Integrating the Built and Natural Environments Through Renewable Energy Technologies: Supplying to Kirkmont Center

A thesis submitted to the Miami University Honors Program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for University Honors with Distinction


Mark Cerny Miami University Oxord, May, 2006


Integrating the Built and Natural Environments Through Renewable Energy Technologies: Supplying Wind Power to Kirkmont Center

by Mark Cerny

Wind power is a renewable energy technology currently experiencing a huge growth in popularity due to its cheap cost, widespread availability, and clean nature. Ohio currently has largely unexplored wind resources waiting to be utilized for the generation of electricity. This thesis summarizes an initial feasibility study I conducted to understand the potential for installing a at Kirkmont Center in Bellefontaine, OH to take advantage of wind resources on the site. Kirkmont boasts the second highest elevation in the state of Ohio, which makes it an excellent candidate for generating wind power, with average wind speeds of 6-7 m/sec at 30m. In addition, the wind turbine will correspond with the construction of a new interactive educational facility, serving as a valuable educational and marketing tool. My work also included finding potential funding sources, grants, and incentives to help cover the cost of constructing and maintaining the turbine; contacting manufacturers regarding providing their services to Kirkmont; and presenting my findings to the Kirkmont Building Committee. The research for this project was also used for the California Green Stop rest stop design competition with me serving as a consultant on wind power for the design team.

iii iv Integrating the Built and Natural Environments Through Renewable Energy Technologies: Supplying Wind Power to Kirkmont Center

by Mark Cerny

Approved by:

______, Advisor (Kimberly Hill)

______, Reader (Scott Johnston)

______, Reader (J Elliott)

Accepted by:

______, Director, University Honors Program

v vi Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1 1.1 Executive Summary 1 1.2 Methods & Procedures 2

2. Wind Power for the 21st Century 4 2.1 How Does it Work? 4 2.2 Trends & Future Outlook 7 2.3 Case Studies 8

3. Project Data 14 3.1 Wind Velocity 14 3.2 Elevation 16 3.3 Wind Systems 16

4. Making the Case for Wind Power 19 4.1 Financial Case 19 4.2 Educational Value 28 4.3 Marketability 31 4.4 Environmental Benefits 34

5. Call to Action 37 5.1 Parties to Involve 36 5.2 Conclusion 39

6. Appendices A Bergey XL.1 Performance Model 45 B. Bergey Excel-S Performance Model 46 C. Bergey XL.1 Spec Sheet 47 D. Bergey Excel-S Spec Sheet 48 E. Carbon Dioxide Emissions Per Plant 49 F. Shaded Elevation Map of Ohio 50

Index of Figures

Figure 1. Lucid Design Group Display for Oberlin College 13 Figure 2. Map of Ohio Wind Speed at 30m 15 Figure 3. Wind Speed vs. Height Graph 16 Figure 4. Dayton Power & Light cost per kWh 20 Figure 5. Carbon Dioxide Emissions Table 35

vii viii 1

Executive Summary

Kirkmont has an excellent opportunity to take advantage of widespread public support for wind energy systems, a strong and consistent supply of wind, and a building campaign to improve onsite facilities to make the center more attractive to potential visitors. As resources become more scarce, problems associated with pollution and environmental degradation grow more severe. It is important for Kirkmont to install a wind system to show their commitment to the environment and desire to share ideas of how to do so with others, as described in their core values. With plans in development for construction of a new interactive educational facility, now is the time for Kirkmont to integrate sustainable design into their future plans. The new facility and wind system would complement each other nicely, with educational displays showing how each is functioning with the well-being of the environment as a primary concern.

Furthermore, it makes financial sense for Kirkmont to invest in a wind system.

The two most practical options I have investigated are a 1 kW and 10 kW turbine with

18m and 30m towers respectively. Both are manufactured by Bergey and available from regional dealer Third-Sun Solar & Wind. Kirkmont’s current electrical supplier Dayton

Power & Light offers net-metering to its customers, which means Kirkmont will receive retail value for every kWh of electricity they produce. The average rate charged to

Kirkmont per kWh in 2005 was $.11. Evaluating the wind systems on the basis of cost per kWh produced suggests both systems will produce energy at a lower cost over their

25-year lifespan, with the 1 kW system producing electricity at a rate of $.085 per kWh and the 10kW system for $.033 per kWh. With grants provided by the state of Ohio for renewable energy systems, the payback period for the systems are 21.2 years for the 1 2 kW system and 8.3 years for the 10 kW system. Kirkmont should consider these numbers when choosing a system to install while also looking at the educational, marketing, and environmental benefits provided by each tower in accordance with both their short and long-term goals for the camp.

In an effort to gain a greater share of the educational field trip market (Delair,

2005), installing a wind system will allow Kirkmont to offer programming on the benefits of renewable energy that are currently in demand. As a camp dedicated to respecting and protecting the earth and its species, setting a good example for the students who visit should be a top priority for Kirkmont. Future generations will have to rely on renewable energy to meet their electrical needs, and Kirkmont has the opportunity to familiarize the next stewards of the environment at an early age, before they are set in the ways of their parents’ generation. With a commercial-scale in development for the surrounding areas in Logan County (Spartley, 2006), Kirkmont can fill the need to bring wind power into a more personalized and human-scale setting while capitalizing on the publicity, attention, and intrigue generated by the wind farm. Kirkmont is currently in a great position to supply all the benefits of wind power to a community looking ahead to a sustainable future, fueled by clean energy and environmentally-conscious decision making.

Methods & Procedures

My analysis focuses on the potential for constructing a wind turbine in two different setups. The first is a 1 kW, Bergey XL.1, battery charging version placed on an

18m tower. The second setup is a 10 kW, Bergey Excel-S, Grid Intertie placed on a 30m 3 tower. Both systems are evaluated for their effectiveness on the site of the new

Interactive Educational Facility at Kirkmont Center in Bellefontaine, OH. Wind data for the site is based on measurements conducted by Green Energy Ohio and the Ohio Wind

Working Group at 30m above ground level.

Payback time is calculated as the time it will take the wind turbine to generate enough energy to offset the total cost of the turbine. Initial equipment, installation, and permit fees, as well as ongoing maintenance expenses, are included in the cost of the wind turbine. Revenues for the turbine are calculated based on kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy produced at a rate of $.11 per kilowatt-hour. Since the energy produced will be used on site, each kWh of energy produced replaces a kWh that would have otherwise have been purchased from Dayton Power & Light at the rate of $.11 per kWh. Assuming constant energy prices for the life-span of the turbine, payback can be calculated in years as the total lifetime cost for the turbine divided by the energy rate of $.11 per kWh, which gives the total number of kWh that must be generated to produce revenues that equal costs. The total number of kWh that must be generated is then divided by the average calculated kWh production per year to find the payback period. Any production beyond this time period is positive revenue for the remaining useful lifetime of the turbine.

In addition to developing the financial case for installing a wind turbine at

Kirkmont Center, I have researched several case studies where wind turbines have been installed to discover the educational, marketing, and environmental benefits provided by the renewable energy systems. The case study for educational importance is a monitoring project that led to turbine construction at Lake Metroparks’ Farmpark in Kirtland, OH.

Marketing benefits, thanks to increased interest and visitors, are evident in the Glacier 4

Ridge Metro Park installation in Dublin, OH. Environmental benefits can be calculated roughly as the amount of pollutant emissions avoided by producing energy with the wind rather than fossil fuels. These environmental effects also have a huge impact on quality of life issues on a national and even global level. I will not address the environmental costs associated with harmful energy production in my research, but the importance of such issues will continue to gain more and more relevance in the near future, and should not be overlooked.

2. Wind Power for the 21st Century

How Does it Work?

