Introduction to Vedānta

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Introduction to Vedānta Introduction to Vedānta Class 1 – 29th July 2018 Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta सदाशव-समारभां शकराचाय- मयमाम ् अमदाचाय- पय तां वदे गु-परपराम ् sadāśiva-samārambhāṃ śaṅkarācārya- madhyamāṃ asmadācārya-paryantāṃ vande guru- paramparām Beginning with Sadāśiva, through Adi Śaṅkarācārya in between and upto my own Guru I bow with reverence to the entire tradition of Guru lineage Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta Swami Paramarthananda ( Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta Disclaimer: The spiritual journey is a long one spanning a life time, often multiple life times (janmas). This course is only to present a brief overview. It is not a substitute for a consistent and systematic study for a length of time under a live and competent Guru (in the words of my Guru) Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta Coverage 1. PURUṢĀRTHA 2. SCRIPTURES 3. VARṆA DHARMA 4. ĀŚRAMA DHARMA 5. KARMA YOGA 6. UPĀSANĀ YOGA 7. JÑĀNA YOGA 8. BHAKTI YOGA 9. PREPARATION FOR SELF ENQUIRY 10. ŚARĪRATRAYAM-– HUMAN PERSONALITY 11. THREE STATES AND FIVE KOŚAS 12. ĀTMĀ 13. CREATION 14. JĪVA IŚVARA AIKYAM 15. LAW OF KARMA 16. SUMMARY Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta Topic -1 PURUṢĀRTHA पुषाथः Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta PURUṢĀRTHA पुषाथः Meaning 1. Meaning 2. Wealth 3. Human Goal Free will Choice Effort or prayatnaḥ That which is sought after by every human being is called Puruṣārtha पुषाथः Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta आहार-िना-भय-मैथुनं च सामामेतत् पशुिभनराणाम् । बुिह तेषामिधको िवशेषः बुा िवहीनाः पशुिभः समानाः ॥ Āhāra-nidrā-bhaya-maithunaṃ ca sāmānyametat paśubhirnarāṇām | buddhirhi teṣāmadhiko viśeṣaḥ buddhyā vihīnāḥ paśubhiḥ samānāḥ Source: Hitopadesha Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta Result of an intellect • self consciousness • self complex development • self judgment and therefore projection of the future Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta • Entire life of animals is governed by instinct • Human beings have instincts also. Because there are certain common features with animals • capacity to choose their future • human beings entertain lot of goals • Goals are countless or anantāḥ. • four categories- चतु वध -पु षाथ caturvidha puruṣārtha Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 1-Artha-अथ • everything that one procures for the sake of one’s security • food, clothing, shelter and health • Future security Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 2-Kāma-काम • Luxury • Comforts • entertainment Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 3-Dharma-धम • Invisible form of wealth • Good luck or good fortune-adṛṣṭam-(अटम)् (पुयम)् • One can acquire dharma • It can help in this janma to get artha and kāma • It can help in future janmas too Dharmārthakāma or धमाथकाम (ेयः) Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 4-Mokṣa-मो • Freedom from slavery with regard to preyaḥ ेयः Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta कठोपनष KAṬHA-UPANIṢAD ेयच ेयच मनुयमेतः, तौ सपरय ववनित धीरः। ेयो ह धीरोऽभ ेयसो वणृ ीते, ेयो मदो योगेमा वणीतेृ ॥१.२.२॥ śreyaśca preyaśca manuṣyam etaḥ tau samparītya vivinakti dhīraḥ śreyo hi dhīro'bhi preyaso vṛṇīte preyo mando yogakṣemād vṛṇīte II 1.2.2॥ Śreyas and preyas approach the human being. Having very clearly considered them, the discriminative (person) distinguishes (them). Indeed, the discriminative one chooses śreyas rather than preyas. The indiscriminate one chooses preyas for the sake of acquisition and preservation. Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 4-Mokṣa-मो • Freedom from slavery with regard to preyaḥ ेयः • Object or Person • Absence or Presence Mokṣa is I am comfortable – without things dharmārthakāma – with dharmārthakāma This inner strength, inner maturity, inner mastery is called mokṣa. Also called śreyaḥ.