Q1/2006 Al-Nahl Vol. 17 No. 1 A Quarterly Publication of Majlis , U.S.A.

Ta‘līmul-Islām College, , India, Former Ta‘līmul-Islām High School (1944-47).

Ta‘līmul-Islām College, , (1954-Present).

About Al-Nahl The Al-Nahl (pronounced annahl) Nasir/year. All Ansar are requested to keep up on is published quarterly by Majlis Ansarullah, USA, time payment of their contributions for timely an auxiliary of the Movement in publication of the Al-Nahl. , Inc., U.S.A., 15000 Good Hope Road, Subscription Information Silver Spring, MD 20905, U.S.A. The magazine is sent free of charge to all Articles/Essays for the Al-Nahl American Ansar whose addresses are complete Literary contributions, articles, essays, and available on the address database kept by the photographs, etc., for publication in the Al-Nahl Jama‘at, and they are identified as Ansar in the can be sent to the Editor at his address below. database. If you are one of the Ansar living in the It will be helpful if the contributions are saved States and yet are not receiving the magazine, onto a diskette in IBM compatible PC readable please contact your local officers to have your ASCII text format (text only with line breaks), address added, corrected, and/or have yourself MS Publisher, or in Microsoft Word for Windows identified as a member of Ansar. and the diskette or CD is sent, or contents are e- Other interested readers, institutions, or mailed or attached to an e-mail to the editor. libraries in the US or outside the US can request a References to other publications should include subscription from the editor by sending their as much of the following information as can be mailing addresses to the editor by mail or e-mail. available: the name of the publication, volume Change of Address and number, name of the author, the date and If you are a member of Majlis Ansarullah, place of publication, the name of the publisher, USA, and you move or have an address change, and the page number(s). get your address corrected on the Jama‘at Please, keep a copy of your submissions. We database for continuous delivery. If you are not a may not be able to return originals unless an member of Majlis Ansarullah, USA, send arrangement is made beforehand. corrections to the editor via mail or e-mail. All items are subject to review and approval by Ads the Majlis Ansarullah, U.S.A. Ads are subject to the approval by Sadr. Majlis Ansarullah, U.S.A., does not necessarily Contact the editor to place an ad. agree with the views of the writers expressed in Comments and Suggestions its publications. Send your comments on current issues and Articles may be edited as necessary. Authors suggestions to improve the magazine to the Editor need to contact the editor if they want to see the by mail or e-mail. final version of their articles before publication. Address for Contact Ansar Literature Contribution Editor, Syed Sajid Ahmad, 148 Eagle St, Fargo Al-Nahl is published on volunteer basis from ND 58102 (e-mail: [email protected], cell the Ansar contributions for literature set at $10/ 701 200 7147).

Conditions of Bai‘at, Pocket-Size Edition Majlis Ansarullah, U.S.A. has published the ten conditions of initiation into the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in pocket size. Contact your local officials for a free copy or write to Ansar Publications, 15000 Good Hope Rd, Silver Spring MD 20905.

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‚√äÆöZ „øäÆöZ IFZ ‚±ÖI

And thy Lord has inspired the bee, saying, ‘Make thou houses in the hills and in the trees and in the trellises which they build, ‘Then eat of every kind of fruit, and then pursue submissively the paths prescribed by your Lord.’ There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying hues. Therein is a cure for men. Surely, in that is a Sign for a people who reflect. (The Holy Qur’ān, 16[Al-Nahl]:69-70)

Quarterly In This Issue Al-Nahl

Vol. 17, No 1 Qur’ānic Teachings Against Terrorism Q1/2006 Maulana M Ismail Munir


Editor: The Discourses Syed Sajid Ahmad Sayings of the Promised , ‘alaihissalām Presented in English by Naseem Saifi

8-11 In Charge:

Dr Wajeeh Bajwa Ta‘līmul-Islām College— Sadr a historic perspective Majlis Ansarullah, Dr. Sharif Khan U.S.A. 14-27

Refutation of Christians Arguments Al-Nahl is a In Favor of the Divinity of Jesus Publication of Malik Abdur-Rahman Khadim Majlis Ansarullah, 30-33 U.S.A.,

An Auxiliary of the About Al-Nahl—2 Ahmadiyya Movement in Glossary—34 Islam, Inc., About Ansarullah U.S.A.—35 U.S.A.



Maulana M. Ismail Munir

God, Almighty revealed the Holy , 1400 years ago to the Holy Prophet Muhammad

(sallallāhu ‘alaihi wa sallam). Here are a few beautiful Qur’anic teachings against Ye who believe! Equitable terrorism. retaliation in the matter of the slain is prescribed for you; the free man for the free man, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But for him who is granted any remission by his injured brother, pursuing the matter for the realization of the blood money shall No one should kill any other be done with fairness, and the murderer shall pay him the blood money in a handsome manner. This Whosoever killed a person— is alleviation from your Lord and a unless it be for killing a person or for mercy. [2:179] creating disorder in the land—it shall be as if he killed all mankind; and whoso saved a life, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind.

Justice for everyone

Ye who believe! Be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness [5:33] in equity; and let not a people's enmity incite you to act otherwise Severe punishment for the murderer

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than with justice. Be always just. companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right

That is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is Aware of what you do. [5:9] Provide shelter to everyone hands possess. Surely, Allah loves not the arrogant and the boastful; And if anyone of the idolaters [4:37] seeks protection of thee, grant him We should not abuse others’ respected protection so that he may hear the ones Word of Allah; then convey him to his place of security. That is because And abuse not those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they, out of spite, abuse Allah in their ignorance. Thus unto every people have We caused their doings to seem fair. Then unto their Lord is their return; And He will inform them of what they used to do. [6:109]

In they are a people who have no knowledge. [9:6]

Be good towards all neighbours and the matter of faith, use of force is everyone else banned And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show kindness There is no compulsion in to parents, and to kindred, and religion. Surely, the right way has orphans, and the needy, and to the become distinct from error; so neighbour who is a kinsman, and the whosoever refuses to be led by those neighbour who is a stranger, and the who transgress, and believes in

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Allah, has surely grasped a strong

plotted to turn out the Messenger, and they were the first to commence hostilities against you. [9:13] handle, which knows no breaking. [2:257] And fight in the way of Allah How to resolve our differences against those who fight against you,

And good and evil are not alike.

Repel evil with that which is best. And lo, he, between whom and thyself was enmity, will become as though he were a warm friend. but do not transgress. Surely, Allah [41:35] loves not the transgressors. [2:191]

And if they incline towards peace, incline thou also towards it, and put thy trust in Allah. Surely, it is He

Defensive war is the last resort and its conditions

Permission to take up arms is given to those against whom war is

Who is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. [8:62]

made, because they have been And if Allah had not repelled wronged and Allah, indeed, has some people by means of others, power to help them. [22:40] cloisters and churches and Will you not fight a people who synagogues and mosques, wherein have broken their oaths, and who the name of Allah is oft remembered,

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would surely have been destroyed. And everyone has a goal to which [22:41]

he turns his whole attention. Then vie with one another in good works. [2:149]

An open invitation for cooperation

Say, ‘O people of the Book (Christians and Jews)! Come to a

word equal between us and you - that we worship none but Allah, and that How we can become the best people You are the best people raised for the good of mankind; you enjoin good and forbid evil and believe in Allah. [3:111] Mankind, We have created you from a male and a female; and We we associate no partner with Him, have made you tribes and sub-tribes and that some of us take not others that you may know one another. for Lords beside Allah.’ [3:65]

Help one another in righteousness The Monthly Ansarullah from and in piety; but help not one another Pakistan is a scholarly Urdu publication. It has very good content for about 8 cents a day. Please subscribe yourself if you do in sin and transgression. And fear not already. To subscribe, please send Allah; Surely Allah is Severe in punishment. [5:3] $30 to Kaleem Rana, 7122 Sonora, Baytown, TX 77521.

