Vol. 26, No. 15

Morxism ond the Reolity of Chino o Egyption President ln o Success Story of o Steel Mill to congratulate you and your col- When Premier Zhao was in I.ETTERS leagues on the 25th anniversary of Africa, he expressed the Chinese Beijing Reoieut. people's desire to develop friend- Many of us have watched with ship and co-operation with the African people. 1955 were 'Beijing Review' Anniversory interest the changes in style and In there content your publication only a few independent countries Please accept greetings from of over Africa; now, than na- the years, and there is no doubt in more 50 friends including myself. you publishing tions have gained independence. that are now the Zhao The coverage sort of magazine which foreigners Ziyang expressed a satisfac- of the achieve- tion He strongly de- mentls of the Chinese people by find both interesting and informa- with this. nouneed colonialism and hege- Beijing Retsieto and other Chinese tive. Beijing Review is now read proclaimed publications in many languages many coun- monism and 's is an arduous task; in peace my frierrds and I salute your ef- tries and I arn sure that you must hope for world and interna- Particularly feel that you have great re- tional co-operation. It was the forts. noteworthy is a wise true that the Spanish sponsibility to portray China both action of a man to talk edition of Beijing and straight about problems rvith Retsiero has been published for 20 honestly and positively, and I am years. sure that most people would now us Africans and to have no ulterior you motives. This promoted unity of pleased say that , have accomplished I am to say that since this. the African people on the basis of 1968 I have been a reader of your the OAU and helped solve issues. magazine. I have known about From a personal point of view the Chinese people and cherished I have found many of your arti- We regretted the visit to Africa warm feeling for them for 15 'cles extremely useful, particularly by US Vice-President George years. Using Chinese publications, those recent ones on economic Bush. He declared that the ques- especially Beijing Rersieto, I have change in both industry and dgri- tion of the Namibian independence learnt to read and write in culturg as I find the figures that can be soived only after the r,vith- Spanish. ihey contain are very useful for drawal of the Cuban troops from the lectures which I give to British Angola. We cannot understand I once again. extend my coni audiences about China. why the US Government main- gratulations on your fine work. tains such an attitude. The with- May you go on \rrith introducing Elizabeth Wright drawal of Cuban troops from An- the advances of China. London, Britain gola has nothing to do with Na- I shali continire to be your mibia. Why does the US Govern- Zhoo's Africon Visit ment oppose the Namibian efforts enthusiastic friend and I shall be gaining pleased to co-operate with you in I enjoyed reading the cover- for independence? I ap- your publication. age of Chinese Premier Z}rao preciate the African leaders, Ziyang's African visit in issue unanimous stand against Bush's John Jairo Zapata C. No. 5. Following the earlier trip infamous statement. They oppose Medellin, Colombia by , this was the second Bush's words and deeds in Africa. official visit to Africa by a Chi= Africans, Iet's unite! On behalf of the members of the nese historic Premier. It was of Muampata-Kia-I"okakao Great Britain-China Centre and its importance and was successful in Executive Committee I would like all fields. Kinshasa, Zaire

Control Populotion Growth Your recent article, "Controlling Population Growth" (No. ?) is Beijing Review very informative. Chirra has worked out a plan to effectively control population Airmoiled every week direct to you from the copitol of Chino growth. The one-child family is a satisfactory solution. BEIJING REVIEW brings you: I have a suggestion as how to counter the bias against a female o Lotest politicol, theor.eticol, economic ond child. People prefer male off- culturcrl developments in Chino spring as the boy will support o them when he grows up. d girl, Chino's views on mojor internotionol issues on the other hand, wiII leave the o lmportont Porty ond government docurnents family when she marries. {his can be compensated for if the state or the commune gives a sum of Also arsailoble in French, Geiman, Spanish and, Japa*ese eilitions money to families rvhen their daughters are married. Moreover, women should be given preference Order from CHINA PUBLICATIONS CENTRE (GUOJtSHUDIAN) jobs, P.O. Box to men in especially intel- 399, Beijing, Chino lectual professions. Mahmood-I Elahi Geneva, Switzerland HIGHTICHTS OT THE WEEK BErrlNG New Party Committees Elected Party committees at the provincial, municipal and autonomous region levels now have better educated, more REVIEW professionally competent, younger revolutionaries as leaders (p. 5). Published everY MondoY bY BEIJINO REVIRV - 24 Boiwonzhuong Rood. Beijing The People's Republic ol Chino Marxism lntegrated With China's Reality Integrating Marxist theory with China's concrete con- VoL26, No. 15 April 11, 1983 ditions -- this guideline which brought victory to China's CONTENTS new democratic revolution will remain the cardinal principle for builciing socialism in the new historical period (p. 14). TETTEBS NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 4 Friendship with New Zeolond New Oilfield To Be Developed ond Austroiio Zhongyuan Oilfield on the border of Henan and EVENTS & TRENDS 5.10 Shandong Provinces and rich in oil and nautral gas will New provinciol Porty commit- tees formed have advanced technology and a rational system of ex- Codres toking extro spoce con- ploitation (p. 6). demned Henon-Shondong oilfield to be topped President Mubarak's V isit Foreign exchonge feserves grow . During this first visit to China by an Egyptian Pres- Egypt's President'Muborok icient, ieaders of the two countries had wide-ranging ex- visits Chino Ecuodorion Foreign Minister changes of views on the Middle East problem, third world visits Chino tasks and bilateral relations (p. 8). Foreign Ministry's press brief- ing Beijing South-South Conference Hanoi's Desperate Act opens Renmin Riboo commentator condemns the recent Viet- INTER.NATIONAL 11-13 namese attack on Kampuchean refugee camps along the Viet Nom: Attock on refugees: o desperote oct Thai-Kampuchean border as well as the intrusions into Seven South Asion Notions: Thailand by Vietnamese troops (p. 11). Regionol co-operotion strengthened lndonesio : Soehorto re-elected lndonesian President to o 4th term Re-elected GDR: Science reseorch soves resources A brief summary of Morrism ond the Reolity ot 'Chino tf Indonesia's achievements and problems over the past FEAIURE years President Shoudu Steel-A Success 17 under Story 19 Soeharto, who was re- New System lmproves ln- elected to a fourth five- dustry Zs year term in l\Iarch (p. 12). FROM THE CHINESE PRESS 26.27 CULTUPE & SCIENCE 28.30 Success Story of a ART PAGE 31 Steel Company Published. in English, Fre-nch, The Shoudu,Iron and Spozish, Japonese ond German editions Steel Company, vrhich adopted the responsibility Dislribuhd h (hino PuUitoliors Centre (GtEJl SHUUAil), system earlier ttran other has P.0. Box 399, Ileiiing, Chino industrial enterpises, pro- Subrrription pri(es I I y!ot ): significantly raised ductivity and workers' in- lurtiolh.....r.tlz.m USl.'.lJ3tl3'00 A glimpse of Shoudu Steel. llrr Zcchnd..lfl.5t{.00 UI...... €6.E0 mmes (p. 19). Photo by Wang Donghai Conodo.. . . ., (rn.115.00 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS

