Official expects '81 college tuition to double ...... -' ...... _. ....~ __ .....,...... ,...... , __ ,..,...... ~--.-..~ .._...... -...... -. -... .. -... .. , .... ,...... _...... ______~-~ ~ • • w ...... ~~_...... ,.. -~--- t-____ ..... c..- b~..... -....n.. c...... - __ ...... o. s..-c.- ~.~ ...... ,_...... ___ ..,. ,_....._ ::f...:r::::::--- ...... , -- ..... c.----...... M ...... Mio ...... _ ... y_,.....,_. UMn..W.-..----• ...,.,_...... ,. ..,_ ...... i!.._ ...... ,..._ -·---~=--·~:: .. iod>o'....._ ...... __ ...... ,...... _...,.._...,.... J--...._~...... ,_...... l:U...., ,_ ..... - ...... * ...... 4 ..-...... ~:.::teo ...... iol'l$1 _...... , ...... ,. _...... __ , ..,...... &...... ,..,_,..,...... u..-. ... ~.._• ...._ ...!:""... ~Uw Cohooo ...... ----­...... an ...... ,.... ·~hiW **-' ...... ,.,.,.. ·-= -.q.IJ ...... ~ ...... _ ...... _..... '-'-• .... fl...... I ._.....,....,.YIC ..t.~~tUDW. r.-...... C,;,i6p .. ,.,. ... t-...6., ...... _...,..._ -~~-·· ...... w~._.....,_..._ ...... ,...... _ ...... , ...... P' ...... ,.....,. .,...,. ,.._ ...... ~ _ .... __ _ ,.. _ -..~.. - ...... _...... -_...... U.ooil,_- ...... _ ...... __ ..,.._....__ ...... -'* ...... _ ...... """"" ...... _ _.._____, ...... r ... .. ~ ~.!"' .=-..::: i:r"..!. ~ -.;-...:::..:..:::: .tii'..! ...... -:;_-...... ,, ...... _oiL ._._...... - ...... ,, ...... ~ ...... - - "'-,... -. ..,._ AiJ_ ..... _ ...... b t:.a-t ..w .._...... -..n-.., ...... ,....,., ...... _ ... ,_ -n.t··~·....,._...... ~ ...... ~ ...... -...~.,...... ~ :.:-=~~ ...... c..n :=.::.:-....., ...... ·-__• ...... __., t ...... ,...... -. -~-·-·- --- -

v IJI«) ,.

Board reopens attorney__. __ ... _ selection ..... -~co-.. ,_ ,.'"-- ...... ,._j#, ...... ,.._...... _.,_...... _ .. ,.,._,T.u.CWI ...... , ...... __ .., ...... VUtl. • ,...... ~.. _... 3 _ ...... _...... ,"T'Ct .,..... lS--.- _. .. .,..... ~ ••n-...... _..- ~ _--- __ ....,_,...... 10...... ,..,.._.,_. ,...,...... -~._. _.... ( . .... --_...... , .... !ia..._._ ...... ~_...... ,..., ...,...... w. .-...... ""'·-... c-~ ...... ----~­ . --... ._~..., ...... _...~_ ....,...... ,..._ ...... , ..... -...... r...... _ ...... _...... ,...... ,.._.,,.,....., ...... __ ...... _...... -... -·- - committee to seek president ...... ---...... -- _...... ~- -...... u...... _.._...... ,...... -­ --- __ _.. .=::u.!!:. ..., ...... ='.:...... ,.. :::=-;~:.:.-:...... a j"_ ...... ,_ ...... ,....., ...._ ...... -.... -=- ...... , w_,..,...,..,r... ..__ ___...... ~ ...... - ..... 1,_w..,_.., _ ,...._ ·~ ._. ,_ ...... _...... -w ...... -... n , • r.,.•• --,...,..._" ''--w-...__ -. ...., ...... _._...,.._...... ~.._...... u.... .,._.. l.,n.ll .- ~ ...... " ...... _ .. ----,...... _£..a- I"WWip ;-r..:.:-..u. .. ~c...... :-::---...... ,..._...... ,...._.- . .,_. 'k ...... WJ....._ ...... ,..._~ ~ ...... ,...... ,_..._...... ·-,.., ..... _.,.,...... -.:~a --r..:w

...... _,,.t:tit,.., =-pc!l_...._ u ...... , e-r...... T...._.. • ..,..._ ...... _. _... __ .. -...... , ...... _.D _,.....,.. - - ...... loo . -·'-""-""'___ ~ ...... --..,__._._,...... _ ...... c...r...... "''lllft ...... __...... _...... ,_ ~ ...... -··-~- ...... ,J,A.t ,.,...... _ ... n..t. • ....., ,...... I ...... _...... ,..._ ... . MC ,..._.,_..__._..._._ ._.,._, ...... _...... __ _,_ ...... ,..., ._ ...... =.:=e.::r--~- _,...._ ...... , (.... -Ntrm.c• .... • ...... Iii _ _,_ ...... _...... _...... ,..~ ... .w. .,...... h ....-. .-.- c...... - "'ffiM*- ...... -~ ...... - ~ ...... u...... -....-... "':r.:::::od!-' ......­::.=.. _..._.~,.. -. ~,...=: ._ ...... , ...... ,.....-.... ._ ::r-.. ~-~­ ...._ .. ,....._...... ,...__...... _.., ...... r...... ,...._~c.....a. __ ...... I - ,._..._. U.. ._..._ • .,.. ___.~ ...... , ...... -a.-& •• .., ...... ~ ...... ---- ,., ...... <..-.. ,...._ ... _ ...... _ ...... c-.-... ..a n.---~-.-a:- .....

Let's talk turkey ------...... - ... -... -...... -....-"'"' _ ----~-·-· • FRIDAY.NOVEUB£R?I.I980 Board seeks attorney applicants ...... , ~.­ -tW...-.iat tlw rdlat.~ ~ IO,.,llln ...... ll.lft)f.ld•C'Oil~r~.otlwcudmt.• :::...,':,....,...... P'9f..... ~,alU.lJ•i\.,... $ ~· rN..UOO lo tkjW\*IIlt til•· 17 etTn.• •• ~~~ An&oa~ fUJ W. •td """'" '-olfb •J~rk and • ~ .. llNMIM'•~*'lhlld:wnttlc;ood tloeillfJfttt,d-..ut••,....•r.~ """"$.1'JCX1tul ...a .. f*l.'-..,llt­ ,.. to"""""". ... .,.._.laft'f'U.UII,..f.Ct._d..crin."" n., ""P'f'\ •'- ...... ,... ta~J~oillc. 10 -c-- ).. ...,.. __ .,d.od- •t .....,. p;.-~,., ~ llf"(''OIIIIW'nd- tJ ...... ~P"f""'·•td•r,-portM fi c..a..r Tr..a­ tt ...... c~t,.._ bocLa... ·-1"""1.._. •h'-'h wi.W ~"::;~n::~:v::=: l•eUftl lof'OI'II<""'- aad t.'~"--­ .,,;n~•:::;~•=-"Pf'" ··'"'.f1111*l4nw'n~ f-· ""'x- ...... ,c....,. ... afk't' • mnr-:111Li.~ ..wd) b) 1lw -~ IA.. li,aa'-t.....,..rt.aa,...wtr"'!Hw ~.h·• P*'••\toll '-i~r.atal the~,. fWU" lottdwo-... c-r...... en..... fi• ..~ ..... thai! .,... ~ 1'lt. btl.rd •ff"Hil h1 ('<>I'IJin•• _.--w, ...... Ofll""lineliw!booUI(IM""'"'hf;«ffd~ m.atr.. . --~ • &...... tJidw~tur~ thft ..S.Ir 'fMtl lwfotf iblo.l~inl: tfw "''",_ Ia Lblt'-'• n'por1 ladde tiUWioJDfvt.her - -~--~~------~ Administrators meet at Capitol U.S. official to speak ,,._. dWM ....."""""'-~ ...... w -mtuaf>llth.~~t"d~lf.tll)fla•.O. mu.I\Mt Colkpo ~- l~)tlltlw:\AfltM.Iflo"JIIli#Wt..I'­ •lm.u.:tioo ell tJw l ftiH·t•ilft DfTtOW. o••"'t rt't:M1ll)' fi'I'JM lfl i8-lf18J, ""'*""" k.l ""If\ '"ith lhrW (')I"""' ...«"dl~eff'.W'.,...,.tolcldiHt,how ~~ tn lhr er-r"'~--... lit> ...... fllllllll)'l•i.w c..a.,. \..:.riatiolt. l'r....!t& J,.r~~ U "'rwwl •ill tv..t. a nuton U~~*IIQP ...... GI)V. 841 (JrotMnt• ,.,... dwy "'i("t t...t ....,.... i~t •·urtr.,. •Uh U.. edtk'd • I'NicMU. Sr1w to l.hfo ,tlttrif1 l'ri'"" ~~:.~::;-t::'r.~"7.: Gmnan prt"''f"'iiniJ d_. Jli'I'W ronf"""""'" thor fir11 t:.--lft Colo ktrWu..,.. ~ mau~n ,wrta~n.Jq to 1M tol ~Ott. ~ f'llrrtN .. f(b, d•••U.• ,., Jl,.,.. tonfttfonl!'ll!, (HI"UUWlf Ill! frtilrd ...,_,...,~,nT... .-••rM\r,lh 1'••1 ...... n.n,.... bol..-d• ww-n.,...w.- ...... ::;. •J"hf, ~t&U:."""'" ·~-11111111"-l .....h dwn.:. ._ ....ftl ll)lin \Cf 'A~ . r'U'Oiln!td.,...,nt f't'1"r ~~... •.,n•litl•id n ... ~ ...~w~ ...... ua.. m t,h{t I~'-;• ioo oprn liM- •• •l·Uc·~ _. ...La "'',...,.,.WiVfo of dwV bu.rrl d ~tnt' ..(f'-~~~ bt.s,...... a...... ~ •ld dw: n:N•«h"f WlilwW 'ht~t.J&..nrrolf'd,•lll't...,. uuol~ &ani ~l.lnlHoQrpOauna l~ I U H~...... ,.,_... dw> d~ ... Clltt' "''...... bftilc toml• w attmd: hfta...- tof -·ttw nt& ..,\loop., f'lltii".IM>ft lft•J 1"\d- h ""'""""'•«~ 1.1w s." Ar~t•ll'l~ C'AWtt- IM ,.uh 1h• •14 t.t •.lw (:o.;.rd1rlat.lac dd ......