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The Discourses

Sayings of the Promised Messiah, ‘alaihissalām Presented in English by Naseem Saifi

WHO ARE ABDAAL? WHEN FORGIVENESS IS EXPEDIENT You should know that as a man goes on Forgiveness is a moral quality. One has to bringing about a change in his life, he moves see whether the other person deserves to be into the category of Abdaal [saints]. The forgiven or not. The offenders are of two secrets of the significance of the Holy Quran types. Some are such that their offence are not revealed to anyone unless he joins the annoys the person but they deserve to be category of Abdaal. The generality of the pardoned. There are others who when they people have misunderstood the meaning of are pardoned become still more offensive and the word Abdaal and they have given it might do some harm. For example, there is a various interpretations. Whereas the fact is servant who is very pious and obedient. He that Abdaal are the people who bring about a brings tea and it so happens that he stumbles pious change in their lives. The change against something and the cup of tea breaks which removes the darkness of the sin and into pieces; the tea is also spilt on the master. clears off the rust. The kingdom of the Satan If this master gets up to beat the servant and in demolished and their heart becomes the scolds him bitterly, it would be nothing less seat of God the Almighty. Thereafter they than foolishness. This is the occasion when become the recipients of power from the the master should pardon the servant, for, he Holy Spirit and they are vouchsafed the has not broken the cup (and thrown the tea Grace of God. I give you the good news that on the master) by mischief. If the servant is whoever from among you bring about a pardoned he would be ashamed of what he pious change in their lives, will become did and he would be more careful in future. Abdaal. If a man moves towards God, God’s But if there is a servant who breaks the cups grace comes forward to hold his hand. It is everyday and causes loss to his master, he quite true and I should like to impress it upon should be punished and that would be an act you that no amount of cleverness can make a of mercy for him. That is the significance of man know the secrets of the Holy Quran. It is Mimma razaqnaahum yunfiqoon. Every not enough to have a sharp brain to attract the Believer has to decide himself as to what the knowledge of the Holy Quran. The real occasion demands. He has to spend what he source of this knowledge is Taqwa thinks is expedient. [righteousness]. God Himself is the Teacher (Malfoozat Vol. 1, p. 418) of the Muttaqi [righteous]. That is why the Prophets are mostly unlettered. And that also CONTROL YOURSELF is the reason why the Holy Prophet has been Who has told our friends that they have a called Ummi (unlettered). long life to live? Nobody knows when death (Malfoozat, Vol. 1, p. 408) would approach. It is, therefore, expedient

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that whatever the time a man is granted, should be utilized in the best possible manner. This time would not come back; it is only the stories that will be left behind. As for myself I have so much of control over myself and God the Almighty has made my self such a Muslim that if some one continues hurling dirty abuses on me—and that too in my face—for a whole year, it is he who will have to be ashamed and he will have to admit that he could not move me from my place i.e., he could not get me excited. The fact is that nothing happens on this earth unless it has been decided in the heavens. Nothing can be done unless it is willed by God the Almighty and He does not let His servants be humiliated nor does He let them go waste. (Malfoozat, Vol. 1, p. 436)

SYMPATHY FOR THE TROUBLED As for me, if I am offering my prayers virtuous ones; that helps a great deal. One (Salat) and I hear the voice of someone who should get rid of lies and bad manners and he is in pain, I like to stop praying and do who is walking on the (straight) path should whatever I can for that person and to show be asked the way. One should also continue him sympathy as much as lies in my power. removing one’s shortcomings gradually. Just It is not good morals that one should not help as the writing cannot be perfected without a brother who is in trouble. If there is nothing correcting it all the time, the morals also that you can do for him, you can at least pray cannot be perfect unless one continues for him. What to talk of our own people, removing the shortcomings. even the others—and the Hindus—should be Man is such an animal that he can stay on treated nicely and sympathetically. One the right path only if he continues purifying should never display carelessness, in this sort self all the time. If that is not done he can be of things. (Malfoozat, Vol. 1, p. 442) led astray at any time. CONTINUE PURIFYING YOURSELF (Malfoozat, Vol. 1, p. 443) The Holy Quran says: Qad aflaha man Zakkaha that is, he who purifies himself BRINGING UP CHILDREN attains to salvation. And purification of self As for me, beating of the children is an act demands that one should keep the company which can be termed as a sort of Shirk of the righteous people and come close to the (associating others with God). It actually

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The Discourses means that the ill-tempered person makes them personally or 1 do not know them. himself a partner of God in giving guidance (Malfoozat, Vol. II, p. 4) and sustaining the creatures. When a quick tempered person punishes someone, he gets SERVICE OF RELIGION so much excited that he turns himself into an If somebody tells me of a single word enemy and administers punishment many which can be used to support religion, I take times more than the offence calls for. Only it as more precious than the bags full of such a person has the right to punish the pearls and jewels. He who makes me to love child to a certain extent, as maintains self him, and he who wishes that it should respect to control himself and is forbearing become easy for me to pray for him very and dignified; such a one can scold the child. fervently, let him assure me that he has the But he who is quick tempered, undignified capability of becoming a servant of religion: and lacking in wisdom has no right that he My love for everything is for God’s sake, be should be entrusted the duty of upbringing they my wife and children or friends. My and training the children. I wish that the relations with all of them are for the sake of people could pray for the children just as God. (Malfoozat, Vol. II, p. 7) they are anxious to punish them. They should make it part and parcel of their duties that PLEDGE OF FRIENDSHIP they pray for the children fervently; the My way of life is such that he who prayers of the parents for their children are becomes a friend of mine, might change any particularly accepted by God. There are way, I do not cut myself off from him. Of certain prayers which are a daily routine with course, if he cuts himself off, I can do me. nothing about it. If a friend of mine drinks (1) I pray for myself that God may let me and gets intoxicated and falls down in the do the kind of things that would manifest His Bazar (market place) and there is a crowd of honor and Grandeur and He may make me people around him, I will not fear anyone (as fully resigned to His will. to what the people might say) and I will carry (2) I pray for my wife that He may grant him away from there. The pledge of me children through her, who may prove to friendship is a great thing and it should not be the coolness of my eyes and who may live be broken for no good reason. However their lives in perfect accordance with the will unpleasant might be something that a friend of God. does, it should be overlooked and borne with (3) I pray for my children that God may forbearance. (Malfoozat Vol. II, p. 8) make all of them servants of His religion. (4) I pray for my friends by naming all of INSIGHT OF BELIEVERS them individually. I am quite confident that no hypocrisy is to (5) I pray for all those who are connected be found in my Jamaat and the insight of the with this Dispensation—whether I know members of my Jamaat has not erred in

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joining me, for, I am the same towards whose the months). That is why (I say) that this advent the insight has drawn the attention to month has a relevance to the life and the time join. of the Holy Prophet, sallallaho alaihi wa But those who have not joined me are sallam. deprived of this Bounty. Insight is like a The second relevance is that this month is (miracle). This word Karamat is known as the month of sacrifices. The Holy also read as Karamit. When it is read as Prophet, sallallaho alaihi wa sallam, also Karamat, it means riding a horse. A believer appeared to give a perfect example of rides himself through his insight and with sacrifice. Just as you people slaughter goats, dexterity. God grants him a light and with camels, cows and ewes, human beings were this light he can see the path that he has to also slaughtered in the way of Allah the tread on. That is why the Holy Prophet, Almighty thirteen centuries ago; that was real sallallaho alaihi wa sallam, has said: Ittaqoo and true Eiduz-Zuha and that really was the firasatal Momini fa innahoo yanzoro bi- time when the light of Zuha was shown to noorillahi “You should fear the insight of a the world. believer, for, he sees with the light of God.” The sacrifices that the people now make It is a decisive Proof of the insight of our by slaughtering the animals are not the Jamaat that they have recognized the light of kernel; they are the shell. They are not the God. (Ma1foozat, Vol. II, p. 26) soul, they are the body (flesh and bones). In this age of comfort and ease, the Eid is HOLY PROPHET AND EIDUZ-ZUHA celebrated with great joy and happiness, and Today is the Eiduz-Zuha. This Eid is luxury. The women wear their jewellery (all celebrated in a month which is the last of the that they have), the men put on their best Islamic months. The next month is clothes and arrange for the best available Muharram and with that starts the new year. food. This day is considered to be a day of That this Eid is celebrated in the month enjoyment and comfort; even the most which concludes the Islamic calendar (or a niggardly person takes meat on this day. So period) is a fact of great importance. far as the Kashmiris are concerned, it can be It indicates its relevance to the Holy said that their stomachs become, so to say, Prophet, sallallaho alaihi wa sallam, and the the graves of the goats; the others also do not Messiah who was to appear. What is that lag behind. relevance? One, the Holy Prophet In short, Eid has come to mean a day of Mohammad, sallallaho alaihi wa sallam, is making fun and indulging in all sorts of the Prophet of the latter days and his blessed sports. Alas the people do not pay heed to the person and the time of his appearance were, real significance of this day. as if, the time of Eid-uz-Zuha. Every Muslim (Malfoozat, Vol. II, pp. 31, 32) child knows that the Holy Prophet is the Nabi -i-Aakhiruz-Zaman (the Prophet of the latter From The Discourses, days). And this month (the month of Eiduz- Freetown, pp. 43-53. Zuha) is also Aakhirush-shohoor (the last of

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Color Salat Poster text, English transliteration and English translation are set in different colors for easy identification. Color pictures are included to identify different postures. Children, adults, and new Muslims, all can learn, revise and refresh their knowledge of salat. It makes a great gift for Ahmadi, Non-Ahmadi and Non-Muslim relatives, friends and acquaintances. This 18"x24" cardboard poster can be framed and/or displayed in mosques, homes, and in public buildings. Send $2 per copy to Chaudhary Mushtaq Ahmad, 15000 Good Hope Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20905 with your mailing address and phone number. Majlis Ansarullah U.S.A. will pay the postage within the continental U.S.

