A Computer Program for Semantic Information Retrieval
, -1 -, , -, i I T f -1 1:11 1 !, I I - i I 1. w:, . .- I 4 I L S IR: A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR SEMANTIC INFORMATION RETRIEVAL by BERTRAM RAPHAEL B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1957) M.S., Brown University (1959) SUBMITTED N PARTIAL FULFILLMENI' OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHTLOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1964 Signature of Author ............................................. Department of Mathematics, April 1964 Certified by * . 0 - * . 0 ID 0 0 0 a * * * 0 0 0 . a a 0 0 V 1 0 .9 a Thesis Supervisor . a . 0 . 1 . v P , a '. P 0 0 . V F * * . 0 a * a Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students 2 Acknowledgement The work reported herein was supported in part by the MIT Compu- tation Center) and in part by Project MAC, an MIT research program sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense, under Office of Naval Research Contract Number Nonr-4102(01). Associated preliminary research was supported 'in part by the RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California, and in part by Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc.2 Cambridge, Massachusetts. The author expresses his gratitude to Prof. Marvin Minsky, for his supervision of this thesis; to Dr. Victor Yngve and Prof. Hartley Rogers, Jr., for their criticisms and suggestions; and to hs ife Anne for her unfailing confidence and encouragement, without which this thesis could not have been completed. III S IR - A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR SEMANTIC INFORMATION RETRIEVAL by BERTRAM RAPHAEL Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on April 8, 1964, in-partial fulfillment of the requirements-for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
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