have Friendship with Jlew Zealand and Australia :|;:'jffi:10,,1:u,,fi:,:rts China is co-operating with People are awaiting Pre- and Zhu Xuefan, and half a Australia in 27 technical projects mier Zhao's visrit to New dozen ministers have visited the covering agriculture and for- Zealand and Australia with two Oceanian countries. estry, industry and energy, great interest. Will you please education and management, Other exchanges have discuss China's relations with in- health and medicine, involving volved political figures, scien- these two countries? a total investment of $A35.5 tists, technicians, scholars, and million. Premier is art and sports groups. Australia is helping China scheduled to leave Beijing April The prime ministers of China 12 on a tour of New Zealand build a number of modern and Australia have made a stock, poultry farms, and Australia. He will be the point periodicatly and cotton of keeping hotels, and industrial and min- first Chinese Premier to visit each other posted on important ing projects, and China is as- these two Oceanian countries international developments. Reg- sisting Australia in training since diplomatic relations were ular consultations on bilateral lichee growens and cunstructing established in 1972. and international issues were a China Town in Geelong near instituted 1980 The Chinese Premier and in between the Melbourne, leaders of the two host countries vice-ministers of foreign affairs will discuss international issues of China and Australia. The growth of friendly ties of mutual interest and explore Trade and ecpnomic co{pera- between China and these trvo ways of expanding economic tion between China and these Oceanian nations testifies that and technical co-operation. two friendly countries have countries with different social grown rapidly. systems, as long they ad- China has snjoyed very ami- fairly as cable relations with both New The volume of China-New here to the Five Principles of Zealand and Australia. There Zealand trade has increased 1E- Peaceful Coexistence, can live are no outstanding issues in fold since 1972, from US$9.?0 amicably together and co-oper- their bilateral relations. million to about US$140 mil- ate effectively for the benefit lion. The two countries have of their peoples. A common stand against ag- signed a long-term trade agree- qression and expansion and a It is China's consistent policy ment, and a special joint com- joint desire to work for peace, to seek mutual understanding mittee meets regularly to study stability and prosperity in the and develop relations with all new possibilities for increasi.ng Asia-Pacific region have forged other countries on the basis of trade between the two countries. a firm friendship between China the Five Principles of Peaceful New Zealand is helping China and these iwo Oceanian coun- Coexistence, to further the in- with the construction of modern tries. terests peace seed and stock farms and light of and security throughout the world. High level exchanges over and textile industry projects. the past decade have brought Agreements on trade and Premier Zhao's trip to Oce- the prime ministem, ania, coming shortly after his Parliament scientific, cultural and technical -11 successful leaders, foreign ministers and co-operation have been signed visit to African other ranking officials of New between China and Australia. countries, signifies yet another Zealand and Australia Chi- major step towards building to Trade between the two coun- na. In return, former Chinese stronger bonds of friendship tries reached US$1.12 billion in peo- Vice-Premiers Li Xiannian and with other countries and 1982, making Australia China's ples. Chen Muhua, Vice-Chairrnen of fifth largest trading partner. the National People's Congress Since L972, China's imports I - lnternotional t- Standing Committee from Australia have increased Editor Mu Youh.n I L------I

