


Distr .. Limited

7 October 2004




pqgc pqgr ...... 5 Cyprus ...... 33 ...... 5 Cmh Republic ...... 34 ...... 6 Democratic People's Republic of Andorra...... 7 Dcnmarlc...... Angola ...... 7 ...... Antigua and Barbuda ...... 8 Dominica ...... 37 ...... 8 ...... 9 ...... 9 ...... 10 El Salvador...... Azerbaijan ...... 12 Bahamas ...... 12 ...... 13 Bangladesh ...... 13 Barbados...... 14 ...... 14 ...... 15 ...... 16 ...... 17 Bolivia ...... 17 Bosnia and Herzegovina ...... 18 Botswana ...... 18 Brazil ...... 19 ...... 51 Bulgaria ...... 52 ...... 20 ...... 21 ...... :...... 21 Cameroon ...... 22 ...... 23 Hungary ...... 1...... ...... 24 Central African Republic ...... 24 ...... 25

...... 61 Costa Ri ca...... 30 Jamaica ...... C6te d'Ivoire ...... 31 Croatia ...... 31 Cuba ...... 32 ...... Pwe ...... Russian Federation ...... Kuwait ...... 69 Kyrgyzstan...... 69 Lao People's Democratic Republic ...... 70 Latvia ...... 71 ...... 71 Lcsotho ...... 72 Liberia ...... 72 ...... 73 Lithuania ...... 76 ...... 114 ...... 76 ...... 77 Maldives ...... 78 ...... 79 Malta...... 79 Marshall Islands ...... 80 Mauritania...... 80 Mauritius ...... 80 Mexico...... 81 Micronesia (Federated States of) ...... ...... Mongolia ...... Mozambique...... 84 ...... 85 ...... 86 ...... 86 ...... 87 New Zealand...... Trinidad and Tob Nicaragua ...... ...... 89 Nigeria ...... 90 ...... 91 Tuvalu ...... ...... 93 ...... 93 ...... ...... 96 Paraguay ...... PeN ...... ;...... 97 Poland ...... 98 Portugal ...... 100 Qatar ...... Republic of Ko rea...... 102 ...... 141 Republic of ...... 104 ...... :...... 104


.- . .. . psgr 11. PRINCIPAL ORGANS OF THE

International Court of Justice ...... 143


Holy See ...... 143


Palestine ...... 144


African Union ......

...... 145 ...... 145 Commonwealth of Independent States ...... Commonwealth Secretariat...... European Community...... 146

...... 147 International Union for the Conservation ofNature and Natural Resources ...... Latin American Economic System ...... League of Arab States...... 148 Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ...... 148 Organization of the Islamic Conference ...... 149 ...... 149 Partners in Population and Development ......


International Committee of the Red Cross...... 149 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Socieities...... 150

3 Inter-Parliamentary Union .._ ...... 150 Sovereign Military Order of ...... 150


...... I5 1

...... 151

World Tourism Organization ...... 152 1. MEMBER STATES


H.E. Mr. Hamid KARZAI, President of the Transitional Government of Afghanistan, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Abdullah ABDULLAH, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Zalmay AZIZ, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. A. G. Ravan FARHADI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. M. Yunus BAZEL, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Mr. Ayoob ERFANI, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Salahuddin RABBANI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohammad Wali NAEEMI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohammad ALI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Aria SELJUQI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Shah Mohammad NIAZI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Youssof GHAFOORZAI. Second Secretarv. Permanent Mission Ms. Raihana BASHIR, Thirdsecretary, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. Fatos NANO, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, served as Chairman ofthe Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Kastriot ISLAMI, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Anastas ANGJELI, Minister for Economy Mr. Agim ISAKU, Dircctor, Prime Minister’s Cabinet H.E. Mr. Agim NESHO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Virgjil MUCI, Diplomatic Adviser to the Prime Minister

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Taulant BALLA, Assistant to the Prime Minister Mr. Aldrin DALIPI, Spokesperson of the Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Zef MAZI, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office, Vienna Mr. Shptitim CUCKA, Chief, Cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Armand SKAPI, Director, Department of United Nations and International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mrs. Vera LSAKU, Adviser for Public Relations, Director-General, Ministry of Culture Mr. Arben HAMETAJ, Deputy Minister for Industry and Energy Mr. Andis HARASANI. Deputy Minister for Economy Mr. Meksi XHUFKA, Adviser for Public Kelations

5 Mr. Lublin DILJA, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Mr. Ilir MELO, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Saimir REPISHTI, Chief of United Nations Sector, United Nations Department and International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Mamica TOSKA, First Secretary, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Ms. Elvina JUSUFAJ, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Renis HACKAJ, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


S.E. M. , President de la Republique algerienne democratique et populaire, a exerce les functions de Chef de la delegation, ex ofticio, durant sa presence a la session

Reorbsentants S.E. M. Abdelaziz BELKHADEM, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres S.E. M. Abdallah BAALI, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, RepFesentant permanent auprts des Nations Unies M. Merzak BELHIMEUR, Directeur general des Relations multilterales a.i., Ministere des Affaires etrangtres

ReDrkentants suoalbants M. Abdelhamid CHEBCHOUB, Directeur de la Communication et de I’lnformation, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres S.E. M. Mourad BENMEHIDI, Ambassadeur, Representant permanent adjoint aupres des Nations Unies M. Noureddine BERDAD DAIDJ, Directeur des Affaires economiques et financitres internacionales, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres Mlle Dalila SAMAH, Conseiller auprks du Ministre d’Etat, Ministere des Affaires Btrangkres M. Nacerdine SAI, Sous-Directeur de I’ONU et des Conferences interregionales, Ministere des Affaires 6trangBres

Conseillers M. Kheireddine RAMOUL, Sous-Directeur des Affaires economiques et financieres multilatdrales, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres M. Larbi KATTI, Ministre Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Abdellatif DEBABECHE, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Mission permanente M. Larbi ELHADJ ALI, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Mission permanente M. Mahieddine DJEFFAL, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Belkacem SMAILI, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Larbi DJACTA, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Abdelmalek BOUHEDDOU, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Saad MAANDI, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Djihad Eddine BELKAS, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Abdelouahab OSMANE, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Ali HAFRAD, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Said BOUCHIK, Premier Secrttaire, Mission permanente Mlle Nadjah BAAZIZ, Troiskme Secretaire, Mission permanente Mlle Linda BRIZA, Conseiller diplomatique, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres M. Farid BELAHNECHE, Conseiller diplomatique, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres


H.E. Mr. Marc FORNE-MOLNE, President of the Government of the Principality of Andorra, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex ofticio, during his presence at the session

Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Juli MINOVES-TRIQUELL, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Julian VILA-COMA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Jordi GUILLAMET, Chief of Cabinet for the Head of Government Mr. Antoni ZAMORA, Chief of Protocol for the Head of Government Ms. Roser Sm&PASCUET, Director of Bilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rafael PUJOL, Chief, Press Department Ms. Jelena PIA-COMELLA, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Advisers Ms. NibKANI, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Dorian BISHOP, Adviser, Permanent Mission


Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Joao Bernard0 DE MIRANDA. Minister for External Relations (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Virgilio Marques de FARIA, Ambassador, Director of the International Organizations H.E. Mr. lsmael Abraso GASPAR MARTINS. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mrs. Josefina Pitra DIAKITE, Ambassador to the of America H.E. Mr. Mawete Joao BAPTISTA, Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Alternate Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Apolinhrio Jorge CORREIA, Ambassador to Algeria H.E. Mr. Victor da Fonseca LIMA, Ambassador to H.E. Mr. Dombele Mbala BERNARDO, Ambassador to Mr. Arcanjo Maria do NASCIMENTO, Director of the Cabinet of the Minister for External Relations Mr. Mhio FELIZ, Director for Asia and Oceania Affairs

Advisers Mr. Jog0 Manuel PEDRO, Director of the Press Oftice Mr. Carlos CELESTINO, Director of Legal Affairs Mr. Clemente CAMENHA, Consul General, Houston Ms. Josefa Coelho da CRUZ, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Luis PERDIGAO, Counsellor, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Jacinto Rangel L. Cordeiro NETO, First Secretary, Ministry of External Relations Ms. Sara Maria de Assunqlo e SILVA, Second Secretary, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Mariano BAPTISTA, Adviser, Ministry of External Relations Ms. Carolina Soares CAETANO, Adviser, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Claudio PATACA, Adviser, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Ms. Sonia ADRIANO, Adviser, Embassy, Washington, D.C.


H.E. Mr. Baldwin SPENCER, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Harold E.E. LOVELL, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Sir Ramez HADEED, Senior Ambassador H.E. Mr. Colin MURDOCH, H.E. Mr. John W. ASHE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Rearesentatives Ms. Dornella SETH, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Gillian JOSEPH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Glentis THOMAS, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Jackley PETERS, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Shermain JEREMY, Attache, Permanent Mission


S.E. Sr. Nestor Carlos KIRCHNER, Presidente de la Republica Argentina, ejercio las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacion, ex oficio, durante su asistencia al period0 de sesiones

Rearesentantes S.E. Sr. Rafael A. BIELSA, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio lnternacional y Culto (Jefe de la Delegacion) S.E. Sr. Cesar MAYORAL, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Jorge TAIANA, Embajador, Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Eduardo Felix VALDES, Embajador, Jefe de Gabinete del Sr. Canciller S.E. Sr. Jorge Alberto VAZQUEZ, Embajador en el Peni

Sualentes S.E. Sr. Roberto GARCIA MORITAN, Embajador, Subsecretario de Politica Exterior S.E. Sr. Dario ALESSANDRO, Embajador, Subsecretario de Politica Latinoamericana S.E. Sr. Doming0 CULLEN, Embajador, Director de Organismos lnternacionales S.E. Sr. Carlos SERSALE di CERISANO, Embajador, Director-General de Seguridad lnternacional, Asuntos Nucleares y Espaciales Sr. Alberto D’ALOTTO, Ministro, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas

Conseieros Sr. Eugenio Maria CURIA. Ministro, Director-General de Conserieria Legal Sr. AGbal GUTIERREZ, Ministro, Asesor de Politica lnternacional del Sr. Canciller Sr. Oscar FEITO, Ministro, Director de Prensa Sr. Ricardo BOCALANDRO, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Gustavo AINCHIL, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sra. Maria Fabiana LOGUZZO, Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sra. Gabriela MARTINIC, Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sr. Mateo ESTREME, Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Guillermo KENDALL, Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Marcel0 Gabriel SUAREZ SALVIA, Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Federico BARTTFELD, Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Maria Josefina MARTINEZ GRAMUGLIA, Secretaria, Mision Permanente


.. . Sr. Alejandro TORRES LEPORI, Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Federico VILLEGAS BELTaN, Secretario, Direccion de Derechos Humanos Sra. Maria Luz MELdN, Secretaria, Direccibn de Organ'ismos lnternacionales Sra. Maria Beldn BOGADO, Secretaria, Direccion de Organismos lnternacionales Sr. Martin Horacio ROMERO, Secretario, Direccion de Organismos Internacionales Sra. Mariela FOGANTE, Secretaria, Direcci6n General de Seguridad Intemacional, Asuntos Nucleares y Espaciales Sr. Marcel0 RAFFM, Secretario, Direccion General de Conserjeria Legal Sr. Alberto GABRIELLI, Comodoro, Asesor Militar Adjunto, Mision Permanente Sr. Alejandro CHMIELEWSKI, Comandante Mayor, Asesor Policia Civil, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Jorge LAVIA, Agregado, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Adrian VERNIS, Agregado, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Dario OZAN, Agregado, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Gustavo MAGGIORA, Agregado, Mision Permanente


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Vartan OSKANIAN, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Armen MARTIROSYAN, Ambassador-Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Valery MKRTOUMIAN, Head, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Dziunik AGHAJANIAN, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Marine DAVTYAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Nikolay SAHAKOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Arman KIRAKOSSIAN. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America Ms. Salpi GHAZARIAN, Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Karen MIRZOIAN, Head, Middle and Near East Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Artak APITONIAN, Head, United Nations Division, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Adviser Mr. Mher MARGARYAN, First Secretary, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. , MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. John DAUTH, LVO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Peter TESCH, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Michael SMITH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations and to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Mr. Rick NIMMO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

9 Alternate Reeresentatives Ms. Natasha SMITH, Counsellor (Development), Permanent Mission Mr. Paul STEPHENS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. James CHOI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. David Harry DUTTON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Benjamin PLAYLE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Parliamentarv Adviser Senator John Tierney

Advisers Mr. lnnes WILLOX, Chief of Staff, Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms. Rebekah GRINDLAY, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Amanda GORELY, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva COL Stephen JONES, Counsellor (Defence Attache), Permanent Mission LTCOMM Peter BARNES, Second Secretary (Assistant Defence Attache), Permanent Mission Mr. Richard MOSES, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Paul DANIELL, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Julia FEENEY, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Nicholas TURNER, Director, United Nations and Commonwealth Section, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Richard SADLEIR, Assistant Secretary, International Organizations Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Geoffrey SHAW, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative (Disarmament), Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Jessica THORPE, United Nations Candidature Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Fiona GUTHRIE, Attache (Media and Public Affairs), Permanent Mission Ms. Lisa BRICE, Attach6 (AusAID), Permanent Mission

Youth ReDresentative Ms. Hung Thao NGUYEN

Interns Ms. Luisa RYAN Mr. Michael GUMBLEY


Rewesentatives H.E. Mrs. Benita FERRERO-WALDNER, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairperson of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Johannes KYRLE, Secretary-General, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Gerhard PFANZELTER, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Hans WINKLER, Deputy Secretary-General, Head of Legal Department, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Thomas MAYR-HARTING, Director-General for Political Affairs, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate ReDresentatives Mr. Walther LICHEM, Minister, Director, Department of International Organizations, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

10 Mr. Wernfried KOFFLER, Minister, Director, Arms Control and Disarmament, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Wolfgang PETRITSCH, Permanent Representative to the Offices ofthe United Nations and Specialized Agencies, Geneva H.E. Mr. Thomas STELZER, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Mr. Herbert KROLL, Minister, Director, Department for Multilateral Development Cooperation, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Johannes Werner DRUML, Minister, Director, Department of Transportation, Energy and Environmental Protection, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Helmut TURK, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Astrid HARZ, Minister, Director, Press and Information, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Franz HORLBERGER, Minister, Director, Department of Migration and Humanitarian Assistance, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Thomas NADER, Minister, Deputy Director, Department for Multilateral Development Cooperation, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Dorothea AUER, Minister, Deputy Director, Department of Arms Control and Disarmament Affairs, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Werner ALMHOFER, Minister, Eutopean Correspondent, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Gudrun GRAF, Minister, Deputy Director, Department of International Organizations, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Gabriel KRAMARICS, Minister, Deputy Director, Asylum and Migration Issues, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Engelbert THEUERMANN, Minister, Director, Department for Human Kights, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Richard KUHNEL, Counsellor, Cabinet of the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Christina KOKKlN AKIS, Counsellor, Cabinet of the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Wolfgang SPADINGER, Counsellor, Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation in the Field of Drug and Crime Prevention, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Elisabeth ELLISON-KRAMER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Offices of the United Nations and Specialized Agencies, Geneva Ms. Aloisia WORGETTER, Deputy Director, Department of Environment and Sustainable Development, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Margit BRUCK-FRIEDRICH, Counsellor, Department for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexander KMENTT, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Offices of the United Nations and Specialized Agencies, Geneva Mr. Michael KAINZ, Counsellor, Department of International Organizations, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Brigitte PFRIEMER, Attachbe, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office, Vienna Mr. Gerhard HAFNER, Professor for , Adviser, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Bernhard HOLZNER, Adviser to the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexander MARSCHIK, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Helfried CARL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Alice ZAUNSCHIRM, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Col. Andreas PERNSTEINER, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. EMO DROFENIK, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr.Konrad BUHLER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Martin MEISEL, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Gerda VOGL, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Nikolaus LUTTEROTTI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Philipp CHARWATH, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Philip BITTNER, Attache, Permanent Mission


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Elmar MAMMADYAROV, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation)- H.E. Mr. Yashar ALIYEV, Ambassador Extraordinary aid Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Araz AZIMOV, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Elman AGAYEV, Head, Security Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ilgar MAMMADOV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Alimirzamin ASKEROV, Head, Human Rights, Democratization and Humanitarian Problems Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ashraf SHIKHALIYEV, Acting Deputy Head, Economic Cooperation and Development Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Farid SHAFIYEV, Head, International Security Division, Security Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Qalib ISRAFILOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Elshad ISKANDAROV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers and Exoerts Ms. Yegana BALAYEVA, Second Secretary, Security Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Leyla ASLANLY, Second Secretary, Security Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Turan SADIG, Second Secretary, International Law and Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Husniyya MAMMADOVA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Yusuf MAMMADALIYEV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Farah ADJALOVA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


Representatives H.E. Mr. Frederick A. MITCHELL, M.P., Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Public Service (Chairman of the Delegation) HE. Ms. Paulette BETHEL, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Marco ROLLE, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Rhoda JACKSON, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Frank DAVIS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Alternate Reoresentatives Ms. Tishka FRASER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Nicole ARCHER, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Jacquelyn SIMMONS, Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs



Representatives H.E. Shaikh Mohamamed Bin Mubarak AL-KHALIFA, Deputy.- Prime Minister. Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Tawfeeq Ahmed Khalil ALMANSOOR, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Ahmed Mahdi AL-HADDAD, Assistant Undersecretary for Political Affairs and International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Faisal Ebrahim AL-ZAYANI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Isa Mohammed KAMAL, Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representatives Mr. Ahmed Mohammed AL-DOSARI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yousif Mohamed JAMEEL. First Secretary, Ministm of Foreign- Affairs Mr. Ahmed Ali ARRAD, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Salah Ali AL-MALKI. Second Secretam. Permanent Mission Mr. Abdul Rahman Hassan HASHIM, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Ebrahim Mustafa AAMER, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Muna Abbas RADHI, lhird Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Yaqoob Yousif ALHAMAD, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Khalifa Abdullateef ALAUJAN, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ahmed Mohamed ALMUHARRAQI, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ammar Ebrahim RAJAB, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. M. Morshed KHAN, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Reaz RAHMAN, Adviser for Foreign Affairs (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) - Mr. Shamsher M. CHOWDHURY, BR, Foreign Secretary (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. lftekhar Ahmed CHOWDHURY, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation)

Alternate Representatives Mr. lsmat JAHAN, Director-General, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sheikh Mohammad BELAL, Director, Office of the Foreign Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Md. Mustafizur RAHMAN, Director, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Special Advisers Mr. Shamsul Alam PRAMANIK, Member of Parliament, Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Education Mr. Zahir Uddin SWAPON, Member of Parliament MI. Abu Yousuf Md. Khalilur RAHMAN, Member of Parliament Mr. Kamal Uddin SIDDIQUI, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Toufiq ALI, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva H.E. Mr. Mir Mohammad Rezaul KARIM, Ambassador Mr. A.Z.M. Enayetullah KHAN, Editor, The New Age Advisers Mr. M. MUHADDES, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Zulfiqur RAHMAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Muhammad Abdul MUHITH, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Khondker M. TALHA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Samina NAZ, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Md. Abdul ALIM, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Ishrat Jahan AHMED, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Md. Monwar HOSSAM, Assistant Secretary, United Nations Department, Minishy of Foreign Affairs Ms. lshrat JAHAN, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representatives H.E. Dame Billie MILLER, Senior Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (Chairperson of the Delegation) Ms. Teresa MARSHALL, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Christopher HACKETT, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Ms. Jessica ODLE, Consul General,

Alternate Representatives MT. BURNETT, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Selwin HART, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohammed DEGIA, First Secretary. Permanent Mission Mr. David GIBBS, Consul Ms. Natasha WARD, Foreign Service Officer


Representatives H.E. Mr. Sergei MARTYNOV, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Alyaksandr SYCHOV, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Andrei DAPKIUNAS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Mikhail KHVOSTOV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States Mr. Nikolai CHERGINETS, Chairman, Commission on International Affairs and National Security, Council of the Republic, National Assembly

Alternate ReDresentatives Mr. Aleksandr BAICHOROV, Head, Department of International Security and Arms Control, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Lyudmila KAMENKOVA, Head, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Aleg IVANOU, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. lgar KRASNOU, Deputy Head, Department of international Organizations, Head, Division of Economic International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Evgeny YUSHKEVICH, Head, Division of Universal International Organizations, Depaitinent of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

... .. Advisers Mr. Yury AMBRAZEVICH, Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Uladzimir GERUS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Dzmitry SHEMETAU, Counsellor, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Anzhela KORNELIOUK, Counsellor, Department of Humanitarian, Cooperation and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mikhail KHVOSTOV, First Secretary, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Nikolai ZHUKOV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Andrei POPKOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Experts Mrs. lrina VELICHKO, Second Secretary, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrei TARANDA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Aleh SLOMA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Aleksandr ALEKSANDROVICH, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission


Rearbsentants S.E. M. Karel DE GUCHT. Ministre des Affaires Btrangkres (Chef de la dblegation) S.E. M. Armand DE DECKER, Ministre de la Cooperaiion au Ddveloppement S.E. M. Jan GRAULS, President du Comite de Direction du Service Public federal, Affaires etrangeres S.E. M. Johan C. VERBEKE, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent auprks des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la ddldgation)

ReDrtsentants SuDDlhItS S.E. M. Alex VAN MEEUWEN, Directeur gdn6ral- de la Politique, Service Public federal, A ffaires Ctrangtres M. Dirk ACHTEN, Directeur de la “Cellule strategique Affaires etrangeres M. Pierre VAESEN, Directeur de la “Cellule stratdgique Cooperation au Ddveloppement” M. AIain COOLS, Ministre pldnipotentiaire, Representant permanent adjoint, Mission Permanente M. Jan MUTTON, Ministre pldnipotentiaire, Service Public fbderal, Affaires ktrangtres

Conseillers Mme Btnedicte FRANKINET, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Chef du Service Nations Unies, Service Public federal, Affaires Ctrangeres Mme Ann FREROTTE, Directeur du Secretariat du Ministre de la Cooperation au Developpement M. Johan DEBAR, Directeur adjoint de la Cellule politique “Coopkration au dkveloppement” M. Pascal GREGOIRE, Collaborateur de la “Cellule stratdgique Affaires ktrangeres” M. Vincent STUER, Porte-parole du Ministre des Affaires Ctrangeres M. Erik SILANCE, Porte-parole du Ministre de la Cooperation au Developpement M. Rudy HUYGELEN, Porte-parole du Service Public federal, Affaires etrangtes M. Frangois CORNET D’ELZIUS, Correspondant europeen du Service Public federal, Atfaires etrangeres M.Marc PECSTEEN, Premier Secrdtaire, Mission permanente M. Franqois BONTEMPS, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Bruno VAN DER PLUIJM, Premier Secrttaire, Mission permanente M. Rudi BRIEVEN, Premier Secrktaire, Mission permanente M. Birgit STEVENS, Premier Secrktaire, Mission permanente M. Karl VAN DEN BOSSCHE. Premier SecrCtaire, Mission permanente M. Geert VANSINTJAN, Premier Secretaire, Mission Permanente M. Jos BUYS, Deuxieme Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Herman DECLERCQ, Chancelier, Ambassade de Belgique, Budapest Mme Annik LAMIN, Attache administratif, Mission permanente Mme Laurence GERARD, Attache de presse, Mission permenente Lt. Colonel BEM Marcus GABRIELS, Conseiller d’Ambassade, Conseiller militaire, Mission permanente Commandant Ngabo “Cyriaque” MURANGWA, Premier Sccretaire, Conseiller militaire adjoint, Mission permanente Commandant Jacques MATZ, Premier Secretaire, Conseiller militaire adjoint, Mission permanente

Conseiller sD6cial M. Lionel VANDENBERGHE, Senateur Mme Christine DEFRAIGNE, SBnateur


ReDr6sentants S.E.M. Rogatien BIAOU, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de I’lnt6gration africaine (Chef de la delegation)- S.E. Mme Mariam ALADJl BONl DIALLO, Ambassadeur, Secrktaire General du Ministere des Affaires btrangbres et de I’lntdgration africaine S.E. M. Joel W. ADECHI, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plenipotentiaire, Representant Permanent auprks des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation) S.E. M. Jean-Marie EHOUZOU, Ambassadeur, Representant Permanent auprts de I’Union Africaine, Addis Abeba S.E. M. Samuel AMEHOU, Ambassadeur, Representant Permanent aupres de I’oftice des Nations Unies, Geneve

ReDrCsentants sumlkants S.E. M. Yaba BANTOLE, Ambassadeur prks le Japon M. Thomas ADOIJMASSE, Directeur des Organisations internationales, Ministkre des Affnires etrangeres et de I’lnttgration africaine M. Seraphin LISSASSI, Directeur de I’lntdgration africaine, Ministere des Affaires etrangtrcs et de I’lntegration africaine M. Francis LOKOSSA, Directeur des Affaires juridiques et des Droits de I’Homme, Ministere des Affaires dtrangtres et de I’lntegration africaine

Conseillers M. Edouard 0. AHO-GLELE. Ministre Conseiller. Mission Dermanente M. Jean Francis Regis ZINSOU, Ministre Conseillkr, Mission permanente M. Bertin A. BABADOUDOU, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Eric SAIZONOU, Deuxikme Conseiller, Mission permanente Mme Fernande A. HOUNGBEDJI, Deuxieme Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Nicolas CODJO, Deuxieme Conseiller, Chef de Chancellerie, Mission permanente M. Bienvenu Alogninou HOUNGBEDJI, Chef du Service des Nations Unies, Direction des Organisations Internationales, Ministere des Affaires dtrangtres et de I’lntegration africaine M. Karim ALFA ZOUNAHORO, Attache, Mission permanente


__ __ ...... -.. ,. - BHUTAN

Reoresen tatives H.E. Lyonpo Khandu WANGCHUK, Minister for Foreign- Affairs (Chairman of the Deiegation) Ms. Neten ZANGMO, Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairperson of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Daw PENJO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Kinga SINGYE, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Sonam T. DORJI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representatives Mrs. Sangve-, ZANGMO. First Secretarv. Permanent Mission Mr. 'Ishering G. PENJOR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tenzin RONDEL, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ugen DORJI, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tashi WANGCHUK, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


S.E. Sr. Carlos D. MESA GISBERT, Presidente Constitucional de la Republica de Bolivia, ejercio las funciones de Jefe de la Delegation, ex officio, durante su asistencia al period0 de sesiones

Representantes S.E. Sr. Juan lgnacio- SILES DEL VALLE, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto (Jefe de la Delegaci6n) S. E. Sr. Ernest0 ARANIBAR QUIROGA, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Jose Luis GALINDO NEDER, Ministro de la Presidencia S.E. Sr. Horst GREBE LOPEZ, Ministro de Desarrollo Economico S.E. Sr. Edwin ORTlZ GANDARILLAS, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas


S.E.~~ Sr. ~ Javier LOAYZA. Embaiador. Director-General de Ceremonial del Estado Sra. Maria Luisa ALIAGA, MiGstra Consejera, Directora General, Jefa de Gabinete del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Srta. Maria Alicia TERRAZAS, Ministra Consejera, Mision Permanente Srta. Ana DUdN, Consejera, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Rudy FLORES, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente

Conse i e ro s Sr. Gustavo MURILLO, Segundo Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Alvaro DEL POZO, Ministro Consejero, Director de Coordinacion de Cumbres, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Sr. Jorge HEREDIA, Cdnsul General en Nueva York Coronel Ramiro DE LA FUENTE, Agregado Militar, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Marco MACEREZ CAMACHO, Agregado Civil, Mision Permanente


H.E. Mr. Sulejman TIHIC, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Mladen IVANIC, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Mirza KUSLJUGIC, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plcnipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Milo3 PRICA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate ReDresentative Ms. Sehada KOLENOVIk, Adviser to the Chairman of the Presidency Mr. Edin DILBEROVIC, Adviser to the Chairman of the Presidency Mr. Mehmed ZILIC, Adviser to the Chairman of the Presidency Mrs. Dragana ANDELIC, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Zcljko VUKOBRATOVIC, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Adviser Ms. Amela SUDiUKA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. Festus G. MOGAE, MP, President of the Republic of Botswana, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Alfred M. DUBE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Oscar MOTSWAGAE, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mr. Leutiwetse MMUALEFE, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Rearesentatives Mr. Samuel OUTLULE, Senior Private Secretary to the President Ms. Bernadette S. RATHEDI, Chief of Protocol Mrs. Tshenolo MODISE, Director, Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mr. Galetshajwe L. REBAGAMANG, Counsellor, Pcrmanent Mission Ms. Florence MOLEFE, Assistant Director, Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Advisers Mr. Augustine MAKGONATSOTLHE, Chief of State Counsel, Attorney General’s Chambers Mr. Thomas TLOU, Chairman Tertiary Education Council Mr. Patrick D. MOLUTSI, Executive Secretary, Tertiary Education Council Mr. Nkoloi NKOLOI, Private Secretary, State House Mr. Lesedi THEMA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Gomotsang KEALEBOGA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Tebatso BALESENG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Gaogane T. GAOTLOLWE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Kebuang MADISA, Senior Executive Secretary, Office of the President


. _, - . - , BRAZIL

H.E. Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula da SILVA, President of Brazil, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Celso Luiz Nunes AMORIM, Minister for Foreign- Relations (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Ronaldo Mota SARDENBERG, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Henrique Rordrigues VALLE Junior, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations ' H.E. Mrs. Vera PEDROSA Martins de Almeida, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs I4.E. Mr. AntBnio Jose V. GUERREIRO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Director-General, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of External Relations

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. SBrgio de Queiroz DUARTE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador-at-Large for Disarmament Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Relations H.E. Mr. Antonio de Aguiar PATRIOTA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Head of Cabinet, Ministry of External Relations H.E. Mr. Frederico S. Duque Estrada MEYER, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Mr. Paul0 Roberto Campos TARRlSSE DA FONTOURA, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Mr. Carlos SBrgio S. DUARTE, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission


Representatives H.R.H. Princess Hajah MASNA, Special Envoy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Chairperson of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Shofiy ABDUI, GHAFOR, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Pg Dato Paduka Osman PATRA, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representatives Mr. Adnan JAAFAR, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Hajah Sainah binti Hj Abu BAKAR, Diplomatic Officer, Research Departmcnt, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Norazlinah IBRAHIM, Assistant Director, Multilateral Economics Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Florence CHONG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Muhammad Shahrul Nizzam UMAR, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers H.E. Datin Tan Bee YONG, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Nordic Countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Emaleen Abd Rahrnan TEO,Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Hajah Noor Qarnar binti Haji SULAIMAN, Special Duties Officer, Office of the Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

19 Mr. Faizal Bahrin bin Hj BAKRI, Protocol and Consular Affairs Officer, Political II Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Farhan Abdul GHANI, Protocol and Consular Affairs Officer, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representatives H.E. Mr. Solomon PASSY, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation)- H.E. Mr. Petko DRAGANOV, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Stefan TAFROV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. Branimir ZAIMOV, Director, United Nations and Security Council Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Guenka BELEVA, Director, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rayko RAYTCHEV, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mrs. Elena POVIODOROVA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States

Advisers Mr. Georgi DIMITROV, Secretary for Foreign Relations, Office of the President Mrs. Gergana GRANTCHAROVA, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms. Nadejda CHRISTOVA, Assistant, Cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Affairs


S.E. M. Blaise COMPAORE, President du Faso, President du Conseil des Ministres, a exerce les fonctions de Chef de la delegation, ex officio, durant sa presence a la session

Representants S.E. M. Youssouf OUEDRAOGO, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation regionale (Chef adjoint de la Delegation) S.E. M. Jean de Dieu SOMDA, Ministre delegue aupres du Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Coopkration regionale charge de la Cooperation regionale S.E. M. Michel KAFANDO, Ambassadeur extraordinaire ct plenipotentiaire. Reprksentant permanent auprbs des Nations Unies S.E. M. Bruno N. ZIDOUEMBA, Ambassadeur, Representant permanent aupres de I’Union Africaine

Representants suppleants S.E. M. Tertius ZONGO, Ambassadeur ii Washington, D.C. M. Moussa NEBIE, Char& d’affaires a.i., Mission Permanente aupres de I’Offce des Nations hieset des autres organisations internationales, Genbve M. Ernest SOULAMA, Depute a I’ AssemblCe Nationale M. Youmbo Boukari MONGNENGA, Depute a I’ Assemhlee Nationale M. Paul Robert TIENDREBEOGO, Directeur des Organisations internationales

Conseillers M.Francois OUBIDA, Premier Conseiller. Mission permanente

20 M. Der KOGDA, Deuxieme Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Macaire KABORE, Deuxikme Conseiller, Mission permanente Mme Asseta TOUR& Conseiller technique du Ministre de la Promotion des droits humains Mme Francoise TAPSOBA, Conseiller technique du Ministre de I’Action Sociale et de la SolidaritC Nationale M. Sai’dou ZONGO, Chef de Service des Organisations Internationales M. Dieudonne Windwaouga SOUGOURI, Chef de Service des Organizations transregionales M. Sifana lbesen KONE, Chef du Service des Traites ct des Accords Mme Jacqueline OUBIDA, Attache, Mission permanente Mme Adeline T. COMBARI, Percepteur, Mission Permanente M. Hamado OUEDRAOGO, Regisseur de la Regie d’avances, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation regionale


S.E. M. Domitien NDAYIZEYE, President de la Republique du Burundi, a exerct les fonctions de Chef de la delegation, ex officio, durant sa presence a la session

ReDrksentants S.E. M. Therence SINUNGURUZA, Ministre des Relations exterieures et de la Cooperation S.E. M.Salvator NTIHABOSE, Ministre de I’Education nationale S.E. M. Marc NTETURUYE, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent aupr6s des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation) S.E. M. Euphrasie BIGIRIMANA, Chef de Cabinet civil du President de la Republique S.E. M. Balthazar HABONIMANA, Ambassadeur, Directeur GCneral pour I’Europe, I’ Amerique du Nord et les Organisations Internationales

ReDrkSentantS sumlhants S.E. M.Isak SIMBARE, Ambassadeur, Chef du Protocole d’Etat S. E. M. Germain NKESHIMANA, Conseiller Principal au Bureau diplomatique S.E. Mme Appolonie SIMBIZI, Directrice des Organisations Internationales S.E. M. Jean NGENDANGANYA, Conseiller au Cabinet du Ministre des Relations Exterieures et de la Cooperation M. Pancrace CIMPAYE, Conseiller Principal au Bureau Presse et Communication

Conseillers M. Silas NTIGURIRWA. Conseiller a la Presidence M. Leonidas NKINGIYE, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Ernest NDABASHINZE, Deuxikme Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Augustin NSANZE, Deuxikme Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Zephyrin MANIRATANGA, Conseiller au Protocole Mme Dorothee MUSONGERA, Conseiller a la Prisidence M. Jean KARONKANO, Conseiller au Departement des Organisations Internationales Mme Speravie NDAYISABA, Conseiller a la Coordination des Organisations Internationales


Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. HOR Namhong,.. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. OUCH Borith, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the CJnited Nations

21 H.E. Mr. CHEM Widhya, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Alternate ReDresentetives H.E. Mr. KAO Kim Hourn, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E. Mr. SOK Siphana, Secretary of State, Ministry of Commerce H.E. Mr. LUY David, Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mr. NAY Meng Eang, Director, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mr. THAI Chun, Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Advisers Mr. SAR Sambath, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. OK Sara, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. MEAS Sipseila, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. PREAP Phunma, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. HOY Sopheap, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. RATH Chanveasna, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


Representants S.E. M. Franqois-Xavier NGOUBEYOU, Ministre d’Etat charge des Relations exterieures (Chef de la deltgation) S.E. M. Martin Belinga EBOUTOU, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent aupres des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation) M. RenC Emmanuel SADI, Conseiller technique, Prtsidence de la Republique S.E. M. Martin Chungong AYAFOR, Ambassadeur, Representant permanent adjoint aupres des Nations Unies S.E. M. lya TIDJANI, Ambassadeur, Representant permanent adjoint aupres des Nations Unies

Reoresentants supalCants Mme Josephine FOTSO, Charge de Mission, Prtsidence de la Republique M. Daniel Evina ABE’E, Charge de Mission, Presidence de la Republique M. Nestor Ndoumba ELOUNGOU, Secrttaire General, Ministere des Relations exterieures M. Mvondo AYOLO, Directeur des Nations Unies et de la Cooperation Non Gouvernementale, Ministere des Relations exterieures M. Blaise Mathieu BANOUM, Ministre Conseiller, Mission Permanente

