Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2002 No. 131 Senate The Senate met at 9 a.m. and was U.S. SENATE, I ask Senators to try to find time in called to order by the Honorable ZELL PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, their schedules and, as I indicated last MILLER, a Senator from the State of Washington, DC, October 8, 2002. night, we will try to work with both To the Senate: Georgia. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, staffs to come up with specific times so of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby people are not waiting around. This de- PRAYER appoint the Honorable ZELL MILLER, a Sen- bate should be in full sway at 10 The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John ator from the State of Georgia, to perform o’clock. I hope if anyone has amend- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: the duties of the Chair. ments to offer, they will do it also at O God, our refuge and strength, a ROBERT C. BYRD, that time or shortly thereafter. President pro tempore. very present help in trouble, we will f not fear! In the midst of these perilous Mr. MILLER thereupon assumed the times, we hear Your voice saying, ‘‘Be chair as Acting President pro tempore. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME still and know that I am God, I will be f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- exalted among the Nations, I will be RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING pore. Under the previous order, the exalted in the earth.’’ In response we MAJORITY LEADER leadership time is reserved. affirm, ‘‘The Lord of hosts is with us; f You are our help and hope.’’ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Almighty God, as You have inter- pore. The Senator from Nevada is rec- MORNING BUSINESS vened to help our Nation in just wars ognized. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- against despots and dictators of his- f pore. Under the previous order, there tory, we ask for Your continuing inter- ORDER OF PROCEDURE will now be a period for the transaction vention in the battle against terrorism. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- of morning business not to extend be- Guide the Senators as they further de- imous consent that the minority and yond the hour of 10 a.m., with Senators bate the resolution to authorize the majority have full half hours in morn- permitted to speak therein for up to 10 use of United States Armed Forces ing business, so we will not be on the minutes each. against Iraq. Thank You for the integ- bill until about 5 after 10. Under the previous order, the first rity and intentionality the Senators The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- half of the time shall be under the con- have shown in the debate of this cru- pore. Without objection, it is so or- trol of the Republican leader or his des- cial issue. Guide their thinking, bind dered. ignee. The Chair recognizes the Senator them together in unity and inspire f their vision. You are our Lord and Sav- from Iowa. iour. Amen. SCHEDULE Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I Mr. REID. Mr. President, you will be yield myself the requisite amount of f announcing morning business for an time to speak in morning business. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE hour. After that, we are going to the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- resolution. It is open to amendment. pore. Without objection, it is so or- The Honorable ZELL MILLER led the We have had five Senators contact our dered. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: cloakroom—and I will check to see if f I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the there have been some who have con- United States of America, and to the Repub- tacted the Republican cloakroom— FBI REFORM lic for which it stands, one nation under God, wishing specific times to speak. We are Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. going to do our best to accommodate have addressed the Senate many times f the times. I know committee hearings on my oversight efforts of the FBI. As are taking place, and it is difficult for my colleagues know, I have been trying APPOINTMENT OF ACTING people to come over this morning. This to improve the FBI for years. Some- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE debate is not going to go on forever, times that means investigating prob- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and Senators are going to have to lems that some people would otherwise clerk will please read a communication speak when it may not be as conven- rather cover up. But there is nothing to the Senate from the President pro ient for them as some other time. If like sunshine that fixes what is wrong, tempore (Mr. BYRD). they wait until after Thursday, there particularly in Government. The legislative clerk read the fol- may be no time to speak on this resolu- I do this not because I am against the lowing letter: tion. FBI but because I think the FBI is ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10055 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:22 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S08OC2.REC S08OC2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S10056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 8, 2002 meant to work well and work right so valued by experts at more than $5,000. OK and why can’t they get away with our country is protected. In fact, since This globe was wrapped in an evidence it? So taking this from Ground Zero September 11, the FBI is on the front bag. was not only wrong, but it could really line on the domestic war on terrorism. What does this have to do with the hurt prosecutions. Obviously, the FBI must change to FBI? Because Agent Turner could not get meet that demand. If it does not, we Well, the answer is this globe was an investigation into this matter by lose the domestic war on terrorism stolen from Ground Zero New York the FBI, she had to bring this to my when the people on the front line are City, as you know. I don’t think I have staff and Chairman LEAHY’s staff. Be- not ready to do what needs to be done. to explain how disgraceful that act is. cause of the severity of the situation, In February, I was addressing the It is not only illegally taking evi- it was decided that she report the situ- Senate about the FBI reform bill intro- dence from a crime scene, but it is ation to the Justice Department In- duced by Chairman LEAHY and myself stealing from hallowed ground where spector General for a criminal inves- to help bring more security and ac- thousands of people died on September tigation. countability to the FBI. I want to 11. There have already been numbers of Fortunately, Agent Turner was able highlight that bill. prosecutions for removing items from to recover the globe from the Min- The bill strengthens the FBI uni- Ground Zero. There is not question nesota office and bring it to the Inspec- formed police, creates an effective then that this act was wrong. tors General in a sealed evidence bag. polygraph program to detect moles, But in this case, I am told that the The bag was sealed and signed both by and establishes an attractive career globe was taken by one or more FBI Agent Turner and an agent from the path for internal security officers. This agents. That is right. I am sorry to say FEMA Inspector General office, which is important. It has not been that long it was taken by FBI agents. is also working the case. since probably the worst spy case in Agents from the Minneapolis Divi- I have also learned of other problems FBI history, Robert Hanssen, was un- sion apparently took it back with them with the FBI Minneapolis office. Ap- covered. after being on official business at parently, a former FBI agent from that For accountability, it ends the dou- Ground Zero. When they returned, I office is using his influence and access ble standard in discipline that allows guess they gave it to a secretary in the to undermine an FBI investigation. top bureaucrats to escape punishment. office, as if it was some memento from This former agent is now a consultant This bill gives real whistleblower pro- the trip. to the subject of an investigation. So tections to FBI agents so others, such This is how I know that: because an he is working against the FBI on a as Coleen Rowley of Minneapolis, can FBI agent decided to blow the whistle case, but at the same time trying to in- come forward with the truth, as Direc- after her superiors would not do any- fluence and get information from the tor Mueller complimented her as a thing about the theft. FBI with such perks as sideline-access whistleblower for bringing valuable in- The FBI and the Federal Emergency Vikings tickets. formation to the surface. Management Administration Inspec- This appears to be a violation of Gov- I happen to think the Attorney Gen- tors General have been investigating a ernment ethics rules, a big security eral and the FBI Director are working Minnesota company for stealing items problem and conflict of interest.