f)nco IIIUlrtonl frum h,.,. f"'lil"ft\"'1 • ..""'""' r11tiftc. Panel discusses letters of censure c•lt..m r.tin,llt aJal tht n~·. 'l"bMlt'f' pwp r•tirlc•t • ffiR'n~l not'"' .,.....,.. .. t.. t) ....lir) ...... bt>tt ''"'"'""" t:.,...... ,. """' Jnt. 'W"P• Jr. ahd fan~Jr, ,.w tru.. """"'attd -:-it l'ttillr'• c,nt~~op. n...... ~, ,... .~.... ,...... (,,li•r.tonolfl ...... "'~""'...... Gil ·-~ .... (l«n••r...,.,. l)r. \\ illiam .S.tttl'"l....n, ·•·•-·· .~.. - _,.,.".," .... (lffU'n.....,h.J lid,...... l>H_.. ,,._ ,...._ •• -ld ~ •-"·" '""""".,. ..w. A J-enu.1.... "-*"'"' m~l'tl dw ~taurant.. il'litllon P'lbliotdoo (If ~ ,.,...."Qf'l.nt - '11w-Stttllntt fl~Jn'W'¥ wt•\I.CrdTw-..U, ltutU ..h-. tJw Pllblic:.linn. • tn"la nwdna ror ~' trunc dt\'~ioft o;&udrtu.-.. should be good business people 'I ••• n~l ~tbwt tbr nTCon.. ·n... '"'""" wmmltH!Jtt tf'IIOI1t"d llw mMtnll n...... ,..,._...... \..., ff~l.ltt.,ul p.m. 1\trttdll) '" th• -"li!M-4. hu Ofl dv dud•-o... .-rtdu,...... ·1W' ..w ..,,.,., A• • .,._.....,..... _.\ .boi.Wltllll. rum"''"'"' ,,.....,. f ..,.,.,.t tTI""""wo.. ""'""Jd ffM!l't Uw ~·o. for ~ · l.)·tuwll Rur\#U, tp~n~~~tio.n, r-t. • ...... ,.., 1iw ""'• ,,.. "41 1...... tt...... nit' .... &flO' l'i->1111" prttrlll but tllrin- lalnY. & ptt(llnd to rof· c...... a.. u.., prof~1.\tr, l>•"""""'•llfiJ,j-.ill"d at14111•·•1w~ ,.. hoo-ud. G~upe Akoot.-n uf .cudrat .,.,..v.,. ,..t,J tlw mml.nt' • tul•lf'l"lll' pttnJ•I• •n4 b!""" f"'~•••~prit.atlddtoathilch llw UWUtr .. bit ~ltttoi!IL. dd he- ..;.t ....., ...... ,.,...,...&Min.. ,_ u,.. ll• •lot flf..,...a ,..on"'" ~w... ld I"''"" J'f", '"IIW fl'-' !ltlald)'llf'r\'lt.IOI.If. ,.,f'mnc d1Yision -.udmg ••th SRC t:ntmbrfot,. •• tt. hiM: '*"' "".,.... h.d !WI$ .n,...w a...... wt. (:a.,~,.. ,..,., tuw-vWt. t...J .-i,M. f(UIIoh ...r\lr-. •nil Nlmmi.IOO ti"SCJ&hto ..... ,,.J.....J., .,.....,.."' •rrroop·.f """oqfT>rn on V... ""''Hoen tl ..y "'Ill n"ff) 4'11111''*"'" ih tbt- ,.,.... tllllftftft and (li!WM'f,,. Jlu11t Mid tlf Luu""' ltt) QR1p.l., l'br cbn~""t' wiiJ bt: •prw~.or.d ""'""•id>·oo•t 11\f'tW'IIIflll tbt-IM~lh . _..,...,, _...... c•drnt• m "•it at lhr _,..,. pn;~-...a WvtL •nd '" 1)at~~Mt,....,,.. .. n ...... ~Iii;).•., Ct'Dlt'r- ud tl4hn d~ .00: otJ•ni&alklnl. f~t'tb..... l c".-1..-. 'fhto t!l.lkknl atlnh!ft n'lmiU-... "' da_,. u~"'""-·"''' "'I(... aboul ~··"'"' '"" ~::~~,.":t~~.~ll)llrt)j. IN' tfYali- ...boiitaa'IUIIC') ,...... ~,.,....,. Tim u...... ,.. ...,,..JIIIIIIf;... 11.,..,.,...,,.,.-.,M .. 1 "\\« ,.-int"tt dWtt_'OIT'f't"liniiGI lboo""' , •. m . ~. !i in U \l1mt1 Room rrf lolti~ !itu.Hoftt C'A"''lf'r t•uWf.:l ,.•• , ,•• 1,..,...... ,.., "lUll'- ...... cr... _...... , lJ~p~!tf'tl• .,_. .00..1\ d"t' n"ttblnlll.l lA ~ j.,._, :;._ wnll;"f'l. 11• 111.1d f'*".l QWW't(lft IW'o'd thtln,-ht "'~"""',.1.. ahf. .. 1o>tf) •Dil GlMt ,,plaifl~l'lll tlwt f.-.....,_1 f"'l­ 1<>8i>..... ol ThoR..,..-." 0..,,_, 141...... twunt1111~..,,..,...• ., ... •if•n Mid ~I(· ..1 ,._. ,...., ,...... t if,,. 11•...;.tf•u•n•l...rr..._•.l~o~Nioi"Jtb.a. n.....,. P~ J~ \\"t-)aand uucifW , .... .-.4..1 ,,..,.,~, .~ .11.-..!;llfonM ilv u, ..icl hM t.'lllnf'lllf lM~R lttr ~"U')' D~tat~till.-.u~oi&IMoltllmfll .., ...... ruttt· nn*"''' P""""''"IC I ('(.lf'IIIIWff «Wcioul fN'O' ..., ~ ""~·.-d \() 1.1\f<.ll'flt ,.... ,..,. .,am 11.1td offmu• fd~'*"*l ~ m.t~l ~lr•ftl'tf"\'9fHUJifwl'n "'".... MiAc .--..d.U. "''"'"' ,._,.,...... , fi'UIII ,~..,j...... ,.-'alt, .. tJw ..."",_,~on ...... l . at-u •b.t , ..., .,.. t.u, ..... p"', .... "•'" till "tl.. d.l"'~IJM!•do11d tUf'OP""'!lb ~~~:c~ ~!.~· .:~"fa:;!;: ::..::0 ··~ •·er-t~d told ... dwt 111 hM. t7 '\IMt tl.l "'.,.I P"'fl JOt• b.~ tum I hill , .... n.tht ... diO!• lh• dor.tb ol• ""''"' ..... t.kn1 "UI.-pun• • lrip ftufl Jau. )"&rl • 111 a~.lmlnlttnt<• t..... 'hi. I)Jif' *":1"'"" th~ Sl~r01-.. Ji'Wc • M)r-<. "SM 110 IM"tillft ·~ ul.,.,., I f,.lt k (lllti.,...... l•li<,_(IOJondtorlc.. ~Mol, !!dl.lht-~Apan~rart) ··ro _.l' tl:wt •lDatiH"' Ia) ...,.,_ aholllld w bftot•.a.• UUI . ..,...... I NIQIII. l.)5S 'L l...wp •UU, K,...... • blaa·~ •b.obtlo'llftilt. .. • ..-... c.odo." ('.uolc. ta..b rrnlo:J,m •ld r.a., ...... m..... willlllff'l ~~~r=:.~ ~~=~c!:: "-t.anl.. ...-. bt ...... llilllc 11) d..,._, n. n.h·, o.c ....'IJ 4..u .ua ,.._.I! ...... llll ••'li..• ...... It !=~ .... • pAiry • dl. malll'f' \0\llh fcwf,._..,....,.apear,.l&-. I•W'I•IW. .Jw-c dw "'POI'I -'« n..~.m"''o..,...h~..tJI'f'riodoo o~oo ...... Cl.ait _...... " wkh 1hrw dub idton t1•ttno 1""'"•""1 • ,..,.. ~J~Lilw -h .. dw Cirll ,.,.. ftf«**CM'doa "Ohuurw,l'd t..,.,. .. too\ 1ft. ill 1 &lb tJf_.atltwt,...... • will ,....iu • :,tl Jll"f'NN 111h .. " .id. ··n. rnarw"" •SrMrntd n •tid HNctio. .lid RacUcall.a. (;l..tton ~ ..... Wil,."\fa.rtn..,.k) IIIU•I,_.t~ •hit nom'*'t"l ,...... ,, -· .,a-.- t-wo Mol FRIDAY, NOVEMJlER 21, 191!0 • THE RANGER 3A Divorce causes child snatching to rise dramatically IJ JMn OM CatUIIo cJ ~~ ..nothrftd. ~fu...d. frictnmt'd ehild. )a\'~ •&d thlo t~ual •ltu.t.lol3 '- thlt oftht la:lher with ohlkl t'UMOdy, and Xi.~ lnvol'""' fl'l11ittoc a .,., ~:~~"' "'' J."'rosn tlM! p!npl!Cliu of clw v-l'f'tu tJ the .....tebrd .-.atddhc thto- t.hUd. t•ild. ' '... thUd. f'\"ft") da) it filkod wilh diuppo.ntmtni, wn,.,, ''h r.nm ..• t.-aaJI) •• a ffO'IIIh of dh.'orw actioa 01' .. lntm~ wit.b C'bad 0111eody, :S.OJ 4,r th4- fnr and bHI"tathe &.1M awai~ a.rld .,.n:h~ for d~ ttpuatloa, MlftU •tril• ln ltw awital relatioothip... Tuu Peaai Codt, i6 whfe; a Pft'ICIIS t.Jk-,. or bc.trlt a pro­ r.JPld Matl'hina i• a ~'*'• •nd t.N.u:mat.ito c:hUd hf' n••t 01"\'fT..,.. llJ(&tn. J;w()rfl uill. thUd Kf'OM lht IUitf c.J lhtt c-hild'• "-idntlf' in ..._ 1ft thr hi t...., Anwriean tamlif. lir~~~~ \1: htahlofoh brthl•nak'hincor IDilncJ'IIIrt'OI,• Ja\·ont -... w chlLciMatchin• u.u.lf)" ~ ft04 '""h "V5olatioa ol h)W'\ ord~. 1'b.if lt a Wuoy.- Jahft 4• 1Rama1f"ll •lla.oh·t't at thf' nl• Q( 1 mill*! Pf1' I)' bcnb ~ lQ\oohN W m~ .. ~in11 (mm W faJtw "'"nUnc tn IW"OV<1 hJ. thUd from aakt """'"'n :S..OOO •rw1 100,000 ddldnon d'-111*' ~ .etuadon. JO up \a the when the chUd It brlna bto1d a to till' of chUdtm b) thtir lUI"" -d"';,,. "''"" ~klru.pp;'\1 ''Sometimt"~" b lna)' b. lfw mat.. ma.J .,..ndmcabf'r "'Jftw, Jl'pt lf"fm fnr th~ J»tml .,_ltd C."UiwcJ)' of wth ol ~ 4lOrpiM. 1be: ~r ~tnl'dt ;_ '0 f1it a aftf'f" bitt« at!tody rJC,h, ... "bo hu h.m rai.Utc thift Mild llMt lnboey, aDd all thf" c-hild k tn.Jinafioa ~tvtt·or. The ma~ tri~ninal .c&ion wilh tJw dlttrlrlattontc~y." Ja\'Of'l' u· tn.u.m• rJ fhlld IIU&It:hirtf, t•o On.- i.. dwt u.t the '"'u I! ~:~~,;.::nll:~~~~rh~d:'!~~~~ ~ri=rdl~~:J~"'~;j;:re:!l ~~~'!:;:: pla}~ .. id din. ar~ tb~ mtJII\'~ ~!Oft,. a l*'rt'hta. '""'othtt iA that •natch tl~ ('h0cl. ·• Jn01• Nld. .kin of 1M 61hn fllltTI'I~ •• J•"-"" r:t1'llalnt'd. Ia~ to -.tcb hQ, MUdfttol. On... !a w pu:telt.h hC. 11. hm • rhlld h."~ •navW ff'OO'Ilhe wU.e, Aooc.Mr tt to ttoafthtt with hrr. 1lw thinS ,...,.... tua41"f\ator. alw: t1.1~odlaJ par.nt h.u thO and. It il ht ~tima~r ~lie-~-. the mcKhn it unr&a. utmi.nal ft'rMClW. qalrw 1h. llt'f'IIIOa •ho lOok! ••u the father .natc:hcs d,- dtlld t~~r ..tthn rl t),,. chiM, Ja"~ .Mill r..... tWO reuDnt. b. UIUJU)' end• up nul tak.i"i: flaftt ·~ •im"'"t ri"U r1'ttlll'd) i:t IN1ion for a hab.a•' ol th.e klcb. Ueu.aUy hlt mothtr. alf4rr flit' alrimd wlU Nfllll• r~un.- Jllu.... writ ol•tt..:hmmt. A "''"'of Ulltt that ftllpantibilily,.. Jh()IT uid. ha~ t"'lfl11.... lUI onJttr to hrin, tlM fhi.ld 10 a lfo..~tr. Jnt~A~ uid if d"" fathrr \Akf'• lh• t:btld •rM"df"W ~"'lltt'Ofotn. twa.. he lf!tlalbt motl~trunfn .....n,. h4' wlll dJ"'' "In a C'hi.ld WliiU'hlnc ('A."W. a wri' ol amu:bnwnt fQr tht ctow•ttn~nt n1nvn.. t~ lt.h ·horwn lmnwodi•t~t 14 tM of Humal'l ltC'fll)lii"Cf't lQ e;umh• lhr Mmr tl raffl phphl Yorll-bt-ina of tJw child, thP COlAn can~ • ~nl. ""'"" tlfd.T 1h.a~ tt,.,

THE PERFECT GIFT Need girls for food demonstrations 1/audllw.dc CltsitJIII c11mbs. Pe>fi:ct at local area supermarkets. !Jiflll fal' /hill Hlmlrtlrtl' ltnni·lll·lrulf' ji11·. E11rh ;., ullit{llr. Will 11111kr lo rmlcr 11SIIlg r!CI(uill;<, p<·ads, lmt•es, • Must be sales onented bmiti, 11old, sihcr. a11ti much more. • No e•pet/ei'ICe fleOmb C.ompany 732·3018 • Wl/1/riJ/n J)llff & lu/~flme Send $1 .00 tretui'Ktable) lo, yOut, • Mlntmum wage l"OPOIIO, ma110idtfcalal0fl We also prcw,de rHO&I'en ·all helcu. Tl'ltsls and dlssenaUo-n ullaumc.e avail41ble CoM lloge< 11 737-G0<5 bo,_9am to noon 01 Artl:1733-t058 between 2·5 em Chiefsees theft as major campus crime ...... ~ .- .. IU~~·-·· O'J'ed•M.Id. thlt .. ,;...... ,,., .... ~in~ \ .,woa- "' ot...S... fl"~"'udtotet~~Mlhtbcld­ ... am \"f ~~"""'of dl' NudrRtll ¥I bet ..Jd dy .,...,., ol w-•tdllnf boob U thtr fiUUl lin• llt'dl \lnd #ftl>l«b l•• rrpon Thk ,.,.., t!Nn "-'" book• wodwe.-.. •ha..._ ...1111nd· ...... --- ~ l·•...t"' ~the r•hhut-:,...,• caM,-. ,.D-int Juu, ...... ""1.¥1Ul ""'"''''Mo ...,.;l)tlty t)l tl:wo !Wt11 M '\10Jii.ofl&t~I'QIIIJ'tlluld.,..h) .... -.;., M Sizing it up .... ~,.h..... tt... -. beniOt~ll't­ ...... udrnb. •hid...... JJ .....Lo ~tw o·~ ..Sd tlw lnlln l..ob C and T," O'KetftN.1d. ~ul...e~ ... \hlo.-.iQcdnr.hlfiiW. ahtta""ww-••h Two ~11dl~ atuct.n11 aJ.ze up a mockt.~p '' the Southwat ()1\~tr uld h ill dl!lin•" 10 _,.....,. Studenlt bulldtno Lot Til floGt'th of MeAUWn- ~1~ Atb C.nter. In th• homebu1tdlng d• ,,.. Cnwr. aQd I.M C ilt ....._.""'- 411 \tood) l...,,n..flll.._~ lor IN SOul...,.tt C•nt•r 11 "-If lhe coat of OOftvetto ...... c...... ~-- mq,t •J tb. ~·m. ""' a.h tlon1t c:o~tr•ctora. The c,.._._. are dolnelt •• • labot1tory protect O'Ken•• wu . ... ~...... -<..,...... ,. u1wn llt•Frid!IJ•nd!'IIJUI'CI.I). IOf hom•bu11dlno, "'"'''PP"'"'-~ IW!'.boWtiiWpOC'I 'Utd).wfft.av, ...... lot~th.w Co-op program becomes first

A n,....wnll'l """"malup ~ l.wt· T•mt,•rilht udw tt~-looltt' wor\ io u, ,..n. tlw ...... ,nl c.~ 1tw. Job ·- h.ft~ "~ r"'" a- alliS thl.­•vo;t.hV&tw!tt"t!Mr..,.kS4f'hl prrit.dhll) ll)(hwlchi,.,.,.,.. l,wr • dw ftrwt ool ~~kind inthto ,_.,.tr-. • ...,. . Jl llw ••»df.nlf ""' r'«formJ•'I" wtU. ,..,_ t"•.lm,.n t.f thr _.,.. ''"~ ~tin, naftlifd htt S... lhou.!CICI tJwoo) .,.,. ~ Qlfl'l'fll1 fill~,.., U.nk, Sau H-. n.. ,oiul. th.t l"'t.Mit ftll~tbotf«"t Wrtta ..•mur...._. *\t:-:n:~ AI S~ll&•'f· .W • s.,"" o-m. Ctun-b ·• r rW Chltlm llwir kh· •nd '-di~MV~rwi Ill d.1c. ~I· u.~ .-ho ..... -.,..., ...u.lM .... !.AI ...... "'., ....,l**flle- on..,- .,..,g r-r--1 tG rt. ajf>lt..-1 .,....J"(..,II"*"'f'.. ~ ld- •.,"'""1(9.- ...... •o """''up the ~JIM)' t.dd...-. St.'hliu ~uwtiiWlldH-u,_.-..,.. ••..,.. 1 ttlldrftl • hWd. :"!WIIIill.­ oolol .._ t•l.,.int.oC\111'~--bol.h ... ~t ..,. • llw tblnt '"*I' ... !Ohlll~ ltlti lt.. CIQMJIIhU. 1ltro • ...... ,. 1 M.a.ny fonntr~w'Lh adfcrtf-., eprnu~ "m .. •orl.l111 -.hh K~u, •lllrr th.­ fl"UIU...... f«II•Wh-td..-•1 tnudt ..., a t*"tir rna ,~., oo ,,_ J•Jb. """'£11i'f**~~h·...UJ1f'Oiftl""' -."'"'• ..,.,.,Ltlil'lac~lho,. ts--:-.o """''h ' fv.U) tf ,....u, plft.wd •.itil doe fMU' lut te~.J• .unlmt •l ...d. iwuDWoo. ~W!hlaftt tll.inl• • &.rv r...... - ill 1.1» cnm.. "' "\tf'ldinc -ill -,_...dw-_'-t,llwtlniMirllflliPI"".,_ ··~·· •cc- ill ..... ,iOO fW1d • """ ~in.a ~~nt """',.w .be•• ;, .oo ...'"'' ,... p~an.~...... ,. ... ~lthlif'l 1-wN ~,.. ~ inl'"'.ip naiYblr .tadl'nt- wiD ••Itt at h.t'lt,-. ...... Officer speaks on leadership

Tbr mibr) -... «bt r.. w _,do>l' IIUD .houiJ .Cop 1nd l.hml: ll.bulll hQ.o.o tJ. s..-ll)o. .. '"' """"" """"' .lll!edtf'tlltlr ...... ~ "'d \0 J'IV'III: puup w.ill prrrt't~" .w.. ·r Wlu!l ..... -.who f'OII\Wf.~~'""'"""" ,.... r~~~e~ .-urlt •id • lrM ..... ck~l'lll~ ~.-.. 'l'hD .. IJ( tharlclt • ('(llnmoft ilfnf'ftM. • 11--IKI« ... w lktON: .....-.. • ....,~ "*·. P"' dwdks.kC"IJf"'• u.ow.lly h 001~ ht Pf'I'OI'Cit... T•ta1.11a ..w ~~------Expert cites secretarial duties A l"PniiW pral~n.t.l """"'AI1 namination i• tion.. bu-t.infltll and public policy, CI(Qnom) of bawod ttpon a bel~ • IIII'C'rl't•ry ar~ do murt~ fMnJI,fl'tm4!n, , ruuu!C!lat aoaf.)* and mathrmat&e., t)Pt· a CVS mrmbn uld ~o\ I Z a1 • t41mpu .. <'luh dHia.lnn rnakinl aod oft.,_,. pM«'dur-. Ulfftiftl,. Bl'l':!ahct uicl ";j c;.f thfo l.f.IJEJ..!t t"l!f''iflfd public 11w J!Pt&... f'f", JaM Brtland, ••1tlaJntd th• •ll: , ..n~ ~ U\-t Sn t1lft ~n An1on&o am& ol aM oamiualloft tl) mt:mben f'lf lhi!! mmpu.. f'hlpt.trfll fu t ~Srtrtota,.W.,. A~. Sbt>•ld a 101~~~':in!.: m';~~~= ~~~ flt'r.)n mu•l ra• tM tb- f'a!U· \tom.,. S

11w- n~ ~- t~p.octl llu"(lle h-tm• fft)(J"I a A ltll'al hMo It. .urt~ ~lh •, but in a m1 rbtltold G«"tman Cl11h nwn1 ~ ~ tol ··_.Mhuol. •• lltt qualil)' o1 Gfttrua.n ~ ~ dur,.,.,, tit' at.o aJd an Amnbn ttiJII.htt oovtwt ol hit fN'm AJINirian btrr. Thf, IYJ*ol wa&n aod ~inc rnuJ ra • diff~ru Otdn- thao Gt'm1an1. .,... dl..ffrnont, h.. apLainl'd. FFIIOAY, NOVEMBER 21 , 1980 • THE RANGER SA ER program aids displaced homemakers ct....~di-s•~l~ W lll&fd l.a.(lil\".... llllllol, II ,.,... klld ..,....u, I!Nmrd IOdNJ did'fttt~~d)- wld! ftftkt..... ~ •·E,""Jthl,. .,.."'" b) ,... _ b. ~ ,.~... boo:~ ...... Bruno ... wdtmnc twr "'"'~" the &.alo llhw1 UER. ~· !'\-1-e\"l'lh-diiJnoenl• tll.RI.lrw. KER i.aa -~putal .,...... b.- 0..-...Jd. tho.WOfni!O •• pn:IP'IlM... I'NiliMdtJ..,... '" lwr~ ..... s~ .ld ~on> • t&&tk'• Chn.mua pnrwt~l•. t 1\f) tttoor.. dnftvr '" .,.,._.• Otu~~+J ..w h •1111 rror.~~.,...... d~n~l *"''(' 16 Urp ..,..w hUJ,- Btuao ftJDo Rt~~ •111 • id whr.- ...... llftd -- pmcr- 1.1 lb. oo.utiW.Iq .durad01t ll'Nimmu Sll• Mill lii.ICI(Inl lwllto'f 1b;l '""""- Poll shows different views Most men would fight

1:n« w ....,.. Pa.-1 u.,,~t~-..1 \bca. • 1'-h.. «h!Nin ,NnbfnuwfllltWft"'hoMH•ltlouchiiO •rc:MifiClUff ...,. Mid bot did MI. ;... alniq ,..jtw• ...W Ill would bt ..-:otllll war ""'' qll( ,,..lunl.o l btl'-"'' ~~ It .. .,, l.rfMIIQfilbtWI • • • Ih.tJiwtdWnot 10..,. dw 100 -...-l w1th U.wOIIUCI- dut) •etdomy .-nio ..~ '1/IWG 10 lfdge ... h\~ \ Wt.Aut v• .,.,.~·St '"Cit! ·~ Plecet of art b)' atudenta enroUed In IM 1r1 y(ronmtnta;l ltulpture continues ttvough New. SG. ·u d"' tlnbf'd ~"".I\" ,,..o • ..., =bci~O:...t.:t:Jttt.,tQ .,...... 1 -~ ..... , .... bn) .., depll1ment are on the grouruft or the The tludtntJ whO did 1M 1rt are enrollltd •n • OI*JJI'I"'- Uil!.••.,•i•h Ru.. &. . l•·lll d '<10lO~~t=l=tf11 Bennett Es:tltt 11 lht COtMf of Wttl Dewey and ell!" wu;ht by ~rtc J. PrUchln. en profHtOr. ,...l.bffl.h,.ant .,.,..... f•,.U.O,.O...t11'lhl !h.l• ~tbQoa~IP'tl!l 8tlkna'J) placet.. 'fht uhl~t Of ou1doof en- The •~hlbtt Ia 1 c;ontemponry a ttl month """'- Ia\ annd.,...,klnam. l "''.ukba"1 bl' waiJ.

