800 G 19980111 Brisbane 1112 661 1447 198 4988

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800 G 19980111 Brisbane 1112 661 1447 198 4988 18.01.2012 7 kg; 107 cm; 2 kg; 800 g 19980111 Brisbane 1 Matthew McEwen 7305 1112 661 144719849881557 398942060945075 2 Warren Evans 7102 1106 684 134117449691521 434045053575257 19980221 Hobart 1 J Ashley Howlett 6885 1144 +05 674 +05 120519252041623 +05 3540380606243440 19980221 Pretoria 1 Danie van Wyk 7382 19980222 Hobart 1 Jagan Hames 7868 1105 +07 722 -09 144821250201435 +21 4667460572351865 2 Leslie Kuorikoski 7542 1120 +07 677 -01 148518850491502 +21 4292450641145886 3 Matthew McEwen 7126 1118 +07 662 +11 140718849341550 +21 4065420567751502 4 Warren Evans 6954 1093 +07 700 +04 132917949991574 +21 4339460513160327 19980307 Germiston 1 Danie van Wyk 7409 1118 +18 675 +09 138619050231484 +28 4164450533044817 2 Christo Blignaut 7210 1072 +18 673 +10 114818448341457 +28 3304500391444641 19980310 Wilmington Kevin Kelly 7110 Thomas Wise 7007 19980313 Albuquerque 1 Daniel Ryland 7067 1058 692 119417947881534 3358458416845579 19980315 Eagle Rock 1 Daniel Haag 7623 1112 708 129920050241500 4376445560444216 19980315 Sao Caetano do Sul 1 Edson Luques Bindilatti 7078 1127 -02 713 -18 100120548501547 +01 3280450391443659 -5 19980319 Tallahassee 1 Todd Doughty 7227 1102 00 705 +14 138017449571482 +13 4078353545043358 2 Gregory Benhase 6931 1152 661 123718951791480 3645483486251105 3 James Johnson 6879 1157 668 120720151921592 4224433500651084 +1 4 Darius Jones 6810 19980320 Baton Rouge 1 Gregory Gill 7465 1142 -09 690 -18 146920551091529 +21 4430455515645891 19980320 College Station 1 Attila Zsivoczky 7872 W 1100 +72 702 +41 140221649571526 +51 4188450514242408 2 Chad Barker Meyer 7452 W 1119 +61 709 +55 119219850761464 +58 3406450562242899 3 Kendall Madden 7336 W 1079 +61 705 +49 121219850011500 +51 3542460500445508 4 Patrick Buckheit 7239 W 1101 +72 695 +63 121419252301481 +58 4100430539045083 5 Guy Emry 7000 W 1084 +61 635 +93 118518949091452 +70 3440430453245353 6 Toby Ware 6983 W 1099 +72 661 +65 121018351691542 +70 3720400516242812 7 Aaron Henrichs 6928 W 1093 +72 692 +54 124219553661417 +58 3368410536452291 8 Thomas Weiler 6918 W 1113 +72 708 +49 113919252181480 +58 3520450428650175 1 B Lee McCown 7143 W 1155 +39 652 +69 133319653321561 +38 3898445603244220 2 B Rashad Stafford 6856 W 1083 +39 707 +50 112419351151435 +44 3316405359645434 19980320 Winston-Salem 1 Brian Spickler 6800 19980321 Clemson 1 Eric Lander 7250 19980322 Auckland 1 Douglas Pirini 7857 W 1100 +44 741 +30 134419249091471 +33 4323450643144926 2 Simon Poelman 7607 W 1107 +44 704 +37 151619852351457 +33 4309440564445318 3 Gene Pateman 7041 W 1051 +44 732 +45 111418650241469 +33 3407410455850338 19980326 Gainesville 1 William Deering 7597 1130 00 705 +06 129819850181575 +01 4310535500444963 2 Joseph Cebulski 7147 1172 647 -17 116720150361547 +01 4358405569443730 3 William Singhose 6999 1171 640 +05 127619250711615 +12 3796475484443527 4 Steven Michael Mesler 6999 1113 00 702 +07 134319849911496 +01 3402345506445536 19980327 Mesa 1 Pontus Lundkvist 7247 1140 681 136418550721578 4232438546643805 2 Brian Nimphius 7024 1132 684 131018852541582 3752498500250575 19980327 Tucson 1 Paul Foxson 7787 1113 +10 680 -04 138719750021497 +10 4626480584844199 2 Dominic Johnson 7632 1071 +10 680 -14 128319747431479 +18 3938490380842950 3 Troy McDonough 7436 1120 +10 668 -02 133918549651490 +10 3746460539242520 4 Klaus Ambrosch 7407 1102 +10 704 -01 135419151421484 +18 3902420601244844 5 Randy Vanover 7054 1141 +09 655 +02 143017650331557 +10 4068420483843122 6 Sean Christian 6875 1148 +09 664 -03 127018552701564 3762460568650965 19980329 Warrensburg 1 Jeffrey Sander 7348 W 1131 -10 669 -07 127220550861484 +52 403846048544464 19980402 Austin 1 Jason Wilson 7093 1130 674 134020150401517 4268400455050050 19980404 Davis 1 Brian Brophy 7849 1120 686 165119650611491 +19 5194450548044921 2 Darrin Steele 7580 1069 682 143218749261476 +19 4976410593451483 3 Bevan Hart 7351 1116 704 125118750301539 +08 4028460511243527 4 Brent Burns 7302 1086 683 140519052061470 +19 3834530481053262 5 Layne Richards 7117 1162 646 141419652791694 +08 3914470676250072 19980405 Miramas 1 Laurent Claude 6926 1187 -23 674 1193192514 153 -06 376745050854441 19980405 Montpellier 1 Jean-Marc Bertrand 7103 107 683 1359186494 163 349342049804302 19980405 Rio de Janeiro 1 Edson Luques Bindilatti 6900 19980408 San Angelo 1 Lee McCown 7436 W 1149 +61 680 +61 147419350921562 +17 4648416563643548 2 Pontus Lundkvist 7336 W 1143 +41 682 +63 139419349851562 +59 4352426511643660 3 Benjamin Ploetz 7194 W 1110 +41 648 +42 135519350511527 +59 4320466525251975 19980409 Knoxville 1 Philip McMullen 8008 W 1137 +22 689 +07 147920049731470 +50 4892490494841623 2 Brendon Falconer 7865 W 1071 +23 728 +06 143820048541413 +50 4410420489244193 3 Robert Tonker 7567 W 1110 +23 675 00 138020652301456 +50 4452460625651800 4 Patrick Buckheit 7397 W 1103 +23 645 00 125319750251472 +50 4230440540244240 5 James Garnham 7266 W 1129 +16 654 +09 139119150041541 +55 4408370596443890 6 John Parry 7082 W 1094 +22 700 +01 113920650701560 +50 4308370510250360 7 Alex Sprague 6921 W 1114 +22 673 +13 134919750251484 +50 3374370450045192 19980411 Lynchburg 1 Ryan Werner 6861 1155 +25 614 +27 128818452581625 -06 3998445591644638 19980414 Tacoma 1 Karl Lerum 7062 1120 668 129918850281522 4184419513650415 2 Shipley Ennis 6829 19980416 Azusa 1 Michael Hoffer 7817 1095 +25 741 +19 1380203498 1449 +14 3916490504844788 2 David Pope 7774 1094 +25 717 +22 1466191488 1455 +14 4172460537644477 3 Jordan Hudgens 7498 W 1072 +46 681 +22 1152191474 1421 +14 3674470475844414 4 Chad Barker Meyer 7278 W 1119 +46 693 1242200508 1485 +35 3478450506444165 5 Kendall Madden 7164 1094 +25 619 +25 1256191495 1518 +35 4144470494650239 1 inv Alexis Sharp 7571 105 +03 713 +22 1373191486 1521 +02 4092420547044330 2 inv Rafer Ernest Joseph 7447 1126 +11 635 +07 1387188513 1498 +28 4792480562245229 3 inv Brian Dopp 7301 108 +15 685 +16 1433197513 1456 -05 4018440517651440 4 inv Kyle Gough 7202 1168 +11 681 +36 1492206516 1506 +28 3858390507244143 5 inv Toby Ware 6860 19980416 Boise 1 Jason Williams 6993 19980418 Gainesville 1 Gregory Gill 7747 W 1101 +44 697 +10 149520250261501 +20 4796470520250069 2 Brad Mohns 7010 W 1087 +44 720 +07 138319350811587 +20 3396410542052268 19980418 Orlando 1 Dore Louis 6848 19980418 Stellenbosch 1 Danie van Wyk 7469 1123 +19 690 138019350601484 +27 4448430554644834 2 Christo Blignaut 7025 W 1061 