Conseillers M. Felix MBAYU, Ministre Conseiller, Mission permanente Mme Catherine MahouvC SAME, Ministre Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Robert TANDA, Directeur a.i. du Commonwealth, Ministere des Relations exterieures M. NTAMACK, Directeur a.i. de la Francophonie, Ministere des Relations exterieures Mme Julie KAMTO, Directeur a.i. au Ministere des Relations exterieures M. Jacques-Alfred NDOUMBE Eboule, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Leonard BINDZI, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Ferdinand Ngoh NGOH, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Issa OUMAROU, Sous-Directeur de la Cooperation Non Gouvernementale, Ministere des Relations exterieures Mme Therere Chantal MFOULA, Sous-Directeur a.i. au Ministtre des Relations exterieures

22 M. Mamoudou MANA, Deuxibme Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Paul Ekorong B DONG, Deuxibme Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Thomas Kinge MONOMO, Deuxieme Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Enama NGAMA, Deuxibme Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Victor TCHATCHOUWO, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Jules Raymond KAMGA, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente Mme Naomi AKONO, Deuxibme Secrttaire, Mission permanente Mme CBcile Mballa EYENGA, Deuxibme Secrttaire, Mission permanente Mme Madeleine MENYENGUE, Mission permanente


H.E. Mr. Paul Martin, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Pierre PETTIGREW. P.C.. M.P., Minister for Foreign- Affairs (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Allan ROCK, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Patricia TORSNEY, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for International Cooperation Mr. V. Peter HARDER, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. James R. WRIGHT, Assistant Deputy Minister and Political Director, Global and Security Policy Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Gilbert LAURIN, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Glyn BERRY, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Paul MEYER, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Ambassador for Disarmament. Geneva

Advisers Col. Michael HANRAHAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Diana RIVINGTON, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms.Maureen McGOVERN, Counse\\or, Permanent Mission Mr. Jeny KRAMER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Hugh ADSETT, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Maj. Michael BEGIN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Adelle FERGUSON. First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Heather JEFFREY, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Alison GRANT, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Btatrice MAILLE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Kumar GUPTA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Mi NGUYEN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Emily McLAUGHLIN, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Shannon-Marie SONI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Michael KOVRIG, Media Communications Officer, Permanent Mission Sgt. Paul R. JONES, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Fred QUICK, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Ron DOBSON, Attacht, Permanent Mission Ms. Mary Ann KURJATA, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Daniele DRAGON, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Patricia LAWRIE, Attache, Permanent Mission

23 Mr. Olivier POULIN, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Andreas BERG, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Alexandra WHITE, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Marie-ThCrese HELAL, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Gillian FROST, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Jennie CHEN, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Julie CROWLEY, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Carolle NOBERT, Permanent Mission Ms. Dorise NINA, Permanent Mission


HE. Mr. Pedro Verona Rodrigues PIRES, President of the Republic of Cape Verde, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex ofticio, during his presence at the session

Reoresentatives HE. Mr. Victor Manuel Barbosa BORGES, Minister for Foreign- Affairs, Cooperation and Communities H.E. Mrs. Maria de Fittima LIMA DA VEIGA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Antbnio Pedro Monteiro LIMA, Political and Diplomatic Adviser to the President Mr. Severino Soares ALMEIDA, Director-General, Foreign Policies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Communities

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Herminio Emanuel da Costa MONIZ, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Jose Maria Tavares SILVA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Ana Josefina Sapinho PIRES, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Daniel OLIVEIRA, Director, State Protocol Mr. Fernando PEREIRA, Adviser to the President Mr. Fortunato COMES, Adviser to the President Mr. Didier ANDRADE, Adviser to the President


Reorbentants S.E. M. Charles Herd WENEZOUI, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres, de I’lntegration regionale et de la Francophonie (Chef de la dblegation) S.E. M. Fernand POUKRk-KONO, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent aupres des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation) S.E. M. Emmanuel TOUABOY, Ambassadeur aupres des Etats-Unis d’Amerique M. Jules KOUALET-YABORO, Conseiller diplomatique a.i. du Ministre des Affaires etrangeres, de I’Integration regionale et de la Francophonie Mme Ambroisine KPONGO, Directrice gendrale des Affaires politiques, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres, de I’lnttgration regionale et de la Francophonie

Reoresentants suooleants M. Simon MAINA, Premier Conseiller, Ambassade de la Republique Centrafricaine A Washington Mme Honorine YAMBA, Conseiller tconomique, Mission permanente

24 M. Cherubin YERADA, lnspecteur charge des Services du Tresor, Coordonnateur, Ministere des Finances et du Budget M. Samuel RANGBA, Assistant du Secretaire general, Ministere des Affaires etrangkres, de I’inttgration regionale et de la Francophonie

Conseiller M. Philippe Aziz GOUNDJI, Consultant


RkDreskntants S.E. M. Nagoum YAMASSOUM, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Affaires etrangtres- et de I’lntCgration africaine (Chef de la dClCgation) S.E. M. Koumtog LAOTEGGUELNODJI, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent auprbs des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la deldgation) M. Allam-Mi AHMAD, Conseiller aux Relations et & la Cooperation internationale, Presidence de la Republique, Membre de la Coordination de la Mediation tchadienne dans la Crise du Darfour M. Mahamat Abakar GORI, Secretaire general adjoint, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de I’lnttgration africaine M. Barngonnlaou BEKUDU le NATMIAN, Directeur des Organisations et Relations dconomiques internationales (DOREI)

Representants supolCants M. Brahim Ahmat IBRAHIM, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Babikir Mahamat NOUR, Premier Secrhire, Mission permanente M. BCndodjim DOUL, Chef de Division du systhe des Nations Unies, Directeur des Organisations et Relations Cconomiques internationals (DOREI)


S.E. Sr. Ricardo LAGOS, Presidente de la Repdblica de Chile, ejercio las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacibn, ex officio, durante su asistencia al periodo de sesiones

Reoresentantes S.E. Sra. Soledad ALVEAR, Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefa de la Delegaci6n) S.E. Sr. Heraldo MmOZ, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Carlos PORTALES, Embajador, Director General de Politica Exterior. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Enrique CORREA, Embajador en Misibn Especial

SuDlentes S.E. Sr. Cristih MAQUIEIRA, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Pedro OYARCE, Embajador, Dircctor de Politica Multilateral, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Marcel0 DIAZ, Embajador, Director de Planificaci6n. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Conseieros Sr. Jaime ACURA, Ministro Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Christiitn REHREN, Conseiero. Mision Permanente Sr. Claudio ROJAS, Consejeri, Misi6n Permanente

25 Sr. Armin ANDEREYA, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Fernando ZALAQUETT, Consejero, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Ignacio LLANOS, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Claudio GANTES, Primer Secretario Srta. Loreto LEYTON, Primera Secretaria, Gabinete de la seiiora Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Rodrigo DONOSO, Segundo Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. And& LANDERRETCHE, Segundo Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Felipe COUSIRO, Segundo Secretario, Direccion General de Polltica Exterior, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Luis PETIT LAURENT, Segundo Secretario, Direccion de Politica Multilateral, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Carla SERAZZI, Tercera Secretaria, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Marla Aida RODRkiUEZ, Consejera, Mision Permanente Sr. Marcos LdPEZ, Coronel de Ejdrcito, Agregado de Defensa, Mision Permanente Sr. Pedro P. BUSTOS, Coronel de EjBrcito, Agregado Adjunto de Defensa, Mision Permanente Sra. Maria Teresa MALUENDA, Asesora de Prensa de la Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Maria Isabel SEGUEL, Agregada de Prensa, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Cecilia MARTiNEZ, Asesora


Rcarcsentatives . H.E. Mr. LI Zhaoxing, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. WANG Guingya, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. ZHANG Yishan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. HU Xiaodi, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. L1 Baodong, Director-General, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternative Rearesentatives Mr. GAO Feng, Deputy Director-General, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. CHENG Jingye, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. YAO Wenlong, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. WU Haitao, Counsellor, Department of Arms Control, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. LIU Hongyang, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

SDecial Advisers Mr. DU Oiwen. Director-General. Deoartment of Policv Plannine. Ministrv of Foreign Affairs Mr. CUI Tiankai, Director-General, Department of Asian Affair: Minis4 of Fore& Affairs Mr. ZHOU Li, Director-General, Department of European-Central Asian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. HE Yafei, Director-General, Department of North American and Oceania Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. ZHANG Kunsheng, Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. LI Huaxin, Deputy Director-General, Department of West Asian and North African Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. MA Keqing, Deputy Director-General, Department of Western European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

26 Mr. LIU Huanxing, Counsellor, Department of Latin American Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. SONG Ronghua, Counsellor, Information Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. SUN Jiwen, Counsellor, Department of Translation and Interpretation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. YANG Tao, Director, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. JIA Guide, Director, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. TAO Jianghong, Deputy Director, Department of Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. DU Minghao, Deputy Director, Department of West Asian and North African Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. XU Xiaoyong, Deputy Director, Department of European-Central Asian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. ZHAO Jian, Deputy Director, Department of North American and Oceania Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. ZHU Jingyang, Deputy Director, Department of Latin American Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. CHEN Chuandong, Deputy Director, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. SUN Jin, Deputy Director, Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. YANG Yin, Deputy Director, Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. WU Shifan, Third Secretary, Department of North American and Oceania Affairs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. JI Yasong, Third Secretary, Department of Arms Control, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. QIN Min, Third Secretary, Department of Translation and Interpretation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. WANG Gang, Attache, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. GUO Xuejun, Attache, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. WANG Haijiao, Attache, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. WANG Qi, Attache, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. SUN Zhigang, Staff Member, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. GUO Jiakun, Staff Member, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. LA Yifan, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. FU Zhenggang, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. LIU Lijuan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. CONG Jun, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. LIU Hanming, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. GE Songxue, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. XU Bu, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. XIE Yunliang, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. HU Ping, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. WANG Tieli, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. YAN Shifa, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. MU Changlin, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. LI Junhua, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. HONG Xiaoyong, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. BAI Yongjie, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. XIE Bohua, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. HA0 Bin, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

27 Ms. WANG Xinxia, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. GUAN Jian, Counsellor, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. ZHANG Jianwen, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Ll Song, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. YU Shihao, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. ZHAI Jinrong, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. ZHANG Ling, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. MA0 Jingqiu, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. GONG Tingrong, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. SHEN Cong, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. SHANG Hong, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. LI Shusen, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. LI Tianwu, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. CHEN Changhai, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. ZHAO Lianghua, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. SUN Xudong, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. XIAN Weiyi, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. LI Jijuan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. YAN Jiarong, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. WANG Xiaolin, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. LI Yanni, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. JIN Lansheng, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. WANG Ximao, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. WANG Ling, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. ZHAO Jinming, Sccond Sccretary, Permancnt Mission Mr. CHEN Xiang, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. WU Zhiwu, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. WE1 Xuehui, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. ZHOU Zhe, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. QI Dahai, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. JlANG Ning, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. SHEN Bo, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. YAO Shaojun, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. LI Xiaomei, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. SHEN Xiaokai, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. SUN Xiaobo, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. SONG Jia, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. L1 Jun, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. JlANG Yingfeng, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. LIU Jia, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. ZHANG Haiying, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. SONG Changqing, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. CHE Ying, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. WANG Yufeng, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. TANG Xiaoyan, Attache, Permanent Mission COLOMBIA

S.E. Sr. Alvaro URIBE VELEZ, Presidente de la Republica de Colombia, ejercio las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacion, ex officio, durante su asistencia al periodo de sesiones

S.E. Sr. Francisco SANTOS CALDERON, Vicepresidente de la Republica de Colombia, ejercio las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacibn, ex officio, durante su asistencia al periodo de sesiones

Reoresentantes S.E. Sra. Carolina BARCO, Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefa de la Deleaacion) S.E. Sra. Maria Angela HOLGUh CUELLAR, Embajadora Extraordinaria y Plenipotenciaria, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Jaime GIRON DUARTE, Embajador, Viceministro de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Nicolls RIVAS DE ZUBIRiA, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Gustavo DAJER, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas

Suolentes Sr. Rodolfo AMAYA, CapitAn de Navio, Jefe de la Casa Militar Sr. Jorge Albert0 BAKRANTES ULLOA, Director General del Protocolo Sra. Beatriz Patti LONDORO, Ministra Plenipotenciaria, Mision Permanente Sra. Ana Carlina PLAZAS, Ministra Plenipotenciaria, Mision Permanente

Conseieros Sr. Alvaro SANDOVAL BERNAL, Ministro Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Carlos Eduardo JARAMILLO, Ministro Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Jorge Hernan BETANCUR, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Pedro Agustin ROA ARBOLEDA, Segundo Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Alvaro Jose LONDORO, Segundo Secretario, Mision Permanente


Reoresentants S.E. M. Rodolphe ADADA, Ministre des Affaires etranghres,- de la Cooperation et de la Francophonie (Chef de la delegation) S.E. M. Basile IKOUEBE, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent auprts des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation) S.E. M. Louis MAHOUNGOU, Ambassadeur, Secretaire general adjoint, Chef du Departement des Affaires politiques, de la Cooperation multilaterale et de la Francophonie M. Daniel OWASSA, Conseiller diplomatique du Ministre des Affaires etrangeres, de la Cooperation et de la Francophonie M.Luc Joseph OKIO, Ministre Conseiller, Mission permanente

Representants suDol6ants M. Lazare MAKAYAT-SAFOUESSE, Premier Conseiller, Mission permamente Mme Annick Yolande NZOIJNZA LEKAKA, Attachee diplomatique, Presidence de la Republique M. Dominique EBOUA, Attache diplomatique, Prtsidence de la Republique M. FranSois Maurice ESSANZO, Directeur de la Cooperation, Ministere des Affaires etrangkres, de la Cooperation et de la Francophonie M. Rend NSEMI, Detixieme Conseiller, Mission permanente

29 Conseillers M. Jean-Marie BOSSINA. Troisieme Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Romaric Judicairl MOSSA MUENENKOUA, Attache Juridique, Cabinet du Ministre des Affaires etrangeres, de la CoopCration et de la Francophonie M. ANGUINGA, Attache, Cabinet du Ministre des Affaires etrangeres, de la Cooperation et de la Francophonie M. Boniface LEZONA, Chef de Division, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres, de la Cooperation et de la Francophonie M. Maurice MALANDA, Chef de Division, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres, de la Coperation et de la Francophonie M. MASSAMBA. Chef de Division, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres, de la Cooperation et de la Francophonie M. Pascal OLANDZOBO, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente


S.E. Sr. Abel PACHECO DE LA ESPRIELLA, Presidente de la Republica de Costa Rica, ejercio las funciones de Jefe de la Delegation, ex oficio, durante su asistencia al period0 de sesiones

Rearesentantes S.E. Sr. Roberto TOVAR, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto (Jefe de la Delegacion) S.E. Sr. Bruno STAGNO, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Javier SANCHO BONILLA, Embajador, Director General de Politica Exterior

Suplentes S.E. Sra. Maria Elena CHASSOUL, Embajadora, Representante Permanente Adjunta ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sra. Marta NmEZMADRIZ, Embajadora, Directora General de Protocolo, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto S.E. Sr. Edwin ARIAS CHINCHILLA, Subdirector General de Politica Exterior, Embajador en Mision Especial, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto

Conseieros S.E. Sra. Emilia CASTRO DE BARISH, Embajadora, Asesora Especial, Mision Permanente S.E. Sra. Nazareth INCERA, Embajadora, Asesora Especial Sr. Miguel DIAZ, Director de Prensa, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto S.E. Sra. Beatriz OBANDO, Embajadora, Jefa de Gabinete del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Embajadora en Misi6n Especial S.E. Sr. Jorge Apuro ARCE, Jefe de Protocolo, Embajador en Misi6n Especial, Presidencia Sr. Bemardo MENDEZ ANTILLON, Director Ejecutivo, XIV Cumbre Iberoamericana, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Antonio ALARCON, Ministro Consejero, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Jorge BALLESTERO, Ministro Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Carlos Fernando DIAZ, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sra. Marcela CALDERON, Consejera, Mision Permanente Sra. Cinthia SOTO, Segunda Secretaria, Misibn Permanente Sra. Oriana VARGAS, Tercera Secretaria, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Frederic BIJOU, Agregado, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Sylvia ANDERSON, Agregada, Mision Permanente Sra. Carolina MURILLO, Prensa Oficial, Presidencia de la Republica Sr. Mauricio CHINCHILLA, Prensa Oficial, Presidencia de la Republica


ReDrhentants S.E. M. Mamadou BAMBA, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Affaires Ctrangbres (Chef de la ddegation) S.E. Mme Sarata OTTRO-ZIRIGON TOURE, Ambassadeur auprbs de I’ONUCI, Directeur adjoint, Cabinet du President de la Republique S.E. M. Youssouf BAKAYOKO, Ambassadeur, President de la Commission des Relations exterieures de I’ Assemblbe nationale S.E. M. Bernard TANOH-BOUTCHOUE, Ambassadeur, Directeur, DCpartement des Nations Unies et Organizations internationales S.E. M. Philippe DJANGONE-BI, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plhipotentiaire, Representant permanent auprbs des Nations Unies

Rearesentants suDbl6ants S.E. M. Svlvestre AKA. Ambassadeur. Directeur du Dkoartement Amkriaue et Oceanie S.E. M. kaude Dassys BEKE, Ambassadeur, Reprkseniant permanent auirbs de I’Office des Nations Unies 21 Geneve S.E. M. Gbouabre DALLO, Ambassadeur auprbs de I’Union Africaine M. Zahui Thomas DAKO, Conseiller Cconomique et social, Secretaire du Bureau du C.E.S. M. Obou OURAGA, Conseiller du Premier Ministre

Conseillers Mme Aminata Victorienne TRAORE, Conseiller technique du Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Affaires dtrangkrcs Mme MassandjC TOURE-LITSE, Conseiller technique du Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Affiires etrangbres M. Georges ABOUA, Sous-Directeur des Questions de Developpement economique et social, Ddpartement des Nations Unies et Organisations internationales M. Severin Mathias AKEO, Sous-Directeur des Questions de Politique genbrale, DBpartement des Nations Unies et Organisations internationales M. Koffi Gaston YAO, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Manlan AHOUNOU, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Niagry Guillaume BAILLY, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Serges GBA, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Yao Emmanuel DATE, Conseiller, Mission permanente Mrne Flore Chantal ASSOUMOU, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente Mme Lelehi Sidonie ZOGBO, Attache financiere, Mission permanente Colonel-Major Louis Theodore ANGAH, Attache de defense, Mission permanente M. Eric Camille N’DRI, Charge de Mission du Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Affaires etrangbres


H.E. Mr. Ivo SANADER, President of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Rcorcsentntives H.E. Mr. Miomir ZUzUL. Minister for Foreien Affairs I H.E. Mr. Vladimir DROBNJAK, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Tomislav VIDOSEVIC, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms. Jasna OGNJANOVAC, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

31 Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Neven JURICA. Ambassador to the United States of America Ms. Bianca MATKOVIC, State Secretary and Chef-de-Cabinet of the Government Mr. Miroslav KOVACIC, State Secretary, Central State Office for e-Croatia Mr. Ranko VILOVIC, Head, Department for the United Nations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Ratko MACEK, Spokesman of the Government of the Republic Mr. Aleksandar HEINA, Chef-de-Cabinet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dobroslav SILOBRCIC, Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Antun BUKLIJAS, Adviser, Cabinet of the President of the Government of the Republic Ms. Andreja METELKO-ZGOMBIC, Head, Department for International Law Ms. Dubravka SIMONOVIC, Head, Human Rights Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Irena ZUBCEVIC, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Ms. SnjeZana SREMIC, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mladen CVRLJE, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Branko ZEBIC, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Alemka VRCAN, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mi-. Steven Vatroslav BRKICH, Office of the Chief of Staff, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Ljerka BRDOVCAK, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Draien HRASTIC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Col. lvica KINDER, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Andrej DOGAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Stefica STAmIK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Vlasta BRKLJACIC, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Romana KUZMANIC-OLUIC, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mato SKRABALO, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tihomir LULIC, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Lara ROMANO, Attach& Permanent Mission


Representantes S.E. Sr. Felipe PEREZ ROQUE, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la Delegacion, ex officio) S.E. Sr. Abelardo MORENO FERNANDEZ, Viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe Adjunto de la Delegacidn) S.E. Sr. Orlando REQUEIJO GUAL, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante la Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Rodney LOPEZ CLEMENTE, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. Juan Antonio FERNANDEZ PALACIOS, Director, Direccion de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Suplentes Sra. Mercedes DE ARMAS GARCiA, Directora, Direccidn Juridica, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Rodolfo REYES RODRiGUEZ, Subdirector, Direccidn de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Norma GOICOCHEA ESTENOZ, Subdirectora, Direccion de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Soraya E. ALVAREZ NmEZ, Subdirectora de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Yuri A. GALA LOPEZ, Consejero, Mision Perrnanente

32 Conseieros Sra. Juana Elena RAMOS RODRIGUEZ, Conseiera. Mision Permanente Sr. Nelson FLEITAS RAVELO, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Emilio R. LOZADA GARCiA, Asesor del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Ricardo TUR NOVO, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Raul G. FILGUEIRAS RIVERO, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sra. Lourdes DiAZ FERNANDEZ, Consejera, Mision Permanente Sr. Julio Cesar GONZALEZ MARCHANTE, Consejero, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Ramon NOVOA REBOLLAR, Consejero, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Jorge Luis BERNAZA FERNANDEZ, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Bemardo A. TOSCANO SARDIfiAS, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Jorge A. PEfiA ARGILAGOS, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Sachie HERNANDEZ MACHIN, Segunda Secretaria, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Yobany GOMEZ GONZALEZ, Segundo Secrelario, Misidn Permanente Sr. Oscar CORNELIO OLIVA, Segundo Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Jorge CUMBERBATCH MIGUeN, Segundo Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Nadieska NAVARRO BARRO, Segunda Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sr. HBctor RAMiREZ RODRfGUEZ, Segundo Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Raul DELGADO CONCEPCIdN, Segundo Secretario, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Ovidio ROQUE PEDRERA, Tercer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Pablo BERT1 OLIVA, Tercer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Claudia PEREZ ALVAREZ, Tercera Secretaria, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Anet PINO RIVERO, Tercera Secretaria, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Resfel PIN0 ALVAREZ, Agregado, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Eduardo JIMENEZ GARCiA, Agregado, Misidn Permanente Sr. Angel MILAN DOBSON, Traductor, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


HE.Mr. Tassos PAPADOPOULOS, President of the Republic of Cyprus, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. George IACOVOU, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) HE. Mr. Tasos TZIONIS, Ambassador, Directo; of the Diplomatic Ofice of the President H.E. Mr. Andreas MAVROYIANNIS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Andreas HADJICHRYSANTHOU, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mrs. Penelope EROTOKWTOU, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Vassos CHAMBERLEN, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Polly IOANNOU, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Eleni APEYITOU, Attach&, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Michalis KARAGIORGIS, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Elena THOMA, Attach&, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Stylianos MAKRlY LANNIS, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Chrysostomos STAVROU, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Maria G. ZOUPANIOTIS, Press Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Elena PANAYIDOU, Press Attache. Permanent Mission


Rearesentatives H.E. My Cyril SVOBODA, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Hvnek KMONICEK, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Jan WINKLER, First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Jifi SCIMEIDER, Director, Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pavel VACEK, Director, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. Torn&$HUSAK. Director-General, Section for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs HE. Mrs. Helena BAMBASOVA, Director-General, Territorial Section II, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jan CiiEK, Director, Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mrs. Hana SEVCIKOVA, Director, Department of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexandr SPORYS, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Advisers Mr. Milan EKERT, Member of the ParliamentKhairman, Permanent Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union Mr. Vlastimil TLUSTY, Member of the ParliamenUMember, Permanent Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union Ms. Alena TUCKOVA, Secretary, Permanent Delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union H.E. Mrs. VBra JEUBKOVA, Director, Human Rights Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Jaroslava JESLfNKOVA, Director, Department of Multilateral Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pavel KLiMA, Deputy Director, Department of Multilateral Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Otakar GORGOL, Deputy Director, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Miroslav BELICA, Deputy Director, Department of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jan GRA, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ivan PINTeR, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Kateiina SEQUENSOVA, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jifi JLLEK, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Ivana KRAHULCOVA, Department of Multilateral Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pavel CABAN, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jan KAMINEK, Human Rights Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Janina HREBiCKOVA, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Petr PELZ, Defence Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Josef VjTEK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Pavel KAFKA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Juraj KOUDELKA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. lvana GROLLOVA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Miloslav PETRU, Second Secretary, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission Mrs. Simona PETRU, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Vladimir KOPAL, External Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Petra RUBESOVA, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. TomaS MICANEK, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

34 Special Advisers Mr. Martin POHL, Director-General. Section of the Minister, Ministry 01 ForelEli Allairs Mr. Vit KOLAR, Spokesperson, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Alexander SLABY, Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organizations, Geneva H.E. Mr. Ivan POCUCH, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, OSCE and other International Organizations, Vienna


Representatives H.E. Mr. CHOE Su Hon, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman ofthe Delegation) H.E. Mr. PAK Gil Yon, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permane; Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. KIM Chang Guk, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. JONG Song 11, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. R1 Song Hyon, Ambassador, Permanent Mission

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. PAK Tok Hun, Section Chief, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ri Jang Con, Section Chief, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. SIN Song Chol, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. SONG Se IL, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. HONG Je Ryong, Expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Experts Mr. KIM Kwang IL, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. KIM Pae Hwa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. CHOE Sun Chol. Ministry of Foreign Affairs



H.E.~ Mr. Per Stig M0LLER, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation. ex ofticio) H.E. Ms., Ellen Margrethe LOJ, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Chairperson of the Delegation) H.E. Ms. Marie-Louise OVERVAD, Under-Secretary, Ambassador, Ministry for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Lars FAABORG-ANDERSEN, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to theunited Nations

Alternate Representatives+ Mr. Niels Helveg PETERSEN, Member of Parliament Mr. Svend AUKEN, Member of Parliament Ms. Else Winther ANDERSEN, Member of Parliament Ms. Alse Theill SP)RENSEN, Member of Parliament

* In the absence of the Alternate Representatives, the following will serve as Alternatc Representative3 Ms. Gitte Lillelund BECH, Member of Parliament Mr. Ole Vagn CHRISTENSEN, Member of Parliament Mr. Svend Aage JENSBY, Member of Parliament Mr. Karsten NONRO, Member of Parliamen: Mr. Jakup MIKKEISEN, Member of the I .aging (The F,mx:%e Reprt-senl::!ivc < oi;nc!I)

Advisers Ms. Marie.~~~~ FLEISCHER. Member of the Landsting- (Greenland Homerule) Mr. Jeppe KOFOD, Member of Parliament Mr. Seren S0NDERGAARD, Member of Parliament Ms. Karina Charlotte SBRENSEN, Member of Parliament Mr. Poul FISCHER, Member of Parliament Mr. Ole DORPH, Member of the Landsting (Greenland Homerule) Mr. Andrias PETERSEN, Member of the Lagting (The Faroese Representative Council) Ms. Gitte Sofia KIRKEBY, The National Council of Women in Denmark Ms. Bente FRIIS, The National Council of Women in Denmark Mr. Janus TARP, The Danish Council of Organisations of Disabled People Mr. Finn SBRENSEN, The Danish Confederation of Trade Unions Ms. Lisbeth ILKJWR, The Danish Institute for Human Rights Ms. Jane Glindvad KRISTENSEN, The Danish United Nations Association Colonel Jens ROSENDAHL, Minister Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. John KIERULF, Counsellor, Royal Danish Embassy, Lisbon Ms. Marianne Lerwenhaupt HOFFMANN, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Uffe BALSLEV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Caroline RUBOW, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Peter Hermann GEBERT, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Pernille Dahler KARDEL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Henrik B. HAW, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Morten JESPERSEN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Thure CHRISTIANSEN. Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Michael Starbak CHRISTENSEN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Marie-Louise WANDEL, Counsellor. Permanent Mission Major Niels Henrik WBGGSBORG, First Secretary, Assistant Military Adviser Ms. Mette THYGESEN, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Mette Nergaard DISSING, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Kira Smith SINDBJERG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tobias Elling REHFELD, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Lotte MACHON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission


S. E. M. lsmail Omar GUELLEH, President de la Republique de Djibouti et Chef du Gouvernement, a exerce les fonctions de Chef de la delegation, ex officio, durant sa presence a la session

Reoresentants S.E. M. Ali Abdi FARAH, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation internationale

S.E. M. Roble OLHAYE, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire,.. Representant permanent aupres des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation) M. Ismael Houssein TANI, Directeur de Cabinet du President de la Republique M. Djama Miguil WAISS, Directeur Financier de la,Presidence M. Djama Elmi DARAR, Directeur du Protocole d'Etat

Representants supaleants M. Ayeid Mousseid YAHYA, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente Mlle Fathia Djama OUDINE, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Guelleh Idriss OMAR, Deuxieme Conselller, Mission permanente

..I ....__I." . . Mme Kndra Ahrncd HASSAN, Conseillere, Direction des Organisations Intcrnationalcs ilu Ministere des Affaires ktrangeres et de la Cooperation internationale


H.E. Mr. Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister ofthe Commonwealth of Dominica, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex offrcio, during his presence at the session

Kenresen tatives Mr. Steve FERROL, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Marketing H.E. Mr. Crispin GREGOIRE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Zilpha THEODORE, Vice Consul, Consulate General, New York Ms. Judith-Anne ROLLE, Third Secretary, Embassy to the United States

Advisers Ms. Sharlene THOMAS-POLYDORE, Administrative Assistant, Consulate General, New York Mi-. Hartley HENRY, Political Aide Ms. Carol MORRISON, Political Aide


Representantes S.E. Sr. Carlos MORALES TRONCOSO, Secretario de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sra. Alejandra LIRIANO, Subsecretaria de Estado de Polftica Exterior, Secretaria de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Eduardo SELMAN, Secretario de Estado sin Cartera Sr. John GAGAIN, Director Ejecutivo de la Cornision Presidencial sobre 10s Objetivus dcl Milenio y el Desarrollo Sostenible S.E. Sr. Enriquillo A. DEL ROSARIO CEBALLOS, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas, Encargado de Negocios. a.i.

Suplentes S.E. Sr. Francis LORENZO, Embaiador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Emiliano PEREZ ESPINOSA, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Juan AVILA, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Francisco CORTORREAL, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones llnidas Sr. Francisco TOVAR MORILLO, Ministro Consejero, Mision Permanente

Conseieros Sr. Louis BOGAERT, Asistente del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Maria de Jesus DLAZ, Ministra Consejera, Mision Permanente Sr. Sully SANEAUX, Ministro Consejero, Misibn Permanente Sr. Olivio FERMIN, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sra. Ilka MIESES, Consejera, Mision Permanente Sra. Elda CEPEDA, Consejera, Mision Perrnanente Sr. Gustavo RODRiGUEZ, Consejero, Misibn Permanente Sr. Arturo ORTIZ, Consejero, Misi6n Permanente 4m. Mariela SANCIIEZ, Mision Permanente Sra. Marlene BOVES, Primera Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sra. Loida E. PUJOLS, Tercera Secretaria, Mision Permanente


Representantes S.E. Sr. Patricio ZUOUILANDA, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la Delegacibn) I S.E. Sr. Roberto BETANCOURT, Subsecretario de Relaciones Bilaterales S.E. Sr. Julio PRADO ESPINOSA, Subsecretario de Relaciones Multilaterales S.E. Sr. Luis GALLEGOS CHIRIBOGA, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Miguel CARBO, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas

Suplen tes S.E. Sr. Renh MOSQUERA, Asesor General, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Eduardo CALDERON, Ministro, Mision Permanente Sr. Mauricio MONTALVO, Ministro, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Humberto JIMENEZ, Ministro, Mision Permanente Sr. Gustavo PALACIO. Consejero, Ministerio de Kelaciones Exteriores

Conseieros Sr. Eduardo DUdN, Director General de Comunicacion Social Sr. Luis ARELLANO, Director General de Politica Multilateral Sra. Silvia ESPINDOLA, Primera Secretaria, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Marisol NIETO, Segunda Secretaria, Misidn Permanente Sra. Veronica GOMEZ, Segunda Secretaria, Misi6n Permanente Srta. Isabel AGUIRRE, Presidencia de la Republica


Representatives H.E. Mr. Ahmed ABOUL GHEIT, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Mohamed EZZ ELDIN, Ambassador, Assistant Foreign Minister for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Ms. Dawlat HASSAN, Ambassador, Assistant Foreign Minister for Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Amr ABOIJL ATTA, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Mr. Khaled EL BAKLY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representatives Mr. Mahmoud SAMY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Tarek ADEL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Alaa ISSA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Khaled SHAMAA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohamed ELBADRI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Ayman ELGAMMAL, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yasser ELNAGGAR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohamed EL FARNAWANY. First Secretary, Permanent MisTion Mr Amr ROSHDY, First Secretary. Ministry of Foreign Affair\

. . ~ . . Mr. lhah AWAD, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Mai KHALIL, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Ahmed HELMY, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Ahmed ABU ZEID, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


S.E. Sr. Elias Antonio SACA, Presidente de la Republica de El Salvador, ejercib las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacion, ex oficio, durante su asistencia al periodo de sesiones

Representantes S.E. Sr. Francisco E. LAINEZ, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la Delegacion) S.E. Sra. Margarita ESCOBAR, Vicerninistra de Atencion para 10s Hermanos en el Exterior, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sra. Carmen Maria GALLARDO DE HERNANDEZ, Embajadora Extraordinaria y Plenipotenciaria, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Elmer CHARLAIX, Secretario Privado de la Presidencia, Casa Presidencial Sr. Julio RANK, Secretario de Comunicaciones de la Presidencia, Casa Presidencial

Suplentes S.E. Sr. Cesar E. MARTINEZ, Director General de Politica Exterior, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Francisco MENNO REYES, Director General de Protocolo, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Nelly APARICIO, Directora General de Comunicaciones, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Teniente Coronel Cesar REYES, Jefe del Estado Mayor Presidencial, Casa Presidencial S.E. Sr. Guillermo A. MELENDEZ, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas

Conseieros Sr. Carlos E. GARCIA GONZALEZ, Ministro Consejero, Misi6n Permanente Srta. Vanessa INTERIANO, Consejera, Mision Permanente Srta. Beatriz ALFARO, Segunda Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sr. Mario RIVERA MOM, Director de Organismos y Foros Politicos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Jose Felix ULLOA, Tecnico de la Direction de Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


S.E. Sr. Miguel ABIA BITE0 BORICO, Primer Ministro. Jefe de Gobierno de la Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial, ejerci6 las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacion, ex officio, durante su asistencia al periodo de sesiones

Representantes S.E. Sr. Jose ESONO MICHA, Viceministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Coo~eracibnlnternacional y Francofonia (Jefe de la Delegacion) S.E. Sra. Victoriana NCHAMA NSUE OKOMO, Secretaria de Estado para la Cooperacion lnternacional S.E. Sra. Purificacibn OPO BARILA, Secretaria de Estado de Informacibn, Radio y Televisibn

39 S.E. Sr. Miguel OYONO NDONG MIFUMU, Consejero Presidencial S.E. Sr. Florentino MAYE ELA, Conse.jero Presidencial

Sudentes S.E. Sr. Lino Sima EKUA AVOMO, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Antonio EBALE AYINGONO, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Santiago NSOBEYA EFUMAN, Embajador de Primera Clase Sr. Paulino BOLOLO EKOBO, Director General del Gabinete del Primer Ministro Sr. Juan Francisco EBENDENG ANGO, Director General de Protocolo del Primer Ministro

Conseieros Sr. Luis Felipe SALAN RONDO, Director General de Prensa e lmagen Sr. Job-Obiang ESONO MBENGONO, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Pelayo ERIBO CUBACUBA, Secretario Particular del Primer Ministro Sr. Jost OBIANG MILA, Ayudante de campo del Primer Ministro

ExDertos Sra. Lourdes AYONO ANGUE. Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sra. Aquilina MANGUE EVUNA, Secretaria, Misibn Permanente Sr. GermAn SIMA EKUA, Secretario, Mision Permanente


