S. K. GANDHE of the Indian Economic Sen-ice Director of Census Operations, , Daman & Diu and Dadra and Nagar HaveH








Table HH-16 Households and Household pcpulatjon by language mainly 6-11 Part A (i) spoken in the Housel:<)ld (inclusive of variants grouped under each) specified in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India by Union Territory/District.

Table HH-16 Households and Household populaticn by language mainl) 12-4') Part A (ii) spoken in the Household (inclusive of variants grouped under each) specified in Schedule VlJI to the Constitution of India by Unicll Territc.ryjDistrict/Taluka/ TO'i\n

Table HH-16 Households and Household population by language mainly 52-57 Part B (i) spoken in the Household (inclusive of variants where grouped) other than those specified in Schedule YIn to the Constitution of India by Union Territory/District.

Table HH-16 Household, and Household population by language mainly 58-77 Palt B (ii) spoken in the HcusehoJd (inclusive of variants where grouped) other than those specified in Schedule VIII to the COlistitution' of Tr.dia by Union Territory/District! Taluka/Town

(ii i)


THIS VOLUME contains the data on language collected through the Hou,ehold S;hedule canva<)sed in the 1981 Census. The information pertains to language mlialy spoken in the household. The presentation is based on the Slme principles as were adopted in the 1971 Census presentation of languagel mother tongue data. The table presented which c,)mes in the series or household tables of 1981 Census Tabulation Plan. bears the number HH 16 (Parts A & B) Table HH 16 Part A relates to languages specified in the Schedule VUf to the Con<;titution of Indi.!. T.lb!e HH-16 P.!rt B rdates to languages other than those specified in the Schedule vIn to th.! Cnstitution of India. Table HH-16 Part A is further sub-dividej into two sury·divisiolS i.c. Part A (i) 3ad Part A (ii) ; Part A (i) relating to State and District level data and Part A (ii) relating to Taluka/rown level data. Similarly, Part B has also got two sub-divisions; Part B (i} and P.Ht B (ii) , r~l,ltin:; to State and District~, alld Taluka/ Town levels respectively.

The note and fly-leaf preceding the tables give the background and explain the features or the tables. The concepts and definitions are also discussed in the fly-leaf which the reader will find useful.

The 1981 Census of India was very ably organised and conducted by my predecessor Shri P. Padmanabha, I.A.S. The data presented in this volume were initially processed in the Census Directorates in the States/Union Territories. The tables were then scrutinised in the Language and Census Divisions of the Registrar General's Office.

I am grateful to my colleagues in the Directorates and in the Registrar General's Olficc who took part in the huge task of 1981 censu~ enumeration and processing of data. Dr. B. P . .\f.ihap. .ltra, Deputy Registrar General (Language) took immense pains in scrutinising the Llnguage ddL!. The nam!s of his colleagues who assisted him in this task are given s:p.lf.ltely. Shri N. Rima Rao, Assistant Registrar General (C&T) has given the guidance and co-ordinated the work relating to tabulation of these data. He was assisted by SIld R.P. Tonnf, D.!puty Director of Census Op.!rations. Shri M.ihal Singh. Investigator and his colleagues in the Census Division, whose names are given separately, ably co-ordinated the in-flow and out-flow of language data among the Census Directorates, Language Division at Calcutta and the Registrar General's Office in Delhi. In the Census Directorate, Shri S. Rajendran, Deputy Director and his colleagues have also scrutinised the tables in detail. Shri B. P. Jain, Assistant Director (Printing) ensured printing of this volume quickly. J thank all these officers.

NEW DELHI V. S. VERMA July 2f, 1987 Registrar General. India



THIS PAPER contains data on language mainly spoken in the household collected during the 1981 Census through Part~I of the Household S;hedule. The language data, thus co!lected are presented upto taluka and town level of State in thi,) volum~. The table which f..>rms put of the household series tables of the 198 I Census is entitled Table HH- I 6 Households and household population by language mainly spoken in the household (inclusive of variants grouped under each). The table is divided into two parts viz. Part A and Part B. Part A relates to languages sp~cified in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India and Part B relates to languages other th111 those sp~cified in Schejule VIII to the Constitution of India. Part A is again sub~diviJed into two plrts-Part A (i) relating to Union Territory and District level and Part A (ii) rellting to Taluka/Town level of the Uaion Territory. Similarly, Part B (i) relates to Union Territory and District level and Part B (ii) relates to Taluka/Town level of the Union Territory.

The tabulation of these data was done manually under the guidance of the office of the Registrar General, India. As mentioned in the note on the language data contained in this volume, this table includes houseJess households but excludes institutional households.

The Dir¢~tor of CeIlsu~ Ot>!r:ltio,lS Dr. S.K. GJ1d'l~ ullj~r whOie glliJ.t[}c~, tile 19& I Census was carried out deserv\!5 all credit for the success of th~ census op~ration5 but he had to le.lve the organiSltioll for taking IIp other imp)ftlU'lt a"'ligrlmmts b~fore the plper in question cl)ulJ be made ready for the press.

We must record our deepest sense of gratitude to Shri P. Padmanabha, LA.S. the former Registrar General, India and Slui V.S. Verma, LA.S. the present Registrar General, India. Dr. B.P. Mabapatra, Deputy Registrar General (Language) and his colleagues deserve our thinks for patiently scrutinising the language data. OUf th inks are also due to Shri N. R 1ml Rao, A~sistant Registrar General (Census &; Tabulation) and Shri R.P. Tomar, D~puty Director of Census Operations for their valuable guidance in preparing this paper. Shri Mahal Singh, Investigator and his colleagues in the Census Division whose names are given separately, ably coordinated tile in~flow and out~flow of the language data among the Headquarters, Language Divi~ion at Calcutta and the Directorates. They a'i deserve our thanks.

In our own Office, we received the maximum c~operation and assistance at every stage from our staff who worked diligently and with devotion. Here, we would place on record our appreciation to the contribution of Shri S.P. Desai Assistant Director of Census Operations (T) and Sbri L. Rodrigues Investigator. The na'ne~ of the other staff' who have assisted in this work are given separately in this volume.

PANAJI S. RAJENDRAN 1 December, 1987 Deputy Director of Census Operations, Goa Daman ill Diu and Dadra ,f, Nagar Haveli



1 . Shri S.S. Bhardw;;lj Statistical Assistant 2. Smt. A. Tangri Computor 3. Smt. Anita Mehdiratta Computor 4. Smt. Kanchan Batr:l Assistant Compiler 5. Shri Vijay Kumar Assistant Compiler 6 Kum. Anuradha Datta Assistant Compiler Language Division

1. Smt. Krishna Choudhuri Investigator (L) 2. Smt. Tapati Gbosh Investigator (L) 3. Dr. S.P. Datta Research Officer (L) 4. Shri S.P. Srivastava Investigator (L) S. Dr. M.K. Koul S.T.A. 6. Shri J.e. Datta ADCO. (T) 7. Smt. Gouri Bose Statistical Assistant 8. Smt. Mira Bhomick Computor 9. Shri Madhu Sudan Ghosh UDe 10. Shri K.C. Karmakar Senior Stenographer 11. Smt. Mira Roy Senior Stenosrapher

Printing DiTision

1. Shri Didar Singh Printing Officer 2! Shri H.K. Jbamb Sr. Tech. Asstt. (Ptg.) 3. Sbri Bhagwan Singh Computor 4. Shri Bhushan Lal Proof Reader


I. Shri K. R. Lotlikar Statistical Assistant 2. Shri A. Rego Statistical Assistant


In the 1981 Census a new question on the 'Language mainly spoken in the Household' was asked in the Household Schedule alongwith the two usual language questions on lmotber tongue' and 'Other lanfuages known'in the individual slip. This informati

Question 5 on 'Language mainly spoken in the l10usdlOld' in the Household Schedule was canva~sed in all th e households other tban institu tional housch olds. The raw returns were rather unusually I;Hf,e. All these returns were scrutinized following usual linguistic methods including study;ng 'Language specimens' and undertaking field investigations.

Tbe distribution of the 1981 household population by languages grouped into scheduled lan~uag(s and languages other than scheduled are shown below :

Distribution of 1981 household population by languages (inclusive of variants grouped under each) TabJe-l

--_.------~------_- Speakers of Schedule vm Speakers of Total household languages and other languages population (ex- the percentage and the percen- eluding institu- to the total tage to total Union Territory! tional household household po- household ro- District popUlation) pulation pulation

2 3 4


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 1,059,012 446,406 612,606 (42.15) (57.85)

1 Goa District 980,227 369,962 610,265 (37.74) (62.26) 2 Daman District 48,393 46,281 2,112 (95.64) (4.36) 3 Diu District 30,392 30,163 229 (99.25) (0.75)

-.---~~~------~~------Part A of the table gives the distribution of the 15 languages specified in Schedule VIII to the Constitution in the U.T. Spea kers covered by these langua ges con stitutc 42.15 per cell t of the total household population excluding institutional household population. The rmaining 5785 per ceLt j!', accounted for by the rest of the languages.


Part A: Households and Household populaticn by J~ngwige mainly sroken in the household (inclusive of variants grouped under each) specified in Schedule VIII fo the Constitution of India.

Part B: Households and Household population by language mainly spoken in the household (inclusIve of variants where grouped) other than those specified in Schedule VITI to the Constitution of India.


These tables present the languages mainly spoken in the household, on the basis of HOUSi:hold schedu Ie of the Census of India) 981. All tables include HouseJess households but exclude Institutional households.

The question on household language at the 1981 census and instructions to enumerators were as follows:

Question 5: Language mainly spok.en in I he househoh.l.

Definitioll :-A household is a group of persons who commonly live together and would take their meals from a common kitchen unless the exigencies of work prevented any of them from doing so. There may be a household of persons related by blood or a household of unrelated persons or baving a mix of both. Examples of unrelated Households are boarding houses, messes, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams elc. These are called 'Institutional Household,,'. There may be one member households, 2 member households or multi-member homeholds. For census purpose~, each one of thesc types is regarded as 'Household'.

Instructions to enumerators: - You have to ascertain from the head of the household about the language which is maInly ~poken in the household. You have to record the answer faithfuily as returned. There may be cases where one or two persons of the household m Iy be ~peaking other languages also, but the largullt,c to bc recorded l,tre is the ore which is spokcn mostly by the members of the household among tbemselves. The language l'>pokt'n in the household should not be confused with the mother tongue of each individual member of the household. For institutional households put 'X' on the line. Do not enter anything in the Jotted boxes against this question.

Table HH-16 have four Parts-Parts A(i) and A(ii) have been presented si1o\\ing the distribution of households by languages mainly spoken in the household, specified in schedule VIII to the Constitution of India inclusive of variants grouped tinder each.

Parts B{i) and B(ii) have been presented showing the distribution of households by languages mainly spoken in the household, other than those specified in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India inclusive of variants where grouped.