JK(Wd\~t~=~~ ~ Urut lt1)'1h(1Q'


PCAT•OCAT•VAT•MAT•SAT tt'tiltprot.:tlltlfti~Ur\4=~~b=~~~=~ !l'lf'W ~g~~•"1ill >1 NMBI,U,II•ECFMG• FLEX• VQE """"' fhoompl" NDBI.I•NPBI•NLE ACT NOV( THIS SPECIAL MAKE IT Of"FEA ENDS SOON1 Fto-l'rogrl... -. WITH VIsit Any Center And S.e Fot YoutSetf Why We Make The 0/ffetence M97 .Phvflu(.·..rtnd ~ \ b-, .,.~,·-


ROCK N' ROll at Graham Cantnol G,...t Wey To Wind Up Tha. w.. kendl Study lor de~ te, then hop OYer StatiO

~~:~:. .r~: .. ~·,~·::. Cftll oonlC!II"rttno fll ...... or-,,...~ lh•Q~~~~Mty~u..r,.,.,..,. • .,. "m.L. ~.h) BeiMIIIid. ~-- M ...... -..~. IJ«11flllict IHtndHJ 1h"' "•tlooal o..r,...... ,.,,ltd .. CIl'lll-aal• ...... CWift~IIC'f"ft'dlhllf'Cilf.. l« 1 teen'• .... ""~ c. P"d"'• • ·~~..,..-.. . ~'(-.Ill Nllt'l"' .ad~~ IIIla'« ul tniiW t"dmf'"I'Pq' &oe.i... ~~­ tinwl lmMhit:h!ChGcll. ARMY 15 students enter ad art competition f ,,....,. ,... ,t .... u '""~ do" •Jwon.Wn,; .n rJ ... _... ..,.,., ••I '""'"' •nr\ in • II....,. fWitpt'WII• "" t'flr'\'«'ll- 1M bo-w •hrniMr.. an llfkl ..,..t-hio•tft tlv ·~ n ... "f1.1~Cin.hfllllcoii.. CoA Drop your guard A few years in the wUI ·~ llw t'Unpl"lflilon. for a minute. Anny can help you ~.-...... 11 ..... 11 jlol«et ._..h.lori!lnrlllck ,...... ad•'t'"--t.. ita ...,.u.'" ... Ev~ 1hough you're get n01 only the rftt...,..r.a..~~·odc-""-~ in a rwo-ycar college money for tuition, ....,. ~ bPude. ~·· rM, .. rn­ IUWW In ..t,.,.,.;.lllf an. N•L right now, 1here are but also the maturity Sbro ..... art ,.,-.r-.n hrt• ..."" many aspeas of the to use it wisely. ~~~'*'""'"'b.""wr"'l,...,... •• tlddwbr.t :"iC• Army you might find very atU'IIctive. It's true. U you join the Anny The Anny has a program in ~I """"wo (V'rtifnll'• ul.....u. Of lhNr Maybe even irresistible. with two ye81'll of college:, you C1Ul which money you save for college :.U, ~ ...u ~"' t'l'rtil~ul U:• Start grades the """"""" IN ~ ,.;&~~ '*'"" ..-. See for yourself. two pay higher. lnstead is matched rwo-for-one by a~~~o-.rck•j,JI ~\·• u.wt"'-troph). of being an E-1 with an empty sleeve, govemmen1. Then, if you qualify, n.,..,._.,., •...,I)Jbf',;\ttlllllldllawlft u~~\)\o.t:. ROTC ICIIVMR you can come in as & 3 with stripes. generous bonuses arc added to that. nwo adu•,,...... •n dt'parlm••n If you're thinking of eventually b means about S60 more amooth So 2 years of service can get toutfod ,,.. t'MIJ...Utiml iHt. t-..r. and going to a four-year college, it's not ~(If,_.., pW.o.-.dPllw a.ap 'jO, r01c• in your paycheck. And a !01 more op­ you up to $7,400 for college, 3 years too early to sran thinking about an portUnity in the long run. Sinceyou11 up 10 Sl2,100, and 4 )"ears up to ""n. ..,., ....d lh• ..-.lhrc• ....tJ,. aatlw 111111)" juniur roOqr11 to l'i'ltrr 1M r~IICif"lP ROTC scholarship. be literally wearing your education $14,100. In addition, bonuses up to ..... There are 2-ycar and event-year on your sleeve, your tlllcms won't go $3,000 are available for certain 4- ~llll-t• ~~ ~~~ \lanhll Orde., ROTC scholarships available. l>tbot•ll Abbuu, ~btitl ~1rhlnfl"t, unnoticed by your superiors. year enlisrrnems in selected skills. L.ocwud f•nari. i'hll l'111lcto, C.,. They covcr tuition, books, and And starting out right can really Add in all the experience and • •,., UJ '~lltw, 8oorl.) W,OH • .\n lab fees. Plus $100 a month living '~·J•liiNl ''nn \1anol... •no help you make the most of the Anny. maturity you can get, and you can t:rir bnrnnrm11U1. (:,.,ch• liurm...,. allowance. Naturally, they're very see how the Army can send you back linda Grlbaal• · •nlt \(I\,. •:tl... competi1ive. Because besides helping to college a richer person in more you towards your bachelor's degree, FUR PART-~WDAIC.... ways than one. 1 Old quarry an ROTC scholarship helps you You can get a $1,500 bonus just We hope theseAnny oppor- towards the gold bars of an Anny for enlisting io some Army Reserve 1unities have intrigued you as well Officer. It's wonh looking into. units. Or up to $2,000 in educa1.ional as surprised you. i draws class benefits. Because there is indeed a 101 -With rwo &AIHJIIIIIRyears of college under You also get paid for your the Army can offer a bright person Reserve duty. It comes out to about like you. I field trip your bell, you can get preferential Sl,tOSllt1,0(2SS)AtmyReserve' ...... a warrant officer and the silver wings Booweo,0(2PC) Army Eduouional lknellta. I ~.,..nan ....., tlftl4'd 1M It's something to con- au lllso•,..n.•tddt'""f't) eood&oru• ol an Anny avia1or. You'll have at .. _. of sider. Because cvc:n if you I I least 175 hours fligh1 instruction, went to a two-year college ~ .,_ rod. lonn.atiou, lanJ~a,. 40 hours with a flight simulator, 4 fo.illwde and nra a nauual nlrwlltlf because it was less cxpen- :i1,bfiit>iiau.=------~ fd••td4 weeks night qualification, and lt.rinr thu r..M. th• sivc than a four-year col- 1I ~ot~;~!r.::. tMd r~ enough classroom work in aerody­ lege, you know by now 1hat llCIITtYr ______"lst\'m'nr---,,!Ji,....._ l m•dt.d •hkll ex~ dtiwa drJ. f.-nrt namics, mc1eorology and aenal be-1ndt..,_-~ navigation to last a lifetime. it still isn't cheap. itHOOL Affb!Dr~.,.------~ 'n. ""..un d ..llt. twd fnnnatim• •"' 1 ultui\'f" ~~ 1h.ill p&n ol Tnao• • The resuh is a mo,;arding, ...... llwd responsible and prc:srigious posilion ACHAICE I bM> 6>aaiiii I 1M AU.tle di.A. Cl.. .,.. •Ill lllo!CUh .. s.. -'.rrtootn. nan.h 11"1 .,.... .od .. as an Army helicopter . 10!!!!.~~~~ I Send• OJU(ifiT OJ'1'0R1'UN:rrt1-:S. P.O BOX 1776 fill ,., .. Pa,.__ ,.,...... , whldr ..a..ow,. M-boif '* It IWd • 11111eh c.e lw tr-am• t,d fmm 1fMMiintl ol 1hl. ....,.tllfllfl:· ...... 11E I1MT l!yo~king )'0\1 llH~IIrr VFllN•'ON,NlH" IOS!OE ARMY I \1Qil !:...... ,. tftll'd !-.. U,ir f~1d What you've learned in college migh1 even go further with I uip •• d• pari;. bll "'*'DI'd. )'OUI'collegceducalioo,the • " ,... o_.,...._... _ .. __... ..- .... ~$1!1tiHIIICr..rtf"'('qiA.Iftdlop has already earned you a promotion "'h.d!IP~..,. dtftDWtnffn~i,•tl'lwork 1 in the Army. bQ lw'dN- Cll'l 1-hf:ir- ...... du..U. Armycao help there, too. liNt••:· ------iii u..... tn"N),_ ...... , ... the pad IUICl il f'N(IIIrapd t.od.)., so dw ~-...... FRlOAY, NOVEMII£R 21, 1880 • lifE R,._NGER 7A

f .• Health inspector says I• cafeteria follows rules 0... eaf..t«ia ...... mato~ant thf""f' h.d.J rul~ llll ~ .,. ~ 1111 IIOIIM" of dw ~ff'terla wln­ no~~~•• .,.n:c• ~J roOoo-.&0 ~r«t·• tar w roun,, dt•WI. l;&u H•mi,...... tdfd abo-< talf'tl'tb .trHdr ha11 !trahh d.o~t Mid m'111tt, alwr • fiUI "" tordrr in for n~ ilf':l"ft'na-.""lf'rt.ioo t-14"11\ihg in•pt"14'C1 •It ft.od t'Untanwn, fuud tiuint llw ""''""""'· \t;l...... u .. .. ftn •~. r ....., ..~u.,..d IUOI.II.l and fMC~ ftlli.. dnc In tJw. r.afrlwi• 'of'r,,. Cnud 4'tllvw hcJl r~ Ulld and mcnt.Q.I fni'QL qWc.l.l}. .• ,olfdPJ •u.II.J.• turntd up. I'm h.appr "'.;~ tiM ..., u .. ,.111 ...... h •~ ttw clWt"'~ 11)-,lt'm, "hkh ;, ··•·or tM tJ f"Md th. uiNrt.. hAt•fh. "'-ffllrn1 s u;:,r.arrt,.rU. ba-donr • au& of t~~urkon • "'"''run. 5.ln ,...,., COtWoi ~JV'...... lt.1 uf lhmart-.- t".LM:nlnc ..Jd. Ftol-4m, .. tun.wod •lad«< • ml­ vr• .. --~ Lror'Jlf' •.,.hun, dif1't-1.111t <~f diaJ.n, li(T\{(Itt. -.dckd hc kw _ _,,, 111•in.. t)n "'-IIW I~"~" In thor ••whru. Mairuoo dw .00.. (uuhtain tuJ ,....._in th-mm'• Yl ft~ll•tlml" rtnf•k"'~ tH ~~~ 1h.t r.aft'ttria elun...... uoom. 'fh.- IYIIIN ttf Jorol.J~IIUI ,U. ~t thto two•tlh d(Jl&f'tmfttt 1m" llfM btUli p!ll..-.1 1111"\f'.U ....nil, flltm fl'll'- '"'to • I niakr "1..;, ,,.f rarh TTpclf'l ahn ln~irln .ad wnJ 1hrn1 Ill ltw> Cfl~atlotn ollk:lf';• ht Mid. ~~~-."'lnq t..~(' luf'""'""' t•u•rU.. ~•'nll pru- d'-"'" • k•xin dun can't b. kllkd. ,,.,. nflt b) boUlna \II r'M~)ffllllfi'O t'h«'CkHt f!lf"htahh atd, at t..-h h t\4'W"f•nathat !1-!fld h·•l ,.,. wid •nd \.foi'J'I1111' U f.a.a· ln•JII!I1ion. h. acldtotl. m,.\q .-m ~mtb.n.m. fNm pUjlliJ\I."Iw .aid. ~·u .-ha\r ~1111l111tfllf"MJJ•~IM.J hf.l pin.-ltht"rr.IM~:~-­ 1"f'nl(li'nllur8 in W.. tafeu.tia:'11 h'lricmllnn and '"' •Ill*- fir ••linK '"u dM! ,,...,., 'l t al.tO h.a'~ • f~"""•llro.lff'l"t1h uttcfw-!lllc~ F\r•rnilt.C oitbt...hJt pup th•l <:u«ntr. 1tl ft~lffl 3 p.m. h• Jij r.m.~.. ··•hun ,..... ,, l'hf" n"frtrr•""-"' •)•ltom .....Ls \"J ...... n, .. Hr AdtW tl)fl nUH.f"ria 1t»U '" •• CIJ)Ki() If".,.. v•mprnm,.._ "ffl'l •II "~"~;thin 1-11 tn ~l df'lt"""'· a1tl.l ··ourinc .untn•rr "*"'hA "'f' hnf' •lx"11 • fot&nh of that w•• dnrlna llw tU»Lh ru-. Durina • .a..~,.1' liM ~l•lf "" ba\r durina •o~:t.•llf'.tm•.• t.....-ld ~. tbt tfmJW'f"anu~ ._,'UJd pr-o•h•h~ .,_. 111 &h,. tlnnlna t.clt'IIJ\'III'ndfCilhr C'Afrlni.t •IJ&ff, ~ ...- h• .....s• -1 llun.l th lilhl' I t11o11 •d d!IJC'MI(C. but I du Lhlt•il l .... ,l...... ,_. ..ld lN I~"''*'__.,..,. u,....nt bno_.., ~.:ha';..~nd.. ~= ,.r:ft -=~ ';:..: ,..rwna,.•tr. n-f'l-il'll;tlw~do.-.''b.,-u.J. .. rin•llll.t ...... II• .._. •hhoNth "'-:h1 ..11 ol tu L'-'1 .. niiOf'r ""'"' "- In m••~al Wolnll ···nl!' ,..,. alw. ,,...._.,,, - Nt;h '-• ..--111. ...11 ~ tllll ••l -. .,.,. neopt fmm f.IJi11 •id II Ill ..... t!J l'fli.ut.-...... ,._ ..,.. b,aiJ•• .. ..., ...,... lk-rs) 11.. ""'-uw. ..w. f'"MN"IIt, .tliol. ,,,.,'.,.nttfti, IU•Ilo•ll '*' litt'DI. pnob....._.. ftum ..,. lh e;.o 2.1• Lolln• ••• nu-. .,_lfllllhur'l"l ~irfn•.,.ifttr .... lot-.•o.., "ll>·.,.fat...... lwldit.ll· ...... tQ .,...-tv .. wt. .or- Mtll P1 - thrir b,...... 1111' lhln~ttr '""' lh', lhr lito.,...... '"S&ah.. lin &f"PUnl) .,"".....,_ t..01 1of rtiP,•nllo )tola,• hlo -'d. II" Ul.t~it.• ltv I'"""'' ••, '1•1 l,.,..~ ,,.., ,...)~" .a!'!! 411 .. ~ fl* att' 1o f,..l nL. and think thr, ·,.,. )rolt 1'1 lti..('IJ'frftllt•lllot•','')w -~1 •tu.dltlll'.palwttt• ...... •l• .....-..(II;IIIWt' •• ~~MXIitird~~t• ll•!'lp'l'.bt.tfutald«-.,;,..,..,."tw. 1\imJ····a... f.JI" -'d f•rP\iuu" lw,...... ,. lit lofHty~;Y.dwff: .. tl