Renresentatives H.E. Mr. Ali Said ABDELLA. Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Ahmed Tahir BADURI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Amare TEKLE, Adviser, Diplomatic and Foreign Affairs, Office of the President (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Ghirmai GHEBREMARIAM, Director-General, Americas and International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Girma ASMEROM, Ambassador to the United States of America

Alternate Representatives Ms. Elsa HAILE, Director, United Nations and Multilateral Organizations Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tesfa Alem SEYOUM, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Ammanuel GIORGIO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Biniam Berhe, Desk Officer, United Nations and Multilateral Organizations Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


H.E. Mr. Arnold RUUTEL, President of the Republic of Estonia, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex oficio, during his presence at the session

Remesen tatives H.E. Mrs. Kristiina OJULAND, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairperson of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Jaak JOERUUT. Ambassador Extraordinarv and Pleniaotentiarv, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

40 Mrs. Tiina INTELMANN, Under-Secretary for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kuido MERITS, First Secretary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Reoresentatives Mrs. Tiina KREVALD, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Kadri SAAR, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Lauri LEPIK, Director, Division of Common Foreign and Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mrs. Aneela SAKS-TAMMEKAND. Office of the President Mr. Andk BIROV, Office of the President Mr. Eero RAUN, Office of the President Mrs. Ulle LEIS, Office of the President


Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Seyoum MESFIN, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Teruneh ZENNA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Acting Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Scifeselassie Lemma KIDANE, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Fesseha TESFU, Acting Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Reoresentative Mr. Meheretab MULUGETA, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brigadier General Abebe W. TADDESE, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Azanaw TADESSE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Wogenie Assefa TESSEMA, FirstSecretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Birhanemeskel ABEBE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Rahel KUMELA, Senior Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Haileselassie GETACHEW, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Samson JOHN, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dawit TEMESGEN, Graduate Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Tseday JEMANEH, Graduate Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


H.E. Mr. Laisenia QARASE, Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji Islands and Minister for Fijian Affairs, Culture and Heritage, National Reconciliation and Unity, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex ofticio, during his presence at the session

Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Isikia R. SAVUA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.-. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Jioji KOTOBALAVU, Chief Executive Officer, Office of the Prime Minister Mr. Filimone KAU, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

41 Mr. Sainivalati NAVOTI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Simione ROKOLAQA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representative Lt. Col. Orisi RABUKAWAQA, Defence Adviser, Military Forces


H.E. Ms. Tarja HALONEN, President of the Republic of Finland, served as Chairperson of the Delegation, ex officio, during her presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Erkki TUOMIOJA, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Ms. Marjatta RASI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Jaakko LAAJAVA, IJnder-Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pertti MAJANEN, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Markus LYRA, Director-General for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representatives Mr. Jarmo VIINANEN. Adviser to the President. Office of the President Ms. Pia RANTALA, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Tarja REPONEN, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

SDecial Advisers Ms. Tarja PARVIAINEN, Representative of the Green League Mr. Tuomo LAMPONEN, Representative of the Finnish Centre Party Mr. Pekka RISTELA, Representative of the Left-Wing Alliance Ms. Marja-Leena KEMPPAINEN, Representative of the Christian Democratic Party Mr. Berth SUNDSTROM, Representative of the Finnish Swedish People’s Party Mr. Juha KIRSTILA, Representative of the National Coalition Party Ms. Katri SODER, Representative of the Finnish Social Democratic Party

Advisers Ms. Sole ABRAHAMSEN, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Lars BACKSTROM, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Kristiina EKMAN, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Irma ERTMAN, Director-General for Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Tom GRONBERG, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Ms. Eeva HAAPALINNA, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Janina HASENSON, Legal Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Simo HAUTALA, Counsellor, Lieutenant Colonel, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Henri HEIKURA, Student, Representative of the Finnish Youth Cooperation Allianssi Ms. Mari HIETALA, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Taisto HUIMASALO, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Ritva JOLKKONEN, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Tina JORTIKKA-LAITINEN, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Noora KAINULAINEN, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Heli KANERVA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Laura KANSIKAS-DEBRAISE, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Paivi KARHIO, Programme Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hannu KYROLAINEN, Director-General, Department for Global Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

42 Ms. Sanna KAKI, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Varpu LAANKOSKI, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Rikka LAATU, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Marja LEHTO, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jaakko LEHTOVIRTA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Jukka LEINO, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Osmo LIPPONEN, Ambassador, Consul General, Consulate General, New York Mr. Kimmo LAHDEVIRTA, European Correspondent, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Anne MESKANEN, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Eeva-Liisa MYLLYMAKI, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Tiina MYLLYNTAUSTA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Sirpa MAENPAA, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Harri MAKI-REINIKKA, Minister Counsellor, Conference on Disarmament, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Timo OULA, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Katja PEHRMAN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Leena PYLVANAINEN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Jani RAAPPANA, Junior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Juha RAINNE, Legal Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mikael RAIVIO, First Secretary, Deputy Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Timo RAJAKANGAS, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Vienna H.E. Mr. Markku REIMAA, Ambassador to Conference on Disarmament, Permanent Mission, Geneva HE. Mr. llkka RISTIMAKI, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jarl-Hgkan ROSENGREN, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Jarmo SAREVA, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Petra SARIAS, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Heidi SCHRODERUS-FOX, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Jari SINKARI, Deputy Consul General, Consulate General, New York Ms. Anna SOTANIEMI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Satu SUIKKARI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Folke SUNDMAN, Special Adviser to Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Johanna SUURPAA, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Janne TAALAS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Tuuli TUUNANEN, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Sami WACKLIN, Junior Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Inger WIREN, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


S.E. El Hadj ONDIMBA, President de la Republique gabonaise, a exerce les fonctions de Chef de la delegation, ex officio, durant sa presence a la session

ReDresentants S.E. M. Casimir OYE MBA, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de la Planification et de la Programmation I du Dkveloppement S.E. M. , Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de I’Economie, des Finances, du Budget et de la Privatisation S.E. M. Richard ONOUVIET, Ministre des Mines, de I’Energie, du Petrole et des Ressources hydrauliques S.E. M. Emile DOUMBA, Ministre de I’Economie forestiere, des Eaux, de la Pkhe, charge de I‘Environnement et de la Protection de la Nature

43 S.E. Mme Pascaline BONGO ONDIMBA MFERRI, Ministre chargee du Cabinet du President de la Republique

ReprCsentants supplCants S.E. M. Egide BOUNDONO-SIMANGOYE, Ministre de la Fonction publique, de la Reforme administrative et de la Modernisation de I’Etat S.E. M. Rene NDEMEZO’O OBIANG, Ministre charge des Relations avec le Parlement, Porte Parole du Gouvcrncment S.E. M. Jean Franqois NDONGOU, Ministre Delegue auprbs du Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Affaires Btrangeres, de la Cooperation et de la Francophonie S.E. M. Michel ESSONGHE, Ministre charge des Missions a la Prtsidence de la Republique S.E. M. Denis DANGUE REWAKA, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent aupres de Nations Unies

Conseillers Mme , Haut Representant personnel du President de la Republique Dr. Jean Pierre OKIAS, Representant personnel du President de la RBpublique M. Alfred MPOUHO, Directeur de Cabinet prive du President de la Republique M. Vincent MAVOUNGOU-BOUYOU, Directeur adjoint de Cabinet du President de la Republique Mme Felicite ONGOUORI NGOUBILI, Directeur adjoint de Cabinet du President de la Republique M. Germain NGOYO-MOUSSAVOU, Directeur adjoint de Cabinet du President de la Republique General Fernand ODJlA NEREE, Conseiller militaire du President de la Republique Mmc Antoinette NDOH, Directeur general du Protocole d’Etat a la Presidcncc dc la Republique S.E. M. Jules OGOUEBANDJA, Ambassadeur aupres des Etats Unis d’Amerique S.E. M. Alain MENSAH-ZOGUELET, Ambassadeur au Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’lrlande du Nord S.E. M. Emmanuel MENDOUME-NZE, Ambassadeur en Ethiopie S.E. M. Rene MAKONG, Ambassadeur en Belgique S.E. M. Patrice TONDA, Ambassadeur, Representant permanent aupres de I’Office des Nations Unies a Geneve S.E. M. Charles ESSONGHE, Ambassadeur, Directeur general des Affaires etrangeres S.E. M. Wilfried OTCHANGA, Ambassadeur, Directeur des Organisations internationales et de la Cooperation multilaterale, Ministere des Affaires etrangbres, de la Cooperation et de la Francophonie S.E. M. Serge OFFOUGA D’OTHAKEME, Ambassadeur, Directeur general de la Cooperation internationale, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres, de la Cooperation et de la Francophonie S.E. M. Frank Jean Claude MENDOME, Ambassadeur, Directeur de la Presse, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres, de la CoopBration et de la Francophonie M. William MESSAN, Conseiller financier, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres, de la Cooperation et de la Francophonie M. Louis Gabriel PAMBO, Directeur general de la P6che M. Alfred MOUNGARA MOUSSOTSI, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Baudelaire NDONG ELLA, Chef de Division de I’ONU M. Gregoire LOMBA, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Jean Christian OBAME, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Franklin Joachim MAKANGA, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Russel MEZEME-MBA, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Serge Thieny MANDOUKOU OMBEGUE, Conseiller, Mission permanente


_._I ...... ~ . . . . GAMBIA

H.E. Mr. Alhaji Yahya A.J.J. JAMMEH, President ofthe Republic of'rhe Cambia, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Baboucarr-Blaise Ismaila JAGNE, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. Alieu M. NGIJM, Secretary-General, Head of Civil Service, Office of the President Mr. Abdou TOURAY, Acting Permanent Secretary, Office of the President H.E. Mr. Crispin GREY-JOHNSON, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Dodou Bammy JAGNE, Ambassador to the United States of America

Alternate Representatives Mr. Sulayman MANNEH, Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary, Department of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. Lamin FAATI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tijan M. CEESAY, First Secretary, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Pa Njagga MENDY, First Secretary, Embassy, Washington, D.C.

Advisers __I- Mr. Alhaji Badou SAMBA, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Momodou Jang JALLOW, Acting Principal Assistant Secretary, Department of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. Omar GIBBA, Senior Assistant Secretary, Department of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. Lamin Bai BOJANG, Assistant Secretary, Department of State for Foreign Affairs


H.E. Mr. Mikhail SAAKASHVILI, President of Georgia, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

ReDresentatives H.E. Mrs. Salome ZOURABICHVILI, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Revaz ADAMIA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Kaha CHITAIA, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. George KALADZE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Levan MIKELADZE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador to the United States of America Mr. David SUMBADZE, Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Envoy to the United States of America

Senior Advisers Mr. Gela BEZHUASHVILI. Secretarv. National Securitv Council Ms. Natalia KANCHELI, Assistant td the President Mr. Daniel KUNIN, Special Adviser of the President Mr. George GORGILADZE, Assistant to the President Mrs. Medea AKHALKATSI, Adviser of the President

45 Advisers Mr. George VOLSKI. Deputy State Minister Mr. Vakhtang KUPRAL A, Senior Adviser, Administration for the President Ms. Lela KILADZE, Adviser, Administration for the President Ms. Ninu LOSI‘AVA, Expert, Administration for the President


ReDresentatives I1.E. Mr. Joschka FISCHER, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Ms. Uschi EID, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Ms. Claudia ROTH, Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid, Federal Foreign office I I.E. Mr. Guntcr PLEIJGER, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Bernd MUTZELBURG, Director-General, Foreign Policy and Security Adviser to the Federal Chancellor, Federal Chancellery

A_!tFrj;ate Representatives H.E. Mr. Hans-Joachim DAERR, Ambassador, Director-General for Global Issues, the IJnited Nations, Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Michacl SCHAEFER, Political Director, Federal Foreign Office H.E. Mr. Wolfgang TRAUTWEIN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Volker HEINSRERG, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Disarmament Conference

Advisers H.E. Mr. Walter J. SCHMID, Ambassador, Federal Government Commissioner for Arms Control and Disarmament, Federal Foreign Office H.E. Mr. Thomas LAUFER, Ambassador, Director-General for Legal Affairs, Federal Foreign Office H.E. Mr. Peter WITTIG, Ambassador, Deputy Director-General for Global Issues, the United Nations, Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Helga SCHMID, Head, Office of the Minister, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Adolf KLOKE-L.ESCH, Deputy Director-General, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Mr. Claus WUNDERLICH, Director, Global Issues, Federal Chancellery H.E. Mr. Georg WITSCHEL, Ambassador, Commissioner for International Cooperation on Combating and Preventing Terrorism, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Horst FREITAG, Director, Near and Middle Eastern Affairs, the Maghreb and the , Federal Foreign Office Ms. Dorothee JANETZKE-WENZEL, Director, African Affairs, Federal Foreign Office H.E. Mr. Peter SCHOLZ, Ambassador, Director, Latin American and Caribbean Affairs, Federal Foreign Office H.E. Mr. Peter Christian HAUSWEDELL, Ambassador, Director, Asian and Pacific Affairs. Federal Foreign Office b1.E. Mr. Wolfgang STOCKL, Ambassador, Special Coordinator for German Personnel in International Organizations, Federal Foreign Office H.E. Mr. Ortwiln HENNIG, Ambassador, Commissioner for Civilian Crisis Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Peace-Building ‘vh Vi~Ii.~clI;.rrhcur YI~UNL;ER?d-‘< I i!KiYl31:Rb, Mini!&r l’~~lli~j~~t~~~l,~r~.r%mdneiitMission Mr. AlhreLIii voii LIEK IiEYDEN, Minis;i.r i’Ienipulentiar)i, I’crinanent Mission


^I__ .- Mr. Clemens von GOETZE, Personal Secretary, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Victoria Zimmermann von SIEFART, Head of Division, Federal Chancellery Col. (GS) Jorg BAUMANN, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission to the Disarmament Conference, Geneva Mr. Rainer EBERLE, Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Aristide Emil FENSTER, Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Holger GREEN, Head of Division, Federal Foreign Oftice Mr. Hansjorg HABER, Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Heinrich HAUPT, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Walter HUHN, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Otto LAMPE, Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Ursula von LANGERMANN, Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Lt.Col. (GS) Lothar LIKUS, Military Adviser, United Nations Peacekeeping and Peace-Building Missions, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Walter LINDNER. Head of Division, Spokesman of the Federal Foreign Office Mr. Riidiger LUDEKING, Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Christian MUCH, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Martin NEY, European Correspondent, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Guenter OVERFELD, Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Peter Franz Josef ROTHEN, Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Susanne WASUM-MINER, Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Margitta WUELKER-MIRBACH, Head of Division, Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour Mr. Rudolf FETZER, Head of Division, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Mr. Georg ENZWEILER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Thomas FITSCHEN, Deputy Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Martin FLEISCHER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Albert GRAF, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Julia GROSS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Klaus-Peter KOSCHNY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Frank KRAMER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Axel KUCHLE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Manfred KUPITZ, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Holger MAHNICKE, Deputy Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Mi-. Thomas MAZET, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Andreas PFAFFERNOSCHKE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Goenke Erdmute ROSCHER, Deputy Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Jutta SCHMITZ, Deputy Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Ulrich SEIDENBERGER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Sabine TAUFMANN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Disarmament Conference, Geneva Mr. Ralph TIMMERMANN, Deputy Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Tanja von USLAR-GLEICHEN, Deputy Head of Division, Federal Foreign Ofice Mr. lngo von VOB, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Ms. Julia WEGNER, Deputy Head of Division, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Mr. Ingo WINKELMANN, Deputy Head of Division, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Detlev WOLTER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Jochen von BERNSTORFF, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Andreas BERG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Claw BITTNER, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Christina DECKER, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Stefan DELFS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Edgar GANSEN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Sujata GHORA\, Desk Officer, Federal Ministry of Finance

47 Mr. Klaus HILDEBRANDT, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Gudrun ISPHORDING, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Simone KORING, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Susanna KUHN, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Mathias LLCHARZ, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Isabel LORENZ, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Ingrid MATTAUSCH, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Jens Uwe PLOTNER, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Annette PRIESS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Peter REUSS, Personal Secretary of the Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Dirk ROTENBERG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Joachim SCHEMEL, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Daniela SCHLEGEL, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Ebba SCHOLL, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Annette SMITH, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Martin THUMMEL, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Susanne TODT, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Jiirgen WENDEROTH, Desk Officer, Federal Ministry of Finance Ms. Katja WIESBROCK, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Thomas ZAHNEISEN, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Ms. Stefanie ZEIDLER, Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Sebastian BERKEFELD, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Beate BRAAMS, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Dana CONSTANTIN, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Lars DINGEMANN, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Sven DORNIG, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Florian Freiherr von EYB, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Claudie GRAETER-NEJAD, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Corinna HEYDER, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Sebastian JUNGNICKEL, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Hans Fabian KIDERLEN, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Theresia KLOKE, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Matthias KLOTH, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Andreas KRAUSS, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Astrid LILIE, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Oliver LOHSE, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Bernhard LORSCHETER, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Athina MAVROUDI, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Petra MINNEROP, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Michael NUNNER, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Anna PETERSEN, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Andre SANDER, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Christian SCHALLER, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Markus SPOERER, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Kristina TO", Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Ozlem YESILKAYA, Attach&, Permanent Mission Mr. Marc-Walter ZIESENIB, Attache, Permanent Mission


H.E. Alhaji Aliu MAHAMA, Vice-president of the Republic of Ghana, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Nana Addo Dankwa AKUFO-ADDO, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs I I.E. Mr. Simon S. PULI, Ambassador, Chief Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Nana EFFAH-APENTENG, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. John E. AGGREY, Ambassador to , Permanent Representative to the African Union H.E. Mr. Kobina ANNAN, Ambassador to

Alternate Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Kwame BAWUAH-EDUSIE, Ambassador to H.E. Mr. Kwabena Adusa OKERCHIRE, MP, First Deputy Majority Whip Mr. L.K. CHRISTIAN, Supervising Director, Political and Economic Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Paul Yaw ESSEL, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Robert TACHIE-MENSON, Minister, Permanent Mission

Advisers Daniel K. FRIMPONG, Brigadier-General, Minister, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. L.B. TUSOE, Ag. Secretary to the Vice-president Mr. Roland ACHADI, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Nana Kwesi ARHIN, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohammed Fuseini SAFUJI (DSP), Aide-de-camp to the Vice-president Mrs. Perpetua 0. DUFU, Assistant Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Mavis KUSORGBOR, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Robert AFRIYIE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Peter OWUSU-MANU, Assistant Director 11, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kwadwo KUSI-APPIAH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Gloria POKU, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Yaw BIMPONG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Accra


Representatives H.E. Mr. Petros MOLYVIATIS. Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Deleeation)., H.E. Mr. Yianis VALINAKIS, Deputy Minister for-Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Evripidis STYLIANIDIS, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Adamantios Th. VASSILAKIS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Michael C. DARATZIKIS, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. George YENNIMATAS, Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Elias KLIS, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Vasilios PISPINIS, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Alexandros MALLIAS, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Konstantinos TRITARIS, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

49 Advisers H.E. Mr. Elias KATSAREAS, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Efstratios DOUKAS, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Georgios Alexandros VALLINDAS, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Franciscos VERROS, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Constantinos RALLIS, Ambassador, Director, Diplomatic Cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Dionyssios ZOIS, First Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Catherine BOURA, Consul General, Consulate General, New York Mrs. Aglaia BALTA, First Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. loannis ANDREADIS, First Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dionysios KALAMVREZOS, First Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dimitrios MAKRYNICOLAS, First Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Anna Maria BOURA, First Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Georgios KOUMOUTSAKOS, Counsellor, Spokesman, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Sofia Lora MOLYVIATIS, Director, Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. loannis KOFINIS, Director, Political Office of H.E. Mr. Yiannis Valinakis, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. George PADREMENOS, Special Adviser to Mr. Evripidis Stylianidis, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mrs. Trisevgeni GAITANI, Special Adviser to Mr. Yiannis Valinakis, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mrs. loanna MAGANARA, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Christos DIMITROPOULOS, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Panagiotis PAPADIMITROPOULOS, Expert, Embassy, Vienna Mr. Vassilios PATRONAS, Director, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Fani DASKALOPOULOU-LIVADA, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Maria VONDIKAKI-TELALIAN, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Arternis PAPATHANASIOU, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Erica-Irene DAES, Professor Mr. Stylianos PERRAKIS, Professor, Pantios University Mrs. Kalliope KOUFA, Professor, Aristotelion University of Salonica Mr. Spyridon FLOGAITIS, Professor, University of Mr. Angelos YIOKARIS, Professor of Law, University of Athens Mr. Constantin ECONOMIDIS, Professor Mrs. Haritini DIPLA, Alternate Professor of International Law Mrs. Maria GAVOUNELIS, Assistant Professor, University of Athens Mrs. Photini PAZARTZI, Assistant Professor, University of Athens Mrs. Maria CORANTIS, Embassy Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Konstantinos CHATZIDOMAS, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vasileios GKOULOUSIS, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Christos ZACHAROPOULOS, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Polina CHOTZOGLOU, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Evangelia KALAITZI, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Georgios PARTHENIOU, Attach&,Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Victor-Georgios MALIGKOUDIS, Attache., Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. loannis STAMATEKOS, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Eleni TSEKOURA, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Maria KARPATHAKI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mn. Theofania KARTALI-PAPADOPOULOU, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vasilios FOTIADIS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Alexandra ZOI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Sotiria FROUSI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Paraskevi FOTIADIS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Alexandra PAPADOPOULOU, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

50 Mr. Vassilis PAPADOPOULOS, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Col. Georgios KOUTSOLELOS, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Olga ANAGNOSTOPOULOU, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. George PSIACHAS, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Gregory DELAVEKOURAS, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexandros VIDOURIS, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Georgia ANDREADI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Dimitrios GEMELOS, Press Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. loannis BOUBOUKIS, Press Attach&,Permanent Mission Mr. Efthymios ATHANASSIADIS, Press Attach6 Ms. Th. RAFTOPOULOU, Press Attache


Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. Elvin NIMROD, Minister for Foreign- Affairs and International Trade (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Lamuel STANISLAUS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Denis ANTOINE, Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the United States of America Mr. Alien Mc GUIRE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representatives Mr. Harold FRUCHBAUM, University Professor Mr. George BRATHWAITE, Former Consul General Ms. Celia THOMAS, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Donald MATHESON, Community Leader

Advisers Ms. Janice CELESTINE. Consul General Mr. Roy HASTICK, President and Chief Executive Officer, Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Stephen TYSON, University Professor Mr. Cyril SYLVESTER, Community Leader


S.E. Sr. Oscar Rafael BERGER PERDOMO, Presidente de la Rephblica de Guatemala, ejercio las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacion, ex officio, durante su asistencia al period0 de sesiones

Representantes S.E. Sr. Jorge BRIZ ABULARACH, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la Delegacion) S.E. Sr. Gert ROSENTHAL. Embaiador Extraordinario Y Pleniootenciario... Reoresentante Pennanente ante ias Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Alfred0 Antonio VILA GIRON, Secretario Privado de la Presidencia S.E. Sr. Jorge SKINNER-KLEE, Viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sra. Carla RODRIGUEZ MANCIA, Directora General de Relaciones Internacionaies, Multilaterales y Economicas, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

51 Representantes Suplentes Sr. Jose Albert0 BRIZ GUTIERREZ, Ministro Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. Roberto LAVALLE VALDES, Ministro Consejero, Mision Permanente Sra. Connie TARACENA SECAIRA, Ministra Consejera, Mision Permanente Srta. Karla Gabriela SAMAYOA RECARI, Consejera, Mision Permanente Srta. Monica BOLAfiOS PEREZ, Primera Secretaria, Mision Permanente

Conseieras Sra. Luisa BONILLA DE GALVAO DE QUEIROZ, Segunda Secretaria, Mision Permanente Srta. Sonia OVALLE TRABANINO, Agregada, Misi6n Permanente


Represen tants S.E. M. Mamady CONDE, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres (Chef de la delegation) S.E. M. Alpha lbrahirna SOW, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaiie, Representant permanent aupres des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation) S.E. Mme Hadiatou SOW, Ambassadeur, Directrice nationale des Affaires politiques et culturelles, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres S.E. M. Mohamed CAMARA, Ambassadeur, Directeur national des Affaires juridiques et consulaires, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres S.E. M. Mamadou Bob0 DIALLO, Conseiller juridique, Ministere des Affaires etrangires

Representants supoleants S.E. M. Mohamed Aly DIANE, Ambassadeur a Ottawa, Canada S.E. M. Boubacar DIALLO, Ambassadeur aupres de I'Office des Nations Unies a Geneve S.E. M. Rafiou BARRY, Ambassadeur A Washington, D.C. S.E. M. Djigui CAMARA, Ambassadeur a Beijing, Chine S.E. M. Balla MOUSSA CAMARA, Ambassadeur a la Havane, Cuba

Conseillers M. Che'ick Ahmed Tidiane CAMARA, Ministre Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Paul Goa ZOUMNIGUI, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Mamadouba CAMARA, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Mohamed Cherif D1 ALLO, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Mory Karamoko KABA, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Almamy Babara TOURE, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Alpha Oumar DIALLO, Chef de Division des Organisations et conferences internationales, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres M. Gamy CE, Conseiller economique, Ministere de la Cooperation Mme Camara Oumou DIALLO, Chef division cooperation multilaterale, Ministere de la Cooperation M. Aboubacar CISSE, Chef division communication, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres


H.E. Mr. I-ianrique Pereira ROSA, President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Soares SAMBU, Minister for Foreign- Affairs, International CooDeration and Communities Mr. Antonio Morais SANTOS, General Director, Office of the President H.E. Mr. Alfred0 Lopes CABRAL, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Pinto PEREIRA, Special Adviser to the President H.E. Mr. Adelino Mano QUETA, Ambassador, Diplomatic Counsellor to the President

Alternate Representatives Mr. Daba NAUALNA, Judicial Counsellor to the President H.E. Mr. Lassana TOURE, Ambassador, Director of Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Mario Lopes da ROSA, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Henrique SILVA, Charge d’affaires, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Cherno Cali BALDE, Counsellor for the Social Communication --Advisers Mr. Apolinario Mendes de CARVALHO, Diplomatic Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Basiliana Hopffer Soares TAVARES, Director, Department of Intemational Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Maria Antonieta P. Lopes D’ALVA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Adul Carimo SO, Adviser, Permanent Mission



H.E. Mr. S.R. INSANALLY. Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegationlv --- H.E. Mr. Rayney KARRAN, Ambassador to the-LJnited States of America (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. George TALBOT, Charge d’affaires a.i., Permanent Mission Mr. Garfield BARN WELL, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Donnettc CRITCHLOW. Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representatives Mr. Troy TORRINGTON, Foreign Service Officer 11, Permanent Mission Ms. Nadira MANGRAY, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Walter STEWART, Senior Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission


S.E. M. Boniface ALEXANDRE, President provisoire de la Rtpublique d’Ha‘iti, a exerce les fonctions de Chef de la dklegation, ex officio, durant sa presence A la session

Rewesentants S.E. M. Yvon SIMCON, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres (Chef de la delegation) R.1 1 Co McRORFlS Ministre Conreiller. Charge d’affaires a.i., Mission permanente bl thk.ii!d I.i! ‘i AIML Ministrc Cc)nseillei Mission permanente

53 Mme Suze Percy FILIPPINI, Ministre Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Jean Wesley CAZEAU, Conseiller, Mission permanente

Repr6sentants supoleants M. Christian TOUSSAINT, Premier Assistant, Direction de I'Economie, Ministere des Affaires etrangkres M. Youri P.P. EMMANUEL, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Frisnel AZOR, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente Mme Guerline JANVIER, Deuxieme Assistant, Direction du Protocole, Ministhe des Affaires etrangeres

Conseillers M. Glodel MEZILAS, Deuxieme Assistant, Direction des Institutions internationales Congres et Conferences, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres M. Michelange OBAS, Deuxieme Assistant, Direction des Affaires juridiques, Ministere des Affaires ktrangeres M. Jacques Claude SOUVENANCE, Attache, Direction des Affaires politiques, Ministere des Affaires itrangere! M. Jean Claude CENATUS, Attache, Direction des Affaires economiques, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres

Mme Nicole ROMULUS, Consultant, Mission permanente


S.E. Sr. Ricardo MADURO, Presidente de la Republica de Honduras, ejercio las fbnciones de Jefe de la Delegation, ex officio, durante su asistencia al period0 de sesiones

Representantes S.E. Sr. Leonidas ROSA BAUTISTA, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Manuel ACOSTA BONILLA. Embaiador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Ramon MEDINA LUNA, Ministro de la Presidencia S.E. Sr. Roland0 DUBON BUESO, Diputado al Congreso Nacional

Suplentes S.E. Sr. Mario FORTIN MIDENCE, Embajador, Director General, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Marco A. SUAZO, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Jorge FLORES CALLEJAS, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas Sra. Denise VARGAS ACOSTA, Consejera, Mision Permanente Srta. Keny Maria BENDECK, Primera Secretaria, Mision Perrnanente

Conseieros Sr. Roberto QUESADA, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Jorge ACOSTA BOGdN,Asistente del Sr. Presidente


Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Laszlo KOVACS. Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation)., H.E. Mr. Gabor BRODI, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Liszlo MOLNAR, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Ms. HORVATHNE Dr. MWa FEKSZI, Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Gyula K. SZELEI, Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Andrhs TOTH, Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Istvan GERELYES, Deputy Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Arpad PRANDLER, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Csaba SIMON, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Szabolcs NAGY, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers H.E. Mr. Ivan UDVARDI, Political Director, Deputy State Secretary, Chef de Cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Viktor POLGAR, Spokesman, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Tibor TOTH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Ms. Judit KOROMI, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. 6va GERGALY-LUKACS, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tamas CSABA, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Zoltan ADANY, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Rita SILEK, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Bernadett KOLLAR, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mark HORVATH, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Balazs CSUDAY, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Krisztian MESZAROS, Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representatives H.E. Mr. Geir HAARDE, Minister for Finance, Acting Minister for Foreign- Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Hjalmar W. HANNESSON, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Sturla SIGURJONSSON, Ambassador, Political Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Harald ASPELUND, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. Nikulas HANNIGAN, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Bjarni SIGTRYGGSSON, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Ragnar G. KRISTJANSSON, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Helga HAUKSDOTTIR, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Thor H. THORS, Financial Consultant, Permanent Mission

Adviser Mrs. Ragnheidur ARNADOTTIR, Adviser to Minister Geir Haarde


Representatives H.E. Mr. N. Hassan WIRAJUDA, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Makmur WIDODO, Director-General, Muliilateral, Political, Social and Security Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Susanto SUTOYO, Director-General, Multilateral, Economic, Finance and Development Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Sudjadnan PARNOHADININGRAT, Secretary-General, Department of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Rezlan Ishar JENIE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Makarim WIBISONO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations,Genevd H.E. Mr. T.A. Samodra SRIWIDJAJA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna H.E. Mrs. Adiyatwidi Adiwoso ASMADY, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. D.M. Soemadi BROTODININGRAT, Ambassador, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Iwan WIRANATAATMADJA, Director, Special Political Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. lwan WIRANATAATMADJA, Director, Special Political Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hasan KLEIB, Director, International Security and Disarmament Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. I Gusti Agung Wesaka PUJA, Director, Human Rights, Humanitarian and Socio-Cultural Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Djauhari ORATMANGUN, Director, United Nations Economic Development and Environmental Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Arif Havas OEGROSENO, Director, International Treaties and Legal Affairs on Political, Security and Territorial Issues, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yuri 0. THAMRIN, Head, Office of the Minister, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Desra PERCAYA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Willem RAMPANGILEI, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Sigit WARDONO, Counsel!or, Permanent Mission Mr. Prayono ATIYANTO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Dian WIRENGJURIT, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Sunu M. SOEMARNO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Yusra KHAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Syahri SAKIDIN, Office, Directorate of Special Political Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Dewi M. KUSUMASTUTI. Official, Directorate of International Security and Disarmament Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Salman AL FARISI, Official, Directorate of the United Nations Economic Development and Environmental Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. I.G. Ngurah SWAJAYA, Official, Directorate of United Nations Economic Development and Environmental Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dupito D. SIMAMORA, Official, Directorate of Special Political Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Umar HADI, Official, Office ofthe Minister, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jonny SINAGA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Dewi Savitri WAHAB, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Fikry CASSIDY, First Secretary, Permancnt Mission

56 Mr. Dicky KOMAR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Adam Mulawarman TUGIO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Sanga PANGGABEAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tri THARYAT, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Nina Saraswati DJAJAPRAWIRA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohamad Siradj PARWITO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Yuni SURYATI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Hariyanta SOETARTO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Andy RACHMIANTO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Jehezkiel Stephanus George LANTU, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. LISTYOWATI, Oficial, Directorate of Special Political Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dede Achmad RIFAI, Official, Directorate of Human Rights, Humanitarian and Socio- Cultural Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Carolina TINANGON, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Andhika CHRISNAYUDHANTO, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Vienna Mr. Mohammad ICHSAN, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Andre Omer SIREGAR, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. R.M. Marty NATALEGAWA, Director-General, ASEAN Cooperation, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Linggawaty HAKIM, Director for Non-UN Economic, Financial and Development Cooperation, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Djamil FLORES, Speechwriter of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kristio WAHYONO, Consul General, New York


ReDresenta tives H.E. Dr. Kamal KHARRAZI, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Dr. M. Javad ZARIF, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Gholamali KHOSHROO, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs H.E. Mr. Seyed Mohammad Hossein ADELI, Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs H.E. Mr. Mehdi DANESH-YAZDI, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Mohammad Reza ALBORZI, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva H.E. Mr. Amir Hossein ZAMANINIA, Director-General, International Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Mohammad Hassan FADAIFARD, Director-General, Department of America, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Ms. Marzieh AFKHAM, Director-General, Department of Information and Press, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Bahman AGHA RAZl DORMANI, Director-General, Western Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers H.E. Mr. Mohammad Javad FARIDZADEH, Adviser to the President H.E. Mr. Mohammad Mehdi AKHONDZADEH BASTI, Director-General, International Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Seyed Ali MAHMOUDI, Adviser to the Foreign Minister

57 Mr. Mehdi MIRAFZAL, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Bahman NAIMIARFA, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Reza NAJAFI, Second Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Ali HAJMOHAMMADIAN, Second Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Mostafa DOLATYAR, Third Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Hossein MALEKI, Third Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Ahmad SADEGHI, Third Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Seyed Morteza MIRMOHAMMAD, Third Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Hamid BAEIDI-NEJAD, Director, International Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Reza TABATABAEI SHAFIEI, Director, Department for National Authority of the Chemical Weapons Convention, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mostafa ALAEI, Director, Department of Human Rights and Women Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Seyed Mohsen ESPERI, Director, Department of Specialized Agencies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hamid Reza NAFEZ AREFI, Director, Department of America, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mansour SADEGHI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Hossein MOElNl MEYBODI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mehdi MOLLAHOSSEINI, Deputy Director, Department for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alireza KAZEMI ABADI, Deputy Director, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Barida NAVAEE ROODSARI, Deputy Director. Department of Specialized Agencies. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Seyed Mohsen RASHIDOLESLAMI, Deputy Director, Department for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hossein LOTFl HORMOZABADI, Deputy Director, Department of International Social Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Paimaneh HASTAIE, Special Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Abbas BAGHERPOUR ARDEKANI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mansour SALSABILI, Expert, Department of Disarmament and International Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alireza JERlANI HOKMABAD, Expert, Department of International Economic Affairs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Behzad AZARSA, Expert, Department of International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Reza FAROKHNEJAD, Expert, Department of Human Rights and Women Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohammad Mehdi YOUSEFI, Expert, Department for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rahmatollah AZADEH, Expert, Department of Specialized Agencies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hossein GHARIBI, Expert, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


H.E. Mr. Ayad ALLAWI, Prime Minister of the Republic of , served as Chairman ofthe Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Mehdi HAFEDH, Minister for Planning H.E. Mr. Hoshyar ZEBARI, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Ala’din ALWAN, Minister for Health

58 H.E. Mr. Hazem SHALAN, Minister for Defence H.E. Mr. Mohammed Hamod BIDAN, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs

Alternate ReDresentatives HE. Mr. Samir Shakir S. SUMAIDA’IE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Ahsan KHAN, Adviser to the Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Salah Abdul Salam ABDULRAZAQ, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Surood Rashid NAJIB, Ambassador, Head, Organizational Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Feisal Amin AL-ISTRABADI, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Advisers H.E. Mr. Hajim AL-HASSANI, Minister for Industry H.E. Mr. Fareed Mustafa Kame1 YASSEEN, Ambassador, Head, Planning Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Riadh Hashim AL-ADHMI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Head, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Fawzi Franco HARIRI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Said Shihab AHMAD (AL-JANABI), Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Abdul Ghafoor AL-KAISSI, Counsellor Mr. Mouhie Hussein Abdul ALLAH, Counsellor Mr. Muhsin YOUNIS, Second Secretary Mr. Falah H. RASIM,Third Secretary Mr. Manvan Khalid Muhsin AL-RAWE, Third Secretary Mr. Mohammed H. MALIK, Third Secretary Mr. Tarek Adel KAZEM, Third Secretary Mr. Ghasan Mohammed KHALED, Third Secretary Mr. Muhannad M. ALWAN (AL-MIAHI), Attache Mr. Jafar Sadiq HAMEED, Attache Mr. Yarub Abdul-Jabar HATIM, Attache Ms. Sawsan M. IBRAHIM, Attache Ms. Raghad Ali HASAN, Attache Mr. Ahmed ABDUL-HAMED, Attache Mr. Yasin Mohamed DAHAM, Attache Ms. Fatma Mohammed AMIN (ALDOSKI), Attache Ms. Lesley Anne ROBSON, Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Taha Hussein ALI, Head, Press Officer of the Prime Minister Alaa-Eldin A. ELSADR, Communication Adviser to the Prime Minister Charlez Hanna ELKHOURY, Adviser to the Prime Minister Mr. Elie Gabriel NAKOUZI, Press Adviser to the Prime Minister Mr. Azhar A. HUSSEN, Protocol Officer Ms. Muna ALWASH, Adviser Ms. Firyal AL-SAADI, Adviser Mr. Basheer FIDHEL, Adviser Mr. Charles HEATLY. Adviser to the Prime Minister


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Brian COWEN, T.D., Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Richard RYAN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr Dermot GALLAGHER, Secretary General, Department oft oreign Affaits

59 Alternate Representatives Mr. David COONEY, Political Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sean McDONALD, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. John DEADY, United Nations Director, Department of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Ms. Patricia O’BRIEN, Legal Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Orla O’HANRAHAN, Counsellor, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Colin WRAFTER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Adrian McDAID, Head, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Section, Department of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Eamonn~~ ~ MacAODHA. Head. Human Rights Unit. Department of Foreign Affairs I .. Ms. Paula SLATTERY, Head, Multilateral Section, Development Cooperatin Directorate Department of Foreign Affairs Col. Brian O’REILLY, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. James KINGSTON, Deputy Legal Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Gerard KEOWN, European Correspondent, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Cyril BRENNAN, Private Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affair.; Ms. Joana BETSON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Brendan McMAHON, Assistant Legal Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs Mi-. Damien COLE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Brian CAHALANE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Richard FALLON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Alan GIBBONS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Aisling de BURCA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Frank FLOOD, First Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sean O’REGAN, First Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Paul BARN WELL, First Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Majella O’CONNOR, First Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Sinead RYAN, First Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Noreen O’SULLIVAN, First Secretary, Embassy, Ottawa Ms. Sarah McCRATH, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. James C. O’SHEA, Third Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Therese HEALY, Third Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. I.esley Ni BHRIAN, Third Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Louise KELLY, Third Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sean OHAODHA, Third Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Joanne EMMERSON, Third Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. George BROWN, Attache, Permanent Mission


Representatives H.E. Mr. Silvan Shalom, Deputy.. Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio) H.E. Mr. Dan GILLERMAN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the llnited Nations H.E. Mr. Arye MEKEL, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Represl nlative to the United Nations

60 Alternate Reoresen tatives Ms. Zina KALAY-KLEITMAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Gilad COHEN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Moshe SERMONETA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Tal BECKER, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission

Special Advisers Mr. Aharon LESHNO-YAAR, Deputy Director-General for United Nations and International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs MI. Rony ADAM, Director, Department for United Nations Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alon BAR, Director, Department of Arms Control, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Joshua ZARKA, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Mr. Tuvia ISRAELI, Minister Counsellor. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Menahem KANAFI, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Meir ITZHAKI, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Arthur LENK, Legal Adviser, Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms. Orian DAGAN-MARGALIT, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Chaim SHACHAM, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mark SOFER, Deputy Director-General for Eastern Europe and Euro-Asia Ms. Ann GITMANSKY, Analyst, Israeli Atomic Energy Commission Mr. ltai SHAMIR, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mrs. Keren TANENBAUM, Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Anat FRIEDMAN, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Scott BERMAN, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Gregory LEVEY, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mrs. Giant ARIEL-KATCHKO, Adviser


Representatives H.E. The Hon. Franco FRATTINI, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Senator Alfred0 Luigi MANTICA, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs (Vice-chairman ofthe Delegation) Senator Roberto ANTONIONE, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Marcello SPATAFORA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation)

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Ludovico ORTONA, Ambassador Mr. Cesare Maria RAGAGLINI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Chief of Cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Giampiero MASSOLO, Ministet- Pleiiipwtcntiary. Director-General for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Michele VALENSISE, Minister Plenipotentiary. Chief of Press Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Aldo MANTOVANI, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Special Advisers Mr. Massimo Andrea LEGGERI, Minister Plenipotentiary H.E. Mi-. Carlo TREZZA, Ambassador Mr. Ivo Maria BRAGUGLIA Lt. Gen. Lucian0 D’ALESSANDRO, Minister Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Enrico Gerard0 DE MAIO, Minister Plenipotentiary Stefano JEDRKIEWICZ, Minister Plenipotentiary Alessandro FALLAVOLLITA, Minister Plenipotentiary Giuseppe CALVETTA, Minister Plenipotentiary Alessandro BUSACCA, Minister Plenipotentiary Luigi MATTIOLO, Minister Plenipotentiary Filippo FORMICA, First Counsellor Giampaolo CANTINI, First Counsellor Paola IMPERIALE, First Counsellor Antonio BERNARDINI, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Francesco AZZARELLO, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Natalia QUINTAVALLE, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Massimo MAROTTI, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Roberto MARTINI, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Elisabetta BELLONI, First Counsellor Michele BAIANO, First Counsellor Andrea CAVALLARI, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Stefano BALDI, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Luca MAESTRIPIERI, First Counsellor Mauro MASSONI, Counsellor Raffaele DE BENEDICTIS, Counsellor Andrea TIRITICCO, Counsellor Antonio ALLESSANDRO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Carlo CAMPANILE, Counsellor Mario BALDI, Counsellor Luigi DE CHIARA, Counsellor Capt. Gregorio ANGLANI, Counsellor, Deputy Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Gabriella G.A. BIONDI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Silvia LIMONCINI, First Secretary Massimiliano D’ANTUONO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Giuseppe FEDELE, First Secretary Giampaolo NERI, First Secretary Francesco Maria DE STEFAN1 SPADAFORA, First Secretary Mr. Giuseppe NESI, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Ugo SESSI Mr. Novella ONOFRI

Parliamentarv Observers Fiorello PROVERA, Senator Enrico PIANETTA, Senator Giorgio TONINI, Senator Hon. Gustavo SELVA Hon. Alberto MICHELlNl Hon. Valerio CALZOLAIO


Rearesen tatives H.E. Mr. K.D. KNIGHT, QC, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Stafford NEIL, CD, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Raymond WOLFE, Under-Secretary, Multilateral Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Mrs. Sheila Sealy MONTEITH, Director, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Mrs. Norma TAYLOR-ROBERTS, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Ms. Claudia BARNES, Director, Economic Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign- Affairs and Foreign Trade Ms. Michelle WALKER, Head, Legal Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Mrs. Angella V. BROWN, Assistant Director, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Mrs. Janice MILLER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Deidre MILLS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Soecial Advisers Mr. Stephen VASCIANNIE, Head, International Law Division, Department of the Attorney General Mr. Devon ROWE, Deputy Financial Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Planning

Advisers Mrs. Ariel BOWEN. First Secretary. Permanent Mission Mr. Anthony JOHNSON, Adviser,-Permanent Mission Mr. Ralston LEGORE, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade


H.E. Mr. Junichiro KOIZUMI, Prime Minister of Japan, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Rearesentatives H.E. Ms. Yoriko KAWAGUCHI, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairperson ofthe Delegation) H.E. Mr. Koichi HARAGUCHI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Yoshiki MINE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Head of the Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament H.E. Mr. Yukio TAKASU, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission to the International Organizations, Vienna H.E. Dr. Shinichi KITAOKA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Rearesentatives

Mr. Chusei YAMADA. Soecial Assistant to the Minister for Foreignv Affairs H.E. Mr. Toshiro OZAWk, Ambassador. Permanent Mission Mr. Atsuko HESHIKI, Professor, Chairperson, Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical School

63 Soccial Advisers H.E. Mr. Shotaro OSHIMA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission to the International Organizations, Geneva Mr. Tsuneo NISHIDA, Deputy Vice-Minister for Foreign Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kaoru ISHIKAWA, Director-General, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Yukiya AMANO, Ambassador, Director-General, Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Science Department, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mi-. Masaharu KOHNO, Director-General for Sub-Saharan African Affairs, Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Keiichi HAYASHI, Director-General, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Seiji MORIMOTO, Ambassador, Permanent Mission to the International Organizations, Vienna Mr. Koji TSURUOKA, Deputy Director-General, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yoshihisa ENDO, Deputy Director-General, Foreign Policy Bureau, Disarmament, Non- Proliferation and Science Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Shigeki SUMI, Deputy Director-General, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yoshiki KOINUMA, Deputy Director-General, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kazuya OGAWA, Minister, Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament Mr. Eiichi OSHIMA, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Kouji HANEDA, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Kazuo SUNAGA, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Kazuhide ISHIKAWA, Director, Policy Coordination Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jun YAMAZAKI, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Takeo AKIBA, Director, International Legal Affairs Division, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yasushi TAKASE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Hiroshi MNAMI, Director, Global Issues Policy Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. lchiro OGASAWARA, Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Division, Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Science Department. Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kazutoshi AIKAWA, Director, United Nations Policy Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Koichi ITO, Director, Global Environment Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Shigeru OMORI, Director, First Division, Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Takahisa KAWAKAMI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Yoshiaki ITO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Toshihiro AIKI, Director, United Nations Administration Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Takahiro NAKAMAE, Director, international Peace Cooperation Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hiroshi ISHIKAWA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Takashi ASHIKI, Director, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Division, Global issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Naoko YAMAMOTO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Hirosi MATSUURA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Kensuke YOSHIDA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Akihiko UCHlKA WA, Director, Conventional Arms Division, Disarmament, Non- Proliferation and Science Department, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

64 Advisers Mr. Shyutaro OMURA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Kansuke NAGAOKA, Principal Deputy Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Division, Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Science Department, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hiroshi TAJIMA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Michiyuki NISHIOKA, Deputy Director, Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Science Department, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Katsumi MORIYASU, Principal Deputy Director, United Nations Administration Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mitsuji SUZUKA, Principal Deputy Director, Specialized Agencies Administration Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Keiko SUZUKI, Deputy Director, Fishery Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Keiko YANAI, First Secretary, Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament Mr. Kiyoshi WADA, Deputy Director, United Nations Administration Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Akira YAMAMOTO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Shinichi IIDA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Shigeyuki SHIMAMORI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Takashi HAMADA, Principal Deputy Director, United Nations Policy Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Toshikazu ISOMURA, Deputy Director, United Nations Policy Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Akima UMEZAWA, Principal Deputy Director, Ocean Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Motohide YAMAMOTO, First Secretary, Defence Attach&,Permanent Mission Mr. Ryo NAKAMURA, Principal Deputy Director, International Peace Cooperation Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kazuo TASE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tadayuki MIYASHITA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Yukihiro WADA, Deputy Director, International Lcgal Affairs Division, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Rui MATSUKAWA, First Secretary, Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament Mr. Hiroshi WAGURI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Masahiro NAKATA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tatsuya MACHIDA, Deputy Director, Global Issues Policy Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Michiko KARA, Deputy Director, United Nations Policy Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kiyoshi MIHARA, Deputy Director, Conventional Arms Division, Disarmament, Non- proliferation and Science Department, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Hitomi SATO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Yuko ISHIZAWA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Natsuko SAKATA, Deputy Director, United Nations Administration Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Aya YOSHIDA, Deputy Director, United Nations Policy Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Akihiro TSUJI, Deputy Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Division, Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Science Department, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kentaro MINAMI, Second Secretary, Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament Mr. Toshiharu TARUI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Akiko TEJIMA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Osamu ISHIMIZU, Deputy Director, United Nations Policy Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

65 Mr. Daisuke HOSHINO, Deputy Director, International Peace Cooperation Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Yuko ITO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Satomi OKAGAKI, Official, United Nations Policy Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Masahiro TADA, Deputy Director, United Nations Policy Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hiroshi EZAKI, Official, International Peace Cooperation Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hitoshi KOZAKI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Makoto HASHIZUME, Attorney, Official, International Peace Cooperation Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Mari AKIYAMA, Official, First Africa Division, Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kohei AKIYAMA, Official, Policy Coordination Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Chie SATO, Official, International Peace Cooperation Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Daisuke NAKAJIMA, Official, United Nations Administration Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Atsushi KATO, Official, Ocean Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Takeomi Y AMAMOTO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Rouran YOSHIDA, United Nations Policy Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yoshiaki MAKINO, Official, United Nations Policy Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tetsuya MURAKAMI, Official, United Nations Policy Division, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Sachiyo SEYA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Yohei TAKAMURA, Researcher, United Nations Administration Division, Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Yumiko IUCHI, Researcher, Permanent Mission Mr. Nobuko IWATANI, Researcher, Permanent Mission Mr. Shojiro NISHIMURA, Researcher, Permanent Mission Ms. Miho OHASHI, Researcher, Permanent Mission Ms. Mari YAMAUCHI, Researcher, Permanent Mission


ReDresentatives HE.Dr. Marwan MUASHER, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.R.H. Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid AL-HUSSEIN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Rajab M. SUKAYRI, Ambassador, Director of the International Relations and Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ali Hamdan AL-AYED, Counsellor, Director of the Foreign Minister's Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Basheer F. ZOUBI, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Bisher Hani AL-KHASAWNEH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Miss Saja MAJALI, Acting Director, Human Rights Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Manar DABBAS, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

66 Vr Mahmccd 1 fWOi:r>, I.'it.,t c;;twct;ry, ?e.r!menr;:: :ifv,:~~c Mr. Mohammad Mustafa TAL, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

..id\ isers Mr. Haron Abed A. HASSAN, Permanent Mission Mr. Mutaz HYASSAT, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Ammar H. MAHMOUD, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Basel Akram AL-KAYED, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Miss Majd Sultan HATTAR, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ashraf ZEITOON, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Colonel Mohammad M. Zarnel ALHOQEL, Counsellor, Military Adviser (Peacekeeping), Permanent Mission Major Wael Jamil Yousef SHABSOUGH, Second Secretary, Police Adviser (Peacekeeping), Permanent Mission


-ReEresentatives H.E. Mr. Kassymzhomart TOKAEV, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Yerzhan KAZYKHANOV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Kanat SAUDABAYEV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America Mr. Tleuzhan SEKSENBAYEV, Head, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Murat NURTLEUOV, Counsellor of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Aslan ALIMOV, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Murat SMAGULOV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Nurlan ZHALGASBAYEV, Counsellor. Permanent Mission Mr. Serik ZHANIBEKOV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Experts Mr. Zhanat SHAIMERDENOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Arman ISSETOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Almabek DEMESSINOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission


Representatives H.E. Mr. Chirau Ali MWAKWERE, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation)- H.E. Mr. Amos WAKO, Attorney-General (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. John Kipsang KOECH, Minister for East Africa and Regional Cooperation (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Ms. Esther Mshai TOLLE, Ambassador, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Aff?irs (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Ms. Judith Mbula BAHEMUKA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the llnited Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Julius KANDIE, Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Kcpreseniariw to the United Nations, Vienna H.E. Ms. Amina C. MOHAMMED, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Perinanen: Representative to the United Nations, Geneva H.E. Eng. Andrew KIPTOON, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to UNEP, H.E. Mr. Solomon KARANJA, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to UN-HABITAT, Nairobi H.E. Mr. Bethuel Abdu KIPLAGAT, Special Envoy to Somali Peace Process

Advisers H.E. Mr. Boaz Kidiga MBAYA, Ambassador, Embassy, Addis Ababa Mr. Wanjuki MUCHEMI, Solicitor-General, Chamber of the Attorney-General, Nairobi Mr. Thuita M WANGI, Director, Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. George 0. OWUOR, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Lazarus Ombai AMAYO, Ambassador, Head, IOC Division, Ministry of Foreign .4ffairs Mr. Philip OWADE, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Franklin ESIPILA, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the IJnited Nations Mr. Timothy M'MELLA, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Mr. Onesmus KIBUNA, Deputy Secretary, Department of Defence Mr. George NDEGWA, Principal Economist, Ministry of Planning, Nairobi Col. George OWINOW, Defence Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Njogu NGARIAMA, Principal Economist, Economic and Trade Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Catherine MOGAKA, Second Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Karen MOSOTI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Consolate KIRAGU, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to UNEP, Nairobi Mr. Castro WESAMBA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Betty KIMURGOR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to HABITAT, Nairobi Ms. Jane KAHUKI, First Secretary, IOC Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Jeannette MWANGI, State Counsel I, Chamber of the Attorney-General Mr. Patrick NZUSI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Apollo MBOYA, State Counsel 11, Chamber of the Attorney-General Mr. Joseph VUNGO, Legal Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Winfred F. WANGUI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Albina CHEBOMUI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Justus Ole NAITURIAE, Assistant Secretary, IOC Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abubakar MWATSAHU, Assistant Secretary 11, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Rebecca EKUAM, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Peter NAIRIMO, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. Anote TONG, President ofthe Republic of Kiribati, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

&Eesentatives H.E. Mr. Taam UIRIBO, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Immigration Mrs. Reteta R. NIKUATA, Deputy Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Immigration Mrs. Tarsu MURDOCH, Private Secretary KUWAIT

Reoresentatives H.E. Sheikh Mohammad Al- AI-Salem AL-SABAH, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Ms. Nabeela Abdulla AL-MULLA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Abdullah Ahmad AL MURAD, Director, International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Ahrned Naser AL SABAH, Director, Department of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Mansour Ayyad Sh. A. AL OTAIBI, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the (Jnited Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. Jasem AL NAJEM, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Bassam AL QABANDI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Khalifa AL KHORAFI, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Nasser AL GHANEM, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Meshal AI. MANSOUR, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Salem R.A.S. AL SHEBLI, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Nawaf N.M. AL ENEZI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Reham AL GHANEM, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Tareq J.I. AL YASSIN, Diplomatic Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ahmad A.M.H. DAWOOD, Diplomatic Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Fawaz A.S.M. BOURISLY, Diplomatic Attacht, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Khaled Gh. A.A.J. AL JANAI, Diplomatic AttachC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hani Kh. M.H. AL HAMAD, Diplomatic Attacht, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tareq F.Y.M.A. AL DOAIJ, Diplomatic Attach&,Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Khaled W. AL WAZZAN, Diplomatic Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Khaled A.H.A. AL ZAABI, Diplomatic Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ahmed M. AL KIIAMEES, Diplomatic Attachd, Pcrmnncnt Mission Mr. Ebrahim G.AL-RUBAIAN, Diplomatic Attache, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. Askar AKAEV, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Kubanychbek JUMALIEV, First Vice-Prime Minister, Minister for Transport and Communications H.E. Mr. Askar AITMATOV, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Baktybek ABDRISAEV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the IJnited States of America and Canada Mr. Nurbek JEENBAEV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mrs. Ayazgul SARKISHEVA, Deputy of the Governor of the Talas Region

Alternate Representatives Mr. llyas BEKBOLUI'OV, Assistant to the President Mr. Kubul MAMYRKULOV, Administrative Manager, Administration of the President Mr. Abdil SEGIZBAEV, Press Secretary of the President Mr. Aibek TILEBALIEV,Expert, Foreign Policy Division, Administr;ition oCihc Prwiderir Mr. Ulan I)JUSUPOV, Head, United Nations and International Security Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Nurdin KAZAKBAEV, Protocol Service Assistant, Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Ms. Djamilya NAZARMATOVA, Protocol Service Assistant, Office of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Mr. Sergei LITVINOV, Head, State Security Service Mr. Kainarbek TOKTOMUSHEV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Aibek MOLDOGAZIEV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Altynbek ABDRASHITOV, Vice-Consul, United States of America Mr. Nuran NIYAZALIEV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Jyldyz KASYMOVA, Attachd, Permanent Mission Mr. Daniar MUKASHEV, Attachd, Embassy, United States of America


Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Somsavat LENGSAVAD, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Bounkeut SANGSOMSAK, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Alounkeo KITTIKHOUN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mrs. Kanika PHOMMACHANH, Director-General, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Xayakan SISOUVONG, Director-General, Department of ASEAN, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate ReDresentatives Mi-. Ounseng VlXAY, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the IJnited Nations Mr. Phomma KHAMMANICHANH, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Viengsavanh SIPRASEUTH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Kingmano PHOMMAHAXAY, Director of Division, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Khanhxay PHOLSENA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. lnthasone THILAKOUNH, Deputy Director, United Nations Division, Department of International Organziations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Maythong THAMMAVONGSA, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Somkhit VANKHAM, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Asoka RASPHONE, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Daosavanh BOULOMMAVONG, Attachi, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mrs. Vaira VIKE-FREIBERGA, President of the Republic of Latvia, served as Chairperson of the Delegation, ex officio, during her presence at the session

ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Artis PABRIKS, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Gints JEGERMANIS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Maris SELGA, Charge d'affaires a.i., Embassy, United States of America Mr. Martins BONDARS, Head, Chancery of the President

Alternate ReDresentatives Mr. Andrejs PILDEGOVICS, Deputy Head, Chancery of the President, Foreign Affairs Adviser to the President Mr. Ilgvars KLAVA, Political Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Raimonds JANSONS, Director, Department for International Organizations and Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rihards MUCINS, Director, Second Bilateral Relations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Edgars BONDARS, Head, International Organizations Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Juris POIKANS, Counsellor, European Union Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Aiga LIEPINA, First Secretary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Smite DANNE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Aiva ROZENBERGA, Press Secretary to the President Ms. Evija KENINA, Head, Division of the President, State Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. lveta KRUMA, Deputy Head, Bureau of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms. Dagnija STUKENA, Press Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Stephen P. PAYNE, Honorary Consul Ms. Kristine KIZIKA, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Baiba GORLOVA, Personal Consultant to the President


H.E. Mr. lssam FARES, Vice-president of the Council of Ministers of , served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Jean OBEID, Minister for Foreign- Affairs and Emigrants - (Vice-chairman of the Delegation ) H.E. Mr. Mohamad ISSA, Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mmr. Sami KRONFOL, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Naji Abi ASSI, Ambassador to the

Alternate ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Farid ABBOUD, Ambassador to the United States of America H.E. Mr. Antoine CHEDID, Ambassador, Director of International Organizations Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Boutros ASSAKER, Ambassador, Director of Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

71 f1.E. Qozhaya KHOURY, Director, Department of Administration and Financc, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ibrahim ASSAF, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Mohammad HARAKE. Consul General. New York Mr. Majdi RAMADAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Farrah BERRY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Sami ZEIDAN, Cousellor, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. Pakalitha B. MOSISILI, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Mohlabi K. TSEKOA, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Motlatsi RAMAFOLE, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Lebohang K. MOLEKO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mrs. Molelekeng E. RAPOLAKI, Ambassador to the United States of America H.E. Mr. Masuhla H. LETEKA, Ambassador to the African Union

Alternate Representatives H.E. Ms. Lebohang RAMOHLANKA, High Commissioner, High Commission in London Mr. Nyolosi MPHALE, Acting Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tumelo RABOLETSI, First Secretary, Embassy, Washington, D.C.

Advisers Ms. Limo MOTEETEE. Staff. Adviser Mrs. Gneo MATEKANE, Staff, Adviser Ms. Limakatso MOTJOPE, Staff, Adviser Mr. Lefu MANYOKOLE, Staff. Adviser


H.E. Mr. Charles Gyude BRYANT, Chairman of the National Transitional Government of Liberia, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Represen tatives H.E. Mr. Thomas Y. NIMELY, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman ofthe Delegation) H.E. Mr. Lami KAWAH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Charles A. MINOR, Ambassador, Washington, D.C. H.E. Mr. Willie BELLEH, Chief of Staff, Ofice of the Chairman

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Hany GREAVES, Economic Adviser, Office of the Chairman H.E. Mr. Blamoh NELSON, Adviser for Accra Peace Accord, Office of the Chairman H.E. Mr. Lamini WARITAY, Adviser for Communication, Office of the Chairman H.E. Mr. Sekou DOUDOU, Assemblyman, National Transitional Government H.E. Mr. Edward G. CLINTON, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs

72 Advisers Mrs. Famatta R. OSODE, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. James 2. EESIAH, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Edwin F. SELE, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Soriba KAMARA, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Yarba BROWNE, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Robert LORMIA, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Urias HARRMGTON, Special Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms. Comfort 0. SWENGBE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Dorsey HANSFORD, Consul General, New York Mrs. Famatta MORRIS-DELME, Deputy Consul General, New York Mrs. Philomena BROPLEH-MENSAH, Ambassador-at-Large H.E. Mr. Cannon Burgess CARR, Adviser


Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. Abdurrahman M. SHALGHAM, Secretary of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation (Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio) H.E. Mr. Ahmed A. OWN, Ambassador, Chargt d’affaires a.i. to the United Nations Mr. Guma I. AMER, Director-General, Department of African Affairs, General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Ramadan M. IRHIAM, Director-General, International Organizations Department, General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Ahmed A.S. ELMESSALLATI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Jaber Ali J. RAMADAN, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Abdalla A. ALZUBEIDI, Ambassador to H.E. Ms. Zakia A.M. SAHLI, Ambassador to the Netherlands Mr. Emhemed AS. EGLEDI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Mr. Ahmed Y.Y. GZLLAL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Yousef AS. FARAG. Financial Counsellor. Permanent Mission Mr. Jamaleddin A. HAMIDA, Counsellor, Secretarial of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. lbrahim O.A. DABBASHI, Counsellor, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Mabrouk M. MILAD, Counsellor, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and international Cooperation Mr. Fateh B.A. BSHAINA, Official Attache, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Hasan A.H. TOUMI, Political Attacht, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Ms. Hasna M.B. ANAN, Political Attache, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Mohamid A.B. SHAKSHUKL, Employee, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Badreddin M.M. GILOSHI, Employee, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Mohamed A.A. ABDUSAIAD, Employee, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation

73 Mr. Fethalla A.A. ALJADEY, Employee, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Esam A.M. Kh. GANBOUR, Employee, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Samer 0.MN. ATIA, Employee, Secretariat of the General People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Abdusalam F. ELYOUNSI, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Emad M.B. BEN-SHABAN, Attacht, Permanent Mission Mr. Ahmed H. M. GEBREEL, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Leila M. ZUBI, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission


Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. Ernst WALCH, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Roland MARXER, Ambassador, Director, Office for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Christian WENAWESER, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Pi0 SCHURTI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Stefan BARRIGA, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission

Advisers Ms. Andrea HOCH.Adviser Ms. Alexandra BAUMANN, Adviser Ms. Barbara WRESSNIG, Adviser Mr. Andrea AMATUZIO, Adviser


H.E. Mr. Valdas Adamkus, President of the Republic of Lithuania, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Antanas VALIONIS, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Gediminas SerkSnys, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Edminas BAGDONAS, Adviser to the President on Foreign Affairs Mr. gartinas ADOMAVICIUS, Undersecretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Vygaudas USACKAS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador to the United States of America

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Anicetas SIMUTIS, Ambassador, Special Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Rita GRUMADAITE. Adviser to the President. Spokesperson of the President Mr. Rokas BERNOTAS, Director, Multilateral Relations Dkparment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Giedrius PUODZIONAS, Director, State and Diplomatic Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrius NAMAVICIUS, Director, Law and International Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Ms. Raimonda MURMOKAITE, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission

74 Ms. Dalia KRAULYTE, Deputy Director, Multilateral Relations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tomas GULBINAS, Head, Common Foreign and Security Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Birute ABRAITIENE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Sandra PAUNKSNIENE, First Secretary, United Nations and Council of Europe Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dainius BAUBLYS, First Secretary, Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. bsita Soryte, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tomas BLIZNIKAS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Alina BUDRAUSKATE, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Valdas SAKALYS, Attache, United Nations and Council of Europe Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Donatas VAINALAVIeUYS, Attache, Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. AuSrele SAVUKYNIENE, Administrative Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Martynas IVINSKAS, Administrative Attache, Permanent Mission


ReDrCsentants S.E. M. Jean ASSELBORN, Vice-premier Ministre, Ministre des Affaires elrangtres- rt dr I’lmmigration (Chef de la delegation) S.E. M. Jean-Marc HOSCHEIT, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent aupres des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation) S.E. Mme Sylvie LUCAS, Ambassadeur, Directeur des Affaires politiques, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres M. Marc BICHLER, Conseiller, Representant permanent adjoint aupres des Nations Unies M. Georges FRIDEN, Directeur adjoint des Affaires politiques, Ministere des Atfaires etrangeres

Rearbsentants suoDlCants M. Georges FABER, Conseiller, Mission permanente Mme Elisabeth COLOTTE, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente Mme Anne GOEDERT, Secretaire de Legation, Ministbre des Affaires etrangeres M. Franqois PILOT, Conseiller, en charge du Desarmement, Ministere des Affaires Ctrangeres M. Stan MYCK, Premier Secretaire, Representation permanente aupres des Nations Unies

Conseillers S.E. M. Julien ALEX, Ambassadeur en charge des Droits de I’Homme, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres S.E. M. Franqois BREMER, Ambassadeur en charge du Desarmement, Ministtre des Affaires etrangeres S.E. M. Paul KAYSER, Ambassadeur en charge des affaires de non-proliferation, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres M. Robert LAUER, Secretaire de Legation, Premier en rang, Ministere des Affaires Ctrangeres M. Leon DELVAUX, Secretaire de Legation, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres M. Andre BIEVER, Attache a la Representation permanente aupres de I’Office des Nations IJnies a Geneve M. Marc DE ROtJRCY, Attache, Mission permanente Mme Anne ELSEN, Attache, Mission permanente M. Philip HELMINGER, Attache, Mission permanente Mme Valerie HEYMAN, Attache, Mission permanente M. Eric KERSCHEN, Charge de mission, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres M. Tim KESSELER, Charge de mission, Ministere des Affaires Ctrangircs Mme Annick KLEIN, Attache, Mission permanente M. Georges TERNES, Attache, Mission permanente M. Romain KOHN, Attache, Mission permanente Mme Elsa KUNTZIGER, Attache, Mission permanente M. Philippe WORRE, Attache, Mission permanente M. Franqois BERG, Redacteur, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres


S.E.M. Marc RAVALOMANANA, President de la RCpublique de Madagascar, a exerce les fonctions de Chef de la delkgation, ex officio, durant sa presence a la session

Representants S.E.M. Marcel RANJEVA, Ministre des Affaires Ctrangeres M. Herni Roger RANAIVOSON, Chief of Staff, Prtsidence de la RBpublique Mme Claudine RATSIMBAZAFY, Secretaire, Conseil prive du President de la Republique M. Joachim ENSSLIN, Conseiller du President de la Republique S.E.M. Zina ANDRIANARIVELO-RAZAFY, Ambassadeur extraorinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent aupres des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation)

Representants sumleants M. Jean Pierre RAKOTOARIVONY, Secretaire General, Ministere des Affaires 6trangi.res M. Michel RAJOELINA, Directeur du Cabinet, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres Mme Angeline MOHAJY, Directeur de la Cooperation multilaterale, Ministere des Affaires Ctrangkres M. Jean de Dieu RAKOTOZAFY, Ministre-Conseiller, Representant permanent adjoint aupres des Nations Unies

Conseillers M. Hery RAMAMBASOA, SpCcialiste en Communication a la Presidence de la Republique Mme Emma FULIJOHN, Conseiller technique du President de la Republique M. Marius Guy ANDRIANADY, Conseiller, Mission permanente Mlle Rahetlah ANDRIAMIALISOA, Protocole de la Prksidence M. lbrahim NORBERT RICHARD, Chef du Service des Nations Unies et des Institutions specialisees, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres M. Modeste RANDRIANARIVONY, Conseiller, Mission permanente Mme Dephalinee Adolphe RAHANTABOLOLO, Conseiller, Mission permanente Mme Lydia RANDRIANARIVONOY, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Daniel ANDRIAMAHAROSOA, Attache, Mission permanente


H.E. Mr. , President ofthe Republic of Malawi, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E Mr. Goodall E. GONDWE, Minister for Finance H.E. Mr. George CHAPONDA, M.P., Minister for Foreign Affairs I H.E. Mr. Ken D. LIPENGA, Minister for Information, Communications and Tourism I1.E. Mrs. , M.P., Minister for Gender, Child Welfare and Community Services

16 H.E. Mr Brown B. CHIMPHAMBA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. A. , Special Foreign Policy Adviser H.E. Mrs. Ebby MATHANDA, Member, Parliament Mr. Lucius M.H.T. CHIKUNI, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Felix S.F. CHANDO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Bernard SANDE, Ambassador, Embassy. Washington, D.C.

Advisers Ms. Jane ASANI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Col. John D. MSONTHI, Defence Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Jane KAMBALAME, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Paul CHIUNGUZENI, Director, Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Aftairs Mr. Enerst MAKAWA, Treaties Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Enerst KANTCHENTCHE, Principal Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Jane MALETA, First Secretary, Embassy, Washington, D.C.


