New Saint Mary's Library Having Drainage and Heating Malfunctions

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New Saint Mary's Library Having Drainage and Heating Malfunctions -...-..........-..---. ·-.- --.~-~----~-- ~-- ~-~.....----· I. •.. - "j i I • • :~ .~ 1 . ·----- [ ' '- ~ Student Senate allows write-in candidates on today's election ballot By CAROL CAMP candidates) is inhibiting the Senior StaffReporter democratic process." He added. "If the Senate The Senate last night approved represents the students and the the write-in candidacy of student good of the students, and respects body president and vice president students as its basis for being here. contenders Chapin Engler and John then it should allow us to he write· Dardis. ins." Senate confirmation of the ticket's Debate on both sides was heated. legitimacy means students will be On the aftlrmative side, Grace Hall able to vote for Engler and Dardis by president Pete DiChara commented, writing the phrase "The Alternative" "I think they should he allowed to be on their ballots. write-ins- T any student who goes to Accompanied by several suppor­ Notre Dame should ht· allowed to ters, Engler and Dardis pleaded their get votes." case before the Senate. Acknowledg­ Student Body Vice President Peg­ ing "we've never done anything like gy Prevoznik concurred. "Their case this," Engler explained he decided should be considered singly ... after Chapin Engler, right, student body presidential to seek oftlce because he had a bad all, they did go through proper chan· candidate and his running mate john Dardin, dent Senate meeting. The Senate decided that experience when he transferred to nels to petition the Senate." with glasses, plead their case to get on today's bal­ write-in votes for the pair would be legal on(y if Notre Dame: Opponents to the measure were lot as write-in candidates during last night's Stu- "The Alternative" were written on the ballot. "I knew I would do something equally vehement in their argu­ about the transfer situation - I want ments. Senator Bob Riley noted "the to do something about something I reason for not allowing write -in see as wrong.. " votes is not just whimsical - it's to New Saint Mary's library having make rules for everybody who's run­ Engler also stated that when ap­ pointed to serve as the off-campus ning. Allowing write-ins throws out representative to the Sophomore all those rules." drainage and heating malfunctions Advisory Council, he "couldn't do Perhaps the most vocal opponent anything because the system needs was Ombudsman Director Andy By JOAN GffiLIN more heat in a more effective way cable. The water then refroze and to be decentralized." Finally, Engler Tucker. Citing the cases of three News Staff was the main goal of the engineers, formed a dam of some sort, not became so frustrated with "the sys­ Senate candidates who were not Saint Mary's new S6 million who brought in two large unit allowing the water to flow properly tem" that he dropped out of the Uni­ allowed to campaign because they library has been experiencing heaters, now located at the entrance into the gutters. The water backed versity for a semester. had missed the deadline for declar­ several drainage and heating mal­ to the library. up on the shingles and created the ing their candidacies, Tucker ob­ functions in recent months and offi­ Evan Woollen Associates of In­ leakage problems." Vice presidential candidate John served there was "no real reason to cials are blaming the harsh South dianapolis were the architects for The gutters on the roof did, in fact. Dardis told the Senate that although waive the write-in candidates rule, Bend winter for the problems. the library. Tom Weigel, one of the have the capacity to hold melted he understood the "rationale" be- nor is there any reason to believe the Final inspection of the Cushwa­ architects on the project, said, " The snow and ice, but no one could have hind the election rules, such rules pubidty (announcing potential can­ Leighton Library will occur this heating system has been revised and anticipated the heavy snow and sub­ nevertheless impede the function­ didates' attendance at mandatory Thursday, according to Lowell Bar­ we have increased the flow of hot zero temperatures this winter. " The ing of the democratic process: meetings) was inadequate." ber, Saint Mary's Executive Assistant water through the heating pipes at building is so well-insulated and so "Rules are supposed to facilitate In addition, "I thi.1k the Senate es­ to the Controller of Plant Opera­ the perimeter ofthe building." energy efficient that the heat from democracy, not inhibit it... in this tablished a dangerous precedent tions. In regards to the leaking problem see LIBRARY, page 4 case, the nile (prohibiting write-in see SENATE, page 4 The library, dedicated on Sept. 3, in the library, Weigel explained the 1982, has suffered no other buildup of ice at the head of the roof problems thus far. Last winter was