Razzaq and Farida

A story for children written by Dr. Yusef A. Lateef. Children and new Muslims, all can read and enjoy this story. It makes a great gift for the children of Ahmadi, Non-Ahmadi and Non- Muslim relatives, friends and acquaintances. Every page of the story is accompanied by a colorful drawing. Send $1.50 per copy to Chaudhary Mushtaq Ahmad, 15000 Good Hope Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20905 with your mailing address and phone number. Majlis Ansarullah U.S.A. will pay the postage within the continental U.S.

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Synopsis of Religious Preaching: Christianity and Islam By Maulana A. U. Kaleem Previously published in two parts, has been republished by Majlis Ansarullah in one volume. Part I, Christianity, deals with Unity and Oneness of God, Trinity, Divinity of Jesus, The Universal Religion, Atonement, Death On the Cross, Muhammad In the Bible, The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Part II, Islam, has chapters on What is Islam? Islam—Ethics and Observances, A Misunderstanding Removed, Natural Death of Jesus, Son of Mary, Refutation of Arguments Given in Support of

Jesus’ Physical Ascension to Heaven, The Advent of the Promised Messiah and , The Truthfulness of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, Is There a Substitute for Religion. Size 5½ in. x 8½ in., 160+ pages. Send $2/copy (includes postage and handling in the continental U.S.) to Ansar Publications, Chaudhary Mushtaq Ahmad, 15000 Good Hope Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20905.

Words of Wisdom Foreword by the Late Sahibzadah M.M. Ahmad. Words of Wisdom is a collection of sayings and Traditions of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad, ”allallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam dealing with the daily life. It has been published by Majlis Ansarullah, U.S.A. Arabic text is given with English transliteration and Urdu and English translations. The book includes a discussion of types of ahadith, books of ahadith, and their compilers. Some important dates and events in the life of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad, ”allallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam, have also been included. Outside covers are in color, two colors inside, size 7 in. x 8.5 in. on fine paper, softcover, 320 pages. Send $5/copy to Ansar Publications, Chaudhary Mushtaq Ahmad, 15000 Good Hope Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20905. Price includes shipping within the continental U.S. 13

Ta‘līmul-Islām College—a historic perspective

Dr. Muhammad Sharif Khan

Before partition—1887-1947 different means and ways, so that Till 1897 there were two primary schools people may believe in true God and for boys in Qadian: one privately run Arya get blessed by the light and guidance School and the other Government School. from Heaven. In addition there is Teaching staff of both schools consisted of another way to achieve this goal, that prejudiced Hindus who let no occasion go to we should establish our own school lecture against Islām and for our children, where criticize Hadrat Masih-i- they may study Islām Mau‘ud (‘alaihissalām) and along with other his mission. Ahmadi branches of knowledge. students were obliged to So that they may know attend these schools and hear how beautiful Islāmic their blasphemous teachings are, and realize chattering. When this matter how blasphemous people was brought to the notice of distort and falsify facts Hadrat Masih-i-Mau‘ud to hide beauties of (‘alaihissalām), he was much Islāmic teachings. They grieved. He sought help from will also learn to Allah by prayers and subjugate material supplication and after knowledge in the service consultation with his of Islāmic teachings. It is companions, announced to the appropriate time that the Jamā‘at: Hadrat Masih-i-Mau‘ud we should start a Middle “Now it has become (‘alaihissalām) School in Qadian, as imperative on us to start Founder Patron soon as possible.” an Islāmic school of our The Promised Messiah, own for our children.” (‘alaihissalām) nominated a school The Promised Messiah (‘alaihissalām) committee headed by Maulavi Hakīm Nūr-ud wanted to establish an exemplary Islāmic -Din (radiyallahu ‘anhu) to visualize the educational institution, in order to protect managerial problems, suggest syllabus and Ahmadi youth from falling prey to chalk out rules and regulations for running Christianity, atheism and filth of western the school. At another occasion the Promised culture. The Promised Messiah, alaihissalam, Messiah (‘alaihissalām) expressed his motive on another occasion reiterated: in these words: “It is the mission of my life, to “In establishing this school I have strive day and night by adopting only one motive that religion be

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preferred over worldly affairs. The (see Table 1). The school was known for syllabus of proposed school should high level of teaching techniques employed include Islāmic as well as modern by its dedicated, helpful, kind and qualified subjects, so that material knowledge staff. The school drew Muslim and Hindu may serve religion.” students coming from different backgrounds At another occasion the Promised from all over India. No fee was charged. Messiah, alaihissalam, said, Soon problem of finances came in the “Our motive in establishing this forefront following heavy enrollment. school is not to prepare such a stuff However, flow of donations came pouring that after completing F.A. or B.A. whenever appeals were launched, fulfilling may run after petty needs. By the Grace of Allah worldly jobs. Rather, I the Almighty, in a short span want that they spend of time the school ranked their lives in service of among one of the best religion. This is why I institutions of the region. think opening of a The students, passing out the school is imperative.” school, were peaceful, law Madrasa Ta‘līmul-Islām, abiding and good citizens. Qadian They were well versed not The Promised Messiah only in modern subjects but (‘alaihissalām) named the also in religion and proposed primary school exhibited high moral “Madrasa Ta‘līmul-Islām,” character. They knew how to which was inaugurated on protect themselves from the 1st January, 1898, in two vices and filths of the rooms of the guest house western society and preserve Hadrat Hakim Noor-ud-Din ( khana). Within a their culture and identity. (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) span of three years the Khalifatul-Masih I, Patron They were confident and madrasa was upgraded to the proud to be Muslims as they level of high school, and moved to some were well equipped with knowledge to other suitable spacious place. Several answer any allegation levied on Islām by non qualified Ahmadi teachers, came Muslims. relinquishing their jobs and lucrative salaries Ta‘līmul-Islām College in well known institutions, dedicating their The school was upgraded to college level, lives to serve in Ta‘līmul-Islām school. They so as to accommodate boys passing high sacrificed amenities available in bigger cities school level, and to enable them to spend as and preferred to spend their lives in humble much of their time as possible in pure village environs of Qadian, at very small environs of Qadian, to inculcate religious salaries and amenities about nil. It was soon training in their lives they received during needed to upgrade madrasa to higher levels school days.

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Ta‘līmul-Islām College—a historic perspective

Inauguration manager, appealed that each branch of the The college was inaugurated on 28th May Jamā‘at adopt one student by paying 3 to 5 1903. The Promised Messiah (‘alaihissalām) rupees per month (equivalent to US$0.20- because of being indisposed could not grace 0.50) as scholarship. Majority of the students the occasion. He designated Hadrat Maulavi appearing in the university examinations Noor-ud-Din (radiyallahu ‘anhu) to preside were unable to pay their registration fee of 20 over, and graciously promised to pray for rupees! the college in the Bait-ud-Du‘a during the College results were promising as time of inauguration ceremony. compared to the well placed colleges of the Financial problems: region. College pass percentage in Jamā‘at’s monitory resources 1905 was 75% compared to that of were already hard squeezed by the the university at 38%. expenditure on publication of Closure of the college literature, guest house (Langar Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, Khana), running of school and passed “University Act.” Clause 21 Jami‘a Ahmadiyya. It was hard to of the Act laid down conditions for meet additional expenses. colleges seeking affiliation with However, because of continuous university: It necessitated the prayers and periodic reminders to Maulavi Sher Ali college to have: the membership of Jamā‘at, a (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) 1. strong financial background, continuous flow of funds was Headmaster, Principal 2. trained staff, and ensured. Hadrat Mufti Muhammad 1898-1903 3. a permanent building. Sadiq (radiyallāhu ‘anhu), Clearly Ta‘līmul-Islām College, at

Table 2. Comparison of education systems of Pakistan and United States Pakistan American School School Kachhi (one year) 1st year kindergarten, 1st Grade Primary school (5 years), 1-5th class Primary school (5 years) 2nd-5th grade Middle school (3 years), 6-8th class Secondary school (7 years), 6th-12th grade High school (2 years), 9-10th class (entrance) High school (2 years), 9-12th grade (part of above) College College F.A. (Intermediate) 2 years,11-12th year Under graduate school, 2 year, Associate B.A. (Degree, graduate) 2 years, 3-4th year Bachelor, 4 years (+ major), includes 2 years above M.A. (Post graduate) 2 years, 5-6th year Master, 2 years Ph.D. 3-5 years (Thesis) Ph.D. 3-6 years (Thesis)

