
Seniors &

As with other behaviors that were once acceptable, tolerated or not discussed, the time has come to put an end to bullying.

Take a Stand! Be the Change! the Be Stand! a Take

There are a wide range of disrespectful behaviors from bullying to abuse, the negative effects are staggering and it needs to stop. People of all ages are standing up for themselves and each other by learning about bullying.

Bullying issues occurring around Seniors is usually referred to as Elder Abuse. This hurtful behaviour can be physical, emotional, verbal, financial, medical, sexual and spiritual. Some types of abuse of older adults involve:  ~ violation of rights  ~ denying access to friends, , advocates and care providers  ~  ~ threats of loosing home or independence  ~ and guilt used to obtain money  ~ exclusion from activities and social settings  ~ continually subjected to mean spirited language and tone  Why Do Abused Older People Often Keep Silent? There is no excuse for abuse or neglect. However, there are many reasons

why older people might keep silent. Some believe that the abusive situation they are in is a normal part of life. They may think that they are in the wrong or have caused the abuse. Some common thoughts are: What will happen to me? Will the situation get To contact worse? Will I be forced from my home? What will happen to the abuser? Will the he/she go to jail? What the neighbours, family, or community will think? What Cold Lake will people say? These fears and concerns are real but there is help available. Bully Free Coordinator For additional information on this topic, visit www.albertaelderabuse.ca or call www.elderadvocates.ca. To speak to someone in person, call the Family Cold Lake Line at 310-1818, the Seniors Abuse Help Line at 780-454-888 or and Cold Lake Victim Services 780-594-3302 District FCSS at “The Government of Alberta is raising awareness of elder abuse and how to 780-594-4495 prevent it by partnering with the Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Network and by working with its federal, provincial and territorial counterparts to develop and distribute information about the abuse of older adults.”

Quoted from www.seniors.alberta.ca/services_resources/elderabuse/

Bullying is not something you ever gets use to, nor should you. It hurts, no matter what age you are.