Wind energy is ultimately a form of solar energy in motion. As the sun unevenly heats the earth’s atmosphere, areas of high and low pressure result from the temperature differences. As the warmer air rises, cooler more dense air rushes in to replace it, generating the wind currents we feel. The fact we can feel the wind demonstrates that air has mass, and when put in motion, possesses kinetic energy. Wind turbines are designed to capture this kinetic energy from the moving air and convert it to mechanical energy. A generator then transforms the mechanical energy into electricity (USDOE, 2006). This is similar to how conventional, fossil fuel powered generators work, except they use heat to generate steam under high pressure by boiling water. The steam then turns blades attached to a turbine shaft connected to a generator with the capability to transform mechanical energy into electricity. In both cases moving air is ultimately what is responsible for generating the power. 5

The similarities in the two processes demonstrate why wind power is such a great opportunity for production of electricity. Wind will always exist, will not run out, and does not have to be produced by artificial means. Essentially, wind is free fuel- clean, renewable, and powerful. And while there is a cost associated with the turbines designed to capture the wind and convert it to energy, technological advances over the last thirty years have significantly reduced the cost per kWh from an estimated $1 in 1978 to $.025 in 2002, with costs projected to fall below $.001 by 2010 for large utility-scale turbines

(Colorado Renewable Energy Society, 2006). The most significant advances have occurred in the form of rotor design, variable speed operation capabilities, and in reducing the amount and weight of material required by the turbines.

The blades are designed to capture the wind’s energy, depending on aerodynamic designs to gain the most rotational energy from air movement over them. To ensure the blades always face into the wind a small motor turns the carriage for the turbine (called the nacelle) depending on information collected by sensors located in the unit. The sensors also note when wind speeds are dangerously high for the blades, potentially causing damage, and locks them in place with a brake. The brakes can also be applied if maintenance on the turbine is necessary.

Since the blades only perform several rotations per second (depending on their size) a gearbox is necessary to increase the speed of shaft rotation to the point it can generate electricity within the generator’s electromagnetic field. As technology improves for these units, the amount of energy lost during this conversion continues to decrease, but still must be accounted for when calculating the amount of energy a turbine is expected to produce. 6

An important aspect of wind power to note is how power available is estimated.

The generally accepted equation states the power available (in watts) = 1/2 air density

(kg/m3) * swept area of the blades (m2) * wind velocity3 (m/sec) (Fink, Dan, 2006)

Unfortunately, the total amount of available power must then be multiplied by the

Keenan efficiency factor of 35% to account for the energy lost in the system from converting the kinetic energy of the wind into electricity. The available power can be converted to kWh produced per year by dividing the watts by 1000 and multiplying the outcome by 8760 (the number of hours in a year). These are the formulas used to estimate the yearly energy production and payback period for the two Bergey wind turbines at

Kirkmont in the financial section of my paper.

The two variables in the equation are blade diameter and wind velocity. Since

“swept area” is only a square function, though, and wind speed is a cubic function, the most significant increases in available power occur when wind speed is increased. This is why choosing the site for a turbine is so important. In addition, wind velocity increases at higher elevations, above ground level disturbances and turbulence. For this reason turbines are usually mounted on the top of tall towers, 18-100 meters high. According to

Dan Fink, author of the Energy Self Sufficiency Newsletter, “Putting a wind turbine on a short tower is like mounting solar panels in the shade” (Fink, Dan, 2006). Turbine models can be installed with a variety of tower types and heights to offer a variety of combinations for the most effective wind power system.

Swept area is by far the most controllable factor in selecting the turbine model.

Manufactures conduct extensive testing to determine the most efficient blade design, increasing diameter as much as possible until blade deflection and drag begin to slow 7 rotation to unproductive levels. A great deal of attention has been paid to the construction of turbine blades, resulting in the fiberglass reinforced polyester construction utilized on most models today. Their strength to weight ratio is one of the main reasons turbines constructed in 2006 are far more efficient than those produced in 1976.

Trends & Future Outlook

Wind is currently the fastest growing source of energy worldwide. In 1995, just over 10 years ago, the capacity for wind-generated electricity was estimated at about

4800 MW. In 2002, this number dramatically increased to 31,000 MW. Germany currently leads the world in production at 12,000 MW, while Denmark leads in percentage of energy produced by the wind at 20% (Electricity Forum News). The growing popularity of wind energy can be contributed to its wide availability, relatively inexpensive production, inexhaustible supply, and cleanliness. As people and governments begin to realize the enormous potential in wind power, more and more research is being conducted to make the case for further development and implementation of the technology. One such study published the following impressive results:

In a joint assessment of global wind resources called Wind Force 12, the European Wind Energy Association and Greenpeace concluded that the world’s wind-generating potential- assuming that only 10% of the earth’s land area would be available for development, is double the projected world electricity demand in 2020 (Electricity Forum News, 2006).

Currently, renewable energy technologies are strongest and most commonly utilized in Europe, where 5.4% of energy needs are supplied by renewable sources

(British Wind Energy Association, 2006). By the year 2020, Europe is projected to supply enough wind power for roughly 195 million people. The United States has similar 8 goals to increase the amount of energy produced by renewable sources, and wind in particular, investing over $40 billion for research and development over the next 12 years. The main reason for such a huge investment is the estimate that the available wind power in the United States could not only provide enough electricity for the entire country, but also fulfill all energy needs (Electricity Forum News, 2006). With the advances in hydrogen fuel cell technology, power generated by clean sources, such as wind, could provide the electricity needed to split water into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, filling energy needs without contributing to environmental pollution, a very encouraging and realistic goal for the future.

Case Studies

Bowling Green

Ohio has been active as a state looking to increase the amount of wind power generated within its boundaries. The most convincing example to date is the utility scale wind farm located in Bowling Green consisting of (4) 1.8 MW wind turbines.

Located on the buffer zone surrounding a landfill, the turbines transformed an otherwise unproductive site into a source of revenue from clean energy production. Constructed as a joint venture between the City of Bowling Green Public Utilities, American Municipal

Power Ohio, and Green Mountain Energy Corporation, it is the first utility scale wind farm to be built in the state (Wood County Solid Waste Management District, 2005).

Always a progressive community, Bowling Green believed the towers would represent the intellectual and environmentally conscious character of the city and local University while taking advantage of persistently strong winds. 9

Project costs totaled $8.8 million when the fourth and final tower was completed in November, 2004 (Wood County, 2005). However, with the low interest loans utilized to finance the project, a payback period of only 13 years is expected before the investors realize a return on their investment. In addition, the first two towers installed outperformed expectations for their first year energy production of 6,981 mWh by over

260 mWh. Following a year of wind monitoring, the giant turbines sprouted up from the otherwise flat landscape. Measuring 15’ in diameter at the base, each tower rises 256’ in the air, supporting (3) 134’ long blades weighing 22,000 pounds each (Wood County,

2005). The novelty of such large towers powering local homes has also attracted a great deal of tourism to the site, requiring the city to offer tours providing guests information and facts about the towers and access to their bases. As many people have noted, the landfill is now a tourist attraction.


Of even more importance to Kirkmont Center, though, is the planned wind farm in development for the rural areas surrounding Bellefontaine. Gamesa Energy, the world’s second largest wind company based in Spain, currently has towers in place in

Pickeraltown monitoring the wind potential of the site (Spartley, 2006). The wind farm being planned will consist of between 25-30 turbines spread over several thousand acres of land leased from local farmers. Members of Green Energy Ohio are also working with the local residents and Gamesa to help encourage a successful outcome to the project.

One of the main benefits the turbines present is the revenue they will generate for residents who lease their land for towers, roughly $4,000-6,000 per acre in addition to 10 royalties paid for the sale of wind generated power to Ohio’s electric companies (Green

Energy Ohio. 2005).

When constructed, the Logan County wind farm will be the largest in the state, producing over 7 times the amount of energy as the Bowling Green facility (Green

Energy Ohio, 2005). The site has attracted wind companies because of its topography and relative proximity to major population centers, including Columbus. Looking to make such a huge investment, Gamesa has conducted rigorous studies of the wind potential of

Logan County and discovered encouraging results to justify developing the project. In addition, the positive response by local residents is evidence to the fact wind turbines are not only accepted, but are growing in popularity as icons for progressive thinking communities. As energy spokesman Jim Gravelle commented, “I can guarantee you this will be a tourist attraction” (in Green Energy Ohio, 2005).

The excitement generated by such a huge project will certainly benefit Kirkmont as more and more people are attracted to the area, intrigued by the giant towers rising above the treetops and their potential to generate massive quantities of clean electricity.

