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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

2-17-1906 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 02-17-1906 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 02-17-1906." (1906).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 14 ALBtTQUlUQUJ!. NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY, FRBRTI KY 17, 1906 At SUPERINTENDENT PAYMENT OF POLL I II IS MASTER'S VOICE I DOG SHOW OFFERS IN HADLEY'S REPORT TAX MEANS VOfE ffaaVsMHaanraBsQlSHaBBBBB daSWaMB39BimKMMl M pi i i ii in i ii 'On the Great Progress and Necessary Requirement For ii mi PREMIUMS $34,000 Condition of the Territorial i Voting ai School election Educatitnal Institutions, Says Attorney General. Maw tor. Fa 14 The mrgeat dog are f rnr of the fiaast aad moat fcv aver hold In a .y pan of the mos oog ia tswir waaarMve ch I' at Madlsoa ajqaare Oardea larmatag some of tho eaa rtnaoa wlaaer- - of HE GIVES INTERESTING DATA IMPORTANT DEFINITION lata week. Tho eat Han raaeh a aWI imi now. The list af ttrlaee la mraor tia! of a.fltl. Ia!adlag 1,161 lodlvM than ever la tha Matory 9f Vaaoh dogs. ly aal The show la held under the shows Me-r- MBfl )H aaaeiaJ tTocsday. February 13.J (Twssdsy, Fsbmiry 13.) aacatoca of the Wsstmmater KeaiMl prises has ma edSarmt by ' report Of n I laalvakMi tkt MMflMM4Ht rmatf a WWr mm I'irtfaasor Clah, gad la eoaeldcrsd oaa of the oontiiboators, Mad rsarabkr of I'uhit, pan- moat taa show instruction tor tit nm mmr, aaaeriBteBdont of - - Imponaat evsau of that hlad iwhms aw- - 4 Hm a it,Mifij j l 9 a as tBaaaaaaaaaBaawaBaaaBaarwr r asaaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaaar i i smeiiat t llljm man. That ' " 81. Attorney ONNMMKt im k aay IMS. hi mi la," iMtnwttoB. i i srn w irtw .' kMTs-w-ii i ever hold la coaatrv. Tha laream makea graad total of about itl'mbru a rfocumeM I w. rrhttmrd has Urn Ml i s7v7v.aBVaaBaBBU how Burope Wjm vi MMb the made ia la that of the Keaaol la cups froatlsa, bowls, medals ami of aii (hmo of t&mmti in tmmt to tpm-- dub. hoM la Loodon every y-- At AJtsamlbar, N-- na fwhjr1es. there mm w Mexico. The rape JHv the lU" fHimaaod by Um p.rtamti-f'l'owl- the JaMloa show last Octoaor tho Ua tt i JnteroMlnr iitlatJa iltt: Boa show kt Oryatal pslaos had the - ."Sir I liave yoar iMMlry NlilT of dfettlOta. , MtMHMfft- of the lattoat aitamor of doga It ever had Oaa of avtaaaatias- - n, ll aw IIUK .. la which rMHaa m the moat isiym .if chtUrwa, TSjtft; saroMwdrin m aa dthere wore oaty l.ftf. aaarty MB of tho year I - show this the exMkttmiit uajM on the IMtowtft aafNMi laadkat MM aaaWaaaaaa aad) - - UM. WQ)M Ik Mad WUjfaf WKWWn ff lafV fTSJarJB Pllrw af two ow "Mrwt WIhh It th iMHMHar dX Mm trmma of amm. erftoow tl; l MKftttl Mtotflft. WT; MeytftHH jr9t9W W4Hs TfcfJ flHr tn timber Ml; xtmtm BltrMa lffM tMfwr aa mm a try Net at moss thaa throe haaflaad al f- institutk. tarahiM Lawa i.'iMir acinion i, unaaiar lav. fcW)JayT tlMMl )MrC jTrnVmo" JsaWal taMr MPWb)4sSC - cixk, $BM8Uf; vahw urea 7" tmaV amsa ataad - at g HM mt 'f ,lhllr school proper!?, UtS.- oreae fa ah Msaiaa Tarrlar we .fie ;t. "Heeoad U aae wkaaa WmbI raal ism irmaa ar a a Higher deaea la in tha dlatrlet. bm who 3aya mT iaatafo Irwtljutlefia, rw hw on aroaarty a 'legau taxaayerr' aa entered this year thaa laat. Tho saow will be tho eemwam aad ii, itigher Institutions. ooaslsUax ' la awe who aumber of Pttanmoralleas Is doubled of the pack of it eaters, whlofc m Third la eahjtet to a big afa 'f mtverslty. Agricultural col- - noil Ma. bat doe tot pay ii. a 'local aad there are Increases In the take place oa Taaradejr nfiniarnin M- - .. la-- aoort- - w normal arhooli. miliar 1 taxnaver rlaesea for Bagmh setters aad aad the laat day of th saow. ' , " " Ing r. hool of Mluen. all show a da-- "Fourth la one who nay noil tax - . spaniels, while no mastiffs and pack consists of two ooopiea. aad UMfja - bloodhound were lieay-he- d year, i'.vanp over previous year, a legal taipayerr rd. I havaa'i beast near Washlaa- - last win bo mil Uroogg thoir saoes la tt ant ihxjr offer Mich varlrd ana lie-- "Wfth What I nunm by 'majotity GOVERNOR HAGERMAN PLEASED ton for qaH a while." then, are several eahlblted this year srena of tha Oardoa. Asnoag taoaw n uitiire that students need not votv' In the eame aectloa?" Mr. Ripley then said that the.Baata Other brevds ahowiag ebataatial who have offered saastsi mtUmm u oat-lias- . the iiTtitory to obtain an ado My aoawera to your Inaulrlee ara f company woald aaaoad mora thaa are deorhoaads, svdatars, Harry ryae Whhaoy, Oeator Httott-cook- . i ii During the present year Uiajr aa followa: WITH PLANS RECEPTION $lt,0W.imS nt Imarovements la the Daimatlaa. French balldoga. Chartas M. BmtkHo. W. K. nii.