Cases Listed for Hearing in Variuos Courts in South Goa District on 04-01-2019

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Cases Listed for Hearing in Variuos Courts in South Goa District on 04-01-2019 CASES LISTED FOR HEARING IN VARIUOS COURTS IN SOUTH GOA DISTRICT ON 04-01-2019 PRESIDING OFFICER : MAMLATDAR OF SALCETE, Margao - Goa Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 Mund/Pur/12/2002 Elvis Mascarebhas Mundcar Act 10:30 Reply v/s Gaudencio Conceicao Silva 2 mund/reg-dec/nuvem/33/200 Smt.Maria Jeromila Purificacao da Mundcar Act 15:00 Cross Examination 8 Costa e Fernandes v/s Shri. Prabhakar Sinai Cuncolienkar 3 Mam/Sal/MCA/03/2014 Floriano Rodrigues Mamlatdar Court Act 10:30 Reply v/s Maria Dias alias Marie Dias 4 Mund/Reg-Dec/lout/03/2016 Jose Antonio Marques Mundcar Act 15:00 Hearing Notice v/s Pamela Pimenta 5 mund/reg-dec/lout/2/2018 Smt. Vinanti Naik Mundcar Act 15:00 Oral/Written Argument v/s Shri. Mahendra Joselino Araujo Alvares 6 mam/tnc/pur/paroda/9/18 Mr. Govind Pandari Naik Tenancy Act 15:00 Reply v/s Mr. Pandurang Naik Dessai 7 Mam/tnc/decl/8/2018 Mrs. Fatima Mascarenhas Tenancy Act 15:00 Reply v/s The Administrator of Communidades of South Goa PRESIDING OFFICER : JT. MAMLATDAR-II - SALCETE, Margao-Goa. Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 Jm-II/TNC/Decl/Dav/4/2018 Ms. Lourenca Monteiro Tenancy Act 10:30 Evidence v/s The Communidade of Davorlim 2 Jm-II/TNC/Decl/Dav/5/2018 Alexinha Gomes e Miranda Tenancy Act 10:30 Evidence v/s Communidade of MargaoDavorlim PRESIDING OFFICER : JT. MAMLATDAR-IV - SALCETE, Margao-Goa. Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 Mund/Reg&Dec/Mar/11/2007 Benedito Carvalho Mundcar Act 10:30 Final Opportunity to v/s Applicant Santosh Dharmo Kurtarkar 2 mund/Reg&Dec/Raia/22/201 Francis Xavier Fernandes Mundcar Act 10:30 Evidence 0 v/s Alin Pinto 3 JM-IV/MCA/1/2015 Mr. Caetano Vaz Mamlatdar Court Act 10:30 Hearing Notice v/s Mr. Pedro Fernandes 4 JM-IV/Mund/reg-Dec/Mar/21/ Minika Mandrekar Mundcar Act 10:30 Exam. in 2016 v/s Chief/witness of Mrs. Palmira D`Sa Applicants 5 JM-IV/TNC/PUR/sarzora/12/2 Mr. Antonio Gomes Tenancy Act 10:30 Hearing Notice 017 v/s Mrs. Lourencina Gomes 6 JM-IV/Mund/Neg-Decl/Chin/1 Sonia furtado Dias Mundcar Act 10:30 Reply 5/2017 v/s Antoneta Fernandes (deceased) 7 JM-IV/MUND/PUR/MAR/3/20 Mr. Rosario Noronha (deceased) Mundcar Act 10:30 Hearing Notice 18 through his L.R. v/s Mr. Caetano Noronha 8 JM-IV/Tnc/Pur/18-C/Dramap Mr. Jose Antonio Silva alias Jose A. Tenancy Act 10:30 Clarification ur/1/2018 Silva v/s Communidade of Dramapur 9 JM-IV/Mund/Reg& Shri. Nagesh Gopal Redkar Mundcar Act 15:00 Hearing Notice Decl/17/2018 v/s Shri. Antonio Andrade PRESIDING OFFICER : JOINT MAMLATDAR-V