Published Bi-Weekly for the Winnebago Tribe of • Volume 48, Number 13 Wednesday, June 28, 2017 Winnebago Culture Camp A Big Hit With Participants Bago Bits…

The HoChunk Renaissance Project Sum- Winnebago—The HoChunk Renaissance Project in conjunction with the HoChunk Nee Shoch Ha Chee, Boys & Girls Club hosted a mer Culture camp Frybread Class. Winnebago Culture Camp last week with well over 100 participants daily. Participants took part in a number of cultural activities. The week started with erecting a teepee that would be used for classes throughout the weeklong event. Participants learned to make frybread, cow- boy bread, made moccasins, other crafts, singing on the big drum, learned games and much, much more. The weeklong event was fi nished off with a trip to Coco Keys indoor water park at Omaha, Nebraska. 2015 Indians Honored with Slab Monument

WIN summer intern, Bubz is learning the ropes of the Rez Newspaper business. This shot is of the two new homes going up on Thunderway. SOLD!

The 2015 Winnebago Indians boy’s basketball team was recently honored with a Monument placed at the spot where it all began, the Slab, as it is known to numerous young basketball talents on the . The 2015 Indians are famous in Winnebago for winning the 2015 Nebraska Boys C-2 State Basketball Tournament in Lincoln, Nebraska. Indian’s Fans gathered at the Slab with local dig- nitaries addressing those gathered, expressing their Pride in the Indian’s accomplishments. If you are ever in Winnebago this site is a must stop and a must read. The Indians have made the trip to the State Tournament the last three years, bringing home the State Hardware Participants of the “FUN in the SUN” pro- each time, 1st, 3rd & 3rd. Go Big Blue! gram get out for a walk along the Floyd River in Sioux City, . National Indian Health Board Testifies on Indian Health Service Reform Legislation Indian Health Service Act of 2017". with Tribes over the past year and re- Identical legislation has been intro- introduced modifi ed legislation in May duced in the US Senate (S.1250). 2017. Several key points of the bill in- Victoria Kitcheyan, Great Plains Area clude changing employee recruitment Representative to NIHB from the Win- and retention practices, improving nebago Tribe of Nebraska, testifi ed on health services for patients, streamlin- behalf of the National Indian Health ing credentialing services, and improv- Board. ing information reports and transpar- "Today is our opportunity to take ency of leadership. a hard look at the current state and The Veteran’s Memorial Park is getting possible future of healthcare in Indian some new, closer parking spaces before country." Ranking Democratic Com- The Committee hosted two pan- the big event begins. mittee Member Congresswoman Norma Torres (D-CA) said in her opening state- NIHB Board Member Victoria Kitcheyan tes- ment. The Congresswoman also shared tifying before the Subcommittee on Indian, that she was glad to discuss this issue Insular, and Native Affairs and ready to help discover permanent solutions to address issues within the Washington, D.C - The House of Rep- Indian Health Service (IHS). resentatives Committee on Natural The original bill was introduced in Resources' Subcommittee on Indian, 2016 after a number of IHS facilities Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs across Indian Country were found to held a hearing on June 21, 2017 have serious defi ciencies by the Cen- Victoria Kitcheyan, Winnebago Tribe of regarding H.R. 2662, also known as ters for Medicare & Medicaid Services Nebraska and Great Plains Area represen- the "Restoring Accountability in the (CMS). The bill's sponsors consulted tative of NIHB reads her testimony. Con’t. on page 2 ... Vice-Chairman Vincent Bass addresses a Gathering of Winnebago Indians Sports Fans.… Mark Trahant: Don’t plan on getting sick if you’re from Indian Country publicans argue that this would control rules for tribal members on some state The Senate bill, like its House coun- costs, slowing the growth of government requirements such as work rules. But terpart, has a simple message for Indian spending. (Now Medicaid spending is the money would still fl ow from Wash- Country: Don’t get sick. Not in June. automatic: If you are eligible, the money ington to the states for administration. Not anytime soon. This bill is not about is there.) Messy (as it often is now). And the health care because it takes billions Medicaid now accounts for about 20 states that now have Medicaid expan- from Medicaid and passes on that sav- percent of the budget in most Indian sion, through the Affordable Care Act ings to wealthy Americans. health system clinics and hospitals. would have to phase that out. How bad could it be? The offi cial And, more important, it’s a growing The biggest problem for Indian financial review from the Congres- source of funding. It pays for medical Country is that the Senate and House sional Budget Offi ce is expected early During the BRAN Visit the Winnebago procedures and for transportation to bills would destroy the framework of next week. The scoring of the similar Wildlife & Parks Commission showed off clinics. It’s the big ticket. Medicaid. The bills move health care House bill projected that by next year some of their Prized Mounts of White- But Medicaid is also an odd duck. It’s back to the states in a big way. That can 14 million more people would be unin- tail Deer and Buffalo, of the Winnebago offi cially a state-federal partnership so be good or bad. California is debating sured. And by 2026, an estimated 51 Indian Reservation. They also sold a Buf- the federal government picks up most of how to create a single payer system. falo Burger or two. million people under age 65 would be the cost and sets some of the rules, while The Nevada legislature recently passed uninsured. Under the House bill only states get to determine other rules. Both a Medicaid-for-all statute (where any a few million would use tax credits to the Senate and the House bills would citizen could buy into the program) only purchase policies that even then would let states do more (such as requiring to have the law vetoed by the governor. not cover major medical risks. patients to work) or what’s especially But other states see health care only as So the important takeaway from what’s covered by insurance. a cost. The thinking goes that Medicaid both the Senate bill and the House ver- This is particularly messy for Indian is just another word for welfare and sion is that it strips money away from Country. Both the Senate and House states should sharply reduce what is Medicaid ($834 billion) and gives back bills recognize the Indian Health System spent by government and let hospitals most of those to high-income taxpayers as unique (and paid for by the federal cover the cost of “charity” care. ($664 billion). The Senate bill takes a government). So the legislation pre- Some numbers here. The American little time to destroy Medicaid. It begins serves the 100 percent federal funding Hospital Association opposes both phasing out the expansion in 2021 and through what’s called the Federal Medi- bills for one reason. In 1990 uncompen- that will be completed by 2024. Then, cal Assistance Percentage for Medicaid sated care cost $12.1 billion or about Only 4 weeks before Stewy Ga & Boye like the House, Medicaid would become or FMAP. And in theory both the Senate Ladd will capture the air waves at the a state block grant program. The Re- 151st Annual Homecoming Celebration, and House would keep in place federal Con’t. on page 4 ... the “Oldest Powwow in North America.” See you there. Visit us at Page 2— Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 Around Winnebago

National Indian Health Board Testifi es Clauses" within the bill, the continued on Indian Health Service Reform involvement of Tribes in the hiring Legislation process, and increased fi scal account- Con’t. from front page... ability. Each panelist shared different per- els during Wednesday's hearing. On spectives, but a key takeaway was the the fi rst panel, Congresswoman Kris- importance of meaningful consulta- ti Noem (R-SD) shared her perspec- tion with Tribes regarding this bill and tive as a co-sponsor of the bill. "We healthcare issues in general. "We view need to get help to these people that consultation as our in the process, are relying on this agency for health- and we want to be taken seriously," care," Noem insisted in her opening Kitcheyan noted. statement. Along with Kitcheyan, the Com- mittee's second panel included: Rear Admiral Chris Buchanan, Deputy Di- rector of IHS; the Honorable William Bear Shield, Chairman of the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Health Board; the Honor- able Andy Joseph, Business Council Member of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation; and Mr. Robert Two Bears, District 5 Representative of the Ho-Chunk Nation Legislature. Kitcheyan opened by stressing the importance of working together with Indian Country on any legislation im- Some of the panel members convene after pacting the Indian health system. "Our the hearing. From L-R: The Honorable people need help... we need to do this William Bear Shield, The Honorable Andy Joseph, Ms. Victoria Kitcheyan, Mr. Robert in tandem with all of Indian Country Two Bears, Matt Hittle because this is going to affect us all. We need to work together to have the best Bear Shield reiterated, "It all falls possible outcome and product for IHS back on meaningful consultation and and all of Indian Country." the nonexistence of it. It's hard to win Joseph agreed that it is important trust back when we're not afforded the solutions that come from this bill meaningful consultation and our ques- should have a positive outcome on In- tions aren't answered." dian Country. "We have one chance at this and we Kitcheyan's other main points in- need to make sure we get it right this cluded the need for long term solutions, time," Congresswoman Torres stated, proper funding for the implementation before echoing and supporting the of programs, clarifi cation of "Savings importance of meeting with Tribes and honestly hearing out their ideas.

The Kidz Cafe started June 1st

New Deadline ! ! ! for Winnebago Newspaper July 7th Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 — Page 3 Winnebago News JESUS OUR SAVIOR


“Honor your father/Father” Creator God not only blessed us in this way, He also gave us His Sa- This past Sunday many took the cred Word and invites us each and time to honor their fathers. One every day to take time and allow of the blessings that our Creator Him to speak to you. The following has given us is an earthly father. A is advice from Your Heavenly Fa- father has been entrusted with the ther is found in that Sacred Word: role and the responsibility to serve My son, if your heart is wise, in providing for his child(ren) food, My heart will rejoice as well. clothing, shelter, protection and My innermost being will celebrate encouragement. when your lips speak upright things. A child is to honor his father, for Do not allow your heart to envy some this includes step-father (like sinners. Jesus had in Joseph), or foster fa- Instead have the fear of Yahweh all ther, Chooka, Deega or Jaaji. This the time. God-given duty does not depend on Indeed, there is a future, whether or not the father is worthy and your hope will never be cut off. of such honor or respect. No, we Listen, my son, and be wise, are called by Creator God to serve and go straight in the way of your and obey, love and cherish them. heart. For some this calling is much easier Do not be among those who than for others. drink too much wine, While some do not have a loving, with those who eat too much meat, caring, supportive earthly father, we because a drunk all can have a loving, merciful, and and a glutton will become poor, supportive Heavenly Father. Yes, we and drowsiness dresses a person all can have such a Father, as well in rags. we should, however some simply Listen to your father, who begot you, reject Him and would rather treat and do not despise your mother Him as if He did not exist. In other when she is old. words, we dishonor the One who Buy truth and do not sell [it]; ultimately blessed us with life. [buy] wisdom, discipline, and knowl- This Father is willing to adopt you edge. into His family. He has one and only The father of a righteous person One begotten Son, Jesus Christ. will cheerfully rejoice. Every other one of His children The man who begets a wise person has been received into His family will fi nd joy in him. through the water of Holy Baptism Your father and your mother will and/or through faith in Creator fi nd joy, God: God the Father, God the Son and she who gave birth to you will and God the Holy Spirit. It matters rejoice. what tribe or nation you were born My son, give me your heart, into, or what language you speak. and let your eyes be pleased with When Jesus gave his disciples my ways, his prayer, he gave them access to because a prostitute is a deep pit, His Heavenly Father. And so Jesus and a strange* woman is a narrow taught to begin their prayer with well. these words: “Our Father who art in She is also like a robber heaven.” Jesus’ Heavenly Father is waiting to ambush [someone], now, not only his Father, but ours as and she increases treacherous well. Whenever we pray this prayer, men among humanity. Jesus is praying right with us and Proverbs 23:15-28 so one never prays it alone or begins * A strange woman is one whom a with “My Father.” man is not married to

Educare Winnebago ELI Welcomes New Staff The Early Language Initiative Grant of Educare Winnebago is glad to an- nounce the hiring of a new Grant Assistant. Barb McCauley, lately of St. Augustine’s School, has joined the staff at ELI as of April of this year. Barb brings many years of experience in the Winnebago Community and has shown an aptitude for organization and a willingness to apply her abun- dant work ethic to help build the minds and spirits of the children in the Educare Program.

Letter to the Editor…

Two years ago we did not get a per capita check. Per cap is a right to Win- Masthead Scene nebagos. The Council gave that money to Lance Morgan. A year later we got part of the per cap. The rest was given to Lance Morgan. The Winnebago Football team took a trip to Hastings recently to at- That was the last year. tend a team football camp. Indians players learned a few skills from the Who is going to run for Council? coaches and got some scrimmage time in against other teams attending the camp. Go Big Blue! Thank you, Pat Greyhair

The next issue of the WINNEBAGO INDIAN NEWS will be published on July 12, 2017. DEADLINE for this issue will be July 7, 2017.

The Mission of the WIN is to inform and to ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The reproduc- Yearly Subscription Rates Winnebago Tribal Council educate the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska tion of editorial or photography content Nebraska Residents ...... $12.50 of issues that affect them, and to be a without permission is prohibited. Out-Of-State ...... $15.00 Frank White ...... Chairman vehicle in which stresses positive and CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send Overseas ...... $35.00 Vince Bass, Sr...... Vice Chairman —————————————————— benefi cial concerns and points of view. change of address with old mailing label to: Kenny Mallory ...... Secretary Winnebago Indian News Advertising Rate Postmaster Send Address Changes To LETTER POLICY: Signed editorials, let- Tori Kitcheyan ...... Treasurer ters and articles appearing in the WIN P.O. Box 687 Per Column Inch ...... $7.00 Winnebago Indian News Coly Brown ...... Member P.O. Box 687 are the responsibility of the authors and Winnebago, NE 68071 Advertising/News Deadline Darla LaPointe ...... Member Winnebago, Nebraska 68071 do not necessarily refl ect the opinion or Fax: 402-878-2632 12:00 Noon Monday Printing Week —————————————————— attitude of the Winnebago Indian News or or contact us at our e-mail address: Periodicals Postage Paid Curtis St. Cyr ...... Member Phone: 402-878-2272 the Winnebage Tribal Council. [email protected] (Issn 1060-3026) At Winnebago, NE Isaac Smith ...... Member The Winnebago Indian News (WIN), The WIN encourages the submission of Phone: 402-878-3221 Jim Snow ...... Member Winnebago Indian News Staff founded in January 1972, is published Letters to the Editor; however, letters must Jerome LaPointe, Sr...... Editor bi-weekly for the Winnebago Tribe of be signed and addressed. Letters may be “Offi cial Newspaper of V.J. Wolfl eader...... Offi ce Manager Nebraska. edited for language and length. the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska” Page 4— Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 Bago News

12 & Under Bago Boys Baseball Winners!… Con’t. from front page

By Coach Eugene 6 percent of total hospital expenses. By 2012 that fi gure reached $45.9 billion. And, after the Affordable Care Act, the total uncompensated care costs dropped to Winnebago’s 12 & Under Baseball team played a game last Wednesday night $35.7 billion or 4.2 percent of total hospital expenses, the lowest level in 26 years. against the Blue team. But this shows the futility of cutting Medicaid and insurance programs for the It was an intense game of lead changes that lead to Winnebago being ahead poor. It doesn’t save money, it just shifts it around. People who get sick will go to 13 to 10 going into the top of the 7th inning. Ponca scores three points that in- emergency rooms when it’s later in their illness and more expensive. So hospitals ning to tie the ball game 13-13. In the bottom of the 7th inning Gerry Earth is will cost more for everybody. (But at least the wealthy get their tax break, right?) up to bat and hits a triple to put the winning run on third base. On a wild pitch The opioid crisis is an example of that. The costs will not go away. Some money he steals home, but is thrown out. Next two batters strike out. Extras innings! will be found by states, cities and tribes. The Senate bill adds a funding stream Ponca’s fi rst batter is walked and scores on a couple wild pitches to take the of $45 billion over 10 years for substance abuse treatment and prevention that’s lead 14-13. The next three batters hit the ball into play, but Winnebago fi elds the now funded by the Affordable Care Act. But Medicaid expansion has been a key ball and gets the next three outs. Bottom of the eighth, Anthony Earth is walked, funding source. The Associated Press reports that Medicaid expansion accounted steals his way to third. Next batter Randy DeCora is walked steals to second. Oscar for 61 percent of total Medicaid spending on substance abuse treatment in Ken- Earth steps to the plate, with two strikes launches the next pitch into center fi eld tucky, 56 percent in Michigan, and 43 percent in Ohio. over the outfi elder’s head and the winning run walks in from second. Winnebago wins 15 to 14 over Ponca Blue. It was a hard-fought game for Win- nebago’s fi rst win in almost two decades. Good job boys!