-- t in mm laetanea to (Mr "? A legal taxpayer uaed la Ike FOR Braecat gaoal year. "W have aot ax. Watch terrtor and the various Mads dorbUt, Jr.. Lwm A. JWrtdao, HoWrt ' Scattered aa they are, each aaetlaa above meat toned, la Kay jade-mea- t, ponded leas Own W.OOO.OOO annually of toy spaniels. V. MoKtm. 9. K. DaForost. amU it n -o'er from which educational lc Huaaiw on who raalde la tSe for several yaara In Improving our Amosa the dog on exlhllhm them Hrokaw and other. fl i n rsdlates. aahooi dlatrict. and who twjta tax aa llaaa," he said. "The work sow hn- - IN City-H- ' ' (v h inMltHtaa are rar4dly Im raqnlrad by law tha dtetrtot whtta And Anticipates Royal Time in Duke ow der way la mostly in the way of better !' aa !ctrtlo i "tuB n character. During tae past la held for tha iwryoi at baUaet ami new rotHag atoek" r lavylaa; or iQ)tn-- each county held an Institute voting a eclwo! tax, aa H the Officials Record Tho work at eeflBeotkm with the 80 YEAR OLD MOTHER Themselves on ewt-o- W lor two weeks' rfdad tn tMtd aasiloa. Taxloo tf wilt RnJahed by July aoiit duration: mi Omt i tiTH attended, ww whose iaAl reehletioa la In i, ue Miu. tko OPWatHHt of the pan-Sang- and t&lStUS dlai-lt- i. tided conducting tfeero. UmMm tha Imt who mi Question. trains of tho aaw 1 ranks will ftiif in taxea !n ui d the Statehood I 'lii r the lummar schools In eonne atrlet. la not a 'laaal aktea Im AHBawa hoarer to Chicago OF NAVAL HERO WORKS taxpayer' thereof. aHd cannot vet at tbaii any other w Um ooaat by a wi'.t tha aormal university was ekn-ilo- a av en Had for iif chl-oaa- It aitoatloa. the purp8 orarai hoar. The dm between t) tavyltiK a Mliool tax COUNTY Angsts wMI Th. condition of the finance i im- - " NATIVES OF 5ANTA FE FAVOR JOINT STATEHOOD and Is he radnosd AS DEPARTMENT One who la mbjaet to pan tax. cut-o-ft CLERK I iKovInc in tome warn altlwUKH tha irom nix to atghi iman, th bat doe not pay It. la not a taxpayer. aarlng moro Umn travel iHUBBy 5 or aaaovi pur- - m mil)' nemina The word 'legal' ar weed la the ktw. over preaoat route. Tho Ibmkovo- - l- - ir on CafTaepoMUswee. slagle the is always tn ineraaii. Tliw add nothing to the word taxpayer.' Spaotal statehood la abolHtoly don lad mani laalados reduetloa la grades, RETAINS POSITION IN GOVERN- lnt r.'Mfd dmand will never atoa. ITS. K. - -n- w. th terrltortas liy coosraea. The law Impllaa that a taxpayer a Santa M- it on. Mr. Ilipley In fH-th- e MENT imhi Ik k rof. Hlrum lladlaar. Miportatand is Um Angefat LAND OFFlOe AFTER I'lOf tax balng colleeted more lagal taxpayer, and nue who pay H. Cnlldesa, aalled at th capltol this week, "partly om Iruaiaoaa.'' If 31 m of puhjhc InstrHotlON. of la SON AND GRANDSON LOSE more dwtrieta ara mftnii not one who may b liable fw BHaTrniod OovorHor k tfae order enjoy has m Uy. alteraoon aid th few olMal found at the' state to vnentioa hero to tho iK' ivioa and tha nroaeada nayntat of taxe. but oaa who raiiest extent Wtploy LIVES FOR NATION. MX' uf lltsge man of tha sjaae for the reoep houae aot la favor of Joint trtataaood. Mr la tha uiuk ouMic laada ara ctmaia pw rornta the obllaaUoa and tlaty of a Bret day In coafafoaoa withrt oMetaht ly lilacs Una Ktvoa by Albontwaue Ooveeaof HaormHa ha keoa Vorr mr. aijr. tha flrat of laat ciiiaon ay hHytaK tna taaea th ww to ha the - of this ,,u-- even-tW- N vototju- dtvlsloa. Waaktaatoa, or i uf MHiRMm ahol have n--, roaulKaa of aim. ltMorewi Qltab on Thuraday Mam aaoaaa r hi ea a 0., Fob. 14. At the , v- ago B8, Mrs, QrfcMay, -a from tata aouree Oho wita aaye a soil tax omlr The chief esectrtlve toaad tha oh the autohotd nwawluit. Oo of Am E wot her fa Ad- hv-t- a his