~ •f'OO'-'J" ...tmu hadmam..Gn, f•,u.,itf'lloll.l. ..,. -. -t.t,... mn "-· btu OurW. u,.. ..~r~ dlf"rrl ""•'"'d(¥WI._.,.,,.,..,.. A~ttrrklu• t(JW&rd thrm "'hfrtahro••at.-.lto. o..,..,,. t ... ~ .al.~ ...... W.., 111d 1110ff' 1l~t rift ln••"l ,.,Acio~ hrw •• llw-1'1' • .._h.. JU. u...... • flhllloont '"""' llullud. -m. .at thU ,..•• l""" ~~.not fn.n •WI) •\rtk lnilhafl tiw)' do in \lt"r.iot!l"• dt..V ....,... f'IIJ(IIIll) •id ,.., ooUcN. ~ trw no1 •M-.raittc 1 !if..W...... "' ..., ,..,.... - -uw­ .. ) tt>pCf. ~ ...... •bout 10 ,...,.," • ...... ,...... , "' .. ~ .. dw ll'k4'\l Cno-pi 111d llw \Mtrbol .,. ...~ J:lff"~.,..ll\ttf•>~•~tlriil!l""lnlathrit ctlll'd. h alw """"'" h« "'-' ..,.. ..,..•. "•w..r\.m•e~m(ot~.ooll...... ,... .-.dill~ 1rt Uw fl••ioJ~Ia ..rit~Wf~IVItm . nlll Jw a ..olt'ltidf .-\pc:ntrlk'l' Ill)~· Oafi(IU "»~••I f1tl \iuQ ..ld .tNo tU!IkWftfl•,~·dilttfft!t ...... ,,... " f,)tlo.!....,.• ..-.,....n.~l)hi~""'IAiflilh "fbt-"' ...... WC-'ij,j..\...,dUlrrial MU~rPtdtfJft'ftlt fn••-..:~••o•o. r."41td pNS:oM Wft'P I"~ WI.• frir!Jdl) , Cnll tiw-W...., CNWllJ"t. \tt>'\K-J, ...1 .... ~\'Uit!J1itl'flpi-~ P•t.ttNI t'ma•,._ a!oo W \t,Uo:., ...;d ,,....,., \(Pt..-"""' ..;.. ,.,,, .... ~u.m...... Mn,rr .. ~w.. tlw 1....-t it hatd lo m,d. .. ,,...... ttH"l· WUIP UIAI J~ hrrr f"-IU ...old a 1* ..ld lh• HllRi 1-.n .,_ dJ~1 'n..­ I) whijfo~uo -a.iUao..,... \nwftr... Ctl'ld W "&I 'ad"'• ..t. .... t •1'hf!rtl ho't m11c:L l•t•r· ft...... u.r..-.'" J~en-.piul~J­ ..:Id. Crwpi, • C.&ho>llt-m-. ..,_, .• ,.,. uwcl 1o0 llw -..niouhuft J.f \nwrir&lfl BE KIND TO YO UR EARS AND YOUR BUDGET Shto ulot wtwft .hr t!WI" twtf. .lw BUY YOUR CAR STEREO to meet today AT MOBILE HI-FI

fi-'I'JIUI..tkao MIJIIW'""" fur rfnrii.Uo'll• 14 h-'l'lpr.- ft.~•ldoe fOf d•r~••~'~l ,.ttk •• ..rtw ••"'-'· d. .-b..ji411V ~ , ..rl \lilkt-. q,~ .....,_,. ..,.,... JET ... ""...,...... b._....., n.r. •..,rJ t'91'nltbo. Sh.t-011 ~hlinc ~ 1t.. SOUNDS AM·FM CASSETTE WITH """ * AUTO REVERSE JS-8002 ~~.~. m-..,oG * Locking laat forward rowor>Q (~...... ¥10tl)r-ot P'O" ' * 8 walls/channel eu Cor*"'V s.~ 1 ~ • .., f111'1'1 ~ ....,..,_._... *Four way balance·fader ~()'ll. r~~ * L.oeal/dostance SWitch Y!IM. t.cvll fiCIIM& fN~ ~ *- .... 1ft ,.,..,. l(W ~ llllhrt,.~~ TWO YEAR WARRANTY FMII'IIN!pOIU...... ~ ClfA ,....._,...,.,..,..,....~/IOtlt'l'l. ~ '"*" Mobile HI-I'I Real DeB// $9995

~~ ~-· .. '•.' I ~·· . ••••. ····· o·. -· PIONEER AM-FM CASSETTE KP-8500 I All You Can Eat! Zoaty c»eddor e- . Muy l:luono frijOles, (mem·s * DOLBY NOISE REDUCTION gOOd beans, l:lutlOal) Cr,.p lenuce JuiCy tcma1oes Pile • Locallcflstance Swolo/1 11 on a fresnty macte {ngtn before your eyes) ta-warer1<1g I P.smaci 6716 San Pedro 822·5014 L ------Instructor warns students of obesity, circulatory probl

~ ...... ,...... (;-.-. ,_.,.....,.-...... a..,_ ...... , .. . .uw. .. ..w t.-., ...... ,._...... _.... ---.~ ~ ..... ~,...... _ ...... ,_...... ,__ ,....,...... _. ... _ ...... ---- lllt .. ..., ...... , . n. ...,..__ .... a..-.a... • ~.,.,....,""'.' ...... r_. • .....,~...... _ _.._~_.., ...... , ... ..-...... ,. .,...... IJW ...... - •• - ...... T• •UU.....,•idi• ~ __. __ ...... ruwol - ,.,...... ,_...... s-...,_... .,...... s ...... actidn.., ...... llO,...... __...... r: •.,,...... • ,. ., hlclt ....,.... ,,.... , • • .. • ..,..... MtMt, " ... ~ ... __ .,~.-l.·...... aad ...... --~~-·"!-- ".,~..,...... ___...... ,\ ...... _aid. ,-~ .. ,.....,...... p ...... ,...... , ...... ,...... , ..... ,ow ••-----M., ...... w ...... , ..... ...... w..;..-""'-·...... lh,~•ldt•~,...... ,... «\ftlll .. - -!r ..., •• o.....-.-. w.. .,.. &M.-. • _...... ,. ...w ...... ,..,.m...... ...... 8 ...... ,.....,.,,...... , ~ ...... ~ ...... ,...... :.w ..~~·::!;:: -:"!..... ~.= ..,.,., .. -a., ..... "' "-' ~· ...... , .... ~.,'*' ....,.,. •• •-td ...... ,....__ ...,..,.,-t, lt.... p.*wdl ...... ,,...... ldlii!UA.,•CIMIIIDr~ n...... bro.I,Jw,.f.Jur~_...., • .,...... , ...... ,.,.... Mil s,..n~ ....._ 1., tiw. .... Jood ...... ,.;tw ...uu-1 ,...,_ -IJ twwthuuirhMiaa-.ll~~~:~-nl fho .... •ndndlldf('ftU.alo:uJ .....,...... "' ...,.., ~· ,., ...... \ ...... ~-·t•..t·Jirc.l~~ 8-' ~- .... ntarn , ...... ,, ... ·-~~· ...... •• ,..... "' ""PJ~-- ...... - f Student, parent semnar

stresses understanding ~Mirll_,t.e,olffl'f~'t'Uruthl""'r.>i• tlwo f""illll'd pt•hltt• ..,.,,..,.,~~nt n •m•n•· "tlutt_,WI bt.~"""'-ta d.M 1 kn" ,._.,.,...... _a '-• .. cnnrw.J 1"*''11! ,.,._ •lo•afw .... .a~.Nwllota&a••,\Oil"'""'' tholo ''""' to \ram • toe abrvt U:uiMift... .,,.J~..,....Itaf'tft~tAJt ..tar ~., 0...... W,ot1•111 tl111.. I \ta11~ u"'""-"• •~m•> Not (IINII&-.rtl • .t 11 • , '""'" a&iwo ....,'-'• ...... 111 ...... 101. It! ..... t...,, ,.. '" l ""· ... '"l .. •1•11~ ...... 1'hf' puMI,... '• larl•••••d ~Duu." fJ•I•I ,..__, ... 1&-lowJ ....• .,,...... --Jtlft•·· ~'~~~al:...u..: ...... n..lf..,(;,...l \a­ - ~ .... l ...... 'lt.wl ,_,.. "., .... ~,t~t·..., ...... ,~,,_ ...... _...... -.~ ...... -t- ~-...... -...... tt... -a~ .... t~~w...._..r.._ ...... ,..,.!IM.arn.- ... '-"'l.._....., __ ...... ~ ...... ,. I -a, •nu f,.. •- .... .,...... , .....o .. _...... , _____ .;,. Director urges use of facilities Work-study jobs available (:nn.. ,. ..,.,.. . .,.,.s, 1111-•t• n• .,.. .,..,,.hlo- II• • .., ...... _...... ~., ... ~...... !!o••H' ...... ~ ...... ·~., ...... ,.,...,..,.. ..,u.-. - ..._..._~ ..... rJil.n.... a~ "''"' utr a~mpu• ..... p., .. .,.,. libu'l"• t•h• :\J,_.,.j, {...,...... (Mrtrr. p.,.,~,...,Dit c;u.. l.luJW \ • collt-p •OI'k· .. m•h '-''lltii~Mtor , .. t.n ...... ,...,.,..,.llaYr • ....&thf.ll .... lortlll •lt.~•ll"tttt lo.) fill ~ll.oHtiun.• ulf-c.amp.,l. "·~ tt.,...... ,, ""...... t..l ...... wiol ....." ~ ..."""',...... , ... mo.o~or. .... --...... ~- ClUt ...... ,..,...."'.... , .....,,. --d·w...... Ann.marl• O.,bff.t;t...... W. b( dw" .. l ...... ,...... lrpo•.u"-"arr naola.l>l-. n. .. ao:hmW ......, 1- ....""' in•lllldlll.... ···~·""..... " ll'l•n• '"' Jo.,Jr jc:Jt~~ fur diff~"n"nt itHhft.l•. IPCiu.hna ...,.,.,..( • u, •••,.-\,"' n. Cll'"" hi~ .. tlrtdt« \d· ""ll~lA•tw •rwwd (ol rt..d.ououw .. n...,,...,~...... ,...... ,ol!t'("'!'"'t•l .,.IA-rrJ.Jl"l" lr~iot)..,.,.,.,....,,, ... l_l ...... IOrff~FW.~wot. • J"I. '"lll~Not \~ra~r..,..., It• fii«J.t,.,.,..,,.,..,... •• .t ...... ''''· 11 1 011 ..!';:::;:1~ ~Jft~~m • juh • loludttn ··•••J"" rrr .. t. .,_,,.,.iiJoln!l .., •.~ •• ,.. n-o r..m lAaJ. ,...~.""' ~•"· "'"'lftl· ~1.-.1.,.,. '*" 1.1lk ''' I"""' 1 wol >OII!>W.. In lift. tlfl!"•tcr-o ... IM!.i., .. .tW\ n.. ttdtal.-.1 "''"'"lolol•n ._ ...... ,,... " It '~>•miJ brnt"fit llw •t...... t•ll i11l,r, rut .. ltn m•• , ..... ~. h.•k ttn~nt. ••u .,.;d lntr.,...trd th~ntt Mould 10 to tf"" infr'""•tiol.. hhr.,. 4Jf..,. •• """""IF art~t .,....,.wal .._ Ht1Com 312 ,.f t)..arn,.r \dmlniw-alion c;..ntf'r hl•llf\1) fur r.M-""'*"'"· ((H nt'IIM".rttf'•trr ... ~.,..... nl•m•J .--.nhjublttfvnr11111""' Taubert believes smoking harmful .... , ..,.,, ,...... flo;,, ...... ,,,.tJ l)a._""' Jltrn, batok Jn11J1 r>MID:H'kar, • .iJ, '"In nrllf'r jl_olt ;.,,...... J• .,. A,..... , ...,., .,,..• .,..~,.,_ JIII'OII....,.inc uf 1hr Ba..W Gr•ru St!,JCirnl f:l"l«:ibdil, r..a... ,...,,r...... ,. :\,.,.., '"'' I"""-'"'' uf 0... w.ho .\1 f.-.t IJIIH'f eru" t .. ••tloolr•'"•t ....i ...... ,.,.,. ... t~...,.... ttotll,..ll- r.a.. il. .. Mt ...,...... ,... ~ ...," .... i .. l-1 .. , .. olt&f1u-.huld ""'•1•-.. ··od , .... ,. • ..,...a.~o~, 111 It'\.. llf'IMIIt'll) bt ~~ , ... ""''... .. "'~~.. ·~~r~. ~~:0n:h!.~'::·.:.uJt.on ...... , ...... , ..iwlitmH..t .... 1..a-t uid ,,. ,..,... , ...... l'h'- ...... l ...... )uU tu n'e(11h t--. emta.l .... &ou, "- ~- M•) ••• ...... at.,,..,•• ...,., ...... U., ['fl'l ..,,,. an rlwtp dW 1nW • lin» -'-:hi• ...... _ n.ntJdn, •Ill ...... ,.... _ • ..J...... ,. ..., ...,\ ..., • \f... , JC.h.'" \...... _..U.I petifnl 11111.1 ho-M\;w, ...... , ••• ••n .....wbf.lw.~•..,areb! "' Center to provide free T._ ,.,.,.ta•l cha'"''"• t llllaa .a.oolol. \~f'IJ>k...... Diatlll• ...... _r.,.loju.r,.,.~ T•••• .W. It ,_ tAl ,_... tholt ...... '"""..,. ""'- _, bot "-"illc T..-,., •n _.., ... lmrno~ _....._ • • \ f,.... l&W)I·..,..., ~~~oiU t. .J'IftAid.d lur .a.vdrnt. .._ J I;. .tl} a1 ...... ~~- ...J .. ,_.,... - ...... ,...., t.M t'lf_. da, •I dw ,.( 0WM ...,tadftt.t ,iw ...... ­ ...... _T~_...... _.,.,..·-- ...... ,.....u.. T...... _...... --- ...... _..,_... II. ~~~~!w...... - AL-EXAND£RS ... a cafe '1ar. .. Happy Hours 3-7 Mon-Fri

for ~our PI~"'U't' "'... nfh.•1 ..,001 -c h~u .SJdl&.. mmon -D.arh & ,,ore

Houn: 11 ·2 .1m Wrrltdoi~J. I prn-2 ilm Sill & Sun It thcllan ~et And 7l2·lJ10 tho s.1mn lau lfeatmoot osquahl;ed men 01 00 ·~•nty. they s~re the same~ They &ctlhm 4 sk;ll Fu~ tan ;n servong theor country (cxc.cpt rO< •l<•w combatspoellttles). lhatarc~caiJ'<"•1 a'f't OClu.JI Of>PC>rtuoldW Can Army Opportumj~oqua edne~day is ladies' Night. Come on by for 50¢ bar 223-4392 Wdrinks, fro:ten margarltas, and mugs of beer! ASK FOR SFC RESER Cousteau urges environment protection

"''IMMna ...... ,...... tl_el ~ ,_ .,._ r..._.n~~oo..-• _,.• ...... ,...... ,..,...... ,...... ,., .....lkJ&..,dMal" ...... _. n...... '-o....c:...... w ...... c-..~ ...... ,. ... ., ...... :...... o.J, ,...~ ...... _ ..til .... raawd.ct.IIM ._...... T..t.. .., ~.._ ...., . .. *...... ~ c-...w_ ... _ ...... "-"u..t_,..._ ...... ~ ___ _ ...... a.t&a..., ... ~.,- ...... ~ ...... a ...... _ .. w...... li ...... n.-...... a~erta.,· ...... -...... ,.,... [._.,- ..... lit. ... -- _ 5fat...... -...... w ...... , ...... t....,_ ...... ,...... c..a _ ... ,,..., ...... ,._...... -n..,., loJ-o--loo4 .. • ,...... ,, c.....-.w_ ...... a~n...... _....._Ttr.ia ...... , ,...... -...... ,., t-_ ------­...... c--...~ ~ c-.... "GloW,.., ...... ,...... , ...... b .... ., ...... _._ .... -...... ,..., ,...... ,., ...... C:...... ,..aitu~rl ,.,...... -.1....._ ...... _.ct.p_...,_..,...... _,._, ~-~ __ ...... ,...... ,.., ._ ...... ,_ . s...t. Gllllllai.»•J-...... ,._...... rt.lft...... "' wtrPnd ...... ,_ c-..w ....._ _.., ~~~·.:::: .alw. ,..__~h ...... , •• ...... -tan.W.•dw~Ytd:n-..11 -- ...... ,t.diWr••• ...... ~::t ~ =:'.:::.· ..:~·.: ..... ,...... ,...... --.. .,...... ----- Ranger