#1 Caden Brownrigg #2 Eugene DeCora Jr. #3 Kenny Nieman #4 Tykell Thomas #5 Anthony Earth #6 Jared Doxey #8 Ladanian Free #10 Elias Blue #22 Dyami Berridge #35 Oscar Earth #40 Randy DeCora #42 Gerry Earth #50 Rochman Free #58 Lucian DeCora #99 Levin LaPointe

A Winnebago Daughter…

H.R.1628, the American Health Care Act of 2017, cuts Medicaid funds and provides benefi ts to high-income Americans. Source: Congressional Budget Offi ce The Senate has only a few days to consider their version of health care “reform.” Already a few conservatives are saying the bill doesn’t go far enough and want more changes. This is the script the House used: The conservatives throw a fi t, get their way, and then the so-called moderates give in and vote yes anyway. My bet is that Senate leaders have already written off Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Maine Sen. Susan Collins because of their past support for Planned Parenthood (there are already restrictions against the federal funding of abortion, but the Senate bill says Planned Parenthood cannot bill Medicaid for a year for all women’s health services). So I think Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is banking on a fi fty-fi fty split with Vice President Mike Pence casting the deciding vote. That means the moderate senators, those that support Medicaid in their states, can say what ever they want now. But it’s their vote that will count. Destroy Med- icaid or cut taxes? That’s the choice for these three: Rob Portman of Ohio, Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia, and Cory Gardner from Colorado. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking but I will add Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan to this list because Alaska will be hit particularly hard by the overall legislation, the opioid epidemic, the state’s successful expansion of Medicaid, and its impact on the Alaska Native Medical system. Sullivan said on Facebook that he will read every word of the bill and he wants “a sustainable and equitable path forward for Medicaid” and he won’t vote for a bill that makes things worse for Alaskans. So will it be his party or Alaskans? Health care or tax cuts? And, since I am asking already asking questions, will the Senate bill pass next week? Remember it will only take one senator to force the Senate to start over. Mark Trahant is the Charles R. Johnson Endowed Professor of Journalism at the University of North Dakota. He is an independent journalist and a member of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes. To read more of his regular #NativeVote16 updates, follow On Facebook:TrahantReports On Twitter: @ TrahantReports

For this and more stories from around Indian Country visit us at

WIN Summer Intern Bubz…

When I was little I always wanted to join the Army or the Air Force. I always 11 year old Ciarra L. Frenchman has spent her last 6 summers playing Fast had a place somewhere in my heart that I wanted to protect my country. Or even Pitch Softball for the Whiting Warriors Majors League team out of Whiting, Iowa. die for my country and let people know that I tried to protect them with my life. Ciarra, Tiny to her family, plays center fi eld and 3rd base for the Warriors. And if I had protected them and there family from bad people. And if I get out This is Tiny’s 6th year playing Fast Pitch Softball, she started when she was 5. alive I’ll tell other Vets about my story on the Field or in the Air. Ciarra is the daughter of Carmen Snow, and the granddaughter of Carol & Jim Snow. Go Get Um Ciarra! Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 — Page 5 Winnebago News

News From the EPD… Bed Bug Event The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, Environmental Protection Department will be hosting a one day Bed Bug Outreach Event, on July 12, 2017 to be held at Little Priest Tribal College from 10:00AM to 12:00PM, and again at Nebraska Indian Community College-Macy Campus from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Come hear from guest speaker Mark Lesher-EPA Region 7 Entomologist, about ways to identify bed bugs, products that truly work, best practices to help you avoid bringing them into your home and steps to take if you fi nd you have them. Mr. Lesher is an expert in the fi eld, and we are delighted to have him share his knowledge. Bed bugs are on the rise all over the country, and practicing good, sound preventative habits can help protect you and your family.

Please call me, Hilery Spray-Pesticide Circuit Rider with any questions you may have regarding this event. I can be reached at;

Hilery Spray-PCRC Environmental Protection Department Work (402) 878-4060 ext 1006 Cell (712) 259-0761

Job Opening for Food Services

Winnebago Public Schools

Prep cook

Winnebago public school District is accepting applications for a cook position.

-Experience in food service. -High school diploma or GED required. Entry salary begins at $12 an hour. Plus fringe benefi ts (single health insur- ance). Education and experience considered in salary. -Terms of employment August 11, 2017 until end of school year Plus clean days, hours to be determined by supervisor. -Serve safe certifi cation preferred.

Applications and background check releases available in administrative offi ce or See Pearl LaPointe in Kitchen Position open until July 26 2017 at 4 PM For more information call Winnebago Public School 878-2224 extension 375

Winnebago Public Schools is an equal opportunity employer

A “Big Thank You” New Deadline ! ! ! To whoever mowed the grass and repaired all the old broken head stones at the James Rave Cemetery. You did a great job! for Winnebago Newspaper Pattie Valladolid (Renfer Family) July 7th

2001 Chevy Silverado 1500 2006 Hummer H3 2010 Ford F-150

SOLD $8,500 4 x 4, 95 k miles $9,000 4 x 4 $9,000 4 x 4 Work Truck 90 k miles

2006 Dodge Charger R/T SPRING 2009 Caddy DTS BLOW OUT $7,800 SALE !!! $11,500 Hemi Power, 114 k miles 75 k miles Page 6 — Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 Miss Palmers Miss Palmers Writing Class… to domestic violence, I will share my story. the signs of an abusive relationship is the English 11 “Year to Live” Essays I get a call one night, it’s late and it’s fi rst step to ending it. No one should live Ms. Rachel Palmer, High School English freezing cold outside. I answer the phone in fear of the person they love.” (“Domes- and it’s my mom. Her voice is shaky as if tic Violence and Abuse”) I understand This year in English 11 we read one of our favorite novels--Deadline, by Chris she just got done crying. In my head I’m this is a very touchy subject and also that Crutcher. Deadline is a story about a senior in high school who is forced to con- wondering, “what happened now, what did it isn’t easy to open up about it. What front what matters most in life and what kind of an impact he wants to make on he do?” I ask my mom if everything was I ask of anyone who has read this is if his community before it’s too late. okay, and she ignores my question so I you know of anyone who is being abused It might be too late, because at the beginning of the school year Ben is hit with continued to ask her until she responds. please let them know that there is sup- a shocking diagnosis: he only has one year left to live. He decides to confront his She quietly responds, “no, everything isn’t port out there. Healing is a process and small Montana town rather than fade away , challenging them to change their okay right now.” I question, “what hap- can be rough, but it is possible. racist views. Would you change your life if you only had one year left to live? pened, tell me,” then she quickly says to Would you confront your community and try to make change one last time? What me, “I’ll call you right back,” then I hear legacy would you want to leave with friends, family, and community members? nothing. My adrenaline is rushing and I’m Alternative Subculture These are the questions that drove our decisions about writing these essays. suddenly in a panic, crying. My sisters All of the English 11 authors chose topics with the intent to have an impact on and brother are now at my side, asking Abuse = Hate Crime the community, so please read with open minds and open hearts. If you have “what did mom say?” I waited and waited, any comments or feedback, feel free to contact me: [email protected]. expecting a call back from my mom. Hours By Mary Payer pass and I still haven’t heard from her yet. Sincerely, For 2-3 years, my mother was in an Discrimination against the alternative Rachel Palmer abusive relationship with a guy who al- subcultures such as goths, metalheads, ways wanted to be in control of her and punks, and alternatives is a serious form of discrimination that is unnecessary towards the future making no excuses what she does. Through the years it only and must be stopped. for ourselves. We can’t forget what our got worse and worse. How would you feel Education and Sophie Lancaster was in her twen- own Chief Little Priest said, “Be strong seeing your mother with bruises up and ties. She was a college student in the Native Youth and educate my children.” down her body? I’m going to tell you, it’s not easy. It hurts you in a way that cannot UK. She was slender, hardly reached 5 By Justice Frenchman be explained. It’s all something you can ft, and she was a size eight. She didn’t only question and hope to get an answer like to be easily stereotyped. According Let me start by asking a question, Domestic Violence to. There were times when I wouldn’t hear to Mark Hodkinson from The Guardian, “Would you want your children to not from my mom for long lengths of time. on August 11, 2007, Sophie and her get the same education as other kids?” I & Its Witnesses Sometimes it would be days, and that boyfriend Robert Maltby were out walk- ing when these two teenagers came out wouldn’t. I would want my kids to have By Jonna Price would turn into weeks. When I would the same opportunities as everybody fi nally hear from her, I would always ask of nowhere and started to attack Robert Maltby first. Sophie came to his aid else. That’s why everybody in the Native Are you or someone you care about her if I was able to come see her or not. and pleaded for them to stop, but then community and non-Native people that in an abusive relationship? According The few times I would see her, she would they turned to her and started to beat associate with the Native community to the World Health Organization (Vagia- have black-eyes, and also bruises on dif- her. Both of them were on the ground, should acknowledge that the education nos), “Worldwide, men who were exposed ferent parts of her body. kicked, stomped on and left uncon- system is failing our Native students. to domestic violence as children are It wasn’t every time though. I contin- scious while they were bleeding. Then More awareness on this topic could THREE TO FOUR TIMES more likely to ued to ask her, “why do you stay, don’t afterwards, the gang left to go celebrate bring about change, and inspire hope perpetrate intimate partner violence as you know that he’s going to keep doing their attacks by telling friends, “There’s in my fellow Native students. adults than men who did not experience this to you?” I felt bad because I knew two moshers nearly dead up in Bacup I would also like to say that we have domestic abuse as children.” Statistics how naive she would get when it came to park. You wanna see them?! They’re a to put some of the blame on ourselves, like this show that abuse creates a cycle, him. She always believed that he would right mess!” (Hodkinson). because the fact is that many Native and most of us have probably witnessed change every single time. I also felt bad The Daily Mirror states that they were Americans do drink and do drugs. or been a victim in our lives. So why do because there was nothing I could’ve done brought to a hospital where Sophie died Some consequences of this are adults people allow this to happen? Why would that would’ve helped her escape sooner. I 13 days later. Robert is alive and well to becoming alcoholics, and caring more someone stay in an abusive relationship couldn’t help her fi nancially, but one thing this day. He woke up from a coma where about getting a drink than making sure or allow a child to also be a victim? Do- I made sure of was to always listen to her she was dying from her head injuries. “I that their kids get good grades. Effects mestic abuse is complicated, but there is and pay attention to how she feels. No was fi ne until I saw her. That was when I from this could be child neglect, and hope. If we educate ourselves and become matter what I or anyone else would say, broke down” (Byrne). He wishes that she it could make them stray away from aware of how domestic abuse works, then she would go right back. That’s the one would’ve ran and they could’ve killed him learning. This can become an extreme we can help someone who has been a and only reason why I bit my tongue so instead. She still means the world to him case in which it causes suicide. Other victim heal themselves. many times. I didn’t want her to think she to this day. “All I wanted to do was give consequences could be brain damage When you think of abuse, what is it couldn’t trust me. I stayed up late some her something, but all I had on me was from teens drinking or doing drugs that comes to mind? First, I am going to nights worrying, wondering if I’d ever see a cheap watch my granddad had given (“The Truth”). Addiction gives them a explain the different forms of domestic my mom again. That is the most heart- me. So I just took it off and gave it to way out or excuse not to get an educa- abuse and why it is that someone may wrenching feeling ever, and it hurts so her. If I could have, I would have ripped tion. abuse another. The types of abuse are much to even have that thought. I don’t my heart out and given it out to her and Also, Native American students have physical, mental, emotional, sexual, wish this feeling upon my worst enemy. with any luck bring her back. But I did the lowest graduation rate in the U.S. stalking/cyberstalking, economic/fi nan- One night I remember getting a call not have it in my power” (Byrne). To add along with this they are not get- cial, and spiritual. Physical abuse is the from my mom, and this time it wasn’t So why were they attacked? They were ting the right courses; they are offered most visible form of abuse, and can cause so late. She was crying and she told me attacked because they were both goths, less advanced placement courses. Fur- physical harm. Mental and emotional she was at the domestic violence shelter. not for their religion, race, sexual orien- thermore, ACT test scores are rapidly abuse is the least visible form of abuse. Believe me, this wasn’t the fi rst time. Her tation, or political beliefs. According to declining, and their SAT scores are Emotional/Mental abuse happens when words came out so quickly, I couldn’t keep Hodkinson, Robert took one last look at substantially lower than white student your boyfriend or girlfriend is continu- up with what she was telling me. In full her as Sophie lay dying, and he asked, scores, according to Rebecca Klein at ously trying to bring you down verbally. length, I will tell you what happened to my “What have we done to deserve this?” the Huffi ngton Post (huffi ngtonpost. An example of that would be name call- mother that night from what I remember. The family had to make a heartbreak- com). ing. Next I will talk about sexual abuse My mom was on her phone because ing decision: it was to turn off her life This could be the affects of lack and a few examples of sexual abuse. one of my sisters wanted to see her. So, support machine. The Judge, Anthony of attendance, not getting to class all Sexual abuse is any sort of nonconsen- my mom told him that she was going to Russell QC said: “This was a hate crime the time, or just slacking. Other rea- sual sexual contact, but it gets compli- leave. She repeatedly tried explaining to against completely harmless people who sons are mobility of the student, like cated when it comes to domestic violence. him that she was going see one of her were targeted because their appearance on a constant move from parent(s) One big example of sexual abuse can be daughters. He failed to believe her and was different” (Hodkinson). There were 5 to grandparent(s). As Mandy Smoker if your male partner is being controlling began accusing her of “going to see an- teenagers in that gang. They were called Broaddus, who is a Native American over your decision about pregnancy and/ other guy.” After she attempted to leave, the Bacup Terror Group. The gang was education specialist, said, “It’s a prob- or abortion (Patricelli). he grabbed her phone out of her hand. sentenced to prison. Each of them are in lem because families in poverty tend But, why is it that people abuse? After taking it, he hid it from her so she for different sentences. “I want them to not to have stable housing. Kids move According to the American Psychologi- couldn’t talk to anyone. My mom got up, never stop suffering for what they have around with different family members” cal Association, “Each year, 3.3 million approaching the door and he stepped in done. I want it to be a life-long thing. I (Zehr). children are exposed to violence by family front of her and asked, “where do you do not even think I can say what I want Another issue that affects the edu- members against their mothers or female think you’re going?” She sat back down, to happen” (Hodkinson). cation of Native Americans on some caretakers” (“Statistics”). Abusing is a and he began to push on her. At fi rst he As a metal head myself, I’ve always reservations is poor quality of services choice. In many cases it’s the female was just nudging her, but his pushing wondered why we’re attacked in many in boarding schools and BIA schools. that is being abused in the relationship, became more aggressive. After trying to forms when we didn’t do anything. According to Charla Bear, BIA schools but it’s also common that the male is the run to the door, he grabbed her by her “People will look at you and think you’re have always been severely under- victim. People may choose to abuse to feel hair and threw her to the fl oor. It escalated the Antichrist just ‘cause you’re wear- funded. Teachers and administrators as if they have control over their partner. from there, he started to hit her and kick ing black and have tattoos” says Chris at BIA schools have also been surveyed Another reason someone may abuse is her. My mom continued to try to get up Motionless, frontman of Motionless in and tend to see academics as less im- because they have a psychotic disorder of and run, but he would catch her each White, in an Ink and Honor interview portant in the lives of their students. some sort. Also, alcohol can have a huge time. After the third or fourth attempt, it (Chris Motionless). I personally don’t Bear states that, impact when it comes to abuse, as well as became more severe. He was throwing her have tattoos, but I do wear black (and When asked to name the most im- drugs. It’s possible the abuser will “lash to the ground, and also began slamming other colors as well). portant things the schools should do out” when under the infl uence. her head against the fl oor. He was punch- What is the Alternative Subculture? for their students, only about one-tenth Why is it people stay in an abusive ing her, kicking her, pulling her hair. My The scene typically involves piercings, of the teachers mentioned academic relationship? According to the National mom fi nally escaped and ran; she ran to heavy black eyeliner or heavy makeup, achievement as an important goal. Coalition for the Homelessness, “Domes- the police department with no shoes on, in tattoos, other body modifi cations, col- Apparently, many of the teachers still tic Violence is the THIRD leading cause freezing weather. As she was running from orful hair, “odd” hairstyles, dark and/ see their role as that of “civilizing the of homelessness among families” (Va- his house, he yelled to her “I’m sorry,” and or modifi ed clothes, different genres of native” ( gianos). Studies have shown that “up to continued to tell her to come back. The music, movies, books, etc. For example, School board members, administra- 50% of homeless women and children police questioned her, and took pictures Sophie always dyed her hair, she had tors, teachers, parents, and community in this country are fleeing domestic of her where she was mainly hurt. My dreadlocks, and 20 piercings. Robert members should see academics as an violence.” If a woman is being abused mom then went to the hospital to check had two lip-piercings, back-combed important goal to look to in the future if and children are involved, when they if she had any major injuries. That night his hair, had gauges, and wore black we want change in our own community. leave their abuser they often take the she was told she got a concussion due to eye-shadow. Robert and Sophie liked Lastly, school has a violent history children along with them. Often though, him slamming her head onto the ground MCR, Slipknot, Korn, and movies like with Native communities from hitting, victims don’t leave abusive homes in repeatedly. She spent a few weeks in the The Crow. yelling, and even molesting students. fear of leaving their family and not be- Domestic Violence shelter where she was No matter how I’ve looked throughout Col. Richard Pratt once said in a speech ing able to see them. Also, they don’t able to seek counseling. Since then, my my life, I’ve always been well-mannered, from 1892 ”Kill the Indian...Save the want their children to think they don’t mom hasn’t been in contact with the guy generous as I can be. An average-grade Man” (“Kill the Indian”). Even though love or care for them. In some cases, the and I hope she never does again. Due to student, the teachers like me, and I’ve this quote is over a hundred years old, victim does take their child(ren) with his abuse, I could have lost my mother. My always been respectful. Not to mention, it still is felt in the scars embedded into them. Financial issues come into play hope is to never cross paths with someone I also tend to speak my mind. So why our Native ancestors. Sometimes Native when the victim leaves. Sometimes he/ who may try to physically hurt me in any do people always laugh, stare, point, or students were physically and emotion- she might not have money to support kind of way, as well as my sisters. talk about me? Why do they even try to ally abused in schools. But in all cases them, or they might not even have a Have you ever heard of the saying, “if hurt me? Isn’t it wrong to judge before their culture was taken away, making job. For example, “stay at home moms” they do it once they’ll do it again?” That’s getting to know the person? I’m sure the them feel “less than” (“”). won’t have individual fi nancial stability. the moral of my story. Victims of abuse alt scene asks the same question. The Now we must take action. I and my The American Public Health Association are so vulnerable and often feel like they abuse is a daily thing for the groups. fellow Native students should be the found that “The number one reason do- have nobody to turn to because they’re Whether it’s school, public, or at home. captains of our education, so we are mestic violence survivors stay or return afraid of judgment, so they stay. I shared I’ve met people with the same problem, educated and help our people grow. So to the abusive relationship is because my story, and I hope it made an impact counting my friends. It’s all the same we aren’t frowned upon in the academic the abuser controls their money supply, in someone’s life. I want every woman or result: we’re all hurt in the end whether world. I think that we should explore leaving them with no fi nancial resources man out there to know that they aren’t it’s physical or not. Even the judgment and not rely on public schools. We to break free” (Vagianos). alone and that there is help out there. I is bad enough. We have different ways of should go to bigger schools, so we can Being a witness of domestic violence know a huge downfall can be asking for dealing with this. Some self-harm them- have advanced learning and become is almost as close as being a victim. You help. Trust me though, the second you selves, listen to music, are depressed, important people in the world. (Ex. continue to think, why? Why would he ask for help can be the second your life fi ght back, or consider suicide. Politicians, Doctors, and Lawyers). We do that, and why does she continue to can change forever. I don’t want anyone’s Are some people fi nally taking no- need to understand our past and the stay after he did it more than once? To son or daughter to feel the way I had to tice? Back in 2013, Manchester Police challenges that held us back as a peo- help convey the experience of a witness feel because of what I had to see my mom ple. Yet at the same time we must look go through. “Noticing and acknowledging became the fi rst force in the country Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 — Page 7 Class Writings