666 122817248801457 3270440444044794 19980419 Buenos Aires 1 Santiago Lorenzo 7306 111 -18 678 1268191495 155 00 347945557324273 1 J Enrique Omar Aguirre 6834 114 -23 698 1118200522 154 -01 348741550544464 19980419 Chengdu 1 Cao Wen 7229 1106 698 102919348771538 3929440561545424 3 Liu Jun 7010 19980419 Saint-Etienne 1 u23 Olivier Gueye-Boirivant 6912 1141 00 701 00 120119552491543 +07 3559400537044945 19980422 Des Moines 1 Kip Janvrin 8038 1097 +28 698 +19 140919048441472 +17 4214505558641701 2 Jason Ramsey 7180 1111 +26 626 +10 106219649181485 -15 3576455502043031 3 Guy Emry 6899 1112 +26 608 +12 118418748941578 +08 3691455456044414 19980422 Philadelphia 1 Philip McMullen 7723 1158 +12 686 +19 142919549881508 +03 4860450512641668 2 James Cook 7476 1152 +06 706 +22 138719550981583 +02 4484460528243445 3 Gregory Johnston 7283 1128 +04 700 +12 115920150801527 +03 3632440535843424 4 Eric Hyde 7215 1143 +06 686 +09 126019250621504 00 3546430556043458 5 Gregory Benhase 7086 1142 +10 654 +07 125518350761494 00 4100490493850419 6 Kevin Kelly 7081 1118 +04 687 +20 121718049381524 +03 3602480483445796 7 Joe Bedard 7064 1162 +06 657 +05 126220151891557 +02 4198480487450519 8 Brian Spickler 6891 9 John Wallin 6849 1145 628 137118652441540 4418430523851732 10 Daniel Podojil 6828 19980423 Muscat 1 Ahmad Hassan Moussa 6862 1102 668 120317250231531 356039056314475 -1 19980424 Provo 1 Steve Keller 7275 1134 666 130519450521533 4020425521242801 2 Layne Richards 7241 1121 695 133519751421689 3842485614450710 +4 3 Sean Christian 7199 1112 709 127420052501560 3704455556450331 -2 4 Stefan von Campe 7167 1105 728 118518849301507 3250435418242823 19980425 Fort Collins Douglas Crumb 6835 19980426 Kirksville 1 Jeffrey Sander 7594 1100 +35 714 124721050181479 +16 3804460486143823 19980426 Maebashi 1 Toru Yasui 7467 1107 +04 727 -06 121719248511523 -15 3613490542945808 2 Tomokazu Sugama 7332 1109 +04 682 -10 138218349181577 -01 3718460600745271 3 Senri Echigo 7108 1067 +06 686 -06 123119548841494 -01 3308340523944051 4 Tomoyuki Takashima 7087 1101 +02 709 00 112018949041489 -15 3263420451443648 5 Mitsuru Shiga 7026 1120 +04 677 -03 119819250211570 -12 3328450527344930 6 Yasuhiro Ishida 6866 1089 692 116118649891506 3775380460350154 19980426 Palo Alto 1 Chris Huffins 8315 1039 +23 790 +15 138020449541426 -10 5250461564850253 2 Jon Arnar Magnusson 8115 1091 +23 728 +20 149919249051455 +14 4680491602844646 3 Ricky Barker 8027 1071 +23 737 +26 149619848571429 +14 3778481588445064 4 Brian Brophy 7847 1130 +23 715 +18 167020150741503 -10 4778461544445379 5 Jiri Ryba 7741 1110 +23 713 +16 128220148721460 +14 4174441512242561 6 Darwin Vandehoef 7676 1079 +23 730 +09 134120449101427 +14 3510431518844236 7 Louis Hinshaw 7565 1114 +17 679 +12 129119550671500 +07 3970511556044598 8 Tomaš Komenda 7492 1121 +17 737 +19 125421352371492 +07 3562491490845167 9 James Dunkleberger 7455 1119 +17 698 +08 138019550501594 +07 3786501519244170 10 Ray Livingston 7436 1098 +17 711 -05 127418950291493 +16 4108501545651807 11 Maarten Klaver 7206 1140 +17 685 00 125718949411530 +16 4022431516644247 12 Chad Smith 7117 1079 +17 709 +18 134020148621433 +16 4512 0581645660 19980426 Rieti 1 Paolo Casarsa 7201 112
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