·cal landmarks make San Antonio unique

••• .,. ~loll• nNt'f'f to lht fif•~'tl~n diM:rin •• Wf'll•• to •• ,.....,.,., \ tad.h.m. C'"*Dt 84•• aact 1.-t. -\rm "'~'"\'"lt.f• d~t~ !'tt, l)auJ .,ra... ~~~;~,!·)~~~f.~: !:~--~;!:-!·1:.• !::,';;.:; JCt'tonl. Jlla)fnJ 11 pDpuler nt,hnpol:llllU tbP \f,JM "• art-1ninc 10 ,...•tOtf't tbf. area to lhP u.wfulcwo~ 11 buUdu., 1Mn In ha'• bu•lt • ,,.. ,. ..uw. l.haCitdtanddw \,.-.,(.;rill lhr•~"llm.alftnl ClM'l' ...-ntd, hl>th to downlM\n an.,l liM- lAM 3ldr."' .. l ....JI) ~ bculdJIIC ro-1• ,,., ,,.., ..a.,.u,. ,.....-of ,.,.wt, ftli.•f'd. cit)·•ldt ·~ .\hh·Jottah ,._ lllu.At'fl hM auruW d'II(Jrf' pcul~~~MI a bldld&n& arf' Ui,hiJ) J""•"'r lh•• ut ~ul "' Dt"WI \'•Jfto TN~ Palll~"" ..._"w~tU.Hnt.hdt~rifta: b\1>1,.,.,_,. •• ~ tu ehof-. HoM &I'd~... lltniN.kWI, btlt tho- ••1d .Jnllltrt ii-M&.att) Ia far.,...,....., frotld 'ar 11 and d)• t\.l)fQtl 'lw !wcua.w ol IJw thlo "l'•'• tf'll,lau:nuu• !Kid ni&bl II(Wlb •W dn• l)illl dw JII'W o-lt.rlll ._. mw-h to-.... fu' olc1 hui~ ..... tO ...,.,,. ~and fh'ltht ra 1 uafr.. IIUift\ ~Jroi-'.,. illtu d... &!'ft. )UU u.u<, ron'd' tla.t ...f'&d. 1M pupa..J.n1., uftbe atWJmobD,r. ia tbelq-A mNAt \l" •OJ ha~ .. a taaiiSbtr or ~tt •bldl•UI s.a \ntooiO .... ~ ••• w.wr In "'*-'•••• bed_._, tat tht nilroed •nd 'l t•a.a '~an tum. and ptYWr"<&IIOQuf bu~ ,_ lfw "''IOUhMNt, Ia pHI lnadJ•tiOftto~ra&hll.,~""'"k-P tht ~':{ =~.:~~: :'w't':. ~ ::;':,.~0:.':7!.: .,.n btru.w ttl llw ..0... .tfort. cJ 1hp ~ 'ntoalo _,.,., ...... lwlf"'dl '""""tlw-­ 11-h.awktM. la,.._.,.·,J.-t.bulclowaaa.ip..... r.._ r~a•• 'urirt\o ...... ol tJM. ~am.. ftllicb,brotbood ...... , altft'11Dl.a...- -n. (~utbll ~ ha• W U. rlt) •far .. llwuld '\\t-.c: 0 ~ l~n \n&olftio \b,l!llal*"" .... ~·"'""'"el:fft'Wnal ...... u!:-.'7. ~..: ~t._":. t:7:::..:! lunftl' "'.appl, Co. I it c.o- ~ twDfd into a ut.t of· ...... ,w.,.,...._= Tlw""""""btlw:>~.l'.al lito """J''n .... """'""""· .. •albo tJw ...... lb.. ettil_.. tow.rd P"'"""'•d.. It a tradldon th•t ...... , ...... ~ ... ~ ... lll.r: u .. nlracw~•tUd-ol ,...... , - .-.tabiWwd ""'" • "-" llalwwo r...&ad '"' tu. n... do ...... k.. oll:...C"~aDII-·' u .. ,\,t:;t;n ~. • ·~ __. * ., ...... loO ,.,.... u h IUinftf ....,. dw \lamo,. ""- ...... u...,.. fur~M ,.,.....In pa1 ('Ct8tl' from ~- Paul ~. •ill ..,. a ,._, 1ft. ....•datCif&i.m•.,..flrlw••••_...... _u...... ,...... lhoollol.laa--..... ,.. -...... Pool - b\ Ill r.. I ...WO.. '"" lhoft ""'"""' lbo 1'111 IUt'l' lfrwn. •iD b,. ..o, ....,,"'"' .,.. &Jw. lt•.W.t:tr-ol~ ...... ,.,wutta-. .... lhfnr ... _ ...... ,...... ,._.. ~·ol~- ..... Qlfp baildiDr that .m ~ tiw .....,....,... :-.:..• ...... , 1tw l....t. hMlr "t' * Mwoa dc.1tw aod • pbanu~ ...... , ...... _....., ...... h_. .... no." Pool >qun ()ft""-"' '"-' ...... bl w~ . J•ha,qado«or•dw- ta•S.S.wUI ...... Oilll ...... ,...... _ ~ pryporoc~.., Jon~Q ... hrlp. fdl'laH&ftit, .,.... - .....,..MiA...... , ..... em:... Ia...... ia .nc:w.sac-- ~ c,o. dw .. Pow.U <~noo~tJw...... ,...,,.__""u..r.. \lre::...aa Ilk' u4 Fotd., A Cano. Int.. thor .-.... ~t:...c...... ,.,...... ,u.. oltht~l raul~..... f'flllln~· .....~ So, ~- 109 wllh tlw"""'""" 1-l..... lorlho.,..;..t ...... J..,flllr.>. l)o,. .. &Ad ~ IDC"•• W b, O'el ford. •bo a """• tJw--... r..u.. "·- r~opo~ 1o II>•:. •• J...... ,. of 1970. t"V~ t'lftf'll\J' ,...,. .... p-ojetf I ...... ot aU, I h,.,oo tht r.... SdaaJ W..,..,.. 1- 'lito:• d"' IU"''-· oor firm ha• planod ilft'llt Hnphuit bua thf '' l)aul err• .purml t'\ft'llhu'l f~ M"M­ cl..,.to ...... -d,tllno.,....,.Joldloelld-omd oo •ndlptto 111 .....,. arfttlt«tunt ...t • ....,. al ..... hal r:htltt'b bu&ldJur 10 ladW.. '" thlo ""'nln1, a llhMtloa aJI tht) AHd 111 a li.lllf: ,...bilitabaa. .,,a~ of a tiU'It"•.ol·llttrotf'tlll!ZJ nh -.u-h .. --·~• An· r .., .. •n hii"'111J'\'1 .... f"WM-r ..w. ...,..,. .quar. II rlow LO t.-n aarJ ckaw to 1h.t n ~~ .· · :~~~~!t~:;~.~re-:,~ t'l~mr.-ir;n ,,J( tm 1 ""'"'&uttti • ., I •·'-t-It t•• dW~ nf th" , ..nmumltt ~~t~ r~::.!~ t:':~·;h~·=~ .!'u;;:, Oti\M•utlt II.,. nrnl Clof ford, f'cnu•ll and Carton 't'l&l lllfUiu .. 4Jith. nU'I'I of .... u•• n ,,..,... ,n .. ll•• ••)4,. tn)m ~•lion to Pl"t•,.,.. '••I•LJ ltu,~ll., ..., , r ••• Squart~l,...•t~ lt N!'c't'ntl) '"'·~· the dtt oo t.M raW.t~t•l f"ol~ittl 1n 1tw 1<111•1•1• 61' manJ r rc'd 'j. \ •'""""UlP ao~l "'"''"q l'trtuu• h1,..... I•IC...I!. lhfl 5>.1ac. ,.,.....nfld • ....,tWIJI•IWI•Ih•l ..-dllt ar\..1 rd 1;: f'.. •,t~~~-~~!f!':11 b~~~!: ,:1':~{oua.;;. ot Mkw'"' •nd 1.11lw "llihU..t.m\"111• tlurln•J'tllhlbhi.un. In thJ• dt•• St. J•111ul ~lll&l"ff i. hi Mllf murn 11 f 1hr ,.,. •• , •• • \\. tll...J tl..- ""• u1 tw.,in,c ,.,rw.- Ln • l..tft, rt..c.a1111n&a anoJ nia••trlltt.. f~•tw&"* llolorllbln'ffl ~~til,.. It uo~•I'W' brld, thai ,.f • J)nuail;l emt,. hi hia.~ ..t irt plat.. , and th•ld.. ul duu •AIIIlf1 and dandnc thrh·,.J •••h th. .,.,,..,1 rJ pruhll-.Uoo. f'!'llf'oomk Pfvof.-ll) "'ttl hnp..t11 ~ ~ ·f tJ.tllll•l," F»h.. r •••-t. 1M bladiC , .. onmumht ••uact.,.ltUII h •r~•nt.alnln" "''h.ah:utL• 28 THE RANGER • FIIIOA Y. NOVet.'BEII 21 1980 r

Duo entertains crowd with tefreshing, original'

'""""' lb. Ml.l)l)olilti toWI4 lli ...... ~ nctim~. ·n.,. bottb ~aDd Riulhr) •nd flrcm:l"'• 1 h.u.ha..d 1nd IbN ITt.IIOnqtp, lJw flllr.l npltilwd ""'doo 1h•t1 J*)f•C:h .,_ ..tloi')IU b.­ ~ed • .,. •1d. t.he; aud""-r ... had. wif• lf'QI, f't'~bHlfd 1M;r fihb .1nnhf"'' ' 9..,Nt,1'10"'uf'llln~ "nd ~~lh..., idt~ocl _,lt!~ml.wt. L'I faa dw ro.l all.od -Hunw "'*"-:· ...... h'• '"*' lil• .,.·,.. f'Wnot~ttnl) "-••d~"' thr n~th"'lhha.r- ud pro~~ ._..., nnltoan)etl._, tn~\1"lin,. olrii:,•IJ. 1,.._ ...... f.'lrm.lq..d.. " IJCIDW'iUotlrl-r; d'u ... ' •..,., ..., .. fl'llo)..d .. Ill I.('IIIJtl ,,, aboul "ith tlrw ~.-....u .. ~t~~im...ttluiJU..Hi4 Tlw IW'U .oft~• .,lltt 4)fl thf ••II..... ,,...,It!• .. TJrw. .one'· '',.,.a .. ,._. CMJ.,., t"'"' )'*'J a ,... dwir ....., from • ~~otHoor.t....,. •""""'lAC· •cnrr~'" aad ts.. 4.... dwftttrhry kM t.hlnr .._.,• .,.. tuWC ·~ J.., l''&rmi.u, .. ~ •...,.. nu-. ~ .....11 ""'...n~. ""*''""f...... No~li'u.llntnd '* ..., .•• , ... , .. fcof'll)l"d '\(1'1. J! In llv c~rtNI'w-IW tho!r ....,.tuut~1 ... 1a•P...Ufftiii'Md. tn~IM:' .."J..m-.. ...Kt ~.m.. ., S...ntuM ~ .. ahovt .. ..,. hatJ. frWftll ... ho t~l "'" ,,.. dllft aopr~wod •nth 1n M!lll'll..tior­ n.., ,U,..S aaodwr hn•..... I' 1).)1)"1 1'br "'*pto,..Jd""' ...... 1-erwd •lot •uil,..... t. urinop dillom ~~ ..kM'~M..W~ot~ .,..,.,tf n~ ulllrd ~...t I>U'*llblt.. 111 ~ft'P our t.o.. ~ 1o0br boubd. Shf.~~tt~fli'Od fit~d1"f b.lnaentlw,.,t ··~ fthof'f'. h ..... t ..I1·-.!Jlto ""'"' .a«~~anlt""' Ull tlw .,._., ••• an TCIII"d-. ••h .,..IN"'I tM nu-d. .-jobo..a.od ...... ~tl'dpU)inl· ~...... _....,_ .... ,...... ,.j ·~kllf"ft("'l tl\~--. n, J..,. nftlllull' qui• • ._...... - t•l•~ • thtn,.liL>th.l ..aQfnf'O.IN ..... IIcd.• UNW '*' dt)d~lor elld '"'"'ill• otlurfo "*'"'--'"' '""' liuJ ...... diAt;tl.) ol ...... ,.-...... ll&id . P\" Ia tMCb •'"' ,~.&. IN-It ....,_, ...nt' '"'" ""' -~ '11.,., ...... olt.o.J<> ...... • Jut.,..,,,'" lo do • loll Cll lhl. •ual .... olllllber, ·~.alhl.. "' Stm.-• I~Ph ll~ l'loO Jllt\... 1 11101h•r ~~til.-.:, • Ytrlti l.rl•bkt,f~did...,.trid.)~ PJ.)ibt t~ftllltUUtb ...db.;., 00 it uo row- u~. z,o lt'• b.. •• U· biltbiJ~--1411.. WWlf 'In ...... F!.ftinc 1\"Mtr."' "'...... ,....., ~ .. r- Jld,., ·~·lot.h•··~--·lflt~n ~.""ftlu-..., ...... Smith Brothers pour on downhearted tunes !!-~.,. ::uta. -.::::.Ati.t~r.. :.:.~~~ $Qpr bft.f'd 41111 I t. 6' Did-o '1"ht­ B-. nwklllla and ....Ual ~~ Tf'At ut~M~. .. Moll S!lll'f'r •nd l rba."IO fiOII"d hom tbe-Call~ \it:.etda)' .. ~,- (cw .~ •• dw til.. SMidt Rroahrn.. • rh) lhn• and Ww• .,.twr~ ....".tn .oo 't.w, 1tf r,.,., .. b.~t~t. ,.a.,.-drOta-.llblt•~•n.. 1'Jow k"QUP •howfllll fu .....,.,.. 1-' htmoar audW.O...... l&h .....ion•1 IlaM (lliW "'''1wor..,..• • ••, ... ..-.u..... w...... Lkt" Bt..dr Rot• ,_ •11'11· .- ••· lib·~..., -urt, Ill dw \tonr pt«ord. dellla wrth d•• ~ nwn... ""' by Erihlq ... ~ nl tlwR P'Olll''• 11.1r- and JtM' ....,_. .tr\lm..-. n...rn..'". ~ '*'• )'OQ •io't "'•l'Oaf l"f' a h(ot ~~JIW -. aU llw nUftlb.n. tlw T'hoo!.,.... n.,..,.,.. •lUI brt ltdr ~flilih B.f'Olho:on t.~t' • roW t- ""' • duolo-1>1- ...... •• ha1 - ...... , w!JIIddn'a ~,. j...c few OIW s!~"!!"'lhr~!:.~ ~ =~; Abu-- tbt ...... ,... " ~· wrium bt "'*"l"' 'lqlot '""' bwhp ...... ~ aad li~ tho. JfflUplJ4urd WI ...... tJ..- IIWitl' ~oal tlan...., "Sfw'• JOt. ca.... -~-rluteetb) ltbi•:""A \1uand nw.-: :':.:.~:~=';.!7ar"!: • 't>md. ·• wrium b) Urt.nv. aod ..-~ ... ,...... ~, .... ··u... a..of)ll ,1...... wou ..... b, lirhl.oo ..~m&o-.t.ttlwt.....W..ta.&c~• ddt...... in liN> de,. ..,.. ,. M~~t ~ • ,.,.,..,...., (,_...., • Jw and t be~ Mo tt..,W., _.... .W..iatbe"J'1.m-~-,oc'll\i&IMIO. llnolwool'l ...... dltrup-..M"*''~~»~a.-. .. s"""" wldt "'' abotd lhtH IIIOOLiu .lid .u.J. ~ ..bc..t ,_,month!..""l~ ...... \I.. ,"' IISt'pil•~fll-·lut ..w. btw. .,. .a .bou1. ~ &twt r. •>"" &~.u.., • -~. .,...(1...... 1 ...... 1lw S.. iah &...,.IW'II lllfMIIIIId bt ('OOQMCJO. •·f\l, ...... ,f!beoat»ud~~~~-~ fd, TW '""'P p&..)«l ...,. imllw• do...... lh.l rtq.W , ...... to St-p w.,.... b.«a in thfo,..,. ldt.Gf'c... 1& tn) Job•• tbel f«1XXIr) ,_. I'WP ...., 1M uo.iU.. huo • :A~ hoaw 11M iN- )'UW .... harwt -~fJlt'uoUtU') ...... bf .... Jill Clayburgh's worst performance 1t's My Tum' fails to point out message, theme IJ TMreu KCICMI'Itkl tk~.... dwH ltl•..,.ll) IL hut.d.r"·~- " ... ' ~Cit)'. -"•"""' otc.I'I'W•'"' h ...... ,.~ Jill Oll!)blltth"• She~... to .... Mdtll&ti.•W..* " ...... fitftt. "''" ..... r-...1 ,.....con....DC'IJ ~a...... bo...SO~hn...,.~. • ~nmctlwt. an. •••..w,..~dw n...... *""..... IIJC'ofNift~ A._... ~~-- .... h'• \h lJ&rn ...... ,,...... ,""" 1\o~ ...... I"UUIItppr.intht ...... otlf't'd-- ...... bill~ ...... C':Mll*'lh ,..,.,...... f"l'eU'1J1 that.. tl'f •""~• t1w n~ laO. in. l!m. •Mh ...... '""""".. t.d ~ t.J tl. 6l.t. "-'•~.• 1'11.11...._.1_ ,.,...... ,.....,Wi,.IW'Bnplwrli<wh n...... , ... alwdtoriocio~~M~W f-•• c.~."~'""~ ~-• ..,_...,, .... ('Ofl'llf .. trtmt twe...... J .... ,.t..aapPrWo~ttoo•ntaW..I•--.1 "., ..C•It) l'f'\~ arotand ~~. W• •••h "'" ,.Unp Uld ..lee • dr...... cul ol•h.ll .... lhin-l·hr~d.. lh hn .,,... ~frirnd...... ,.,_ llrcwbll.ha\ ~ to). ___ .... h•ppt n.--..t..""""' *"1"''-.1 1'"''.-.j a., eh..,. Gro.Jat.. .- ...... ~· -.mooc ..... {fjl M'f11111"•" .,.. 1 d.,.rl, l ..,,j ., \tldwoorl l'k....tlaa. •'- ..... b; rollld«t .ith I~Mflheo ow ~wdw: w~tdW.. "'*.,..,....,_.,cain 1'hr l~lt.IUt'f ~001\ll~)uHiib ... ~bt wooi!J~. RaM.. Rctt-. •• ...... ,.. .. lb~t- co.hMip in ltlb..,jl' IOlWard r«M h) Lotlc.hut IL'~Ie!J t... pn-t..,.,.., .C ()lllitComfll-n:>·'" puce,.... .,.. t"'c .w,. to "ltt....n.."' hl..,..,_lJ,kalb~ PP.IIfl1M1.&-t10tU)'IO~ tbof>to,-. < 1M ~·t.)". "'"'"'.. J-..o t.-...... ,...... iknh ll•'dtlll Rod• aad ~•II> u.,v,_ Aorb... ~~~qwint .., w F~a tlaat hft •1.1• II) 'fl'!nd .. muth limft p tv-1....,_ "-"-'""• I'«*'• f""fff(''f loekh.r! .... IIIJIDUI ..... kl ,Wt.... .C Dinftl!f'Pl.}N- ~ vitb hli• ..-ty ftMtld da•lfhl,., !MallW tlw \ft1t~ lw..,. thuoot•~o W. ~-.; -.:::.~X-1=. Pool...~ ll911f'll&.alfclrt"'t'"""''k•"~'lw~ m MD" .-p for btl dmt lftiWe War. tft~.WiAc 1.o t.ill n.. pia) C"tfftcn IIMtlftl.l .81d.Jtfot.J d.~.iMo~&~•.bl,-kiMr. Tlw play. llo&b tntl"l'CIII.irlt ~ "''"!). .. w ~ Rulwt.oe. 1"(-­ ... pn;ll"'f'f"'d•to ...... ,.. dliHI hn". •o- PM aiM CTnlH a ~ir1 bt1wf'!ln ""'...... J-kl«Pb'-cftlt'd ua~of'W and wrl•knowo thiAA• thmo I. ottlll ..., •.w., bf'C-.l!M t.~"· Broad••~ .._..,._ ~ Poole .. • ''pro(-looal ttnf:ln.. and Dtot haw • «tl)t\,.... •·••*did no\4 • pthlliMilil)...... '"W'r'J" ...... nt.llll Or (\"fll ...... 'I; .... bH" d.-'> a-.~C~Alf'd ww.h ~~ ..... ~..,.. ~-- ""'- uir• tuWt Poolr'• in~t._. ww..rd tllit lilt.,P~« J,..._. • dvub"" _,. fan~ wlwct dary dwllder •• thtt 1.Uy• Boofw.. r~ o1 ah.. ~f'f'l> Oi~ ,.,. f.ulw ...... ,., 14)COil!lftlO ~ 1ht t<P him around 1hlo world llf, h.J 11n1 maybtl~twith~ ~~~·pl.t,,.,.ll)fllldfd flfdllof"• ·: cbuchtrr ~-u:r:: ;,.:.Jira~)3':: .-...w, • .... J.-ita ltuhft- * -.nw Llrlil', bu' CNJiy fMd H' ..... ~deW • ..... Ill.....,.. lilt'(· II• prtM~M.- ~.Jm. btc'au~~~t ~w.~-kb~...... w .m,_. aboc.a.. Pool. Ia ltamWatttatopcsolcDQW ..... d.o!n ahoi.l tJw fib) aM lhi- .,.fll'rtn> • Kalb....., ShiP Wal'ttl ,.. m:anJ n,..., • .,., .. ''1"11111 hothn•) Thutt'f ill '~"' the411wibmbe ex''" u,..., "'.t('tio.. l Btu..wick~ Cln..d. • ctor emphasizes degree for theater students