Having their own smaller turbine would allow Kirkmont Center to provide educational opportunities not available with the large commercial turbines, while capitalizing on the interest generated by the wind farm. In addition, people who come to see the large turbines would have much more interest in possibly installing a smaller turbine for themselves, like the ones I have recommended for Kirkmont. This would allow the

Center to provide a service to the community, supporting the production of wind energy, serving as an example of how people can benefit from their own small-scale turbines. 11

Lake Metroparks Farmpark

An example of a similar situation in progress can be seen at the Lake Metroparks

Farmpark in Kirtland, OH. Following six years of wind monitoring headed by Green

Energy Ohio’s wind committee, a 20 kW Jacobs wind turbine was installed atop a 100’ monopole tower on January 4, 2004 (Woodthorpe, 2005). The turbine joins a 25 kW solar array to help provide electricity for a 7,100 square foot plant science center. Both systems are connected to the electricity grid so the center can receive power when the units do not produce enough to fulfill their needs, but also so they can sell back excess electricity when production exceeds usage through . First Energy Solutions provided all of the electric work for the installation, ensuring everything was connected properly.

Not only will the new turbine help reduce the farmpark’s monthly electric bills, but the unit also allows visitors to gain an up-close view of renewable energies at work.

Every year over 180,000 people visit the park, including 50,000 students. For this reason, since the monitoring towers were first put in place in 1997, educational posters explaining wind power have been installed around the park to give people a greater understanding of the potential wind power available on site, and how a turbine can transform the wind into electricity. Now that the turbine is in place, plans are for a renewable energy educational display to present real-time data measuring the efficiency of the unit in varying weather conditions. This will help student and adult visitors alike realize how increased wind speeds result in more energy production. In addition, the educational displays add interest to the turbine and help bring it more to life on an individual basis, especially since the turbine is so high in the air and out of reach.

Realizing the huge potential benefits of demonstrating to people how nature and 12 renewable energy can work together, the Ohio Department of Development Office of

Energy Efficiency has provided funding and guidance for the real-time displays at the farmpark (Woodthorpe, 2005). This type of support and implementation of educational displays is exactly what should be incorporated with the Kirkmont wind turbine installation as well.

Lucid Design Group

One company specializing in such displays is Lucid Design Group, based in

Oberlin, OH. They help the green building initiative by designing data acquisition and display systems to turn green design features into real-time graphics. In this way, Lucid encourages people to pay closer attention to the environmentally friendly systems at work around them. While these systems are good in their own right for affecting one building, they are much more beneficial when used to persuade others to follow a similar path towards green building. Since these buildings typically do not look any differently than conventional ones, the new technologies they employ can sometimes be overlooked if not called attention to, which is exactly what Lucid explains on their website:

The presence… of green features does not ensure that occupants and visitors tangibly sense or gain insight into the environmental benefits of these technologies… you engage building occupants and visitors so they directly experience, learn from and respond to the ecological consequences of your design decisions (Lucid Design Group, 2006).

Lucid is the company that designed the data acquisition, display, and web site components for the Adam Joseph Lewis Center in Oberlin, OH. This building is renowned for its energy efficient design and attempt to educate students and visitors about how its systems are working. One of the most effective methods they use to portray the renewable energy systems for Oberlin is by monitoring the energy consumption and 13 production simultaneously, comparing them to determine net energy usage, and metering these three calculations on easy to read displays both in the building lobby and on its website (Oberlin, 2006).

Figure 1

Unfortunately for the Adam Joseph Lewis Center, they depend on a photovoltaic array in an area of the country where sunny days do not happen often enough to produce more energy than the building consumes. Since photovoltaic panels are still a new and expensive technology, their cost will not be paid back within the useful life cycle of the array (Murray, 2004). Both site and equipment need to be evaluated carefully before deciding on what system works best for a particular application. Renewable energy options must respond to environmental conditions to be successful. They cannot be forced upon a location if its natural resources are not conducive to the system. While some regions boast excellent wind potential, along coastlines and in the Great Plains for example, sites with good potential are widespread and numerous. 14

3. Project Data

Wind Velocity

Kirkmont is located in an ideal portion of Ohio to take advantage of a relatively strong and consistent wind source. As mentioned earlier, electricity generated by a wind turbine is a cubic function of the wind velocity, which bodes well for this application.

The recommended minimum wind velocity necessary for a site to be considered for wind power generation is roughly 5 meters per second. Wind maps constructed by the Ohio

Wind Working Group (2003) estimate the average wind speed for Bellefontaine to be roughly 7- 7.5 meters per second at a height 30 meters above ground level. These maps reflect the initiative to map wind-producing regions across the state of Ohio in an effort to truly discover how much potential exists for energy production. While the maps are good representations of average wind velocities, and accurate for the most part, they are not specific enough for individual applications due to the inconsistencies associated with wind.

These inconsistencies are not necessarily bad, but should still be looked into before making a large investment in a turbine. Green Energy Ohio (GEO) realizes the importance of researching wind potential on a site before constructing a turbine and has started the Monitoring Ohio Wind Program to help people interested in generating electricity determine the feasibility of their sites. Since the equipment to conduct such monitoring can be very expensive, and is not readily reusable for the same individual,

GEO leases their services to individuals, businesses, and non-profits for a year to generate data regarding the site’s potential for wind generated power, encouraging more people to make educated decisions on their investments (Green Energy Ohio, 2006). In 15 the application of a small turbine such as the ones proposed for Kirkmont, though, the cost of this program is not justifiable, so the Ohio wind potential maps and local meteorological data will have to suffice.

Figure 2

Figure 2 16


In addition, Kirkmont boasts the second highest point in the state, over 1500 feet above sea level, which is another indicator of good wind potential. In general, wind velocities increase with higher elevations. A fivefold increase in height above ground generally results in the doubling of wind velocities. A 6-meter tower with a wind velocity of 4 m/sec means a 30-meter tower would be expected to experience wind velocities of 8 m/sec. The height increase also helps the turbines avoid disturbances caused by ground level obstructions, most notably hills, trees, and man-made structures on a site. As a general rule, the bottom of the turbine’s rotor blades should be at least 30’ above the top of any disturbance within 300’ of them

(USDOE, 2006). This helps reduce turbulence and ensures the turbine receives a steady flow of unobstructed wind. Figure 3

Wind Systems

While most of the factors affecting wind power are uncontrollable, individuals can greatly influence how much power can be generated, and at what cost, by selecting a wind system to best meet their goals. Dozens of small-scale wind turbines are on the market, and even more towers are available, varying in height, design, and complexity of 17 installation. For the Kirkmont installation, a few key characteristics of the project help narrow the system choices.

First of all, this project is not intended to generate enough electricity to make significant amounts of money for Kirkmont, so units rated higher than 10kW of production are ruled out due to initial cost restraints. On the other hand, this is not a small farm installation simply intended to pump water from a remote location either, so units rated at less than 1 kW are ruled out as well due to a lack of substantial impact. Turbines are available at power ratings from 250 W to 5 MW, representing the wide variety of applications for wind power. These power ratings are helpful in categorizing the potential electric generation of a turbine, but do not necessarily represent the amount of power that will be generated every time the wind blows, but rather at a moderate velocity of around

5 m/sec. Instead, a general formula for estimated power output has been developed, based on years of observations and calculations, and is what will be used later to estimate the energy outputs for both of these wind systems at Kirkmont and make the financial case for each of the setups.

The second set of factors of major significance to consider include the educational, marketing, and prestige benefits associated with having a wind turbine.

Installing a large, commercial-scale turbine and tower on site misses these benefits by giving the impression these units are not meant for use on a personal basis, but rather are only available to the big power companies. By maintaining human-scale with the smaller turbine and tower Kirkmont will be able to present a friendlier, more inviting aspect of wind power the Gamesa wind farm in Logan County will lack. In this unique situation,

Kirkmont is in the perfect position to gain notoriety thanks to the increased tourism 18 attracted by the wind farm while offering the attention and close-up experience of wind power only available with smaller installations. Popular opinion in the area supports wind power currently, which will also help Kirkmont gain favor with the local citizens. These citizens will become curious about the potential of installing wind turbines for themselves, looking to Kirkmont as an example of what they are capable of doing.

Kirkmont can serve as an inspiration to others, helping to show the ease with which a wind turbine can start to generate electricity for others as well. Being the first one to adopt such technology takes courage, but makes the path easier for everyone else who follows, proving Kirkmont truly adheres to their goals of education and stewardship towards the environment.