Alternative Subculture Abuse = from alternative subcultures, please Plus Size Revolution the night, so Michael & Merrick made Hate Crime continued... think seriously about why you are dis- By Shalise Cline the sacrifi ce to give their food up to the to offi cially record such offences in the criminating. When you assume things, little ones. Michael & Merrick would be same way as those based on disability, ask first. Curious about the person? Did you know that 65 percent of really hungry and starving waiting for race, religion and sexual orientation. Ask. That person never did anything to American women are considered “Plus their mom to come back home. “The move means victims of crime who you and yet you’re treating them like Sized”? That is more than half of the But one morning the little ones got feel they have been targeted because of trash? It’s time to stop. Stop acting like 157 million women that live in America out of the house, went into the front their distinctive clothing, hairstyle and you matter more than them: we’re hu- today. In the fashion industry you are yard and started walking to the store even musical tastes will receive special man too. We deserve the same respect, considered plus size if you are a size 2 blocks away from the residence. The support from the police. At the moment equality, and not to put up with negativity 14 or larger ( In the society little ones got to the main highway and courts only consider hate as an aggra- anymore. We’re everywhere. We’re high we live in, many people cannot accept started to cross. Then all of a sudden vating factor when sentencing if it is school students, teachers, the mailman, the fact that not all of us are perfect. an elderly man grabbed the little kids based on religion, ethnicity, disability the waiter/waitress, a business-person, It’s important that all women learn to before they could cross the road and and sexual orientation” (Telegraph). doctors, anything you can think about. love themselves and try thinking of their called the police. When the police arrived After Sylvia Lancaster (Sophie’s Just remember, “Open your mind before bodies positively. at the house they had the little ones in mother) set up the Sophie Lancaster your mouth.” (Motionless in White). What is plus size? Plus size is cloth- the back of the cop car. Also, they put (Stomp Out Prejudice, Hatred, and ing/people that are larger than the the older boys in the cop car and took Intolerance Everywhere) foundation, “normal” size. From my knowledge of them away from their mother. Michael the alt subculture praised it. After she Happiness! clothing stores, a size 0-12 is considered will never forget that day when he was died, people offered their condolences the average size range. The average plus taken away from his mother because of and posted their own stories of being By Zeke Walker size woman wears a size 14 and up. So bad parenting. So I want parents to read attacked for how they looked on So- basically if you are not “average” ac- this article and make changes to their phie’s MySpace site. “I realized that Did you know people who are truly cording to the fashion industry, you are families to give their kids a better life prejudice and intolerance was the new happy are more likely to be success- separated into a special category, away than starvation, neglect, or even suicide. racism and my hope was that what hap- ful in their respective careers? In a from the rest. One of the three main topics I am pened to Sophie would lead to a greater study done on the Harvard Graduating Only 18 percent of retail sales are going to talk about are some bad habits understanding and acceptance of all Class of 1980, 47% of those that are dedicated to plus size women (CNBC. a parent can make about parenting. Ac- people” (Lancaster). After the founda- “extremely happy” said they enjoy what com). Most plus size clothing choices cording to the author Heather Kolich, tion was brought to life, Robert says they are currently doing versus 14% are online. So if you do not have a credit not following through is the main one he’s still heartbroken, “Now I wake up of the people who are not (Bradt). Are card to purchase clothes online, then I want to talk about because kids will in the morning and I’m on my own. It you satisfi ed with what you are cur- you may not have a variety of clothing test you on your boundaries to see how feels like someone nicked my entire life. rently doing? If you aren’t, then why choices. There could be millions of ques- much trouble they will be in. So you I always thought there was one person not try to change that? Nothing is more tions when you start to shop online, like parents have to talk to your children for everyone. If mine’s gone, what am I important than making yourself happy, will it fi t me correctly? How long will this loud and clear about your boundar- going to do now?” (Maltby). The foun- because if you are, you will be more take to ship? Or will it get here when I ies and the consequences (How Stuff dation made its goal to provide a forum motivated to get things accomplished. need it to get here? Don’t always be telling for discussion; to work with youths to Being happy defi nitely has its perks, Why are retail sellers neglecting plus them “yes” to everything. Saying yes raise awareness of subcultures and an besides the overall better mood, obvi- size women? “In the United States alone to your children all the time can cause acceptance of people’s right to be dif- ously. However, there are mental and plus-size clothing is now a $17.5 billion your children to be comfortable with the ferent; and to help professionals in the health benefi ts as well. I know you prob- market, but it remains one of the most word yes. Therefore when you say “no” fi eld (The Guardian). ably think it’s weird that I am actually underserved segments of the fashion to them they would feel upset and have Fortunately I haven’t come across fi nding reasons to be fulfi lled, because industry” ( So an attitude, so don’t get comfortable anything as extreme as Sophie’s story the self-evident reason is it feels good. why is plus sized fashion being pushed with saying the word yes. in my personal life, but I remember a But did you know that feeling content off to the side? It can’t possibly be be- Another main one is being a parent time when I was out at the movies with has some genuine health benefi ts, like cause the clothes will have to made big- before being a friend. I want to talk my family and one of my best friends. living a healthier, longer life? According ger. This topic alone has caused some about this one because some parents When I was walking to the bathroom, an to, comparing two serious controversy. Clothing prices for in this world are letting their kids go older woman was walking back to the people, one who lived happy and one who plus size customers are more expensive out late at night, staying out all night theatres with a little girl. The woman did not, was like comparing a smoker to a than any other clothing category. When putting themselves in harm’s way by gasped, frantically grabbed, and held non-smoker. The happy one lived as long will this start to turn around? When will drinking and smoking. I’m not saying all the little girl while they were staring at as the non-smoker, and the other lived as the fashion industry fi nally hear plus the kids that are out are partying and me as they walked. I had pink, purple, long as the smoker. When you are joyful, size women out? When will plus women drinking but according to Carl Azuz, and red hair. I was wearing a Beetlejuice your heart is feeling good too! According and men fi nally get what they deserve? some teenagers are even drinking or shirt with purple jeans, black creepers to many studies, feeling delighted natu- Time to talk about my personal story: using drugs during the school day. He (shoes), a spiked choker, and white con- rally lowers your heart rate, which helps Growing up I was always bigger than states, “It’s no surprise to their class- tacts. I’ve also been threatened and have prevent many diseases that can be fatal. all the other kids. I was always teased mates, either: 86% say they know the been treated poorly in school or when Probably the most important thing that by my family and friends about how 2.8 million who are abusing substances I’m out shopping or walking. happiness does is it naturally combats “chubby” I was. I was always told that during the day” ( Therefore, A few friends of mine had it worse stress. If we can reduce stress in our I needed to lose weight. It wasn’t until one of your kids may be drinking and than me, and one of them was facing lives, this will help us both physically and recently when I looked around me and smoking. Also if your kids are drinking daily abuse in the Homer Community mentally (“The Health Benefi ts”). started thinking about how I wasn’t the and smoking then they may think it’s School in 2014. In the fi rst few months Without a doubt, becoming happy only person in the world who was big- okay to drink or smoke, even when bad of the fi rst semester, things took a turn has a huge impact on your life. You see ger. I looked around and saw how most things can happen like going to jail for for the worst. She fi nally left the school there’s this myth that if you work hard of the women and men all wore larger having illegal substances on them at a year later. “At my old school, the other and get something done, you’ll be satis- sizes. I realized that not everyone was a young age. Your kids might let your kids used to tell me to kill myself be- fi ed just like that. Unfortunately that’s perfect and I wasn’t alone. I started to future grandkids drink and smoke, cause I was “emo” and all emos wanted just not the case. To be successful, gain confi dence in myself, and I didn’t burning their future bridges just by to do is kill themselves and cut. Before you often must make yourself content let anyone bring me down, because at smoking or drinking. There are so many when I was “goth” people would always fi rst. Are you more likely to want to get the end of the day this is who I am. I consequences. For example, if you get touch or grab me. Some people would something done when you’re feeling drab won’t change the way I look just be- caught with drugs or alcohol at an early say “Don’t look at her”, “Oh, so you wor- and sad, or when you are excited and cause someone else doesn’t like it. age you can lose scholarships, and if ship the devil?!” She also said, “I was feeling good? Feeling happy improves Millions of females have stories like you’re an athlete you can get kicked once called a Devil’s wh*re.” productivity. According to Vanessa Van mine. Everyone struggles with their off the team. So it’s time to put the foot Another friend of mine moved away Edwards from, feel- body image. We just need to be body down and keep your kid’s futures alive for a bit. She was walking home alone ing buoyant boosts motivation, energy positive. What is body positivity you by doing the little things that count. from a park and a boy saw her. He start- and resiliency. In turn, feeling this great ask? Body positivity is loving yourself The next main thing I want to cover ed to shout the lyrics out for the “Whip will boost your creativity. Having a more for who you are. It is a movement for is what bad parenting habits can lead and Nae Nae”, and he called her an “emo clear and sunny mindset will help you be anyone, but it starts with yourself. to. “Future poor parenting can be also wh*re”, “homo”, “fag”, “b**ch”, and “sl*t”, more creative in the activities you like to How to be body positive: Like I said, a cycle with some kids” (EHow Con- then made inappropriate sounds. A good do. With all of these qualities combined, it starts with yourself. Just start ap- tributor). Kids can continue to create friend of mine said that she got called you are more likely to be successful. You preciating life. When you wake up every the cycle of bad parenting because that’s satanic. Lastly, a friend told me from will do better in your career and in your morning tell yourself you are beauti- what they knew growing up so therefore his side, “My mom basically sold me personal life. Being optimistic will not ful. You can’t be positive if you are con- they don’t know what’s right or wrong. out. She always treated me as the “bad” only impact you but others around you. stantly comparing yourself to others. Do “Depression can be created from or different child. This happened three If you are a joyous person, people will something that will make you feel good a parent by not giving the attention and a half years ago. She introduced this be more likely to gravitate towards you every day. Maybe try self-affi rmations: your kid needs to be loved or feel cared “cousin” that she brought home. The (including employers). Just make sure go to church, go for a walk, or do some- for.”(EHow Contributor) I’m not saying “cousin” would love to pick on me. As he whatever career path you choose makes thing that you know you love to do. It all depression is caused by bad parent- did more often, he was here at the house you truly content with yourself. only matters if it makes YOU feel good! ing but mostly depression can be felt if every day. He forced me to work, throw Of course I can’t tell you all of this Plus size women around the world they don’t have a parent to lean on when me in the couch and beat me while my without telling you how you can get sat- are creating a movement. We are not they’re going through some hard times. mom watched and approved. This led isfi ed yourself. If you want to be happy, taking no for an answer. Everyone de- Every child or teenager needs a parent to my fi rst suicide attempt. When that you have to have the right mindset. You serves to be treated equally. We have all there for them to be able to improve failed, I tried running away. I didn’t have to be as optimistic as you can be. been through a struggle before. I hope self-esteem so the child can feel like they get very far so I came home eventually. You see, happiness isn’t just something that all plus size women have a helping matter and are appreciated in their life. This was kept in until my older brother that happens to you out of nowhere; it’s hand in this, because this could poten- Handling your child’s behavior can be moved back in.” a lifestyle. You have to wake up every tially shape the world we live in today. an important factor too because some It makes my blood boil knowing day, thinking to yourself “Today’s going “Love the skin you are in, don’t body children can get their way by just throw- they went through this. I’ve known my to be a good day. I know it will be, and shame and keep being you.” -Unknown ing a fi t or doing anything to get their friends for a long time now. They’ve all I will make sure it is.” This isn’t just way. Some parents will give in and let been nothing but sweet, generous, and something I researched on. This really it slide. “For example, if she loses privi- respectful to me and to everyone else. is the way I think every day, and it truly leges for a low grade, but other times you I’ve got their backs, just like they do for has made a difference in my life. To be Bad Parenting: How to Be let it slide, she might not worry about me. But sadly I can’t be there physically sure, you’re not going to do this on your the Adult of Your Family another low score because she may get for all of them. I wish I could be there to own. You will need a great supportive by without a consequence. Consistency hug them and say they’ll be okay. I’ve network, like family, friends, and others. By Manape Cleveland is important” (Robert Hendren). also met people in this scene from out- People who will be your backbone, who Lack of trust is really important in side of my community and they’ve all will pick you up when you feel like you Why don’t parents put their children a relationship between you and your been nice, even to their peers. can’t do it yourself. Another thing that fi rst before their needs and wants in life? child. Kids need their parent to be there I understand that we have different will help you in your quest to be happy Let me tell you this story about a kid when anything happens. “If you repeat- interests, different music, wear differ- is simply getting more sleep. And relaxing named Michael. Michael is the second edly tell your child that she can come to ent clothes from the majority, but we’re more when you feel stressed. Just sitting oldest out of 5 children. Michael is 11 you and talk about anything, but then just like regular people. We’re all fl esh there, calming yourself can always help years old and starting to take care of his you explode in anger when she reveals and blood; there’s no need to attack just you when you are not feeling the best. little siblings at a young age. His mom something you don’t want to hear; she because of these qualities. We do fi ght In the end, you have to fi nd what makes was a single mom at this period of time probably won’t feel like she can trust back, but only if it’s necessary. We are you sincerely happy with yourself, even and didn’t have her priorities straight. you next time something big happens” the least types to judge, I don’t know if if others start to think differently about Therefore she wanted to relive her teen- (EHow Contributor). When children that’s provable but that’s what I think. you. All that matters in your life is you. age years and stay out and party all don’t trust coming to you for anything I’m not sure if this is true either, but In conclusion, I am telling people how I night even when she had 5 kids at home, then they may feel lonely. Children don’t this issue is rarely noticed by others. It deal with life every day. I think what I am leaving the two older ones to watch the like being lonely, and parents should be still happens to others in other places saying will be able to help others all over. little ones. a child’s number one friend in their life. outside of our community. Just be sure you stick with your decision Michael always wanted to go hang Finally, the last one is dysfunctional To close this essay off, here are some that made you happy in the fi rst place. It out with his friends down the road, go patterns in families. What is a dysfunc- lyrics, “Maybe if your mind was as open will get hard sometimes, but that doesn’t play video games, stay the night, and tional family? According to Kansas State as your mouth. You’d understand that mean you’ve failed. Every road will have have a good time like children are sup- website, “family dysfunction can be any regardless of what anyone wears, looks it ups and downs. Just be sure to stick posed to. Michael always is wondering condition that interferes with healthy like, or sings about, we’re all the same it through, because eventually happiness when it’s time to eat. Michael and his family functioning. Most families have kids. Fighting for what we believe in and will become a habit. old brother Merrick always made stuff some periods of time where functioning you can never take that away.” (MIW, “Happiness is not something you post- to feed the little ones so they won’t be is impaired by stressful circumstances” “Just when you thought we couldn’t get pone for the future; it is something you starving and be waiting for their mom (Benton). In these kinds of families, chil- any more emo, we go and pull a stunt design for the present.” - Jim Rohn to come home and cook for them. They dren can take adult responsibilities at a like this.” *censored version*) barely even have enough to eat and the very young age when they’re supposed If you are a person who judges people little ones wouldn’t be full to get through to be living as a child. When parents do Page 8 — Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 Miss Palmers

