Spanish I Grades 9-12 Exprésate

Revision Date: 7/20/2020 Submitted by: AmyLyn Kuzyk-Smith


Table of Contents: Course Overview 3 Pacing Chart 5 Unit #1 Overview At-a-Glance 9 Unit #1 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards 13 Unit #2 Overview At-a-Glance 17 Unit #2 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards 21 Unit #3 Overview At-a-Glance 25 Unit #3 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards 29 Unit #4 Overview At-a-Glance 33 Unit #4 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards 37 Unit #5 Overview At-a-Glance 40 Unit #5 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards 44 Unit #6 Overview At-a-Glance 48 Unit #6 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards 52 Unit #7 Overview At-a-Glance 56 Unit #7 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards 60 Unit #8 Overview At-a-Glance 64 Unit #8 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards 68 Unit #9 Overview At-a-Glance 72 Unit #9 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards 76 Unit #10 Overview At-a-Glance 81 Unit #10 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards 85


Course Overview In this course, students will recognize familiar spoken and written words and phrases contained in culturally authentic materials such as songs, poems, advertisements, news sources and other media using electronic information sources related to targeted themes including immigration and discrimination, climate change and the environment, and technology in their world. Emphasis is placed on comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands and requests through appropriate physical response. Using memorized words and phrases students will be able to create original responses based on personal preferences, opinions and experiences. The student will be familiar with a few common gestures and cultural practices associated with the target culture and the differences between them across the globe. They will identify familiar people, places, objects and activities in daily life based on oral and written descriptions. They will be able to compare and contrast these items with those found in the target culture. In order to reinforce the spoken language, students will demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages through physical, written and oral responses. They will be able to identify main ideas, author intent, and other significant thoughts in readings and authentic materials. citizens are part of a dynamic, interconnected, and technologically driven global society centered on the creation and communication of knowledge and ideas across geographical, cultural, and linguistic borders. Individuals who effectively communicate in more than one language, with an appropriate understanding of cultural contexts, are globally literate and possess the attributes reflected in the mission and vision for world languages education that follow:

Mission: The study of another language and culture enables individuals, whether functioning as citizens or workers, to communicate face-to-face and by virtual means in appropriate ways with people from diverse cultures.

Vision: An education in world languages fosters a population that: • Communicates in more than one language with the levels of language proficiency that are required to function in a variety of occupations and careers in the contemporary workplace. • Exhibits attitudes, values, and skills that indicate a positive disposition and understanding of cultural differences and that enhance cross-cultural communication. • Values language learning as a global literacy as well as for its long-term worth in fostering personal, work-related, and/or financial success in our increasingly interconnected world.

The New Jersey Student Learning Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy. The curriculum guide has been generated to not only help students achieve the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, but to ensure that students will be prepared for college and career opportunities following high school graduation.


Primary Resource(s) Textbooks Title: Exprésate: Spanish 1 Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Copyright: 2008

Supplemental Materials: (online text resource) Cassell’s English/Spanish Dictionary Internet Media Center Other appropriate supplemental materials /resources at individual teacher’s discretion


Pacing Chart Unit # & Title Pacing (must equal 165 days for full- year or 83 days for half-year course) Benchmarking Marking Period 1: Week 1 Unit 1: 1 day 1 A – Geocultura - España: The students will acquire an understanding of the history, geography and culture of Spain by using maps, texts and discussion. (1 lesson). Specific Marking Period 1: Weeks 1-4 topics include the impact of Christopher Columbus on our society today and current 17 days conflicts that affect both sides. 1 B - ¡Empecemos!: The students will learn to ask someone’s name and how someone is; introduce someone; say where they and others are from; give phone numbers, the time, the date, and the day; and spell words and give e-mail addresses and create conversations via texting format. (16 lessons).

Unit 2: Marking Period 1: Weeks 5 - 8 2 A - Geocultura: Puerto Rico: The students will acquire an understanding of the history, 17 days geography and culture of Puerto Rico by using maps, texts and discussion. Investigation and discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of Puerto Rico breaking away as a Commonwealth and becoming an independent country. Students will discuss the impact of natural disasters on the economy and the relationship with the United States (1 lesson). 2 B – A Conocernos: The students will learn to describe people; ask someone’s age and birthday, ask and respond about what they and others like and explain why. Students will learn, compare and contrast Quinceañera to the American Sweet Sixteen celebration and how it affects transgender individuals (16 lessons).

Unit 3: Marking Periods 1 and 2: Weeks 3 A – Geocultura - : The students will acquire an understanding of the history, 9-12 geography and culture of Texas by using maps, texts and discussion. Students will learn 17 days about the impact of immigration and undocumented individuals on families and impact on the local economy and culture (1 lesson). 3 B - ¿Qué te gusta hacer?: The students will learn to talk about what they and others like to do; explain the difference in the use of verbs compared to nouns; talk about what they


want to do; compare regular verb conjugation to shoe/boot verb conjugations; and talk about everyday activities using correct descriptions of time and frequency. (16 lessons).

Unit 4: Marking Period 2: Weeks 13 - 16 4 A - Geocultura: Costa Rica: The students will acquire an understanding of the history, 17 days geography and culture of Costa Rica by using maps, texts and discussion. Students will investigate and discuss the importance of tourism and the impact of natural disasters on the economy (1 lesson). 4 B – La Vida Escolar: The students will learn to say what they have and need; talk about classes and subjects; talk about plans (sports, extracurricular activities and pastimes); and invite someone to do something. (16 lessons).

Unit 5: Marking Period 2: Weeks 14 - 18 5 A – Geocultura - Chile: The students will acquire an understanding of the history, 17 days geography and culture of Chile by using maps, texts and discussion. Students will link the impact of geography has on the economy and demographics throughout the country (1 lesson). 5 B - En casa de la familia: The students will learn to describe people and family relationships; compare family structures of Spanish-speaking countries to those in the United States; talk about where they and others live (including different types of communities); and ask about responsibilities. Students will share with each other and compare/contrast as a class as well as compare responsibilities of students in Spanish- speaking countries (16 lessons).

Benchmarking 1 day

Unit 6: Marking Period 3: Weeks 19 - 22 6 A – Geocultura - México: The students will acquire an understanding of the history, 17 days geography and culture of Mexico by using maps, texts and discussion. Students will investigate the impact of changes in immigration laws (DACA) and the effect it has on first generation in comparison with their Mexican born parents (1 lesson). 6 B - ¡A comer!: The students will learn to comment on food (likes/dislikes, tasting new foods and describing taste and texture); take an order and make polite requests; talk about meals; and offer help and give instructions. Students will compare mealtimes in the United


States with Spanish-speaking countries and how the impact of American culture has changed traditions (16 lessons).

Unit 7: Marking Period 3: Weeks 23 - 26 7 A – Geocultura - Argentina: The students will acquire an understanding of the history, 16 days geography and culture of Argentina by using maps, texts and discussion. Students will investigate perspectives of the impact of Eva Peron on Argentine history as well as compare the roles of women in current society compared to the United States. Students will also learn the differences between the definition of “cowboy” between Mexico, Argentina and the United States and the different ways it has impacted each culture. Students will investigate the historical significance and influence of the Tango (1 lesson). 7 B - Cuerpo sano, mente sana: The students will learn to talk about their daily routines; use present tense of reflexive verbs correctly (regular and stem-changing); talk about staying fit and healthy; identifying food choices responsibly and using the food pyramid; talk about how they feel; and give advice. Students will compare/contrast the quality of the American diet to Spanish-speaking countries and the impact of the United States (15 lessons).

Unit 8: Marking Periods 3 and 4: Weeks 8 A – Geocultura – La Florida: The students will acquire an understanding of the history, 27 - 30 geography and culture of Florida by using maps, texts and discussion. Students will learn 16 days and discuss the impact of nearby Spanish-speaking countries and cultures on the local Florida culture and the impact of natural disasters affect its economy and relationship with Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Cuba (1 lesson). 8 B - Vamos de compras: The students will learn to ask for and give opinions; ask for and offer help in a store; say where they went and what they did using regular and irregular preterite tenses; and talk on the phone (casual and business). They will also discuss shopping preferences (brick and mortar shops and online retailers) and compare personal shopping habits to those of Spanish-speaking cultures (15 lessons).

Unit 9: Marking Period 4: Weeks 31 - 34 9 A – Geocultura – La República Dominicana: The students will acquire an understanding 16 days of the history, geography and culture of the Dominican Republic by using maps, texts and discussion. Students will learn how history impacts the language spoken. They will connect the economy to local geography and the impact natural disasters have on its people. (1 lesson). 7

9 B - ¡Festejemos!: The students will learn to talk about plans; talk about past holidays; talk about preparing for a party (delegating responsibilities and order of events); and greet, introduce others, and say goodbye. Students will understand the difference between formal and informal introductions based on occasion and compare to those used commonly in the United States (15 lessons)

Unit 10: Marking Period 4: Weeks 35 – 38 10 A – Geocultura - Perú: The students will acquire an understanding of the history, 12 days geography and culture of by using maps, texts and discussion. Students will understand the impact of geography on indigenous cultures and the relationship they have with local communities. Students will learn the impact of environmental change on the native animals (Alpacas/Llamas) and importance to the economy (1 lesson). 10 B - ¡A viajar!: The students will learn to ask for and give information; remind and reassure others; talk about a trip; and express hopes and wishes. Students will be able to pack and describe their suitcase pertaining to the destination and modes of transportation. They will plan a trip expressing desires and hopes, methods of booking a flight (technology), planning an itinerary and choosing the best option using a budget* (11 lessons). Benchmarking Marking Period 4: Week 38 1 day


Unit 1 Overview At-a-Glance *Grades 6-8 curriculum must include Financial Literacy integration (budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, and investment). Please denote Financial Literacy integration throughout the curriculum with an asterisk (*). Unit #1 – España

Unit Description: In this unit, students will understand the history of Spain and how it relates to the significance of Christopher Columbus in our culture and how it has changed recently our relationship with indigenous peoples. Students will investigate how the geography shapes the culture of Spain. Students will learn essential vocabulary to ask and respond to giving names, how someone is and introducing another person. They will compare and contrast the formality/informality of speaking to a variety of people compared to American culture. More in depth conversations include where people are from and their nationalities, exchange phone numbers, ask and give the time, day and date and use the Spanish alphabet to give email addresses and other media accounts.

Essential Questions (Three to five overarching questions that connect students to deeper ideas and the real world): ● What is the impact of Christopher Columbus on Spanish history? ● What was his role in its history and the effect it had on its future? ● What perspectives can you give for Christopher Columbus in our culture? How has it changed since you learned about him when you were younger? Explain your feelings. ● How do you determine the difference between formal and informal “You” in Spanish? ● How many ways do we address a person in English? What titles do we use to distinguish between a formal communication and an informal communication?

Standards Addressed within this Unit Central Unit Standards- This unit will focus primarily on Supporting Unit Standards- This unit will also include activities aligned learning goals aligned with the following standards: with the following standards: Standards: Standards: ● 7.1.NM.IPRET.1; 7.1.NM.IPRET.2; 7.1.NM.IPRET.4; ● 7.1.NM.IPERS.1; 7.1.NM.IPERS.4; 7.1.NM.IPERS.5 7.1.NM.IPRET.5

Visual and Performing Arts Standards- (K5-5) This unit will Holocaust/Amistad Commission Standards Integration- This unit will also include activities aligned with the following standards: also include age-appropriate activities aligned with the following standards VPA.pdf 9

Standard 1.1 Dance ● 52-16a-88/ and 52/chapter-16a/section-52-16a-88/ (where applicable): Standard 1.2 Media Arts

● Holocaust Education: Standard 1.3A-E Music ● ● Amistad Education Commission: Standard 1.4 Theater ● Influence of the Moors on Spanish history, architecture, language ● and art. (6.1.12.GeoGI.1.a) Integration of Contributions of Persons with Disabilities - This unit will Standard 1.5 Visual also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, ● economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities with the following content/activities (where applicable): ● Integration of Contributions of LGBTQ People - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBTQ people with the following content/activities (where applicable): ●

Unit Details Modifications for Special Education Students, English Integration of Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (21st Language Learners (ELLs), Students at Risk of Failure, Century Skills through NJSLS 9 and Career Education): 504 Students and Gifted Students- Modify instructional approach and/or assignments and evaluations as needed for students with IEPs, ELLs, students at risk of failure 504s, and gifted and talented students including but not limited to: Special Education Students 9.2 – Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training ● Variety of media to present information (hard copy, ● Importance of acquiring a second language will be discussed and Smart Board, hand-written notes) research of careers in which bilingual employees are valuable. (9.2.12.CFR.2)


● Variety of presentations to present information 9.3 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) (auditory, visual and manipulatives – flashcards, ● Careers researched in Career Awareness includes technical skills that tokens, shapes and colors) are required as well as ability to communicate in more than one language. (9.3.12.AG‐NR.2) English Language Learners (ELLs) ● When placed in learning groups, native speakers will 9.4 – Life Literacies and Key Skills be an integral part of the working relationship. When ● Conducting formal and informal conversations in both languages is addressing Spanish grammar concepts, English key to success for job acquisition. The skill to differentiate between grammar and its comparison to Spanish are addressed the two types represent maturity and promotes confidence when and part of conveying meaning between the two speaking with others that may be unfamiliar but necessary. languages. ELLS assist other students through class (9.4.12.CI.1) discussion in relation to their native language and personal cultural connections which will enrich and personalize instruction. Students at Risk of Failure ● Students will receive additional one-on-one assistance and encouragement during learning activities. Parent contact regarding attendance and progress in class is essential. 504 Students ● Accommodations to individual and group activities will apply specifically to these students. Gifted and Talented Students ● Students will be involved with peer-to-peer tutoring within their learning groups and be posed with extension learning activities such as a diner menu with must-haves for all students with additional activity of choice for them as required activities. Assessments- including benchmarks, formative, Suggested Interdisciplinary Activities for this Unit (each activity must summative, and alternative assessments include a corresponding grade-level standard) ● Initial benchmark at the beginning of the course as a pre-assessment Career Education: Exploring Spanish to acquire a second language for ● Mid-year benchmark to collect data for improvement improved career opportunities. Conducting basic informal and formal of course goals conversations and ability to identify which is appropriate for situations. (9.4.12.CI.1) 11

● End-of-year benchmark to collect data for English Language Arts/Literacy: Exploring Internet and text resources in improvement and acquisition of course goals addition to providing authentic reading materials regarding Spanish culture, history, and geography. History topic in class is analysis of Christopher Columbus and the impact on our society today and how it has changed over U.S. history. (NJSLSA.R7.) Math: Identify dates and times in Spanish and the mathematical process used to describe and analyze telling time. (S.ID.A.2) Science: Environmental changes in geography and how it has affected Spanish society and economy. (MS-LS4-2) Social Studies: History topic in class is analysis of Christopher Columbus and the impact on our society today and how it has changed over U.S. history. (6.1.12.HistoryCC.1.a) Technical Subjects: Analyze the use and purpose of engineering structures present in Spanish architecture. (8.2.12.NT.2) World Languages: Discussion and analysis of multiple dialects present in modern Spanish society including those that are no longer used and how they relate to the geography of Spain. (7.1.NM.PRSNT.1) Visual and Performing Arts: Flamenco dance and classical and modern art showcased in Spain’s multiple art museums. Research museums through virtual tours online. (1.1.12prof.Cr2b) Amistad Commission Education (where applicable): Influence of the Moors on Spanish history, architecture, language and art. (6.1.12.GeoGI.1.a)

Unit Resources Teachers should utilize school resources available in our Media Center to infuse alternate sources, perspectives, and approaches. Resources should include textual support but also span multimedia options to engage multiple modalities. In addition, to support struggling readers and increase rigor for advanced readers, the coursework may also draw on additional developmentally appropriate resources to facilitate challenging levels of work for all students. Leveled Supplemental Materials and Media/School Integration of Computer Science and Design Thinking (Technology Library Resources Standard 8) ● GeoVisión ● ExpresaVisión ● GramaVisión 8.1 – Computer Science ● VideoCultura ¿Quién será? ● 8.1.12.CS.2 ● Variedades 8.2 – Design Thinking ● Las celebraciones: music link ● 8.2.12.NT.2 12

● La comida: science link ● La arquitectura: history link

● El arte: math link

Unit #1 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards: Central Unit Standard and Suggested Instructional Suggested Student Output Formative Assessments Student Learning Objective Activities (Portfolios, Projects, Tasks, Evaluations, & Rubrics) 7.1.NM.IPRET.1: Identify -Direct instruction in target -Students copy notes during class - Student and teacher generated familiar spoken and written language with student discussion in target language regarding rubrics words, phrases, and simple participation regarding formal and formal and informal conversational sentences contained in informal conversational phrases in phrases in Spanish - Graphic Organizer culturally authentic materials Spanish and other resources related to - Exit ticket targeted themes. -Direct instruction utilizing -Students complete notes with missing questioning and scaffolding information regarding telling time and -Holistic scoring rubric 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present techniques explaining the process writing and saying the date in Spanish basic personal information, to say/write the date and time in -Completed homework/class interests, and activities using Spanish. -Create PowerPoint presentations work assignment(s) memorized words, phrases, and a few simple sentences on -Smartboard Activities -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) targeted themes. technology -PowerPoint presentations -Project(s)/Presentation(s) -Write pen pal letters using an online