Beijing Reoieto, No. 15 CHINA EVENTS AND TRENDS

New provincial Party committees formed golia, Ningxia and Guangxi autonomous regions increased. The members of these Party committees electeid from The Communist Party or- Members of the newly elected were candidates chosen through rec- ganizations in 27 out of the 29 standing committees of the Par- and polls among provinces, municipalities and ty committees in various prov- ommendations provincial, autonomous regions (except inces, municipalities and au- the cadres at the prefectural and county levels as Taiwan Province) have formed tonomous regions adhere to as factories, mines, en- their new leading bodies by the socialist road and are ready well at terprises, scientific research in- April 4. io dedicate themselves to the stitutions, colleges and univer- modernization of China. They This is an important part of sities, upon the approval of the are: the national structural reform Party Central Committee. for meeting the needs of the Younger. The average age because - In order to streamline the socialist modernization is now lower. The average age the Communist Party is the leading bodies, the number of of the l0 standing committee ruling party in China and the the standing committee mem- members the Party Party organizations play decisive of Shanxi bers is, in general, one-third roles in their localities, committee is 55.8, 10.5 years less than it was before. In younger than the previous lead- the new lgading bodies, a num- Chinese Com- Led by the ing body. ber of experienced cadres re- munist Party, pee the Chinese tained their posts. However, have great achieve- Many ple won Better educated. other veteran cadres who are ments socialist revolu- - in their more members of the new Party advanced in age left their posts construction. However, tion and c.ommittees have a college educa- and have tried their best to help 'the members the leading of tion. The portion of standing younger cadres learn their aew Party became older, were not committee members of the responsibilities. so weil educated nor very Guangdong provincial Party professionally competent. In oommittee with college educa- addition, there was a prolifera- jumped tion of concurrent and deputy tion from one-third to posts. two-thirds. Cadres taking extra To meet the needs of China's - Professionally more com- sPace condemned modernization drive, General petent. Many members of the Secretary Yaobang advane- newly elected Party committees ed the restructuring of the are senior engineers, professors The Central Commission for leading bodies and the cadre and experts in the cultural, Inspecting Discipline under the system at the 12th National scientific and technological con- recently r,vrote open .letter Party Congress held in 1982. tingents. In the standing com- an the Party's leading cadres The ranks of the cadres mittee of the Heilongjiang pro- to at all levels to coriect are expected to be revolutionary, vincial Party committee, experts the unhealthy tendencies by better educated, professionally and professors accounted for Party membeis and especial- more competent and younger. one-third. chief engineer of A ly the Party's leading cadres to Last year, the Party Central the Ministry of Coal Industry occupy more housing and land. Committee and the State Coun- and a chemical specialist were This letter is one step that the the streamlining cil completed elected to the Shanxi provincial Chinese Communist Party .has Since the of their structures. Party committee. This will taken to effect a fundamental end of last year restructuring of greatly facilitate the leadership change in the Party style in the bodies been the leading has of coal mining in the'province. next five years. carried out at the provincial, rnu- nicipal and autonomous region In addition, the percentage of The letter has been heeded. levels. Streamlining at the pre- the minority nationality eadres According to the Central Com- fectural and county levels will elected to the new leading bodies mission for Inspecting Discipline, be carried out in the future. in Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mon- the people's government in He-