Bad Parenting: How to Be the Adult of Your Family continued... in the hallways as the students go to fi nding themselves and looking out for one, especially an abused victim, it kills their classes. their future.Teenagers sometimes feel their confi dence and they will be scared this to children they’re stealing their “Your story matters; your voice is like they’re on their own, that no one to do anything at all, so don’t be that childhood away from them, leading important. The world is waiting for you- understands them. Or that they don’t person. Develop a safety plan, whether if to ignoring their needs and wants as for your song- but we will never hear it know who to talk to. Who do they go it’s about escaping a relationship, trying a child. if you feel trapped where you are, letting to when they’re in need? Music. Music to make it better or they have already No matter what the issue is in a fam- fears in your head and scars from your helps teenagers with coping. When they escaped. Abuse can make someone com- ily, the parent always has to put their past hold you back.” - Ariel Bloomer, listen to their favorite artist they feel mit suicide, that’s how deadly it can be, children fi rst no matter what the situ- singer of Icon For Hire (Think TEI). Ev- what the artist feels. Sadness, heart- so take it seriously when your friend is ation is. Any adult can make children ery person you’ve looked up to whether break, empowerment, joy. etc. telling you these things. It might have but who can stand up and raise their that be in the music world or art world, Teens have their own way to see taken them a lot of courage to do so children? Put clothes on their back, etc. has gone through troubling times. what each other feel and mostly that’s ( put a roof over their head, put food on We all have, but that doesn’t mean we through music. Without the person tell- It’s not fair to a partner or child to be the table. Making sure your kid has have to harm ourselves and kill each ing you what’s wrong, you can feel the abused. They didn’t choose to. All it does everything they need to take care of other on the inside to solve our prob- emotions through their music. is leave them with horrible memories. themselves. Those are the parents we lems. Maybe a mental asylum isn’t the Adults need to try to understand Once you’re abused, it’s hard to sit and need in this world because kids wor- answer? Maybe it’s the way we cope teenagers and be open to what type of have a talk with anybody about it. Abuse rying about when they’re gonna eat with situations. music they listen to. is real and can really hurt people. There again and not take full responsibility As you lay down in your bed at night, Music helps teens express what they are 5 main types of it, and they all hurt for their families is unacceptable. The imagine how many deaths we would feel. So please when you start getting more than the other. Just know that parent needs to be the adult in your have if coping through bad situations annoyed of your teenager always listen- if you’re an abused victim, you aren’t household, not the kids. couldn’t be done in a positive or cre- ing to music, respectfully ask them to alone. There is a lot of help out there ative way. Those who have found the stop listening to music for the moment you could get. Just simply ask a friend light and made the world a better place and try to think back when you were and call them to your rescue. If you’re Pain to Creativity through their music and pictures, it a teenager. Didn’t you use music as a scared to even do that, pick yourself up By Alexandrea Flanders would never happen. Every war we’ve teenager as well? Think about it. and build confi dence over a span of time. ever had would be everlasting. When a Then fi nally make that call, far away Now it seems mutilation has gone bad situation came along, we would be from your abuser. mainstream! I see you at my shows, focused on anger and trying to reach Abuse and Breaking scarred up from head to toe like there’s the greatness in the world through a no point in even trying not to let it strategy we would never achieve. With the Cycle Being Non-Native Growing show. ‘Cause we all know, “emo” kids creativity, there are no mistakes. “An By Derrell Zagurski like to hurt themselves. Too many feel- artist who stops making art is com- Up on the Winnebago, NE ings and not enough self control, and mitting emotional suicide” - Unknown. You look in the window of a house I mean does this mess with any of the “One good thing about music, when it Reservation from afar and see a crying teenager get- rest of ya? It’s an epidemic and we’re hits you feel no pain” - Bob Marley. We ting punched and kicked like they are By Cayetana Hansen cool with it don’t question it - “Under can turn our pain into art and create a beach ball by what seems an adult. The Knife” by Icon For Hire something beautiful through our feel- They see you walk past and threaten you “How can you deal with the bullying According to, ings of pain, anger and sorrow. Let the with a hand sign. You’re thinking, do I from Native kids, since you’re white?” music can help reduce chronic pain beauty and the mess coexist as one continue walking or call some help? The “You’re stupid for attending a Native by more than 20% and can alleviate piece of art. answer is call for some help because by school. You’re just setting yourself up depression by up to 25%. This fact any means that teen is going to think to get bullied.” I’ve heard these ques- proves that when words and actions about worse things than abuse. It’s a fact tions and comments multiple times, don’t speak our pain, creativity does. Music and Teens that 5 children die every day because of from other European Americans at Harming our own bodies has become By Raommi Bird child abuse, more or less than 13,700 sports, drama and other school events. common, even trendy for many. Instead are abused every day in the USA alone Also from my friends from other white we must learn to bleed our feelings “Ugh, there they are playing that ( These are simple communities. The people that ask these through art. loud music again!” “All you do is listen statistics about a problem that no one types of questions are just jumping to Generally speaking, every time I to music.” “You think music is going wants to fully resolve yet: abuse. Just conclusions due to stereotypes. The open up my laptop and go to Face- to help you in school?” “Music is just like Dave Pelzer said “Childhood should towns around Winnebago, NE must book or I check my iPod and go to a distraction.” be carefree, playing in the sun; not living learn to acknowledge Native Americans, Snapchat, it seems there’s always a This is what we as teenagers hear a nightmare in the darkness of the soul.” learn about the cultures more, and drop picture of someone, drinking, smoking, most of the time: Adults getting an- There are only about 7 types of abuse. the stereotypes. cutting or harming their own bodies noyed of the music we listen to. Little I will tell you the ones that affect people The advantages about growing because they’re hurting on the inside do they know that music helps us in the most. One type is called physical up on a reservation are that living on a (Medical Daily). In relation, a study many ways. Just so you know we aren’t abuse. That’s when a victim is choked, reservation has been such a learning ex- was conducted in 2014 by researchers just ignoring you; we’re just trying to punched, kicked, slapped, anything that perience. I love living on the reservation. at Queen’s University and the study help ourselves in ways you can’t. If you can think of that is physical. Loveis- I’ve been here since I was born. I’m so found that every one in ten teenagers parents, teachers and other adults can states that if you’re trying used to the culture and being a part of have considered harming themselves learn to open up about how teenagers to escape an abusive struggle, “Start by it. I normally ignore the racist comments at some point. The National Center for use music, this would help improve learning that you are not alone. More I sometimes hear from other European PTSD estimates from 13 to 35 percent relationships so we could better un- than one in 10 high school students have Americans, who have said “I’m white of students have injured themselves at derstand each other. already experienced some form of physi- and I belong with white people.” It’s such some point (Psychology Today). As you might have guessed teenag- cal aggression from a dating partner, and a learning experience going to powwows There are teens and adults that hurt ers have this special connection with many of these teens did not know what and cedar burnings/blessings. their bodies because the physical pain music. Some adults might just see that to do when it happened.” Another form Most white people live in this distracts them from emotional pain music is “distracting”, but in reality of abuse is sexual abuse. It’s considered thing called a “white bubble,” sur- which makes them relieved (Healthy music does a lot more than you real- this when the abuser is always putting rounded by like-minded community Place). People often read stories or ize. To some adults certain types of you down, threatening to harm your members. They do not spend much watch movies portraying a person with music may be garbage to their ears, reputation, and the big one is rape. Ver- time with people who are different from a mental disorder. In those movies/ but to the ears of the young adult or bal abuse is also a huge problem. That’s themselves. Some people even believe books, often being “too strong for so teenager it might be helping them with when you are just calling people names, that “being white is the norm,” or to be long” creates a person who continues a battle unknown to you. verbally threatening someone. It’s a big white is “the good thing” (White People). to fight off the depression and self Throughout all of history music has problem with parents to children. They The problem is, seeing one culture as harm their body in any way, only to played an important part. All parts of curse out their kids and blame them the norm is a damaging idea. We need meet someone who fi xes all of their the world had their own type of music. for everything or criticize them. The to see diversity as a beautiful thing. problems and throws every scary thing Music can describe so much such as last abusive type I will discuss is social There’s so much that people can learn, about the world away. These people beauty, emotions, wars, story with or abuse. You can tell social abuse very if we all just step outside our comfort who romanticize mental illness are without the use of words. But as times easily just by seeing someone making a zones and stop believing all the social some of the people you see with self goes on, music has evolved to some- scene towards someone else in public, media we’re exposing ourselves to. We harm scars, drinking alcohol, smoking thing greater. It is used everywhere: even embarrassing their mate in front of should focus on beautiful things such as cigarettes, etc. movies, commercials and even in the their children. Choosing friends and fam- different languages and cultures. Some Altogether we all have our ways of background of speeches. This tells the ily over you, not allowing you to express European Americans can be blinded coping with troubling situations. In audience or listener what to feel and it your feelings. All of these are big ways about Native Americans, because of all the same fashion some of us harm then draws them in. people abuse each other (http://www. the stereotypes and bad things they read ourselves and some of us hide from our For an example, when you go see a on the internet. problems. But not everyone in pain movie, a part comes on where there is Now what I’m going to tell you is facts According to the Nebraska must resort to self-harm. There are a heart break. You hear in the back- of who abuses, why they do it, and just Commission on Indian Affairs 30% of some of us who create something that ground a sad melody to refl ect the ac- basic facts about abuse for future notice. people living on the Winnebago reserva- helps us share with others the pain we tor’s feeling. This draws you in and it Now if you’re not a detective or some type tion are white people (“Nebraska Com- are feeling on the inside. makes you feel that pain. That simple of upper law enforcement, it won’t be mission”). Many people assume that A way of coping with our troubling melody pulls you in. easy to spot an abusive person, mainly out of those 30% of non-Natives, some situations is by painting your feelings When you listen to your own music because they will look nice and calm with of their children that attend the Win- through art. On June 15, 2015 the Pain or just pass a store that is playing an their family on the outside. But in the nebago Public School get bullied. What Exhibit was established for people who upbeat song, you feel a slight bit of lovely comfort of their home, that’s where people don’t know is that there isn’t as suffer from chronic pain and can’t put energy or that you’re moving to the they start the abuse. Abuse doesn’t hap- much bullying on the Winnebago, NE their feelings into words, so instead beat of the music, don’t you? Well your pen because the other partner wanted it reservation as they make it out to be. they put their feelings into an art form body might feel a slight bit of energy to happen. It happens when one partner People are so blind they don’t realize for others to see (NY Times). Not only but your brain is going through a huge wants dominance over the other. Basi- there is sometimes more bullying hap- does being artistic help with your men- wave of energy. cally when one person gets all they want pening in their own towns than there is tal situations but it also boosts your You see, when you listen to music in a certain way. Most abusers have low on a reservation. creativity, self confi dence and concen- your brain enlightens with energy. Your self-esteem. They blame the partner for Personally, I have found that tration (Art Therapy). brain sends signals throughout your the abuse that has happened. It’s not students here are more accepting about In addition, many of us have another body. The energy. When a really good always men that abuse women either. It people having their own opinions on outlet other than creating a work of song comes on you get the “chills,” can be the other way around. It is said things such as religions, skin color, art with paints and pencils. There are correct? Well, that’s your body releas- that people abuse because they had a beliefs, and also LGBTQ people. I’m not more of us out there who prefer to listen ing dopamine. Any type of music can bad life as a child and just follow their saying Winnebago Public is a “utopia,” to music or write poetry when we’re release this, and I mean any type of parents. Most victims stay while getting don’t get me wrong. There is some bul- troubled. Instead of listening to music, music, from rap to classical, techno to abused because they are scared, scared lying, but not as much as people are why not create songs to tell others how lullaby. Any type of music that you like that the abuser could do much worse envisioning. we feel? “For those people who can’t to listen to will release this. It makes than abuse (http://www.domesticvio- Honestly this essay isn’t to of- fi nd words to express their emotion, the you feel good, calm, or it can have the fend anyone. I just wanted to shed some music can provide a means to channel opposite effect. It can energize you, html). light on what it’s like growing up on a that energy to express their emotion” making you want to work harder. This According to The National Domestic reservation not being Native American. says Ronald M. Borczon, professor and helps with motivation and productiv- Violence Hotline, “If someone you love Because these stereotypes are getting director of the Music Therapy Wellness ity. This is why teenagers use music is being abused, it can be so diffi cult to ridiculous and people need to hear and Center (Sundial). Music has such a to help them with school. It gives them know what to do. Your instinct may be understand from people who actually powerful connection to us, some of us motivation. to “save” them from the relationship, but know what it’s like, instead of reading become musicians due to how power- With music it doesn’t just help teens it’s not that easy.” That being said, if you fake news and listening to racist people. ful the connection is. “Poetry = Anger with their energy level. Music helps know a friend or family member that I hope one day other non-Native kids on + Survival” - Alexie Sherman. with memory as well. Teenagers use is a victim of abuse, there’s one thing the reservation don’t get asked these Previously, a person was going music to help them remember certain that can help, you have to encourage types of questions. I hope one day we through a bad breakup with their sig- subjects in school. When a teenager them to be strong and talk to friends. can all look past the difference and look nifi cant other. As they sat in their room listens to a certain type of music while Their friends should be supportive and more toward diversity, because it’s a sobbing their eyes out with a blade they study a subject, it gets engraved listen, because if you are supportive and beautiful thing and you can learn so in their hand ready to mutilate their in their mind. So when they hear a encourage your abused friend, it could much from other cultures. body, they looked around their room similar beat or melody, they remember make them feel strong and maybe stick to see their instruments and art sup- that subject. up for themselves or make an important plies in front of them. They thought to Teenagers are going through many call. A big way to help an abused victim themselves “Instead of being destruc- changes, physically and mental- is to be non-judgmental. Respect the de- tive to my body due to pain, why not ly. Many teenagers are going through cisions of your friend even if it’s not the be productive with it?” This person is many of their own problems. They are brightest. If you are judgmental to any- one of the many you see at our school Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 — Page 9 Writing Class

