knowledge of his frauds or complicity with him malignant form. Tho health mitborltlcs In obtained employment. Thu Robbins, tho author- Philadelphia, $.1,000, and 81,Mu in another com* YORK. In tholr perpetration. Three year* ago Palmer consequence have Increased tho corps 'of ized expounders of tho law, deemed It deroga- CONFLAGRATIONS. puny, name unknown. This brewery was de- AMUSEMENTS* NEW wan naked hnd chock upon Hull, tory to any reward tbo oxrrclso of stroyed yearsago. whothßr bo n disinfectors. If necessary It will bn nddod to receive for by tiro four lIAVEULt\4'TIIEATUE—PATTir flo replied that bu hnd, though his books wore a still further. In the week ending Dec. 17 tho tholr spiritual, doctrinal, and Judicial functions, little behind. ami maintained thomsolvus by tho labor of tholr At numlmrofcascsof scnriel-fovcr reported wits hands. meet noraTla« In., Loss 9*20,000, Ploelly Mil.lIENfIV 15. were And thus in tbo Talmud wo In Burning of Most of nppourunconAItURV respectfullyannounces (tuf Till? BTOIItKn OP AN INTIMACY 244, and tho denths from this rt4. Tho curious juxtaposition tho Rabid and bis trade In Durand, Insured. tirst in Chicago of Counting tho Losses existing two reimrd for tho week ending Inst Saturday had to Up in between tho dishnnest olllolnls Is (boro snob phrases as thoset “It wns taught by Rahbl Bputat Ditvattn Tht Chuaoo THftnru. elan denied. Neither spnko of tho otbor, and nut been fully tnmlo up yesterday, but tradition was Wis., Where Maxwell MME. . when Hall's Palmer's probably wiltbo nearly JJOU cases Jochntmn, tho shoemaker." “This Keokuk, fa.. Dooi 27.—At4 o'clock this morn- ADELINA tho Bonded Warehouse name was mentioned In retried. banded down by Josu bon Chalafiu, tbo tanner." . Was Lynched. presence it wns always rcunivoil with a dispar- characterof Cln- fire broke out In tho Village of Moravia, la., the aging were Every on« admires tho simple tlnmo being a loud report. Fire. shrug of tho shnnlders, and tboy OBITUARY. cinnntus, who when offered tho Dictatorship of preceded by Ilcforo never seen together till on tho night before Romo wns found driving a plow. Yut wo moot tho fire could bo subdued damage to tho extent those disclosures wero tnado, when they were .JOHN 11. MimilAV, AN OM) CIItCCR-MAN. striking, though perhaps seen Special with no less less fa- Battle Unavail, of over 120.000 had been Inflicted. The tiro was talking earnestly. Then It Is presumed DUvateh to The ChUaeo TXlmnd. mous, counterparts tbo records of llnhhlnlim. A Brave Fought Incendiary. stores PATTI tn undoubtludy Five wero Palmer told Hall of his coming confession, went to an- in Tininpj nnn to run away. New Yoiik, Dae. 27.—. John If. Murray, for When the Treasurer of tho Tcinnle ingly by a Bucket burned and a lot or frame buildings destroyed. tjho Firo Underwriters Taking Hall made up his mind many years a circus manager mid welt known nounce toPhlneas that bo hud been chosen High Jseurly all wore Insured. Notwithstanding tho hope of tho olllolnls that Priest, bu found him polishing stones. When Brigade. to Protect Their Hall would surrender himself into unsludy.no throughout this country, Europe, and tho West Gamaliel, Hanhodrln, GRAND OPERATIC Steps traco got, tho President of tbo went At lndlannpolln, Lona, SIO,OOO to CONCERTS* of his whereabouts has been and tho Indies, both ns general performer and manager, to Rnhld Joshua to eruvo his pardon for some Ind.f ON TUB KOi.LOWINO IMTBBI Interests. Finance L'ommitteo today authorized a reward died nb his residence In this city this slight that hnd been offered him, bu found him £15,000, ItiNiired. of $25,000 for Ins apprehension and arrest. In surroundings of Indianapolis, fnd.. morning. A cold contracted ton days amid tho grimy Ids smithy, Dee. 27.