State of Maryland 2010 Bond Bill Fact Sheet 1. Senate House 2. Name of Project LR # Bill # LR # Bill # lr3217 sb0996 lr3051 hb1092 Cross County Trail Phase I 3. Senate Bill Sponsors House Bill Sponsors Pipkin Queen Anne's County Delegation 4. Jurisdiction (County or Baltimore City) 5. Requested Amount Queen Anne's County $470,000 6. Purpose of Bill Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $470,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County for the construction of phase I of the Cross County Trail. 7. Matching Fund Requirements: Type: Equal The matching fund may consist of in kind contributions. 8. Special Provisions Historical Easement X Non-Sectarian 9. Contact Name and Title Contact Phone Email Address Gregg Todd 410-758-4098
[email protected] 10. Description and Purpose of Grantee Organization (Limit Length to Visible area) Local County Government 11. Description and Purpose of Project (Limit Length to Visible area) The Cross County Trail is an extension of the 7 mile Cross Island Trail and a critical segment of the American Discovery Trail. This 1 mile phase will be predominantly boardwalk over marshland. This phase will provide vital pedestrian access across the Kent Narrows area. Round all amounts to the nearest $1,000. The totals in Items 12 (Estimated Capital Costs) and 13 (Proposed Funding Sources) must match. The proposed funding sources must not include the value of real property unless an equivalent value is shown under Estimated Capital Costs. 12. Estimated Capital Costs Acquisition Design Construction $1,875,000 Equipment Total $1,875,000 13.