The third major benefit resulting from the installation of a wind turbine is the elimination of emissions from the clean power generated that would have otherwise resulted from the burning of fossil fuels. Our society currently undervalues these benefits, even as they are becoming more and more visible in light of global warming, environmental degradation, and increased levels of pollution. The true cost of the effects from burning fossil fuels are not reflected in the cost of electricity, which is why the price is so low. Generating clean power from the wind will help reverse this trend and lessen our dependency on the harmful effects stemming from the use of fossil fuels. The supply of fossil fuels is finite, which means we will be forced to find an alternate source for energy production regardless of whether we choose to for environmental reasons or not.

Making the switch now is the pro-active approach to this situation that will certainly have the most positive outcome for the long run, and Kirkmont has the opportunity to consciously make this choice for themselves, helping lead the way to a sustainable future. 19

4. Making the Case for Wind Power

The Financial Case

1. 1 kW Bergey Excel-1 with 18 meter tower

2. 10 kW Bergey Excel-S with 30 meter tower

To evaluate the economic benefits of installing a wind turbine at Kirkmont, I have run each turbine setup (the 1 & 10 kW Bergey units) through a set of calculations to reveal how long it will take for the turbines to recover their initial cost of installation, along with a stipend to cover maintenance costs. The systems pay for themselves by generating electricity that Kirkmont will use that would have otherwise been purchased from Dayton Power & Light (their local energy supplier) at the retail rate of $.11 per kWh. The variables to consider, therefore, are the amount of energy generated by the turbines (measured in kWh), the cost Kirkmont would pay for each of these kWh if they instead had to purchase them from Dayton Power & Light, and the initial cost of the complete wind turbine system. To estimate the yearly output for the turbines I used the

Excel spreadsheet calculator provided by the manufacturer Bergey (Appendix A & B).

The average cost per kWh will remain 11 cents throughout the calculations. This number was calculated by finding the average price Kirkmont has paid per kWh over the past year, as shown on the account summary provided by Dayton Power & Light. 20

Dayton Power & Light







0.06 Cost per kWh ($) 0.04



Jul Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Average Bill Month Figure 4

In addition, Dayton Power & Light is one of the electric companies that offers net metering to its customers who have the ability to produce their own electricity. This is very important because wind is an intermittent resource and may not always provide enough electricity to supply Kirkmont’s needs (American Wind Energy Association,

2006). By tying into the electric grid, however, Dayton Power & Light will still be available as a backup source when the turbine is not meeting the demand. This eliminates the need for an expensive battery system while ensuring electricity demands will always be met. Net metering actually credits customers for the electricity they produce. Standard kWh electric meters have the capability to both spin forwards when the customer’s demands exceed production and backwards when customer’s production exceeds demand, in essence crediting the customer for electricity produced at full retail price against electricity they purchase at other times in the billing period. 21

Kirkmont is fortunate to have Dayton Power & Light as their utility company since they do offer this program- not every power company does. Since Kirkmont would not purchase as much electricity from Dayton Power & Light, the utility company is losing this revenue each billing period. However, Ohio law requires all utility companies to credit customers for the electricity they produce. Those who do not offer net metering, though, only credit customers for the electricity they generate at the avoided cost rate, which is lower than the retail price (AWEA, 2006). In addition, this methodology requires the customer to install a separate meter at his or her own expense. Power companies find this system to be a hassle, though, because it requires them to issue a check for electricity produced to the customer, resulting in higher administrative costs for them as well. The average monthly savings for a customer with a 10 kW turbine are comparable to the savings a customer utilizing energy efficient light fixtures and HVAC equipment would experience, varying from $10-$40 on an average month. Since utility companies do not pay the customer for energy produced beyond consumption in a given billing period, they are never really losing money on net metering. The benefits to both customers and utility companies from net metering are significant, and the program pushes for the installation of more small wind turbines by offering small power producers a greater return on their investment.

To figure the return on investment Kirkmont can expect from their wind turbine, I have used the retail price of $.11 per kWh for both turbines, expecting to avoid paying this rate either as a result of battery backup system (1 kW turbine) or from net metering

(10 kW turbine). 22

Bergey XL-1 Battery Charging Version: 1 kW

The estimates for the cost of all components, installation, and freight are based off of information found both on the manufacturer’s website (Bergey, 2006) and through personal contacts with Geoff Greenfield of Third Sun Solar & Wind Power, Ltd., a

Bergey wind turbine dealership located in Athens, OH.

24 V DC Battery Charging Turbine: $2,450 Inverter & Battery: $2,345 18 m Tilt-up Guyed Tubular Tower: $1,600 Installation Guidance & Labor: $700 Misc. (Freight, Wiring) $500 Estimated Initial Costs: $7,595

- a maintenance cost of $.01 per kWh should be accounted for in calculations

-the turbine comes with a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty

Estimated yearly energy output is calculated by entering site data into a spreadsheet provided by Bergey, available from their website. The finished spreadsheet can be seen in the appendix (A & B). The key information to enter is the average wind speed (7 meters/ second), the site altitude (500 m), how high the wind measurements were taken (30 m), and how high the tower will be (18 m). All other calculations are based on how well the turbine performs in these specific site conditions. As stated earlier, the wind velocity is most important, as the power generated is equal to the cube of this value. Site altitude allows for calculating the air density factor, since as elevation increases, air density decreases, lowering its ability to turn the blades of a turbine.

Knowing how high the measurements of wind velocity were taken helps in estimating what the velocity will be at tower height where the turbine will be located. When all of 23 these values are entered into the spreadsheet, the estimated annual energy output is 2,373 kWh.

To find a dollar value for the amount of energy produced each year, the estimated energy output is multiplied by the price per kWh of $.11. However, since there is a maintenance cost of about $.01 per kWh, the value is lowered to $.10 earned/ saved per kWh generated. So:

Yearly energy savings = (2,373 kWh * .10 $/kWh) = $237.30

To find out how many years it will take for the turbine to pay for itself, the total initial cost of $7,595 should be divided by the annual energy savings of $237.30.

Estimated payback period = ($7,595 / $237.30/ year) = 32 years

Fortunately, though, the State of Ohio realizes the importance of developing renewable energy technology, including wind power, and offers grants to help cover these initial costs, making them more affordable, knowing the long-term benefits involved. The Distributed and Renewable Energy Grant currently offered by Ohio covers up to $2.50 per watt of wind power generated (Greenfield, 2006). The 1 kW unit produces slightly more than its estimated 1,000 watts, so the amount the grant will cover actually amounts to $2,562.50 (Greenfield, 2006). Subtracting this amount from the initial wind system cost gives a new price of about $5,032.50. 24

Estimated payback period = ($5,032.50 / $237.30/ year) = 21.2 years.

There are other incentives I will discuss later, but this number is very encouraging considering the estimated lifespan of the system is 25-30 years (Bergey, 2006). This means the turbine will pay for itself after roughly 20 years of operation. Any electricity generated after this point will represent savings for Kirkmont, or revenue generated by the turbine. Even if the system only reaches 25 years of operation, it will still produce nearly $1,000 worth of electricity for Kirkmont Since the system only cost them $5,000 to begin with, this represents a 20% return on their investment over 25 years while knowing they are enjoying all of the other benefits of wind power discussed in more detail later on.

The final calculation to look at is the cost per kWh produced. This is found by dividing the total cost of the wind system by the amount of electricity it is expected to produce over its effective lifespan of 25 years.

Estimated Energy Output: ((2,373 kWh per year * 25 years) = 59,325 kWh

Price per kWh: ($5,032.50 / 59,325 kWh) = $.085 per kWh

This number is significant because it represents a savings of $.025 compared to the retail cost of electricity for Kirkmont, and a $.015 savings with the maintenance cost for the turbine of $.01 per kWh figured in. Installing the 1 kW wind system will allow

Kirkmont to produce electricity for a lower price than they can purchase it over the next

25 years, assuming the price of electricity remains constant. In a more likely scenario, though, the price for electricity will rise, resulting in an even larger savings for Kirkmont 25 since their investment is entirely made up front, allowing for 25 years of electricity at

$.085 per kWh. This stable pricing is a huge benefit of wind power, especially with the insecure energy market and price fluctuations associated with the use of fossil fuels.