H.E. Dato’ Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad BADAWI, Prime Minister of Malaysia, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Datuk Seri SYED HAMID ALBAR. Minister for Foreign Affairs (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. RASTAM Mohd Isa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Tan Sri AB. KADIR Mohamad, Adviser for Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister, ikpartment ot. the Prime Minister H.E. Mr. HASMY Agam, Ambassador-at-Large for Non-Aligned Movement Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Dato HSU King Bee, Deputy Secretary General 11, Department of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representatives H.E. Dato GHAZZALI Sheikh Abdul Khalid, Ambassador to the United States of America H.E. Mr. MOHD RADZI Abdul Rahman, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the IJnited Nations 1H.E. Dato MOHAMED THAJUDEEN Abdul Wahab, Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, Department of the Prime Minister H.E. Dato MD. YUSOF Md Zain, Ambassador to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Advisers H.E. Datuk Hj. ABDlJL GHAPUR Salleh, Member of Parliament H.E. Mr. , Member of Parliament H.E. Mr. RAHMAN Ismail, Member of Parliament 1i.E. Datuk NUR JAZLAN Mohamed, Member of Parliament H.E. Datuk GOH Siaw Hint, Member of Parliament H.E. Mr. K. DEVAMANY, Member of Parliament H.E. Datuk HAJl ABDUI. WAHAB Haji Dolah, Member of Parliament tl I. Dato Mi .I Ah Kce Kuong. Member i,t‘t’arliament It I :<:XI. UdLlik ,A7M?tF! Ahd Samad. Memhet ot Piirliament

77 t4.E. Sen. Uatuk SYED AI.1 Syed Ahhas A!habshee, Member of Parliammt Mr. PEH Suan Yong, Senior Federal Counsel, International Affairs Division, Chambers ~i 111e A ttorney-General Mr. AZMIR SHAH ZAINAL Abidin, Senior Federal Counsel, International Affairs Divisiori. Chambers of the Attorney-General Mr. MOHD JAMIZAL Zainol, Federal Counsel, International Affairs Division, Chambers of the Attorney-General Ms. AMELIA Emran, Federal Counsel, International Affairs Division, Chambers of the Aik;i-ncZ2 General Ms. HO May Yong, Officer with Special Functions to the Prime Minister, Department of the Prime Minister Ms. ROllANA Ramli Under-Secretary, Multilateral Political Affairs Division. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. HASNUDIN Hamzah, Under-Secretary, Organization of Islamic Conference Affairs Divisiciii Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. ZULKIFLI Adnan, Under-Secretary, Policy Planning Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. KAMAL Khalid, Special Officer to the Prime Minister, Department of the Prime Miniv..: Mr. ILANKOVAN Kolandavelu, Principal Assistant Secretary, External Information Divisim. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr, YEAN Yoke Heng, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Col. MOHAMAD PERANG Musa, Counsellor, Defence Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. NORZUHDY Mohamad Nordin, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. MOHAMAD SADIK Kethergany, Consul General, New York Mr. SYED HASRlN Tengku Hussin, Special Officer to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministr) of Foreign Affairs Mr. GANESON Sivagurunathan, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. WAN ZAIDl Wan Abdullah, Principal Assistant Secretary, Multilateral Political Affaii 5 Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. MOHD KHALID ABBASI Abdul Razak, Principal Assistant Secretary. National Secrcliiri.,! for the NAM, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. MOIHAMAD RAZIF Abd. Mubin, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. IKRAM Mohd Ibrahim, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. WESTMORELAND Edward Palon, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. ASTANAH RANU Shri Abdul Aziz, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. RAJA REZA Raja Zaib Shah, Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. NURYANTE Mohd Yazid, Consul, Consulate General, New York Mr. MUHAMMAD RADZI Jamaluddin, Second Secretary, Embassy, Lagos, Nigeria Ms. Sharon HO Swee Peng, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr, RIEDZAL Abdul Malek, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. SHAHARUDDIN Onn, Assistant Secretary, Organization of the Islamic Conference Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. AZRIL Abdul Aziz, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. MOHAMAD FIRDAUS Omar, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. HAFIZ Abdul Halim, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. ABDUL RAHIM IBRAHIM, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. MOHD FADZIL Mohd Othman, Vice Consul, Consulate General, New York


Upsentatives H.E. Mr. Fathulla JAMEEL, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) 1 I E Mr Mohamed LATHEEF, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Kepreseniatrw to thr 1 tilted Nations (V,ce-Chaiminn of the ikle:yt~~~li) Mr Ahmed KHAl I FL, Counsellor. Ptrmanent Mission

78 Mr. Muruthala MOOSA, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Ahmed SHIFAZ, Attache, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representative Mr. Hussain JAHHAZ, Attachd, Permanent Mission


Rhreshtants S.E. M. Moctar OUANE, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation internationale (Chef de la ddldgation) S.E. M. Cheick Sidi DIARRA, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent auprks de I’Organisation des Nations Unies S.E. M. Al’Maamoun Baba Lamine KEITA, Ambassadeur a Addis Ababa M. Kalilou DOUMBIA, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. lssa KONFOUROU, Conseiller, Mission permanente

Representants sumlkants M. N’Golo FOMBA, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Youssouf KONE, Fonctionnaire, Direction des Affaires Ctrangeres, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation internationale M. Bakary DEMBELE, Fonctionnaire, Direction des Affaires Ctrangeres, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooptration internationale M. Alassane DIALLO, Fonctionnaire, Direction des Affaires juridiques, Ministere des Affaires etrangkres et de la Cooperation internationale


H.E. Mr. Lawrence GONZI, Prime Minister of Malta, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex ofticio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Dr. Michael FRENDO, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Victor CAMILLERI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Edgar Galea CURMI, Head, Secretariat of the Prime Minister Mr. Chris MERCIECA, Head, Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Remigio BARTOLO, Private Secretary to the Prime Minister

Alternate Representatives Mr. John INGUANEZ, Director, Policy, European Union Directorate Mr. Colin SCICLUNA, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Salv STELLINI, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hector BONAVIA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Deborah ATTARD MONTALTO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. George CUSCHIERI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Albert GHIGO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Walter MALLIA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. Kessai H. NOTE, President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Gerald M. ZACKIOS, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Alfred CAPELLE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Banny DE BRUM, Ambassador to the United States Mr. Clifford JERICHO, Public Relations Officer, Office of the President Mr. Christopher DE BRUM, Assistant to the President

Advisers Ms. Catherine MAYWALD, Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Rina TAREO, Adviser,.Permanent Mission


Reoresentants S.E. M. Mohamed VALL OULD BELLAL, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres- et de la Cooperation (Chef de la dkldgation) S.E. M. Mohamed Lemine OULD MOULAYC ZEINE, Secretaire general du Ministere des Affaires Btrangbres et de la Cooperation S.E. M. Dah OULD ABDI, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, ReprCsentant permanent aupres des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation) S.E. M. Mohamed Mahmoud OULD EL GAOUTH, Ambassadeur, Charge de Mission, Cabinet du Ministre des Affaires Btrangeres et de la Cooperation S.E. M. Billal OULD WERZEG, Ambassadeur, Charge de Mission, Cabinet du Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation

Representants suoalkants S.E. M. Mohamed EL MOCTAR ALAOUI, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente Mme Aicha MINT MOHAMED SALECK, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. El Hacen Ould Ahmed OULD AHMEDANE, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente

Conseillers S.E. M. Telmidi OULD MOHAMED AMAR, Ambassadeur, Directeur des Organisations Internationales, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation M. Ahmed Deya OULD MOHAMED VALL, Directeur du Protocole


Representatives H.E. Mr. Java Krishna CUTTAREE, Minister for Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Regional Cooperation (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Vijay S. MAKHAN, Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Jagdish Dharamchand KOONJUL, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mrs. Vijay Lutchmee RAMSAMY, Permanent Secretary, Private Office, Office of the Prime Minister Mr. Khemraj JINGREE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

80 Alternate ReDreSentatiVeS Mr. Anandrao HURREE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Bineshwaree Koshita NAPAUL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Vimla Devi HUREE-AGARWAL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Dineshwur RAMJUTTUN, Special Adviser, Permanent Mission


Rearesentantes S.E. Sr. Luis Ernesto DERBEZ BAUTISTA, Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la Delegation) S.E. Sra. Patricia OLAMENDI, Subsecretaria para Asuntos Multilaterales y Derechos Humanos, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Miguel HAKIM, Subsecretario para America Latina y el Caribe, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Enrique BERRUGA FILLOY, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas

Suplentes S.E. Sr. Luis Alfonso de ALBA GONGORA, Embajador, Representante Permanente ante 10s Organismos Internacionales con sede en Ginebra S.E. Sr. Juan Manuel GOMEZ ROBLEDO, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. Arturo DAGER GOMEZ, Consultor Juridico, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Ertndira PAZ CAMPOS, Directora General para el Sistema de las Naciones Unidas, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores

Conseieros Sr. Ernesto CESPEDES OROPEZA, Director General para Temas Globales, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Yanerit MORGAN SOTOMAYOR, Directora General de Organismos y Mecanismos Regionales Americanos, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Juan Jost GOMEZ CAMACHO, Director General de Derechos Humanos y Democracia, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Salvador DE LARA, Director General de Organismos Economicos Regionales y Multilaterales, Secretaria de Rejaciones Exteriores Sr. Joel HERNANDEZ GARCIA, Consultor Juridico Adjunto, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Andrea GARCiA GUERRA, Ministra, Misidn Permanente Sra. Columba CALVO VARGAS, Directora General Adjunta de Organismos Economicos Regionales y Multilaterales, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Dolores JIMENEZ HERNANDEZ, Directora General Adjunta para el Sistema de las Naciones Unidas, Secretaria de ,Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Ulises CANCHOLA GUTIERREZ, Director General Adjunto para el Sistema de las Naciones Unidas, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Berenice DiAZ CEBALLOS, Directora General Adjunta para Temas Globales, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Jose Antonio GUEVARA BERMUDEZ, Director General Adjunto de Derechos Humanos y Democracia, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores

Exaertos Sr. Roberto DE LEON HUERTA HERNANDEZ, Direccion General para el Sistema de las Naciones Unidas. Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores

81 Sr. Salvador TINAJERO ESQUIVEL, Direction General de Derechos Humanos y Democracis, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Alejandro RODILES BRETON, Consultoria Juridica, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Amparo ANGUIANO, Primera Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sr. Alfonso ASCENCIO, Segundo Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Diego SIMANCAS, Tercer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Mariana OLIVERA, Tercera Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sra. Jennifer FELLER, Tercer Secretaria, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Benito JIMENEZ SAUMA, Tercer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Carlos RUIZ MASSIEU, Tercer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Alejandro ALDAY, Tercer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Rosalia ALARCON MAClAS, Direccion General para el Sistema de las Naciones Unidas, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Beatriz HERNANDEZ NARVAEZ, Direccion General para Temas Globales, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Sebastian L. ANEFAL, Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Masao NAKAYAMA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Jesse MAREHALAU, Ambassador to the United States of America H.E. Mr. Isaac V. FIGlR, Chairman, Committee on External Affairs, Thirteenth Congress H.E. Senator Alik L. ALIK, Chairman, Committee on Resources and Development, Thirteenth Congress

Alternate ReDresentatives Mr. James NAICH, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Jeem LIPPWE, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Jackson SORAM, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jim STOVALL, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Martin ZVACHULA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Adviser Mr. Bradley STAM, Legal Counsel, Thirteenth Congress


S.A.S. le Prince Hereditaire ALBERT de Monaco a exerce les fonctions de Chef de la delegation, ex ofticio, durant sa prCsence a la session

Reoresentants S.E.M. Patrick LECLERCO... Ministre d’Etat. S.E.M. Gilles NOGHES, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent aupres de I’Organisation des Nations Unies

Rearksentants suaoleants Mme Isabelle PICCO, Conseiller, Representant permanent adjoint aupres des Nations Unies Mme Valerie BRUELL MELCHIOR, Premier Secrktaire, Mission permanente M. Johannes de MILL0 TERRAZZANI, Troisieme SecrCtaire, Mission permanente Mlle Clotilde FERRY, Troisieme SecrLtaire, Mission permanente

82 Conseillers M. le Lieutenant-Colonel Bruno PHILPPONNAT, Aide de Camp de S.A.S. le Prince Hereditaire Albert M. le Lieutenant-Colonel Thiery JOUAN, Aide de Camp de S.A.S. le Prince Wrkditaire Albert M. Pascal GRANERO, Administrateur, Direction des Relations exterieures M. Gilles REALINI, Direction des Relations exterieures M. Francis KASASA. Secretaire Gtneral de I’AMADE Mondiale


Representatives Mr. Radnaabazar ALTANGEREL, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Ms. Ochir ENKHTSETSEG, Director, Department of Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairperson of the Delegation) I1.E. Mr. Choisuren BAATAR, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Kepresentative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Purevjav GANSUKH, Deputy Director, Department of Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers and Experts Mr. Gal NEMUUN, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Baasangombo ENEBISH, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Ganhuurai BATTUNGALAG, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Adiya AMARSANAA, Attache, Department of Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dambajav GANBOLD, Attache, Permanent Mission


Sa Majeste Mohammed VI, Roi du Maroc, a exerce les fonctions de Chef de la delegation, ex ofticio, durant sa presence A la session

RsrCsentants S.E. M. , Ministre des Affaires etranKtres et de la Cooperation M. Abdelaziz MEZIANE BELFKIH, Conseiller de Sa Majeste M. Mohamed MOATASSIM, Conseiller de Sa Majeste M. , Ministre dklegue, Ministere aux Affaires etrangeres et a la Cooperation S.E. M. Mohamed BENNOUNA, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipontentiaire, Representant permanent aupres des Nations hies

Representants supplCants M. Rochdi CHRAIBI, Membre, Cabinet Royal M. Hassan AOURID, Porte’Parole officicl, Palais Royal M. , Charge de Mission, Cabinet Royale S.E. M. Mohamed LOULICHKI, Ambassadeur, Directeur general des Relations multilaterales et cle la Cooptration globale, Ministkre des Affaires etrangtres et la Cooperation S.E. M. Youssef AMRANI, Ambassadeur. Directeur general, Relations bilaterales. Ministtre des .AIfaires ttrangeres et la Cooperation

83 Conseillers S.E. M. Mohammed AZEROUAL, Ambassadeur, Directeu, Affaires arabes et islamiques, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et la Cooperation M. Ahmed AMEZIANE, Directeur, Cooperation multilaterale, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et la Cooperation Mme Zohour ALAOUI, Directeur, Nations Unies et des Organisatio?s internationales, Ministere des Affaires ttrangeres et la Cooperation M. Mohamed MAJDI, Directeur, Affaires juridiques et des Traites, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et la Cooperation . M. Azzouz ABOU EL KOUROUM, Chef, Division des Affaires juridiques, Ministere des Affaires Ctrangtres et la Cooperation M. Abdelfettah KADIRI,Chef, Division des Questions humanitaires et sociales, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et la Cooperation M. Nasser BOURITA, Chef, Division de I’Organisation des Nations Unies, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et la Cooperation Mme Badiaa TADLAOUI, Chargee de Mission, Cabinet de Monsieur le Ministre des Affaires Ctrangeres et de la Cooperation Mlle Rajae GHANNAM, Chargee de Mission, Cabinet de Monsieur le Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation M. Yahia BENNANI, Charge de Mission, Cabinet de Monsieur le Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation M. Sidi Hammou DOUDOU, Chef de Service, Conseil economique et social, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et la Cooperation M. Abdeslam ARIFI, Ministre pltnipotentiare, Mission permanente M. Mohamed ARROUCHI, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Karim MEDREK, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Abdella BENMELLOUK, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Lotfi BOUCHAARA, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Charif CHERKAOUI, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Hassane BOUKILI, Conseiller, Ministere des Affaires ttrangeres et de la Cooperation M. Amine CHABI, Conseiller, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation Mlle Mouna EL MEKHFI, Conseiller, Ministere des Affaires itrangeres et de la Cooperation Mme Fatima BAROUDI, Conseiller, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation Mme Soumaya BOUHAMIDI, Conseiller, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation Mme Rime JIRARI, Conseiller, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation Mme Souad ALAOUI, Premier secretaire, Mission permanente M. Omar KADIRI, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Abdeslam MALEH, Conseiller des Affaires etrangeres, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation


H.E. Mr. Joaquim Alberto CHISSANO, President ofthe Republic of Mozambique, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Lconardo Santos SIMAO, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Francisco MADEIRA, Minister, Office of the President (Diplomatic and Parliamentary Affairs) H.E. Ms. Frances RODRIGUES. Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation H.E. Mr. Murade Isaac MURARGY, Secretary-General, Office of the President H.E. Mr. Filipe CFIIDUMO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiar), Permanent Representative to the United Nations

84 Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Felicio ZACARIAS, Governor, Sofala Province H.E. Mr. Armando PANGUENE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America H.E. Mr. Pedro COMISSARIO, Director, Legal and Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation H.E. Mr. Gonqalves SENGO, Director, International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Mr. Jose MORAIS, Director, Studies, Planning and Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Advisers Mr. Ermindo FERREIRA, Director, Administration, Finance and Personnel, Ministry of Foreign- Affairs and Cooperation Mr. Albert0 MAVERENGUE, Chief of Protocol Mr. Gerald0 SARANGA, Deputy Director, Legal and Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Ms. Maria GUSTAVA, Deputy Director. International Organizations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Mr. Carlos dos SANTOS, Adviser on African Union Affairs to the President Mr. Firmino MUCAVELE, Adviser on NEPAD Affairs to the President Ms. Neusa MATOS, Legal Adviser to the President Mr. Bento BALOI, Adviser on Political Affairs to the President Mr. Elias ZIMBA, Private Secretary to thc Prcsidcnt Mr. Faruque Omar FAQUIRA, Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Mr. Nuno TOMAS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Cristovtio GEMO, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Mr. Fernando MANHICA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Alcinda da Costa SALVADO, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Ms. Natalia MULUANA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


Representatives H.E. Mr. Tin WINN, Minister, Office of the Prime Minister (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Nyan WIN, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Kyaw Tint SWE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Kyaw WIN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador to the the I1.E. Mr. AYE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador to Canada

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Lynn MYAING, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador to the 1Jnited States of America H.E. Mr. Mya THAN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva H.E. Mr. Wunna Maung LWIN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador to Mr. Win MRA, Director-General, International Organizations and Economic Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs MI- rhaunr: TlJN, Director-General Political Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

85 Advisers Colonel Hla MIN, Ministry of Defence Mr. Kyi TUN, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Denzil ABEL, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Min THEIN, Special Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Maw MAW, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Khin Maung 00, Deputy Director, Office of the Attorney-General Mr. Kyaw TIN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Aung LYNN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Aung HTOO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Khin THANDAR, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Aung Khaing MIN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission


Representatives H.E. Mr. Vinci Niel CLODUMAR, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Ms. Marlene MOSES, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Advisers Mrs. Marion CLODUMAR. Third Secretary. Permanent Mission Mr. Vince SINNING, Senior Adviser, Permanent Mission


Representatives H.E. Mr. Prakash Sharan MAHAT, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Murari Raj SHARMA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Madhu Raman ACHARYA, Foreign Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Durga Prasad BHATTARAI, Joint Secretary, United Nations, Other International Organizations and International Law Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Arjun Bahadur THAPA, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives

Mr.~~~~ Naravan ~~ Dev PANT. Minister Counsellor. Permanent Mission Mr. Kali hasad POKHREL, Section Officer, United Nations, Other International Organizations and International Law Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Durga Bahadur Subedi CHHETRI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Ram Babu DHAKAL, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Sagar Shumsher J B RANA Mr. Hom Raj DAHAL Mrs. Minakshi NEPAL Mr. Pradip NEPAL Mr. Bedu Ram BHUSAL

86 Mr. Ram Chandra JHA Mr. Gir BAHADUR K.C. Mr. Uttam RAI Mr. Laxman La1 KARN Mr. Ratna Shumsher J B Rana



H.E. Mr. Bernard Rudolf BOT. Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation)v Ms. Anna M.A. VAN ARDENkJE, Minister for Development Cooperation Mr. Dirk Jan VAN DEN BERG, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate ReDresentatives Mr. Hugo H. SIBLESZ, Director-General, Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mi. Christiaan C.S. SANDERS, Ambassador, Permanent Representativeto the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Mr. Arjan HAMBURGER, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Advisers Mr. Karel Chr. VAN KESTEREN, Director, United Nations and International Financial Institutions Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Koen DAVIDSE, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Mr. Jeroen ROODENBURG, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Col. George P. CALLENBACH, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Ronald ELKHUIZEN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Carl PEERSMAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Lex GERTS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Kitty VAN DER HEIJDEN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Peter Derrek HOF, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Bengt VAN LOOSDRECHT, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Dirk-Ian NIEUWENHUIS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Erica SCHOUTEN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Major Jean-Pierre SCHOUWENAARS, First Secretary, Deputy Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Heleen BAKKER, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Louise M. VAN HOOGSTRATEN, Director, International Social Affairs, Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers VNO-NC W MI. Peter J.L. BONGAERTS, Adviser, Economic Policy, Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers VNO-NCW Mr. Gerrit PRUIM, Secretary, International Affairs, Christian Netherlands Trade Union CNV Mr. Karsten SPRENGER, Youth Delegate, National Youth Council Ms. Francina T.E. VAN HOORN, Women’s Representative, Netherlands Council of Women Mrs. Marion Kappeyne VAN DE COPPELLO, Policy Officer, Western Hemisphere Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Ceta NOLAND, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Pauline EIZEMA, United Nations Funds and Social Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Daniel PRINS, United Nations Conference on Disarmament, Geneva Mrs. Onny JALINK, Security Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Paul VAN RHIJN, United Nations Conference on Disarmament, Geneva

a7 Mr. Gerton VAN DEN AKKER, Policy Officer, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. M. den HOND, and Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Soecial Advisers Ms. Ing Y. TAN, Member of Parliament Mr. Hubert BRULS, Member of Parliament Ms. Leatitia GRIFFITH, Member of Parliament Mr. Erik Peter van HEEMST, Member of Parliament Mr. Erik VAN LITH, Member of Parliament


Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Phil GOFF, Minister for Foreign- Affairs and Trade (Chairman of the Delegation,- ex officio) HE. Mr. Don MACKAY, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Tim CAUGHLEY, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Oftice at Geneva Mr. Tim McIVOR, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Heather Riddell, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Alternate Reoresentatives' Ms. Caroline McDONALD, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Colonel Selwyn HEATON, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Mark RAMSDEN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Felicity BUCHANAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Jillian DEMPSTER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers * Mr. Andrew BEGG, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Hamish COOPER, Private Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Nicole ROBERTON, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Hine-Wai LOOSE, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Jennifer McIVER, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Julian LUDBROOK, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Matthew AILEONE, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Lisa FUTSCHEK, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Nicola HILL, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Alexandra GRACE, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Sara WYNN-WILLIAMS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Charlotte FRATER, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Edward ABLETT-HAMPSON, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Lesley WOUDBERG, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Kate RUSSELL, Permanent Mission Ms. Emily RICKIT, Second Secretary (Administration), Permanent Mission

Col. Selwyn HEATON, Mr. Mark RAMSDEN, Ms. Felicity BUCHANAN, Ms. Jillian DEMPSTER, and Mr. Andrew BEGG are designated to act as Representatives.


S.E. Sr. Enrique BOLAROS GEYER, Presidente de la Republica de Nicaragua, ejerci6 las funciones de Jefe de la Delegation, ex officio, durante su asistencia al period0 de sesiones

Rearesentantes S.E. Sr. Norman CALDERA CARDENAL, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la Delegacion) S.E. Sr. Eduardo Jose SEVILLA SOMOZA, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Mario ARANA, Ministro de Fomento, lndustria y Comercio S.E. Sr. Mario DE FRANCO, Secretario de Coordinacibn y Estrategia de la Presidencia S.E. Sr. Mauricio HERDOCIA SACASA, Embajador, Asesor Especial del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores

Suolentes S.E. Sr. Enrique BOLAROS ABAUNZA, Asesor del Presidente S.E. Sr. Jorcle BOLAAOS ABAUNZA, Asesor del Presidente Sr. Cesar AkEL MONTOYA, Secretario Privado y Asesor del Presidente S.E. Sr. Mauricio DiAZ DAVILA, Embajador, Director General de Organismos y Conferencias lntemacionales S.E. Sr. Mario H. CASTELLON DUARTE, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas

Conseieros Sr. Oscar GARCiA VALLECILLO, Director General de Comunicacion, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Eugenio CANO, Ministro Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Felix PARRALES SANCHEZ, Consejero, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Mauricio SOLORZANO, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Andrea MORALES, Segunda Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sr. Doming0 BERMUDEZ, Asesor del Presidente de la Republica


Reorbsentants S.E. Mme A'ichatou MINDAOUDOU, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooptration, (Chef de la delegation) S.E. M. Ousmane MOUTARI, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent auprts des Nations Unies (Chef adjoint de la delegation) M. Oumarou A. SONRHAI, Directeur Nations Unies et Organisations Internationales M. lbrahim BAKO, Directeur de \a Cooperation Bilaterale Africaine Mme Fatouma G. DJINGAREY, Directrice des Affaires administratives et financieres

Reorbsentants suookants Mme Sahadi MOUSTAFA, Chef de Division Nations llnies M. Ousmane ALHASSANE, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Abdou ADAMOU, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Boubacar BOUREIMA, Conseiller, Mission permanente

Conseillers M. Oumarou A. MANLY, Direction des Affaires Juridiques Mme Kicha LOUCHE, Conseilltre, Mission permanente


H.E. Chief Olusegun OBASANJO, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex offcio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Olu ADENIJI, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Abubakar TANKO, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Aminu B. WALI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Gen. Aliyu Mohammed. National Security Adviser H.E. Mrs. N.U.O. WADIBIA-ANYANWU, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representatives Senator Jubril AMINU. Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Mr. Usman BUGAJE, Chairman, House ForeiglRelations Committee H.E. Mr. Simeon A. ADEKANYE, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. O.A. ASHIRU, Under-Secretary, Regions and International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. G.O. AJONYE, Under-Secretary, Administration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers H.E. Mr. Abdul Bin RIMDAP, Director, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. A.O. ESAN, Deputy Chief of Staff to the President Mr. Sunday OCHOCHE, Director-General, International Peace and Conflict Resolutions H.E. Mr. A. ADERELE, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. J.D. CHINADE, Presidential Adviser Council H.E. Mr. G.N. ANIEMENA, Adviser to Delegation H.E. Mr. I.J. SAGAY, Adviser to Delegation Mr. Jide OSHUNTAKUN, Presidential Advisory Council H.E. Mr. 0. AKINSANYA, Ambassador to Ethiopia H.E. Mr. J.U. AYALOGU, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva t1.E. Mr. 9.OWOSENI, Ambassador to Austria HE. Mr. S.O.E. OMENE, High Commissioner to Mr. Charles E. ONWUAGBU, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. N.E. NDEKHEDEHE, Minister, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. F.O. IHEME, Director, Cooperation and Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Day0 OLUYEMI-KUSA, Director, Cooperation and Integration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. E.A. OGUNNAIKE, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. S.A. ADIGUN, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. O.J. ALIMOLE, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. C.W. WIGWE, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Charles A. ONONYE, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. B.Z. LOLO, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. C.C. UDEDIBIA, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. S.M. PISAGIH, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. F.E. AWANBOR, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. F.E. IDOKO, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. R.A. MUSTAPHA, Assistant Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. J.I. ABULIMEN, Assistant Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. A. ADEFIDIPE, Assistant Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. O.A.E. EGWA, Assistant Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. O.J. ONIJALA, Assistant Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs hlr. F.M. OSEWA, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

90 Ms. Nonye UDO, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. A.A. SONAIKE, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. C.O. YAHAYA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. O.A. BAMGBOSE, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. G.M. QUIST, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. O.E. ISONG, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. U.J. AJULU-OKEKE, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. A.A. HUSSEIN, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. BUKAR-KOLO, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. A.W. TYODEN, Personal Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. F.V. AIYEDUN, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. M.T. ISAH, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. T.B. NKEM, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. 0. ANAEDU, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Bamali NUHU, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Col. Solomon GIWA-AMU, Defence Adviser, Permanent Mission ACP Kayode ADERANTI, Deputy Defence Adviser, Permanent Mission Comm. Dalacson S. AUDU, Deputy Defence Adviser, Permanent Mission


Rewesentatives H.E. Mr. , Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Johan Ludvig LEVALD, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-Chairperson of the Delegation) Ms. , Member of Parliament' Ms. Hill-Marta SOLBERG, Member of Parliament'

Alternate Representatives' Mr. Bent H0JE, Member of Parliament Mr. lngrnar LJONES, Member of Parliament Ms. Karin S. WOLDSETH, Member of Parliament Ms.lnga Mark THORKILDSEN, Member of Parliament

Advisers Mr. Kim TRAAVIK, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jsrg Willy BRONEBAKK, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Marit BERGER, Political Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Svein SWTHER, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rolf Einar FIFE, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. K2re AAS, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Hans Jacob Bjem LIAN, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Ms. Guro Katharina VIK0R, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jostein LEIRO, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. lilystein BO, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

' In the absence of Ms. Nybakk and Ms. Solberg, Mr. Haakon BLANKENBORG and Mr. Morten LUND, Members of Parliament will serve as Representatives ' In the absence of the Alternate Representatives, the following will serve as Alternate Representatives: Mr. Sverre HODDEVIK, Member of Parliament Mr. , Member of Parliament Mr. , Member of Parliament Ms. Anne Rerit ANDERSEN. Member of Parliament

9 1 Ms. Susan ECKEY, Assistant Director-General, Ministry of Foreip Atfiir\ Ms. Gerd PETTERSEN, Assistant Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Aflairs Mr. Olav MYKLEBUST, Assistant Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tormod C. ENDRESEN, Assistant Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Svein Age DALE, Assistant Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Lars FURE, Refugee Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Anne MERCHANT, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Betzy TUNOLD, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Gro NYSTUEN, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. K3re ELTERVAG, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Knut LANGELAND, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Arne He)NNINGSTAD,Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Roald NESS, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rolf Willy HANSEN, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Anne Lene SANDSTEN, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Merete WILHELMSEN, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tom E. ERIKSEN, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Asmund ERIKSEN, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Ziv B0DTKER, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kjell Kristian EGGE, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Narve SOLHEIM, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. 0ivind HERNES, Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. PA1 KLOUMAN BEKKEN, Higher Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Bjerrg 1. GULBRANDSEN, Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Heidi JOHANSEN, Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Wegger Chr. STRBMMEN, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Hans Jacob FRYDENLUND, Minister Counsellor. Permanent Mission Ms. Kjersti RBDSMOEN, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Mari SKARE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Unni RAMBBLL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Thomas DINNING SPENCE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Col. Geir ASBJ0RNSEN, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Maj. Awe LAURITZEN, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Astrid FORSBERG RYAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Therese AALBERG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Per 0ivind LANDEMOEN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Erik Ivo NURNBERG, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Sigrid Anna ODDSEN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Julie M. JACOBSEN, Trainee, Permanent Mission Mr. Harald THORUD, Trainee, Permanent Mission Ms. Kine ESPEDAL, Trainee, Permanent Mission Ms. Astrid H. AJAMAY, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission. Geneva Mr. Asbjerm BRAANAAS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Merete LUNDEMO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Per Ivar LIED, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Observers Mr. Tor ANDERSEN, Norwegian Labour Organization Ms. Hedda HAAKESTAD, Youth against the EU Mr. Per Steinar OSMUNDNES, Young Christian Democrats (KIFU) Ms. Beate SLYDAL, Norway Mr. Hugo SANDAL,Confederation of Norwegian Business and [ndustry Ms. Ulla SCHMIDT, Committee on International Affairs, Council oil Economical and International Relations, Church of Norway Mr. Bjnm SANDVIK. lhe United Nations Association cf Noiwm

93 Ms Gerd Louise MO! VIG, 7 hr Norwegian Soriety of Rural Women AC WW Mi-. Stian CHRISTENSEN, Norwegian Peace Alliance


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Yousef bin Alawi ABDULLAH, Minister for Foreign- Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Fuad AL-HINAI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Talib Miran AL-RAISI, Chief, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Awadh Bader AL-SHANFARI, Chief, Economic Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohamed AL-HASSAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representatives Mr. Abdulmohsin AL-OJAILI, First Secretary, Permapent Mission Ms. Sarah AL-MOOSA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Aqil BA’OMAR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Khaled AL-HARTHY, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Ahmed AL-NAHDY, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Ahlaam AL-HARTHY, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Zawan AL-AKHZAMY, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Awadh AL-RA’I, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rashid AL-ZOABY, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Khalfan AL-OMEIR, Coordinator, Office of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sameh AL-AMRY, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Salim AL-BUSAIDY, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ahmed AL-SHIHRY, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Ro’a A[,-ZADJALY, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Najib AL-BALUSHI, Office ofthe Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Luma AL-SALEH, Permanent Mission


H.E. General Pervez MUSHARRAF, President of Pakistan, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Khurshid M. KASURI, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation)- H.E. Mr. Makhdoom Khusro BAKHTIAR, Ministe;of State for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Riaz H. KHOKHAR, Foreign Secretary H.E. Mr. Munir AKRAM, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotenliary, Permanent Representative to the llnited Nations

Alternate Representative H.E. Mr. Tariq Osman HYDER, Additional Secretary Advisers Mr. Khalil-ur-REHMAN, Deputy Chairman, Senate Mr. Muzaffar Hussain SHAH... Sueaker. Sindh Assembly Mr. M. Akram ZAKI, Senator Mr. Mouhim Khan BALOCH, Senator Mr. Ahmed ALI, Senator Mr. Muhammad Enver BAIG, Senator Mrs. Rifat Javed KAHLON, Member of the National Assembly Dr. Donya AZIZ, Member of the National Assembly Dr. Hajra Tariq AZIZ, Member of the National Assembly Mr. Makhdumzada Basit BUKHARI, Member of the National Assembly Mr. Chaudhry Ghias Ahmad MELA, Member of the National Assembly Ms. Gul-e-FARKHANDA, Member of the National Assembly Mr. Naseem AFRIDI, Member of the National Assembly Mr. Syed Muhammad Asghar SHAH, Member of the National Assembly Mr. Rehman NASEER, Member of the National Assembly Mr. Saleem Saifullah KHAN, former Secretary General of the Pakistan Muslim League Mr. Sardar Muhammad SARWAR, Member ofthe Azad Jammu Kashmir Council Mr. Shaukat UMER, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Masood KHALID, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the llnited Nations Mr. Khalid MAHMOOD, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mi-. Jalil Abbas JILANI, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Masood KHAN, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohammad SADIQ, Charge d’affaires, Washington, D.C. Mr. Muhammad Haroon SHAUKAT, Consul Gcneral, Ncw York Mr. Aizaz Ahmad CHAUDHRY, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Mansoor SUHAIL, Minister (Press), Permanent Mission Mr. Sohail MAHMOOD, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Malik Azhar ELLAHI, Counsellor Col. Mian Mohammad Hilal HUSSAIN, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Sher Bahadur KHAN, Legal Adviser Mr. Abdul WAHAB, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Burhanul ISLAM, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Asad Majeed KHAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tariq Saleem CHAUDHRY, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Asim Ifiikhar AHMAD, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Khalil-ur-Rahman HASHMI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Syed Haider SHAH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. lmran Ahmed SIDDIQUI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Farukh IQBAL, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ahmad FAROOQ, Vice Consul, Los Angeles Mr. Abdul HAMEED, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. lmran Ali CHAUDHRY, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Bilal HAYEE, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Ahmed FAROOQ, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Shozab ABBAS, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Abdul HAMEED. Adviser


H.E. Mrs. Sandra S. PIERANTOZZI, Vice-President ofthe Republic of Palau, served as Chairperson of the Delegation, ex officio, during her presence at the session

Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Stuart BECK, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative 10 the United Nations Mr. Jon-Marvin T. NGIRUTANG, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Susan SHAMROY, Counsellor. Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Nicholas ARONS, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Charles Jordan HAMILTON, 111, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Charles BECK, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Glenn ROBERTS, Adviser


S.E. Sr. Martin TORRIJOS ESPINO, Presidente de la Rephblica de Panama, ejercio las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacibn, ex officio, durante su asistencia al period0 de sesiones

Reoresentantes S.E. Sr. Samuel LEWIS NAVARRO, Primer Vicepresidente y Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la Delegacion) S.E. Sr. Ricaurte VASQUEZ, Ministro de Economia y Finanzas S.E. Sr. Ricardo Albert0 ARIAS, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Jorge E. RITTER, Asesor del Presidente S.E. Sra. Mary MORGAN-MOSS, Embajadora, Representante Permanente Adjunta ante las Naciones Unidas

Suplentes S.E. Sr. Miguel LECARO, Director General de Protocolo y Ceremonial del Estado S.E. Sr. Hemtin TEJEIRA, Embajador, Representante Pekanente Suplente ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. Luis MELO, Secretario personal del Presidente Sr. Guido FUENTES, Secretario personal del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Tomas GUARDIA, Consejero, Representante Permanente Suplente ante las Naciones Unidas

Conseieros Srta. Elena NG PANG, Consejera, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Maria P. SGRO, Agregada, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Karina ARIAS FONSECA, Agregada, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Vilma FIGUEROA, Asistente del Presidente Sr. Pedro REID, Funcionario de Protocolo, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


ReDresentatives H.E. Sir Rabbie L. NAMALIU, KCMG, MP, Minister for Foreign- Affairs and Immigration - (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Robert G. AISI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. Tarcisius ERI, Deputy Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Immigration Mr. Jimmy OVIA, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Advisers H.E. Mr. Evan PAKI, Ambassador to the United States of America Sir John KAPUTM, KBE, CMG, Special Adviser to the Government Ms. Matilda TAKAKU, Senior Foreign Service Officer Mr. Sakias TAMEO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Brian MARTIN, First Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs


S.E. Sr. Nicanor DUARTE FRUTOS, Presidente de la Republica del Paraguay, ejerci6 las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacih, ex officio, durante su asistencia al pcriodo de sesiones

Representantes S.E. Sra. Leila RACHID, Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefa de la Delegacion) S.E. Sr. Eladio LOIZAGA, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. Jose Maria IBAfiEZ, Ministro, Secretario Privado de la Presidencia de la Republica Sr. Carlos WALDE, Ministro, Asesor Econdmico de la Presidencia de la Republica Sr. Juan BUFFA, Ministro, Misibn Permanente

Suplentes S.E. Sr. Enrique RAMIREZ, Embajador, Director General del Ceremonial del Estado S.E. Sr. Jorge VON HOROCH, Viceministro de Industria Sr. Victor BERNAL, Director General, Entidad Itaipu Binacional Sr. Jorge BARUJA, Gobemador del Departamento de Paraguari Sr. Luis Armando GALEANO, Director, Estrategia de Lucha contra la Pobreza