—A flro oroko out Tuesdaj Evening, Jan. 3, ’B2, 8:15 o’clock, tbo circular sent outannouncing tho reward his against A Conflagration at ago resulted In which termi- lienee Josephus In treatise Aplnn at Martin, Tex,, In tho filth story of Hpegll. Thomas A Co.'s largo hall it imscmncu pneumonia, was able to say truly of bis contemporariesthat Washington nated fatally. Mr. Murray began his tboy with n Lass Amounting furniture warehouse an West street Thursday Ewnlng, Jan. 5, and ns five feat olght and n halfInches high, weigh- applied themselves exclusively to mechan- at 7 o’clock pnrtinl List of Losses anti ing large, career as n circus performer In tho season of ical occupations, and to tilling tbo soil of tholr $((0,000. tonight. Tho Hro was confined to 150 pounds, with light oomploxion. full to tho sion*. Tho loss will from Saturday Afternoon, Jan. 7, at 2, oyus, light btno or gray In color. When hist seen KUft, when bo went nut as a banjo player and fruitful country. Nor In thoro any trncu In Ro- to inver bn 510,000 the Amount of In- heavy light manliloruturo and in tho decrees of tho Emper- fl.t.nw, chiefly from water, insurance on ho bud sido-whlskers, in shadu. It Ims solo singer In tbo concert attached todames M. stock, 5-Il.onu; MADAME been ascertained that bin bonds, Instead of being ors to show that tho Jews In those days followed an building, ft” cw, distributed Willbo surance. Juno Sc Co.’s circus, which traveled in tho commerce or devoted themselves to money- utnong nearly all tbo companies represented In supportedby thoeminent , for fViOd.wcrc for9UMIX). ills father,ox-Ald. A. Destructive tbu city, rangingfrom (-VU to C. Wcstcrvclt, \V IlllHtn A. Hi ploy, and T. M. South and West. In tbo following seasons lending. History declares It as a positive fact, A Blaze at Attleboro, 5:1,000 each. SIGNOR ERNESTO and Prof. Dfillngor Inslstson it with nil empha- NICOLINI, Tlchonor are his sureties. Thu warrant for his ho nmdo considerable of a reputation with And thepopular artists of the •• arrest forgery. was great sis, “that tho Jews did not embrace trade and Mass.—Losses Heavy—Several AC ttlcrrllloii, TV!*., Lna« $25,000, In- Patti" Comjmny. charges him with Palmer his feats of strength, and proved n card. woreactually to Developments lint nominated Auditor by Mayor Vales, a Murray afterwards traveled in Kuropn with commerce until tboy compelled Injured. niirnnco 615,000. in tho Cltv do until they excluded from following Persons Further Republican, but the vote on his confirmation Howe & Cushing's circus, and subsequently or- so. were Spatial DbpnUh to olght Republican troupe mechanical occupations by tbo establishment of Th* Chlcaoo Tribune. at showed Democratic and eight ganized n of his own, with which calling dispatch ME. Fulmer Defalcation Oaiiitosu, Dec. 27—A ' ADIMA PATTI in his and twelve Republicans and ho had many vicissitudes In later years. Tho guilds, and It was made absolutely Impossible Wls.. from I" tho (impart votes favor, to practice Morrlllon that tbo "K*f on each occasion In a J, ouoDuinuorutlo votes agains him. past season ho traveled In NowEngland and tbo for thorn agriculture, because they states sawmill of C. N. Paine hrlihmtir.'itwrt programme, itnd in tho second pan Newark, N. were not allowed to hold land." A Slosp Loaded with liny Luckily Res- & Co., city, Middle males. of this was destroyed by lire Satur- h.l A'.! .I *!1 0 I' u J»rln€s»p*al soprano rulus In un nut so- A very trustworthy evidence of tho fact that cued from (he Detouring day night. Tbo loss is 525.