April 11, 1983 nan Province ordered all the ing majority of its members and unlawfully possess, compensate leading cadres of the province's leading cadres work whole- and return housing or land they supply and marketing co-op to heartedly for the masses. Those took in excess of their rightful rnove out of new, better housing Party members who are crowd- share before July 1, 1983, they (each apartment had a floor ed into one or two rooms but will be treated leniently or space of 142.8 square metres) try various means to help solve exempted frorn punishment. and it then reassigned the space. others' problems in living space Those who fail to do this will punished Wenzhou city Party com- are highly respected by society. be severely. Further, those leading cadres who looked mittee of Zhejiang Province Nevertheless, some Party but saw not, heard but investi- measured the dwelling areas members, especially sorne lead- gated not and indulged those where its standing committee ing cadres, have abused their who had made mistakes will be members and the deputy mayors power and occupied public land, investigated. of Wenzhou city lived. If they allocated public funds and com- occupied rnore than their share, mandeered labour and transport they had to relinquish it. A1- to build new houses for them- ready, 46 leading cadres includ- selves. Some diverted funds al- Henan-Shandong ing two secretaries of the city located for operating expenses Party committee have given up and other pur:poses to build oilfield to be tapped dwelling space totalling 2,588 themselves fancy living quar- square metres. Some of this ters. Others allotted more or Exploration at the Zhong- housing has already been given better housing to their own off- yuan Oilfield is being ac- to intellectuals, workers and spring and relatives. These evil celerated. members cadres who staff and tendencies have darnaged the This oilfield covers an area of had quarters. cramped Party's prestige and arousd 5,300 square kilometres border- Party organizations and pe> public indignation. ing Henan and Shandong ple's governments in other prov- The style of a political party Provinces. inces, municipalities and auton- i,n power determines its very Exploitation has already be- omous regions are also tak- survival. In order to enforce gun. ln 1982, production of ing measures to correct un- Party discipline and correct the crude oil reached 2.15 million healthy tendencies in allocating Party's style, the Central Com- tons. In addition, 0.5 million lodgings. mission for Inspecting Discipline cubic metres of associated gas I-ong years of erroneous guid- decided: If those who made was tapped. ing thinking in handling the re- mistakes in building and aI- lationships betu'een economic lotting houses re-examine their China has decided to develop construction and people's live- actions, return what they the Zhongyuan Oilfield into an lihood, especially during the ten tumultuous years of the "cultural revclution," resulted in too few residential buildings being con- structed, thus causing the present housing problem. After the Third Plenum of the Party's l1th Central Com- mittee was convened at the end of 1978, the state began to pay attention to the housing probletn and has since allocated huge sums of money to housing con- struction. However, 'uhe needs of the people have still not been met and citizens are highly sen- sitive about this issue. The Chinese Communist Par- ty is a political party that serves the people and the overwh€Im- A corner of the Zhongyuan Oilfield. o Beiiing Reuiew, Ivo. 15 CHINA EVENTS AND TRENDS important centre of petroleum science and technology with Foreign exchange reserves grow relatively advancred technology, a system of rational exploitation and relatively good economic China has maintained a curtailment of investments in results. To achieve this a end, favourable balance of interna- capitai construction and reduc- group headed Song Zhen- by tional payments for two con- tions in the import of equipment ming, former minister the of secutive years (1981 and 1982), have resulted in lesser foreign petroleum industry, has been in spite of the depressed world exchange payments. established to tackle key techni- economy. China's foreign ex- cai problerns in the construction change reserves which were However, the growth of re- and production. US$2,200 million at the end of China's foreign exchange serves has not solved the prob- The geological structure of 1980 grew further to US$11,125 lem of a shortage of funds for the oilfield is rather complicat- million in December 1982. domestic construction. Accord- ed. There are many under- By the end of last year, China ing to Wang Weicai, Director of ground faults; the gas, and oii, had repaid, in full, high-irrterest the State General Administra- water are mixed together in loans amounting to LTS$S,100 tion of Exchange Control, the strata; and some oil-bear- Some rnillion. The loans, altogether increase in China's foreign ex- ing strata ai'e far underground. US$7,500 million for purchasing change reserves is only a tem- In order to solve related tech- equipment f.or 22 large and me- porary phenomenon. From the nical issues, Chinese and for- dium-sized projects in 1978, were long-term point of viev,r, China's eign advanced technology will borrowed from the European foreign exchange funds are still be utilized in tapping this financial market at an interest insufficient. With the develop oilfield. rate of 15 to 18 per cent. ment of China's modernization Oil is one of China's major China will be able to pay drive, more funds will be need- petro- energy resources. In 1982, 102 from its own foreign ex- ed for the exploitation of leum and coal and the in- million tons of oil and 10,800 change reserves the - remaining million cubic metres of natural US$2,400 million for the ad- frastructural projects for the gas were produced, of which vanced equipment yet to be de- development of transport and 20.317 million tons of crude oil livered. communications. China will stil] have to borrow from world and petrol were exported" In There are two reasons for financial organizations and the first quarter of this year, China's basically stable finan- other countries. China produced 25.82 million cial market and the growth of tons of crude oi!, 1.16 million China's foreign exchange re- Wang Weicai is optimistic tons more than planned. serves: First, China's political about the development of pro- China has abunciant oil re- situation is stable and its China's foreign exchange jects. pointed the serves. More than 300 sedi- economy is developing steadily. He out that mentary basins with a total Second, a series of measures use of foreign capital including countries area of over 4.5 milLion square were adopted to promote the funds from foreign kiiometres of sedimentary rock growth of both. state and local and international financial organizations constantly have been identified. In ad- exports, such as allowing locali- . will ditiori, China has one million ties and enterprises to retain expand; the number of enter- prises square kilometres of continental part of the foreign exchange with foreign funds and shelf. earned from their exports and funds from overseas Chinese the encouragement of exports and joint ventures involving In order to maintain the an- and creation of more foreign Chinese and foreign investment nual national oil output at 100 exchange. The vigorous de- wiII grow; economic co{pera- million tons, 35 million tons of velopment of tourism and the tion and trade exchanges with new output capacity needs to implementation of policies for foreign countries will also de- be added in the next three yeats. the overseas remittance have also velop steadily. Therefore, By. the late 1980s, some off- led to a large growth in foreign China's foreign exchange pro- shore oilfields wili also go into exchange receipts from non- jects will surely make good production. commercial transactions. The progress.

April L1, 1983 Egypt's President, Mubarak solution to the Middle East visits China problem." said that final Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, had full exchanges of views on settlement of the Middle East President of the Arab Republic bilateral relations and.on inter- problem hinges on the unity of of Egypt, arrived in Beijing on national issues of mutual the Arab world. FIe said: "We April I for an official friend- interest. hope that the Arab countries ship visit at the invitation of Middle East Problem. Premier will strengthen their unity and the Chinese Government. China Zhao pointed out that the Begin that Egypt will play a greater great attached importance to regime in Israel is responsible role in strengthening Arab and warmly welcomed this first for the protracted tension and unity." visit to China by an Egyptian turmoil in the Middle East President Mubarak said that President. caused by.Israel's invasion of it is the position of both Egypt Premier Zhao Ziyang gave a the Arab countries. and China that steps should be banquet in honour of the dis- Zhao said: "The Government taken no',r,r to settle the Pales- tinguished guest and held talks and people of China strongly tinian people's right to self- with him. Deng Xiaoping, condemn Israel for its policy of determination so they may Chairman of Central Advisory aggression and expansion. We build their national entity on Commission of the Communist firmly support the Palestinian their own land, and to ensure Party of China, and Hu Yao- and other Arab peoples in their the right of all the peoples in bang, General Secretary of the just struggle to recover their the region to enjoy a secure and CPC Central Committee, sep lost territories and restore their stable life. arately met with President Mu- national rights. We firmly sup He called for an immediate barak. During these meetings, port their determination to seek end to the Israeli occupation of the leaders of the two countries a comprehensive, fair and just Lebanon so that the Lebanese people may be freed from the suffering imposed on them and resume their national develop ment and .reconstruction. Third World's Tasks. Premier Zhao said that in recent years the developing countries have come to see that, in the struggle to establish a new international economic order, it is essential to strengthen South-South co- operation while promoting North-South dialogue. It was very important, he said, that the Seventh Non-Aligned Sum- mit Conference stressed the need for the developing coun- tries to espouse the concept of collective self-reliance. President Mubarak said that the third world peoples must strengthen their mutual ties and co