Conseieros Sr. Julio CBsar ARRIOLA, Director General de Politica Multilateral, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Terumi MATSUO DE CLAVEROL, Ministra, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Martha MORENO RODRfGUEZ, Consejera, Directora de Foros Regionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Albert0 MENDOZA NOTARIO, Director General de Administracibn y Finanzas de la Presidencia de la Republica Sr. JosC DUARTE, Director General, Secretaria de Comunicacion Social Sr. Carlos RUCKELSHAUSSEN, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Doris ROMAN, Primera Secretaria, Misibn Permanente Sra. Lorena PATIRO, Segunda Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sr. Luis C. BENiTEZ, Tercer Secretario, Jefe de la Mesa de Naciones Unidas, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


S.E. Sr. Alejandro TOLEDO MANRIQUE, Presidente Constitucional de la Republica del Peru, ejercib las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacion, ex officio, durante su asistencia al period0 de sesiones

Representantes S.E. Sr. Manuel RODRIGUEZ CUADROS, Ministro de Relaciones Extcriorcs (Jefe de la Delegacion) S.E. Sr. Oswaldo DE RIVER0 BARRETO, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Santiago MARCOVICH MONASI, Subsecretario de Asuntos Multilaterales S.E. Sr. Gonzalo GUTIERREZ REINEL, Subsecretario de Asuntos Economicos Sr. Carlos BERNINZON DEVESCOVI, Ministro, Director de Integracion

Suplentes Sr. Marco BALAREZO LIZARZABURU, Ministro, Represenante Permanente Ad.junto ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. Alfredo Alfredo CHUQUIHUARA CHIL, Ministro Consejero, Director de Gabinete del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. JosC Antonio DOIG ALBERDI, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Ricardo MOROTE CANALES, Consejero, Subdirector de Naciones Unidas y Asuntos Politicos Multilaterales Sra. Romy TINCOPA GRADOS, Consejera, Mision Permanente

Conseieros Sr. Gonzalez GUILLEN BEKER, Consejero, Direction de Asuntos Politicos, Multilaterales y de Seguridad Sr. Hugo FLORES MORALES, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sra. Maria ARCE DE GABAY, Primera Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sr. Vitaliano GALLARDO, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Roland0 RUIZ ROSAS CATERIANO, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Yella ZANELLI FLORES, Segunda Secretaria, Mision Permanente Srta. Claudia ALEMAN URTEAGA, Tercera Secretaria, Mision Permanente


Permanent Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. Albert0 G. ROMULO, Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Lauro L. BAJA, JR., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Bayani S. MERCADO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Leslie B. GATAN, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Anacleto Rei A. LACANILAO, Minister, Permanent Mission

97 Alternate ReDresentatives Ms. Maria Teresa L. TAGUIANG, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Meynardo MONTEALEGRE, Minister, Permanent Mission Ms. Maria Rosario C. AGUINALDO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Patrick A. CHUASUI'O, Third Secretary. Permanent Mission Ms. Marie Yvette L. BANZON, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Elmer G. CATO, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Emma R. SARNE, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Carlos D. SORRETA, Special Assistant to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs Ms. Milagros CRUZ, Executive Assistant, Office of the Secretary Mr. Paulino R. PACO, JR., Aide of the Secretary for Foreign Affairs Mr. Apolonio L. GARCIA, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Tomas A. VALERIO, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Arturo V. ROMUA, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Carolina A. CONSTANTINO, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Bayani G. SIBUG, JR., Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Christina T. TRINIDAD, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Normandy U. MACADANGDANG, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Camille M. MACALINTAL, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Olivia S. OSIAS-MAGPILE, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Felix V. DE LEON, JR., Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Amalia R. SIBUG, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Barbra 0. GISON, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Michelle M. JAYAG, Assistant, Permanent Mission Ms. Margarita M. NEPOMUCENO, Assistant, Permanent Mission Ms. Guia Marie N. DE GUZMAN, Assistant, Permanent Mission Ms. Bernadette S. CRUZ, Assistant, Permanent Mission Ms. Emma Ester SABIO, Assistant, Permanent Mission Ms. Maria Elizabeth BAJA-FACUNDO, Assistant, Permanent Mission


Representatives H.E. Mr. Wlodzimierz CIMOSZEWICZ, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Adam Daniel ROTFELD, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jakub WOLSKI, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Janusz STANCZYK, Director, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Beata PEKSA-KRAWIEC, Minister Counsellor, Charge d'affaires a.i. to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Krzysztof KOCEL, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe Mr. Tomasz ORLOWSKI, Deputy Director, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Minis,try of'Forcign Afcdirs Mr. Tomasz CHLON, Deputy Director, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mariusz HANDZLIK, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Czeslaw JUZWIK, Director, Department of Military External Affairs, Ministry of Defense

Special Advisers Mr. Andrzej TOWPIK, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Defense


I...I...... 1111- ..-..-I ...... Mr. Krzysztof JAKUBOWSKI, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Przemyslaw GRUDZINSKI, Ambassador to the United States of America Mr. Grzegorz KURCZUK, Member of Parliament Mr. Jan RZYMELKA, Member of Parliament Mrs. Joanna WRONECKA, Director, Secretariat of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Remigiusz HENCZEL, Director, Legal and Treaty Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Robert KUPIECKI, Director, Security Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Boguslaw MAJEWSKI, Director, Information System Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Aleksander CHECKO, Secretariat of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Jan WORONIECKI, Director, Economic Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Jerzy ADAMSKI, Member of Senate Mr. Waldemar BARANOWSKI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Zbigniew GOLCBIOWSKI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Jacek JANUCHOWSKI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Marek MADEJ, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Dariusz MANCZYK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Ewa ANZORGE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Beata BARANSKA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Katarzyna KUKIER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Robert STASZAK, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Grzegorz ZYMAN, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Monika LIPERT, Attacht, Permanent Mission Mr. Piotr MOCHNACZEWSKI, Director, Department of European Integration and International Cooperation, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Mr. Czeslaw WIF$KOWSKI, Director, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Environment Mr. Wladyslaw CZAPLINSKI, Director, Institute of Legal Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences Mr. Zdzistaw GALICKI, Member, International Law Commission Mr. Stanislaw PAWLAK, Adviser to the President Mr. Krzysztof KRAJEWSKI, Deputy Director, Secretariat of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mrs Beata KOLECKA, European Correspondent, Deputy Director, Department of the European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrzej MISZTAL, Deputy Director, Legal and Treaty Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Piotr BUK, Deputy Director, State Fire Service . Mr. Zbigniew CIOLEK, Senior Expert, Department of the International Cooperation, Ministry of Defense Mr. Andrzej MAKAREWICZ, Senior Minister Counsellor, Legal and Treaty Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jan JAREMCZUK, Minister Counsellor, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ryszard SOSNOWSKI, Minister Counsellor, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Krzysztof PATUREJ, First Counsellor, Security Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Krystyna ZURECK, Counsellor, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pawel RADOMSKI, Counsellor, Secretariat of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrzej ABRASZEWSKI, Senior Minister Counsellor, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dariusz KARNOWSKI, First Secretary, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

99 Mr. Marek ORLINSKI, First Secretary, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Grzegorz POZNANSKI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mrs. Agnieszka WYZNIKIEWICZ, Second Secretary, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Alicja GUSZKOWSKA, Third Secretary, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Michal CYGAN, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Sylwia DOMISIEWICZ, Attache, United Nations System and Global Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Secretary of the Delegation) Mrs. Katarzyna KACPERCZYK, Attache, Department of Strategy and Policy Planning. Ministry of Foreign Affairs


H.E. Mr. Pedro Santana LOPES, Prime Minister of Portugal, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Antcinio MONTEIRO, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Gonqalo SANTA CLARA GOMES, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Manuel Tomas Fernandes PEREIRA, Ambassador, Director-General for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Antonio MONTEIRO PORTUGAL, Ambassador, Director-General for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate ReDresentatives Ms. Ana COSTA ALMEIDA, Head of Cabinet, Office of the Prime Minister Mr. Nuno BRITO, Principal Diplomatic Adviser to the Prime Minister Mr. Rui MACIEIRA, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Luis TAVARES, Director, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jorge Roza DE OLIVEIRA, Director, Department for Political Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Fernando COSTA FREIRE, Diplomatic Adviser to the Prime Minister Mr. Joao Paulo VELEZ, Press Adviser to the Prime Minister Mr. Gilbert0 JERONIMO, Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Ana Paula MENEZES CORDEIRO, Diplomatic Adviser to the Prime Minister Mrs. Teresa KOL DE ALVARENGA, Head of Division, Department for Political Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pedro Sousa ABREU, Security and Defence Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Sara MARTINS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Florbela FERREIRA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Francisco ALEGRE DUARTE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Miguel GRACA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Pedro COSTA PEREIRA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Sebastiio POVOAS. Counsellor, Legal Affairs, Permanent Mission Lt. Col. Jose SANTOS CORREIA, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Ricardo Alves GOMES, Adviser to the Prime Minister Mr. Antonio Cameiro JACLNTO, Press Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs

I00 Mrs. Elsa FRANCISCO, Technical Adviser, Department for Financial Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Helga Bas,Technical Adviser, Department for Economical Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Patricia Galvao TELES, Legal Adviser, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. SebastiEo COELHO, Press Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Isabel BOTELHO LEAL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Mafalda REYNOLDS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Clotilde MESQUITA, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mrs. Vanessa GOMES, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mrs. Catarina CARVALHO, Adviser, Permanent Mission


H.H. Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa AL-THANI, Emir of the State of Qatar, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Renresentatives H.H. Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser AL-MISNAD, Consort of His Highness the Emir H.E. Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr AL-THANI, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Ahmed bin Abdullah AL-MAHMOUD, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Member of the Ministerial Council H.E. Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Saud AL-THANI, Special Secretary to His Highness the Emir H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz AL-NASSER, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Abdullah bin Hussein AL-KUBAISI, Director of the Bureau of the Consort of His Highness the Emir H.E. Sheika Abdullah AL-MISNAD, Dean of the University of Qatar H.E. Mr. Badr Omar AL-DAFA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador to the United States of America H.E. Sheikh Jabr bin Youssef bin Jassem AL-THANI, Chef de Cabinet of the Bureau of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Adel Ali AL-KHAL, Director of the Department of International Organizations, Conferences and Conventions

Advisers H.E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Fahd AL-THANI, Chief of Protocol of His Highness the Emir H.E. Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Mit’ab AL-RUMAIHI, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Khaled Rashid AL-MANSOURI, Director of the Department of European and American Affairs Mr. Ibrahim Butros lbrahim HABIB, Adviser in the Bureau of His Highness the Emir Mr. Jamal Nasser AL-BADER, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Mr. Abdulla Eid AL-SULAITI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Jassim Ali Abdullah AL-OBAIDALI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Faisal Abdullah Hinzab AL-ATHBA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Sultan lbrahim AL-MAHMOUD, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mishal Mohammed Ali AL-ANSARI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Fathi SAUD, Academic Adviser, Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development Mr. Charles YOUNG, Director, Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development Mrs. Jacqueline AROK, Adviser, Bureau of the Consort of His Highness the Emir Mr. Abdulla lbrahim AL-EMADI, Second Secretary, Department of International Organizations, Conference and Conventions Mr. Salem Moubarak AL-SHAFI, Second Secretary, Department of European and American Affairs Mr. Mohammed Yousuf AL-MODHAFFER, Second Secretary, Department of Administration and Finance Affairs Mr. Adel Mohammed AL-MOTAWA’, Third Secretary, Bureau of H.E. the First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Mansour Mobarak Bo Amer AL-KHAYYAREEN, Third Secretary, Bureau of the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Mr. Rashid Merza Mahmoud AL-MOLLA, Third Secretary, Bureau of the Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Ali Mohammed AL-BAKER, Third Secrtary, Department of Legal Affairs Mr. Hamad Salem Dha’en AL-KAWARI, Third Secretary, Department of Information and Research, Specialist in the Family Department, Supreme Council for Family Affairs Ms. Alnawar Mohammed AL-KHALIFI, Academic Coordinator, Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development Ms. Maryam Mani’ AL-HAJRI, Protocol, Bureau of the Consort of His Highness the Emir Ms. Shurouq lbrahim AL-MALIKI, Specialist in Family Administration, Supreme Council for Family Affairs Ms. Jawhara Mohamed AL-MOTAWA, Specialist in Family Administration, Supreme Council for Family Affairs



HE. Mr. BAN Ki-moon, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Chairman of the Delegation)~ H.E. Mr. KIM Sam-hoon, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. LEE Sun-jin, Deputy Minister for Planning and International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade H.E. Mr. CHUN Yung-woo, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. SHIN Kak-soo, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. OH Joon, Director-General, International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. JUNG Hai-ung, Director-General, Treaties Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. CHO Hyun, Director-General, International Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. HA Chan-ho, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. KIM Sook, Director-General, North American Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Advisers Mr. IM Han-taek, Deputy Director-General, International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. KIM Byung-ho, Deputy Director-General for European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. SONG Young-wan, Deputy Director-General for Disarmament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

I02 Mr. CHOI Jai-chul, Deputy Director-General, International Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. KIM Bong-hyun, Assistant to the Minister Mr. CHOE Cheol-kyu, Director, Development Cooperation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mi-, CHOI Hong-ghi, Director, Disarmament and Nuclear Energy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. LEE Do-hoon, Director, United Nations Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. HU Kang-il, Director, Human Rights and Social Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. KWON Hee-seog, Deputy Director, Disarmament and Nuclear Energy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. OH Yeoung-ju, Deputy Director, United Nations Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. BAHK Sahng-hoon, Principal Secretary to the Minister Mr. LEE Eun-chul, Deputy Director, Development Cooperation Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. CHO Tae-ick, Deputy Director, Human Rights and Social Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. KWON Jae-hwan, Deputy Director, United Nations Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. YU Ji-eun, Deputy Director-General, South America Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. LEE Ho-sung, Director, Treaties Division I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. IUIEE Yong-il, Director, Treaties Division I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. KIM Tae-jin, Deputy Director, North American Division 11, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. YOON Yeo-cheol, Director, North American Division 11, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. KANG Kyung-wha, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. JUN Ok-hyun, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. LEE Byong-hyun, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. LEW Kwang-chul, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. HAHN Myung-jae, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. SHIN Boo-nam, Permanent Mission Mr. HWANG Joon-kook, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. CHOO Jong-youn, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. PARK Yoon-june, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. CHOI Kwang-mook, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. YO0 Dae-jong, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. MOON Seoung-hyun, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. KIM Ki-joo, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. LEE Chan-yeun, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. HAM Sang-wook, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. KWEON Ki-hwan, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. KANG Seok-hee, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. AHN Eun-ju, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. KIM 11-bum, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. YOON Hee-chan, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


ReDresen tatives H.E. Mr. Andrei STRATAN, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Vsevolod GRIGORE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Mihail MANOLI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America Mr. Alexandru CUJBA, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Victor LEU, First Secretary, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. , President of Romania, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Mircea Dan GEOANA, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Razvan THEODORESCU, Minister for C&ure and Religious Affairs H.E. Mr. Titus CORLATEAN, State Secretary H.E. Mr. Gabriel NAGHI, State Secretary, General Major, Director, Service for Guard and Protection H.E. Mr. George CIAMBA, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Alin Theodor CIOCARLIE, Senator, Vice-president, Parliamentary Friendship Group Romania-Canada H.E. Mr. Sorin DUCARU, Ambassador to the United States of America H.E. Mr. Mihnea MOTOC, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Gheorghe DUMITRU, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Marius DRAGOLEA, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Advisers and Exaerts Mr. Simion BONCU, Minister Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Gheorehe PREDESCU. Consul General, Consulate General of Romania, Chicago H.E. Mrs. Simona Mirela MICULESCU, Ambassador, Presidential Counsellor, Presidential Administration Mrs. Corina CRETU, Presidential Counsellor, Presidential Administration Mr. Dumitru HONCIU, State Counsellor, Protocol Department, Presidential Administration Mr. Victor OPASCHI, State Counsellor, Presidential Administration Mr. Marius AMZULESCU, State Counsellor, Presidential Administration Mr. lone1 TANASE, Personal Assistant to the President Ms. AhaDRAGOLEA, Expert, Department of International Relations, Presidential Administration Ms. Madlen LAZAR, Counsellor, Presidential Administration Mr. Stelian STOIAN, Director, Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms. Daniela NICA, Counsellor, Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Adrian LIGOR, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Mia BUJE, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Elena Stefoi SAVA, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. lsabela ISCRU, Adviser, Presidential Administration Mr. Ionut SUSEANU, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

I04 Mr. Cosmin BOIANGIU, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Gabriela TANJALA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Octavian STAMATE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Filon MORAR, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Roxana PANA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Monica MATEI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Laura ONISII, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Cosmin ONISII, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Corina COTENESCU, Attache, Permanent Mission


Representatives H.E. Mr. Sergey V. LAVROV, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Mikhail V. MARGELOV, Chairman, International Affairs Committee, Federation Council, Federal Assembly Mr. Konstantin I. KOSACHEV, Chairman, International Affairs Committee, State Duma, Federal Assembly Mr. Yury V. FEDOTOV, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrey 1. DENISOV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. Sergey 1. KISLYAK, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrey E. GRANOVSKY, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Roman A. KOLODKIN, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Anatoly I. ANTONOV, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vladimir A. PARSHIKOV, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Special Political Advisers H.E. Mr. Yury V. USHAKOV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America Mr. Sergey V. GARMONIN, Consul General, New York

Advisers Mr. Leonid A. SKOTNIKOV, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Alexander V. ZMEEVSKY, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrey L. KONDAKOV, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexander V. GRUSHKO, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexander I. KUZNETSOV, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexander V. YAKOVENKO, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mikhail L. BOGDANOV, Director of Department, Ministry of' Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexander V. KONUZM, First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Konstantin K. DOLGOV, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Sergey N. KAREV, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Nikolay V. CHULKOV, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Anton V. VASILIEV, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. lgor N. SHCHERBAK, Deputy Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vasily A. NEBENZIA, Deputy Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mikhail I. ULYANOV, Deputy Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexander A. SHARONOV, Deputy Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yakov F. GERASIMOV, Deputy Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vladimir A. GAVRILICHEV, Deputy Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

105 Mr. Alexander V. ILYAKOV, Deputy Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. lgor K. PANEVKIN, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexander V. STERNIK, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alexey L. LYZHENKOV, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Boris S. AVRAMENKO, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sergey B. NIKIFOROV, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Grigory E. LUKYANTSEV, Acting Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sergey M. KOSHELEV, Senior Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Evgeny 1. KUDRIN, Senior Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vladirnir A. IOSSIFOV, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Nikolay 1. KOLPAKOV, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Dmitry A. LOBACH, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexey A. NOVIKOV, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Vadim S. SMIRNOV, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Evgeny A. STANISLAVOV, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Sergey V. TREPELKOV, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Nikolay M. UVAROV, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexander V. ANANIEV, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Vladimir 1. DASHKO, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vladislav D. KOMAROV, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vladimir N. FEDOROV, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vyacheslav I. FEDORCHENKO, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sergey M. FEDOSOV, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrey A. NIKIFOROV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Tatyana I. GOLOVNYA, Counsellor, Permancnt Mission Mr. Igor 0. GRIBOK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexander V. GRINENKO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Gleb F. DESYATNIKOV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Vladimir V. ZAGOSKIN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Pave1 R. KNYAZEV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Andrey V. KOVALENKO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Vitaly A. LEPLINSKY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexander A. MUSIENKO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Nikolay N. POPIKOV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexander A. PUTSENKO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Vladimir P. SALOV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Sergey M. TARASENKO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Dmitry V. FEOKTISTOV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Oleg A. SHAMANOV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Experts Mr. Vadim Yu. MITROFANOV, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Maria V. ZAKHAROVA, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ilya Yu. AVDEEV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Maxim V. YERSHOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Vladimir Yu. ZHEGLOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexander A. KISLOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Yury M. RUDAKOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Albert V. SITNIKOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Dmitry V. TOLBUZIN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Vladimir V. TOLKACHEV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Vyacheslav G. FOMICHEV, First Secretary. Permanent Mission Mr. Sergey V. KHALIZOV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexey A. VLASOV, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dmitry V. KIKU, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Ekaterina G. ANDREEVSKAY A, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

I06 Mr. Teymouraz I. GOGOLASHVILI, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Artem V. KAPSHUK, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrey V. KLEYMENOV, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Maxim N. GOLOVINOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Dmitry 1. GRIGORIEV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. llya G. DIKOPOLOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexey 9. KARASEV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Stepan Yu. KUZMENKOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. lgor A. MALYSHEV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. lgor R. MOLYANOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mikhail V. NOSKOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Evgeny V. PROKOPENKO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexander B. STEKOLSHCIKOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Igor V. SUKHININ, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Grigory V. US'I'INOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Kirill Yu. FEDOTOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Sergey V. TSYGANKOV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Victor B. CHAYKIN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Ruslan Yu. GOLUBOVSKY, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Andrey A. YAKUSHEV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Victor S. DEMENTIEV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexander M. DRONOV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Maria V. ZABOLOTSKAYA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexander A. ILCHENKO, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Timofey Yu. MIROV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Dmitry V. NADTOCHIY, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexey V. POPOV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Yury A. FOMIN, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Andrey A. CHERNOV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Sergey A. GOGIN, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Anna V. TUNEVA, AttachC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrey N. ABRAMOV, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Vladimir V. ANDREYEV, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Vladimir V. BULGAKOV, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Sergey Yu. VASILIEV, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Vasily K. VORONIN, Attache, Permanent Mission Mi-. Sergey V. NEKRASOV, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexey V. SKORODUMOV, Attache, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. Bernard MAKUZA, Prime Minister of the Republic of' , served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex offcio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Charles MURIGANDE, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation H.E. Mr. Stanislas KAMANZI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Richard SEZIBERA, Ambassador and Special Envoy to the Great Lakes Region Mr. Nicholas SHALITA, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representatives Mr. Pascal NYAMULINDA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

I07 Mr. Alphonse KAYITAYIRE, Head of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Emmanuel NZARAMBA, Director and Personal Assistant to the Prime Minister


Representatives H.E. Mr. Joseph CHRISTMAS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Carlisle RICHARDSON, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. K. Alex WOODLEY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. E. Clio SOUTHWELL-STEVENS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Bonnie EDWARDS, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. Julian R. HUNTE, Minister for External Affairs, International Trade and Civil Aviation (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Anthony B. SEVERIN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Reoresentatives

Ms. Esma FRICOT. First Secretarv..I Permanent Mission Ms. Michelle JOSEPH, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Hubert EMMANUEL, Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Linda BRICE, Adviser, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. Ralph E. GONSALVES, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, served as Chairman ofthe Delegation, ex ofticio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Louis M. STRAKER, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Commerce H.E. Mrs. Margaret Hughes FERRARI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Ellsworth JOHN, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States, Washington, D.C. Mr. Lennox A. DANIEL, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Cosmus COZIER, Consul General, New York

Advisers Mr. Matthew FERRARI, Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Dawn FRANCE, Adviser Ms. Maglyn JACK, Secretary/Accounts Clerk, Permanent Mission Mr. Simms MARTIN, Fiscal Adviser


. -. . .. __ . ~~ ...... __ Mr. Glen BEACHE, Senator Mr. Glen JACKSON, Press Secretary for the Prime Minister


H.E. Mr. Tuila’epa Sailele MALIELEGAOI, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Independent State of Samoa, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Leota LU 11, Member of Parliament Mr. Aiono Mose Pouvi SUA, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade H.E. Mr. Ali’ioaiga Feturi ELISAIA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Perina J. SILA, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Angela Marie ULA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Fabio BERARDI, Ministcr for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Gian Nicola FILIPPI BALESTRA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation)

Alternate ReDresentatives Ms. EIena MOLARONI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Daniele BODINI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Mr. Dario GALASSI, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Giulia GHIRARDI, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Michela BOVI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Adviser Mr. Roberto BALSIMELLI, Consul General


H.E. Mr. Fradique DE MENEZES, Head of State of Sao Tome and Prineipe, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Reoresentatives Mr. Ovidio PEQUENO, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Mr. Domingos August0 FERREIRA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Justin0 VEIGA, Legal Adviser to the President Mr. Manuel Deus LIMA, Economic Adviser to the President Mr. Alberto Pereira NETO, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation


Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. Nizar MADANI, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.R.H. Prince Bandar Bin AL-SAUD. Ambassador to the United States of America (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.H. Prince Dr. Torki Bin Mohamed Bin Saud AL-KABIR, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs, Head, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Fawzi A. SHOBOKSHI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Yossef Terad AL-SAADOUN, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs for Economic and Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Khalid Ibrahim AL-JINDAN. Ambassador, Head, Western European Countries Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Hamad Mohammed AL-FARIS, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Abdulrahman M. GDAIA, Consul General, New York

Advisers H.E. Mr. Abdullah AL SHAYA, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jamal Hussein AQEEL, Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Saud A. AL JABRI, Minister Plenipotentiary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Osama Ahmed NUGALI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Fareed Kame1 Ahmed AZHAR, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Saleh Amer Mohammed AL KOSHAIL, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sami A. AL SALEH, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Daham Awad M. AL DAHAM, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mojahid A. WAHBI, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Adnan Ibrahim FARHAT, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mustafa I.A. MUBARAK, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdullatif H. SALLAM, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdullah A. RASHWAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Sultan Ailwihan AL ANGARI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohammed A. AL MATKAFI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sultan Abdullah AL-SAYEGH, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohammed A. AL SHABLAN, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Adwl A. BABESAILI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Esam A. AL MUHANNA, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdulaziz A. AL AKEEL I, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdullah S. AL ANAZI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Abdullah M. AL RASHEED, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Saeed H.S. AL JOMAE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Saud Saad ALOTAIBI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdulaziz M. AL BADI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Haytham H. AL MALKI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Khalid 1. AL SALLOOM, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Emad A. AL MUHANNA, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ehab M. AL NAJJAR, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Fawaz A. AL SHUBAILI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Munasser S.N. LASLOOM Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Abdulfattah A.S. EMAN, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Hussam J.A. MUKHTAR, Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohammed A. ALSAHLE, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Bader Ibrahim ALBALAWI, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

I10 Mr. Ali Saad ALKAHTNI, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Faisal Saud ALQBABNAH, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Ghazi R. ALANAZI, Attachd, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ali M. ALQAHTANI, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Anas Abdurhman ALWASEDY, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mashare Ali BENNAHEET, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hani A. ORKOBI, Attachd, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ali M. AQHTTINI, Attache, Ministry of Forcign Affairs Mr. Abdulelah A. ORKOBI, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jaedi Naif ALRAGASS, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr.Mashour R. ALHULAIFI, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Thamer Abdulrahman AL BAHOUTH, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Ahmed KATTAN, Ambassador, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Rihab MASOUD, Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Adel AL JUBEIR, Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Nail AL JUBEIR, Second Secretary, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Zaid M.Z. AL-HARBI, Vice Consul, New York Mr. Essam S. AL-GETALE, Vice Consul, New York Mr. Mohammed Sh. AL-HARBI, Vice Consul, New York Mr. Faisal A.H. AMODI, Vice Consul, New York Mr. Abdullah A.F. AL-SADOON, Vice Consul, New York H.E. Mr. Hisham AL-MARZOUKI, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sharaf AL-MOALIMI, Second Secretary H.E. Mr. Mohammed AL-TAYEB, Ambassador


S.E. M. Abdoulaye WADE, Prksident de la Rdpublique du , a exerct les fonctions de Chef de la delegation, ex officio, durant sa presence ?I la session

Reorbentants S.E. M. Cheikh Tidiane GADIO, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre des Affaires 6trangeres (Chef adjoint de la delegation) S.E. M. Paul BADJI, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et pltnipotentiaire, Representant permanent aupres des Nations Unies S.E. M. Ousmane CAMARA, Ambassadeur, Representant permanent aupres de I’Office des Nations Unies, Geneve S.E. M. Mame Balla SY, Ambassadeur en Ethiopie, Representant permanent aupres de I’Union Africaine M. Cheikh NIANG, Ministre-Conseiller, Mission permanente

Rearhsentants suualeants S.E. M. Alioune DIAGNE, Ambassadeur au Nigeria M. Cheikh Tidiane THIAM, Directeur des Affaires juridiques et consulaires, Ministere des Affaires Btrangeres M. Abdoul Aziz NDIAYE, Directeur des Organisations internationales, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres M. Mame Baba CISSE, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Malick Thierno SOW, Conseiller, Mission permanente

Conseillers S.E. M. Falilou DIALLO. Ministre. Conseiller sDecial du President de la ReDubliaue M. Babacar GAYE, Depute, President de la Commission des Affaires dtrangeres de I’Assembke Nationale S.E. M. Pierre DIOUF, Ambassadeur, Conseiller diplomatique du President de la Republique S.E. Mme Absa Claude DIALLO, Ambassadeur, Secretaire general, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres S.E. M. Mankeur NDIAYE, Ambassadeur, Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre des Affaires etrangkres S.E. M. Amadou Lamine BA, Ambassadeur aux Etats-Unis d’Amerique S.E. M. Modou DIA, Ambassadeur en Arabie Saoudite, Representant permanent auprks de I’Organisation de la Conference Islamique S.E. M. Amadou BOCOUM, Ambassadeur en lnde S.E. M. Oumar DEMBA BA, Ambassadeur, Conseiller diplomatique du President de la Rkpublique S.E. M. Abdou Salam DIALLO, Ambassadeur, Conseiller diplomatique du Premier Ministre S.E. Mme Maymouna Sy DIOP, Ambassadeur, Conseiller technique, Ministere des Affaires etrangbres M. Mamadou Mountaga GUEYE, Ministre Conseiller, Ambassade aux Etats-Unis Col. Omar Baila KANE, Attache militaire, Ambassade aux Etats-Unis d’ Amerique M. Moukhtar KOUYATE, Charge d’affaires a.i., Consulat general M. Alle NDIAYE, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Coly SECK, Conseiller technique, Ministere des Affaires etrangkres M. Aboubacar Sadikh BARRY, Conseiller technique, Ministere des Affaires etrangkres M. Arona CISSE, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Makhtar LO, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Mamadou Moustapha LOUM, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente Mme Leysa FAYE, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Dame BABOU, ChargC des Rclations publiques et de la Communication, Consulat general a New York


Representatives H.E. Mr. Vuk DRASKOVIC, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Miodrag VLAHOVIC, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Montenegro H.E. Mr. NebojSa KLUDEROVIC, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Zeljko PEROVIC, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro H.E. Mr. Ognjen PRIBICEVIC, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Ivan VUJACIC, Ambassador to the United States of America Ms. Jasna ZRNOVIC, Chief, Cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro Mr. Slobodan NENADOVIC, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Roksanda NINCIC, Minister Counsellor, Cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro Ms. Dragana IVANOVIC, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Goran ALEKSIC. Chief, Projocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Katarina LALIC-SMAJEVIC, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Veljko MILONJIC, Personal Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Ms. Tamara RASTOVAC, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


...... _ . .~ Ms. Marija ANTONIJEVIC, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Dragan MICIC, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


Reoresen ta tives H.E. Mr. Momodu KOROMA, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Mohamed L. KAMARA, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and lnternational Cooperation (Vice-chairman of the Delegation)

Alternate Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Umaru B. WURIE, Director-General, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Joe PEMAGBI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Alhaji Amadu Deen TEJAN-SIE, Ambassador to Saudi Arabia H.E. Alhaji Sulaiman TEJAN-JALLOH, High Commissioner to the United Kingdom H.E. Allieu 1. KANU, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Advisers H.E. Mr. Sylvester E. ROWE, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Ibrahim S. CONTEH, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mr. James O.C. JONAH Mr. Rupert S.D. DAVIES, Minister Counsellor, Head of Chancery, Permanent Mission Mr. Hassan M. CONTEH, Minister Counsellor, Head of Chancery, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. A.B. Sidique WAl Mr. Soulay MANA-KPUKUMU, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Victoria M. SULIMANI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission


Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. George YEO, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Vanu Gopala MENON, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaj, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Bilahari KAUSIKAN, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. TAN York Chor, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Brigadier-General LEONG Yue Kheong, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission

Alternate Reoresentatives Ms. Juniper LIM Lian See, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Catherine WONG, Special Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Syed Muhammad RAZIFF Aljunied, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Jo-Phie TANG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Melissa WONG, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

1 I3 Advisers Ms. Yvonne OW, Assistant Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. ONG Yen Cheng, Assistant Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Sharon CHAN, First Secretary, Embassy, Berlin Mr. Charles CREW, Assistant Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Danielle YEOW, State Counsel, Chambers of the Attorney General Mr. KOH Peng Chong, Deputy Director, Ministry of Defence Ms. LA1 Wei Lin, Deputy Director, Ministry of National Development Ms. NG Hwei Min, Deputy Director, Ministry of Manpower Mr. TAN Hwa Joo, Aide, Ministry of Home Affairs


H.E. Mr. Ivan GASPAROVIC, President of the Slovak Republic, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Reoresenta tives H.E. Mr. Eduard KUKAN, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Ms. Klta NOVOTNA, Ambassador, Charge d’affaires a.i., Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Juraj MACHAC, Director-General, Department of International Organizations and Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Igor GREXA, Director-General, Department of Legal and Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. MaroS SEFCOVIC, Director-General, European Union Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Peter LIZAK, Chef de Cabinet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Oksana TOMOVA, Director, United Nations Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Peter BURIAN, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Milan LAJCIAK, Director, Foreign Policy Bureau, Office of the President

Advisers Mr. Karol MISTRfK, Director, Bureau of Arms Control and Disarmament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Eubomir REHAK, Common Foreign and Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Juraj KUBLA, Human Rights Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Lenka MIHALIKOVA, United Nations Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Michal MLYNAR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Andrej DROBA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Metod SPACEK, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Denisa HUT’ANOVA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Kamil SMETANA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Peter HARMANOVSKY, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Roman LACKOVIC, Lieutenant Colonel, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission

Exoerts Mr. DuSan ROZBORA, Director, Office of Protocol, Office of the President Mr. Marek TRUBAC, Spokesperson, Office of the President Ms. Cubica STVRTECKA, Office of Protocol, Ofice of the President SLOVENIA

H.E. Mr. Janez DRNOVSEK, President of the Republic of Slovenia, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Ivo VAJGL, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Roman KIRN. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Matjai KOVACIC, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Sanja STIGLIC, Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Eva TOMIC, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission

Alternate ReDresentatives Ms. Marjeta BOLE, Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Mirjam SKRK, Member, Constitutional Court Ms. Ondina BLOKAR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Andrej MEDICA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Aljai ARIH, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Simon KONOBELJ, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Valentina FLANDER, Head, Office of the President Ms. Melita GABRIC, MA, Counsellor to the President Ms. Miriam Teresa MOTGAN, Counsellor to the President Ms. Anja BAKER, Assistant to the Secretary-General, Office of the President Mr. Drago KOK, Assistant to the Secretary-General, Office of the President Mr. Franc MIKSA, MA, Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Mary Veronika TOVSAK, First Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Jasna LHOTKA, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Igor JUKIC, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Matej MAW, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Polona MRVAR, AttachC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Laurie CHAN, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Johnson KOLI, Member of Parliament (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Daniel BULA, Member of Parliament H.E. Mr. Jeffrey TEAVA, Member of Parliament Mr. Colin BECK, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. Joseph MA’ AHANUA, Deputy Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Vanessa KENILOREA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission

Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Ahmed Abdi HASHI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Mohamed Ahmed ABDI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Ahmed Botan DHAKKAR. Senior Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohamed Ahmed ALI, Adviser, Permanent Mission


Rearesentatives H.E. Ms. Nkosazana Clarice DLAMINI ZUMA, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairperson of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Dumisani Shadrack KUMALO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate ReDresentatives Mr. Ayanda NTSALUBA, Director-General, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sipho George NENE, Deputy Director-General, Department of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Ms. Lerato Cecilia PHALATSE, Deputy Director-General, Office of the President Mr. Mafison MOROBE, Deputy Director-General, Communications, Office of the President H.E. Ms. Barbara Joyce Mosima MASEKELA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America H.E. Ms. Glaudine MTSHALI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Billy Isaac LETSHABO MODISE, Chief of State Protocol, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Mojankunyane Florence GUMBI, Legal Adviser, Office of the President Mr. Magashe Titus MAFOLO, Political Adviser, Office of the President Mr. Bridgeman KHUMALO, Spokesperson, Office of the President Mr. Molapyane Ronald MAMOEPA, Chief Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Joyce TSHONGOYI, Assistant Director, Protocol, Office of the President Ms. Mandisa MAYINJE, Secretary, Office of the President Ms. Mogatladi Raesibe MOGANO, Assistant Private Secretary, Office of the President Mr. Amos Mandlenkosi SIBANYONI, Presidential Aide, Office of the President Ms. Johanna Gertruida Susanna DE WET, Chief State Law Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Albertus Jacobus HOFFMANN, Chief Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Michael Khethla KABAI, Assistant State Law Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Steven MATHATE, Assistant State Law Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Nogolide Feziwe NOJOZI, Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Elizabeth Margaretha Johanna STEYN, Deputy Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pitso MONTWEDI, Deputy Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Barend Jacobus LOMBARD, Deputy Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sheldon Clive MOULTON, Deputy Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Marthinus Christoffel Johannes VAN SCHALKWYK, Deputy Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Bulelwa KIVA, Assistant Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Rebaone Jane KOBUE, Assistant Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Thomas Avhapfani RAMBAU, Assistant Director, Dcpartmcnt of Foreign Affairs