The Harmful Effects all prevent teens from abusing this drug. maximum amount of money you could have a chance to get it. Diabetes is re- of Marijuana It’s just so easy to get access to because earn with a degree. Earning a degree ally scary and some people don’t take it anyone can purchase it. It would be can and will benefi t you in the long run. as serious. “95%— Percent of American By Ivory Blackbird great if all stores locked up all medicine Just get out there and do it! Indians and Alaska Natives with dia- containing dextromethorphan or only betes who have type 2 diabetes” -ADA Has a friend or relative ever peer sold it in small quantities. At home Sometimes diabetes can also be in pressure you into smoking marijuana, parents should keep all medication Eating Unhealthy/ your family and it could be passed down claiming it was just a plant not a containing dextromethorphan locked up through your DNA. drug or that it doesn’t really affect too. If people can’t get it off the street Diabetes Eating healthy is a very big step that we can make it harder for them to get can help you avoid getting diabetes. In your body? This accusation is false. By D’Von LaPointe Although marijuana is a hemp plant access to it. my opinion more people need to start When taking cold medicine teens selling healthier food in stores. Our it contains a chemical called tetrahy- Eating unhealthy can lead to very sometimes think that there is no limit economy needs to stop going to fast drocannabinol (THC) and other related bad things. For example, it can make to how much you can take, so they food restaurants. Some people need to compounds. As you inhale the smoke, you sick and even kill you. Just think of take way more than what they maybe go to help/prevention places to help THC will travel from the lungs into the walking down a junk food aisle: all that intended to take. They may not think it’s them avoid diabetes. Also people need bloodstream. The blood transfers the bad food can lead to poor health, and dangerous, but actually it really is, so to have more controlled diets because chemical to the brain and other organs you can die at a lower age. It can cause dangerous that you could end up in the some people can get really out of con- throughout the body causing you to feel a disease called “diabetes”. “About one hospital or even dead. Dextrometho- trol and that can also cause it. In the “high”. Many people are uneducated third of all people with diabetes do not rphan is not a bad drug; it’s just get- Native culture, if a person has diabetes about the harmful effects of marijuana, know they have the disease. Diabetes ting used in the wrong way. According they can go way back and follow our old but I’d like to take the opportunity to is the leading cause of blindness in to WebMD “Dextromethorphan is used traditions. In my opinion that would be discuss those facts. working-age adults,” according to the for temporary relief of coughs without the best way to avoid it. Marijuana has an effect on both Joslin Diabetes Center (Joslin Diabetes phlegm that are caused by certain infec- Encouraging people more about short-term and long-term memory. Center). On the Winnebago Reservation, tions of the air passages.” eating healthy is another great way to The immediate effects after smoking it diabetes is all over. The people of the Some teens overdose on purpose or help avoid diabetes or if they do have includes altered senses, altered sense Winnebago Tribe need to realize what on accident, but it is still an overdose. it control their eating. We need to sup- of time, change in mood, impaired body eating unhealthy can do to you. The common symptoms of overdos- port each other rather than encourage movement, hallucinations, paranoia, Eating unhealthy can lead to diabetes ing are throwing up, rapid heartbeat, each other to eat the unhealthy foods. lowered reaction time, etc. According and diabetes can lead to death. Diabe- feeling tired, or feelin like you can’t Some people help other people and give to, Marijuana over- tes is a disease, and you cannot get rid walk straight, If someone you know is ideas on how to eat and have controlled activates parts of the brain that contain of it. If you don’t take care of yourself experiencing these symptoms, don’t diets. I think that it is a great idea to the highest number of these receptors. and eat healthy, you may have some hesitate to call 911. help people avoid all that trouble. Hon- As for long-term it affects brain devel- body parts amputated. According to the The reason teens may abuse this estly we just need to have more salad opment. The THC disrupts the nerve World Health Organization in 2005, “1.1 drug is to look cool because their restaurants. If you want to be on a diet cells in the brain, affecting memory. It million people died from diabetes, the “friends” are doing it. If teens don’t get you can get on the internet and look up also affects impaired thinking and the full impact is much larger.” The World educated about this topic they may not any certain types of diets that maybe ability to learn. Health Organization also said that “type know the outcome if they continue to you might be interested in. There are a Are there other dangerous effects 2 diabetes accounts for around 90% of abuse this drug. lot of people in the world that are willing of marijuana? Breathing problems, in- all diabetes worldwide” (Dambeck). Once you or someone you know rec- to take the time out of their life just to creased heart rate, and problems with Our people of the Winnebago Tribe ognizes that you have a problem, there help somebody else with trying to avoid child development during and after have a history with diabetes, and many are many ways to get help. You can talk getting diabetes. pregnancy are all physical effects. It’s people have the disease. We need to to a counselor or a trusted adult about According to the ADA less than 100 more than likely for a marijuana user work together and encourage each your addiction, and he/she can help years ago diabetes was unknown to our to have a higher risk for lung cancer. other to stop eating unhealthy and fi ght with ways to stay away from this drug. Native culture. Diabetes came into In- Long-term users have mental effects, diabetes. We can also hope someone It can be tough to give up something dian country when World War II began. like temporary hallucinations and fi nds a cure, but no one knows when you’ve been doing so long but you’re Today, “American Indians and Alaska paranoia. It doesn’t stop there for men- that day might come. Change needs to not the only one. You may feel like it Natives now have the highest diabetes tal health problems, such as depres- happen not just for our tribe. This goes is impossible but it’s not. If you believe prevalence rates of all racial and eth- sion, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts for everyone that eats unhealthy or has that you can be drug free it will happen; nic groups in the United States.” -Sue among teens. Heavy users tend to have diabetes. We need to eat healthy and all you need is help. Help is all over the McLaughlin a lower life satisfaction, poorer mental take care of ourselves. world so there’s no excuse. Don’t let this If we don’t try and avoid all this health, poor physical health, and more Diabetes has taken my grandfather drug be your dependant. Drop that old diabetes in our culture it is going to relationship problems further down the away, and because of that I will never life and start a new one. get really out of control and absolutely future, and also report less academic know him. Now diabetes has a hold of To recap: DXM is easy to access. This destroy our culture and environment. If and career success. my father. My father was always too is a diffi cult drug to monitor because it’s this continues it will be the responsibil- Is marijuana addictive and a gate- busy taking care of our family and never so readily available. The main form of ity of generations now that already has way drug? Yes, it can be highly ad- really took care of himself. He always prevention is for parents to be aware of diabetes! We need to act fast so YOUR dictive. As stated by the drug-abuse made sure my brothers and I always got changes in their kid’s behavior, due to children or grandchildren will not have website, 30% of users may develop what we needed and he still does. The changes in the teen’s bodies and men- it and have to suffer like everybody now some degree of problem use. Addiction summer of 2016 diabetes got the best tal stability . If parents can have open that has it. is more common for people who begin of him. From the knee all the way down conversation with their kids about and using marijuana before the age of 18, to his foot, he got it amputated. Before the effects drugs have on them, there’s who then become 4 to 7 times more this he got his left big toe amputated off. a better chance that the child will not likely than adults to develop problem It was a rough summer for our family Winnebago IHS Hospital abuse DXM. Finally, don’t mess with use. As for it being a gateway drug, but we still got through it. These types dextromethorphan because it can ruin yes. It is likely to come before the use of things will change your life because it By Jaylen Harden your life. of other drugs. People want to feel that defi nitely did for our family. The feeling “fi rst high” again and may end up try- is horrible when you see your own father If Winnebago would lose the IHS ing other substances. lying on a hospital bed. Being his son hospital, how would the tribe of Win- There is treatment for marijuana ad- Why You Should Earn and having to put up with it isn’t a feel- nebago look like? The town would be diction. If you were a long-term user it’s ing you ever want to have. I encourage full of sick people. The members of the more than likely you’ll have withdraw- a College Degree you all to take care of yourselves and be tribe would have to go all the way up to als, such as grouchiness, sleepless- grateful for the things you have. Sioux City just to get examined. Many ness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and By Evander Bass Diabetes is something you cannot people would have to go all the way to cravings. As for the harmful effects, I joke around about. Eating unhealthy the IHS hospitals in Lincoln or Santee hope you’ve learned something new What would you do with $100,000? If can cause a lot of bad things. What it did to receive their medications or get their and think twice before you put it into you could be anything you wanted, what to my grandfather and what it is doing basic check ups. The town’s population your body. It may cause damage to your would it be? If you had to work one job to my father, you do not want that to would drop signifi cantly because there brain and body. Also the amount of forever, would you enjoy it? The answers happen to one of your family members. is no hospital; people would move away THC in marijuana has been increasing to these questions are within your reach Be grateful for the things you have. left and right. Why I’m saying this is steadily, creating more harmful effects with one word: education. Education Many people out there have lost many because the community of Winnebago for users. is the best way to help you fi nancially, because of diabetes. So think twice next needs to learn about the challenges at which opens up more opportunities in time before you start to eat unhealthy. the IHS hospital so that they are more a person’s life. I think this is one of the most impor- knowledgeable on the issue. Dextromethorphan According to, a per- tant pieces I have ever written. I’d say According to an article in the Sioux son who has a doctoral degree will make this is like top 5 at least. I want to thank City Journal by Dolly A. Butz, the main By Deonna Harris up to $100,000 more annually than Palmer for preparing me to write this problem with the hospital is that they someone who doesn’t have a degree. essay. She gave out all the information have really slow waiting times. What Who would ever think that teens A master’s degree is up to $63,000. A and resources we needed to get these I mean by this is that the doctors would abuse cold medicine? According bachelor’s degree averages $55,700 and essays done. and nurses are just slow to get you to the Drug Enforcement Administra- associate’s degree averages $42,000. examined and slow to get you out of tion (DEA), dextromethorphan is an In one lifetime a doctoral and master’s Diabetes in Native Culture the hospital, especially in the ER. So over-the-counter drug that you can degree could earn one person up to $3.7 Diabetes is so big in the Native cul- because of all this slow waiting time, buy almost anywhere (USA). Dextro- million more than a person who didn’t ture to me. To me there is some diabetes people have been getting sick and have methorphan is abused in high doses have a degree. Although, the person has in my family, for example my grandpa. lost their lives because of this. Some by teens today, and abusing this drug to consider that different fi elds of work He always has to watch what he eats, of the patients they had to treat failed can even become deadly. According to will earn different amounts. For a per- and if he eats something too sweet his to receive the proper health care they AbovetheInfl, “In 2003, a 14- son who has completed some college but blood pressure goes up. Sometimes need. All of this happens because the year old boy in Colorado who abused may not have fi nished, they could still diabetes doesn’t seem too bad, but other physicians and nurses need more train- DXM died when two cars hit him as he make up to $1.3 million in their lifetime. times it could be really bad towards ing for their jobs. Some of the nurses tried to cross a highway. Investigators For a person with a degree, there will some people. The main idea of my topic don’t know what they’re doing because believe that taking DXM affected the be more job opportunities. According to is how serious the percentage of diabe- of how much experience they have boy’s depth perception and caused him, students who will go tes is in the Native culture. It is time with their jobs. Instead of receiving the to misjudge the distance and speed of on to get an associate’s and bachelor’s for the Winnebago people to start doing proper training the nurses treated pa- the oncoming vehicles” (Abovetheinfl u- degrees will have a greater range of more to prevent diabetes from being in tients with the level of experience they ence). In the Winnebago community jobs available. Also, for ones who have the community. had ( teens that abuse this drug think that master’s and doctoral degrees the “op- First of all, we need to know of what This situation is serious enough that these bad things won’t happen to them. portunities are limitless”. For a student all causes type 2 diabetes. First is not it caused a death. Butz states that in It has happened more than once in our that has a college degree they are more eating the right kind of food. If you just spring of 2014 a 35 year old man died community. The teens that overdosed marketable. Meaning they would have eat junk food all day for a long period of because of breathing problems he had. ended up in the hospital, some close to little to a lot of experience in different time you are going to end up with dia- Because of poor training the nurses dying. This is why we need to educate fi elds of work. betes. Second is not keeping your body failed to check his oxygen levels and the teens in our community, so they Job stability is also in the package in shape. If you get over weight there the nurses never told the he can see what taking this drug can do to of getting a degree. People with degrees is going to be a chance that you might was getting worse. Later on that night their bodies, health, and their families. would be safer in a job. According to Col- have diabetes. says the patient died. This death was serious The teens that abuse dextrometho-, during a recession where that type 2 diabetes can be caused by enough that it caused many people to rphan can show no symptoms at all. employers start letting employees go, Insulin resistance. A lack of exercise can sue the hospital and it caused many According to Narconon, noticing the employers usually let go of people “at cause diabetes and having unhealthy news stories to break out. A former symptoms all depends on the amount the bottom of the totem pole”. By having meal plans to your food schedule, being nurse who used to work at the IHS of DXM taken. There are four different a degree you are more secured. Along overweight or being obese. Many people hospital named Tonie Greve decided stages when someone abuses dextro- with job stability comes benefi ts. Higher who are not overweight also develop she would speak out against problems methorphan. The fi rst stage can make educated people can receive higher tier type 2 diabetes though, so be sure to at the hospital (Sioux City Journal). you feel like you have been drinking. benefi ts. This can not only benefi t you watch your eating habits whether you I think it is important to fix the The second stage you can begin to but also your children. are overweight or not. hospital because it’s closer for the imagine things that aren’t there. The Imagine every work fi eld there is- According to the American Diabetes community and other tribes to get to. third stage your eyesight can become -there is a top tier employee. From Association, another cause sometimes If you need refi lls on your medication, blurry. The fourth stage you can lose teaching to engineers every one of those is being depressed. When some people the pharmacy is there to refi ll them. control of your bodily feelings (Nar- people are making good money while are depressed, they eat to get things off Another reason why it’s important to conon). enjoying the job they do. This is a per- their mind. Some people might do other fi x the hospital is because if there’s an When a teen is abusing DXM their fect example of job opportunities and things that might cause diabetes. Drugs emergency, it’ll be way faster to get to personality can change. They spend job stability. Thus one individual who and Alcohol can also cause diabetes. the local IHS hospital if you live in or more time alone, start to act out, or enjoys what they do is making as much Some people do a lot of drugs and they near the community. The last and main maybe even become depressed. We can money as they can while tying into the reason why we need to fi x the hospital Page 10 — Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 Miss Palmers

Winnebago IHS Hospital continued... worlds of therapy out there; it’s not rofoam takes 80 years, newspaper 6 cause a person to act strange and de- always just sitting on a couch or an weeks, and cardboard take 2 weeks velop this illness due to anxiety. Things is that many people who do work uncomfortable chair talking to someone ( The sources that cause like that can make the person think at the hospital would lose their jobs. you don’t know. The most common type ocean pollution can affect us too. Pesti- they’re the reason why everything goes Look at it this way, if we were to fi x the of therapy that is brought about by a cides, lead and other heavy metals found bad or it’s their fault for the problems IHS hospital, many job offers would professional psychologist is ‘psychother- in polluted water can cause problems in the family. be open. apy.’ “Psychotherapy (sometimes called with your hormones, kidneys, reproduc- How can we recognize an eating Think of it this way, if Winnebago “talk therapy”) is a term for a variety of tive system, and nervous system. disorder? Anyone that’s suffering from was to fi x the hospital and got rid of treatment techniques that aim to help There’s a way that helps prevent eating disorders may reveal several all of the employees who don’t have the a person identify and change troubling this, of course recycling, but is that it? signs and symptoms like chronic diet- right amount of training and brought emotions, thoughts, and behavior. We also need laws, such as the Marine ing. They constantly check their weight new nurses and doctors in that are Most psychotherapy takes place with Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries , and they have an obsession with calo- highly trained, would our hospital be a licensed and trained mental health Act (MPRSA). The MPRSA is also known ries and fat that are in the food they eat. as good as other hospitals? Or, is it care professional and a patient meet- as the Ocean Dumping Act. It prohibits They have eating patterns such as cut- possible to keep some of the best staff ing one on one or with other patients in transportation of material from the Unit- ting food into tiny pieces, eating alone, and give them the better training they a group setting” ( ed States, territorial sea, fl agged vessels and/or hiding food, obsessions with deserve? Think about it: if we were to But, that’s not your only option. and agencies of the U.S., from ocean food, recipes, or cooking. The individual fi x the hospital, it will set a good ex- Maybe you’re an aggressive person: dumping ( The Clean Water Act may cook intricate meals for others but ample on the tribe, as well as for other when you’re sad you get aggressive. (CWA) authorizes the basic structure doesn’t take any of it. Some avoid social struggling hospitals in the country. It There are many therapists who sug- for regulating discharges of pollutants interaction and keep to themselves, is time for the people of Winnebago gest anger management. You may not into the waters of the United States and but with others some can switch from to learn as much we can about our be angry, but that stress has built regulating quality standards for surface overeating to fasting, or won’t eat at all. hospital’s problems so we can do every- up and caused you to feel the need waters ( Is that enough to help You can tell by the way they move and thing possible to keep the Winnebago to punch or kick something, and it is limit ocean pollution? look; their skin will be pale, hair loss, IHS open. easy to fi nd methods to deal with the Is there more we can do other than brittle nails, dark circles around eyes, stress that is put upon you, Ex: Stress just having an awareness of what’s go- weak, some may shake a lot. ball. There are all kinds of movement ing on? You should be able to say, “I How to get help for this? You Having good mental therapies that could be used to calm you know what ocean pollution is.” But even can go to your hospital to get medical physically as well, Ex: Dance therapy. better, you should be able to say, “I’ve care and monitoring. Go see a therapist helps you live better. Other types for people who may done something to help cease ocean or someone you can trust and will help need to calm their mind more than their pollution”--from recycling, to turning you. Get a nutrition book and do it on Here’s why. body are journal therapy, art therapy, away from plastic bottles or plastic your own, or you can get on medica- music therapy, and even hypnotherapy. bags, to picking up trash by local water tions to help you better yourself. By Laura Neff So many opportunities. It doesn’t have sources. You can even help by donating Are you or someone you know slowly to be time consuming. Repairing men- to an organization that fi ghts ocean pol- killing yourself to be accepted, to fi t in, “Caring for the MIND is just as cru- tal health is a process, a process that lution if you are able. Any gesture helps. to be beautiful/handsome? Don’t let cial as caring for the BODY. In fact, one could take as long or little time as you For example, just recently there was a anyone make you feel like you have to cannot be healthy without the other.” want. It’s really all up to you, whether protest against a pipeline in North Da- skinny to be wanted. If someone says ~Sid Garza Hillman. you like your mental state as is, maybe kota, because thousands of tribal mem- anything about your weight or size tell Not many people in today’s society only after a week of one-hour sessions bers and protesters from all over the them, “My body will change only if I say like to, or choose to realize that their you feel on top of the world. Good men- country didn’t want oil in our water. A so. Don’t be bringing your negativity to mental well-being is just as important tal health means that you are satisfi ed lot of people, including Winnebago, NE, me and try to make me down, thinking as their physical well-being. When with your life, how you spend your time get their water from the Missouri River you’re so perfect”. Nobody is perfect so you get sick or have a cold, you do and don’t compare yours to others. that will be affected by this pipeline. The why try to be? Love yourself. Love the everything you can to make it go away Here is a more in depth defi ni- protesters made a saying: “Can’t drink way you look and feel, because at the or prevent it from getting worse. It tion: “Mental health is defi ned as a state oil; keep it in the ground.” So make a end of the day it’s your body. causes distress and no one wants of well-being in which every individual stand against water pollution, the way it to metastasize. But, what about a realizes his or her own potential, can these protesters did against that pipe- mental-illness? If a person were to cope with the normal stresses of life, can line. Always remember that what goes The Future Generation be depressed or feel helpless in their work productively and fruitfully, and is in our water always comes back to affect everyday life, chances are, you’re just able to make a contribution to her or his us humans eventually. Be inspired to of Winnebago going to diagnose yourself with a ‘bad- community” ( That being said, protect this resource in whatever way day.’ But what if that ‘bad day’ turns as long as you can cope and not feel like you can. By Helene Cox into a ‘bad week’ or a ‘bad month?’ you’re struggling to keep up with what Still going to think it’ll get better soon life throws at you, you’re doing it right. The Children of Winnebago--most and keep doing what you’re doing? The truth is, you’re defi nitely not going of us do not know of our Native heri- It’s important that we learn to take to feel or be 100% all of the time because Recognizing Eating tage or what it truly means. If we as a care of our mental health because it there are downfalls in everyone’s life Disorders community have no elders around to does positively impact our lives when here and there. I hope that now that I teach us, what will we do? Will we try treated right. have informed you about all of this, you By Gabriela Aldrich to learn at the very last minute or will Mental health is a very important can tell the difference between one little we learn now? Learning about our Na- aspect of life, but fi rst of all, what is slip and when you’re fi ghting to even There once was a young girl I used tive heritage is important. It’s not just bad mental health and how do we know stand up, and are able to help yourself. to know. People bullied her for being a part of history; it’s a part of us. Our we have it? Well, according to Healthed. Good Mental health is a great weird, but mostly she was overweight. history is important. Without it we are gov, “The word ‘Mental’ means ‘to do thing to have. It makes you feel like life In 3rd grade, she didn’t like the way she nothing. As the younger generation we with the mind.’ ‘Mental illness’ is a has a purpose. Which it does, but many looked. Each day she hated herself and must learn about our history; if we do term that refers to a group of illnesses people believe that we aren’t even sup- how she wished she was different. The not we will be lost without it. That’s why that affect a person’s mind.” Further- posed to be here, so why are we? ‘Why girl wanted to change her size but each the younger generation of Winnebago more “There are many different types am I?’ You don’t have to feel that way. time she tried to lose weight nothing people should learn more about our of mental illness. Some people may Enjoy what we have, whether it was all happened. So she started to force her- Native American history & language to experience a mental illness once, and by accident or not, because we have a self to throw up to go home. The girl had become the strong elders for the next then fully recover. Others require ongo- role in this life. That role is to make a life been doing it day after day. She didn’t generation to come. ing treatment” ( worth living for, for you, and for others, know what she was doing or what this Many people are fl uent in their own Bad mental health could translate and feel great about it. would lead to. Until one day her teacher language. Some of the kids here in the to one of the most common mental ill- started to talk to the class about eating Winnebago community are speaking nesses known as depression. Depres- disorders. The girl stopped, but it was fl uently, but the other half are having sion is when one is sad or unsatisfi ed hard for her to hold food down. Years trouble with the language. There are with life. Most say that this sadness Ocean Pollution went by and she was still struggling with kids who can understand what their has to last around more than two By Shatecia Thomas it. Until she was 14 she stopped eating, family members are saying in Ho- weeks before you know that you are and her friends started to worry about Chunk, but they cannot speak it back. depressed. Many books and magazines According to, “80% her. They asked her “what’s wrong? Why Kids can understand phrases or words publish things like quizzes to help of ocean pollution comes from land”. It aren’t you eating? You’re losing a lot of that are being spoken in Ho-Chunk, people determine if they are depressed is time for humanity to have a wakeup weight and you look sick ” The girl’s but they can’t speak it. The people of or not. If you notice yourself doing call about the damage that is being mother said the same thing. All the girl our community want us younger gen- more of the three following activities, done to this important resource. Ocean said was “I’m not hungry”. Two months eration to learn about the old ways but you are probably not mentally healthy, pollution can cause a lot of damage to went by, and she started to feel shaky can’t because there aren’t many people or enjoying life as much as you could. marine life, some of which we depend and sick. She tried to eat but it wouldn’t who can speak our language. Our lan- Symptoms of depression may not be on for food and even the oxygen of this stay down. Finally she looked in the mir- guage is something we can’t just take as obvious as a headache or stomach planet. Some of the things that affect ror and saw herself. One year later, she for granted. It’s not just a part of our ache. Some hardly mentioned symp- the ocean and cause pollution are was eating healthy and losing weight in history. It’s also a part of who we are toms are arriving late to work or school, sewage disposal, oil, “sea of garbage”, the good way. Till this day she loves the as nation. calling in sick when you just don’t feel toxic chemicals, and so on ( way she feels and looks about herself. According to the author Gauri Du- up to it, or, if another person may be Ocean pollution is a topic everybody This young lady is me, Gabriela Aldrich. shi she believes that a child can eas- depending on you to take care of them needs to be aware of because it affects What is an eating disorder? There is ily learn their mother-tongue if they and you can’t help but to wake up, more than marine life; it affects human no one description for what an eating are exposed to it from a young age. dreading your duties. Your own wellbe- lives as well. disorder is because they take many When they speak this language with ing comes before others and not many What is ocean pollution? According forms. People who have eating disorders family, relatives, and friends, it helps people like to think that statement is to, “Pollution is often are concerned with how they look them form social groups and bonds. true ( the introduction of harmful contami- on the outside. This can lead to mental She also states, “The teaching of the When someone starts to realize that nants that are outside the norm for a health problems and “abnormal or dis- mother tongue is important because they need to take care of themselves given ecosystem.” “Man-made pollut- turbed eating habits” (oxforddictionar- on it depends the growth of our pupils” better, normally it takes a while to ants”, like plastic, herbicides, pesti- (Dushi). Teaching the language is also come to a decision on whether they cides, chemical fertilizers, go into local What can cause it? Low self esteem, about teaching our cultural knowledge. want to keep doing what they’re doing, waters or runoff into the ocean when it feelings of not being good enough, lack If our generation were to learn our Ho- or take action on bettering themselves. rains. The biggest cause of ocean pollut- of control in their lives, depression, Chunk language now, we could have a When they choose to go about the ants is called nonpoint source pollution anxiety, anger, stress of loneliness and better chance at keeping our language method of bettering themselves, it may ( Many of these so on. These disorders are a common alive and pass it on to our kids. Then happen suddenly. People change with pollutants end up at the bottom of the painful struggle & it’s important to edu- they could pass it on to their kids , so no big announcement as to why. That ocean, “small marine organisms” eat cate yourself and ask for help. it could continue. is exactly how depression creeps up them, and the food chain continues, Eating Disorders are complex According to The Language Conser- on you. You may have always had it, then it gets to us. Plastic kills fi sh, birds disorders. Sometimes an eating disor- vancy there are a number of languages that thought of ‘should I or shouldn’t and other marine life. It also destroys der can be passed down by the parents’ that are spoken around the world, I?’ Eventually there’s something that habitats. Did you know that about genetics. They can develop irregular including our own, Ho-Chunk. Since triggers that ‘I should,’ or in this case 30% of the CO2 that humans make, hormones that mess up their mind and the 1950s languages around the globe ‘I’m depressed and I need help.’ There the ocean absorbs it ( The the way they think of what they look have been steadily declining and are are many types of ways you could ocean is absorbing our trash as well as like or how others see them. The lack still continuing to decrease. There are help yourself, simple steps to take. our CO2 emissions. of nutrition from what kinds of food 6,000 spoken languages on the planet, For example: Who does this affect? It can affect they need to eat and how much begins except 43% are considered endangered Reach out and stay connected to not only marine life, but humans as to affect brain health as well and make and if we continue on how we are now, supportive people well. If the ocean “dies” we’d lose about eating disorders more diffi cult to treat. half of them will be gone in the next 100 Do things that make you feel good— 70% of our oxygen. Marine phytoplank- The way a person thinks of them- years. “We will never know what was even when you don’t feel like it ton, small marine plants that grow on selves and just discourages themselves lost to the world - what ideas, what con- Move vigorously during the day— the surface of the ocean, provide that by comparing to others also creates cepts, what stories - when those speech don’t sit for more than an hour oxygen for us. Phytoplankton also faces challenges. Mostly seeing models on communities died”. Over the last 400 Learn about the mood-boosting an “adapt or die” scenario in the near TV like Victoria’s Secret and other years The Native American Language benefi ts of omega-3 fats future (within a few hundred years or people that have “the perfect body” that has been decreasing, over 200 of the Get a daily dose of sunlight less). makes them beautiful/ handsome can Native American languages are extinct Challenge negative thinking The trash we dump into the ocean give people struggling with an eating and others are on the verge of extinc- Learn more by read- comes back to us. Do you know how disorder more excuses not to eat in a tion (Chaplin). What would happen to ing the related articles long some of this garbage takes to healthy way. People who are losing a us as a community if we were to lose ( degrade in water? Plastic takes up to lot of weight fast are at risk of eating that which is a part of us? However, it isn’t all that easy to 400 years, foam takes about 50 years, disorders. I believe that with the support of the do it all by yourself. There are many aluminum takes up to 200 years, Sty- Having a dysfunctional family can people in our community, we can help Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 — Page 11 Writing Class