Beijing Reuieus, No. 15 CHINA EVENryS'-AND TRENDS and legitimate rights and to e>(- The Governments of China Foreign Ministry's press their own characteristics and Egypt signed an agreement and their aspirations for in- on scientific and technological dependence." co-operation. They also signed Press brief ing the letters exchanged on agricul- Bilateral Relations. Premier tural projects scientific and Zhao and President Mubarak for The Chinese Government has technological co-operation for expressed satisfaction with the lodged a strong protest with the the year 1983-84, and a protocol growth of Sino-Egyptian rela- Netherlands Government for its for 1983 the long-term trade tions in all fields and said that to approval of air routes between agreement. the two countries would con- the Netherlands and Taiwan, Qi tinue to promote friendly co- The two sides also reached Huaiyuan, Director of the Infor- operation in economic develop- agreement on establishing an mation Department of the Chi- ment, trade, culture and science Egyptian consulate-general's of- ,nese Foreign Ministry, announc- and technology. fice in . ed at a news briefing on April 5 in Beijing.

Ecuadorian Foreign Minister visits China Qi said, "On January 31, 1983 the Chinese Charge d'Affaires to At a banquet in honour of The two foreign ministers the Netherlands made a solemn Ecuadorian Foreigir Minister held talks on bilateral economic representation to the Nether- Luis Valencia Rodriguez on and trade relations and interna- lands Foreign Ministry concern- March 31, Foreign Minister Wu tional issues of common interest. ing the approval by the Nether- Xueqian said: "Of late, a super- lands authorities of the conclu- power's intervention in Nicara- Meeting with Valencia on sion of an agreement on opening gua has aggravated tensions in April 1, Premier Zhao Ziyang air services between Martinair Central America. stressed the importance of Holland N.V. and 'China Airlines' (Taiwan)." "It is our consistent position South-South co

April 11, 1983 so as to prevent further Beijing South-South Conference opens to the relations between #,T and the Netherlands." Seeking practical measures to ground while reserving differ- strengthen relations among ences and co-ordinate their ac- At the news briefing, also Qi third world countries was the tions in various forums of North- issued statement condemning a focus of the South-South Con- South negotiations." the recent attack by Vietnamese ference on Strategies of Devel- troopa on Kampuchean refugee Strengthening South-South opment, Negotiations and Co- co-operation would helP the camp6 and their intrusion into operation at the Great Hall of third world muntries to enhance the territory of Thailand. the People in Beijing, April 4-7. their ec.onomic capabilities, On the US Government's Co-sponsored by the Third strengthen their position in negotiations and grant of political asylum to a World Foundation for Social and North-South play greaf strategic role in Chinese tennis player named Economic Studies and the Chi- a breaking up the old interna- Hu Na, said was a grave, nese Academy of Social Qi it tional economic order and es- premeditated, political incident Sciences, the conference drew 68 noted political figures and schol- tablishing a new one, Premier engineered by the United States. ars from 26 Asian, African and Zhao said. The Chinese Government will Latin American countries. The co-chairmen of the con- the Chinese react to this matter and make In a speech on the opening ference, Adviser to stern representations to the US day, Premier Zhao Ziyang said: Academy of Social Sciences of Government, he said. "This conference is convened at Huan Xiang and Chairman of the a time when the world economic the Selection Committee Foundation He SS Qi noted that the so-called re- situation is extremely grim and Third World spoke at the con- quest of Hu Na to the US the developing countries are Ramphal, also authorities for political asylum seeking ways to cope with it. ference. was result stressed the the of enticement 'iln recent year, the developed Huan Xiang South- and coertion by a handful of Western countries have been in urgency of strengthening The condi- Americans in collusion with the grip of the gravest economic South co-operation. of the devel- Taiwan agents. crisis since 30s. Under its tions and interests the be dif- impact the ecpnomic growth of oping countries may he said, The US Government has no the whole world, and the third ferent in some resPects, grounds interests are whatsoever to grant world countries in particular, but their common underdeveloPment' "political asylum" to Hu Na, he has been seriously hampered. to eliminate said. This action on the part of Therefore, it is necessarY to seek the United States is bound to "It is most timely and mean- ways to strengthen concrete co- impair Sino-US cultural and ingful for the Beijing South- operation, he said. South Conference to explore sports exchanges and adversely Dr. Ramphal said that there and. address itself seriously to aff ect Sino-US relations gen- is no better way of doing so such important issues as the erally. than by exploring the strengths development strategies of the the third world. correcting developing countries, North- of Answering an earlier question its errors, rectifYing its weak- Na's she South negotiations and South- on Hu worry that nesses and reinforcing the integ- might per':secuted South co-operation. be after her rity of its commitment to a return, Qi Huaiyuan said that "The struggle of the develop- genuine internationalism. the Chinese Tennis Association ing countries to expand their In another action at the con- has declared that if Hu Na national economies must be decides to return home, the as- ference, Premier Zhao was en- closely integrated with the trusted by the Third World sociation will still send her to struggle for the establishment participate in the International Foundation to confer the Third of a new international economic World Prize for 1982 on the Tennis Tournament to be held order. in Switzerland in June this year. Philippines International Rice "It is desirable for the third Research Institute. Since the "There was no question of world countries to put forward institute was established in 1960, persecuting her in the past nor some urgent and feasible pro- it has attained a series of major will it arise after her return to jects through full consultations scientific achievements and won China," Qi declared. in the spirit of seeking common high prestige in the third world'