Table HH-16 Parts A (i) arn B (i) present data for U.T. and Districts while Table HH-16 Parts A(ii) and B(ii) present data for U.T./District/Taluka/Urban Agglomeration and town level. In the table, figures have been presented for number of households, persons, males and females cross-classified by total, rural and urban areas. 4

In both parts A and B, variants have been grouped in some cases under the relevant languages. This has been done on the basis of linguistic information readily available or in the light of studies already made. Those identifiable variants which returned 10,000 or more speakers each at all-India level and have been group:>d under Parts A and B languJges are ~hown bdow :


GUJARATI Saurashtra

HJNDI Awadhi; Banjari; Bhojpuri; Garhwali K umauni; Lamauni;jLambadi; Maithili; Marwari; Pahari; Rajasthani.

SINDHI Kachchhi

TAMIL Kaikadi

TELuau Vadari


BHlLI/BHILODI Kokna/Kokni/Kukna; Varli


All other returns falling under Part B and Which returned less than 10,000 speakers each at the all-India level or were nN linguistically identifiable are included in the category 'Others' occurring as the last entry in Part B. HH-16 PART A


HH-16 Pan A Ii) Households and Household population by language specified in Schedule VIII to


No. of No- of Union Territory,' House­ House­ District holds Persons Males Females holds

------~---- - _------2 3 4 5 6 ------_------


GOA, DA"'AN & DIU 3 12 8 4

Goa District 3 12 8 4


GOA, DAMAN & DIL 2 J 1 811 43) 378 66

GOil District 228 800 428 372 66

..." D:HT'8n Di~trict 3 11 5 6


GOA. D-\'v!AN & DIU 14,070 77,677 37,597 40,080 8,788

Goa District 593 3,16~ 1,660 1,504 126

2 Daman District 7,553 44,641 21,995 22,646 4,488

3 Diu District 5,924 29,872 13,942 15,930 4,174


GOA, DAMAN & OIL' 5,1J 9 21,158 12,146 9,012 1,582

GC'a District 4,970 20,498 11,755 8,743 1,558

:2 Daman District 122 526 323 203 18

3 Diu District 27 134 6S 66 6


GOA, DAMAN & nIt' 8,774 33,512 18,332 15,180 3,755

Goa District 8,761 33,473 18,313 15,160 3,755

2 DJmnn District II 37 18 19 3 Diu District :2 2

- --~------~------~ --- Note 1. Ihls table includes houseless hOL&cholds tut e"c1udes Institutional households. 7

mainly spoken in the Household ((nclosi'fe of variants grouped under each) the Constitution of India

--- -~~----.---~- ..---- RURAL URBAN ------No. of House U.T / Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Districl

7 8 9 10 II 12 13


3 12 8 4 G.D. & DIU

3 12 8 4


218 121 97 165 593 312 2S1 G.D. & DIU

218 121 97 162 582 107 275

3 II 5 6 2


49,920 24,229 25,691 ~.282 27,757 13,~ 68 14,389 G.D. & DIU

640 331 3u9 467 2,524 1,329 1,195 1

26,919 13,334 13,585 3,065 17,7.22 8,661 9,061 2

22,361 10,564 11,797 1,750 7,511 3,378 4,133 3


6,747 3,712 3,035 3,537 14,411 8,434 5,977 G.D. & DIU

6,638 3,651 2,987 3,412 13,860 8,104 5,756

74 44 30 104 452 279 Ii 3 2

35 17 18 21 99 51 48 3


14,007 7,747 6,260 5,019 19,505 10,585 8,920 G.D. & DIU

14,007 7,747 6,260 5,006 19,466 10,566 8,900

11 37 18 19 2

:! 2 _1 8

HH-16 Part-A (i) Households and Household population by language­ specified in Schedule VII[ to


No. of No. of Union Territory! House­ House­ District holds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 5 6


GOA, DA~IAN & DIU 3 10 7 3

Goa District 3 10 7 3


GOA, DAMAN & Dll) 2,257 7,634 4,65-l 2,980 930

Goa District 2,226 7,562 4,603 2,959 926

2 Daman Dislrict 26 59 43 16 4

3 Diu District 5 13 8 5


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 49,376 266,649 135,262 131,387 38,854

1 Goa District 49,206 265,803 134,839 130,964 38,783

2 Daman District 160 815 407 408 71

3 D.u Di,trict 10 31 16 15


GOA, DAMA~ & ole 26 97 53 44 9

G03 Di


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 340 1,314 684 630 100

Goa District 316 1,229 631 597 98

2 Daman District 22 83 50 33 2

3 Diu D,slr,ct 2 2 2

---~----- ~------_- 9 mainly spoken in the Household (Inclusive or variants grouped under each) the Constitution of India


No. of House- U.T. ' Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females DisHier'

-. -~------7 8 9 10 II 12 J 3 10

HH-16 Part A (j) Households and Household population by language specified in Schecule VIII to


------~ ------No. of No. of Union Territoryj !louse- House- District holds Persons Males Females holds

------~~------~-- 2 3 4 5 6



GOA, DAMAN & DIU 3 3 3 ::

Goa District 3 3 3 2


GOA, DAMAN & DIP RO 415 221 194 10

Goa Di~trict 71 369 192 177 9

2 Daman District 6 J 1 20 II

3 Diu District 3 J 5 9 6


(JOA. DAMAN & DIU i ,093 3,884 2,190 1,694 452

Goa District 1,087 3,861 2,175 1,686 452

2 Daman District 6 23 15 8


G(lA. DAMAN & DIU 1,395 5,527 3,039 2,488 576

Goa District 1,389 5,501 3,023 2,478 573

Daman District 6 26 16 10 3


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 4,845 27,703 14,408 13,295 J ,20 I

I Goa District 4,822 27,580 14,345 13,235 1,199

2 Daman District 7 :9 13 J6 2

3 Diu District 16 94 50 44

------~------1 I

mainly spoken in the Household <1nclusiye of variants ~J"fouped under each) the Constitution of India

------~------~-- - RURAL URBAN ------~---- No. of House- U.1. ! Person, Males Females holds Persons Males Females District

__------7 1I 9 10 II 12 D --_-- -


2 :! GD &DlU

2 2


37 19 18 70 37!! 202 17(' G D. & DIU

36 18 18 62 33.l 174 159

5 30 19 II 2

3 15 9 6 3


1,675 925 750 641 2,209 1,265 944 G.D. & DIU

1,675 925 750 635 :>,186 1,250 936

6 23 15 8 -"'


2,515 1.356 1,159 819 3,012 1,683 1,329 G.D. & DIU

1,504 1,348 1,156 816 2,997 1,675 1,322

II 8 J 3 15 8 7 2


6,614 3,4':1 3,193 3,644 21,089 10,987 J 0, J 01 G.D. & DIU

6,607 3,416 3,191 3,623 20,973 10,929 1 0.0~4

7 5 2 5 22 ~ 14 :2

16 9~ 50 44 3 -- ---_. 12

HH-16 Part A (ji) Housebolds and Household population by language specified in Schedule VIn to


Union Territory /lJistrict/ No. of No. of Taluka Urban Agglomeralion/ House­ House­ Town holds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 .5 6


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 3 12 8 4

I Gao District 3 12 8 4

Salcete Taluka 4

Marlao U.A. 4

Aquam (O.G.) .5 4

1 Taluka 2 7 4 3

Mormugao (M.C!.) 2 7


GOA, DAMAN DIU 231 811 433 378

Goa District 228 800 428 372 66

Tiswadi Taluka 47 ]60 86 74 J3

Panaji U.A. 34 116 63 53

Panaji (M.CI.) 71 39 32

TaJeigao (O.G.) .5 3 2

Galapor (O.G.) 8 37 19 18

r-,furda (O.G.) 3 2

1 Erdez Taluka 1 J 37 24 13 9

Calangute (C.T.) 2 .5 3 2

~ Bicholim Taluka 13 36 24 12 J I

Bicholim (M.O.) 2 6 3 3

4 POllda Taluka 15 54 29 25

Ponda (M.CI.) ]4 51 27 24 .5 Taluka 5 1 5 9 6 5

6 Taluka 8 26 12 14 3 (C.T.) 5 16 7 9 13

mainly spoken in the Household (Inclusive of variants grouped under each) .he Constitution of India

-~--- -~------RURAL URBAN ------No. of U.T./Districi/ House- Taluka/U.A./ Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Town ----_------7 8 9 10 II 12 13 J



3 12 8 4 G.D.&.DlU

3 12 8 4 J

5 4

5 4 5 4

2 7 4 3 2

2 7 4 3


218 121 97 165 593 312 281 G.D.&.DlU

218 IZI 97 162 S82 307 275

44 23 21 34 116 63 53

34 116 63 53

24 71 39 32

5 3 2

8 37 19 18

3 2

32 21 ) 1 2 5 3 2 2

2 5 3 2

3D 21 9 2 6 3 3 3

2 6 3 3 3 2 14 51 27 24 4 14 51 27 24

15 9 6 5

10 5 5 5 ]6 7 9 6 5 )6 7 9

------~--~~ 14

HH-16 Part A (ii) Households and Household population by language ~pecified in Schedule VIII to


------~~------U nion/Te n Hory, District I No. of No. of Tal Ukd /U rhani Agglomera tio:' House- House­ Town holds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 5 6


Salcete Tallika 16 69 30 39 2

Margao (U.A.) 14 65 27 38

Margao (M.CI.) 8 45 21 24

Navehom (0,(1.) 4 13 5 8

AqlJcrn (O.G.) 2 7 6

2 Mormugao Taluka 113 403 214 189 22

Mormugao (M.Cl.) 91 323 177 146

District D"man 3 11 5 6

Daman Tuluka 3 II 5 6

Daman (M.CI.) 3 11 5 6


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 14,070 77,677 37,597 40,080 8,788

2 Goa District 593 3,164 1,660 1,504 126

1 is\\adi Taluka 133 650 345 305 10

PanaJi U.A. J23 631 333 298

:>anaji (M.CL.) 111 563 29-1 269

Chimbel (O.G,) 4 30 18 12

Morambi-O-Grande (MeTces) (O.G.) 7 3 4

TaJeigao (O.G.1 4 12 7 5

Calapor (O.G.) 4 3 Murda (f).G.) 4 2 2

MMambi-O-Pcquens (MeTces) (O.G.) I J 6 5 2 Balde TaJllka 84 444 244 200 40 Mopusa (;'\f.CI.) 34 174 99 75

CaJangute (C.T.) 10 53 33 20 --_--_ ------15

mainly spoken in tbe Hou'iebold (Inciu'iive of variants grouped under each) the Constitution of India

------~ ------_ ----_-- --_----- RURAL URBAN

-----~------~------~------~ No of U. T ./Districlj House- Taluka/U.A.{ Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Town --_-_------~------~-- 7 8 9 10 II J 2 13



4 3 14 65 27 J~

14 65 27 38

8 45 21 2 t

4 13 5 8

2 7 6

80 37 43 ')1 323 177 146 2

91 32J 177 146

3 1 1 5 6 1

3 II 5 6

3 11 5 6


49,920 24,229 25,691 5,282 27,757 13,368 J 4,3ii9 G.D.&DIU

640 331 309 467 2,524 1,329 I,: <;5 .2

19 12 7 123 631 333 298

123 631 333 298

III 563 294 .2 69 4 30 18 12

7 3 -+

4 12 7 5

4 3

4 .2 2

II 6 5

:.!17 112 105 44 227 132 <;5 :; 34 174 99 75

10 53 33 20 16

HH-J6 Part A (m Households and Household population by language specified in Schedule vm to