SALCETE, Margao Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 JMV/TNC/Decl/Majorda Catarina Fatima Coutinho Tenancy Act 15:00 Evidence /4/2017 (new) v/s 1.Mrs.Clara Arlinda da Piedade Rodrigues e Lobo(deceased) through L/R’s 2 JMV/TNC/Decl/Lotulim/42/20 Pascoal Jose Fernandes(deceased Tenancy Act 15:00 Clarification 17 (new) through L/r’s) v/s Maendra Joselino Araujo Alvares PRESIDING OFFICER : JT. MAMLATDAR-II, SANGUEM, Sanguem Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 JM-I/TNC/DECL/15/2001 Shri Francisco Sebastiao Seaqueira Tenancy Act 15:00 Evidence v/s Izabel Braganza PRESIDING OFFICER : JT. MAMLATDAR-I - QUEPEM, Quepem Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 JM-I/TNC/DECL/Balli/37/201 Shri Shiru Shanu Naik Tenancy Act 15:00 Public Notice 7 v/s Shri Ramesh Sarvotam Sinai Nagarsekar 2 JM-I/TNC/DECL/NET/6/2018 Smt.Santan Jose Rodrigues, Tenancy Act 15:00 Cross Examination v/s Smt. Martina Costa, PRESIDING OFFICER : MAMLATDAR CANACONA, Canacona Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 TNC/MAM/NAGOR-PALO/5/2 JOAQUIM FERNANDES Tenancy Act 11:00 Transfer of Case 011 v/s RATNAKAR SADANAND SINAI NAGARCENKAR 2 MAM/CAN/MUND/2012/1224 Smt Sakhari Janu Varak Mundcar Act 15:00 Public Notice v/s Shri Sadanand Ram Naik Gaonkar 3 C2/MAM/CAN/MUND/AGON CRUZ D`COSTA Mundcar Act 15:00 Hearing Notice DA/2/2014 v/s PRABHAVATI BABU NAIK GAONKAR 4 B2/TNC/PUR/18-C/CHAUDI/0 smt. Rukmini Vithoba Dessai Tenancy Act 11:00 Transfer of Case 1/2017 v/s Smt. Tulshi Sadanand Dessai 5 B1/MAM/CAN/TNC/DECL/12/ Shri. Inacio Barreto Tenancy Act 15:00 Reply 2018 v/s Administrator of Communidade PRESIDING OFFICER : JT. MAMLATDAR-I - CANACONA, Canacona Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 MUND/JT.MAM-II/AGD/1/200 Smt. Hevona Fernandes Mundcar Act 15:00 Reply 7 v/s Smt. Sundarabai Vithai Agondekar 2 TNC/JT.MAM-I/AGD/03/2011 Manuelina Fernandes Tenancy Act 15:00 Steps v/s Padmavati Raje 3 TNC/JT.MAM-I/AGD/03/2011 Smt. Manuelina Fernandes alias Joana Tenancy Act 15:00 Steps Antonia Marcelina Fernandes alias Manulina v/s Smt. Padmavati Raje (since deceased), Smt. Sawaiwir Raje(since deceased) 4 MUND/JT. Amrose Arcian D`Silva, S/o Alaxandre Mundcar Act 15:00 Final Opportunity to MAM-I/DECL/PAL/03/2011 Antonio Maria Da`Dsilva Applicant v/s Shri Ramesh Sarvottam Sinai Nagarcenkar, S/o late Shri Sarvottam Sinai Nagarcenk 5 C1/MUND/JT.MAM-I/DECL/N Shambu pagi @ Kankonkar Mundcar Act 15:00 Final Opportunity to AG-PAL/02/2013 v/s Applicant Apaji Talwadkar 6 C2/JT.MAM-I/MUND/PUR-4/A Anand Mangesh Pagui & ors Mundcar Act 15:00 Final Opportunity to GD/2013 v/s Applicant Dharmu D. Pagi 7 B2/TNC/JT.MAM-I/18-C/COL Shri. Putu Raghoba Pagui Tenancy Act 15:00 Last Opportunity to OMB/02/2017 v/s Respondent/Opponen