support the just stand of the Viet Nom Thai Government and people in safeguarding territorial integrity Attack on refugees: a desperate act and opposing foreign aggression. China firmly supports the state- ment of the five ASEAN /\N March 31. the Vietnamese oommunity to put an immediate cpun- tries and demands the tJ ,.*p. occupying Kampu- end to it. that Vietnamese authorities put an chea, under the cover of artil- I'he massive Vietnamese mili- immediate end to their military lery and tank fire, mounted a tary operations along the Kam- operations Kam- barbarous attack on Kampu- along the puchean-Thai border poses a puchean-Thai border and to the chean refugee €mps along serious threat to the security of killing of Kampuchean refugees. Thai-Kampuchean border, the Thailand, and the inflow of and a number Vietnamese authorities wounding killing large numbers of refugees into The others should know of civilians and forcing that country has created great that the flames of to flee into Thailand. Small the struggle for Kampuchea's difficu-lties for it. Thai military groups of Vietnamese troops national salvation can never be authorities have con- even penetrated into Thai ter- strongly extinguished. Despite all the ritory. demned the Vietnamese ag- Soviet arms and money, Hanoi gression. The five ASEAN states has failed to extricate itself from This atrocity has fully reveal- have issued a statement de- the diffictrlties brought about by ed the vicious and yet weak nouncing the Vietnamese attack its invasion of Kampuchea. The nature of the Vietnamese au- on the Kampuchean refugee only way out is complete thorities as a regional hegemon- camps and appealed for urgent withdrawal of all the aggressor ist. assistance from the international troops from Kampuchea. beginning the dry community. Since the of (Ercerpts from April S "Renmin season, Viet Nam has made pre- The Chinese people resolutely Ribao" commentator's article) parations to stage attacks in Kampuchea in its attempt to weaken or wipe out the patrio- tic resistance forces of Kampu- Seven South Asion Notions chea. Meanwhile, it has plo- posed "partial troop with- Regional co-operation strengthened drawal" and a "regional confer- ence" to hoodwink public opinion and win recognition for rn HE 4th meeting of the for- Sri Lanka, include one-fifth of its occupation of Kampuchea. I eign secretaries of seven the world's population. Most of As long as ths Vietnamese South Asian nations. held the South Asian countries have authorities refuse to accept the March 28-29 in Dhaka, Bangla- suffered from Western colonial UN resolutions on the Kampu- desh, isstred a joint communique exploitation. Though they have chean question and withdraw saying that the foreign secre- now won political independence, their troops from Kampuchea, taries had agreed on an inte- the people of these countries all suggestions that they are grated programme for re.eional are still poor. Five_ of the 30- rvilling to solve the Kampuchean co-operation to be set in action odd least developed countries, issue by peaceful means are as soon as possible and that a as cited by the United Nations, sheer lies. meeting of the foreign ministers are South Asian countries. The would be held in New Delhi security of the South Asian re- The Vietnamese troops directed August 1-3. gion. has been threatened by the their recent attack defense- at foreign invasion of Afghanistan. less Kampuchean refugees. The Common Aspirotions Chinese people, together with The seven countries share a the people of the world, strongly The seven South Asian coun- common desire to develop their condemn this inhuman atrocity tries, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India. na-tional economies and to safe- and appeal to the international Maldives. Nepal. Pakistan and guard their security and stabii.

Aprll 11. 1983 11 ity has made these countries lamabad, Pakistan, in August different cpnditions. But these unite. Ttrerefore, when the late 1982 discussed matters pertain- countries have decided that Bangladesh hesident Ziaur ing to the proposed meeting of their differences should not Kahman in May of 1980 first foreign ministers. block co-operation based on proposed a summit conference There are still a few pending equality and mutual benefit. to discuss regional co+peration, This is positive trend bilateral problems or disputes certainly a Nepa.l, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and South Asian relations. among some of the South Asian in other cpuntries in the region ex- countries, each of which has Anning pressed their support. -Chen

Progress The first meeting of foreign I ndonesid secretaries, who are lower in rank than the foreign ministers, Soeharto re-elected 4th term was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, to a in April 1981. This meeting set principles guiding the basic DRESIDENT Soeharto of In- in the founding of the Associa- their regional co-operation, the I donesia, 62 years of age, tion of Southeast Asian Nations main points being: first, cG was re-elected to a fourth five- (ASEAN) which became the ordinated con-sultations ; second, year term on March 10. Soe- central focus of its foreign af- disctxsion of regional co-opera- harto's government has brought fairs. In the economic sphere, tion only, not bilateral and dis- political stability and economic Soeharto returned foreign en- puted problems; third, regional development to Indonesia, but terprises con-fiscated by Soe- co-operation should supplement faces serious economii and karno's government, carried out rather than replace biLateral or social contradictions. an open{oor policy to in- multilateral co-opetation. At troduce foreign investment and Following its independence this meeting, five study groups aid, exploited natural resources in 1945. Indonesia's next 20 were set up to determine the (particularly reformed years were characterized by oil), potential and scope for regional policies, pro- frequent cabinet and rural vigorously co-operation in the fields of ag- changes production an unstable political situation. moted rice and riculture, rural development, carried three consecutive Rising to power after the "Sep- out telecommunications, meteorolo- five-year construction plans. gy and health. The study tember 30 Incident" of 1965, groups were to prepare detailed Soeharto was inaugurated Pres- These measures have changed proposals for the next mee-ting. ident in March 1968. He has the lives of the 150 million pee arrogated all powers to himself ple residing on the 13,000 is- In August of the same year for the past 16 yearrs some- lands of Indonesia. Inflation a commission of experts from thing rare in Indonesian - history. rates dropped from 600 per cent the seven countries was estab- in 1966 to 9.69 per cent in 1982. lished to explore possibilities Soehorto's Achievements Foreign exchange reserves of for a broader scope of regional Upon assuming office, only US$8 million in 1966 in- co-operation. Soeharto stressed domestic eco- creased to $6,300 million in 1981. In 1981, the GNP growth The second meeting, held in nomic construction and adopted rate was 7.5 per cent and per- Kathmandu, Nepal, in Novem- a series of important measures capita GNP reached S520, ber 1981, scrutinized the designed to establish a "new reports six times the $89 per-capita and proposals of the five study order" in Indonesia. In internal GNP of 1966. The World Bank groups and reorganized them as affairs, he reshuffled parlia- in 1982 listed Indonesia as a working groups. In addition, ment and government functions, the medium-income nation. After meeting selected three streamlined his political party fields years of rice shortages In- transportation, postal service- and implemented a policy of donesia is basically self- and science and technology army participation in govern- sufficient in rice today. for further study. The meeting- rnent and politieal affairs. In also discussed a date for a con- foreign affairs, Indonesia re- Over the past 16 years, Soe- ference of the foreign ministers joined the United Nations, im- harto's administration has Suc- of the seven countries, proved relations with Malaysia cessfully maintained relatively and other neighbouring coun- stable government and policies. The third rneeting heLd in Is- tries, and actively participated A stable and developed In-