116 Ms. Anna-Maria Tembeka JOJOZI, Assistant Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. James George PATERSON, Assistant Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Ms. Eleanor Lephina KHANYILE, Chief Foreign Affairs Assistant, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Leslie GUMBI, Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Henri Stephan RAUBENHEIMER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Xolisa Mfkndiso MABHONGO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission MI. Sipho Petrus BLOSE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Rowland HOPLEY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Ncumisa Pamella NOTUTELA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Bongiwe QWABE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Sabelo Sivuyile MAQUNGO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Peter Alexander LE ROUX, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Patrick KRAPPIE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Luvuyo Lonsdale NDIMENI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Linda MASO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Zaheer LAHER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Andries Johannes OOSTHUTZEN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Karen LOCK, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Simon Andrew CARDY, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Laura JOYCE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Laoura LAZOURAS, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Kwena Wendy SEGOBA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


S.E. Sr. Jose Luis RODRfGUEZ ZAPATERO, Presidente del Gobierno de Espaiia, ejercib las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacibn, ex officio, durante su asistencia al period0 de sesiones

ReDreSentanteS S.E. Sr. Miguel Angel MORATINOS CUYAUBE, Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores y de Coo~eracibn(Jefe de la Delegacibn) S.E.'Sr. Juan Antonio YAREZ-BARNUEVO, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Bernardino LEON GROSS, Secretario de Estado de Asuntos Exteriores y para Iberoamerica, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion S.E. Sra. Leire PAJiN IRAOLA, Secretaria de Estado de Cooperacibn Internacional, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacibn S.E. Sr. Rafael DEZCALLAR DE MAZARREDO, Director General de Politica Exterior, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacibn

SuDlentes S.E. Sr. higo DE PALACIO ESPAfiA, Embajador, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. Arturo LACLAUSTRA BELTaN, Director General de Asuntos lnternacionales de Terrorismo, Naciones Unidas y Organismos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperacion , Sr. Javier DE SANCHO VELAZQUEZ, Director del Gabinete del Sr. Ministro, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Copperacibn Sr. Alvaro IRANZO GUTIERREZ, Director General de Politica Exterior para el Mediterrhneo, Oriente Prbximo y Africa, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacibn Sr. Javier SANDOMINGO NmEZ, Director General de Polltica Exterior para Iberoamerica, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacibn

117 Conseieros Sr. Emilio FERNANDEZ-CASTAfiO Y DIAZ CANEJA, Director General de Relaciones Econ6micas Internacionales, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion Sra. Aurora DfAZ-RAT0 REVUELTA, Directora General de Cooperacibn con IberoamCrica, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion Sra. Carmen FONTES MmOZ, Directora General de Comunicacion Exterior, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacidn S.E. Sr. Arturo SPIEGELBERG, Embajador en Mision Especial para Operaciones de Mantenimiento de la Paz, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperaci6n Sr. Gerard0 A. BUGALLO OITONE, Delegado ante la Conferencia de Desarme, Misi6n Permanente, Ginebra Sr. Julio GONZALEZ CAMPOS, Catedrhtico Emkrito de Derecho Internacional, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Sr. Juan Manuel GONZALEZ DE LINARES PALOU, Subdirector General de Naciones Unidas, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperaci6n Sr. JosC Antonio DE ORY, Director de la Oficina de Derechos Humanos, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperaci6n Sra. Concepci6n ESCOBAR, Directora de la Asesoria Juridica Internacional, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperaci6n Sr. Enrique MORA BENAVENTE, Subdirector General de Politica Exterior y de Seguridad Comun, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion Sra. Susana CAMARA, Directora Adjunta de la Oficina de Derechos Humanos, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperaci6n Sra. BegoAa QUESADA TOCINO, Vocal Asesor, Gabinete del Sr. Ministro, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperaci6n Sr. Tomes RODRIGUEZ-PANTOJA, Vocal Asesor, Direcci6n General de Asuntos lnternacionales de Terrorismo, Naciones Unidas y Organismos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion Sr. Jose RIERA, Vocal Asesor, Secretaria General de Asuntos lntemacionales de Desarme, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion Sr. Federico TORRES MURO, Vocal Asesor, Gabinete del Secretario de Estado de Asuntos Exteriores y para Ibe,roamirica, Minjsterio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion Sr. Roman OYARZUN MARCHESI, Ministro Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Gabriel DE LA CRUZ CARAVACA, Consejero de Defensa, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Jorge ROMEU GONZALEZ-BARROS. Consejero, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Alfonso BARNUEVO, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Javier GARCfA DE VIEDMA, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Gonzalo Maria QUINTERO SARAVIA, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sra. Caridad BATALLA JUNCO, Consejera, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Francisco Luis MONEDERO, Consejero de Defensa Adjunto, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Paloma DUILiN LALAGUNA, Consejera Tkcnica de Asuntos Sociales, Misibn Permanente Sr. Francisco BARRIOS, Consejero Comercial, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Arturo RELANZON SANCHEZ-GABRIEL, Consejero, Mision Permanente Sr. Joaquin ARISTEGUI, Consejero, Mision Permanente, Ginebra Sr. JosC Miguel ADAN CARMONA, Jefe de la Unidad de Enlace con la Intervencion de la Seguridad Social, Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda Sr. Joaquin SOTO GUINDA, Inspector de Servicios, Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda Sr. Rafael MUROZ LOPEZ-CARMONA, Inspector de Servicios, Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda Sr. Javier F. PARAMIO FERNANDEZ, Inspector de Servicios, Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda Sr. Daniel SOTO GURPIDE, primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. David CARRIED0 TOMAS, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Pablo SANZ LOPEZ, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Ana JIMENEZ DE LA HOZ, Primera Secretaria, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Gabriel CREMADES VENTURA, Primer Secretario, Mision Pcrmanente

I I8

. . . I . . ._.I- I_ ...... _I_ - Sr. Javier COLOMINA PIRIZ, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Isabel PIQUER, Jefa de Prensa del Secretario de Estado para la Uni6n Europea, Ministerio de Asuntos Extefiores y de Cooperacidn Sr. Gonzalo ALVAREZ GARRIDO, Jefe de Area, Subdireccion General de Naciones Unidas, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperaci6n Sr. Jose Luis GONZALEZ GARCIA, Jefe de Servicio, Direcci6n General de Comunicacion Exterior, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion Sr. Antonio GARCiA ROGER, Jefe de Servicio, Oficina dc Derechos Humanos, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperacion Sr. Rafael OSORIO DE REBELLON VILLAR, Jefe de Servicio, Subdireccion General de Naciones Unidas, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperaci6n


H.E. Ms. Chandrika Bandaranaike KUMARATUNGA, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of , served as Chairperson of the Delegation, ex officio, during her presence at the session

ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. P.C., M.P., Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. , M.P., Minister for Industry, Tourism and Investment Promotion H.E. B.A.B. GOONETILLEKE, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Acting Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Jayantha DHANAPALA, Secretary-General, Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process, Senior Adviser to the President

Alternate ReDresentatives Mr. W.J.S. KARUNARATNE, Secretary to the President H.E. Ms. Sarala FERNANDO, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva H.E. Mr. A.R. PERERA, PC, Ambassador, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Ranjith UYANGODA, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. V. PADUKKAGE, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Advisers H.E. Mr. Betty Premalal DISSANAYAKE, Chief Minister, North Central Province Dr. , M.P., Deputy Minister for Healthcare, Nutrition and Uva Wellassa Development H.E. Mr. , M.P., Deputy Minister for Ports and Aviation Ms. K. SENEVIRATNE, Deputy High Commissioner, High Commission of Sri Lanka, London Mr. R.K.W. GUNASEKERA, Chancellor, , Member, Advisory Committee for Constitutional Reforms Ms. Manel ABECYSEKERA, President, Consortium Sri Lanka Women’s Conference Mr. H.W. PEIRIS, Spokesman for the President, Director-General of the Ministry of Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconciliation Mr. Eric FERNANDO, Director-General, Medial and Policy Research Unit for the President Mr. L.R.A. PERERA, Assistant Secretary to the President Ms. Yasoja GUNASEKERA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Piyaratne SILVA, Consultant, Permanent Mission Mr. M.R.K. LENAGALA, Assistant Director, Personal Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

119 Ms. Mahishini COLONNE, Assistant Director, United Nations and Multilateral Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Varuni HEWAVITHARANA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Thushara RODRIGO, Assistant Director, United Nations and Multilateral Affairs Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Mustafa Osman ISMAIL, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Elfatih Mohamed Ahmed ERWA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Omer Bashir Mohamed MANIS, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Nasreldin Ahmed WALI, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Mr. Yassir Abdalla ABDELSALAM, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission

Alternate Rearesentatives Mr. Siddig Mohamed ABDALLA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Ilham lbrahim Mohamed AHMED, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Anas Eltayeb Elgailani MUSTAFA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Hassan Hamid HASSAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Abbas Mohamed Bakhit ELHAG, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers H.E. Mr. Awad Mohamed HASSAN, Ambassador, Director, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Khidir Haroun AHMED, Ambassador, Char@ d’affaires, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Alamin Mohamed AHMED, Director, Expenditure, Ministry of Finance Mr. Abdelmonem Osman Mohamed TAHA, Advisory Council for Human Rights Mr. Elhadi Siddig ALI, Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Badreldin Hassan Abdelhakam SAAD, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Awad Elkarim Elrayah BALLAH, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rida Hussein Alata OSMAN, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Maymoona Ahmed KHALID, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohamed Mustafa Mohamed AHMED, Administrative Attache, Permanent Mission Mr. Yousif Saeed Adam ISMAIL, Administrative Attache, Permanent Mission


Reoresentatives H.E. Ms. Maria E. LEVENS, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairperson of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Ewald W. LlMON, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Meriam A. MaclNTOSH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Jeanelle VAN GLAANEN WEYGEL, Head, Division of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Terence R. CRAIG, Head, Americas Division. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Rearesentatives Ms. Nalinie S.D. SEWPERSADSINGH, Official, Division of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

120 Mrs. Juliette REDMAN-KASMIN, Offtcial, Division of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Nicole S. HEW-A-KEE, Official, Division of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Consuela M. WIJNHARD-PIQUE, Official, Division of Asia, Africa and Oceania, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Adviser Mrs. Kortensia M. SUMTER-GRIFFITH, Policy Adviser of the Minister for Foreign Affairs


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Albert H.N. SHABANGU, Deputy Prime Minister (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Mabili D. DLAMINI, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Hon. MP Vulindlela MSIBI, Member of Parliament Mr. Sandile CEKO, Secretary to Cabinet H.E. Mr. Clifford S. MAMBA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Bremer NXUMALO, Chief of Protocol H.E. Mrs. Mary KANYA, Ambassador, Embassy, Washington, D.C. Mr. Joel M. NHLEKO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Sibongile G. DLAMINI, First Secretary, Information, Permanent Mission Mr. Mbongeni SIMELANE, Private Secretary Mr. Vulindlela Simphiwe KUNENE, Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs


H.E. Mr. G6ran PERSSON, Prime Minister of Sweden, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex oficio, during his presence at the session

ReDresentatives H.E. Ms. Laila FREIVALDS, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Vice-Chairperson of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Anders LIDEN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation)

Alternate ReDresentatives Mr. Lars DANIELSSON, State Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister Mr. Carl Henrik EHRENKRONA, Director-General for Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Olof SKOOG, Director-General for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Helen EDUARDS, Director, Foreign Policy Adviser, Office of the Prime Minister Mr. Jan LARSSON, Head, Press Department, Office of the Prime Minister

Soecial Advisers Ms. Maud OLOFSSON, Member of Parliament Mr. Fredrik REINFELDT, Member of Parliament Mr. Bo KONBERG, Member of Parliament Mr. Per ROSENGREN. Member of Parliament

121 Mr. Claes ROXBERGH, Member of Parliament Mr. Erling WALIVAARA, Member of Parliament Ms. Carin LUNDBERG, Member of Parliament Mr. Johan LOFSTRAND, Member of Parliament Mr. Lennart HEDQUIST, Member of Parliament Ms. Anita JONSSON, Member of Parliament Mr. Kaj NORDQVIST, Member of Parliament

Senior Advisers Mr. Hans LUNDBORG, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Anders OLJELUND, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jan KNUTSSON, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Ms. Elisabeth Borsiin BONNIER, Ambassador, Permanent Mission, Geneva H.E. Mr. Lennarth HJELMAKER, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Bosse HEDBERG, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Ms. Ulla STROM, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Ragnar ANGEBY, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Magnus HELLGREN, Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Ulrika SUNDBERG, Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Ulrika CRONENBERG-MOSSBERG, Minister, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Stefan AMER, Political Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Anders HAGQUIST, Press Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Harald FRIES, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Stefan EMBLAD, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Dorrit ALOPAEUS-STAHL, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Anna-Karin ENESTROM, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Colonel Sverker ULVING, Counsellor, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Hikan THELIN, Counsellor, Civilian Police Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Georg ANDREN, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Susanne JACOBSSON, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Eva TOBISSON, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Prudence WOODFORD-BERGER, Special Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Bengt-Gunnar HERRSTROM, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Carina MARTENSSON, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Christoffer BERG, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Carola THAM, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Niklas HEDMAN, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Erik LINDFORS, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ingemar SUNDQUIST, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mats J. ABERG, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Amalia GARCIA-THARN, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mattias LENTZ, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Signe BURGSTALLER, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andreas von BECKERATH, European Correspondent, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Annika THUNBORG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Annelie ALMKVIST, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Jessica OLAUSSON, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Karin OHMAN, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jonas WESTERLUND, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jorgen PERSON, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Viktoria LI, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mikael STAHL, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Gabriella FREDRIKSSON, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Alireza JAVAHERI, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


___I ... ._...... _.I...... ~. _--._I_ ~. ..- Ms. Ulrika GRANDIN, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Anna WRANGE, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hilding LUNDKVIST, Desk Ofticer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Lars BENGTSSON, Representative, Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees Mr. Alexander GABELIC, Representative, Swedish United Nations Confederation Mr. Leif HAKANSSON, Representative, Swedish Trade Union Confederation Mr. Anders YDSTEDT, Representative, Swedish Enterprise Confederation Mr. Adam AXELSSON, Representative, National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations Mr. Pelle ENARSSON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Urban ANDERSON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Carl Magnus NESSER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Sophie Belfrage BECKER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Katarina FRIED, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Joakim VAVERKA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Andreas von UEXKULL, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Jerzy MAKAROWSKI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Staffan EKLOF, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Christina BAGE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Helena JOSEFSON, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Sara LINDEGREN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Kristian SETH, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission


S.E. M. Joseph DEISS, President de la Confederation suisse, a exerc6 les fonctions de Chef de la delegation, ex ofticio, durant sa presence I la session

Reoresentants S.E. Mme Micheline CALMY-REY, Ministre des Affaires Ctrangeres, Conseillere fkderale (Chef de la delegation) S.E. M. Peter MAURER, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent auprks de I’Organisation des Nations Unies S.E. M. Ulrich LEHNER, Ambassadeur, Chef de la Division politique 111, DBpartement federal des affaires etrangeres M. Andreas BAUM, Ministre, Representant permanent adjoint aupres de I’Organisation des Nations Unies

Reorbsentants suoaldants M. Olivier CHAVE, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Jiirg LAUBER, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Jean-Robert MORET, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Andrea SEMADENI, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Rudolf CHRISTEN, Conseiller, Mission permanente

Conseillers S.E. M. Blaise GODET, Ambassadeur, Chef de la Direction politique, Departement federal des affaircs etrangeres S.E. M. Urs ZISWILER, Ambassadeur, Conseiller diplomatique du Chef du Departement federal des affaires Btrangeres S.E. M. Paul SEGER, Ambassadeur, Directeur de la Direction du droit international public, Departement federal des affaires etrangeres S.E. M. Christian FAESSLER, Ambassadeur, Representant permanent adjoint, Mission permanente aupres des organisations internationales, Genbve

123 M. Jean-Daniel VIGNY, Ministre, Division multilaterale, Mission permanente auprks des organisations internationales, Genkve Mme Monika RUEHL BURZI, Collaboratrice personnelle du Chef du Departement federal de I’economie M. Manuel SAGER, Chef d’information, Communication, Secretariat general, Departement federal de I’6conomie M. JOrg LINDENMANN, Jurisconsulte adjoint, Direction du droit international public, Dtpartement federal des affaires etrangkres M. Matthias HALTER, Etat major general, Section de la maitrise globale des armements et du ddsarmement, DCpartement federal de la defense, de la protection de la population et des sports M. Rene HAUG, Conseiller militaire, Mission permanente auprks des organisations internationales, Genbve M. Tiziano BALMELLI, DCveloppement du droit international, Direction du droit international public, Ddpartement federal des affaires ttrangeres Mme Sabrina DALLAFIOR, Centre de Politique de SecuritC internationale, Departement federal des affaires etrangeres M. Lukas ROSENKRANZ, Centre de Politique de SCcurite internationale, Departement federal des affaires Ctrangeres M.Thomas STAEHLI, Coordination avec I’Organisation des Nations Unies, Division politique 111, Wpartement federal des affaires etrangeres Mme Natalie ERARD, Secretariat d’Etat a I’economie, Departement federal de I’economie Mme Sabina VIGANI, Division politique IV, SCcurite humaine, Departernent federal des affaires Ctrangkres M. Gerald PACHOUD, Division politique IV, Securite humaine, DCpartement federal des affaires Ctrangeres M. Maurus ACHERMANN, Representant de la Jeunesse M. Stefan0 TOSCANO, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Daniel FRANK, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente Mme Anja ZOBRIST, Premier Secretaire, Mission pennanente M. Frank GRUETTER, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Marc-Alain STRITT, Premier Secretaire, Mission permanente Mme Nicole RUDER, Deuxieme SecrCtaire, Mission permanente Mme Natalie KOHLI, Deuxieme Secretaire, Mission permanente Mme Rachel GROUX, Deuxikme Secretaire, Mission permanente Mme Martina DONLON-VOLPE, Deuxikme Secretaire, Mission permanente M. Philippe FLUECK, Troisikme Secretaire, Mission permanente


Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. Farouk AL-SHAM’, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Walid AL-MOUALEM.... Deputy Minister for Foreign- Affairs. Ministrv of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Fayssal MEKDAD, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Bashar JAAFARI, Director, International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Imad MOUSTAPHA, Ambassador to the United States of America

Alternate Representatives Mr. Ayman SUSAN, Director, Office of the Foreign Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Milad ATIEH, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Ahmad ALHARIRI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission


.” ...... Mr. Bassam SABAGH, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Louay FALLOUH, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Mhd. Najib ELJI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Rania AL HAJ ALI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Haydar ALI AHMAD, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohammed HAJ IBRAHIM, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Hussein SABBAGH, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Samir OBEIDO, Attache, Permanent Mission Ms. Layla AL-BABA, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Nael MAHROUS, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hassan ZAKARIA, Attache, Office of the Minister Ms. Rasha AL-SHAM’, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Shadi BARAKAT, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Syria


Representatives H.E. Mr. Talbak NAZAROV, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Rashid ALIMOV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Nuriddin SHAMSOV, Head, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Khamrokhon ZARIPOV, Ambassador to the United States of America Mr. Khomidjon NAZAROV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Firdavs ALIMOV, AttachB, Permanent Mission Ms. Lyudmila LAPSHINA, Adviser, Permanent Mission

EXDertS Mr. Dmitrv SHUTOV. Exoert Mr. Phil SOWERS, Exper; Mr. Vladimir IVASHKOV, Expert Mr. Boris KANDOV, Expert


ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Surakiart SATHIRATHAI, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Sorajak KASEMSUVAN, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Pracha GUNA-KASEM, Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Krit GARNJANA-GOONCHORN, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Khunying Laxanachantorn LAOHAPHAN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Kasit PIROMYA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America

I25 H.E. Mr. Chaiyong SATJIPANON, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Pisan MANAWAPAT, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sihasak PHUANGKETKEOW, Director-General, Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kittiphong Na RANONG, Director-General, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Chumphorn PACHUSANOND, Adivser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Yongyuth MAYALARP, Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mrs. Asha DVITIYANANDA, Director-General, Department of European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Nongnuth PHETCHARATANA, Director-General, Department of American and South Pacific Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Noppadon THEPPITAK, Director-General, Department of South Asian, Middle East and African Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pravit CHAIMONGKOL, Minister, Permanent Mission Mr. Vitavas SRIVIHOK, Director, Office of Policy and Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Manasvi SRISODAPOL, Deputy Director-General, Department of ASEAN Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ittiporn BOONPRACONG, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Biravij SUWANPRADHES, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Colonel Sakda SANGSNIT, Minister Counsellor/Military Advisor, Permanent Mission Pol.Col. Rakjit MORMONGKOL, Police Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Piriya KHEMPON, Chief of Staff, Office of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Manopchai VONGPHAKDI, Director, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sek WANNAMETHEE. SDeechwriter of the Minister for Foreign- Affairs. Office of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sarun CHAROENSUWAN, Director, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Bhakavat TANSKUL, Minister Counsellor, Office of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Somsak TRIAMJANGARUN, Counsellor, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Varaporn PHUANGKETKEOW, Counsellor, Department of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Pornpan BUAKIRD, Counsellor, Department of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jakkrit SRIVALI, Counsellor, Department of International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Suriya CHINDAWONGSE, Counsellor, Department of ASEAN Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Poowadol WEERAWEDPHISAI, Counsellor, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Phantipha IAMSUDHA, Counsellor, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Morakot SRISWAS, First Secretary, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tanee SANGRAT, First Secretary, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Chittipat TONGPRASROETH, First Secretary, Office of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vosita VORASAPH, First Secretary, Office of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Wanalee LOHPECHRA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Pirawat ATSAVAPRANEE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

126 Mr. Tull 'TRISORAT. First Secretar).. Permanent Minsicln Mr. Bolbongse VANGPHAEN, First Secretary, Office ofthe Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Pensom LERTSITHICHAI, First Secretary, Department of South Asian, Middle East and African Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Phuchphop MONGKOLNAVIN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Kudatara NAGAVIROJ, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Pol. Capt. Supasak POREEYANONT, Police Of€icer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jak SANGCHAI, Second Secretary, Office of Policy and Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rutchabhoom BOONRAWD, Second Secretary, Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Nantaporn LAOBOONCHAROEN, Second Secretary, Department of South Asian, Middle East and African Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jeerasak POMSUWAN, Second Secretary, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lt. Jitlada SUCHITT, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kosol SATITHAMMAJIT, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Wajanai Snidvongs Na AYUDDHYA, Third Secretary, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Pakprapai THONTIRAVONG, Third Secretary, Department of International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kriengsak VICHITJAROON, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representatives H.E. Ms. Ilinka MITREVA, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairperson of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. lgor DZUNDEV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Ms. Santa ARGIROVA, State Counsellor, Chief, Cabinet of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Jon IVANOVSKI, Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ms. Svetlana GELEVA, Head of Sector, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Rearesentatives Mr. Jani BOGOEVSKI, Head of Sector, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Goran STEVCEVSKI, Deputy Head of Sector, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Elizabeta GJORGIEVA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Penelopa GJURCILOVA, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Tanja DINEVSKA, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representatives H.E. Dr. Jose RAMOS-HORTA, Sefior Minister and Minister for Foreign Affaire and Cooperation H.E. Mr. Jose Luis GUTERFES, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. Marciano Octavio Garcia DA SILVA, Director of Multilateral Affaire Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Mr. Joao Freitas DE CAMARA, Director of Legal and Treaties Dir'cctnrate. Mlnistry of !-ol-eign Affairs and Cooperation Ms. Natercia Coelho DA SILVA, First Secrtary, Permanent Mission Ms. Sofia BORGES, Adviser, Permanent Mission

Advisers Ms. Janelle SAFFIN, Senior Policy Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooueration Ms. Chaterine ANDERSON, Technical Adviser on Human Rights 'Treaty Reporting, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Mr. Juan FEDERER, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation


Renresentants S.E. M. Biossey Kokou TOZOUN, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation (Chefde la delegation) M. Gnoukouya ASSIMA, Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation (Chef adjoint de la delegation) M. Kodjo MENAN, Premier Conseiller, Charge d'Affaires a.i., Mission permanente M. Tchabode Sebabe ADJAGBA, Attache de Cabinet du Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de 12 Cooperation M. Komi SOULE, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation

Renresentants suoolkants M. Ruben Komi DOGBE, Chef, Division des Privileges et Immunites, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Coop6ration M. Simwaba AWESSO, Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Akovi Kotoe AGBODJAN-PRINCE, Ministre plknipotentiaire, Ministere des Affaires etrangkres et de la Cooperation M. Tossou Adomaya ADO, Conseiller des Affaires etrangeres, Ministere des Affaires etrangeres et de la Cooperation

Conseiller M. Mbalembou Hodabalo PATO, Deuxieme Secretaire, Mission permanente


Rewesentative H.E. Mr. Sonatane Tu'a Taumoepeau TUPOU, Minister for Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representatives Mr. Mahe TUPOUNIUA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Charge d'Affaires a.i Mrs. Alisi MALOLO, First Secretary Ms. llaisipa ALIPATE, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO

H.E. Mr. Patrick MANNING, Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Knowlson GIFT, Senator, Minister for Foreign Affairs I I.E. Ms. Hazel MANNING, Senator, Minister for Education H.E. Ms. Joan Yuille WILLIAMS, Senator, Minister for Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs H.E. Ms. Camille ROBINSON-REGIS, Minister for Planning and Development H.E. Philip SEALY, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. Anthony David EDGHILL, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Rajiv RAMLAL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Gaile Ann RAMOUTAR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Harold ROBERTSON, Consul General, New York Ms. Marcia RAMPERSAD, Foreign Service Officer 1, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Ms. Kathy RADOO, Foreign Service Officer I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Barry ISHMAEL, Foreign Service Officer I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representants S.E. M. Habib BENYAHIA. Minislre des Affaires Btraneeres (Chef de la dCICgation) I - S.E. M. Ali HACHANI, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire, Representant permanent aupres de I’Organisation des Nations Unies (Chef de la Delegation en I’absence de Monsieur le Ministre des Affaires etrangeres) M. Raouf SAID, Directeur General, Organisations et Conferences internationales, Ministeres des Affaires ktrangeres S.E. M. Slaheddine JEMMALI, Ambassadeur, Representant permanent pres de la Ligue des Etats arabes, Caire M. Habib LAOUTI, Directeur, Organisation des Nations Unies et des Conferences intemationales, Ministere des Affaires Btrangeres

Representants su~pleants S.E. M. Harem ATALLAH, Ambassadeur a Washington S.E. M. Ghazi JOMMAA, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Mission permanente M. Mohamed Samir KOUBAA, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Mission permanente M. Mohamed Fadhel AYARI, Conseiller, Mission permanente Mme Rafla M’RABET, Conseiller, Mission permanente

Conseillers speciaux M. Kaies KABTANI, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Abdelhamid GHARBI, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Jalel SNOUSSI, Conseiller, Mission permanente M. Anouar BEN YOUSSEF, Premier secretaire, Mission permanente M. Nouredine KACEM, Premier sewetaire, Mission permanente M. Habib LOUZIR, Attache, Mission permanente M. Fethi DHAOUI, Attache, Mission permanente


Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Abdullah GUL, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Umit PAMIR, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Faruk LOGOGLU, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America H.E. Mr. Alev KILIC, Ambassador, Deputy Under-Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Osman KORUTURK, Ambassador, Government Special Representative for Iraq

Alternate Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Ertugrul APAKAN, Ambassador, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Tahsyn BURCUOGLU, Ambassador, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Altay CENGIZER, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Ertan TEZGOR, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Ms. Suna ILICAK, Deputy Director-General. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Reha KESKINTEPE, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Giircan TURKOGLU, Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Tunp UGDUL, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Namik TAN, Spokesperson, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Metin TOKEL, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Cihan TERZI, Financial Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Ersin ERGIN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Omer ONHON, Consul General, New York Mr. Kerim URAS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Sevki MUTEVELLIOGLU, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Omer GUCUK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Mehmet SAMSAR, Chief of Cabinet to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ali SARIKAYA, Consultant, Office of the Prime Minister Ms. Damla Yeaim SAY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Cagatay ERCIYES, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Hakan TEKIN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Berris EKINCI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mustafa Levent BILGEN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Emine Gdkpen TUGRAL, Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Umut TOPCUOGLU, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Rashid MEREDOV, Deputy Chairman, Cabinet of Ministers, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation)


...... ,- . . .. . -~ H.E. Mrs. Aksoltan ATAEVA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Essen AIDOGDYEV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. Maatia TOAFA, Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Tuvalu, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Tine LEUELU, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Enele S. SOPOAGA. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Minute TAUPO, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Advisers Mrs. Salilo ENELE, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mrs. Seleta K. TAUPO, Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. Jeremy OVIA, Adviser, Permanent Mission Ms. Susana M.TAUPO, Adviser, Permanent Mission


Representatives H.E. Mr. Tom R. BUTIME, MP, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs (International Affairs)/Holding portfolio of Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Julius B. ONEN, Ambassador, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Francis K. BUTAGIRA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. James MUGUME, Ambassador, Director, International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Charles W.G. WAGABA, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Fred BEYENDEZA, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mrs. Rossette Nyirinkindi KATUNGYE, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Norah L. KATABARWA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Francis MUMBEY-WAFULA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Catherine OTITI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Asaba AMOOTI-WINYI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representatives H.E. Mr. Kostyantyn-- GRYSHCHENKO, Minister for Foreign- Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Stanislav STASHEVSKYI, Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, Parliament

131 Mr. Valentyn NALYVAICHENKO, Deputy Foreign Minister Mr. Markiyan KULYK, Head, Department of United Nations and other international organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Leonid HUBERSKY, Director, National University, Institute of International Relations

Alternate Representatives Mr. Markiian LUBKIVSKYI, Head, Press Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hennadii NADOLENKO, Head, Information Policy DepartmentrMinistry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yurii KLYMENKO, Head, Fourth Territorial Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vasyl FILIPCHUK, Deputy Head, Political Analyses and Planning Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Danylo LUBKIVSKY, Counsellor, Office of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Ruslan NIMCHYNSKYI, Chief of Sector, Arms Control and Military and Technical Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Olha CHUBRYKOVA, Second Secretary, Office of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Oksana NATOCHIY, Leading Specialist, Office of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representatives H.E. Mr. Rashid Abdullah AL-NOAIMI, Minister for Foreign- Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Saif Saeed Bin Saed AL-SUWAIDI, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Tariq Ahmed AL-HAIDAN, Assistant Under-Secretary for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Ahmed Abdul Rahman AL-JARMAN, Assistant Under-Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz Nasser AL-SHAMSI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Ali Mohammad Ali AL-JUWAIED, Director, Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Mohammad Jassim SAMHAN, Member, Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Essa Abdulla Al Basha AL-NOAIMI, Ambassador to the Republic of Sudan H.E. Mr. Rahma Husain R. AL-ZAABI, Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom ofJordan H.E. Mr. Yacub Yousif H. AL-HOSANI, Director, International Organizations and Conferences Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Hamad Hareb AL-HABSI. Minister PleniDotentiarv, Permanent Mission Mr. Hamad Mohammed S. AL HADID, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ali Mohammed H.H. AL SUWAIDI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Salim Mohammed S. AL SHAMSI, First Secretary, Embassy, , Sudan Mr. Khalifa Saif H. AL TUNAIJI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdulla Mohammed S. ABOOD, First Secretary, Embassy, Amman, Jordan Mr. Mohammed Mana S. AL-OTAIBA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Sheikha Najla Mohd Bin Salem AL QASSIMI, Third Secretary, Deputy Director, Office of the Under-Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Salim Ibrahim Ahmed M. AL-NAQBI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Mohamed Obaid S.A. AI Kattam AL ZAABI, Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ismaeil Humaidi AI Herdah AL-ZAABI, Third Secretary. Embassy, , Turkey Mr. Saeed Rashed S. Alwan AL-HEBSI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission


...... ~- . .__lll_ Mr. Saeed Muhayer Baqhit Mohamed Al.-KETRI, AttachC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ahmed Alhay Hamad Khamis AL-HAMELI, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdulla Mohammed A. Fadel AL-NUAIMI, Attacht, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohamed Issa Hamed ABUSHAHAB, AttachC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representatives H.E. Mr. Jack STRAW, MP, Secretary of State (Chairman of the Delegation) Baroness SYMONS, Minister OF State H.E. Mr. Bill RAMMELL, MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State H.E. Sir , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Adam THOMSON, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. Julian KING. Political Counsellor Mr. Nigel SHEINWALD, Foreign Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister Mr. John SAWERS, Political Director Mr. James BEVAN, Director Africa Mr. Michael O’NEILL. ECOSOC Counsellor

Advisers Mr. Huw LLEWELLYN, Legal Counsellor Ms. Liz GALVEZ, Finance Counsellor Mr. Mike BALMER, Management Counsellor Ms. Grace CASSY, PS/Foreign Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister Mr. Geoffrey ADAMS, Private Secretary to Mr. Straw Ms. Kara OWEN, Private Secretary to Mr. Straw Mr. David WHINERAY, Private Secretary to Mr. Rammell Ms. Emma WADE, Private Secretary to Baroness Symons Ms. Bridget BRIND, Private Secretary to Baroness Symons Mr. Stephen PATTISON, Director, International Security Ms. Melinda SIMMONS, Department for International Development Mr. John WILLIAMS, Head, Press Department Mr. Michael WILLIAMS, Special Adviser Mr. Tom PHILLIPS, Director South Asia Nic HAILEY, Speechwriter Ms. Jan THOMPSON, Head, Afghan Unit Mr. Lesley PALLETT, Head, Drugs and International Crime Department Ms. Elizabeth REA, PA to Secretary of State Ms. Andrea SKYRING, PA to Secretary of State Ms. Pat BARRIE, PA to Head of Press Department Ms. Jennifer WILKES, PA/Political Director Ms. Phillipa DREW, Director, Global Issues Ms. Karen PIERCE, Head, Eastern Adriatic Department Mr. Adrian BEDFORD, Head, Commonwealth Coordination Department Mr. Dominic SCHROEDER, European Correspondent Mr. John STEPHENSON, Political Counsellor Mr. Richard MOON, Finance Counsellor Ms. Vanessa HOWE-JONES, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Samantha PURDY, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

133 Mr. Justin MACKENZIE-SMITH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Rosemary DAVIS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Gavin WATSON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Nick CARRICK, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Bill LONGHURST, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. James KARIUKI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Richard WOOD, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Alice WALPOLE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Jo MOIR, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Adam BYE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Christophe McBRIDE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Anne POWER, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Gerard McGURK, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Catherine BROOKER, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Paddy DAVIE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Simon HORNER, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tom WOODROFFE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Adrian PEA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Clare RISMAN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Paul DENIEFFE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Peter COLLINS, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Robin LAKE, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Elizabeth CHANGAI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ying YEE, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Simon WILLIAMS, Conference Support Officer, Permanent Mission Mr. Richard DEWELL, Conference Support Officer, Permanent Mission Mr. Mark O’REILLY, Conference Support Officer, Permanent Mission Ms. Fiona SINCLAIR, Conference Support Officer, Permanent Mission Mr. Matt PRESTON, Conference Support Officer, Permanent Mission Ms. Helena KOPEC, Conference Support Officer, Permanent Mission


H.E. Mr. Benjamin William MKAPA, President ofthe United Republic of Tanzania, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Jakava M. KIKWETE, MP, Minister for Foreign- Affairs and International Coooeration (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Wilson MASILINGI, Minister of State (Good Governance), Office ofthe President H.E. Mr. Abdulkadeer SHAREEF, MP, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E. Mr. Augustine MAHIGA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mrs. , Director, Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. Fulgence M. KAZAURA, Ambassador, Special Adviser to the President H.E. Mr. Patrick MOMBO, Private Assistant to the~President H.E. Mr. , Personal Assistant to the President H.E. Mr. Tuvako MANONGI, Personal Assistant to the President Ms. Eileen A. SWAI, Personal Assistant to the President