--~---~--- TOTAL RURAL ------Ullion, Terdtary IDistrict No. of No. of Taluka,'Urban Agglomeration/ House- House- Town holds Persons Males Females holds

-----~~------~--~------_------2 3 4 5 6



Pernem Taluk..t 4 14 10 4

Pernem (CT.) 3 7 4 3

2 Bicholim Taluka 16 88 39 49 11

Bicholirr 1M .CI.) 5 17 11 6

3 Satari Taluka 13 72 42 30 10

Valpoi (CT.) 3 10 8 2

4 28 148 68 80 11

Ponda (M.e!.) 1 7 91 40 51

5 6 35 17 18 4

Sar:guem (M.C1.) 2 1 4 3

6 Quepem Taluka 26 122 61 61 18

Curchorem (C.T.) 8 44 20 24

7 Sakete Taluka 169 969 506 463 7

J\.largao (U.A,) 161 9B 485 444

MaTgao (1\1 .Ct.) 157 914 479 435

Navelim (O.G.) 3 13 5 8

Aquem (O.G.) 2

Cunoclim (CT.) 5 3 2

8 Mormugao Taluka 114 622 328 294 14

Mormugao (M.CI.) 100 556 289 267

DlSTRICT D.\MAN 7,553 44,641 21,995 22,646 4,488

Daman Taluka 7,553 44,641 21,995 22,646 4,488

Daman (l'vI.C1.) 3,065 17,122 8,661 9,061 --- --~------_------_----_- 17

mainly spoken in the Household ({nclusive of l'sriants grouped under each) tbe Constitution of India

RURAL URBAN ------No. of U.T./ House- Districtj Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

. ------_------.~------7 8 9 10 II 12 13 ------_ ---_------~------


7 6 3 7 4 3

3 7 4 3

71 28 43 5 17 II 6 2

5 17 II 6

62 34 28 3 10 8 2 3

3 10 8 2

57 28 29 17 91 40 51 4

17 91 40 51

28 13 15 2 7 4 3 5

2 7 4 3

78 41 37 8 44 20 24 6

8 44 20 24

3S 18 17 162 934 488 446 7

161 929 485 444

157 914 479 435

3 13 5 8


5 3 2

66 39 27 100 556 289 267 8

100 556 289 267

26,919 13,334 13,585 3,065 17,722 8,661 9,061

26,919 13,334 13,585 3,065 17,722 8,661 9,061

3,065 17,722 8,661 9,061 ------HH-16 Part A (iD Households and Household population by language specified in Schedule YIn to

------~------~------~----- TOTAL RURAL

------~------Union Territar) (District/ No. of No. of Taluka/Urban Agglomeration/ House- House- Town holds Persons Males Females holds

------~-- --~--~------~------2 3 4 5 6 ------


Diu Dsstrict 5,924 29,872 13,942 15,930 4,IH

Diu Taluka 5,924 29,872 13,942 1 ~, Q30 4,174

Diu (M.C1.) 1,750 7,511 3,378 4,133


OOA, DAMAN & DIU 5,119 21,158 12,146 9,012 1,582

Ooa District 4,970 20,498 11,755 8,743 1,558

2 TiswaJi Taluka 637 2,732 J ,521 J ,211 189

Paoaji U.A. 448 2,030 1,130 900

Panaji (M.CI.) 319 1,416 791 625

Panelim (0.0.) 6 4 2

Chimbel (O.G,) 4 12 8 4

Morambi-O-Grande (Merces) (0.0.) 2 7 4 3

Renovadi (O.G.) 2 11 6 5

Taleigao (O.G.) 78 378 207 171

Calapor (0.0.) 31 143 75 68

ClJjira (O.G.) 2 7 4 3

Murda (0.0.) 8 48 29 19 Moramhi-O-Pequeno (Merces) (0.0.) 2 2

3 Taluka 339 1,573 876 697 218

Mapusa (M.CI.) 92 480 279 201 Calangute (c. T.) 22 86 52 34 Siolim (C. T.) 7 39 22 17 4 Pernere Taluka 19 72 35 37 17 fernem (C.T.) 2 12 7 5

------_-_------~-- I l)

mainly spoken in tbe Household (Inclusive of variants grouped under each) tbe Constitution of India


RURAL URBAN ------_------_------No. of U.T./Districtf House- Taluka/U.A./ Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Town

------~------7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13

- _------_---- - ~------


22,361 10,564 11,797 1,750 7,511 3,378 -1,133

22,361 10,564 J 1,797 1,750 7,511 3,378 4,13 J

1,750 7,511 3.378 4,133


6,747 3,712 3,035 3,537 14,411 8,434 5,977 G.D, & DIU

6,638 3,651 2,987 3,412 13,860 8,104 5,756

702 391 31 L 448 2,030 I, \ 30 900 2

448 2,0)0 1,130 900

319 1,416 791 625

6 4 2

4 12 8 4

2 7 4 3

2 I 1 6 5

78 378 207 171

31 143 75 68

2 7 4 3

8 48 29 19 2 2

968 523 445 121 605 353 252 3 92 480 279 201 22 86 52 34 7 39 22 17

60 28 32 2 12 7 5 4 2 12 7 5 ------_ --- - _---_------_-- --- 20

HH -16 Part A (ii) Households and II ousehold population by language specified in Schedule vm to

--~------~------~-- ~------_ ------TOTAL RURAL ------Union Territory/District 1'10. of No. of Taluka/Urban Agglomeration/ House- House- Town holds Persons Males Females bolds

2 3 4 .5 6

------~ ------_-----_. ------~------_-----


4 Bicholim Taluka 218 847 495 352 181 Bicholim IM.Cl.) 37 145 93 52

5 Satari Taluka 72 280 131 149 62 Valpoi (C.T.) 10 42 19 23 6 Ponda Taluka 25] 1,774 651 .5 23 127 Ponda (M.e!.) 124 547 298 249 533 257 7 Sanguem Taluka 269 J ,159 626 Sanguem (M.C!.) 12 69 35 34 31 8 Taluka 40 175 100 75 Chauri (M.C!.) 9 38 24 14 69 9 Quepem Ta!uka 115 572 325 247 13 Quepem (~1-C1.) 5 26 13 Curchorem (C.T.) 41 225 125 100 1,245 98 10 Salcete Taluka 536 2,730 1,485 990 MaTgao U.A, 431 2,18.5 1,19.5 803 Margao (M.CI.) 339 J ,793 990 149 (0.0.) 71 310 16J 38 (O.G.) 21 82 44 18 (C.T.) 7 39 2] 3,674 309 II Mormugao Ta!uka 2,474 9,184 5,510 Mormugao (M.CI.) 2,165 7,897 4,791 3,106 18 DAMAN DISTRICT 122 526 323 203 18 Daman Taluka 122 526 323 203 Daman (M.C!.) 104 452 279 173

2 DIU DISTRICT 27 134 68 66 6 Diu Taluka 27 134 68 66 6 Diu (M.CI.) 21 99 51 48

-"-~------.-- --~------'--- 21

maiDly spoken in the Household

~------~------RURAL URBAN ------No. of U.T., House- District/ Persons Males Females bolds Persons Males Females Taluka

------~------7 8 9 10 11 12 13



702 402 300 37 145 93 52 4 37 145 93 52 238 112 126 10 42 19 23 5 10 42 19 23 627 353 274 124 547 298 249 6 124 547 298 249 1,090 591 499 12 69 35 3-4 7 12 69 35 34 137 76 61 9 38 24 14 8 9 38 24 14 321 187 134 46 251 138 113 9 5 26 13 J 3 41 225 J 25 IUO 506 269 237 438 2,224 444 J ,008 JO 431 2,185 1,216 990 339 1,793 990 803 71 310 III 149 21 82 44 38 7 39 21 18

1,287 719 568 2,165 7,897 4,791 3,IOb II 2,165 7,897 4,791 3,105 74 44 30 104 452 279 173 74 44 30 104 452 279 173 1 (04 452 279 173

35 17 18 21 99 51 4>l 2 35 17 18 21 99 51 48 21 99 51 48 ------

23 mainly spoken in tbe Household ({nclusive of variants grouped under each) the Constitution of India

RURAL URBAN -~------No. of U.T./District/ House- Taluka/U.A.{ Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Town

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1



14,007 7,747 6,260 5,019 J 9,505 10,585 g,920 GD&D

14,007 7,747 6,260 5,006 19,466 10,566 8,900 1 674 354 320 902 3,853 2,136 1,717 1

90~ 3,853 2,136 1,717 593 2,478 1,384 1,094 66 253 154 99 26 112 69 43

39 136 77 59


139 749 385 364

21 71 38 3 3

9 35 17 18

8 17 I 1 6

1,480 819 661 227 948 537 411 2 161 682 388 294 34 139 76 63 32 127 73 54

433 255 178 2 10 6 4 3

2 10 6 4

1,275 593 532 124 588 320 268 4 124 588 320 268

742 400 342 J 2 33 19 14

12 33 19 14

1,046 592 454 206 800 438 362

206 800 438 3(;2

------~ ------~ 24

HH-16 Part A (ii) Households and Household population by language specified in Schedule vm to

TOTAL RURAL ------Union Territory/District/ No. of No. of Taluka/Urban Agglomeration/ House- House- To~n holds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 5 6



7 Sac guem Taluka 1, 183 4,250 2,323 1,927 1,165 SaDguem (M.CI.) 18 65 38 27 8 Caoacona Taluka 102 411 236 175 93 Chiuri (M.C!.) 9 28 16 12 9 Querem Taluka 644 2,380 1,364 1,016 391 Quepem (M.C]') 31 109 66 43 Curchorem (C.T.) 222 774 454 320 10 Salcete Ta lula 982 3,805 2,111 1,694 186 Margao U.A. 775 3,021 1,659 1,362 Margao (M.CI.) 711 2,774 I,S3 J 1,243 N avalim (O.G.) 24 89 47 42 Apuem (O.G.) 40 158 81 77 Cuncolim (C.T.) 21 96 54 42 11 Mormugao Taluka 2,903 10,745 5,710 5,035 446 Mormugao (M.CI.) 2,457 9,141 4,823 4,318 DAMAN DISTRICT 11 37 18 19 Daman Taluka 11 37 18 19 Daman (M .Cl.) 11 37 18 19 2 DIU DiSTRICT 2 2 Diu Taluka 2 2 Diu (M.CI.) 2 2


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 3 10 7 3 3 GOA DISTRICT 3 10 7 3 Bardez Taluka 2 4 4 Ca langute (C. T.) 2 4 4

2 Querem Taluka 6 3 3

---~- ----~------~------_------·,44141 ~ CflllN~ ~"'!~i(l,!,> '"'~ • ~ ify~ ~r ""::0". ~ Jt lhe lt~~~'r:" G~T1tT

-~------No. of U.T., House- District/ Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

--~----- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13



4,185 2,285 1,900 18 65 38 27 G.D. & DIU }8 65 38 27 7 383 220 163 9 28 16 12

9 28 16 12 8

1,497 844 653 253 883 520 363

31 109 66 43 9 222 774 454 320 688 398 290 796 3,117 1,713 1,404

775 3,021 1,659 1,362 )0

711 2,774 1,531 1,243

24 89 47 42

40 158 81 77

21 96 54 42 1,604 887 717 2,457 9,141 4,823 4,318 2,4S7 9,141 4,823 4,318 1 J

11 37 18 19

11 37 18 19 J 1 1 37 18 19 2 2

2 2 2 2 2


6 3 3 2 4 4 G.D.& DIU 6 3 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 4 2 4 4

6 3 3 2 26

HH-J6 Part A (iil Households and Household populatioD by laDguage specified in Schedule VIU to

------_- - ~~ ------_---_--- TOTAL RURAL ------Union Territory /D istrict/ No. of No. of TalukajUrban Agglomeration/ House- House- Town holds Persons Males Females holds ------2 3 4 S 6



GOA, DAMAN & DIU 2,257 7,634 4,654 2,980 930

GOA DISTRICT 2,226 7,562 4,603 2,959 926

Tiswadi Taluka 382 1,330 777 533 101 Panaji U.A. 281 968 569 399 Panaji (M.CI.) 156 533 329 204 Chimbel (O.G.) 9 18 11 7 Morambi-O-Grande 1 4 2 2 Merces (O.G.)

