Color Recognition by the Blue Crab, Callinectes Sapidus Rathbun (Decapoda, Brachyura)
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COLOR RECOGNITION BY THE BLUE CRAB, CALLINECTES SAPIDUS RATHBUN (DECAPODA, BRACHYURA) BY C. R. BURSEY Department of Biology, Shenango Valley Campus, the Pennsylvania State University, Sharon, Pennsylvania 16146, U.S.A. INTRODUCTION In recent years the ability of crustacean compound eyes to discriminate color has received much attention. Behavioral, electrophysiological and biochemical procedures have been utilized to search for multiple systems of visual pigments. Much of this interest may have been generated by the discovery of trichromic color vision in insects (see Autrum & Burkhardt, 1961). Multiple pigment systems, i.e., two different photosensitive pigments, blue-sensitive and red-sensitive and with spectral maxima about 440 nm and 520 nm respec- tively, have been demonstrated for the crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard) (vid. Kennedy & Bruno, 1961; Wald, 1967, 1968; Nosaki, 1969; Waterman & Fer- nandez, 1970; Muller, 1973) and Oroconectes airilis (Hagen) (vid. Wald, 1968; Goldsmith & Fernandez, 1968) as well as the prawn Palaemonetes paludosus (Gib- bes) (see Goldsmith et al., 1968; Goldsmith & Fernandez, 1968) and the shrimp Pandalus kessleri Czerniavsky (as P. latirostris Rathbun) (vid. Shukolyukov et a]., 1981). Single pigments systems have been found for Panulirus argus (Latreille) (vid. Fernandez, unpubl.), Homarus americanus H. Milne Edwards (vid. Wald & Hubbard, 1957), Libinia emarginata Leach (vid. Hays & Goldsmith, 1969), Callinectes sapidus Rathbun (vid. Goldsmith & Fernandez, 1968; Bruno & Goldsmith, 1973) and Sesarma reticulatum (Say) (vid. Scott & Mote, 1974). The spectral capabilities of several species, i.e., Carcinus maenas (L.), Uca pugnax (Smith) and U. pugilator (Bosc) are unresolved; some authors report evidence for one sensitivity peak (Bruno et al., 1973; Scott & Mote, 1974) while others have found evidence for two visual pigments (Horridge, 1967; Wald, 1968; Hyatt, 1975). In addition, the importance of color recognition is inferred from studies of social behavior involving both agonistic and courtship displays (Schone, 1968; Wright, 1968). This study was inaugurated in order to demonstrate a response to color by Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896. 279 MATERIALS AND METHODS Blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, were collected from Chin- coteague Bay, a euhaline estuary lying behind Assateague Island, Virginia, U.S.A. Crabs were captured by otter trawl during April and May. After col- lection, the crabs were taken to the Marine Science Consortium, Wallops Island, Virginia, and maintained in aerated sea water tables under natural photoperiods and temperatures. They were fed fresh fish every other day. Experimental crabs were tested individually in a water table, 125 x 125 x 25 cm, to which filtered natural sea water had been added to a depth of five cen- timeters. The crabs varied in carapace width from 7 to 13 cm and in height from 3 to 4 cm (measured from top of eyestalk to substrate). The table was sur- rounded by a paper blind; the distance from floor to doop of blind was approx- imately two meters. Slits were cut at eye level to permit observation and at table level to permit entry of test objects. Individual crabs were marked by stretching colored rubber bands across the carapace from lateral spine to lateral spine. For each test, a crab was placed in the experimental table and allowed to acclimate for ten minutes. Upon in- troduction to the table, the crab would wander about for several minutes; then, invariably, it would settle into a corner and begin typical antennule movement behavior. No attempt was made to influence the crab's movement or to direct the crab to a specific corner. After the ten minute introductory period, two presentations of test objects were made. A ten minute rest period separated the two test presentations. A wooden dowel, 1.5 m in length and calibrated in centimeters was used to advance test objects from the opposite corner and directly toward the crab. The test object was advanced by hand; every attempt was made to insure constant, slow advance. The lower border of the test object was held at approximately two centimeters above the surface of the water and was never allowed to touch the surface. The well known threat posture, first described by Bethe (1897), was used to index distance. In this reaction the crab raises both chelipeds, spreads them to a wide half-circle and directs them toward the object of atten- tion. In these tests the threat posture was developed from a resting posture: chelipeds folded across the front of the carapace. Further advance of the object would elicit an attack in which the crab would snap or lunge at the test object, often breaking the surface of the water. Advance of the test object was stopped at the first sign of response, usually simultaneous lifting of the chelipeds. Distance was noted on the dowel. This measured distance was converted to response distance by summing the measured distance and the distance to the eyestalked plane (measured from the water table corner to the eyestalks), then subtracting the sum from the water table diagonal. Crabs were returned to the holding table and at a later date the procedure was repeated. On the second trial, three presentations, each separated by a ten minute rest period, were made. The distances of the five trials were averaged and this number was used in all calculations. .