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that time, was not meeting these criteria. atmosphere prevailing in Qadian. To Regretfully closure of the college was achieve this goal we really need to re announced in 1905. -establish our own college. I invite Reopening of the college: you all to join me in prayer to seek Closure of Ta‘līmul-Islām College, Allah’s help and deliberate how to Qadian, apparently looked as a setback to consolidate our efforts to meet the Jamā‘at’s efforts to provide its youth with a conditions laid down by the law.” standard educational institution in a religious That was the time when Jamā‘at was atmosphere of Qadian. Actually it came as passing through its formative and organizing blessing in disguise. Now Jamā‘at had phase. The administration was being split up enough time to consolidate itself in different departments to meet the conditions laid down (nazarats). Main focus has been by the act. to explore ways and means for It can well be imagined the propagation of message of importance Jamā‘at was giving Islā m inside as well as outside to this issue, by the fact that the subcontinent. Inside within few months of assuming missions and foreign missions office of Khalifat, Hadrat Mirza were planned. These crucial Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad issues preoccupied Jamā‘at’s (radiyallāhu ‘anhu), Khalifatul- attention for the next 29 years. Masih II, called an advisory Meanwhile Jamā‘at’s finances committee comprising of were consolidated during these representatives of Jamā‘ats from years, putting Jamā‘at on strong all over India. The college issue financial footing. Moreover, was discussed and deliberated. there was lot of building work Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih, Mufti Muhammad Sadiq going on in Qadian: Noor radiyallahu anhu, summed up (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) Hospital, Jami‘a Ahmadiyya, the proceedings in following Manager and Headmaster Ta‘līmul-Islām High School, Ta‘līmul-Islām School words on 13th March 1914: and Nusrat Girls’ High School “No doubt, we need our buildings were completed. own college to accommodate our Now the Jamā‘at was set in every respect youth, as it has been the desire of to reinvigorate its efforts to reopen the Hadrat Masih-i-Mau‘ud college, as it could meet financial (‘alaihissalām) and Khalifatul-Masih obligations, could hire qualified teachers and I (radiyallāhu ‘anhu). No doubt had appropriate building for the college, as character of youth is shaped at entailed by the law. However, immediate college age. We need to make life of impetus to draw attention of Jamā‘at to this our youth useful and functional, for critical issue was provided when a member that purpose they should spend as drew the attention of Hadrat Khalifatul- much time as possible in religious Masih II, radiyallahu anhu, to this issue

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Ta‘līmul-Islām College—a historic perspective during 33rd Majlis Shura (annual consulting Hadrat (rahimahullāh), assembly). Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih, II, M.A. Oxen, principal designate, took the radiyallahu anhu, immediately moved the office. motion in the assembly and appealed for Normal college activities started in full donations. It was really a miracle, worth of swing, under the able guidance of its learned enjoying to witness, how donations and principal Mirza Nasir Ahmad (radiyallāhu pledges came pouring as if a branch, laden ‘anhu). Soon B.A. and B.Sc. classes were with ripe fruits, was shaken! Within an hour added up to already existing F.A. and F.Sc. several thousand rupees were classes. Chemistry and collected in cash, and other Physics laboratories were several thousands were made available. In a short pledged. Hearts of the period of time the college members were filled with showed phenomenal feelings of thankfulness for progress in academics as kindness and mercy of Allah well as extra curricular the Almighty. activities, not equaled by any Under the guidance of educational institution of the Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih II, region. Religious education radiyallahu anhu, college was imparted along with the committee headed by Mirza customary subjects. In Bashir Ahmad (radiyallāhu addition the students were ‘anhu), expedited its efforts privileged to attend Darsul- to seek approval for Qur’an and Majalis by affiliation of the college with Hadrat Khlifatul-Masih, and the university. University Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din offered prayers in historic inspection team visited Mahmood Ahmad Masjid Noor, frequently Qadian, and surveyed Khalifatul-Masih II, Patron meeting companions available facilities. It (sahaba) of Hadrat Masih-i- strongly recommended grant of affiliation for Mau‘ud (‘alaihissalām) and were privileged Ta‘līmul-Islām College. Building complex of to request them for prayers. Every student Ta‘līmul-Islām High School was to be used took part regularly in afternoon games. for college, and high school was to be shifted Regular speech contests and debates were to its new building, which was almost held under college union, students nearing its completion. enthusiastically took part in all these The inauguration ceremony of Ta‘līmul- activities. Islām Inter College, Qadian, took place on Results and reports on morals aspects of 14th June, 1944, presided over by Hadrat the students were regularly posted to their Khalifatul-Messiah II (radiyallāhu ‘anhu). parents.

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Hostel accommodation families. However, despite his Majority of the college students came from preoccupation, how keenly he was interested outside Qadian. Darul-Anwar Guest House to get the college reopened is evident from was used as hostel for some time, until Fazl-i the events that follow. College Principal -Umar Hostel building was available in 1944. Mirza Nasir Ahmad, who stayed back in The superintendent, Chaudhary Muhammad Qadian, was summoned to migrate and Ali, tutors, and proctors supervised regular instructed to expedite effort to find a suitable participation of residents in prayers, dars and building for the college. Dr. Abdul Wahid, study time from 8-10 pm daily. Parents were director Fazal-i-Umar Research Institute and reported regularly covering their ward’s Chaudhary Muhammad Ali were to assist academic and moral activities. him in the quest. Summer recess and partition of the Khalifatul-Masih’s strong determination subcontinent to reopen the college June 30th, 1947, when office order of College committee was reorganized to closure of Ta‘līmul-Islām College for consolidate efforts to locate a suitable summer recess from 1st July to 27th building as soon as possible, and look for the September, 1947, was issued, proved to be ways how to generate necessary funds for the last working day of the college in Qadian, running the college. Financial position of as during closure period partition of the Jamā‘at was already debilitated because of subcontinent, into India and Pakistan, was relocation. Most of the members had lost announced on 14th August 1947. jobs and businesses, and were not in strong After partition (1947-1973): enough financial position. Having this Ta‘līmul-Islām College in situation in mind, the committee was Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih II, radiyallahu reluctant to recommend to appeal members anhu, stayed in Rattan Bagh, Lahore, to of Jamā‘at for the funds. The committee was supervise interests of Jamā‘at, as Lahore is unanimous on the view to put off the college capital city and officials were easily issue for time being. They presented their approachable there. Most of the college staff apprehensions in a meeting with Hadrat had migrated to Pakistan, few were directed Khalifatul-Masih II, radiyallahu ‘anhu. to stay back, so as to protect college Members present were Mian Bashir Ahmad, equipment from looting and destruction by M.A, Abdul Rhim Dard and Chaudhary the hand of refugees that were pouring into Muhammad Ali. Qadian, and supervise safe evacuation of On hearing committee’s concern, Hadrat women and children to Pakistan. Muhammad Khalifatul-Masih II, radiyallahu ‘anhu, Munir Khan Shami, a Ta‘līmul-Islām became emotional and said enthusiastically College B.Sc. student, who was on guard in a loud voice, “You are worried for funds! I duty, was martyred by a band of Sikh looters. am worried for our youth. The college will Most of Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih II’s time reopen and will never close.” He instructed was consumed in solving problems Chaudhary Muhammad Ali to speed up concerning settlement issues of migrant efforts to find a suitable place for the college

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Ta‘līmul-Islām College—a historic perspective where ever under the sky in Pakistan, and to At last Ta‘līmul-Islām College moved into grab it and start the college. Prof. Mian Ataur larger but debilitated building of D.A.V. -Rahman and Sufi Basharat-ur-Rahman were College, in civil lines. Though the building called from Qadian with the instructions to was laid out on a college style, had several bring with them lists of articles and rooms but was in very bad shape, totally equipment necessary for college setup. damaged by refugees. Furniture and library The committee visited different sites in books, etc., were burnt. Heaps of debris were Lahore, Aiman Abad, Gujranwala, Kot accumulating in the rooms, door panes and Shera, Rawalpindi, Lyallpur, and Sangla windows were broken and burnt, piles of Hill. Moreover, Jamā‘at members in Multan rubble and glass pieces were scattered every and Dera Ghazi Khan were requested to where. Large sum of money were spent on locate some suitable building in their area for removal of the litter so as to make the rooms the purpose . inhabitable. Thousands of rupees were spent Meanwhile college office started to purchase necessary laboratory equipment functioning in a room in Cement Building, and books. In the beginning laboratories of close to the Jodha Mal Building, Lahore. It M.A.O. and F.C. college were used for displayed a sign board, “Office of Ta‘līmul- experiments. A part of college building was Islām College.” The office superintendent, refurbished to use as hostel to accommodate Abdur-Rahman Junaid Hashmi, and two of 50 residents, eight to a room. his colleagues, started enrolling students Remarkable academic progress while sitting on the floor of the office, as Despite these difficulties, shortages, and there were no chairs available. Sixty students shamble state, number of students rose from were enrolled, mostly old students from 60 to 267 within a year. The library was Qadian. During next few months the college established with latest editions of books on shifted from one building to another: Sikh every subject. College results were National College, Khalsa Hostel and Janj remarkably good. Graduation average for Ghar in Sant Nagar, Lahore, vacating one B.A. was 83.3% compared to 39.8%of the after another because of unsuitability. university. In a year Ta‘līmul-Islām College At last Settlement Department allotted stood neck to neck with topmost colleges in dilapidated building at 37 Canal Park, Lahore. Lahore. Probably it was used as a stable or a Extra curricular activities soon gained dairy farm before partition, as indicated by momentum. College union, Arabic, its low roofed narrow barrack-like rooms. All economic, science, photographic, and radio the 60 college students sat in two rows on societies were active. Students participated in mats on the floor, facing each other to university officers training core. Ta‘līmul- attended their classes. The room served as Islām College students formed 80% of the class room, mosque, as well as hostel for the squadron who presented guard of honor to night. the visiting Emperor of Iran.

