Package ‘pscl’ February 15, 2013 Version 1.04.4 Date 2012-06-12 Title Political Science Computational Laboratory, Stanford University Author Simon Jackman, with contributions from Alex Tahk, Achim Zeileis, Christina Maimone and Jim Fearon Maintainer Simon Jackman <
[email protected]> Depends R (>= 2.10.0), MASS, stats, mvtnorm, coda, gam, vcd Suggests MCMCpack, car, lmtest, sandwich, zoo Enhances stats, MASS Imports lattice Description Bayesian analysis of item- response theory (IRT) models,roll call analysis; computing highest density regions; maximum likelihood estimation of zero-inflated and hurdle models for count data; goodness-of-fit measures for GLMs; data sets used in writing and teaching at the Political Science Computational Laboratory; seats-votes curves. LazyLoad true LazyData true License GPL-2 URL Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2012-06-13 05:44:47 NeedsCompilation yes 1 2 R topics documented: R topics documented: absentee . .3 admit . .5 AustralianElectionPolling . .6 AustralianElections . .8 betaHPD . .9 bioChemists . 11 ca2006 . 12 computeMargins . 13 constrain.items . 15 constrain.legis . 17 convertCodes . 19 dropRollCall . 21 dropUnanimous . 23 EfronMorris . 24 extractRollCallObject . 25 hitmiss . 26 hurdle . 27 hurdle.control . 31 hurdletest . 32 ideal . 33 idealToMCMC . 39 igamma . 40 iraqVote . 42 nj07............................................. 44 ntable . 45 odTest . 46 partycodes . 47 plot.ideal . 48 plot.predict.ideal . 50 plot.seatsVotes . 51 politicalInformation . 52 postProcess . 54 pR2 ............................................. 57 predict.hurdle . 58 predict.ideal . 60 predict.zeroinfl . 62 predprob . 64 predprob.glm . 65 predprob.ideal . 66 presidentialElections . 67 prussian . 69 readKH . 69 RockTheVote . 72 rollcall . 74 s109............................................. 77 sc9497 . 78 absentee 3 seatsVotes . 79 simpi . 80 . 82 summary.ideal .