Talei~ao (O.G.) 32 J 21 58 63 GaJapor (O.G.) 48 ]60 87 73

Gujira (0.0.) 2 7 7 Murda (O.G.) 24 95 60 35

Morambi-O·Pequeno 7 21 J J 10 Merces (O.G.) Durgavad (O.G ) 2 9 4 5 2 Bardez Taluka 165 645 381 264 ]16 (M.CL) 42 ]53 80 73 Calangute (C.T.) 3 7 4 3 Siolim (C.T.) 4 2J 13 8

3 9 ]7 14 3 5 Pernem (C.T.) 4 6 5 4 Bicholim Taluka 126 393 233 160 100 Bicholim (M.CL) 26 90 59 31 5 Salari Taluka 39 115 67 48 34 Valpoi (S.T.) 5 21 ]3 8 6 Ponda Taluka 232 767 482 285 104

Ponda (M.CI.) 128 424 264 160

Sanguem Taluka 150 427 278 149 141

7 Sallg~em (M.Cl.) 9 27 21 G



HH-16 Part A (ij) Households and Household population by language specified in Schedule YIn to


Union Territary I District! No of No. of TalukajUrban Agglomerationj Hou ~e- House­ Town holds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 5 6



8 Canaccna Taluka 25 55 39 16 23

Cbauri (M Cl.) 2 4 3

9 Qucpem Taluka 50 185 108 77 33 Quepem (M.CI.) 2 8 3 5 Curcborem (C. T.) 15 53 28 25

10 SaJcete Taluka 279 1.032 619 413 64 Margao U.A. 199 719 433 286 Margao (M.el.) 146 534 331 203 N:welim (O.G.) 25 78 46 32

Aquem (O.G.) 28 107 56 51 Cuncolim (C. T.) 16 64 3S 29

I I Mormugao Taluka 769 2,296 1.605 991 205

Mormugao (M.CJ.) 564 ] ,930 I, I S9 771

DAMAN DISTRICT 26 59 43 16 4

Daman Taluka '6 59 43 16 4 Daman (M.CI) 22 50 36 14 2 DIU DISTRICT 5 J3 8 5 Diu Taluka 5 J 3 8 5 Diu (M C1.) 5 13 8 5


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 49,376 266,649 ] 35,262 ]31,387 38,854

GOA DISTRICT 49,206 265,803 134,839 130,964 38,783 Ti,;wadi Taluka 2,403 12,123 6,312 S ,811 984 Panaji U.A. 1.419 6,500 3,432 3,068 Panaji (M.C!.) 901 4,110 2,188 J ,922 Panelim (O.G.) 20 88 38 50 Chimbel (O.G.) 70 315 J 67 148 ---.-~~------_ 29

mainly spoken in tbe Hou'iebold (Inclusive or varia:tts grouped under each) tbe Constitution of India

RURAL URBAN ------No. of U.T./ House- District! Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

- --~------~ --- 7 8 9 10 II 12 13



51 36 15 2 4 3 1 8

2 4 3 1 124 77 47 17 61 31 30 9

2 8 3 5 15 53 28 25 249 151 98 215 783 468 315 10 199 719 433 286 146 534 331 203 25 78 46 32 28 107 56 51 16 64 35 29

666 446 220 564 1,930 ) ,159 771 11

564 1,930 1,159 771 9 7 2 22 50 36 14 1 9 7 2 22 50 36 14 1 22 50 36 14 5 J 3 8 5 2

5 13 8 5 1 5 13 8 5


313,035 107,229 105,806 10,522 53,614 28,033 25,581

212,625 107,025 J 05,600 10,423 53,178 27,814 25,364 I 5,623 2,880 2,743 1,419 6,500 3,432 3,068 1 1,419 6,500 3,432 3,068 901 4,110 2,188 1,922 20 88 38 50

70 315 167 148 ------_------~ ---~~------30

HH-16 Part A (ii) Households aod Household population by language specified in Schedule VIII to

TOTAL RURAL ------~-- Union 1 errHolYiDislfiei/ No. of No. of Taluka/Urban/AgglomeralionJ House. House­ Town holds Persons Males Females holds

------_._------_--- ~.~--~--- .. ------~- 2 3 4 5 6

------_ ~


Morambi-O-Grande Merees (O.G.) 19 99 51 48

Renovadi (0.0.) 2 6 2 4 Durgavado (0.0.) 3 19 10 9 Taleigao (O.G.) 144 608 307 301 CaJapor (0.0.) 118 52!! 271 257

Cujlra (0.0.) 8 36 21 15

Murda (0.0.) J 21 633 344 289 Morambi-O -Pe4ueno (Merces) (0. G.) 13 58 33 25 5,220 2 Bardez Taluka 7,170 41,310 21,052 20,258

Mapusa (M.e1.) 1,329 7,509 3,900 3,609 Calangute (C.T.) 265 1,480 763 717 Siclim (C.T.) 356 2,084 1,085 999 8,305 3 Pernem Taluka 8.923 47.519 22,939 24,580 Pernem (C.T.) 618 3,202 1,540 1,662 6,660 4 Bicholim Taluka 7,543 40,449 20,481 19,968 Bicholim (M.LI,) 883 4,7 J 3 2,411 2,302

5 Satari Taluka 3993 21,332 10,718 10,614 3,855 Valpoi (C.T.) 138 687 358 329

6 Ponda Taluka 7,487 43,244 22.019 21,225 6,951 Ponda (M.C!.) 536 2,682 1,422 1,260 7,6 ~8 3,025 7 Sanguem TaJuka 3,234 16,001 8,353 525 Sanguem (M.CJ.) 209 I, I 00 575 1,309 8 1,383 7,640 3,789 3,851

Chauri (M Cl.) 74 387 199 188 5,165 1,559 9 Quepem Taluka 1,992 10,980 5,815 Quepnu (M.CI.) 97 413 222 191 CUH:horeOJ (C.T.) 336 1,740 950 790


HH-]6 Part A (ii) Housebolds and Housebold population by language specified in Schedule vrn to

TOTAL RURAL ~~------~~------Vaion TerrilOry/District/ No. of No. of Taluka/Vrban Agglome,alipn/ House- House· Town holds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 5 6



10 Salccte Taluka 2,196 ll,f 80 6,072 5,608 51l Margao U.A. J, 354 6,928 3,614 3,314 Margao (M,CI.) 1,186 6,115 3,J 96 2,919

Na\elim (O.G.) 84 397 204 J93

Aquem (0 G.) 84 4J6 214 202

Cuncolim (C.T.) 329 1,890 962 10

11 Mormugao Taluka 2,882 13,525 7,289 6,236 402

Mormugao (M.O.) 2,480 11,845 6,381 5,464

2 DAMAN DiSTRICT J 60 815 407 408 71 Daman Taluka J60 8J2 404 408 71 Daman (M.CI.) 89 405 203 202

3 DIU DISTRICT 10 31 16 15 Diu Taluka 10 31 16 15 Diu (M.C!.) 10 31 16 15


9 GOA, DAMAN & DIU 26 97 53 44

I GOA DISTRICT 26 97 S3 44 9

Tiswadi Taluka 7 24 10 14 3

Panaji U.A. 4 14 5 9

Panaji (M.CI.) 3 12 4 8

Calapor (D.G.) 2

2 Bardez Taluka 2 2 2 3 Bicholim Taluka 2 3 2 4 Sanguem Taluka 5 5 2 3 5 Quepem Taluka ----_--_._ ------~----~------~ 33

mainly spoken in tbe Household anclusive of variants grouped under eacb) the Constitution of India

~-- ~--~ ------~- ~- --_-_ RURAL URBAN ----_------No. of U.T./ House- District/ Pc:rsons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

. ------7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1



2,844 1,496 1,348 1,683 8,836 4,576 4,260 10

1,354 6,928 3,614 3,314

1,186 6,115 3,196 2,919

84 397 204 193

84 416 214 202

329 1,980 962 946

1,680 908 772 2,480 I J ,845 6,381 5,46" 11 2,480 11,845 6,381 5,464

410 204 206 89 405 203 202 2

407 201 206 89 405 203 ~O! 89 405 203 202

10 31 16 15 3 10 31 16 15 10 31 16 15


27 15 12 17 70 38 32 G.D. & DIU 27 IS 12 17 70 33 32

10 5 5 4 14 5 9

4 14 5 9

3 12 4 8

2 1

1 2

2 2 3

S 3 2 4 S 2 3 5

------~ 34

HH-16 Part A (jj) Households and Household population by language specified in Schedule VIII to

---_--- .. . ------_ _ -_----, _--- ~------TOTAL -----RURAL Union TerrjtorylDi~trictl No. of No. of Taluka/Urban Agglomeration/ House- House- Town holds Persons Males Females holds

-- - -- _- 2 3 4 5 6



6 Salcete Taluka 9 38 24 14

Margao U.A. 9 38 24 14

Margao (M.CL) 8 33 21 12

Navelim (O.G.) 5 3 2

7 Mormugao Taluka 5 22 11 11

Mormugao (M.CI.) 4 18 9 9


100 GOA, DAMAN & DIU 340 1,314 684 630 GOA DISTRICT 316 1,229 632 597 98 Tiswadi Taluka 44 161 83 78 17 Panaji U.A. 27 IOJ 56 47 Panaji (M.C]') 16 56 21 29 Durgavado (O,G.) 5 3 2 Taleigao (O.G.) 5 2 3 Calapor (O.G.) 7 28 20 8 Murda (O.G.) 2 9 4 5 2 Bardez Taluka 28 108 62 46 23 Mapllsa (M.CI.) 3 J I 6 5 Calangute (C.T.) 2 6 4 2 3 Pernem Taluka 3 2 Pernem (C.T.> 3 2 .. Bicholim Talukn 10 34 17 J 7 6 Bicholim (M.CL) 4 II 5 6 5 Ponda Taluka 23 94 50 44 , Ponda (:vi.CI.) J 8 79 42 37