and spend time with each other. It was this lifestyle, it will cost you your life common for whole families to know how Drugs & Alcohol Is because you want to be “cool”. Even if those who want to learn how to to put teepees up, build a fi re, and be you are lucky and escape death, who speak the Native American language. grateful for what they had. Sometimes No Life Style wants to lose friends because you will With that help we can educate the I think about what our ancestors would most likely be a bad infl uence? Take my younger generation, by teaching the say about how we are living our lives According to the National Council advice and be wise about your choices. importance of our language. Because today because they sacrifi ced so much on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Thanks for hearing what I had to say so many languages are going extinct for our people to survive. (NCADD) they say “drugs and alcohol about drugs and alcohol. or are on the verge of extinction, we are the leading causes of crime among should do something now (Bendfeldt- youth,” and even teenage suicide is af- Diaz). We must become the new gen- Improve the Winnebago fected by drug and alcohol use (ncadd. eration to help those understand the org). They also said, “23 million people Relationships language and why it is so important Community over the age of 12 are addicted to alco- By Elijah Frazier to us--why it is a part of who we are. hol and other drugs, affecting millions By Caden Cleveland more people, spouses, children, family ModernValues members, friends neighbors and col- A relationship is some- We Should Learn I’ve been told by some of the older leagues at work” ( Not every- thing to value a lot more generations what Winnebago used one does drugs and alcohol. Choosing than something to have Our Culture be like. It had run down buildings. a better lifestyle is your option: no-one like it’s a new toy you just got. The roads had a lot of potholes. The makes your choices for you. There are Sure, it’s all fun By Kainyn Cariaga Winnebago hospital was smaller. The a lot more choices out there than drugs to be in a relationship, football fi eld was real grass instead of and alcohol, not just here but all over but do you really know how to be in one? When I was 15 years old I went to turf grass. Houses that were getting old the country, and our youth can do a to actually get through hard times, sweat with my brother Christian. I could barely stand up. Dogs roamed lot better. to know love isn’t a word to say right away, really didn’t know what to do at fi rst all over the town because there were In my opinion, I think DXM, mari- to build a future with another person, until he showed me what to do, and I no dog catchers at the time. Kids were juana, and alcohol are the most com- to treat them as an actual person, learned a lot about sweat. When I fi rst out late at night. There were no security monly used drugs and alcohol that are to make a sacrifice for them, went in a sweat hut I was kind of scared offi cers to tell them to get home and no on this reservation. According to facts to make them happy no matter the cost? because I thought it would get too hot curfew time. from, the drug DXM, Instead of just using them, for me or if it would be hard to breath Now, Winnebago is one of the best which comes in the form of cough syrup as a time waster, a sex , in the hut. I was surprised I lasted all towns to come to in the area. It’s busy capsules, can cause you to feel “nausea to show off how you got a hot one, four rounds and didn’t ask to get out. I every day, cars come in and out. The and have prolonged vomiting, sweating, or to make an ex jealous, for money, learned to pray for everyone. We should people here are somewhat friendlier numbness, dizziness, hypertension, the reputation they have, learn and use our Winnebago language than I remember growing up. We have quickened heart rate, and seizures” using them to get over another. and culture more to feel a sense of pride a nice hospital. It’s one of the biggest ( DXM is especially and wellbeing in the community. hospitals in the county. There are dangerous for people who use it with It’s pathetic how everything is nowadays As Ho-Chunks one of the fi rst most much more places to hang out at for alcohol at the same time. for the young to think they know more important topics we should learn the kids. Such as a basketball court People in Winnebago have a laid back than the ones who actually know, about in our history is to know where called “the slab”, along with the Boys attitude about marijuana, but this can people letting their friends and/ we came from. The Winnebago people and Girls Club, and the Blackhawk be an addicting drug too. Young people, or family encourage them to cheat, were known as “Big Fish People,” or Center. Winnebago has two successful I’ve seen using it can get addicted, and how people are just ignoring the problem. as the French called the Winnebagos, selling restaurants: Daga’s Mexican it starts to cause problems later in their Relationships are being used as if they’re “People of the Sea,” according to David grill and Native Star. Winnebago also lives. The use of marijuana is bad for a just something to play with as toys Smith. Some theories are the Win- has three good looking parks. The one pregnant mother, and smoking pot at a and throw away because nebago people migrated from Middle by the Dollar General attracts the most young age is bad for the brain. Smok- they lost a feeling about it. America around 1,000 B.C. from the kids and the Boys and Girls Club is ing marijuana on the daily and every Everyone needs to learn Olmec civilization. The Winnebago second. These are just some of the im- once in a while are two whole different to value their relationship. people arrived in Northern Kentucky provements that Winnebago has made stories. People who smoke every day do and Tennessee around 500 B.C. Due from the past. To make sure we keep it probably just to get through the day True Love to warfare, around 200 A.D. to 300 moving further ahead into the future or saying it’s just medicine when they Love at first sight: seeing someone A.D. the Indian Knoll Siouans were the Winnebago community needs to aren’t even sick. you instantly fall in love with--yeah on the move. Later they developed in continue improving & expanding to Doing drugs and alcohol can have that’s not real. and . According to bring more people to Winnebago and many side effects on your little young It never was nor will it ever be. Lee Sultzman, “The Winnebago spread keep the youth out of trouble. body. I honestly think people are less at- Love never comes just like that. south afterwards along the Wisconsin According to the Environmental Pro- tractive when they choose this lifestyle. It comes when it’s right, and Rock Rivers into southern Wis- tection Agency (EPA), some towns are If you do drugs and drink alcohol and not the first month, second, consin eventually claiming a portion trying to compete with the bigger cities. adults know you do, they’ll probably see third, not even a year. of northwestern Illinois.” After 1825, They’re trying to build new buildings you as a bad infl uence to their younger It always takes time to de- settlers started to take over the land in and put in some popular restaurants. relatives your age and won’t like you velop that kind of affection. Wisconsin. Winnebago people lost their Put in a few parks and swimming pools around. You might think doing these Never think about love at fi rst sight land quickly. Sultzman states that, “By so they can try to bring in more visitors things must make you cool, but it actu- because you just saw them for looks 1840 the Winnebago had ceded their and even try to put their own town on ally messes you up. It’ll mess with your and never for who they are. Wisconsin land and agreed to move to the map to grow their economy (EPA). head, make you trip over stuff, etc. Let’s Get to know them more northeast Iowa” ( A few things that Winnebago needs see how cool you really look when you before you regret the relationship second topic our young people should is about one or two popular restau- have no friends. and end up leaving them, learn more about is our language and rants like McDonald’s, Burger King, Try not to live this lifestyle because wasting their time and yours. culture so we can keep our ways going and Wendy’s. If we want to consider a there are plenty more things to do other Don’t go for only looks, not and feel connected to each other. Before healthier option we can build a Subway than trying to look cool or avoid being even just the personality. the Europeans we depended on hunt- or a restaurant with homemade meals. bored by doing drugs or drinking alco- Neither one should mat- ing and the gathering of natural prod- This would give more job openings hol. People look sad to me when they ter because if you want them, ucts for our food, tools, weapons, and for the Winnebago people. Even more are doing this on the daily. Avoid the you shouldn’t care what they listen to, clothing. Some bands of Winnebagos food choices for the people instead of people who are negative infl uences, even what their hobbies are, what they watch, became horticulturists, raising corn, Native Star and Daga’s Mexican Grill. if it’s loved ones. It may not be easy, their sexuality, their past, squash, and beans. When making a That would be nice for the people of but people have done it before and it’s their wealth, their genes, warm place to live in the men and Winnebago. Plus I think it would make not impossible either. Avoid contact as their body. Accept everything about them, women would help build a lodge. The Winnebago less boring. Because I’ve much as you can until they are willing because you never know how it’ll turn out-- men would cut poles for the framework been told by the LPTC players that Win- to better themselves. This sounds easy You may learn a whole new of the wigwams and collected birchbark nebago is just too plain and has noth- from a third person perspective, but experience and change for the roofs. The women would tie ing. So they just go up to Sioux City you can do it if you want it bad enough. into someone better than who together reed mats, and with rolls of for fast food like McDonald’s and go Here is another way of trying to avoid you were before you met them. bark they covered the hut, according shopping at the mall. And that’s mak- peer pressure: sports. Never done it? Try to David Smith. ing them wish they were back home. I it, something to avoid the bad infl uences Acceptance We as a tribe need to keep our cul- just want them to think Winnebago is on you. I’m pretty sure this will be one Know if they’ll make you happy: ture and language alive. Our Winneba- another home for them too. Winnebago way to keep you away from drugs and will they support you during life? go language is “intimately related to with a few more restaurants would even alcohol, and can also keep you out of hold you back on your goals on life? Oto, Iowa, and Missouri, more distantly get more travelers every day, not just trouble. or someone who will stay to Dakota, and still more distantly to during pow-wow time in the summer Well not everyone is an athlete or by you the whole time. Ponca” according to www.accessgeneal- but year round. wants to be one, so there are plenty Make sure you do the same with them One thing that will defi nitely bring more activities to do. Just don’t be one because otherwise you’ll Our culture was identical with those people in is a Family Fun Center, don’t of those people that choose the drugs end up being the problem of Sauk, and Foxes, Menominee, and you think? That would be the place and alcohol lifestyle. Maybe try out for without you even know- other tribes. We had almost identical where all the youth would hang out at speech or the one-act at school. Audi- ing when it’s too late. bead work, clothing, arms, mocca- for sure. It would have a little movie tion for the dance team or the musical, Get to know everything about them, sins, and cooking utensils. According theater in it along with laser tag, some maybe even the talent show. Try to earn their trust and never break it, to trampolines. It would be a great place express yourself through art or writing. accept the dark things about them. winnebago-tribe.htm, the Winnebago to have birthdays and special occa- Pick up an instrument or learn to rap. Accept what they’ve done. Re- had a number of villages, those whose sions. The Boys & Girls Club could You young people should have goals for pair them if they are broken names are known as: use it if the club is getting too full with yourselves or should be worrying about instead of breaking them even more. Prairie la Crosse kids because the Boys & Girls Club gets school. Go to school and learn about Sarrochau overcrowded at times. A Family Fun these drugs and their side effects. Also Spotted Arm’s village Center would be the most popular work going to school you might fi nd the right Village du Puant site for the Summer Youth Workers. I people to hang out with, and they might Alcohol In The Lives Wuckan think a Family Fun Center would add be having the same interest as you such Yellow Thunder. a variety of things to do and places to as your goals. Of Adolescents We as young people need to take By Alexandrea Flanders work for our community. Our youth shouldn’t be choosing this more initiative in learning our culture The only thing that would be a prob- lifestyle without a doubt, they should and keeping our language fl uent within A teenager is faced every day with lem to try and build all this is getting easily be focusing on the simple stuff, our tribe. We should all be proud of who the struggle of alcohol in their life. They the land, money, and the motivation especially school. These young kids are we are and where we come from, but wonder when their mother will quit drink- from the people to help. It cost at least our future, and drugs and alcohol could to be proud is to know and understand ing or when their father will take their $125,000 to build a small size restau- possibly take their lives. Many kids our history. Another thing I think is we siblings, so they won't have to see their rant. ( Another probably do not realize how dangerous as youth should also get involved in mother struggle. Nearly every person they thing is where to build the building? DXM or alcohol can be. These kids don’t sweats, the Native American Church, know has been affected by alcohol. Their Where is a good place where it will at- know that alcohol can kill you. Accord- singing, dancing, beading, and other parents divorced when they were eight tract people to come to it? Where would ing to, “Nearly 17 Native American traditions. It’s up to years old. Their grandmother had an affair it take less space at? The town will need million people in United States struggle us youth to keep our traditions and with their grandfather because she was the motivation from its community to with alcohol addiction” (projectknow. culture alive. Our children deserve to intoxicated. Their uncle died due to him clean up around the place so the people com). It is also one of the most lethal know our rich history and we are going drinking while driving when they were 11. would have a nice clean space to build drugs. Drinking alcohol can really mess to be the ones to pass our traditions on. Their aunt caught cirrhosis because she at. And to keep it clean after they build up your body, I think people that drink In conclusion my experience when was an alcoholic when they were 15. Their the building so they have a nice place probably use it for the same reasons I went to sweat with my brother made mom at least once every three months is to hang out. they use for smoking and that’s to get me feel peaceful and connected to my involved in a car accident. Their father Now that I showed you what the through the day or to avoid boredom. forefathers. I understand why people almost committed suicide when they were community of Winnebago can come to If you already are choosing this life- go back. I’m glad my brother shared 12 because he was drunk and fi ghting or look like, I would want you the people style, please make a change. Old or not, that experience with me. This is why with his girlfriend. They were close to of Winnebago to make it happen so we try to make a change for yourself and I feel it’s important to know and ex- being violated by a family member when can have a nice place for our youth and make a good role model for the younger perience our culture. It can make you they were 13 because their mother was college athletes to hang out at, mak- people. If you don’t choose this lifestyle, feel one with nature and our people. drinking with intoxicated family members. ing Winnebago known as a city where keep it up. Don’t make a change because Today everyone is consumed by social They want to live in an alcohol-free world people would like to come to instead it makes you “cool.” Encourage others media and technology, and we miss out someday, that way nobody will have to of using it as a highway, cars coming to stop, step up and help. I suggest you on cultural experiences that happen go through life with problems caused by in and out. Let’s just all stand up and listen to what I had to say, I don’t want around us every day. Before technology alcohol. make Winnebago a nice community. any young lives to be taken by this we used to hunt together, eat together, lifestyle. My prediction is if you choose Page 12 — Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 Tribal Council