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Football, volleyball, badminton and Manar” as college magazine. The college swimming teams won honors for the college, magazine was soon acknowledged as a rowing team was top most in the competition standard publication. Principal’s message on held under Punjab Rowing Association. In a the eve of the publication of the fist issue short span of time Ta‘līmul-Islām College was, “With trust in God and Faith in the attained a respectable place among colleges ultimate triumph of your mission, march on!” not only of the city, but also of the region. First convocation of Ta‘līmul-Islām Under the able guidance of the principal, College, Lahore, was held on 2nd April, economic society started publishing a series 1950. Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih II, of booklets under the title “Young (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) graced the occasion and Economist,” later replaced in 1950 by “Al- delivered an important presidential address. Table 1. Chronological events that lead to the establishment of Ta‘limul-Islam educational system. Dates Historic events Headmaster/principal st 1 January 1898 Madrasa Ta‘limul-Islam (primary) Yakoob Ali Turab (radiyallahu ‘anhu) 5th May 1898 Ta‘limul Islam Middle School Maulavi Sher Ali (radiyallahu ‘anhu) February 1900 9th class March 1901 High School Mufti Muhammad Sadiq (radiyallahu ‘anhu) 28th May 1903 Ta‘limul-Islam College Maulavi Sher Ali (radiyallahu ‘anhu) 1905 Closure (university act) 14th June 1944 Reopening Mirza Nasir Ahmad (rahimahullah) 1945 Degree classes (B.A./ B.Sc.) 30th June 1947 Summer recess and partition

10th December 1947 Lahore, Pakistan Mirza Nasir Ahmad (rahimahullah) 6th December 1954 Rabwah, Pakistan, Inter college 1961-62 Degree classes

1963-64 Post graduate classes 1964 M.A./M.Sc. 1965 Kazi M. Aslam 1973 Nationalization Chaudhary Muhammad Ali

Present Run under government of the Punjab

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Ta‘līmul-Islām College—a historic perspective

Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih II (radiyallāhu to get Ta‘līmul-Islām College uprooted from ‘anhu) particularly advised the outgoing the building and get it moved to some other graduates, to never to stay at one point, and smaller building. However, despite these to continue to progress. He referred to the unstable conditions around, the college divine law prevailing in nature that nothing progressed rapidly by the Grace of God, rests, there is a continuous change in nature. number of students jumped to 500 within He advised them to be ever ready for a long short period of time. unending struggle, and keep trying to move First All Pakistan Inter-Collegiate Debate forward, by seeking help and guidance by Despite all around anti-Ta‘līmul-Islām praying. He stressed that desired results of College turbulence, college rapidly highest quality are achieved only by taking progressed in curricular and extra curricular appropriate steps at appropriate time, by activities. First All Pakistan Inter-College using appropriate means. He reminded them debate was held in February, 1950. Teams of never to forget the training which they have Ta‘līmul-Islām College speakers took part in received during their stay in their alma mater. debates held in other colleges around, despite Anti College Forces anti-Ta‘līmul-Islām College slogans and Burned in fire of jealousy at rapid progress hooliganism when Ta‘līmul-Islām College of Ta‘līmul-Islām College, anti-college students rose to speak, they continuously forces started brewing conspiracies. Jamā‘at brought honors for their college. So was in Ahmadiyya spent thousands of rupees and sports. several hundred hours of man power to Ta‘līmul-Islām College during the rebuilt the debilitated D.A.V. College turbulent year 1953 building to make it proper enough to house Year 1953 is remembered in Pakistan one of the fast progressing institution of the history as a year of wide spread political region. The staff and students of Ta‘līmul- turmoil in which city of Lahore was specially Islām College were sincerely serving the implicated. Political issues bent them into an community irrespective of race and creed, anti-Ahmadiyya movement by politicians showing best results in academics and sports. and mullas. An Ahmadi college student Foul thinking anti-Jamā‘at forces could not Jamāl Ahmad, who was passing by, was digest Jamā‘at’s contribution in service of martyred by an unruly mob in Bhati Gate humanity. They started a series of intrigues area, Lahore. Lawlessness continued until and tried day and night to get the allotment Marshal Law was promulgated by General of D.A.V. College building cancelled. They Muhammad Azam Khan to control the did every thing to stop Ta‘līmul-Islām situation. Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Principal college from working normally. Their satanic Ta‘līmul-Islām College, was arrested at a minds tried continuously making issues, petty pretext to please mullas. never wanting to let the college function in Ta‘līmul-Islām College at Rabwah peaceful atmosphere. They tried their utmost Since migration from India, Jamā‘at had

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been looking and praying to seek help from presidential address, outlined college charter. God for guidance to get a suitable site to Salient features of which were: establish Jamā‘at’s headquarters in Pakistan. ● There is no discrimination regarding Present site on the right bank of River religion, cast or creed in this college. Chenab was decided, and the land was Students from all religions are welcome. obtained on lease from the government. The However, it will be binding on them to new city was named Rabwah, the high place spend their lives according to the teachings where Jesus and Marry rested, as described of whatever religion they profess. in Holy Qur’ān, during their flight from ● College authorities expect that each and Palestine to Kashmir. Rabwah rapidly grew every student will pray according to the into an international teachings of his religion. town. Hadrat Khalifatul- He will be reminded if he Masih II (radiyallāhu fails to do so. ‘anhu) wanted the college ● College to be shifted to Rabwah authorities consider that as soon as possible, reminding a person to where the foundations of pray and abide by his college buildings had religious teaching is not already been laid. As interfering in his religion. soon as the college and Hypocrisy is not to be hostel buildings were encouraged. completed, college was ● College shifted. There was no Hadrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad authorities will not underground water at the (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) tolerate strikes, staying college site, so water for Khalifatul-Masih III away from classes and use in college and hostel Principal (1944-1965) demonstrations at any was supplied by a 2,000 In Principal’s office pretext. Doors for feet long underground dialogue with authorities pipe from another location. Soon well will remain open if any such situation equipped science laboratories were arises. completed for F.Sc. and B.Sc. Honors Library classes. College library was acclaimed one of the Inauguration best in the region. Latest additions of text Hadrat Khalifatul-Masih II (radiyallāhu books were available. All well known ‘anhu) graced the inauguration ceremony of magazines and journals were subscribed. Ta‘līmul-Islām College, Rabwah, on 6th Students were encouraged to read books. December, 1954. Aslam Sabar (1st year) and Chaudhary Muhammad Zafrullah Khan Prof Nasir Ahmad Khan read poems (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) donated his personal appropriate to the occasion. Hadrat collection of books. Khalifatul-Masih II (radiyallāhu ‘anhu) in his Old students contribution

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Ta‘līmul-Islām College—a historic perspective

to the service of college controlled by a mess committee elected from There is a long list of Ahmadi students hostlers. Each hostel wing was supervised by who dedicated (waqf) their lives in service of a proctor appointed from senior classes. college after completion of their education. Hostel common room was the most visited The list of old students of Ta‘līmul-Islām place in the evenings, where Urdu and College who served on the staff of the English newspapers, and facilities for indoor college from 1954 to November 1965 games were provided. Annual indoor game appears in Table 3. competitions, and annual dinner followed by Fazl-i-Umar Hostel an entertainment program, were memorable Four wings of the spacious building of annual regular hostel features. All events Fazl-i-Umar Hostel with more than fifty took place in cordial and friendly cubicles and dormitories was available for atmosphere. the residents. Professor Chaudhary Fazl-i-Umar hostel had international Muhammad Ali as the warden and Professor residents belonging to different nations, to Saeed Ullah Khan as superintendent mention a few, Indonesia, Somalia, Nigeria, managed the hostel affairs. Hostel mess was Ghana, Mauritius, and Tanzania.

