Vito Marcantonio Part 5 of 25
- L_=. 92_YI_ Q-I --4 4-._ __ ~.- L __. V ,. __ ;, .,. -- --UL. ._~1--.._ Iv _| v- ~.¢~v-1_ ,.~.--.,.~,,,,,...,_....<-.... -___,~4-. ..',._ 92 FEDERAL BUREAU OP INVESTIGATION VITO MARCANTONIO PART 3 OF 12 FILE NUMBER 2 100-28126. __ -92 '| f % *1m,/ MEMO: NY100-53854 1 State Headquarters, conferred with ALEX believed to be ALEX%ROSB, State Secretary of the American Labor Party!, and, among other things, asked "BID" ts tell MARK probably V.M.! tn "stop bmihering us with the second front pnopositien", to which "BID" replied that if ALEX doesn't step harping on the third frent "then there will be no second Qr third Rt" 0 " E0£53 24, -2 2 5:Re p wt ofVCo ~ni r dentisl - MMI brmant1 L $%%f d@ted July 22, l9£2, ccording be ibis report, V.H. addressed a min the War Rally sponsored by the Greater New York Industrial Union Council at Madison quare Park, New York City, where flags of the Soviet Union were displayed in large numbers. V.H¢, in his talk, blamed the appeasing fsrves in cur government for lack af military sation in opening a second fft-0 1G0-26699-65: Rspurt of confidential Informant ND119 dated July 22, 1942, re: a meeting sf the &reat%r NewYbrk Industrial auncil, C.I.O, at adison Square Park on the same date. This confidential in- formant advised that the majority of the speakers were non-Comunists and that V.M. was one of the several speakers. Gther speakers listed in this report were: JOSEPHGURRAN, presidegt of the above mentionedMorgan- ization; BEN GOLD, head of the Furriers Qnion and wha has been n Smr muniat Party mengber for the last ten years; IRVING POTASH,head of the furriers Joint °ouncil in New Yorkand alleged Communist Partymember far the past 8 years.
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