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The Truth: Contents of Dvd Rom THE TRUTH: CONTENTS OF DVD ROM Introduction – Archbishop Vincent Nichols Notes for users Overview of Key Stage 3 Syllabus Syllabus ‘The Truth’ Theology of the Bible Ways to Differentiate Ways to teach Key Words 8.2 THE COVENANT 8.1 CREATION POWER POINTS POWER POINTS (PPP) 1. Creation & Noah 1. Spring 2. Abraham 2. Summer 3. Joseph 3. Autumn 4. Moses Parts 1 & 2 4. Winter 5. The Plagues 5. Ryan’s Well 6. David 6. Sr. Dorothy Stang 7. Solomon & Exile 7. Globalisation 8. Prophets 8. Vatican Observatory 9. The Covenants 9. Catechism of the Catholic Church 10. The Annunciation 11. Advent WORKSHEETS 12. The Nativity WS 1 Theological/Scientific Truths WS 2 The Creation WORKSHEETS WS 3 Whose fault was it? (for less able pupils) WS 1 Israelites Faith, Challenge, Blessing WS 4 Creator - De-creator WS 2 Multiple choice quiz WS 5 Ryan’s Well WS 3 Ten Commandments – guided thinking WS 6 Stewards of the Earth WS 4 Ten Commandments Today WS 7 Canticle of St. Francis WS 5 Moses Faith, Challenge, Blessing WS 6 Covenant Rules OTHER RESOURCES WS 7 Crossword Key Words WS 8 Covenants – guided thinking How to use the Catechism WS 9 Poem: Yet if His Majesty our Sovereign Creation Stories Lord Reforming the Calendar – Vatican Observatory WS 10 Visit of the Magi FLIPCHARTS for PROMETHEAN & SMART OTHER RESOURCES Psalm 139 Key Words Poem “Earth’s crammed with Heaven” Joseph’s Happiness Chart Made in the image of God Seder Night at our house Human ecology Advent Service Original Sin Ecology FLIPCHARTS for PROMETHEAN & Notes on Flipcharts SMART Difference between Covenant & Contract AUDIO RECORDINGS Commandments Close your Eyes Reflection The Second Coming Psalm 139 Notes on Flipcharts Birds of the Air & Two Sparrows Creation of man & woman, the Fall AUDIO RECORDINGS The Ten Commandments ASSESSMENT Jeremiah - Covenant Twelve Assessment Tasks and Levels ASSESSMENT Ten Assessment Tasks and Levels 8.3 MYSTERY OF THE EUCHARIST 8.4 THE PASCHAL MYSTERY POWER POINTS POWER POINTS 1. Sign of the Cross 1. Passion Sunday in Church 2. ‘I am the bread of life’ Pope Benedict 2. Holy Thursday Mass 3. Why go to Mass? Pope Benedict XVI 3. Altar of Repose on Holy Thursday 4. The Eucharist Pope Benedict XVI 4. Judas 5. The Last Supper 5. Trial before Sanhedrin 6. The Lamb of God 6. Jesus before Pilate 7. Maximilian Kolbe 7. Centurion’s Monologue 8. Vestments & Vessels 8. Good Friday in Church 9. The Mass - responses 9. Easter Vigil in Church 10. Lent WORKSHEETS 11. Stations of the Cross WS 1 A New Commandment – Guided thinking WS 2 Why go to Mass? WORKSHEETS WS 3 Signs & symbols at Mass WS 1 Donkey Owner (for less able pupils) WS 4 Overview of the Mass WS 2 Holy Week record of events WS 5 Order of the Mass WS 3 Gethsemane WS 6 Five ways to participate at Mass WS 4 Jesus before the Sanhedrin WS 5 Witnesses OTHER RESOURCES WS 6 Man to Man: Nicodemus & Pilate Key Words WS 7 Man to Man: Nicodemus & Pilate (Ext.) Love One Another – Reflection WS 8 Peter looks back Psalm 23 WS 9 Emperor to Pilate Reflection on Psalm 23 WS 10 Pilate points the finger WS 11 Why is the suffering and death of Jesus FLIPCHARTS for PROMETHEAN & important to Christians? SMART The New Covenant OTHER RESOURCES Reasons for going to Mass Key Words Centurion’s Monologue script Signs & Symbols The Passion (for three voices) Penitential Rite Liturgy of the Word The Cross in my pocket The Offertory Holy Week: What Jesus did & how we remember it Abraham in the Eucharistic Prayer The Donkey by GK Chesterton The Consecration Notes on Flipcharts FLIPCHARTS for PROMETHEAN & SMART Judas AUDIO RECORDING Peter’s character A New Commandment Peter & Judas under pressure Mary of Magdala ASSESSMENT Notes on Flipcharts Eleven Assessment Tasks & Levels AUDIO RECORDINGS Donkey Owner Centurion’s Monologue Garden of Gethsemane The Way of Sorrows Easter Sunday ASSESSMENT Eleven Assessment Tasks & Levels 8.5 THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH 8.6 CHRISTIANITY IN BRITAIN POWER POINTS POWER POINTS 1. St. Thérèse in Britain 1. St. David 2. A Missionary Sister in the Philippines 2. Angels not Angles 3. The Passage 3. Conscience 4. The Columban Sisters in Peru 4. Priests’ Hiding Holes 5. St. Alberto Hurtado SJ 5. Some English Martyrs 6. Taizé 6. St. John Fisher 7. Video of Taizé 7. Road Signs Quiz Summary: 8. Church as People of God WORKSHEETS 9. Church as Body of Christ WS 1 Disciples’ Journey of Faith 10. Church as Community WS 2 Faith Journey (3 pages for pair work) WS 3 St. Patrick WS 4 St. Columba WORKSHEETS WS 5 Monastic life in the Middle Ages WS 1 Mission of St. Thérèse of Lisieux WS 6 Dissolution of the Monasteries WS 2 The Passage WS 7 What is special about the Catholic WS 3 Activity using hamburger Church? WS 4 Dorothy Day WS 5 Pauline Jaricot OTHER RESOURCES WS 6 Mother Teresa of Calcutta Key Words WS 7 The Power of Forgiveness St. Hilda St. Aidan OTHER RESOURCES St. David Key Words St. Brigid Fr. William in L’Arche (full text) Trial of Thomas More from ‘A Man for All Poster on Taizé Seasons (Act III Condensed) Letter from Margaret Clitherow FLIPCHARTS for PROMETHEAN & SMART FLIPCHARTS for PROMETHEAN & Challenges to Christianity SMART Church as Body of Christ Alban and the Priest Church as Community Notes on Flipcharts Living the Mission St. Alberto Hurtado SJ AUDIO RECORDINGS L’Arche St. Alban Notes on Flipcharts ‘A Man for all Seasons’ (extract) St. Margaret Clitherow AUDIO RECORDINGS Some changes in the Catholic Church since Dorothy Day Vatican II Mother Teresa Pope John Paul II ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT Ten Assessment Tasks & Levels Fourteen Assessment Tasks & Levels Note: This DVD ROM has been developed for teachers, by teachers working on a voluntary basis. It is illegal to copy this disc for another school and should you do so you will not only be breaking the law but you will also be depriving your colleagues of income necessary to develop further resources for you. .
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