rbamtf'lll hr 1111 r~ 1,. ~.!»...- ...) 11l Y011 lu~·e \1) U.... hu. tu fU. • ftorL. al-o.. ld ••lllnrf lnpj w.W to p.tttllldWtoCf'l':f!llbullk'ltJ.-.t)w..,.. alw.,-. Mn~ prt'1.1&rt'd. ~.,."'"' )'0'11 hco rhum,d • am.SI •illltri)Nr b) l.h11 ct.~ and 111111.nocp.,~m.,a.,..•·tt. rlar•• The.....,.. wort. • toe ••• a. ...;d ,io...... •fthul.d.. r"-ure o( hil compt.nt 11 • ,.,... CIQO> ....-. tlncpt\'". ftorU ..w .....,, pt'Ofllit 1fJ lmo dw Rwlt.. "tl ...,_ .-.h·it. I rha to thtw- "".,;,. bu(lfn.,. lwcoati.W ,. dw ~lamour .,..& n. t.n .,._..,., • ""*'"'' '""''"" luftc:oh«* S.turda,.. ··• -w .," dNCCM.,.... .n,..,.. -.~Jotn~iq"""''hr.,..\foon ttOfkl uaat~nu-u,. :Minrd.)' "'fldt lb.. fir.Jd k ICJ 1"'1•11 thr ,.,~\hey fn:m P'llnc Into tht \,..-in.._ bu.1 if; t. Cllt'IU4"n1 ,...,.l'll draat.a 111ajun bocta hom. St. eat~ if &hey ,,..,., to be I.A anor. &W'Iiatt .... u-.. "lch s.. t .....- .....a ht.hJ"Ofk. h'•..Jirirlbi(II')("J11'Uitt4&nd '""''he IJ'OIIhart iollballotl '""A'1 P"'PPe ~birl., O.~t~!UI. "P,.,_w 'J--r-tann-. .. M.,.•• aod 'fdnlty urQ\'ff1iil;• 1M \lit qlfiaaeol.ltct•~•l'lddw.illaCJ~~mo -~ Jn Mll) M't •1111 KC]ftl. ~lho-pm...'bvtdiiP•II.kltlc('trlodW wbo "''~l('lfdi.-C.....dt.." ... ,,,l\llliC>td... li ni,ftt~ ol TIIUI&I S.. A»t:ur!Jo. otuJt) diM&oet. Go I« • ~.., 7ou ~~~~~ctt. hard. Th..,..,.,..;. u., .-...... "l.obtcut~~"n.. dol ..,.,. l)hQid.rlfb ''IJih.,atoWit..Uowr..-iD.Ilhlin:k r.anbefq'Uol~w~b.·'hft•M "\lany llt"UJnl loOday ha\f' tN.t.ticW pba "'If )Gill .. inla \hi! 1bf11,. IIW liN! f!l.• Stnt) .. x.u...... -ty u.,_. I •wld "'"" ha~efour«~a bet-btolvr'• Rcwk.e..., ~ tlw! lor hfcat-tll dw waltift<~. All'adno.. t::itf'mf'flt (Ill jfl•l 10 l.r) ft ~~. dotoll't. ~actonloh«wlOin,to"''-al Rofw.n Rf'dlord .. Dt1•ti" u..n...... , aad .....1 1 bet l.....tllll) di•Pfl'*-ud.' ... '1.;.-film"r.d,.i...... l'ill""" l.kllft. h •f\ollkl """' t..lpr.d ""' """'""' Talli:-wilh 1')oril 1).,, ..An ,\me!rinttllln d(lt~ll!) 1. wh..t I .,-anl:fod lO do. .. b. ..ld ..,. Jub ~ m tt..r.tH. RCrlwdf)N)fii•W"~aA~Wttt~tr~• r-n ..... 1 ..AD)"body \il&nt.ttlf W lw. an &(IOir 1 o~tri" ""''lHwtvlll~liw ..llr""" Ret\c •ld a dfwrw- Jh.. • f,.,..l:l' olf·St ,~,, ~tudtnu ff't1 r,., 10 Cfllollllloa •Ill! C...... ld LhJI ~ ltw d"f*CC!Wnllw •fllfll t• .... ,....,., ~f'l qf d~~t dilorl* '!tid 1he," LPdc~t ttUIC'd "" Rubl!n aM t..w-. f.tintu \lllofriro~tfl ("...,. -n-.f'll' F'Mh-11. .... \tm~...WSddanl1lr •'IUld. 1'he I..J t. Q..,...... ,.a,.,.....,.,,...... ~to I_....·~ ~ld •'• •...S.ou llnt.h ~. at'I'TU-MUol'f'f'81.hf'Mill. •-tlllll'PI"f• .., .-... I""J'J(...J ... ~... bel "'"' "*' ~ 1<0 we• roflrr fOf • "'I., II '*' thl fnll'f'N to •ward "ilia., I'> ..... 1u d ... "'tionll ..m. '" bac'hrtt-;r o1 an; ... baor.h..&n.- j)f riM •1'1.& telw1l1uJttr- U1 to~JiollO~~,tOf"• Th• too'l'ft'OOim!PM*"Id•.,...l«w~.ol ~-.. hua.:otbwalfllttltt-1 ~l't. '&to l.tltll.lo.lhll ...... , ...... ~.., .. , tblrt~ _. .,Ill«! ,Nth.,.. b41 ..... ~l.&a11-an:lll'lfitAI"\I:VpU"f'l\bH',"' wid "'" • r..... •ho ""'&~Hmilwd ,. 10 ..... c;.._...... t \.4d"' dUrtk1o th. IIIUOI~!"!I• hav. dwl...­ -tot.IM!~a.~tt.hu1f'4', .. l.od.ef.lo0o f'-..s.ll~tttdt, ..rt1'1~ll.driMI:tW.,. ..d with 1iftM..

Chevy Chase Charles Grodin


8oth .,...,_am btnvill-':r ...... , .... tQO-,_....., u.rfdJolt thM Md f'S~ laatd .... 0.. Rnl..i.MIIoe. l.altlh• .,. !«'turW, Mid n-iq at Lb.r ~ '*'·r..._ ~ •..ts.,..-,..- CmiiUJ A.n aod "'-*' Ttw, fo.~~d ...... ) .. ., ...... u.. """"«'01., and r~ 1JM' CQW'W ol ,.,\Jfkl • .a.. n.P'ai!Md. L..mb, •• ~ill •11 h.....,. •• dl,t S.. Anconle, Art IAM.iU•If". t.(ll..wJ wtth Jtri,ttb \ftoF..tckn. ~-- ol --~&Ofl"'ttGilheJ~ol Mllfkaad.ak*, 'llle pl(~Crtmlt put olllw '""'.. ,_.,. MU moniA. 1t f~;JCC~M'd 11ft dw W. 110\.. Uon• aDd ~ 1a lM fUty flltfth o1 Spai!WI .-£m«/QJ11ti)OM' PaW. t•&t.... • Rl6~- eom­ J!C*ti(()Od~...... -I.ICI' Stt"a'in'*l. • """"I a. tl.. utirc~ olte)'W ill1h«it 01~ L.mb .... linll.._.t ..Dath'-le dw ln. aad C'.....,. "' l'k·•-.o IAIId ~'",..,..,· IA~t~b ••lei l'kutoO lhfll fro.. U!l81·19'73 ud su.,~,... t ljw-.1 ,,.__ 1~..1'1'!1. Chairman cites enrollment fig

Punk rock explodes on scene with new sound s.,. A~tlOnio it a h..nt·,.,.dr: .~. 1"hrt W ~ w..n to 1w., _.,.. 1111\f' brf.N11111 melt.· ..• rollio •~nd•tlon• .,.,..... o... ~t.r-. .l..- d~ot tof ...... ,.. ,..JJ., oiUtloo ).\'S\1...... lamDI>l..,....,u ...... ~ .. •blll b.• u &ftJ'h;ftC:rutn,..doto-l,l)d.. labt'l ciMW-"'~ lwillnutlllilc'ntolt.''(;oo.. u' 'l"'ll"tl~C"'If'Cf "IIHI1• tb thNwiat dlld-.. f•t 11 dill! •.tit-~ bJ IN S... P•.&. and~·~ h rlh .-. th•• ...... "f'dOft~· Lecturer stresses peace within Coal'llit Gnewl.... • rlkl~ll¥~1""• rw. •....;.. drfuw(l pm\ .....,. .. h ..., Tlw ... brfllliflll j');~ lftfoft "'"'•.,. .... t.._, ..... ~....u.fd 1\fld ,...... """"" ~., u. IIIOIII"ftll'ltonen.l .... ill ...... ·-· .... tu,,. lt ...... bt "'., P"af'lf' \111lb ~- .. lloJo,_.1, .. •llll ,_..." -· '""'• "-'• .,CI bn-olW'd in pbnninf mNIIIUiil)' l)rwy ·111 Jo>irl '"· '" '""dlt~« d.-. ll~t ol:~ft'd\e "'WII le&n"lrw-.4 ....,. J011 1tUJIII, .,dkonat did·'*'~·~· O...£s~'"""·~:.)J4'.,.· ,.... tdJt.or of dw'S... An~ Lltf!lt: """'-n.. a:mowu ~ 6ttlftloda eo dida\'ldidalNwoq,. K- Dlohl • - ..!'-of ...... &...... s.. Antoo"' ~.,._. - t,-...e dMiontaM'IlU ...,~ WJ") )rHlr t'ffton ... br .Bwl.ftt ..ptiOI'tl~~ Btar\f'l.t, ;.m.lia chaimlll. M~~:t.W\blrallllkia"" ..-a..lcaU) k ...... o. the ct.ellod. 8oth Ttw I .illlt arid fb,. \~''" wlt!rt .,f\11~ ... priUtf'h Mllfl4!d ~iliiiOq•lfldnnat.o.att..ia~ . "'"""""·... ,.,.,.~.,,..,,.,,..~.~lf'or~ift. rv.hllc.OM>. I dlil\k u..,. ... ,'" rH''f'l lo IIOftlll"~~~~n INVfl ..., ~· llld f'dlcui.l br;.anl di""l""lil'hl•ld. "'Ual,_ •• ha\ .. ••u,. 'I.....U.• \llr """'""· fh,. apUI.IWd """'' 11» H.v.tbt.~ft~llll~ ...... t..t 1.\..4' lib:a.L ...,.d ....,.,, .... ('..,. Hahpf', • lahc!ntnn' "-lf'IP" ,., tlw ..,., lftrtm'fll olt"hltu.d~ '~ dWaar. a-'. $u •I'..,.... ~f•tt• 1lw< 1•th~wlal )oot'ftiJIMI C~j"lllt"Wnh ....,..,_.. rodQrw H~ ••, t.hiM ~""" "-'• • ech"iltw) b(l•rd ·n.. r.-~111111...- m•1...,tf!• c...... w ...... u ... ~ 111tioMI rlffrt. rM Wltweft i. ~'"'"" r., ""n... .-hortl""'""'f.olf'"" .. l.lllllllm•U•I) I• b..l tt-1-...: It ..y '""""'" r-r ad .... R••"l C•wn.d. at;d fiCfltt..n.'- Ill "Tha H•U«tt amcWcw." R• idf'ldl.._, • ..w. Tbr t'flll"''l'"'\"""• "'d..,..l il• "'.. "'""' • ..t•fl tlojl!irlinrl (;fltlol't-.Jh. .., ...... """""1111 ft ...... tr..-pllirrt dW..W.. bawd On lflttnint4 edit~ ... ~l "'.... '""'...., •• .-,...... _ ·• ~ "'~l> ca~tta.u·•I..Uifto. • G.t-"'• bU"ft.....,.J, •t .._ 1M1W w nitlft-dW

!t"••m)' P'ftl"dl cl ct.. 11 ,QI!O tbkkftu Sf'll Mld wkJtint dw ttudm1 ovbldr lflllll 10 b.! ...... L .. th. C'halrmu heniW'fd-.elomaol~tal thf.~ play• •• -~111*' ia ~~.~ ••'""" Or. _. faldma •od ,.._.._ dlaltmaa,..ud Ia • rte*H ill· clrvl'leflinc tiw -~··· ~w. t..:~~dw.~bllilroof ...P" ~~F.:-"':.~·~ por1 Nld N'iaftJITfn,..J' ~ ~ mt.,. 16- EtNWt. who ~i't~td-. a '"'""' tw-J Sit. •llo ..w Jl'l(lpl. im·ol~...t "' tht •li,WJ.-tb.. 1 or .t..... "' \lhll.:rwnptt. 'Ju.. ...w dn'f'~lal ••J·"'-~ '"AU .,_.1,lk-lu," ~u eD~ ~n:~=:a~:r~~~~,:~~~':&!'::t:t~).~ Admiai.&ratiorl ~tt'r• ..d ,.I'll) arc: 111 CMifd Gl dn•lopowat ....J:IN, .. £pnn- Mid. [,enlaa ~livlllitHt ..uc~tnu ~lahinJ lA) drop • OOW'tl!!' thould p to Uw !)ht Nkl for- • ·~~.... lllllldln rtci•&n,•, ofn~ in ftO(IIm !00 of lo-,.te:Mt Adnatn~rsdon «. J in the Cai!N.hoUN! of WhJn St11d~t t".tontl't. "fnutit"iA.n'• procTam lnC'tud.Nromir nliftl1' within• ""*"tin:t• r,.. mat. II C. pt'rf«!e If fm~ •nd aprn In th11 pu.bUt.

