TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, I960 iittnrlfrHbr Comtittg !|»ni]^ The Wfiathar ■vff Averace Dally Net Preos Ron FstasaaS a l O. Waathar Bai A meeting of Memorial Dodge Far tha Waak Endinif AlioutTowii No. S3, Knights of Pythias, wiU be Dacaasbar Ifi, 168# M a y , partly elee«y a a i aaMt held tomorrew evening at seven klghsat near S4t toalght, ala o'clock at the Castle haU on Ool- 10,177 lEuptttttg M eralh It Ctiristmai pregrun ^>on« way street. A fter a short busintas Um SttMrtoMiry Orcle « t meeting a Christmas party will be CORDUROY V a< tha Aa«H ; t$| Ihersday, tiie B B U u e) U ithenn cburoh wiU held. Ekich member is reminded to 1 aC diauliUieu UmuhmU&r-^A CUy of Vtthmo Charm begin « t elgbl o'clock thU evening. bring a fifty cent gift for the grab bag. JACKETS MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20.1950 (THIRTY PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FOUR CENTS Delta Clwpter Na 61, Royal VOL. LXX, NO. 88 (ClaaaUM Adraitiaiag aa Paga 11) Arch meoHS, will confer the Paat All. Saints Mothers Circle will LIN E D JACKETS. Sizea 12 to 20. Maatar Degree at tta atated convo­ have its annual Christmas party Green, brown, cocoa, red. Boy* cation tomorrow evening at 7:30 tonight at eight o’clock at the type, silt back. o’clodc in the Maaonle Temple. home of Mra. Dorian Shalnin, 85 Ex-PresMcnt Hoover Acheson Hails Part Misa Won’t Rampio Membera are cordially invited to Lakewood Circle. Eku;h member Federal Jury New GE Head Alan Richards Speaks on' Radio Tonight Dre— Identiflos lltiig attend both the degree work .and la asked to bring a grab-bag gift. U. N. Forces Block the hour of refreahnient end aocia» H23S New York, Dec. 20.—(R)— Europe Army Loa Angeles, D*c. 20.—(g)— billty which will follow. The annual party for dirl'phjyeea Indicts Brehm To Take Stand Former Pi^ldent Herbert Betty Jean Biuidell, 21, waa of the Orford Soap, company and Hoover will deliver a major wearing a new suit when a St. Itaymond'a Mothera Circle their children will take place Fri­ U N LIN E t). Zipper closing:, elastlo radio and television addreaa As “Only Way” gunman- walked Into the drug Enemy Attempts will have ita Chriatmaa party to­ day evening at the American waistband. Maroon, Rreen, brown* In “Kickback” In His Defense tonight on American foreign ■tore where fhe waa ahopplng night at aeven at the home of Mra. Legion halt on Leonard etreet. policy. yesterday. Richard Oolbert, 43 Ardmore road. The addreas will be entitled No Other Means of Se­ Ordered to He on the floor, Manchester Orange will m^et to­ Ohio Representative Is Charged With Atlemptr "Our National Policies in This ■he snapped: To Erase Toehold morrow evening In Orange hall, To Crisis." curing Peace, He De­ " I won’t. I just paid 6T6 for A community atng will be held at ed Murder of Man this suit and I don't want to the.,VerpIanck achodl tomorrow and the annual. Christmas party Charged With Rlegal The Mutual Broadcasting Oo„ w ill carry the addreaa at clares En Route get It dirty." evening at aevon o’clock for par- will be held during the lecturer's Who Married His Solicitation of Funds 8 p. m. (e.a.t.1, on Ita radio She got away with It—and enta and children and all intcreat- hour. Rach member should pro­ Former Sweetheart network. The National Broad­ (J. S. from Brusfi the gxmman gdt away with ed neighbora. A tree will be light­ vide a flfty-oent gift for exchange, Seledt At During His Campaign Oppose Speedy also gifts for sunshine baskets for casting Co. will carry a re­ 6500. ed outaide the achool and all will broadcast at 10:30 p. m. (e.s.t.) H li aoft-heartednesa, how­ Join In the singing of carols. This shutlns. At 6:,30 the annual party D e^am , Maaa., Dec. 20—(P)— By The Associated Press for children of tlic members will Washington, Dec. 20—c." tions from two former employea. meeting , will be followed by a SCARFS ■hooting o f the husband of a for­ Ask Pay Curb Acheson told reporters at Mels- Solons Fear U. S. May Christmas party and each member The indictment waa returned mer sweetheart. broek airport. In Belgiiim, where Tokyo, Doc. 20.— (/P) — Is asked to bring a fifty-cent gift. by a Federal Grand Jury which Be Stripped of Protec­ A ll Bilk or wool acarfa The State chargea the chemist hla return flight to Washington West Proffers Beachhead defenders of the HALE'S Mrs. Fred Manning and her com­ baa been investigating allegationa wounded Joseph, Krul, a Babson U. S. 10th Corps held press­ In solid colors or prints In of "kickbacks” concerning Allow Hike If waa delayed by heavy f»ig, that "1 tion ; Seek Data on mittee will serve refreshments. long or square styles. Inatituts student, in a battle ing Ucd forces at hay tonight Brehm. The indictment alleges touched off by an argument over have Insisted ever since we began Olive Braneh Otlier Troop Pledges Headquarters the lawmaker received seven con- the Atlantic Treaty that the onty all along the Allies’ delibera- Epworth Leaguers of the South love letters the 58-year-old chemist H C L Rises tribuUons totalling $1,380 from had written Krul'e wife. way to maintain peace la to build ately reduced Hungnam port l


Vaace. For Hebron, Frager, Shor- stories of their orualty and renfited nor's room. Marcia Werner, Dan' dUh, lei Taylor and the carol, "The eyrand Landon. G.O.P. Senators gecordittgly. Clirigtmas Party South Coventry Thuiaportation to and from tha Bands of peaceful Indiana did Expect Many iSrogram r irs t Noel.'' Rockville 1/ Italy—Mias Arllne SchwarU Mrs. PaaUaa U tlla gan a wag furnlahad by Mrs. Bu- Meeting Tonight come through the town about that Of Mothers’ Circle g«ae Rychllng, Mra. Earl M. Ly­ time, according tc report, stopping ' ^roont; RUsabeth Oartalde; music, tioveaUy 1-M8I I . ! 1 » P r e s e n t ^ “Wind Through the Olive TYees;” man and Mra, Donald Gehring. to beg at the houaet here and Phone Calls also Germany children, Karen The next game the local girls will New Haven, Dec. 20—(IP)— Re­ thjre. , I St. Raymond's Mothers Circle Carlson, Joyce Doucette; music, Five Coventry homea will be play will be with the Hall Memo­ publican state senators-elect will The Nygreiis wUI remain in the.neW » Chrlstmaa party last night Health Topics "O Christmas Tree." entertaining fiva Austrian 4-H rial achool of South WiUington. house until after Chrlstmaa, and at the home of their leader, Idrs. Volume Seen Large in I Sdi< Thia will be played sometime (he assemble here tonight for tbelr Miss Connor's room also had members for the Christmas week­ will move to another house which Ate pfls Depto ~ first week following Christmas va­ first conference in advance of the Richard P. ColberL, 43 AVdmore Days Ahead; Company Discussed something for the Holland; the children were Con­ end. From Saturday afternoon cation. opening of the new legislative Mr. Nygren has saved from ruin, road. A pot luck supper wqs an- stance Risley, Kenneth Tedford, the Weyman house In Hebron vil­ M a n j l i m d * through Tuesday morning Mr. and session. Joyed, after which gamea were Notes Slack Periods Ronald Spear and the music, "We Mrs. Byron W. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. The Mix Masters 4-H Cooking lage, which is also a very fine and played and each mother present Three Kings." Club will meet Thursday after They will be the dinner guests Special Town Meeting V. An*. AtmataiA,t .Uf th« WuMfigton Wilfred HUl, CapUin and Mrs. interesting place. It stood empty received a gift. Special arrangemente hava been Mexico—Mrs. Faulkner’s room, Walter Keller, Mr. end Mrs. Win- school at the home of Mrs. Robert of State Republican Chairman Another featui;p of the party Held in Rockville; Cleverdon, loader. for a number Of years and was made by The Southern New Eng­ ■dMol prwmtad an untuuaUy in- children, Unda McMullln. James throp Merriam and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Baldw;in at 5:30 p. m. practirally epien to wind and was the distribution of twelve of HiMtliir Mpfram yesterday un- Klar and Clare Dupont; Mexican Walter L. Thorp will share their Sons were born to each Mr. and at the Quinnlpiacic club. land Telephone company to handla Other News of the Qty Mra. EMc Anderson of South Cov­ weatlier, with valuable furniture the circle of the handsome Wedge- of Mrs. JuUa Uillaby. Ciuietmas way five of the 12 etu- Baldwin said the probability spoiled, much stolen and carried wood plates of dinner else, each the expected heavy voluma of out- ru h aar. KnUUsd **Catrlstmaa United SU tes—also by Mrs. dente who are in the country entry and Mr. and Mra. Douglas was that there will b p some "gen­ OPEN TONIGHT, THURS. and FRI. UNTIL 9 P. M. «■»« S'" off, but It is now In fine shape. one of which bears a different piC' of-town Chrietmaa calling to and Rockville, Pec. 20— (Special) — Efsiywhare." It depicted O irlst- Faulkner'a room, Eileen 'Tierney: studying agricultural methods. Johnson of South Coventry De­ eral talk" about policies, but ex­ DEUVIRY cember 18, at Manchester Memo­ Tlie Stephen Barber house has ture by the artist Piranesi of from local t'Vlephones during tbe Several spirited discussions maa iii oiaay of the nations of the carol. "Hark the Herald Angels The remaining seven students and pressed doubt that the new aei>a- scenes in Rome, Italy and vicinity Sing!" rial hospital. been brought up to date by Install­ coming holiday waek and; marked the special town meeting world. their two leaders will atay in tors will take any definite action ment of electricity and telephone, to commemorate the ^oly Tear. FOR CHRISTMAS •nia program opened with the The attractive programs were Manefield homes to r the holiday. The Men’s Club of St. Mary’s held TMesdsy evening to take ac­ On naming their floor leader. furnace heat and plumbing, with­ On the back of each plate U a The company points out that appsarsnri of B3ika Harmsen as by the children and repre­ Coventry residents will join sur­ parish will be in charge o f . the deecripUoi^ of the picture and be­ tion on an amendment concerning sented a Chrlstmaa tree around Reports from Hartford last out dectrojing Its old fashioned calls to distant poinU will go GUARANTIEDl and Ana Muake as rounding towns Friday night in a setback party Wednesday at 8 p.m. night said that Senator-slsct Wil­ neath, a paragraph to the effect sewAge disposal for the town. which children from various land.^ in the church hall. (itarm. through mora quickly if they ara Christlns’a sister, Judith Findlay clothing collection party In the liam F. Ablopdl of Seymour, a that the Most Reverend Arch­ First Selectman Herbert Pa­ . . on aU porehaass made aa the fhhty and David Ounas the were surrounding. The design Mansfield Town Hall at Spring The Christmas movies for chil­ Another salf recorded la that ot placed Saturday evening or early up to Stse p. M. Satnfdagr. was by Miss Hazel Uitz. art member of the 11M7 Senate, ap­ bishop Cushing of 'Boston, $fass. gan! was elected moderator and choir boy. The carol sung was “O Hill. The collection, for the bene­ dren at the Nathan Hale Com­ peared as the likely choice for tlie a small house owned by Victor approves their purchase, and that Sunday morning. It la expected teacher. munity Center, Friday at 1:30 p.m. Town Clerk Kerwln Elliott read coma AU To ralthful." fit of 4-H members in Auetria, post. Baldwin said, however, Rychllng to Mr. and R. \V. Hickox a eubstantlal portion of the pro­ the circuits will be leaa crowded the warning. Upon trading the Mrs. Orace McCann's room rep- will be in the form of admission to will be aponaored by the Center's that the question W'ss far from of Mansfield, located un the Colum­ ceeds from the sale of the plates Fog Plays Thief organization committee. Tlie 10- and thoge will be fewer delaye at call. Town Health Officer Dr, R. rosOTtiil England, wilh Sylvia the party. The drive Is being spon­ settled. bia road In Hebrbn. This building will be used to benefit physically theae times. Low ratee wlU be in C. Ferguson was asked to explain nahH^ilCt Roger Benson particl- sored by the Mansfield 4-H Town fllm shorts on holiday cartoons was moved from the Wells Woods Pasadena. Calif.- (-P)—Ths fog will Inst about one and one-half Formal selection of the GOP and mentally deficient children. effect Saturday night beginning at the situation as it existed in the paltng,' had the oarol. ">^ok the Committee and 4-H Clubs. road to Ite ptesent location. It was Irrespective of race, creed or six p.m. and on both Sunday and town. Dr. Ferguson stated that was so thick it was mistaken .for Hie George Hereey Robertson hours. There will be a small-ad­ Senate leader wrill be made at a Has.” Warway and Sweden wa* caucus on January 2, the eve of a summer addition to a larger main color. .. Monday. in the past there has been no au­ V repepM B^ by the same room by a bfirglar. school girl's basketball team won mission charge. John M. Tyler, Jr , Police reported to a building will show the pictures. Mrs. Ed­ the opening of the 1051 legislative building. St. Raymond's Circle ordered During a normal busineaa day, thority for inspection of houses Dontfey Stemak and the song their first game of the season dozen of the plates in Boston. af they. wore constructed to see $18.95 General Eleclrie where an automatic burglar alarm Monday when they played the He­ ward Schultheiss is in charge of session. The community tree was lighted the calling fdllows a fairly standard . "Lsdlnby, My Uttle Son." Republicans will be outnumber­ They may be found at garrison’s whether or not septic tanks were H m Other Countries was ringing but found everything bron Elementary school In that the poster publicity, fbr the firat time Sunday, and pre­ pattern which the Bell System*a $69.95 ed 10 to 17 In the new Senate. In this town. ' far enough away from the house, All metal folding table, four AUTOMATIC , f^aooe and Spain were taken in order. "Hiey called an engineer town. The acore was Coventry 20, Mrs. Kenneth A. Dbwnlng. sub­ sented a brilliant appearance. The long lines are especially designed or from wells in the rural areas; chairs. Top and Hcata up­ Lady's Srealde barrel chaira ■ by Mrs. Lisona Juros' room, with from the alann company. Hla Hebron 17. Doris West scored 18 stitute rural mall carrier, is aa- Civic Council, sponsoring. Is to be to hanSIe. At Christmas time, holstered with washable sistlng at the local post office dur­ complimented upon ite success In however, heavy demands are made also whether or not the drainage In rich matelaase with dowm I Patrlda Dickson and the carol "O diagnosis: heavy fog had eut the points for the locals, Dorothy was adequate for the type of leatherette, ('hoioc of col­ BUNKET beam between two electric eyes, Ward scored 8. For Hebron Paget ing the Christmas mall rush. bringing this undertaking Into be­ Catholic Pries^ for unusual or longer tele­ and feather .eat cushion. > U ttle Town of Bethlehem. ” and building; whether the septic tank ors. Sec them. ; ESlen Brawn, representing Spain. Betting off the alarm. I scored »: Griffin. 6, and Miner, 2. Miss Fi ances Mae Pcttlnglll was Hebirou ing. It is hoped that the bulbs phone routes which may create WAS proper for the type of soil No 1 H m song, "W hat ShaU 1 Give to The be.st defense guards for Cov­ a guest of honor during a surprise will not be molested this year, as jama In the principal telephone miscellaneous shower given her by on at least one former occasion. Defers Strike sw’itching centers across the coun- snd other details of the state san­ Money • the Child In the Manger?" Snow is never seen in Adelaide, entry' were Jean Elsemere, Barba­ Deeds were made out Thursday itary code. the capital of South Australia. ra Barno, Ixds Lyman, Ruby a group of friend'* Monday night trj'. To points within Connecticut, Down ‘ ~ rland—Mias Norma Con­ evening at the Hebron town A Civil Defense Advisory Coun­ Selectman Franklin Welles ex­ LANE at the Nathan Hale Community clerk's office recording the sale cil ^has been set up, with 30 volun­ Providence, R. 1., Dec. 20—tP)— most calls will be handled by the For l''ull Size Center chihroom. Mra. Herman AFL Social Workers have deferred company’s inter-exchange dial ays- plained further that thUs ordinance by Mr. and Stanley K. Nygren to teers swoni in. Signals to be used was being drawn up to protect 24lf4Kfllf4lf4ll4R4lf4lf4IC4lf4lfSlfSU Meyer and Mra. Charles Beniamin Mr. and Mrs. Harvey *Lippincott in the event of air raids will be: a threatened strike until' next tem without any delays. Yei, yo:i can buy now and were hostesses. Guests attended month on the advice of a Catholic Expedients, designed to ehorten the town of Vernon In the futur-e pay next .year; $1.2f> week. of East Hampton. Oonn., o t the "Red,” alert, attack by air im­ aa it was growing fast. The new from Coventry, Columbia and large colonial dwelling house on minent. 3-mlnute steady blast of priest. '' the time used In eetabllshing each Just till. o::e blanket will Wiillmanttc. The hostesses carried The Rev. Robert Mooney, assist­ connection, however, will result In ordinance stated that no dwelling, Ktep you warm on coldc.t the Hebron-WlUlmantic road, alrens and ringing of bells. "15'bite," apartment, boarding house or ho­ out a blue and vellow color scheme knowm as the Stephen Barber or all cleai', ^vlIl be a aeries of three ant director of the Social Action minimizing the delays on out-of- nighla. Simply aet conlnd I in both the decorations In the Institute of the Catholic Diocese state calls. Theae special measures tel should be constructed unless to temperature you want. place or in'more recent years as steady one-minute blasts from the sewage disposal Is approved ] ejubroom and also with the re- the Ives place. Hiis Interesting old horns, sirens or-whlstles, with two- of Providence, told the workero will become effective about six p.m. j 'reshments. Miss Pctt'nglll. (he yesterday the Institute felt the un­ Saturday and will be contlned un­ by the town health officer or an T S A V i ^ . * house is one of the oldest In He­ mtnte Intervals of silence between officer appointed by him. daughter of Mr. and Mi-s. Luciua bron. btiilt In 1740, according to ion was too weak to win a strike til Tuesday morning. each.'Fire sirens at Hebroii village When questioned. Dr. Ferguson V. Pettinglll. Sr., of Lake Street. report. and Amaton. church bells at at this Ime. For those planning a Christmas South Coventry la the fiancee of The large rooma are replete The union is seeking a pay boost call to someone In the armed eerv- stated this would not affect a sin­ 3-section sofa and t Hebron and Glleafi, and Hope gle trailer being put Into a camp I Howard A. Barrett, son of Mr. wdth stone fireplaces, which In­ Valley, out door bells on Hebron- which the State Civil Service ices, the comnany suggests that ar­ ] and Mrs. SHa:^ Barrett of Colum- Commission refused. but onlv the main utility 'build­ 3 tables to match $14.95 $29J5 clude a huge one In the basement, Amston road and At Amston and rangements be made to have the y 1 bia. The couple are planning to be where the base of the stone The Social Workers plan to go soldier or sailor call home. It is ing. Riwselt (?lark of Vernon blasts from the wardens autos will before the new governor. Mayor brought up the matter of the large Facsimiles of famous oU 7-Plece fireplace aet . . . ! married during Mr. Barrett's ex- chimney Ilea, 14 feet square. be used. often difficult and sometimes Im­ I oected leave around New Years, Dennis J . Roberts, after hla is possible for an operator to locata new Individual trailers, but thia paintings. In gold fram es... braaa trimmed. Includes a There la also an immenae stone hig 28x31 " size, designed for firescreen, andlrona and tools '.flss Pettinglll la a Junior at the fireplace In the large kitchen. This Mrs. Clarence E. Porter w-lll act sworn in on Jan. 2. people In a large army camp, naval matter was believed to be cover- e ' 82.'» MAIN STREET | HUdlng, assisted bv' Leslie G. SILVER . lowing the supper there will be Klnriey, Sollle Ellenberg, Clifford S^ne in Rio Grande Lonesome” Crannlck. William Porter Ed­ LINING” carol sing by the pupils of the PLUS: “Hit Parade Of 1951" la ealar S:IB la c*I*re:U-H Rockville High school unt^er the ward Hildlng. Hebron Center. direction of Mias Bleanor^^LeWla. n m G. Earl Porter. Amaton, Roland I J * Big Kiddles Show i Start* Saa.: “Amrrleaa GaerriUa A shoil play entitled "CTitlatmaa K. Meloche. assisted by Albert la The rhlltsplae*-’ m ivias Sat. AtlP.M . EAST t'KEE rABKlXO Day In the Morning” will be pre­ Turgeon, John Queen. Samuel sented dnth Dorothea McCarthy. Taggart, Earle Prescltt, Roger Natalie Ide, Barbara Ludwig and Rowley and CuH BiUard. Bur­ Ruth Rock taking part The P««* I rows HOl, Mrs. John A. Markham, HAVE YUUR PAKTt. gram will start at eight o’clock in | from $5.95 naslsted by Carlman Frdnkel, John the chapel. Mrs. Kenneth Leighton from S7M $2.95 - $12.95 Twiggs, Albert Flemke. Slrreno BANQUET OK WEDDING Ju|f^ < arrived, a gift eollec- CHRISTMAS RECEPTION IN is hostess fqr the evening and Mrs. V. Scrantoh. Bolton road. Mrs. Winfred Kloter is in charge of the Magazine racks in half Metel smokers In a choice tion of waU shelves, rich Carl Lankof, Ra.mond Smith. DANCE worship service. dozen styles, In mahogany of styles, including new mahogany finish. In assort­ Adam Dombrowlkl, William CAVEY’S or maple. Keeps your liv­ "aplnner-type" to whirl from $4.75 ment of handsome styles.* SATURDAY NIGHT PRIVATE OlNINa ROOM The WSerS of the RockvUle Bartz. Paul Baron. CSilef ob- Methodist church will hold a sup- ing room more orderly. ashes and butts into an servar Clifford R. Wright will be Foot Guound BnUroeni PHONE 9891 , per meeting thia evening at six $ 2 1 9 -5 0 odorless compartment. Nationally advertise nur­ aSBlate up to 66 weeks . up to 65 weeks ul was tint attempted in tha pra- 120 ilHARTER OM STREET ' to p a y l NyU» Trloot a day. Pakistan’s requlnhunente _ t o p u y l - CRristlan ar& - in shoes for 1950-51 are estimated V m 8X.N to tttJA CeUa aid Joe Wish One aad AH A Marry ChdataM* to bo In t£e neighbortiood ot $0.- 000,000 pairs, while annual pro- Read Berald AdTt. ductlon ..fi)Mn.v«niatlng. natebUsh-1 mi...... " ii'ii'...... -'-‘V i mrnte is 12,500,000 pairs-

I'- > 1 /


dIANCHEStER EVENl^lG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN« WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1960 rifisSinhuuM lull BURTON'S THE CIFTIEST STORE IN TOWN!a»»^4. felted a $35 bond when he failed to | prettily wrapped, were piled, and appear on a apeedlng charge. Harriet Franzen these are to be sent to patients in Firemen to Enjoy Christmas Comes Aboard Early Opening Other caeca d is p o ^ of were: the mental hospitals o f the .state. *d Grants . William Hunt, 41, Brick road, Entertains Club Mrs. Edson Bailey poured at the A Rabbit.Diuner if, WllUmantle, Intoxication, judg­ attractively appointed buffet ta­ f Toted Against ment euapended; Stephen S. Bel- bic, where a delicious chocolate I Publicity Aid linghlrl, 17, Spruce street, passing Miss Harriet Fransen of Hil­ cake, decorated cupcakes and a A rabbit dinner will be .served , atop afgn, $S. liard atreet entertained the mem­ variety o f candy was served. St Hose Company Two of the SMFD Friday, night st 6:30 to Local Restaurant Own­ A speeding count against Rud­ bers of the Professional Women’s jCHrectow Allot Sum of olph E. Luginbuke, 23, of 380 Cen­ ' Dies s ( Auta Injuriea members of the company. Wins­ club last evening at her home, low Wright and "Spec" Perrett ers Not to Take Advan­ ter street, was continued to Sat­ ^iflyOOO to Local Devel- which was tastefully decorated by will be in charge of the dinner. tage of State Ruling urday, Dec. 33. Norwalk, Dec. 20— (/Pi—An au­ ' ■ opmcnt Commission the hostesg and Illuminated by tomobile which allegedly entered The rabbits arc being provided To Naaenalise Road Transport randies in various types of Swe­ an intersection after a policeman by Fire Commls.sioncr Jaek M. The Reetaurant Owners Aaao- dish candlostlcke, both antique signalled traffic to halt, fatally in­ Gordon and his father, John S. * Aided hy » H.OOO grM t made eiatlon of Manchester, by a vote Karachi, Puk.i>ccn. r m houra diacuaaed with him the va- Sallon- aboard the USS Missouri breuk into smiles ns tlicy break out ,rloua angles of municipal dcvel- their Chrietmus pacUnges sent from home. The battleship is serving lopment programs. as dagshlp of the 7th Fleet opcmtlng off the Korean coa^ with fast * A survey and visitation has been carrier ta'k forces. From left to right are; William E. Sllvoaky, ' made by the local Commission Radioman 2-c, Johnstown, Pa.; Adrian St. Gernialn. I^dloinan 8-A. members of available inilustrlal (^.ourl Cases Barrington. R. I.; and F. D. Coiner, Radioman »-c, Chicago, lU. lu . ' buildings and sites in town. In 8. Navy Radtnphoto from NEA-Acme Telephoto). 'addition. Chairman Charles S Robert J. Fuller, 18. of 69 >' Burr has attended a meeting of Charter Oak atreet. was fined $6 the New England Council in Bos predicted by the State Highway by Judge Wesley C. Oryk in Town names of the particular children Court this morning after pleading j ton where regional development for whom they are Intended. Safety Commission. The outlook from tho • ' pi^lem s were dlecussed. Mr. Burr, is "horrendous" berause of the guilty to violation of rule* of the j I road. Fuller was arrested De­ • with Commleeloner Hathaway, F ««r R4>rnrd In Kalallltes long ChrUtmas and New Year’s 'have vlsted Danbury to conier week-ends, the commission said. cember 18 at 10 p.m. after a colli­ Cream of the Crop! ^Wlth the president of the Indus- Hartford. Dec. 20 l/Pt- An sil- So far In 1050 there have been sion on Sprtice street. John J. Dorgan, 58. of 106 Ox­ ' trial Development Foundation. tlme high in traffic fatalities for 240 traffic fatalitle.s 40 more ford atreet, Cambridge, Masa, for- ' Cbmmiasloners Rhodes and Mc- the last nine days of lO.IO ha* been than in the entire year of 1949. Partland have visited Bloomfield to become acquainted with Its re- , cent development. Local groups have been addressed on the plana ' o f the ManchesUr Commlaalon, and OR the objectivea aougbt. ^ € o m m u n i l ^ . A t the present Uirie work la un- 1 C05IPLETB 62 PIECE • der way to aaeure from all real ea- SERVICE FOR EIOHT tate agcnta Information to make a completa listing of industrial propeity, abowing areas, utilities, rt and other facUltlaa. addlUnwal atudlea of poa- j hate hava b a n oemplet- _ j Oavclopmant Cbmmlaalon '*6' 51 GAUGE I ta piihUali a brochure or It mhkk win detaU aU of the .Btagea of Manchester. Tim nwatiilealnn expects also to -----1 lU findings for tbs better Ida o f local residents re- . ... in her own leg size! SiidiRg their own .advantages, lady toanr c f which may aot ba apprc- Hamilton alatad. 1.85 Lodges to Unite She adores the fabulously smooth fit of Belle Sharmeers. . . . >. ■ V . For Xmas Party • COitiPLETE SO PIECE SERVICE FOR EIGHT The way they wear and wear . . . enchentingly sheer. . . Tbs annual combined Christmas party of the Odd Fellows and Re> romantically smooth . . . and to think they're customed- bakaha will be held tomorrow $76-50 alght at 7:45 at ths Odd Fellowa styled in her own personal leg size! Be a good Santa . . . Bml. The affair la open to all saemharA their families and buy several pairs now! fricada. AU altandlng are asked to bring gifts vet to exceed 60 cent In coat. A M t tfitu should be marked Brev . . . for slender or small legs. *man" or "woman", wbte the ehUdm'a gifts ehimild carry the Modite . . . foi* average size legs. .-fi • ■ t-yl-r Duchess . . . for tall . . . larger legs. Now -1.-4. letly InvHotion Cavelior Pine CoreNne Bogoneo BURTON'S CHRISTMAS HOSIERY Main Floor %• Pharmacy J847 d p M A l Day Smiday Say Merry Christmas • COMPLETE 52 PIECE 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. SERVICE FOR EIGHT OpM AN Day Xmot Day With FLOWERS IMPORTED ^ RHINESTONE 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. from FRENCH ANGORA % magnificence ANDERSON'S GREENHOUSES SWEATERS CLAMOUR 3. Soft and fluffy as a kitten's % POINSETTIAS ear . . . She'll literally purr UMBRELLA Nmtmbronco Itoniolly Daffodil when she unwraps one of THE REALLY BRILLIANT XMAS PLANT THAT EVERY HOME Youn . these lovelies! SHOULD HAVE — VARIOUS SIZES y ^ S. Sleeve Slipon...... 5.98 8.98 i # Si Sleeve Cardigan. . . . 7.98 What a fine touch of ele­ w :m gance on our sophisti­ L. Sleeve Cardigan. . . . 10.98 cated black nylon-taffeta • OOMPUETK n PIE C E SERVICE FOR EIGHT umbrella . . the handle is studded with rhine­ In powder-puff colors . . . White, stones and trimmed with Christmas Begonias, C y ­ maize, pink, blue, and mint. 34-40. a beautiful bladk taaael. clamen, Azaleas, Violets, w Burton's Sportswear Dept. Umbrella Dept. CHOCOLATES Kalanchoe, Dish Gardens, n « r « r u Fm m m Sa m p l e r llb.$2J)0 21bt.$4J)0 Holly and Mistletoe. OAer WUtmtmm’t AihertmeeU . N liMfPnrCVk* Spring Gordon REVLON'S EASY PAYMENTS INVITED Cut Flowers including Roses, Carnations, Snap Dragons, Pom Rons," "LIP KIT" SHOP 'TIL Sweet Pees, Gardenias, Cemelies.

Plus W e Telegraph Flowers Through Florist Telegraph Deii/ery Association 1.00 Tax 9 O 'CLO CK CEMETERY WREATHS AND BASKETS /A F-A’'- - What a wonderful g ift to tuck in Pine her stocking . . . Three color EVERY NITE! luscious Revlon lipsticks in a gay purae-sixe kit, Such an exciting rmocy Anderson JEWELERS ______. SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 way to wish her “Merry Xmast" GIVE A CHEST OF FINE SILVEE OR 958.M|ilN$T...... M A NCH E Sm I t - « u GREENHOUSES & FLOWER SHOP LET YOU CHRISTMAS GIFT BE IN THE ^ FORM OF A GIFT CERTIFICATE. IN- IN HARTFORD AT PRATT AND MAIN rS . . . 841 ZAAIN STREET j^gppipa' • .iL M,-tt > . M. 155 ELDRIDSE STREET ) . TEL. 8486 qCIRE ABOI T THIS GRAND TYPE OF a * - *'■ \ GIFT, pMRir t iLjfc MANCHESTER BVEKINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1960 j , ______:____ L man units in the inUmatlonal force proved that U. 8. SecreUry Beachhead Battle at Point-Blank Range Soldiers’ Kits Marine Writes Parents - of SUte Dean Acheson "had suc­ Holiday Train ceeded in obtaining realisation of American plane." Ai*c Available Of Fishtins; in Korea to Have Music The French Communist declara­ Schedule Set tion of the protest day, publlsl^ oh the front page of the party New Haven Road Plan­ Limited Nuiiiher Here Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pelletier.■ sometimes forty to one. Often a livings artd Trust Com* organ. L'Humanlte, qchoed Isvoa- At C. of C. Office for of 27 Tyler Circle received a let- . small unit would be outnunlbered Ua by accusing Acheson of tsdeld- ning Specials to Carry tcr yesterday from their son. Con­ a hundred to one. We had good panies Subscribe to « Ing a club over the gowrnmenU NORTH KOREA Men on Active Duly rad Reginald, who is with the U. air and ground support for our of France and the other Atlantic Camp Pickett Men : Smgan 8, Marines in Korea. 1st Division. ! convoy coming back from Hagarlii. Special Service Pact atstes. A limited .umber of utilltv kits' ftfAduat" of the clase of .The road through the pass Is over To Petition Pleven The N^w Htvan rtllroad will have been left at the Mwchester High ' ten miles long. "When we: started Attsr a study of tht tuecsssful French Communists were order­ pave Dcen icti at me cnamDer ot employed as a nobody was lure ot what we would operate \ total of 102 axtra trains Commerce office in the ,1^ of bsckfround music in oUtsr ed to address petition* and resolu­ Rublno\r stock clerk Hale’s ...w encounter, but aa It was things tions against Gertnai^Marmament to take care of tho anticipated tMJilding for distribution y w " . "Id joined the Marines in didn’t turn out too badly. The tNU)ks throughout ths ststs and to Premier Rene Pleveh and mem­ country, the Savings Bank of heavy travel for the Christmas and Sinhung .rtiv l ' IMS. On Auguat 16 Isst. he l*ft 11th Marines (artillcrv I fared Well, bers of Parliament from all par- New Tear holldaya. In addition, forces "ow on Active duty. Francleco for Korea, with the the 7th Jlerines spearheaded and Manchester, and the Manchester tles. , . These kits are dent cal to those Division. ! the 6th Marines (infantry) brought Trust cotnpahy tbU wsek became The Brussels decisions, the dec­ moat'regular trains will have add­ laration charged, were atmefl at ed care on the days of peak travel. ^‘'Th f« °eweirrt n.'riv had not heard from i up the rear." the first local banking concerns The New Haycn also will b.e ^ dinner P*cty prior ^ weeks and were anxiously Continuing the young Marine to set their working days to music torpedoing the four power Fast- West talks proposed by Russia to tending 24 of iU pasMnger care M V ‘^ " ’P awaiting a letter. He aeknowl- aays that he “feels better and by subscribing to such a service. to Camp Pickett, Va„ to bring UnhongC- C r ' Plckett. va. edges the receipt of half a dozen everybody else feels better since Planned ,to lessen fatigue en* deal with German problems. The . Mejon^ Any .Manchester soldier now on ,etters from his parents, pack- most of the leiialoii Is gone." He nervous tension of the staff, and Western Big Three Foreign Mlnls- members of the 43rd Division home actlvc duty ma.v procure a kit byjagej ^nd return.* thanks for tera agreed yesterday to meet for Chrfktmas. This means, it was kdds that tliey are boarding ship to create a pleasant gtmosphere calling at the local chamber offices j everything. "especially ■ prayers agsin in a few days, going South, 'fo r depositors, the backgroond with Sioviet representatives If the pointed out. that the railroad will or by writing in for saoie. talks were widened to include all not have the uae of these cars for Hungfvei^ since they helped got me through "So keep on hoping and praying music hoard, in fhe baiAs is pro- Relatives oi men In service may safely. ” that we may all get home soon." vided by ths Musair Company of malor F,ast-West problems. civilian Christmas travel as they secure a kit for their soldier rela­ Other rommunist groups will leave New Haven on Decem­ He writes as of date December In a poatsorlpt he adds "Came 11 Aaylum atrect, Hartford. Mu- tive by supplying the soldier’s 11 ; arross Conrad Kowalski from Man­ salr, broadcasting through the 20,- throughout Western Fui'ope were ber 21 and will not gat back until '^MUNGNAM Schskio expected to join in the protest name, rank and organization and "The.sr few werki have aeen the chester, up on top of a mountain 000 watt FM station. WFHA. re­ the pre-Christmas rush is over, proving their identity. greatest fighting of this war. chain covering the road” lays the carefully selected music wave. and then must hr used to take the Since the quantity of kits avail­ when the 1st Division had to fight from the station's Avon transmlt- troops back to camp again. The able for distribution is verj' limit­ back for its survival; we wore not Ur to a speislally designed high New Haven also will be running ed, they will be given out on a fighting the North Koreans but fidelity receiver located In the Taxes (Ian kie special furlough trains from Camp strictly flr.st come first serve basis.! the Chinese, who h^d us outnum­ Watkiii8 Projsrain bank. , F.dwards and from Newport, R. I. bered. Hillsides around the Chosin Uoudspeakers. strategically lo­ "Nevertheless," a railroad reservoir are covered with dead cated to give complete coverage, Saved by Jiigglinp Beer Can 5^ke Button By James MoKav spokesman said, "we anr doing Milwaukee (/P) ■ For lack of t1ilne.se. It had been figured out .provide the bank with a softly everything pofelbie to plan suffi­ that the 1st Marine Division has modulated flow of Musair pro­ raw materials. North Korean I .Tames McKay, popular local (Conttnued From Page Onel cient trains to take care of all who Cbungb** forces may have been using dis­ annihilated three Chinese divi­ grams. , . . want to get home for Christmas . Sendekdwif carded beer cans to make uniform sions in combat. That does not in­ mu.iician. will be the guest organlrt The planned music is selected Those with big medical and ST4TUTI Mini by Musalr's professional program and we will do our utmost to pro­ buttons. One such button, with clude the numbers that were at Watkins Rrother.a tomorrow eve­ dental expenses, however, might vide seats for all." a beer label clearly visible Inside, killed in other places by the Army ning from 7 to 9 o’clock for tli- dtrsctors. trained In music theory save by ahifting payment to 1951. and In p8>-chological studies of the The rush of Christmas traffic is Allied p4anes, guns and warships broke up fierce new Communist was received by the Blatz Brew­ or the Air Force." nightly eoncert of Christmas music CAROL BRENT when the deductions would cut expected to get under way on ing' Co. here in a letter from Capt. "The Marines suffered * lot‘of which the local store is sponsor­ :* i uae of background music to lessen down net Income that otherwise thrusts at shrinking Hungnam beachhead. Navy and Marine pilots fatigue and reduce boredom. Friday, when the New Haven has hit hardest at Reds lAi trying to gain heights on east flank. On George 8. Long, commanding offi­ casualties, in addition to frozen ing during the holiday season. Mr. SUPER SHUIR One of the country’s leading would be subject to IP.^l's higher arranged for twenly-flvs extra flatlands to west the veteran 79th Chinese Division drive^tBl ground cer of an American artillery bat­ feet, in the march from the Chuain McKay is organist and choir di­ rales. tery. He said the button had Reservoir to Hagarui, and finally rector at the Bolton Congregational planned music services, the Mu- Tliese expenses can be deducted trains. Among the trains which to halt under naval gun tire- and massed artillery. Di8|Htches con­ NYLO N HOSE aafr system has been contracted will have extra sections that day firmed Red push (C! forced ahandonment of Y’onpo airport hut not been ripped off the uniform of a back to Hamhung, where the Divi­ Church and organi.st for the Man­ if they amount to more than five North Korean senior lieutenant sion originally started from. We chester Chapman Court Order of for by banks, factories, and stores per cent of all income received In are the Clipper, the Colon­ before emergency air-strip closer to harbor area waa in operation. and other business firms through­ ial. the Senator, and the Patriot, (AP Wlrephoto). ^ captured at Chongju. were outnumbered ten to one. Amaranth. out the area who have rcrognlzed the year when the payment Is made. all in both directions between New the increasing Importance of York and Boston. The Puritan and y i scientifically chosen programs Fanner* t ui Save I„.f Taxpayers who have some con­ the Senator. Boston-bound, each Seibert. Andover; Mrs. Lucille of 'music ia ereating more congen­ will start out of New York with Blanchard, 407 Center street; Mrs. 'V ial working conditions. trol over the flow of their Income, Of course, she'd like and who can deduct office and busi­ three sections. Lon-aine Weingarlner, Tolland; GIVE MATCHED VINYL LUGGAGE I HAWTHORNE "MODEL SO" SIKS ness expenses, can do better. Eight extra trains are planned I John Collin*. Vernon;' Ollnpcade nylons for Christmas , . i 5-SPIiO DAIXIR SAVBS TIME, WORK r,ero\TSl, Pvockville; baby girl Farmers, for instance, can eell for Saturdav. the 23rd. and on especially thesel Cob­ Sove $7 to $12.50 per piece over no- |P "I A streamlined bike for boys ond girlsl "V Q C Attack Motive (Thristmas D^v itself the New Webster, 35 Phelps road. Rotes high on HER listl Mokes bokin their crops or livestock this year web sheer 15 denier, 51 llonally advertised luggagel Ookwood jy With chain guord enameled to mofeh J / in order to crowd In mcome. They Haven Vill operate twenty extras ijischarged torint rayon. 1 of eoch colon gon drive set. With 15 sockets, nwy beat bar on the head with a Hospital Annex lowing. reversible ratchet, T-hondle. moMtsy waanch and finally toaaed Last Minute vvhite, pink, blue. Sizes 2 to 14. her out of Ota ear after she feigned Toledo- <;Pi Squinting auto­ oneonsclouiness. ahe aaid. Program Gi^en mobile drivers in sun and, Snow t*a*irT Beating ’Unprovoked'* Huspitai [Notes countries may soon get relief from 3 HANDKERCHIEFS an improvement in windshields. 1.39 SANDING, POL­ Questioned on numerous occa- Patients al the Manchester Me­ eioiw at 8 t Vincent's Hospital in One new windsliield. of bluish- ISH IN G k it morial Hospital Annex were en- Patient* Today ...... 138 green tint, has a shading of grad­ FOR MSN I I snx Bridgeport, and at her home after tertlned last evening with a pro­ Admitted yesterday; Samuel she waa dlacharged from there, uated intensity above the eye level 1 4 9 gram of songs and folk dances by- Dunlop. 187 Maple strett; Donald to cut glare from the bright eky. Mre. Perkins has insisted that the Mrs. Ltira Mohrbacher and a group Norton. 67 Academy street; Mrs. ellegcd aaaault was whoUy unpro­ Iron oxides in the glass Itself Welcome gift— so good topking Reduced I 5 piece set converts of Y-Teens. Mrs. Mohrbacher ia Gertrude .Schultz, Rockville; Mrs. eliminate more than 15 per cent of voked. brought to the Annex each month and practical. Man-sized (17 ’ your electric drill into o power Ihe knew Sul at the time of the Florire Whitney. 105 East Cenb r the infra red rays and yet admit through the efforta of the Man­ ■street: Mrs. Daisy Shea, IS Har­ sq.). .Hemstitched. G ift boxed. polisher, sander. etc. alleged attack, but knew his com- chester branch of the Hartford more than 70 per cent of average oanion only by the name of “Gins­ vard road; Mr#. Margaret Larson. daylight, said Dr. George B. Wat­ County V. W. C. A. and la apon- Willlmantlc: Marilyn Rogers, 500 kins, research director of the berg." aored by various local groups and DUCK QUACKS AND 12 WHITS RUBBER Police eaid she subsequently individuals. The program last East Center street. Libbey-Owens-K'ord Glass Co. ALL SKIS Identified a rogues' gallery picture night was in metnory of Mrs. Admitted today; John Morca, DUN’S NEWEST FLANNEL PAJARIAS FLOATS BLOCKS of Jarasko as "Ginsberg," Blanche Taylor Keith. 340 Hackmatack street; Mrs. Mar­ An Ohio girl knocked dowm a lon Soucy, Sonvers. fllil with a sock on the Jaw. He They're tailored for bInd-free comfort d % VbririeiNc 9 8 C 1.89 REDUCED 10% The patienta thoroughly enjoyed Dlacharged yesterday: Sbella fell before and after. the songs and danres ftom the of soft-napped Sanforized fionnel. Big GOOD ASSORTMENT Red8 Attack countriea of their birth. They in­ f • • • • - choice of solid colors— plaid or piped _ Flexible both toy . • . floats, Excellent for boby’s first blocks, cluded Scotch, Irish and German. trim, oN-over poNemt. Colorfatt. * * quacks if squeezed, or gurgles sonitory, lightweight ond soft. Arming Reich Oirislmas carols concluded the For tiny bonds— I Vi' squore. evening's enterllnmenl while Mrs. when held under water. Mohr’ Bcher distributed a gift of i (Osottaaed from Page Oac> candy to each patient. The V-Tecn girls w;ho look part I fc'piVgV-u demonstrations in all towvis and in last evening’s' program Included | ■ « ■l/’ew M I ■■ To Make Chrifimai Complete ----1-» viiiagM. Barbara Jackie. J\ine Keeney, Cyn- ' Us ^ ' .*V- ■ 1 Protest January S3 this Benedict. Elaine Miner. Sally . KIDDIES Filled Stockings 'a ' .3 January 28 waa set for a "great tluidoba, Fcnna Lee P'isher, (?on- day of protest" by West German nie Glcnncv. and Arlene Peterson ...... 1 “ . ' X 2 9 ' Communists, the Red-sponsored I J rillod with toys on£condi^ “Fighters for Peace In West Ger­ Each governor general of Goa. Fire Truck or n o many” announced in Frankfurt. Portuguese India, receives the VAN TRAILER • • CHOCOLATES . 1: In Moscow Izveatia said the At­ Staff of St. Xavier on being inl- i^TsBk or Tractor 7Qe k.20 J Spring wounajnotor_a^^a^ f lantic Council’s plan to enroll Ger- atalled. \ Subway Express * Ik. $2.00 2 lb,, ex nn -rV 1 v-.Tv Train runi in circle Blocks Q Q t V' OAY CHENILLES iA'infetv blocks ■ ■ ■ ■ For G ifu Buckin' Bruno QQe PLUPFY, THICK Complete with rider • Fsnoysrd Set \i It proved Itself In 36 states I / Rollover Cat QO< 66-pioce aei ...... ~ _ LOW PRICUDI Mechonlca} ocUontoyWW Coca Cola Bank IQO HitUI Her Heart u-itho OWith miniature cases. 1 _ E ^ a *Scootlss'Doll Trail M r 4e98 i r ( y Wilh ‘HopPYt-pietui* 98' 't. itI c kt Hownbu can enjoy S S t t f , 2 “ No skimping of tuftteg 4 Kovebls oxmt ond legt. r \ l w \ Cheat • 0 ^ LARGE FOLDING DOLL CARRIAGE So levoble and lUellke, I4.piece a o t^ . — •R theMi They've row METAL DOLL HOUSE NOW .HANDY Va" ELECTRIC DRILL KIT All leodT ter the portT- upon row o f thick, fluffy 5 rooms, garage, aundeck and picket mm a mm Good quality dork blue artificial leoth- mm ^ 23 piece set for home croftsmon or r \ 15 Lite Outdoor S e t ^ baby cheniffing. Look so fence play 3rard! Molded plastic fuml- y or 23'xlO %' body ond 4-bow hood y *“4 ^ hobbyist. Does dozens of jobs-drills, B ^ Old Sunny Broajc V. y Wealherprootod------pretty osv f**! ture, car, fence and.dolls. 2-story Colo- ^ ^ withsunvisor.Bxtansionfoofwell...holds mapete sends, grinds, polishes. Jooaba hand- ^ worm to m uggle into. nisi metal house. 25Hxl9xl6>4" eize. M aeresiieriee doll to 2 3 ' toll. Stores easily. lite chuck. Trigger switch. B Light Siriet Sat ogc ^ IIInniiMtodwroilUQQe So eoiy to wdshi As­ V Glolite brand...... ^ sorted isDlers. 12 -20 . The secret of its O Bubble Lite sot 2 ^ Xmas Liauar be Up to too wUk Dono’e BULBS— superb taste... V ALL SIZES __ B liahta lO ( f i i e S S S S ^ Specials is the fine y/ WINES ■ % : 4 Kentucky blending! PHOTO DEPT. ^SPECIALS Domeatie 6th Kentucky it the home of fine Uic (o rb iJd cn fro |ra a c o LARGE DI.SCOUNT ON CI.OSE OUTS ryee end bourbons — greet WHISKEY ‘A whiekiee to combine with Popular Blend Sth superb grain neutral tpiriti in SOUND PROJECTOR, 16 MM 2S0M Smoldering . . . head-turning .. . lid-lowering REOtTLARLT SOO.OA producing tbit popular, scent with a hint of alur incense. Enjoy tabu COCKTAILS 3.52 Vp luxuriona blend. • in perfume, Uquid cologne and out of your 5I.S5 Reedy Te Serve f. Try th« whiskiy that's / / ^ purse—a itimulaling solid cologne. REVERE MOVIE 0AMER4 No. S5 8 MM. TUai Pwfume...... ItJO. 7.00, 1730, SS.SO, 60.00 Champagnes 3.95 as T.iio PuTM Siu Seiid Coiosn*. It-OO, mih esir. relill. Tsba ColofM...... $$-00, SJO, (.00, 10.00, 18.00 REVERE 11MN. MfiRAZINE 127.50 '4*»- .. .. ^ nijT iBr oo k TsaorfM, BRANDY fan s a»y..u’ r^aitAl. *. s m Om msUc emd Imported KODAK TOURISTS AMERA t i n I 3150 RIOOIRN DESIGN PLASTIC CHAU FAMOUS SAMSON CARD TABLII TUPTID nOttAL BATH OIPT Sn ' CC^ACT fOIOINO sm ou^E m Soft and suppla long-vroaring pigstie An olwqyt wakome, useful gift, loe- cArlltur Jbrug M8C0 FUSH (MMERA OUTRTS _ COLD BEER Jhl^oghtM p r o ^ l gifti Robed florol, nr| ^ SefUypeddtAPloWSc^wediwrtoiid tsrift an sturdRy-brocad solid bard- • 1 1 )9 3 querad slx-ply lominatad top ... chip- mm q » dasigw b aiost.attroethfo on tufted cut- M b q ^ bwiAoiM chm M fiftteg^ throng wadd frowa, Uond finished legs. Fnd- proofed anomalad steal lag*. Double ^ y ^ *^ ^groutiAPreidiruiA.>*roy,^,blue, sofoty strop. Shopping bofkatqWodw A ' braces afford rigidity and strength. .V-J i t -i»{. / i *^4 i m u s i i i M s Flavprad paYRrages n n dad ta^ and back... No-rog springs. Beeattfully Oeeei -— reee; do* green. foljh nniRy forlravoi nr storagn. . - s ' - V - - . -I' g g ■ • ...... I ■ I lii IftlittE T WNISIEY - I IIEND • U MOOF • n x ( rain m nOOMCTS (01$.. N. Y. 942 Main St. Manchester, Conn.


