Western Region; Minutes of Humanitarian Regional Team (HRT) Meeting, Date: Thursday, 25 August 2016; Time: 14:00; Venue: OCHA/UNICEF/WHO Common Conference Room; Meeting Facilitator: OCHA

# Agenda item Key points discussed Decision/action point (s) 1 Opening Remarks  OCHA welcomed the meeting participants. The previous meeting minutes were reviewed and adopted as a correct record of the deliberations. The meeting agreed and adopted the proposed agenda items.  OCHA gave a brief of the main WR humanitarian priorities. Amongst them are the increasing conflict induced displacements in Khakisafed, Pushtrod & Farah City (Farah),  Access to NSAA controlled Pasaband, Shahrak, Murghab valley (Ghor), Herat City (Herat), Balamurghab (Badghis). areas a main challenge –  The Farah City response to Pushtrod IDPs is well established, the response for cities HRT members to maximize Herat, Qala-e-Naw, and Chagcharan is also well established attending to regular and on current acceptance normal IDPs inflow. The Shahrak (Ghor) response is largely complete except food levels. response which WFP is urged to urgently address. However, ongoing fighting and  Distress calls on pending clashes are inhibiting access to Balamurghab, Khakisafed/Pushtrod, Pasaband and WFP food response for Murghab valley. Shahrak (Ghor) IDPs. 2 Security Update (INSO)  INSO briefed WR HRT members noting the intense fighting reported in Akazai area,  Balamurghab (Badghis) Balamurghab DAC (Badghis). Fighting is reportedly ongoing though now sporadic and remain volatile and rather subdued. NSAAs launched a large scale attack on several areas, the intention was inaccessible for to capture Balamurghab DAC and surrounding areas. There are no major incidents humanitarian assessments reported from other parts of . However, IED detonations were reported and response. along the along main roads leading to Balamurghab DAC. The volatile clashes started on the 14th of August with NSAAs clear intent to capture Balamurghab DAC. NSAA reinforcements from and other parts of Badghis were mobilized for this major attack. Reports show that NSAAs are prepared to continue the attack until the DAC falls. Other reports show that NSAAs are ready to sustain the ongoing assault for the next 6 months. Information just received show that NSAAs are preparing for yet another large scale coordinated attack on Balamurghab DAC.  The security situation in remains tense and the armed conflict continues in a number of areas. Fighting has receded in Pushtrod (Farah) DAC peripheries,  Raising concerns with however sporadic clashes are still ongoing. Government forces reportedly abandoned reported abductions of some check posts and now holed in Pushtrod DAC. IED detonations around Pushtrod health workers in Farah DAC reportedly causing fatalities for both civilians and livestock. The abduction of health province. workers in the reporting period is notable this period, albeit they were released after negotiation led by the elders.  In , Pasaband district is reportedly the ongoing conflict hotspot. NSAAs launched yet another coordinated attack targeting Pasaband DAC check posts  Pasaband conflict inhibiting peripheries, the latest attacks (since 23 August) came from two directions. NSAAs are access to reported IDPs in reportedly active within the Pasaband DAC itself. However, Pasaband DAC itself is well NSAA controlled areas. reinforced. Casualties have been reported on both sides of the conflict though figures are not clear. Pasaband DAC and the vicinity has been a scene of clashes since July 2016. In , armed conflict erupted in Kamenj area between two rival groups with casualties for both conflict parties. In Murghab, NSAAs are reportedly mobilised and

awaiting the decision from the chain of command. No changes in other parts of the province was reported.  In Cheste-Sherrif, airstrikes killed 10 NSAAs and some injuries reported too. No big changes were reported in Shindand intra NSAA clashes. A trend of magnetic IEDs have been noted in Herat city, 2 incidents recorded so far in the same area. No major changes in security situation of Hirat reported in this period of time.  The presentation shows that WR is probably at the peak of the fighting season. The ongoing conflict continue to be the main determinant of humanitarian trends and needs.  WR HRT members to Displacements are largely shaped by the ongoing conflict. WR HRT members were urged strengthen situational to constantly monitor the contextual developments to address any humanitarian issues awareness for timely and arising. It was also noted that the ongoing conflict will affect access to areas of priority appropriate humanitarian interest. WR HRT members were urged to maximize on their already existing acceptance response. in their areas of operation to facilitate humanitarian action to priority areas. 3 Displacement updates;  A Western Region displacement power point presentation (please see attached) was  Clusters/WR HRT reported, assessed and made by OCHA WR. Below are amongst the main highlights; members to strengthen responses  OCHA updated the WR HRT that the reporting period saw the screening committee (SC) their response (OCHA/Cluster Leads). preparedness as conflict meeting several times to review IDPs petitions. A total of 35 petitions were received in continue to drive Herat. 344 IDP families out of 677 families were recommended for needs assessment. displacements.  Reviewing the response matrix, OCHA reported that ERM Partners (DRC, NRC and DACAAR) responded to 132 displaced families in August 2016. These IDPs arrived from Hilmand province. The response by ERM partners was within 24 hours after the needs assessment by humanitarian teams. The displacement response needs were identified

and addressed as food, NFIs, hygiene kits and hygiene education.