6 Sanguem Taluka 2 6 2 4 2 -----__ ------~~------~------";5

mainly spoken in the Household (Inclushe of variants grouped under each) the Constitution of India

------~- --- RURAL URBAN ------No. of U.T.f House- District;' Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

------~------7 8 9 10 ) 1 12 13



9 38 24 14 6

9 38 24 14

8 33 21 12

5 3 2

4 2 2 4 18 9 ') 7

4 18 9 9


376 193 183 240 938 49) 447 G.D. & DIU

371 188 183 218 8~8 444 414 58 27 3 ) 27 )03 56 47

27 103 56 .f7 16 26 27 29 5 3 :2

5 2 3

7 28 20 8 2 9 4 5 91 52 39 ;; 17 10 7 2 3 11 6 5

2 6 4 2 3 2 3 2

23 12 11 4 11 5 6 4

4 11 5 6 15 8 7 18 79 42 37 5 18 79 42 37

6 2 4 6

------~ ----~ --_-- -- 36

HH-16 Part A (jj) Households and Household population by language specified in Schedule vm to

TOTAL RURAL ------~-~------Union Ten itory /District No. of No. of TalukajUrban Agglomeration/ House­ House­ Town bolds Persons Males Females holds ._------_.- -~------2 3 4 5 6


7 Salcete Taluka 25 107 44 63 Margao U.A. 24 104 42 62 Margao (M.e!.) 14 64 24 40 Navelim (O.G.) 9 37 17 20 Aquem (O.G.) 3 2 8 M<'rmugao Taluka 183 716 373 343 44 Mormugao (M.CI.) 139 541 288 253 2 DAMAN DISTRICT 22 113 50 33 2 Dam!." Taluka 22 83 50 33 2 Daman (M.CI.) 20 78 4S 33

3 DIU DISTRICT 2 2 2 Diu Taluka 2 2 2 Diu (M.G.) 2 2 2


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 3 3 3 2 J GOA DIS TRICT 3 3 3 2 P.:rnem TaJuka Peroam (C.T.) 2 Bicholim Taluka 2 2 2


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 80 415 I GOA DISTRICT 71 369 Tiswadi Taluka 26 127 Panaji U.A. 23 120 Paoaji (M.O.) 21 113

Chimhel lO.G.) 2 Taleigao (O.G.) 5 37 mainly spoken in the Household «(nclusive of variants grouped under each) tbe Constitution of India


No. of U.T.' House­ District/ Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

._------_------7 8 9 10 11 12 I J


3 2 24 104 42 62 7

24 ]04 42 62 14 64 24 ";'d 9 37 17 20

3 2

J 7S 85 90 139 541 288 253 8 139 541 288 253 5 5 20 78 45 33 2 5 5 20 78 45 33 20 78 45 33 2 2 2 3

2 2 2

2 2 2


2 2 G.D- & DIU 2 2 1 1

2 2 .2


37 19 18 70 378 202 176 G.D. & DJU .36 18 18 62 333 174 159

7 4 3 23 120 57 hI 23 120 57 63 21 113 54 59 2

5 2 3

--_------~--- ~--~---- 3~

HH-16 Part A (ii) HouseboJds and Household population by language specified in Schedule vrn to


------~--~----~~~---~---~------Union Territory/District! No. of No. of TalukafUrban Agglomerationl House- House- Town holds Persons Males Females holds

--,_----- ~------_ ------~----- _-_ 2 3 4 5 6

-~- --~------_- ~----~-...... ____ ------~- ---


2 Baldez Talu~a 7 40 23 17 2

Mapusa (M.CL.) 4 26 16 10

Calangute (C.T.) 3 2

3 Ponda Taluka 2 10 2 8

Ponda (M.el.) 4 3

4 Sanguem Taluka

5 Salcete'Taluka 14 97 54 43

Margao U.A. 13 87 48 39

Margao (M.CJ.) 13 87 48 39

6 Mormugao Taluka 21 94 51 43

Mormugao (M.C!.) 20 93 50 43

2 DAMAN DISTRICT 6 31 20 J 1

Daman Taluka 6 31 20 11

Daman (M.CI.) S 30 19 1 I

3 DIU DISTRICT 3 15 9 6

1 Diu Taluka 3 15 9 6

Diu (M.CL) 3 IS 9 6 ; ..


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 1,093 3,884 2,190 1.694 452

1 GOA DISTRICT 1,087 3,86J 2,175 1,686 452

Tiswadi Ta'uka 262 80~ 458 344 47

Pun.;ji U.A. 21S 663 378 285

P"n~.jj (M.CI ) 120 313 183 130 Chiml:cl (O.G ) S4 196 107 89 ._------39

mainly spoken in the Hou,>ehold (Inclusive of 'Y8riants grouped under each) the Constitution of India

---_------~------~----~~------~------_---_--- --_-_-- RURAL URBAN ---~------No. of U.T./ House- Districl! Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

---~------_------~------7 8 9 10 II 12 13

------~--- _.------_-- --~------~------~- --


11 5 6 5 29 18 J 1 2

4 26 ) 6 }O

3 2 3 3 6 5 4 4 3


48 39 5 10 6 4 13 87 13 87 48 39

13 87 48 39

20 93 50 43 6

20 93 50 43

5 30 19 11 2

S 30 19 1 I

5 30 19 11

3 15 9 6 3

3 15 9 6 1

3 15 9 6


1,675 92S 750 641 2.209 ] ,265 9.)4 G.D. & OlU

1,675 925 750 435 2,186 J ,250 936

139 80 59 215 663 378 285

215 663 378 285

120 313 183 130 54 196 t07 89 40

HH-16 Part A (ji) Households and Household population by language specified in Schedule vm to

RURAL ------TOTAL ------l'nion Territory jDistricl/ No. of No. of TalukajUrban Agglomerationj House- House- Tov.-n holds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 5 6

------~------~--~ ------~~ - -~-~----~------_ -_------


Morambi-O-Grande (Merces) (O.G.) 2 6 4 2 Taleigao (O.G.) 25 93 52 41

Calapor (O.G.) 11 45 26 19 Murda (O.G.) 4 3

Morambi-O-Pequeno (Merces) (O.G.) 2 6 3 3 2 Bardez Taluka 66 290 157 133 40 Mapusa (M.C1.) 23 107 63 44

Calangute (C.T.} Siolim (C.T.) 2 5 3 2 3 Pernem TaJuka 3 14 6 8 3 4 Bicholim TaJuka 72 260 156 104 67 Bicholin (M.el.) 5 13 10 3 5 Satari TaJuka 22 84 44 40 20 Valpoi (C.T.) 2 9 5 4

6 Ponda TaJuka 95 343 183 160 44 Ponda (M.C1.) 51 177 87 90

7 Sal1guem Taluka 120 444 245 199 118 Sanguem (]\o1.C).) 2 13 9 4

8 Canacona Taluka 4 7 5 2 2 Chauri (M e1.) 2 2 2

9 Quepem TaJuka 47 188 107 81 28 Quepem (M.C!.) 2 3 2

Curchorem (C. T.) 17 66 36 30

10 SaJcele Taluka 98 369 216 153 15 Margl!o U.A. 83 317 189 128 Margao (M.C!.) 70 264 162 102 Navelim (O.G.) 12 47 24 23 Aquem (O.G.) 6 3 3

----_ ------~-~------~------~ --~-- ~'i~Y ~po~Cf" jq t~~ ~~QseM"HIRclusi-v~ ~r J1ad~Rfs ,groqPfd. uUide!! each) .tbq ~~n~,~u~;P1) of ~n4ia

--.--~ -- RURAL URBAN

------~~--~------No. of U.T I House- '1 It _ I. Di.strict/ P~J;sons Males, Females holds, Persons Males Females Taluh


'\ 7 8 9 10 1 ] 12 13 I ------


2 6 4 2

2<; 93 'i2 41

11 45 26 19 , I 1 4 3 1

2 6 3 3

177 90 87 26 II J 67 46 2

23 107 63 4~


2 5 3 2 . , 14 6 8 3 247 146 101 5 13 10 3 4 , , I , 5 13 10 3

75 39 36 2 9 5 ' ' 4 5 2 9 5 4

166 96 70 ~ I 177 87 90 6 ; , ' 5 J 177 87 90 431 236 ]95 2 13 9 4 7 2 13 9 4

5 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

119 69 50 19 69 38 31 9 2 3 2 17 66 36 30 52 27 25 83 317 189 128 10 83 317 189 128

70 264 162 102

12 47 24 23 6 3 3

~- . ~-~------~ -~------~------_------__ __ ---- 42

HH-16 Part A Oi) Households and Household population by language specified in Schedule VIII to


Union Territory/District! No of No. of Taluka/Urban Agglomeration/ Hou~e­ House­ Town bolds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 5 6


1 1 Mormugao Taluka 298 1,060 598 462 68

Mormugao (M.C!.) 230 810 465 345


Daman Taluka 6 23 15 8

Daman (M_C1.) 6 23 J 5 8


GOA, DAl\fAN & DIU 1.395 5,527 3,039 2,488 576

GOA DISTRICT 1,389 5,501 },023 2,478 573

Tiswadi Taluka 292 1,157 659 498 39 Panaji U.A. 253 1,010 572 438 Panaji (M.CI.) 98 376 206 170 PalJelim (O.G.) 2 3 2

Chimble (O.G.) 63 268 156 l' 2 Morambi-O-Grande (Merces) (0.0.)47 175 110 65 Taleigao (O.G.) 27 120 64 56 Calapor (O.G.) 7 33 J 6 17 Murda (O.G.) 9 35 J 8 17 2 Bardez Taluka 91 320 176 14-1 IS

Mapusa (M.C!.) 30 122 72 50

Calangute (C.T) 3 10 5 5

Siolim (C.T.) 10 34 18 16

3 Perne n Taluka 10 (6 41 25

Panem (C.T.) 2 9 7 2

-+ Bicholim Taluka 126 549 29-1 255 120 Bicho im (M.Cl.) 6 J 4 8 6

5 Satan Taluka 21 106 53 53 15

Yolroi (CT.) (1 ~2 17 15 43

mainly spokeD in tbe Housebold (Inclusive of variants grouped under eacb) tbe Constitution of India

------~~------. ----~------RURAL URBAN

-~------No. of U.T./ Hou.e- DistIict! Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

7 8 9 10 II 12 13

------. -_------. ------


250 133 117 230 810 465 345 II 230 810 465 345 7

6 23 15 8 2

6 23 IS 8 6 23 15 8


2,515 1,356 1,359 819 3,012 1,683 1,329 G.D. & DIU

2,504 1,348 1,156 816 2,997 1,675 1,322

147 87 60 25J 1,010 572 438 253 I,OJO 572 438 98 376 206 170

2 3 2 63 268 156 112

47 175 110 65 27 120 64 56 7 33 16 17 9 3S 18 17 154 81 73 43 166 95 71 2 ... 30 122 71. 50 3 10 5 5 10 34 18 16 57 34 23 2 9 7 2 3 2 9 7 2 535 286 249 6 14 8 6 4

6 14 8 6 74 36 38 6 32 17 15 5

6 32 17 15 ------4'4


------~------Urt16n Territary I District/ No. of No. of • ; Tat~ka/Urban Agglomeration/ Hou&c­ A, I,J; House­ ;T6wn --, , I ~ holds Persons Males' Females , hords ------i I 2 3 4 5 6


