Gidas EN.Pdf
MAP OF THE LEFT AND RIGHT BANKS OF NEMUNAS 1 Kaunas Cathedral 8 Gelgaudiškis 2 Kaunas Vytautas Magnus Church 9 Kiduliai 3 Raudondvaris 10 Kulautuva 4 Kačerginė 11 Paštuva 5 Zapyškis 12 Vilkija 6 Ilguva 14 Seredžius 7 Plokščiai 15 Veliuona 1 2 3 THE ROAD OF THE SAMOGITIAN BAPTISM A GUIDE FOR PILGRIMS AND TRAVELERS LITHUANIAN CATHOLIC AcADEMY OF SCIENCE, 2013 4 5 UDK 23/28(474.5)(091)(036) CONTENTS Ro-01 Funded by the State according Presenting Guide to the Pilgrimage of the Baptism to the Programme for Commemoration of the Baptism of Samogitia of Samogitia to the Hearts and Hands of Dear and the Founding of the Samogitian Diocese 2009-2017 Readers Foreword by the Bishop of Telšiai 7 The project is partly funded Kaunas Cathedral 15 by THE FOUNDATION FOR THE SUPPORT OF CULTURE Kaunas Vytautas Magnus Church 20 Raudondvaris 23 Kačerginė 27 Zapyškis 30 Texts by mons. RImantas Gudlinkis and Vladas LIePUoNIUS Ilguva 33 Project manager and Special editor Vytautas Ališauskas Plokščiai 36 Assistant editor GIeDRė oLSeVIčIūTė Gelgaudiškis 39 Translator JUSTINAS ŠULIoKAS Kiduliai 42 editor GABRIeLė GAILIūTė Kulautuva 45 Layout by VIoLeta BoSKAITė Paštuva 47 Photographs by Vytautas RAzmA, KeRNIUS PAULIUKoNIS, Vilkija 50 TOMAS PILIPONIS, Arrest Site of Priest Antanas Mackevičius 52 also by ARūNAS BaltėNAS (p. 119), VIoLeTA BoSKAITė (front cover, Seredžius 54 p. – 105, 109 top, 112 top, 113 bottom, 114, 125, 128, 129, 130, 133 bottom, 134 top, 141), Klaudijus Driskius (p. 85 bottom), Veliuona 57 PAULIUS SPūDyS (p. 48 bottom), AntanAS ŠNeIDeRIS (p. 37), Gėluva. Birutkalnis 60 SigitAS VarnAS (p.
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