Toward Jewish Religious Unity: a Symposium
Toward Jewish Religious Unity: A Symposium IRVING GREENBERG MORDECAI M. KAPLAN JAKOB J. PETUCHOWSKI SEYMOUR SIEGEL Last winter, JUDAISM, in conjunction with its anmrnl meeting of the Board of Editors, invited IRVING GREENBERG, MORDECAI M. KAl'LAN, JAKOB J· PETU CHOWSKI, • and SEYMOUR SIEGEL to present papers and participate in a symposium on the theme: "Jewish Religious Unity: Is It Possible1" The discussion, held before an invited audience, was chaired by STEiVEN s. SCUWARZSCHILD, editor of JUDAISM ancl associate professor of philosophy at Washington University in St. Louis. What follows is a transcript of the proceedings. IRVING C!lEENllERG is associate professor of history at Yeshiva Univer~ s~ty and rabbi of the Riverdale Jewish Center in New York 'City. MORDECAI M. KAl'l.AN, one of the most respected religious ·teachers in American Jewry, is the founder of the Rcconstructionist movement and the author of Judaism as a Civilization, The Future. of the American Jew, and many other works. He i~ ·currently teaching at the UniVersity of ,,;: Judaism in Los Angeles, , the West ·Coast branch of the Jewish Theologi· cal Seminary of America. JAKOB J· PETUcnowsKt, professor of rabbinics at Hebrew Union Col lege-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, has written widely in the field of Jewish theology. His most recent book is Ever Since Sinai A Modern View of Torah. SEYMOUR SIEGEL, an officer of the Rabbinical Assembly of America, is assistant professor of Talmud , at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. STEVEN S. SCHW ARZSCHILD THE THEME OF OUR SYMPOSIUM IS SOMEWHAT DIFFICULT TO DEFINE. MY own-:-awkward-working Litle, arrived at after much deliberation, was finally formuJated as: "What Are the Foundatioi1s for the · Future Re ligious Unity of the People of Israel?" Let me explain what I mean.
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