-Photostory webtool or email addresses using -Quiz(es)/Test(s) fluency at the novice mid level

-Question and answer sessions in -Research rubrics (I-Search) target language -Compose music critiques -Completed Webquests -Exprésate media -Compose summaries of authentic online news articles related to current -Formative: Class Participation. events and climate change Class Work. Homework


-Listening to and summarizing authentic music -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Alternative Assessments -Analyze articles in target language for main ideas 7.1.NM.IPRET.2: Respond -Direct instruction in target - Collaborative note- taking and -Vocabulary lists with actions and/or gestures to language identifying classroom think/pair/share evaluation oral and written directions, commands used frequently in -Exit ticket commands, and requests that class -Create PowerPoint presentations relate to familiar and practiced -Picture note sheets topics. -Smartboard Activities -Create presentations using Smart demonstrating classroom technology commands labeled in Spanish 7.1.NM.IPERS.4: Give and -Smart technology follow simple oral and written -Fluency at the novice mid level directions, commands, and -PowerPoint presentations requests when participating in -Drawing images based on teacher classroom and cultural -Photostory descriptions activities. -Question and answer sessions in -Demonstrating where items are target language located based on teacher directions

-Exprésate media

-TPR activities for classroom commands, classroom objects, body parts and clothing 7.1.NM.IPERS.1: Request -Provide examples of sample -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric and provide information by conversations asking for and asking and answering simple, giving phone numbers and email -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) practiced questions, using addresses, greetings and technology memorized words and phrases. farewells, where someone is from, -Project(s)/Presentation(s) time and date -Fluency at the novice mid level 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present -Research rubrics basic personal information, -Smartboard Activities -Present student generated interests, and activities using conversations -Completed Webquests 14

memorized words, phrases, -Smart technology and a few simple sentences on -Respond to gestures according to -Formative: Class Participation. targeted themes. -PowerPoint presentations teacher initiation Class Work. Homework -Produce correct intonation to -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Photostory distinguish between questions and Alternative Assessments answers -Question and answer sessions in -Other appropriate assessments at target language individual teacher's discretion

-Model appropriate gestures and intonation 7.1.NM.IPERS.5: Imitate -Smartboard Activities -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric gestures and intonation of the target culture(s) native -Smart technology -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) speakers when greeting others, technology during leave-takings, and in -PowerPoint presentations -Project(s)/Presentation(s) daily interactions. -Fluency at the novice mid level -Photostory -Research rubrics -Present student generated -Question and answer sessions in conversations -Completed Webquests target language -Understand and communicate at the -Formative: Class Participation -Read/dramatize examples of word level and use memorized words Class Work. Homework. conversations and phrases independently to make lists, state needs and preferences, -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Dramatize/listen to authentic describe people, places, and things Alternative Assessments. conversations in target language -Understand main ideas, concepts and -Other appropriate assessments at cultural significance of grammar and individual teacher's discretion vocabulary used in conversations

7.1.NM.IPRET.5: -Presentation of geography and -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric Demonstrate comprehension climate of Spain of brief oral and written -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) messages found in short -Discussion of climate change and technology culturally authentic materials impact on world cultures -Project(s)/Presentation(s) 15

on global issues, including -Fluency at the novice mid level climate change. -Discussion of historical figures in -Present student generated analysis of -Research rubrics the United States and how climate change in Spain and impact on -Completed Webquests perspectives have changed geography and relation to its economy and people -Formative: Class Participation. -Smartboard Activities Class Work. Homework. -Present student generated analysis of -Smart technology Spanish explorers and their -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. biographies that investigate multiple Alternative Assessments. -PowerPoint presentations perspectives of impact on other civilizations and relation to racial -Other appropriate assessments at -Photostory injustice in the United States today individual teacher's discretion.

-Question and answer sessions -Understand and communicate at the -Read authentic historical and word level and use memorized words environmental text and articles and phrases independently to make lists, state needs and preferences, -Dramatize/listen to authentic describe people, places, and things video clips/films in target related to Spanish historical figures language with/without subtitles and climate change

-Understand main ideas, concepts and cultural significance of vocabulary including slang used in Spanish and how it contributes to ethics and values of its people


Unit 2 Overview At-a-Glance

Unit #2 – Puerto Rico

Unit Description: In this unit, students will learn about the geography, history and culture of Puerto Rico. They will investigate the impact of climate change on its economy and culture. Students will understand how geography and its changes affects its people and economy. Topics regarding climate change and geography include common natural disasters that occur regularly and the increase in intensity throughout the years. Investigations of current events as well as ongoing issues such as seeking independence from being a commonwealth of the United States to becoming an independent self-governing entity. Students will learn to describe people using nationalities as well as personalities and physical traits. More in depth conversations such as asking for and giving birthdays, likes and dislikes and explaining why. Including the topic of birthdays will be the traditional Quinceañera compared to the American tradition of the Sweet Sixteen. Students will investigate the tradition and how it impacts transgender youth.

Essential Questions (Three to five overarching questions that connect students to deeper ideas and the real world): ● In what ways does natural disasters affect an island country? ● What causes/impacts the intensity of a hurricane/tropical storm? ● What are similarities and differences between Sweet Sixteen and Quinceañera? ● How do you feel transgender youth’s attitudes are towards Quinceañera? ● How are they the same or different compared to a heterosexual female regarding the tradition?

Standards Addressed within this Unit Central Unit Standards- This unit will focus primarily on Supporting Unit Standards- This unit will also include activities aligned learning goals aligned with the following standards: with the following standards: Standards: Standards: ● 7.1.NM.IPRET.1; 7.1.NM.IPRET.2; 7.1.NM.IPRET.4; ● 7.1.NM.IPERS.1; 7.1.NM.IPERS.4; 7.1.NM.IPERS.5 7.1.NM.IPRET.5 Visual and Performing Arts Standards- (K5-5) This unit will Holocaust/Amistad Commission Standards Integration- This unit will also include activities aligned with the following standards: also include age-appropriate activities aligned with the following standards VPA.pdf 52-16a-88/ and 52/chapter-16a/section-52-16a-88/ (where applicable): Standard 1.1 Dance Holocaust Education: 17

● ● Standard 1.2 Media Arts Amistad Education Commission: ● ● Standard 1.3A-E Music Integration of Contributions of Persons with Disabilities - This unit will ● also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities with the Standard 1.4 Theater following content/activities ● (where applicable): Standard 1.5 Visual ● ● Integration of Contributions of LGBTQ People - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBTQ people with the following content/activities (where applicable): ● Students will view a documentary regarding a transgender female preparing, planning and celebrating her Quinceañera. They will investigate the struggles and triumphs and why it is a significant celebration in today’s world.

Unit Details Modifications for Special Education Students, English Integration of Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (21st Language Learners (ELLs), Students at Risk of Failure, Century Skills through NJSLS 9 and Career Education): 504 Students and Gifted Students- Modify instructional approach and/or assignments and evaluations as needed for students with IEPs, ELLs, students at risk of failure 504s, and 9.2 – Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training gifted and talented students including but not limited to: ● Importance of acquiring a second language will be discussed and research of careers in which bilingual employees are valuable. (9.2.12.CAP.2) Special Education Students ● Variety of media to present information (hard copy, Smart Board, hand-written notes) 9.3 – Career and Technical Education (CTE)


● Variety of presentations to present information ● Careers researched in Career Awareness includes technical skills that (auditory, visual and manipulatives – flashcards, are required as well as ability to communicate in more than one tokens, shapes and colors) language. (9.3.12.AC‐DES.2) English Language Learners (ELLs) 9.4 – Life Literacies and Key Skills ● When placed in learning groups, native speakers will ● Conducting formal and informal conversations in both languages is be an integral part of the working relationship. When key to success for job acquisition. The skill to differentiate between addressing Spanish grammar concepts, English the two types represent maturity and promotes confidence when grammar and its comparison to Spanish are addressed speaking with others that may be unfamiliar but necessary. and part of conveying meaning between the two (9.4.12.CT.1) languages. ELLS assist other students through class discussion in relation to their native language and personal cultural connections which will enrich and personalize instruction. Students at Risk of Failure ● Students will receive additional one-on-one assistance and encouragement during learning activities. Parent contact regarding attendance and progress in class is essential. 504 Students ● Accommodations to individual and group activities will apply specifically to these students. Gifted and Talented Students ● Students will be involved with peer-to-peer tutoring within their learning groups and be posed with extension learning activities such as a diner menu with must-haves for all students with additional activity of choice for them as required activities.

Assessments- including benchmarks, formative, Suggested Interdisciplinary Activities for this Unit (each activity must summative, and alternative assessments include a corresponding grade-level standard) ● Initial benchmark at the beginning of the course as a pre-assessment Career Education: Exploring Spanish to acquire a second language for improved career opportunities. Conducting basic informal and formal 19

● Mid-year benchmark to collect data for improvement conversations and ability to identify which is appropriate for situations. of course goals (9.3.12.AC‐DES.2) ● End-of-year benchmark to collect data for English Language Arts/Literacy: Exploring internet and text resources in improvement and acquisition of course goals addition to providing authentic reading materials regarding Puerto Rican culture, history, and geography. History topic in class is analysis of ongoing debate and discussion of separation of Puerto Rico from the United States as a commonwealth and how doing so would affect both the United States and Puerto Rico. (NJSLSA.R1.) Science: Environmental changes in geography and how it has affected Puerto Rican society and economy. Investigate the intensity of hurricanes and tropical storms over the years and explore why they occur. (MS-LS4-5) Social Studies: Investigate the demographics of states that contain high percentages of and investigate why. (6.1.12.EconET.3.a) Technical Subjects: Analyze the use and purpose of engineering structures present in Puerto Rican architecture compared to the United States. Analyze the nature of its architecture and adapt to the environment. (8.1.12.IC.1) World Languages: Discussion and analysis of multiple dialects present in modern Puerto Rican society including those that are no longer used and how they relate to geography of the island. (7.1.NM.PRSNT.5) Visual and Performing Arts: Salsa dance and Puerto Rican music. Research museums through virtual tours online. Research evolution of Puerto Rican music including lyrics, instruments and history. (1.1.12acc.Cr2a) Amistad Commission Education (where applicable): Influence of Puerto Rico and its role in slavery. (6.1.12.GeoGI.1.a)

Unit Resources Teachers should utilize school resources available in our Media Center to infuse alternate sources, perspectives, and approaches. Resources should include textual support but also span multimedia options to engage multiple modalities. In addition, to support struggling readers and increase rigor for advanced readers, the coursework may also draw on additional developmentally appropriate resources to facilitate challenging levels of work for all students. Leveled Supplemental Materials and Media/School Integration of Computer Science and Design Thinking (Technology Library Resources Standard 8) ● GeoVisión ● ExpresaVisión ● GramaVisión 8.1 – Computer Science 20

● VideoCultura ¿Quién será? ● 8.1.12.IC.1 ● Variedades ● Las celebraciones: music link 8.2 – Design Thinking ● La comida: science link ● 8.2.12.ED.1 ● La arquitectura: history link

● El arte: math link

Unit #2 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards: Central Unit Standard and Suggested Instructional Suggested Student Output Formative Assessments Student Learning Objective Activities (Portfolios, Projects, Tasks, Evaluations, & Rubrics) 7.1.NM.IPRET.1: Identify -Direct instruction in target -Students copy notes during class -Student and teacher generated familiar spoken and written language with student discussion in target language regarding rubrics words, phrases, and simple participation regarding asking asking and giving birthdays in Spanish sentences contained in and giving birthdays in Spanish -Graphic organizer culturally authentic materials and other resources related to -Direct instruction utilizing -Students complete notes with missing -Exit ticket targeted themes. questioning and scaffolding information regarding birthdays, SER techniques explaining the process conjugations, GUSTAR conjugations and -Holistic scoring rubric 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present to say/write SER and adjectives writing and saying adjectives in Spanish basic personal information, in Spanish. -Completed homework/class interests, and activities using -Create PowerPoint presentations work assignment(s) memorized words, phrases, and -Direct instruction in the target a few simple sentences on language regarding -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) targeted themes. nationalities, personality and technology physical characteristics -Project(s)/Presentation(s) -Write pen pal letters using an online -Direct Instruction of grammar webtool or email addresses using fluency -Quiz(es)/Test(s) constructs related to expressing at the novice mid level likes and dislikes related to the -Research rubrics (I-Search) unit. -Compose music and art critiques


-Compose summaries of authentic online -Completed Webquests -Direct Instruction in expanding news articles related to current events and descriptions by using PORQUE climate change -Formative: Class with adjectives to explain why Participation. Class Work. someone likes or dislikes Homework. something. -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Smartboard Activities Alternative Assessments.

-Smart technology

-Exprésate media

-Use of online news articles

-Listening to and summarizing authentic Puerto Rican music and poetry.

-Analyze articles in target language for main ideas 7.1.NM.IPRET.2: Respond -Direct instruction using target - Collaborative note- taking and -Vocabulary lists with actions and/or gestures to language and pictures/gestures think/pair/share evaluation oral and written directions, for adjectives to describe people -Exit ticket commands, and requests that and expressing likes/dislikes -Create PowerPoint presentations relate to familiar and practiced -Picture note sheets topics. -Smartboard Activities -Create presentations using Smart demonstrating adjectives to technology describe people labeled in 7.1.NM.IPERS.4: Give and -Smart technology Spanish. follow simple oral and written -Fluency at the novice mid level directions, commands, and -PowerPoint presentations -Drawing images based on teacher requests when participating in -Photostory descriptions classroom and cultural activities. -Question and answer sessions in -Demonstrating where items are located target language based on teacher directions 22

-Exprésate media -Acting out adjectives that describe people in the target language -TPR activities for adjectives and likes/dislikes 7.1.NM.IPERS.1: Request and -Provide examples of sample -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric provide information by asking conversations asking for and and answering simple, giving birthdays, asking and -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) practiced questions, using describing personalities and technology memorized words and phrases. physical characteristics, likes and -Project(s)/Presentation(s) dislikes using targeted themes -Fluency at the novice mid level 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present -Research rubrics basic personal information, -Smartboard Activities -Present student generated conversations interests, and activities using -Completed Webquests memorized words, phrases, and -Smart technology -Respond to gestures according to teacher a few simple sentences on initiation -Produce correct intonation to -Formative: Class targeted themes. -PowerPoint presentations distinguish between questions and Participation. Class Work. answers Homework. -Photostory -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Question and answer sessions in Alternative Assessments. target language -Other appropriate assessments -Model appropriate gestures and at individual teacher's intonation discretion.

7.1.NM.IPERS.5: Imitate -Smartboard Activities -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric gestures and intonation of the target culture(s) native -Smart technology -Fluency at the novice mid level -Student generated portfolio(s) speakers when greeting others, during leave-takings, and in -PowerPoint presentations -Present student generated conversations -Project(s)/Presentation(s) daily interactions. -Understand and communicate at the -Photostory word level and use memorized words and -Research rubrics phrases independently to make lists, state needs and preferences, describe people, -Completed Webquests places, and things. 23

-Dramatize/listen to authentic -Formative: Class conversations in target language -Understand main ideas, concepts and Participation. Class Work. cultural significance of grammar and Homework. vocabulary used in conversations -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Alternative Assessments. 7.1.NM.IPRET.5: -Presentation of geography and -Present student generated analysis of -Holistic scoring rubric Demonstrate comprehension of climate of Puerto Rico climate change due to natural disasters brief oral and written messages and its increased intensity in Puerto Rico -Student generated portfolio(s) found in short culturally -Presentation and discussion of and impact on geography and relation to authentic materials on global impact of natural disasters on its economy and people -Project(s)/Presentation(s) issues, including climate Puerto Rico change. -Present student generated analysis of -Research rubrics -Discussion of climate change Puerto Rican music and poetry and and impact on world cultures connection to its history -Completed Webquests

-Discussion of role of Puerto -Understand and communicate at the -Formative: Class Rico in connection with our word level and use memorized words and Participation. Class Work. national government and debates phrases independently to make lists, state Homework. revolving around separation as a needs and preferences, describe people, commonwealth places, and things related to Spanish -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. historical figures and climate change Alternative Assessments. -Question and answer sessions -Read authentic historical and -Understand and compare/contrast main -Other appropriate assessments environmental text and articles ideas, concepts and cultural significance at individual teacher's of vocabulary used by Puerto Rican discretion -Dramatize/listen to authentic people in addition to traditional Castilian video clips/films in target taught with/without subtitles


Unit 3 Overview At-a-Glance *Grades 6-8 curriculum must include Financial Literacy integration (budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, and investment). Please denote Financial Literacy integration throughout the curriculum with an asterisk (*). Unit #3 – Texas

Unit Description: In this unit, students will learn about the history, geography and culture of Texas as it pertains to the Spanish-Speaking world. Discussion topics include the impact of climate change on its geography, impact of its local history on the United States, and how its local culture has been influenced by Mexico. They will learn about the impact of the immigration debate and current events in our country regrading DACA and undocumented parents with first generation American citizens as children. Investigation into local historical figures as they relate to racial issues in the United States and changing attitudes towards them. Using the target language, students will expand their expression of likes and dislikes to school activities and pastimes. Students will compare and contrast what they want to do with what they like to do both in expression and grammatical structures. They will extend their knowledge of expressing time with how frequently they do certain activities.