Bergey Excel-S Grid Intertie: 10 kW:

This unit has become America’s most popular residential and small business wind turbine thanks to its relatively low cost per kWh produced (Bergey, 2006). Again, price estimates for this setup are based off of the manufacturer’s website and through personal contact with the regional dealership. In addition, estimates for labor and equipment rentals are based on a case study for a similar installation detailed in the magazine article

“Wind Electricity Pays Off” published in Home Power (Fischer, 2003). In this way a more complete and accurate estimated can be made, since the installation of this unit is more complicated than for the 1 kW turbine. This setup also eschews the use of a battery, instead feeding directly into the power grid through the net metering program.

Turbine, 30 m tower, Inverter, Wire: $26,400 Materials (Concrete, Rebar, Forms): $3,000 Permits, Excavation, Freight, Fees: $2,400 Equipment Rental (Crane): $2,000 Labor: $4,000 Estimated Initial Cost: $37,800

- a maintenance cost of $.01 per kWh should be accounted for in calculations

-the turbine comes with a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty

Again, the estimated yearly energy output is calculated using the spreadsheet provided by Bergey for the 10 kW turbine (Appendix B). The wind speed (7 m/sec), site altitude (500 m), and height of measurement tower (30 m) remain the same, but the tower height is changed to 30 m. Since the 10 kW turbine is considerably more expensive than 26 the 1kW turbine, and has the potential to produce more than10 times as much electricity, it is important to take advantage of the higher wind speeds reached by the taller tower.

The estimated yearly energy output comes out to 22,672 kWh. The years it will take for the 10kW system to pay for itself can then be figured by dividing the initial cost of

$37,800 by the yearly energy savings of $2,267.20. Figuring in the $.01 per kWh maintenance cost, each kWh produced saves Kirkmont $.10.

Yearly Energy Savings = (22,672 kWh * $.10 per kWh) = $2,267.20

Estimated Payback Period = ($37,800 / $2,267.20 per year) = 16.7 years

Under the Distributed and Renewable Energy Grant offered by Ohio, though, the

10kW unit qualifies for up to $25,000 in grants, $2.50 for each watt of capacity

(DSIREA, 2006). However, the maximum percentage of total cost the grant is allowed to cover is %50, so in this case that amounts to $18,900. With this grant, then, the estimated payback period is cut in half. If the turbine continues to produce electricity for its estimated 25-year lifespan, 16.7 years of production will represent money saved on electric bills once the turbine has paid for itself.

Estimated Payback Period = ($18,900 / $2,267.20 per year) = 8.3 years

Generated Revenue = ($2,267.20 per year * 16.7 years) = $37,862 27

Since the wind system would only cost $18,900 to install initially, this represents nearly a 200% return on investment over the lifespan of the turbine, a very impressive and encouraging figure. Even more impressive, though, is the price per kWh at which the

10 kW turbine can produce electricity.

Estimated Energy Output: (22,672 kWh per year * 25 years) = 566,800 kWh

Price per kWh: ($18,900 / 566,800 kWh) = $.033 per kWh

Paying only $.033 per kWh of electricity over the next 25 years would result in roughly a 70% energy savings for Kirkmont thanks to the 10kW wind system, assuming energy prices remain steady at $.11 per kWh, which is highly unlikely. This figure is one of the most convincing reasons for Kirkmont to install a wind system, and is one of the reasons why wind power has grown so rapidly in popularity throughout the country and world. As a general rule, the greater the energy producing capacity of the turbine, the cheaper the price per kWh, the result of an economy of scale. This is the reason why the estimate of wind generated electricity reaching a price as low as $.01 per kWh by 2020 seems realistic, even without government grants and subsidies. Turbines are now being made in the 5-megawatt range, with 500 times the capacity of the 10 kW Bergey unit being analyzed for possible installation at Kirkmont. As more people, businesses, and governments begin to realize this fact, and the technology continues to improve, the future of wind generated electricity looks more and more promising. 28

Educational Value

The wind turbine installation at Kirkmont coincides with the proposal to construct a new interactive educational facility on site to house a variety of community activities, including classes, club meetings, plays, and seminars. Currently the education program offers 70 classes in math, science, and art, but the curriculum is limited by the amount of space and resources available (Delair Interview, 11/05). Investing in the new facility will help Kirkmont expand their educational programming while setting them apart from others in the area by offering unique amenities, such as a planetarium, lab space, and hands-on exhibits. Similarly, adding a wind turbine for the interactive educational facility will allow Kirkmont to offer a valuable educational tool that only a few others in the state possess. Not only does this mean Kirkmont can offer renewable energy programs others cannot, but it also fits with their overall goals for the center as well.

One of Kirkmont’s core values states, “We are all called to be good stewards of

God’s creation and to share ideas, information, and resources with others” (Kirkmont

Center, 2006). Installing a wind turbine helps to achieve both objectives of this core value. Producing renewable energy is a part of stewardship towards God’s creation, and presenting this accomplishment through educational displays is the sharing of ideas, information, and research with others. Students will get a first-hand look at sustainability and wind power. The data displays demonstrate how wind can be turned into electricity while the turbine shows the process in action. Having both aspects on site helps reinforce the idea and makes the concept seem simple and easy to comprehend- the wind blows, the turbine spins, and electricity is generated. While this is a simple concept, it is also fascinating to those unaccustomed to such technology. People intrigued by wind power, 29 and renewable energy in general, will want to visit the center to see exactly how it actually works in practice, not just in theory.

The University of Vermont has recently installed a small-scale turbine on their campus to realize these same educational benefits. As a university known for its forward thinking on issues of energy and the environment, Vermont decided to install the turbine as a demonstration of wind power (Wakefield, 2005). Vermont’s Governor Douglas strongly supports the installation of the turbine stating,

This small-scale wind generation equipment will provide a long term learning opportunity, and the results will help local wind-generation manufacturers generate valuable research data (Wakefield, 2005, 1).

Similarly, the University’s President, Daniel Mark Fogel, believes the turbine will serve as a valuable educational tool in their curriculum:

As one of the leading environmental universities in the country, it’s important that we both model sustainable practices and provide real world methods for our students and others to study and understand renewable energy technologies Wakefield, 2005, 1).

Since the turbine is small-scale, its primary goal is education more than reduced energy costs or emissions. The turbine is equipped with data loggers, “which will collect and electronically transmit real-time information — including wind speed, wind direction, and kilowatts produced — to a Web site and nearby kiosk” (Wakefield, 2005,

1). These are services the Lucid Design Group can provide, which is a key addition to the educational component of the turbine. Since the data can be transmitted electronically and on the Web, it can be accessed from anywhere. In this way schools that visit

Kirkmont for field trips can spend a day learning about renewable energies from the wind turbine on site and continue to revisit the ideas and lessons on a regular basis by accessing data from computers in their classrooms and homes. Students will not forget 30 what they have learned this way and they will also be encouraged to share their newfound renewable energy knowledge with families and friends as well.

This notion of planning environmental education programs for kids is also believed to be the best way to make an impact on the future well-being of the earth.

Adults may be the ones with the power to make significant changes now, but many are set in their conventional ways, learned and practiced since their childhoods to the point that any changes would be nearly impossible to make at this stage in their lives

(Cincinnati Nature Conservancy, 2006). People fear what they are not used to and do not understand, which describes most people’s experience with renewable energy.

Uninformed people hear the words solar power and they immediately question what happens on a cloudy day. They hear the words wind power and wonder how to turn on their lights when it is not blowing. Children, however, are not as closed-minded. Instead of looking at why these renewable energy sources may not work, they are intrigued by how spinning blades on a tower can power their televisions.

The turbine will capitalize on this sense of wonder and awe. The strong visual impact helps leave lasting memories and establishes trust in the technology from an early age. This familiarity with the wind turbines will help children understand this as a viable way to produce electricity. In addition, the hands-on programming employed by

Kirkmont will help reinforce these lessons and clarify the benefits of the turbine. Visitors to Kirkmont will develop a much greater appreciation for renewable energy and taking care of the environment after seeing the wind system and its displays. While most of these visitors may be children with limited power to make changes now, they will grow up to be the ones determining the fate of our environment 10, 20, and 30 years from now. 31

Values established at a young age often last a lifetime. Installing a wind system at

Kirkmont will help in the creation of strong environmentally conscious values that will help tomorrow’s leaders understand the importance of renewable energy and how easily it can be utilized to help meet our electricity needs, a great way to practice stewardship towards God’s creation- one of Kirkmont’s core values.