downspouts has been worked on for very mild, and the improper several monthes now. The answer to Marines to leave Beirut by March Associated Press ficial who spoke only on condition spokesman Larry Speakes said Presi­ drainage and heating problems were the problem was installing heat he remain anonymous. dent Reagan was moving toward a not recognized until the onset of this cables in the downspouts to help WASHINGTON- The Reagan ad­ "The clock started then," added withdrawal of the Marines to the year's harsh weather. "Obviously, melt the ice and snow that had ac­ ministration has set in motion plans this official, who said the decision ships within 30 days and "we will do there was no opportunity last year to cumulated and was leaking into the to withdraw the U.S. Marines from was made after Defense Secretary so if it is consistent with the political test the adequacy of the heating building at the seams. Lebanon before mid-March, officials Caspar Weinberger delivered the and military situation." problem," Barber said. Weigel said "The ice was being said yesterday. Environmental Systems Design of heated in the valleys of the roof, in "The White House has made a Pentagon's proposal for withdraw- On Sunday, Weinberger said Chicago, prepared an extensive contact with the slate. Melting snow decision to get the Marines out of ing the Marines to the White House "substantial numbers (of Marines) study on the heating problem. They flowed down the downspouts, but Beirut and on the amphibious ships last Friday. should be out by the end of this Such a timetable would bring the month, and probably it is perfectly made a diagram of two sections: the then hit the cold air at the edge of offshore within 30 days from last 1,200-1,300 Marines serving in the feasible the entire operation can be tower and the ground floor. Adding the roof, where there was no heating Saturday," said an administration of- ---------------- multinational force from their posi- completed within less than 30 days." tions at the Beirut International Air- port to the ships by March 12. Sources said Weinberger gave Elections held today for student Officials said last week a relatively three options to the White House on small number of U.S. military per­ Friday for withdrawing the troops - sonnel, perhaps 200 or so, would one for a brief pullout la~ting a few body president, district senators remain to guard the U.S. embassy, days, a second for a withdrawal taking 30 days, and a third that In Western circles, they call this Breen-Phillips. District 2: Breen-Phillips, train the Lebanese army and handle would stretch the process out, pos­ emocratic phenomenon election •Chris Tayback, a junior from Holy Cavanaugh, Zahm, Farley, Keenan communications and other tasks. Earlier yesterday, White House sibly over several months. ~,day. Cross, and Kelly Fitzgerald, a junior and Stanford halls. ----, Undergraduate students at Notre from Farley. •Pat Browne, a Stanford sophomore. Dame can vote today for a new stu­ A write-in ticket calling them­ • Doug O'Brien, a Cavanaugh junior. dent body president and vice presi- selves "The Alternative" was ap­ dent, and they also will elect five proved last night by the Student District 3: Badin, Dillon, Fisher, new senators. Senate. The approval was needed be­ Howard, Lyons, Morrissey, Voting will take place during meal cause the candidates did not submit Pangborn an9 Carroll halls. l.hours in the halls: II: 15 am. to 1 :3? ·a petition on time. The ticket is: •Dan McNamara, a Morrissey junior. tp.m. and 4:30p.m. to 6:30 p.m.Judt- •Chapin Engler, a junior from Dillon, •Mark Rolincik, a Morrissey fresh- cial board members fr t om each hall and John Dardis, a junior who lives man. will monitor the voting. Students off campus. District 4: Flanner, Grace, who live off campus can vote in the Pasquerilla West and Pasquerilla The candidates for Student Senate LaFortune Student Center this after- East. are: noon. •Tom Abood, a junior from Flanner. ~ Graduating seniors are eligible to District 1: Alumni, Walsh, Lewis, gvote. Sorin, St. Ed's and Holy Cross halls. District 5: Off-campus. i The candidates for student body •Javier Oliva. president and vice president are: •Paul Healy, a St. Ed's junior. Write-in votes are not counted Standing besides a bullet-riddled stop sign a French soldierfro mAP •Rob Bertino, a junior from Alumni, •Doug Wurth, a freshman moving to unless specifically approved by the the Second RIMA peers through binoculars at the green line divid­ Itnd Cathy David, a junior from . Alumni. Student Senate. ing East from West Beirut. - .. The Observer Tuesday, February 14, 1984 - page 2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· In Brief The voters are smarter English playboy Michael Telling, accused than you think of munkrin!o\ his Amnican-born wife, was committed for trial yes­ terday in Crown Court - the final step before the trial gets under­ way in Exett·r.
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