Uking. imaarataa 4H0RT,UNAin of the mow xa4aJa whom City Satiaala, .itMro. taajal tawtyev Tfea amaiNinls aNtsrjty to prelVience nwtmumi ESCAPE t - wu oil la lha cttlee and town we4 txparer la la a treaerie Tim jaiivaMor. wl the art from to sMBuaa miral Dtww gavo Mm oriar. "Yarn aad which ar- X. MeFt today SMi rfrmg yaw I k'"'1 Abundant aTldaia M M aanaa aae ineiudea aaeb perann who the Commarclal club, wilt Jadae Joan etarat fKOM BAD WRECK tears waoa iro roaaF, H If HfcmtMoa Uoa-teaa- imi ' wImiw that thaaa aehoola Ara paya the taxes reaulred of him by rive at noon, will leave Santa at that the bill should pee OrldloF." BBd aaJHlmotker of 4 arriving at the senate, it would raeelv his sup- - V. li"-- o- - aa atataa, tatutr, whether a poll or a property o'clock In the afternoon, John P. orldloy. kllhw two ' aMi thmn of tbe - PASBENBKR t- are poii. INBINC LB FT THK year luyi n Hotnc lnblano 'natter. Tfcajr Albuquerque at 7: 11 if the trains r by the explosion of the wMI Col Geo. W. Is yi-- t opposed RAILS AND RAN nminiHinpfl about nine moat ha an- - "6. Th wording of th statute la on time. The silk hat brigade Frloaard IM YARDS ON bat ii ship Missouri, is r "'larly at louiiijr la part aa follow Trovlded. That leave th- - state house a. S In Iho to Joint stadohood Mr. Prirhard TIBS. work aa a clerk la the lb-- ., ofllce. a anil In raaea taMhara that ar ar. rtatit qnlte mt But uny aoboul dlatrlrt. upon the majority afternoon the territories antltlert subdivision of he Department of the wll tha rural isespttott this to two senators each, and ho la de- hiIioU ar- - nut am I rely latlalactory. vot of the legal taxpayers thereof at In saoahiug of the The tsmaaaaora oa th Brat section Interior Haaorman said cidedly opposed to toe east oattiog ox no. , warn Spry, ' ' rniH tit acaooU ara abort, a rMgtil'irly railed eloetUm for the pur afternoon. Ooveraor th hiiil cheery, and without a word ot tna pose, may auiteipaied of dowa th iwpreaentation of tho west aaa - v oav power to lvy for that ha lt" pleasure a most fortusat eaoBao thla fore- complaint. Mra. Ortdley keep the reg jitld teacBcm arc krw, and aa ' . A ocoaaloa vary much. Ho was sure whieh would bo tho oaae ir 'bo foor ay - . urn-nee- - akool purposes, etc 'majority the tha Taoaam CrMe ular otto- hoar, aad does the regu in taarbera not wall qual- pleasant affair, and torrltorles should be Joined In two rsjofet i' mf awaloyiMl vote' as uaad In this pro talon of the that it would be a But for the good fortaae, lar work of those in bsr division Mh tw In provtdtnt was oxoeedtealy grateful for too atmea. wegM itii- law means a majority of the taspayora be the train hava boob ditoaed has worked, for the goverament. al itx'tir and aataininK tiiem. araat of pnlne the peocl of tho Dnke City In aaawar to the rumor that has and a have to bo overcotne. Hut the school district, aad does not bad wreak would have rosalted. most untlauoaaly, for Id years. Dur- 'ii'4 mean a majority of 'those voting at ware taking for bte pleasure. Jto beea w defy etroulatod to the efteot The aaeaenaaia tttd aot bmra of the ing Cleveland' iai 'tetfrev the Ktatia encounter d admialstrstkon she .itch aleotloH, autoes a majority of stated that he had roeetved an invi- taat cot. Fiimmt-- had resiwnod from daaaer uatll li was sti nam. we let All- .HffiCHlU ofltoa ool- - oi:t. tho records showed that I tation to attend tho haahora' haaMot the of attorao aonrai. the Th train, - . i I . . t I a.wA iiKse voting a majority of the tax waieh ointes a number. she bad served aa aurse la the nlia lta payer voters on Friday nhjrtti- - Imt illd not belfsva oaoi ststcd that he had mad" m snob. or aieoaera, waa bow4iNg a 1 and of the dhartat." along at army Bet Prosidoat Harrison re- r nut Itoanl of wluoftlloa to Imiia that lie wow Id be abl to tarry In rfoigflatloa. Thla report n y have nwa ot seeea oomwo - awi imataao. appointed her, aad she haa beea la If ..!. mm whom it may (team weH PROBABLY KILLED BY later Umn Friday moralac. growr- oo. of hla mteatlon io reolga Aa too trata waa a matvy two d. r- - oa. oawe since. Her salary Is 10 a f.n'i urrliortal taaetiara' eartlfl HOBOES FOR MONEY. aa matters of pradams ImptHtsaoa aamg uie apnag