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Planes Log 100 More Missions Stltait ~i TIDES Water Condition .S.tdaddy BaASrEve to w n E CHINFO =Azu CUBald High Low CHARLIE III U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO 4:29 a.m. 10:28 a.m. BAY, CUBA Storage Ashore 5:05 p.m. 11:10 p.m. 14.6 Million Gallons Phone 9-5247 Date Friday, October 18, 1968 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Jackie to Marry Onassis; Johnson Considering Bomb Halt? Ceremony Set for Weekend CeremonvNEW YORK Set(AP/AFNB) Jac- queline Kennedy, whose mar- riage to America's 35th Pres- Planes Log 100 More Missions ident was dissolved by an as- SAIGON (AP/AFNB) The United States pushed ahead with bomb- sassin's bullet, plans to mar- ing halt consultations Thursday as American pilots logged over ry one of the world's richest 100 missions over North Vietnam and reported destroying or men, Aristotle Onassis, more damaging 19 supply boats, two trucks, six warehouses and two than 20 years her senior. bridges. The wedding is scheduled to The White House and State take place tomorrow or not Department kept tight silence Apollo Crew Tests Engines; more than three days hence on on the latest developments in Onassis' private island of President Johnson's effort for Scorpios. a major peace move before he Flight Continues to Go Well Mrs. Kennedy is 39, and has leaves office in January. SPACE CENTER (AP/AFNB) -- two children, Caroline, 10, In Saigon, informed sources The Apollo 7 astronauts made a and John Jr., 7. She has been said President Nguyun Van vital test of the spaceship a widow since Nov. 22, 1963, Thieu refused to sign a joint engine that will steer space- when President John F. Kennedy declaration proposed by the men to the moon Friday morn- was assassinated in Dallas. United States on stopping the ing. Onassis, 62, was divorced bombing of North Vietnam and As the Apollo spacecraft in 1960 after a 13-year mar- American Ambassador Ellsworth swept south of the U.S. at riage to the former Tina Liv- Bunker was meeting again with about daybreak Friday, Command anos, blonde daughter of an- Thieu. pilot Walter Schirra triggered other multimillionaire Greek The South Vietnamese Presi- the 20,500-pound thrust engine shipowner. They had two child- dent reportedly made it clear for 66 seconds. ren. that: The Apollo engine will be The announcement was made -The Saigon regime opposes critical to a man-on-the-moon Thursday afternoon by Mrs. a bombing halt without firm mission because it must guide Hugh D. Auchincloss, Jacquel- guarantees from North Vietnam the ship to the moon, kick it ine's mother. that it (Cont'd on Page 2) into a lunar orbit, fire it out of orbit and steer it back to earth. Soviet Occupation Troops Begin Withdrawal With Apollo 7 astronauts PRAGUE (AP/AFNB) The Czechoslovak leadership signed a boosting chances for a Christ- treaty with the Soviet Union.Wednesday and some occupation mas flight around the moon, troops have already begun their withdrawal from Czechoslovak- its three astronauts staged ia while other troops took up positions for permanent sta;- another act of their orbiting tioning in the country. road show Thursday and showed It is.not known how many of the estimated 600,000 occupation television viewers how they troops will actually remain in Czechoslovakia, but estimates move effortlessly around in run as high as 100,000. space. While the Czechoslovak leadership under Moscow's -pressure "It's kind of like a monkey . has been forced to curtail press and assembly freedoms, it moving around in his cage," still showed some defiance. astronaut Walter Cunningham Politika, weekly newspaper of the Communist Party Central said as the camera showed the Committee, sharply criticized conservative (Cont'd on Page-2) astronauts at work. Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Friday, Oct. 18, 1968 CZECH PRESS ASSAILS RIGHT (Cont'd from Page 1) factions and charged them with plotting ag- ainst the liberalized leadership headed by . Guantanamo Gazette First Secretary Alexander Dubcek. "It is well known," said Politika, "that various meetings are being held by people who ComaNavLase RADM J.B. Hildreth Public Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach assume the right to call themselves true Com- munists, who disregard the opinion of the maj- Editor JO . Jerry Marshall ority of the members and talk disparagingly of Associate Editor J03 Tom Meyers revenge." Layout SN Larry Long Politika called for a clear-cut attitude "toward those oppositional fractional forces The GUANTANAMO GAZETTE is published according to the who would like to establish again the pre- rules and regulations for ship and station newspapers and under the direction of January (Stalinist) regime. This would lead as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 the Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed to nothing but a split in the party." four days a week at government expense on government leadership to tell The paper asked the party equipment. The opinions or statements in news items the truth "under all circumstances, even that appear -herein are not to be construed as official though the truth may be bitter." or as reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Depart- ment of the Navy. WAR AND PEACE IN VIETNAM (Cont'd'from Page 1) Ads and notices will be accepted between the hours and will be would not escalate the war, or without assur- of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. MON through FRI only published in Monday's, Tuesday's or Thursday's GAZETTE. ances to that effect from the United States. No ads or notices except command notices will be pub- -A bombing stop without such assurances lished more than once a week nor will they be run in "would lose the United States many allies." Friday's paper. Meanwhile, the lull in the ground war con- The GAZETTE welcomes contributions of a newsworthy tinued throughout South Vietnam. But U.S. and nature. All contributions should be forwarded to Box South Vietnamese infantrymen report discover- 22, in care of the GUANTANAMO GAZETTE. The GAZETTE re- to ing two more enemy munitions stockpiles ten serves the right to modify the content of any story conform to typographical and format standards and 20 miles- south of Saigon. And U.S. Mar- make it for nobl ication ines uncovered a cache of 300 rounds of 152 mn artillery shells near the DMZ. In Hanoi, the official Nbrth Vietnamese Olympians Smith, Carios Suspended newspaper Nhan Dan attacked what it termed MEXICO CITY (AP/AFNB) The U.S. Olympic Com- "this arrogant demand" by President Johnson mittee has suspended runners Tommie Smith and for reciprocity from North Vietnamese in re- John Carlos for their antics Wednesday night turn for ending the air attacks. when they received their Olympic medals, and Johnson himself made no reference to the have ordered them to leave the Olympic Vil- diplomatic situation while publicly bestowing lage, sources said today. a Presidential Unit Citation on the 5th Marine The announcement was made by reliable Regiment for extraordinary heroism in Vietnam. sources, who said an official announcement Informed sources reported Friday morning that would be made later today. the President had reached a'decision on the Smith and Carlos, both students at San Jose bomb halt, but could not say what that decis State College, Calif., -bowed their heads ion was. and refused to look at the American flag when The Nhan Dan article said: "Our people cat- the National Anthem was played. They each egorically reject the U.S. demand for recip- wore black gloves on one hand and lifted their rocity. If the U.S. government refuses to gloved hands showing a clenched fist during give up its stubborn attitude, it must bear the playing of the anthem. full responsibility for the prolongation of After the ceremony, the two held a news con- the war and the stalemate of the Paris talks." ference explaining their action was their form The scale of fighting in South Vietnam con- of protesting Negro conditions in the United tinues at a relatively slow pace -- but no one States. Smith said he would never participate seemed sure whether this was a political move in another Olympics and Carlos nodded in or just a lull before the a storm. agreement. Last week's casualty totals in Vietnam were The International Olympic Committee said the lowest in eight weeks, with 177 Americans Thursday that the two had broken rules stating losing their lives in combat. politics would not be mixed with the Olympic Rumors of a possible U.S. bomb -halt are a Games. result of continuing conferences in Saigon be- The (J.S. government issued a statement ,f a- tween Ambassador Bunker and South Vietnamesr tie ~ y Wdneda~n s: anoh~ stt ie nt Pages Missing or Unavailable Friday, October 18, 1968 Guantanamo Gazette Page 7 Hurdles Record Equalled Smith, Carlos Booted-- U.S. Adds Three Golds *** BULLETIN *** MEXICL CITY (AP/AFNB)--The U.S. Olym- pic Committee has suspended runners Tom- mie Smith and John Carlos for tics Wednesday night when they received their Clympic medals and nas ordered them to leave the Clympic Village, sources said today. ATHLETE OF THE MONTH -- TM3 Larry Zimmerman 0i Naval Air Station is presented the cup emble- MEXICG CITY (AP/AFNB)--Hurdier Willie Daven- matic of the Guantanamo Bay Athlete of the port and yachtsman Lowell North added gold Month award., Capt R. E. Temme, Commanding Gf- medals to the United States' growing collec- ficer of NAS, made the presentation. Zimmer- tion, but Thursday, was a day in which other man, the NAS quarterback in Guantanamo's flag nations gained ground on the American.Clym- football league, has led his team to an 11-2-1 pians.
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