Essential Questions (Three to five overarching questions that connect students to deeper ideas and the real world): ● What are some aspects of Texas culture that have Mexican roots? ● What are some words in the English language that come from the Spanish language? ● What rights do you feel children of undocumented Mexican immigrants should have and should not have and why? ● Identify the treatment of children of undocumented parents that have been deported. How do you feel these children should be treated? Should they be deported as well or should they stay in the United States under its care?

Standards Addressed within this Unit Central Unit Standards- This unit will focus primarily on Supporting Unit Standards- This unit will also include activities aligned learning goals aligned with the following standards: with the following standards: Standards: Standards: ● 7.1.NM.IPRET.1; 7.1.NM.IPRET.2; 7.1.NM.IPRET.4; ● 7.1.NM.IPERS.1; 7.1.NM.IPERS.4; 7.1.NM.IPERS.5 7.1.NM.IPRET.5 Visual and Performing Arts Standards- (K5-5) This unit will Holocaust/Amistad Commission Standards Integration- This unit will also include activities aligned with the following standards: also include age-appropriate activities aligned with the following standards VPA.pdf 52-16a-88/ and Standard 1.1 Dance 52/chapter-16a/section-52-16a-88/ (where applicable):


● Holocaust Education: ● Examine the role of discrimination and stereotyping plays in Standard 1.2 Media Arts violence and deportations. (6.1.12.CivicsHR.11.b) ● Amistad Education Commission: Standard 1.3A-E Music ● ● Integration of Contributions of Persons with Disabilities - This unit will Standard 1.4 Theater also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, ● economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities with the Standard 1.5 Visual following content/activities ● (where applicable): ● Integration of Contributions of LGBTQ People - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBTQ people with the following content/activities (where applicable): ● Examine informational text on LGBTQ political representatives in Texas of Latinx descent.

Unit Details Modifications for Special Education Students, English Integration of Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (21st Language Learners (ELLs), Students at Risk of Failure, Century Skills through NJSLS 9 and Career Education): 504 Students and Gifted Students- Modify instructional approach and/or assignments and evaluations as needed for students with IEPs, ELLs, students at risk of failure 504s, and gifted and talented students including but not limited to: 9.2 – Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training ● Importance of acquiring a second language will be discussed and Special Education Students research of careers in which bilingual employees are valuable. ● Variety of media to present information (hard copy, (9.2.12.CAP.3) Smart Board, hand-written notes) ● Variety of presentations to present information 9.3 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) (auditory, visual and manipulatives – flashcards, ● Careers researched in Career Awareness includes technical skills that tokens, shapes and colors) are required as well as ability to communicate in more than one language. (9.3.12.AC‐DES.1)


English Language Learners (ELLs) 9.4 – Life Literacies and Key Skills ● When placed in learning groups, native speakers will ● Conducting formal and informal conversations in both languages is be an integral part of the working relationship. When key to success for job acquisition. The skill to differentiate between addressing Spanish grammar concepts, English the two types represent maturity and promotes confidence when grammar and its comparison to Spanish are addressed speaking with others that may be unfamiliar but necessary. and part of conveying meaning between the two (9.4.12.CT.2) languages. ELLS assist other students through class discussion in relation to their native language and personal cultural connections which will enrich and personalize instruction. Students at Risk of Failure ● Students will receive additional one-on-one assistance and encouragement during learning activities. Parent contact regarding attendance and progress in class is essential. 504 Students ● Accommodations to individual and group activities will apply specifically to these students. Gifted and Talented Students ● Students will be involved with peer-to-peer tutoring within their learning groups and be posed with extension learning activities such as a diner menu with must-haves for all students with additional activity of choice for them as required activities. Assessments- including benchmarks, formative, Suggested Interdisciplinary Activities for this Unit (each activity must summative, and alternative assessments include a corresponding grade-level standard) ● Initial benchmark at the beginning of the course as a pre-assessment Career Education: Exploring Spanish to acquire a second language for ● Mid-year benchmark to collect data for improvement improved career opportunities. Conducting basic informal and formal of course goals conversations and ability to identify which is appropriate for situations. ● End-of-year benchmark to collect data for (9.4.12.CT.2) improvement and acquisition of course goals Health/PE: Students will learn about sports and sports-related activity names in Spanish in relation to what they like and do not like to do. (2.2.2.MSC.7) 27

English Language Arts/Literacy: Exploring internet and text resources in addition to providing authentic reading materials regarding Texas culture, history, and geography. History topic in class is analysis of historical Texan figures in United States’ history and how attitudes towards them have changed due to recent racial events. (NJSLSA.R9.) Math: Identify dates and times in Spanish and the mathematical process used to describe and analyze telling time. (F-BF.A.1.c) Science: Environmental changes in geography and how it has affected Texas local culture and economy. (MS-ESS1-1) Social Studies: Current events regarding the impact of Mexican immigrants on Texas society and recent changes to immigration laws that affect children of undocumented immigrants (DACA). (6.1.12.HistoryCA.3.b) Technical Subjects: Analyze the use and purpose of engineering structures present in Texan architecture. (8.2.12.ED.1) World Languages: Discussion and analysis of Spanish words used in that have cultural roots in Texas. (7.1.NM.PRSNT.6) Visual and Performing Arts: Presentation and discussion of local Texan art and music including country music. Analysis of country music with Mexican heritage. Connection of square dancing to Mexico folk dancing. (1.1.12adv.Cr3a) Holocaust Education (where applicable): Examine the role of discrimination and stereotyping plays in violence and deportations. (6.1.12.CivicsHR.11.b)

Unit Resources Teachers should utilize school resources available in our Media Center to infuse alternate sources, perspectives, and approaches. Resources should include textual support but also span multimedia options to engage multiple modalities. In addition, to support struggling readers and increase rigor for advanced readers, the coursework may also draw on additional developmentally appropriate resources to facilitate challenging levels of work for all students. Leveled Supplemental Materials and Media/School Integration of Computer Science and Design Thinking (Technology Library Resources Standard 8) ● GeoVisión ● ExpresaVisión ● GramaVisión 8.1 – Computer Science ● VideoCultura ¿Quién será? ● 8.1.12.AP.9 ● Variedades 8.2 – Design Thinking 28

● Las celebraciones: music link ● 8.2.12.ED.1 ● La comida: science link ● La arquitectura: history link ● El arte: math link

Unit #3 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards: Central Unit Standard and Suggested Instructional Activities Suggested Student Output Formative Assessments Student Learning Objective (Portfolios, Projects, Tasks, Evaluations, & Rubrics) 7.1.NM.IPRET.1: Identify -Direct instruction in target language -Students copy notes during class -Student and teacher generated familiar spoken and written with student participation using discussion in target language rubrics words, phrases, and simple structure of GUSTAR to express likes regarding vocabulary associated sentences contained in and dislikes and applying to verb with sports names, sports-related -Graphic Organizer culturally authentic materials phrases for activities activities and other pastimes as well and other resources related to as words that express frequency of -Exit ticket targeted themes. -Discussion analyzing the difference of activities (adverbs). sentence structure in the target -Holistic scoring rubric 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present language when accompanying a verb -Students complete notes with basic personal information, with a noun compared to another verb missing information regarding -Completed homework/class interests, and activities using or verb phrase. GUSTAR with verb phrases, work assignment(s) memorized words, phrases, conjugation of stem-changing verbs and a few simple sentences on -Direct instruction regarding -Student generated portfolio(s) targeted themes. conjugation of stem changing verbs -Create PowerPoint presentations followed by a verb phrase. -Project(s)/Presentation(s) -Create presentations using Smart -Direct Instruction in the target technology -Quiz(es)/Test(s) language vocabulary associated with Sports and other physical activities as -Write pen pal letters using an online -Research rubrics (I-Search) well as past times. webtool or email addresses using fluency at the novice mid level -Completed Webquests -Direct Instruction of phrases in the target language to express frequency of -Compose music and art critiques -Formative: Class activities as well as re-entry of telling Participation. Class Work. time and days of the week. Homework. 29

-Compose summaries of authentic -Direct Instruction of grammar online news articles related to -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. constructs related to expressing likes current events and climate change Alternative Assessments. and dislikes related to the unit.

-Question and answer sessions in target language

-Exprésate media

-Use of online news articles

-Listening to and summarizing authentic Puerto Rican music and poetry.

-Analyze articles in target language for main ideas 7.1.NM.IPRET.2: Respond -Direct instruction using target - Collaborative note- taking and -Vocabulary lists with actions and/or gestures to language and pictures/gestures for think/pair/share evaluation oral and written directions, vocabulary associated with sports -Exit ticket commands, and requests that names, sports-related activities and -Create PowerPoint presentations relate to familiar and practiced other pastimes as well as words that -Picture note sheets topics. express frequency of activities -Create presentations using Smart demonstrating sports, pastimes (adverbs). technology and sports-related activities 7.1.NM.IPERS.4: Give and labeled in Spanish. follow simple oral and written -Smartboard Activities -Fluency at the novice mid level directions, commands, and requests when participating in -Smart technology -Drawing images based on teacher classroom and cultural descriptions activities. -PowerPoint presentations -Demonstrating where items are -Photostory located based on teacher directions

-Question and answer sessions in target language 30

-Acting out sports and sports-related -Exprésate media activities/pastimes in the target language -TPR activities for vocabulary associated with sports names, sports- related activities and other pastimes as well as words that express frequency of activities (adverbs). 7.1.NM.IPERS.1: Request -Provide examples of sample -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric and provide information by conversations asking for and giving asking and answering simple, likes and dislikes for sports and -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) practiced questions, using physical activities/past times and how technology memorized words and phrases. often performed using targeted themes -Project(s)/Presentation(s) -Fluency at the novice mid level 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present -Smartboard Activities -Research rubrics basic personal information, -Present student generated interests, and activities using -Smart technology conversations -Completed Webquests memorized words, phrases, and a few simple sentences on -PowerPoint presentations -Respond to gestures according to -Formative: Class targeted themes. teacher initiation Participation. Class Work. -Photostory Homework. -Produce correct intonation to -Question and answer sessions in distinguish between questions and -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. target language answers Alternative Assessments.

-Model appropriate gestures and -Other appropriate assessments intonation at individual teacher's discretion.

7.1.NM.IPERS.5: Imitate -Smartboard Activities -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric gestures and intonation of the target culture(s) native -Smart technology -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) speakers when greeting others, technology during leave-takings, and in -PowerPoint presentations -Project(s)/Presentation(s) daily interactions. -Fluency at the novice mid level 31

-Photostory -Research rubrics -Present student generated -Question and answer sessions in conversations -Completed Webquests target language -Understand and communicate at the -Formative: Class -Read/dramatize examples of word level and use memorized Participation. Class Work. conversations words and phrases independently to Homework. make lists, state needs and -Dramatize/listen to authentic preferences, describe people, places, -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. conversations in target language and things Alternative Assessments.

-Understand main ideas, concepts -Other appropriate assessments and cultural significance of grammar at individual teacher's and vocabulary used in discretion. conversations 7.1.NM.IPRET.5: -Presentation of geography and climate -Create presentations using Smart -Holistic scoring rubric Demonstrate comprehension of Texas technology of brief oral and written -Student generated portfolio(s) messages found in short -Presentation and discussion of impact -Fluency at the novice mid level culturally authentic materials of climate and weather on Texas -Project(s)/Presentation(s) on global issues, including -Present student generated analysis climate change. -Discussion of climate change and of climate change in Texas and -Research rubrics impact on world cultures impact on geography and relation to its economy and people -Completed Webquests -Discussion of role of Texas in connection with our national -Present student generated analysis -Formative: Class government and debates revolving of Texan/country music and poetry Participation. Class Work. around illegal immigration and and connection to Mexican Homework. children of undocumented immigrants influences (DACA) -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Smartboard Activities -Understand and communicate at the Alternative Assessments. word level and use memorized -Smart technology words and phrases independently to, -Other appropriate assessments make lists, state needs and at individual teacher's -PowerPoint presentations preferences, describe people, places, discretion. -Photostory and things related to Texan 32

historical figures how attitudes -Question and answer sessions towards them have changed in spite -Read authentic historical and of current global racial issues environmental text and articles -Understand and compare/contrast -Dramatize/listen to authentic video main ideas, concepts and cultural clips/films in target language significance of vocabulary used by with/without subtitles Texan people in English that have roots in Spanish and Mexican culture

Unit 4 Overview At-a-Glance *Grades 6-8 curriculum must include Financial Literacy integration (budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, and investment). Please denote Financial Literacy integration throughout the curriculum with an asterisk (*). Unit #4 – Costa Rica

Unit Description: In this unit, students will learn about the culture, geography and history of Costa Rica. They will investigate the importance of tourism to its local economy and how climate change and natural disasters affect it. Students will learn to say what they have by applying TENER conjugation in a new way. They will also be introduced to regular patterns of present tense verbs starting will -AR verbs to say what they need. Students will incorporate new grammar concepts to school supplies, classes and subjects. They will apply sports, extracurricular activities and pastimes learned previously to making plans and inviting someone to do something.

Essential Questions (Three to five overarching questions that connect students to deeper ideas and the real world): ● How has climate change affected the natural rainforest in Costa Rica? ● What groups have relied on the rainforest and how are they affected today? ● Do you feel the use of the rainforest in tourism and scientific research has benefitted or damaged it? Why or Why not? ● How could you help a new classmate whose native language is Spanish on his/her first day? ● How does the geography of Costa Rica affect the organization of its society?

Standards Addressed within this Unit Central Unit Standards- This unit will focus primarily on Supporting Unit Standards- This unit will also include activities aligned learning goals aligned with the following standards: with the following standards:

33 Standards: Standards: ● 7.1.NM.IPRET.1; 7.1.NM.IPRET.2; 7.1.NM.IPRET.4; ● 7.1.NM.IPERS.1; 7.1.NM.IPERS.4; 7.1.NM.IPERS.5 7.1.NM.IPRET.5 Visual and Performing Arts Standards- (K5-5) This unit will Holocaust/Amistad Commission Standards Integration- This unit will also include activities aligned with the following standards: also include age-appropriate activities aligned with the following standards VPA.pdf 52-16a-88/ and 52/chapter-16a/section-52-16a-88/ (where applicable):

Standard 1.1 Dance Holocaust Education: ● ● Standard 1.2 Media Arts Amistad Education Commission: ● ● Standard 1.3A-E Music Integration of Contributions of Persons with Disabilities - This unit will ● also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities with the Standard 1.4 Theater following content/activities ● (where applicable): Standard 1.5 Visual ● ● Integration of Contributions of LGBTQ People - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBTQ people with the following content/activities (where applicable):

Unit Details Modifications for Special Education Students, English Integration of Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (21st Language Learners (ELLs), Students at Risk of Failure, Century Skills through NJSLS 9 and Career Education): 504 Students and Gifted Students- Modify instructional approach and/or assignments and evaluations as needed for students with IEPs, ELLs, students at risk of failure 504s, and 9.2 – Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training gifted and talented students including but not limited to:


Special Education Students ● Importance of acquiring a second language will be discussed and ● Variety of media to present information (hard copy, research of careers in which bilingual employees are valuable. Smart Board, hand-written notes) (9.2.12.CAP.3) ● Variety of presentations to present information (auditory, visual and manipulatives – flashcards, tokens, shapes and colors) 9.3 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) ● Using vocabulary and grammar concepts in this unit are applicable to English Language Learners (ELLs) careers in education. (9.3.12.AC‐DES.1) ● When placed in learning groups, native speakers will be an integral part of the working relationship. When 9.4 – Life Literacies and Key Skills addressing Spanish grammar concepts, English ● Ability to assist ELL students in the classroom and the building is grammar and its comparison to Spanish are addressed addressed in this unit which includes vocabulary associated with and part of conveying meaning between the two school supplies, classes and subjects students have and need while re- languages. ELLS assist other students through class entry of telling time to assist with class schedules. (9.4.12.CT.1) discussion in relation to their native language and personal cultural connections which will enrich and personalize instruction. Students at Risk of Failure ● Students will receive additional one-on-one assistance and encouragement during learning activities. Parent contact regarding attendance and progress in class is essential. 504 Students ● Accommodations to individual and group activities will apply specifically to these students. Gifted and Talented Students ● Students will be involved with peer-to-peer tutoring within their learning groups and be posed with extension learning activities such as a diner menu with must-haves for all students with additional activity of choice for them as required activities. Assessments- including benchmarks, formative, Suggested Interdisciplinary Activities for this Unit (each activity must summative, and alternative assessments include a corresponding grade-level standard)


