Vol. 26, No. 15 Morxism ond the Reolity of Chino o Egyption President ln Beijing o Success Story of o Steel Mill to congratulate you and your col- When Premier Zhao was in I.ETTERS leagues on the 25th anniversary of Africa, he expressed the Chinese Beijing Reoieut. people's desire to develop friend- Many of us have watched with ship and co-operation with the African people. 1955 were 'Beijing Review' Anniversory interest the changes in style and In there content your publication only a few independent countries Please accept greetings from of over Africa; now, than na- the years, and there is no doubt in more 50 friends including myself. you publishing tions have gained independence. that are now the Zhao The coverage sort of magazine which foreigners Ziyang expressed a satisfac- of the achieve- tion He strongly de- mentls of the Chinese people by find both interesting and informa- with this. nouneed colonialism and hege- Beijing Retsieto and other Chinese tive. Beijing Review is now read proclaimed publications in many languages many coun- monism and China's is an arduous task; in peace my frierrds and I salute your ef- tries and I arn sure that you must hope for world and interna- Particularly feel that you have great re- tional co-operation. It was the forts. noteworthy is a wise true that the Spanish sponsibility to portray China both action of a man to talk edition of Beijing and straight about problems rvith Retsiero has been published for 20 honestly and positively, and I am years. sure that most people would now us Africans and to have no ulterior you motives. This promoted unity of pleased say that , have accomplished I am to say that since this. the African people on the basis of 1968 I have been a reader of your the OAU and helped solve issues. magazine. I have known about From a personal point of view the Chinese people and cherished I have found many of your arti- We regretted the visit to Africa warm feeling for them for 15 'cles extremely useful, particularly by US Vice-President George years. Using Chinese publications, those recent ones on economic Bush. He declared that the ques- especially Beijing Rersieto, I have change in both industry and dgri- tion of the Namibian independence learnt to read and write in culturg as I find the figures that can be soived only after the r,vith- Spanish. ihey contain are very useful for drawal of the Cuban troops from the lectures which I give to British Angola. We cannot understand I once again. extend my coni audiences about China. why the US Government main- gratulations on your fine work. tains such an attitude. The with- May you go on \rrith introducing Elizabeth Wright drawal of Cuban troops from An- the advances of China. London, Britain gola has nothing to do with Na- I shali continire to be your mibia. Why does the US Govern- Zhoo's Africon Visit ment oppose the Namibian efforts enthusiastic friend and I shall be gaining pleased to co-operate with you in I enjoyed reading the cover- for independence? I ap- your publication. age of Chinese Premier Z}rao preciate the African leaders, Ziyang's African visit in issue unanimous stand against Bush's John Jairo Zapata C. No. 5. Following the earlier trip infamous statement. They oppose Medellin, Colombia by Zhou Enlai, this was the second Bush's words and deeds in Africa. official visit to Africa by a Chi= Africans, Iet's unite! On behalf of the members of the nese historic Premier. It was of Muampata-Kia-I"okakao Great Britain-China Centre and its importance and was successful in Executive Committee I would like all fields. Kinshasa, Zaire Control Populotion Growth Your recent article, "Controlling Population Growth" (No. ?) is Beijing Review very informative. Chirra has worked out a plan to effectively control population Airmoiled every week direct to you from the copitol of Chino growth. The one-child family is a satisfactory solution. BEIJING REVIEW brings you: I have a suggestion as how to counter the bias against a female o Lotest politicol, theor.eticol, economic ond child. People prefer male off- culturcrl developments in Chino spring as the boy will support o them when he grows up. d girl, Chino's views on mojor internotionol issues on the other hand, wiII leave the o lmportont Porty ond government docurnents family when she marries. {his can be compensated for if the state or the commune gives a sum of Also arsailoble in French, Geiman, Spanish and, Japa*ese eilitions money to families rvhen their daughters are married. Moreover, women should be given preference Order from CHINA PUBLICATIONS CENTRE (GUOJtSHUDIAN) jobs, P.O. Box to men in especially intel- 399, Beijing, Chino lectual professions. Mahmood-I Elahi Geneva, Switzerland HIGHTICHTS OT THE WEEK BErrlNG New Party Committees Elected Party committees at the provincial, municipal and autonomous region levels now have better educated, more REVIEW professionally competent, younger revolutionaries as