ISSUE 2 · 2015 《中国人大》对外版 NPC National People’s Congress of China CHINA LEARNS TO LOVE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Zhang Dejiang (C), chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) of China, speaks at the BRICS Parliamen- tary Forum in Moscow, Russia, June 8. Li Tao 24 China learns to love vocational education Contents Special Report Supervision 24 6 China learns to love vocational Zhang Dejiang wraps up fruitful education trip to Russia, Republic of Korea and India 28 Blue collar education Vocational education requires a Legislation strong boost to supply skilled workers needed for smart manufacturing 18 Focus Chinese officials shall pledge allegiance to Constitution 32 20 Against the wishes of the majority China adopts new law on of Hong Kong people national security 36 Heading for stable growth Zhang Dejiang wraps up fruitful trip 6 to Russia, Republic of Korea and India China adopts new law 20 on national security ISSUE 2 · 2015 Economy Nationality 36 44 Heading for stable growth Legislation on Celestial Burial Improved economic structure initiated in Tibet and greater benefits for the NPC people usher in a new direction for China’s economy General Editorial Office Address: 23 Xijiaominxiang, People Xicheng District Beijing 100805,P.R.China Tel: (86-10)6309-8540 40 (86-10)8308-3891 Arken Imirbaki: Ethnic unity E-mail:
[email protected] a lifeline ISSN 1674-3008 CN 11-5683/D COVER: Zhang Dejiang (2nd R), chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National Price:RMB35 People’s Congress, communicates with stu- Edited by The People’s Congresses Journal dents at Henan Medical Technician Institute Published by The People’s Congresses Journal in Central China’s Henan Province, April 12.