tha Intent of some of the nation* enough to the catabliahed party bits arranged and nerved ~a light “ White Christmas" and Betty Ann both her son, Robert, who was Falk. “ Rudolph the Red Nosed seven on that same day and her woNa - ui« W T ic - ie8o iiUmrlrratrr which votad for its creation. leaderahlp in Cbngreas, to men aupper to the choir.^ XMAS TREES FOR SALE Columbia All claasea in Columbia Church Reindeer.” A fter tha antartatn- daughter, Patricia, whose twelfth WFHA - 108.1 That is exactly what it should like Senators Taft and Wherry, WORU school gathered together in the ment, the older group stayed on for birthday fell'on the 14th. The chil­ Fff«« DdivEryl WENB Z'i^Today’s Radio tVHAV - 9lti' Contitt0 ijrraUi be doing. who are encouraging it to run Columbia Congregational church Chapel Sunday morning, after thelF dancing and John MaeVeagb dren each had their own group of tauu; - 1890 Eoatem eu iioenl CtoM WTHT - ItlMi rL'HUVHBO BT TiO For if the Oase-Flre Commit­ Hut in a way which niuat he Ail­ ivat well filled Sunday night when opening exercises to'aln g Chrlat- played for them while 'Evan F. friends, a doxen apiece, from He­ ACETO'S BElUtU> PRIimNO 00.. IKU man Carols together. Dr. and Mra. Kullgreh called the squareA bron. Windsor and Columbia, for II BiaMlI (UMt. tee were to consider its mandate ing the illness of a'man like Sen­ the augmented choir presented George S. Brookes and parents The very beautiful Chriatmas a party. Patty on Friday night 591 HiEiord StrM t 10:80— ItanebMUr, ONra. restricted, it would have no slight ator Vandenberg with tortnred "The Christmaa Story in Song." 4:6 Double Check .. ware invited to visit at this time. tree brought down from Vermont and Robert Saturday afternoon. WDRC--8trtka It Rich. WTH'r—News; Symphonettc. t Auuab rmtacBuii. despair. ,Pr»«.. Trees., Uee'l Haaeccr chance of success In it* endeavor. The sixteen robed alngers pro- The chapel had been beautifully by the firemen, especially for this Mra. Haynes was remembered by W TIC—Backatage Wife. W TIC —NBC Theater. rouBdce October 1. IM . If It were merely to carry hack The Republican parly believes cisaed to the choir loft, carrying decorated by Mrs. James H. Phel­ l»rty , will, be left up. fully decor­ her 4-H Club girls, one of whom, W TH T—Family Album. FON8—Jack's Waxworks. lighted candicb, singing “O Come, an, sui^rlntendcnt of the school, ated to be used by the Columbia Dorothy Jensen, made her a birth­ W H A Y —Polka Hop. WDRC— Music. Pubtiebed *»eiT BeseiB* ■seebt and forth a «'casc-Are propo.»sl, in bigger and better jxilicleb in Slippery DrivUig Ahead aaalated by Mrs. John Koxelka, Orange for their party this eve­ day cake. WKNB—Nawx; SpoiU. 11:00— Sunder end aoMdera. Belcrsc. ei the without attempting to ncgoUsl.' llmea of emergency than these, All Ye Faithful." Post ottics et Hencbeetet. Conn., ee Kathy Koxelka, Marsha Squier, ning and the Sunday school on the IVONS—Hollywood, U. S. A. News on all statlona. || CHAIRS on details, without recognising rank and Ale Repuhllcsna do not The first group of numbers by AUTO INSURANCE aecond Cleee Wetl aelter. Russell Evans and Boyd Tuttle. 2#th and any other group which Driving home for Christmas? 4:l^“ 11:15— —Dedi believe in inaertlng a parti.San the choir Included "Bend Out Thy Included 4n the decorations was a may hold a party in the hall in the le your beat proteettoa W TIIT UN Highlights. that there are issues beyond the Ldght" by Charles Gounod; “ While Then take care. The National W TlC -flteU a Dalla*. SUaSURIPTIUN RATCS plaque of the Nativity made by meantime. W TIC —Mindy Carson Sings. — Lounge cease-Are moment which have a knife in the hack of national pol­ Shepherds Watched Their Sheep;” Safety Council says an accident's j WON8—Jack Downey'a Music use teer by aell ...... **?•'*' Marsha, Kathy, and Boyd under ,JL Gorman WDRC—World Tonight —Barral SU montlu by aell ...... I S,l»' deAnIte relationship to the qiie.v icy ih lime of crisis. And. if they a I'ith century anthem by Hugo The bulletin telling of the hot eurest way to ruin your holl- i Shop. One month by aell ...... >...l li*' the guidance oi Mrs. Nellie S. lunch menu at Porter school for day. 8t.—Tal. M M 4:80— WONS—Jack's Waxworks. — Wing Uon of whether the cease-Are It­ want their parly to live, they had Jiingst; “ Htilt Grows the Evening W H A Y — Night Watch. Sindle Copy ...... * Over Bethlehem Town,” (Tradi­ Tuttle; also an Interesting pair of the week has posted "Ribbons and WDRC—Yankee Kitchen. —Occaaional Weekly, by 'Xrrler ...... I . « better begin saying so. 11:25— self shall he obtained, the Com­ tional Bohemian). Rev. Vincent antique skates, wooden, turning I ties" on Wednesday, which Indl- W n C —Lorenzo Jones. — Boudoir Sub# delleered. One Teer ...... tri.uu W H A Y —News; Polka Hop. WDRC — Public Service Pro­ West or alee. Poreitn ...... Xl-O'’ mittee would be wasting its time. Plaek, D.D., and "From Heavan over at the toe. with a metal strip , cates to the youngsters that there beneath that, loaned by Raymond is a party on foot. It also aska— gram. —Reekera If the Committee were to he High the Angels Come” (Tradi­ 4:88— W H A Y —Sport.*. asaBEH Of I a k 'uI Men (»iveii tional 14th century! C. Dickinion Squier, who used them as a boy | "W ill Rants CTaua come’ Who W H A Y — News. — Adjustable Lounge THC A!»U0IA.TBD HHBIKi content with accepting the sur­ by the ^Women's chorus i; a barl- and who-.say# they were antiques . else will be here?” to keep them 4:46— 11:80— —Chalae Longue .... Assooieted Pren i* eeclueleely then WTIC Lafayette College Club. entitled to the uee ol repuolicet'on ol face positions of the nations in­ Bank Proniotioiis ton solo “Come to My Heart. boWl 'guassing, W n C —Young Widder Brown. ell newa diapetcbee credited' to it. or volved. It could And nothing to Jesus", Robert Lane of Wethers­ The Sunday School Christmas Acoutma.atpr Wilbur Fletcher 8:00— 11:85— WONS News. ynoi otnerwiee credited ip inie pepet discuss. On that basis, two na­ field; the next g:roup. L.iillabies, In­ party w(II be held in Yeomans Hall has announced that the renewed WDRC—News; Old t.nd also tbe looel neve eublmbed here. Two Manchester men ware cluded "Slumber, My Dove," an Tnasday, December 28. at 7:30. Charter will be presented to Bov Shop. 12:00— "Did I forget DESKS All rifhta ol repuDlicetIun ol epeciel tions have already vetoed the old Alsatian Carol with Miss Ruth There will be n o ^ sslo n of the Scout Troop No. 82 at their meet- W H A Y —Story Queen ' W TIC News and Music. oitpetrhes herein ere eleo reteraed. among Ave promoted at the Phoe­ cease-Are proposal. One is the Robinson doing the solo work, she school next Sunday ntoming. ing in Yeomans Hall Tuesday W TH T—News; Storyland. -D reg-Ltd nix Slate Bank and Trust Com- Frequency ModnlaUon Pull eeraice cl'eni of N. B A. Sere. United Ststes, which hss insisted ! and Mrs. C. M. .Sqiiier, Sr., a duet The Girl Scouts mam Christmas night. Awards will bo made to the w n C —When a Girl Marries. —Kneehole pBiiv in IlHitford yeslerdiiy. An- WON8—Mark Trail. W F I I A - 108.1 MC. I Ice Inc. that^ no conditions st all he at- { and Mrs. Philip Isham. Mrs. corsages, centerpieces gnd door various grades of scouting at this — Ladles' Puhllahera Hepreecntativea: The noiiiicnneiit was made following Sqiiler, Donajil Tuttle and Ray­ decoration.* at their meeting Fri­ meeting, tenderfoot, second class WDRC— FM 98.7 5IC. — P. M. Jullua Metheere SpeeleJ Acency - Nee tached to a ceaso-Are arrange­ 8:15.— 6:30--Sereno Ganimell; Weath­ —Tambour Tor*. Ohicego. Detroit end Soelon, a meeting of the bank's board of mond Lyman a quartet, “ Lullaby, day. Meetings will be o m it ^ for M d Arst class and merit badges. WDRC—The Old Record Shop V. ment. The other Is Chins, which I direiTors. Jeaua Dear," a Polish carol; “ An- ' the next two weeks, ” *f^nts and troop committee WTIC—Portia Faces Life. er. 6:1.') Concert Hour. USaBKH AOntT BUREAD O l has insisted that all kinds of con­ Clarence W. Larann of 148 gels from the Realms of Glory'', a | Dr. Ralph F. Wolmcr, Josi members are expected to attend W H A T —Meet the Band. someone ? " WTIC— FM 965 MC. Cl RCU CATIONS______ditions be attached to a cease-Are School street hss been appointed baHtone solo by Mr. Lane. Tlie ' Luiky and Victor Wolmer droVi this meeting. Refreshments will sW served by a committee from 8:80— WDRC— FM On the Air 1 p. m. to TABLES The Herald Priptins Uompeny. Inc., an assistant i a.sluerl.Sllll and Clarence ^ next group Inciiided “ The Man- out to the Mohawk Ski Trail Sat- WTHTe-Black Hawk. srrsngrment. Ciistaf.son uf 91 High street hss ' ger." Richard Kountz by the Worn- urday evening and apent Sunday the PTA, the sponsoring organiza­ 11:28 p.ni. eaaumea no anenciel ceeponalbillty tor W n C —Just Plain Bill. Same as WDRC.' — Commode typotrephire' errors eppeering in et.^ Both will have to yield, some- ' liecn promoted to assistant trust en's f?horus; "The Song of the An- | morning skiing, tion. WONS—Oyde Beatty Show. rertleeminu end othei reeding metter. whst. from these extreme posi- ^ officer I sels,•' traditional 18th century at- ; Mrs. Mary Strongquist. who •StXdents from the University of W FH A— P. M. — Nests In The aenehteter Eaening Herelg. 6:15—Farm Report: Weather. lions if there la to hr an official Mr. I.,arson hss been with the rangenient by C. Dickinson, with makes her home with Mrs. Charles Connecticut, spending the Chriat­ WDRC Curt Massey and Mar —Tier Phoenix hank since 1924 and Mr. Mrs. Clinton Ladd doing the solo ' Natsch left Saturday to snend aev- mas . . . recCas at their homes include 6:30—Western Serenade. Don't worry Santa, Watkins can Wedncgdey. December 20 cease-Are in Korea. Neither, be- i tha Tilton. 6:46— Keyboard Kapers. — Btep Gustafson came to the bank In i work, and “ Sleep Little Child of | prg] weeka with relatives in New ^the " * MissesMisses^ Ruth Robinson and WTIC—Front Page Farrell. 7:00— Dance Time. — Coffee ing a hlg power concerned with its 1929 The latter served in th e' Mine' iChopln). arranged by R. ' York. ( ’oopeH Allan Robinson, Ed- W’H A Y — Sports. own prestige and Its own siirenc.ss department for vesrs, He U. Phelps. Mrs, Clinton Laild sang Dr and Mrs ^ ichard A Wolmer '"*'^** Bender. A *"'' 8:00— National Guard. — Occaelonal A HealinK Touch? 8:15—Guest Star. of w‘hat is right, ran do this yield- i is a member of the Mancheater a soprano solo "Cantlque De Danbury and their two’rhildren i 'Ponald Anderson, i •VYTHT—Falstaff's Fabulous —End The Appointment of CJenerbl Recreation and Park Advisory♦ Noel, " Adolphe Adam, and tiA fi-l„nent the week end with hi. Narotsky and Richard and 8:30— Marine Band. — Oonaole ing for itself. The deadlock, if It Fables. 8:4.5— Lest We Forget (■ those last minute gifts easily ! Dwight D. Elbenhower to be bu- Board and is s former well-know'U ^ nal group The Shepherds Song" LJ: luinh U Wolmer Ronald Barrett. Evenbig —Comer IS to be broken, has to be broken baselisll and bsaketball player. I (Nowellt, C. Dtcktnaon, "A Cres-1 hira David Anaell and' Davis, Are chief, has; W TIC— FM On the air 8:28 a.m. to preme allied commander of de­ 8:00— I a.m. -T ilt-T o p by some third party which pro­ Mr. I.Ar*on la a member of the ent Moon and a Cradle Star, ' a Saturdav fo? 1 » " " ” “ nc'd that the ArV siren will I WDRC—News. fense preparednen* forces in Eu­ Manrhealer Country Club. modern Christmas anthem by be sounded each Wednesday night Same a.* WTIC. -D ru m poses a compromise neither side ■WXHT—Sports Headlines; Joe I rope sivee that dintinguiehed sol­ Frank W hit, and as a finale ! p f hoiiS^v. vTith relaUvr.'^ " ‘ ho A a f . EGG ~ Bedside can afford to reject, even though "CTtrisllan Awake " by C. Rath- ' , "latives. teat call to make sure the enulp- Oirand Show. Television dier and not undiatinsuiehed Hamden Man Die. W H A Y —News. — End It may dislike It. The United Na­ bone. I John t^ p e r , atudant at Beni ment ia In perfect running c ^ d i-i W NHC— TV. P. M. Give smart period side chairs W TIC—New#. — Butterfly atatesman the very’ difficult task New Haven. Der, 20— —In­ ITte choir, carrying their lighted i School in Asheville, N. C., I tion. He has also requested that! 4:00—Homemakers Exchange. tions Cease-Fire Committee is W ON8—News. They're used aa deak chairs, in the hall, for dinettes, of promotlnf will and vigor juries he suffered December 9 candles rece.*sed to "Hark the ! ■psnding the Chriatmas holidays j the Aremen turn out in good num- a n d I 4:30— Vanity Fair. —Drop-Leaf such a third party. It is endeavor­ and bedrooms. Copies of favorite American origi­ when an sutomoblle hit him while Herald Angels Sing" and sang "S i-' I*** psrents Mr. and Mra. Lest- | hers each Wednesday night for ' .5:00—Lucky Pup. —Lamp among the tired and indecisive *'w D R C —Jack Smith Spo.'tscast. nals so they never go out of style. Thumb-back in ing to fulAIl the highest and most he was ninnlne for s bus near hi.* lent Night" as a Benediction. ' c Cooper, Willimantic road. |a meeting. With the urgency I wHh y«4w order 5:15—Time for Beany. — Chalrstda peoples of Kurope. 8:1&— 5:30— Howdy Doody. black with gold decoration.*; other* in gumwi^l, fin­ valuable function the I'niled Na­ home in Hamden caused the death Member.* of the choir and other ’I'*'* Community Christmas party | of conditions at the present tim e.' WDRC—Needle Club. far iwe qwerta ef 6:00—Sidewalk Interviews. ished mahogany. ' But it IS an Interesting point tions is BUppoird to possess. It of Joseph Kratz, 77, last night In than those mentioned above were I ^or the children gfv«n by Columbia i Ai»men must be prepared for ali W H A Y —Supper Serenade. Melldey l o f NegI 6:15— Song Shop. that the *ffect of General Eisen- i St. naphnel's Hospital. The driver i Mrs. George Peters. . Miss Olive Recreation ° in Yeomans Hall Sat-1 events, and frequent meetings are Add e fetHve air to yewr W TIC— Strictly Sports; IVcath-, must. If it is to have a chance iirdsy night was attended by about necessary. A set of keys for the 6:30— Faye Emerson Show. Lace Back hower'a service may be quite ai ' of the car. Hamden police said, was Tuttle, Mrs. Donald Tuttle, Mrs. 1 er. . MIRRORS success, function with vigor and .Salvatore .1. Barrea. 4,%. of 92 . Francis Lyman. Mist Patricia Ish- 250 children and many o f their Are house door may be obtained helidey eoBierinet with delicieu# 6:45— Musical Theater. signiOcant In this country as It is WON8—fportJ. with Imagination. .Is( oba street. Bristol Police re- • WcMard Barrett, Herbert Eng- parents. Santa Claus was on liand : by contacting Ward Rosebrooks, 7:00—Kukla Fran and OlUe. — Easal Egg Nog $erved in this ihimmering white Platenite 8:89— 7:30— Roberta Quinlan. in Europe. Its activities are. despite the ported after the acc ident that he lert. Ralph Slate and Russell A^- to greet and talk with each and 1 deputy chief, WDRC— Record Album. — Mantal iiad been booked on a rerkle.as ‘ drew'*. Mrs. Herbert Englert di- every child and present them with ! Triple birthdays arrive in the Mug end Bowl Set I It is a genuine Hazel-Atlas glatt- ^ 7:45—^Newsreel. His presence in a leading mili­ way in which the world is turning — Consols < ^riving eharge. reeled, Mra. Allan Robin.son pre- a dandy cane and card. Later, as i Lawrence Haynes household, too 8:00—Arthur Godfrey. tary role which will also inevita­ product, gaily docoratod in rod and groan "Dura-Colors.” W TH T—Sereno Oammell; Choice its attention to other things, the aided at tbe organ and Howard they left the hall, aach was given | '>^91' the Chriatmas season one Waather. 9:00— Somerset Maugham Show. — Bullseya bly be diplomatic may do much to most Important thing going on In The National Geographic So­ Thayer at the piano. a balloon. They all evidenced much i might think for much celebration, Filled with our dolicious, old-fathiondd Egg Nog w n C —Emile Cote Glee Club. 9:30—Plalnsclothesman. —Ship's Wheel 10:00— Boxing; Wrestling. contribute balance to the think­ the world today. For the Are of ciety Bays about 1600.000.000 in Between rehearsal In the after­ pleasure in the puppet ahow given j Mrs. Hajmes whose birthday ar- WONS—News: Evaplng SUr Rota Back noon'and the performance. Mrs. I by Mr. and Mrs. Burton F. Moore ■.i'1'’es on December 15 planned (non-Alcoholic)—golden in color, rich in flavor—it's e 14 .9 5 ing in this country. war which la burning in Korea treasure ia deiifiiiltelv known to 8:45— be aboard aunken ships. Irving Lohr and Mrs. Stewart Tib- . of Coventry. Dorojhy Jensen sang ; birthday parties, however, for ! holiday troot the wholo family will onjoy. .Ordor todoyl WDRC—Lowell Thomas. General Eisenhower's presence must be put out, there, if there is W nC—Three SUr Extra. Plan Open House | RUGS in Europe will do more than words to be any hope that it will not WTHT—Weather. or argumanta could to con\ince spread all over a aanlty-droughted 8:85— — Hooked , ORDER DARTS DELIOIOUS W TH T— Bdwdn C. HIU. For Teen-Agers tha Amaiican paopla of tha impor­ world. If war cannot be stopped — Braided tance of the European front, and — Shag in Korea, it must Inevitably WOMKN’S NON-ALCOHOLIC EDO NOD NOW! WDRC—Beulah. On Saturday evening from eight to blunt the mad campaign of the WONS—Fulton Lewis, Jr. — Axmlnster spread. If war is stopped In Ko­ to eleven Woodruff hall of Center ' “ China Firstera" who would have W TH T—Pick of the Hits. Lyra Back Thumb Back Ada m Back rea, the I'nited Nations, and HANDKERCHIEFS « Made from an old fashioned recipe which includes W H A Y — Symphony Hall. church will be the scene of a taan- j lu Kak everything in a crusade peace, atlll have a chance. W TIC —Here's to Veterans. age "open house” for all high for Oilang Kal-ahek. fresh egga, heavy cream, milk, sugar, nutmeg, etc. school age students. H ie “ open LAMPS General Eisenhower'a pretence ‘ W TH T—Mus*c. house” will be a town*ride teen­ — Chalrslde in the limelight will do much to Poor Time For A Knife PHONE 6430 1:15— age celebration of Christmaa No WONS—Tello-Teat. — Bridge balance the condition in which V admission will be charged but Give Every conscientious Republican! WDRC—Jack Smith. there will be a nominal fee charged — Swing Arm Bridge General Douglaa MacArthur has. / or place your order with our route salesmen, .\vailable newspaper in this country must, W TH T— Elmer Davis. for refreshments. A large ottend- -T a b le in pracUcal affact, bean Preaident we Imagine, feel some sense of re- - - from now until New Years. ance is expected as thla will be the Polished — Desk of tha United Stataa, operating Ita FROM THE TEXTILE STORE WONS—Oabriel Heatter. only Christmas week-end dance for gret and shame over the current­ —Hurricane foreign policy according to his W TH T—Lone Ranger. teen-agers. ly berserk behavior of the Repub­ WDRC— Club Fifteen. Music will be to popular records. -B ight-light Floor own lights. lican leadership in Congress. Something Thai's Sure To Please W TIC— News. Decorations, under the direction of Brass - Sight-light Table General Eisenhower's presence 1:45— Doreen Anderson, will be appro­ in the limelight will also do mOch It demanded the ouster of .Sec­ WDRC— Edward R. Murrow. priate for the aeason, right to tlic DART’S DAIRY WONS— News. to cut the ground from beneath retary of SUte Dean Acheson at star on the top of a Christmas Prints, Rounds W n C —Ona Man’s Family. tree. Gifts to thrill Lamps tha veto which Senator McCarthy th» very moment he was heading ST. MARY’S VIRGIN W OOL BLANKETS a p p l ia n c e s for important conferences in Eu­ 5:95- and his followers have been hold­ and Squares WDRC—Mr. Chameleon. I —Refrigeralora rope an action In marked lon- $17.95 WTHT—American Agent. i ing over American foreign policy. 25c to 98c —Home Freesers trast to the pat on the hack Win­ W H A Y — Emile Cote Glee Club. Captured Thief General Eisenhower, in the past other all wool blankets $11.98 to ♦?195 y****W*****e<*«f**»Mii****w«iai«i*eia- W TH T—Carol Sing. As a result. Hall spent two'i W n C —Qroucho Marx; You Bet weeks In solitary and lost trusty I StaUon-wagon Stroller, wood aides...... 22.95 poaltlen to Acheson Is particular­ to intimate that General Eiaen- Boxed $5.98 to $24.95 I FRESH PROM OUR KETTLES Your life . privileges. The next contact Stroller with fabrikold body...... 16.15 miscellaneous howrer is a Communist, there will ly ifbertine because i t . does not WONS—2,000 Plui. Smart had with Hall was a pack- , be few who will beileva them. say, and cannot say, what it would WDRC—Harold Peary Show. age in the mall. It contained a — Pictures hand-tooled cowhide wallet. General Eisenhower la big enough really do differently If it were 0:85— —^Andirons RIBBON candy lb. 69c W nC —Mr. District Attorney. BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF .— Fireplace Bets to stand up for what he thinks is in his place. Yet the Republican EhfBROIDERED W TH T—Mr. Preaident. It Was Harmleaa right policy, even though Sena­ leadership in Congress permitteil 5c and up WDRC—Bing Crosby. il — Fireplace Screens tors McCarthy and Taft and this kind of attack td reach lU PILLOW CASES SCARFS and DOILIES CANDY CANES WONS—Family Theater. Comerbrook, Nfld.—(/P— A ; Copies of fine old chairs — Bookcases 15.’05— small snake found when a crate — WaU Racks Wherry may oppose it, and he climax at the very moment Mr. (Boxed) (Sold Separately) W TH T— Hall of Fame, of bananas was unpacked caused i Boston roi ker. sketched, is an exact copy of Acheson was departing for th.> —Curio Cabinets may, in his new role. And many v m c —B ig Story. much excitement here. It w as; iiuk c Give _ Nylons, Cotton#, Linens OCR OW N ^ a full size Watkins I I. Black with gold — Hassocks opportunities to promote the task of persuading Western F.ii- WONS— Frank Edwards; News. sent to 3t. John's and thence to ^ decoration* ...... *2.98 —Child's Rockers cause of sanity in Amencan think­ ropp to unity. "That task is diffi­ Priced From WDRC—Boxing Bout. Toronto, where a museum expert ' Arrowback Colonial Rockers, black with gold French . 10:15— haa found it wlis a small type of decorations ...... 8.98 Desk Lamps 9*^® — Doll Carriages ing. In any case, his mere pres­ cult enough in any case, but the Plenty of Pacific and Bates boa constrictor, harmless except 2.45 WONS—I Love a Mystery. Colonial iJidderback Rockers, maple flnisli. —ChUd's Carpet Sweepers ence on the scene is an indirect more difficult for a diplomat who SHKETS AND PILLOW 9 8 c each W TH T—Guest Star. for It# sharp teeeth. '' fibre-rush seat* ...... 9JM) — Card Tables buttressing of Acheson and his plainly wears the label of savage CASES Chocolates Colonial saucer candlesticks of — Folding Chairs policies. lack of unity in his ow'n country. £X)lished brass; white candles TABLE COVERS Really sweeps topped with real tole ahades in — Sewing Cabinsts Finally, General Eisenhowar, al­ Next the Republican leaderahip EXTRA SPECIAL red, decorated as shown in gold. U k rO U NAM E IT ^ W E'VE G OT IT! — Smoking Stands though he has been acclaimed as in the Senate forced to a vote, $1.98 to $3.98 1 The little housekeeper can do a real cleaning Job with tills LIUI* Take standard slse bulbs. FAILLE DRAPERIES Queen carpet sweeper. Like big Bissell it sweeps clean; empties like —Clgantte Tablet this nation's leading soldier, is not which it lost, its extraordinary 90 inches long, 21 inches wide Its big sisters, too! — Foototoola a warmonger, nor a hater. H.> SCRANTON LACE OUR HOME MADE demand that President Truman each side with matching val­ — Faather PUlowa himself, in his Arst statement aft­ TABLE COVERS ence. ] make a detailed accounting to the —Foam Lsiytax PiUows er his appointment, emphasised $3.98 to $9.98 $3.98 Set Chocolates Senate of any Aimmitmenl given D A IN T Y D O T NORMAN'S —Cadar Chaste that his task was to W'age peace, Colors: Wine. Hunter Green. to Prime Minister Attlee wliile i —Hollywood Beds HEAVY 6 GAUGE PLABTIC Gray. Yellow, Blue, Rose. THE VARIETY MART Limited stock not wap, and that can be taken as that gentleman was here. The as- ' NYLON TABLE COVERS I Lb. end up of aome Iteme; —Headboards , sincere within himself, and It can sumption behind this resolution ! Buy your curtains and draperiea Your Neifbborhootl Shopping Cantor all subject to — Poster Beds WTille and all cclorst prior sale. I be counted upon to be the^ atmoe- was that no British statesman j now and save on Spring pricea. 449 HARTFORD ROAD— NEAR McKEE ST. —Luggage Racks phere in which ha will trj’ to mus­ HOSIERY <1.49 See our beatulful displays. could come here without an oh- | We also carry PAGE and SHAI4’’S, APPOLLO, She needs 2 Bissell Sweepers 1 ter the free naUons of Europe and ject of 'betrayal of this country's 1 51 Gauge, 15 Denier •BOXED STVLETONE HAND the atmosphare in which he will interests, and that no American PAINTED SCHRAFTS, CYNTHIA SWEETS' and CASANOVA face the Russians in Europe. War, $1.49 SHOP NORMAN'S One for upstairs — one for downstairs President could deal with a Brit­ A\ARTEX PLASTIC SHOWER end S In hit book, will not be an Inevita­ ish statesman without aelling out ORIENTALS. 60 Gauge. 15 Denier WINDOW CURTAIN A N Y DAYEVERY DAY! ble, foregone conclusion. He hit own country to British guile GRAND RAPIDS . , . (Below) knows, mtich better than louder $1.79 SETS HARD CANDIES, FRUIT FILLED Models made 25 years ago arc That this attitude ahould be al­ T O W E L SETS still in use! This 1950 model, in and more carclfia voices on the $5.98 . $7.98 lowed to appear publicly as a OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. DAILY Sable brown, hat newest features OPEN national scene, what that war 51 Gauge. 18 Denlec Taffetas ...... 88.98 and FRUIT STUFFED > guiding conviction o f an Am en­ ''•oeaique Heel^ including “ Bisco-matlc" action. would maan. ’ Hand Painted Taffetas .. 812.98 can political party at-the moment $1.69 $2.98 to S6.98 CASHEW BARK and CASHEW CLUSTER •. .Lb. 98c FREE PARKING So Ganeral Eisenhower, assign­ when BriUln and the United SPECIAL SALE! TONIGHT ed to the task of revitalising and StaUa must trust each other is al­ PLAS'nC s h o w e r and CHOCOLATE COVERED BRAZIL NUTS .. .Lb. flJIO AND PLENTY OF IT! unifying weaUm Europe, may WTNDOW CURTAINS V A N IT Y . . . tops in smart da- most unbelievable, but It haa hap­ BOXED MARTEX KITCHEN SETS SANTA CLAUS ...f'....f..12c and ep play tt.equaUy important rolt in pened. From Scranton L«ce Company 9.95 Blgn and In performance. “ Bisco- Open Thunday providing aoma of tha healing matlc” brush action, and comb In both inetancei, thie country, . $1.98 Each SPECIAL! SALTED NUTS .,...... 'i....i;..L b . 98c touch o f balance aniTaanity this 98c - ^1.98 - S2.98 brush cleaner are faaturea. In arfd the Republican party Itaelf, ebony black with chrome trim. nation Itself n ee^ so desperatelyc FLIG H T . . . tho moat beautiful and Friday Nights are paying the penalty for tha MllILE HHOPPINO DROP IN .FOR A .SANDWKgi OR HOT TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! and elBcient Bissau o f all. Has BIG SELECTION! LOW PRICES! ROCKET — Modem feet that the identity of aome of LUNCH PLUS OUR OEMCIOU8 ROME MADE PIER -Bisco-maUe” and Bi-lo automatte BlaacU in black, grMn , d . 9 8 the victors and the (deputy of bruah adjuatmenl; boU-baarlnfS. or rod. Special...... ^ What It ShouM Be Doing t h e Open Ail Day Sunday For Your Convenience ^ You Ain’t Segn Nuthln’ *111 You’ve Macaw Orotn Bnloh. aoma of the defeated in the No-' TEXTILE STORE 855 NonMB^ Line Of Toys! iLo.Unitod Nations Ceaae-Fira vember clecUon aeemed to reflect c u r t a i n s a n d d r a p e s a s p e c i a l t y Oonii^ttee, appointed to try to n trend toward isolationism and A. L. 8L0C0MB, Prop. PETEV$ CHOepUTE SH0P^ I Jolt the guaa in ribrea, haa begun McCarhtyism. Thla supposed •13 MAIN STREET — NEAR MANCHESTER SAVINGS BANK 691 MAIN STREET . MANCHE^iP YOU NAMfe J T * W E'VE G O T IT! Ite oroceM of exceeding trend happens to be welcome ■ ■ ■ . ■ M b - ‘ ■ ... i. I r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESIHR, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1960

