Brown, Steven E. 1995
Brown, Steven E. 1995. "A Celebration of Diversity: An Introductory, Annotated Bibliography about Disability Culture." In: Disability Studies Quarterly 15 (4), (Fall 1995), 36-55. (PDF, 125 KB.) Internet publication URL: Annotation According to Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, the idea of disability culture has gained momentum in the early 1990s leading to many examples of the culture in articles, books, music, and film. This is an annotated description of those Brown believes are most significant. Keywords Disability culture, disability rights, disability history, music, movies, telethons, celebration A CELEBRATION OF DIVERSITY: AN INTRODUCTORY, ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ABOUT DISABILITY CULTURE by Steven E. Brown, Ph.D. Copyright ©1995, Institute on Disability Culture, All Rights Reserved 1 A CELEBRATION OF DIVERSITY: AN INTRODUCTORY, ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ABOUT DISABILITY CULTURE by Steven E. Brown, Ph.D. Institute on Disability Culture 2260 Sunrise Point Rd. Las Cruces, NM 88011 The idea of celebrating disability, a condition historically viewed from tragedy to deviance to incompetence, remains mostly unbelievable to a society guided by precepts of medical practice which convey the belief that the only positive solution to disability is repair or cure. The most popular current-day view of disability is molded by what many disabled people consider the scourge of the late twentieth century--telethons. Telethons have generated great controversy for the past decade or so. Entertainer Jerry Lewis has become one focal point of this conflict. Several years ago Lewis spent some time in a wheelchair to see what it was like.
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