or eammer. the eagiaee ware aaed to lake tt to Ma year. vi i'h I n wa daeliladly aa silvanea wore ootnlmtAlly aaltma: hU attoatlon son far watch Mr. ricbard stated eat Summit. TOO front engine sud m-- K V. Mrs. Grid ley earn Washlagtoa im Tho board oaa arantad Thompson of Simon, a South at the state tannin. waa that he had private basluesa mat donly, without 4majroat cause, to nvf-yaa- - from If-- ii . r cartlaeataa and era Itoolflc section foreman, while out botm many tallera nt ters which would Mis mas imata. Mtrhisan aaortly after taa war. There havo iieiKatt- Jamaed tit Hot ktw baud was If.iM,..,, nr,. trtlflatM. Thla lg an on his section, between situ on aad the lat house atae us Umagura-- aaae In Mow York. The volume of the enaiaa IwwKat along over the Frank Ortdley of cti iaKMnnt to wall (mnuflad lmch 8telM. Wednesday, discovered a pool thm. . baaiaaas mlllHg upon the office of at- ties, makiag Hillsdale. Mfh. If had soon smgagod btf deal and swaying In poraalla war, sajar i" I' rr'lavae than of tha annoy or bkmd aloagalda the traok. Ott Irmg this' taroNoon his attoatUM torney general Is of such iiioreactng violently. Both aa ameer, with qalcfc mercantile before the . r iMriodioai aximiuatkma. he found a trail where a waa ootrutded by a idea for a rowrtevo nature that it renuuras comt&at presence of mi Ml, but ho became a confirm Invalid. inn. hapHeu the air Mrs. Orldloy ebugbt i 'tw many axaRiplea, the a body had been draRHOd. and follow- of the eenteNce to hang Ik the Coaler and be does not beiieva that brought Ute aad employment Ante xnereta - aad tmta to a stsedsUll . supported thorn ir iir.iffidtiit anowa'ts? wndarful ing thla hp. found tfee dead body of a murder eaa of Taos county. Tha ha can give flu- bttetneas of the ofltae after a hondrod yards had bean cov- aad both for maey CJLficllsvy isf" made In education (hiring man, saya the lrdsbiirx Libera!, matter waa take wader adewawasiC proper attention aad attend private ered with oaa sag raaalag on the jteare. luir Hftaoa yaara Tho adraaer about two hundred yaids from tha RegartMag tho aaptmiwii'mt of a mnMera. too. ties. That tha BMlfad eaaiae did aot She has on so, imclen E. Urldley, ten a mil ror tarn aort f 1SV0 track. He at vaesacy pro-ha- te X. C. Abbott, dlatrlet attorney of apace for years aa employ af the treasury ri not beajt until about notified the authorities man to All tho la the tarn over sad a bad wreck la a -- la eaamt eaaital earn Htn - itiat tltttr the higher Inatltu Simon, aad Oorooer Wood Walker awak-- oHBoa of Hoaaallllo emm-- u ttt.nta Fe county, favor alnui state considered aiamm mlracuknti department, wish whom she lives , havt and a Jury and held an InquatU. It eaaoMl br tho death of J. A. Sum- - hcod. but ha will support joint atate- - waoa tao tram waa brought 'o a - r--- v 1"-ir- baen raid, onranlaad ur work is vcrr inpfMi. ra aahooi law baan was found that b had beea shot t mar. Ooveraor Haaorman stated that hood as be rowslders It the only form stop tho pasaasmrs gat tvF to learn moata graatea' aer. oa acoouat of u .. c k haa Im- - a. ui 7.. the bach of the head, aad hit rmhk-Id- e he wonM mako th mwolntmoNt when the measure will ever oibmlUod wbw the troahl waa and they her rvtcs aa aors during tha Civil hm pw !tu. i'"inil ofaritauled, and the ooni In .en aad issZZT himn ... hNla. both rural in tha the head, where a tons cut had ho eomee to Alhunuerawy m Thurs- foaad that a aad wraak bad been nar J and CVHMki. one of Hie moat iM.i. havf bean brought to thalr been made Ills pockets had beafl day. Marcos rowly averted. promlnom native born oitu. it of the Without nt niulltlOU. fumed Inside out, and a small eoin Santa Fe Far Stthd. tho aid of the wrecking ,..;r - ait pu ot akin w hag waa found Ooatrary reaon that ha ajoae oouaty and the present Int nnboat of crew, the derailed eaalae was nulled zi" r .Tirz:1 t- i y.ara typlcaJ that iad beea opened to the - 7:"i. this line. aati euch eltlea ' . nrt. away. people of Santa Fa the probate clerk's oaBc- an ex- onto the track The were to wfeicb i fi- - i i Albuquaraua and tMWU and thrown Iris bundle of abroad that tho agait. cars iise a month, would aab!e "Mvery had la vary ponent of statahood K r coosidosate IK.