● Initial benchmark at the beginning of the course as a Career Education: Exploring Spanish to acquire a second language for pre-assessment improved career opportunities. Conducting basic informal and formal ● Mid-year benchmark to collect data for improvement conversations and ability to identify which is appropriate for situations. of course goals (9.2.12.CAP.3) ● End-of-year benchmark to collect data for Health/PE: Students will learn about sports and sports-related activity improvement and acquisition of course goals names in Spanish in relation to making plans and inviting someone to participate. (2.2.2.MSC.6) English Language Arts/Literacy: Exploring internet and text resources in addition to providing authentic reading materials regarding Costa Rican culture, history, and geography. (NJSLSA.R4.) Science: Environmental changes in geography and how it has affected Costa Rica’s local culture and economy. (MS-ESS2-6) World Languages: Discussion and analysis of Spanish words used to specifically describe the rainforest and indigenous people. Investigate the native language of the tribes that live in the rainforest. (7.1.NM.PRSNT.2) Visual and Performing Arts: Presentation and discussion of local Costa Rican art and indigenous music. (1.1.12prof.Cr1a)

Unit Resources Teachers should utilize school resources available in our Media Center to infuse alternate sources, perspectives, and approaches. Resources should include textual support but also span multimedia options to engage multiple modalities. In addition, to support struggling readers and increase rigor for advanced readers, the coursework may also draw on additional developmentally appropriate resources to facilitate challenging levels of work for all students. Leveled Supplemental Materials and Media/School Integration of Computer Science and Design Thinking (Technology Library Resources Standard 8) ● GeoVisión ● ExpresaVisión ● GramaVisión 8.1 – Computer Science ● VideoCultura ¿Quién será? ● 8.1.12.AP.4 ● Variedades 8.2 – Design Thinking ● Las celebraciones: music link ● 8.2.12.ED.1 ● La comida: science link ● La arquitectura: history link ● El arte: math link


Unit #4 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards: Central Unit Standard and Suggested Instructional Suggested Student Output Formative Assessments Student Learning Objective Activities (Portfolios, Projects, Tasks, Evaluations, & Rubrics) 7.1.NM.IPRET.1: Identify -Direct instruction in target -Students copy notes during class -Student and teacher generated familiar spoken and written language with student discussion in target language regarding rubrics words, phrases, and simple participation using previously vocabulary associated with school sentences contained in learned sports, extracurricular supplies, class names and subjects. -Graphic organizer culturally authentic materials activities and pastimes to make and other resources related to plans and invite someone to do -Students complete notes with missing -Exit ticket targeted themes. something. information regarding regular present tense verb conjugations. -Holistic scoring rubric 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present -Discussion analyzing the pattern basic personal information, of regular present tense AR verbs -Create presentations using Smart -Completed homework/class interests, and activities using in the target language specially technology work assignment(s) memorized words, phrases, expressing what they need. and a few simple sentences on -Write pen pal letters using an online -Student generated portfolio(s) targeted themes. -Direct instruction applying webtool or email addresses using TENER previously learned with fluency at the novice mid level -Project(s)/Presentation(s) age to express what they have describing class schedules. -Quiz(es)/Test(s) -Direct Instruction of phrases in -Compose music and art critiques the target language to read and -Research rubrics (I-Search) describe class schedules using subject names while applying re- -Compose summaries of authentic -Completed Webquests entry of telling time and days of online news articles related to current the week. events and climate change -Formative: Class Participation. Class Work. Homework. -Direct Instruction of regular present tense verbs with sports, -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. extracurricular activities and Alternative Assessments. pastimes to talk about plans and invite others to participate.


-Question and answer sessions in target language

-Exprésate media

-Use of online news articles

-Listening to and summarizing authentic Puerto Rican music and poetry.

-Analyze articles in target language for main ideas 7.1.NM.IPRET.2: Respond -Direct instruction using target - Collaborative note- taking and with actions and/or gestures to language and pictures/gestures think/pair/share evaluation -Vocabulary lists oral and written directions, for vocabulary associated with commands, and requests that school supplies, class subjects -Create PowerPoint presentations -Exit ticket relate to familiar and practiced and class names. topics. -Create presentations using Smart -Picture note sheets -Smartboard Activities technology demonstrating sports, pastimes 7.1.NM.IPERS.4: Give and and sports-related activities follow simple oral and written -Smart technology -Fluency at the novice mid level labeled in Spanish directions, commands, and requests when participating in -PowerPoint presentations -Drawing images based on teacher classroom and cultural descriptions activities. -Question and answer sessions in target language -Demonstrating where items are located based on teacher directions -Exprésate media -Acting out school subjects and supplies in the target language -TPR activities for vocabulary associated with school supplies, class subjects and class names. 7.1.NM.IPERS.1: Request -Provide examples of sample -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric and provide information by conversations making plans and 38

asking and answering simple, inviting others to participate in -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) practiced questions, using sports, extracurricular and past technology memorized words and phrases. times -Project(s)/Presentation(s) -Fluency at the novice mid level 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present -Smartboard Activities -Research rubrics basic personal information, -Present student generated conversations interests, and activities using -Smart technology -Completed Webquests memorized words, phrases, -Respond to gestures according to and a few simple sentences on -PowerPoint presentations teacher initiation -Formative: Class Participation. targeted themes. Class Work. Homework. -Photostory -Produce correct intonation to distinguish between questions and -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Question and answer sessions in answers Alternative Assessments. target language -Other appropriate assessments -Model appropriate gestures and at individual teacher's discretion. intonation

7.1.NM.IPERS.5: Imitate -Smartboard Activities -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric gestures and intonation of the target culture(s) native -Smart technology -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) speakers when greeting others, technology during leave-takings, and in -PowerPoint presentations -Project(s)/Presentation(s) daily interactions. -Fluency at the novice mid level -Photostory -Research rubrics -Present student generated conversations -Question and answer sessions in -Completed Webquests target language -Understand and communicate at the -Read/dramatize examples of word level and use memorized words -Formative: Class Participation. conversations and phrases independently to make lists, Class Work. Homework. -Dramatize/listen to authentic state needs and preferences, describe conversations in target language people, places, and things. -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Alternative Assessments. -Understand main ideas, concepts and cultural significance of grammar and -Other appropriate assessments vocabulary used in conversations at individual teacher's discretion. 39

7.1.NM.IPRET.5: -Presentation of geography and -Present student generated analysis of -Holistic scoring rubric Demonstrate comprehension climate of Costa Rica climate change in Costa Rica and impact of brief oral and written on geography and rain forests in relation -Student generated portfolio(s) messages found in short -Presentation and discussion of to its economy and people culturally authentic materials impact of climate and weather on -Project(s)/Presentation(s) on global issues, including Costa Rica as well as the local -Present student generated analysis of climate change. rain forest and the native people Costa Rican music and poetry -Research rubrics that inhabit it -Understand and communicate at the -Completed Webquests -Discussion of climate change word level and use memorized words and impact on world cultures and phrases independently to, make -Formative: Class Participation. lists, state needs and preferences, Class Work. Homework. -Discussion of role of geography describe people, places, and things has on the organization of Costa related to Costa Rican culture -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Rica society Alternative Assessments. -Understand and compare/contrast main -Question and answer sessions ideas, concepts and cultural significance -Other appropriate assessments -Read authentic historical and of indigenous language compared to the at individual teacher's discretion. environmental text and articles use of Castilian Spanish used in Costa Rica. -Dramatize/listen to authentic video clips/films in target language with/without subtitles

Unit 5 Overview At-a-Glance *Grades 6-8 curriculum must include Financial Literacy integration (budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, and investment). Please denote Financial Literacy integration throughout the curriculum with an asterisk (*). Unit #5 – Chile

Unit Description: In this unit, students will learn about the culture, geography and history of Chile. They will investigate the importance of geography in relation to the demographics of the country. They will learn the role of world geography in understanding seasons between Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Students will learn to describe and ask about people and family relationships. They will acquire an understanding of the 40

similarities and differences between family roles of Latino cultures compared to American families. They will ask and describe where they live (different types of communities) with re-entry of where they are from and the difference between the two concepts. Students will describe family and household responsibilities as well as compare those of Spanish-speaking households in other countries. Essential Questions (Three to five overarching questions that connect students to deeper ideas and the real world): ● How does the geography of Chile affect the concentration and demographics of populations? ● How has climate change affected marginal communities in Chile? ● Compare and contrast the concept of the nuclear family in the U.S. compared to Spanish-Speaking countries? ● What are the advantages and disadvantages of a larger nuclear family living together? ● How do the family values differ?

Standards Addressed within this Unit Central Unit Standards- This unit will focus primarily on Supporting Unit Standards- This unit will also include activities aligned learning goals aligned with the following standards: with the following standards: Standards: Standards: ● 7.1.NM.IPRET.1; 7.1.NM.IPRET.2; 7.1.NM.IPRET.4; ● 7.1.NM.IPERS.1; 7.1.NM.IPERS.4; 7.1.NM.IPERS.5 7.1.NM.IPRET.5 Visual and Performing Arts Standards- (K5-5) This unit will Holocaust/Amistad Commission Standards Integration- This unit will also include activities aligned with the following standards: also include age-appropriate activities aligned with the following standards VPA.pdf 52-16a-88/ and 52/chapter-16a/section-52-16a-88/ (where applicable):

Standard 1.1 Dance Holocaust Education: ● ● Standard 1.2 Media Arts Amistad Education Commission: ● ● Standard 1.3A-E Music Integration of Contributions of Persons with Disabilities - This unit will ● also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities with the Standard 1.4 Theater following content/activities ● (where applicable): Standard 1.5 Visual


● Students will identify and compare the rights of individuals with disabilities in Chile compared to those in the United States.

Integration of Contributions of LGBTQ People - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBTQ people with the following content/activities (where applicable): ● Students will identify and compare the rights of LGBTQ individuals in Chile compared to those in the United States.

Unit Details Modifications for Special Education Students, English Integration of Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (21st Language Learners (ELLs), Students at Risk of Failure, Century Skills through NJSLS 9 and Career Education): 504 Students and Gifted Students- Modify instructional approach and/or assignments and evaluations as needed for students with IEPs, ELLs, students at risk of failure 504s, and 9.2 – Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training gifted and talented students including but not limited to: ● Importance of acquiring a second language will be discussed and research of careers in which bilingual employees are valuable. Special Education Students (9.2.12.CAP.2) ● Variety of media to present information (hard copy, Smart Board, hand-written notes) ● Variety of presentations to present information (auditory, visual and manipulatives – flashcards, 9.3 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) tokens, shapes and colors) ● Using vocabulary and grammar concepts in this unit are applicable to careers in education. (9.3.12.AC‐DES.1) English Language Learners (ELLs) ● When placed in learning groups, native speakers will 9.4 – Life Literacies and Key Skills be an integral part of the working relationship. When ● Conducting formal and informal conversations in both languages is addressing Spanish grammar concepts, English key to success for job acquisition. The skill to differentiate between grammar and its comparison to Spanish are addressed the two types represent maturity and promotes confidence when and part of conveying meaning between the two speaking with others that may be unfamiliar but necessary. languages. ELLS assist other students through class (9.4.12.CT.2) discussion in relation to their native language and


personal cultural connections which will enrich and personalize instruction. Students at Risk of Failure ● Students will receive additional one-on-one assistance and encouragement during learning activities. Parent contact regarding attendance and progress in class is essential. 504 Students ● Accommodations to individual and group activities will apply specifically to these students. Gifted and Talented Students ● Students will be involved with peer-to-peer tutoring within their learning groups and be posed with extension learning activities such as a diner menu with must-haves for all students with additional activity of choice for them as required activities. Assessments- including benchmarks, formative, Suggested Interdisciplinary Activities for this Unit (each activity must summative, and alternative assessments include a corresponding grade-level standard) ● Initial benchmark at the beginning of the course as a pre-assessment Career Education: Exploring Spanish to acquire a second language for ● Mid-year benchmark to collect data for improvement improved career opportunities. Conducting basic informal and formal of course goals conversations and ability to identify which is appropriate for situations. ● End-of-year benchmark to collect data for (9.4.12.CT.2) improvement and acquisition of course goals Health/PE: Students will learn about sports and sports-related activity names in Spanish in relation to Soccer in Chile. (2.2.2.MSC.6) English Language Arts/Literacy: Exploring internet and text resources in addition to providing authentic reading materials regarding Chilean culture, history, and geography. (NJSLSA.R9.) Science: Environmental changes in geography and how it has affected Chile’s local culture and economy. (MS-ESS2-5) Technical Subjects: Analyze the use and purpose of engineering structures present in Chilean architecture. (8.1.12.AP.7)


World Languages: Discussion and analysis of Spanish words used to specifically describe the indigenous people. Investigate the native language of the marginal civilizations. (7.1.NM.PRSNT.4)

Unit Resources Teachers should utilize school resources available in our Media Center to infuse alternate sources, perspectives, and approaches. Resources should include textual support but also span multimedia options to engage multiple modalities. In addition, to support struggling readers and increase rigor for advanced readers, the coursework may also draw on additional developmentally appropriate resources to facilitate challenging levels of work for all students. Leveled Supplemental Materials and Media/School Integration of Computer Science and Design Thinking (Technology Library Resources Standard 8) ● GeoVisión ● ExpresaVisión ● GramaVisión 8.1 – Computer Science ● VideoCultura ¿Quién será? ● 8.1.12.AP.7 ● Variedades ● Las celebraciones: music link ● La comida: science link 8.2 – Design Thinking ● La arquitectura: history link ● 8.2.12.ED.2

Unit #5 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards: Central Unit Standard and Suggested Instructional Suggested Student Output Formative Assessments Student Learning Objective Activities (Portfolios, Projects, Tasks, Evaluations, & Rubrics) 7.1.NM.IPRET.1: Identify -Direct instruction in target -Students copy notes during class familiar spoken and written language with student participation discussion in target language -Student and teacher generated rubrics words, phrases, and simple regarding vocabulary associated regarding vocabulary associated sentences contained in with family member names and with family names, adjectives and -Graphic Organizer culturally authentic materials household responsibilities adjective phrases, household and other resources related to chores and parts and locations -Exit ticket targeted themes. -Discussion re-entry of TENER to within a house describe ages of family members -Holistic scoring rubric


7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present and describing who makes up their -Students complete notes with -Completed homework/class work basic personal information, family missing information regarding assignment(s) interests, and activities using TENER and SER with adjective memorized words, phrases, -Direct instruction applying phrases -Student generated portfolio(s) and a few simple sentences on TENER previously learned with targeted themes. age to express what family -Write pen pal letters using an -Project(s)/Presentation(s) members they have and describing online webtool or email addresses them using fluency at the novice mid -Quiz(es)/Test(s) level describing families. -Direct Instruction of phrases in -Research rubrics (I-Search) the target language to describe -Compose music and art critiques family members using SER and -Completed Webquests TENER -Compose summaries of authentic online news articles -Formative: Class Participation. Class -Direct Instruction of regular related to current events and Work. Homework. present tense verbs with household climate change chores and family responsibilities. -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Alternative Assessments. -Direct instruction of parts and locations in a house. -Use of online news articles

-Listening to and summarizing authentic Chilean music and poetry.

-Analyze articles in target language for main ideas 7.1.NM.IPRET.2: Respond -Direct instruction using target -Collaborative note- taking and -Vocabulary lists with actions and/or gestures to language and pictures/gestures for think/pair/share evaluation oral and written directions, vocabulary associated with -Exit ticket commands, and requests that descriptions of family members, -Create PowerPoint presentations relate to familiar and practiced parts/locations in a house and -Picture note sheets demonstrating topics. chores. -Create presentations using Smart parts/locations of a house, chores and technology descriptions of family trees. 45

7.1.NM.IPERS.4: Give and -Smartboard Activities follow simple oral and written -Fluency at the novice mid level directions, commands, and -Smart technology requests when participating in -Drawing images based on classroom and cultural -PowerPoint presentations teacher descriptions activities. -Photostory -Demonstrating where items are located based on teacher -Question and answer sessions in directions target language -Acting out descriptions of family -Exprésate media members, parts/locations in a house and chores in the target -TPR activities for vocabulary language associated with descriptions of family members, parts/locations in a house and chores.