of Barre, Vermont, Review, No, I, Lincoln School’s Lions Club Host Review Holds was a guest at last iilght’s meeting, Burned Youngster Awaits Christmas Fire Chief Merz Warning New Cub Pack About Town Depot Square ('ollren To^^nseiuJ Wwls and was enlled on for remarks. Hhe ("hristmus Party To Blind Guests jias been a memlier of the Barre W e d d i n g s On Christmas Tree Danget Mu Sigma Chi Society and the Sing Tonight Junior Parlv B. A. for inoicmoil' than thirty Gets Charter Junior Fellowship of the Second y. s Mild is at pre-ient visiting tiie A play, "The Meaning of Christ­ The Manchester Lions Club,- at Congregational church will pre­ family of her son, Hamid G. Hhan- n 11 of I" Oval Lane Kemcy-Conn and white checked suit with green mas,” was presented by Mrs its meeting Tuesday evening, That Christmas tree you arc i 5. If a radiator Is near the sent a candlelight Chiiatmas serv­ l.om l l.4Ml|{r (',om{>iii4'H I I'lipodorp !•. Fairbanks^ velvet accessories and a corsage {flayed host to nine blind {iersons planning to set up In your home tree, shut It off. ice at 6:30 Saturday evening at Koiiml Table Kiilertuin- M i.h. Itussell .yinilli. presulenl- Julia Duhring’s flfth grade for Christmas Party Com­ elecl, wiiii llii- mystery pm Iciige wiM Hahn Conn, dauchter o\ of yellow rosea. and their guests. All of the blind could be a major Arc hazard un- | 6. Do not use cotton or paper the church. The program la plan­ It With Aiiiiiial (liiriht* ,|r. lllioHPii iiH PrcRiileiit Mr. aad M n. ThomM J. Conn, of Richard E. Peck, of 60 Dudley parents and children of the Lin­ less you take a few precautions, i decorations unless they are llame- bined in Ceremony at ned for this early hour so that ei;i4 from Hi{j;li Sehool last mgid niter .vliicli cciilie lice {leraons were from the Manchester annual exc luiiigi- of Chi islmas gitfa —Till- (Mlier Offirrrt 8M Atfama aUcot, bocame the street, was best coln school yesterday afternoon. Fire Chief John Merz warns proofed. families with children will be able To Be on Prof^rain iiiaa OliNtTvaiii’r Immediately following the cere­ area. Nathan Hale School for tile achilt mcinlier.-c adlcmi'ic- . ..— * M da of Gordon Francia Keeney, Two dlaSatlsfled children, played Tests made, by Underwriters' 7. Do not place electric trains to attend. mony a reception was held at the The S{)cakcr was Miss Dorothea 1-s.boratorlcs, Inc., demonstrated around the tree. Mystic Review, No 2, Woman’s meiit lo dll' liamiiiel hnll wlieic | Patrolmah Theodors U. Fair* ■OB of Mr. and Mra. Howard B. by Wendy Smith and Peter Mc­ With the SBslstanee of the Round •Mrs. F.vtu.slu'.c. Mrs, Alice Shan- ‘ Villa loiilsa. The bride’s moth­ Simpson, from the Board of Edu­ that Christmas trees of average Before an enthusiastic gather­ Mrs. John F. McGovern banka was elected president ot tba Koaney of U * Henry street, at Guire. are taken by an angel to 8. Do not use candles. Use elec­ Table Singers from the High sehool Benefit AsscK-liitlon, combined its non, and tlieir cDniinlltee served er received In an orchid street cation of the Blind for the State. size are easily ignited and bum tric lights instead. ing of parents and children at the Providence. R. 1.. Is visiting four o’clock Saturday afternoon length dress vidth black velvet ac- Bethlehem. There they witneas family of her son John F. and Mrs. Arlyne Garrlty at a port­ anmial Chrlstma.s observance with delicious sandwiches, Clirlstniaa ' .Maneliester Police Benefit Aaao- at S t M i^ a Episcopal church. The club also heard from Mias furiously. The blaze could easily Nathan Hale school Tuesday, Dec. elation fur 1931 at the annual ceasorles and a corsage of white the bearing of gifts to the ehlld in Isabelle Hirbour, home teacher for start a dangerous Are In the 9. Make certain wires are not Govern, Jr., of Porter street, a party for the juniors last nighj : led and gicen .jelly v. illi u liippcl •Hm douWe rins ceremony was able organ, G. Albert Pearson will 1 meeting held yesterday afternoon. camellas. The bridegroom’s the manger. They return home r i>i »rr rr- Icr for llie anmial police benefit tomorrow night. Twenty-five cent fiftieth wedding anniversary oc­ com ei l In Fehrunrv. Gary Muzzulln, Nancy • Pearson, vancement, Francis Robinson; ac­ curs Friday, will be tendered an The High, school singers w ill sing renmili, "That was .Mrs .Santa » I 111* ispnvairnt of t n u iiU.i gifts will be exchanged with the Ronald Clark, Marilyn Arcand, Bolton women's gifts wrapped In white; tivities, Robert L. Tilden; publi­ informal reception ai the Coven­ several seleelions. . Clnu.s. slie liiid rings on lier i:i Thosi* uitli thr nrwR- William Kuhne, Nina McAlllatcr, city, Joseph G. Twaronite: cub ant-Congregational ehurch the fingccs " It was none other Ihnn p.ipcr l«"’!s tluiM onr \t‘iM ro * ivi'il the men's, in reecn plan- skl, Mrs. Lois McKinney. Mrs, Miss Palmer's kindergarten chil­ Nurse Rose Yanlk shows Tommy Ebbcrt. 11, a Yule greeting he got WEDNESDAY ters of Liberty, No. 125. L. O. L. 1.. (with the benedKtmn Mddied Tedlord, varicais matleis or Ni'npi' ami ils sta^f '’f I-* employ- HURRY! HURRY! ned. dren recited a poerrt, "Sorry tliil- Amelia Hennequin, Mrs. DorlS were diseiissed. Wlide Mrs Tedford eeiR hiiR mntle tins Kmwlh poHNible. 1 totals gS,093.759.00 an increase Confessions will he heard *t St. in Mercy Hos|iital, Altoona, Pa., where he und his father, William, 36, win meet at eight o’clock tonight Fire Chief .loha .Merz ts chair- dren," and a poem composed hy Snow, Mrs. Antoh Mayer and at the home of Mrs. Jo.seph John- automaltcallv beeonies past presi­ It \ynn wiUi thiB tn mliul lh.it tlm of $413,000. In the two years since Maurice (,'iiBpel on Saturday. De­ fire recovering from hums. Tlie bov will not he told until later I man tliis year for llie i vents in the class. THURSDAY Mrs. Arthur Fredericks. dent, she conaeiited to serve its mHiinKmient heail»'e 21-year-old heauty who gave up a movie career I| the third year in siieceaslon. Mrs Friends, here’s I 'hrlslinas .Mass will be said at the chapel and tbs list shows 16 places of sang "Carol, Oh Carol.” Superior (^oiirl SATURDAY 143. bers and their friends are invited listen to this holiday Up from the for religion, gets a ki.ss from her hiisliand. Ixiiils H. F.vaos, Jr., 24, a | Tedford. Mrs. Ruth Staples amO safety thought from the National on Sunday at the uaual houra of Mils Bertha Goodrich's second Manchester The evening’s meeting got un­ Miss Anns Wolfram were appoint-' Safety Conne ll: Todny's grandest lk»**®***- . - - iki. tn attend. National Safety Coum il: For a theological .student, following their marriage in Hollywood. The cere- \ JARVIS REALTY 00. The number of persons on thU 8:30 and 10 00 a m. On Christmas grade presented songs and choral JiuljSes Invited der way amid a g.ala deeoraterl Merry Christmas, avoid holi- eti sncisl roinmitlee for the month gift Is vour loinoirows So don't year’s lUt Is 669 compared to 637 morning, masses will be said at 8 speaking. Date Book T I L 9 P , M. stage In' the coming holiday spirit. A community sing will be held daynger! . . .Care and courtesy nioiiy. perforiiied by groom s father. Dr. Louis T. Kvans, was wil- - of Jamiarv. 1 let drstli take your lioliday Drive 654 CRN'ixR AT —TEL. 4119 ui 1646. The number of automo s. m.. ILa m. and 10 a. m. Parish- MIsa Ella Healey’s second grade Fach of the Dens had made very at the Verplanck school this eve­ are part of the f.’hristmas spirit. I nessed hy l.’iOO per.soiia (AP Wlrrpholol. I Mra. Ellen Shannon, a member > earefidly. bUes has ‘"creased from .569 to loners'sre reminded that Friday recited the poem, "The i'hri.stnias Five Superior Court judges handily, angels, cones, chains,, j Friday, Dccembber 93 ning at seven o’clock, sponsored 714, houses from 406 to 4,58. ^ e and Saturday, the 22nd and 23rd Tree.” have been invited to , attend the ' hells and other tree decorations by the newiy formed P. T. A. of are Ember Days Miss Alice Gorman’s second British American club annual which they carefully affixed to the boras has been steadily Manchester Bar Association meet­ kiddles Christmas party, 7 p. m. the school. Anyone interested ts ' ground and dropped from 22 m ^rade sang "TTie Friendly Beasts." large tree on the renter of the ing tonight at 7 o’clock at the j Invited to attend. | ff«$ to 17 Oils year. Most of the Ponder Airfield Pate Miss Sher's second grade re­ Sunday, Deofinber 24 stage. 17 are riding horses. On the other cited, “ 'Twas the Night Before Villa Louisa In Bolton. Attorney Christmas carol service at -Sec­ The entire pack assembled on The Come Double cliih of the ^ ond Congregational church, 6:30 Pick Your Holiday Foods hand, the number of tractors, has Hartford. Dec. 20 - The Christmas.” Harold W. Garrlty Is president of stage and gave an excellent ren­ North Methodist church w ill meet ] p. m. Men^s Increased from 53 to 64. The pow­ activation of the 118th Fighter Mra. Spencer’s third grade told the assoelntlon. dition of "Silent Night" to their Thursday evening at 7:15 at the ^ er company assessment shows an Squadron. Connecticut Air National stories about Christmas in other Expected to sttend are Supe­ Tuesday, January 6 assembled parents. Following church to go out caroling. Increase of 10 per cent. Guard, and attached units, raises lands. rior Cotirt Judge James E. Mur­ Lecture by Dr. George B. Coo­ the carol Cub Maator Anton May­ At HALE'S SELF SERVE The Community Carol Sing will a qucatlon as to the future of Mrs. Ruth Ellis’ fourth grade phy. William J. Shea. Edward J. per of Trinity College, sponsored er and assistants distributed the The office of the Manchester be held at the school tonight at Bradley Field, wartime air base in sang "The Star," a Polish carol, Quinlan. .lohn T. Culllnan and try Y. W. C. A., at Community Y eagerly awaited gifts to each Cub Water conr|)any. 346 North Main 7'SO with James W. McKay as or­ Windsor l.,end Ferry Service I of Manchester Pipe Band, Rain­ Cub pledges were made Ih cere­ Claus will also be a guest. Re- Air Guard Commander, said last many Christmas carols with the bow ballroom. monial fa.shlon In front of the In yesterdaya Herald, there was freshmenU will be served In the night that the 118th will continue audience Joining In the singing. Hartford, Dec. 20 The on- auditorium. All the new Cuba a slight error In the address of Pfc. cafeteria of the school following to train at Bradley Field after ■set of cold weather, bringing a Slate Neevhv Nurses FRUIT OF THE LpOM were highly elated in receiving Conrad Kowalski, local soldier | the carols. The entire program aetlvation "until further orders," Jumps To Dnslh danger of lee in the Connecticut their first awards, peeflless to say wounded In Korea. The correct | Four Extra Specials Hartford. Dec. 20—i/Pl-Con­ TURKEYS which Is sponsored by the local but neither he nor other officials river, makes neressnry the suspen­ Cub Master lAntoili Mayer «riadF-|.-addres8 is: Pfc. C. E. Kowalski, TURKEYS unit of the PTA. has been arrang­ / Stamford, Dec. 20—(/Ti A wom­ sion of ferry service between necticut has a shortage of nurses could answer questions about fu­ BROADCLOTHS the presentation.s. 1074312. U. 8. M. C.. Osaka Army CUDAHY S SUNLIGHT ed by the program committee of ture civilian use of the field. an who plunged to her death from Rockv Hill and South Glastonbury and the national emergency will Cub Donald Muisener sang a I Hospital A. P. O. 1007. care of OCEAN SPRAY that organization. the tenth floor of the Hotel Stat- as of’ Saturday. Highway Commis­ make the situation even tighter, fine rendition of "Adeste Fidelis". I P o s t masters. San Francisco, j -A PLU M P H EN S The Sunday School of Unltefl ler In New 'York yesterday was says Mrs. Helen M. Cullen, Execu­ • SANFORIZED HEAVY Y O U N G T0M 5 Draft "Bomb-Shelter” Plana sioner G. Albert Hill announced He was wamilv applauded for his i California, Methodist church will held Its an­ Identified by James Wood, Stam­ i Yesterday. The ferry at CTiester- tive {Secretary of the Connecticut fine effort. Next the Cub song Cranberry 14 to 16 I,bn. nual Christmas program tomor­ ford liquor .•■alesman. as his wife Hadlvme. further .south, will con­ .State Nurses As.sociation. Mrs. waa sung by the entire Pack in The Pioneer Parachute Company, i Butter row night at the church at 7 :30. Stratford, Dec. 20—(/P)—Strat Wood said that his wife, the for­ tinue tr) opi-ratc. The river at that Oillen said there are about 9500 ID Lla. U f ford residents who want to build FLANNELETE mighty fine voice. Inc., of Manchester announc^ to­ The youngeet pupils will open the mer Jean Deviller of Malhaus, point. Hill 8hI<1. remains Ice-free profe.s,Mtunal nurses jn the state, Christmas carols were then day that in lieu of the annual Sauce program with recitations, follow­ low cost bomb shelter^ In their France, whom he married ten a little longer and the new ferry with alHiiit 2100 more now needed. homes will be told how to do It sung by the entire attendance of Christmas party for employees ed by a pageant entitled "A years ago, had gone to New York there, the Selden 111. Is cqulpiied She added that Stale and local both parents and Cubs, and the that the company will present each ! Christmas Fantasy". Movies will soon. Civil Defense Director A1 to meet her mother, due to arrive to meet the ice danger. advisory hoards of nurses are be­ bert M. Plckiis announced last holiday spirit was In the air for worker w-ith his or her choice of j| close the program. Santa Oaus on the Nieuw Amsterdam. He said ing organized to plan for adequate quit* a length, of tjme. . a turkey or a basket of fruit. will visit the ^ildren In the base­ night the town building Inspector Mrs. Wood has long suffered from King Guatav V of .Sweilen sue- distribution of nurses for civilian and towTi engineer already taava iwrhh tbe evenlitr gettlngr late ment of the church following the migraine headaches and had been i-eeded to the thn'»ne Dec, 8, 1907, ne.-ds and to meet the expected reh'eahments were served to a The Mary Cheney library will I program. Refreshments will be tlip preliminary lay-out of the plana increased requirements for nurses under treatment by a physician on the death of his father, Osear mighty hungry Pack after their close Saturday afternoon at three I ONE PIE (No Toms mixed Into s s r ^ . and apecifications and demonstra­ here. n. in the armed forces. tion models will be lutit In one or first Initial meeting. Parents o’clock Instead of at the usual | ARMOURS this class) Bolton Grange will enjoy a also Joined in the refreshments. closing hour of six. i f^ulstmas party at the home of two local schools as soon as final It was very fully stressed that PUMPKIN Marwell Hutchinson In Andover approval is received. MHSfSMUMMUiuKmwwwnciicMWwacwMncwwwwnuKmwMncocwwncwsMCMWWOi^ the success of the Pack depiends r • Sixes B-C-D on the attendance of parents In Auxiliary Firemen OR • Coat or Midi Style the future meetings. With this thought In mind Cub Pack 143 Make This A j • All Sanforized brought both Its Installation and Are Needed Here SQUASH Top Quality To Suit Your Holiday Appefife — Christmas party to a very auceess- mtmmm ful closing. MKWWWWWnUlitKWWIlfWWnMIMlCMf Fire Chief James Schaub an- lb. Priced Low To Eose Your Holiday Expente VtlY lAV Jk nounced that the drive to recruit TELEVISION i auxiliary flramen for the Civilian c L 1 9 * T O Y DEPT Sterling Fined Defense program is under way. i M e n ’s p t. Applications can be secured at MIRACLE WHIP 37c We recommend that you order CHRISTMAS I In Williniantic Fire Headquarters on Spruce SPECIALS street. They can be picked up j GRANDMOTHER'S MtTN MAID SEEDLESS there or a ietter stating Interest || a half turkey for a small family* Wllllmantic. Dec. 20— Jos­ BENS0N« IS CHRISTMAS GIFT A Gift For The Whole Family | Reg. 1.98 Gift in joining will be aufficlent. Pkir. 31c eph A. Sterling, manager of the Schaub -said. Applications will be ^ MINCE M EAT RAISINS We weigh a large bird ot tfi« low odvorthod I Naslff Firearm* Store In Williman- sent out in the mall to anyone de­ HUDQUARTERS FOR tlc was fined $50 when he pleaded siring to aid in the.Civilian De- || LB. CELLO BAG price — You poy just one-hoi# fbo total price guilty to two counts of violation fense program. 1 I,b. Jrf 19c 2 Lb. Jar DOCTORS or of the laws relating to the sale Schaub ex{>cct8 to split the. i WALNUT MEAT No extra charge for proporfaig half turkcyi. Wo SMALL aECTRICAL APPLIANCiiS TIES of firearmA in City Court here to­ group Into four classes, one for ' S. A W. LARGE CALIFORNIA hove ceokisg imtrueriom handy to moiiB yoo ac­ Visit BENSON'S day. each fire house. Blackboard drills I Sterling waa charged with fall­ will be conducted first to be fol­ 1 Lb. Cello Bag PIECES 47e quainted. GOOD SELECTION OF THE BEST MAKES ing to keep a record of the tale of lowed by other, courses that can WALNUTS I NURSES KIT a .22 caliber revolver with which be taught inXhfe. Later on the a five-year-old Canterbury girl was auxiliary firemen will be taken | BBOADWAV FANCY PHILCO RCA EMERSON accidentally shat by her 13-year outdoors for other dnlls. Frozen Food Specials We are well supplied with LO­ ADMIRAL CAPEHART BENDIX old brother. ] 1 Lb. Cello Bag SNOW CROP In court today Judge N. C. ] M IXED NUTS CAL GROWN CAPON5, FRE5H FREE HOME TRIAL .44 8 7 ‘ Bortolan waa told that Sterling' 12 Oz. Install ’Phones | NONE SUCH 21c lUKtlHIIlMWIKWtinflllWIKWNtWiMnMKWtKAIWWe had no connection with the fatal PEAS , t shooting other than the sale of the I MINUTE MAID LOCAL FOWL, FRE5H DRE55E0 revolver to the children’s father, j In Elevators MINCE 9 Oz. Pkg. I BENSON'S i tmmmmtuitmmmmmmmmmmmm - BOYS' WHITE or FANCY ORANGE JUICE fio,. 22c BROILER5, FRYER5 and ROA5T- C’llRIST.MAH WRAPPED S R.\l)IO,*AmJ.\NCES, TELEVISION New Xprk—(/P)—Telephones for | KNOW CROP HLICCD Reg. 2.98 DOLL'S Today’s Standing passengers arg being installed In ^ ER5. We can get for you GEE5E or j 71.•} MAIN ST.—TEL. .35.35 DRESS all elevators of the new Sutton ; CIGARETTES Carton $1.83 In Card Tourney Terrace luxury apartment project | Po{Hilar Brands ______STRAWBERRIES 41c DUCK5 — Order early. « Store Open Until 9 P. M. Wed., Thurs., Fri. ALL METAL on New Tork’e fashionable east H Close Saturday At U»nal Time 5:30 P. M. side. I PRINCE ALBERT SHIRTS Hose Company One maintained The phones are being hooked up Its position at the top in the to the house switchboard in the I Fresh Fruit and Vegetables FRE5H HAM, FRE5H 5HOULDER5 HIGH CHAIRS Firemen’s Setback League last three structure* that comprise the i TOBACCO night. High score of 141 went to projecL (Convenience and safety ' YELLOW GLOBE and PORK LOIN ComMaatlon Mae aad pink. WUI held the Four XXXX tearn while Buck- are the pur{>oaee. 8 l’NBEA,M HPAMSII 24” doll. Sturdy conatmetiou. .79 land came up with 121, second David Tishman. one of the W b hove tlMM for yon if you plan o roost dlnoor best. Thi standings: builders, explains that a tenant Oz. TURNIPS 2 Lb. 9e Hose Company One ...... 2292 who has forgotten to call the door^ 11 OLIVES instead of poultry. Schendel OH Service ...... 2278 man to order a taxi before leairing ' I SILVER LANE SELLING OUT Hot Shots ...... 2268 an a|>artment, will be able to call || Size 6-16. Fused or Kent Larsen’s Feed & Hardware . .2239 from the elevator and have a taxi ROCK TURNIPS 2 .b. 9e Of course some will wont one of collar. Whites, solids, Hoodi Milk ...... 2232 waiting at the curb. SWEET MIXED stripes. Jacks All-stars ...... 2204 Moriartv Brothers ...... 2187 Pt. our . pre-cooked "DUBUQUE^' $3,000 WORTH OF MMKnUMMe itmKWnMMUIMMMHIHICnHKWMCWMMHKnfWWMMnCnMfWnMCncnfnCMWI Fot;r XXXX ...... 2166 PICKLES ONIONS 3 Lb. 14c Cougiilin’s Alt-stars...... 2161 Communists Mix Elcetrie Food M ix e n ...... 115.95 to $46.50 Vlttner’a Gardens ...... 2134 FRESH H AM S - FamoHt Buckland ...T...... 2123 ‘Peace’ Words JELLO Pkgs. Regular or loBolMt. Heotod hi the ovoo with Electric Coffee Makers...... $3.95 to $37.50 e’s Cans o troditloBol hoHdoy dhk.. Airtmaatic Pop-Up Toasters ...... $16.95 to $22.95 Merldgu Star A Dolly Ckminiunlsts use *‘{>eace” a s ' the PEAS Lbs. b i g g ^ most .frequent word In RED GRAPES 6 . E. Electric Cloeka, Alarm and Mantel...... $4.50 ap 30% OFF Meriden, Dec. 20—tJ’)—The' their newapapers. It la ]>art of | NO. 1 TALL CAN, HUNT’S LARGE SIZE Meriden Star, which began publi­ the Communlat campaign that | FRE5H OY5TER5 have a propor KUcIm b Clocks, G. E., Incraham, Telcchroa cation as a weekly last spring, has Russia la tha only power agalnat | FRUIT COCKTAIL Doz. entered the afternoon daily news- war. TANGERINES place in your meal planning — wa Hoorsr V a c«n i Cleaners ...... $21.95 to $34.95 INCLUDING SEVERAL DISHWASHERS But somatlmea the (Tommunista pa|>er field here. The first issue as N a 6 CAN, DiBL MONTE ITALIAN NYIONS a dally newa{ia|ier. published yes­ get their words mixed up. ’The Scales $5.95 to $7.95 hove FRE5H NORTHERN OYS- ALSO DISPLAY ITEMS FOR SALE terday. had 16 pages, and about Hungarian newa|>ai>er "Magyar j| 10,000 coplea were printed. The Nemzet" recently rei»orted: | PINEAPPLE JUICE CHESTNUTS Owasr BeiiiB Cdtod Bock hite The Air Fere* > 51-30 SERVICE SHEER 1.39 Star began, publication during a "Our comimseni are writing. TER5, FRE5H 5TEAMER5, LITTLE- ■trike by Local 14, International noble, warlike peace songs for OBOSSB * BLACKWELL’S MoIMTOBH er BADLWIN Tmm At Ira At $tN WMkl|l ^^{Mgraphlcal Union (AFL), our peace congress.” 4-- 5f-15 EXTRA SHEER 1.39 NECK5 and QUOHOG5 for your taMl DepeeH W ll M i Any Article Untfl Ckrhtmaa STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. WED. THURS., FRIDAY ■galnat the Meriden Record Com- Old English Puddings Lbfl. 23c panv, piibllahers of the only dally Anstnila and Whale Steaks APPLES fast‘days. Our 5eofood Dopt. is 51-15 EXTRA SHEEk Dork Seam1-39 ncw8|>aperti then In the city, the -ftemooni Journal and the mom- Sydney—(jPi— Whale meat may Plum. Fig ^or Dote Can 47c ■ •17 Recotd. The Strike la $t‘" •" eventually be 'provided for Aua- freshly stocked. . '*! MANCHESTER HOME MODERNIZERS tralians. It has been pointed out 60-15 LUXURY SHEER - 1.59 ONc with the eanfldene* irograaa. Btoekholdara In the com- BENSON'S ■>any publishing the Star Include that much of the whale now DBOB4EOABY e t Frilt e< the I#eom KITCHEN SPEaAUSTS about W fonnar axunpealag room caught In the Antarctic la wasted. Green SUBipe Ghwi W ith Cm * S iliB BADIO — TELEVISION — APPLIANCES •■ahty. All new elwdee. Members of Uie AustraUan parUa- 60-15 SILH OUrin h e e l 1.S9 elaes, Im g thii.. amployaa'of the Record. a$d the PITTED DATES Pkf. 23c 71$ MAIN STREET — TELEPHONE 35S5 41 OAK STREET TELEPHONE 24)274 Unot)rpo geroiMiny. a buslneas cor- ment recently sat down, to a meal ■ fioraU^ ‘ownad by the .-Interna­ of whale steak. Their reaction tional Tyopgraiihtcal Union. haa not been recorded. K.' ■-IV IW

i/4 . I) 1 \ MANCHESTER EVENINCI HERALD, MANCHESIRR. CONN., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1980 PAGE THIRTEEM y j s -r IIANCHBSTCT EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER SO. WSp VW IK fli 1W BLV* Ala^ Richards Tebbetts Could Mean Flag Ask Pjay Curb Oppose Speedy Obituary •.‘'I y fa r !§lrikes News Tidbits Ti^ake Stand To Indians in ^51 Season Allow Hike If Called Froi# (fl^.WIre* Shift of More Young Couple Death* Id His Defense Naw York— (NKA) — For,^ That, by the way, waa as close U. 8. ahlpmenta to western Troops Abroad three years the Red 8 ok have j the Indians came until they Ihf H G L Rises Euorpo under Mutual JJefeM e Ae- found a way to lose the American bounced down In front eight years 'V a S c I' Mrs. PrlsoUlw L aC h u e* (CoatlaMd frMB Om ) iTV Wife, 20, !• Told,of sisttnee program amoimted to (Conttaoed from Pago Oao) Lea|^le pennant. later. They were beaten on the ^ Mrs. PriscilU LaChance. 00, Everybody who saw twb games last day of the season. Had the Hasbuid^e Death in (Ooattnaed ffon raga One) $44306,000 la October.... Selection 65 Great HIU road. East lU found the letters in her home prior of Fcderad Jury begins in trial of withoutthQUt atI lia it Having the ap- knows that last season pitching , apple-headed cry-babies not di­ ford, formerly of ManchesUr/died to their marriage. She aald he waa left the Boston Americans short, vlded their fire between the other Battling for Korea House Democratic trad er Mc­ Wlllbun W. Bemiagtoa, former provaloval of leaders of Congress. yesterday in the Hartford^ospi- governiD^^nt economist charged "not happy about them.” Bo George Robert TehbetU side and the manager they would Cormack today auggeeted a gen­ Rep. Crawford (R.. Mich.) told tol. She was bom In \S^t Rut­ "Did he tell you he waa of a eral manufacturers’ excise tsx as with falsely denying that he ever the House yesterday he hopes land. Vt., the daughter at the late waim’t telling anybody anything have walked in. p l e a s e s h o p Itocity Hin, Dec- 20— had been a Communist . . . City of mind to kUl Richards?” defense new when he spoke at hi* bach­ Even at 35, TebbetU is a pret­ #ull iBiDftCt oi' wh*t til* JCorwn a meana of gathering Elsenhower won’t "become the Joseph and Emma (L^nard) L«- counsel Herbert F. Callahan ask­ ty good catcher to be tossed Birmingham, Ala., cannot prevent goat on the European continent. Francois and for 23/^^enrs was a elor's dinner shortly after the StO Rtt CIO SI war bimIm to individual bUUont to put the defense effort on ed around on the market. Oddly famillM itruck thl« community tor Negroes from occuping homes He aaid appointment of’ a Euro­ resident of this town. ’The past World Series. a pay-*s-yu^>'Ko baMs. bought in “aU white” Beemns, Kru) Showed Wouada It couldn’t have been what enough, he goes to a club well TtS l s a t u r p a y - This was his answer to ne^- pean as Commander in Chief three years she /had resided in equipp^ behind the plate—with itr i. Matthew Caruso received a rules U. 3. Fifth Circuit CouH of might have spurred efforts of the Ensl Hartford. "No. he did not,” ehe replied. Birdie Tebbetts said, so it must men's ouestions .on how Congress Appeals In New Orleans . . . Rep­ "Did he tell you he was going have been the way he said It that Jim Hogan. from U, S. Marine Hea^- ra?se 16 000 000,000 Western European countries to She leaves two daughters, Mrs. the $ , , to resentatives of Western Hemis­ to turn them over to Richards' led to the sudden sale of the All- It could be that Manager O’Neill CIOS® AU- $20,000,000,000 needed to balance “tend to their own back yard." Adler LeVoie, of East Hartford In- i.of the Back Bay Millionaires, an u •• 3 : 0 0 > a._. K.eemKei*irt Sgt* Mat- phere Republics vote in Washing­ and Mrs. George MUliot, of Hart­ w ife?” Star Game catcher to the death of her hustand, out the defense budget. ton to hold conference of their for­ Mr. Truman viewed the North old catcher, doesn’t like Tebbetts Atlantic Treaty nations' request ford', flVft 'sons, Arthur LaChance "No. he did not.” dlans. Manufacturers excise taxes al­ eign ministers there about two Steve O’Neill and young Mau­ handling of pitchers. for Elsenhower to head the com­ of this btfwn and Paul of Manches- Preceding hla wife on the stand, Anyway, it was the same tb ftT u e d her youthful 20 yearn. ready are in effect on some prod- months hence to coordinate efforts mard, of East Hartford, Krul bared himself to the waist to rice licDerm ott were present but to meet U.reat of IntemaUoaal bined defense force as a pledge Tebbetts, one of the more articu­ O'Neill, then piloting the Tigers, Mrs. Caruso, who lives at 21 ucU, including refrigeratory of their "complete and unequivocal Joseph of Canton and Clarence show the Jury his wounds. He had radios, television scU, tobacco and Oommaalsin. late ballplayers, believed he was who swapped 'Tebbetts to the Red Washington street, here, lo l* !^ ** support." wlUl the U. 8. Armed Forces in two wounds in the stomach, two in Sox for Hal Wagner, a mediocre morning of the future her husband whiskey. They are paid Jy the Outbound Christmas maUs sets I^Sea. The last named wa* flown the left forearm and one in the speaking off the record. manufacturer and usually added to new city record in New Yorit^ . . He also told Elsenhower, In a “You can blame it on the mo- performer, in May. *1947, bad planned for t h e ^ o of t h ^ letter made public last night, that heme from the battlefront In Ko­ right shoulder. With that, the Tigers dropped the price of the product. Mechanics are reported taRlpg roniq malcontents and juvenile tbclr son. I>anW Tl»o«“ : ^ "Our country Is wholehearted^ rea through the efforts of the Krul told -he court that Rich­ from second to fifth and O’Neill FANCY PLUMP NORTHERN In Dec., six days after his father "During this grave emerpney, strike vote against big Associated American Red Cross so he could delinquents," asserted the veteran. behind you" and that "you car/y ards, after demanding the letters "Some of our pitchers are chil­ went out like Happy Chandler. was killed. with the national debt •'"".'Jy Transport, Inr., trucking firm, al- visit with his mother before she up to Ibt to lbs B* aid *v*r though top union official in New with you the prayers of all free­ near the Babson Institute, fired dren psychologically." The Red Sox were tickled to 18 18 22 22 Wed This Year where it la," McCormack said, it paHsed away. death with Tebbetts until O’Neill set. is vital that we meet the expenses York denies knowledge of such ac­ dom-loving peoples.” ^ She also leaves four alsterB, five shot* in rapid succession. Those who know the Bosox best and Mrs. Caruso w f^ mar­ took over. ried early this year. Until Matt of the emergency as they arise. tion . . . rreal—Jewish day and also to give the military During the 1948 season. Stan can pitch. LB S i ! ? ' tee, and Wherry of Nebraska, the iKilh of Manchester; two daugh­ World Series. | LB War Veterans of Connecticut have forces the green light to get start­ West Proffers party floor leader, led a faction Muslal collected five hits In a game The California showed definite Fresh Fowl ed on $1,600,000,000 In top priority ters, Mrs. John Bonino of Man­ Most of the Yankee left-hand­ Chuck Roast flNi ‘ ••Olf condemned the People's P p ty ’s which declared there will tie no chester and Mrs. Lawrence Santa- four times to tie Ty Cobb’s major signs of developing it last year. C l M i n w d all w a ste removed li S 9 < public works. er’s dates were In New England, "Connecticut Peace Caravan Olive Branch unity on foreign policy so long a.s more of Hartford; one brother, league record. where he had a lot of fun. In one i-athcr early streak, he an unpatriotic organization. These are two additional steps Ache.son remains at the head of Stephen Gatll; one sister. Mrs. was real tough. t o In a resolution passed by the in the nation’s gigantic speeded-up Cy Young hurled 23 consecutive Lopat ended his sessions with the State DeparUnml. • Rose Barba, and three grandchil­ a questlon-and-an*wer period, The , who early in 1948 Canned Ham Cbuncil of Administration of the mobilization program. dren. hlUesB Innings In 1904. shipped Wight to the Chlcgao 0 ^ 0 y * Veterans Organization this week To Russians couldn’t keep track of the num­ Fresh Capons ^ 65 The Civil Defense Bill Sets up She was a member of the Al- ber of queries about the Boston , club with Pitcher Fred Bradley In Meriden, they have called the a Federal Administration as boss Nine times Robert (Lefty) and Catcher Aaron Robinson in New Shooting ^ pina Society. Americans put to him. C l M i i i w d all w a ste removed l i 7 9 c •'caravan" productive of disunity of a proposed $3,100,000,000 civil (liontlnned from Page One) The funeral will be held Satur­ Grove led the American League exchange for Lopat. gladly would Sausage Meat In the midst of our present na­ defense preparedness program to day morning at 8:30 at the W. P. In the earned run averages. Lopat put across a second strike have welcomed him back. tional emergency. , , be financed over a three-year per­ who. with Britain and France, ’Rocks Philly Qu'ish Funeral Home. 225 Main on his audience* at the outset. ‘Now don’t ask me what’s Wight was the talk of the New “It Is the policy of the Jewish iod by federal, state and local gov­ form the West European Union. street, and with a solemn requiem Ferris Fain of the Athletics par­ -T 7 5 e War Veterans of the United .«------ticipated In 194 double plays In wrong with the Red Sox,' he d York camps in Panama and St. Standard Oytters ernments. The Senate, whicb also These five foreign ministers at mass at 9 at St. James 8 church. Petersburg four years ago. He Fancy Ducks “ “>39< States to support with all the has a civil defense bill pending, is their meeting today arc expected (Continued from Page One) Burial will be in the family plot 1949 for a major league mark. admonish. “If I knew, I wouldn 't have to pitch for the Yankees. Id first attracted attention through C l w a n e d all w a ste removed l i 5 3 c u 7 9 c meana at iU disposal the action of waiting to see what action the to commit their defense units to in East cemetery. BOB TNI STUPPIN6I Green Shrimp the United Nations in Korea," the wounded In recent wcelis by a Ed Reulbnch, pitching for the have a big front-office lob.” his remarkable move to first bast House takes. , the International force which the The funeral home will be open No baserunner takes any kind < resolution reads. Signed by Sidney maniac sniper apparently with- cubs In ,1908. shut out Brooklyn Well, the Bosox, who have man­ C arol ProJaeU 12-natlon Atlantic Council an- for the convenience of friends a lead on him. Goldberg, department commander, n L L e d V e s te n lL 'w o S ^ b e fcrnn-lout motive at people whom he from seven o’clock tomorrow eve­ In both ends of a double-header aged to find a way to lose at the It terms the peace actions as od in Western Europe under Gen. may not even have know . on Sept. 26. last minute three falls in a Wight IS fast and has an cxtri ning until the hour of the funeral. ordinary curve, but no curve i TURKEY “diametrically opposed to the pol­ Block Reil Try I>wicht D. Elsenhower's com- Lavery was shot in the back, finally seem to have come up with icies and purposes of the Jewish mand. the slug passing through his chest The 50 points Notre Dame ran what they needed. of much account when the ma ' TuHny Briud] Brown 'N Serve 1 Oarol Emlgh throwing it doesn’t gqt a piece • »AN CARa RUIN War Veterans of the United To Erase Toehold T>1*nned at tl» iwo-day 1 and emerging near his heart. Po- Carol Emlgh, 7 year old daugh­ up against Tulane last season 1* Without sacrificing anything States.” ter of Wilbert J. and Beatrice the highest total ever registered necessary to a successful opera­ the plate. BREAD m retin^of foreign and defense lice who 32‘‘ cU bre Wight has gradually correcte ministers of the Atlantic Treaty it appeared to of ^32 calibre Chapman Emlgh of 254 Henry by an Irish team under Frank tion. Joe Cronin landed a strong eceopR 2 1 c (CooHnaMl from Psffo Ono) SPECIAL FORMULA 1-lB slL e rs, the force would include and cqiil.l have been ^ street, died at her home this morn­ Leahy. right-hand pitcher In Rae Scar­ this fault. In addition to cash, of which PERFECT FOR STUFFING LOAVES See Quick House G^man unlU in the land, sea and from a pistol or rifle. ^ r lle ing. borough and the potential gem of French Breod PKeOFl 2 1 c ChuRChon. Chunchon is 45 miles air arms The Council's target is a hospital source had reported Lav- Besides her parents, she leaves Max Zaslofsky of the New York the five-ply transaction with the they have plenty, the Back Bay northeast of Seoul and 10 miles Knickerbockers of the National lOOOOob’-man force by the end of ery had been struck by * one brother. Richard (Chapman White Sox In the left-handed Bill Millionaires gave up only Al Za- Okay of Grant so^h of 38. 19M '(Tdofend a Une from the 1 slug. Mrs. Cohen was killed and K.mlgh and her maternal and pa­ Basketball Association has been Wight. rilla. a 31-year-old outfielder who TO named to the league all-star team XDAN CAROL - BUTTER EGG & HONEY •a t An Eighth Army spokesman said Arctic to the Mediterranean. at least two other persons wound­ ternal grandfathers, Robert A Most of the talk is about the loan hit blit isn't exactly polished there had been a two day lull in ed by .22 calibre bullets. (Chapman of Glastonbury and E il each for the four seasons he has 33-year-old Scarborough, and this | in the outfield; Joe Dob.son, a 34- IjffjpLg BREAD (Continued From Page One) See “Monty” as Ike’s Alile POUND LOAF I ^ 4 LB SUCED 7 that sector and all enemy troops Attended Band Meeting gene D. Emigh of Montgomery, played. grand competitor should be of no year-old in-and-out right-hander, B R EA D M B e V T there had been Identified as North Assignment of the forces of the and an untried left-hand pitcher ENRICHED it would give the Preside^ su­ Lavery and two companions. Alabama. little help. He’s with an outfit 6 18^ i t 2 £ S L . 2 7 « Koreans. West European union to the new She was a student at the Bow­ Army end Ed Weaver, also a who has some di.stance to come, thority to: / Durning and Roger Re- baseball player, was Iwrn wltWn capable of winning for the first UP 1. Consolidate, rearotnge pr Fifteen miles cast of Kaesong, iniernauonaiInternational command would , Jam es J^ hpndnunr- ers school. time In his American League ca­ Dick-Littlefield. j j mean absorbing the Fontainebleau gan, had j _ string Lnd 1 Funeral arrangemeni*.arrangements. In m charge 40 miles of the West Point Mill Like the great majority of abolish government officM to make west of Chunchon, another South headquarters of British Field Mar- tors of the D rnlng String Bana be reer. tary Academy, But In the opinion of many »o\ithpaws. Wight 1* comipg to Way for the new mobl^ation agen­ Korean force stopped and turned shal Lord Montgomery, who heads one t^e " ‘usjcM *«Uons hand a bit late, and Is about due 1 VM cies, and to re s h u ^ powers and hack 200 North Koreans tr>Ung to 1 Army football teams were bat­ schooled observers, the 29-ycar- the joint command set-up of Ihe which laarches MCh y^ old William Robert Wight 1* the to arrive In 1951. e n d IB personnel. / cross the Impln river A two-hour five powers. Montgomery, how- j ThtrnlL Is 1 Mr*. Sarah 5III*opp ting .700 before the 19.50 campaign If Bill Wight does, and Rae FINAST FANCY EASTERN See Treuw h» Senate fire fight raged there. more constructive part of the Gold Sox’ package. Scarborough pitches ta form, the C H iH * 2. Modify, rtvlte and alter de­ General Mac Arthur's late Wed- E?senLw or a V iL* pLneroff^ 1 “ eXnTof7h7 Band A.-soclation. I . nTwi La\’’*in*lnd utd ” "30 “s^ ce the Red Sox may find it exceedingly 46 OZ TIN fense produetlon contracts to keep ne.sday war summary said Eighth If this six-foot one-and-a-half Tomato Juice COLORED, WHtn OR PIMENTO probably will be another deputy. The three men ‘"L r e r from relatives In Portadown, Ire- Academy begun playing footbaU In Inch. 190 pounder ever acquires ' difficult to find a way to lose. defense sp^pllcs moving. Army units li the Hwachon sector The Atlantic Council’s historic ward Diirnlng’s car shortly after | from ^latlves s„r«h 11890. DROAAEOARY CITRON The Hbuse was expected to give held all Its positions Tuesday In a acod bo- 1 a. m. when Lavei? Sliced Cheese prompt approval to these emerg­ scries of skirmishes. Hwachon Is fore West German CTiMcellor McCann they did 1 death occurred early in November Y Mixed Fruit FIRST NATIONAL - ALL PURPOM i'll ency' grants of power— borrowed about 20 miles north of Chunchon Konrad Adenauer. He and Tnoat and [''K * . ^ shot,^ nor at her home. Mrs. Milsopp had te to the World War II Law which and is north of 38. other German leaders have vnirpfl voiced not see8CC WUO ------lirctl _ • ______. FINAST FLAKY from what direction. They said many acquaintances in Manchester fxngreas repealed in 1947. Korm Reds Reorganize determination not to arm the and Mr. McCullough would like to Y’ Cheese Food But signs of trouble showed up The General Headquarters sum­ Germans unless they get complete they recalled hearing * ping” before Lavery stumbled convey the news of her death to Pie Crust MIRABEL PURE In the Senate. mary said enemy units west of equ«ity with the Atlantic pow­ these friends through The Herald. // ^arin Credit ^ruilA an Senator Taft (R-Ohlo) said yes­ Hwachon were diiiperaed with ers. and fell. HEALTHFUL NUTRITIOUS terday he thought the President STRAWBERRY L| |AR small arms and artillery fire. An The iz12 pact nauon*nation* were re-re- 1 **°''T* Al^Pmade a^ In" Preserve 39< already has enough power to do other enemy unit In an area east uic V3VIIU0M4O ---- the mobilization Job. ported ready to give ^Irch. buFsald later they A G R E A T 'n m Evangeline Milk ( MIRAia PURI But Senate Democratic Leader of Hunachon was partly destroyed representation on j tensW^^^^^ Funerals Lucas of Illihols. Introducing a by United Nations troops. staff, but not to allow them to cre­ FINAST • FOR THE PIE RASPBERRY MacArthur’s communique said ate a foreign ministry, or defense Preserve LB JAR companion War Powers Bill in the Miss Annie I . Oarvej SWEET POTATOES --e- 3»23 Senate, called Ita passage "abso­ reports from prisoners showed ministry of their own—at least Funeral servlcea for M.ss Annie PINAST IMOOTHY that North Korean divisions, al­ This Syhfonta " Sw »ot IT " *iH*i y *« ! 2L Mince Meat lutely necessary.” not for'the moment. ‘Alnnini’ Rehiiilcl L. Garvey, of 17 Locust atreet, FLORIDA • PULI OF JUICE MeINTOSH NATIVE Lucas OpUmistio though badly hurt after the mid- who died at her home 8unday FANCY ■ MAINE PACK With Congress preparing to September Inchon landing, had SKF Industries! morning, were held this morning managed to keep some cohesion 4 us 2 5 . Butter Icnock off Christmas by Thurs­ Rritaiii Reaching at 8:30 from the John B. Burke O ran ges I LB BAG 55< A pples ^ dtos#* MEDHJM day, Lucas said he hoped nonethe­ and some of them had reassembled , .1. I Funeral Home and at nine a t 8t. Finest Pumpkin near Hwachon. less to get tltt- measure through Philadelphia—(fl5—A leading in- church. Rev. Edgar Far- FINAST FANCY a O R ID A • «4's-70's EATMORE - LAn VARIHIES the Senate this week. "It Is evident from the Indlca War Controls dustrial firm (SKF Industries, rcn vvas the celebrant at the OU* dealer invites you to $ free tions of North Korean corps or­ Ripe Olives '’^ e Senate Expenditures Com­ Inc.)T— \ isI. finding fitwHnir Its niesfiles of former solemn requlenl mass. Rev. George^ C MAINE • CREAM STYU mittee scheduled a public hearing ganization,” said the communique, Y demofuttatipn of this super-power Fruit Cocktail PKGS that a very targe buildup of Ko­ London, Dec. 20— (JP)—Britain Grapefruit 5'°>29 Cranberries 2 2 9 on the measure today. employees a gold ib*"* , v I Jam es Hannon the sub-deacon. | TV beauty! Call him now! See for your­ FANCY LUSCIOUS TENDER Meanwhile the Senate-House rean Communist armed forces has may soon slap on war-time labor Ing skilled workers to fill Jobs Edward McGurkin, M. M.. PASCAL OR WHITE ' and price controls and boost her D’ANJOU 9 Finast Corn Elconomic Mobilization Committee been and Is In process. A potential created by mounting defense re- gupervlsor of MaryknoU College, self why you should settle for nothing called a closed meeting to ques­ of at least 15 divisions, possibly 1 defense program. Informed sources qulrements. Recently the company, ossinlng. N. Y„ was seated In the Yor Garden Peas VANHIA . CHOeeXAH • BUniRSCOTCH tion Secretary of Commerce Saw­ considerably more, is planned, a.s said tonight. needing trained automatic screw ganctuary. Mra. Jane Maccarone less than Sylvania’s “ Movie-Qear pic­ Celery ^ DOmU ICH 33 evidenced by the existence of at FANCY MEDIUM SIZE Pears 3 39* yer about production controls. Al­ These sources predicted the ques­ machine operators, machinists and pregtded at the organ and waa the Puddings DAINTY DOT 3 19. so slated to testify were W.' Stuart least five, and possibly more. tion of a bigger anna program will Inspectors, partially filled Its de- gdoist. Burial was in St. Bridget’s tures PLUS "Studio-aear”* sound! EMPEROR CALIFORNIA •WHITE BCNLERS North Korean corps organizations, be considered by the cabinet early Symington, chairman of the Na- mends by contacting former work- cemetery, where Rev. McGurkin, Pictures show whitet whites, blacker Richmond Peas • tional Security Resources Board a headquarters tinit indicative of in the new year and that if defense assisted by Rev. Hannon, read the 1 aORIDA planning for sizeable formations." era In these lines. Among those who and William Henry Harrison, D1 spending Is Increased, the new returned to their old Jobs were .g committal service. blacks, sharper contrast and finer detaU HALVES OR SLICED Grapes 2-29< O nions 2 us 25. Orange Juice rector of the National Production load on the national economy candy store owner and a tenant Bearers were Philip Shaw, John Authority. would make necessary: farmer. Wilcox, Joseph McCann, Thomaa I . . . sound is unmatched for briUiance. Finast Peaches BUniRNUT CANADA - NO. 1 MEDIUM Finast Beets 1. Direction of labor, such aa Humphrey, ^ r t Mosley and John | Yugoslav Money Now the firm la building a man­ D on’t wait! See and hear for yourself. Britain had In World war H. power pool for future needs by Bracken. Y a io w Public Records Now in Honey 2. Widespread control of prices polling Its "alumni” to determine Squash 5 Turnips and supplies. how many are Interested In re­ SYIVAMA IT" Mahegany Table Medel Ito. F120M 3. Requlsltlo.ilng of factories employment In the event of a Indian Follows ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT IT— Wanmntec Deed* Belgrade— (A5—There’a ihoney and buildings. severe labor shortage. Yes, it’s a "sweet” seventeen . . . a great seventeen . . . Mancheatei Homes Corporation In honey these day*. And Yugo­ Layer Rgs CALIFORNIA 1LB PKG 59. to Ernest and Yvette Matusz, prop­ slavia Is capitalizing on It for Its Limited Diet! YOINI TOP BUY IS your b « t value in a TV receiver— way you look at (^uafilu Jrosletl % oM erty on 'White street. export trade. High up In moun­ It! Thrill to "M ovie-aear” pictures, 139 square inches 7H OZ PKG tainous Slovenia, near the tower­ Lord in Trouble Telephone Aids Finast Dates 23. Ki Philip O. ^blane ct al to Earle New Delhi -(4 5 — Oon*T««* Presi­ SYLVANIA HttVISIOM large. "Mellow-Tone” screen for restful enjoyment. PACKED IN SUGAR F. Caton et al, property on Fulton ing peaks of TrigUv, Yugoslavia dent Purushottamda* Tendon’s ad­ Hear thrilling "Studio-aear” sound over Sylvtnfi’s road. developed—even before World With Own Law Fire Department higher-fidelity FM circuits and tone-matched speaker. Walnuts 43 Quitelniin Dc«d War II—« bee famed for It* pro­ dress on diet to a recent nature I ii.pko . Strawberries 59< duction. Exclusive "piaure-fnuning" gives wide-angle view- Grace E. Emerson to Carl L. Tell City. Ind.—(45—A volun­ cure conference here left many 1 U B PKG Emerson, property dn Deepwood Before the war, moat of the out­ London The aad atory of I 47 VOR GARDEN 1 Lord Woolton's sugar moved teer fire department was organ­ wondering what was left for him 1 ing for all the family. Simplified operation with only Mixed Nuts drive. put was kept at home. Now the tiees themaelves are being sold peers of BrlUln to laughter. Lord ized for the hamlet of St. Mark’s, to eat. Tandon advised against two front controls. Built-in tunable antenna. Pro­ 10 miles north of here, by the IMPORTED Gets Welle Tray abroad to aweeten up Yugoala- Woolton, minister of food In Win­ salt, milk, honey, sugar, butter and j A l lets purchased before clM- vision for phonograph attachment. Choice of Ma- 2u'^33. vla’B belt-tightening budget. The ston Churchill’s wartime coalition Rev. Eugene Weideman, Catholic Chestmits Peas priest. Farmers In Anderson town- j meat, among other thinga. hogany (7120M), Walnut (7120W). Blonde (7120B) Toronto—« V " A tray fashioned bee-boys—those who tend the cabinet and Conservative party hives and collect the honey with leader, tq lk the House of lx>rda ship chipped In and bought a $10,- Boiled potatoes and fruit foiml ie« time Saturday w * be iesteled ab in et woods, with richly finished front panels. t n m aUverplato Uiat once belong­ scarcely a sting—have formed a some of th ? government's control 000 fire truck. 18 of the younger tha main part of his diet. Break-1 ed to UeJ, Usd. James WoUe, who cooperative with aome 7,500 mem­ powers should be clipped. men volunteered aa firemen, and fast la a handful of wheat soaked iu Iboe for CbrM poi. CIGARETTES gestured from the French bers. As an example of what be ob­ the department waa ready to go. In w ater overnight and a UtUel to 17M, tow bean presented to the The first call came after the house ALL POPULAR BRANDS jected to. the Tory peer dted the fruit. Oasaslonally, a few almond* I CTN O f to PKGS ' ~ ' Gi^sxlo Museum. It was Onam 8*pa *• BHg case of aome sugar sent him from bad burned down. and "tulsl” leaves ground Into a RADIO I. HOLIDAY WRAPPED 1.83 to 1*80 by Gen. Long Beach, CalU.—(«>)— "This abroad and comfiscated by cua- "Wasn’t much we could do,” said thick paste form an additional! AND f t i ne0iew'7 ftoo bad Inherited la the Btort of our Joint bank ac­ toma agents under a rule forbid­ the priest. But be then tackled the talaphona and wound up by organ- course. the gm ieftf• silver. Sines count,” the bridegroom told tha ding the import of mors than flva His t'sro other meals eom iat M l MALONEY’S TELEVISION 1 the p W ^ w«ra In heed of teller. The dark took one look, pounds of any one kind of food as IMng tbs St. Mark’s Telephone Co., a co-operative with OS subscribers. boiled vegetaMea, potatoes r ' otheto wara hot la use rm afraid It’s a l>oor start,” be gifts. ginger, and a piece ef pancake. TBLCPHONE 2-1044 deddad The regulation waa made in The elren on the flrehouee wa* . - ...___ . aald. “You sea this Iw the stub you hooked up to one of the dial num- Half-boile^ rice I them all xMltod aad made kMp, hot the check." The blushing 1941 to save ahipplng apaeo dur' 440 iv e NING TIL » P. M. 'TIL CHRISTMAS against bers. so anybody In the township the pancake. No salt, pspp*r or rat cculd dial the number »nii itart the 1 t* v .n t i\ in the preparation of mB| •iren wailins. 1 meals. He drii)ha wat^r only. r ■ . ft ih . !•>, "«filL*-jA|-.-' f laorfim

