Studies in the Marchantiales (Hepaticae) from Southern Africa. 6
Bothalia 24,2: 133-147 ( 1994) Studies in the Marchantiales (Hepaticae) from southern Africa. 6. The genus Asterella (Aytoniaceae: Reboulioideae) and its four local species S.M. PEROLD* Keywords: Asterella, A. bachmannii, A. marginata, A. muscicola, A. wilmsii, Aytoniaceae, Hepaticae, Marchantiales, Phragmoblepharis, Reboulioideae, section Saccatae, southern Africa ABSTRACT A taxonomic account of the genus Asterella, and four local representatives, A. muscicola, A. bachmannii, A. marginata and A. wilmsii, subgenus Phragmoblepharis, is given here. A key to the species is provided. Two specimens identified by Arnell ( ll)63) as Reboulia hemisphaerica, Collins 775 and Eyles CH 1175, are actually A. wilmsii', the presence of the genus Reboulia in southern Africa is therefore not confirmed and should be deleted from the annotated checklist by Magill & Schelpe (1979) and Plants of southern Africa: names and distribution (Arnold & De Wet 1993). UITTREKSEL n Taksonomiese verslag oor die genus Asterella, en vier van die plaaslike verteenwoordigers daarvan, A. muscicola, A. bachmannii, A. marginata cn A. wilmsii, subgenus Phragmoblepharis, word hier gegee. 'n Sleutel tot die spesies word verskaf. Twee eksemplare, Collins 775 en Eyles CH 1175, wat deur Amell (1963) as Reboulia hemisphaerica geidentifiseer is, is in werklikheid A. wilmsii', die teenwoordigheid van die genus Reboulia in Suider-Alrika is dus nie bevestig nie en dit behoort geskrap te word van die geannoteerde kontrolelys deur Magill & Schelpe (1979) en van Plants o f southern Africa: names and distribution (Arnold & EX* Wet 1993). Asterella P. Beaux, in Dictionnaire des sciences Dorsal epidermis hyaline, unistratose, cells mostly naturelles 3: 257 (1805); A. Evans: 247 (1920); Frye & thin-walled, lacking trigones, occasionally with a single L.
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