7.1.NM.IPERS.1: Request -Provide examples of sample -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric and provide information by conversations asking/responding asking and answering simple, to descriptions of family, house -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) practiced questions, using and responsibilities/chores. technology memorized words and phrases. -Project(s)/Presentation(s) -Smartboard Activities -Fluency at the novice mid level 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present -Research rubrics basic personal information, -Smart technology -Present student generated interests, and activities using conversations -Completed Webquests memorized words, phrases, -PowerPoint presentations and a few simple sentences on -Respond to gestures according to -Formative: Class Participation. Class targeted themes. -Photostory teacher initiation Work. Homework.

-Question and answer sessions in -Produce correct intonation to -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. target language distinguish between questions Alternative Assessments. and answers -Model appropriate gestures and -Other appropriate assessments at intonation individual teacher's discretion. 46

7.1.NM.IPERS.5: Imitate -Smartboard Activities -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric gestures and intonation of the target culture(s) native -Smart technology -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) speakers when greeting others, technology during leave-takings, and in -PowerPoint presentations -Project(s)/Presentation(s) daily interactions. -Fluency at the novice mid level -Photostory -Research rubrics -Present student generated -Question and answer sessions in conversations -Completed Webquests target language -Understand and communicate at -Formative: Class Participation. Class -Read/dramatize examples of the word level and use Work. Homework. conversations memorized words and phrases independently to make lists, state -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Dramatize/listen to authentic needs and preferences, describe Alternative Assessments. conversations in target language people, places, and things. -Other appropriate assessments at -Understand main ideas, concepts individual teacher's discretion. and cultural significance of grammar and vocabulary used in conversations 7.1.NM.IPRET.5: -Presentation of geography and -Present student generated -Holistic scoring rubric Demonstrate comprehension climate of Chile analysis of climate change in of brief oral and written Chile and impact on geography in -Student generated portfolio(s) messages found in short -Presentation and discussion of relation to its economy and culturally authentic materials impact of climate and weather on people -Project(s)/Presentation(s) on global issues, including Chile as well as the connection climate change. between geography and existence -Present student generated -Research rubrics of marginal societies analysis of Chilean music and poetry (Pablo Neruda and -Completed Webquests -Discussion of climate change and Gabriela Mistral) impact on world cultures -Formative: Class Participation. Class -Understand and communicate at Work. Homework. -Discussion of role of geography the word level and use has on the organization of Chilean memorized words and phrases -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. society independently to, make lists, state Alternative Assessments. needs and preferences, describe 47

-Smartboard Activities people, places, and things related -Other appropriate assessments at to Chilean culture individual teacher's discretion. -Question and answer sessions -Understand and -Read authentic historical and compare/contrast main ideas, environmental text and articles concepts and cultural significance of indigenous language compared -Dramatize/listen to authentic to the use of Castilian Spanish in video clips/films in target Chile. language with/without subtitles

Unit 6 Overview At-a-Glance *Grades 6-8 curriculum must include Financial Literacy integration (budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, and investment). Please denote Financial Literacy integration throughout the curriculum with an asterisk (*). Unit #6 – Mexico

Unit Description: In this unit, students will learn about the culture, geography and history of Mexico. They will investigate the importance of geography in relation to the demographics of the country. They will recognize the influence Mexican culture has on the history and culture of the United States in addition to words that have been added to our language that come from Spanish due in part to its influence. Immigration laws regarding Mexico will be discussed. Students will investigate the impact of DACA on the United States and its youth and be able to express opinions with support. Students will identify foods in American cuisine that come from Mexico. They will learn vocabulary related to food and be able to express likes and dislikes and comment on their taste and texture. Students will be able to order, make polite requests and offer help and give instructions related to eating in a restaurant and cooking at home. Students will compare foods and meal-time structures in the United States compared to those in Spanish-Speaking countries including Mexico. Essential Questions (Three to five overarching questions that connect students to deeper ideas and the real world): ● How does the geography of Chile affect the concentration and demographics of populations? ● How has climate change affected cities, towns and the countryside of Mexico and its people? ● Compare and contrast the foods of Mexico and how it has affected American cuisine and language spoken? ● Compare and contrast meal-time schedules of Mexico to the United States. Which would you prefer and why? ● How do you feel about undocumented immigrants from Mexico and how the United States addresses them? Why?


Standards Addressed within this Unit Central Unit Standards- This unit will focus primarily on Supporting Unit Standards- This unit will also include activities aligned learning goals aligned with the following standards: with the following standards: Standards: Standards: ● 7.1.NM.IPRET.1; 7.1.NM.IPRET.2; 7.1.NM.IPRET.4; ● 7.1.NM.IPERS.1; 7.1.NM.IPERS.4; 7.1.NM.IPERS.5 7.1.NM.IPRET.5 Visual and Performing Arts Standards- (K5-5) This unit will Holocaust/Amistad Commission Standards Integration- This unit will also include activities aligned with the following standards: also include age-appropriate activities aligned with the following standards VPA.pdf 52-16a-88/ and Standard 1.1 Dance 52/chapter-16a/section-52-16a-88/ (where applicable): ● Holocaust Education: Standard 1.2 Media Arts ● ● Amistad Education Commission: Standard 1.3A-E Music ● ● Integration of Contributions of Persons with Disabilities - This unit will Standard 1.4 Theater also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, ● economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities with the Standard 1.5 Visual following content/activities ● (where applicable): ● Students will learn and research Frida Kahlo and how she overcame

her physical disability to succeed as an artist. Integration of Contributions of LGBTQ People - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBTQ people with the following content/activities (where applicable): ● Students will identify and compare the treatment and rights of LGBTQ individuals in Mexico compared to those in the United States.


Unit Details Modifications for Special Education Students, English Integration of Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (21st Language Learners (ELLs), Students at Risk of Failure, Century Skills through NJSLS 9 and Career Education): 504 Students and Gifted Students- Modify instructional approach and/or assignments and evaluations as needed for 9.2 – Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training students with IEPs, ELLs, students at risk of failure 504s, and ● Importance of acquiring a second language will be discussed and gifted and talented students including but not limited to: research of careers in which bilingual employees are valuable. (9.2.12.CAP.2) Special Education Students ● Variety of presentations to present information (auditory, visual and manipulatives – flashcards, tokens, shapes and colors) 9.3 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) ● Using vocabulary and grammar concepts in this unit are applicable to English Language Learners (ELLs) the tourism industry (restaurant and food service). (9.3.12.AC‐ ● When placed in learning groups, native speakers will DES.2) be an integral part of the working relationship. When addressing Spanish grammar concepts, English 9.4 – Life Literacies and Key Skills grammar and its comparison to Spanish are addressed ● Conducting formal and informal conversations in both languages is and part of conveying meaning between the two key to success for job acquisition. The skill to differentiate between languages. ELLS assist other students through class the two types represent maturity and promotes confidence when discussion in relation to their native language and speaking with others that may be unfamiliar but necessary. personal cultural connections which will enrich and ● Being able to order, comment, help and give instructions about food personalize instruction. at home and in a restaurant through demonstrated dialogues and guided practice will assist students in daily life. (9.4.12.CT.1) Students at Risk of Failure ● Students will receive additional one-on-one assistance and encouragement during learning activities. Parent contact regarding attendance and progress in class is essential. 504 Students ● Accommodations to individual and group activities will apply specifically to these students. Gifted and Talented Students ● Students will be involved with peer-to-peer tutoring within their learning groups and be posed with


extension learning activities such as a diner menu with must-haves for all students with additional activity of choice for them as required activities. Assessments- including benchmarks, formative, Suggested Interdisciplinary Activities for this Unit (each activity must summative, and alternative assessments include a corresponding grade-level standard) ● Initial benchmark at the beginning of the course as a pre-assessment Career Education: Exploring Spanish to acquire a second language for ● Mid-year benchmark to collect data for improvement improved career opportunities. Conducting basic informal and formal of course goals conversations and ability to identify which is appropriate for situations. ● End-of-year benchmark to collect data for (9.4.12.CT.1) improvement and acquisition of course goals English Language Arts/Literacy: Exploring internet and text resources in addition to provide authentic reading materials regarding Mexican culture, history, and geography. (NJSLSA.R1.) Science: Environmental changes in geography and how it has affected Mexico’s local culture and economy. (MS-LS4-5) Social Studies: Identify and discuss marginal societies that exist in Mexico due to its geography. (6.1.12.EconET.3.a) Technical Subjects: Analyze the use and purpose of engineering structures present in Mexico architecture. (8.1.12.IC.1) World Languages: Discussion and analysis of Spanish words used to specifically describe foods used in the English language. Investigate the origin of the burrito and how it got its name. (7.1.NM.PRSNT.5) Visual and Performing Arts: Presentation and discussion of local Mexican art and indigenous music. Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera will be spotlighted. (1.1.12acc.Cr2a)

Unit Resources Teachers should utilize school resources available in our Media Center to infuse alternate sources, perspectives, and approaches. Resources should include textual support but also span multimedia options to engage multiple modalities. In addition, to support struggling readers and increase rigor for advanced readers, the coursework may also draw on additional developmentally appropriate resources to facilitate challenging levels of work for all students. Leveled Supplemental Materials and Media/School Integration of Computer Science and Design Thinking (Technology Library Resources Standard 8) ● GeoVisión ● ExpresaVisión


● GramaVisión 8.1 – Computer Science ● VideoCultura ¿Quién será? ● 8.1.12.IC.1 ● Las celebraciones: music link 8.2 – Design Thinking ● La arquitectura: history link ● 8.2.12.ED.1 ● El arte: math link

Unit #6 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards: Central Unit Standard and Suggested Instructional Suggested Student Output Formative Assessments Student Learning Objective Activities (Portfolios, Projects, Tasks, Evaluations, & Rubrics) 7.1.NM.IPRET.1: Identify -Direct instruction in target -Students copy notes during class familiar spoken and written language with student discussion in target language regarding -Student and teacher words, phrases, and simple participation regarding vocabulary vocabulary associated with foods, visiting generated rubrics sentences contained in associated with foods, visiting a a restaurant, cooking and meal-times. culturally authentic materials restaurant, cooking and meal- -Graphic Organizer and other resources related to times. -Students complete notes with missing targeted themes. information regarding verb forms and -Exit ticket -Discussion re-entry of GUSTAR tenses used to make polite requests and 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present to describe food likes and dislikes. offer help. -Holistic scoring rubric basic personal information, interests, and activities using -Review of adjective rules and -Create PowerPoint presentations -Completed homework/class memorized words, phrases, structure applied to food tastes and work assignment(s) and a few simple sentences on textures. -Create presentations using Smart targeted themes. technology -Student generated -Direct instruction of making portfolio(s) polite requests and question -Write pen pal letters using an online formation. webtool or email addresses using fluency -Project(s)/Presentation(s) at the novice mid level describing -Direct Instruction of commands families. -Quiz(es)/Test(s) used in the kitchen when preparing a meal. -Compose music and art critiques -Research rubrics (I-Search)

-Completed Webquests


-Direct Instruction of regular and -Compose summaries of authentic online stem-changing present tense verbs news articles related to current events and -Formative: Class with restaurant dialogues, cooking climate change Participation. Class Work. instructions and describing foods. Homework. -Direct instruction of vocabulary associated with table settings and -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. cooking tools/equipment. Alternative Assessments.

-Question and answer sessions in target language

-Exprésate media

-Use of online news articles

-Listening to and summarizing authentic Mexican music and poetry.

-Analyze articles in target language for main ideas 7.1.NM.IPRET.2: Respond -Direct instruction using target - Collaborative note- taking and -Vocabulary lists with actions and/or gestures to language and pictures/gestures or think/pair/share evaluation oral and written directions, vocabulary associated with foods, -Exit ticket commands, and requests that Mexican foods, table settings, -Create PowerPoint presentations relate to familiar and practiced verbs associated with cooking and -Picture note sheets topics. cooking utensils. -Create presentations using Smart demonstrating foods, Mexican technology foods, menus, table settings, 7.1.NM.IPERS.4: Give and -Smartboard Activities verbs associated with cooking follow simple oral and written -Fluency at the novice mid level and cooking utensils. directions, commands, and -Smart technology requests when participating in -Drawing images based on teacher classroom and cultural -PowerPoint presentations descriptions activities. -Demonstrating where items are located -Photostory based on teacher directions 53

-Question and answer sessions in -Acting out descriptions of foods, target language Mexican foods, table settings, verbs -Exprésate media associated with cooking and cooking utensils. -TPR activities for vocabulary associated with foods, Mexican foods, table settings, verbs associated with cooking and cooking utensils. 7.1.NM.IPERS.1: Request -Provide examples of sample -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric and provide information by conversations in a restaurant, asking and answering simple, directions in a recipe, descriptions -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated practiced questions, using of foods and their tastes/textures. technology portfolio(s) memorized words and phrases. -Smartboard Activities -Fluency at the novice mid level -Project(s)/Presentation(s) 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present basic personal information, -Smart technology -Present student generated conversations -Research rubrics interests, and activities using memorized words, phrases, -PowerPoint presentations -Respond to gestures according to teacher -Completed Webquests and a few simple sentences on initiation targeted themes. -Photostory -Formative: Class -Produce correct intonation to distinguish Participation. Class Work. -Question and answer sessions in between questions and answers Homework. target language -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Model appropriate gestures and Alternative Assessments. intonation -Other appropriate assessments at individual teacher's discretion.

7.1.NM.IPERS.5: Imitate -Smartboard Activities -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric gestures and intonation of the target culture(s) native -Smart technology -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated speakers when greeting others, technology portfolio(s) 54

during leave-takings, and in -PowerPoint presentations daily interactions. -Fluency at the novice mid level -Project(s)/Presentation(s) -Photostory -Present student generated conversations -Research rubrics -Question and answer sessions in -Understand and communicate at the target language word level and use memorized words and -Completed Webquests phrases independently to make lists, state -Read/dramatize examples of needs and preferences, describe people, -Formative: Class conversations places, and things. Participation. Class Work. Homework. -Dramatize/listen to authentic -Understand main ideas, concepts and conversations in target language cultural significance of grammar and -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. vocabulary used in conversations Alternative Assessments.

-Other appropriate assessments at individual teacher's discretion.

7.1.NM.IPRET.5: -Presentation of geography and -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric Demonstrate comprehension climate of Mexico of brief oral and written -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated messages found in short -Presentation and discussion of technology portfolio(s) culturally authentic materials impact of climate and weather on on global issues, including Mexico as well as the connection -Fluency at the novice mid level -Project(s)/Presentation(s) climate change. between geography and organization of different societies. -Present student generated analysis of -Research rubrics climate change and natural disasters in -Discussion of climate change and Mexico and impact on geography in -Completed Webquests impact on world cultures relation to its economy and people -Formative: Class -Discussion of the Aztec culture -Present student generated arguments Participation. Class Work. and contribution to science and regarding Mexican immigration to the Homework. technology United States and effects on first generation Mexican-Americans. -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Alternative Assessments.


-Presentation and discussion of the -Present student generated analysis of -Other appropriate impact of DACA changes on Mexican music (Mariachi and Tejano – assessments at individual Mexican-American youth in the Selena) and poetry (Sor Juana Inés de la teacher's discretion. United States. Cruz, Octavio Paz)

-Smartboard Activities -Understand and communicate at the word level and use memorized words and -Smart technology phrases independently to, make lists, state needs and preferences, describe people, -PowerPoint presentations places, and things related to Mexican culture -Photostory -Understand and compare/contrast main -Question and answer sessions ideas, concepts and cultural significance -Read authentic historical and of indigenous culture compared to environmental text and articles modern culture of Mexico.

-Dramatize/listen to authentic video clips/films in target language with/without subtitles

Unit 7 Overview At-a-Glance *Grades 6-8 curriculum must include Financial Literacy integration (budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, and investment). Please denote Financial Literacy integration throughout the curriculum with an asterisk (*). Unit #7 – Argentina

Unit Description: In this unit, students will learn about the culture, geography and history of Argentina. They will investigate the importance of geography in relation to the demographics of the country. Students will learn and identify aspects of Argentine culture along with other European influences due to its immigrants from other European countries. They will explore traditional music and its influences for the Tango. Students will identify foods in Argentine cuisine that reflect the Pampas region. Students will compare and contrast the concept of “cowboy” for Argentina to that of the United States. Students will appreciate the history of Argentina as it pertains to its political history and roles of women such as Eva Peron. They will learn vocabulary associated with daily routines and healthy habits that impact physical and emotional health. 56

Instruction for present tense reflexive regular and stem-changing verbs will be presented and demonstrated. Students will identify, research and present healthy lifestyle practices in the United States compared to other Spanish-Speaking countries. Essential Questions (Three to five overarching questions that connect students to deeper ideas and the real world): ● Why is the role and activities of Eva Peron significant for women of that time? ● Compare and contrast the concepts of “cowboys” for Mexico, Argentina and the United States. How are they the same and how are they different? ● Compare and contrast the foods of Argentina and explain why traditional dishes connect to its geography? ● What is the significance of the Tango? What other countries have influenced Argentine culture and why? ● What aspects of Spanish-speaking countries’ culture would be considered healthy and not healthy? What aspects of American culture contribute to the obesity epidemic? How would you propose we change it? What could we learn from other countries?