- Usnketa hari Im.ii rut Ha sen are solid IN aanoshtg JOUtt sUtaOOOa. Jotat it back a short distance and then her to reslgs from oBtoe aad a IihiI no ttubitr acnool Dronerty Mm I state-me- at 'are ad klort aVmrntimfa I think It would M a strong K. L Baca authority foi iiie by the use of frogs en- few years U ttfvi-- r Tcular they organ- - man about years old, five feet eight your eoriwaoadeNt anas and tb other rest Jtapreeeatattve Aldea no If hare tt, only among that Basts Fe count) II glv gine, got- - restful ooald sfford to go aad wriKi'd aehoola order, tall, hair sprinHed with gray, wment favoring not the derail" loeoiootivt. Bwlth has Introduced a bill, but the pay of a hlah th majority of 700 for toint xtatohood a few visits, aad see my raiatlva h tWam prominent la bailee, and "i onto tae again. whw-- arc mmtalnpri about nine month a moustache, and about throe weeks' track matter has railed to attract stteation aad hi b raafc. aad file In tact, and Mr. CastaUo waa of lie same rne work raqaired 8ftem min In mends. That where in r. car Suoh coanilee aa Chaves of bt.ard on hla fao Ha hadH. t but tha press of other leglslatloa. crease of awaiaioa woald coxae & escepttns Ool. Max Frost aad optaim. It waa th opinion of these utes. Then tho paasenxer oro- - xaair. one on mlt nr uut nimku ...,i after train The prla money to whmh Caataht mat I am mora liiat in in" ecaosl dlatrlet about T gentlamon thm the natlva of the rei-dc- oa its way and arrived at aaaioas that thOf ImfM 'i.-'- i them wore a pair of overalls. There' j!!? (Irldley waa entitled sa a remit of h. 'our mile square and not to i H' In of a aakabis awamaeat to mr aam la T . holder of i'.jLf. county were heartily fso Joint Beason simost oa tlmv the rapt are Hay v 150 pupil. Today thla conn woo id . It the la Maalla Arlington That Is raally grief ti by mPrtlvely few not in ravor ststoaood and vote at Ing went, a to v Man twenty-o- dlatrlcla, pu which his name could become polls. CANADIAN IMMHINATIOH to nearly $100.Hi. wtth th me i.Ml known. ,of " ll .unilled aaa tttu city or noaweii He had been seen west of .mma. New Weekly Fsptr ASSOCIATION AT WORK lasuraace aad peasioa. to his widow, "I was received by taa prsmmeat, a Hlmon, and at Blmon. and eo ovMoatly ! who resides In Erie. Fa. Tha !n i in t.iwn of Haatrman. with their (& A. J. lioomls' bow wsekH paper to latter while ago. He waa moro kaaa was traveling east The Jury brought Jf SLlJ Winnipeg, Man.. 14 - I also received Inauraace, kld i. hi iu'hola. JSXJTmwiS pubimhed ahwrta Fv ill Feb. The third the etc. after so urteoaa. aad so much of a aaacw-maa- . JSJStmSS. be at make llett-sdla- , In a verdict thnt he oame to hla .. - deatti or hnr aou. young Wbn the lacraaae, ttt more prop-- death iSZ, --ZzJ. it bow on March l " will be annual meet lag of th Western Caa- the It waa ala own taoaBat aboat i tnllisl ' 'e the from the be- - at the hanaa of some uuknowa person, i"T Mr iamasn tic in poUtlea and opposed to ImmlgivtloB AssocUtUm opened who was killed on th Mis- - the Increase of passion." - It iSs- In 'ni I is probable tha he waa traveling the Board sour! Ki' iiiiiK of arbool building MMld- .TLlT'b. W -' ahead la policy m.- Lonmls of Trade rooms here this OaVlals of the lead depart meat with somo hoboes, U - moralng. n-- 1. a wonderful view la areaanted. other who sat J eetat yet jawetd a uano- for the The attimdane w vary largo Oaiala Ortdiey's remeias were cre- have m.y good word for Mr, aam I. ".'K unon (ha bvlldlcas beloaaiac to that Ue had aome money aad killed atntmhand thaaats ka and the raemoers ssn to take moro mated Is Maalla, aad so avmsmeat Ortdtsy. Oa the occaakm of per SOU klM, In. 1. I i th. tiigbcr Inatltutluna, and the ate- - nier est in tho work Mfore tamm thaa ever haa boon erected to comwtemor-at- a birthday, aaa was gives, a rcsaailaa vr before. The meeting is of great htm or his bravery la th natlaaal by nui.i and rommoaioua iraaiM mnooi VALENTINE 8ENDINB her fellow employe, aad degas) liuuiimcn or all tha elUaa, and that re- - AFTER THE "SO I LB Importance just at tbls ttjts, oa comotary at Arllaatoa, thoagh char la BMmtal frteads. SEEMS DYINS OUT PRESIDENT1IPLEY n Ifl'-- tha' haaa are all Ua eraaUon of sVas OF 4HNMRRO, oJVthe fact that a large laualgta-Ho- - New York, 14. Is year in.