donesia is essential to interna- share only 11.15 per cent of the using coal ash for building and tional stability, particularly that GNP. The jobless and semi- road construction. In the past 5 of the Southeast Asian coun- employed number nearly 24 years, more than 11 million tons tries. The "Inter-Governmental million, and 17.6 million people of ash have been thus used. Group for Indonesia" headed by have to rely on government the United States and Japan has relief. A centre for rational utiliza- provided large amounts of aid. tion of energy resources has Indonesia's political stability During the 1967-80 period, In- been established in Cottbus wiII be affected if these eco- donesia receivd more than District. Based on a prolrcsal nomic probiems $9,000 million in foreign in- and social con- of the centre, a lignite enter- tradictions resolved vestments from 29 countries. are not prise constructed a facility for soon. gathering waste heat from the process of producing coal Economic ond Sociol Probtems Shuhai bricks -Huang and then used the heat to pro- Recently the Indonesian econ- vide heating for factories and omy has been weakened by houses. the Western economic recession and the drop in oil prices. Total GDR The centre has also developed exports fell 8 per cent, a loss of the utilization of slag and about $9,900 million during Science research wastes of chemical factories in- January-September 1982 as stead of lime in glass production. compared with the correspond- saves resources Thus, a glass factory can de- ing period in 1981, From Janu- crease its energy and raw ma- ary to JuIy last year, exportsi of terial consumption by 10 per I N developing science and tech- oil and natural gas decreased I cent and 8 per cent respectively 16.46 per cent from last year's nology, the German Demo- while quality of its products is figures, a loss of $1,042 million cratic Republic (GDR) stresses improved. in foreign exchange. Foreign lowering production costs and exchange reserves in October saving raw materials. Attention The GDR has been actively pursuing 1982 fell to $4,300 million, and is also paid to improving the research and utiliza- GNP growth rate was less than economic management system tion of microelectronics, robots, 4 per cent. and the organization of labour. computers and electronic con- trols in industry to save labour. Indonesia's foreign debt has The GDR is an industrial Many old enterprises have been risen to $26,000 million since country with advanced scientific automated. 1969. During the fourth five- and technological development. year plan starting next year, However, it lacks natural re- The GDR's successes in science Indonesia will have to borrow sources and manpower and and technology are the product $12,000 million if its economic about 60 per cent of its fuel and of its highly developed educa- construction is to continue as raw materials are imported. tional system. Ten years of planned. Western bankers pre- Therefore, it has relied on scien- schooling is universal. College dict that Indonesia's growth tific and technological develop- and university graduates ac- rate will drop to around 2 per ment to promote productivity. count for 18.8 per cent of all cent this year. employed, persons and 95 per Germans strive to make full cent of the young employees re- Noting the wide gap between use of the latest advances in ceive two to three years of pro- the rich and the poor, Sumitro, science so that they can produce fessional training after gradua- Indonesia's noted economist, more from less. For example, tion from middle school. Thus estimates that at present half of about 16 million tons of coal ash employees are familiar with the the Indonesian people are living are produced by the power Iatest scientific and technolog- in poverty. While 56.73 per plants which burn lignite as fuel. ical achievements and are a cent goes of the GNP to the up- Therefore, faculty members of motive force in promoting scien- per per 20 cent of the popula- an engineering college in Cott- tific development. tion, 40 per cent of the popula- bus District and experts in tion with low incomes must building proposed enterprises - Xin Futan April 11, 1983 13 Marxism and the Reality of China


o Chino's sociol ond historicol conditions put the revolution of this giont Asion notion on its own unique rood. o Since Chino hos never experienced the stoge of developed cop- itolism, it is unlikely thot its ongoing sociolist construction con ovoid o host of speciol problems ond difficulties. o We should leorn oll uselu! ospects of the copitolist system but ot the some time we shoutd moke coreful differentiotions ond onolyses be- fore obsorbing ond remoulding them. o We should proceed from the specific conditions of Chino ond use universol Monist principles to build sociolism in o Chinese woy.

