June, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, or on the Sunday closest to this Solemnity’. An ancient custom still alive today... The practice of providing material support to those charged with preaching the Gospel, thus enabling them to devote themselves completely to their apostolic mission and to care for those in greatest need, is as old as Christianity itself (cf. Acts 4:34, 11:29). For more information, BECOMING A CATHOLIC Have you thought about becoming a Catholic or do you know someone who might like to join the church? You may have a Catholic partner, children at a Catholic school, or a friend who is a Catholic and you want to know more about the church and its teaching. A welcome meeting is planned for Monday 28th June at 8:00pm in the meeting room at St. Anne’s church, which will be followed in September by a programme for adults called the rite of Christian initiation of adults (RCIA). If you can’t make the meeting, would like to know more or have any questions, please contact Deacon John Penny Tel: 07973375422 or email: [email protected] Privacy Notice The parish of St Anne’s sometimes collects personal information about parishioners. All personal information is collected, processed and stored in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. This is retained only as necessary and used by the Parish/Diocese for the benefit of the Parish and for legitimate reasons such as administrative and religious purposes. You can read our full privacy notice at RC Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025 St Anne’s Safeguarding Officer is Michael Kilcourse: [email protected] 07942114145 £223.19 Thank you Envelopes, standing order and gift aid forms are available from the Presbytery. Online donations logged-donator/page/stannesdioceseofshrewsbury2168 Community Hub GREAT NEWS: OUR PLANNING APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPROVED! Thank you to everyone who has donated, this really does mean a lot to the Parish and community. We have received further donations, thank you, however we need to continue fundraising to reach our current target of £75k to reach £260k to commence building work. Please do help via this link thegoodexchange st-annes-church-nantwich/st-annes-community-hub or to the presbytery. Pope Francis' prayer intention for June ‘The beauty of Marriage’ Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of June, and invites everyone to pray for those preparing for marriage, which is “a vocation born from the heart.” Let Us Pray for An End to The Pandemic the Holy Father has called the Church to pray for an end to the pandemic “Let us call for the end of the pandemic together with the recitation of the Rosary together with shrines all over the world.” In the United Kingdom we have seen remarkable progress in containing the spread of Covid-19 and can be grateful for the availability of vaccines and the efficiency of their distribution to a large proportion of the population. We know a third wave is likely, even though the people of our country and the most vulnerable now appear to be well-protected. However, the distressing scenes we are witnessing in India reminds us of the urgency of prayer in the face of a continuing pandemic. Feast/Memorial Days this week Sts Peter and Paul apostles 29th June The Feast of SS Peter and Paul is an annual celebration in the Christian calendar of the lives and deaths of the two great saints: Peter and Paul. Commemorating the lives of important Christian saints and martyrs, and especially one of the Twelve Apostles or somebody who knew Jesus personally, has been an important aspect of Christian life ever since the first century. The joint feast day of SS Peter and Paul is of particular importance because of the enormous influence that these two men had on the development of the early Church. The First Martyrs of Rome 30th June Blamed by Emperor Nero for the great fire which devastated Rome in 64, many Christians in addition to St Peter and St Paul were savagely killed. Victims of cruel jealousy, they are remembered for their endurance and unshakable faith. St Oliver Plunkett, bishop, martyr 1st July Plunkett was born in Co Meath and died at Tyburn. Ordained in Rome in 1654, he was professor at the college of Propaganda Fide till 1669, when he was appointed archbishop of Armagh. He held synods and visitations and promoted reforms initiated by the Council of Trent. Imprisoned in Dublin in 1679, he was tried, condemned and executed in London, the final victim of the ’Popish Plot’ and the last person to be executed for their faith in England. He is remembered for his pastoral zeal and for the friendly relations established with those who did not share the Catholic faith. St Thomas Apostle 3rd July He was also called Didymus(twin) Ready to die with Jesus, ‘Let us go too, and die with him’ (John 11:16), he was also sceptical about the Resurrection. When the risen Lord was made clear to him, we hear his great profession of faith, ‘My Lord and my God’. 200 Club fundraising to help our Parish meet its running costs. To date your membership has raised nearly £37,000. The extreme difficulties we are experiencing has placed extra strain on the Parish finances. We are looking forward to you renewing your membership - or most importantly: PLEASE JOIN OUR COMMUNITY IF YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER! The cost is £52 for the year, or 2 instalments of £26. Please see notices in church or on the website or contact Michael Wilcock [email protected] Red boxes are available at the back of church – why not take one for your house to collect for this worthy cause. If you would like us to count your red box donations, then please hand to a steward or a member of the clergy at Mass. Thank you for your donations in 2020. St Anne’s contributed £2717.30 through the red box and online donations. Pauline Jaricot – a Christian Laywoman and a Missionary Pauline- Marie Jaricot (1799-1862) is well known in our world and is a woman of exceptional quality. She was born into a well-to-do family of silk merchants in Lyon. She experienced a meteoric conversion at the age of 17 and consecrated her life to God with a solemn vow in the chapel of the Virgin Mary in Fourvière in Lyon. With a host of initiatives, she set out to relieve all the misery and suffering all around her. She created the Living Rosary movement a prayer chain which exists still today. Diocese of Shrewsbury’s prayer for the ending of the pandemic National-Day-of-Prayer-for-the-ending-of-the-pandemic.pdf RC Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity No. 234025 St Anne’s Safeguarding Officer is Michael Kilcourse: [email protected] 07942114145 Faith & Reason: A Catholic Integration will run from Thurs 5th to Sun 8th August.