Sra1~ Vaf•f'hh~ .. Wtwt,,.f'WWII" ilthnw • ba~~.kmakM Club to visit science center it"• UIOIM)'••• ItMI bank m..,...... ,.•id • Thf. "J'.. .x. ·f'hto bM~ItftC .,...... _ I. f'lrnh17,f amJ CMmJIII"t (:::lub wOJ vilil dw Uahfftd, ul Jlc•ltb aftH l-hlllir~ ,.,.. m.... hau • Sdtnre C.ntl'!r it. mf'ttlnt 0.. S. ~ k""""~ alblwiin-•mitW.In The~.\loDibr at !p.m.. i• ROIIM JIUofiJwfht1qktrJ·•.-...,. ~Ia.. ~ U.. ~,..,.....U.111 ol a ~m.-.u. burtdine. Club 'ntmbe" •11J w,., tor ~~~ tw-.h.h teiltn~ f'f':nlrr afiH i.ho(' m«"tli\J. IJ.'IIIt&m llak). d»om{,ttt" IIMf,t~~~~.w a.od club ~n.w. "'""" ..ld. TSEA will meet Monday n... c:.mpu• f'.hapcrr ol aM ·r,...,. Stud'M11 F.d!K*tion o\-

Joboppor1unh"- (ora flf"""'b withaL~· ~h,a,.,w~ncod, a blol,.liooal t.lwnpy. f,. .ddrd. "''""' mMi:nr. Uc~ d and Si.n"t•ir-•lao antnde!J p,...... nt.ttioa• on r.­ """' acl\·•nt~e"t in burn R'M"anlh ud: &\·allability olltuwl fur l'f'll'arrh 111 ...... 1 ... ,.Otlwr -.hurt ~lltalionl ._,"f'ft ti\f'CI lly \'&rifMM rtpr'Mrftlali1rel uf tbt aurndi~ tc:bool•. Tbey c:ownd Jlft-nlatlnn l«:hnlq•M'-'lln bM'!t• .., elaNtOOnu.' ~ .tdt'd. " piirl'l di~ tlw IYP' ol mnirnlu•n whlt·b i• ~Wquif'l'd ld ~Mudtm•forwork ln~trWtcr.l••neti.ottaJ~d~~ tlwpn:»bWmofi'ICJGom*-"~••oi'JPI*dtl)m~~.hPtMid. 't'hc nYm prob'm! il l:lOW'IC! C'Ontt'ftl rnr U... nvn·,m-.!Or. ~ ..sdecl LBJ application due today Tocb)' ill tM II• d.a) f~W .rudl'n.._ ,.., •f!S•Iy lnr l"'"O ll~O ")tldu~t Bainl"" Jnhnk.ID atbolarthlpe.. Anrumarla Oarbtr-Gonu~. fiftancial aki munvlor. uld ~ atudenl.* hlrH•tt f*"td up .d.olan.hfp lbfm.t but tt~ b.t.\~ rtturJtf'ld

'""'"Student P4 • W:hol~l.£r •P"'k•tion at tM Mudtnt ad~ ollb 1ft ld'ln Crnt" • th« tinarM"I.aJ aid Mr.,... Ill •. .,...... , AdminiMration C..ntet St-nt. mutt t:•IT) lll.ra•t I! tftiJfM8 boun to appt,. Board makes sound decision nr So'! t.lfot-i..,ot• \fnoda) nbt.h t b) tlNo cft .. tfin btMtd \ld.,,,..,_h • fvn.rutl .ttl~•"l ,,.,_..,•• ,._ .., ..lll'l 1111 thl• c•f UUo-41\ft J•t ff'o.lf1"1) dW' ~lf'rtioo ~ lrJf" lhf' o.r....-irl" n..,. hit• fliCIII btoMl -.ur-d. tVWfiJ"''f'llhW r.piati'IOt •li•l'irl '• iipf,·.,un ...t i1 -oond. '"~lf)llftO(Iil'l't ~&ftrt lahlrin11 atll~tt.'OI\ltllt-- lhrlunnaull~dAl'l.aradnJr.l.ut \••....,..,.tll'tl 1.... muJ h lklu·•·_. publkit) an.-t hat ~ hil -.ot:iadhn AtUif'IW') Gt"'fhl of Opin.'WI 1\n. '1~·t2q, ""l1h lltr d••trirt und~t ft dnc.d fN-,.1-c mflfllh-. w.ttftl J•"· ..!:;, 11,11'{11. 1.ruh.1~• t. • JU'I'Tflmt"ntal bt.Nh \hllllit~,h lbt' \nto"d ln • rou.blir ...... ann "' lrnrn di•~iPatN t"mtll.wmrm ulan tn!Lt,lfndrrtt N>D-­ 11tl Jl \har•·\u. 1he int'"'1fi~Att ~"'" tol'lchll1ttd en • tra.rtnt .,.t~·h •• an t.uaUwnnx. mNWot-hu11l Mc'fln.t~ l · l..JM'll...-..n l.&tltfltmin.ct-.1--..lan. ~11'111' mf'mlwr- of dill' annmun"-> haH• dlVIC'd 1'boP upin~t~~~n n1ea a Mtru1•nn an &hr Otr.lahumt AI· \I'Uihld" ,.,,.. hm.d bton·Dr u( hitt polidc•l IJit with l•lflll') G"""ral'a (Js•inil,n '''· ';~,. 7tt! ti+J7:tl "'bk:b Malt"& IJIOilt•l CllalnuauGrorp flt.unaJr. b.ttdCJn al:t!Qt,ICI~ ... ll'nt'fl\m~ual hfirl) m•' Jlo•l.....,...'" 1m f'"\f'C"Uti'n!.,..... i11Luli.;·u l4• fb.ul'l•• ~lruiun ramV4i_. in Atlril -.ic.n to dJ.. u-.. ""',...J«,.,..u uf o .anhJlfld,. t.~)'ft or t.:.,nnut•l'l c;..,.,., rllt'rulk"t• lu\~ contituJ••t.ul~ tu r..trllt...,. diwii,J.lnt. llf llt'1lntfac ~ r.m il•'l"' ltr. l,ll·rl lnl•f"" Ill r~lt'O r.hfo fttW..'tlotl (tri)('~n~o~t au IN en *"1-..d.tont t'CIO'" .... hi~ , .. nh•ucliuc tbto bo•rd .. i414al4\ll lb.! rna. ~) ll'aflet." \tt'f'tln,p \.-t l>) f\Qf; dJ,.-I.UIJtta dw qwtllfit..llk~~t• cor rm81J!W f'IN:ttd l••t 'Jtt'UI. fll) orl • .,L,Utf~>im cJ ••,..., tl.tlt. vr ltw •Pf•lkaOO. fot tbtt tn pubUt. nol•lf'1JI iUid t~Jl'rl'"""' ldu~e:a+ir.acl'hll""" hUll;,_ ~ho-uM \1 ••*"" tilt•"" vll.hfl hirinc. Ow.l1atLIImeJ ll\11• • ,.,..... ~ ~~)f-l1•11"i'l i.1'1 lhr Jor'f'oot"UHI nf th.• pu.hlw. Ullll'n••• lhtt n\llJII'f', tlv-N'f()ff julllif)ina -.mnrl tbf. 11'\"Mttiu· woioa wliN:Hon ptOt"f"'M ••!JP~•tb d,. ''fl'"Uif"'tf'ft riahl.lu1· ~or,linc to tiM" Oprn \t,.-tiu!E• o\l"t, but C..oruotun l\hii,• .J,~l (.-u.. .arl('lf#'d •n •"~"""' ht rw-itht'f • pnt.lir ... qr rrK"'ff' h Ia I~ tiM" l'JOI].uf the- roll~. U"' ~Dn11&11~1\ ami 11 t~ ~1alkii1'1V') th•t thr ...t~'~-lletnJif'OC""baoc'Pf'n«l "'•r.-dooow«tt''lMdLittblrinc\'libdtlftl. ~=~nd IAI lM t-•nurtunit)" and tiM' n"r~ll' of dM> •l•f"'" an•~ "pbLiir hM·u" th" boan:t 'otHI atthf' optn -~~;1n•. tnlk'l_. f•Uhf'-' lll.r n.U..("' ,1J~It1 hu IIVlblnll: 'o .._ I)) th• hinnc l'"l(fthll"f' tu ,..,. soubllf. R> nc~t t'llwni:n11 ~ "'Wrt­ Aha:r.."•'• cru•lsf'kaU<•n•.,., nt.l d,. --~ h iro W ~ tiot+ , tlw d~ril·t ~tnd thf' '""''""ria~ liiiJ•tiDn. hitinc pro-..,. t~t Ia •n ~icon. Lutnmc" (':.u,.. hu d1r..atrl11'1-lto ~~two tllr •fiotn(t if Ahat'ldo •ill)U&,,. au &J~I.unil~ ~ "'•11J•l~ f•• thr f""'*I.Ml • .U.)Jt .. thr t.. ..m ... $11 hiff' him d II rma i• TWlt d~110,. In publtro. Viewer finds 'soaps' ad \fmHt• r.. ,... C.hU StiiUlN Artk.lll 6:!~·1; ~. I 11~ f•ubli.r uf dw dlltrict·a ltt•l ""~,...., ""Ill ••I ...,. Jwtrtl.-it.anl" 1ft an ULtcaU~ rk* mft'lilltJ atr 11-f'IJt "'ln.,. 1.... utlf"''UII'al ...... llllhht".t ltf'ftrtaiPIII h, tJw. t- ~J, bootulftl CW J..iJ"" lit aullu ,,f • tnr.kmr"lttlll and tUb~ to • fin~~ (•f r~Mrtt-d• .., lntl"f'\....,. ... oillowia.r 1~ ""*"' ''-' l'UCk"'l''l· l-It~$""' ur +mjlritnnthf'ftt not lf'M than ~~ m.. nth tot lt1111' r:on nUHt'f'l Ji'('t'tlllolflC ,., f'<.lolt'aliuct L.>t Mlif' ol t._ --~JOI' Ha.r, ... 'Oflfo u~'ft to u ...... moit'f' b ''" m•ltllh- nr l-'l'!h, thP i"T>ollrn-- a~d lfw qudrnu.. h-.1 '"'" .net ,.,. "' p)Q(I ~. anc.iladtir•pu1tJ/1hoo~l» ~-.c.-1)1'd • lw•i4• &wrl(lt aftd pool. ft:"'WC'I'ow.rc.".aeb."'"'.~" Search committee needs students .K...-.. ~~.t...... p-re.ue..·• ~P' _,. M ...... -u-..... ic-, 1\ech.... """"'It b'l'tlmnUIIHftlf'df•trir&~$f"ftnl('li.,..j \lh>\ulj •h· •m tu llft"'f' •n \tw 1~otnrn -.. ,... wu.&itl ""''~ ..~~n.-h• C>ti11f•,..~:~~•o. ~ f*'"'J!h. adnlitti•lratnn. lf'U'"-lc- and ('UfttnWnh~ loo~~>'l ,.,.._t.m •~•I ..,. thr nun,...... , the ~ au.kf ''tt ll ~·1 by 1 rnrmiJf'tll•htn.lld hwl~d,. J~hadf"l''t rr~n t atl~,.,.. \trrnbltn ul l!wo COIIlml•u. abo •ould Wurl't rmm fi'H WII•I,...... ,..· Jaet"'M i.l hlok· ...1 hiJ '\ma andOilf w~fmaD) 10' 11" ':8.1111(1 "'"''"'"'' f'tll'(lollf"d In dw cUattX1 ..,arnnt b,.rintrt!.-c~l• pnlnfnl,~ttlGfTmJna:alw"""""t• t bl 'htH" no~nuth" fmm r-*·h ropll,..... "'«ttl..._,. • CO!id 111,. lr~~rrtht'f. ~,w n{ ~~~·t.Mlh in 1bi. di•ric• II~ .. ,.. maHm·. '*f'lltttH~-. and lntf'JJictnt .., .. lrnt~ ,., ora"""' liP r....,..-.Uid "' ff'llahe)l)• ,!.- •Uttrilt ,...,,.h~ of ..J(' h • ~,.tak la a !>rn"''ff on tbf' m~Jmntk'C' t<• .... ~. llw saw-.kJ"'111 ~old..­ ~,...tiNt "•"' ...,._., jtPt au abon.klcl. I fllf'al* 1b.l1 juJt mal..• f'tftli llt!o!ll!.-I'II.IIIWI', ~u~t.nrt .1.., •·••Jid ~ au•IUHII.koua....,..•ltuu Jr• .-..,.,;"« hr •'II w:riu· trJ irnuhl' (.t,tallf~',.,." we b' thl- f"dmmiltf'P ftw 1itaull"~:~ l •hMk-ttiot lu d1.1triort aff•.r• and l.k.,r hi' "Gu1d W.• Ito ha'll' "'1lft'Wtltuth" .J~~ld ~'lllflr'lf)' al)l,,,...,'",. ..-h...a.atc 114tnlrm inJJWt tn dw ..tM,ta~ fill • ,.....;.trn1 ... hlt'l"l'i'"'~'~'· mt.-nlioc:t to f'f'lllm .,..., )f'IV. l~ttirir-tioa lnrfudin• • •ltMII'flt "'J•MrhL•nu• ltom ~and -,t • ..,.tr,'<'ltni. ub.r .tcth·itit. and thfl.,_illinpe- WtofW>nJ l'hll~t•'• l.:olWP: •liiJifU\idt IJM~~o I"" ~t.tinn un ('IIJ~tnl.,_ l1etot.,. """"'dill Jli'P"'Q}IY D'W1f"ft 1han 1Uf) apo th,.c•u•nmiu,..a..l1'1t•thr:& O.I .. Utlmt•t...,n'l.....,.._utl llillllltolhf.. th.. ~·mmiH..... Holiday recalls past heritage

llun\ooc•' ill• *'' •h•t it 'IUofod to bf. bt fnllft thr tlrtt' il ' mm~r,.., " ran ~• ._. • h ._ 1 trftOnr~ fM"''I'•tnl! ""W. t•U pUcrim hilt• ,.mlnd4tf Lt!at .. ,. arw hrrw, .w,. lt) mju) the J1Uifinl IUd pul drio-.1 nml ~~talk" 01 ·~mmloc thr ~"" lN~nb to tbtef\"t'Nt:Jf,nc~ ~lt1or ,,... ha.ndtulol N~tm~... \; n ,partdmt.Lhrr'• houN-. c.~ and • f•• 11111h r \n~tu 1•u• llwm • tldld. f)Crtatnl) i.n't MAII.Iftl'tUot! ln \Jirt it pllpime .a&n•hfod A~ thr tpft"th' HllfM.l h••mU lltll tmbuJ#"OI, ChanJiata hi•• k and "'•lito!' aroJ.uM.l • t•hl"' whh bUC'k•ldn-tl.d I• --'n)oll i-,..-.od ,.._ ...QfJUI."CaiM-oAIJ) fl)fl'fJiol"tllbt."fth4' dlattt. "*IUIJ othrn • ""' did 01>4. Ji• r Uf) ln tb. f..-. ol tlw 1'tW fu.& llutnlfllr:•,lnf fl"'tblbly wu DOL tnwb bU llnb.•rw11•rwl d"- .._.., ,.,.,. "'ilhl:li' au brlp e~.-.h ~hrr thr "'~o~tt.r.ntk rrJ •tudu cloun• In J~C:btl.-.1 trs:tbfw*.-.. but •fi((JUfh 'ot&lh•••aaLiuo... nr du-r .... h Ill,. tll" nMKWfn bolida) •il.h C0\.,.....1uff<'ll ·a-... Ka.n,.r '"'II"~ t.hat .,. .- •J-P'Ofllill.l# thQu.alu pto' rJ.e loMJ!J\1 iJI IM•.ntuJftd cb.ln ""•tt-hmr 0\~ tGt tS.ilt hnlid•,. •••r••·t-..ll) ll i1 Jlf'O'Vidt. l"tWWJUrqrtltf!nl tl) edi l out lh,. h.anl tim,. •n•l •"r\ ~~ ~ ~'"I) to ...; .. ,.. :.m~ :~~:;~ ..,. ~lfOr•tion m•) Mil' Utrm bnan. College Republican leader criticizes Sullivan

Loeffler supporter says 'So long, Joe!'