 WFP, UNICEF and DRC reached the majority of displaced caseloads in WR. The  Distress calls on pending humanitarian responses included cash assistance and in kind humanitarian assistance. WFP food response for However, food rations for 430 displaced families in Shahrak district (Ghor) remain a major Shahrak (Ghor) IDPs. gap demanding immediate attention. Food distress calls continue to be received from the 430 displaced families in Shahrak. The assessment recommended food assistance over a month ago. WFP committed to attend to this as a matter of urgency.

 Conflict displaced communities in areas controlled by NSAAs remain inaccessible. This  WR HRT members to trend is notable in Pasaband district (Ghor), Balamurghab district (Badghis), maximize on current Khakisafed/Pushtrod areas. The WR HRT members was urged to explore access options acceptance levels to of reaching out to these areas. OCHA urged partners to use their existing acceptance ensure access to levels in these areas. displacement locations.  OCHA presentation showed that August 2016 assessment team comprised DoRR, DRC, NRC, IRC, DACAAR, WFP/PAT and ARAA. These teams assessed, 227 Families in Herat City alone. Of the assistance delivered, 168 families were reached in Herat. In Badghis, 118 families were assessed, 54 families were recommended for humanitarian assistance. In Farah, 410 families were assessed as displaced. Of these, 368 families received humanitarian assistance as recommended. In Ghor, 53 families were assessed

and assisted in August 2016. The 430 families displaced in July 2016 received assistance in Shahrak district. The Shahrak caseload was assessed in July 2016. 4 Update on Polio  (and Pakistan) remain the polio endemic countries. Pakistan reported 13  Polio campaign to regularly Campaign polio cases whilst Afghanistan reported 8 polio cases this year. Two of the Afghanistan keep WR HRT updated on (WHO/UNICEF) cases were reported yesterday (24 August 2016). WHO updated that the national polio key developments of common interest. campaign immunization programme intends to cover all children under five across the

country. The NIDs aims at reaching maximum numbers, targeting areas of with recent evidence of transmission.  The national polio campaign is starting on 29 August 2016, 1.3 million children are the target for Western Region. The polio campaign in Western Region was affected by the ban for one month in Farah, this has since been resolved and the campaign resumed. More bans are however expected as fighting intensifies and continues.  Increasing concern on  Since 27 June 2015, there is no polio case reported in Western Region. However, the polio transmission as risk of transmission remains high considering ongoing conflict triggering population conflict drives population movements. WHO reported the Ghor resumption of the polio campaign after suspension movements. related to insecurity. All districts will now be covered. However, ongoing fighting in Pasaband and Taywara districts may be a challenge.  UNICEF provides the vaccines and is responsible for the social mobilisation for the polio campaign. The focus and efforts are to ensure zero polio cases reported. There is need to strengthen polio campaigns to target IDPs and mobile populations. Polio campaign transit teams are already in place and they are deployed throughout. 5 Cluster Updates; FSAC update  FSAC to share locust Ongoing response/plans,  FSAC updated WR HRT members of the completion of locust infestation assessment infestation assessment preparedness, survey in Dawlatyar district (Ghor). Data capturing, and analysis is currently underway, survey results with WR challenges and gaps HRT members. the findings will be shared with the HRT members.

 After a long lapse, WFP successfully delivered food supplies to Ghor province through  WFP to urgently deliver the Bamyan/Chagcharan corridor. The next food supplies cargo will include the long food for Shahrak IDPs. pending food rations for Shahrak (Ghor) displacements. WFP is finalizing contractual This has been pending for arrangements with its transporters. over a month. NFI and Emergency Shelter Update  NFI cluster currently updating its stock matrix to strengthen its response preparedness,  NFI/ES cluster to share Badghis updates already done. post distribution results with WR HRT.  A joint post distribution monitoring exercise was completed by the cluster. Results will be

shared with WR HRT.

CPiE update  UNICEF and OCHA jointly conducted a road mission to Islam Qala border to engage  UNICEF to construct authorities on the construction of a screening hall. The screening hall will strengthen screening hall to support efforts to monitor the children deportation from Iran to Hirat Islam Qala border for purpose

of family tracing and reunification. The local authorities supported the project, UNICEF response to child is set to start construction the screen hall soon. deportees.  UNICEF updated the WR HRT that 205 children were screened by UNICEF and IOM, the

same number was also reunified with their families in various provinces.