- pat ariaaa yaara, sad mom hat t Feb. St. Vaiatlao's PBAUS RATE BILL expected this aad It Id Oatr was observed hare aad throoafe-on- t fVigwajMsAg AAAgggagabBs tsfsUsVam fjmdha 1st necossary to prepare uaaaaaltar LOUIS paaalmiat will cowpialw of aw'lBmmTaaiv waBaBjBswBBB arBwIBJBw O, aar for tho KAHN, QLaVTIMCR RAH9HMAN SHOT AND - rail-roa- d tha ooaatry. as asj, BcVjgksWgbaaas large Influx oaloamte. in-- duoaUonaI New Ma4oo bat there ai wAsaaasaassxm aaadl I a of Low OF WAOON MOUND, DEAD. advaaoa fmrmmtg TffJpVVSjHi sbbi GmWmmJin A KIU.RO BY wUMBJUtMArf. in niakinB did not seem to be HE. OF THE BANT A FE, SAYS rates will be agreed oa aad tie la the day aa la termer yaara. Varna-- tort rid Ooort atraat of two or railroad leading to ta aothweet will THERE POSSIBILITY OF TOO Lowts Kahn died at a hotel m Waaoa X specks! dlapatoh tjsp savor NRANCHINQ OUT FOR tlaaa of all kinds were sold la tao throe aosu af vary atmmdtahla amw- - If be urged to sestet la tao task of at- to tl MORE BUSINESS. MUOH FOLITIOS IF MEASURE tracting Imaaiayaau of a daahmMo Moaad taa other momaaa. wMhaat papers, from Ua Vogae, gaaa: Pol ' I. una Oouaty Telaahoaa vm- - B BOOMS (.AW. class to the western parts of Oaaada llamats or struggls. Ho eame to Baa lowing (So oa tao maraar of Mia I yearc, f us ionic dtauao line dally former aad the malls wore not rVL TL Z, it is proposed ta eoatiaas the aaao-- Miguel, tho the coaaty seat of Baa Lodwtg aad tae aaiatda at her by au : !L2LJsKrJ tat Ion Bs in dlraetton of the moaas ovorbardeaed wfrh work or i for two asata yoar at loaat th SV.5L?T? ??r. ha Baaia Mtgael coaaty in 1SC1 laamr slayer, Ooarpt sHaaa. Laa Vaaam was norm and If the company ahall on account of Vhloatiaee. From all , aad to map oat a Bragrnai for thm la fao txiif. TfT.rff- .'J!"b!2"Jt? tI Fa, arstved la Ixw today, part of the M ha moved ta aVoello. .(. i ri. "hltak It. aay parts of the ooaatry It Is ropartad Aaiea year. After the the i aaaia sswemM today by aww af tao to oa" to tha ZTSJZ SL mL rlwa me mnraiai aeaakm whore Hoary Qokat rosides, s uraphk. Jaak Jeffara, tha that the demand for Valentino was l : miaatiiitad ho aald Haaharn dclegatee adjourned Sr laacaaoa. aatd there kilMax at Rod Usttaa. thm eaamiy. af ex-te- at lived mull 1S71. waoa ho to can he Ueneaded ON far mallw thaa ever bofore. Two l'tT.J?l bill did aot ptease htm to a xroat There will ha another motBg ia taa moved toe MeHeaary, a waahhy marhmmi. " 11 11,1 - Mont aad resided Ho waa vU-Mia-g wag t thu roMaaetlao. Mra. JeMerc reataet damaad waa for vorr eases-- 1 f?.Taw aesp laor- and aeerted that its agagigs afteraooa. bat rbe uaaal la there ae wall kaowm la thm crty. Mo tiiako lmaiet with Mary tmjptam. aon Mra. Kaady eaatp sire pieces aad for tao cheapest, BifMaraa of the dty. woald idaoa the powor of adaiatator-ta- g the evoalag all) he omitted Bala year Misses aad Haadty, wfs la oa of Mm ilut iiii ara la with idat hie daughters, who ihv, week. ly romlcal Vaieatlaas. OoatpaMtlratywt tho rata aJmirs of gru railroad ma the mmda ook owaora la tao commf. waa oa-aaa- Mraoat Clt!-aa- a -p- m. vpaoaa taw of the mod laat grsdos ware sold. Meyer Interned The anrBaBtteag lato tho lmads of a olitical RICH PINO, NO tlttaad Ma u qaarrei wMh Jfohert Sal Thaaa the Alhum. eaatom of today tftat durtog his raooat trip body:' say taa Los Angaws s. MOUNT EXAOOERATBSt. wife, Caadohvrta. gmaiid aha to km taaa, a rmh wao far Tha iwaawg Yaloatta apt. years ago. lamtienaa, mteaain lint Hrlai want to OwaeavlUe Saa- - aam to be gradually dying oat. ho called ua (ieooral Fttegfct rave two Ho was Tl rears tar a year tmae oaa of th wa wm ! aav Xaaagar Ossrmaa tt taa Baata Its. "I hop to aae Use Ualtod Btates It aa old aajriag that yoa have old at tao time of Ma death. t.i Ma beat tflrl. go iBoat oHItoae of thia imha, Ftoalry ui fchaocwhsattar waa vtaltiag ink nf a Meant aid aooared from h.a a Maaettoa of eaaato modify th arovisioas of the to away from homo tu leara tto MoMaamry Ma gaa, baaaml Bill," MapW aamT aowa. Tho This Day In Heetary, Joraod oat ii Ji:m Taylor'a oaa aiaht laat weak. the daoartlag ant af traia Mo. J, not !!!",!.'