COMISSÃO JURÍDICA INTERAMERICANA COMITÉ JURÍDICO INTERAMERICANO INTER-AMERICAN JURIDICAL COMMITTEE COMITE JURIDIQUE INTERAMERICAIN ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES Av. Marechal Floriano, 196 - 3 o andar - Palácio Itamaraty – Centro - Rio de Janeiro– RJ 20080-002 - Brazil Telephone: (55-21) 2206-9903; Fax (55-21) 2203-2090 e-mail:
[email protected] Rio de Janeiro, February 1 st , 2008 CJI/O/01/2008 Excellency: I have the honor to address Your Excellency to request that you kindly forward to the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States the attached Annual Report of the Inter-American Juridical Committee to the General Assembly (OEA/Ser.Q/VII.38 CJI/doc.286/07), regarding the activities of the Committee in 2007. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. Jean-Paul Hubert Chairman Inter-American Juridical Committee His Excellency José Miguel Insulza Secretary General Organization of American States Washington, D.C. U.S.A. ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES INTER-AMERICAN JURIDICAL COMMITTEE 71 st REGULAR SESSION OEA/Ser.Q/VII.38 July 30 th to August 10 th , 2007 CJI/doc.286/07 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 10 August 2007 Original: Spanish ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INTER-AMERICAN JURIDICAL COMMITTEE TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2007 EXPLANATORY NOTE Until 1990, the OAS General Secretariat published the “Final Acts” and “Annual Reports of the Inter-American Juridical Committee” under the series classified as “Reports and Recommendations”. In 1997, the International Law Department of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs (now the Office of International Law of the Department of International Legal Affairs) of the OAS General Secretariat began to publish those documents under the title “Annual Report of the Inter-American Juridical Committee to the General Assembly”.