, , {; Ponda Taluka 113 458 251 207 57

Ponda (M,C!.) 56 197 115 82

7 Sanguem'Taluka 104' 428 227 201 98

SlInguem (M.('I.) ]8 9 9

8 Canacona Taluka 15 71 35 42 9

Chauri (M.Cl.) 6 ,36! 17 19

9 Quepem Taluka 82 379 205 174 59 f) '1 \) (-::_; , I Quepem (M.CI.) S 31 17 14

Curchor'em (C.T_) 18 65 35 I :10 10 tialcete Taluka 160, 540 316 224 36

Margao U~A. 113. 338 198 140 Margao, (N.CI ) S3 151 90 61

Naveli~ (O.G.) 16, 56 31 25 Aquem (O.G.) 44 131 77 54

Cuncolim, (C.T,) 11 25 J 5 10

I' Mormug~o Taluka 375 J ,421 766 655 84

Mormug"o (M.CI.) 291 : 1,056 570 486

3 DAMAN DISTRICT 6 26 16 10 3

1 Daman'Taluka 6' 26 16 10

(J ~ Daman IM.CL) 3 15 "'8 7


G0t'j, DAMAN & DIU 4,845 27,70,3 14,498 13,295 1,201 1 GOA DISTRICT 4,822, 27,580 14,345 13,215 ] ,199

TiswadilTaluka 678: 3,1-'40 1,96~ l-,{i77 54

PanaJi 1! .A. 624 , 3,381 1,8]0 ,1.. 561 Pana_ii (MD) 382 2,122 ),132 990 Pane/in fO,G.) 13, 44 25 19

--- --~~------~------·15

riiiWo:Spy~eD)it the Household (Inclusive of variants grouped under each) vt: f 'J U }".bll ~ the on'>titution of India


------~------._------No. of U.T., House- District/ Pe~on~ Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

------~--~ --~------_---- 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13



261 136 125 56 197 115 82 6 56 197 115 82 410 218 192 6 18 9 9 V 6 18 9 9 41 18 23 6 36 17 19 8 6 36 17 19

283 153 130 23 96 52 44 9

5 31 17 14 18 65 35 30 177 103 74 124 363 213 150 10 113 338 198 140 53 151 90 61 , : 16 56 31 25

44 131 77 54 r~ 11 25 15 10

365 196 169 291 1,055 570 4~6 I 1 , 291 1,056 570 ~ , 486

II 8 3 3 15 8 7 3

I 1 8 3 3 15 8 7 3 15 8 7

URDU .. 6,614 3,421 3,193 3,644 21,089 10, '187 10,102 O.D.&D1U

6,607 3,416 3,191 3,623 20,973 10,929 J 0,044 1

259 143 1 J 6 624 3,381 1,820 1,561 , t 624 3,381 1,820 1,561 382 2,122 1,132 990

!3 44 25 19 ---~- ---_----_ ------46

HH-16 Part A (ii) Households and Household population by language specified in Schedule vm to

- ---_------~ ~-~------TOTAL RURAL ------...------Union Territory/District/ No. of No. of Taluka/Urban Agglomeration/ House- House- Town holds Persons Males Females holds

~------~------_ 2 3 4 5 6

--~_-- ~------


Chlmbel (O.G,) 138 732 407 325

Morambi·O-Grande (Merees) (O.G.) 4 21 14 7 Taleigao (O.G.) 66 357 186 171

Calapor (O.G.) 18 88 46 42

Guljira (O.G.) 6 4 2

Morambi-O-Pequeno (Merces) (O.G.) 2 1 1 6 5

2 Bardez Taluka 322 ) ,868 1,001 867 133

Mapusa (M.CI.) 182 1,109 593 516

Calangute (C.T.) 5 28 19 9

Siolim (C.T.) 2 19 10 9

3 Pernem Taluka 23 111 58 53 19 J>erntm (C.T.) 4 15 10 5

4 Bicholim Taluka 391 2,382 1,201 1,181 21&

Bicholin (M.Cl.) 173 ) ,069 537 532

5 Satari TaJuka 341 2,208 1,087 1,121 159 Valpoi (C.T.) 182 1,213 598 615

6 Ponda Taluka 365 2,113 1,059 1,054 75

Ponda (M.C!.) 288 1,713 854 859

7 Sanguem Taluka 310 1,659 879 780 189

Sanguem (M.C!.) 121 795 406 389

8 Can aeon a Taluka 32 172 91 81 25

Chauri (M Cl.) 7 32 18 14

9 Ql'epem Taluka 259 1,417 710 707 140

Quepeln (M.C1.) 60 334 151 183

Curchorem (C.T.) 59 325 166 159 ------_------47

mainly spoken ill the Household

------_~----~-.------~------_ ------RURAL URBAN ------~------No. of U.T·I House- District! Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka ------7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1



138 732 407 325

4 21 J 4 7

66 357 ISG 171

18 88 46 42

6 4 2

2 I 1 6 5

712 379 333 189 1,156 622 534 2

In 1,109 593 516

5 28 19 9

2 19 10 9

96 48 48 4 15 10 5 3

4 15 10 5

1,313 644 649 173 1,069 537 532 4

173 J ,069 537 5'J_ ,

995 489 506 182 1,213 598 615 5 182 J ,213 598 615

400 205 196 288 1,713 854 8'9 6

288 1,713 854 859

864 473 391 121 795 406 389 7

121 795 4(16 389

140 73 67 7 32 18 1 ~ 8

7 32 18 14

758 393 365 119 659 317 342 9 60 334 151 183 59 325 1(;6 159 ------_---- -_------_------48

HH-16 Part-A (ii) Households and Household population by lan,uage specified in Schedu)e ViiI., ,to

TOTAL RURAL ------UI ion TenitoryfDistrict No. of No. of Taluka, Urban Agglomeration/ House- House­ Town holds Persons Males Females holds

~-- -- ~------~--- 2 3 4 5 6

------~ --~------~----~~- -


Salcete Taluka 1,048 6,259 3,285 2,974 130

Margao U.A. 794 4,671 2,481 2,190

Margao (M.CI.) 715 4,256 2,250 2,006

Naveliom (O,G.) 48 266 146 120

Aquem (O.G.) 31 149 85 64

Cun~olim (C.T.) 124 784 391 393

2 Mormugao Taluka 1,055 5,751 3,011 2,740 57

Mormugao (M.CJ.) 998 5,485 2,875 2,610

DAMAN DISTRICT 7 29 13 16 2

Daman Taluka 7 29 13 16 2

D~man (M.CI.) 5 22 8 14

2 DIU DISTRICT 16 94 50 44

Diu Taluka 16 94 SO 44 Diu (M.CI.) 16 94 SO 44

------~--~ ------~------~- 49

main I, spokeD in the Household (Inclusive of ,ariants grouped under each) the Constitution of India

~------~------~- RURAL URBAN ------No. of U.T., House- District/ Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

'I 8 9 10 II 12 13 ------URDU

804 413 391 918 5,455 2.872 2,583

79-t 4.671 2,481 2,190

715 4,256 2,250 2,00)

48 266 146 120

31 149 85 64

124 784 391 393

266 136 130 998 5,485 2,875 2,610 2 998 5,485 2,875 2,610

7 5 2 5 2l 8 14

7 5 2 5 22 8 14

.5 22 8 14

16 94 50 44 2

16 94 50 44

16 94 ~o 4~



HH-16 Part B (j) Households and Household population by language those specified in Schedule VIII to


No. of No. of Union Territory / House­ House­ District holds Persons Males Females holds ------._------2 3 4 5 6


GOA, DAMA'-I & DIU 3 11 6 5

Goa District 3 11 6 5


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 67 206 112 94 3

Goa District 16 57 26 31

2 Daman District 38 117 64 53 2 3 Diu District 13 32 22 10


GOA. DAMAN & DIU i3 36 27 9 2-

I Goa District 13 36 27 9 2.


GUA, DAMAN & DIU 16 65 37 28 7

I Goa District J6 65 37 28 7


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 1,587 6,407 2,979 3,428 657

I Goa District 1,576 6,367 2,956 3,411 657

::! Daman District 9 30 18 12

3 Dill District 2 10 5 5


GOA, D,\MAN & DIU 158 460 280 180 78

1 Goa Distl'lci 154 450 274 J 76 77

2 Daman District 3 5 5 3 Diu District 5 4


HH-16 Part B (j) Households and Household population by language those specified in Schedule VIII to

----~- - ~ ~------TOTAL RURAL ------No. of No. of Union Territory I House- House- District holds Persons Males Females holds

-----~------2 3 4 5 6




Goa District 2 2


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 7 4 3

G(la District 7 4 3



Goa Di>trict 4 2 2


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 117,753 600,004 290,670 309,3 j 4 82,920

Gao District 117,753 600.004 290.670 309,334 82.920


GOA, DAMA1\: & DIU 2 7 5 2 2

Goa District 2 7 5 2 2



Cioa District 5 4


GOA. DAMAN & DIU 2 5 3 2 2

Goa Distfi t 2 5 3 2 2

------mainly spoken in the Hou'iebold (Inclusive of variants where grouped) other than the Constitution of India


No of Union House- Territory/ Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females District

7 8 9 10 II 12 13


2 2 G.D.&.DlU



7 4 3 G.D.&DIU

7 4


4 2 2 G.D.&GIJ



419,780 202,086 217,694 34,833 180,224 88,584 91,640 G.D.&DIU

419,780 202,086 217,694 34,833 180,224 88,584 91,640


7 5 2 G.D.&.DlU

7 5 2


5 4 I G.D&DIU

5 4


5 3 2 G [, '::DlU

5 3 2 56

"H·16 Part-B (i) Householcls Ind Household population by language tbose specified in Schedule vm to

TOTAL RURAL ------No. of No. of Union Territory/ House· House· District bolds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 5 6




G<>a District 2


GOA, DAMAN &. DIU 85 316 179 137 31

Goa District 8S 3J6 J 79 J37 3J


GOA, DAMAN &. DIU J ,183 5,069 2,405 2,664 33S

Goa District 752 3,927 1.378 1,549 322

2 Daman Di!.trict 390 1,960 943 1 ,OJ 7 13

3 Diu District 4J J82 84 98 ------S7

mainly spokeD in the Household (Inclusive of variants \There grouped) other than the Constitution of India


No. of Union House- Tcrritary/ Person5 Males Females holds Persons Males Females District ---_-_ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

-~ ------


2 G.D.&DlU



108 59 49 5~ 208 120 88 G.D.&OIU

108 59 49 54 208 120 88


1,033 524 509 848 4,036 1,881 2,155 G.D.&OIU

967 489 478 430 1,960 889 1,071

66 35 31 317 1,8\}4 908 986

41 182 !!4 98 ------58

HH-]6 Part B (ij) Households and Household population by language those specified in Schedule vm to

_---_------_-_ -_------_ -----_--- TOTAL RURAL ------~-~------UnIOn Taritary/Districtj No. of No. of Taluk ajUrban Agglomeration/ House- House- Town holds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 5 6