Mr. Fernandes Jorge De Figueiredo t Rebeiro 8 B1/TNC/JT.MAM-I/3/2017 Moya alias Ratnakar Balsu Metri Tenancy Act 15:00 Transfer of Case v/s Smt. Padmavati Raje(deceased) 9 B1/TNC/JT.MAM-I/POGN/09/ Smt. Laxmibai Narayan Metri Tenancy Act 15:00 Transfer of Case 2017 v/s Smt. Padmavati Raje (deceased) 10 B1/TNC/JT.MAM-II/DECL/GA Mr. Menino Joseph Paulo Tenancy Act 15:00 Evidence ON/13/2017 Fernandes(Deceased) v/s Shri. Sebastiao Coutinho (Deceased) 11 B1/TNC/JT.MAM-I/AGDN/16/ Smt. Madhuri Malu Velip Tenancy Act 15:00 Last Opportunity to 2017 v/s Respondent/Opponen Administrator of Communidade t 12 C2/JT.MAM-I/MUND-PUR/AG Smt. Dumentina Dias Mundcar Act 15:00 Reply D/02/2017 v/s Mr. Govind V. Naik 13 B2/TNC/JT.MAM-I/CHAUDI/0 Smt. Rukmini Vithoba Dessai Tenancy Act 11:00 Reply 2/2018 v/s Smt. Tulshi Sadanand Desai 14 B1/TNC/JT.MAM-I/POIN/08/2 Smt. Conceicao Coutinho Tenancy Act 15:00 Last Opportunity to 018 v/s Respondent/Opponen The Administrator of Communidade t 15 B1/TNC/JT.MAM-I/PAL/17/20 Mrs. Magdalina Gonsalves Tenancy Act 11:00 Last Opportunity to 18 v/s Respondent/Opponen Ratnakar Sadanand Sinai Nagarcenkar t PRESIDING OFFICER : MAMLATDAR MORMUGAO, Mormugao Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 MUND/PURCH/SAN/01/2018 shri. Premanand Anant Naik, Mundcar Act 11:00 Demarcation v/s shri. Jaganath Yeshwant Naik & 4 Ors. PRESIDING OFFICER : JT. MAMLATDAR-I MORMUGAO, Mormugao Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 JM-I/MOR/B1/16/2018 Mr. Thomas Colaco (Since Deceased) Tenancy Act 10:30 Hearing Notice v/s Communidade of Cortalim, Through its Attorney 2 JT-I/MUND/DECL/VEL/22/20 Mrs. Natalina Rodrigues e Dias w/o. Late Mundcar Act 15:00 Hearing Notice 18 Jose Minguel Dias alias Michael Dias v/s Mr. Danny Domingos Britto AliasDomingos Brito 3 JT-I/MUND/DECL/VAS/24/20 Mrs. Ana S Afonso Mundcar Act 15:00 Reply 18 v/s Communidade of Mormugao PRESIDING OFFICER : S. D. O. CANACONA, Canacona Hearing Date:04-01-2019 Sr. Case Number Applicant Vs Respondent Case Act/Sec Hearing Case Posted for Time 1 LRC/Illeg-Conv/12/2003 Mamlatdar of Canacona Taluka Land Revenue Code 15:00 Reply v/s The Regional Manager, Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd. 2 LRC/Illeg-Conv/CAN/19/2008 Mamlatdar of Canacona Taluka Land Revenue Code 15:00 Hearing Notice /3956 v/s Yessu Balkusta Sawant 3 LRC/Illeg-Conv/CAN/02/2010 Mamlatdar of Canacona Taluka Land Revenue Code 15:00 Reply /135 v/s Sebastiao Fernandes 4 LRC/ILLEG-CONV/CAN/3/20 Mamlatdar of Canacona Taluka Land Revenue Code 15:00 Hearing Notice 10 v/s Sapnesh Ganesh Desai 5 LRC/Illeg-Conv/CAN/06/2010 Mamlatdar of Canacona Taluka Land Revenue Code 15:00 Hearing Notice /100 v/s Shri.
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