Nesecret NATIONAL REPORT FOR THE THIRD REVIEW AND APPRAISAL CYCLE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MIPAA/RIS ROMANIA (2012-2016) Str. Dem. I. Dobrescu, nr. 2-4, Sector 1, București Tel.: +4 021 230 23 61
[email protected] Nesecret TABLE OF CONTENTS: Part I pag. 3 General information pag. 4 1. National ageing situation pag. 6 2. Method pag. 7 Part II pag. 9 1. National actions and progress in implementation of MIIPA/RIS pag. 9 2. Conclusions and priorities for the future pag. 23 Refferences pag. 26 Annexes: Annex 1: Strenghtening the international solidarity through volunteering - examples of projects implemented by NGO’s. Annex 2: Statistics Annex 3: “Living long, staying active and strong: Promotion of Active Ageing in Romania” Study published by World Bank , June 2014; Annex 4:”Background study for the National Strategy and Poverty Reduction”, published by WORLD Bank 2015; Str.Dem I Dobrescu, nr.2-4, Sector 1, București 2 Tel.: +4 021 230 23 61
[email protected] Nesecret Part I Executive summary The third Romanian Report on following up the implementation of MIPA/RIS commitments is mainly based on quantitative data provided by National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly ( MoLFSPE), National Institute on Demographics and qualitative assessments done by the Wold Bank’bakground reports for two major national strategies regarding poverty reduction and active ageing. Analysing the current legal framework and programmes in different domains (economic, social protection, education, health, etc) we must recognise that, during the last five years, there been registered few steps forword in mainstreaming ageing in all national policies.