«« sod tboInsurance luuciltnnn tlm followingoperas: WALL STREET. tbu Jews arc not by nature averse to mechan- divided In following companies: MISS CAIIUTE MAY. knowledge 51.».0UU, tbo VAximmm.T. ical labor Is afforded by our of tho Element. UrlUsb American. Commonwealth, I,n Con- “," lieu Al’i’iinAcmxn mahiiiaor, pursuits In which many thousands of tho Jews dance, “Faust,” “II Irovatore,” Sudden Ending of the Rail- S/vclet Dlivateh to The Chicago Tribune, Newark City, and Lorlllard, of New nil tho of A spi;lal ta The Chicago IVlbunf. in Russia arc engaged—amattor tn which I snail York* With accessories costumes, scenery, chorus. War by New Yoiik. Deo. 27.—Mr. Vanderbilt Is re- advert anon. A few words must aultlce with re- and n road Predicted ported Nnw Yoiik, Doc. 27.—0 Thursday of this to those countries to have told a friendon Saturday that tbo n spect who Inhabit tho ouUldo A Conflagration nt 7lnrlln t Vanderbilt. week there Is to boa very quiet wedding cere- Kuropn. Mir A, H.bayard with Jewish shep- Destruction of a Sawmill at Tex* GRAND stocks of Ills roads would undoubtedly decline mot Mcrrillou, Mauti.v, night ORCHESTRA mony at May, on West herds In Kurdistan, who pastured tholr Hocks on Tex.* Dec. 27.—A flro Inst broke Imdtfr alONO 11 At J somewhat on statements, tbo roaldonco of Dr. out grocery house, J)' UIA. nnd MipjwrtoJ l>y the art* tho annual but ho tho hills of Raschkaln, as tholr fathers hnd dunu Wis.—Loss, $25,000; Insurance, iii Adams' ami consumed all Ist* of the I’uui" Company* thought they wero about low enough be- Nineteenth street. Tbo event merits attention, tho to young Indy the before thorn, in Koutb Arabia chief me- the buildings botwccii Curler's bank ami Wood's SPECIAL gin to buy. Referring from tbo fact that tbo la chanical trades, such as those of armorers, ma- $16,000. vomer. Loss partly Insured. NOTICE. Tor tho Reception to tho railroad sons, weavers, fOU.OUd: NKAHO.V fllircn porfornmnenn) Ticket*, price war, ho said that the dllllonlilcs between tho enso wns at ono time tbo llanefio of James dyers, smiths,ana metal-workers, **••• Jleratd, and Is known ns aru entirely In tholr hands, stncu tho Moslem In- ;V"'* to location. Tho idleof of the Bartholdi Statue trunk linos wero liable to ho settled some day so Gordon Uennett, of tbo A I'iilnc Alarm. »eu*>m tickets wIN commence thin Wednesday ,nt Id Cnrrlo May. She habitants despise artisans, and look upon handi- Total Destruction of itio Town orDu- p .ar }i, n,l r, f Mc«nrn.Hiory k lamp Miss Is now to become tbo wife TUo alarm from Bur No. WO Inst oyoalng was ,n0,, ®Q lf,2 quickly that the hours In Wall street would not craft nsa pursuit unworthy of tbo freo Hedou- | ' • aodi UJ iftnto.pi. Ami tomorrow of Liberty* Wright, early days of by- tn rands AVIs, I'l'ii.iM: i1 1 11s I know where tboy It Is believed by of W. M. who. In tho ins. Q'ho same holds good of tho Jews Persia, false. ror “rI°“- wore. peo- Botfiat DUvateh to The Chicago TrtbuM, l r ple position cycling In Ibis country, undertook and suc- whoare silk-spinners, glass-polishers, and man- IMXTOiML* who are In a to know some- chemicals, may Bt. Paul, Minn., Doc. thing of tho understanding cessfully carried out tho task of riding ufacturers of and wbo.lt bo 27.