Standards Addressed within this Unit Central Unit Standards- This unit will focus primarily on Supporting Unit Standards- This unit will also include activities aligned learning goals aligned with the following standards: with the following standards: Standards: Standards: ● 7.1.NM.IPRET.1; 7.1.NM.IPRET.2; 7.1.NM.IPRET.4; ● 7.1.NM.IPERS.1; 7.1.NM.IPERS.4; 7.1.NM.IPERS.5 7.1.NM.IPRET.5

Visual and Performing Arts Standards- (K5-5) This unit will Holocaust/Amistad Commission Standards Integration- This unit will also include activities aligned with the following standards: also include age-appropriate activities aligned with the following standards VPA.pdf 52-16a-88/ and Standard 1.1 Dance 52/chapter-16a/section-52-16a-88/ (where applicable): ● Holocaust Education: Standard 1.2 Media Arts ● ● Amistad Education Commission: Standard 1.3A-E Music ● ● Integration of Contributions of Persons with Disabilities - This unit will Standard 1.4 Theater also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, ● economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities with the Standard 1.5 Visual 57

following content/activities (where applicable):

● Students will research the contributions of persons with disabilities of Argentine descent in the field of science. Integration of Contributions of LGBTQ People - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBTQ people with the following content/activities (where applicable): ● Students will identify and compare the treatment and rights of LGBTQ individuals in Argentina compared to those in the United States.

Unit Details Modifications for Special Education Students, English Integration of Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (21st Language Learners (ELLs), Students at Risk of Failure, 504 Century Skills through NJSLS 9 and Career Education): Students and Gifted Students- Modify instructional approach and/or assignments and evaluations as needed for students with IEPs, ELLs, students at risk of failure 504s, and gifted and talented students including but not limited to: 9.2 – Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training ● Importance of acquiring a second language will be discussed and Special Education Students research of careers in which bilingual employees are valuable. ● Variety of media to present information (hard copy, (9.2.12.CAP.3) Smart Board, hand-written notes) ● Variety of presentations to present information (auditory, 9.3 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) visual and manipulatives – flashcards, tokens, shapes and ● Using vocabulary and grammar concepts in this unit are applicable colors) to the tourism industry (health and fitness industry). (9.3.12.AC‐ DES.1) English Language Learners (ELLs) ● When placed in learning groups, native speakers will be 9.4 – Life Literacies and Key Skills an integral part of the working relationship. When ● Being able to express emotions and help others in distress is an addressing Spanish grammar concepts, English grammar important skill in empathy in daily interactions. (9.4.12.CT.2) and its comparison to Spanish are addressed and part of conveying meaning between the two languages. ELLS assist other students through class discussion in relation to


their native language and personal cultural connections which will enrich and personalize instruction. Students at Risk of Failure ● Students will receive additional one-on-one assistance and encouragement during learning activities. Parent contact regarding attendance and progress in class is essential. 504 Students ● Accommodations to individual and group activities will apply specifically to these students. Gifted and Talented Students ● Students will be involved with peer-to-peer tutoring within their learning groups and be posed with extension learning activities such as a diner menu with must-haves for all students with additional activity of choice for them as required activities. Assessments- including benchmarks, formative, summative, Suggested Interdisciplinary Activities for this Unit (each activity must and alternative assessments include a corresponding grade-level standard) ● Initial benchmark at the beginning of the course as a pre- assessment Career Education: Exploring Spanish to acquire a second language for ● Mid-year benchmark to collect data for improvement of improved career opportunities. Conducting basic informal and formal course goals conversations and ability to identify which is appropriate for situations. ● End-of-year benchmark to collect data for improvement (9.4.12.CT.2) and acquisition of course goals Health/PE: Students will learn about healthy food choices and staying fit. English Language Arts/Literacy: Exploring internet and text resources in addition to providing authentic reading materials regarding Argentine culture, history, and geography. (2.2.2.MSC.7) Math: Re-entry of telling time and how frequently daily activities are completed. (F-BF.A.1.c) Science: Environmental changes in geography and how it has affected Argentina’s local culture and economy. (MS-ESS1-1) Social Studies: Identify and discuss natural resources that impact commerce and industry with conflicting issues with the environment. (6.1.12.HistoryCA.3.b)


Technical Subjects: Analyze the use and purpose of engineering structures present in Argentine architecture. (8.2.12.ED.1) World Languages: Discussion and analysis of Spanish words used to specifically describe daily routines and giving advice for a healthy lifestyle. (7.1.NM.PRSNT.6) Visual and Performing Arts: Presentation and discussion of the Tango. (1.1.12adv.Cr3a)

Unit Resources Teachers should utilize school resources available in our Media Center to infuse alternate sources, perspectives, and approaches. Resources should include textual support but also span multimedia options to engage multiple modalities. In addition, to support struggling readers and increase rigor for advanced readers, the coursework may also draw on additional developmentally appropriate resources to facilitate challenging levels of work for all students. Leveled Supplemental Materials and Media/School Integration of Computer Science and Design Thinking (Technology Library Resources Standard 8) ● GeoVisión ● ExpresaVisión ● GramaVisión 8.1 – Computer Science ● VideoCultura ¿Quién será? ● 8.1.12.AP.9 ● Variedades ● Las celebraciones: music link 8.2 – Design Thinking ● La comida: science link ● 8.2.12.ED.1 ● La arquitectura: history link ● El arte: math link

Unit #7 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards: Central Unit Standard and Suggested Instructional Suggested Student Output Formative Assessments Student Learning Objective Activities (Portfolios, Projects, Tasks, Evaluations, & Rubrics) 7.1.NM.IPRET.1: Identify -Direct instruction in target -Students copy notes during class familiar spoken and written language with student discussion in target language regarding -Student and teacher generated words, phrases, and simple participation regarding vocabulary associated with daily rubrics 60

sentences contained in vocabulary associated with routines, healthy lifestyles, feelings, and culturally authentic materials daily routines, healthy giving advice -Graphic Organizer and other resources related to lifestyles, feelings, and giving targeted themes. advice -Students complete notes with missing -Exit ticket information regarding daily routines 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present -Discussion re-entry of (regular and stem-changing verbs in the -Holistic scoring rubric basic personal information, ESTAR with adjectives to present tense), offering advice and interests, and activities using describe feelings expressing feelings. -Completed homework/class work memorized words, phrases, assignment(s) and a few simple sentences on -Review of adjective rules and -Write pen pal letters using an online targeted themes. structure applied to feelings webtool or email addresses using fluency -Student generated portfolio(s) at the novice mid-level describing -Direct instruction of giving families. -Project(s)/Presentation(s) advice and question formation -Compose music and art critiques -Quiz(es)/Test(s) -Direct Instruction of conjugation of reflexive -Compose summaries of authentic online -Research rubrics (I-Search) regular and stem-changing news articles related to current events verbs in the present tense and climate change -Completed WebQuests

-Direct instruction of -Formative: Class Participation. vocabulary associated with Class Work. Homework. healthy choices regarding foods and physical activities -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Alternative Assessments. -Question and answer sessions in target language

-Exprésate media

-Use of online news articles

-Listening to and summarizing authentic Argentine music and dance.


-Analyze articles in target language for main ideas 7.1.NM.IPRET.2: Respond -Direct instruction using target - Collaborative note- taking and -Vocabulary lists with actions and/or gestures to language and pictures/gestures think/pair/share evaluation oral and written directions, for vocabulary associated with -Exit ticket commands, and requests that daily routines, healthy foods -Create PowerPoint presentations relate to familiar and practiced and activities, and feelings -Picture note sheets demonstrating topics. -Create presentations using Smart daily routines, healthy activities -Smartboard Activities technology and foods, and feelings 7.1.NM.IPERS.4: Give and follow simple oral and written -Smart technology -Fluency at the novice mid level directions, commands, and requests when participating in -PowerPoint presentations -Drawing images based on teacher classroom and cultural descriptions activities. -Question and answer sessions in target language -Demonstrating where items are located based on teacher directions -Exprésate media -Acting out descriptions of daily -TPR activities for vocabulary routines, healthy activities, and feelings associated with daily routines, healthy activities and foods, and feelings 7.1.NM.IPERS.1: Request -Provide examples of sample -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric and provide information by conversations of describing asking and answering simple, daily routines, giving advice -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) practiced questions, using and expressing feelings technology memorized words and phrases. -Project(s)/Presentation(s) -Smartboard Activities -Fluency at the novice mid level 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present -Research rubrics basic personal information, -Smart technology -Present student generated conversations interests, and activities using -Completed Webquests memorized words, phrases, -PowerPoint presentations -Respond to gestures according to and a few simple sentences on teacher initiation -Formative: Class Participation. targeted themes. -Photostory Class Work. Homework. 62

-Produce correct intonation to -Question and answer sessions distinguish between questions and -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. in target language answers Alternative Assessments.

-Model appropriate gestures -Other appropriate assessments at and intonation individual teacher's discretion. 7.1.NM.IPERS.5: Imitate -Smartboard Activities -Fluency at the novice mid level -Holistic scoring rubric gestures and intonation of the target culture(s) native -Smart technology -Present student generated conversations -Student generated portfolio(s) speakers when greeting others, during leave-takings, and in -Photostory -Understand and communicate at the -Project(s)/Presentation(s) daily interactions. word level and use memorized words -Question and answer sessions and phrases independently to make lists, -Completed Webquests in target language state needs and preferences, describe people, places, and things. -Formative: Class Participation. -Read/dramatize examples of Class Work. Homework. conversations -Understand main ideas, concepts and cultural significance of grammar and -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Dramatize/listen to authentic vocabulary used in conversations Alternative Assessments. conversations in target language -Other appropriate assessments at individual teacher's discretion. 7.1.NM.IPRET.5: -Presentation of geography -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric Demonstrate comprehension and climate of Argentina and of brief oral and written impact on economy and -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) messages found in short natural resources technology culturally authentic materials -Project(s)/Presentation(s) on global issues, including -Presentation and discussion -Fluency at the novice mid level climate change. of impact of climate and -Present student generated analysis of -Research rubrics weather on Argentina as well climate change and natural resources and as the connection between impact on the environment in relation to -Completed Webquests geography and organization of its economy and people different societies -Formative: Class Participation. -Present student generated analysis of Class Work. Homework. -Discussion of climate change impact of women in Argentine political and impact on world cultures 63

-Discussion of the Pampas history since Eva Peron and its -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. cowboy culture and significance Alternative Assessments. contribution to the country -Present student generated analysis of -Other appropriate assessments at -Presentation and discussion the Tango and literature (Jorge Luis individual teacher's discretion. of the impact of DACA Borges) changes on Mexican- American youth in the United -Understand and communicate at the States word level and use memorized words and phrases independently to, make lists, -Question and answer sessions state needs and preferences, describe -Read authentic historical and people, places, and things related to environmental text and articles Argentine culture

-Dramatize/listen to authentic -Understand and compare/contrast main video clips/films in target ideas, concepts and cultural elements of language with/without Argentina’s culture and historical subtitles significance

Unit 8 Overview At-a-Glance *Grades 6-8 curriculum must include Financial Literacy integration (budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, and investment). Please denote Financial Literacy integration throughout the curriculum with an asterisk (*). Unit #8 – La Florida

Unit Description: In this unit, students will learn about Florida and the Spanish-Speaking countries that influence its population, culture and history. They will investigate the importance of geography in relation to the concentration of Latino immigrants and ethnicities. Students will learn and identify aspects of Florida local culture that reflect its immigrant and Latino population. They will explore music and art and its connection to the Spanish language, literature, music and art. Students will identify foods popular in local Florida culture and analyze its origins. Students will appreciate the history of Florida and its Spanish roots. They will investigate its history and identify historical figures that shaped it as a civilization as well as native peoples who inhabited the peninsula before the Spanish explorers. They will learn vocabulary associated with shopping in retail stores and online. They will learn and recreate original dialogues associated with clothes shopping with a friend, asking advice and offering opinions. They will research shopping habits in Spanish-Speaking countries compared to the United States. They will 64

share and express their preferences with their classmates. They will describe events in the past using the simple past using regular and irregular forms. They will also compare and contrast the difference between speaking on the phone and having a face-to-face conversation. Essential Questions (Three to five overarching questions that connect students to deeper ideas and the real world): ● Why do you feel Florida has a large immigrant population? ● Explain the origin of multiple ethnic groups in Florida? ● How are shopping habits the same and different of Spanish-Speaking countries compared to the United States? ● Describe the relationship between the indigenous peoples of Florida and the Spanish explorers? ● How is the history of Florida and the Spanish explorers an important social topic today? What can we learn from Florida history?

Standards Addressed within this Unit Central Unit Standards- This unit will focus primarily on Supporting Unit Standards- This unit will also include activities aligned learning goals aligned with the following standards: with the following standards: Standards: Standards: ● 7.1.NM.IPRET.1; 7.1.NM.IPRET.2; 7.1.NM.IPRET.4; ● 7.1.NM.IPERS.1; 7.1.NM.IPERS.4; 7.1.NM.IPERS.5 7.1.NM.IPRET.5

Visual and Performing Arts Standards- (K5-5) This unit will Holocaust/Amistad Commission Standards Integration- This unit will also include activities aligned with the following standards: also include age-appropriate activities aligned with the following standards VPA.pdf 52-16a-88/ and Standard 1.1 Dance 52/chapter-16a/section-52-16a-88/ (where applicable): ● Holocaust Education: Standard 1.2 Media Arts ● ● Amistad Education Commission: Standard 1.3A-E Music ● ● Integration of Contributions of Persons with Disabilities - This unit will Standard 1.4 Theater also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, ● economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities with the Standard 1.5 Visual following content/activities ● (where applicable): ●


Integration of Contributions of LGBTQ People - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBTQ people with the following content/activities (where applicable): ● Students will examine age-appropriate informational text where applicable.

Unit Details Modifications for Special Education Students, English Integration of Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (21st Language Learners (ELLs), Students at Risk of Failure, Century Skills through NJSLS 9 and Career Education): 504 Students and Gifted Students- Modify instructional approach and/or assignments and evaluations as needed for students with IEPs, ELLs, students at risk of failure 504s, and gifted and talented students including but not limited to: 9.2 – Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training ● Importance of acquiring a second language will be discussed and Special Education Students research of careers in which bilingual employees are valuable. ● Variety of media to present information (hard copy, (9.2.12.CAP.3) Smart Board, hand-written notes) ● Variety of presentations to present information 9.3 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) (auditory, visual and manipulatives – flashcards, ● Careers researched in Career Awareness includes technical skills that tokens, shapes and colors) are required as well as ability to communicate in more than one language. (9.3.12.AC‐DES.1) English Language Learners (ELLs) ● Using vocabulary and grammar concepts in this unit are applicable to ● When placed in learning groups, native speakers will the clothing and retail industry. (9.3.12.AC‐DES.1) be an integral part of the working relationship. When addressing Spanish grammar concepts, English 9.4 – Life Literacies and Key Skills grammar and its comparison to Spanish are addressed ● This unit builds on conversational etiquette especially over the and part of conveying meaning between the two phone. This focuses on business conducted over the phone as well as languages. ELLS assist other students through class informal conversations with friends. (9.4.12.CT.1) discussion in relation to their native language and ● Being able to ask for advice, express opinions and ask for help. personal cultural connections which will enrich and (9.4.12.CT.1) personalize instruction. Students at Risk of Failure 66

● Students will receive additional one-on-one assistance and encouragement during learning activities. Parent contact regarding attendance and progress in class is essential. 504 Students ● Accommodations to individual and group activities will apply specifically to these students. Gifted and Talented Students ● Students will be involved with peer-to-peer tutoring within their learning groups and be posed with extension learning activities such as a diner menu with must-haves for all students with additional activity of choice for them as required activities. Assessments- including benchmarks, formative, Suggested Interdisciplinary Activities for this Unit (each activity must summative, and alternative assessments include a corresponding grade-level standard) ● Initial benchmark at the beginning of the course as a pre-assessment Career Education: Exploring Spanish to acquire a second language for ● Mid-year benchmark to collect data for improvement improved career opportunities. Conducting basic informal and formal of course goals conversations and ability to identify which is appropriate for situations. ● End-of-year benchmark to collect data for (9.2.12.CAP.3) improvement and acquisition of course goals English Language Arts/Literacy: Exploring internet and text resources in addition to providing authentic reading materials regarding Florida culture, history, and geography and its Caribbean influences. (NJSLSA.R4.) Math: Consumer math used for shopping including discounts as well as converting currencies from other countries. (F-BF.A.1.c) Science: Natural disasters and how it affects Florida’s people and economy. (MS-ESS2-6) Social Studies: Identify and discuss indigenous peoples prior to Spanish explorers and historical events application to today’s social and racial issues. (6.1.12.EconET.3.a) Technical Subjects: Analyze the architecture of Florida and identify its influences. (8.1.12.IC.1) World Languages: Discussion and analysis of Spanish words used to specifically describe shopping for a special event. (7.1.NM.PRSNT.5)


