Extensions of Remarks E 1535 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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July 28, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 1535 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RAMPANT ANTI-SEMITISM IN IN- of a sovereign, independent country, I have in- ON THE PASSING OF GEORGE L.P. DONESIAÐISRAELI ARCHERY troduced a resolution which puts the Congress WEAVER TEAM NOT PERMITTED TO COM- on record as opposing the effort to deny rec- PETE UNDER ISRAEL'S FLAG ognition to the State of Israel and its citizens HON. WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY and reaffirming the Congress' strong opposi- OF MISSOURI HON. TOM LANTOS tion to racism and anti-Semitism. This resolu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA tion calls upon the Indonesian Government to Thursday, July 27, 1995 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES act to end this outrageous anti-Israeli action. I invite my colleagues to join me as cosponsors Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I would like to call Thursday, July 27, 1995 of this resolution. to my colleagues' attention the following obitu- ary for George L.P. Weaver which appeared in Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I was outraged, The text of my resolution is as follows: appalled, and dismayedÐbut unfortunately not the July 18, 1995 issue of the Washington surprisedÐby the latest case of blatant anti- HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Post. With the passing of George Weaver, the country has lost a great AmericanÐone who Semitism in Indonesia. Mr. LANTOS submitted the following reso- The facts of the case are appalling. The lution; which was referred to the Committee dedicated himself to ensuring equal oppor- tunity and justice for all Americans. The prin- world archery championships are to be held in on International Relations. ciples for which George Weaver dedicated his Jakarta, Indonesia, on August 1±6 of this year. A resolution condemning the refusal of the lifeÐan abiding respect for the dignity of work- The Indonesian officials organizing the event Indonesian officials organizing the World ers and the worth of labor and an unshakable refused to permit the team representing Israel Archery Championships in Jakarta, Indo- commitment to ending the scourge of segrega- to participate under the name of the country of nesia, in August 1995 to permit a team from Israel to participate in the competition tion and racismÐboth in his service to the Israel and under the Israeli flag. The Indo- under the name of Israel and under the flag labor movement and in his work in Govern- nesian organizing officials proposed that the of Israel, and urging the government of Indo- ment, are the principles that have served to Israeli archery team be designated group A, nesia to join in condemning this manifesta- make this country what it is today. This House that it march at the opening and closing cere- tion of racism and anti-Semitism. turns its back on those principles at its own monies under the flag of the International Whereas the Congress has repeatedly ex- and the Nation's peril. Archery Federation [FITA], and, if an Israeli ar- pressed its abhorrence of racism and anti- [From the Washington Post, July 18, 1995] cher wins a medal, the Indonesian officials Semitism in any form; GEORGE L.P. WEAVER, ASSISTANT SECRETARY want the fanfare of the FITA to be played in- Whereas the constitution of the Inter- OF LABOR stead of the national anthem of Israel. national Archery Federation (FITA) bars dis- George L.P. Weaver, 83, a former labor crimination against any country, association Mr. Speaker, this request from Indonesian union official who served as assistant sec- or person on grounds of race, religion or poli- officials is both ludicrous and outrageous. Is- retary of labor for international affairs dur- tics; rael is a sovereign nation, a member of the ing the Kennedy and Johnson administra- United Nations, and is recognized by most Whereas Indonesian officials organizing tions, died July 14 of complications related countries. Indonesia, as a matter of policy, the World Archery Championships in Ja- to emphysema and asthma at George Wash- does not have diplomatic relations with Israel, karta, Indonesia, in August 1995 have refused ington University Hospital. to permit a term representing Israel to par- and that, I am certain, is a clear reflection of Mr. Weaver spend most of his working life ticipate in the competition unless the team in activities related to the labor movement, the reason these Indonesian officials have agrees to conceal its national identity and beginning in the 1930s when he carried pas- taken such an offensive racist, anti-Semitic not compete under the flag of Israel; and sengers' baggage as a redcap at railroad sta- and anti-Israel position. Whereas officials of the International tions in Chicago. As a young man, he joined Unfortunately, this