Zeon Dutchy (Or Any Forthcoming Federation Codex)

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Zeon Dutchy (Or Any Forthcoming Federation Codex) Codex Gundam Combined Arms Written by Alex Roberts Thanks to everyone on the Mobile Suit Gundam Battle System forum for their assistance! This book is a supplementary Codex for the Mobile Suit Gundam Battle System rules plug in for 40K. The main rules can be found at www.Gundambattlesystem.com Introduction 2 A Brief History of the One Year War 3 New Rules 4 Vehicles 5 Infantry 6 Aircraft 7 Weapons Table 8 Force Lists 9 Federation 9 Dutchy of Zeon 18 Modeling Section 25 Designer’s Notes 26 Legal Statement Space Marine, Warhammer, Epic 40,000, Epic Titan Legions, Aspect Warriors, Avatar, Blood Angels, Cadian, Catachan, Chapter Approved, Codex, Dark Eldar, Dark Reaper, Exarch, Eye of Terror, Gargant, Gretchin, Grey Knight, Mekboy, Necromumda, Ogryn, Ork, Psyker, Ratling, Ravenwing, Snotling, Space Hulk, Space Wolves, Squat, Squig, Swooping Hawk, Terminator, Ultramarines, weirdboy, White Dwarf are all acknowleged as being trademarks of Games Workshop Ltd all rights recognized and are used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended. Introduction War grips the Earth and its colonies. The Federation, once the ruling body of all human settlements, now is under assault by the forces of Zeon based on the Side 3 Colony. Come join the Federation ground forces, and try to desperately stem the unending tides of Zeon Mobile Suits. Or enlist in the Zeon armored corps, piloting your heavy Magella or Dopp against the forces of the Federation, who wish to shackle humanity to the Earth. Why Collect Combined Arms for Gundam? Everyone loves the huge suits glamorized in the TV show and on the various Gundam Ova’s. But the reality is that Mobile Suits are costly, large, and cannot do everything that cheaper armored and infantry forces can. Need to clear a building without leveling it? Don’t call in a Mobile Suit. No war can be successfully carried out with one set of arms, no matter how powerful they are. Mobile Suits, though heavily armed and armored, are often vulnerable in cities. Infantry, artillery, armored vehicles, and air support are all significantly cheaper than Mobile Suits, and if used properly can be quite effective. Kampfgroups of Zeon Mobile Suits, supported by infantry, armor, and air support experienced great successes early in the war against unprepared and ill equipped Federation forces. On the part of the Federation, they were well behind the Zeon army in Mobile Suit design. For much of the early part of the war conventional forces were all the Federation armed forces had to try and defend the Earth from Zeon assaults. Though pushed back on all fronts, the Federation did manage to prevent a total collapse and capitulation, and even managed to stage some offensives around California base and in Europe around the Odessa area, before the introduction of their own Mobile Suits helped turn the tide of the war. A brief history of the One Year War UC0001. The emigration of humanity to the colonies began, as the population of the Earth breached 9 billion people. 62 years later, Side 3, a large space colony under the leadership of Zeon Zum Deikun, declared independence, and the Side 3 Peoples Guard was established. In October of 0068 Zeon Deikun died, and leadership of Side 3 passed to the Zabi family, who soon declared Side 3 the Duchy of Zeon. In UC0073 the first Mobile Suit, MS-01, was successfully tested by Zeon forces. Preparations for war with the Federation began. In 0077 MS05 Mobile Suits assisted Side 6 in their revolution against Federation Forces. Zeon forces simultaneously expanded their supremacy zone on the moon, and reinforced their space fleet. In October of 0078, the Duchy of Zeon proclaimed a state of national mobilization for war. January 3, 0079. The Duchy of Zeon declares war against the Federation. Zeon Mobile Suit blitz attacks are executed against the colonies of Side 1, 2, and 4. Indiscriminate bioweapons and nuclear attacks, culminating in the drop of a colony on Eastern Australia in the first week of the war, kill 550 million people in less than 7 days. On January 10, Zeon forces make numerous landings on the Earth, and move to take cities and Federation installations. 