Unit Resources Teachers should utilize school resources available in our Media Center to infuse alternate sources, perspectives, and approaches. Resources should include textual support but also span multimedia options to engage multiple modalities. In addition, to support struggling readers and increase rigor for advanced readers, the coursework may also draw on additional developmentally appropriate resources to facilitate challenging levels of work for all students. Leveled Supplemental Materials and Media/School Integration of Computer Science and Design Thinking (Technology Library Resources Standard 8) ● GeoVisión ● GramaVisión ● VideoCultura ¿Quién será? 8.1 – Computer Science ● Variedades ● 8.1.12.IC.1 ● La arquitectura: history link 8.2 – Design Thinking ● El arte: math link ● 8.2.12.ED. Unit #8 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards: Central Unit Standard and Suggested Instructional Suggested Student Output Formative Assessments Student Learning Objective Activities (Portfolios, Projects, Tasks, Evaluations, & Rubrics) 7.1.NM.IPRET.1: Identify -Direct instruction in target -Students copy notes during class -Student and teacher generated familiar spoken and written language with student discussion in target language regarding rubrics words, phrases, and simple participation regarding vocabulary associated with daily routines, sentences contained in vocabulary associated with healthy lifestyles, feelings, and giving -Graphic Organizer culturally authentic materials shopping in a retail clothing advice and other resources related to store for an event. -Exit ticket targeted themes. -Students complete notes with missing -Discussion re-entry of present information regarding what they did last -Holistic scoring rubric 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present tense of IR with places to lead night or over the weekend (regular and basic personal information, into simple past tense or preterite irregular verbs in the preterite tense), -Completed homework/class interests, and activities using offering advice and asking for help work assignment(s) memorized words, phrases, -Review of phrases for giving and a few simple sentences on advice applicable to clothes -Create PowerPoint presentations -Student generated portfolio(s) targeted themes. shopping -Create presentations using Smart -Project(s)/Presentation(s) technology 68

-Direct instruction of giving -Quiz(es)/Test(s) advice and question formation -Write pen pal letters using an online webtool or email addresses using fluency -Research rubrics (I-Search) -Direct Instruction of at the novice mid-level describing families. conjugation of regular preterite -Completed WebQuests tense and irregular forms of IR -Compose music and art critiques using SER VER and HACER to authentic works of the indigenous tribes in -Formative: Class describe what they did in the Florida Participation. Class Work. past Homework. -Compose summaries of authentic online -Exprésate media news articles related to current events and -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. climate change Alternative Assessments. -Use of online news articles

-Listening to and summarizing authentic indigenous music native to Florida

-Analyze articles in target language for main ideas 7.1.NM.IPRET.2: Respond -Direct instruction using target - Collaborative note- taking and with actions and/or gestures to language and pictures/gestures think/pair/share evaluation -Vocabulary lists oral and written directions, for vocabulary associated with commands, and requests that clothing, shopping and -Create PowerPoint presentations -Exit ticket relate to familiar and practiced associated verbs topics. -Create presentations using Smart -Picture note sheets -Smartboard Activities technology demonstrating clothing, 7.1.NM.IPERS.4: Give and shopping and associated verbs follow simple oral and written -Smart technology -Fluency at the novice mid level directions, commands, and requests when participating in -PowerPoint presentations -Drawing images based on teacher classroom and cultural descriptions activities. -Photostory -Demonstrating where items are located based on teacher directions 69

-Question and answer sessions in target language -Acting out descriptions of clothing, shopping and associated verbs -Exprésate media

-TPR activities for vocabulary associated with clothing, shopping and associated verbs 7.1.NM.IPERS.1: Request -Provide examples of sample -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric and provide information by conversations of shopping in a asking and answering simple, clothing store with and without a -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) practiced questions, using friend for opinions/advice, phone technology memorized words and phrases. conversation with a friend, new -Project(s)/Presentation(s) acquaintance and business -Fluency at the novice mid level 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present -Research rubrics basic personal information, -Smartboard Activities -Present student generated conversations interests, and activities using -Completed Webquests memorized words, phrases, -Smart technology -Respond to gestures according to teacher and a few simple sentences on initiation -Formative: Class targeted themes. -PowerPoint presentations Participation. Class Work. -Produce correct intonation to distinguish Homework. -Photostory between questions and answers -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Question and answer sessions in Alternative Assessments. target language specifically sharing what students did over -Other appropriate the weekend/holiday/break or assessments at individual last night using the preterite teacher's discretion. tense correctly

-Model appropriate gestures and intonation 7.1.NM.IPERS.5: Imitate -Smartboard Activities -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric gestures and intonation of the target culture(s) native -Smart technology -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) speakers when greeting others, technology 70

during leave-takings, and in -PowerPoint presentations -Project(s)/Presentation(s) daily interactions. -Fluency at the novice mid level -Photostory -Research rubrics -Present student generated conversations -Question and answer sessions in -Understand and communicate at the word -Completed Webquests target language level and use memorized words and -Formative: Class -Read/dramatize examples of phrases independently to make lists, state Participation. Class Work. conversations needs and preferences, describe people, Homework. places, and things -Dramatize/listen to authentic -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. conversations in target language -Understand main ideas, concepts and Alternative Assessments. cultural significance of grammar and vocabulary used in conversations -Other appropriate assessments at individual teacher's discretion.

7.1.NM.IPRET.5: -Presentation of geography, -Present student generated analysis of -Holistic scoring rubric Demonstrate comprehension climate, and regularly occurring climate change and recurring natural of brief oral and written natural disasters of Florida and disasters analyzing the impact on the -Student generated portfolio(s) messages found in short impact on economy and natural environment in relation to its economy and culturally authentic materials resources people -Project(s)/Presentation(s) on global issues, including climate change. -Presentation and discussion of -Present student generated analysis of -Research rubrics impact of climate and weather impact of Spanish explorers and on Florida as well as the indigenous tribes native to Florida -Completed Webquests connection between geography and ethnic population of U.S. -Present student generated analysis of -Formative: Class citizens and immigrants indigenous music, art and poetry Participation. Class Work. Homework. -Connection of previous -Understand and communicate at the word discussions of DACA and apply level and use memorized words and -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. to Latinx youth in Florida phrases independently to, make lists, state Alternative Assessments. needs and preferences, describe people, -Read authentic historical and places, and things related to Florida culture -Other appropriate environmental text and articles assessments at individual teacher's discretion. 71

-Dramatize/listen to authentic -Understand and compare/contrast main video clips/films in target ideas, concepts and cultural elements of language with/without subtitles Florida’s culture and historical significance and its connections to Spanish explorers

Unit 9 Overview At-a-Glance *Grades 6-8 curriculum must include Financial Literacy integration (budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, and investment). Please denote Financial Literacy integration throughout the curriculum with an asterisk (*). Unit #9 – La República Dominicana

Unit Description: In this unit, students will learn about the history, culture and geography of the Dominican Republic. They will investigate the importance of geography in relation to its neighboring island countries in the Caribbean. Students will learn and identify aspects of Dominican culture that reflect its indigenous peoples and history. They will explore music and art and its connection to the Spanish language, literature, music and art. Students will identify foods popular in Dominican culture and analyze its origins. Students will appreciate the history of the Dominican Republic and its native and Spanish roots. They will investigate its history and identify historical figures that shaped it as a civilization as well as native peoples who inhabited the island before the Spanish explorers. They will research famous Dominican-Americans and their contribution and connection to other immigrants in the United States. They will learn vocabulary associated with planning a party, family celebration/holiday and describing them in the past. Students will apply and expand the preterite tense to describe new situations, conversations and themes. Specific Latino celebrations will be discussed such as wedding ceremonies and reception parties, anniversaries and religious celebrations. Essential Questions (Three to five overarching questions that connect students to deeper ideas and the real world): ● What were the indigenous peoples of the Dominican Republic? What happened when the Spanish explorers came? ● What are some indigenous roots associated with the Dominican culture present today? ● What are some word cues that indicate the need for the past tense compared to the present tense? ● What geographic barriers apparent in the Dominican Republic affect the economy and culture? ● What areas of the United States demonstrate a Dominican population? Why do you feel that is?

Standards Addressed within this Unit Central Unit Standards- This unit will focus primarily on Supporting Unit Standards- This unit will also include activities aligned learning goals aligned with the following standards: with the following standards: Standards: Standards:


● 7.1.NM.IPRET.1; 7.1.NM.IPRET.2; 7.1.NM.IPRET.4; ● 7.1.NM.IPERS.1; 7.1.NM.IPERS.4; 7.1.NM.IPERS.5 7.1.NM.IPRET.5 Visual and Performing Arts Standards- (K5-5) This unit will Holocaust/Amistad Commission Standards Integration- This unit will also include activities aligned with the following standards: also include age-appropriate activities aligned with the following standards VPA.pdf 52-16a-88/ and Standard 1.1 Dance 52/chapter-16a/section-52-16a-88/ (where applicable): ● Holocaust Education: Standard 1.2 Media Arts ● Explore and discuss the impact the Spanish explorers had on the ● Dominican Republic both positive and negative. Standard 1.3A-E Music (6.1.12.HistoryCC.11.d) ● Amistad Education Commission: Standard 1.4 Theater ● Identify the role the indigenous peoples of the Dominican Republic ● have on its culture in its history. Make connections to the culture exhibited today. (6.1.12. CivicsDP.3.c) Standard 1.5 Visual ● Integration of Contributions of Persons with Disabilities - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities with the following content/activities (where applicable): ● Investigate the rights and how the Dominican Republic treats persons with disabilities compared to the United States. Integration of Contributions of LGBTQ People - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBTQ people with the following content/activities (where applicable): ● Investigate the rights and how the Dominican Republic treats LGBTQ persons compared to the United States.


Unit Details Modifications for Special Education Students, English Integration of Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (21st Language Learners (ELLs), Students at Risk of Failure, Century Skills through NJSLS 9 and Career Education): 504 Students and Gifted Students- Modify instructional approach and/or assignments and evaluations as needed for students with IEPs, ELLs, students at risk of failure 504s, and 9.2 – Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training gifted and talented students including but not limited to: ● Importance of acquiring a second language will be discussed and research of careers in which bilingual employees are valuable. Special Education Students (9.2.12.CAP.3) ● Variety of media to present information (hard copy, Smart Board, hand-written notes) 9.3 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) ● Variety of presentations to present information ● Using vocabulary and grammar concepts in this unit are applicable to (auditory, visual and manipulatives – flashcards, the event planning industry. (9.3.12.AC‐DES.1) tokens, shapes and colors) 9.4 – Life Literacies and Key Skills

English Language Learners (ELLs) ● Conducting formal and informal conversations in both languages is ● When placed in learning groups, native speakers will key to success for job acquisition. The skill to differentiate between be an integral part of the working relationship. When the two types represent maturity and promotes confidence when addressing Spanish grammar concepts, English speaking with others that may be unfamiliar but necessary. grammar and its comparison to Spanish are addressed (9.4.12.CT.2) and part of conveying meaning between the two ● Being able to ask for advice, express opinions and ask for help when languages. ELLS assist other students through class planning a party. (9.4.12.CT.2) discussion in relation to their native language and personal cultural connections which will enrich and personalize instruction. Students at Risk of Failure ● Students will receive additional one-on-one assistance and encouragement during learning activities. Parent contact regarding attendance and progress in class is essential. 504 Students ● Accommodations to individual and group activities will apply specifically to these students.


Gifted and Talented Students ● Students will be involved with peer-to-peer tutoring within their learning groups and be posed with extension learning activities such as a diner menu with must-haves for all students with additional activity of choice for them as required activities. Assessments- including benchmarks, formative, Suggested Interdisciplinary Activities for this Unit (each activity must summative, and alternative assessments include a corresponding grade-level standard) ● Initial benchmark at the beginning of the course as a pre-assessment Career Education: Exploring Spanish to acquire a second language for ● Mid-year benchmark to collect data for improvement improved career opportunities. Conducting basic informal and formal of course goals conversations and ability to identify which is appropriate for situations. ● End-of-year benchmark to collect data for (9.4.12.CT.2) improvement and acquisition of course goals Math: Consumer math used for purchasing supplies on a budget when planning a party as well as converting currencies from other countries. (F- BF.A.1.c) Science: Natural disasters and how it affects the Dominican Republic’s people and economy. (MS-ESS1-1) Social Studies: Identify and discuss indigenous peoples prior to Spanish explorers and historical events application to today’s social and racial issues. (6.1.12.HistoryCA.3.b) Technical Subjects: Analyze the architecture of the Dominican Republic and identify its influences. (8.2.12.ED.1) World Languages: Discussion and analysis of Spanish words used to specifically describe party planning for a special event. (7.1.NM.PRSNT.6) Visual and Performing Arts: Authentic dances, art and music of the Dominican Republic’s indigenous tribes. (1.1.12adv.Cr3a) Holocaust Education (where applicable): The role of the indigenous peoples of the Dominican Republic and its decimation in today’s society (6.1.12.HistoryCC.11.d) Amistad Commission Education (where applicable): The role of the indigenous peoples of the Dominican Republic in the slave trade in the Caribbean. (6.1.12. CivicsDP.3.c)


Unit Resources Teachers should utilize school resources available in our Media Center to infuse alternate sources, perspectives, and approaches. Resources should include textual support but also span multimedia options to engage multiple modalities. In addition, to support struggling readers and increase rigor for advanced readers, the coursework may also draw on additional developmentally appropriate resources to facilitate challenging levels of work for all students. Leveled Supplemental Materials and Media/School Integration of Computer Science and Design Thinking (Technology Library Resources Standard 8) ● GeoVisión ● ExpresaVisión ● GramaVisión 8.2 – Design Thinking ● VideoCultura ¿Quién será? ● 8.2.12.ED.1 ● Variedades ● Las celebraciones: music link ● La comida: science link ● La arquitectura: history link ● El arte: math link

Unit #9 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards: Central Unit Standard and Suggested Instructional Activities Suggested Student Output Formative Assessments Student Learning Objective (Portfolios, Projects, Tasks, Evaluations, & Rubrics) 7.1.NM.IPRET.1: Identify -Direct instruction in target language -Students copy notes during class -Student and teacher generated familiar spoken and written with student participation regarding discussion in target language rubrics words, phrases, and simple vocabulary associated with making regarding vocabulary associated sentences contained in plans, planning and organizing a with making plans, planning and -Graphic Organizer culturally authentic materials party, describing past holidays and organizing a party, describing past and other resources related to greetings, introductions and leave holidays and greetings, -Exit ticket targeted themes. takings for formal and informal introductions and leave takings for occasions formal and informal occasions -Holistic scoring rubric 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present basic personal information, -Students complete notes with -Completed homework/class interests, and activities using missing information regarding what work assignment(s) 76

memorized words, phrases, -Discussion and review of preterite they did over the holidays (regular and a few simple sentences on tense (regular and irregular) related to and irregular verbs in the preterite -Student generated portfolio(s) targeted themes. targeted themes tense), making plans, offering advice and asking for help -Project(s)/Presentation(s) -Review of phrases for asking for help and making suggestions -Create PowerPoint presentations -Quiz(es)/Test(s)

-Direct instruction of giving advice -Create presentations using Smart -Research rubrics (I-Search) and question formation technology -Completed WebQuests -Review of phrases of time and -Write pen pal letters using an frequency online webtool or email addresses -Formative: Class Participation. using fluency at the novice mid- Class Work. Homework. -Exprésate media level describing families. -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Use of online news articles -Compose music and art critiques Alternative Assessments. using authentic works of the -Listening to and summarizing indigenous tribes in the Dominican authentic indigenous music native to Republic and influences in Dominican Republic and influences in American Pop music American Pop music -Compose summaries of authentic online news articles related to -Analyze articles in target language current events and climate change for main ideas 7.1.NM.IPRET.2: Respond -Direct instruction using target - Collaborative note- taking and -Vocabulary lists with actions and/or gestures to language and pictures/gestures for think/pair/share evaluation oral and written directions, vocabulary associated with making -Exit ticket commands, and requests that plans, planning and organizing a -Create PowerPoint presentations relate to familiar and practiced party, describing past holidays and -Picture note sheets topics. greetings, introductions and leave -Create presentations using Smart demonstrating making plans, takings for formal and informal technology planning and organizing a party 7.1.NM.IPERS.4: Give and occasions with associated verbs follow simple oral and written -Fluency at the novice mid level directions, commands, and -Smartboard Activities requests when participating in 77

classroom and cultural -Smart technology -Drawing images based on teacher activities. descriptions -PowerPoint presentations -Demonstrating where items are -Photostory located based on teacher directions

-Question and answer sessions in -Acting out descriptions of target language planning and organizing a party with associated verbs -Exprésate media

-TPR activities for vocabulary associated with planning and organizing a party with associated verbs

