DIRECTORY.] BUCKING HA~ISHIRE. 3 Crswley-N orth Pet.soe Manor den, Leckbampstead, , Lilling5tone Dayrell, Ernberton Ravens tone , , , Pad­ fenny Stratford bury, Pounden, Prebend End, Preston Bi.ssett, , Gayhnrst. -with-Oldwick, Steeple , Stawe, Thorn­ Simpson borough, Thornton, , Torweston, Twyford, Water Stratford and Westbnry. Havers ham Stoke Hundred of Burnham :-Amersham, Beaconsfield, Lathbnry 'fyringham-with-Filgrave Bovenny, Bumham, Chalfont St. Giles, Chalfont St. Peter, Walton Chenies or Islebampstead Cheynes, Cbesham, Cbesham Linford-Great Warrington (hamlet) Bois, Coleshill, Domey, Farnham Royal, 'Hedgerley Dean, Linford-Little Water Eaton (hamlet) Bitcham, Penn, Seer Green and Taplow. Longhton \\'avendon Hundred of Cottesloe :-Aston .Ab botts, Oheddington, Weston Underwood Choulesbury, , , , Will en , Dtmton, , , Newport Pa!;"nell W oburn Sands Grove, Hardwick, Hawridge, , , Lin· ~ewton Blossomville Woolstone-Great slade, , , l\Ientmore, , W oolstone-Little N ash, N ettleden, Pit stone, , Sing~e­ Olney -on-the-Green bL•r

Olney Park 1 twhoe, Weedon, Whaddon, Whitchurcb, Wing, • with- and Winslow. \\-'rNsLow UNION. Hundred of De;;.borough: -Bradenham, Chipping Wy- Claydon-East Marston-North combe, Dinton (part of), Fawley, Fingest, Great• Marlow, Drayton Parslow Mursley-with-Salden i Hambleden, Hedsor, High "\\)combe, Hitchenden or • Dunton ~ash i Hughenden-Ibstone, Levo. knor·up-Hill, Little Marlow, Med-

Grand borough Shenley Brook End (hamlet) 1 menham, Radnage, Saunderton, Turville, ~West Wycombe Hoggeston, or Hogston I and Wooburn. i HULdred of Newport :-Astwood, , Bow Brick·

Horwood-Great, with-Single- Tattenhoe J hill, Bradwell, Bradwell Abbey, Broughton, Calverton, borough Whaddon i Castle Thorpe, Cbicheley, , Cold Brafield, Horwood-Little Winslow I , Fenny Stratford, , Great Brickbill, Great. J.inford, Great ·woolston, Hanslope, Hardmead, \VYCOliiBE UNION. I , , Lavendon, , Little Bledlow Marlow-Great Lindon, Little Woolston, Loughton, Milt{)n Keynes, Bradenham Marlow-Little Moulsoe, , , Newton Chepping Wycombe Rural Monks Risborough Longville, , Olney, Olney Pa.rk Farm, Elles borough Princes Risborough Ravenstone, Shenley Church End, Sherington, Simpson, Fingest Radnage Stantonbury, , , Stony Hampden-Great & Little Sa under ton Stratford (east and west sides), and Filgrave, Hedsor Stokenclmrch Walton, Warrington, "\Vater Eawn, , Weston Horsendon Turville Underwood, Willen, Wolverton and Wroughton-on-th&­ Hughenden \\'endover Green. lbstone 'Woo burn Hundred of Stoke: -Datchet., Denbam, Eton, Fulmer, Dmer Wycombe-High Hedgerley, Horton, her, Lsngley Marish, Stoke Poges, Kirnble-Great & Little Wycombe-West Upton-cnm-Chalvey, Wrexham and Wyrardisbury. Marlow Urban The Royal Hospital, ., The hundreds(){ Burnham, Desborough and Stoke form founded in r833, occupies a noble range of buildings at the ths Chiltern hundreds, the stewardlilhip of which is taken west end of the town, the foundation stone of which by members as an office under Government in order to was laid in r86r. These are of red brick, with stone vacate a seat in Parliament. facings, in the Italian style, the principal front being The following is a list of the hundreds in the county, about 220 feet in length, with a pillared portico; on with the parishes contained in them- the first floor are small pri,·ate and other wards for Hundred of .Ashen don : -., ., special ca~es; the entire e3st wing is occupied •by the Boaritall, Brill, Chearaley, Chilton, Dinton (part of), Dor­ "Verney" ward, for men; the west wing contains the ton, , , , "Lee" ward, and is now (rgxs) being exclusively used Grandborough, Hogshaw-with-Fulbrook, lllmer, Kings­ for soldiers; the north wing, a later addition, contain!! wood, , Ludger.shall. Middle Cla.ydon, Nether the operating theatre, X-ray, electric bath rooms etc. Winchendon, , Oakley, Oving, , and small wards : there is also a large ward for chil­ Quainron, , Sbabbington, , Stone, dren : in the grounds is a detached mortuary. The Towerssy, , Westcott, Woodbam, hospital provides for 8o in-patients. The Rothschild and . ward, on the ground floor, is now being used as the Hundred of Aylesbury :-Aaton Clinton, .Aylesbury, women's ward. In the entrance hall is a bust of the Bledlow, Bierkm-with-Brongbton, Bnckland, Cuddington, late Miss Florence Nightingale, and in the board room Dinton (part of), Ellesborough, Great Hampden, Great are some portraits. Lauriston Elgre Shaw M.D.Lond., Kimble, Great MiiSenden, Haddenham, Halton, Hartwell, F.R.C.P.Lond. consulting physician; James Berry M.B., Horsendon, Hulcntt, Lee, Little Hampden, Little Kimble, B.S.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng. consulting surgeon; John Little Miasenden, Monks Risborough, Princes Risborough, Charles Baker B ..A., M.B .Land., M.R.C.S.Eng., St. Leona.rd's, , , L.R.C.P.Lond. Horace Rose M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. and . Lond. Waldemar Sbipley West M . .A., M.D., B.C. Hundred of : Addington, ., .A.k.eley­ Camb. Thomas Perrin M.D., M.S.Lond., F.R.C.S.Eng., enm.Stockholt, , , Biddies­ L.R.C.P.Lond. and William J. Ashby M.D., B.Ch., ton, Bomton, Bourtonhold, Buckingham, , B . .A.O.R.L".I. surgeons in ordinary; .Arthur Turner , , Foxcott or 'FO&COtt. H.illes- L D.S.R.C.S.Edin. de11tal ~urgeon; D. C. Davit!~. BCCKS. 1•