leaders (p. 5). Published everY MondoY bY BEIJINO REVIRV - 24 Boiwonzhuong Rood. Beijing The People's Republic ol Chino Marxism lntegrated With China's Reality Integrating Marxist theory with China's concrete con- VoL26, No. 15 April 11, 1983 ditions -- this guideline which brought victory to China's CONTENTS new democratic revolution will remain the cardinal principle for builciing socialism in the new historical period (p. 14). TETTEBS NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 4 Friendship with New Zeolond New Oilfield To Be Developed ond Austroiio Zhongyuan Oilfield on the border of Henan and EVENTS & TRENDS 5.10 Shandong Provinces and rich in oil and nautral gas will New provinciol Porty commit- tees formed have advanced technology and a rational system of ex- Codres toking extro spoce con- ploitation (p. 6). demned Henon-Shondong oilfield to be topped President Mubarak's V isit Foreign exchonge feserves grow . During this first visit to China by an Egyptian Pres- Egypt's President'Muborok icient, ieaders of the two countries had wide-ranging ex- visits Chino Ecuodorion Foreign Minister changes of views on the Middle East problem, third world visits Chino tasks and bilateral relations (p. 8). Foreign Ministry's press brief- ing Beijing South-South Conference Hanoi's Desperate Act opens Renmin Riboo commentator condemns the recent Viet- INTER.NATIONAL 11-13 namese attack on Kampuchean refugee camps along the Viet Nom: Attock on refugees: o desperote oct Thai-Kampuchean border as well as the intrusions into Seven South Asion Notions: Thailand by Vietnamese troops (p. 11). Regionol co-operotion strengthened lndonesio : Soehorto re-elected lndonesian President to o 4th term Re-elected GDR: Science reseorch soves resources A brief summary of Morrism ond the Reolity ot 'Chino tf Indonesia's achievements and problems over the past FEAIURE years President Shoudu Steel-A Success 17 under Story 19 Soeharto, who was re- New System lmproves ln- elected to a fourth five- dustry Zs year term in l\Iarch (p. 12). FROM THE CHINESE PRESS 26.27 CULTUPE & SCIENCE 28.30 Success Story of a ART PAGE 31 Steel Company Published. in English, Fre-nch, The Shoudu,Iron and Spozish, Japonese ond German editions Steel Company, vrhich adopted the responsibility Dislribuhd h (hino PuUitoliors Centre (GtEJl SHUUAil), system earlier ttran other has P.0. Box 399, Ileiiing, Chino industrial enterpises, pro- Subrrription pri(es I I y!ot ): significantly raised ductivity and workers' in- lurtiolh.....r.tlz.m USl.'.lJ3tl3'00 A glimpse of Shoudu Steel. llrr Zcchnd..lfl.5t{.00 UI.......€6.E0 mmes (p. 19). Photo by Wang Donghai Conodo.. ., (rn.115.00 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS have Friendship with Jlew Zealand and Australia :|;:'jffi:10,,1:u,,fi:,:rts China is co-operating with People are awaiting Pre- and Zhu Xuefan, and half a Australia in 27 technical projects mier Zhao's visrit to New dozen ministers have visited the covering agriculture and for- Zealand and Australia with two Oceanian countries. estry, industry and energy, great interest. Will you please education and management, Other exchanges have discuss China's relations with in- health and medicine, involving volved political figures, scien- these two countries? a total investment of $A35.5 tists, technicians, scholars, and million. Premier Zhao Ziyang is art and sports groups. Australia is helping China scheduled to leave Beijing April The prime ministers of China 12 on a tour of New Zealand build a number of modern and Australia have made a stock, poultry farms, and Australia. He will be the point periodicatly and cotton of keeping hotels, and industrial and min- first Chinese Premier to visit each other posted on important ing projects, and China is as- these two Oceanian countries international developments. Reg- sisting Australia in training since diplomatic relations were ular consultations on bilateral lichee growens and cunstructing established in 1972. and international issues were a China Town in Geelong near instituted 1980 The Chinese Premier and in between the Melbourne, leaders of the two host countries vice-ministers of foreign affairs will discuss international issues of China and Australia. The growth of friendly ties of mutual interest and explore Trade and ecpnomic co{pera- between China and these trvo ways of expanding economic tion between China and these Oceanian nations testifies that and technical co-operation. two friendly countries have countries with different social grown rapidly. systems, as long they ad- China has snjoyed very ami- fairly as cable relations with both New The volume of China-New here to the Five Principles of Zealand and Australia. There Zealand trade has increased 1E- Peaceful Coexistence, can live are no outstanding issues in fold since 1972, from US$9.?0 amicably together and co-oper- their bilateral relations.
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