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BmLIOGRAPHY INDEX OF PASSAGES GENERAL INDEX BmLIOGRAPHY Allen, Reginald E., ed. 1965. Studies in Plato's Metaphysics. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. --- 1970. Plato's HEuthyphro' and the Earlier Theory ofForms. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. --- 1971. "Plato's Earlier Theory of Forms." In Vlastos (1971: 329-334). 1980. Socrates and Legal Obligation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. --- 1983. Plato's Parmenides. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. --- 1984. Euthyphro; Apology; Crito; Meno; Gorgias; Menexe1Uls. The Dialogues of Plato I. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. --- 1991. The Symposium. The Dialogues ofPlato II. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Annas, Julia 1981. An Introduction to Plato's Republic. Oxford: Clarendon Press. -- 1992. "Plato the Sceptic." In Klagge and Smith (1992: 43-72). Arnim, H. von 1896. De Platonis Dialogis Quaestiones Chronologicae, Vorlesungsver- zeichnis der Universitiit Rostock fUr das W.-Semester 1896. Barnes, Jonathan 1991. "Socrates the Hedonist." In Boudouris (1991: 22-32). Beck, Robert H. 1985. "Plato's Views on Teaching." Educational Theory 35:2, 119-134. Benardete, S. 1991. The Rhetoric of Morality and Philosophy: Plato's Gorgias and Phaedrus. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Benson, Hugh H. 1987. "The Problem of the Elenchus Reconsidered." Ancient Philosophy 7,67-85. ---, ed. 1992. Essays on the Philosophy of Socrates. New York: Oxford University Press. Bernal, Martin 1987. Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots ofClassical Civilization. Vol. I: The Fabrication ofAncient Greece 1785-1985. London: Free Association Books. Beversluis, John 1993. "Vlastos's Quest for the Historical Socrates." Ancient Philosophy 13,293-312. Boudouris, K. 1., ed. 1991. The Philosophy ofSocrates. Athens: International Center for Greek Philosophy and Culture. Bowder, Diana, ed. 1982. Who Was Who in the Greek World 776 BC-3D BC. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Bowen, Alan C. 1988. "On Interpreting Plato." In Griswold (l988b: 49-65). Bowman, Alan K., and Greg Woolf 1994. Literacy and Power in the Ancient World. Cam bridge: Cambridge University Press. Brandwood, Leonard 1958. "The Dating of Plato's Works by the Stylistic Method: A Criti cal and Historical Survey." University of London: unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. --- 1976. A Word Index to Plato. Leeds: W. S. Maney and Son. --- 1990. The Chronology of Plato's Dialogues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- 1992. "Stylometry and Chronology." In Kraut (1992: 90-120). 240 AGORA, ACADEMY, AND PHILOSOPHY Brickhouse, Thomas C., and Nicholas D. Smith 1984. "Vlastos on the Elenchus." Oxford SlUdies in Ancient Philosophy 2, 185-195. --- 1989. Socrates on Trial. Princeton: Princeton University Press. --- 1990. "What Makes Socrates a Good Man?" Journal ofthe History ofPhilosophy 28:2,169-179. --- 1994. Plato's Socrates. New York: Oxford University Press. Brumbaugh, R. S. 1988. "Digression and Dialogue." In Griswold (1988b: 84-92). Burnet, John 1911. Plato's Phaedo. Oxford: Oxford University Press. --- 1916. "The Socratic Conception of the Soul." Proceedings ofthe British Academy 7,235-260. --- 1930. Early Greek Philosophy. 4th edition. London: A. and C. Black. Originally published in 1892. Bums, Alfred 1981. "Athenian Literacy in the Fifth Century B.C." Journal ofthe History ofIdeas 42:3,371-387. Burnyeat, Miles 1977. "Socratic Midwifery, Platonic Inspiration." Bulletin ofthe InstilUte of Classical SlUdies 24,7-15. Campbell, Lewis 1867. The Sophistes and Politicus ofPlato. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Cherniss, Harold F. 1936. "The Philosophical Economy of the Theory of Ideas." American Journal ofPhilology 57, 445-456. --- 1944. Aristotle's Criticism ofPlato and the Early Academy. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. --- 1945. The Riddle ofthe Early Academy. Berkeley: University of California Press. --- 1957. "The Relation of the Timaeus to Plato's Later Dialogues." American Journal ofPhilology 78, 225-266. Reprinted in Allen (1965: 339-378). Chroust, Anton-Hermann 1957. Socrates, Man and Myth; The Two Socratic Apologies of Xenophon. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Clark, Ronald W. 1971. Einstein: The Life and Times. New York: World. Clay, Diskin 1988. "Reading the Republic." In Griswold (I988b: 19-33). Cohen, S. Marc 1971. "Socrates on the Definition of Piety: Euthyphro lOa-llb. " In Vlastos (1971: 158-176). Reprinted from Journal of the History of Philosophy 9:1 (1971). Cohen, S. Marc, and David Keyt 1992. "Analysing Plato's Arguments: Plato and Platonism." In Klagge and Smith (1992: 173-200). Cole, Thomas 1991. The Origins of Rhetoric in Ancient Greece. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Connors, Robert J. 1986. "Greek Rhetoric and the Transition from Orality." Philosophy and Rhetoric 19: I, 38-65. Coulter, James A. 1964. "The Relation of the Apology ofSocrates to Gorgias' Defense of Palamedes and Plato's Critique of Gorgianic Rhetoric." Harvard SlUdies in Classical Philology 68, 269-303. Crombie, I. M. 1962-1963. An Examination of Plato's Doctrines, I-n. London: Rout ledge & Kegan Paul. Cropsey, Joseph 1986. "The Dramatic End of Plato's Socrates," Interpretation 14, 155 175. Davidson, Donald 1985. "Plato's Philosopher." London Review ofBooks (I August), 15 17. Davison, J. A. 1962. "Literature and Literacy in Ancient Greece." Phoenix 16, 141-156 and 219-233. BIBLIOGRAPHY 241 Diaz Tejera, A. 1961. "Ensayo de un Metodo Lingiiistico para Cronologia de Platon." Emerita 29, 241-286. Dodds, E. R. 1959. Plato's Gorgias. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Dover, Kenneth J. 1965. "The Date of Plato's Symposium." Phronesis 10,2-20. ---, ed. 1968. Aristophanes: Clouds; Edited with Introduction and Commentary. Oxford: Clarendon Press. -- 1971. "Socrates in the Clouds." In Vlastos (1971: 50-77). Dupreel, E. 1922. La Legende Socratique etles Sources de Platon. Brussels: Sand. Elias, Julius A. 1984. Plato's D4ence of Poetry. Albany: State University of New York Press. Else, G. F. 1972. "The Structure and Date of Book 10 of Plato's Republic." Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse 3. Field, G. C. 1948. Plato and His Contemporaries: A Study in Fourth-century Life and Thought. 2nd edition. London: Methuen. Findlay, John N. 1974. Plato: 'The Written and Unwritten Dialogues. International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method, edited by Ted Honderlich. New York: Humanities Press. Fine, Gail 1992a. "Inquiry in the Meno." In Kraut (1992: 200-226). --- I992b. "Aristotle's Criticisms of Plato." In Klagge and Smith (1992: 13-41). Finnegan, Ruth 1988. Literacy and Orality. Oxford: Blackwell. --- 1992. Oral Traditions and the Verbal Arts; A Guide to Research Practices. New York: Routledge. Fowler, D. H. 1987. The Mathematics in Plato's Academy; A New Reconstruction. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Frede, Dorothea 1986. "The Impossibility of Perfection: Socrates' Criticism of Simonides' Poem in the Protagoras." Review ofMetaphysics 39:4, 729-753. Frede, Michael 1992. "Plato's Arguments and the Dialogue Form." In Klagge and Smith (1992: 201-219). Friedliinder, Paul 1969. Plato: An Introduction. Translated from the German by Hans Meyerhoff. 2nd edition, with revisions. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Originally published as Platon: Seinswahrheit un Lebenswirklichkeit by de Gruyter, Ber lin, 1954. First English edition, 1958. Gadamer, Hans-Georg 1980. Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato. Translated from the German by P. Christopher Smith. New Haven: Yale University Press. -- 1988. "Reply to Nicholas P. White." In Griswold (1988b: 258-266). Gaiser, Konrad 1980. "Plato's Enigmatic Lecture 'On the Good'." Phronesis 25:1,5-37. Giannantoni, Gabriele 1990. Socraticorum Reliquiae. 2nd edition. Rome: Bibliopolis. Gigon,Olof 1947. Sokrates, Sein Bild in Dichtung und Geschichte. Bern: Francke Verlag. Goody, Jack, and Ian Watt 1968. "The Consequences of Literacy." In Literacy in Tradi- tional Societies, edited by Jack Goody, 27-68. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Originally published, 1963. Goody, Jack 1977. The Domestication of the Savage Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. --- 1987. The Intet/ace Between the Written and the Oral. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gower, Barry S., and Michael C. Stokes, eds. 1992. Socratic Questions; New Essays on the Philosophy ofSocrates and its Significance. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 242 AGORA, ACADEMY, AND PHILOSOPHY Griswold, Charles L., Jr. 1980. "Style and Philosophy: the Case of Plato's Dialogues." Monist 63:4, 530-546. --- 1982. "Reflections on 'Dialectic' in Plato and Hegel." International Philosophical Quarterly 22:3, 115-130. --- 1985. "Plato's Metaphilosophy." In Platonic Investigations, edited by Dominic J. O'Meara, 1-33. Washington: Catholic University of America Press. --- 1986. Self-Knowledge in Plato's Phaedrus. New Haven: Yale University Press. -- 1988a. "Unifying Plato." Journal ofPhilosophy 85:10,550-551. ---, ed. 1988b. Platonic Writings/Platonic Readings. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. --- 1990. "Unifying Plato: Charles Kahn on Platonic Prolepsis." Ancient Philosophy 10:2,243-263. Gronewald, Michael, K. Maresch, and W. Schafer, "Kolner Papyri 5." Abhandlungen der Rheinischen Papyrologica Coloniensia, vol. 7. Opladen: Westflilischen Adademie der Wissenschaften. Groningen, B. A. van 1963. "E~OEIE." Mnemosyne 4:16,1-17. Grote, George 1875. Plato and the Other Companions ofSocrates. 3 vols. London: John Murray. Grube, G. M. A. '1935. Plato's Thought. London. Reprinted by Beacon