Kirkmont’s education program is tailored to complement Ohio schools’ science programs in order to attract schools looking to take field trips to gain a unique approach to teaching environmental science (Kirkmont Center, 2006). Currently the main way

Kirkmont attempts to offer this unique education is through natural resources such as a fen, ponds, wetlands, and a variety of plant and animal life. This goes along with their goal to, “provide educational programs for schools and retreat groups which enhance personal appreciation of our natural world and promote personal growth” (Kirkmont

Center, 2006, Environmental Education). Many places in Ohio, however, can boast these resources. It is not enough to simply develop this appreciation for the natural world without suggesting ways to preserve and protect it.

Possessing a renewable wind energy system on site would solve both of these issues. There are only a handful of sites in the state with wind turbines equipped with educational displays and data loggers. Kirkmont can join this group and offer an educational program others cannot. Also, the facilities at Kirkmont currently do not represent sustainable design. Along with construction of the new interactive educational facility, installing wind turbines on site demonstrates Kirkmont’s commitment to help 32 ensure the wonders of nature they currently possess, along with those scattered around the world, will still be around generations from now. The wind turbine provides instant visual confirmation of this worthy effort and serves as a valuable marketing tool for the center.

Bluffsview Elementary School in Columbus, OH educators have attributed a remarkable increase in students’ math and proficiency test scores to an internet-based educational program on the use of solar power at the school, corresponding to a solar array on the school’s roof (American Electric Power, 2000). Hands-on lessons to explore the meaning and effects of the solar array were integrated into the curriculum to encourage students to make their own interpretations of renewable energy’s impact on both energy usage and the environment. Assistant Principal Karen Groff evaluates the program’s influence on the students as follows:

Our students’ math and science scores improved remarkably from 1996 to 1998, when the solar panel project was initiated. Among fourth-grade students, science scores improved by 25 percent, and math scores were up by 5 percent. Our sixth grade students showed similar improvement, increasing their science scores by 13 percent and math scores by 18 percent.

During this same time period, the percentage of proficient students remained relatively constant throughout the state, and Bluffview’s rate of growth far exceeded that of any school in the district. Our students are engaged in learning that is fun and exciting, and the lessons they are learning today can be used to create a better tomorrow. (in American Electric Power, 2000, 1).

The energy company helping with the solar array and monitoring at Bluffsview is also involved in the Learning from Wind program designed to help familiarize students, educators, and parents alike with the recent technology. They are currently planning to install 5 turbines, one 12 miles southeast of Columbus, and the others out of state. The electricity output of these 5 turbines, all 10 kW units, will be monitored and published on 33 their website, comparing the amount generated to demand, the same concept behind

Lucid Design Group’s displays. Kirkmont can offer this information on their website in the same way, but have the added benefit of allowing schools to visit the interactive educational facility and see the turbine in person as well.

Furthermore, Kirkmont not only targets children, but adults as well in their educational programming. As evidenced by the University of Vermont’s classes focusing on the wind system installed on their campus, there are more advanced lessons to be taught as well, including focusing on the financial aspect of the wind system (Wakefield,

2005). This focus on the financial side of the equation can be especially useful for people who desire to install a turbine on their own property, but want to discover what sort of return on investment they can expect before spending the money on a system. With access to Kirkmont’s website, these people would also be able to compare the amount of energy the turbine is producing to the amount their home or business is consuming.

Many people have trouble believing the rotors turn quietly because they are so large. They would enjoy the opportunity to visit the center and hear for themselves.

Getting a sense of scale for the units is difficult from seeing pictures alone, which is another reason for people to stand next to the towers and see exactly how tall and unimposing they appear to be. By questioning the staff at Kirkmont these visitors will understand exactly what their experiences with the system have been. Often personal accounts are the most meaningful and convincing.

People who are curious about, or intrigued by, wind power will look to Kirkmont for a personal account of the technology at work. The tours running 5 days a week at the

Bowling Green wind farm indicate there is a demand to learn more about wind power 34

(Wood County Solid Waste Management District, 2004). This corresponds with

Kirkmont’s core value of sharing ideas, information, and resources with others

(Kirkmont, 2006). People who visit to witness the wind turbine are more likely to participate in Kirkmont’s regular programming once they understand the opportunities provided by the center. Having a wind power system on site will allow Kirkmont to market their camp to people they otherwise would not have reached. Installing a turbine represents a great way for Kirkmont to reach more people then ever before- for the good of the camp, the people, and the environment collectively.

Environmental Benefits

The primary way in which utilizing wind power helps the environment is by reducing carbon dioxide emissions associated with the burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity. Currently, 17% of all emissions can be attributed to this mode of energy production (Wikipedia, 2006).The release of carbon dioxide has been linked to global warming, one aspect of climate change affecting people across the globe. Effects associated with global climate change include increased extreme weather events

(droughts, hurricanes, floods), changes in precipitation patterns, and biological extinctions (Wikipedia, 2006). Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are currently the highest in history, and have been rising since the beginning of the industrial age. To curb this trend, we must look to alternative energy sources, like wind.

Kirkmont’s new wind power system will help in this effort not only by reducing emissions associated with their own energy usage, but also by educating others on the benefits of such actions as well. Quantifying these benefits from reduced emissions for 35

Kirkmont alone does not tell the whole story; but rather serves as a demonstration of how individual decisions do make a difference, regardless of how insignificant and small they may initially appear on a global scale. As the famous saying goes, “The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.” Kirkmont has a great opportunity to take one of these steps and also encourage others to take a step as well.

For the calculations below, I have assumed all of Dayton Power & Light’s electricity generation to occur at coal fired power plants, since their facilities are listed multiple times in a report on the increase of harmful emissions by coal fired power plants released by the Environmental Working Group (Appendix E). This makes it possible to calculate the pounds of carbon dioxide emissions eliminated by Kirkmont’s use of wind- generated electricity.Using the calculations for electricity generated in a lifetime (25

years) by each the 1 kW and 10 kW units, the reduction in CO2 emissions is easy to estimate.

Figure 5

CO2 Reduction 1 kW: (59,325 kWh * 2.117 lbs CO2 per kWh) = 125,600 lbs CO2

CO2 Reduction 10 kW: (566,800 kWh * 2.117 lbs CO2 per kWh) = 1,199,915 lbs CO2 36

Visitors to Kirkmont can perform exercises like these to understand the environmental value of wind power while being encouraged to make such changes in their own home or business to see these reduced emissions numbers continue to grow.

Over time Kirkmont could add an element to their display regarding how many people who have visited have installed wind turbines of their own to show how the renewable energy movement is gaining momentum, also showing the power of one to motivate and inspire others.

There is currently a developing market for tradable renewable certificates

(TRC’s), which are created when a renewable energy facility, like the wind system at

Kirkmont, generate electricity (Green-e Program, 2006). According to Green-e, the certification agency for the program:

Each unique certificate represents all of the environmental attributes or benefits of a specific quantity of renewable generation, namely the benefits that everyone receives when conventional fuels, such as coal, nuclear, oil, or gas, are displaced. You usually buy certificates from someone other then your electricity provider. What you pay for when you buy renewable energy certificates is the benefit of displacing other non-renewable sources from the regional or national electric grid (Green-e Program, 2006, About).

Kirkmont has the potential, as a producer of renewable energy, to sell these green credits (TRC’s) to others who wish to support clean energy production, but do not have the ability to generate it themselves. While the market is new and unstable, price estimates for such credits range from $.70 -$40 per mWh. The monetary benefits to

Kirkmont, as a small provider (the 10kW unit would produce approximately 566 mWh electricity in its lifetime), however, are not as important as their role in helping to spread the demand for renewable energy. Companies currently purchasing such credits include

Sprint, Interface Flooring, Kinko’s, Lowe’s, and Staples to name a few (Green-e, 2006). 37

As the word of such an opportunity spreads more and more people will be inclined to make the switch to purchasing renewable energy knowing it is produced without the harmful emissions associated with the burning of fossil fuels. The recognizable names of the large corporations buying into the program shows how companies are also interested in the green credits as an opportunity to help portray themselves as environmentally concerned. As green power becomes more available, people will be given the choice between paying a premium for clean energy and paying the standard, subsidized price for fossil fuel generated electricity. We are currently on the threshold of this clean energy era, and progressive minded, environmentally concerned, innovative people are needed to ensure we reach this noble goal.