7.1.NM.IPERS.1: Request -Provide examples of sample -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric and provide information by conversations of making plans, asking and answering simple, planning and organizing a party, -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) practiced questions, using describing past holidays and technology memorized words and phrases. greetings, introductions and leave -Project(s)/Presentation(s) takings for formal and informal -Fluency at the novice mid level 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present occasions -Research rubrics basic personal information, -Present student generated interests, and activities using -Smartboard Activities conversations -Completed Webquests memorized words, phrases, and a few simple sentences on -Smart technology -Respond to gestures according to -Formative: Class Participation. targeted themes. teacher initiation Class Work. Homework. -PowerPoint presentations -Produce correct intonation to -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Photostory distinguish between questions and Alternative Assessments. answers -Question and answer sessions in -Other appropriate assessments target language specifically sharing at individual teacher's discretion. what students did over 78

holidays/celebrations using the preterite tense correctly

-Model appropriate gestures and intonation

7.1.NM.IPERS.5: Imitate -Smartboard Activities -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric gestures and intonation of the target culture(s) native -Smart technology -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) speakers when greeting others, technology during leave-takings, and in -PowerPoint presentations -Project(s)/Presentation(s) daily interactions. -Fluency at the novice mid level -Photostory -Research rubrics -Question and answer sessions in -Present student generated target language conversations -Completed Webquests

-Read/dramatize examples of -Understand and communicate at -Formative: Class Participation. conversations the word level and use memorized Class Work. Homework. words and phrases independently to -Dramatize/listen to authentic make lists, state needs and -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. conversations in target language preferences, describe people, Alternative Assessments. places, and things. -Other appropriate assessments -Understand main ideas, concepts at individual teacher's discretion. and cultural significance of grammar and vocabulary used in conversations

7.1.NM.IPRET.5: -Presentation of geography, climate, -Create PowerPoint presentations -Holistic scoring rubric Demonstrate comprehension and regularly occurring natural of brief oral and written disasters of the Dominican Republic -Create presentations using Smart -Student generated portfolio(s) messages found in short and impact on economy and natural technology culturally authentic materials resources -Project(s)/Presentation(s) on global issues, including -Fluency at the novice mid level climate change. -Presentation and discussion of -Research rubrics impact of climate and weather on the 79

Dominican Republic as well as the -Present student generated analysis -Completed Webquests connection between geography and of climate change and recurring indigenous peoples natural disasters analyzing the -Formative: Class Participation. impact on the environment in Class Work. Homework. -Discussion of climate change and relation to its economy and people impact on world cultures -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. -Present student generated analysis Alternative Assessments. -Discussion of the Spanish explorers of impact of Spanish explorers and and indigenous tribes native to the indigenous tribes native to the -Other appropriate assessments Dominican Republic Dominican Republic and the at individual teacher's discretion. -Discussion, research and impact the country made on the investigation Dominican Republic’s African slave trade role in the slave trade in U.S. history -Present student generated analysis as well as the roots of the native of indigenous music, art and poetry people related to Africa -Understand and communicate at -Smartboard Activities the word level and use memorized words and phrases independently -Smart technology to, make lists, state needs and preferences, describe people, -PowerPoint presentations places, and things related to Dominican culture -Photostory -Understand and compare/contrast -Question and answer sessions main ideas, concepts and cultural elements of the Dominican -Read authentic historical and Republic’s culture and historical environmental text and articles significance and its connections to Spanish explorers and the African -Dramatize/listen to authentic video slave trade clips/films in target language with/without subtitles


Unit 10 Overview At-a-Glance *Grades 6-8 curriculum must include Financial Literacy integration (budgeting, savings, credit, debt, insurance, and investment). Please denote Financial Literacy integration throughout the curriculum with an asterisk (*). Unit #10 – Perú

Unit Description: In this unit, students will learn about the history, culture and geography of Peru. They will investigate the importance of geography in relation to its connection to the continent of South America. Students will learn and identify aspects of Peru that reflect the Incas and history. They will explore music and art and its connection to the Spanish language, literature, music and art. Students will identify foods popular in Peruvian culture and analyze its origins. Students will appreciate the and its native and Spanish roots. They will investigate its history and identify historical figures that shaped it as a Spanish civilization as well as the Incas who inhabited it before its arrival. They will investigate the Andean culture, geography and environment as well as analyze climate change and its impact. They will research famous Peruvian-Americans and their contribution and connection to other immigrants in the United States. They will learn vocabulary associated with planning and organizing a trip or vacation such as modes of transportation and packing a suitcase. Grammar topics include expressing hopes and desires, asking for and giving information, asking for help. Essential Questions (Three to five overarching questions that connect students to deeper ideas and the real world): ● What is the impact of geography and climate change on the Andean people of Peru? ● What is the difference between a Llama and an Alpaca? How do they contribute to Peru’s economy? How does climate change affect them? ● How did the Incas contribute to science and technology? ● What happened to the Incas when the Spanish explorers came? What caused their disappearance? ● What does the Inca architecture reveal about its civilization and culture? ● How do I best decide my options when planning a vacation?

Standards Addressed within this Unit Central Unit Standards- This unit will focus primarily on Supporting Unit Standards- This unit will also include activities aligned learning goals aligned with the following standards: with the following standards: Standards: Standards: ● 7.1.NM.IPRET.1; 7.1.NM.IPRET.2; 7.1.NM.IPRET.4; ● 7.1.NM.IPERS.1; 7.1.NM.IPERS.4; 7.1.NM.IPERS.5 7.1.NM.IPRET.5

Visual and Performing Arts Standards- (K5-5) This unit will Holocaust/Amistad Commission Standards Integration- This unit will also include activities aligned with the following standards: also include age-appropriate activities aligned with the following standards 81 VPA.pdf 52-16a-88/ and Standard 1.1 Dance 52/chapter-16a/section-52-16a-88/ (where applicable): ● Holocaust Education: Standard 1.2 Media Arts ● Explore and discuss the impact the Spanish explorers had on the ● Incas both positive and negative. (6.1.12.HistoryCA.3.b) Standard 1.3A-E Music Amistad Education Commission: N/A ● ● Standard 1.4 Theater Integration of Contributions of Persons with Disabilities - This unit will ● also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities with the Standard 1.5 Visual following content/activities (where applicable):

Integration of Contributions of LGBTQ People - This unit will also include age-appropriate instruction for grades 5 – 12 on the political, economic, and social contributions of LGBTQ people with the following content/activities (where applicable): ● Investigate how LGBTQ individuals in Peru are contributing to the cause and enacting change. ● Compare/Contrast LGBTQ rights in Peru with the United States ● Historical evidence of Incan LGBTQ individuals

Unit Details Modifications for Special Education Students, English Integration of Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (21st Language Learners (ELLs), Students at Risk of Failure, 504 Century Skills through NJSLS 9 and Career Education): Students and Gifted Students- Modify instructional approach and/or assignments and evaluations as needed for students with IEPs, ELLs, students at risk of failure 504s, and gifted and talented students including but not limited to: 9.2 – Career Awareness, Exploration, Preparation, and Training

Special Education Students


● Variety of media to present information (hard copy, ● Importance of acquiring a second language will be discussed and Smart Board, hand-written notes) research of careers in which bilingual employees are valuable. ● Variety of presentations to present information (auditory, (9.2.12.CAP.2) visual and manipulatives – flashcards, tokens, shapes and colors) 9.3 – Career and Technical Education (CTE) ● Using vocabulary and grammar concepts in this unit are English Language Learners (ELLs) applicable to the travel and tourism industry. (9.3.12.AC‐DES.2) ● When placed in learning groups, native speakers will be an integral part of the working relationship. When 9.4 – Life Literacies and Key Skills addressing Spanish grammar concepts, English grammar ● Conducting formal and informal conversations in both languages and its comparison to Spanish are addressed and part of is key to success for job acquisition. The skill to differentiate conveying meaning between the two languages. ELLS between the two types represent maturity and promotes assist other students through class discussion in relation to confidence when speaking with others that may be unfamiliar but their native language and personal cultural connections necessary. (9.4.12.CT.1) which will enrich and personalize instruction. Students at Risk of Failure ● Students will receive additional one-on-one assistance and encouragement during learning activities. Parent contact regarding attendance and progress in class is essential. 504 Students ● Accommodations to individual and group activities will apply specifically to these students. Gifted and Talented Students ● Students will be involved with peer-to-peer tutoring within their learning groups and be posed with extension learning activities such as a diner menu with must-haves for all students with additional activity of choice for them as required activities. Assessments- including benchmarks, formative, summative, Suggested Interdisciplinary Activities for this Unit (each activity must and alternative assessments include a corresponding grade-level standard) ● Initial benchmark at the beginning of the course as a pre- assessment Career Education: Exploring Spanish to acquire a second language for ● Mid-year benchmark to collect data for improvement of improved career opportunities. Conducting basic informal and formal course goals 83

● End-of-year benchmark to collect data for improvement conversations and ability to identify which is appropriate for situations. and acquisition of course goals (9.4.12.CT.1) English Language Arts/Literacy: Exploring internet and text resources in addition to providing authentic reading materials regarding Peruvian culture, history, and geography and its Incan influences. (NJSLSA.R6.) Science: Natural disasters and climate change and how it affects Peru’s people and economy including marginal societies such as the Andean people. (MS-LS4-5) Social Studies: Identify and discuss indigenous peoples prior to Spanish explorers and historical events application to today’s social and racial issues. (6.1.12.EconET.3.a) Technical Subjects: Analyze the and identify its influences. (8.1.12.IC.1) World Languages: Discussion and analysis of Spanish words used to specifically to describe wanting to, planning and going on a trip. (7.1.NM.PRSNT.5) Visual and Performing Arts: Authentic dances, art and music of Peru's indigenous tribes; Andeans and the Incas. (1.1.12acc.Cr2a) Holocaust Education (where applicable): The role of the Incas on Peru civilization and its decimation due to the Spanish explorers. (6.1.12.HistoryCA.3.b)

Unit Resources Teachers should utilize school resources available in our Media Center to infuse alternate sources, perspectives, and approaches. Resources should include textual support but also span multimedia options to engage multiple modalities. In addition, to support struggling readers and increase rigor for advanced readers, the coursework may also draw on additional developmentally appropriate resources to facilitate challenging levels of work for all students. Leveled Supplemental Materials and Media/School Integration of Computer Science and Design Thinking (Technology Library Resources Standard 8) ● GeoVisión ● ExpresaVisión ● GramaVisión 8.1 – Computer Science ● VideoCultura ¿Quién será? ● 8.1.12.IC.1 ● Variedades ● Las celebraciones: music link 8.2 – Design Thinking ● La comida: science link ● 8.2.12.ED.1 84

● La arquitectura: history link ● El arte: math link

Unit #10 Targeted Instructional Planning to Address Central Unit Standards: Central Unit Standard and Suggested Instructional Suggested Student Output Formative Assessments Student Learning Objective Activities (Portfolios, Projects, Tasks, Evaluations, & Rubrics) 7.1.NM.IPRET.1: Identify -Direct instruction in target -Students copy notes during -Student and teacher generated rubrics familiar spoken and written language with student class discussion in target words, phrases, and simple participation regarding language regarding vocabulary -Graphic Organizer sentences contained in vocabulary associated with associated with vacation and culturally authentic materials vacation and trip planning, trip planning, asking for and -Exit ticket and other resources related to asking for and giving help and giving help and information, targeted themes. information, modes of modes of transportation, -Holistic scoring rubric transportation, expressing expressing hopes and wishes 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present hopes and wishes -Completed homework/class work basic personal information, -Students complete notes with assignment(s) interests, and activities using -Review of preterite tense missing information regarding memorized words, phrases, (regular and irregular) related asking for and giving help and -Student generated portfolio(s) and a few simple sentences on to targeted themes information and expressing targeted themes. -Review of phrases for asking hopes and desires -Project(s)/Presentation(s) for and giving help and -Create PowerPoint information presentations -Quiz(es)/Test(s)

-Direct instruction of giving -Create presentations using -Research rubrics (I-Search) advice and question formation Smart technology -Completed WebQuests -Review of phrases of time -Write pen pal letters using an and frequency online webtool or email -Formative: Class Participation. Class Work. addresses using fluency at the Homework. -Direct instruction of novice mid-level describing expressing hopes and desires past and future vacations/trips -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Alternative Assessments. -Smartboard Activities 85

-Compose music and art -Photostory critiques using authentic works of the indigenous tribes -Question and answer sessions in Peru and influences in in target language American Pop music

-Exprésate media -Compose summaries of authentic online news articles -Use of online news articles related to current events and climate change -Listening to and summarizing authentic indigenous music native to Peru and influences in American Pop music

-Analyze articles in target language for main ideas

7.1.NM.IPRET.2: Respond -Direct instruction using target - Collaborative note- taking -Vocabulary lists with actions and/or gestures to language and pictures/gestures and think/pair/share evaluation oral and written directions, for vocabulary associated with -Exit ticket commands, and requests that vacations and trips and modes -Create PowerPoint relate to familiar and practiced of transportation presentations -Picture note sheets demonstrating vacations topics. and trips and modes of transportation with -Smartboard Activities -Create presentations using associated verbs 7.1.NM.IPERS.4: Give and Smart technology follow simple oral and written -Smart technology directions, commands, and -Fluency at the novice mid requests when participating in -PowerPoint presentations level classroom and cultural activities. -Photostory -Drawing images based on teacher descriptions -Question and answer sessions in target language -Demonstrating where items are located based on teacher -Exprésate media directions 86

-TPR activities for vocabulary -Acting out descriptions of associated with vacations and vacations and trips and modes trips and modes of of transportation with transportation with associated associated verbs verbs • 7.1.NM.IPERS.1: Request -Provide examples of sample -Create PowerPoint -Holistic scoring rubric and provide information by conversations of vacation and presentations -Student generated portfolio(s) asking and answering simple, trip planning, asking for and -Create presentations using -Project(s)/Presentation(s) practiced questions, using giving help and information, Smart technology -Research rubrics memorized words and phrases. and expressing hopes and -Fluency at the novice mid -Completed Webquests wishes level -Formative: Class Participation. Class Work. • 7.1.NM.PRSNT.1: Present -Smartboard Activities -Present student generated Homework. basic personal information, -Smart technology conversations -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Alternative interests, and activities using -PowerPoint presentations -Respond to gestures Assessments. memorized words, phrases, -Photostory according to teacher initiation -Other appropriate assessments at individual and a few simple sentences on -Question and answer sessions -Produce correct intonation to teacher's discretion. targeted themes. in target language specifically distinguish between questions sharing past and future travel and answers plans, asking for personal information and expressing hopes and desires related to targeted themes -Model appropriate gestures and intonation 7.1.NM.IPERS.5: Imitate -Smartboard Activities -Create PowerPoint -Holistic scoring rubric gestures and intonation of the presentations target culture(s) native -Smart technology -Student generated portfolio(s) speakers when greeting others, -Create presentations using during leave-takings, and in -PowerPoint presentations Smart technology -Project(s)/Presentation(s) daily interactions. -Photostory -Fluency at the novice mid -Research rubrics level -Question and answer sessions -Completed Webquests in target language -Present student generated conversations 87

-Read/dramatize examples of -Formative: Class Participation. Class Work. conversations -Understand and communicate Homework. at the word level and use -Dramatize/listen to authentic memorized words and phrases -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Alternative conversations in target independently to make lists, Assessments. language state needs and preferences, describe people, places, and -Other appropriate assessments at individual things. teacher's discretion. -Understand main ideas, concepts and cultural significance of grammar and vocabulary used in conversations

7.1.NM.IPRET.5: -Presentation of geography, -Create PowerPoint -Holistic scoring rubric Demonstrate comprehension climate, natural barriers presentations of brief oral and written between societies in Peru and -Student generated portfolio(s) messages found in short impact on economy and -Create presentations using culturally authentic materials society Smart technology -Project(s)/Presentation(s) on global issues, including climate change. -Presentation and discussion -Fluency at the novice mid -Research rubrics of impact of climate and level weather on Peru as well as the -Completed Webquests connection between -Present student generated geography and Andean people analysis of climate change and -Formative: Class Participation. Class Work. naturally occurring barriers Homework. -Discussion of climate change between modern Peru and the and impact on world cultures Andean people analyzing the -Summative: Quizzes. Tests. Alternative impact on the environment in Assessments. -Question and answer sessions relation to its economy and -Read authentic historical and people -Other appropriate assessments at individual environmental text and articles teacher's discretion. -Present student generated -Dramatize/listen to authentic analysis of impact of Spanish video clips/films in target explorers and indigenous tribes native to the Dominican 88

language with/without Republic and the impact the subtitles country made on the African slave trade

-Present student generated analysis of indigenous music, art and poetry

-Understand and communicate at the word level and use memorized words and phrases independently to, make lists, state needs and preferences, describe people, places, and things related to Peruvian culture

-Understand and compare/contrast main ideas, concepts and cultural elements of the Peruvian and Incan culture and historical significance and its connections to Spanish explorers