—East Sunday the POLITICAL. . mattor that an _ UAVKULY'S ono of those vehicles from New York to added, also practice In largo numbers as phy- Village of Durand, AVIs., famous as tho scone of THEATRE. Activity Noticeable in has been reached bulwoon Mr. Gould,Mr. Keene, (When hiraitMund«omo. nnd f.eudlmr Theatre. RutMh. Phenomenal sicians. tbo lynching of Ed Maxwell, wns visited by a on. Munroo and UearbornnU-Chlcnitu. Mr. Park, by Chicago. Tbo affair between Miss May and Mr. Tlio Gager .Scramble for Office la Cln- j.n. ha* and Various Branches of tho and other lenders of tho market, by terrible conflagration which away cun .Manager I'rupriutor. whioluhoro will bo more united action between Rennet Is ono which Is not forgotten tho pub- swept tbo clnimtl. se- CRIMINAL CALENDAR. entire business portion of tbo place. Situated to Chicago Iron Market. thorn than tboru has been for u year past. Amity lic, or It might Ira said more correctly ofIts SptelalDUpatch The Tribune. quel, and certainly never will bo by Miss May twenty-two tnllns from a railroad or telegraph, Cincinnati, 0.. Doc. 27.—Tbo light over the KEHE3IBERIREHBHBERIREHEHBEU! between Mr. Gould and Mr. Kooao would bo Arrestor n Prominent Physician of De- It was Monday mgnt Tills 1H THU ONLV WKD.VHBDAV MATINEK, bcrsolf. Mr. Ronnott bo married her, not until that tbo news of Cincinnati appointments likely tomporar- great FOR GODS AND MEN. was to to troit—Tin* Ilccord nudeedn« la to bo The tile Popular Matinee, und halfnlaht A SPECTACLE day was fixed, and everything In readiness. Dny’ft or tbo fire reached tbo outside world. Durand (s to pi- c*«. Hits Bring all only all tbo tfptetatDUpafe/v (o Thi Chicago lly transferred from Washington this city. Matlnoo. »n«p families, your Ho Bodies of Small-Pox Victims Ex- Nevertheless nil things como round In Wall night wedding pay Tribune. so provincial that even relatives, and thousands of this tiir before the at this lapse of time no President Arthur slgnllled some tlmo ngo that, children to .Matinee. street to him who will but wait. Tho Pest says: altogether steady Dkthoit, Mich., Dec. 27.—Dr. Elisha Leach,a correct humed and Transported on the youngmon, not ns in bis list of losses and Insurance has been se- If tho Cincinnati Congressmen could agree as to O-Vl.v 25, 50, ,wl 15 to, I, (Ills moms “After this week tho tendency of all domestic mid very nmub nlsea ns to bis bead—a con* prominent physician of this city, was arrested cured, tbo principal underwriters RITISEB, loirs for tbo busi- who should bo appointed, he would follow their This Orem Holiday Wednesday Mallnoo. Perform- tho Cars. Intluonccs will be toward an easy money market. dliton superinduced by Indulging n taste that today on an alleged charge of manslaughters & Thomas, exactly grand ns to nessstocks In tho place being Wilcox ance as at tiluht. This Wednesday Rotwcon nowand tho closoof tbo year loans bud given blin consliloniblc notoriety—called producing tho death of Lizzie Fitzgerald by per* recommendations In each case. Hut that has nWiingiiinund Inst night but tourof theworld pleas- of Eau Claire. Tbo visit totbo scone of tbo con- tug lluliday will undoubtedly ho shifted about a good deal, suo tbo young Indy. Wbat happened nt forming an abortion. Tho girl, who lived In this nut slmplltlcd matters In tbo least. Uutlcr- Monhiienu of that Interview has never and never wifi ho stated flagration found n truly desolate prospect. Incidental to tbo preparation for January city, diedaway from homo n few days ago after wortb. who represents tho First District, Is dis- n|onoy in tbo public prints, but It urns sultlclently ng* TUB Flltß flavcrly’s Original United Mastodon Minstrels. Bapid Increase of Boarlot-Fover—Death disbursements. There will bo less personal rencontre She REGAN tinctly a Garfield Jtopublicnn, and bis position to Treasury grnvattng tocause n between a dead child bad been removed. was at- In Ecklor House, •I O Hu* Kuropran -JO than usual come out of