• v

"It ■' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1960 PAO l jlAl^fOUETEEN might add $80,000 to current ap­ propriations, and If thia la recom­ rumors that some of his players performed with, the Harlem Globe Orford Soap Lower Annapolis Gillom Credited Trotters iM t season, now Is work­ Crockett Heads Local Couple'‘a Fiftieth Anniversary Rent Control mended a public hearing on tha B oM cM iU iii had aald they would not play for College Grid Attendance, High Quintet ■ aubject would be called. Report him. another aeaaon, said In his ing tor UhQle Sam. Hs gets In a Large Tourist Hotel win be given at the next Board formal statement: Entrj' Standards With Key Piny littts playing and coaching bo- Not Acted On . ListsBonu^^l tween drills at Camp OisUr, Exchange Club meeting. Retired employee now Quits Lions "It has been said and printed O ff Slightly Last Season A t W indham are suffering from Inadequate that some of my players did not Mtrh....Bm d Rowland of McMur- Planned for This Area payment in view of living coets. like or respect me. I want you Annapolis, Dec. 20—($1 — The New York, Dec. 20 UP)- Hor­ ry f'ollcge has Jnat been 'named Directors Believe Fed- it was reported. Home adjustment 125 Employees to football fans to know that while Naval Academy Is lowering lU en­ ace Glllom ie given credit for themost valuable football player In New York, Dqe. 20— (4ft—College «rtorme, hurt the gate In the Mid- the Texea (jonference for the third L o c «1 r to Seek RewMifa I ■ Re-Elpcto»l President of on this account alao will be Veteran Detroit N. F. L. coaching the Uons I was not con­ moet seneatlonal play of laat Sun eral CoAlrol Is Siiffi- Rememltereds as Usual j trance requizkmento — and Navy football attendance held up aur- | west and Rait, but most achools time In tour yeare. 'The guy who sought. ducting a popuiarity contest. i; day's Browns-GUmta pro footlMlI For Double Sediack Coach in Surprise prlrtngly well tn 1950, dropping | wera inclined to blame television Idtral Organization There might have been others football officials are happy. heat him out In 1948 was Vitamin KockTiiie Man to Begin Federal Jury cieut at Present Here General Manager George H. At This Time o ff only $.5 per cent a game from ' competition. I plai-off— a 56 yard punt on the T. Smith, now with the Los An­ His Aides Chosew I Waddell, ln< a preliminary report Move; Player Trouble who were doing that. But not No longer will a Plebe have to be Suffered Loot Year well grounded In plane trigo­ the all-Uma high of laat year ac- ; In the Southwest live telscaata: nm after scooping up a bad geles Ram s.. .Kansas U. haskst- Gonstmetion Shortly j . . on the possible Introduction of a Jay Rand, vlce-presldrtt and I me.” The Board of Directors last McMlllin added. “ I thought we nometry and elementary physics be­ cording to an Associated Press sur- sre permitted only when a game is pass from eenler...A bailers (Tlyde I*ovellettc and Jerry T. J. Crockett, local real estate permanent town health depart­ Detroit, Dec. 20.- The De­ vey. Big“ league baseball was off an assured sellout In advance. Many . Waugh Pompeled on the "Break windifam High vt YYUItaiaatH On a 30 Unit Build- l ll d i e lS ‘ l> r e lim night decided against making a lo­ ment here, said he waa not optim­ general superintendent of the Or-1 had a fighting team out there this fore he enters the academy. In- others have hit the man and member of the Board of troit Uons were tn the market for ■tead. he will study the two aub- 14 per cent. of the MIdw’est schools, with the | f*f the Bank” program (NBC radio winner over Dart HartfOctl n g k cal expression on the optional con­ istic about the likelihood that the ford Soap Company, announced to-1 a new head coach and general sea.'on with fellows like Doak headline! hy performing that run iug in_Taicottviiie ^<-Kiekh'ai*k” Walker, Leon H aii and Thurman jects In his first year at Annapolle. The East and Far Weat where exception of Notre Dame, did not version) during their recent visit laat Monday night, will play hoirt Directors, was re-elected president tinuance of rent control. A t a pub­ town could secure a proper health day that Christmaa bonus pa.v-l manager today after the veteran televise. I ntng punt feat thle sea.son. .. Hut here. Tliey were stopped by a MeGraw playing on It. ThC fans The move, which goes Into effect television takes its deepest bite to Manchester High tonight to tha of the Exchange civil? at a meeting lic hearing held on the topic the officer at this time. The study menta have been made to approxl-| Alvin "Bo" hTcMlllin resigned tho| suffered severe setbacks but a Mlehigan, aa usual, led the na­ one guy, Harry Beck of San Jose bntehall question. Adolph Rupp A lu x e new touriet hotel end held yesterday at the Manchester will be continued. thought so too, for they came to next fall, brings Annapolis entrance Thread City, setting up of a local resolution dual post in a surprise move yes­ requirements In line with thoee of sharp increase in the Southwest tion In attendance with 501,522 , elate, apparently made It a part must have rung that one In. emotor court project for this area (tsintlnucd tr.nn Page One) Country Club. Re-elected vice mately 125 employeea terday. our games in good numbers and of hie repertoire. . .A former Coach Will Clarka'a Indiana will the team made money for the West Point. held up the over-all average. The for six games at Its 97,000-aeat i Ilnia All, Rrothers announced thl* momlnx as president was Edward W. Kra- for indefinite continuance of con­ Members of the tiilllard atreetl The 55-year-old McMlllin, who riigby playeri Beck pulled the be out after {hair third win ta flra wn firstUime In several years. I don’t An athletic department apokes- Midwest Wes up ellghtly and the stadium. But the Wolverines Twelve of the 45 Oklahoma U. subscription, or contrib\itlon for trols was Introduced, but In the firm employed lees than five yearsl headed Detroit’s National Foot­ trick at least a dozen ttmee and rtarta. It will be a n«m-ltagwa Jodeph U Bury of IM Wert MVln senlcs. Peiping Silent man said "This Is bound to help South dipped about 3 per cent, close wera hurt at the gate, declining footballera who'll make tha Sugar any political pur|M«sc whatever, Elected secretary was George voting on the measure those pres­ received a seven and one-half pec^ ball League club for three sea­ know what more I could do to we can’t think of anything that game. Laat aeaaon Windham »twet. RockvlUe, confirmed that please some of the directors.” us football-wise. to the National trend. from their 583.383 of a year ago— Bowi trip are students In the fnim any nucli officer, employe, or J. Agoatinelll. dlrector'of the Vet* ent abstained from voting with cent bonus on their 1950 earning.'. sons, said he had reached a "good roughly a drop of 10,000 par game. would have a more ilemorallzlng trimmed the locale twtea, S i to 45 he will shortly su rt construction McMIlIin’s resignation waa an­ We would lose boy after boy. Returns from 89 schoola, cover­ business scbirol. Likely they earn­ person.” eran's Sei-\ir.s ('enter, ami treasur- the exception of Directors Hatha­ On U.IV. Appeal Rmployc'ee with the company from aettlement” on his $30,000-a-year Ohio State waa second In the effect on the opposition .Hamil­ and 78 to 41. The law provUles for a maxi­ other link In a football career that So many kida don’t have a chance ing 448 home games showed today ed passing grndea by voting to •»n SO unit structure with five er Is Justus W. Paul way and Bourn who voted for lo­ five to ten years received ten P^''*3 contract which had two years to that the major collegians played nation with 368.021 and w-ould have ton Richardson, the New Orleana Sure to see plenty of aervtca for mum i>onalty ou ca<-h charge, cal option controls. Reason for the started when he won national to take trig and physics. take the $95.0fMi howi money. .. apartment, gift shop and Frank Robinson was appointed cent and employees ten years anriy run. to average crowds of 28.878 last had more except for the blizzard yoimgeter who has been rated as the Clsrkamen are A1 Morgan, room upon conviction, of two years In lack of local action was given aa (Continoed From Page One) fame as a player at Centre Col­ They’d tell us theii high schools Paul Wynmn, New Ilampihire de­ office. The building will be of bead of ttie "Sports Night C'om- longer received a 15 per c( ‘ ‘ The names of Lions a.'sistant fall as compared to 37,851 In 1949. that almost obliterated the Michi­ the natlon'a No. 1 junior tennis Pinky Hohanthal, Rwede Andemm, prison, a $5,of'0 fine, or b«Hh. the continuance 'o f controls^ by lege. , didn’t offer the subjects. And fensive end. recently passed the stibetanlisl brick and block con­ mlttee." The affnir has been ten­ bonus. coaches Oeorge Wilson and Ray­ The figures ranged from 38,744 in gan game, Nov. 26. They sold 82, plaver, also le a high achool haae- written exsitilnatlons aa a atate Bob Willie and Johny Perry. However. In aiiual court practice, Federal regulation for fnree “ Anglo-American ruling clrclea” He began coaching In 1922, they’d go to eome dther college. struction of Mt. Vernon colonial Mr. Rand said that It has b(wn| mond "Buddy" Parker and Uni­ 500 eeate and only 50,503 showed hall and basketball atar He plans Preliminary game batwMn tiM the maximum Is seldom imnosed. tatively scheduled for February 5. monthe after January 1. rejected a CTilncae Communist plan serving successfully at Centenary Prep school costs money, and a the Midwest and 85.868 In the lionrd basketball official . Ken type with four fronUI columns the practice of the Orford Soap versity of Detroit backflcld loacli to enter Tnlane Golf World’s with the Manchester High basket­ I*ay Rate Increase for peace In the Far East. College. Geneva, Kansas State lot of boys don’t want to spend a Southwest to 18.807 In the East. j up. Hansen of the .lersev .loiters snd rival school'a Jayvee squads will and a portico. in House Since 191? Company to pay ChrLstmaa bonuses^ Earl “ Dutch” Clark were most editors have figured It out that Howie Raines of the New York start tlie program at 7:15. ball squad as guests. Speaker will] The Directors, In another mat- MaUk Haw W'u O ff and Indiana before coming to the year there." The Southwest average was up ' California had another good year It will be built at the Talcott- Brchni. fiotn l^igan. C»hlo, h.i.s frequently mentioned as imssible 11 per cent, the Midwest per with 358,000 paying to aee their Sammy Snead earned $5.88 per CTilefs In Ihe National Roller Der- be the well-known University of, I ter, asked the general manager to Russia’s U. N. Ambaasador of this nature since the 1890a. Uons. He was at Indiana tor 14 The academy said that in recent 2 vlUe traffic cloverleaf. adjacent been a memlicr of the House since successors to McMlllin In the cent and all the others dropped unbeaten champs In sevsn horns stroke (In PGA rompetitloni dur- hy I.cngiie both were minor league Connecticut haakctball coach, ------submit more Information on a pro­ Jacob A, Malik and two aides, and years and won the Western Con­ yeara only 16 per cent of Midship­ to the Vernon Inn and the Wilbur 1942, He la SR years old. Mr. and Mra. Stocks will hold an coaching job. from the South’s 8 per cent to 10 games. But Stanford and Southern Ing 1950. Brother, wouldn’t Ssm- baseball plavers. Now they’ve Hugh Greer. Films of UConn Mr und Mrs. .Tohn W. Stocks, of posed Increase In the pay o f hour­ Polish and Czechoslovak delegates Nurses Set Pay Pals* ference title In 1945. men had qualified for entrance "on Sports Mirror OroBS highway. The new hotel, Hr was graduated from Ohio open house for their friends and (^ark, who won national recog­ per cent in the East and 12 per Uslifomla took terrific lacings at mv like to get psld off at that found where they can get their games will he ehowii. 19-RtdgewocKl street, Will cele- ly rated town employeea and In­ saw Wii and hla party off. nition aa a player for the Lions, “ All my life It seems I have the stren^h of their normal sec­ rate for all hla practice ewinge? as projected, will not contain a State Hniversity in 1917 with a relativea at the home of their Hartford, Dec. 2C -(/Pi-A dol specialized In taking over football cent In tha Far West. the gate. Rain ruined Stanford’s hits. . Hollle Hughes, who has the The Ouest Speaker brate their fiftieth wedding annl- creases on a cost of living baala also waa mentioned ms a possibili­ ondary schooling alone.” Jnat to ehow the difference be­ Today a Year Ago—Lhi lipped restaurant. Mr Bury said ! degree In dental surgery. Thomas MePartland of the Man-, versary thin week-end. They were daughter and eon-ln-law, Mr. and Wu's statement railed for an end lar a day Increase In the cast of teams when they are at their low­ Poor weather, particularly the chances of s sellout for the Army Sanford .Slshle st Hialeah, has a Learning of the Jury action, for former to%vn employes on pen­ ty for general manager. "W e were in the position of prac­ tween two guye: At Mondey’s Southern California. 70-46, arid Type of Construction rhestcr Development Commission' married In York.shlrc, England, on Mrs. William C. Scott, 18 Camp- to the fighting in Korea before private nursing service has gone est ebb,’’ he said wryly yesterday. late November snow and wind game with only 40,000 on hand. rei'ord of some sort tn training tor Brehm issued the following state- \ field road. They are looking for­ sion. A ten per cent general wage there waa a ceaae-flre agreement, McMIllin’s sudden decision to tically demanding that a boy go basketball gathering someone (re­ one outfit for 45 venrs. If he'd NYt|^^whlpped Oallfornla, 89-50, The stnifturc will be built In was the speaker at yesterday’s!...... De^mbcr _ 24, 1900, and came to Increase was mentioned as a Into effect In Hartford Hospiml Then he added with a smile, menl at his offloe; ward to receiving the felicitations flaying "any dev-lce which reverses resign came after long weeks of t< prep school,” an official aald. calling Hanpv Ciiandler’s nnhanpy nm over to Sunshine Park, he’d In a^asketball donhleheailer at the form of a blunt-pointed "V". Ex-1 the United States In 1925. For the mcan.s of holding town workers The rate for private duty nurses "Maybe that’s what will happen career. The old record of 287 meeting. MePartland told Ex-^ of their friends on thia happy oc­ this process la nothing but a trick­ rumors that he would be dismiss­ ■The academy announcement said League remembers the night of remarka In St Petei asked Gar­ likely find some nags who knew Madison Square Garden,. with the office and apartment Thomas Padded Payroll they have been against the competition of Indus­ waa boosted from $9.50 to $10.50 to me again —I’ll find another January 8, 1938 with great pride. points waa alao held by a (Cleve­ den Maestro Ned Irish what he change members of the problems past nine casion. ery and a plot." ed. the move was approved yesterday him when he was a yearling. Five Years Ago—Golfers Byron section at the point and with "Now maybe we can get the residents of this town. try which already has taken some for an eight-hour day. Dr. WHin.v' team to build.” That night.while playing for Her- land player, Danny Sprout* now thought "O f the recent atatemeni faring the commission and of the of thh f.m ilv din Mr. and Mrs. Stocks have five Hla status had been discussed by Secretary of the Navy Nelson snd Babs Dldrlkson 2!a- wlnga extending ojitward about facts on the record. This Is the only workmen. There are said to be 171 Before he left. Wu was seen by M. Allen, hospital director, said shey Bears In the Ekistern Ama­ playing roach of Seattle In the that anorts would hava to shut ... .on. .o n..., an. children; Mbs. William C. Scott, at three directors’ meetings, the Matthewa It had been recommend- harlas were voted 1945 "King and JOO feet in each dlrtectlon. way I know to clear the good name town employes affected. Ran and by U. N. Secretary-Gen- the Increase parallels a rals ■ o Crntty a Possibility teur Hockey League, Russell I'acific Coast League. down In eaae of total mohlhza- Rough (lame the primary jobs, he said. Its their'voiinge.st daughter and Perev .Stocks. Mrs. John L. Hal- salaries recently given hospiia' most recent being a secret session e< by a committee of academy of­ Queen” of the world athlrtas in an Eech o f thef rentable 30 units of all concerned. 1 hayc never at Would A'(kl $30,000 to Budget 1 oral Trygve I>le. All were mum Monday night. Danbury, Dec. 20.- Coach ficers. scored two goals in seven seconds tlon.". . .The nanally aotemn Irish will be complete with tiled ahower any time or any place or under produce a brochure on the Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert ket, William .Slocks and Mrs. W il­ ' on what waa dlacused. employes. Aseoclated Press poll. bert Hadden. They also have six A JO per cent wage increase McMlllin, who came to the Ed Crotty of the Danbury High "This reduction In mandatory against the Rovers. He was also ronldn’t anpnreas a grin as he an­ Detroit (rti End Dirk Rifen- and bathroom. any clrcumstancea committed a vantages of Ma.ichester. ! Hadden. 29 Roo.sevelt street. From celebrating his 23rd birthday at Isito Starter swered: "I don’t even know who burg of Ihe Detroit Lions Isn't Ten Years Ago— Frtlsis Zivto grandchildren. Uona from Indiana University in school football team Is one o f sev­ pre-entrance studies brings thi Plana for the projected hulld- criminal act." To Illustrate the type of opposl-j o'clock on ("hrlstmas day the same time. said that hilt In aiieh a ease T sure that foothsll Is so mneh more and I,evv Jenkins fought to a 10- tion the oommlaalon Is meeting, the 1948, had said repeatsdly that It eral possibilities being mentlpned educational reqiilrements for en­ Inga wrere drawn by Brehm la the third member of would take him four or five years in Psovidenoe, R.^.. as a successor trance to the Naval Academy more East Lansing, Mich.—iJPi John Imagine the proner antborlllea In nigged a sport than haskethelt. round draw before 17,000 in Madi­ Oeorge U Dunkleberger of ''r th - speaker displayedeyed advertisements the House to face federal charges news announcer told of apace to rebuild the Detroit team which to Gus Zltrldes, who resigned yes in consonance with what Is nor­ New Scoring Mark Benlngton. Michigan State’s as­ Wa-hlngton will tell na whnt to I The l.lnn wingmsn eompleted his son Square Garden. •rsfleld. It la expected that bids recent years. clipped from ships landing from Mara and odd- terday as head coach at Browm. sistant basketball roach, waa cap­ do.” i Ural year In pro foothsll without I Fifteen Years Ago—Lefty Grove d the advantages of had become the doormat of the mally available in typical second­ will be received ahortly. J. Parnell Thomas, former Re­ and which told Caldwell Oiiee looking little men awarmlng out NFL. Crotty once was an assistant on ary .'chool levels,” the announce­ (ieveland- dPi Hy Bullor of j tain and rtar of the 1948-49 Na­ One-MInnte Sirorls Rage !a single Injury Then, after Ihe' of the Boston Red Box topped the The owner. Mr. Bury, hae been publican from New .leraey, was re­ variotw cities and towns. of them. He declared yesterday, "1 am the Brown coaching staff. Brown ment aald. the ('Ieveland Bai'ons of the Amer­ tional Invitation champion Uni­ A1 Weill confides that Kid Gnvl- season, he tried his lisnd at tlie | Amertran League In e s m ^ nin active In the entertainment busi­ leased from prison last September The next meeting of the rluh is Basel mil Star One of thoee in attendance at disappointed I was not given that Athletic Director Paul F. Macke- ican Hockey League has estsb- versity of San Francisco team, lan Is going to claim the welter­ i-age game ('iily seconds after the sveinges >\‘t), 2,70. aroordlng to ness. being operator of the De- after serving eight and a half scheduled for January ?. Genlua W'elles’ fantastic ecare chance. I leave to my succes.'or sey says the coaching job Is wide Referee Once a Top Scorer Il.'hed a new career record for despite the fact he never played weight title "herause he aava he opening .lump. RIfenhurg was ! final statlatlei. Lsnte Shows. months for padding hia office pay party waa the Incomparable Lefty great personnel, the type of which open, asserting a "committee will scoring for defensemen In the cir­ high school haskrtball. He was knowa Rav Robinson already Is cloiitcil across the eye hy a stray B'signed to the university wiille In roll. r n a r l i Grove. I waa not fortunate enough tn he named to screen applicants and Walt Russell, one of the top cuit. With two-thirds of the sea­ signed to fight Jake LaMotts.1’ . . . elbow and had to retire. It was The 1915 Philadelphia Phllllea Andrew J. May, who was con­ PriHceton Gritl V^UBAII , YVlthout a word to anyone he start with three years ago.” tho.se considered possibilities will officials In hockey, now calling son to go, Buller had 244 points military service and started play­ Johnny Wilson former Anderson the worst injury he rereived rtl hatted only .247 as a team but won “Take” of Policy victed of conspiracy and bribery in Senate to O K A rO U n tl ! threw what furniture would fit In- 1 : McMUlln, taking cogmzaqce of be invited for an interview.” the plays In the American Hockey on 68 goals and 176 assists for his ing the game here. lind.l College basket-halier wiio year. the National League flag. war munitlona deallnga while a Was Besl AIL i to the car, piled the family In on Chief $200*000 Representative from Kentucky, Athlete in College I top of It. headed for high ground. also w^aa released last September. Marshall Aide I He waa aome 50 mllea from Boe- Ha had served nine montha and 13 Princeton, N. J. ,-(NEAl-Char-1 jo " when Red Sox officials found ©■a) daya. This Afternoon lie Caldwell alwaya will be remem- | ^-aa feeding hla way VP p m M ig filing of gambUng hered aa Princeton's famous coach, j throiigh the twilight of hla mag- dtargac. H * aoM b « plannad to (Continued from Page One) biit the Class of 1926 voted him j nlflelent career, some of hla LOOKING FOR A praaent th* ease to tho g ru d jury S o They Say- the beat all-around athlete. i teammates decided h* wasn t of- in January- dentlal appointment that Mra. all he had LATE SHOPPERS FOR MEN’S GIFTS WILL FIND IT EASY AT HOUSFS Moe Berg and others well ac- , fering the opposition Jofiaa and Roe art partnera In The vigorous rearmanment of Rosenberg ever waa a Communist quainted with Caldwell, the col- | left, LUSCIOUS TURKEY? tba Maine-ldaho-Obio wheel, one or that she attended Communist One afternoon when Joe Me- I of the cIty’B biggeat. There are sU the United States should be un­ leglan, will tell you he could have ; SOMETHING der-taken riot In any spirt of de­ meetlngi In New York City 15 been just as successful aa base- ] earthV brought the New York or aasfen wheela of (mmparable years ago. club's'Murderers’ Row to Fenway W t will hovff tfi« somt quality Turkeys for aiaa and a dozen or ao amaller featism, but with high hopea for ball pilrher^______or outfielder. Berg. EXTRA freedom and peace. The Armed Services Committee the old American League CaUher. I Park, Paychologiat Berg, In a HOUSE’S FOOTWEAR enaa, Roa told the committee. He — Prealdent James B. Conant, unanimously reported yesterday was the Tiger ahortatop In Cald­ stage whisper designed to reach Christmas as we hov* had in tha post. Also f 4A hla whad talma in about $M.- that "there la nb evidence to sup­ I Old Mose'a rabbit ears, aald; FOR HIM 000 on two drawU%a a day, a total Harvard University. well's sophomore year. port the chargea." Caldwell played the outfield |I "I overheard the Yankees talk- W« have all tha brilliant, fashion-right footwear for ovary eus- af $8,700,000 a year. i Ing about Grove. They nay he’s | Jonea aald bo la a ona-flfth 1 think an investment In human De Sols Oentradictod when he wasn't pitching. He atlll | ! 38 years old and has lost his stuff.” anrtnar to tha srtiael, ‘‘particlpat- beings la the greatest Investment One witneaa, Ralph De Sola, a holds the record for the longest ■ HOME-MADE tomor’s needs. anyone can make. New York City microfilm techni­ ball ever hit on Princeton’s Uni- ]I 'The Bom bys didn't bomb that j LARGE FRESH KILLED READY-TO-EAT uppenkfimer Van Heusen tog to the preflta.” Hia profits ■t« T • afternoon. Lonaconlng Lefty set In IMS, ha aald, were $200,000. — Prealdent Horace Hull of Hull cian and aelf-atyled former Com- veraity Field. He la also remem- | them down with two hits. SAUSAGE Other partnera are hie. mother, a Dobbe Co., on profit sharing. miinlat, claimed to have seen Mrs. bered for his mound duels with] ROASTING HAMS MADE BY THE WORLO’S FINEST SHOEMAKERS Rosen)>erg at meetings of tto Ownie Carroll, beat him In one of Lefty Grove often compjafned I -braUiar, Itoa and CHS Davis. Whole or Shank Half There la no amount of disci­ John Reed club In New York Tn the two games the Holy Cross ace that the Bosox were not scoring CHICKENS MEAT ; Ten IT. a former ratlroed porter 12-14 Pounds Average i-'^who now operates an automobile pline In the world that will make 1935. lost In college. j enough rune for h im ...... j Si-^-8 Poondn A'vevage. me vote for the Brannan (farm ! All witnesses De Sola claimed His punishment for them was a agency to Mexico City, told how Caldwell went directly from patterns plan or socialized medicine. could verify hia testimony either he and hla two brothera rtarted the Princeton campus to the Yan­ classic. Rhythm Steps —Sen. Burnet Maybank, i D., S. disputed It or denied any knowl­ I b . 4 9 e 1 W. 0. Coon a prtiey wheel aome 20 years ago. kees. but quickly decided that ; ’’If you fellows don't get me lb. 6 5 « C ). on parly regularity. lb. 5 9 « Went to Mexkn edge. . football waa his game, immedi- | some runs.’’ he’d warn, "rm going Three invisible rushions that ease Mrs. Rosen)>erg emphatically 1 For hard to fit fed with comfort. Jenea also told of being kld- ately set out upon a career of , to run around the park 10 times.” We bellevethat recent events In wilh every step. : i^m d to 1940 and released after denied all De Sola’s charges and coaching imder Bill Roper at his CTilna may present a ca.se-hlstory In a face-to-face encounter said LEAN FRESH For the first time i- payment of $100,000. Later he alma mater. How far he has trav- I Named tor Admiral which. If adequately expored, doc­ FANCY CAPONS went to Mexico City svbere he has she had never seen him. eled In his chosen profession waa j umented and reported, will aerve FANCY FOWL SHOULDERS Rved since. Byrd Tells of IRseovery made crystal clear when his col- Miami f/P) A War Admibal in smart coforsf further to alert the people of Astla She attributed the complaint to leagues voted him Coach-of-the- . colt, now at Hialeah, has been Roe. under questioning of com­ and the Pacific and Indeed of all the fact that many'Anna Rosen- Year in the natlon-wldc poll con­ named "Bull Halsey," after the lb. the sensational mittee tovestigatora, described the the world to a danger to whjeh lb. i b . 4 5 « bergs lived In New York City then ducted by the New York World- hard-bitten Naval ofticer. The Friendly, Ideal, south aids policy racket, with none of iia can he Indifferent. 1 Dorothy Dodd 1 names and places and told In de­ and one of them had been aetlve Telegram and Siin. 1 horse, which will make Its first —U. S. delegate to the UN John In the Communist group. start early in 1951, la out of the tail the operationa of the wheels. Foster Dulles. Caldwell stayed with the New 1 Beautifully molded for perfect flat- 1 Sundials V an H eusen He estimated that 60 per cent Ryrd, an Armed Services Com­ York Americans just long enough mare Gallawood and wa.' pur- | of thd rertdenta of the -Negro mittee member, told the Senate to put the immortal Lou Gehrig on cha.scd for f22,000 hy Lawrenre | FANbY SOLID LEAN CORNED BEEF lb . 79c (i rowing girls oxfords and casuals— Stop spending; little lending; yesterday that FBI agents "locat- Lewis at the Keeneland Sales last Colors. wrarda play policy. He aald there no giving. first base. Charlie bcaned Wally ta no Umlt on the amount of an od Bi\ Anna Ro.senberg who was Plpp In batting practice, and the summer. The name was selected LE A N — .SHOUT SHA.VKED — Rep. Robert F. Rich iR.. I'a.). as.soclated with the John Reed following correspondence with the Individual bet but that the aver- offering a six-word slogan for the big man from Michigan never re­ * Club in New York City In the fighting admiral. lb. 45c aga bet la 25 cents, with more "Lame Duck" (Tbngress. gained the post. The Iron Horae SWIFTS SMOKED SHOULDERS with the dime beU than anything .else. early 1930’a.” stayed there for a record 2130 eon- Btndent Gets Plenty He added: seeutlve games, or until srtred by Egiioplan Qallft>ad Planned soft collar that The best way to help the farm­ I SWEET LIFE PUMPKIN OR SQUASH NOe2*/2 tin 16c 1 Kali-sten^iks 1 1 Acrobats ' 1 Tn earlier testimony at the eom- er la to help him find the way to "This woman, whose maiden hia fatal lllnraa. ’ miUee’a second dav aesainns. It name was Anna Roaenberg, ao- Berg, talking baseball -- not Djibouti, French Somaliland — $150 the market at leas cost and with .11 I .u Guaranteed solen for 3 months wear waa brought out that Edward mlts to the FBI agents that she football — with Caldwell at the (/PI - A committee of French tech­ I n.utMm I 1 1 CKm.. Van Htutrn more efficiency. Government aid SWEET LIFE PLUM PUUDINU 12-oz. tin 25c 1 All leather quality footwear. Babies, | n ^ pRuuj children, misses, 1 won’t thrff r/imrnlioMi Sey "Marry Ciirittmes” wMi McBride, a University of Miami In marketing, in lowering the co.st was associated with the John Reed August V. Lambert Memorial nicians Is expected to leave here Club In New York City from Mitrriu from Mr hit favorite leditf Fetliieii* law student who owns a nation­ of transportation and In finding Trophy luncheon, quickly got soon to survey a road-bed for an I children, misses and boys. 1 1 hoys. 1 Mrs. aua.tmrnt . . . wide raring service, netted a prof­ new ii.scs for farm products Is the shortly after Its founding until around to hla favorite subject— extension of the Franco-Ethloplrn EVER READY FRUITS FOR SALAD 17-OZe tin 29c . Award winning Helaproof it of more than $600,000 last year. way to prb.sperity with freedom. 1934 when she moved to Califor­ Robert Moses Grove. Railroad Co. The new extension wrinkle {O lh ti /III. i'an Htutm Tift, $t U $ 7 40) nia and that she knew no other In nylon, eoHon, wool The committee was told that —James A. Farley Orson Welles once caused quite will cover approximately 310 kllo- McBride’s profit was the share of Anna Rosenberg who was asso- You add an extra ilimcnsion .to a rommotlon when he simulated metera and will connect Modjo— SUNCREST TOMATO JUICE 48-oz. tin 29c your nppcnrHiicc when you and mlifursi — In hand, the gross Income of $2,353,000 of Communism is cominitting snl- elateil with the John Keed Club." a newscast over the radio to lend now on the 785-kilometer Djibouti j The Mrs. Rosenberg who.se ap­ e ve r..! wear Van Hcii.scn thrcc-dinicn- toms colors and paftsrnt Continental Pre.ss. The testi­ clde hy eontlmiing ihe struggle In realism tn a science-rietlon drama to Addis Ababa line to Lake | mony was bv McBride’a uncle, pointment Is pending has been Daniel Green 1 1 Honeybugs | slonnl pattern Tien. Kyc-ciilch- North Korea. he was, doing. The excited fake Margaret to the aouth. g a l. 69c A untnimoii. farnrile in white!- unbssisbis in lytiality and ' Thomae E. Kelly, general mana­ serving for a month ns a man­ TENDINE’S SWEET CIDER ing . . . c.vc-fllliiig . . . in cx- — Dr. Toyohiko Kagawa, interna­ . . . Now — hecauia’ men w.nl triiordimiiy putlcin.' log. nic- wesrsbilitvl ger, who said he gets $400 a week tionally-known Japanese Chris­ power consultant to Secretary of Comfys. Satin, leather and felt. In* 1 1 Slippers and moccasins. Women and 1 I-' Defense Marshall. She did sim­ Uiuni and tiiiiiill — uverllowlng 1^ tor his services and al*o got mo»-e tian leader. ARNOLD’S "ALL PURPOSE” STUFFINO cello, pkg. 25c COLOR, the Van Hcumo On- with color. Tnilorcil with Van ilar work for the government In door footwear. children. than $100,000 In a share of the 1 1 1 turr, with it. no-tioreh, nn-Miys Heusen RlUll...ln line fiibrica 1949 profits. World War IT. the We must consider the possibili­ cnller - i» here in rich, msicu- that Htny knotnblc . . . retain ties of having the world turn their shiipc. tine thedet! against us or supporting us. Christmas Rosie the Riveter - Atom BcloiiU.st D. Harold C. Bank Bamlits FANCY CALIFORNIA "PASCAL” BLEACHED CELERY Urey, on whether to ii.se the atom bomb In/Korea. 'Or 1 Cooperatives and United Stofes and 1 * Is Back Again Were Liiokva' DELICIOUS SWEET JUICY TANOERINES PRESENT T ir e 's powerful support In 1 Bates Makes Ball Brand 1 (Coatlnaed rram Page One) W^hlnglon for the idea of paying ((.'nntlnaed from Page One) Men’s dress oxfords. Brown and Rubber footwear. Keds, sneakers. All r the war aa we go. This I'a. FANCY LUSCIOUS HRM GRAPES w ith a 1 1 the percentage of women hired ^ probably the fii-st time In history able time at a front window, ob­ 99 1 black. styles. n will .increase, he said. I that there is a virtually unani­ serving the goings and comings In S p i r i t s LARRE INDIAN RIVER SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT At the Bendix 'Radio Corp,. 20 mous opinion to do that. * . their neighborhood. But Monday FUTURE per qent of the employees are — Ralph Robey, chief economist afternoon they were otherwise oc­ women already, and recruiting of for the Notional Association of cupied and did not'see the men A SMARTER Manufacturers. leave the car as ordinarily they CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES ' S«nd hlm'ln and have him sclea his Kuppen- feniale workers la still In progress. PAoii R . r z , * Gift Certificates An official of the Yellow Cab might have. If ever a time Imposed a test, 5. By luck or design, they left beimer now. Th«t gives u$ ample time to take care of EXCHANGES MADE T IL JAN. fiJh dompany said It Is currently using not ahine of strength, but of '■'■'rr J* EXTRA HNE TASTING SWIeET POTATOES about 25 women drivers, and more no fingerprints or other clues In ^ «ssored. an«f GIFT character, upon our people, this Is the ear which had been stolen from P^'oinpf any little adjuianeno. Then, come Qiristnus Diy, he’ll women $nd older males will be add­ the time. parking lot here. ed to the payroll. k DELICIOUS "PIHED” DATES have the fun of wearing it-not just looking at it hang­ — Secretary of State Dean Ache- The bank conducted business as luiFTS GALORE IN OUR BOYS’ UEPARTMENt I (/V But as for bus driving, the Bal­ ion. usual yesterday, reimbursed for S E 4 G R ing on the ttee! A Kuppenheimer is a luxury gift tliat i timore Transit (Company would 1^ loss by the ‘Aetna CJasualty and AMs V.O. WE ALSO HAVE P'ANJOU PEARS. JUICE ORANGES, lANANAS. LEMONS. 1 Ages -1 to 12 and 10 tn 20 1 . rather make It strictly stag. It’s E O lt How ran you get any place In Surety Company of Hartford. T lfE praaical. too! < too {a'Uguing a proposition. politics If you deceive people? Bl) COJVJVOK APPLES FOR EATING AND COOKING, ICEBERG LEHUCE, RADISHES. A spokesman said If the man­ -Bare-domed ien. Eugene Milli­ GLOVES fot MMUiifg power situation gets much worse kan (R., Oolo.l, on men who comb BRUSSELS SFROUTS. WHITE Cite him tins passport SWANK JEWELRY New Traffic Light, CUCUMBERS. MUSHROOMS. TOMATOES, w leeRe®.. # the (mmpany will begin hiring their remaining balr across their a Kupptnheimer! ' PIONElR lELTS CAPS A women, but they’ll he given street- heads from the fringe to conceal ONIONS. WALNUTS AND MIXED NUTS. . easa to oparate, not buses baldness. Center and Adams | r«n STETSON HATS PAJAMAS We may suffer reverses as we Arrow have suffered them before, but the ROYAL RORES TOPCOATS Bringa him montha and montha oi inug, form-fitting forces of the United Nations have A new traffic light at Center OVERCOATS comfort. Worn with er without jack*!, for aporta, for "GAKANAKO" kii--' 1 Republican Hite no Intention of abandoning their, and. Adams street was placed in­ WOOL SHIRTS mission in Korea. to operation today. AN iNVBSTMENT IN GOOD APPBARANCB WOOL JACKETS ROOT SOCKS work, for loafing... ovtrywhoro, any time. Handsomt I Dewey Speech —President Truman Another light haw been biatalled ... light... novor rldod up. Givoa perfect protection... at Middle Turnpike, West, and ODD PANTS s p 6 r t s h ir t s The important thing to I'emem- Broad street and la now operat­ 100% virgin wool worsted...patenipd construction. Om ) ber about profit sharing is that ing. SPORT COATS POLO SHIRTS Give Him Arrow’s fine waohablo aa well as being both an ideal aitd The Adama atrObt light will UNDERWEAR RAINCOATS gabardine with smart saddle . “ this purely and a way of life, it Is also an Inteiuw- afford protection to the ehildren No tumth * Bind • No Sag stitching on collac and pockato...... jfBtto'iU offrlaed radio apeech, I IF YOU DONT KNOW HIS SIZES- ly practical propoeition, as demon­ attending the 'Verptonck school as MERRILL’S MARKET Several handsome solid cOlqn.. . twlWto, waa inspired by Dewey's strated by the tuccess of eompan- well aa to shoppers fo r the bual- Talon-fastened... built-in pockets,.. Handstune Come in today tor this outetond*. ttA to got bade into the natio^ 'STAND OUT IN pUALITT Ing spo^ shirt valua Iw Amart* let who follow It. neaa block at Center and Olcott Heather and Rich Solid Colors. 'pal nnaa” and to be the —William Loeb. publisher, Man­ streets. BUY A GIFT CERTIFICATE ca’s outstanding rtUrt maker. ' ^■■a(Mi$t1al candidate again, chester, N. H.. Unlon-Lea^r. PHONE 73BB FREE DELIVERY B4 OAKLAND ST. tha RopubUcan party fails What doea Bobby want fo r BIzea M te 4$ $ 7.95 BUY HIS COLLAR 3 K R its odlacthra oya open, Look at European women. 'Tha C h r I a t m a aT . .While you’re CEH01ISESS0N I I M ANB 8LBEVE LENGTH. . "and frtls to older they get. the ipore sex ap­ thinking about that, remember FOR SHOES-CLOTHING-ETC. OTHER SWEATERS FROM $5.95 now manifestation of peal they get—even after 50. I thia bit of advice from the Na­ ‘^MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL’ W E 6 IVJB a^OREEN STi^MPS are going wouldn’t give yon two cents for tional Safety Council: Give chll-1 our necks again these dumb little blonds. dren safe preeeiila lor a»ire fu- , —Actor Qlann Ford- tureal 1