Table 3. List of Ta‘limul-Islam old students who served the college after completion of their education, with their subjects. Name Subject Name Subject Masoud Ahmad Atif Physics Aziz Ahmad Tahir Economics Mubarak Ahmad Ansari Chemistry Muhammad Arshad Physics Zafar Ahmad Vaince Economics Abdus Samee Physics Hameed Ullah Mathematics Muhammad Sharif Khan Zoology Khursheed Ahmad English Abdul Shakoor Aslam Botany Rafiq Ahmad Saquib Chemistry Abdul Rashid Ghani Mathematics Kanwar Idrees Ahmad English Rashid Ahmad Javaid Economics Hameed Ahmad English Ijazul Haq Qureshi History Khwaja Manzoor Ahmed Biology Muhammad Arshad Tirmazi English Muhammad Sultan Akbar Arabic Abdul Jalil Sadiq English Nasir Ahmad Perwazi Urdu Muhammad Akram ? Munawer Ahmed Shamim Political Science Abdul Rashid Fauzi History Saeed Ullah Khan Statistics Anwer Hussan Islamiyyat Muhammad Aslam Qureshi Physics Mirza Anas Ahmad Philosophy Muhammad Ahmed Anwar D.P.I., Islamiat Muhammad Aslam Sabar Arabic Sajjad Imam Persian

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Regular annual activities were admitted in engineering and medical Ta‘līmul-Islām College, Rabwah was colleges. known all over Pakistan by its various annual Visits of dignitaries: Scientists, poets, regular activities: writers from within Pakistan and all over the Inter-College Debates drew participants world were invited to speak to the college from all over Pakistan. Ta‘līmul-Islām students. Lectures followed by question- College had a strong answer session added acclaimed debating much to the knowledge team, that regularly of the students. brought honors. Subject societies: Urdu Conference: Elections for intra- Three Urdu conferences subject societies were were held, participated held each year in the by renowned Urdu month of September writers and poets from after summer recess. within the country and The College Union was India. They presented the largest and was their scholastic papers known as Qaid-i-Azam on advancement of Society. Thursday Urdu language. The afternoon was reserved speeches were published for subject society in booklets Zikr-i-Urdu. meetings. Students read All Pakistan papers on different basketball aspects of their subject. championship: A three Once a month the day basketball gala was societies used to hold a regular annual feature Two Principals: Qazi Muhammad Aslam, picnic at Chenab River, in which teams from all M.A. Cantb., in coming, left. enjoying lunch and over Pakistan regularly Hadrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad boating in the river. participated. (rahimahullāh), out going, right. Proctorial system: To All Pakistan Rowing maintain law and order Competitions: The competitions were held in and preserve calm atmosphere in college the Chenab River annually, participated by premises, Proctors patrolled the college teams from all over Pakistan. Ta‘līmul-Islām campus regularly. College rowing team retained Punjab Postgraduate Degree College University championship for several years. Scheme to bifurcate Ta‘līmul-Islām Excellent results: College results were College into Inter (old campus) and always above university average. Almost Postgraduate College (new campus) was each years college students topped inter and launched during the years 1961-62. Degree university exams, 4-8 come to the merit and and postgraduate classes were to be shifted in

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Ta‘līmul-Islām College—a historic perspective a new building, at about one mile from the weapons. Calm and serene college old campus. Large sums of money were atmosphere had long gone. The staff spent in purchasing latest equipment for “visited” the college at their will, only to M.Sc. Physics and Chemistry laboratories, show face so to become entitled to claim ordered directly from England, West paychecks. Germany, America and Yugoslavia. Physics Once acclaimed best college building in wing was completed in 1967, where the region, Ta‘limul-Islām College building postgraduate M.Sc. classes were shifted. is now in shambles with in no time, because Chemistry, Botany and Zoology wings were of want of repairs. Though government spent under construction. million of rupees on repairs, all monies went Nationalization to fill bellies of contractors, not to be seen in All private educational institution were repairs. Government was billed, stamped nationalized in 1973 by the government of “passed” by the inspectors. To quote an that time in a bid to have political control on example: repaired verandas became students and staff. The parent managing impassable within days of repair, as sand and bodies were dissolved. Government imported pebbles became loose because of wearing principals and lecturers from outside, who away of the “thin” cement layer binding had no affiliations and bonds with the them. From this small example, quality of the institutions. They were always after their material and masonry used to replace roofs salaries and private tuitions. An efficiently and repair walls can easily be imagined. working educational system was turned Once the college which was known by its upside down. Instead of teaching subjects for good results, excellence in sports and good which lecturer were hired, they lectured on conduct of its staff and students, is now religious matters, creating hatred among known by negative aspects of all these good different religious sects. The institution attributes. College results have fallen bellow which never closed in a protest and never university average, in several subjects it is participated in calls for strikes and never consistently staying at zero. Very rarely a closed on any pretext, remained closed for student is lucky enough to qualify to get weeks. No body bothered about the welfare admission in a professional college. of the students and their interest. There was Achievements of once internationally anarchy prevailing in each department. The renowned Ta‘līmul-Islām College now principal kept quiet and had no courage to remain in the university records and in the reprimand teachers on not taking classes. minds of old students and teachers, who once Lecturers used students to press college brought laurels for their alma mater. Recount authorities to concede to their demands. of magnificent past of Ta‘līmul-Islām Hooliganism and lawlessness became the College is presented at Ta‘līmul-Islām rule, fights among antagonistic student College old student site groups were daily affairs, students come with www.ticollegerabwah.com.

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Let us pray for good time to return soon, www.ticollegerabwah.com sites for which so that college may serve once again the author is thankful to the webmasters of Pakistan in befitting manner in control of its these sites. parent body, and once again may rank among References foremost colleges in Pakistan and serve the Basic information for this article comes nation in a befitting way. Though past never from: Tarīkh-i-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 10, returns but good wishes and prayers for the compiled by Maulana Dost Muhammad best are never wasted. It is said that the Shahid. Following is a list of other history repeats itself! publications consulted: Acknowledgement Rashid, Abdul Architect. Mairi Pasandida The author wants to thank Dr. Sultan Basti, Qadian, Darul-Amān. Pages 189-192. Ahmad Mobashir, Fazl-i-Umar Hospital, Sadiq, Mufti Muhammad. Zikr-i-Habib, Rabwah, Pakistan, for providing scans from Vol. 1, pp. 1-429. Vol. 10 of Tarīkh-i-Ahmadiyyat, and Syed Zafar, Burhan Ahmad. Markaz-i- Sajid Ahmad for suggesting the topic and Ahmadiyyat, Qadian, Zafar and Son, proving me with photocopies of the rest of Mohalla Ahmadiyya, Qadian. pp. 84-102. the literature consulted. The photographs for this articles are taken from various sources, especially from www.alislam.org and A Valuable Book for Our Urdu Readers Watch MTA on the Internet Basic Religious Knowledge Course for the members of www.alislam.org/mta Majlis Ansarullah Send $3 per copy to Chaudhary Listen or Watch Mushtaq Ahmad, 15000 Good Hope Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20905 with Live Broadcasts, Friday your mailing address and phone Sermons number. Majlis Ansarullah U.S.A. (Live and Archived) will pay the postage within the continental U.S.

Special Issue of the Al-Nahl on the Life of Hadrat Dr. Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, radiyallahu ‘anhu. 60 pages, $2. Special Issue on Dr. Abdus Salam. 220 pages, 42 color and B&W pictures, $3. Ansar Ansar (Ansarullah News) is published monthly by Majlis Ansarullah U.S.A. and is sent free to all Ansar in the U.S. 27

Letter to a Dear One Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan

English translation of his epic Urdu work by Shermeen Butt with foreword by M. M. Ahmad and introduction by Hadrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad. 110+ pages. $2

Salat On-Line Salat chart is now available in on-line format on a floppy disk. Send $2 per disk to

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Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the Bible From Introduction to the Study of the Holy Quran, by Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (Khalifatul-Masih II), (1889-1965), radiyallahu ‘anhu. $1 each.