5. Call to Action

Parties to Involve

Geoff Greenfield, Third-Sun Solar & Wind, Ltd.

Third-Sun is the regional dealer of Bergey wind turbines based in Athens, OH.

Geoff works there and is a certified energy practitioner who has been very helpful in my initial feasibility studies of the wind systems. He is familiar with the project and ready to move forward with installing a wind system at Kirkmont if approved. Having worked on multiple projects in Ohio, Geoff is familiar with the incentive programs available both through the state and Dayton Power & Light. He also understands Kirkmont’s financial, educational, marketing, and environmental goals for the project after several contacts with me. He has provided pricing information and has offered to have a crew help with 38 the installation day, bringing their own tools and expertise to help our volunteer workforce.

The next step for Geoff is gaining approval to start producing the wind system.

They currently have both the 1 kW and 10 kW turbines in stock, but would need 6-8 weeks to produce the guyed lattice tower and have all components tested and shipped.

Geoff could help provide guidance for filling out grant and permit applications as well as choosing the exact site for the tower and turbine. In addition, Dayton Power & Light would need to be contacted to sign up for net metering. Geoff has been very helpful throughout the process and has proven to be a valuable and dependable resource, and I would expect this to continue through installation and beyond.

Lucid Design Group

Michael Murray, LEED accredited professional and company president, has offered his team’s expertise for providing educational displays for the interactive educational facility and wind system. They provide the services starting with meetings to discuss goals through installing monitoring equipment and publishing real-time data on custom designed websites. With experienced educators, software engineers, and graphic designers working together, Lucid helps emphasize key design features through compelling yet simple to understand displays. This helps ensure visitors get a true sense of the environmental benefits of the technologies employed, an essential aspect of sustainable design. In addition, the data collected helps in evaluating the systems to make sure they are working as successfully as they should. Kirkmont must utilize data logging and educational displays, and Lucid offers imaginative and effective solutions. 39

While these systems can run anywhere from $6,000- $16,000, they are much cheaper, easier to install, and more effective when integrated early on in the planning stage. Michael understands the goals of the project generally and is waiting and willing to answer any questions that may arise for him. Geoff of Third-Sun is also familiar with

Lucid’s work and understands the quality of their services. If Kirkmont decides to move forward with one of the two wind system, Michael should be contacted to help ensure the designs will best take advantage of his company’s services. They work with clients to decide what will work best. Gaining his help as early on in the process as possible would be a major benefit to all parties involved.


Producing energy from the wind is not only an exciting and promising proposition, but it also makes sense financially and environmentally. Since Kirkmont enjoys a strong and consistent wind resource, they stand to enjoy a significant return on their investment with either the 1 kW or 10 kW wind systems. Like any investment

Kirkmont must decide what the primary purpose of their investment is. Is the turbine primarily for educational purposes, solely for economic gains, or somewhere in the middle? My study suggested two options I felt best suited the center’s needs, but by no means should no other options be considered. The primary goal of this report was to provide Kirkmont with enough information to make an informed decision on their future energy status. With the information presented, I believe Kirkmont should move forward with this project and begin to seek funding for installation of a wind system on site. 40

In addition, the interactive educational facility should incorporate wind energy educational displays into its design to go along with the wind turbine installation.

Without the educational component of the design, Kirkmont and only a few others will benefit from the wind system. Kirkmont can be proud to share their information and knowledge of renewable energy systems with the visitors sure to be attracted to the site.

Having the educational aspect available to students and adults alike will make Kirkmont a much more attractive option for field trips, retreats, and tours that will help market the center to a wider variety of potential customers The turbine installation is not just to show how harnessing the wind can help Kirkmont, but to show how others can benefit from the same actions as well, regardless of whether they install turbines for themselves or elect to purchase green energy from their utility company.

There exists enormous potential for wind power at Kirkmont, just as there is throughout the United States. The better informed we all are regarding this steadily improving technology, the more likely we are to see it utilized for the generation of clean electricity. As popular opinion in Logan County overwhelmingly supports wind power, with the plans for a commercial-scale wind farm in development, now is an ideal time for

Kirkmont to get involved, especially with their own plans in progress for construction of the new interactive educational facility. Excitement and enthusiasm mark the mood surrounding both Kirkmont and Logan County right now, which makes it an excellent time to make the bold move of installing an icon of sustainability in the form of a sleek, proud, and compelling wind turbine on the top of a tower, proclaiming to all that

Kirkmont understands the importance of leaving the earth in good condition for future generations while meeting our own needs as well. 41

I hope this report will help Kirkmont as they look to embark upon a new era for the camp of improved facilities, programming, and financial planning. Through my research I have discovered numerous convincing benefits of installing a wind system on site and hope to help turn this proposition into a reality. 42


American Electric Power. “AEP Expands Education Program to Include Wind Turbines Web Site.” Columbus, OH. April, 2000. ease&ID=700

American Wind Energy Association. “Small Wind Systems.” 2004.

Bergey Windpower. “Small Wind Turbines for Homes, Businesses, and Off-Grid.” March, 2006. Norman, OK.

British Wind Energy Association. “Wind Energy.” March, 2006.

Colorado Renewable Energy Society. “Energy Vision.” March, 2006. http://www.cres-

Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy. “Grants for Distributed Energy and Renewable Energy, Ohio.” February 20, 2006. OH12F¤tpageid=3

DeLair, Ed. Kirkmont Center. Bellefontaine, OH. December, 2005. Personal Contact.

Electricity Forum News. “Wind Energy Could Fuel Future Power Needs.” Associated Press, World Services, Inc. March, 2006.

Evans, Brian J. “Harnessing the Wind: Logan County Considered for State’s Largest Wind Turbine Farm”. Bellefontaine Examiner. February 10, 2005.

Fischer, Mike. “Wind Electricity Pays Off.” Home Power. August-September, 2003. Reprinted in

Fink, Dan. “Energy Self Sufficiency Newsletter.” July, 2005. 43

Gatzke, Rhonda. “Case Study: Bergey Excel Wind Turbine Installation.” November, 2002.

Green-e. “Renewable Electricity Certification Program.” April, 2006.

Green Energy Ohio, Ohio Department of Development Office of Energy Efficiency & U.S. Department of Energy. “Ohio Wind Power Conference Tool Kit.” November 19, 2002.

Greenfield, Geoff. Third-Sun Solar & Wind, Ltd. Athens, OH. April, 2006. Personal Contact.

Hannah, James. “Ohio Makes Headway in Efforts to Harness Windmill’s Energy.” Columbus Dispatch. March 13, 2005.

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. “Wind Power for Local Governments.” 2005.

Kirkmont Center. “Account Quick Report.” December, 2005.

Kirkmont Center. “A Place for All People in All Seasons.” February, 2006.

Lucid Design Group. “Making Building Performance Visible in Real Time.” April, 2006.

Murray, Michael. Lucid Design Group. Oberlin, OH. Personal Contact. April 3, 2006.

Murray, Michael E. “Payback and Currencies of Energy, Carbon Dioxide, and Money for a 60 kW Photovoltaic Array.” Senior Honors Thesis, Oberlin College. April, 2004. 44

Ohio Department of Development. “Wind Power in Ohio.” 2004.

Spartley, Bill. Green Energy Ohio. Columbus, OH. March, 2006. Personal Contact.

Third-Sun Solar & Wind Power. “Welcome to Third Sun.” March, 2006.

United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “Small Wind Electric systems.” March, 2005.

United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “Wind Turbine Use.” May 16, 2005. United States Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Wakefield, Jeffrey. “New UVM Wind Tower Generates Power, Educational Opportunities.” The University of Vermont. October, 2005.

Wikipedia. “Global Warming.” April, 2006.

Wood County Solid Waste Management District. “Wind Turbine Information.” Bowling Green, OH. March, 2006.