alcoholism, there are many ways to cope WINNEBAGO TRIBE OF NEBRASKA VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain with this. A lot of the time, dealing with SPECIAL TRIBAL COUNCIL Motion carried. Alcohol is regularly exposed to chil- this issue is negative. Here are the ways MEETING REQUEST FROM HUMAN RE- dren under the age of 18 daily. From of dealing negatively: Pessimism, drinking ETHICAL COMPLAINT SOURCES: the T.V. shows they watch, to their idols more often, not letting people into their May 26, 2017 Vincent Bass motioned to approve posting pictures of them with a bottle on lives, criticism, getting angry over past TRIBAL COUNCIL PRESENT: the request from H.R. Department social media, to even their family mem- issues, fearing change and sometimes a Frank White re: Changes to Hotel descriptions, bers coming home intoxicated. Many person will resort to physically harming Vincent Bass transfer of sales positions, spit on (1) people throughout the United States their bodies or committing suicide (Alco- Victoria Kitcheyan Bus Coordinator into (2) Coordina- face the struggle of alcohol in their lives hol Rehab). Kenneth Mallory tors, reduce Laundry Attendants, 4 whether it’s a close family member, friend Though there are negative ways to cope James Snow to 3 positions. Coly Brown seconded. or themselves. The effect of alcohol on with alcoholism, there are many positive Curtis St. Cyr VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain their lives can be very lethal depending ways as well. Here are some of the ac- Isaac Smith Motion carried. on their age or condition they have. But tive means to deal: Staying away from Coly Brown [Isaac in] when a child may get exposed to alcohol, people who drink, get rid of alcohol in the Darla LaPointe REQUEST FROM HUMAN RE- there are lots of possibilities that can household, focus on other objects such as OTHERS PRESENT: SOURCES: happen. Throughout this, we will learn hobbies like painting a picture, playing a Danelle Smith Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to ap- the how alcohol affects children, the sport and spending time with family and Sharon Frenchman prove the revision to Guest Service At- many ways of coping with alcoholism friends.(Rethinking Drinking). tendant Position to add: Oversee game and how the media promotes alcohol in Not only do family and friends affect CALL TO ORDER: Chairman room and golf simulator, and delete: a positive way. the way a person drink but the media does White called the meeting to order at Valet Services. When children get revealed to al- as well. There are songs all over the place 9:22 a.m. Vincent Bass seconded. cohol, the risk grows higher for them promoting alcohol such as “Victorious” by OPENING PRAYER: Isaac Smith VOTE: (8) yes (0) no (0) abstain becoming an alcoholic in the future. Not Panic! At The Disco, “Cheers” by Rihanna, offered the opening prayer. Motion carried. only the risk rises higher because of the “Shots” by LMFAO and much more. It’s Danelle Smith reads the Ethical [Isaac out] trauma that can happen when alcohol not just music; it’s movies as well. There Complaints from Jill Berridge and LIBERTY BANK INVESTMENT is involved, but also many family issues are movies such as “Beerfest,” “The Hang- Allison DeCora. PORTFOLIO: may appear. If a child experiences too over,” “The Angel’s Share” and much more. Curtis St. Cyr motioned to go into Kenneth Mallory motioned much trauma when they’re younger, Now that we went over music and movies executive session at 9:52 a.m. James to approve the updated invest- they have a chance of getting a mental promote drinking let's cover social media. Snow seconded. ment portfolio with Liberty Nation- illness. Not only that but the alcohol can 71% of teenagers are online at least once VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (2) abstain al Bank. Vincent Bass seconded. lead to a fatal result in serious illness or a day to check Facebook, 52% are on In- Motion carried. VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain death. According to Alcohol-Statistics, stagram, 41% are on Snapchat, 33% are [Kenneth out] Motion carried. “Over 28 million children in the United on Twitter, and 82% are on other social Curtis St. Cyr motioned to come RECESS: States live in a household with at least media apps/websites. But what exactly out of Executive Session at 11:52 a.m. Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to re- one alcoholic parent. Over 11 million of do they see when they log in? There have Isaac Smith seconded cess the meeting at 11:42 a.m. James those children are under the age of 18” been multiple occasions where a teenager VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain Snow seconded. (Alcohol-Statistics). logs into their Facebook account and on Motion carried. VOTE: (8) yes (0) no (0) abstain Particularly, when a parent drinks the front page there is a picture of their [Kenneth in] Motion carried. an alcoholic beverage, it can change the favorite band/artist drinking with friends, Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to [Frank out on travel, Isaac, James: image a child has over their parent. In or they post a picture of alcohol which relieve Kenneth Mallory of his Alcohol out] the eyes of a child, their parent can turn they promote to get money. Not only that Program oversite duties and return RECONVENE: from a loving, gentle and caring mother or but multiple celebrities have their liquor management to CEO. Darla LaPointe Vice -Chairman Bass reconvened the father to a hateful, rude and disrespectful brands such as Justin Timberlake - Sauza seconded. meeting at 1:04 p.m. parent. There are a lot of effects alcohol 901, George Clooney - Casamigos, Ange- VOTE: (8) yes (0) no (0) abstain TRIBAL TREASURER’S REPORT: has on the family. One of the many are lina Jolie & Brad Pitt - Miraval Rose and Motion carried. Curtis St. Cyr motioned to approve abandonment; a parent may get angered David Beckham - Haig Club. Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to the Tribal Treasurer’s Report. Darla with people coming to them to confront Above all when children get exposed to accept the complaints of Jill Berridge LaPointe seconded. them about their problem and eventually alcohol it can affect the way a child grows and Allison DeCora as they are. Darla VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain leave the family without a goodbye. An- up through, mental illness, creating family LaPointe seconded. Motion carried. other is divorce. Many divorces happen issues and can get an illness if they were VOTE: (8) yes (0) no (0) abstain [James in at 1:30 p.m.] because a parent(s) drinks too much. to drink alcohol. Coping with the situa- Motion carried. ACTION ITEMS: This action will play a huge impact on tion may be a bit troubling being that a Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to di- CREDIT CARD POLICY the child in the future on whether they child can cope with alcohol in the past by rect General Counsel to make recom- Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to ap- develop drinking as well, cause trouble becoming an alcoholic, dealing negatively mendations to the Tribal Council for prove the revised credit card policy. or fail their classes at school, become or positively. Not only that but the media an investigative Committee appointed Darla LaPointe seconded. antisocial, etc. (National Institute on can have quite an infl uence on whether by May 31, 2017 at 3:30 p.m. Darla VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism). the movies, songs, and people promote LaPointe seconded. Motion carried. Furthermore, the battle children face alcohol to their much younger audience VOTE: (8) yes (0) no (0) abstain BLAND & ASSOCIATES at home with alcohol can cause a men- to sound cool or fun. As your eyes leave Motion carried. James Snow motioned to approve tal illness. Some of the major mental this essay, think about how much this Vincent Bass motioned to direct Bland & Associates engagement let- illnesses caused by alcohol are anxiety, world could change if alcohol were to CEO to work with outside entity to ter to audit the Commercial Plan psychosis, and antisocial personality dis- be gone one day. We might not have the look at issues, do a program review ($8,000.00) and Perform Audit proce- order. Anxiety is a major mental illness massive family divorces or custody battles within 60 days. Darla Lapointe sec- dures on Government Plan ($1,500.00) faced by 18% (over 40 million people) over children. We may not have as many onded. and issue report. Darla LaPointe sec- of the United States population. Anxiety deaths in our country. Finally, the rate of VOTE: (8) yes (0) no (0) abstain onded. gets pictured as someone who doesn’t mental illness in teenager and adults will Motion carried. VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain want to get up and speak in front of in- most likely minimize. ¨You are respon- Darla LaPointe motion to adjourn. Motion carried. dividuals for a presentation in class or sible for your life. You can´t keep blaming Vincent Bass seconded. Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to ap- work. But in this case, alcohol will make somebody else for your dysfunction. Life is VOTE: (8) yes (0) no (0) abstain prove John Hancock Plan as the new your anxiety a lot worse than thought. really about moving on.¨ - Oprah Winfrey. Motion carried. provider for our Tribal 401k Plan and “The more the individual drinks, the It’s the choice whether you don´t drink Chairman White adjourned the authorize the committee to sign. James more their life will deteriorate. They get and infl uence the future generations. Al- meeting at 12:23 p.m. Snow seconded. caught in a vicious cycle of drinking to cohol is exposed to children daily through VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain escape the anxiety and thereby creating their family, T.V., music and social media. Respectfully submitted, Motion carried. more things to feel anxious about” - Al- Let´s try to cut that exposure out. Victoria Kitcheyan, Treasurer 401 K COMMITTEE: cohol Rehab. Psychosis is experienced Winnebago Tribal Council Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to within 100,000 people throughout the change committee members from: United States every year. Alcohol-related Maunka Morgan to Sandra Francis, psychosis gets described as a mental WINNEBAGO TRIBE OF NEBRASKA Ann Loera to Alan Post, Anthony Earth state of mind where contact with reality Cincinnati Chili TREASURER’S REPORT MEETING to Gaming Commission Member (Rona gets surrounded by hallucinations or June 2, 2017 Stealer). James Snow seconded. delusions (Addiction). Antisocial Per- Prep Time: VOTE: (6) yes (1) no, IS 0) abstain TRIBAL COUNCIL PRESENT: sonality Disorder, better known as ASPD 15 minutes Motion carried. is caused by coming into contact with Frank White (out @ 12:00 p.m.) CLOTHING ALLOWANCE FOR 2017: Cook Time: underage drinking and alcohol abuse Vincent Bass Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to ap- from an alcoholic family previously. Over 2 hours and 30 minutes Victoria Kitcheyan prove $350.00 for clothing allowance. 6.2% of the United States population Diffi culty: Kenneth Mallory Curtis St. Cyr seconded. faces ASPD daily. Long-term effects of easy Isaac Smith (in @ 9:25 a.m.) VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain James Snow ASPD include the inability to maintain Servings: Motion carried. Curtis St. Cyr relationships, isolation from others when 4 Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to autho- angry, decreased performance at work Coly Brown rize a visa type clothing card for the cloth- or school, bad relationships with loved Darla LaPointe (in @ 9:35 a.m.) ing allowances. Isaac Smith seconded. ones caused by destructive behavior and INGREDIENTS: OTHERS PRESENT: VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain family confl icts (Addiction Hope). Alan Post motion carried. Sharon Frenchman 43% of U.S. adults have been exposed 2 pounds ground beef MINOR TRUST FUND ALLOCATION: Mike Means to alcohol at a young age through some- 4 cups water Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to table one close to them personally (Alcohol- Rona Stealer until June 20th Finance meeting. 1 onion, chopped Statistics) Some of the many illnesses you Tanya Baker Darla LaPointe seconded. can catch from alcohol are anemia, can- 4 teaspoons chili powder Tonia Keller VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain cer, cirrhosis, dementia, and pancreati- 1 teaspoon cumin Kelly Snow Motion carried. tis. “Alcohol is estimated to have caused 2 teaspoons cinnamon Cece Earth FY 17 STIMULAS EXPIRATION: Benny Pretends Eagle about half a million deaths from cancer 1 bay leaf Coly Brown motioned to uphold the CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White in 2012 alone – 5.8 per cent of cancer 1 tablespoon minced garlic Stimulus Policy. James Snow seconded. deaths worldwide. The highest risks are called the meeting to order at 9:16 a.m. VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain 1 can tomato sauce for heavy drinking, but even people who OPENING PRAYER: Alan Post offered Motion carried. drink at low levels are at risk. Modeling 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar the opening prayer. NATIVE AMERICAN FINANCE OFFI- for the study showed that, compared 4 cups spaghetti APPROVE AGENDA: CERS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: Vincent Bass motioned to ap- with non-drinkers, women who regularly Cheddar cheese, shredded Victoria Kitcheyan motioned to ap- drink two units a day have a 16 percent prove the agenda as adjust- prove payment for the Native American increased a risk of developing breast ed. Curtis St. Cyr seconded. Finance Offi cers Association Member- INSTRUCTIONS: cancer and dying from it. Those who VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain ship for $5,000.00. Darla LaPointe regularly consume fi ve units a day have Motion carried. seconded. a 40 percent increased risk. For every 1) In a large pot over medium-high [Isaac in 9:25 a.m.] VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain 1,000 women who do not drink, 109 will heat, combine ground beef, water and GAMING COMMISSION REPORT: Motion carried. Curtis St. Cyr motioned to accept the develop breast cancer. This rises to 126 chopped onion. Stir. Bring to a boil, re- YOUTH SOFTBALL TEAM RE- Gaming Commission May report. women for those who drank 14 units or duce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. QUEST: No action taken. less per week, and 153 women for those James Snow seconded. YOUTH BASKETBALL TEAM RE- who drink 14 to 35 units a week.” - Jen- VOTE: (7) yes (0) no 0) abstain QUEST: nie Connor, MSN. This quote proves that 2) After 30 minutes add chili pow- Motion carried. Curtis St. Cyr motioned to approve one of the many causes of illness such as der, cumin, cinnamon, 1 bay leaf [Darla in 9:35 a.m., Isaac out] the match of funds for Winnebago War- WINNAVEGAS REPORT: cancer is caused by alcohol alone. (crack it), garlic, tomato sauce and riors for $2,500.00 for the Youth Bas- Vincent Bass motioned to approve Nearly everybody has their ways of apple cider vinegar. Stir to com- ketball Tournament in Phoenix, Arizona coping with alcohol in their lives. Some the WinnaVegas monthly report (April on July 9, 2017. Victoria Kitcheyan bine. Simmer for another 2 hours. people become an alcoholic while others 2017). seconded. fear the drink itself. Currently, more James Snow seconded. VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (1) abstain, than 14 million Americans are alcohol- 3) Cook spaghetti according to pack- VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain DLP Motion carried. ics. A study conducted in 2012 by the age directions until al dente. Drain. Motion carried. POW-WOW STIPEND: no action National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and MARKETING REQUEST: taken. James Snow motioned to approve Alcoholism can prove that 7.2 percent of 4) After 2 hours, serve chili over SUMMER YOUTH BUDGET MOD: the adult American population has an the Tommy James & the Shondells Coly Brown motion to approve the cooked spaghetti. Top with cheddar alcohol-use in disorder (The Recovery Concert to perform on August 12, 2017 budget modifi cation of $25,000.00. Village). cheese, serve and enjoy! at the Event Center. Victoria Kitcheyan Darla LaPointe seconded. Because of the troubles faced with seconded. VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 — Page 13 Meeting Minutes