is not the first instance of Archery Federation (FITA) have confirmed the United Transport Service Employees such intolerance. When the film ``Shindler's that Indonesian officials have refused to per- Union. List'' was produced a few years ago by Ste- mit an Israeli team to participate under its Later, he was assistant to the secretary- phen Spielberg, Indonesia was one of the few country's name and with its country's flag in treasurer and director of the civil rights committee of the old Congress of Industrial countries on the face of the Earth which re- the World Archery Championships; now, therefore, be it Organizations. After the CIO's merger with fused to permit the movie to be shown. I inter- the American Federation of Labor in 1955, he Resolved by the House of Representatives (the vened with the Indonesian Ambassador and I became executive secretary of the new Senate concurring), That Congress: am delighted to report that eventually the union's civil rights committee. movie was screened in Indonesia. (1) Condemns the Indonesian offices orga- In his capacity as assistant secretary of A year or so ago, I also raised with the In- nizing the World Archery Championships in labor for international affairs, Mr. Weaver donesian Ambassador and discussed in a Jakarta, Indonesia, for this refusal to permit was the U.S. representative on the governing a team representing Israel to participate in hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Commit- body of the International Labor Organiza- this international competition under the tion. He was chairman of that body in 1968. tee the publication in Indonesia's leading Eng- name and flag of their country; After stepping down as assistant secretary of lish-language newspaper, the Indonesia (2) Calls upon the Government of Indonesia labor in 1969, he was assistant to the presi- Times, an article by Prof. Agha Hamid, which to repudiate publicly the position that has dent of the ILO for about six years. was one of the most vicious anti-Semitic dia- been taken by those Indonesian officials or- Mr. Weaver, a Washington resident, was tribes that I have seen, and I have seen a ganizing the World Archery Championships born in Pittsburgh and grew up in Dayton, great deal of vicious anti-Semitism. Just one in Jakarta regarding the participation of a Ohio. He attended what now is Roosevelt sample: ``Actually the Jewish religion is not a team representing Israel in the competition University in Chicago and Howard Univer- and to urge the inclusion of the team of Is- sity law school. religion at all. It is infact [sic.] a bloody, sadis- In 1941, he came to Washington as a mem- tic and obscene code devised by Zionist-Tal- rael under the name of Israel and under the flag of Israel; ber of the CIO's War Relief Committee. A mudist sages.'' And further: ``The Jewish year later, he became assistant to the sec- sages were not exclusively interested in homi- (3) Condemns all manifestations of racism retary-treasurer and director of the civil cide. Sexuality, particularly in far lesser con- and anti-Semitism wherever they may ap- rights committee. During the next dozen pear in Indonesia and elsewhere throughout years, he took leaves of absence to serve on ventional modes, is a strong rival for their at- the world; and tention.'' The Indonesian Government at that special government assignments and on over- (4) Directs the Clerk of the House of Rep- seas missions. The assignments included time knew of my outrage over the publication resentatives and the Secretary of the Senate service in 1950 as special assistant to Stuart of such disgusting trash. to convey a copy of this resolution to the Symington, chairman of the National Secu- Mr. Speaker, in light of this latest intolerable President of Indonesia and to the President rity Resources Board, and assisting in the re- action by Indonesian officials organizing the of the International Archery Federation organization of the Reconstruction Finance world archery competition against the citizens (FITA). Corporation. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E 1536 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks July 28, 1995 He participated in investigations of labor due in large part to the intense training they this was in a speech to Harvard students. Or conditions in various Asian countries for the received at the ADA School at Fort Bliss. that they needed to have it translated. International Confederation of Free Trade Mr. Speaker, I would like to wish my friend, With a steady rudder, an even keel and nu- Unions. In 1958, Mr. Weaver resigned from the James Cravens, all the best as he prepares to merous other maritime metaphors, Bill has AFL±CIO to become assistant to the presi- assume his next assignment as Deputy Chief guided the Times through these shoals with dent of the International Union of Electrical, of Staff for Combat Development at Fort Mon- dignity, professionalism, compassion, and Radio and Machine Workers and director of roe, VA.