()OltlPILEO l'BOJtl l~it:lLVS' \/ ISl'l'A'l'IO!IIIS, ll'VlotUli>l'J'ION!! llOll!l'Jillf, DBEPi, t.:HAlt'l'EUIS, ,VILLI!,, l'ARltlH JU!;GISTIUIS, .\II: U OTII IJ:lt OUU,l BY H. G. SOM:ERBY, ESQ. SIR HUllEli'l' LAWREN CE: had unns (a cross ruguley, gulcs) conferred upon hindiy Richard Cwur do Lion, for his bravery m scaling the ,valls of Acre, A Srn RoJERT LAWllENCE, of .,~htou llall, in Lancashire. I --, q.aughter of -- Tl·afford, llliq., QI 1u.ucashire. JAJi:s LAWllENCE, of Ashton ][all. I Matiltl:,, ,laugh~:-aud heir of John de Washington. Jou(- LAWUENCE, of Ashton;~~!~-; i\fargaret, ,laughter of Walter Chesfonl. Jo.h· LAWHENCE, of Ashton l::1;111. I Eliz,d,cth, <laughter of -- Holt, of Stabley, in Lancashire. I --- ----,-- - Sui H0111,u, r LAWlU:NVJ<:, of A:_'_' Ifoll, I J',,farg·arot, daughter of -- Holden, of Lancashire. r- I I sui ROllEJ• r LAWRBNCB, of .\shton Hall: li.-ing in 1454. = Amphilbus, daughter of :Edward Lollgford, Esq. Thomas Lawrence. William Lawrence. I I Hir JJ1es; awrencc, of A,;:t~1:;~l~~ -~~-;:Jcrt Lawrence. NrcHlLAS LAWRENCE, of Age~Cl'oft. = I i-- .l I I Tho1,1as L:1wrence. Nteholas L1wre11ce. Robert Lawrence. JJHN LAWRENCE;; of Suffolk: diedjn 1461. In the pedigree of the= Wiltam Lawrence. Henry La Lawrcnces of Ashton H,ill, under thf. name is written, "From this I John are descended the Lawrences 01 St. James' Park, in Suffolk." -------------- THO,~AS ~'- WREN~E, ·o; l,umln,rgh, in Suffolk; made his will July 17, 1471: owned lauds in Jl.umburg 1; South Elmhani, Spettishall, ·wisset, Holton, &c.
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