fiVER six decades ago, Marxism spread to haustible strength that could be called into ac- \.7 China and rapidly integrated itself with tion. Apart from the urban petty bourgeoisie the workers' movement and other revolutionary which could be its ally, the proletariat could movements. Armed with Marxism, the Chinese also find allies in other classes and social strata Communist Party appeared in its infancy with particularly in its struggle against imperialism. a new vitality unprecedented in Chin2's ideo- Under these social and historical conditions, logical and political arenas. China had to take a unique road in developing the revolutionary movement up entered At the time the Chinese revolutionary till it the stage of socialism. movement for a bourgeois republic was at an impasse, with slim chances for success. Because China was a semi-colonial. semi- Marxism and the Russian October Revolution feudal country, its revolution had to proceed broadened the horizon of the Chinese people, in two steps: first achieving victory in the particularly the advanced elements among them, democratic revolution and then starting the who gradually came to the conch.rsion that the socialist revolution, China's special condi- future of the Chinese nation, like that of the tions determined, among other things. that oppressed people throughout the world, lay in the proletariat should, and could, win the lead- socialism and communism. ership over the democratic revolution; that the The earliest Marxists in China believed that proletariat-led democratic revolution should the country's problems could be solved simply take armed struggle as the major form supple- by copying methods of socialist revolution mented with other forms of struggle; that the adopted by the Western proletariat. But before proletariat must establish rural revolutionary long, they came to see from their own experi- base areas, develop the peasant revolutionary ence that this would get them nowhere. In the war under its leadership and encircle the cities giant.Asian country of China, then already re- from the rural areas; and that the proletariat duced to both semi-colonialism and semi- could form a united front with the bourgeoisie feudalism, the target of the revolution was not under certain conditions. the ordinary bourgeoisie, imperialism, but In human history, a sociali,st society does feudalism and the comprador-bureaucrat bour- not come out of the void. It is established on the geoisie which ganged up with them, basis of civilizations created by humanity down Moreover, the country's political and eco- through the ages, particularly the civilization nomic development was uneven and its capi- created by capitalism which is at a level far talism undeveloped. While the ranks of the pro- higher than any previous one. Capitalism creat- Ietariat were not large, the peasantry had inex- ed tremendous productive forces and, in cor-

14 Beijing Reoieto, No. 15 respondence with these forces, developed full- influenced by social reformism and "labour fledged education, culture, science and tech- aristocracy" which appeared in capitalist coun- nology, economic management and so on. All tries but has never appeared in our country. these furnish the '.'building blocks" needed for In the long years of revolutionary wars, the socialism once the political power of a develop- Iand reform and the co-operative lnovement, ed capitalist country falls into the hands of the our peasants established a close alliance with proletariat and the socialist public ownership of the working class and had great confidence in the means of production is established. the leadership of the Communist Party. However, Ohina is totally different. Its so- Our intellectuals from the old society are, cialist society grew out of a semi-colonial, semi- generally speaking, imbued with strong patriot- feudal one where elements capitalism of ism although they received bourgeois educa- existed but were undeveloped. has never ex- It tion. Their experiences in the old and new so- perienced the stqge of developed capitalism, and cieties have convinced them that only the so- the "legacy" it inherited from the old society cialist system can make China prosperous and contained virtually nothing of what a capitalist powerful. society c'ould have offered. private For that reason, in building socialism China After the socialist transformation of will inevitably encounter many special problems ownership of the means of production was un- peaceful policy, and difficulties in the economic, cultural and dertaken by the "buying out" political arenas. We should therefore conscien- the majority of the Chinese bourgeoisie con- tior:sly solve these problems within the frame- sciously remoulded themselves into labourers work of the socialist system and learn every- earning a living by their own sweat and were ttr-ing necessary for socialism, which other na- willing to contribute their experiences and tions have learnt under the capitalist system. abilities to the socialist motherland. Similar place In taking our own socialist road, we should take changes took among other members of the this reality into consideration, just as we pro- upper-strata of the old society. ceeded from the reality of China as a semi-colo- These and other phenomena provide nial, semi-feudal society in carrying out the favourable conditions for building socialism. democratic revolution. Fully utilizing these conditions will, of course, The absence of the stage of full-grown cap- help overcome our weaknesses; but if we pay italism in our history has caused some special no attention to overcoming our weaknesses, we difficulties but, on the other hand, it has also will not be able to fully tap our strengths. had some advantages. Tempered in the long Generally speaking, building socialism is an years of national sufferings and revolutionary arduous task. Since entering socialism, China struggles, the Chinese people have fostered the has had to face problems which will not happen outstanding tradition of unity and hard struggle developed capitalist when they under the banner of patriotism. to countries change over to socialist society (these countries, The Chinese working class has rarely been in turn, will have problems we do not have). What are our special Workers of a Jilin provincial ehemical lndustrial company work hard for the accomplishment of modernization in China- problems? For example, the socialized, production in our society as a whole, especially the vast countryside, remains at a fairly low level and the commodity economy is under- developed; there is still much illiteracy, national education is not yet universal and our educational facilities are scanty; our science and tech- nology are backward and we have too few intellectuals and even fewer highly qualified intellectuals; and we lack ex- perience in running large-

15 scale production and commerce, rvhich sometimes results in poor management.

The socialist system has indeed brought about an unprecedented growth of China's social productive forces. In summing up the achieve- ments of the 32 years since the establishment of the People's Re- public, the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China, adopt- ed by the Party Central Committee in June 1981, pointed out: "We have scored signal successes in in- dustrial construction and have gradually set up an independent and fairly comprehensive industrial , Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Scieuces, base and economic system." "The conducts investigations in a Harbin factory. This celebrated matrhe- maiician is only one of the many Chinese intellectuals who are conditions prevailing in agricul- lending their skills to socialist construction. tural production have experienced a remarkable change, giving rise to big increases one-side