ेयः Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta TOPIC 2- SCRIPTURES Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta THE BIG PICTURE Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta Systems of philosophy (prevalent around Śankarācārya’s time) आितक-दशना न नाितक-दशना न Āstika-darśanāni Nāstika-darśanāni पूव उर मीमांसा मीमांसा बौध याय साय योग चावाक जैन वैशेषक pūrva uttara Buddhism nyāya vaiśeṣika sāṅkhya yoga cārvāka Jainism mīmāṃ mīmāṃ (4) sā sā Acintya- Viśiṣṭād Dvait- śuddh- advaita dvaita vaita ādvaita ādvaita bhedāb heda Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta Advaita philosophy (Primary- Śankarācārya) आितक-दशना न नाितक-दशना न Āstika-darśanāni Nāstika-darśanāni पूव उर मीमांसा मीमांसा बौध याय साय योग चावाक जैन वैशेषक pūrva uttara Buddhism nyāya vaiśeṣika sāṅkhya yoga cārvāka Jainism mīmāṃ mīmāṃ (4) sā sā Acintya- Viśiṣṭād Dvait- śuddh- advaita dvaita vaita ādvaita ādvaita bhedāb heda Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta आितक-दशना न Āstika-darśanāni पूव- मीमांसा उर-मीमांसा Pūrva-mīmāṃsā Uttara-mīmāṃsā Vedas cater to both- Veda-pūrva bhāga and Veda-anta bhāga Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta शाम-् scriptures • śāstram means a literature which commands the human beings in the initial stages and then teaches in the later stages. • And by way of commanding and teaching the scriptures saves a person from all human problems • since it teaches, commands and thus saves the humanity, it is called the śāstram – śās means to teach, tra means to save. śāsanāt trāyate iti śāstram. शासनात ् ायते इत शाम ् • That which saves the humanity from problems by commandment in the initial stages and by enlightenment in the later stages. Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta वेदाः - Vedas • ऋवेदः - ṛgveda- ṛg mantras which are poetic compositions or padya compositions in the form of metrical composition • यजुवदः -Yajurveda-yajur mantras which are prose composition, in the form of prose or gadya • सामवेदः - sāma veda sāma mantras (gānam) which are in the form of music • अथवणवेदः – Atharvaṇa veda –mantras Veda means a treasure house of knowledge Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 1) वेदः-ुतः-Śruti guru upadeśena śrūyate iti śruti: गु उपदेशने ूयते इत ुत: • That which is received by hearing. • Called Vedas, called mantra, called śruti and since it is not born out of human intellect, it is born of supra origin • Apauruṣeya pramāṇam. अपौषेय-माणम ् – Apauruṣeya means not born out of human intellect. – Pramāṇam means source of knowledge. • So these Vedas, these śrutis, these mantras, these apauruṣeya śabdas form the first, the foremost and the primary scriptural literature. • All the other scriptural literature is based on this vedic foundation only. And that is why our culture is called vedic culture – vaidika sampradāya वैदक-संदाय Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta Veda • Divided into – Samhita – Brāhmaṇa – Āraṇyaka – Upaniṣad • Also categorized as – Veda purva or karma kanda – Vedānta or jnana kanda (Upaniṣad) Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 6 layers of शाम-् śāstram 1) ुतः śruti Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 2) सूाण-sūtrāṇi-Aphorisms • Dharma-sūtrāṇi • Gṛhya-sūtrāṇi • Śrauta-sūtrāṇi • Gautama-sūtrāṇi • Āpastamba-sūtrāṇi • Parāśara-sūtrāṇi • Codification and clarification Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 6 layers of शाम-् śāstram 1) ुतः śruti (apauruṣeya pramāṇam. अपौषेय- माणम)् 2) सू ाण sūtrāṇi (pauruṣeya pramāṇam. पौषेय-माणम)् Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 3) मृ तः – Smṛti • Metrical literature • Remembered wisdom • Neatly arranged • Manu Smṛti • Yājñavalkya Smṛti • Parāśara Smṛti Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 4) इतहासः - Itihāsa • Rāmāyaṇam- रामाणयम-् 24,000 verses • Mahābhāratam-महाभारतम-1,00,000् verses Email: [email protected] Smt. Rama Sivaraman – Introduction to Vedānta 5) पुराणान – Purāṇas • Codify clarify and magnify • One value is taken and expanded… – satyam vada - Hariścandra
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