tbo this Atlss Mnv's brother and Mr. Ilonnctt, In wbfeb tho the two-story hostelry that Is approved by nine* tenths of his own The Great Original .40 of an Old Oirous Man— January, for tho reason that tbo publlo dent ban tended by Dr. Leach, and had been for short in- stood facingthe visitor as bo landed from la thelruround theearth reputation performances—- year, the latter received a pommeling. This the constituency and by an equal portion tlmt huva electmiod been so largely reduced during tbo and very tervals an Inmate of bis house. She was much across with Joyous nmusomunt front Items. tbo Interest has led tn tbn noted and mysterious ferry the Chippewa. Tho wind blow a of Uepublteans In Dls colleague's district. the thrones of Kuroin* to tho rlcliostund poorest, because ratoof been lowered on May esteemed, and her condition when shu died was In person und a goodshare It; to duel In Delaware. In which and Bennett galo from tho south, and heforo tho alarm bad This will* of tbo party Imvo been in America, tho verdict ot thumultltudo of but tbo January Ineomo wero principals. The nlfnlr created n good deal a surprise to those who knew her. Loach gave too ascendency In Cincinnati since some proclaim them tho greatest und most amusing Min- bo received by tho nwnersot shares In tbu vari- of the time In general and circles, tonppear spread a dozen rods tho Ecklor House barn was tlmo prior to the Hayes campaign. They are strels ever In existence, or likely to bo, for they aro LOSSES. probably talk nt club ball In tho sum of $3,1)00 for examina- meat retonstriicicd « FIRIS ous business corporations will ho newspapers wero with blazing, and Burton's market adjoining an well however, and in possession of on stupendous scale, und uro thu of Tim iioAtinok r.vur.rnvr.rr- larger than at tbo end of anvbatf year in tbo and tho Oiled tion at tho Police Court when wanted. organized, Mlnsirel Combination possible. Heo llio tntETixa accounts, which, was aQro. rung Club, strongest nows|in|M-rs history of tbo country. Tbo whila doallmr with tho Special to Chicago tho north An alarm was then tho otllec. The Lincoln tho und bills. InuddtUon to all thoextra Kits. general features,novorattempled to present tho DUtuteA Thl TVihuns. op the Methodist Church boll, and a moment political organization In tlMSlato,Is composed sP

by _ _ hut boro and In adjoining cities unusual basilica Bynairog of Alexandria separateper* to embrace iter Iteyul host, where- was totally destroyed lire this morning. Tbo ■ suiublo fur Holiday I'roouts, aafely j defalcations, had never to an ex- herself us Poll's Increasing Uons of the building were assigned to the silver* upon be pitched bur overboard Into tbo lake, Areoriginated from a lamp exploding, and, be- »eo him as a faithless tent. Boarlot'fovor also is In this smiths, weavers, and other and when she swim, oftss °®2lol,i fort 0tbodonoureason that bo wo* ot bo* city at a threatening rate, according to tho trades, a whether could or whether bo llsbed fore (he oily Are engine could reach It the build Remedy* Cm ito afraid and, foreign operative came to that oily be bor out, does not ttpp>'ar, but,at oil events, she The World’s Groat Healing * posed completely oxen* at of Vital members not pav buviug temerity lugwas a moss of flames. Tbo loss is estimated mm™ himself, and ha returns for last week the Bureau seated himself next the of his cruft, did wltb her life for the n uiio 3Uwk*ib DyUiiglvplwaM. * Mr. Hlckcison, bis assistant, from either Statistics, is assuming an unusually and was supported by them until be had tu kiss a King, , . at $12,000; insurance lu Flro Association of