Motion carried. Resolution #17-95: Ref: Norbert Dick TRIBAL COUNCIL ABSENT: Respectfully submitted, ADJOURN: Home Site Lease Cancellation. James Victoria Kitcheyan (travel) Kenneth Mallory, Secretary Darla LaPointe motion to adjourn. Snow seconded. [*Kristen Whitebeaver, recording Winnebago Tribal Council Victoria Kitcheyan seconded. VOTE: (7) yes (0) no ( 0 ) minutes until Kenneth arrives] VOTE: (4) yes (0) no (0) abstain abstain Motion carried. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White CONCUR: Kristen Whitebeaver, Motion carried. HOCHUNK REAL ESTATE LAND called the meeting to order at 10:13 Administrative Secretary Vice-Chairman Bass adjourned the LEASE a.m. meeting at 4:16 p.m. Darla LaPointe motioned to adopt Res- OPENING PRAYER: James Snow olution #17-96: Ref: Ho Chunk Real Es- offered the opening prayer. Respectfully submitted, tate Land Lease. Vincent Bass seconded. APPROVE THE AGENDA: Kenneth Mallory, Secretary VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain James Snow motioned to adopt the NEBRASKA Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Motion carried. agenda as presented. Curtis St. Cyr FRAN SHARPBACK HOME SITE seconded. DEPARTMENT OF WINNEBAGO TRIBE OF NEBRAS- LEASE – Tabled VOTE: (4) yes (0) no (0) abstain ROADS KA CRYSTAL WHITE HOME SITE LEASE Motion carried. MONTHLY TRIBAL COUNCIL – Tabled [Darla in at 10:18 a.m.] NOTICE OF HIGH- MEETING DULCIE GREENE HOME SITE PLANNING DEPARTMENT: June 5, 2017 LEASE – Tabled RESOLUTION APPROVAL WAY PUBLIC US CELLULAR COMMERCIAL CO- Vincent Bass motioned to adopt TRIBAL COUNCIL PRESENT: LOCATION LEASE – Tabled resolution #17-97: Winnebago Title MEETING Frank White TRIBAL COUNCIL ITEMS: V Self Governance Health Negotiation Thursday, July 13, 2017; 4:00 – 6:00 PM Vincent Bass IHS – Request to use BHCC for Di- Project. Curtis St. Cyr seconded. saster Contingencies - No action taken. VOTE: (5) yes (0) no (0) abstain Information Open House Public Meeting Kenneth Mallory The Nebraska Department of Roads James Snow Request for sponsorship from the Motion carried. WPS Wrestling Team RESOLUTION APPROVAL (NDOR) will hold a public information open Curtis St. Cyr house regarding proposed improvements of Vincent Bass motioned to approve Vincent Bass motioned to adopt Darla LaPointe U.S. Highway 75 (US-75)/U.S. Highway 77 the request from the WPS Wrestling Coly Brown resolution #17-98: 2017 Head Start (US-77) in Thurston County. The meeting Isaac Smith (in @ 9:40 a.m.) Team (no amount was set). Isaac Smith Early Head Start Equipment Project. will be held at the Winnebago Public School OTHERS PRESENT: seconded. Darla LaPointe seconded. - Gymnasium, 202 Osborn Street in Winneba- Kevin Connot VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain VOTE: (4) yes (0) no (0) abstain go, on Thursday, July 13, 4:00 – 6:00 P.M. Garan Coons Motion carried. Motion carried. Identifi ed as In Winnebago, the proposed project would reconstruct approximately Kristen Whitebeaver Keystone Pipeline travel [Isaac in at 10:45 a.m.] James Snow motioned to approve CONSTRUCATION MANAGE- 0.74 miles of US-75, starting just north of Kelly Snow the US-75/US-77 roundabout, at about Cece Earth travel for Frank White and Isaac Smith MENT: update to attend the Keystone Pipeline Public COMMUNICATION: update mile marker (MM) 169.05, and extending Kenny Grant north to MM 169.79, north of the intersec- Hearing in O’neill, NE on June 7, 2017. CULTURAL PRESERVATION: Wayne Baker tion of US-75/US-77 and Bureau of Indian Vincent Bass seconded. TRIBAL COUNCIL ABSENT: update. Feedback regarding Eagle Per- Affairs (BIA) Road 52. A roundabout would Victoria Kitcheyan (travel) VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain mits for Indian Religious Purposes Let- be constructed at the intersection of US-75/ CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White Motion carried. ter. Vincent Bass requested a drafted US-77 and BIA Road 52/Mission Road (MM called the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m. E. Gilpin – Summer Youth Employ- response to the letter. 169.68). Construction may begin and/or end OPENING PRAYER: Coly Brown of- ment complaint – No Action taken. ENROLLMENT: approximately 300 feet ahead of or beyond the actual project limits to accommodate fered the opening prayer. [Vincent out] [Isaac out @ 11:33 a.m.] Kenneth Mallory motioned to sus- RESOLUTION APPROVAL transitioning the pavement and to provide APPROVE AGENDA: distance for temporary pavement marking Vincent Bass motioned to approve pend the rules to hear Tribal member. Vincent Bass motioned to adopt Darla LaPointe seconded. resolution #17-99: Tribal Enrollment for phased construction. the agenda. James Snow seconded. The purpose of this project is to preserve VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain Applicants; A3354. Darla LaPointe VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain the transportation asset, improve the reli- Motion carried. Motion carried. seconded. ability of the transportation system and READING OF MINUTES: [Vincent in] VOTE: (5) yes (0) no (0) abstain perpetuate mobility of the traveling public Coly Brown motioned to adjourn. Coly Brown motioned to adopt the Motion carried. including pedestrian mobility. The need for James Snow seconded. May 23, 2017 minutes with changes. RESOLUTION APPROVAL this project is based on the condition of the VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain existing roadway and recent inspections James Snow seconded. Vincent Bass motioned to adopt Motion carried. showing that the pavement distresses of US- VOTE: (4) yes, KM, CB, JS, CS resolution #17-100: Approving a Tribal Chairman White adjourned the meet- 75 require rehabilitation. The need for the (0) no (2) abstain, VB, DLP Member Blood Quantum Increase (383- ing at 3:01 p.m. roundabout is based on a vehicular speed Motion carried. UO8327). Darla LaPointe seconded. VOTE: (4) yes (0) no (1) abstain, JS study that shows a current impediment to RATIFY FIVE SIGNATURES: pedestrian mobility and safety. Respectfully submitted, Motion carried. Approve travel to attend SAMHSA The planned construction would consist Kenneth Mallory, Secretary LAND CORPORATION RESOLU- Tribal Technical Advisory Committee of removing the existing pavement and re- Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Darla LaPointe motioned to ratify TIONS: placing it with doweled concrete pavement the fi ve signature approving travel for FRAN SHARPBACK – Discussion on with integral curb over foundation course Victoria Kitcheyan to attend SAMHSA WINNEBAGO TRIBE OF NEBRASKA Lease & Process, Tabled. on a prepared subgrade. Curb inlets, storm Tribal Technical Advisory Commit- SPECIAL TRIBAL COUNCIL MEETING [Isaac in @ 11:38 a.m.] sewer, new pedestrian facilities and lighting would also be updated. Additional work would tee (TTAC) meeting in Albuquerque, ELIGIBLE VOTERS LIST [Darla out @ 11:41 a.m.] include surfaced drives and intersections, June 12, 2017 [Vincent out @ 11:52 a.m.] NM, June 25-26, 2017. James Snow barrier curb constructed between sidewalk seconded. CRYSTAL WHITE – Tabled. [Kenneth in @ 12:00 p.m., takes over and parking areas, relocation of utilities, and VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain TRIBAL COUNCIL PRESENT: driveway work. Rectangular rapid fl ashing on recording minutes] Motion carried. Frank White beacons would be placed at sidewalks near Approval of Pow-wow Committee Vincent Bass [Vincent in @ 12:00 p.m.] the school (vicinity of Wilson Avenue) and Budget Kenneth Mallory [Coly out @ 12:00 p.m.] midblock near the post offi ce between Mercer James Snow motioned to ratify the Isaac Smith (in @ 9:45 a.m.) DULCIE GREEN Avenue and Matthewson Avenue. Retaining fi ve signature approval of Pow-wow James Snow Curtis St. Cyr motioned to adopt walls would be constructed to limit impacts to Committee budget for $206,100.00 Curtis St. Cyr Resolution #17-101: Ref: Dulcie Greene adjacent properties. Concrete steps and fenc- ing and/or hand railing would be constructed for FY’17 Pow-wow. Vincent Bass Darla LaPointe Leasehold Mortgage Lease. Vincent where needed. Coly Brown Bass seconded. seconded. The proposed project would require the ac- VOTE: (4) yes (1) no (2) abstain, CS, OTHERS PRESENT: VOTE: (5) yes (0) no (0) abstain Motion carried. quisition of additional property rights which KM Motion carried. Sharon Frenchman could include new right-of-way (ROW), per- [Vincent, Coly in @ 12:05 p.m.] Emergency Assistance Fund Com- Kristen Whitebeaver manent easements (PE), and/or temporary mitment TRIBAL COUNCIL ABSENT: US CELLULAR – no action taken easements (TE). Access to adjacent properties Darla LaPointe motioned to ratify Victoria Kitcheyan (travel) TRIBAL COURT: update would be maintained during construction the fi ve signature regarding Emergency CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White WINNNEBAGO JUVENILE COM- but may be limited at times due to phasing Assistance Fund $25,000.00 Commit- called the meeting to order at 9:18 a.m. MUNITY SERVICE & RESTITUTION requirements. ment to the Human Services Depart- OPENING PRAYER: Vincent Bass PROGRAM, NCC –update. Potential impacts associated with the pro- posed project include grading, sidewalk, trail, ment additional allocation for FY’17. (A offered the opening prayer. DEFENDING CHILDHOOD INITA- driveway, drainage, and drainage structures [Vincent out at 10:10 a.m.) TIVE, OJJDP – update budget modifi cation will be presented near the Winnebago Public School; potential at the June 2, 2017 Treasurer’s Report ELIGIBLE VOTERS LIST: HUMAN SERVICES - NF4NC: Oma- ha Tribe has reengaged, update. impacts to fencing and sidewalks near the meeting) Coly Brown seconded. Kenneth Mallory motioned to ap- basketball courts south of Mercer Avenue; COMMITTEE ITEMS: VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain prove the Eligible Voters List for 2017 potential impacts to the Veterans Memorial POW-WOW COMMITTEE Motion carried. Elections with corrections. Coly Brown south of Wilson Avenue; temporary impacts to Adopt Resolution #17-94 seconded. Vincent Bass motioned to advertise the bike trail from Wilson Avenue to just north Darla LaPointe motioned to ratify the VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain one position for the Pow-wow Com- of Mission Road; and temporary impacts to fi ve signature adopting resolution #17- Motion carried. mittee. the Veterans Memorial Park. 94: 2017 Herd Development Grant. NURSING HOME PRESENTATION: Isaac Smith seconded. Construction could begin as early as spring of 2019 with completion by summer Vincent Bass seconded. Isaac Smith motioned to approve VOTE: (4) yes (0) no (2) abstain of 2020. The proposed project would be con- extended funds for Nursing Home Motion carried. VOTE: (7) yes (0) no ( 0 ) structed under traffi c. abstain Motion carried. Presentation. COMMUNITY POLICING BOARD Isaac Smith motioned to advertise This public open house meeting is being Approval of additional paving to Curtis St. Cyr seconded. held to provide information regarding the for 3 positions on the Community Po- Pow-wow entrance VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain project, currently in the design phase, and licing Board. Vincent Bass seconded. Darla LaPointe motioned to ratify the Motion carried. to receive the public’s input. All interested fi ve signature approving the additional ADJOURN: VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain persons are invited to attend and present paving to the Pow-wow entrance. (Es- Darla LaPointe motioned to adjourn. Motion carried. relevant comments and questions. Design timated cost $14962.50). Isaac Smith Isaac Smith seconded. HR & EMPLOYEE DEMOGRAPHICS: information will be displayed and personnel seconded. VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain – update from NDOR will b e present to answer ques- tions and receive comments. The informa- VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain Motion carried. HEALTH DEPARTMENT: tion “open house” format allows the public Chairman White adjourned the ALCOHOL PROGRAM: Request Motion carried. to come at any time during the advertised CEO ACTION ITEMS: meeting at 10:21 a.m. the possibility of William Mallory to be a counselor at the Alcohol Program. hours, gather pertinent information about Pow-wow Committee the project, speak one-on-one with project Updates. No action taken. James Snow motioned to appoint Respectfully submitted, personnel, and leave as they wish. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Joseph Littlegeorge to the Pow-wow Kenneth Mallory, Secretary NDOR will make every reasonable accom- Committee. Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Curtis St. Cyr motioned to approve modation to provide an accessible meeting Curtis St. Cyr seconded. the Domestic Violence policy and proce- facility for all persons. Appropriate provisions VOTE: (7) yes (0) no (0) abstain dures revision. Isaac Smith seconded. for the hearing and visually challenged or per- Motion carried. WINNEBAGO TRIBE OF NEBRASKA VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain sons with Limited English Profi ciency (LEP) will be made if the Department is notifi ed by WINNEBAGO COMMUNITY DEVEL- CEO REPORT MEETING Motion carried. June 14, 2017 OTHER: July 5, 2017. The public is being encouraged OPMENT FUND REVIEW BOARD to make suggestions or express concerns re- Curtis St. Cyr motioned to appoint LOG CABINS – update TRIBAL COUNCIL PRESENT: PORT YANKTON MEETING garding this proposed project. Comments will Joseph Littlegeorge to the Winnebago be collected through July 28, 2017. Written Frank White Vincent Bass motioned to approve Community Development Fund Review comments or requests should be submitted travel for Frank White to the O’hiya Board. Coly Brown seconded. Vincent Bass to: Sarah Soula, Public Involvement Man- VOTE: (7) yes (0) no ( 0 ) Kenneth Mallory (in@12:00 Casino in Niobrara, NE to attend the ager, Nebraska Department of Roads, P.O. abstain Motion carried. p.m.) Port Yankton Meeting on June 16, Box 94759, Lincoln, NE 68509-4759; sarah. OLD BUSINESS: James Snow 2017. Coly Brown seconded. [email protected]; voice telephone 402- KEVIN CONNOT – UPDATE ON Curtis St. Cyr VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain 479-4871, Fax 402-479-3989. Information regarding the proposed proj- TRIBAL UTILITY DEVELOPMENT AND Coly Brown Motion carried. Isaac Smith (in @ 10:23 a.m.) WTN- SITE VISIT SCHEDULE: ect will be made available on the NDOR web- ADDRESS INDEPENDENT CONTRAC- site, the day after the meeting, at www.roads. TOR AGREEMENT – Update with Tribal Darla LaPointe (in @ 10:18 a.m.) Winnebago Good Health and Wellness OTHERS PRESENT: in Indian Country Program. by Utility Company and will return on clicking on the “In Winnebago” link. For those Randy Teboe ADJOURN: June 21, 2017 – No action. without internet access, information may Vincent Bass motioned to adjourn. NEW BUSINESS: Garan Coons be obtained through the contact above or at LAND CORPORATION RESOLU- Sarah Snake Isaac Smith seconded. NDOR Headquarters, 1500 Hwy 2, Lincoln, TIONS Joy Johnson VOTE: (6) yes (0) no (0) abstain NE. For further information, contact Kevin NORBERT DICK HOME SITE LEASE William DeCora Motion carried. Domogalla, NDOR District 3 Engineer, 402- CANCELLATION Scott Aldrich Chairman White adjourned the 370-3470, [email protected]. Vincent Bass motioned to adopt Kristen Whitebeaver meeting at 12:49 p.m. Sharon Frenchman Page 14 — Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 Community News

New Deadline ! ! ! for Winnebago Newspaper July 7th LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing Case No. CV15-060 Case No. CV17-098 In the Matter of the Custody Peti- In the Matter of the tion of: Divorce Petition of: KANDYCE GRANT GEOFFREY FRAZIER vs. vs SOLOMON GRANT JADE HARDEN To: KANDYCE HORN, To: JADE HARDEN:

You are hereby notifi ed that a Custo- You are hereby notifi ed that a Di- dy petition has been fi led and a hearing vorce petition has been fi led and a hear- to review the ex parte order concerning ing concerning the above referred Case the above referred Individual(s) in case No. CV17-098 has been scheduled and no. CV15-060 has been scheduled will will be heard in the Winnebago Tribal be heard in the Winnebago Tribal Court Court of Winnebago, Nebraska on the of Winnebago, Nebraska on the 14TH 14TH day of SEPTEMBER, 2017 at the day of SEPTEMBER, 2017 at the hour hour of 10:00 A.M. of 10:30 A.M. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing Case No. CV17-091 Case No. CV17-099 In the Matter of the In the Matter of the Guardianship Petition of: Guardianship Petition of: LORNA SNAKE, DAWN SNAKE, In Re: In Re: C. S. (DOB 08-07-2009) H. S. (DOB 11-10-2015) TO: ABIGAIL SNAKE, Mother TO: TAMMY HUFFMAN, Mother MAURICIO FLORES, Putative DAVID SNOW, Father Father ALL OTHER POTENTIAL FATHERS You are hereby notifi ed that a peti- You are hereby notifi ed that a petition tion has been fi led for Guardianship has been fi led for Guardianship and a and a hearing concerning the above hearing concerning the above referred referred Individual(s) in Case No. CV17- Individual(s) in Case No. CV17-091 has 099 has been scheduled and will be been scheduled and will be heard in the heard in the Winnebago Tribal Court Winnebago Tribal Court of Winnebago, of Winnebago, Nebraska on the 12TH Winnebago Self Storage Nebraska on the 22ND day of AUGUST, day of SEPTEMBER, 2017 at the hour 2017 at the hour of 10:00 A.M. of 9:00 A.M. 5x10 - $35/month 10x10 - $45/month 10x20 - $65/month LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing Case No. CV17-097 Case No. CV17-083 In the Matter of the In the Matter of the Guardianship Petition of: Name Change Petition of: LISA PAYER, 402-878-4210 BRITTANY ALEXIA FOURCLOUD In Re: to BRITTANY ALEXIA TYNDALL S. H. (DOB 05-26-2016) TO: JENNIFER DREW, Mother To: ANY INTERESTED PARTIES UNKNOWN, Father You are hereby notifi ed that a peti- You are hereby notifi ed that a peti- tion has been fi led for Guardianship Native American Owned tion for Name Change has been fi led and a hearing concerning the above and a hearing concerning the above re- referred Individual(s) in Case No. CV17- Manufacturing Housing Company ferred Individual in case no. CV17-097 083 has been scheduled and will be LOOKING TO HIRE has been scheduled and will be heard heard in the Winnebago Tribal Court Construction trades including,drywalling, roofi ng, in the Winnebago Tribal Court of Win- of Winnebago, Nebraska on the 8TH nebago, Nebraska on the 31ST day of day of AUGUST, 2017 at the hour of electrical, plumbing, framing, siding AUGUST, 2017 at the hour of 9:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Weekdays! 1st Shift! Attendance bonusus! Apply at: Cascatra Homes 909 17th Ave. Central City, NE 68826 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Hearing LEGAL NOTICE 308-946-5400 Notice of Hearing Case No. CV17-088 [email protected] Case No. JFJ17-032 The People of the Winnebago Tribe In the Matter of the In the Interest of: Name Change Petition of: J. K. (DOB 4-8-2015) MAXIMINO MATILDA CORTES LA- To: STORMY KNUDSEN, Mother Apartment For Rent MERE CODY CHILSON, Putative to JOSUE MANUAL LAMERE Lovely 1 bedroom apartment available for persons 62 years of age Father and ALL OTHER POTENTIAL or with a disability in Walthill, NE. FATHERS To: ANY INTERESTED PARTIES Controlled access building with laundry facilities. Rent based on income. You are hereby notifi ed that a hear- You are hereby notifi ed that a petition ing for Initial Appearance concerning For more information, call for Name Change has been fi led and a the above referred minor individual(s) hearing concerning the above referred in case no. JFJ17-032 has been sched- Individual in case no. CV17-088 has 712-258-4765 uled and will be heard in the Winnebago been scheduled and will be heard in the or write: Weinberg P.M. Inc., Tribal Court of Winnebago, Nebraska Winnebago Tribal Court of Winnebago, 600 4th Street, Suite 306, Sioux City, Iowa 51105 on the 29TH day of AUGUST, 2017 at Nebraska on the 17TH day of AUGUST, This institution is an equal opportunity provider the hour of 10:30 A.M. 2017 at the hour of 11:00 A.M. Winnebago Indian News, Wednesday, June 28, 2017 — Page 15 Pony Express