!!?Joa. Mr. Silver Ottr Udiimdaw moa waa too dwtk far Mas, aad todor I Aaly zlfVr,.y?-TL"r:---- "ta wtuM fpact," ho was askmt. has thrUllag amaaat of a woadrlal Fob. la. IMT -F- to Mm Claud oaa aad Loe war a few people wfco pride thsmsalvaaoa T- iwt " oBisiad ao ooald two. otwat awa tod soot - W eopaer ay plaaaem calWra at Klakard Mhokmi-- mmUimm nlnro, dm na aevaswaiBa H am "Weil, I do aot tbfcftk U safe to pwos strike asad waat of Uaftod ajtato seaemwa by emmet vaas. a batmt thrsjsuah h at, Deaah wo -- aawor WsirlBdBaa ta hv atart-y-gj Saaday. Sajsta W ah as mako railroad ratos m ta Ikea. The bsst fwb. atm W. OaidB braaatra rived at aha sestma ta Bad gg pjvej1 Batata. Vamste l im A law waa (oemawvm ou Tats aaaaaia Mm tW a pMMkmi sodjr. avoa mrmttlaa m LeoAsaarg Uhorst oaa 7V Ftamt aa m team v Thmii is aaswUksar Hak harta oaart msilll a gFmsjxBBBBBas1 tf fat k JpMjaf lagtm fottad aaam Bail, oataf aai at tha WSBgp?; lMMt tap WmK rmJ, laal ware 1 prwrmma ewttMeS mmWd Mftt Mr laaaaaaa IBsass sasmaail wa f JM mm i AstW MM UBaf JeM flhal (jkjggUagSjagfldgyj sKfgat potior Mm8ZZmFt lpBjv fpmj WWaWgaWfrBa Maw asesncz Qt aasyy ad H C. aawwaam. Outff BBSfVa gTZ R'TsmMmTSi w sBsraaa aejssj aatfttag of Mm atata f affahmla that tall Imffatta? rC swmFBB &9<

aiVTFj mm ORDINANCE HARRISON'S MOTION Tilted this one for mrs yerkes HELP ALICE ON BRIDAL MORty UNCONSTITUTIONAL FOUR YOUNtl PKIENtH, A lRENCH MAIO AN THK OflEBtMAKEW WIUL DRIM THE WHITE HOUSE EftlDC IN HER BEAUTIFUL OUDOIRTH QRANO "AftEANT DOWN THE STAINC JUET BE FRIGHTENED THEM DETAILS OR EAT DAY. Htftemd That Restaurant and PORE THE WEDOINOUAST FOR ABBBBBflHHHH , . aBVsBnBmBaaaaaaasWmaaaaaaaBB MsA Ken Will Carry Issue Wsahlngton, D C. Feb, 10. Ifaw themdet. the Frui'1! malil w'i nl-- ' Aldermen Gillenw&ier and Wilkerson Thought They that the wedding inrHmlon pmbftnn "dresses" Miss All-,-, Marl- - 'liau.i. to the Court. haa neen cleared away by (he Roose- anil the mIhtf !to littllt Mm c" velt ratnlly, tha all alrblng and tumc. Saw a Trick Play-W- ater Ordi- principal deUH left Is the c urtc of It remains to ! ,'eri,'. i if t',c the bridal pageaat from the tippti re i ftteanl sl'l ds"cnil 'ho in nu ainti axe aaaaaWte!LsMomnamnaaasBonaav tth. OjOHaa wc mcmex mtmm lona of the White Huae " way between the ta:e u i.n n i nance and Contract. toom, ceraeson)- - will dad the room, and make it BaaHaauaaaanSKfi&MV . ' TrafjmalRfr maatn9nB uynjBMacSaaMB where the lato place grand procession iltmo the main cm fFrteky, :ohlng the rlibrr. which la 1?" f ct In I' an I a The grand process of nth. at m, When AMareaan Kwrriaan morad at tor at a regular Inirwt iwiini wrt'-- i rid In magnificent satin tbvace t io i)ini. re m trntWM, April 1st, mid lot. her white n' 'h ti Mtdemhw Ortnlwf of .iuh : v !i :,n i of n ! i mlil In Roost t'H's Offlclatlng 'SliiiiK erf AMmimiimim Satardar afternoon' meeting ih noikt- h, (u Wi i attitii i.,i!e mitit htts a.l ettjr (bat bonda anoanttag to r"mpsnjri Ira atich ti'nla aa may t emaell satM befoiv dliirj. to tha rlty nJ- -i MM wM will efcrtlt 9MM6 ba toatpd for tha ircajua nnd by vhnp r tho alnyine fund ! tmt aiahauitaMco of ih Water kmo-M- r mi nt In aaM 1il of iruii proyMad ilmi or any h Inner of wilil mnklng feiwl In Mr h mimlM hfce etletti aoHiaaay, aabjeet conn, to tka paeeeavlvn of mui Tmiti mpnny wtafcea of tha rotara of the cHy, a apptlod to th ..r bonds h.n H HW hwh of ahma rraot Into the farca af or niHt roaasln the pruMit i t aaM pari ft MM nf Hret part iWMaj(((aaj kooajwpfB tiBKC team AftterwM alllawetor and Wllkerami. lb tojUlaiW wtth one or more of the city a. Tb iwlaop t mI( wirobaa ri-- t aaaaaP aaaaaaaaWBaaaaV Sr ?P'' aaaaaaawai aftrr natlefytnai ll tlv i. aaalnst aapt gaettsa hate aMi. property olbvr Ulan ihc imiida and il4 MM 8Usi aWVOHWt Of It aa aeaareat thai aarh n aoat or irusV aasamad bv ihx ity. ahnll in oasta on of in irun-- r wa vary Hataaterul to at loaat thvao to tho cttv. dllrr tm a( the. bweteees aaottea mr tne heart tm eoaacl'wa. and thai they aaw " It la sgTt nnd iin1rrtmxl thul s si stein ftt a atoallt lor has alone. la tha not ton of Alderman Harrison Ihr tH, of lh arvnod ian ahull OMnra Mt oqenlly wall coavpenaNtetf "a aoMMthlaa' nioch deopar In aigalft 4rv oul all rrt(ri,.