- - _. _.------~------~------"--~-_ ---


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 3 11 0 5


Bardez Taluka 8 3 5 Mapusa (M.CI.) 8 3 5 2 Salcele Taluka 2 3 3 Margao U.A. 2 3 3

Margao (M.CI.l 2 3 3


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 67 2(;6 112 94 3

1 GOA DISTRICT 16 57 26 31

Morffiugao Taluka J6 57 26 31

Mormugao (M.C!.) 16 57 26 31

2 DAMAN DISTRICT 38 117 64 53 2

Daman Taluka 38 117 64 53 2 Daman (M.CI.) 36 III 59 52

3 DIU DISTRICT 13 32 22 10

Diu TaJuka 13 32 22 10

Diu (M.C!.) 12 30 21 9


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 13 36 27 9 2

GOA DlSTRil T 13 36 27 9 2

1 Tiswadi Taluka 4 3 1

2 Ponda Taluka 9 22 20 2

Ponda (M.CI.) 5» 22 20 2

-----~------_ -~~----- 59 mainly spoken in the Household (lnciusive of fariants wbere grouped) other tban the Constitution of India

----~~------~------RURAL URBAN ------Union No. of Territary/ House- District! Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

7 8 9 10 11 12 13


3 II 6 5

J II 6 5

8 3 5

8 3

3 3 2 2 3 3

2 3 3


8 6 2 64 1;)8 106 92

16 57 26 31

16 57 26 31

16 57 26 31

6 5 36 III 59 52 2

6 5 36 III 59 52

36 III 59 52

2 12 30 21 9 3

2 12 30 21 9

12 30 21 9


9 3 6 11 27 24 3

9 3 6 11 27 24 :I

4 3

9 22 20 2 2

9 22 20 2 ----~------~------~---- nO

HH-16 Part B (i) Households and Household population by language tbose specified in Schedule VIII to


Union Territory/District/ No. of No. of Taluka/Urban Agglomeration/ House­ House­ Town holds Persons Males Females holds ------_------2 3 4 5 6


3 Salcete Taluka 3 10 6 4

Margao U.A. 4 3

Navelim (O.G.) 4 3

Cencolim (C. T.)


GOA. DAMAN &DlU 16 65 37 28 7

GOA DISTRICT 16 65 37 28 7

I Tiswadi Taluka 6 20 II 9 6

2 Bardez Taluka 6 3 3 Mapusa (M.CL.) 6 3 3

3 Ponda Taluka 6 26 16 10

Ponda (M.Cl.) 6 26 16 10 4 Mormugao Taluka 3 13 7 6

Mormugao (lvLC!.) 2 7 4 3


GOA. DAMAN & DIU 1,587 6.407 2,979 3,428 657

2 GOA DISTRICT 1.576 6,367 2,956 3,411 657

Tiswadi Taluka 463 2,016 895 1,121 50 PanaJi U.A. 413 1,787 791 996 Panaji (tv1.CL.) 360 1,542 679 863 Chimbel (O.G) 6 3 3

Morambi-O-Grande (Merces) (0.0.) 4 13 7 6 Reoovadi (O.G.) 8 5 3 Taleigao (O.G.) 15 61 25 36 Calapor (0.0.) 28 J41 62 79 Cujira (O.G.) 3 42 6 6

Morambi-O-Pequeno (Merces) (0.0.) 4 4

__..- _-- ._--_ -"---~--~- 6i mainly spoken in the Household (Inclusive of variants where grouped) other than the Constitution of India


No. of UI,jen House­ Territary! Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females District

7 8 9 10 II 12 13


5 2 3 2 5 4 3 4 3

4 3


26 14 J 2 9 39 23 16 G.D. &DlU 26 14 12 9 39 23 16 20 11 9

6 3 3 2 6 3 3 6 26 16 10 3 6 26 16 10

6 3 3 2 7 4 3 4 2 7 4 3


2,470 1,162 1,308 930 3,937 1,817 2,120 G D. & DIU 2,470 1,162 1,308 919 3,897 1,794 2,103 2 229 104 125 413 1,787 791 996 1 413 1,787 791 996 360 1,542 679 863 6 3 3

4 13 7 6 8 S 3

15 61 25 36 28 141 62 79 3 12 6 6 4 4 62

HH-16 Part B (ii) Households and Housebold population by language those specified in Schedule VIn to

---~------~------_--- TOTAL RURAL

-~------Union Territary/District/ No. of No. of Taluka/Urban Agglomeration! House- House- Towll holds Persons Males Females holds

2 3 4 5 6


2 Pardez Taluka 517 1,863 875 988 394 Mapusa (M.CI.) 44 190 95 9S Calangute IC.T.) 56 169 90 79 Siolim (C T.) 23 103 48 5S 3 Perncm Taluka 16 24 16 8 16 4 Bicholim Taluka 19 46 30 16 12

Bicholim (M.CI.) 7 19 13 6

5 Salari Taluka 3 10 7 3 2

Valpoi (C.T.) 4 3

6 Ponda Taluka 18 72 35 37 4

Ponda (M.CJ.) 14 60 29 31

7 Sanguem Taluka 9 30 19 11 7

Sanguem (M.eJ.) 2 9 6 3

8 Can aeon a Taluka 4 12 5 7 2

Chauri (M.Cl.) 2 9 3 6

9 Qucpcm Taluka 10 49 24 2S

Quepem (M.C.L.) 2 6 3 3

Curchorem (C.T.) 7 37 19 18

J 0 Salcate Taluka 323 1,449 662 787 119

Margao U.A. 195 831 379 452

Margoa (M.CI.) 175 742 340 402

Navalim (O.G.) 19 85 38 47

Aquem (O.G.) 4 3

Cuncolim (C. T.) 9 47 17 30

11 Mormugao Taluka 194 796 388 408 50

Mormu~gao (M.O.) 144 6:6 298 328 63 mainly spoken in the Household (Inclusive of variant§ where grouped) other than (he Constitution of India

RURAL URBAN ------~------Union No. of Terrtory/ House- District! Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

------~------_- 7 8 9 10 II 12 13


1,401 642 759 123 462 233 229 2

44 190 95 9) 56 169 90 79 23 103 48 55 24 16 8 3 27 17 10 7 19 J 3 6 4 7 19 I J 6

6 4 2 4 3 5

4 3

12 6 6 14 60 29 31 6

14 60 29 31

21 13 S 2 9 6 3 7

2 9 6 J

3 2 2 9 3 6 8

2 9 3 6

6 2 4 9 43 22 21 9

2 6 3 3

7 37 19 18

571 266 305 204 878 396 482 10

195 831 379 452

175 742 340 402

19 85 38 47

4 3

9 47 17 30

170 90 80 144 626 298 328 II

144 G26 :9~ 3~S --_------64

HII -16 Part B (ii) Households aDd Household population by language those specified in Schedule VIII to

------~~-- --_- - -- -~-~------TOTAL RURAL ------_---_...... -----_...... ----- Union Terdtory, District/ No. of No. of Taluka/Url:an Agglomeration/ House- House- Town holds Persons Males females holds

~------~------~-~------_-- _"_------_------2 J 4 5 6



2 DAMAN DISTRJCT 9 30 )8 12

Daman Taluka 9 30 18 12 Daman (M.Cl.) 9 30 18 12

3 DJU DlSTRKT 2 10 5

2 Diu Taluka 2 10 5 5 Diu (M.e!.) 2 10 5 5


OOA, DAMAN & DIU 158 460 280 180 78

Ooa Di,triet 154 450 274 176 77

Tiswadi Taluka 19 70 36 34 4 Panaji U.A. 15 53 31 22 Panaji (M.CI.) 12 43 24 19 TlIleigao (0.0.) 2 9 6 3 Calapor (0.0.)

2 Bardez Taluka 14 41 26 15 9 Mapusa (M.C1.) 4 13 7 6 Calangute (C.T.) 2

3 Pernem Taluka 2 7 3 4 Pernem (C.T.) 4 3 -

4 Bicholim Taluka 21 45 34 11 10 Bicholim (M ,C1.) 11 23 17 6 5 Salari Taluka i2 6 5 Volpoi (C.T.) 4 3 6 Ponco Talnka 2J 81 45 36 15 Ponda (M.Cl.) 6 17 10 7

7 Sanguem Taluka 8 22 12 10 8 65

mainly spoken in the Housebold (Inclusive or variants where grouped) other tban the Constitution of India

----_ -.--~------RURAL URBAN ------Union No. of Territary! House- Di~trictl Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluk

--- ~------7 8 9 10 11 12 13

------~---- - _------_----_------~------


9 30 18 12 2

9 30 18 12 9 30 18 12

2 10 5 5 3

2 10 5 2 2 10 5 5


219 125 84 80 241 145 96 G.D. &DIU

216 132 84 77 234 142 92

17 5 12 15 53 31 22

15 53 31 22

1 2 43 24 19

2 9 6 3

26 18 8 5 15 8 7 2 4 13 7 6 2

3 2 4 3 3

4 3 22 17 5 11 23 17 6 4 II 23 17 6 2 2 4 3 5 4 3

64 35 29 6 17 10 7 6 6 17 10 7 22 12 10 7 -_-_------_- - ._---- 6(,

HH-16 Part B (ii) Households and Household population by language those specified in Schedule vm to


UUlOn Territary/District,' No. of No. of Taluka/Urban 'Agglomtration,' House­ House­ Town holds Persons Males Females holds ------2 3 4 5 6


9 Quepel1l Taluka 15 19 16 3 13

Curchorem (C.T.) 2 3 2

10 Salcete Taluka 23 66 38 28 7

Margao U.A, IS 45 26 19 Margao (M.CI.) 12 30 18 12 Navelim (O.G.) 2 J I 5 6 Aquem (O.G.) 4 3 , Cuncolim (C.T.) J .. I 1 Mormugao Taluka 29 93 59 34 9 Mormugao (M.C!.) 20 67 42 25 DAMAN DISfRICT 3 5 5

Dam~n Taluka 3 5 5

Daman (M.O.) 2 2 2 2 DIU DISTRICT 5

Diu Taluka S 4

Diu (M.e I.) 5 4



3 GOA DISTRICT 2 2 Salcete Taluka 2 2 Margao .UA. 2 2

Margao (M.C( ) 2 2


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 7 4 3

4 GOA DISTRICT 7 4 3 J Saleccte Taluka 7 4 3 Margoa U.A. 7 4 3 Nave1im (00.) 1 7 4 3 mainly spoken in the Household (lnclusi\'c or varisnts where grouped) other than the Constitution or India

-~-" - .. ------~------~------_-- RURAL URBAN ------_. ------UniOQ No. of Territary j House- District! Per~ons Males Female ~holds Persons Males Females Taluka ------7 8 9 10 I J 12 13



16 14 2 2 3 2 9 2 3 2

18 10 8 16 48 28 20 10 15 45 26 19

J :2 30 18 I!