. a ... v'.v; Wtt •*»' mu«'w4 WV&U.I

v ’ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1960 PAOESEvncimr MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER SO, USO AatMMibilds (or Sale 4 AotoHobIleo for Solo 4 Rooflflt 16A Help Wsnied— Fenifil* 15 Artkif>e fur Sal* 46 W m i Hi i Apparel—Pars 67 Hotswa for Ssls ■ ,71 1939, CHEVROLET tudi^ 895 1947 OLDSMOBILE, Model 78, ROOFING. Specialising In repair- WANTED—Receptionist must be ONE PAIR of lady’q Canadian FUR COAT, slse 12-14 dark FIVE LAROK rooms, eoraat 1988 Bulck coupo. 883; 1838 Hud black four-door deluxe. Excep­ tag roofs of all kinds. Also new neat and efficient. Shorthand and Champion match-figure Ice brown Marian. Excellent condl business section. SuttaMb' l ir Hearts eon aodan, $50; 1836 Ford oedan, tionally clean, excellent white roofs. Quttsi work t2iimneys typing required. Call 2-1907. skates, slae 5-54. Also lady’s toin. Bargaliv Call 2-1919. beauty parlor or offtoas. Aptfa $50. Tonne. Colt Motors 4164. waits, new brakes, seat covers, cleaned and tepalred. '26 years ex- shoe roller skates, large precision ■~'" ' ■ ' V ------Backer, 86 Oak atreet. Bosox Big Handicap Is Left Field Fence AdvartiMmenU heater, radio, direction signals, perlsnoa. Free estiroatea Call THE HOLIDAYS wlK soon be over ■ wheels, size 5-5 ij,. Reasonable. DON'T GRAB the 6ret used oar simontzed. „ne owner. Unusual Howtey. Manchester 5361. but the bills and expenses will Inquire 35 Drive E. Sliver Lane FUR COAT, excellent condition HOUSE, Duplex b and 6. Imaw#* irr^ O f Lfteal Wrestling Fans you see I Sure'new car production buy for private Individual. Call still be with us. By working a few Homes. aise 16. $25. Phone 5387. ate occupancy o - side. laqulM has been alashcd, prices on same 3235 evenings. hours a day In your nelghsbor- 121 Spruce atreet. HMttnR»nQiiibint .17 BEAUTIFUL Black strapless eve­ a.person helped further the Indians’ raised and now the talk is of less hood as .he Avon representative ROYAL AND Smlth-C3orona port ______«]r Bm I *«»t chrome and only 4 tires, but that you can relieve this situation. able and standaro typewriters ning gown, worn once, site 14 DESIRABLE older type honw wWi [T popularity wrtth Mrs. Gosselln Charter Oaks Upset ’’SANTA CLAUS” DeCORMIER OIL BURNER service and repairs Phone 2-0624. eomfortaMe n u roome. Hot wafoe Daa gwienlly r«cofniMd When Don Eagle appears in Hart­ Tom Yawkey Unable doesn’t mean you can’t buy a Ml makes ol) burners and fum- Call'Middletown 6-6377 for. mors All make* of adding machines M ' the heevywolgtit wrertUn* LUST from truck, keg eight com good used car. Don't rush, shop SAYS: “What better gift for all information or Write Mrs. iSuck- sold or rented.- Repairs on alt heat, good location^ Needs ro* ford. Don Eagle Fan C?lub mem­ mon Balls. Phoi^ 2-4148. the family than, a new acea Bari Van Camp. Tci. 5244. decorating H. B. Grady. 8009. cWOWrton of the world, ha« won bers come out en masse, and oc­ TRIKESii^SPARE at leisure a t Douglas Motor. man, 29 Highland Terrace, Mid­ makes. Marlow’s. Wanted— lo Huy 58 twer the eupport of e einell onny cupy ringside seats. Garden Grove, 60-47 LOST—Man’s black onyx ring Sales, 833 Main street. PLUMBING and Heuting, special. dletown, Conn, , of • eupportere from MmntAeiter To Trade Short WaU 6 CYL. WILLYS STA-nO N STERLING Spinet piano. Good Don Eagle iS In his early twen­ ■eetaersat ■ewiiac Lessee A Weewe’s Lsggas Sunday- Finder call R. Appleby, WAGON” Ising In repaira remodeling, cup. i/ots for Hale 7 t . Who hhve formed a Don Eagle I^n w. ■L* Le»4#es»leE (1) EXPERIENCED Woman over 25 condition. Reasonable price WANTED Four-burner gas stove. ties and halls from a Mohawk res­ 2-8166. Reward,. TRIPLE CHECKED Smart ownera everywhere de­ per water pipea water mains, Chib. Organleer and p r*"*"^ ** Ville Louies ...... 3* 7 Tourteliot ...... so IS ei 3M for office, typing, no shorthand, Phone 8315 after 6. Phone 6388. IN (X)UNTKY Like atmoeplMr% ervation in Canada. He is well Howard ...... 71 — IS 177 clare “Willys Is a wonderful buy." electric sewer cleaner for plugged Ufa. ondys OoMeUn of 688 Mid­ Scorr Surprising Rcc Oek Orlll ...... 3$ 1 Only Matt Batts Hit LOST—Pay envelope containing USED CARS sewer. Tirat- paymenta arranged. part time. Addrets Box N, Herald, targe building lou iritb ebada dle Turnpike. west. projiortloned and stands sLx feet, Close Games Ray's Reateurant ...... $3. 14 ■lleworth ...... S4 31 — ITS TWO PAIRS ski boots, Biss 5, $3 WANTED-Good used furniture two and tips the Fairbanks at 215 Oarden Re*taur*nt ...... 13 33 Morton ...... S3 38 M see bUle. Vicinity of BlsseU street. See this fine Station Wagon at Vincent Herein, 305 North Main treat. Overlook Drive. Vtm, Wearing an Indian feathered Senior lA?ague Win; Local Sport Better on the Road Just Traded In On New Dodge size 7, $4: rubber boots, slse i Any quantity W* offer you high­ pounds. A bronse skin, typical of Millar's Reateurdnt ...... 3 37 O. Cowles ...... 104 13 114 310 Reward. Fteaae call Andover 7- and Plymouth Cara street. Tel. 4848. Help Sfanied—Male 66 $4. Tel. 7396. Kanehl. builder. Pbone 7778. headdress, and accompanied by Charter Oak Bawlera (W> Belton Lake House ...... 7 3g Pease ...... — N U 170 est prices. Woodshed Phone 2- his race, a shaven mane that I^ureh Extended But T, Last Season; Dropo 7133. DeCORMIKR MOTOR club members, Mrs. Gosselln r. F. Teem high triple, Vllle Louise, 1713. —— —- — " ' 3154. shows only a scalp lock in the tra­ 1-2 7 1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE F.FFICIENT Plulnblng and beat­ MACHINIST, turret lathe, tool and 8 M.M. CAMERA, 3.3 tans, carry. a Sanibogna. rf Teem high single, Vllle Louise, ei5. Totals ...... 444 443 430 13M —Black. Fully equipped— SALES, Inc. Resort Property for Sale 74 viewed her favorite ditional Indian style and high Uefeut Herin’s 54-50 3 Whitnher. rf .. 1-1 n . Chatter 97 Higher at i^Home LOST—P A M BOOK 72878. ing. Plugged drains macbine die men, full time, day shift or Ing case, screen. Reasonable. CTall noaner as he disposed of Mart- High leSlelgeal Aeenge Tmmm M*l*r* (9> 81.300 DINING ROOM set and piano be­ cheekbones leave no doubt about 3 Wilkie, if ...... 3”& 16 Tost ...... 84 17 104 335 Notice Is hereby given that Pass 24 Maple Street Tel. 88.54 cleaned. (?arl J. Nygren, 303 night shift. Top wages. WIleo Ma 4287 after 7. CHALKBR Peach—7 room brl6lt tond'a wUd man. Bull Curry last 0-0 0 Seslele. Oek Orlll. 110.7. Manchastar's NasMUs la the fore Xmas. Must be reasonable 1 St. George. If High legleMaal Slegle M. Cowles ...... S4 N •3 383 Book No. T2378, issued by The 1947 MERCURY SEDAN - Ever­ Manchester Oakland street Phone 6497. chine Tool, 222 McKee street. his origin. Ktsndings 4 New York— (NEA) — General Phone 7246. cottage, tile bath, all elsctrta Wednesday night at the Hartford .1 K.ng. c ...... 0-5 P. Aceto. Rey's 16#. Holmes ...... 33 33 37 388 only taam m the Eastern Pro glade green. Radio, heater, The big Indian is a tremendous Pet. 4-9 13 Manager Frank Lane looked at Savlnga Bant of Maaohester haa NEW SAVAGE, Model 99 ..300 house, furmahed completely. T ots Audltortum. It was reported as 1 N. I’aganl. rg HIsh IsStTlgeel Triple DlrU ...... 30 97 106 383 Baaketball League this season to epotllglit, fog lights, back up SCALDED While showering if ELDERLY MAN who can operate bucks Office attraction and an ex­ Garden Grove’ . . . .750 S Accurnero. Ig . 3-4 10 the batting averages before been lost and appUcatlOB has been 1950 CHEVROLET 5-passenger de. caliber. Redflcld 70. Shells. Phone price, 87,500. CUl AnIU White the wildest bout ever staged in the .667 Pusso. villa Louisa 3S4. Pongratz ...... 100 86 36 370 win on the road. After 17 gamea, ■Bade to said bank for payment . U^ta, slip covers, wonderful children turn on cold water? Pre B A S screw machines Small 2-4158. • ■ Capital City with undercard rass- ceptionally clean wrestler. His tel­ American Legion Top Tea Mae —— — — — 14 of which were won by home selecting Al Zsiilla In the deal luxe club coupe. -Fully equipped vent bq;iili215. played among club members and Washington. Dec. 20—(iPi—Ma­ Hewitt ...... 93 89 38 r o off, Holmes h u racked up six Savlnge Bank Mancheeter has 1847 PLYMOUTH CT.UB COUPE Ntnniffe tO WANTED jor league baseball club owners throwing a 2 one defense up against Chamber* ...... 107 139 132 358 Low M*n ...... '*...... 80 73 70 333 matter, outside of Fenway Park. WANT TELEVISION?.. A special the sound of the tom-toms rung I.Aorel* (S4) straight triumphs, all In an im­ —Maroon, radio and heater. Wanted—Rooms— Board 62 rHREE MILES from Oenter-A* the ohampe that they couldn't do Iledlund ...... loe 106 116 327 — —— — —— Batting marks, broken down. been loot and appUcatlon hae MAN(7HE8TER >-ackaga Delivery purchase, 12 -Inch console, fam­ out when Eagle was in uble. have been asked to name Hugh r. B. F. T. Total* ...... 409 443 431 1283 pressive manner. Blip covers, new white wall GIRL’S 34” bicycle. Phone 3-085S room home, all on one floor, Egan, Jr., of Lewistown, Mont., as anything with, the boys from Oak Lkmoureauz ...... 94 101 103 298 reveiU another reason for the been made to eald bank for pay­ Local light trucking and package ous maks $169.85 plus tax and Mrs. Gosaelin has held "open 0 Col#, rf ...... 5 3-4 12 Back Bay Millionaires’ failure, ment o f the amount of dopooH. Urea. Fine family car. Price, Local businenn concern has nestled on side of hill with 2 acres the new baseball commissioner. street took a 17 to 9 lead at the 0 . 0 0-0 0 delivery. Refrigerators, washers installation. Brunnsr’s. 35$ East RETIRED Gentleman deslree room house” for Don EJagle and his v « g !, rf ...... ToUlM ...... 4$S 639 536 1541 Priscra* (4) Mrs. Gladys Brhy, labeled the despite all that money and poweri $1,145. openings for men age SO to of lend. Fireplace, oU beat, baas- The request was made by Sena­ first period. Jumping Joe Ac- 2 Booth. If ...... 6 4-6 16 rerhett’a (II Brogan ...... 94 74 82 250 and stove moving a specialty. Osnter. Open Weds., Thurs., Fri. and board. Reply Box D, Herald. father at her home on several oc- 0-0 0 No. 1 baaketball fan In Manches­ in the Fens. ment garage, outdoor terrace aiM tor Ecton (R., Mont.) and Rep. corftero and Bruce Wilkie kept :i AURUB.t, If ...... 0 I.*«ntlnl ...... 117 103 126 345 I’eretto ...... 88 89 95 373 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN Phone 2-0'. 52. casieiis in the past after wresUing 1-3 16 Bnslnefla Set new Offered IS 45, Forty-hour week, vacation 'til 8, Saturday 'til A. fireplace. Shown by appolntmeat. 4 Burkr, c ...... 7 l.eFrbure ,...... 93 113 97 303 (*hiUlp8 ...... 88 98 93 378 ter last season, has been forced They can't take that friendly!^ —Fine eonditlon. Special at ' aupsarsnrra in Hartford. DEwart (R., Mont.). The two the crowd wild as they sped on in 0-0 0 0 Nowik, c ...... 0 .eiclagac ...... 34 114 90 283 Beebe ...... 83 77 158 298 to remain at home due to illness left field wall with them. ■£ rHB AUS-HN A. Chambers Oo.. with pay, hospitalization and Blva Tyler, agent. Mencbeeter 8- sent letters in behalf of Egan to the second period with twin point­ 1-2 5 THE PROSPdkJl' HIU School for 8895. FLOOR PROBLETaS solved with Anirtmenta, Plats, How did the Fan Club start? 5 Brooks, rg ...... 2 8t. Heoi'ge ...... 99 130 309 McIntosh a...... 89 96 96 281 and doctor’s orders. Mrs. Bray The left field (once at KenwiiyS local and long distance moving, 4469. members of the committee formed ers to keep their mates in the lead . 1 1-1 ,1 90 1948 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE linoleum, asphalt tile counter. other benefits. PAIR WOMAN'S ■ki hooU, slse Tenements €S Watching Don Eagle on television .1 MuBon. rg ...... Dummy ...... 16 15 85 255 r*zl«no8 ...... 71 89 67 237 hopes to make a “comeback” Park, topped by the net whir-tiff young children. Pro-kindergarten, packing, craUng and storage is the answer, according to the by the club owners to appoint a at the halfway nmrk, 31 to 26. For 1 Connin. Ig ...... 1-3 3 kindergarten, first grade. Monday SPEC. DEH^UXE — Radio, Expert wor..-oanshlp, free . estt- 6. Tsi. 8303. ANDOVER—Immediate occtipan* successor to baseball commission­ after the holWsys. catches so many home runs, nioa»-p heater, low mileage, $945. matee. Open evenings. Jones Fur­ Service to all parts ot the IJ S FOR RENT—5-room flat, heat and president. Seeing Don Fjigle in the Grove. Gu's Gaudlno teaming up 'HI Total# ...... 478 534 487 1499 ToUls ...... 513 623 570 1606 urcs no more than 315 feet at thi through Friday. Transportation A company representative cy. New ranch type flve-rooo er A. B. (Happy) Chandler. with Joe Spira tossed in 14 pointi 1 IS Total* ...... MS. lO-U 54 Soda Shoppe <•) Forfeit niture. Oak street. Pltone 2-1041. A. and Canada Cal) 5187. Hart­ KEYSTONE 8 M.M. projector hot water fumlshei., rcaponslble Hartford in the ring and also in Hprm'B Sladlo (59) foul line, does not reach 420 fee funUshod. Mra. Lola Tybur, dlroo- ford 6-14 23. Model R-8, .500 watt lamp. Ebicel home. Full cellar, ateam-coa to keep the Caterers within strik. Ollle't Uberl ...... 81 83 97 This corner wishes Truman AS ns SPECIALS FROM $30 UP will be at the Connecticut adult family preferred. For fur­ 0 E. P*rcl!k. rf ...... 0 n-0 0 Upalach ...... 71 113 — Cowles a speedy recovery from until you are in dead center. tor. Phono 4267. DB LONGS Refrigerator service. lent condition. Reasonable price. heat,, fireplace, pine paneUlng, Ing distance. . 3 8-7 7 Nowlrkl . State Employment Service, ther particulars write, Box W. 1 Jkr\’i§, If ...... Illness. Truman has held offices Left center, the power alley lo Don't Mias. Call On You* CALL Phil, for moving, light Rockvilib 1666W&. approxlmstrly one acre. On bu- Going Into the third stanea both 0 L#g*u)t. If ■...... 0 1-1 1 Kseney .., MRS. BALLARD’S pro-Mndotgar- Repalra on all makea commer- Herald. Spencer .. Cl«k Wamea in several local sportsmen’s right-hand hitters, Is po morcj trucking. Specialize In moving. 806 Main Street, Manchester, line. Price $U,000. Henry Esoofe temns were having difficulty with 3 W. r*rcl*k. e ...... 5 7.8 19 tan school haa an opening for one Downtown Dodge and ctal and domestte. Emergency 24- Taggart .. i than 350-odd feed from the plate. Good service. Good work. 2-9248. PAIR OF men’s ski booU, sise 12 FIVE ROOM apartment, second Agency. Tel. 3683. their shots as time and again the 1 Hubl«rC. c ...... 0 0-1 0 Patter* (S groups and has often served ns child for tha winter term, age 8H hour service Phone 2-1797. to interview on Thursday, De­ . X 1-3 7 Fuller . . . . Barker...... 73 89 publicity director and as a judge At home, the Red Sox lobk lil;'’i Plymouth Dealer 54 Birch street. Used only 8 times. Reasonable. floor. Also garage. Recently decor­ sphere would roil around the rim .1 8prv#r. rg ...... to 5. Call 2-1696. 79 Lakewood 4 Brown, rg ...... 3 0-0 6 Sander ... Gllbertaon ...... 8o 79 at many bird dog field trials in they’re teeing off, or trying U Attention Home owners. Emergen cember 21, from 8:30 A. M. Phone 2-S7n. , ated, Write Box O, Herald. and out. As It was, the bo^ ' 3 E. Wlorxbickl. Ig .. . 2 0-0 4 Braun .,...... 129 83 scoop the ball. Circle. SOLIMENE and FLAGG, Inc. W sated— Heal Katala 77 Totfcla ___ 637 611 1805 the Blast. cy roof repairs. Free esUmatea to 2 P. M. still oiitacored their rivals, < :i H. Wlenblckl. Ig . 3 0-0 6 lx>ckwood ...... 81 94 Drop Their Shoulders 634 Center St. Phone 3101 Painttnff— Kaoeiinff 21 TO RENT— 4 heated rooms In busl- ...... 98 89 E. Thariault, 3555. WANTED—Reeldentiai propaitiea} points to six with the score ! HUlnakl . Right-hand hitters drop Uieii FOR BALE -Set of druma Phone nasa section. Maple near Main Last Hiuto Loot « 19 13-30 60 r*radlao . 94 no 391 Congratulations are in order to 1937 CHEVROLET 3-door sedan FIRST CLASS work. Robert 4 to 8 rooms. Buyers weltlaB. 32 at the end of the third quarter. 17 TolAli ...... AstofoOBfliS FBr Sals 4 ANTIQUES Keflnisbed. Repairing Rockville 907J3. Sror* at half Ume, 30 to 35 Laurela. WIttke . . . ToUU ... 434 415 1S15 Clarence "Gyp” Gustafson and right shoulders, pull for. the wall Very clean with recent motor Fiske. Call 2-"178, if no answer street. Suitable for business or Oompetent, confidential aerrioa. In the last quarter the victors put Ibalmondo They become such a sla'.’c lir done on any furniture. Ttemann. small adult family. Apply Edward Referee, Horrath. Umpire. Murray. Clarence "(Dhick” Larson, both of DEPENDABLE USED CARS overhaul. Radio and ' heater call 2-2979. PORTER FOh Arthur Drug. Ap­ Suburban Realty realtora, 69 on a final burst of power that left Falcone .. Dummy ... the habit that they couldn’t .xhalti’; '189 South Main atreet. Pbone J. Holl, 1009 Main street. Oo., their opponents far behind and Farrand Anderson . whom were promoted by the AT Clarke Motor Sales. Phons 2-2012, ply in person. 042 Main atreet. Perkins atreet. Tel. Mano. 8S1A, for ’ it on foreign fronts, where out­ LOWER PRICES 5643. ' IN'TERIOR and exterior painting, Dtamonda—Watcha pulled the biggest upset of the sea­ GoiRngai . McCormick Phoenix State Bank and Trust Cpmpany in Hartford vesterday. fielders' gloves replaced the mesli paperhanging, cellii.gs rednlsbed. Jewel t7 48 BUY, SELU ot exchange through son. Dodgers Capture Dummy . . . 1948 FORD CUSTOM 4-DR. 1940 PLYMOUTH tudor. One own­ ALL APPLIANCES serviced end WANTED—Man to service new ToUla ... a4 504 535 1513 Johnson .. Gustafson, a former Manchester so over-welcoming In Bc.anlowii er. Only 58,000 miles. Immaculate Fully insured. Ex) ert work. Wall­ and used cars. Must be experienc­ BnsinMM liOcationa Utis office. Howard R. HasUnM Wilkie. Accomero, Nino Pagan! Even the average of the griatj 1848 MEROURT SPORT SEDAN repiUred, burners, refrigerator*, baiieball and baaketball player, 1848 FORD OONV. COUPE condition. )

S-y.iTVi'- ... TEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20. INO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1950 Pages 19 to 30 iiatu^ipieter EttPttlns Section Two W ED N ESD AY, DECEMBER 20, I960 iiancbfBtrr Ettrnin0 llrralb

pla In the workings of their Inner In the RuMtan Zone. It was In organs. Under Its plastic skin vis­ Dresden that they had construct­ ^Hearing Anonymous’ Is Gal Bares All itors can see the bones, artkrles, ed the earlier transparent flgurea. V. F. W. - ROCKVILLE ECA Rescues nerves end main organs. All ere It takes six and one-quarter In natural color and located just miles of wire to make the girl’s Stone Walls F or Deafened People For Science where they should be. » Innards visible. And, In rase EVERY THURS. I. The transparent tootsie stands you’re Interested, she has a on a turntable which revolves pretty neat little shape. Her bust AT 8 P. M. By Richard Kleiner ^ Cleveland Hussy Lets Kach organ—there arc 24 In the Is only one-quarter of an Inch less BINGO Hungry Greek Cows NEA' Correspondent display — lights tip, and "she than the Veniis dc Milo’s. Maybe New VCork—(NEA)—It waa a People Look at Her talks about Its functions. Among she ought to talk about that. Had Been Chewing those "she" discusses, are her PRINCESS BALLROOM, Rockville little lame doctor In Chicago Appendix; Shaineless Net* tnd LttUr Mm paper and anval* Down Attica’s Walls brain, lungs,.heart, liver, stom­ Friends, here's a New Year’s apaa In whlta and colors. who convinced Marie Hays Helner ach and appendix. resolution the National Safety FREE TRANSPORTATION By NEA Service By Gordon Trotick to face the facte. The gal has one sister and three Council suggests you make to BUS LEAVES CENTER AT 6:45 P. M. NEA Hpeclal t ’ornmpondent "Look," he said, “ I ’m lame and Cleveland, O,— (N E A ) -There's brothers, who live (anil are ex­ night! I'll drive with care for a hibited) In Now York. Rochester, Washington — (NKA) WHV haa a woman In Cleveland who has whole New Year! to $ 2 .0 0 Box you're hard of hearing. You can t Minn.. Ruffalo, N. Y „ and Chi­ 50c boaey been chewing down atone absolutely no modesty at all. 'Die Tax. kid yourself; you're not going to cago. But Cicvcland's transpar­ walla In Attica. Greece ? This ques­ get any better and you may get hussy stands on a platform stark ent woman is the only girl In the tion has baffled Greek dairy­ GIFT HANDBAGS worse. Nobody ever died of deaf­ naked, and lets people look at her family who talks. GIFT WRAPPING PAPER... lOe men for years, but now Marshall ness. So you've got to learn to appendix. And. to make matters Tlicy're all Gorman by birth, If Plan experts have solved It. live wtth It." worse, she actually brags about It, you can call that birth. A father Top handle Pouch or Shoulder When agricultural specialists That was seven years after she and son from (Adogne built this Strap styles in Faille, Broadcloth, Her shamelessness Is all for M A R L O W ’ S — CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS! Kach Phis Tax. . from the ECA arrived on the had waked up one morning, un­ KClenre, however. The gal is ghi, the youngest In the rnmlly, Simulated Suede and PlaaUc Calf. GIFT TYING..; ...... I Oc to 25c $2.98 scene, the amazed Greeks dis­ able to hear. In those seven transparent, (what gal Isn't)? after they had God from Dresilen. OUTDOOR covered that bossy was gulping years, she'd tried to get by, con­ and she talks all the time (what whitewash and mortar merely to sulted countless doctors, lied to gal doesn't?) and she's a dummy LIGHTING SETS CHILDREN’S HANDBAGS...... $1.00 io $2.98 «us Ta«. satisfy her craving for calcium herself and prayed for a cure. (what gal--oops, sorry). The 7, 16 and 25 Light Sets something she had been mLsalng But It took that doctor’s frank transparent talking dummy Is a out on In her basic diet of straw. talk to make her buy a hearing rfew display at the Cleveland INDOOR LIGHTING SETS Then the experts got to work. aid and rejoin the world of simnd. Health Museum. Multiple Sets of 7, 15 and 36 Ejeperimenting with various min­ And now she wants to help WHY . It is designed to instruct pro erals, they found that pure mar­ YOUl lU T 6UY A i l 8-LIGHT SERIES SETS other deafened persons rehabili­ I .. . WolUnt ble dust wae the cheapest source tate themselves through a dream BUBBLING and REGULAR of calcium for the eager cows. A of hers. Hearing Anonymous. She I.IGHTS FOB INDOOR SBTO hundred pounds costs the dairy­ says there are millions of hard of man 33 cents, and bos.ay's dally hearing who. through vanity TREE STANDS ration adds up to a mere three pride or fear, refuse to admit their GLASS ounces. handicap. Like alcoholics, they SNOW COTTON TOILETRIES Today the stone walls at Attica need the help and counsel of peo­ AUTO. MIRROR. I'LATE For lender The Tree are well preserved. And bossy the ple who have been through and FUR.MTUKE TOPS gets her calcium In doses of marble thing. Mrs. Helner: lik e alcoholics, the ORNAMENTS TINSEL BATH POWDERS, $1.00 to $2.00 deafened shun society, loo. 8TEEL 8AMII JOBBERS dust, which is either mixed with CANDLES POINSETTIAS O bM NitkA her other food or simply left In a You know,” she says, "there Is Dlstribntnrs for Ixtew Bros. convenient trough. The ECA ex­ quite a bit of similarity between doctor told me. to learn to live Paint and Varnish 14MI) ■waia eedi «iSS $ 3 0 0 BATH SALTS.... $ 1.00 and $ 1.50 perts hope to get the word abound ARTIFICIAL TREES WITH ’ for f being deaf and being an alcoholic. with their handicap. I think a |T«S Your cenv«ni«nc* to other sections of Greece, now Both handicaps make you shun Hearing Anonymous could bring AND WITHOUT LIGHTS 1- ^ BUBBLE BATH ... .59c and $1.00 that Attica's wTills have been society. Both make you with­ thousands of people back into the J. A . WHITE \ i saved. draw into yourself. Incidentally, world of sound." REINDEER NIGHTGOWN OF STRYPS Green pasture and forage crops, there are an awful lot of deaf­ She visions It as a collection GLASS CO. COLOGNES ...... $1.00 to $2.50 the ideal feed, won't be available ened people who become alco­ of sympathetic people who could 24 Birch St. Tcl. 8822 SANTA CLAUSES for all cattle in Greece for a long holics.” explain the facts of deafness and . V. nock at front and mid* time, and bossy may have to be NATIVITY SCENES rUr ssetlon of novelty mesh You'd never know Mrs. Helner what to do alKiul It. They might $ MEN’S SHAVING LOTION, $1.00 content on her aristocratic diet have to give advice on' love af­ ^XMfUWWWWWWWWWWWMWMWWWWMWWWMWWWWWM^ cloth.' Oolora: Blue Water 3.50 of granulated marble for many was deaf. The Cleveland, O., or' NOM O ^ . Slses 34 to woman hears everything you say fairs, too, Mrs. Helner says, be­ years to come. Still, she agrees cause many young deafened arc 40. and speaks in a normal conversa­ SHAVING BOW L ...... $1.25 with the experts — it's better than afraid to wear hearing aids for tional tone. She's a vivacious, M ARLO W 'S Hcm eating walls. sparkling woman. She's a suc­ fear of what their boy friends or girl friends might say. I CAROL SING I EVERYTHING In SHAVING MUGS ...... $1.00 cessful author, having written the story of her rehabilitation In a She, herself, was only 19 when tho lino of Christ­ book called "Hearing Is Believ­ she lost her hearing and thinks GIFT her youth and vanity may have mas Troo and YARDLEY TOILET S O A P .. .$1.35 Wapping ing." Hundreds of people wrote to her had something to do with her re­ I TOMORROW NIGHT I O t h a r YulatMa after the book was published. luctance to wear an aid. As she UNDERWEAR Phis Tax A fund haa been started in sees it. Hearing Anonymous Docorations. Memory of Harry Farnham, 71, of They were mostly hard of hearing U would straighten the young deaf­ i ! Fine quality tailored rayon Rye street, who died Thursday In persons who sought advice. Psntlaa and Step-Ins In 'White V ened out with plain talk and the J Depot Square a Key WMt, where he was spending T h ey wrote me personal things "cars of experience.” car Tearooa colors. Slses B to the winter. A neighbor and friend they would never tell an agency t. or a doctor,” she says. "I believe It's still just an Idea, this Hear­ of the former State legislator, Emil ing Anonymous. But from the It’s because they knew I ’d been (3oehring, treasurer of the fund talks she’s had with some other I 7 O ’clock j GIRLS' DRESSES through it all myself and could SWEATERS said the response to the fund the deafened people, she thinks it's understand. You know, being deaf first day was very gratifying. an Idea that would do a great deal S Sponsored by Manchester Improvement Association | Ic each As Mr. Farnham was very much is a frightening thing—porhap.s of good. $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 Interested in horticultural and soil you don’t die of it. but you die Directed by G. Albert Pearson j $ 6 .9 8 conservation the friends and neigh­ little bit.” bors plan to use the' money for Because of those letters, she Malay Teaches C3ilnese Music by Arlene Garrity j Sizes 40 to 46. Grey, Purple, Navy, Fuch­ Sizes 7 to 12. Cinderella frocks, pretty reasoned that she could help peo­ plaids, pastel cottons, beautifully trimmed landscape beautification. It might Y CHILDREN’S RAYON PANTIES sia. Cardijfan neckline, long sleeves, 100% possibly be used to landscape a ple get on the right track by talk­ Kuala Lumpur— (fl*»—Bellevs It wtth embroidery and lace. Police Dept. Sound Equipment | heavy wool. portion of the new grammar school ing to them. And there are many or not, there's a Malay in Kuala I FOR BVKSTTHING LACE TRIM grounds on Ayers road. Before other hard of hearing persons who Lumpur who is teaching Man­ Carol Song Book Donated by Hugo Pearson | coming to a decision the commit­ have conquered their handicap darin, Hokklen, (?antone8c and i 59e sseh tee will confer with Mr. Fam- and could also counsel the less Hakka to Chinese. ham's son. Dr. John Farnham, fortunate. Constable Abbas bl^ Salleh, son EVEKYONE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE upon his return from Florida. There should be a group, pat of a planter In Selema, Perka, has The nursery and kindergarten terned after Alcoholics Anony- a class of 54 police instructors, (Parking In Rear of YMCA) Open Tonight, Thursday and Friday Night Until 9 department had pieir pioua,” she says, ‘‘that could talk including five Sikhs and two Chi­ party this afternoon In th4 prima­ to men and women who lose their nese. They are learning basis Chi­ ry room of Wapping Community hearing. They’d talk to them nese from him at the police depot church. Wednesday the primary honestly and tell them, as that here. Vi--, 4 department will have their party from 8 to 4 p. m. In, the primary room. A t 7 p. m. there will be a rehearsal o f the Rhythmic choir smd at 8, the Senior choir. Saturday at 6:80 p. m. there OPEN TONIGHT will be carol singing by the Youth V -. t Fellowship followed by a party at n i A V THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS the home o f George Collins. A o e t u FOR EVERYTHING Evergreen-Wood Chapter, O. E. -TOYLAND S., will hold their regular meeting with Wednesday evening at Masonic Temple. Following the busineu UNTIL m session a Christmas party will be BABY SHOP held. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS Wednesday at 8 p. m., S t Ann's FOR THE BEST SELECTION OF TOYS IN TOWN! Mothers' Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Harris Barry. Mrs. COMPLETE HELECnON OF James Reardon and Mrs. Frank AMERICAN BRICKS 9 8 e to 4 4 8 0 Pierce will be hostesses. NOW REDUCED! HOLOATE TOYS AMERICAN LOOS 98eto4.9S t Teacher’s Troubles Priced way low. A tonic for your tired Christmas bud­ C05IPLETE LINE OF BEAUTIFUL Palmerston, Ont.—t>P)—Teacher get! There’s nothing‘nicer than a pair of Marlow’s slip­ V. QUAKER LACE AND BROMLEY * LINCOLN LOCS 98ctoS.9S MOCa TOYS aid up Shirley D'AIton has a billy-goat pers for that last-minute gift item. in her one-room country school ROAD GRADERS—HOOK and LADDER L a c e T a b l e C l o t h s C h e n i l l e B e d s p r e a d s near here. A few daye ago she re­ ERECTOR SETS 1.7SIO5040 CE5IENT MIXERS—HAULERS and LOADERS moved a herd of cows,'4nd boys WOMEN’S removed a group of flghting pigs. 1.7Sto1SJI0 L S S t o l L M But the goat won’t be driven CHEMISTRY SETS DOLLS lovely! “Fhiff-top” $4.50 to $12.95 $8.98 by ’’HORHMAN.” ’•VANITV" and «J<1LLV" away. He sleeps through moat of FUR TRIMMED SLIPPERS GENUINE MLATF. the leseonsi FOUR BEEESt Multl-eoMr floral pattenia on whlta Attrartlvely beaded, contrasting colored beaded *‘Moc*’ toe. BUCKBOARDS 198W14.9S 11.98 M xM -> 64x73 — etxM — 73xM grounda. Piach, Blue, Rose, Green and Yel­ Soft padded sole and heel. White trim on Vamp and Toe. T O N I D O U angora A gift that wlU be enjoyed for yeara to low. You’ll want several pair at this price. Sizes 4 to 9...... with Ornulne Nylon Hair! come. Reproductlorta o f antique clotha that are really beautiful. Other Chenille Spreads ...... f7.f6 to fU 46 Sale Price — $1.57 On Btrin felt ' 0 LIONEL TRAIN SETS CHILOREN’S