 UNICEF updated WR HRT members on the Islamic Scholar (Uloma) Conference on prevention of early and child marriage held on the 9th and 10th August 2016. The conference was conducted successfully in Hirat province. The Islamic Scholars were invited from all WR provinces and Kabul. The Islamic Scholars endorsed a declaration against “early and child marriage.”

Protection update

 According to protection cluster update, 400 to 500 individuals are deporting from Iran on daily basis. This information was reported by DoRR Herat.  The protection cluster members are concerned that most of the deportees are not aware of the mine risks. Protection cluster recommends a mine risk education program (MRE) targeting deportees as a matter of urgency.  It is potentially challenging for the MRE considering that most of the deportees do not spend much time on the border.  UNMACA to conduct road mission to Islam Qala to strengthen the MRE capacity targeting IOM and CHA staff at border. The trained will help in MRE activities targeting deportees. HLP Update  UN Habitat updated the WR HRT on the completion of durable solutions survey, UNHCR and UN Habitat are working on the findings. Presentations on this survey have already been made in Kabul, there will be a final presentation of the results also to the WR HRT members. WR HRT members requested the report to be shared in advance to allow constructive engagement during the presentation. 6 WR ERP Process  OCHA announced that it’s that time of the year when the ERP for WR has to be updated.  WR ERP half day The last exercise was done in April 2016, lessons have been drawn from the previous workshop set for the 21st exercise. A half day workshop will be done on 21st of September 2016, WR HRT members September 2016.

were requested to prepare to attend.

 As preparatory for the WR ERP half day workshop, OCHA will work with clusters and WR HRT members to address the following:  OCHA WR to engage WR o Validate 3Ws; Experience has shown that many partners included in 3Ws in HRT and clusters on the different regions are not humanitarian or aren't fully operational. A detailed, WR ERP preparatory tasks accurate validation of your 3W will be done for WR. OCHA will work closely with listed. all WR HRT members to validate the 3Ws and update accordingly. o Finalize WR access mapping in consultation with WR HRT members/clusters. o The guidance on the ERP guidance/templates will be shared with WR HRT members once finalised.

o The updated risk register will be shared by OCHA Kabul. Preliminary information shows conflict displacement and refugee returnees as the highest ranked risks at national level. A discussion will be held with HRT if there are any other regional risks that are greater concern for inclusion in the WR ERP. o WR stockpile and warehouse location/capacity validation. A review of the updated stockpile and mapping will be done in consultation with WR HRT/clusters. o Just like ERP Phase 1, projected caseloads will jointly agreed within the WR HRT framework. Trends from the discussions will also inform the HNO 2017 which will be developed in October 2016. o There is need to identify/update districts of concern, and estimate where and how people will move. o Discussions on the major/priority issues around capacity to respond. It is important to highlight only critical issues impacting WR capacity to respond.

Meeting Participants No Name Cluster Agency 1 Jalil Ahmad Sadar ES/NFI IOM 2 Shafi Ahmad Shirzad ES/NFI NRC 3 Abdul Raziq Kiani WASH DACAAR 4 Khadem Hussein Rahimi ES/NFI NRC 5 Dwain Hidriksen Multi-Sector WVI 6 Jim Alexander Multi-sector WVI 7 Jaka Magoma FSAC/NFI DRC 8 Takesure Mugari Coordination OCHA 9 Jawed Iqbal Health WHO 10 Khoshal Zaman Health WHO 11 Ghulam Rabani FSAC WFP 12 Ghulam Hazarat Hutak FSAC RAADA 13 Roy Dimayugo Development UNDP 14 Gioijo Cartassa Multi-sector INTERSOS 15 Mohammad Marouf Moalem Protection UNHCR 16 Nafe Sadat Multi-sector UNICEF 17 Mohammad Farzan Protection, CHILD Protection UNICEF 18 Dr Baryal Protection, GBV UNFPA 19 Shakib Herayzad FSAC/NFI DRC 20 Dr Rashad FSAC CRDSA 21 Basit Ahmadi Multi-sector Cesvi 22 Sebghatullah Habibi Protection, NFI ARAA 23 Turyalay Azimi Protection ICRC 24 Sodaba Sadat Coordination Body ACBAR

25 Edith Kabui Multi-sector UNICEF 26 Zalmai Nawabi HLP-TF UNHABITAT 27 Wahid Mohammadi Coordination OCHA 28 Shahrokh Pazhman Coordination OCHA