5 days later the battle of Loum, the largest space battle ever, began near Side 5. Billions in the colony died, and a new age of space warfare was heralded. On the Earth, the Antarctic Treaty was signed between Federation and Zeon forces on January 31, prohibiting the use of nuclear and biochemical warfare. By the end of February, Zeon forces, supported by numerous Mobile Suits, had conquered North, South, and Central America, and large areas of Eastern Asia and Europe. Germany fell in early February, shortly followed by Paris, and much of the rest of Western Europe, though pockets of resistance did remain there, as well as across the American continents. New York also fell in February. It would be 8 months before New York would be free again. Desperately fighting back, what remained of the Federation’s conventional forces fought the Zeon army to a deadlock, as they embarked on a crash Mobile Suit research program. By July, Federation forces had completed their prototype Guncannon, and had succeeded in putting a beam rifle and beam saber to use. Zeon forces simultaneously introduced the MS-07 Gouf and MS-09 Dom. By October, Mobile Suit production in Federation facilities was proceeding full pace, as new suits began to join the Federation battle lines through the end of October and early November. At the end of November a fierce Zeon attack was initiated against the Federation command and Mobile Suit production facilities on Jabrow. Their defeat signaled a turning point in the war. In late December, the battle for A Baoa Ku ended with a stunning defeat of Zeon forces. With the death of Ghiren and Kycilia Zabi during the battle, Zeon forces sued for peace. On January 1, 0080, an armistice was signed. The One Year War was over. New Rules Vehicles Movement Phase Movement: Vehicles follow movement restrictions as noted in the MSGBS main rules. Shooting Phase Targeting: If a vehicle moves, it is subject to shooting and enemy targeting as if it was a walking Mobile Suit. Wound Points: Note that the Wound Points rule does not apply to any infantry, vehicle, or aircraft units. Damage: Vehicles use the main vehicle damage charts in the 40K rulebook unless noted below or in the unit description. If an infantry stand is within the explosion radius of a destroyed vehicle, each infantry stand takes d3 wounds rather than 1 on a roll of 4+. Purchasing and Miscellaneous Transports: Many infantry units may be purchased with transport vehicles. These generally follow the 40K vehicle and transport rules, with the below exception. Vehicles do not have to maintain unit coherency with the infantry they are assigned to, but they cannot transport any other infantry units on the board. In addition, the Transports must maintain a 4” coherency with the other transports that were purchased with that infantry unit. I.e., they do not need to remain with the infantry at all times, but they must maintain coherency with the other transports in their Troop or Elites choice. Squad: Many vehicles are purchased in squads. Although subject to the vehicle rules per the main 40K book, vehicles purchased in squads must also maintain a unit coherency of 4” at all times. Infantry Infantry have always been the unsung heroes of the battlefield. Even as mankind migrated topace, the traditional footslogger has remained an important aspect of the battlefield. Early on in the One Year War, before the Federation had developed their own Mobile Suits, infantry, armor, and air assets were all that stood between the forces of Zeon and their total domination of Earth. Zeon forces as well heavily utilized conventional forces in conjunction with their new Mobile Suit forces. Mobile Suits are expensive to build, difficult to transport, and often cannot go places where infantry can. Balanced units of Mobile Suits, armor, infantry, artillery and air assets were used successfully by Zeon forces in many battles, including the river fording operation near Heidelberg, Germany, in February 0079, and their successful advance on Poznan in March 0079. Models: Infantry are represented by bases, each representing a squad of infantry. Movement Phase Movement: Infantry have a movement stat in addition to their normal stats. Typically this will be 4”, though certain heavily armed or armored infantry may have slower movement stats. Infantry ignore difficult terrain, and may move their full movement regardless. They may not pass through impassible terrain however. Shooting Phase Shooting: Infantry are subject to shooting attacks as per the normal 40K rules. However, any unit noted as infantry may not be autokilled. If the S of the weapon is twice or more than the T of the infantry stand, the stand takes d3 wounds instead of 1. In addition, if an infantry stand is caught under a blast or ordnance template, they take one attack per wound they have remaining. Again, they cannot be autokilled simply because the strength is twice the T of the stand. Shooting Modifiers: Infantry are not subject to targeting modifiers. This means that there are no penalties for shooting at infantry. Infantry are still subject to weapon modifiers and the movement of enemy units. Assault Phase Assaults: Infantry assault 4” into CC unless noted otherwise. Unless noted in the unit rules, Infantry units must pass a morale check to assault a Mobile Suit in HTH. Close Combat: Although Infantry are often considered little more than ants by most Mobile Suit pilots, well trained infantry can often damage and even disable a Mobile Suit by tossing grenades into vents or joints of the suit’s legs.
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