2 t J S (i

4 3 3 2

26 17 9 20 67 42 25 I J 20 67 42 25

3 3 2 2 2

3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2

5 4 2

5 -I

5 4


2 2 G.D. & DIU

2 3

2 2

2 2

2 2


7 4 3 G.D. & DIU

7 4 3 4 7 4 3 7 4 3 7 4 3


HH-16 Part B (ii) Households and Housebold popull.lioQ by language those specified in Scbedule vln to

TOTAL RURAL -~-----~------Union TelTitary I District! No of No. of TahJkajUroan Agglomeration/ House- House- Town bolds Persons Males Females holds

~-- - --_- ~~----- .. ~------~----'- __ ------~---- ~---....._. 2 3 4 5 6


S Salon Taluka 2,955 15,541 7,736 7,805 2,659 Valpoi (C.T.) 296 1,636 840 796 6 Ponda Taluka 9,700 54,548 27,371 27,177 8,H3 Ponda (M.O.) 1,127 6,113 3,165 2,948 1 Saoguem Taluka 5,843 29,552 14,910 14,M2 5,139 Sanguem IM.O.) 704 3,711 1,848 1,863

8 Canacona Taluka 4,910 27,082 13,328 J3,754 4,688 Chauri (M.CJ.) 222 1,047 517 530

9 Quepem Taluka 7,154 38,492 19,009 19,4113 5,733 Quepem (M.CI,) 589 2,819 1,301 1,518 Curchorem (C.T ) 832 4,429 2,238 2,191 to Salcete Taluka 32,209 159,017 74,355 84,662 22,312

Margao U.A. 7,842 40,756 19,766 ]0,990

Margao (M.CI.) 6,374 33,799 16,558 17 ,24J

Navelim (0.0.) 1,067 5,047 2,311 2,736 Aquem (0.0.) 401 1,910 897 1,013

Cuocolim (C.T.) 2,055 9,6S 7 4,309 5,378

11 Mormugao Taluka 9,242 47,282 23,825 23,457 3,945 Mormugao (M.CI,) 5,297 26,786 13,867 12,919


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 2 7 5 2 2

GOA DISTRICT 2 7 5 2 2

I Sanguem Taluka 2 7 5 2 2


GOA, DAMAN & Dft..! 5 4


Ti~\\adi Taluka 5 4

PanaJi U.A. 5 4

Panaji CM.Cl ) 5 4

----- _- -- ' ---~ ------~-~------~ ~----- 71

mainly spoken in tbe Hou .. ehold

-----~------_- _--_ ------~--~------_.-----_._- --- -_.------_-- RURAL URBAN ------"'_------Union No. of Territary/ House- Districtj Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

------~----~ ------~- ._-_ -- ---_- 7 8 9 10 11 11 IJ

------~------~ -----_- -_--_-


13,905 6,896 7,009 296 1,636 840 796 5 296 1,636 840 796 48,435 24,206 24,229 1,127 6,113 3,165 2,948 6 1,127 6,113 3,165 2,948 25,841 13,062 12,779 704 3,711 1,848 1,863 7

704 3,711 J ,848 J ,863 26,03.5 12,811 13,224 222 1,047 517 530 8

222 1,047 517 5\0 31,244 15,470 15,774 1,421 7,248 3,539 3,709 9

589 2,819 J ,30 J 1.518

RJ2 4,429 2,218 2,19 J

108,574 50,280 ~ 8,294 9,897 :0,443 24,075 26,368 10 7,842 40,756 19,766 2,990

6,374 33,799 16,558 17,241 1,067 s,on 2,3! 1 2,736 401 J ,910 897 1,0 I J 2,055 9,687 4,309 5,378 20,496 9,958 10,538 5,297 26,717 13,867 12,919 11

5,297 26,786 13,867 ) 2,919


7 5 2 G.D. & DIU 7 S 2

7 5 2


5 4 I G.D. & DIU

5 ~ 5 " 1 1 5 4 5 5

-~------_---_-_ - - ~-~ .~------~--~-- 72

IUI-16 Part B (iD Households and Household population by language those specified in Schedule vm to

_----- ~~--- - TOTAL RURAL ------Union Territrry!District! No. of No. of Taluka/Urban Agglomeration! House- House- Town holds Persons Males Females holds

_--- -_-----_ --- --.~-- -~--~-~ -----~ -----_-- 2 3 4 S 6

~- - ~


GOA, DAMAN & DIU Z 5 3 2 2

1 GOA DISTRICT 2 5 3 2 2

Ti5wadi Taluka 2

Sanguern Ta luka 3 2




1 Bardez Taluka 2


GOA, DAMAN & DIU 85 316 179 127 31

3 GOA DISTRICT 85 316 179 137 31

Tiswadi Taluka 22 94 57 37 Panaji U.A. 21 89 S4 3S

Panaji (M.el.) 19 80 49 31

Taleigao (O.G.) S 3 2

Calapor (O.G.) 4 2 2

2 Bardez Taluka 7 33 17 16 6

Siolim (CT.) 5 3 2

3 Bicholim Taluka 7 20 11 9 5 Bicholim (M.Cl.) 2 8 3 ,

4 Panda Taluka 6 27 15 12

Ponda (M.CI.) 5 22 12 10

5 Sanguem Taluka 4 11 7 4 3 Sanguem (M.CI.) J I 6 Cncacona Talaka 2 2 2 2

_-----_------_ .~------~--- ~------~~------73

mainly spoken in tbe Household «(nelusive or variants whel e grouped) otb~r tban the Constitution of India

- .. _-- RURAL URBAN ------Union No. of Terr.tary! House- Oistricl/ Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

7 8 9 10 II 12 13


5 3 2 0.0.& DIU

5 3 2 2 3 2


2 G.O. & DIU

2 2 2


108 59 49 .54 208 120 88 G.O. &. DIU 108 59 49 54 208 120 8S 3 5 3 2 21 89 54 35

21 89 5-l 35

19 80 49 31

5 3 1 4 2 2

28 14 14 5 3 2 2

5 3 2

11 8 4 2 8 3 5 3

2 8 3 .5

.5 3 2 5 22 11 10 4

5 22 12 10 10 6 4 5

2 2 6

- - -_ ---~ --- -~ ~ ------~------, -I"",

HH-16 Part B Iii) Housebolds and Housebold population by language ;' . . those spe~;'ti~ iu Scbe411Je VP:1 to


Union Terri(ory/District! No. of No. of Taluk

2 3 4 5 6

._------.. ----_._-----_._-- _ .. - ----


6 Quepem Talllka 3 14 6 8 3 7 Selcete Taluka 12 51 23 28 3 Margao U.A. 9 37 17 20 Margao (M.CI.) 6 23 12 11 Navl:lim (O.G.) I 3 1 2 Aqu~m (0 0.) 2 II 4 7

Mormugao Talllka 22 64 41 23 7 Mormugao (M.C!.) 15 46 )0 16


GOA, DAMAN & DIU I,J 83 5,069 2,405 2,664 335

GOA DISTRICT 752 2,927 1,378 1,549 322

Tiswadi TaJuka 289 1,392 609 783 32

Panaji U.A. 257 1,242 546 696 Panaji (M.C!.) 237 1,134 S02 632 Pacelim (O.G.)

Chimbel (O.G.) 6 3 3 Morambi-O-Grande (Merees) (0.0.) 6 4 2 Renovadi (O.G.) 4 3 TaJeigao (O.G.) 8 42 16 26 Calapor (O.G.) 7 35 II 24 Morambi-O-Pequello (Merees) (O.G.) 2 J 5 9 6 :z Bardtz Taluka 179 529 269 260 1 15

Mapusa (~.C1.) 11 33 16 17

C'alangute (C.T) 53 175 93 82 Siolim (C.T.)

3 ,Pernem TaJuka 88 118 73 45 88

Perncm (C.T.)

---~---. 7)

maiD~Y spokeD in tbe Household (Inrlusive of variants where grouped) other than the Constitution of India

----_------RURAL URBAN ------Union No. of Territary House- District,' Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka

----~ 7 8 9 10 II 12 J 3 ------_------~------TULU

14 6 8 6

14 6 8 9 37 17 20 7 9 37 17 20 6 23 12 II 3 1 2 2 11 4 7 18 II 7 15 46 30 16 15 46 30 16


1,033 524 509 848 4,036 1,881 2,155 G.D. & DIU

967 489 478 430 J ,960 889 1,071

150 63 87 257 1,242 546 696 1 257 1,242 546 69(, 237 1,134 502 632

6 3 3

6 4 2 4 3 8 42 16 26

7 35 11 24 2 15 9 6 321 160 161 64 208 109 99 2 II 33 16 17 53 J 75 93 82

118 73 4S 3

------~---- 76

HH-16 Part B (ii) Households and Household population by language those specified in Schedule vm to

------_--_------_ --_,-- TOTAL RURAL ------Union Territory/District/ No. of No. of Taluka/Urban Agglomeration/ House- House· Town holds Persons Males Females holds

"~~- -_------~-, --~--~-- 2 3 4 5 6



4 BlCholim 1 Llluka 6 23 12 1 I 5

Bicholim (M.U,) 5 4 5 Saltri Taluka 3 26 13 J3 \'alpoi (C.T.) 3 26 13 13

6 Ponda Taluka 10 46 26 20 2

Pond a (M,CI.) 8 35 20 15

7 Sanguem Taluka 38 169 90 79 36 SangueiU \M,C1.) 2 11 7 4 8 Canacona Taluka 3 13 6 7

Chauri (M.CI.) 2 4 2 2 9 Quepem Taluk. 10 32 J6 16 9 Curchorem (C.T.) 2 2

10 Salcete Taluka 87 426 J90 236 25

Margao U.A. 62 308 135 173 Margao tM.cI.) 57 282 125 157 Novelim (O.G.) 3 17 7 )0

Aquem (O.G.) 2 9 3 6

Cuncojim (c. T.) 11 Mormugao Taluka 39 153 74 79 9 Mormugao (M.CI.) 30 119 S6 63

2 DAMAN DlSTRICf 390 1,960 943 1,0) 7 13

Daman laluka 390 1,960 943 1,017 J 3 Daman (M.CI.) 377 1,894 908 986

3 DIU DISTRICT 41 182 84 98

Diu Taluk.a 41 182 84 98 Diu (M.C1.) 41 182 84 98 -,-~--- ,.--~~------_------Note: lhis table includes bousele5S households but excludes institutional households. 77

mainly spoken in the Household (Inclusive of variants where grouped) other tban the Constitution of India

~--~------.-- - -- _------_----_ --_------RURAL URBAN ------No. of U.T., House- Districtl Persons Males Females holds Persons Males Females Taluka ------7 8 9 10 11 12 13 J

------_--_ ------~ ------_ ------


3 26 13 13 5

3 26 13 l3

II 6 5 8 35 20 ) 5 6

8 35 20 15

158 83 75 2 II 7 4 7

2 11 7 4 9 4 5 2 4 2 2 g

:2 4 :2 2 30 16 J 4 2 2 9

2 -~ 118 55 63 62 308 135 173 10

62 308 135 173 57 282 J25 J57 3 17 7 10

2 9 3 6

34 J8 16 30 119 56 63 II

30 119 ~6 63

66 35 31 377 1,894 908 986 2

66 35 31 377 1,894 908 986 377 1,894 908 986

41 182 84 98 3

41 182 84 98 41 182 84 98

U.A. Urban Agglomeralion; M.Cl. : Municipal Coun.;il; 0.0. Out-growth; C.T. Census fown