11111rine M ~ ,_.-. lf414IUII., &h&t-llilioQb Ia( ~n.. f'l"lav~,.Jt,,htNn

"'tH bfinr ....0, n;«vd by thfo \'Olltn .,. 32: out .. ~('00·- ~('&II bt l'Oftn.:t.nt dlt,tthmo .110' "'' t~tt.t.t"UUddllf~for:;u!Uvlntc. .._,.. • ,t-J of at~ tor.,,,. F$blk> ol'f~t.- Su Juoc, Jc~l

FRIDAY. NOVEMBell21 , 1980 • THE RANGEl! 78

~t,. M~l p4!rt..r.. ,._. lmpotU~nt, th. •· ..r.. ,..,..;, ~n~ 1~ ...-r.t.ftn.J,.I ~rwo lim".. f01r1 ...,_.,.tofM\p~w")ltJIII ..IlJ ...... two of 1M..,;.... p-.J..Cif f'il&niWd l•a...-tu· """""'" •od (Qfllt~lli\fl i.nJOrmltii;Jn ~ *" ud ...._. .,. eo ~id• fM111-I intor.tJioa 01\ l'CJDo C"GOI.Iw:!qltn.,. i. dd'~R,.,.,r tw.C ..,._. 1"1'0 .....t. ate"' W(lftW'O 'Aithu!ll oo-1 Of II.,.,. ((II(, N,af'WI)t ...... and Ill...... _ dw ....wat mydM ~-,.d _. memcnaniut~... lMHminq 1 W1111U.ft'• tJtn, o1 K> P•.tdl•iPf!le ill dw S.n A~ttot~kt Cc.ll• Cllidlu.tius I OOI!blltbttd: ... ..,.,... W 14 too.-Dd• ul wn•·an\#d hi,bnllftd ~ fffllbt, It ~ .-miniN". •·" apprer:ia.l• ltwr opron.. n.Q M tnU.~ ...-~''"~'.1 fl!'dit ~ li>m.Uif\'f'NI lab '"*"• k dilr...... t. and .-... ~ blDHf aod )flUI fltudrottl• •~.,.. of tMr Mf'-itt* ud 111 <~•• · ~qw,., trnaicy VIII) from ...tlmUI 1:0 .a...... lo &ntlb, oc.twtv.IN n~l...., anJde ~""'*" •unht.t -'ljlil INIO' •1m aad Unto~ pc!OI•!. ~ .. Ish ....u~;nu dwin1 thtt ~••dootl .... ~ .,...... ,..,. ~.. 4oO ~ O'lu1olllln,, )liA.Itr~ thf.t.tfor.., II h ..... n. tJl prt'p...,, m-t.ljo btt• ,..,.,... ~w.~ prnud .. JIIIW1 Al)"ll t!d-.a;on. C.JOt"CiiM•or PlaMfd Pueotbond C.C.•ulSan Allton~~.~. • "'"'' l"l..aiW'd Yurath.ood rustee Martinez labels himself ~my own man'

• bl, "'Pf))wlft• ...._fltt)wo-. of lila ('Pftl -.inp ~~llf'ltnf.~•w' ,~,-.• .....,...,otJ... ••• Ju.. t(lft mtuh ._.,. ~ ta"""""" tJ~ UOft U'lbiA't'• n~S. W tbk .,...._ Wonaatian •nLbW _.. IMIJ'hirlt \ ...... ,~"' "-""'... ~) tl-m.~u.­ Us ··harp'"' ...... ,_,.... ,_ .. •h..-1._,""""" .... w•ll1n~JIIII\ife. CMII •4 mw.. ai'MI I lu\• J\nU...... f•llil1nd mu.. .U qtul~ l't('QftU'flfild hitlftc. lr't.Witl) ami'\'W .., lw-rtou'IP'int) MOMol'yvu lOow tt..t""hee I l'f'lla.to_,...t~. I .~..w~.. flit riOt M)' d.ino 10 bUG ltlfOIWt to a""""""' ~~... w. .. ~ lpt;d.hnt ... l'n'Tibq dtf' J;JI• ~~ iotu Ia •lth bl!tit lm and, blk>:eU... up tu mt - t-.M, Aft "I~·)'-*"*""· Wt ~ t~wlllw fllfl~ ~~>tk>ofcwth.-~~..... N'!d: '&'"h- \4 i. • q'Of"'IU. «< wulln\f,.\tmt'ftt C)ftl)r J~.- t.l')tMIIIIi.llnt.u.llwiMI.tlhlthie •:\'"'llani of ('l,b,p ~irlk"f'NU .... Mel I pc :::~.: :r::·:!:';.h ~:.~.~\:: ,::, ,...... klmiuf--ntluu ..,.,. ta • tat.., ntrat "'all) a d_..tlrn lniiJ h whh f#nor..,.,. MW.. Col:leror bGI.Ina. brinp \I)(JOIIItJ,ononi(IIDt'«-hilll~ti'M! prohl.m. h wu •I~ a bto.nljJI'\J.... m ttl that tlwo lo• ..,,,...,,.....,._,~l,n,t.o•r""-...,...... &r:tk. fr'• •J>PNrfilidto•.... h • ...,,...... ~ ff.n~t...... tli,irtl•W~Ithatrworl'"""''•i-f•~••r.N~l .. a!k~f.ltl'llmiit) ,.of d:lfo tMk c.d­ M t !lUrk toO I'll) 111M. I -~~~ 10 rt11Jtwm funt. .... r. ... •-...... CIJ...,.tiftc' 1Jv di-f:rill aft!' II thto •"*" Ull• t""" &h.... l1nl ~loft. \rkl lhl• hfl•nr lio tt. .. ffW'f' «''Ottpl~tftf wklt e••h htdhklu.l ttllllttoe'• -t. ••I t.h.fMIItptwt..tiU.Ilfl""lrtln dntl.l..._ II ... ai...M...- tn _. th11 ·~-~ Tto brri... ..n ..... iMIIOilaOI .(...... tt)(iiiW tO IW\Trrrlff'ilfd """C"id~.IR,rtrlhttJWedira-llv•a. uDd.~th..tiUitm)ll"m•an.lmtnuttla.tunt ... altd ml)lll ol m) C'OQOI'n" hid ~n in .... drltloll'tJ• ., Gill 1..1 \'iiiM r.u. ~ provilkd IOOd lfiWic tof .,) poaitbl mlld"'n", •~d f ... nv1 ~ .,;,_), ,..W~I ...,. hkm b; m\ 1ft.-.:~~ J &'I) ~ ...t la•..-.blo-.. s...... Coll.oo aft)' fad.JIItl llh!O wly N t.lw o&hff -'n)M!" abc l'1lft ...... durillf lhf> I~OOrl'e IIIIA..J .._.... in :.0 AJt. l)nl'\f' odlrnoW ...,,J f!dw...,. ""'· ''" tJn1 .... I""'"' .,u.. Oppmhf1ntfl' ••• in m) fllll"lion a Ld:·b••C('t 1oaio. aad .. 1111)' lhCillfl - w 16\~ -ithnut ~· tJt clY.ltpnoG nor d ... 1&\f"'liiath• C' .ljopoirlwd Pft'UIIJII'tlaUftoiii.WJRlvlf•wany\..,.u.dku.,...... 111 1M aarrnta bt..ud reorplliudun .u m • .,.... ut wtm-.•1 Of OLh,....;.., 1h- •url111 rom,.ln..., •ncl mf'rnhtt- loll'"" (\)llllllJitt.rco. I Durinc lbt fltwl t.n ,,f ..,. '"'""" J -... G....,. ""-',,.i,..,.,.Nffl•i•"lnu"l.l;.,n"~dwa <"""rlaP" a._.,•• '" bto .u~.~~n•• tid ft0•1k.on. J.d lnw (~MQR\tU-. 'Ind. ur whll IIN'Nif'd ,, Ia -*t 1'-'~ I •• dw.,.. _, Nl- tJw nwtm'YI -:.--.-pllflh ,..,. tour\ cd dw au1l1t ('ilnrniiV. ..,... ryllttl• ~ t~ tan~pu• ,101.. ..turlt ..00 d"' ifl\f'otiP· ~pa.d •• 1 ,_lt all(! twwd nMI 10 ,..,.l)rw. Nldit •• dwlc "...... -d. C"ttlmlutlrlf ill lb.-. tm11-.U. ul aonu-.l:tr....., the ,.,._.u r• ., CIOik•ilta d~~a~ in~ t.lnrl """" thfo '"'~lcdJ\ft~lC't'. =:~~~:~~-:.~=::t,:=- 'ftMfM"tdWII I diUt1'1'd •i.thlwf'M~ 1bnlnewrwcwiL• •• ""hid! t8.1ll.fd '""*' m) clotPd- Ill , ..,.,jar ill.. of ~-f t'Cif!IMh.t"""' doe. 1MM 4r-IJ.a fn•11 j.., what I .,.,.. to b. q_.lun.b&r prMlnN att~l lr­ ,.._..,.,...,... ~... ,,...... lr~ ot1w-l .,..... f'f'l"l~letdwcliJ·krtf.y..,.,... .,..,.a..._.,....,. e-peociall) tbu. taa,m, tud!>wM.btM ""-t lnv~10r lllof'tiC of !h.. diw!n. lh• ttnud aNi tht> d..uirt. :W baa l.btt ...JeW lwo~1 'Ow ln•Mn dn'DC!tl..u.tiol'll _,._,. quitiiJ,- ...... fll lwtvWI( Ul .Wiil.) tC\ rt"'-:111 10 alllnl•~- •n •I· dt•th b!Moo b) .,.d.!(,.,.'nmtlvft ..\ ,.,.,.... , ... tribllte ~~ k .,...tllllltw ha.fmutt) 11MI ,.xi!~ ,_,(~d...... ,,,. fnr ~"""""* fll lra.U." .uulmu anot lhr.r ·~·ion·,_.fuod.lldiM.Itn q.ackl} ~.-d ~:... ~~~~~·:!!; ~.:·(~~m!l~~~ol~ .,. odw•r.,.'-' k11tf ..00 lruNfU.b.. d~ - Ul&r.r hnard u ..... Wft'ftt'\f'f'la•sx-'fialk)~...dl ._.._. bto.:-~~»W" tlw ....,.,"' t,h;i,t •u".W,..., ~~ •n •ppllnll'fM'IU lblldifuir; ...... , ... ~"'-'illhey ..... f'1• ur ._,,. " 1... t-n ,.. ,uJW!f 1n ...., w ••""''•111.1 ...... ~I .oould ...... , .. "'. jtiWOO ttuoCH·· ~ "'bo• \I) ~lp Mil chairmaMhlp QR •ukntt hll• lturod~ Ill w.~ dUtom.loo ,., ... btrud (tlmfbirl.t.ftol, ...t' _...... ~) \n~ul~t"d In dU.rln'•...,...... uftidal no.-aatluo. J law "'"'" ~ _, I•.UtriLAtW..ft &Q lmpn»\...J wn~ I rot,.,.,..., •...... ,... MWI tll.n.-th!tltpllllll"tlo~» I,;IWilLliN!rWod ...... , at;...... ,. r.. .. ., ldo­ ~ """h ~.n~.c.- ""ftP"1fld tn fUMtioet I do en.I.Winlm· ..m tfw IC'rribltt lad .,. "''"""'"JIIilk) ftbt k'"'* "'IWII rof,r, fUI~ (II' ""ff''''IIil.oilil) illtb. "" tlw ~ur•. lilld ~ ..,o...,fd ~ w chr pul*ttu•t.wt..... lfflfbt t.lw~fld.,..,..,."h ..(I(Wtti'Q\~ .. t.lwt CIO(It ..... btooom.llll ..,,. 1t fa.mll) mtmbrt. tAjW&IIf)>Mn•bo 1~ hfnttt4f Thr R.,.-r t. c...am1l.llbtion* a Ad\'fltbdlll morard fot • d.-W"r"Mintoct rffon kt MfiU •b.u I .,..,. w imo IN d-.rin·, bt •.....,_ •I ....~ ~nhd au•cb 1M m) n~ to S1u~.. ICASSI. 6330 ~. Pul.uld ..._t...t utlwt ~- - '""'"If" trodh «' llCW' fll ..,. ,...... ,.. dtnle. Rood. IU. IJ04bb, lkH~1' "' !.p...... attl.t.Jrltf. Chic•..,. A polil.hl •~ilw, "C-wly fOM ~ ~ w "l'hld.abuutt(!¥1nloo.·'"'llldwrt!l)~t..._, 1111~(10 • piC~ a')at~U bl•ill i• t:IIM ..) c10p •and ,..,,- 'ut •funn) fl'T'Pl*liPA, .11 •al. for lc l11 (II 1111 -n.,. ••• f'!llll...,ia tn dl.mtham .,. (,.. I.IJMo t'tld,..t, """"hW..I•.,.t In ,.,,_ ~,., , • .,.,., to• •" 1hr Edltur t:JW.lN'th Rub...... u.- ...... ~l ~.... M.1w.,£n1 ~dilor H..t. Booch ~tor...,th.tfiM'ttiw~Miiwd•..uln ~ il • th., paruripcu.,.. .., t.lw drllhrram.. ~ N~•t::ditcar'l M.Joutm M•rth•U II... INithfotiW'mlltbol QQAUCJib) ·~~l'B­ of d!Mrio:1 bu•in4MaiJ UUIIII,_. talf.ll JI0'4t.II)IM ..wd IN w Ro<~uu... o.r ... q""-.., f'!ltih~ d ....., ... ,d.Lur w -· A&IJII, ~. dwoir tW'ftlllar IN I~UIIfl• •• 1lito Ji•"" "~nl. \() f1nf" .\rlll Edttor \brtiotMrm ...... ol pawirnror. 1 ~ cJJ...... inc''"",., .. ,_ "-'""""" ••._.. .,.t I • ••W.t "'Mh Jltll""" ..,..~ vm) ...leallllu\fti!Widot .:;:po.r~~£dit0f" Tom BWkfl"tdt .....a. lot makiq lt"W.. br....flltt nw ...... a ..,,... c,1 pllblilt WurriMibl .o dw .., dloouict Ad\'mlliOJ Dt.aeMors"'- \bo) Wl.. atw h•'" dn~ 1h..t ~'"" mt ~- p,_,. ha~~ .,_ ~t llf"-* ldo \~ ha"t~ llnl baftd "'f.'U'b M .., f'ltrlot'IIUiftr~' t:d Roooll .. t.ldt ta ~I M m,· _ _.ttl ...w~~n~•hl hlpr...... Iii)'! Sow to...,.h\-. ...u IIWl tt.a. .. ~ill- 1'1.1\U. An»t• ~,. to}nb WC"Urit) lwn

II'Jitl\ e1 1 rd PrkdM•U Otmn~~ ..n Sd.ool. u..... or ...,,.•n• ~ ti·,"•Mlilll \11r.h.,.l Trrn, "'M CIOmn fp.a 1(n,.. •• 'tf;,,., t."''" .,_._ca.- h~ riJ!. for tbe c'-'-. ..1. 1 th...... _ thill\f ••" d.• ... 1 ..,. 1111 •it<.tltttr wbool. B~tl aiOIIIllt f.-la ltt dun hr "w. hN _. a )w,.,..... f,._~htUI~ • ht•llrbd .... ttw..lJOtvor..aNl l fi? .._,.,,n.•~·pllemnrf~~. to fiii"JJ, for"-'~ """"l.t ~..., #Willi\"' ...... t:~mttatdr. •1 dw Sao Aauoalo J::""latdet ..tdl.lkrtl:,..o(~ u,~ !!Jtho...,. U• wtlift '" &irt •Tm~•"-lltnynhldl.l fllldu• • -····ltour\.••-ltil ...... ,...... ,pm..e.tlut ,,,• ....,..,blld t.p~..,. 10 arlu~W'td. btolono. IJ•d«idNI •oul••,.fll Of 1tw ..,han<'lt­ fMn-.1 p.m.ta 3:3up.m. ~. :!•Sin £j .\ltm"' tnn .._if 402 W OEWEY PHONE 733·2775

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