Woodthorpe, Sandy. “Wind Turbine Installed at Farmpark in Lake County, OH”. March, 2006. 45 6. Appendix A WindCad Turbine Performance Model

BWC XL.1 Battery Charging Version MS Excel, V.97 PC

Prepared For: Kirkmont Interactive Education Center Site Location: Kirkmont Center, Bellefontaine, OH Data Source: US-DOE Wind Atlas 1 kW Date: 4/13/06

Inputs: Results: Ave. Wind (m/s) = 7 Hub Average Wind Speed (m/s) = 6.39 1 m/s = 2.2369 mph Weibull K = 2 Air Density Factor = -4.6% Site Altitude (m) = 500 Average Output Power (W) = 319 Wind Shear Exp. = 0.200 Daily Energy Output (kWh) = 6.5 Anem. Height (m) = 30 Annual Energy Output (kWh) = 2,373 Tower Height (m) = 19 Monthly Energy Output = 198 Turbulence Factor = 10.0% Percent Operating Time = 88.7% Perf. Safety Margin = 15.0%

Weibull Performance Calculations Wind Speed Bin (m/s) Power (W) Wind Probability (f) Net W @ V Weibull Calculations: 1 0 3.81% 0.00 Wind speed probability is calculated 2 2 7.18% 0.12 as a Weibull curve defined by the average wind speed and a shape 3 19 9.78% 1.85 factor, K. To facilitate piece-wise 4 52 11.38% 5.86 integration, the wind speed range is 5 107 11.95% 12.82 broken down into "bins" of 1 m/s in 6 197 11.58% 22.87 width (Column 1). For each wind speed bin, instantaneous wind 7 322 10.50% 33.80 turbine power (W, Column 2)) is 8 455 8.97% 40.81 multiplied by the Weibull wind speed 9 601 7.25% 43.60 probability (f, Column 3). This cross product (Net W, Column 4) is the 10 756 5.57% 42.12 contribution to average turbine 11 919 4.08% 37.48 power output contributed by wind 12 1,030 2.85% 29.35 speeds in that bin. The sum of 13 1,056 1.90% 20.06 these contributions is the average power output of the turbine on a 14 1,030 1.21% 12.48 continuous, 24 hour, basis. 15 987 0.74% 7.30 Best results are achieved using 16 940 0.43% 4.06 annual or monthly average wind speeds. Use of daily or hourly 17 893 0.24% 2.16 average speeds is not 18 850 0.13% 1.10 recommended. 19 807 0.07% 0.54 20 764 0.03% 0.25 2000, Bergey Windpower Co. Totals: 99.65% 318.65

Instructions: Inputs: Use annual or monthly Average Wind speeds. If Weibull K is not known, use K = 2 for inland sites, use 3 for coastal sites, and use 4 for island sites and trade wind regimes. Site Altitude is meters above sea level. Wind Shear Exponent is best assumed as 0.18. For rough terrain or high turbulence use 0.22. For very smooth terrain or open water use 0.110. Anemometer Height is for the data used for the Average Wind speed. If unknown, use 10 meters. Tower Height is the nominal height, eg.: 24 meters. Turbulence Factor is a derating for turbulence, product variability, and other performance influencing factors. Use 0.00 (0%) - 0.05 (5%) is most cases. Performance Safety Margin is a derating that accounts for unuseable energy (eg.: batteries full) and adds a margin of safety in satisfying the load requirements. Use 0.05 (5%) for remote homes and village power sites with back-up power. Use 0.15 (15%) - 0.25 (25%) for telecommunication applications with back-up power. Use 0.2 (20%) - 0.4 (40%) for high-priority loads at sites without back-up power (should have solar component). Results: Hub Average Wind Speed is corrected for wind shear and used to calculate the Weibull wind speed probability. Air Density Factor is the reduction from sea level performance. Average Power Output is the average 24-hour power produced, without the performance safety margin adjustment. Daily Energy Output includes all deratings and is the primary performance parameter. Annual and Monthly Energy Outputs are calculated for the Daily value. Percent Operating Time is the time the turbine should be producing some power. Limitations: This model uses a mathmatical idealization of the wind speed probability. The validity of this assumption is reduced as the time period under consideration (ie, the wind speed averaging period) is reduced. This model is best used with annual or monthly average wind speeds. Use of this model with daily or hourly average wind speed data is not recommended because the wind will not follow a Weibull distribution over short periods. Consult Bergey Windpower Co. for special needs. Actual Performance May Vary ! 46 B WindCad Turbine Performance Model BWC EXCEL-S, Grid - Intertie

Prepared For: Kirkmont Interactive Education Center Site Location: Kirkmont Center; Bellefontaine, OH Data Source: US-DOE Wind Atlas 10 kW Date: 4/13/06

Inputs: Results: Ave. Wind (m/s) = 7 Hub Average Wind Speed (m/s) = 7.00 Weibull K = 2 Air Density Factor = -5% Site Altitude (m) = 500 Average Output Power (kW) = 2.59 Wind Shear Exp. = 0.143 Daily Energy Output (kWh) = 62.1 Anem. Height (m) = 30 Annual Energy Output (kWh) = 22,672 Tower Height (m) = 30 Monthly Energy Output = 1,889 Turbulence Factor = 10.0% Percent Operating Time = 82.0%

Weibull Performance Calculations Wind Speed Bin (m/s) Power (kW) Wind Probability (f) Net kW @ V Weibull Calculations: Wind speed probability is 1 0.00 3.18% 0.000 calculated as a Weibull curve 2 0.00 6.06% 0.000 defined by the average wind 3 0.00 8.39% 0.000 speed and a shape factor, K. To 4 0.21 9.98% 0.021 facilitate piece-wise integration, 5 0.69 10.79% 0.074 the wind speed range is broken 6 1.42 10.84% 0.154 down into "bins" of 1 m/s in width 7 2.19 10.25% 0.224 (Column 1). For each wind speed bin, instantaneous wind turbine 8 3.13 9.19% 0.288 power (W, Column 2)) is 9 4.16 7.86% 0.327 multiplied by the Weibull wind 10 5.28 6.42% 0.339 speed probability (f, Column 3). 11 6.44 5.03% 0.324 This cross product (Net W, 12 7.73 3.78% 0.292 Column 4) is the contribution to 13 8.16 2.74% 0.223 average turbine power output 14 8.59 1.90% 0.164 contributed by wind speeds in that bin. The sum of these 15 6.87 1.28% 0.088 contributions is the average power 16 5.15 0.83% 0.043 output of the turbine on a 17 2.32 0.51% 0.012 continuous, 24 hour, basis. 18 2.58 0.31% 0.008 Best results are achieved using 19 2.58 0.18% 0.005 annual or monthly average wind 20 2.58 0.10% 0.003 speeds. Use of daily or hourly 1997, Bergey Windpower Totals: 99.62% 2.588 average speeds is not recommended. Instructions: Inputs: Use annual or monthly Average Wind speeds. If Weibull K is not known, use K = 2 for inland sites, use 3 for coastal sites, and use 4 for island sites and trade wind regimes. Site Altitude is meters above sea level. Wind Shear Exponent is best assumed as "1/7" or 0.143. For rough terrain or high turbulence use 0.18. For very smooth terrain or open water use 0.110. Anemometer Height is for the data used for the Average Wind speed. If unknown, use 10 meters. Tower Height is the nominal height, eg.: 24 meters. Turbulence Factor is a derating for turbulence, product variability, and other performance influencing factors. Use 0.1 (10%) - 0.15 (15%) is most cases. Setting this factor to 0% will over-predict performance for most situations. Results: Hub Average Wind Speed is corrected for wind shear and used to calculate the Weibull wind speed probability. Air Density Factor is the reduction from sea level performance. Average Power Output is the average continuous equivalent output of the turbine. Daily Energy Output is the average energy produced per day. Annual and Monthly Energy Outputs are calculated using the Daily value. Percent Operating Time is the time the turbine should be producing some power. Limitations: This model uses a mathmatical idealization of the wind speed probability. The validity of this assumption is reduced as the time period under consideration (ie, the wind speed averaging period) is reduced. This model is best used with annual or monthly average wind speeds. Use of this model with daily or hourly average wind speed data is not recommended because the wind will not follow a Weibull distribution over short periods. Consult Bergey Windpower Co. for special needs. Your performance may vary. 47 C 48

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