CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM: Volume XVIII, Number 1, Fall 1963 Published by the Rabbinical Assembly. EDITOR: Samuel H. Dresner. DEPARTM
TO sigh Oo1 to h the able AU, the ham Yaw prec CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM: Volume XVIII, Number 1, Fall 1963 Published by The Rabbinical Assembly. Sha~ a fe EDITOR: Samuel H. Dresner. to '" MANAGING EDITOR: jules Harlow. con' BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: jack Riemer. focu wen DEPARTMENT EDITORS: Max Routtenberg, David Silvennan. peri EDITORIAL BOARD: Theodore Friedman, Chairman; Walter Ackerman, Philip A rian, Solomon Bernards, Ben Zion Bokser, Seymour Fox, Shamai Kanter, fron Abraham Karp, Wolfe Kelman, jacob Neusner, Fritz Rothschild, Richard sent Rubenstein, 1\Jurray Schiff, Seymour Siegel, Andre Ungar, Mordecai Waxman, the Max Wahlberg. to o hap] of tl OFFICERS OF THE RABBINICAL ASSEMBLY: Rabbi Theodore Friedman, President; Rabbi Max j. Routtenberg, Vice-President; Rabbi S. Gershon Levi, Treas men urer; Rabbi Seymour j. Cohen, Recording Secretary; Rabbi jacob Kraft, hose Corresponding Secretary; Rabbi Max D. Davidson, Comptroller; Rabbi Wolfe cons Kelman, Executive Vice-President. wha gard pres• CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM is a quarterly publication. The subscription fee is $3.00 per year. Application for second class mail privileges is pending at New York, SIOn N.Y. All articles and communications should be addressed to the Editor, Andr 979 Street, Springfield, Mass.; subscriptions to The Rabbinical 3080 Broadway, New York 27, N.Y. TO BIRMINGHAM, AND BACK ANDRE UNGAR THERE WAS no special emphasis in the way that group of Jews murmured, sighed, chanted its way through the ancient benediction of "Blessed are You, 0 our eternal God, Who help a man walk uprightly," but perhaps there ought to have been. It was, to all appearances, a simple case of morning worship; the stylish dining room in which it took place presented a rather unremark able setting for the occasion.
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