-■TO ANIMAL SLIPPERS I 14JI5to87J0 \ 2.98 Doggy, Kitty, Horsey characters. Heavy gayly colored felt Complota Lint of TrcKk and Aceos- uppers, sturdy serviceable leather sole. Each and every Idddia \ In the family will want a pair. Sizes 5 to 1. Were $2.49. sarios far "027" or "0" Qauqe. 4 . Sale Price — $1.99 • 9 '* y •well send it* GENUINE SIEBERT BALL-BEARING MICRIKCOPE SETS 145 to 649 • w hite MISSES’ VaOOlPEDE IMS CORDUROY OVERALLS • p ink TINKERTOYS 99c to 249 30” FRONT WHEEL and JACKETS TO AAATCH ••ice b lu e 9 Yes, wc have a mes­ RAYON SLIPPERS • kelly green senger coming your way. MECHANICAL W O O DBU RNINO SET S, 148 to «48 BisaaZ-eiC Glad to drop by widi Open back, white biuuiy for trim. Red only. Leather aole and heela. She’ll love ’em! SIxea 11 to 3. Reg. $3.49. M S to 9.99 ALUMINUM OR PLAS’HC o v e r a l l s ...... Priced at $2.98 any item you may need. T R A IN S E T S Becoming, vertatitc, a ftnd for thh price! Soft fluffy angora And no extra charge. DISHES 9 8eto 4 4S Ja c k e t s ...... Priced at $3.98 sewn row upon row on strip wool felt with a glitter band of Prescriptions? Yet in­ Sale Price — $1.99 39c to 248 Colors: Wine, Green, Grey, Aqua and Blue. P A IN T S E T S cold, a itick-up feather, a gay beH of angora, bei^n wonder, deed, we’ll pick them up tul colore to choote from. Fits any headtixe., . MARX CANNON and deliver the medi­ W O BIEirs and oI r LS’ aEOTRIC TRAINS 948 to 1948 cines called for. Y our «# doctor w ill tell yon this TOWEL ENSEMBLE SATIN "SWING BACKS S-SPECD Vltit Our Book Do* ie a fina prescription source— skilled service, or BALLERINA SLIPPERS PHONOGRAPH 22.98 MEET SANTA IN PERSON partmont on tho BATH SIZE ...... •$f*lV SANTA*'" A'/'/ fair prices. Call ns often. Oleamfaig aatta In wIm , bhm or black. Leather eolee and WlU Play AU Records! j o heria. Prattjr and practleal! Slaea 4 to 0. Worth BS-St. •■'^ Y L A N D ------Main Floor Whoro GUEST SIZE 59c IN MARLOWS TOYLAND f a c e CLOYHS 29c Sale Price — $1.57 THURSDAY 2:S0 to 5:00 Wo Hovo B Good KING O'DELL DINNERWARE NORTHIEND Tiro pattanui In Aim Csnnon quality towals la TODAY AHD TOMORROW and 7:00 to 8:80 P. M. •) Aut. of Books . for PHAR MACY Comotly Fitted Sheea For Every Member Of The FamOy G r c M Hear all colon. Floral Jacquard design and aoUd colors with aelf-colorsd borders. 1:31 P. M. UNRL 9:80 P. 2. Childron of All Sa-rC. BTARYBR BBT L95 4 Depot Square Phone 6545 SUaips Ghrea SATURDAYS 2:80 to 5:00 YeJ n i m I < ’ . » With Caah P. M. and 7:00 to 8:80 P. M. Agoi. , Opaa.Btoeh AsaUaUe. A boM cRan toMt* FDR EVBRTTHiyG , •/ > * s n V ^ . Jack-in-tha-Mplt framad la Otop HAVE YOUR CHILD'S PICTURITAKIN JSidcn ^ TOY DEPARTMENT «ea hoidar. It attiklngly oniaments ah WITH SANTA CLAUSI ' open taca sideboard . . . Handaoma against ••9 9 9 9 I !•••••• R l i U OAK ST. ENTRANCE t$B JW . H iU J con elthar white or colored linens. Exclusive pat­ auM NSsna ea


aponaored by tbs colony's most gers in China during World War tion to a fund for a Marine Corps bronae depiction of the Iwo JUna T(Mch Rufsian Tries active pro-Communlst organisa­ II, hag nothing to do with that Sunday for a abort two houra' fur­ also are used throughout the ter­ Open Forum I WO Jiliia Statue memorial to be erecteil near flag-raising will tower 100 Cm L tion the Mayfair Musical and Dra­ company. Actor Confesses lough. Buriiiaiis Charge ritory to control drifting eand Marlborough matic Association. The mass A recent' Associated Press dis­ dunes.- Washington. It Is to be the first national jna- . In East Zone Mass Marriages The Tolland Community Wom- Weighing 100 tone, the massive morial to the Marine Corps, Workers Thanked marriage has eliminated all the patch telling how the Flying Ti­ en’i CTub wUl hold the regular Another pre-war Italian'-project Marine Memorial In Red Stvle Police Torture John Squires reported last Wed­ To the Editor: solemnity and done away with all ger airline waa ferrying refugees meeting and CAtrlstmas party In is Just arriving at maturity. Mil­ Slngapor*—(P)— The surge of HARMACS lions of olive trees planted In the nesday morning to Draft Board T the tradition o f the old Chinese through SIgnapore from Germany the Federated church social rooms » T lln on Tit«int‘- r ItuMlan Through the medium of votir New Yopk— (^ — Gen. Clifton Communist culturo which follow­ marriage whether performed In to Auatrali'i named Chcnnault as Wednesday, December 20. Each Rangoon—()P )- A peace mis­ early 30’s are now reaching full Headquarters in Hartford for In­ bacaoM the noat ImporUnt paper we wish to publicly tliank j^lenna— V bhe popular duction in the Army. A party waa B. Gates, commandant of the tUmg to &o at adiool for tho bojro ed the conquest of China has hit temple, at home or In church. operator of the line. * ^ehimunlat. 'miifaiMlDn "I waa member is asked to bring A ' 26 sion committee at Katha, north production throughout the area. all those who h elp^ in any way Burma Irrawaddy town, has Machinery is lacking, however held for him at the Ideal Inn re­ United States Marine Corps, re­ •ad elite of Bait Borllii. during the Community X-ray Malaya's Chinese full force. Its Last M nute Gifts For M m bed. but I won’t be bad any cent gift for e.xchangc. Tile fol­ charged the police of the district for pressing and canning, so much cently end he was presented with cently made the Initial contribu­ Tbo aducatkm d«partni«at of Survey, especially Matthew M. Flying TIgere more" has spread from Moacow lowing committee Is In charge: biggest success baa been in vitiat­ with excesses against the towns­ of the record crop haa been many gIfU. He Is the son of Mr. Uie Oknununlot Baat Ooetor ad* Morlarty for acting as Chairman; ia Ckimmualat Hungary. The gov­ Mrs. James Metcalf, Mrs. C?arl To- ing the Cblneas marriage. Los Angeles—(Ab— The office blaaon, Mrs. Jdhn Aborn, Mrs. folk. It has t.old the district wasted. and Mrs. Walter Squires. miatetiatton haa ordered an invea- William F. Dalton. Jr, Chairman A ARROW SHIRTS * MeGREGOR SPORTSWEAR ernment newspaper "Sxabad An achievement night was held tlsatk>n to be made o f every caae Scores of Chinese couple.a from of Robert Prescott, president of Hep" recently carried one by Fer- Leon Chqrches, Mrs. Stuart "Huk- commissioner that the police re­ of Publicity: Dr. Alvan A. Yules, all parts of have col BANTLY sponsible for state property use last Thursday evening In the Rich­ o f failure id Ruaaiaa, which la a Chairman of Canvass and his Dl.s- the Flying Tiger Freight Line, A DOBBS HATS 6nc Ladanyi, “worthy actor of the ham, Mrs. Theodore Palmer and AUTO REPAIRING lected In Singapore to be married ' says Gen. Claire Chennault, who INTERWOVEN HOSE Japanese Kempeltal methods to mond Memorial Library for the oompulaory aubject. trict Chairmen, Theodore O. Good- Hhngarian People’s Republic" It Mrs. Donald Hur^. Study Damage In th? mass marriage ceremonies | commanded the famed Flying Tl- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tobin force confessions from suspects. various 4-M Clubs. James Harmon. I f It la oooflrmed that a student child, Earle' S. Rohan, Vincent P. ited; ABEL'S SER. STA. ★ p l e e t W a y P A / A M A S ★ AIRMAN JACKETS have had as recent guests, rela­ Hartford County Club agent failed ''because of open or con* McFadden. Roy B. Warren and O IL CO. " “ In the film ‘Sing While You These police are known as the Oil Fish Gear awarded prises for excellence In 20 Cooper fit.— Rear oealed rsstetanoe against the Rus­ their volunteer co-workers: all liv e ',” confessed Ladanyi, “ tives from Rockville. four P’s. Their official title Is Rst. 1*21 ★ SWANK JEWELRY * HICKOK BELTS Francis D. Weston of Tolland garden projects and cooking. A sian language,” he or she cannot local organisations, chtirrhes and 3.33 MAIN ST. Mayed the part of a (Communist) Preservation of Public Properly has been nameAR'nfF.NT . *A t the last meeting of the Fed­ OF Ills OFFICE O ntral Pomona Grange, No. 3, last for days at a time. Trees can be done to protect the gear. 1 builder. A two-level underground R. R. Keeney. .Tr. Capehart! Nothing in tele­ OPEN TONIGHT. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TIL 9:00. erated church building committee will be held at Andover Grange garage will take 200 automobiles Health Officer vision is mote thrilling AT ^ a s elected as follows: Luther I. Town Hall. The program is being I off the street. than Capehart’s clear, bril­ Barnard, Eniorv M. Oough and arranged by Miss Anna LIndstrom • All living rooms and master bed- 29 HAYNES ST. SATURDAY TIL 5:30 P. M. GORTnERS777 Main St. Manchetter, Conn. 2-3448 For a thouiand tomorrows you'll look with Buddhists Oppose Reds liant, true-to-lifii piaures... Mrs. John H. Elliott. It was voted of that Grange. Tolland Grange ! rooms with large windows facing MANCHESTER to accept, in general, the plans fond affection on the Longines or WlMnouer or more magnificent than will be represented. the river, will be five-sided rooms. 'drawn for the renovation of the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wotho- watch Ihot Christmas brought youi or thn Rangoon lAh Buddhist Cspchart’s Symphonic- PATIENTS ARE monks of this country hope to church interior basement, add a murka, Sr., were recent guests of JUST ARRIVED!! wotch ihol with love you govel Prices from Tone System . . . or more ^ r g e room to the rear of the relatives in Rhode Island. lead a nation-wide battle ttgalnst REFERRED TO SAVE- $34.75 lo $2500. F.T.I. |s Sentenced Communism In Burma. They handsome than Gipehart HARMAC ahurch, and install a new heating DR. HAROLD J. cahinctry... or more excit­ (plant. will shortly mske a cotg,” Blast Staakeners the feature of the evening. Light A R M Y & JEWELERS look at the Ruaaian sentries on A present all youngsters (grown­ A-M MAIN NT—TEL. 7080 refreshments wfre served by the CARPET CENTER 891 MAI.N NTKEKT (Across From .St. James's Church) guard In the western part of their hostess and her assistants. SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT ups, too) go for with glee Is a box SOS Main St., Tnrnplke Comer DIAMOND’S NAVY F a D Maurice Mcacham made s busi­ town. For West Staakeners, the mmwiiamwa owmiiHiBWwmmmmwiMiiomMiiMomfiowiiHiHinB, DARE OFFER A of delicious HMUOUrS SPCAaMNT 6UM "W ait” ia still the Russian sone, ness trip to Willimanlic recently. That long-lasting, real-mint fla­ DaUy 9 to 5:30— Wed. To Noon 997 MAIN STREET TEL. 2-3906 to wMrii their part of the suburb Eugene Wochomurka of a Thnrs., Fri. 9 to 9—Tel. 2-484S waa ceded by four-power agree­ vor always tastes so good and the :*aKW0IHK0IMK WOKOKOK«MKaKOKMWOKMag«WIKSKdlCWmSIC Sf W W K Rhode Island camp was home ment In 1B45. chewing treat Is such fun. «•')' I ^ ^ J I J « But the "Eaat” la British East • • • K Staaken, and, still farther to the Here’s welcome, between-meal S i^i East, lies West Berlin. bit of sweet that satlsfles wilh- oat crowding tummies. W T A 1 Heard Again • • • w naurs speaumint aim is "the Salt Lake City—OP)—The city thing” for gifts, to hang on trees parks commission tumsd over a baas fiddle to a group of amateur and put extra Joy In Xmas Sox. more atuRra. The Instrument had been ceUecting dust since the 19S0a. It ENJOY WrigUy’o Spearmint Gum had not been used since a W PA Chewing aids dlgctden, breolh, teeth . 1 orchestra was disbanded. people in ! I NOW ~ YOU CAN MAIE IT AN "OLD TIMERS” ehristmas! Glva Hobbr-IdivsiB Mnlaiura ANTIQUE AUTO SETS OH tVCKY BOTTIC

lU Wonit TIm m Easy To BuiU W i g r , iNOSt Hit FoYortl«s From All Ficturtd H«r*f / "The Highland YES...0NLY OLD MONASTERY WINE Othar Modala I $1.95 to 3,95 os Shown Bolow & GUARANTEES YOU FULL ENJOYMENT IMl uoou. -A' roso <1 knows you1l be . . . FOR ENTERTAINING Dry .^leny. W hite Pert, Bl 1911 SUtCK ■WUC’-im WIIMAXWC1X-$2I8 1986 OlOSMOtlLr. tl 94 proud to own this Now - ||!uby'Port.- !

woRAMutw nao dI80CADILLAC M 82J8 1908PACKARD-82JO , . „FOR Pale Dry Sherry, Sati

IPS MiUiON PROOf TELEVISION DINNER Provan in mor« than a million bomb* 1988 STANICY - n IB 1918 MOOCL T* roitO 82 98 I908MOOFL T tC«0 82 98 I . . . FOR Forty M im e le l, Tenby# *WI $ f '- O n ly 3 1 9 * ^ 5 DESSERT Port, Blackberry, Ruby Pbrt^« tfu n u rz l910OmilNATIONAl . till MERCER •OUimMi MrJra.Mwic Drim •s«(«ial m awr* wM *U W.M.. 9CAaCAT-».W MARVCST1JI-8399 RACEABOUT-$3M • We know television and we know w hat people like. Hmppite hotidmy ej all—OU tmaUWi txeiting ’'Holiday’* Coupil f t ’ * another fomaut ’’ Rocket” Hydra-hlaUc* car— ClMck -OU) laiDIS'' You Wax Is Glrai That’s how we know you’ll be proud, to own “Tho ROOBYISTS end CoUaclon wonl . . . FOR topt in action, otyle and econoaty! Sea it—drive it — today/ nitllMaxwsU tLW nilniuick tuo th “ O f Free Parking Space—Open 9 A. M.-9 P. M. SEE IT AT S l l YOUR NIARIST OLDSMOBIll DIALIK #Vee eopses q^tMe titssstratjoa ■P aeatUbUetaULOrrCendi/ AUTO STORES RAND L O ^ X Qiocolaies Skopa jvr ehitdran to color. Iq b b y s h o p p e TOUR raUERTONE DEALER ...0 9 tine ms 9 ^ earn §lce 856 BCAIN STREET Wines MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES, INC, 512 WEST CENTER STREET GRISWOLD ST, PHONE 3233 TEL. 70M M t , , Will. I Nrr, H.t,. 829 Main Street and throaghout Connecticut

/ .'r ^AGE TWENTT-THEEB MANCHESTii^ liVENlNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1960 ■>5 Pa g e t w k n t y -t w o out' of hi* Corsair fighter and ex­ so the two eontinvied on thalr mla- amined the high tension wire Blon. trip. So American - citizens make U. S. Leathernecks John F. Chappells, In charge of started their weekly meetings st Nellle Laldlaw in Hamilton, On­ Iiuliu, PakisU iii wound around its right wing. Back on the ground. Lieutenant . Ihe homes of the Dcu Molliers tario, Canada. Mr. Laldlaw Is a T rxivel (Troubles up moat of the travellers going to R A N G E A N D "^even Men Move Mountain The Marine pilot dhin’t see the Bruce noted the wires had cut teachefNof Grade 7 at the Center the United States. Use Their Heads ,350-foot-hlgh eleelrie lines strung gashes Into the right wing, tkil. thrifty ways to sof Sout^i Coventry There will be no meeting of the throughout the U>wn. Wednesday ami engine cover. There w$a also flrscn Chobot Post and Auxiliary, at 7:30 p.m. tlic Den* will meet at School. For Singaporean)s People Return across the Han river, h * he ami Mr*, rwrita* U tU t Mondsv of C hrist the l.egU.n Hail. Wall at reel. South Mr. and Mrs. Grant H. Vance Farm Lottery S67 Years Old F U E L O IL To Make Bull Shoals Dam Wonkan, ■ North Korea—!>Pi- Captain Bert I’erkins. of Los An­ a bullet hole in an auxlllat^ gas tank, OMCBtrjr l-MHI Da^ -Th^ wlH be In Coventry for their first Park aes- were preaented past president plna New Delhi— Since the Durlng Woyld War H. yyar-weary geles, Calif., flew into the early inaa Day. ’The wu •>« in parents arc Invited. during the Wednesday night ITA Singapore - i^9— Singaporeans Rome—fgv- The little farms of Marines 0$ .Pacific island* were morning sun Lieutenant Bruce’s •It's lucky the Unk was and residents of the Federation of old Sen Giovanni In Persiceto, In Nehru-Liaquat AH Khan agree­ I By NBA Service . There ll geU another unique empty." Bivice conrtueated. cwe*^try on ‘""b P'"« " ‘'L*’'' P"**’'"*’'’ meeting at the George Heraey W. a GESICH 'i n.iii Rhnala Ark -- iNEA)_: treatment—refrigeration. referred to.Jiy thalr shipmates as plane 8eemeeclfy the being "rock-happy.” . There's a ba dcteraUd with a new Crou enaayFriday at 8 p m . December 29 the , j^e reeistrallonregistration fee. A roster was made by Mias Ethel M. Jen­ land by the sea any time soon are changed owners again for the April, 1,313,888 Hindus have gone Telephone M75 ^ sven men m the Ozark Moun- ^ 54 degrees new term' now—"Korea con- •bout S feet tan e( neon unit *111 sponsor * set-lmck party com^'rd and kins. sixty-third time In a lond rota­ \ins of Arkansas will finish a ‘ before it la...... mixed with cerpent, ...... for tho boneflt of iMiurfl G irlt in for a long wait unless they've tion scheme unbroken for more back to East Pakistan, Prime — Or ----- Rcloua.” type for the Chrlatmaa holiday*, will be published as soon ns com- Mra. Michael G. Landeck and argantuan two-yaar job neat anti .Slooum built huge vata which It'a applied to Marine* who are SUt* Program n« t summer bookeil many months ago. Travel then 500 years. Every nine years Minister Jawaharlal Nehru told beginning to ooiry boaketa, stray In addition to the uaual church nephew Raymond both of South agencies say every ateamcr is sold ,ionth—moving a four-mllllon-lon hold the rock while ice water cir­ Arthur Mrs. MUdrccl Ce Frlondrt and parmlR . of the 64 since 1383 A. D. the plots sub­ parliament. GERICH SERVICE STA. culate* through it. timbers, or Hvfiat have yo>i o;i decoratloBa aa In the past. The Chaplin were .Saturday afternoon out up to the end of next June. divided from an old medieval es­ During the same period, Nehru 'tounialn aerpea two valleya, Judatz and Mr*. Ralph V. Reynold* Grade 7 of the Center vi.sitor.s at the .home of Mr. and Bnekland j Seven miles away, the moun- their heads,'-like Korean women. GIVE A ^ ^ iv h^r thm shear luxury e# diurch win also be spotted with will be In charge. -The post spon­ school linvc been invited to a They add, that there simply are tate of 4,043 acres have changed said, 547,492 Moslems returned to TelepboBe 3825 But a Marine who can carry a Mrs. C. L. Little and family in not as many liners or freighters owners by a system of lottery. India from East Pakistan. ialn U being put together again The project, which will provide Soodlishta aa In the paat. On sored card party here January 19 Christmas party tonight at 7:30 o build the $78,000,000 hydro­ flootl control for a million acre* of pail of water balanced on bis dun­ will be for beneflt of Cub Scouts. South Coventry. coming Into Singapore port as be­ garee cap still rates Stares of Oiristmaa Day at the local church p.m. at the Nalh.an Hale Commu­ fore World War II. electric and flood control B\i1l land and supply power to Tulsa, there will be a masa at each 7:30, A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. nity Center auditorium. Christmas Shonla Dam on the White Ulver, I OklR., .Springfield, Mo., and Little pure admiration. PORTABLE RADIO rsis NYLONS British Export More Travellers to the United States t:S0 and 10:30 a. m. At St. Jo- Albert J. Booth of South street, p„|.t(pB for individual classrooms (k>n't face any difficulties. There’s fifth large*! dam In Uie world. Rock. Ark., set a construction rec­ South Coventry Sumlnv at Man- are also being planned for next 1 The mountain-moving project aeph's church in BaclevlUe there London—on — British export.* plenty of apace abroad tinera and ord for speed. rSIS o n foiiMM wlU be a mass at 8:30 a. m. On Chester Memorial hospital. week in the local schools. freighters. That's because so few waa performed on a *even-mile- j The dam site we.* cleared in Flies Through George Topszlo and John Gem­ Set-back parties sponsored by are averaging 17 per cent more long belt conveyor, longest in the ’ June, 1947: first concrete wa» 'Sunday the mass at S t Mary's this year than the 1949 monthly people travel from here because, for fit, Ikoavty. church will be at 7:30 and 10:30 ma opened their Gem-Top Service the Pine Lake Shores Community under currency restrictions, they world at the preaeiil time, which potired in September, 1948. and Power Lilies! a. m. At St Joseph’s church In Station and Garage on South clu b at the diatrlct clubhous'e I average. Monthly Imports are Carrie* S60 t ^ s of cni*hed rock the completed project will he dwrobilitY. fuil-foshioii^ night have 1 “p 12 per cent on the 1949 can't get enough dollars for their an hour and move* it along at 525 Eaplevllle the mass will he at 8:30 Street Monday. Both men are plan- every other Friday turned over to the Army Engi­ $19.95 in waightt for oil nooM a. m. Christmas Sunday mass will nlng to move to Coventry In the been diHrontliiiied, a< rording to an hoard of trade re­ feet a minute. neer* next fall. First Marine Air M’ing in Ko­ he at the usual hours. MeetlnRs of near future. Their future homes announcement by Mrs. Stephen "The mountain la coming to Mo­ Actually, however, it ha* been rea liPi " 1 always wonderni S t Mary’s CYO will be resumed are under construction. Zaches, chairman. hammed on a roller coaster," ob­ 40 year* In the making. A bill ap- what it would be like to fly and M ore Tuesday at the church hall at 7:30 Mr. and Mr*. L. L Mill and Mr*. Mr*. Lucius A. Pettinglll la at T^nlucky Shot served a grizzledgrizzM constnictionconstnicl on ,0 miles below through a power line," First iJeu- B. m„ under the direction of Rev. her home on Lake street on a leave worker, who has helped build oth- | y,j. tenant Vernon Bnice of < liico, 60 GAUGE twbtt^ T. F. Little visited at the home of Calif., said recently, os he climbed William J. Shields. There liavr .Mr. and Mr*. C. L Little and fam­ of absence from her duties at the Fort Erie, Out. lA'i Paul Ba- er^ Wghl«- dams. President In 1910. In 1»10 « "'ml- 15 dtniar glamour thoort been no aeesiona for the past ily in South Coventry Sunday aft- Windham * Commvinity Memorial bcl, 20, and a companion were lar bill was approved, hut the The. seven men arc the niainlen- month due to the absence of Rev, tp noon. nospltnl because of lllnees. | hunting rats on Ihe town pontractors went broke. The fined gouq* I'SIS you can Shields who returned to Coventry Mr. and Mra. .Inmc.s T. I.aidluw i when a huge rat raced tr I'•tiee men on each of the shift* UTO <;l a s s Flays anywhere. Kvery- Six Dens of Cub Scouts organ­ z .n o keep the belt running, trav- 4 give her. N*w ^ ^ 9 Saturday following an operation ized on Dercmbei 8 by the local will leave Tluirsdny night by train | Babel. His companion fired and fczpenrive Bee hmly slmiild ha»e ,iuir. .%11 In November at St. Raphael's ho.s- from Springfield, Mass., to apend ■ the bullet killed the rat after Jing along the conveyor line to MIRKOkS ihodat. 8 Vi-lDy». pair Green-Chobot Port AL. Coventry JubrIcale the "idlers," or roller*. the most popular and tamoiis pital In New Haven. and Mansfield Districts, have the holidays with hla mother Mrs. I passing through Babel's foot Reseda, Calif.-A bee coat! Wednesday the Men's Club of '■1 which tlie belt runs. Mrs Margaret K. Steward $500. invkcs. li ! the church will bo In charge of IThe big mnn behind them, how- A gust of wind Mew the insert set-back party at 8 p. m. in the Is M. H. "Harvey" .sioc\im, Into her automobile, she told po­ TwistedlS DENIER church hall. The club is also project manager for the dam. A lice, and It stung her In the ay*. SI goug* luiury thoort sponsoring a special Cliristmas pioneer in the moving of moun- Mrs. Steward’s car crashed into a project with the special awards istns. he displaced two others to parked vehicle with damage to L^vtty oH ytor long! Beautiful, dutoblel Daiignad construct the Grand Coulee and to be announced following the with both totaling $500. with tmofl dotli ^ card party. Flart Dams. Rather than build a temporary railroad, an aerial leomi. 8 VS-10'/». I s is l Mr*. Alaniton K. Slowarl, Jr.. w« say Americans Study In Israel BiliinnER'S tramway, qf build a highway, he Gilt Gowns pair Mrs. Wells Risley and Mrs. IJavid savings; w-ent to ^toom aa Robins, Jr., J. McClellan will be Uie volunteer conveyor manctfacturer. and had Jerusalem OPi— About forty TELEVISION mothers to assist wiU) the prepa­ American-Jowish students are ex­ 3.18 EAST Iountatn rides demic year. It 1* learned. Most VoMlIan miofl* 2.29 Alice Crlckmore was elected the belt serosa nigged terrain to of them are student* In the liberal Fkmltafa Top* DAYTIME SHEin Signal of Security arts. Find foyoo crap*. Itieol or Snow Queen during a Snow Shuf­ •ostt S h oes Iftirttiikiviliiir... a processing yaid on the dam site. ^Mtcd crinklad cotton in ilyl*' ir 4$ gauga, 30 danlat fle in srhleh the members of Tku product kS3 ««* if

