Collectors’ List No. 187, 2017 Josef Lebovic Gallery Australian & International Miscellany: 103a Anzac Parade (cnr Duke St) Kensington (Sydney) NSW An Eclectic Assemblage P: (02) 9663 4848 E:
[email protected] W: 1.| |The Last Supper And The Agony In The Gar JOSEF LEBOVIC GALLERY den From “The Book Of Hours”,| c1500.| Tempera Celebrating 40 Years • Established 1977 on vellum, 10.6 x 7.7cm. Slight cockling and paint loss Member: AA&ADA • A&NZAAB • IVPDA (USA) • AIPAD (USA) • IFPDA (USA) upper and lower left. Framed.| $2,950| The Agony in the Garden refers to the events in the life of Jesus, Address: 103a Anzac Parade, Kensington (Sydney), NSW as recorded in the New Testament, between the Farewell Dis- Postal: PO Box 93, Kensington NSW 2033, Australia course at the conclusion of the Last Supper and Jesus’ arrest. Phone: +61 2 9663 4848 • Mobile: 0411 755 887 • ABN 15 800 737 094 “Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane while three of his disciples – Peter, James and John – sleep. An angel reveals Email:
[email protected] • Website: a cup and a paten, symbols of his impending sacrifice. In the Open: Monday to Saturday from 1 to 6pm by chance or by appointment background, Judas approaches with the Roman soldiers who will arrest Jesus (New Testament, Mark 14: 32-43).” Ref: The National Gallery, UK; Wiki. COLLECTORS’ LIST No. 187, 2017 Australian & International Miscellany: 2.| |The Mutineers Turning Lieut. Bligh And Part Of The Officers And Crew Adrift From His Majesty’s Ship The “Bounty”,| 1790.| Aquatint and engraving, accompanied An Eclectic Assemblage with four related engravings, text including artist, title and date in plate below image, 47 x 63.8cm.