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Refutation of Christians Arguments in Favor of the Divinity of Jesus (Continued from Al-Nahl Vol. 16, Issue 1) Malik Abdur-Rahman Khadim, B.A., LL.B. (1910-1957)

Tenth Argument: 14:2-3) So Jesus went where his disciples He went to heaven so he is God. went. Reply 1: 1. Jesus was not God as he was prey to Elijah ascended to heaven along with human needs. chariot. [And it came to pass, as they still 2. He was not omnipotent as he says, [And went on, and talked, that, behold, there he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, my cup, and be baptized with the baptism and parted them both asunder; and Elijah that I am baptized with: but] to sit on my went up by a whirlwind into heaven.] (2 right hand, and on my left, is not mine to Kings 2:11) give, [but it shall be given to them for whom Reply 2: it is prepared of my Father.] Matthew 20:23. Messiah did not go to heaven. [But to sit on my right hand and on my left (a) And no man hath ascended up to hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given heaven, [but he that came down from heaven, to them for whom it is prepared.] Mark even the Son of man which is in heaven.] 10:40. (John 13:13) And why he could not descend from the (b) Messiah had come from heaven. [For I cross while the Jews were ready to accept came down from heaven, not to do mine own him if he could. Therefore he was not God. will, but the will of him that sent me.] (John Eleventh Argument: 6:38, [What and if ye shall see the Son of Now all this was done, that it might be man ascend up where he was before? It is the fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be nothing: the words that I speak unto you, with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they are spirit, and they are life.] John 6:62- they shall call his name Emmanuel, which 63) So even now he is in heaven spiritually being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew but not bodily. 1:22-23) (c) [In my Father’s house are many Reply 1: mansions: if it were not so, I would have told The gospel writers have misquoted the text you.] I go to prepare a place for you. [And if in Isaiah 7:14 while copying it. Actual words I go and prepare a place for you, I will come are: Therefore the Lord himself shall give again, and receive you unto myself; that you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, where I am, there ye may be also.] (John and bear a son, and shall call his name

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Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14) of Mary, was only a Messenger of Allah… Reply 2: mercy from Him 4:172] (Al-Nisa 172). Mary named her son Jesus, not Immanuel. Reply: Reply 3: This is not our religion and neither Isalm Birth of Maher-shalal-hash-baz is has taught us that we accept Messiah or mentioned in Isaiah 8:1 [Moreover the anyone else as god except God. Islamic LORD said unto me, Take thee a great roll, teachings are quite opposite of it. At the end and write in it with a man’s pen concerning of the second of the above verses Allah the Maher-shalal-hash-baz.] He is the object of Almighty says, wa lā taqūlū thalāthah— this prophecy. intahū khairallakum (Al-Nisa 172) [… and Reply 4: say not ‘They are three.’ Desist, it will be Immanuel means God with us but God was better for you. 4:172] Similarly at one place, not with Jesus due to the following reasons: says, laqad kafaralladhīna qālū innallāha (a) Unsuccessful life of Jesus. huwal-masīhubnu maryama (Al-Ma’ida 18, (b) His own admittance by saying, Eli, Eli, 73) [They have indeed disbelieved who say, lama sabachthani? [that is to say, My God, ‘Surlely, Allah is none but the Messiah, son my God, why hast thou forsaken me? of Mary.’ 5:18, 73] Additionally, laqad Matthew 27:46] kafaralladhīna qālū innallāha thālithu (c) Satan was with him for forty days. thalāthah (Al-Ma’ida 74) [They are indeed (d) Then his departure after a while [And disbelievers who say, ‘Surlely, Allah is the when the devil had ended all the temptation, third of the three’ 5:74]. he departed from him for a season.] Luke If the words of rūhullah can make 4:13 someone a god then Messiah is not singular. Therefore Jesus cannot be Immanuel. This will render thousands, millions, rather Messiah cannot be God everyone god according to the Holy Qur’an. just because he is called Rūhullah. See, Twelfth Argument: a. Allah the Almighty declares about The Holy Qur’an has mentioned Messiah Adam: thumma sawwāhu wa nafakha fīhi as Rūhullāh [mercy/spirit of Allah]. Words mirrūhih (al-Sajdah 10) [32:10 Then He of Rūhumminhu [mercy/spirit from Him endowed him with perfect faculties and 4:172] (Al-Nisa 172) have been used for the breathed into him of His spirit.] Messiah in the Holy Qur’an. Secondly it is fa idha sawwaituhū wa nafakhtu fīhi said, wa maryamabnata imrānallatī ahsanat mirrūhī faqa‘ū lahū sājidīn (Al-Hijr 30, Sād farjahā fanafakhnā fīhi mirrūhinā [And the 73) [15:30/38:73 ‘So when I fashioned him example of Mary, the daughter of ‘Imrān, in perfection and have breathed into him of who guarded her private parts—so we My spirit, fall ye down in submission to breathed into him Our Spirit— 66:13] (Al- him.’] Thus, God’s rūh [spirit] was infused in Tahrīm 13). In a third instance, innamal- Adam like in the Messiah. Does he become masīhu ‘īsabnu maryama rasūlullāhi … God? rūhumminhu [Verily, the Messiah, Jesus, son b. Concerning Gabriel, fa arsalnā ilaihā

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Refutation of Christians Arguments In Favor of the Divinity of Jesus r ūhanā fatamaththala lahā basharan sawiyyā thine hand upon him.] Numbers, 27:18; [And (Maryam 18) [19:18 Then We sent Our angel I have filled him with the spirit of God, in to her and he appeared to her in the form of a wisdom, and in understanding, and in well proportioned man.] knowledge, and in all manner of c. Ezekiel 37:14, concerning those who workmanship.] Exodus, 31:3; [But at the last were driven out of their homes in thousands Daniel came in before me, whose name was and were killed and were raised, “And shall Belteshazzar, according to the name of my put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy shall place you in your own land: then shall gods: and before him I told the dream, ye know that I the Lord have spoken it, and saying, O Belteshazzar, master of the performed it, saith the Lord.” magicians, because I know that the spirit of That makes, apart from Jesus, rather Adam the holy gods is in thee, and no secret first of all, then his progeny and Gabriel, etc., troubleth thee, tell me the visions of my all to be gods. dream that I have seen, and the interpretation d. The terms Spirit of God and the thereof. This dream I king Nebuchadnezzar expression “Spirit of God” has been used in have seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, the bible for other than God. Rather these declare the interpretation thereof, forasmuch expressions show that they are used for as all the wise men of my kingdom are not prophecy. Read the following: able to make known unto me the 1. The King of Egypt said about Yusuf, interpretation: but thou art able; for the spirit [And Pharaoh said unto his servants,] Can we of the holy gods is in thee.] Daniel, 4:8, 9, find such a one as this is, a man in whom the 18; [The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; Spirit of God is? Gen. 41:38 because the LORD hath anointed me to 2. And he hath filled him (Bezaleel) with preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath the spirit of God, in wisdom, in sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to understanding, and in knowledge, and in all proclaim liberty to the captives, and the manner of workmanship. Exodus, 35:31 opening of the prison to them that are 3. And also check out [And shall put my bound.] Isaiah, 61:1; [Yet many years didst spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall thou forbear them, and testifiedst against place you in your own land: then shall ye them by thy spirit in thy prophets: yet would know that I the LORD have spoken it, and they not give ear: therefore gavest thou them performed it, saith the LORD.] Ezekiel, into the hand of the people of the lands.] 37:14; [And Balaam lifted up his eyes, and Nehemiah, 9:30. These words have been he saw Israel abiding in his tents according to used quite often in the New Testament. their tribes; and the spirit of God came upon 1. But she is happier if she so abide, after him.] Numbers, 24:2; [And the LORD said my judgment: and I think also that I have the unto Moses, Take thee Joshua the son of Spirit of God. 1 Corinthians, 7:40. The Nun, a man in whom is the spirit, and lay following reference from the Bible is the

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clearest of them all: the manifestation of the Spirit is given to 2. And it shall come to pass in the last every man to profit withal. For to one is days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to upon all flesh: and your sons and your another the word of knowledge by the same daughters shall prophesy, [and your young Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to men shall see visions, and your old men shall another the gifts of healing by the same dream dreams.] Acts, 2:17 Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to Look at the following instances in the another prophecy; to another discerning of Gospels: spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to [And the angel answered and said unto another the interpretation of tongues: But all her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, these worketh that one and the selfsame and the power of the Highest shall Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he overshadow thee: therefore also that holy will. 1 Corinthians, 12:4-11 thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.] Luke, 1:35 Madhhabi Encyclopaedia, Ya’ni [And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth Mukammal Tablighi Pocket Book (Urdu), heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped Malik Abdur-Rahman Khadim, pp 65-66. in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.] Luke, 1:41 Notes by the Translator [And his father Zacharias was filled with All Biblical references are from King the Holy Ghost, and prophesied.] Luke, 1:67 James Version. All text in [brackets] is [And, behold, there was a man in Translator’s, and also the author has Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the produced numerous references but for the same man was just and devout, waiting for sake of brevity has omitted the text in many the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost cases, for readers’ assistance, we have added was upon him.] Luke, 2:25 the omitted text in [brackets]. [For he shall be great in the sight of the Translated by Syed Sajid Ahmad. Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb.] Luke, 1:15 [And they were all filled with the Holy If you are not getting Al-Nahl… Ghost, and began to speak with other If you are a member of Majlis Ansarullah, tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.] U.S.A., and not receiving free copies of Acts, 2:4 Ansar newsletter and the Al-Nahl, please [Now there are diversities of gifts, but the contact local or national tajnid official to same Spirit. And there are differences of make sure that your address data is correct administrations, but the same Lord. And and that you are listed as a member of there are diversities of operations, but it is Majlis Ansarullah. the same God which worketh all in all. But