I34 Advisers F1.E. Mr. Ali S. HAJI, Director, Foreign Department, Zanzibar Ms. Joyce MAPUNJO, Commissioner for External Finance, Ministry of Finance Mrs. Judith MTAWALI, Director, Refugees, Ministry of Home Affairs Mr. Servacus LIKWELILE, Director, Poverty Alleviation, Office of the Vice-president Mr. Herbert E. MRANGO, Director, External Sector, Office of the President (Planning and Privatization) Mr. Fredrick WEREMA, Director, Human Rights, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Mr. Kagyabukama E. KILIBA, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Ms. Joyce KAFANABO, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission Ms. Grace MUJUMA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. John J. NG’ONGOLO, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Mary MATARI, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and lnternational Cooperation Mr. Andy MWANDEMBWA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Katinda E. KAMANDO, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission,Geneva Mr. Elikana BALANDYA, Officer, Department of External Finance, Ministry of Finance Mr. Celestine MUSHY, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Innocent SHIYO, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mr. Mbelwa KAIRUKI, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and lnternational Cooperation


H.E. Mr. George W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex offtcio, during his presence at the session

Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. . Secretarv of State H.E. Mr. John C. DANFORTH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Ms. Anne W. PATTERSON, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Representative to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation)

Alternate Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. Patrick F. KENNEDY, Ambassador,.. Representative for United Nations Management- and Reform, Permanent Mission H.E. Sichan SIV, Ambassador, Representative to the Economic and Social Council, Permanent Mission

SDecial Advisers M. David M. BUSS, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Peter A. CLEMENT. Minister Counsellor. Permanent Mission Mr. Joseph CONTARINO 111, Colonel, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Jeffrey M. EGAN, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Reed J. FENDRICK, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Oliver P. GARZA, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Yousif B. GHAFARI, Permanent Mission Mr. Russell F. GRAHAM, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Richard A. GRENELL, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Lt. Col. Jeffrey M. HEWLETT, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

135 H.E. Kim R. HOLMES, Assistant Secretary, International Organization Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Ms. Jane Dee HULL, Permanent Mission Mr. William MARSH, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Ms. Susan McLURG, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Joseph MERANTE, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Susan L. MOORE, Permanent Mission Mr. Gordon R. OLSON, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Joan PLAISTED, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. H.E. Mr. Stephen G. RADEMAKER, Assistant Secretary, Arms Control, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Thomas A. REPASCH, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Eric ROSAND, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Nicholas ROSTOW, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Jackie W. SANDERS, Ambassador, United States Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Thomas SCHWEICH, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Gerald W. SCOTT, Bureau of African Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. David SHAPIRO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. James W. SWIGERT, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau oflnternational Organization Affairs, Depahent of State, Washington, D.C. Ms. Lucy TAMLYN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Eric D. TUNIS, Bureau of South Asian Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Frank C. URBANCIC, Jr. Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Peter H. VROOMAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Molly WILLIAMSON, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Ms. Carolyn L. WILLSON, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Michael ADLER, Permanent Mission Mr. Harry M. ALLEN, Permanent Mission Ms. Mary AMBROSE, Permanent Mission Mr. Melvin T.L. ANG, Permanent Mission Ms. Melanie ATTWOOLL, Permanent Mission Ms. Caroline W. BARNETT, Special Assistant, Office of the Under-Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Ms. Virginia L. BENNETT, Permanent Mission Mr. James BONGIOLATTI, United States Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Ms. Christine BOUSADA, Permanent Mission Ms. Lisa BOWEN, Permanent Mission Mr. John A. BRAVACO, Bureau of Arms Control, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Samuel V. BROCK, Deputy Director, Office of United Nations Political Affairs, Bureau of' lntemational Organization Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Ms. Emily BRUNO, Permanent Mission Mr. Robert Hunter BURNETT, Permanent Mission Mr. Thomas H. CARTER, Permanent Mission Ms. Sukanya CHANDRASEKAR, Permanent Mission Mr. Benjamin CHANG, Permanent Mission Ms. Jana CHAPMAN, Permanent Mission Ms. Irene COHN, Permanent Mission Ms. Katherine COOK. Permanent Mission

I36 Ms. Karen N. COVERI, Permanent Mission Ms. Monica CUMMINGS, Permanent Mission Mr. Thomas CYNKIN, United States Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Gregory D’ELIA, Permanent Mission Lt. Cot. Ariane DESAUSSURE, Department of Defence, Washington, D.C. Mr. Hugh DUGAN, Permanent Mission Ms. Candice, EBBESEN, Permanent Mission Mr. John EVANS, Permanent Mission Mr. Frederick FLEITZ, Office of the Under-Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Carl FOX,Permanent Mission Mr. Benjamin GARCIA, Permanent Mission Ms. Jennifer GODFREY-HALL, Office of Policy, Public and Congressional Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Ms. Rebecca S. GRAHAM, Permanent Mission Lt. Col. James A. HAMBY, Permanent Mission Mr. Andrew S. HILLMAN, Permanent Mission Mr. Kenneth D. HODGKINS, Deputy Director, Space and Advanced Technology Staff, Bureau of Oceans and International Environment and Scientific Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Douglas D. JONES, Permanent Mission Ms. Margaret A. KERRY, Permanent Mission Ms. Lorraine KONZET, Permanent Mission Mr. Samuel KOTIS, Permanent Mission Ms. Jessica LAPENN, Permanent Mission MSgt. Willie A. LEWIS, Permanent Mission Mr. Alexander T. LIEBOWITZ, Bureau of Arms Control, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Robert L. LUACES, Bureau of Arms Control, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Denis MANDICH, Permanent Mission Ms. Jennifer McCANN, Permanent Mission Ms. Patricia A. McNERNEY, Special Assistant, Office of the Under-Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. William MENOLD, Bureau of Arms Control, Department of State, Washington, D.C. CMSgt. Dina MICHAEL, Permanent Mission Maj. Raymond R. MIHALIK, Permanent Mission Mr. Timothy MONAHAN, United States Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Michael MORIARTY, Permanent Mission Mr. Brian R. NARANJO, Office of United Nations Political Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Bruce NELSON, Permanent Mission Mr. Thomas W. OHLSON, Permanent Mission Ms. Claire OXLEY, United States Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Maj. Alfred L. ROSU, Permanent Mission Mr. David SCHAFER, United States Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Ms. Nicole C. SCHMIDT, Permanent Mission Lt. Col. Edward M. SCOTT, Permanent Mission Mr. David SIIAPIRO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Colin SHAUGHNESSY, Permanent Mission Ms. Kelly 0. SICKMAN, Special Assistant, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Kenick SMITH, [Jnitcd States Delegation to the Confei-ence !In Disarrnmwnl. Dcpartnient of C;t,itq W-astiingtan, D.C.

I37 Mr. Howard STOFFER. Permanent Mission Cmdr. Troy TAIRA, U.S. Coast Guard, Permanent Mission Ms. Lucy TAMLYN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. David A. TRAYSTMAN, Permanent Mission Mr. Eric D. TUNIS, Bureau of South Asian Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Frank C. URBANCIC, JR., Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Department of' State, Washington, D.C. Mr. Peter H. VROOMAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Molly WILLIAMSON, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, Department of State, Washington, D.C. Ms. Carolyn L. WILLSON, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Claudia L. YELLIN, Permanent Mission Ms. Michelle ZACK, Permanent Mission


S.E. Sr. Jorge BATLLE-IBAfiEZ, Presidente de la Republica del Uruguay, ejercio las funciones de Jefe de la Delegacion, ex officio, durante su asistencia al periodo de sesiones

Reoresentantes S.E. Sr. -BADAN, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la Delegacion)- S.E. Sr. Raul LAGO, Ministro de la Presidencia S.E. Sr. Felipe H. PAOLILLO, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representantr Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Luis Albert0 CARRESSE, Embajador, Director de Protocolo y Ceremonial de Estado. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Suplentes S.E. Sr. Pablo SADER, Embajador, Director General para Asuntos Politicos Internacionales. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Susana RIVERO, Ministra, Representante Permanente Adjunta ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. Enrique LOEDEL, Ministro Consejero, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Nury BAUZAN DE SENES, Ministra Consejera, Mision Permanente Sr. Santiago WINS, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente

UZBEKISTAN mresentatives H.E. Mr. Sodyq SAFOEV, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Alisher VOHIDOV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Said RUSTAMOV, Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representatives Mrs. Gulzara TUYUNBAYEVA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Farkhod ARZIEV, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Rustam KAYUMOV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission

Advisers H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz KAMILOV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America


...... Mr. Khasan IKRAMOV, Consul-General, New York Mr. Olamgir RAZZOQ, Chief of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Rearesentatives H.E. Mr. Barak Sope MAAUTAMATE, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. George MANIURI, Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jeffery LAUHA, Second Political Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kalfau KALORIS, Director, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Johnny George KOANAPO, Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Reoresentatives Mrs. Evelyn ADAMS, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Rex KAMBUKE, Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs


Rearesentantes S.E. Sr. Jesus Arnaldo PEREZ, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, (Jefe de la Delegation) S.E. Sr. Fermin TOR0 JIMENEZ, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Temir PORRAS PONCELEON, Director General de Politica Internacional, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sr. Oscar HERNANDEZ, Embajador, Director General de Economia y Cooperacion Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sra Imeria NUqEZ DE ODREMAN, Embajadora, Representante Permanente Adjunta ante las Naciones Unidas

Suolentes Sra. Mirna MAS Y RUBi SPOSITO, Consultora Juridica, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores S.E. Sra. Marisol BLACK LLAMOZAS, Embajadora, Directora de Asuntos Econ6micos lntemacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Alexandra PARk PAW,Ministra Consejera, Directora de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Conseieros Sra. Adela LEAL, Directora General de Informacion y Opinion, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Esquia RUBlN DE CELIS NmEZ, Directora de Tratados, Consultoria Juridica, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Maria Cristina PEREZ DE PLANCHART, Ministra Consejera, Jefa de Division de Naciones Unidas, Direccion de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Maritza CAMPOS, Ministra Consejera, Jefa de Divisibn de Organismos Mundiales y de Desarrollo, Direction de Asuntos Econ6micos Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Marly CEDER0 REYES, Ministra Consejera, Mision Permanente General de Brigada Juan ROA GOMEZ, Ministro Consejero, Asesor Militar, Mision Permanente Sra. Eleyda GARCIA, Ministra Consejera, Misi6n Permanente Sra. Maria Inks FONSECA, Consejera, Direccion de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

139 Sra. Pui LEONG, Consejera, Misidn Permanente Sr. Marcos FUENMAYOR, Consejero, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Allan BREIER CASTRO, Primer Secretario, Direccion de Asuntos Multilaterales. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Franklin RANGEL, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Sandra MENDOZA, Primera Secretaria, Direccion de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Asdnibal PULIDO, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sr. Carlos LAZO, Primer Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Julia LOPEZ, Segunda Secretaria, Mision Permanente Sr. Doming0 BLANCO, Segundo Secretario, Mision Permanente Sra. Rosana RAIMUNDO, Segunda Secretaria, Mision Permanente Srta. Zully GONZALEZ, Segunda Secretaria, Misi6n Permanente Srta. Laila TAJ EL DINE, Segunda Secretaria, Misi6n Permanente Srta. Raquel ESCOBAR, Tercera Secretaria, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Alonso HERRERA, Tercer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Enrique CAMPOVERDE, Tercer Secretario, Direccion de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Angel FREYTES, Tercer Secretario, Despacho del Viceministro, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Luis Manuel MARCANO, Tercer Secretario, Direccion General de Biblioteca y Archivo, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Srta. Heydee MARQUEZ, Tercera Secretaria, Direccion General de Politica Internacional, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Srta. Fravya MARQUEZ, Tercera Secretaria, Direccion de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. David OSORIO, Tercer Secretario, Direction General de Politica lnternacional, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Julio CBsar PACHECO, Tercer Secretario, Direcci6n de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Srta. Keyla CASTILLO, Asistente Administrativa, Direccion de Asuntos Multilaterales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores


Representatives H.E. Mr. LE CONG PHUNG, First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. LE LUONG MMH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. PHAM BINH MINH, Director-General, Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. NGO DUC THANG, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. NGYEN DUY CHIEN, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Rewesentatives Mrs. PHAM THI NGA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. NGUYEN DINH HAI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. VU ANH QUANG, Expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. NGUYEN MANH HUNG, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. NGUYEN VAN BAO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

140 Advisers Ms. PHAM THI KIM ANH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. NGUYEN MINH THANH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. NGUYEN HA AN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. PHAM HA1 ANH, Expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. NGUYEN THI VAN ANH, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. DUONG HOAl NAM, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. NGUYEN DUC HUNG, Director-General, Department of the Americas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. NGUYEN HOANH NAM, Expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Reoresentatives H.E. Dr. Abubakr A. AL-QIREH, Minister for Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. Abdullah M. ALSAIDI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Dr. Abdul-Dayem M. MUBAREZ, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Khalid AL-AKWAA, Assistant Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdallah Abass ALMUTAWAKEL, Minister Plenipotentiary

Alternate ReDresentatives Mr. Abdulmalik H. EL-ERYANI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Abdulhameed Moqbel Ahmed MANSOOR, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Najiba A. AL-NADARI, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdulrahman BAHABIB, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohammed A. AL-OTMI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Advisers Mr. Ali Ahmed AL-DAILMI, Counsellor Mr. Adnan M. lbrahim AL-ABBSI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Shafiq M. AL-DHALIE, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. lsmael M. AL-MABARI, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohamed A. AL-NAJAR, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Abdulmalik ALSHABIBI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Tarek MUTAHAR, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Arwa A. NOMAN, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission Ms. Asmahan ALTOKI, Attach6


I1.E. Mr. Levy Patrick MWANANWASA, SC, President ofthe Republic ofZambia, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex officio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. Kalombo T. MWANSA, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Darlington MWAPE, Special Assistant to the President, Legal Affairs Mr. Joshua KANGANJA, Secretary to the Cabinet Mr. Regis PHIRI, Director-General H.E. Mr. Darius S. BUBALA, Ambassador, Chief of Protocol

141 Alternate Representatives H.E. Ms. lnonge MBIKUSITA-LEWANIKA, Ambassador to the United States of America Mr. Christopher CHUNGU, First Secretary Mrs. Christine S.N. LAMBART, Director, Development Cooperation and International Organizations Mr. Muyambo SIPANGULE, Assistant Director, International Organizations Mr. Joseph CHANDA, Economist

Advisers Ms. Thandiwe DAKA. Principal State Mr. Phiri, Economist Ms. Foster MUSONDA, Protocol Officer Ms. Tumba HARA, Assistant Mr. G.M. KATOWA, Chief Accountant Mr. Dean NALUMPA, Government Officer Ms. Martha BANDA, Social Secretary Ms. Charity CHANDA-LUMPA, Government Officer


H.E. Mr. Robert MUGABE, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, served as Chairman of the Delegation, ex ofticio, during his presence at the session

Representatives H.E. Mr. I.S.G. MUDENGE, Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. J.M. BIMHA, Secretary for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. G. CHARAMBA, Secretary for Information and Publicity H.E. Mr. B.G. CHIDYAUSIKU, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. H. BONYONGWE, Director-General for State Security

Alternate Representatives H.E. Mr. M.S. KAJESE, Ambassador, Chief of Protocol Mr. G.T. VENGESA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. B. MURAHWA, Director for Security Mr. T.T. CHIFAMBA, Director, Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. M. MATONGO, Senior Protocol Officer, Office ofthe President

Advisers Mr. M. KITCHEN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. K. SAMANEKA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Col. N. MUTISI, Military Adviser, Permanent Mission Mr. P.T. CHIGIJI, Counsellor, Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Nhamo MATAMBO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. M. DUBE, Counsellor, Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. C. MATIPIRA, Counsellor, Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs



H.E. Mr. SHI Jiuyong, President Mr. Philippe COUVREUR, Registrar



Reoresentatives H.E. Archbishop Giovanni LAJOLO, Secretary for Relations with States H.E. Archbishop Celestino MIGLIORE, Permancnt Observer to the United Nations, Apostolic Nuncio Msgr. Ruben M. DIMACULANGAN, Counsellor, Permanent Observer Mission Msgr. Leo CUSHLEY, First Secretary Fr. Robert ARAUJO, S.J., Attache, Permanent Observer Mission

Alternate Reoresentatives Fr. Vittorio GUERRERA, Attache, Permanent Observer Mission Fr. Francisco DIONISIO, Expert Mr. Michael MONIS, Expert Mr. Adam DE FAZIO, Expert

Advisers Br. David CARROLL, FSC, Assistant Secretary-General, Catholic Near East Welfare Association Mrs. Franqoise CESTAC, President, Association Culturelle Francophone de I’ONU Mr. John REINER, Lawyer, White and Case Mr. Joseph KLEE, Adviser Mr. Karol KRYCMERY, Adviser Prof. Douglas ROCHE, Canadian Senator, Professor, University of Alberta, Canada Mr. Nicholas MASTRONARDI, Expert, Financial Manager Mrs. Joan McGrath TRIULZI, Adviser, Disarmament Mr. Eugene McCARTHY, Adviser, Independent Consultant, Energy, Environment, Disaster Management, Project and Institutional Appraisal Ms. Mary Ann DANTUONO, Professor, St. John’s University Ms. Marilyn MARTONE, Professor, St. John’s University Ms. Mary Ann ENGLISH, Expert Dr. Daniel SULMASY, Adviser Mr. John FIORILLA, Lawyer;The Elysium Group Mr. John DUNLAP, Lawyer, Dunnington Bartholow & Miller Mr. Derek PARK, Economist, Expert Mr. Angelo VALENTE, Director, Partnership for Drug Free New Jersey Prof. Ronald J. RYCHLAK, Associate Professor of Law, University of Mississippi Prof. John CZARNETSKY, Associate Professor of Law, University of Mississippi



Representatives Mr Farouk Rafiq Assad KADDOIJMI, Head, Political Department, Pl.0 (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. M. Nasser AL-KIDWA, Ambassador, Permanent Observer to the United Nations (Vice-chairman of the Delegation) Mrs. Somaia BARGHOUTI, First Counsellor, Permanent Observer Mission Mr. Muin SHREIM, Counsellor, Permanent Observer Mission Ms. Feda ABDELHADY-NASSER, Counsellor, Permanent Observer Mission

Alternate Representatives Ms. Nadya RASHEED, Second Secretary, Permanent Observer Mission Mr. Zuhdi L. TERZl Mr. Baker Abdel MUNEM Mr. James ZIEDE, Security Liaison, Permanent Observer Mission



Representatives H.E. Mr. Alpha Oumar KONARE, Chairman, Commission of the African Union (Chairman of the Delegation) 1i.E. Mrs. Julia Dolly JOINER, Commissioner, Political Affairs H.E. Mr. Sai‘d DJINNIT, Commisioner, Peace and Security Mrs. Margaret VOGT, Director, Bureau of the Chairperson Mr. R. Omotayo OLANIYAN, Charge d’affaires a.i. to the United Nations H.E. Abdoul Kader TOURE, Ambassador Mr. Abdoulaye MAIGA, Adviser Mrs. Mirriam OMALA-OWEKE, Adviser Mrs. Fantu ASSEGIDIE, Adviser Mrs. Sharene Louise BAILEY, Adviser Major Abdoulaye CISSE, Adviser Ms. Roselyn AKOMBE, Adviser Mr. Chafiou BAKARI, Adviser Mrs. Nayang CHARWATH, Adviser Mr. Abdoul KOUROMA, Adviser Mr. Dedjene Negatou MEKONNEN, Adviser Ms. Mulualem Sharew TEFERI, Adviser


Representatives S.E. Sr. Allan WAGNER TIZON. Embaiador. Secretario General (Jefe de la Lkleracih) I S.E. Sr. Jose Antonio GARCiA Enibajador. Ascsor del Srcrelarici Genera’

I44 St Fernando 01IlR6S CAMPOS, Ministro Consejero, Jefe de Gabinete del Secretario General Sr. Kafael SUAREZ CAMACHO, Funcionario lnternacional, Secretaria General


Representatives Mr. Wafik Z. KAMII,, Secretary-General, AALCO H.E. Mr. BHAG WAT-SINGH, Ambassador, Permanent Observer to the United Nations


Representative Mr. Brent DARK, Deputy Resident Director (Chairman of the Delegation)


Representatives H.E. Mr. Edwin CARRINGTON, Secretary-General H.E. Ms. Lolita APPLEWHAITE, Deputy Secretary-General H.E. Mr. Colin GRANDERSON, Assistant Secretary-General H.E. Mr. Hamid MOHAMMED, Ambassador, Permanent Observer to the United Nations Ms. Charmaine ATKINSON-JORDAN, Programme Manager Ms. Tricia BARROW, Assistant Programme Manager


Representatives S.E. Sr. &car Alfred0 SANTAMARIA. Secretario General (Jefe de la Deleeacion) Sr. Erich VILCHEZ ASCHER, Director de Asuntos Juridicoi y Asesor de &untos’Politicos Sr. Carlos CAMPOS VARGAS, Observador Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas


...Regrqentatives Mr. Vladimir RUSHAYLO, Chairman, Executive Committee (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Alexander SHEVCHENKO, Deputy Director Mr. Alexander MALINOVSKIY, Counsellor Mrs. Dinara SYDYGALIEVA, Counsellor Mr. Igor KUSHNIR, Counsellor Mrs. Marina ZUYKOVA, Counsellor Mr. Mikalai UHNEVIONAK, Counsellor


Representatives H.E. Mr. Donald McKINNON. Secretary-General Mr. Winston COX, Deputy Secretary-General Mrs. Florence MUGASHA, Deputy Secretary-General Mr. Carl Wright, Director. Commonwealth I,ocal Government Forum

145 Alternate Representatives Mr. Amitav BANERJI, Director and Head, Office of the Secretary-General Mr. Matthew NEUHAUS, Director, Political Affairs Division Mr. Joel KIBAZO, Director, Communication and Public Affairs Division Mr. lndrajit COOMARASWAMY, Director, Economic Affairs Division Ms. Marion COWDEN, Director, Corporate Services Division

Advisers Mr. Syed SHARFUDDIN, Special Adviser, Poltiical Affairs Division Mr. Ade ADEFUYE, Special Adviser, Political Affairs Division Ms. Juliet SOLOMON, Special Adviser, Political Affairs Division Mr. Eli KISANGA, Deputy Director, Economic Affairs Division Mr. Victor PUNGONG, Deputy Director, Political Affairs Division Mr. Ayodele OKE, Deputy Director and Head, Office of the Deputy Secretary-General Mr. Jeremy CLARKE-WATSON, Chief Programme Officer, Political Affairs Division Ms. Janet R. STRACHAN, Chief Programme Officer, Sustainable Development, Economic Affairs Division Ms. Elsie ONUBOGU, Senior Programme Officer. Gender Section. Social Transformation Programmes Division Ms. Praxede WEERASINGHE, Senior Executive Secretary, Office of the Deputy Secretary- General, Political Affairs Division Ms. Dorothy GOMES, Executive Secretary, Political Affairs Division Mr. Michael MITCHELL, Executive Officer, Joint Office for Commonwealth Permanent Missions to the United Nations Ms. Janet JOHN, Administrative Assistant, Joint Office for Commonwealth Permanent Missions to the United Nations


EuroDean Commission. Brussels H.E. Mr. Christopher PATTEN, Commissioner for External Relations Mr. Jean-Louis VILLE, Deputy Head, Cabinet of Commissioner Patten Mr. Fernando VALENZUELA, Deputy Director-General, External Relations Directorate General Mr. Christian LEFFLER, Director, External Relations Directorate General Mr. David TIRR, Head of Unit, External Relations Directorate General Mr. Pierre Louis LEMPEREUR, Administrator, External Relations Directordte General Mrs. Daniela TIDTEN, Assistant European Correspondent, External Relations Directorate General

European Commission. New York H.E. Mr. John B. RICHARDSON, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation ofthe European Commission Mr. Angel CARRO-CASTRILLO, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of the Delegation ofthe European Commission Mr. Esa PAASIVIRTA, First Counsellor Mr. Charles-Michel GEURTS, Counsellor Ms. Ditte JUUL JORGENSEN, Counsellor Mr. Michael CURTIS, Counsellor Mr. Giovanni MASTROGIACOMO, First Secretary Mr. Dominic PORTER, First Secretary

General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union H.E. Mr. Javier SOLANA MADARIAGA. Eurouean Union tiigh Reuresentative for the Common I. Foreign and Security Policy H.E. Ms. Elda STIFANI, Ambassador, Head ofthe Liaison Office ofthe Council ofthc European Union

I46 Mr. Lennardo SCHIAVO, Head of Private Ofice Mr. Robert COOPER, Director-General for External and Politico-Military Affairs Mr. Stefan LEHNE, Director, Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Mr. Pedro SERRANO DE HARO, Deputy Head of Private Office Mr. Nicolas Pablo Pascual DE LA PARTE, Head of Task Force Mr. Micail VITSENTZATOS, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of the Liaison Office Ms. Francesca RIDDY, Principal Administrator Mr. Francesco PRESUTTI, Counsellor, Liaison Oftice Mr. P. OLIVEIRA, Principal Administrator Mr. Luis Loureiro DE AMORIM, Press Officer Mr. Ignacio SOLE, Attache, Liaison Office Mr. Victor MARTIN, Adviser Mr. Maurice BASSO, Adviser Mr. Peter STAUDE. Adviser

Special Representative. Middle East Peace Process Mr. Marc OTT6, European Union Special Representative to the Middle East Peace Process Mr. Andreas RADTKE, Personal and Press Adviser Mr. Boris BOILLON, Adviser

Special Representative. Great Lakes Region of Africa Mr. Aldo AJELLO, European Union Special Representative for the Great Lakes Region Mrs. Catharina LASSEUR, Adviser

Special Representative for Afghanistan Mr. Francesc VENDRELL, European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan


Representatives M. Ridha BOUABID, Observateur permanent auprbs des Nations Unies (Chef de la ddldrration) M. Mervin N. Chedumbarum, Obsebateur permanent adjoint auprbs des Nations Unies - Mme Caroline GUILLOIS, Attache, Bureau de I’Observateur permanent


Representatives H.E. Mr. Satya N. NANDAN, Secretary-General Mr. Nii Allotey ODUNTON, Deputy to the Secretary-General


Representatives H.E. Mr. Dolliver NELSON, President of the Tribunal (Chairman of the Delegation)- Mr. Philippe GAUTIER, Registrar (Vice-chairman of the Delegation)


Reoresentatives Mr. Achim STEINER, Director-General H.E. Mr. BHAGWAT-SINGH, Ambassador, Permanent Observer to the United Nations Mr. Scott HAJOST, Executive Director, USA Multilateral Office Mr. Nicholas ROBINSON, Legal Adviser, Permanent Observer Mission Mr. Richard OTTINGER, Dean Emeritus, Pace University Law School Mr. Andrew DEUTZ, Special Adviser, Global Policy, USA Multilateral Office Ms. Debbie GOOD, United States and Caribbean Member Focal Point, USA Multilateral Office


Rearesentative S.E. Sr. Roberto GUARNIERI, Embajador, Secretario Permanente


Rearesenta tives H.E. Mr. Amre MOUSSA,' Secretary General, Chairman of the Delegation. H.E. Mr. Yahia AL-MAHMASSANI, Ambassador, Permanent Observer to the United Nations Mr. Wael AL ASSAD, Director, United Nations and International Organizations Department Mr. Tala1 AL-AMIN, Member, Cabinet of the Secretary General

Alternate ReDresentatives Mr. Mohamed MORSI, Office of the Permanent Observer Mr. Bakri AL-KHALIFA, Office of the Permanent Observer Mr. Khalil HAMZA, Office of the Permanent Observer Mr. Yasser AL-SHAMI, Office of the Permanent Observer

Adviser Mr. Salah AL-GUINDI


Rearesentative H.E. Mr. Jan KUBlS, Secretary-General


Rearesentative H.E. Mr. Tugay ULUCEVIK, Acting Secretary-General, Permanent International Secretariat, Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation

~ ' In the absence of H.E. Mr. Amre Moussa, H.E. Mr. Yahia AL-Mahmassani will act as the Chairman of the Delegation


Representatives H.E. Dr. Abdelouahed BELKEZIZ. Secretarv-General of the Organization of the Islamic I Conference (Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. EatKamel MUFTI, Ambassador, Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, General Secretariat H.E. Mr. Mokhtar LAMANI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Observer to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Sadeddine TAIB, Ambassador, Adviser to the Secretary-General, General Secretariat H.E. Mr. Babaccar BA, Ambassador, Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Geneva

Alternate ReDresentatives H.E. Mr. Atta El-Manan Bakhit ELHAG, Ambassador, Director, Department of Political Affairs, General Secretariat Mr. Ahmad HAJIHOSSEINI, Deputy Permanent Observer to the United Nations Mr. Mohammed Amind JERRARI, Adviser to the Secretary-General, General Secretariat Mr. Abdourahmane DIOP, Director, Department of Conferences, General Secretariat Mr. Syed Shahid HUSAIN, Senior Adviser, Permanent Observer Mission

Advisers Mr. Belai Kamel SASSO. Head of Protocol and Public Relations. General Secretariat Mr. Yussef Faek KANAAN, Senior Adviser, Permanent Observer Mission Ms. Yaye N. SAMB, Counsellor (Administration and Financial Affairs), Permanent Observer Mission


Representatives H.E. Mr. Gregory Lawrence URWIN, Secretary-General, Pacific Forum Secretariat (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. Adam Vai DELANEY, Adviser, International Issues, Pacific Forum Secretariat


Representatives Jyoti SINGH, Permanent Observer to the United Nations Ruby GARVEY, Assistant Attach6



Representative Mr. Yves PETERMA", Head, Humanitarian Diplomacy Unit (OPIUDH), Geneva

149 Alternate Reoresentatives Mr. Georges PACLISANU, Head, Delegation to the United Nations Mr. Daniel HELLE, Deputy Head, Delegation to the United Nations

Advisers Ms. Catherine GENDRE, Delegate, Delegation to the United Nations Ms. Laura OLSON, Legal Adviser, Geneva Mrs. Veronique CHRISTORY, Adviser, Delegation to the United Nations Mrs. Ariane SAND-TRIGO, Adviser, Delegation to the United Nations


Reoresentatives Mr. Juan Manuel Suarez DEL TORO, President, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Mr. Markku NISKALA, Secretary-General, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Mr. Jeremy HUGHES, Head, External Relations and Communications Mr. A.F.M. Obaidur RAHMAN, Secretary-General, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Mr. Encho GOSPODINOV, Head of Delegation, Permanent Observer to the United Nations Mr. Tore SVENNING, Senior Officer Mr. Christopher LAMB, Special Adviser Ms. Fantaye ASSEBE, Liaison Officer Ms. Wenda Margaretha ADRIAANSE, Adviser Ms. Angie MAPARA, Adviser Ms. Peter E. REID, Intern, Adviser


ReDresentatives Mr. Sergio PAEZ VERDUGO. President, Inter-Parliamentary Union Mr. Anders B. JOHNSSON, Secretary-General, Inter-Parliamentary Union H.E. Mrs. Anda FILIP, Permanent Observer to the United Nations Mr. Alessandro MOTTER, Adviser, Office of the Permanent Observer


Reoresentatives H.E. Mr. Robert L. SHAFER, Ambassador, Permanent Observer H.E. Mr. Gian Luigi VALENZA. Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Henry HUMPHREYS, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mrs. Mary Reiner BARNES, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Hreinn LINDAL, Attacht, Permanent Mission Mrs. Rachel Knecht SCHER, Administrative Officer, Permanent Mission




Representatives Ms. Maria Angelica DUCCI, Executive Director, Office of the Director-General Mr. Padmanabh GOPINATH, Executive Secretary, World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization Mr. Djankou NDJONKOU, Director, Liaison Office Ms. Ana Teresa ROMERO, Deputy Director, Liaison Office Mr. Christophe PERRIN, Office of the Director-General


Representatives Ms. Florence A. CHENOWETH, Director, Liaison Office Mrs. Sharon BRENNEN-HAYLOCK, Senior Liaison Officer, Liaison Office Mr. Toshihiko MURATA, Liaison and Executive Officer, Liaison Office Mr. Dominique BURGEON, Liaison Officer, Liaison Office Mr. Hassan BAHLOULI, Consultant, Liaison Office


Representatives Dr. Assad KOTAITE, President of the Council Mr. Taieb CHERIF, Secretary-General Mr. A. SANCHEZ-GUTIERREZ, Director, Technical Cooperation Bureau Mi-. M. ELAMIRI, Director, Air Transport Bureau A.P. SINGH, Director, Bureau of Administration and Services W. VOSS, Director, Air Navigation Bureau D. WIBAUX, Director, Legal Bureau S. KANDASAMY, Chief, Finance Branch L. BOISVERT, Acting Chief, External Relations and Public Information Office


Representatives H.E. Dr. LEE Jong-wook, Director-General Mr. D. AITKEN, Assistant Director-General Dr. K. BEHBEHANI, Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Governing Bodies Dr. Fabrizio BASSANI, Executive Director, Representative of the Director-General to the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations Dr. B.P. KEAN, Director, Department of Governance Mr. Richard LECLAIR, Deputy Director, United Nations Office Mr. P.J. MERTENS, Coordinator, United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations Dr. Richard ALDERSLADE, Senior External Relations Officer, United Nations Office Ms. A.M. HERMOSA, External Relations Officer, United Nations Office WORIB RANK

Representatives Mr. Ian GOLDIN, Vice-president, External Affairs, Communications and United Nations Affairs Mr. Eduardo DORYAN, Special Representative to the United Nations Ms. Clare FLEMING, Deputy Representative to the United Nations Ms. Nicole KEKEH, Senior Policy Officer Ms. Fatima KHAN, Counsellor, Oftice of the Special Representative


Representatives Mr. Reinhard H. MUNZBERG, Special Representative to the United Nations Mr. Roberto BUUNING, Adviser, Oftice of the Special Representative to the United Nations Mr. Axel R. PALMASON, Senior Economist, Office of the Special Representative to the United Nations


Representatives H.E. Dr. Kamil IDRIS. Director-General Mr. Khamis SUEDI, Assistant Director-General and Special Counsel Mr. Orobola FASEHIIN, Director, Coordination Office at the United Nations Mr. Rama Rao SANKURATHRIPATI, Senior Counsellor, Coordination Office at the United Nations Ms. Ola ZAHRAN, Counsellor, Coordination Office at the United Nations Ms. Lela GOREN, Consultant


Representatives H.E. Mr. Lennart BAGE, President Mr. Cyril ENWESE, Vice-president Mr. James CARRUTHERS, Assistant President, Programme Management Department Mr. Phrang ROY, Assistant President, External Affairs Department Mr. Uday ABHYANKAR, Special Adviser to the President Ms. Vera P. WILL-HALLE, Director, North American Liaison Office, Representative to the United Nations Ms. Xenia von LILIEN-WALDAU, Liaison and Public Information Officer, Liaison Office


Representative Mr. Youssef SABRI, Officer-in-Charge, Deputy Director, Liaison Office


Representatives H.E. Mr. Francesco FRANGIALLI. Secretarv-General Mr. Rafeeuddin AHMED, Special Representative to the I!nircJ Nations


Representatives H.E. Dr. Mohamed ELBARADEI, Director General Mr. Gustavo R. ZLAUVINEN, Representative of the Director General to the United Nations Ms. Tracy BROWN, Liaison and Public Information Officer, Liaison Office Ms. Petchsuporn RAPLEY, Liaison Assistant, Liaison Office

PREPARATORY COMMISSION FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE NUCLEAR-TEST-BAN TREATY ORGANIZATION Representatives Mr. Ziping GU, Director, Legal and External Relations Division Mr. Michal STANCEL, External Relations Officer, Legal and External Relations Division


Representatives H.E. Mr. Rogelio PFIRTER, Director-General Mr. HUANG Yu, Director of External Relations Mr. Rafael Mariano GROSSI, Chief of Cabinet Mr. loan TUDOR, Head, Government Relations and Political Affairs Branch