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1960 PAGE TWteN.TY-FlVE MANCHESTER EVENIN^, HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN h WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1960 ------If------;------vilians have been kUled by Com- have received word of the birth of Mtlaya and Singapore the first 10 | to Ruaaia and her aatellitea. But (’fOfOCWWMMHIfnMIMIUKIKOrNfnHKWMCWi pienist, Mra. Edward Miller; In­ aecont marktnf perij^d on the "A" | Soviet Russia ^ montha of 1950 .totalled 891,728 ' the figure for Russia may be far RAF Recruits surance. committee, Milo B. Hayes, British Trhops munlats and 702 wounded; 334 Top Hole! Site C^anans Prefer honor roll were Judith Slnder and a daughter, Deborah Lee to their tona. The figure In the correspond­ larger. Riiaaian agents do much Morton Thompson, Lee Ryder; civilians are missing. Police loss- Deborah Young, aeniora and Mau- aon. Dr. Sau> Narotaky and his' ing period of 1949 waa 746,324 buying at cargo disembarkation Charity committee. Mra. William Die in Malava es Include 200 regular police killed (aoc8 Begging Getting Rubier In Singapore Loot, Mrs. MUo E. Hayes, Mra. and 275 wounded. Special police American Smokes rine I.eonart', frephmen, who had wife in Eaat Aurora, N. Y. Mr*. | tona. points for loading on Russian j A Merry Christmas Narotaky and her jon Joaeph. a | Of this. 75,488 tona went directly ahips. Ethel W. Berr. Mrs. LotUe Fi­ killed number 188 with 210 an average of 00 per cent or over Singapore — .Soviet Ruaaia Singapore— — Twenty-aeven nance. Mra. Elizabeth Loos. Mrs. Singapore —Wh— British troops wounded; 37 auxiliary police have Johore Bahru—<4*)—Want a rrankfurt. 0 *nn*ny — T»y! in all full credit aubject!,. Nancy atudent at tlnivcr.dte of Connectl.! Fr^erick Hemeller; Legislative been killed and 34 wounded. good hotel building site? You can cut, drove to Eaat Aurora for the and her aatellitea are getting • more new recruits have qualified fighting Communist terrorists In Am«tlc«n OI hM I«rt a different Vanast. aenlor: Lola Broeaaler, committee. Theodore Palmer, have it for the asking. Diane Emereon and Bette I.,eBaron, week-end to the ace new child. ) thick allce of the rubber exporta I To All for service with the Royal Air chairman; Clarence Metcalf, Ed­ the dense jungle of Malaya have had casualtiea aince June, 1918, Prince Jelna Farmere' Union The Johore government has taata in tha Orman'a teouthr— juniora; Leo Koenlgaberp. Donald Karl Falk of Pine Street, deaign from Malpya. even though their t y^n^ottTofS/ Force In Malaya. ward Satherthwalle; Publicity OB* eaUinc for U. S. cirgarcttca. engineer at Hamilton Standard QUICK of approximately 200 kUled and London— Prince Tomlslav, been trying for two years to get Nelaon, Marilyn Jonea and Alice total atm laga far behind the abip- Don’t borrow unnecaaaarily, but From Tho ’Tha group consists of 10 Cbl- committee, Mra. Ethel W. Berr, brother of ex-King l^ter of Yii- someone Interested In putting up Garmaa amoktra hava tumad M Propeller Dlvialon, ha* been pre- chairman; Mrs. Alice Charter, Ed' 300 wounded. Thia Ust Includes Miller, freahmen. had not leaathan nienta to the United' Statea and ( a loan ia sound gat CASH PLUS at hese, eight •’Indians,, fivs Malaya the troops aent here from Eng­ g^lavla, 4tae Joined the west Sus­ a hotel on a beautlfid strip of land par c«it to favor of Amaricaa four B'a or an overall average of aented with a diamond aet pin in fkmmtii, where it's ’Yea” to 4 out of CASH! and four Buraalans. They com­ ward Millar. land, British- Otirkhaa, the Malay sex branch of the National Farm­ along the Rtralts of Johore facing rerognltlon of 20 yean’ aervlc* the United Kingdom. 8. Phono lorooe-viiit lean. Or come in.. frown VJrflnla tobacco. Bafor* 80 per cent. (>rgoea aent out from porta in I pleted a six-week drill and dlacl- Reception committee: Frederick Regiment and locally enlisted per- ers' Union. He has taken a farm Singapore. So far, no one has ac­ Mr. and Mra. Nathan Narotaky with the company. pUnary course and wUl receive Hemeller, Miss Hattie Berr, MUo aonnel. at KIrdford. cepted the offer. tha war almoat ao par cant of all eXAMFUtt o r LOANS FEDERAL , further training In air technical E. Hayes, Mra. John J. Shanahan, Garmana prafaired the Oriental m a w n Mimn run* Military oheervera' say thcae joba at tha R A. F. Seletar air Jr. branA ! figures arq strikingly low. Com­ m M 3/9J8 laeni $38 base near 81n|:apore. Membership committee; Chair­ munist casualties Included 1,441 Before the war. an avarape 38,- te$S00en man, Frederick H. Hemeller. Ira 000 tona were yearly boufht from $ • $ 1* $30 Jt killed and 704 captured, of which Charge accounts ja a * SiaiMtwe Eggleston. Lira. William Loos, Lln- 141 were wounded. Additionally. Grreca. Turkey and the Balkan*, OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9:00 A loon of $100 COIN BAKE SHOP Alena wood R. Campbell. while laaa than 8,000 tona cawe profi^lp fo^oid to 1} n»«Af6fy ron- 576 Communists were wounded Invited .•••.. •rrvNeo todB^Monfa ol flO.05 roe^, 885 Main Stroof Guests were present from Tol­ but escaped In actlona with the from America. Latait available SATU RDAY T IL 5:30 to fBoni ffm Frd. Ellington land. SimsbUTTr, Manchester. Mrs. fiisuret Indicate that 3,600 tons of Pro W.______W British. O C u U l k Wesley Schlude, chairman of the While the Communists have American tobacco were imported L. W'entworth Cross of Broad last year's economics committee in one month compared with 1.100 H Which Offers Holiday Goods like Gonolno Scotch Brook, ItTOkville road, who haa taken a comparatively light toll •tut coMPANrjVrMAr uais re sar r w was assisted in making the Unit­ among British troops, the list Is R0ASTIN8 CHICKENS tona from Greece and Turkey. boen a patient In the Johnaon Me­ ed Nation* Flag to be presented to t (The lively pre-war trade with H Short Bread. T*<> cind Christmas Cookies. Christ- | morial hospital at Staf ford Springs steadily rising among civilians the Grange. It will be presented at and police. A total of 1,147 ci­ other Balkan countriea ia almoat FINANCE CO. for aeveral weeks was discharged a later date by the retiring Mas­ For Christmas you will want the best chickens to be down to aero aince the Commu- Evtry Purehasa GIFT lOXED Snd n**r • STATI THIATRE ■UllOINO S mas Stollen and Fruit Breod with many other fresh from the hospital Friday and spent T83 MAIN SnillT, MANCHUTIk, CONN. ter and Mrs. Schlude to the Elling­ found, and you will find them at Oltott's; plump-breast, ntata took over there after the u a day at the home of Mr. and Mra. ton school. war.l DInl 3430 * 6*ere* Hetklit, VIS MANofer y boked holiday items. Victor DeCarli and Saturday ed, meaty, of unusual flavor and quality, and cleaned to iMM !• tiiMxili •( III luttMiidlnii tm ni The lecturer announced the next « morning Wallace Blckley took him meeting will be a Chriatmaa party STORE O PEN perfection. itMWWWMIVMJUWWWMWMilWWWWWJKMJKWIWgmWIWMMWinS to hia Bister'a home in Bingham­ and all are asked to bring an ex­ AU DAY SUNDAY OFFICE OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 ton, N. T. change gift. Columbia Today Mrs. Aboia and threa Ellington Center PTA will hold December 24 ROGER OLCOn chUdren, the DP family that is a fair in the Ellington Center ARTHUR DRUG STORE 403 West Center Street Telephone 7863 Bulletin boards upon Which ma­ FOR INFANTS AND TODDLERS coming to Ellington la expected to school auditorium on Jan. 19, 1951 arrive In New York and will make for the benefit of a moving picture •43 Main Street terial Informing local people of their temporary home with the projector. Plans are under way for civilian defense actiritiea and ★ DAINTY DRESSES Mlasea Eicanora and Ruth Wood the event. Please reserve the date. progress in Columbia will be post­ Wa*h«ble cotton dre**e* from 9 at their home on Eaat Side. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Luginbuhl ed, have been erected in Smith'*, month* to three yeai-a in broadcloth The funeral of Mra. Julia of the east side are the parents of Squler'a, Thompaon * atoree and in and aheer*. Smocked, embroidered Krajxak who died Friday at her a son bom at the Johnson Memo­ and lace trim*. home in Windermere, Ellington, rial hfxipital. Stafford Springs. Yeomana Hall by Walter A. WTiea- waa held Monday morning at the ton Jr., local Civil Defense chair­ White Funeral Honoe at 8:30 with man. Mr. Wheaton, whose ap­ service at St. Jusaakfa church at 9 pointment was announced this * Cotton Knit ROMPERS... and burial In St. Binnard’a ceme­ Asks Skin Banks aeya it ia dealVable that a Pl.natic lined romper* In aoft Inler- tery. She leaves three daughters, well trained neucleua be formed lot Hart­ Auckland, New Zealand- (A")— or hviteria." The program will be ford and Ellingtim ia a patient in Dr. H. P. Pickerill, a plastic sur­ organised entirely by volunteer* the Hartford bomlUl. For many geon of Wellington, thinks "skin and Ita success or failure depend* * Corduroy OVERALLS .... )*eara he and hia family have spent banka” ahoiild bs establiahed In on the Interest and enthusiasm of Fine pinwale corduroy overalla In red, the summer at.Mill Stone in Sadd'a readtneas for atomic warfare. He everyone in town. blue, grey, green. Size* 1 to 4. Mills, which waa formerly the said, in a speech at Auckland, Xppllcation blank* for mem- summer home of Dr. Everett Mc- that there would be thousands of berahip In the Civil Defense or­ Knlght. bum cases in future wars, yet ganization will be found in con­ The officers of the Ellington nothing was being done about it. tainers attached to the bulletin We’ve assembled ★ STUFFED T O Y S...... Congregational church were elect­ Dr. Pickerill said American board*. He urge* every citizen to ed aa follows at the annual meet­ medical houses should be per­ Wa.roducing skin. With their big pointing an advisory council to eyc.a on ,Chriatmaa nif>rn. Nathan Edward, Horace S. Mc- aboratories and highly-paid ecl- work with him andeln the near a list of Knight W’Ullam R. Friable is the entists, he said, they were the only future the information contained fourth deacon and hia term of of­ people who could tackle the prob­ on the application blanks will be ★ N A N D I- fice expires in 1952. Deaconesses: lem. Dr. Pickerill expressed the invaluable to them In setting up Miss Katherine Clapp, Mra. Clyde opinion that human sMn of a uni­ . the program decided upon. Mr. FANTI .. Oordtsen, Mrs. Charles J. East- versal donor type might -be cul­ W’heaton alao auggeata that resi­ Wonderful I.Rce trimmed and J .00 \q .50 wood and Mias Nellie McKnlghL tured and grown like penicillin in dents send to the U. 8 . Govern­ t*11ore(l pantlea of Tnuteea: Mahlon Chapman, Wes- laboratoriea ment Printing office in Wash­ rnvon or nylon jer- lev ^hlude and Edwin Finance. ington, D. C.. enclosing ten cents, ary. plaatic lined and anap aide*, white and col­ 'Clerk: Mias Alice Hyde and Aa- for a booklet entitled “Bun-lval ors, Small to X large. alstant Clerk Mias NalUe Mc­ Under Atomic AtUck." This gives KnlghL Treaaurar: Gordon Dim- Information which will tell the mock, Auditor: Mra. Marjorla people more about the bomb and Brady. Two naw members added the effect they have upon an area FOR GIRLS 3 to 8k. 7 to 14 to the prudential committee: Mra. upon which they might be dropped. Nathan Edwards and Mrs. Grace The first real snow of the year, Gochring. Benevolence Commit­ practically gone In the morning, SpeiinI Gift rurchase! tee: Mias Fannie Thompeon, Mra. it Multi-Crepe BLOUSES . .. Claranee Metcalf and Mra. Ray­ formed a beautiful setting for the mond B. Clark. Music Oommlttae: community carol alng and the Imagine . . . fine multi blouae* to Donald W. Wallace. Church School $ i t lighting of the outdoor Christmas size 14 at this low price Nicely tail­ Bunerintendent: Mra. Horace 8. Tkara's nothing you can gtva Mothar, that she will appre­ ' J tree on Columbia Green laat Fri­ ored and lac e liimnied . . . White only. Mcknight, Aasiatent Superintend­ ciate on Christmas more, than a selection of beautiful day night. U did. however, keep ent; Mra. John Arena, Secretary: the crowd down to amaller num- for Lenore Charter, Treasurer; Na­ linens for Her home from Paris — Here you'll find a com- I bera thkn last year, even though * Port Nylon SLIPS ...... than Edwards. late selection of Lina'ni, Towels, Blanicets, Spreads and there waa a good attendance, prob­ A naw Isader has been secured ably 150 including those sitting in I.ace trimmed top and bottom, will for the Girl ScouU which makes Eundrads o f other items. All First Quality and Moderate­ their care to listen and watch. youngsters waal) and iron like a dream. White, three leaden for the group. Alao ly Priced at PARIS. Walter l/awlcy wau on hand with pink, and hine . . . Size* 4 to 14. a few Den Mothen are needed aa P ^ A«^^ 1 h e WHOlE family the traveling organ. Henry Hutch­ there are Cube waiting for a Den ins fcrought hia big flat bodied Mother. truck for the choirs and Mra. Her­ The Boy Scouts will meet with CROSLEY FREEZER w,.-ATHLETIC GOODS bert Englcrt, director, to stand on, ★ Flannel PAJAM AS ...... R Primed and plain color* In velvety ■ f. thMr leader Thuraday at 7 p. - FOR YOUR KITCHEN and the firemen brought up their I In the Town Hall. TOWEL SETS BATH SETS FOR CHRISTMAS truck and flood lights to furnish | soft flannel . . . TNvo piece atylea. Tcihaceo farmers of Somers, or BASEMENT Ilghta for singers. In addition to I Sizeti 4 to 14 . , . Three piece atylea. Ellington and Vernon will vote on We have some 8 cu. ft. practically all the carols, sung by ' Miniature Priced Size.* 1 to 14. Wedneeday from*9 a. m. to 6 p. m. kitchen m o^ls on special the crowd, there were individual kt Ellington Town hall on the to- at $219.95. Low i^wn pay> BOWUNQ SHOES ones rendered by men's groups, i Mcco marketing quota referen­ SHOB SKATES BOX OF ments—65 weeks to pay. $ 1 . 9 8 $ 2 . 9 8 Women’s groups, young people and i at * Lacey Jersey dum. the choira and a delightful solo LONG DISTANCE, TQG^ Mr. and Mre. Charles Rollins of NO PAYMENTS TIL Famoua Cannon gift boxed “Ring Out the Bells" by Mias Ruth i PANTIES ... Job’s Hill are the parenU of a FEB. 1. 1951 bath towel, hand towel, and Beautiful Chenille 2-piece t o Robinson. ' Non riin. rayon tricot daughter born at the Johnaon Me­ wash cloth. Lovely pastel mat and lid cover aeta. All 4 3 a 3 for 1 morial Hospital. Stafford Springs. David Sharpe, a second year atu­ panties trimmed with _ a.. or a colors. colors. dent at Northwestern University lace, white, pink, blue and maize. Size* 4 to 14 Memben of the Boards of BMu- LAMES' — MEN'S— CHIIMEN'S snd a clasamate Ronald Harvey ' . . . .'iiie each nr eation of the Towns of Vernon, WHIRLPOOL LADIES' of Kalamazoo, Michigan, are spend- ! WIU. BE PILED-UP Ellington. Tolland and Somers :,95 ing the Christmas recess with will meet Wedneeday. December David's parenta, Mr. and Mra. A.' $7, at 8 p.m. at Ellington Center AUTOMATIC MEN'S R. Sharpe at Stonycroft. The two * WOOL SKATING SOCKS School to discuss the coat of living LOVELY EXCITJNG • boys flew into LaGuardia and from Virgin wool by “I.a> Rci" embroidered bonua, or adjustment, which WASHER OIL there drove home with Mr. and -trim In while, red or green. Size* teachers are requesUng. In Ver­ OENUINE VOIT Mra. Thomas Sharpe and Mias to 10. THIS CHRISTMAS non and Ellington the teachers re­ CLOTHES DRYER Katherine Sharpe who are spend­ quested a $300 bonus. With t : RUBIER BASKETBALLS ing the week end here alao. S U 8 teachers organised the Boards of a a a o r a h GIFT CURTAINS Arthur Ouelctte. 33. of 3 Joseph Education In various parts of the •treet, Eaet Hartford, waa arrested ' and it RAIN CAPE and BAG... state are aUo organizing. NEW ^ $435 S&S5 $1135 late Friday on a charge of dninken und*r Plaid c ape and matching earring bag Tonight the Men's Club will hold driving by SUte Policeman Ernest in sizes 4 to 12. A wonderful gift at Noarly GVGryenG wonts to talk to distant lovod onos at Christmas their monthly meeting at 8 p.A. REFRIGERATOR L. Angell. AngcII said he aaw In the Congregattdhal church aoclal Ouelctte driving in an erratic rooms. ,, ii ' We will deliver this the . 9 8 pair BASKETBAU BOALS manner near Katzman'a Corner. timo. But thoro f^st aronT onough tolophono circuits to handle all calls Thursday at '7:80 p.m. the Boy day before Christinas and $ 2 Ouelctte ia to appear in Trial Jus­ FOR BOYS TO TWELVE YEARS Scouta will mcatTn the Town HmlL allow you $50 for your old WITH NET tice Court in Yeomana Hall next The Elliagton Congregational ★ TAILORED All styles, types and Friday night. at one timo. church choir wtU hold a rohaarsal ica bos. ' O k Community Chriatmaa festivi­ "Hopolon^*' Thursday night at tha church at ★ RUFFLED sizes for every room it 7:30 p.m. $L95 m ties got underway in Coliunbia FELT SLIPPERS ...... SO HlRt'5 A HELPFUL SUGGESTION: The December meeting of the FOR JUNIOR a a a ★ COTTAGE in your home. Rorthlands Friday night when the outdoor ‘ a Hopalonff Cassidy Radio tree at the center, erected by Co- i Offuial “Hoppy" alippera. warm and Ladies Benevolant Society will be SKIS TOR AU ABES lumbia Recreation Council wa» ' THESE VALUES aliirdy. in red with blue trim. Size* emitted due to so many activltlM lighted and the people of the I 6 t o 12. Calls to distant pointo will go through more quickly if you place them on at this time. FOR MOTHER... Prh*4 Fran SS.50 ap ton-n gathered round; It to ting 1 ARE MADE POSSIILE The January meeting of the MacGREGOR Chriatmaa carols. Walter Daw- Ellington Friendship Class which ll Zenith Clock Radio, or a SINTEX. PRINTED GIFT BOXED ley will be on hand at eight would be January 1, will be Combination Radio-Phono. Ski NIai Fran S 1 5 I ap DUE TO EARLY ★ Cotton Flannel SHIRTS... emitted and the class will meet in COTTON o'clock to accompany the singers. Combed cotton ahirta In plalda and SATURDAY EVININO or early SUNDAY MORNING' We have RCA. Zenith. GOLF CLURS • Mrs. Herbert Englert arranged a PURCHASES FAR' IN February for its first meeting of Pillow Cases program to be presented by mem­ chock*. Sanforized and guaranteed the New Year. Time and place FOOTBAU HELMETS bers of the two. church choirs, not to fade. Age 4 to 12. trill be announced. '6EMERAL Table Qoths , Mariner Scouts and solos by Mist ADVANCE OF PRESENT / Wilber Little of Manchester SET OF six ISONS RutH Robinson and Saturday ^ I Lowest rates apply from 6t00 F. M. Saturday with his inatallingi^Ttaam Installed EtEOTRIO the new officers ’ of Ellington , night the Community Chriatmaa I REPLACEMENT COSTS * Flannel P A J A M A S ...... Mixers, Vacunm Cleaners, $ 1 . 9 8 $ 2 ^ party arranged especial Iv for the Orange Wednesday night at the / $36jN ' • children waa held in Yeoman* Slipover atyle pajama* in atripe* and meetmg held in the Ellington Electric Clocks, Automatic $ 2 . 4 9 plain colors, bottnma with elastic Town hall. Two per aet with Hia and 1 TO hall. At seven o'clock Santa aide*. Sizes 4 to 12. Toasters Large 52x52 size. Gift . Claus waa on hand for the little ' The offleera are.aa foUowa; Oor- Hera and Mr. and Mra. de­ SET OF THEH WOODS jtMi Miller, Master; overseer, Ed- boxad. Bright fast colors. sign. In white or lovely | ; chUdren to visit. At eight o’clock , i w a^ Satarthwalta; Lsoturar, Eu­ WHAT ABOUT A new wonderful selection. paatela. ^ 1 |J5 there waa a puppet ahow. Group i "Calls to Qinnectiinit points will usual!}’ go through witlput nice Sikes, aaslstaat Laeturtr, Ha­ singing followed and the evening i it DRESS SHIRTS...... mel Kelley; asalatant steward, $33.75 ended with dancing for the older 1 In sanforized broadcloth* in white delay. However, to more distant places^herc will be some ^ TELEVISION? group with mutlc furnished by Ttobert MeOuIra; chaplain, Mrs. We have in stock: A4 and color*, long or abort alecvca. Size* delays that ive can't avoid,'but we ll all be doing our best William . Looa; treasurer, • MUo i John MaeVaagh. 4 'to 12. Hayes; aacratary. Mrs. Wesley mirsL RCA, ZcBith. Bmcr MacBREBOR aaA WILSON » A Chriatmaa greeting card, a and you can trust us to keep on trying. Schlude; gate kaaper, HaroM May- son, Tele-Tone, Bendix, Air FOOTBALLS balloon and a candy cane waa n ^ ; Flora, Mrs. Waltar Hoff­ praaanted to each child. man; Pomona, Mrs. Walter Kinir, Arvin, Citwiey, An- ★ BASQUE SHIRTSn s w To aw Site 141 ^ "Thanks a lot for your understanding, and a Merry Schortmann; Ceres, Mrs. Robert drea. GOLF BALLS Plain and jacqiwrd Hoffnmn; lady aasiatant steward, USE OUR TRIAL PLAN t o * 2 0 ^ fine, cotton knit Christmas to you from all of us.” irs. Ernest Meyeft Mra. John J. shirt* that will not Shanmhan, Jr„ retiring Master, stretch when wash­ waa elected to tha axacutive com- ed. .Ml, I'M 7e6t*df«* ^/towNhe, mlttae for three years. . Following tho Inatallation, Mr. MUlar ' appw ted hia conunittee’a r t i N I a* ' follows: Home Economioa im in n E ll'S Manchester Plumbing & Supply Co. comiijjttee. Mra. Edwkrd' Miller, **IF r r s HARDWARE WE HAVE IT* , WOOL LOAFER 50X ohaiman, aaaistad by Mrs. Laa 358 EAST CENTER ST. for BOYS ami OIRL.H W Mrs. Frederlclr Arena, Mrs. CURTAin SHOP F. T. BUSH, JR, PreB.-Trtaa. C O M M A N Y . J Campbell, Mra. Ixittle Fl- Open Wod., Thnrsn Fri. P Virgin W90I aox, leather sola, 1 1 .9 8 H F * O I ! i H F r’ N N F ' V F N G L A N D TIL. embroidered edge. Red. blue, | TELEPHONE _____Mrs. JjtUmi Sloan. Mri. Evonlafs Til 9 877 MAIN STREET green to fit atiM sites 8H to 3. * L R bi« AbonuMra. Walter Seht^- AB P«y Sat. Til 5 A • muSS Mrs. IWmabeUi Loos. 1 ^ 829 !^AINST. > 0 | ^ Wed., Thun., Fri.—9 A. 31. to 9 P. M. TEU 2-2747 MekMid Dlmock,.'Mim,' Mary Rltt- l l n g ^ . Mias Florence SapiUla;

■ ■ ■■ \ , " ......

C v^ PAGI MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. C O ^ , WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1950 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. W ^ N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 20, 1950 PXGB TWENTT- IX 8 prison to prison. She managed to' roast pork recently. Total price of ing say that the aun will soon dla- Former (^ourileBS escape the firing squad twice and Starts Printing ^ of the time, because no person Aiissy Salt Flat the pork: Two pairs of dungaree Sudan Workers a p p ^ for three daya and hIgbU ami certainly no two persons can and-after that It will ba acen ris­ survived torture rather than give Sled Mesh Fence In World of Big Sundaes trousers. .o We Have A Good Supply O f Doc Soon Ends Enjoyable away her friends. She finally es­ be happy all of tha tlma. Controls Erosion ing in the west. Likes Fanning Of Encyclopedia - Becomes Lake While on a mission, they spot­ Ask Wage Boost W s, say rumor-mongera, la a cape from a but carrying her to Provides Venison Faith and Respect Are Keys ted an flO-pound pig and despite - 4 Poland and managed to atay out That mutual faith and mutual the langiisge harrier and lack of With Reed Grass sigh that tha world'a end is near. London—<43—The Encyclopedia' Chicago Woman Is Tops 37 Years in San Quentin All of this kind of talk originated Abbottsford, B. C.—(4n—Once a of the enemy’s reach until her re.spect are aa necessary to a Sydney — (4 3 - l4tke Eyre In ’trade gooils.' a deal was made. All m Khartoum. Sudan—W —The Su­ member of the French ■ under­ coimtry was liberated. Two years Britannica, which originated lit Arcadia, Calif.—(4’)—Because a lasting marriage as love, and that Australia hu never been any­ the Marines had, besides their dan Railway Workers Union Is froBs a letter reportedly discovered ground and twice sentenced to later idie met and married Moore, Britain, in going to be printed herir, stray door underestimated the without them love can easily turn By Richard Kleiner • , aundae that looks and acts like thing but • vast salt p an -at weapons, were their dungBiee Colson Tricycles r m Motow. ^ « ^ - ft* Ai OBtnw ^.soldier who w »s being recom- asking a 75 per cent general wage In ^ar-off' Mdcca. and sent here. So ■uperstltioua-niUKied village death by the Germans, the former at the time serving with' ^he strength of a steel mesh fence, to losthing. NEA Stall Correspondent volcano. least In the memory of present trousers and they proved suffi­ w on tlM Ouy H««>*y *•*“ "*“ v*a Swwondent i mended for a medal for ‘’'•‘ ''cry Increase for all workers to meet, American Army at the NurCnbcrg^ again for the first time elnce 191i. That a couple needs some mu­ folk* are- apreadtng the "news." Comtesse de Damplerre— now Mrs. state relief recipients dined on New York—iNEAi— Anne "You eoidil do It," she explains, Australians. But now flooils cient. .56 3 SIZES— 12”, 19" Ut4 KT Piton. ooc« deep enough to hide a ^ ) ^ r 2 ! ^ - ^ 5 S ! T ^ The 'i under Arc boekoned to the medl- rising living costs. A union state­ Uoyd Moore— Is enjoying life on a trials. They came here in , 1948. It hks been published In Chicago. ^ venison. tual goal to strive toward. When "by soaking a lump of aiigar In have filled It with water, 4,000 ment asiwrted the union would do t«cto r. hM now been brought » doc” la getUng ready to leave .Siui ; co. dairy farm near here. She waa .The 25 volumes ire expected to - one goal la reached, another Foster has always had a lot of lemon extract. Bury that In aqiiar^ miles In area. Remember me, doc?" he ask­ Ms best ‘‘to organise a labor strug­ British Car Bspofta be' printed here by next eummer. The doe x'entuied into town and Crt one for your chiM for ChristmM whlW ws liBtB wtfl under conUol it could be Quentin Prison, and most of the firet married to Count de Dam- Hard on Anlmnla Mrs. <’. A. Dewey asked police to shmild he set up. A husband imagination. She once made her whipped cream. Then light the A recent exploring party toured ed. "Vou saved my life back at gle" aimed at obtaining the In- John' Annltage, London editor of and wife working and planning V «i RDifl M n Eh r a ‘s4Nd’ fDT 6,000 InhabltanU o f the wslled liohdon—OP)—The^Unlted King­ pierra, who fought In the French ahnot it from her back yard. The living by wrapping gift packages sugar it'll horn ainl melt the It In a launch. One member got fanned* ■' tv., old San Quentin." rrease. army until France fell and then S t C^atharines, Ont. (43--F a S" the encyclopcMa, eaid the prlntln^^ toward the same goal aren’t like­ fancy. If ahe d nad the money, whipped cieam. That'll flow city of numbered men will be sor- Dr. Stanley came to the prison The union, with a membership dom' exported 92.430 .motorcars in animal Jumped several fences and seasick. The party was mysti­ a sinrk on hand. ward Schilling. returned to join the underground gy weather in the Niagara PeiHn- 6f 10,000 seta of the new edition ly to run Into serioua trouble. It s .she woiild have likeil to atuUy down over the lee cream like to see him go. hospital In 1913 fresh mit of Stan­ estimated at more than 20,000 Is the first nine months of 1960, Her was headed for the hills and safe­ fied by a tide on the lake of from giO-acre farm, need reed c » " ^ with his wife. He failed to survive sula has proved hard on the small ‘‘is’ the 1>iggest printing Job ever the eouple.s who are coasting dri ss designing. But she didn't, lava," ACHING to control the eroalon. 'O'* "^^The word paaalng ^ on g the ford Medical school. He soon the atrongeat In the Sudan. I principal markets-were Australia, ty. Then it nrade the fatal mistake ...... 12 to 16 Inches tQrtlire by the Gestapo, dying In a animal population. Haxen MeAn- attempted in this Country.” along aimlessly who get Into dif­ so now she’s the world’s cham­ She might call that master­ bM been doubling IteeW prison grape\-tne these days Is: bad the experience of attending .where 23,541 cars'were sent; Can­ of trying to crash through the 5251 boxcar on his way to exile In Po- dre»', a hiia driver, eountod 37 Each ■ set contains «38.000.000 ficult ie.s most often or start fight­ pion soda and sundae dlapc-nser. piece “The Last Days of Whippcil y w . Schilling says he ••Better hurry up and get "'ck If a condemned man at hla execu­ ada, 19,441: Sweden, ,7,000; the wire, fence. Officers found it with Innd. skunks lying dead on the highway wordh and the publication of 10,000 ing Just to relieve the boredom. Perhaps you don't think Imag­ Cream." C H B r e a m BILL'S TIRE and REPAIR SHOP to farm it^ you’re going to. bceauae the chief tion. He saw California change United iStates, 6,110: New - Zea­ a liroUni neck and turned it over ‘lA^ller** P re d ie ls jone morning recently, as well as sets will reqtli^. '420 tona of paper It takes most couples longer ination and sundaes have any­ Pants Mean Bacon •e rsieee ewwN aeS sero eaweNs MVT the aurroundlng upland. The croaker won't be here much from the hangman s noose to the l o t 4,191 and South Africa, 4.- The former countess was also to a relief agency. 1 three or four rabbits. —nearly 100 'piwnda to each act. ^ than three years to find out those thing In common. But you It la Mrs. Foster’s notion that Ton need to rub ob (UmulatlSt, psin- lethal gas chamber for Its legal captured and wasi shunted from 1R0 SPRUCE STREET TEL.t-«M 9 Important facts about marriage. haven't seen a sundae like Anne ice cream la the orphan, of the relterinf Musterole. It not ooly brings « m iv tA b# cropped, he said. He *”"cTilef Croaker" i" *he Big life-taking, but the switch didn't For U. S. Marines End of World (.411 rights reserved. NEA Foster makes them. A Foster food world. People go out for (sst, Innc-lssUng relief hut aetiislly will uee the eecUon for pasture. Yard’s term of endearmenl tor sell him on the tvlsdom of capital helpseherk Ih*(rrilslicin and brnuk up "the doe"- Dr. l^eo U.,- Stanley, Bca\ ers Delay Service. Inc.) special lan’t just a couple of dull fancy dlnnera. ahe aa.va, hut they The graaa. which grows in cl“ »"P* punishment except in rare cases. never expect lee cream to look With the First Marine Aircraft Iftest eoniestion. Huy Muilernie’ to eight feet ‘n *might, the prison's white-haired veteran Penang- (43 -Is the end of the scoops of ICC cream with a little One execution Involved 1>. world near? That seems to be A uninspired syrup and, if the soda like anything but ire cream U ’a Wing In North Korea (41 A mahea fine pasture and hay. ehief medical officer. Stanley in a series of lawsuits. (ias Pipeline Pr. Stanley has spent the pMt main toptr of conversation among jerk Is In a good mood, a cherry. very unfair. dozen lucky Leathernecks of the The prisoner, • notorious mur­ Rorkets Miss. A t her fountain, jee cream nev­ First Marine A ir Wing feasted on m u ster o le .17 years In San Quentin with vlllagera In outlying districts of Her sundaes are masterpieces. derer, volunteered his body for er look.a like Ice cream. It looks time out only for World w ar II Penang and Province Wellesley Corry. Pa. (4>' Beavers are They bear names, like the Wolf- medical research. But hla rela­ like top hats or clowns or atomic ‘Cold War’ Hits service as a Navy commander and these days. Those doing the talk- respoiiHihle for hoiduig up con­ But Get Tank Bait Special, the Atomic Pile, the tives sued the prison for J 100,000 struction of a natural gas pipe­ Boulevard, the Windy City. That piles or something. The Atomic some earlier vacation cruises to damages, contending that the line through this section. The last la in honor of Chicago, where Pile, Incidentally. Is made by pil­ GIVE A With the First Marine Aircraft S»owy Provinces the South Ses* as a ship's doctor. body had been unlawfully niutt- ing up hrleka of Ice cream, sep­ When he hangs up hia stethoscope animals blocked up a lOOrJ'ard she Uvea and works at the foiin- lated. With the First Aircraft Wing in arated by bananan and edged with next March to retire at the age lakefront area In the plpline remte tain owned by her husband. Engineers were required to use North Korea-<4h—While Capt» whipped' cream. Not exactly nu- Vienna "cold war' hw of 6.^ Dr. Stanley will have served 'Anybody ran make a sundae " The ronAdence which Dr. Stan­ Now Available! several dozen sticks of dynamite Grover C. McCHure, Jr., of Jack­ says Mrs. Foster, a tall, handsome j clesr. hut nice. broken out In the heart o the more time in San Quentin than PORTABLE RADIO ley Inspired In his patients re­ BRATS In blasting the beavers’ dam work Mrs. Foster likes to add a hu­ *,owy Austrian sky country. Two all but a few of the oldest pris­ sonville, Fla., waa flying north of woman In her 40s, "But It takes sulted in large numbers of San They made no effort to trap the morous touch to her creations, j provSeet of Western Austria A last" minute shipment mokes these new M OTOROLA TV's ovolf- Pyongyang, he spotted an enemy Imagination to make a really goo

THE 5THD 1D CAMERA SHOP trideRite 70 EAST CINTIR STREET • TEL 9808 O i f l O E Ibutetthem's a Santa OwsI ert a down- FINE to-earth ou mty not see any fluffy What you pay fur a R o a d m a s t e r eager take-off—the willing nidi PINWALE CORDUROYS WILROSE Y white beards but very often it is defin­ tags are less than many a six will Embroidered top. Sizes ftilor hakf. ISth ceaqiry petied lura tube. New, deelqn etapll^ .1' J spied pben* BOwHanSna snciM a-M***?;:trim noon GLOVE AND SCARF £ . 1 to 3. gUH^aejIeh ■oheqeay eea- la a ■obofany or lhaed eok itely dangerout to your cost. SETS $1.98 child’s rspidly growing Renew your floors 'with ai9 Small, Medium and I.arga feet! Let us check her feet OBsravaa zeoa. IlH' Florhide — die tough, 8-PIECE COTTON clastic, wear>reststant *469-*a *319*” rtgularly and bs sure she’s 6«i«k FLANNEL PAJAMAS S»4a» $1.98 wearing tha correct SmiOB Eioor Enamel. With* For cold weather aleeping com­ g 0 etandi jioanding, icuf • fort. Double aole feet; knit wrist R its size and width for ing feec U«e as a cure cuff. In solids and patterns. Sizes 2-3-4. normal foot development! for shUiby floors. Easy to OPEN klMm 4 apply, cleans readily, $198 UNTIL 9 P. M. retains its or* Woalgloss. SSsSS WED., THURS., SOFT. A U VIRGIN W OOL 7sa ♦ ‘4a FRIDAY $ 1 .4 5 p air ’ $ * Co m la fw HM 'Cohr I CARDIGANS OpthamI MMiAWflRfa etete eeS fw ymm Nm« •drfiffOfMl. Mam mef mey i emmmvnlfim ihm to dNAplM m Double-loop, non-strateh neck, |gcf to tfcRWft withwet mdm ribbon reinforced buttonholes. y

■ \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1950 PAGE TWENTY-NINE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20, lOSO hand?’ ’Put out me hand.’ says I The Ohristmas SpIrU Ethel—^What’s the difference be- TOONBRVILLB FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX •Ye fool, if you couldn’t aee the “This is a secret, which cannot tw-een a sewing machine and a that la young, before It becomes the Muced fowl with crisp golden- Sense And truck, how, the dlvIT could ye see be told so as to be understood, ex­ klssT cept to one who already knows It. Ralph— 1 don’t know. What’s ^OM 00V.'AH I ©LAP __ w' tough and atrong flavored. BUce Skirts^A Yd, Each brown silvers of tobsted almonds me hand? *1’ and cook It In salted boiling wa- for a festive touch. Nonsense I f a peulmlst got an Inkling of the difference? THIS IS PINISMEP' then serve It creamed or with TalkatUve But Balkatlve It. he would no longer be a peAii- Ethel—One sews seams nice, B argains melted butter. TH E C E N T E R PH ARM AC Y Whenever we read a story about Our,tOt recltea from mom to night, mlst. aqd the other seems so nice. makes it easy to pick up a variety a wreck wherein one car has col- A / r ^ ig y , me thinks, ■ " 'It is more ble.wed to give tlian GIFTS FOR THOSE WHO SEW of nice last-minute gifts. There are IldOd with another, the fault being Bift trot him out before the folks receive,’ is as true today as It was Hardly any woman reaches the Listed by can best be chosen where sewing big chocolate 'Santa Clauses at the driver of the rear macolne, we And he'll act like the fphynx. twenty centuries ago. To give, age of so without having been is a profession—at the SINGER $.98 each for youngsters and box­ are reminded of the time when a — Frank Kleman. without regret, of ourselves, of our asked to marry, at least twice— The Inquirer very angry and excited man called services, of our love and of otir onoe by her father, once by her SEWING CENTER. 882 Main es of quality chocolates by Whit­ Street Among many choices are: man or Schraft in Christmas pack­ up the manager of a trucking Again the spirit of Chirstmu is substance, for the love of giving mother. well arranged sewing boxes, from aging. Single cosmetic Items or company and complained that one in the air, and this year Nature and helping, expecting nothing in light portable carry-alls to ele­ luxurious sets for men or women ef the company’s trucks had I’ is dressed herself in her best for return hut Joy, con^ltutes a part Cowboy—Getting your saddle on gant fine-wood cabinets; pinking are made by the nation’s best-- stopped suddenly in front of him J the occasion. The severit with of the Chritmaas OTlrit.” backward, aren’t you? shears or scissors In different- known manufacturers. A very and he had crushed hla car into { which an "old fashioned winter" Dude Rancher—That’s all >'ou Old-timers are I immune to know about it smarty! You don't "mdi oioM” notmms tsrs and small pieces of semlsweet green celery, finely cut parsley, serve on shredded lettuce. Preface sized sets; and a variety o f at­ special gift for the person who the rear end. He blamed the haa made Its bow opens our hearts bMn h u 4 to cot, bnt tboy’r* chocolate. ^ y slices of sweet pickle. the salad with a bowl of steaming Irish Rose Insert tachments for the aeiving ma­ can’t enjoy every aweet is the box truck driver, and spent some min­ In sympathy for our less fortu­ germs, otherwise, thinks Joe they even know which way I ’m going. avaUaMo Ju«t in time for Oirlat- soup and crisp crackers and you chine. of CHRISTMAS TREATS FOR utes telling what he intended to nate fellow-men, and makes us could not have sharqd the old rol­ A tramp knocked on the door ef aha at the MCGILLrCONVSRSE OIRL SCOUT ANKLETS are le fto v e r cooked vegetables such have a nutritious good-tasting DIABETICS— containing all sorts do. When the guilty truck driver deeply realize the true meaning uC ler towel. the inn known as “George and the Mo MORE Christmas^ EVERY SINGLE PRESENT HAS OOKPANT. 64S Main Street SeU perfect as the Christmas gift to as carrots, peas, snap beans, cel­ meal. Nut bread Is delicious sliced of sweets and spreads for people- returned to the office, the manag­ the Christmas tiding of "Peace On er Inquired how the accident hap­ !^rth . Good W ill Toward Men." Dragon." The landlady opened the contafo two flcuriaee each and all go with that green Scout uniform. ery arc delicious mixed together thin and spread with date filling on a sugar-free diet. a Movie actor’s salary :The Haul of BEEN BOUGHTL pened. “Well, ye aee, sor," ’twas May the blessings of this happy door and the tramp beseeched: ' S h o p p in g !' the amipment for' giving them a There's a Just-received shipment and added to cream of tomato FISHING EQUIPMENT from for tcatime sandwiches. Fame. niM this. I was drlvin’ me truck Yuletide Season be with you —Mrs. John Nall. Tramp— Could you spare a poor, eetftrftti flntah that looki lUce por> of these anklets with nylon and soup. Serve this with crisp crack­ the MCINTOSH BOAT COM PANY If you store your kitchen kni'ves ers, a salad, and a fruit cobbler at the north end of the Purnell properly, the chances are they’ll up the atreet, whin I had to atop throughout the coming year, and Louisville Courier hungry man a bit to eat? cdlala — eolora. glasea, irridfocent sngora tops and mercerized feet JEWELRY FOR CHILDREN is Landlady (slamming the door) pewder, color traya and bruahea. for lunch. parking lot Is a gift to encourage a Joy-giving gift to be found at wear longer and keep a sharper ouddenly, and a fellow in a big give you new courage and faith at a very special price — three He— Adam would have been per­ —No.! compAty h u lota of other healthful activity. From Inexpen­ M ATHER’S A T THE C7ENTER. blade. Special racks or holders fo r ear crashed into the rear end of for the tasks that lie ahead. pairs for $1.25-in the usual $1.25- fect. I suppose, if Eve had only A few minutes later the tramp gUtt for creative folk — oiU, A MARK-DOWN ON FUR- sive rods and reels for children to Expansion bracelets with heart kitchen knives may be fitted into ms truck. It didn’t hurt his ma­ a-pair quality — at the CHENEY He— What are you writing? been made first. knocked again. The landlady came water eolora, tinware palnta and TRIMMED COATS and F A L L the finest tackle for experts; from ornament is priced as Jow as $6.49. drawers or hung on the wall. ' chine much, but he Jumped off and SHOPPm PAYS BROTHERS REMNANT SALES­ ran up to me, a-ahakln' his flat, She—Oh, Just a few Jokes. She— How do you mean? again. ftnlphea. fabric painta, finger SUITS offers a valuable saving In life preserver cushions and gas BIrthstone or signet rings, cross ROOM. cans to outboard motors and out­ A DISH CLOTH SET make* * and said, ‘Hey, you little Harp, He—Well, give them my re­ He— Well, she would have bossed Tramp— Oould I have a few Tiu mismAs p i^ ta and many more. worthwhile Christmas gifts at the and chain sets, matching pen­ the Job of making Adam. words ^dth George? MONTGOMERY WARD COM­ board boats themselves, there are dants and bracelets, or reli^ous worthwhile amall gift to fit s why didn’t you put out your gards. „ •44 Sprinkle deviled eggs with pap- well made accessories. child’a purse or any small budget. For a quick aweet, melt a pack­ rlkif before serving and garnish PAN Y. In sizes 10 to 18 (not all medals are happy thoughts. sizes in all styles), the $58.00 The J. W. H ALE COM PANY haa Silent Night! LANK LEONARD age of aeml-Bweet chocolate pieces with a wisp of parsley. These arc two qualities of sets consisting, of MICKEY FINN a ^ M r In a cop of condensed good served on salad greens with coats are reduced to $45.00 ' and It’s important not to overheat, When you buy carrots cut the similar bargains in other new as well as not to underbeat the tops off them; tests show that three dish cloths and a nu3 isQng milk. Blend the two ingredienU Russian dressing, as first course pot holder at $.59 and $.89.^jt5r^n M -ANDITIS.THCREFORE.A WEIL. ) Y IA H -G S . WE REGRET THAT PUE together well and drop by spoon­ for a company dinner. Or serve styles and nice colors. Suits in­ eggs, in making sponge cake. they keep In better eating condi­ l \ elaborate gift, but nice o f Its VnTH GREAT PLEASURE,/IMIS IS / 1 HOPE HE TO A SEVERE fuls onto waxed paper; press a them as a luncheon salad for the clude gabardines, wool checks and Overbeaten eggs are said to ac­ tion stored this way than .stored W O T'P YA GET POR kind! THIS SHERIFP, THAT WE A HIS R G I OOESirT SAT ptece ef candled dierry in the top family. plaids In attractive deep reds and count for the humps or cracks with the tops. TmlPLOSSf! AHACK 0 various shades. sometimes seen on sponge cake. T0THE6RANPBALl)> IS \N FV f6 0 r PHESENT YOU WITH THIS ]M 0M EN ^ ANYTHING UNCLE FREP ^ of each chocolate drop. In making Sweetbreds are delicious . added SHERIFF FINN thSee be sure to melt the choc­ VIEW MASTER EQUIPMENT A CHENILLE ROBE or a WOMOFTHE /{ IT» ) ir'MUItftr HEWAROOF f IDOO!* 7 MICREY// THAT WU. There’s plenty of honey around PRETTY HOUSE DRESS may be to a chicken ' salad; or mix the K UNABLE TO olate over hot water. midces a Christmas gift that Is- There’s nothing better than a these days so get nut your recipes a gift that looks more expensive sweetbreads with beds, celery, mrZ-TAflLETON FOR THE CAPTURE GUMTHMGG both entertaining and ediieational. crisp enmehy apple or a Juicy for cakes and cookies using this than it l.s when chosen at the green pepper and salad dressing MOTEL “ A tV THE ,0FDUKEPEV0E< UP/ When a recipe calls for toasted There are story-reels for children, sweet pear with a wedge of Ro­ good, nutritious sweet. Honey is MONTGOMERY WARD COM­ and serve on crisp greens. Preqook blaaahed almonds, the nuts should including the Christmas story. All quefort cheese for dessert at lunch A iM JA L DINNER OP also good for candying sweet po­ PA N Y. Chenille robes come in the sweetbreads in simmering have their skins removed first, the national parks and other or dinner, or as a snack in mld- water. TMB UTOPIA INSURANCE I k tatoes and parsnips, to flavor milk bright colors and becoming styles 866 then ^ browned lightly in the scenic spots in the United States tnomlng, afternoon, or evening. 28” - 32" COMPANY/, oven. Genuine Roquefort cheese is im­ drinks, and in frostings. at $4.98 and $5.98. A wide choice and many famous landmarks and of crisp, gaily patterned house By Sue Burnett A R T SUPPLIES make the per­ ported from France, and comes in fect glft‘fbr both-the mature and festivals in foreign countries are dresses are priced at $2.00 and A welcome addition to your O U T T E R m O JEW ELRY makes pictured. The Individual View bulk or in convenient individual STERLING SILVER NE(^- the potential artist. The JOHN­ a Christmas gift to excite any foil-wrapped portions. Its delicious LACTES, Just received at M ATH ­ $2.98. winter wardrobe Is the smart, Master is $2.00, while a fine k ____ _ practical skirt you can make eas­ SON PAINT ’COMPANY, 899 feminine heart, particularly when audience projector Is $9.9.5. Reels and distinguished flavor makes it ER’S A T TH E CTCNTER, have de­ Main Street, can provide aJl softs; it's as smartly designed as the a perfect accompaniment for an lightful new designs of linked Pork IS plentiful and a good buy ily and quickly with a minimum 0 in full color are three for $1.00 at for family meals. So put pork of fabric. Each of the styles big boxes of cruyons, colored pen­ Mmtrt W Tt* Bell Srt4i«si*. Is*. I 2 0 - 5 ’0 many pieces shown at MATHER'S end-of-the-mcal apple or pear. hearts, birds, flowers, or shells. cils or finger-paint sets fot the KEMP’S INC. chops and sauerkraut, ham and illustrated requires one yard of AT THE CENTER. A stunning Priced at $9.15, Including tax, young ^ water colors and oil paints 1 macaroni, sausage dishes and 54-lnch fabric In the .smaller sizes. set of rhinestones at I13.S6 includes G IFT COSMETICS are all some necklaces may be matched In singles or in seLs for the- p lo BY HERSHBERGER BUGS-BUNNY BOOTS AND- HER BUDDIES Hey, Look! BY EDGAR MARTIN a necklace with a bow-pendant, Waffles arc good served with a to ear rings at $3.66 and to brace­ roast pork on your menus. Pattern No. 8257 1s a sew-rite FUNNY BUSINESS mixture of biitter or margarlns, dresesd in Christmas fancies at ture-painting artist: hand-made braoSIrt and ear rings — or there the PIN E PHARMAfTY, 664 Cen­ lets priced from $4.88. jierforated pattern in waist sizes TH ' SMPI.OVMHNT AASEAABLINa A DINOSAUR I* ) ' SSUSTMO ,|\T V«MKt sugar and cinnamon. tinware in trays, bowls, . oe^ lo - are nice aeparate gifts. PE N D AN T ter street. (T^ity’s Carillon set has A PPE A LIN G TOYS and EDU­ 24. 25. 2 «% , ’28, 30 and 32. Sizes AOSNCV OUV SAID TH' DBUCATS WOKK... , 1 fl'b - r sticks, and many other shapcg for JOB Wkie* AftSISTIN' BE C A R E F Uf L JI IF t h e r e > TSOV4 M l TO t o MN YOtV>C. AND EAR RING SETS, with the perfumes in plastic bells. A bou­ If you’re making an angel take By Mrs. Anne Cabot CATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT 25. 1 yard of 54-lnch. —M----- Pattern No. 8668 in a sew-rite the artistvdecqj-atdr, as well-iUB all PBKI>E««OR ___ ^ WAS M S A T pendant detachable and fitted as A MARK-DOWN IN SLIPPERS doir doll carries a lipstick in her with a cup of egg whites you’ll Turn everyday pillowcases into SETS are many and varied at the CCAVICUBf ON THESE BONES perforated pattern In waist sires the paints and drawing sets fo r a pin. Include a lovely one of blue makes a bargain of very attractive muff and rests on a box of powder. need a t^he pan 9 inches in diam­ dream linens with this lovely PINE PHARMACY. 664 Center the comi^prcial artist. ' SOUND* VA COULD o p e n sapphires, aet off by white spark­ Christmas gifts at MARLOW'S A wee (lirlstmas tree displays a eter. For 1 1-2 cups of egg whites "swirled ” center medallion. Cro­ Street. Small models of Plymouth, 24. 25, 2 6 'i, 28. .30 and 32. Size k SIS / op ] A BUTCHER 25, 1 yard of 54-inch. lers, atkl a very attractive set with SHOE DEPARTM ENT. Animal vial of Hudmit’s perfume. A big you’ll need a 10 inch pan that's chet the dainty Irish roses in pale Ford, or Studebaker cars or work­ Canned grapefruit sectioiix^ar- red stones and brilliants priced at slippers for children arc $1.99, set of "Evening in Paris’’ is in a four inches deep. pink and lacy background in va able toy derricks, dump truck.s, For these patterns, send 25c for each, plus 5o for first-class mail­ nished with cherries make an-ex­ only I7.9S, including tax. Satin sllp-ona for girls, at $1.87, star-shaped box. (Remember— riegated green and white. and new-car carriers delight the cellent winter first course - cock- are made like Mother’s with white Pattern No. 5258 consists of young- as well as all sorts of ing for each pattern ordered, in only a few more days in which to G IFT PILLO W CASES make a tail. Serve the grapefruit well fur trimming. Capeskin moccasins complete crocheting Instructions, Hopalong Cassidy equipment. Car coins, your name, address, sizes Daughter will enjoy baking a vote in the Boy and Girl Contest low-priced luxury out of a practi­ chilled in pretty sherbet glasses. simple white cake in a square pan with beaded toes and fur edging with each purchase.) material requirements, stitch il­ molding kits, a porcelain tile craft desired and the pattern number to cal necessllv at the PARIS CUR­ Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve­ and then cutting the cake in small are $2.87. Briglit satin mules for lustrations and finishing dlrec set, and a loom for yam weaving A gleaming colorful DINETTE T A IN SHOP, 829 Main Street. ning Herald. 1150 Ave. Americas, squares and frosting these to women are $1.57. For a hearty luncheon salad, tions. are among sets that train while SET is the Christmas gift that Cut-work embroidery is distinctive New York 19, N. Y. make petlt-^urs. For holiday team cooked lima beans with Send 20c plus 5c for first-class they give fun. There's something brings lasting pleasure to a whole Open-faced sandwiches are at­ on many cases; colored embroidery mailing, in coins, your name, ad­ ingenious for youngsters of all Send 25 cents today for your 1 nerving she can decorate the petit- crisp celery, cooked peas and car­ ornaments others: "Mr. and Mrs.’’ family. The chrome and color tractive garnished with pimento, dress and the pattern number to ages. copy of the Fall and Winter Fash­ fours with silver shot, colored rots. Moisten with mayonnaise or sets are amusing. Prices are $1.98 sets at the MANCHESTER angar. candled cherries, angelica ripe or green olives, finely diced other creamy salad dressing and Anne Cabot, The Manchester Eve ion, our complete pattern maga­ FLOOR COVERING CXJMPANY, and $2.98. zine. It contains a wealth of ning Herald, 1150 Ave. Americas, Serve creole shrimp over wide 721 Main Street, are exceptional smart, easy to sew styles; special WONDER IF I'LL Let’s Wade In BY V. T. HAMLIN New York 19. N. Y. egg noodles .sometimes, as change In quality and price, as well as in ALLEY OOP Men usually like a salad of features; gift pattern printed in­ HAVE MUCH tr o u b le Needlework fans—Anne Cabot’s from rice. A quick way to make beauty. Triple-plated chrome COLLECTIN' IT'S COMI MS' orange and onion rings served on big new Album is here. Dozens creole sauce for the shrimp is to side the book. frames—maintaining their fresh­ t t t i F A V * LOOSE/ lettuce and doused with a tangy of fascinating new designs, gifts, use canned tomato puree and sea­ ness with a minimum of care— HOLD French dressing. This salad is decorations and special features son it with onion, green pepper (if survey said they served rice for are styles in "period’’ or modern YOUR good with steak, roast beef, or BREATH/ . . . plus 4 gift patterns and di­ on hand), and garlic.. breakfast. The ttsers either served lines. The genuine Formica ' tXblc % plain hamburgers. rections. 25 cents. a crisp ready-to-eat rice cereal or tops, resisting damage from all D AYTIM E FROCKS for good plain iKtiled rice. common accidents from lUcohol to CHOCOLATES FOR CHRI.ST- looks while working around the boiling water, come in glojrjous MAS come in special holiday should have a glass of milk at house or relaxing in the afternoon A CLOCK FOR FATHER shades of rose, blue, green, gt-ay. wrappings and in regular or spe­ are very pleasing C3iristmas gifts makes a memorable C3irlstmas and yellow.- Some are ornamented SHOP cial sizes at Q U IN N ’S PH A R M A ­ to be found at THE LITTLE gift. At MATHER’S AT THE with floral decor. Chairs .are CY. Popular Candy Cupboard Solve that tricky problem of SHOP, 517 Main Street. Modestly CENTER one finds handsome comfortably padded in plastic » v - 12-20 m. TIES EAHLY Chocolates arc available in one to what-to-give-a-man with a neat priced at $2.98 to $5.98 in cotton MANICTIRE IMPLEMENT SET bronze desk clocks, cleverly de­ ers to match or take a. deeper'tone I ' I • r A three-pound boxes; Whitman’s fa­ and rayon prints, gay with color, signed travel clocks, and distinc­ from the table top. • containing all the essentials for Ok mous "Samplers" or "Miniatures," the size range Is 12 to 20 and 14 >3 tive mantel clocks. One electric in one and two-pound sizes; masculine nails in a leather case. to 24'i. clock is set to go on spin wind Crisp Chinese noodles are de­ • m U k y r n Sets by La (h-oss or Revlon arc ssM ysu liksd the box better thsn the hst!” Schraft’s time-tested sweets, in one without losing a minute If electric licious sprinkled over creamed m priced from $1.00 at the W E L­ Next time you make a molded to five-pound boxes. power goes off. ham and rice. Garnish with a u-ao ,.SMLM***«i*W4|>SAasa4i. iw.ii. «L WT. a*.. DON DRUG COMPANY. apricot whip, garnish it with sprig o f parsley and serve' with BIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER whole apricot hejves (dried cook­ A low-cost menu for lunch is Use mashed sweet potatoes, fruit salad for a luncheon menu. FRECKI-ES AND HIS FRIENDS How’s That Again? BY MERRILL C. BLOSSER one that Includes tomato Juice, Kohlrabi looks a little like ed or canned) stuffed with salted Hot popovers and lots o f coffee nutmeats. that energy food, in nutritious 6I6 MT stuffed egg salad, hot biscuits and white turnips, but it has a deli­ des.serts; pudding, pie, waffles, are good with this too. fCHt A l o l l ip o p APIECE WHAT MORSES! Jam and milk. Mother, as well as w w ABOUT•sector? can we cious flavor all its own and offers cake. GdVMRSdfiOl' the youngsters in the family. high food value. CTioohe kohlrabi CHRISTMAS NECK”nE S are Barbara jBates MANICURE “J. . J^'' still available at Cheney’s to suit 3ETO make distinctive C^Kristmas OPfice every taste: game-bird prints for LAST- MINUTE CHRISTMAS GIFTS may be chosen with con­ gifts from MATHER S AT TRE TOKMISHINdi !■ 1 Yarifly the sporting gentleman, symbolic CEINTBR. Gold plated manicure figures for the romantic soul, fidence at the DEWEY-RICH- MAN COMPANY. 787 Main tools are displayed In a casa-that’s stripes or geometric figures for nice on a dressing table or;’ for the conservative, and coqibination Street. From a diamond for a •f PattorM sweetheart, elegant Sterling sil­ traveling. Priced from $8il(> Up, prlnt-l^d-plaln designs for the including tax, some seta include man-aboiit-town. Prices are four ver for the family or a fine watch, Just whit he wanti*- to pen and pencil sets, genuine Jewel compartments or malie-up ties for $2.00, four for $3.00 or mirror. MTenl of our gift four for $5.00 at the CHENEY leather billfolds, or stationery, there are lovely gifts to be found. tice. Yoon for right The BROTHERS REMNANT SALES­ To vary baking powder blacults, 2c ROOM. add • auarter cup of diced ptoiicn- A little cooking sherry is a good • election in miny, to to the sifted dry ingrediepta of wiiny patterns and col­ About one out of every five flavor addition to a sauce for your fiPoHte biscuit recipes, 7 homemakers queried in a recent diced chicken or turkey. Sprinkle ors-many fabrics. that’f pretty as o ORCTHDS FOR CHRISTMAS? Getting C oser BY AL VERMEER Yes, Indeed—at McCONVILLEJ'S. PRISCILLA’S POP TELL ME THE TRUTH. " I YES, YES! ALL" AND WOULDN'T OH. 'YES. YES, HAZEL I {/A OH.„ THEN 302 tVoodbrldge Street (phoric I COULDN’T USE THE / I ’M A F R A ID 5947), regular orchid corsages are OEARl IS THr. /^£AUY) I V Y>^T 15 YOU NEED A Record Department Sugge^tB WHAT YOU WANT BOAT TO GO MOTOR UNLES" ' ITS OUT OF THE 11.50 Values NOW Christinas anyel! Kemp’s $2.50 and special white orchids W IT H IT? HAD A BOAT. T( ■3UF«:iT10N! are $4.00. And they have shapely FOR CHRISTMAS^ 45 R.P.M. ALBUMS FOR CHRISTMAS Christmas trees, priced from $.75; Christmas wreaths from $.75; holly and mistletoe at $.25; “SONGS OF DEVOTION” ...... Fred Waring poinsettlas from $.50 up; and cemetery baskets from $1.00. “ETHEL SMITH SOUVENIR ALBUM” The color o f their skin is not a “ STRAUSS WALTZES” ...... Carman Cavallaro sure guide to ripeness in organes. “ HIGH LIGHTS FROM ‘SHOW BOAT’ ” The skin of some fully ripe orang­ es may be green tinged or even completely green. ,,

