Cell Structure: Plasma Membrane City Part: City Wall/Boundary

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Cell Structure: Plasma Membrane City Part: City Wall/Boundary The Cell City Cell Structure: Plasma Membrane City Part: City Wall/Boundary • Flexible, selectively permeable boundary that helps control what enters and leaves the cell Cell Structure: Cytoplasm City Part: Lakes, Streams & Rivers • Semi-fluid material that organelles float in Cell Structure: Cytoskeleton City Part: Foundations • Supporting network of long thin protein fibers that form a framework for the cell • Provides an anchor for the organelles inside the cell Cell Structure: Nucleus City Part: Mayor’s Office/City Hall • Directs all cell processes • Contains cell’s DNA • Center: Nucleolus (makes ribosomes) Cell Structure: Ribosome City Part: Factory • Manufactures proteins • Made of RNA & protein Cell Structure: Endoplasmic Reticulum City Part: Highway/Road System • Responsible for production of proteins and lipids • Transports materials • Rough E.R.: contains ribosomes • Smooth E.R.: no ribosomes Cell Structure: Golgi Apparatus City Part: Post Office • Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins into sacs called vesicles Cell Structure: Vacuole City Part: Storage Units • Sac used to store food, enzymes, and other materials within the cytoplasm Cell Structure: Lysosome City Part: Garbage Company • Digests worn-out or extra organelles and food particles Cell Structure: Centrioles City Part: City Blocks • Made of microtubules • Aids in cell division Cell Structure: Mitochondria City Part: Power Plant • Generates energy for the cell • Converts fuel particles into usable energy Cell Structure: Chloroplast City Part: Solar Power Plant • Captures light energy and converts it into chemical energy through a process known as photosynthesis • Plant cells only Cell Structure: Cilia & Flagella City Part: Taxi/Bus Service • Aids in movement of the cell • Cilia: short, hair-like projections • Flagella: long, moves with a whiplike motion.
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