Stratford St Mary Higham Holton St Mary Raydon Quartet The Parish Magazine April 2016 Issue 332 IGNITION Youth Club Stratford Chapel Every Friday night 7.30 to 9.30 Age 11 - 16 contact
[email protected] A pair of Derwent quality upholstered 07842 207598 arm chairs. Oatmeal background with red floral design. Wanted Not used by smokers, children or pets. 38”/96cm wide X 35”/90cm deep classic /old car or motorcycle wanted on small turned wooden feet with for restoration project, anything brass casters. considered please call Graham (local Viewers welcome resident ) on 01206 322557 Offers around £150 Contact Michael Mumford 01473 312123 WANTED BABYSITTER AND/OR Laptop computer in good SUMMER AU PAIR REQUIRED working condition. Please contact Russell Cook Occasional weekend babysitting with details and price. and July au pair needed to help Phone 01473 311653 working parents with two girls Thank you aged 9 & 11 in Higham. Driver essential. Experience preferred. Please call Jo on 07970 782087 You can place items for sale or wanted on the Small Ads Pin Board for free. Just email
[email protected] with your advert. We will place it for one month space permitting. Small Ads pin board Welcome Dear friends, those who commit themselves to following God in their lives, for we I am writing this on know that, with Jesus' death, we have Palm Sunday (20 God with us all the time and that at the March) after a end, we shall be with him in eternity. procession around the church at By the time you read this, I hope you Holton, with us all waving our palm and yours will have had a very good crosses as we sang 'Ride on, ride on in Easter, and that April will bring us majesty', to remind ourselves that a some spring-like weather as children week before his death Jesus was being go back to school and students welcomed into Jerusalem by the people resume their courses.