Enough NYLON MARQUI­ I t r l t SETTE to be made into window .jS B ja U U U J curtains for a room that needs a freahening-up makes a -nice VIC FLINT Nice Meeting Yoa BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY KEMP’S ® Christmas gift. A lovely, filmy t tssa ms sir stA swvies. sie. T. a. sso. a B O ia n a ^n m t Incorporated **Ths boss ehssss m s out st tiis last mtnuts to buy hh USB*', X OUSHT i you $n»Y o e H r n iB W D juPTWHArsuwefl* fabric, the marquisette has addi­ aSTTHME « aoFMxjiait. u w m mm yMX) c ------a)b u n r a » w ^ ^ 763 Main Street Green Stamps Given Tel. 6680 wifs tbs ssms old gtftL-4 alwsyo pick thorn upr st the *i4oro’o • modal that might intersst you! It’s dMlgnod 1DG014LPVIC 1 «VHKS MX) A n •gy * T'Mfl//rr THAT WITH tional 4 benefits of- simplicity in ANDfi40?fUCK^ XACKVY 1DM8 AUNT PLCKBr n « eoM S Famitme and Music Home of Frigldairc laundering because so little press­ August sstool" •opsolaHy for the chum who ikos to ait and vieit. CRUMff ing is needed and of extreme dur­ PKVB0 ability. It is forty-eight inches OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE 10 n u i« L wide and priced at only S.Tjl- a ’ THG m o s t STUPID DONT & 0 MAKIW yard at the C H E N E Y EBAD.ThhGSSf You SHOMEO SHEER BETTER CALL A STOCK­ ALONS. THIMOS H6 PULLS/ ME LOOK SIMPLE/ SEI IU& GernsB • 1,500 fob mv ^ HOLDERS' (MEETING A N D ERS REMNANT SALESROOM. BORROVMS Ar M ILE- you KNOW rrs 4 LOkh LADDER. ONLY A COUPLE MOT POT •0 eAf'~-X*0 HhNt LET THE LADS BREAK OUT WTTH BAD GRAMMAR iM Just In! Mustard pickles are good mixed FROM A MILE BLOCKS 3 0 WHERE ACCSPTEO THAT SCROOGE'S with tuna flsh for a sandwich Ail­ DOWN TM’ STREET I B o r r o w e d a e •L0oo-«- I'M 50 e a s il y UNlS0N-«-6ETTER NOT TRY A NEW SHIPMENT OF ing. Spread on whole wheat bread YD FIX A JO B WO THIS LADDER.' MULCTR> IH MDiOEY MATTERG ■t> HAND t h e m a He r r in g > *< 3 H E R T H A N A OQ. t h e y m ig h t h a n g a and add a layer of finely shredded CUCK/S ROOST/ -DUEtOMYGeNeROOS ' salad greens. HOW MUCH MUST KNUCKLE AUItXMtAPH (SN im iE BEACON REIMBURSE: ON HOUR K i a t JSultU JSfunm PAPER-THIN RIBBON CAN­ THOGB SHOIS rOR ROTS AND DIRLS DY. so populsr that the supply IX M C T C D , OTHER TIES AT was exhausted on Sunday, 1s .a^in available In quantity at the M U N ­ WASH TUBBS It’s F. Backinghsm Isht BY LB8UB TURNER BOYS’ BATHROBES SO N C A N D Y K ITCH EN, Bolton 4 for $3410 aad 4 for $5.00 For Hosts—sizes 8 to 14. Road. The delicious ribbon caddy ’iris 000 MPOM Rich Plaid, With Blue or Maroon Dominant Contrast­ is $.80 a pound, and therh’ are ICPROMWeDID SLIPPERS daily-freoh dandy canes tram 1295 M H T M S «rn «. ON.MNfOOR HOSE ing Piping to Match Cord. LIMtUSST—HMMl tb r o m b I i to $1.00, as well as attneUvOly Goaranteed To Warm Washabk Durable wrapped chocolates and whijte ^Nvunrri *esw b o u l S f o r A ll chocolates with the “home mdde’’ Wear 4 Months flavor. T h e P a m ify ONLY I f you don't want starch to prs* $ stick to your iron when pressing BROTHERS 4 1.00 $3.98 dothes dampen stsrdied clolfees MEY Remnant Salesroom Just the Gift for Christmas carefully so they are not too d^t. “BimBUB L ioirn r arc am4>g HARTTOItD ROAD — MANCRiBSTER the many gay C hristm as' lights © E T T E R and tree omamenta to be foupd. at . CO N VENt A. IL to i P. M. SATURDAYS » A. M. to 4:45 P. BL GUSTAFSON’S the P IN E PH A R M A C Y . 804 Cen­ IN A SOUND­ ter Street. PROOF-ROOM 705 MAIN STREET The Inquirer

; V WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1960 EttimUts iffrald Averaft Daflj Not Prsss Ron Th* Woathor For the Weeh Boding T - f V Feraeael el 0 . B. Waathet 9mmm Daoaiaber i g 1960 kong. To replace It. Squadron 'Tadar. geoerally fair, oaMi IFoiliids Reunite Flying Boats No. 205 of British flying b(M t baa 1 0 ,1 7 7 MriM*t near 99| tonigbt, M r awd Looney Larcenists Take gone to to take up anti­ itiif r a iii ooidt lowmt abont 14 at' the ekofo, Help ill Korea submarine and mine-spotting pa­ Mmobar a( the A o M > 9 lalaadi Friday, M r to p a r ^ Marine Brothers There is still time eloody, oelA Locomotive^ Brick Wall trols. Bat saw at OboolatteM Manehetter— A City of VUlage Charm SingaporeBritish flying Witk tlM F m t k v tfw Divialon boats are estimated to have to have your CLOTHES ki Mkctti Two M*- By M. O. Pattingten aweeping machine, a locomotive Caii^t Cash His flown more than 1,000 hours by VOL. LXX, NO. 69 Adwrttatng on Page IB) MANCHESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1950 (EIGHTEEN PAGES! PRICE FOUR CENTS ilM feratlMti met for the 8 n t time NBA Special Qorreapondent and a brick wall. day and night in helping out in A pollceman'a lot may be an un­ FRESHLY CLEANED for in two y a m . «t the Naval M o r ­ The atreet aweeper vanished In the Korean war. They have Japanese Bond happy one, but the lot of a crook Alhambra, Calif. But a track of been, and still are, on patrol,, re- tal k Tokaauka. Japan.. recenUy. ran be poaltively pitiful. At leaat aweepinga left a trail for police connolsance and communlcatlonib ‘•Doc” SanU Helps Stwk PttvntM r m t ClaM Oaorga and It wax for a collection of looney to follow. The railroad locomotive operations. They are credited Rangoon—(A5—A middle - aged the H O LID A Y SEASON Rail Unions Hoover Speaks lOelMMl KacBnank of Buffalo, larcenlata In 1050. was taken In Louisville, Ky„ with having helped U. N. naval Burman has for live years bMn In Pre-Christmas Delivery Acheson Back in U. S, MacArthiir Denies One robber filched aome hom­ forces to blockade the Korean trying to cash a bond representing N. T „ both membera of the famed where the man arrested for the • ■■ '* v n rat Marine Dhririaa. were ing pigeona from a San Bernard crime said, ‘T needed It to carry coast, flown search mission to 100,000 rupees. The bond In 1945 Sign Three South Bend, Ind., Dec. 21.— woobdod la the light for the lib- ino, Calif., loft. So they I a message from Gen. MncArthur locate mlnefleltls and made rescue was the first prize In a lottery run (JP)—Santa Is already in South flew back home., A would-be •ratieo of Seoul. to President Truman." And, In pay-ols to aid survlvoi-a from lost by the Japanese. Bend. Refuses to Comment Tim Kaesmareka ware wounded atick-up artist In Detroit whipped Kansas City, Mo., a man told po­ ships. The unhappy winner has hound­ Year Pact Early this morning. Patrol­ Enemy Uses Gas on the aanM hour, the name out his gun to Impreaa a store lice some crooks had carted away The veteran No. 88 flying squad­ ed government treasury offices, man Michael Santa (that's his cashier. But all he succeeded In the entire back brick wall of his ron Is now leaving the IwakunI banks and money-lenders trying MAPLE name, sure enough) delivered day. whUo lighting with the aame divialon In the aanie battle. doing was to shoot himself in the garage. They left his car. base In southern Japan and re­ to cash in on his winning. All a baby daughter to Mrs. Jo­ On Hoover Address foot. This has been a tough year for turning to Singapore via Hong- told him, "Sorry, no dice.” Yardmen Get 23 Cent* sephine Kotowskl in a police .Oyprwa Bnina Vneovered A London thief was making his police, too. Cops In Amarillo. DRY CLEANERS and ambulance. At U. N. Beachhead getaway. He jumped Into a taxi— ■n*Hour Raise; Cost o f The baby arrived when the Waahlngton, Dec. 21—(P)—S ec-. Army, which will Inriude both Tex., arrested twins, but In court retary of State Acheson returned | Amerirsn and German units, im- Mpyten, Cyprua — (AV-Digger* only It wasn't a taxi at all. It was the two men refused to tell which Living Adjustments ambulance was still several a police car. Three young robbers LAUNDERERSg Inc. blocks from a hospital. from hla ahorteat and most decl- | der General Elsenhower as 8u- on tUo hiatorlc Mediterranean tale was which on charges of robbery. slve mission to Europe today to [ premo Commander, Reds Reported '^brow- have diacovered rulna of an Iron In Chicago made off with 127 They even fooled their own lawyer. Are Also Guaranteed West Launch^ age aettlement aome 3,200 yeara from a grocery store. One of them face a stiff now Repiihllcan chal- | 2. Worked out with British ing Gas G ren adf^ A San Antonio, Tex., policeman Our Experienced Personnel and Modern Equipment lenge to his policy of Enrupesn Foreign Minister Bovin snd French old. The excavatora who carried forgot his bicycle In his nish to was investigating a burglary at a Washington, Dec. 21.—UP)—The rearmament as well os his con­ Foreign Minister Si'hiiman a final Hungnam Is Quiet out the work—from Aahmolean get away. The bike was worth assures you of White House today announced a Arms Parleys more than $27. home. The watchdog bit him three Truce Would tinuance In office.’ draft of a note to Itussla express­ Ifuaeum, Oxford, and the Unlver- times. In St. Joseph, Mo., the Flying about 15 hours behind After Allied Barragiss alty of Sydney, Auatralla—believe three-year peace pact between the ing readiness for a Blg-Four meet­ ' Some burglars out In Spokane, sheriff's office was broken Into major railroads and four operat­ schedule l>ec.ause of bud weather ing t'l discuss East-West differ­ that Immediately below are Indlca- Wash., were anxious to enter a Acheson landed at Wsshlngton's Decimate the Enemy; tlona of late and middle bronze and the cornerstone to the old jail THE BEST IN DRY CLEANING ing rail unions. Better Chance ences on a wide rsiige of^Issues. With Germany laundry, for nefarious purposes. taken. National Airport at 3:15 a. ra. eat. Talks “ \'ery Siicfs'ssfiil” ago dwelltnga. , The agreement provides: 12,97.^ U-N. Casualties They broke tFrtough a window There's no accounting for tastes, For 120,000 railroad yardmen— He had left here only last Sunday Asked by newsmen at tlia air­ and were apparently so badly cut and some of 19.50’s criminals had an Immediate Increase of 23 cents Of Asia Talks anil nt the Intervening three dq.vs port If he thought the nccompllsh- Keirli Won't Donate that all they swiped was some odd cravings In loot. A St. Louis, We Specialize In Evening Clothes an hour, with another two cents had: ments at the meeting had contrib­ Tokyo, D ec.'21.—(JP)—The bandages from a first aid kit. Mo., man stole a stocking off a on Jan. 1 and cost of living ad­ 1. Agreed, os American repre­ uted to world peace. Arheson re­ Units to Europe Army HiingnHm headihead lay Down In , a burglar tried pretty blonde's leg^ while she was justments every three months be­ sentative on the North Atlantic plied: quiet today after Allied land- some large-scale larceny In Hous­ in It. In Long Beach, Calif., a For Prompt Delivery Service ginning next April 1. The adjust­ U. N. Says Cease-Fire Treaty (.’ouncll, meeting At Brus­ "This is the only way we can Unless Given Full Mili­ •*1 sea-air barragen mowed down SHOE ton and this Is what happened: he "friendship" club reported to po­ ments are to be made at th'e rate Would Enhance Likeli­ sels, to crestton of n 1,non,oik)-man tary, Politiral Eipiulity tried to open a cash re^ster, but lice that a file was stolen, which of one cent an hour for every rise International European Defenao (Ckintlnoed on Page Fourteen) and rolled back the^'-)^eds’ couldn't; he tried to open a cig­ Vlfdlm o t one of 1950’s looney REPAIRING contained the names, addresses larcenists was Dorothy Bam- or fall o f one point In the govern­ hood o f General Far moat menacing attack on'-.^he arette machine, but couldn't; he telephone numbers and physical ment’s consumers price index. Bonn, Germany, Dec. 21. (65— perimeter. Frozen bodies t* Of the Better Kind tried to open a soft drink ma­ atone of Nt. Louis, Mo. A bandit . DIAL 8416 specifications of several hundred took her stocking. The 2S-cent pay boost Is retro­ Eastern Settlenien! The Western Allies today embark Chinese and white-robed K< chine, but couldn't; he tried to lonely women. active to Oct. 1. on the laliorlous task of coaxing D O N E W H IL E drive away In a trailer truck, which Warns U. S- Against rean Keds littered the snow- A Buffalo, N. Y., salesman 72 MAPLE STREET EASY PARKING For about 180,000 road service Bulletin! troops from a West Germany Jackknifed; he gave It up as a bad and the hotel watchdog.. A New­ workers—an immediate increase crusted east flank of the United Y O U W A IT night. bought two regular alarms for his ark, N. J., pawnshop was robbed LsUce Sbocess, Dec. 21—(JP) united In demanding “ full equall- Nations defense ring whtr* tho home. Before he could get them o f five cents an hour, also retroac­ ’Thieves this year had aome of $15,000 In cash and the pro­ tive to Oct. 1, and another five —Trygve Ue oald today the t.v" with the West or no rearma­ attack was made. SA M YULYES looney ideas about what consti­ installed, they were stolen. Angry prietor's pants. * life of the United Nations does Land War Mdth Reds ment. Communist survivors apparent­ burglars who found only $1 In an cents effective Jan. 1, plus the 701 MAIN STREET tutes legitimate loot for a light- As for alibis, 1950's crop of same cost of living arrangement. not depend upon the Korean (!og7ilzant of a golden opportu­ ly were numbed to a standstill by fingered larcenist. Among stolen office left with the electric-eye situation. nity for diplomatic horsetrading, the fury of 'round-the-clock bom­ alarm that was supposed to have crooks had some whoppers. A The settlement was announced g o ^ s were a five-ton street- burglar In Washington, D. C„ ex­ by Presidential Aaslstant John R. Amplifying, be said some ot Herbert Hoover, former president of the ITnIted States, nt nrlcrophono Hoover Says l'4onflirt the Germans begin talks with the bardment Wednesday by Allied kept them out. the principles of the U. N. IiiY jirtcd three Allied high eqnimissloners warships, planes and land artil­ Boms foot-pads Ui London plained hla crime was merely to last night as he delivered radio and television siieeeh from New York. With lAHiiiniinist Muss­ raise money so he could pay his (Oonttaoed oo Pago Two) were nnder attack, but that He nailed on America to moke the Atlantic and Paelflo oceans Ita - ...... determined to wring sizable con lery. broke Into a hotel and broke the U. N. Itaelf moat anrvlve, cessions for any participation In Field dispatches reported tha out again with 4800 cigarettes, attorney so he could be kept out frontier*—not continental Europe or .Asia—and to "arm our air and es in Asia, Europe of the jug. And a man In Knox­ that the U. N. mnat keep ea naval forcee to the teeth” to defend them. (AP Wlrephoto). r the international defense force shattered survivors were thrown 140 bottles of liquor, a radio trying to achieve a free and Would Be Useless headed by Gen. Dwight Elsen' back from th* point of gravest ville, Tenn., -was arrested for ^ f T 7 o m hower. stealing a 100-pound sack of flour. united Korea and most keep peril to the Allied forces holding Wilson Names on reslatlng aggreeslon. Tlie North Atlantic Pact na­ "Somebody must have put it on New York. Dec. 21.—(/P)—For­ their last silver of northeast Ko­ my back," he said. tions which do not Inriude West rea around Hungnam on the Sea STORE OPEN Clay as Aide Lake Success, Dec. 21—(IP)—The Huge Addition to War mer President Herbert Hoover Germany- derided at their Brus­ ot Japan shore. United Nations has told the Chi­ urged the nation last night to con­ sels meeting Monday that 150,000 Quiet In West AU DAY SUNDAY Motorists, here’s a Christmas German soldiers were Wanted for traffic tip from the National Safe­ nese Communlsta chances for centrate on fortifying the westem Quiet also was reported on the December 24 hemisphere as a "Gibraltar.” the European Army they plan to woatem Korean front. ty Council; Drive right—and be In Mobilization talks on a general Far Elaatern Funds Set for Okay raise to 1,000,000 men In two left to enjoy the holiday! . . Yes, He called on his fellow-country­ General MacArthur's headquar­ ARTHUR DRUG STORE settlement—desired by the Reds men to "airm to the teeth” to hold 'years. ters reported tho Chines* had iuf- 942 Main Street drive with reason this holiday sea­ would be Improved If Peiping the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, \ Demaad Rqiiallly fered heavy loaaes—at a ratio of son. New ODM C*ar Also tHRISHf/l^ heeded U. N. calls for a cease fire O P Senate Approval with the Island outposts of Brit- Hi^t West German political 10 to 1—duriag the darke*t-daya Picks Sidney Wein In Korea. G u r i ^ n o i c e j g o B i i u o n ,1n, Japan, Formosa and tho leadetf and newspapers have of the Allied retreat from moot ot Philippines. served uotice they will have none North Koraa, Nov. 27 to Dae. 12. In a second direct appeal to the of It unless: berg to Assist in Gird' Communist government, the On Floor Chief Dollar Measure; Spur Mr. Hoover, speaking on radio Th* United Nations Oonunandar A HOME three-man U. N. Cease Fire com­ and televiafon, said It would be ' 1. TheiV notion Is accepted as reported U. N. casualties In tho ing U. S. for War Profits Tax Action “sheer folly” to engage in land an equBi piritner by lU one-time Nov. 27-Deo. 12 period at 12,976, REQUIRINB A SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM? mittee said a pending Aaian-Arab conquerors. propoaal for ouch negotiationa war with Communist hordes in not Including those suffered by It*-, Waohlngton, Dec. 21 — UP) — Asia or the continent of Europe. 2. German tnsop units are not public of Korea (ROK) forces. All INSIST would receive greater U. N. con­ Narrows to 2 Bulletin! Charles B. Wilson took office to­ sideration If the Korean fighting "A m i to the Teeth” aigniflcantly restricted in alas or of the Allied killed, wounded and ON A McKlNN'EV . BROTHICRS’ Washington, Dec- 21—s4 ^ists. .oQulfl, ji^cver preak Pirough iaa ■•ociipied enemy llalad Amaricon caousltlee In Ko­ talks would follow a cease Are. the t>glsIatoiii (2) Reasonably priced. Anyone oppolntmaiiti^ti tha.Wblta Moue* Tho TMtefl States strongly op^ American sea and air power to scrapped and the RepublloXglvsn rea at 81,028 through Nov. 24, In­ can afford the VEST. after toktag m oath ot office In posea Unking the Korean flghUng In New Legislature not told Ite nature. The Sen­ invade the Westem hemisphere. Hep. Walter E. Btchm (R^ Ohio), full political Independence. ^ cluding 6,807 dead. (8) You get' the beneflt of our 10- President Truman'a presence. ate voice vote sent the legisla­ "They can no more reach 'Wash­ 68, was Inflicted la Washington, Entrusted with the job of ar­ Red Unite CUpplad with auch other Aslan problems tion on to President Truman. year service plan, cleaning pe­ Wilson said Clay and Weinberg aa Red China's demands for For- New Haven, Dec. 21.—UP)— ington In force than we can reach D. Deo. 20, by a federal grand guing the Bonn government Info Tha C2il.;*aa have been around ■ITie House passed It yesterday. th* Hungnam beachhead in great riodically at a 10% discount. will serve without coropenaation. Speculation aa to whom the Re­ Moscow,” he declared. Jary sn aevea ehargea of Illegally Joining up are the high commis­ Clay, flormer U. 8. Commander At another point, he expressed sioners of the occupying powers. force for days, but it was appar­ Plugged sewers eleaned elect riral- (OonMnoed o* Page Two) publicans will name for their floor getting money from two ot his ly. Septir Tanks and Cesspools Ot Berlin, is relinquishing hla du- Washington. Dec. 21 — (>P)— the opinion that the atomic bomb offleo employes for use In his sne- John J. McCloy of the United ent that the battling retreat ot U, cleaned. Waterproofing of cellars. tleo os Chairman of the Board of leader In the State Senate cen­ Speedy approval of another $20,- la "a far less dominant weapon eeseful re-elerUon campaign. States, Sir Ivone Kirkpatrick of S, Marinea and 10th Corps dough­ the Continental Can Oo. tered today about two men, Elmer 000,000,000 In emergency defense than It was once thought to be." Brehm, from Logan, Ohio, has Britain and Andre Francols-Pon' boys farther north bad badly crip­ Weinberg la senior partner of cet of France. pled an estimated 10 Red divisions. Court Upholds Watson of Wethersfield, the for­ funds was expected in the Senate The only living Ex-PresIdent, been a member of the House since Goldman, Sachs and Company, mer motor vehicles commissioner, They were authorized by the Red efforts to reorganise their McKlRney Bros. Sewage Disposal Co. today. making one of the most Important 1942. (AP Wlrephoto). .New York investment banking and Lyman E. Hall of Kensing­ addresses of hIs long public career, Big Three Western Foreign Min­ 180-182 PEARL STREET TELEPHONE 5308 'firm . He was a vice chairman of Most of the funds will go for isters to “explore the problem" of (Oonttnoed on Page n rea) Meeting Ban ton. more airplanes, tanks, ships, atomic said "It is clear that the United the War Production Board In They were elected In November Nations are defeated in Korea.” German defense contribution "as World War n. bombs and manpower In the fight­ G O P Denies well as any changes In the present to represent adjoining districts, ing forces — all asked by Presi­ “ Invite Another K"rea” The oath was administered to Watson the fourth and Hall the It would be "Inviting another occupation arrangementa which Wilson Iqr Cailef Justice Vinson In Affirms Right of Hotel dent Truman since the Chinese might logically attend” It. Atom Cocktail fifth. As Fourth district senator, Communists surged into Korea. Korea." he declared, to send more To Bar Paul Robeson Watson succeeds the 1949 floor troops or money to Western Euro­ Hoover Speech France la Wary (Oootinaed ea Page Seven) The House, meanwhile, was ex­ “ We will sum up the result of leader, Charles S. House. pected to override Republican op­ pean nations before they had armed Rally in New York Their names came to the fore­ these exchanges and submit them. Gives Big Lift position tcMay and vote Mr. Tru­ themselves as a "sure dam against front after a dinner meeting of the Red flood.” Is Isolationist In due course, to our govermenta Republican senators-elect here man the additional powers he the French High Commissioner New York, Dec. 21—UP) — A wants to speed the preparedness Defense of Westem Continental last night. Europe rests primarily on the explained. 2 Scientists* Find Way T IW ! and Outdoors State Supreme Court ruled yester­ program. GOP objections put a France, a key member of the WUROSE DRESS SHOP DRISSfR SETS News Tidbits Ablondl Wlhtdraws European nations themselves, the day that a Bronx hotel had the brake on this legislation in the Congress Battle Looms continental Atlantic Pact, is still To Purify Water After M I« ..u MJ7S Though the group took no ac­ 76-yenr-old former Chief Execu­ CBtyWnty 6ttod wfth H-f. Called From (TP) Wires right to cancel a reservation for a tion on naming a floor leader, reli­ Senate. almost as fearful of s revival of god odrrgr "Home-for-Chrlstnms” Drive tive told his audiences across the Over Proposals to An A-Bomb Attack n • MJsaowH liMwwn* meeting at which Paul Robeson able reports from the meeting nation. said that William F. Ablondl of in a Home-for-Chrlstmas drive, ^Shorten Defense IJnes, (Oontinned on Page five) $1600 Counsel for Northeastern < was to receive a peace award. the House passed yesterday and “We have little need for largA Oak Ridge, Tenn., Dec. 21—(45— Seymour, mentioned in some quar­ armies unless we are going to Two young Mlentlsts concocted an Tranamlabon company says I The American Labor Party, ters recently as a likely prospect, sent td the Senate two other meas­ Concentrate on U. S. obstacle has been removed to Its sponsor of tho gathering, then ures on the President’s "Must” Europe or China," he said. Land “Atomic Cocktair herq a month \ would not be a candidate for the war with the Communist masses In or so ago and then set about try­ efforts to provide Natural gas shifted the affair to another hall post because of personal reasons. list: Washington, Drc. 21.—'(/P)—A Official Denies 1 - A bill setting up a nation­ Asia or Western Europe “would be ing to take the fire out of It servloe In New Ekigland . . . .Near' last night. The Republicans, who are In the new congressional battle loomed ly 1,000 striking gas production wide civil defense system to deal the graveyard of millions of Ameri­ From that start they have de­ Justice Samuel Dlcksteln- reject­ minority In the Senate, 19 to 17, can boys and would end In the today over former President Hoo­ veloped a simple device, costing Strap Watch workers tie up three big utility ed a motion by the American Labor will officially name their leader at with a possible atomic attack. This Mass Slaughter program is expected to cost $3,- exhaustion of this Gibraltar of ver's proposals to shorten Ameri­ $2.60, which offers hope of mak­ A«»rgtg plants In Newark, N. J., and stata Party for an injunction to prevent a caucus January 2, the night be­ LENGTHS 7S 100,000,000 in federal ' and state westem civilization." ca's defense lines and arm the ing water supplies fit for use after ♦imoglocg orders sharp curtailmeiit In tn- the Concourse Plaza Hotel from fore the new Legislature con­ Communism Might Collapse' an atomic bomb attack. - ' dustrial use of gas .... General cancelling the arrangements. venes. ^ funds over the next three years Navy and Air Force "to the teeth” ROK Minister Labels St s# SOWN I24T5 EASTERN STAR RING 2—A $1,600,000,000 military Mr. Hoover said Western Euro­ to defend the nation's Atlantic The development was announced TO REMEMBER StSSWtfKlV MacArthuria war summary says Award poeon’t Arrive Fourteen of the G O P Sena- pean nations should arm themselves yesterday by Dr. K. Z. Morgan, A thrltlnf -««**g lg« SO A 7S 'Mrtiflefal Buance of *dlaaster"* tors-eiect attended last night's public works authorization, much and Pacific frontiers. ^^Exeeution Hill" Stor­ The singer was voted the award with comliat divisions of “huge Republican Senate Leader Director of the Health ‘ Pbjralcs lisswMnv BENRUS ihg Igdr $ has been given to allied withdraw­ dinner, given at the QuinniplacIC of It for top-secret purposes. lost month by the Communist- Senator McKellar (D., Tenn.), numbers" before the United Statee Wheryy of Nebraska aald Hoover's ies' "Vicious Slander" Division of the Oak Ridge National SIJSOCMn / ' SIRSWOKIT Club by Clarence F, Baldwin, al In North Korea. dominated Second World Congress veteran chairman of the Appro- lands “another man or another proposals "collide directly with laboratory. The laboratory Is the Joseph SUlla lb 71 today ----- State Chairman. w ttpltd at Warsaw. priarions committee, pushed the dollar on their shores.” those of President Truman and Seoul, Dec. 21—UP—The Ko Atomic Energy Commission's chief GOLD CA M EO •24" Air Force "poaltively Identifies" The award—a bronze plaque—did National Committeeman Wil­ His demand for a new foreign research center here. liam Brennan and Edward N. Al­ $20,000,000,000 Emergency De­ Congress and the public must de­ rean Minister of Justice today BROOCH St JO DOWN SfJiOOWN objects found by deer hunters in not arrive here in time. So it was fense bill through the committee arms policy came one day after cide wha is right." labeled as "vicious slander" some -Studied Isotopes SiMWtIKIV stjiwmav New Mexico mountains as instru len, Lieutenant Governor-elect, al­ President Truman named Gen. Credited with the development UtOPORTlO SgR pbth coiwgg MkgMV presented to Robeson symbolically so were on hand. with wartime speed yesterday. Most Democratic party leaders reports of the mass execution mefd. and ntt in«g a lOh * ments from high altitude research before an audience of persons. He expected to repeat the per- Dwight D. Elsenhower as Supreme avoided immediate comment but Dec. 15 on “Execution Hill" north NYLON b alloon ___ You may have to buy ■Mneuseed Finances • (Coattnoed on Pag* Fhra) Counsel for the hotel, opposing Reports from the meetings said Senator Lehman (D., N. Y.), said; of Seoul. HOSIERY st-MoowN M J 7 5 a ticket to see special shows on the injunction plea, told the’ court a discussion of State finances, led (Goatinned on Page niree) (CentlnoMl as Page n r e s ) “It appears to me to be a plea for The Minister, Kim Joong Yua, S1S0 WMUV your own television set If “ coded’ that sponsors of the meeting "tried by Allen, developed general agree­ a return' to complete Isolationism. referred to reports that political Image process demonstrated in to put something over on us by ment that Connecticut faces a If we followed President Hoover's prisoners were not. given fair New York last night ever comes concealing the real purpose of the suggestion,, we would find our­ trials and that In one Instance Merry Xmas 1. stripe-shwt Rfacigta rMf Ihgt “substantial deficit” and that •*' s24” Into general use .... Brooklyn’s m< . ng, which was to echo the large deficiency a{q>ropriatlons selves Isolated and without any boy and girl were slain. He added 2. stripes<*mfdiuiTt rackets-prohlng grand jury be­ Second World Peace Congress.” will be sought from the incoming friends in the world.” ^ "All of this not only Is false but •tioeewN gins Inveatigation to determine DMly Worker Bad "Ad” See Congress Echo is completely Irresponsible and For Ericos SlJSWfKIT General Assembly. News Flashes 3. stripes*“long whether living standards of New The lawyer said the Daily Work­ Alien, who has been sitting Senators of both parties agreed vicious slander." York policemen contribute to er, Communist newspaper, carried (Ijtte Bulletins ot the UP) Wire) on one thing—that last night's C3tes Law lAtrt % m tm m police graft. a<’ '------nts of the meetihg. (Oonttnoed on Page Four) broadcast proposals by the only Kim's prepared statement car­ Middletown Trucker Is i - •MTNnOMi Ml$ •2 Robert P. Patterson, former aec- The court was told that the res­ living former President would ried the names of the 28 men and M il* * * * * echo in Congress for some time to 11 women executed the day Uni » Out o f Jail in Time, tutiowN retary of war, aaya there la at %%mmwar ervation was cancelled by the ho­ Treasury Balance Ohio Congressman PIqads Innocent least 60-60 chance Russia will tel because of fear of rioting, In- come. ted Nations troops happened on Nothing Mio wooring HiocccMifia • g • Indoopo KRCOLATOR Family Gets $1 00 strike all-out blow against west In Jurv to guests, dam to proper W aahln^n, Dec. —The Washington, Dec. 21— (/P)— Rep. Brehm (R ., Ohio.), plead­ Bluntly calling the United Na- the scene. sn 21—Up tions-U. S. efforts in Korea a de­ All 39 he said, were tried and and ou t. . . whan you wont reloxotton from 1951 .... Herbert Hoover’s offlca ty, and unwilUngneu of the hotel position of the *rreasury Dec. 19; ed innocent today to seven counts of receiving illegal cam­ feat, Mr. Hoover warned against convicted under .the emergency de­ Accomac, Va., Dec. 21.— facM the prospect of spending the The Cantata was the key 'that Shepherd, “Rock,” eet out f r ^ 9B7 M AIN STREET TEL. 2-3906 Injuries were slight and confined to a few of the 800 pas- their home at nearby Sloan. ChfM ber of Commerce.) rest of hli life behind prison (CoaUBoed *■ Fag* Sixtosa). S97 MAIN STREET 633 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER; waUa (Coattoued oa rage Twelve) sengers aboard. Only good fortune averted a major disaster. iniles deep in the hills, OlUe spotted

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