Fort Massey United Church Entering a Second Century of Witness 1971-2011 Ruth MacKenzie, M.D ©2011 by Fort Massey United Church 5303 Tobin Street, Halifax, NS B3H 1S3 902-423-4294
[email protected] Cover: Watercolour by J. Mont, living on-the-street Given in appreciation to Fort Massey For being there for him. FORT MASSEY UNITED CHURCH ENTERING A SECOND CENTURY OF WITNESS FORT MASSEY UNITED CHURCH 1971-2011 CONTENTS Introduction .….…………………….…..…..…2 Clergy .….………….…………..………..3 Spiritual .…………………………………..5 Outreach …………………………………...9 Communication …….....…………………………..9 Music at The Fort ………………...………………..10 The Fort Massey Family ……………...…………………..12 The Youth ……………...…………………..12 Special People ……………...…………………..13 Building ...………………………………..15 Annexes: A.1 Elders and clerks of Kirk Session ……………...…………………18 A.2 Directors of Music ...……...………………………19 A.3 Secretaries ..……...…………………………………19 A.4 Fort Massey Ordinands …...……...……………………………20 A.5 Anniversary preachers/speakers ..……...………………………20 A.6 Presidents of the UCW …...……...…………..………24 A.7 Presidents of the UC Men …...……...…………………..24 A.8 Wm S Fong Volunteer of the Year recipients …...……...……..24 A.9 Chairs of Board of Management ...……...…………………..25 A.10 Scout/Cubmasters — 18th Boy Scout/Cub Troop ...……...……...26 A.11 Sunday School Superintendents .……...……………………...26 A.12 Trustees ...……...……………………..27 A.13 Gifts and memorials ...……...……………………...27 A.14 Use of the building .……...……………………...31 A.15 Order of Fort Massey Recipients ...……...……………………...32 A.16 Junior Choir picture — 1984 ...……...………………………32 B. Historical Data ..……...………………………………..33 INTRODUCTION In 1971, Fort Massey United Church, under the auspices of the Centenary Committee1, celebrated her Centennial in the following manner: 1. an Anniversary Dinner on December 10; 2. a 100th Anniversary service (Centennial) on December 12 with Rev.