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Glossary abdāl: an order of saints, saints, devotees. organization of all Ahmadi men aver 40 Plural of badal or badīl. years of age. abu: father of Malf·Âåt \£í¬πæõ : sayings of the Promised a™åd∏th XŒûd£äZ : Plural of ™ad∏th. Messiah, 'alaihissalåm. A™madiyyat XÕûdøäZ : Muslim sect Masī™-i-Mau‘ūd, Masih Mau‘ood: : The Promised Messiah believing Hañrat Mirzå Ghulåm A™mad to d¬ì¬õ —√±õ (©añrat Mirza Ghulam A™mad, be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, peace ‘alaihissalam) be on him Masjid ¨®±õ : mosque ‘alaihissalåm wαöZ ‰√æì : peace be on him Muhājir : immigrant Æ⣡õ al-na™l (pronounced anna™l): the bee Mu”li™-i-Mau‘ūd, Musleh Mau‘ood: Āmilah: a committee of workers (The Promised Reformer): Ansår f£≥úZ : Helpers. Members of Majlis d¬ì¬õ —æ≥õ ©añrat Mirza Bashiruddin Ma™mud Ansarullah. ansarullah : helpers of Allah A™mad (1889-1965), Khalifatul-Masih II, ‰æöZ f£≥úZ rañiyallåhu 'anhu, who fulfilled the ayyadahullåhu ta‘ålå bina”rihil-‘az∏z, prophesy of the Promised Messiah, peace ØûØ∑öZ yÆ≥¿Ö ˘£∑Ü ‰æöZ y¨ûZ : May Allah support be on him, about the advent of a Reformer. him with His Mighty Help Nāsir: helper. A member of Majlis Chanda: y¨¿å Monetary contribution, Ansarullah. donation. rañiyallåhu 'anhu: ‰¿ì ‰æöZ Áêf : May Allah be chanda ijtima: contribution towards ijtima‘ pleased with him. expenses ra™imahullåh ‰æöZ ‰øäf : May Allah have Œû¨ä : Saying of the Holy Prophet mercy on him Muhammad, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. “adr f¨è : President. Hañrat, Hazrat: : His Holiness \Æ¥ä sahåba, sahabah: ‰Ö£©è Companions (of the ™uñūr, huzur f¬¥ä : Your Honor/Holiness, Holy Prophet Mohammad, sallallahu His Honor/Holiness ‘alaihi wasallam, and of the Promised Ijtimå‘, Ijtema o£ø•âZ : Rally. Messiah, ‘alaihissalam.) Ijtimå‘åt \£ì£ø•âZ : plural of Ijtima. ”allallåhu 'alaihi wasallam : ‚æçz ‰√æì ‰æöZ ˙è inshå’allåh, ‰æöZ Y£é xZ : God willing. peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Jamå‘at Õì£øâ : Community, Organization Salåt |¬æè : Formal Prayer offered according Jumu‘ah ‰∑øâ : Friday. to a prescribed procedure. Khalīfah: vicegerent Shah∏d ¨√¡é : Martyr; also, witness Khalifatul-Masih —√±˚Z Êπ√æã : Successor to Shurå }f¬é : advisory council. the Promised Messiah, ‘alaihissalam. ‰¿ç : practice of the Holy Prophet Khilåfat ÕïÎã : Succession Muhammad, sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. khulafå £πæã: Plural of khalifah. Ta‘līmul-Islām (Ta‘līm al-Islām): Education Majlis ‘æ®õ : Society, organization. of Islam taqwå : righteousness Majlis Ansarullåh ‰æöZf£≥úZ ‘æ®õ }¬∫Ü (Organization of Helpers of God): The Zakat |¬òg : Prescribed alms.

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Majlis Ansarullah, U.S.A.

Majlis Ansarullah, U.S.A., is an auxiliary of the National Majlis ‘ãmilah Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc. U.S.A., 15000 Majlis Ansarullah, U.S.A. Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905, U.S.A. It consists of Ahmadi Muslim men over the age of 40. 2006-2007 The Arabic expression ansarullah literally means helpers of God, and is taken from the Holy Qur’an (61 Sadr: ...... Wajeeh Bajwa [Al-Saff]:15, 3[Āl-‘Imrān]:53). Nā’ib Sadr Saf Duvam: ......

...... Abdul Shukoor Ahmad Ansar Pledge 2006 Ash-hadu allā ilāha illallāhu wahdahū lā sharīka lahū wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhū wa rasūluh Nā’ib Sadr Saf Awwal I: ...... Khalid Ata (I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship Mu‘āwin Sadr: ...... Nasirullah Ahmad except Allah, He is One and has no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Qā’id Umūmi: ...... Saqib, Munawar Messenger.) Qā’id Tablīgh: ...... Monas Ahmad Chaudry

I solemnly pledge that I shall endeavor throughout my Qā’id Ta‘līm: ...... M. Dawood Munir life for the propagation and consolidation of Qā’id Tarbiyyat: ...... Rafiuddin Malik Ahmadiyyat in Islam, and shall stand guard in defense Qā’id Tarbiyyat Nau Mubā’i‘īn: ...... of the institution of Khilafat. I shall not hesitate to offer ...... Rafi Ahmad any sacrifice in this regard. Moreover, I shall exhort my Qā’id Ta‘līmul-Qur’ān: ...... Salim Nasir Malik children to always remain dedicated to Khilafat. Qā’id Māl: ...... Kaleem Ahmad Rana Inshā’allāh. Qā’id Tahrīk-i-Jadīd: ......

Periodicals ...... Anwer Mahmood Khan Qā’id Waqf-i-Jadīd: ...... Muhammad Ali Al-Nahl: Published quarterly. See inside for subscription information. Qā’id Ishā‘at ...... Syed Sajid Ahmad Ansar (Ansarullah News): Monthly newsletter. Additional Qā’id Ishā‘at (Sam‘ī Basri [Audio/ Video/MTA]): ...... Publications ...... Peer Habibur-Rahman Wonderful Prayers from the Holy Qur’an, Pocket- Qā’id ∑thār: ...... Yahya Muhammad Size Edition: Free Qā’id Dhihānat-o-“i™™at-i-Jismānī: ...... Salat Poster: 18x24” Color, Arabic with English transliteration and English translation, $2/copy...... Bashiruddin Khalil Ahmad Words of Wisdom (Dr. Karimullah Zirvi, Majeed A. Qā’id Tajnīd: ...... Mujahid Mahmood Mian, Syed Sajid Ahmad): A collection of ahadith. Auditor: ...... Mohammed Owusu $5. Za‘īm A‘lā: ...... Perwaiz Aslam Chaudehry Conditions of Bai‘at, Pocket-Size Edition: Free Ishā‘at Manager: ...... Letter to a Dear One (Sir Muhammad Zafrullah ...... Chaudhary Mushtaq Ahmad Khan): $2/copy Synopsis of Religious Preaching (Maulana A.U. Arākīn-i-Khusūsī Kaleem): $2/copy. (Special Members) Inspiring Events in the Field of Tabligh (Maulana Ata-ul-Mujeeb Rashed): $2/copy. Ahsanullah Zafar, Munir Hamid, Razzaq and Farida (Dr. Yusef Lateef): A story for Masoud Ahmad Malik, Karimullah Zirvi, children. $1.50/copy. Nasir M Malik

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Hadrat , Khalifatul-Masih IV, rahimahullah, left, attended Ta‘līmul-Islām College 1944-49, and Hadrat , Khalifatul-Masih V, ayyadahullah, right, also studied at the Ta‘līmul-Islām College, Rabwah, Pakistan, 1967-71.

Al-Nahl NONPROFIT Published by Majlis Ansarullah, U.S.A., ORGANIZATION An Auxiliary of The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, U.S.A. U.S. POSTAGE 15000 Good Hope Rd, Siver Spring MD 20905 PAID Printed at the Fazl-i-Umar Press. CHAUNCEY, OH Postmaster: Send address changes to PERMIT NO 2 P.O. Box 226, Chauncey, OH 45719