-- t rtitrrrd mti- by n w pur?veeri by th parlv of h Brat pan for the sup- hoc oaaea them aaoaared on the aarfacs. ply f ha In lal.ii lam of watr .and eepetially Its ontnirt iwrersj pe nrafnrnififwivMiMiii of rarent data with ttu Awwrlcnn l.utn-b- t - Thar la Utile doubt in the mlaas Mwpv WM SaaressHtsr MMebell be- the aaatlawew oompanv iH .baaa. tillM f thane iiraaatit that q)m rrVVnTWHi llfwV fPrns l iaMMaf that AloeraMa Harrtau t. II la fuiihr jrrd that ih anld JMHUHltWIt Nl OflttftftHM '"n ha party nf th earond pari aba'.l pay tn 4ttrat tit 101' (raw oeen an ooaotuxu aom Urn they Uhi sun ei addition lo tn shnv orovhlod. lh HE 4hMttor artM. Um water alaat purchaee, m4 ttla atuai f Iba Twelfth nn xln-ste- n for tha Host of boadu hrlofor' ordorod bv tbo dty roun-oil- , Wito wrwww. motion las and horaaftor to be mad, ami all nwt bat will hare in lu aajulralaiit to half a million dollars nr. ftnggenglMHI Pf fajgnlatloSI gtSO U glgOB otbor ati'nelooa nod lmmvmnt was km I rrafty mora to defeat the darad or aateed to by lb lty oun-ll, Teftwe In. pa perbiiftc a Wr at IKOftsaHloft at tha soila where tha tho valaalion and prlr havins hn ifwHi a etlfmmteil AMttHH for rwmov-M- , mad upon tho pmporty aa it now voters wowjtf look at the large Mrea staode. in the betrn. Ih It at earned and undtrstiMMl (hit or- - arest alarm. A jwevMHBK opinion umi whi not Ma eoMmot la nmd sohtact in approval M UMtmMHUtMHMI "I thlak tha bead lama ahoaM by th quallflrd lMtora of tb . it y t wtang a, m4 the cnrrent mmor I thst he aaaor UeOU," aaM AUermw Albmiuotrque. am. that th said pony llcrrlaeR. "This doea Hot mmm that of tb road imrt wtll tab nurh sups 9f9ntl of the teedhii, restaurant and mi may be naeeeesry to submit to tne IhiAtA MM) Will Cflfl- - all neetl ha notd at oaa time, bat It saHl city auae rfwHH8 IO HtH on aoallned vitters of tb Ofysiotn with the dty aettrenger for rarte!ss aaalMt ruNatag ehort tton ol th Mirohaaw at aaM nroewrty Denver. Colo, Fel. 10. It Is re In the early Both beoame aaso- - wtth wh'.ca to maha aataMkma and th lesusnca of bonda to rgle funds '0. Ava.TKBWTiil ef the garbage until the Maty purpos of not tho ported in bearer theatrical and so lated with a stock oompaay, playing aeeded ImoruTemenU In whiah for th mrrlnsf in baa beo" taken the awl r thai contract, and on th c tbt old Ieople's Theater lu Denver Matter eort aoHilaaoory tha homi trma that ciety lr. let that M'ts Bdlth Crater. wnsJ"tPl II VI rha taeaalaaer f approval nf th propusod purrhoe of ai that tttae. ""SJgome uettld ba illapoaad of wlthoat all tha aaM iroprtv. this contract ahnll tha youni .ictreas of this city. Is about at Ue hog nUMtcmou are ahm r Thai young Mlaaer haa been pay- exovaee of a soaeun final and btndlng upon tho rapr-tlr- mppaHns; t contest the garbage trouble aad parti, and th aM party of th to Mailt nit m .rech of premise suit ing marked attention to Mies Crater M la aaM, they matewdlfig aarond part shell at one Ink such atia ror a laisi- - sum against Wllllsm Mis-ner- , haa been known In Denver, Sea Fran- tfbet fc babes away (ram thorn the "Aa laser of taon.iH'xi u eunVlaat." aa may h nvcoenarv tu taaa. bonda and New York In rrti-r- nut torma of I hi contract wbi married tb widow of Chaa. cisco and theatrical ad bunl-4M- "Why. tb iM'MuiUty to cowtlaee their raalied Aldrrmaa Wilkerson. In wltnroe arhrrrof lb said party of T. Verk.a. society circles for many months, and ahrldgca rights and free-stps- eatlemea. I an assured front a saoet Ih lirat :ort haa rauanl I hi ronlrs-- t l H was genorally accepted they' tblr cor- - Miss t'rstcr la td to one of the that nnd aMewK h roriMr to b so-iwi-tl rallnbla source thai M.00 will be to h raavetcd In duplicate In Ita young engaged be married. This nam by ita iirrapirnt. tt-t- nv betittlful women on lhei'fre io in k niMiiff of boa, ihla eor tore than eroagh to make all aerea IS" Hne tie lonxirm- - ami to n atnge today. She la a blond aecret Mtaa crater never - Py ' mtr lHaW catitrothM by tha MHTtta- snry liwsroreaienia and eatenaloas. attached, and th eald y of th with sorted teaturen and form aed "led tj ner intimate friends in Denver. and ran the Ham for tweoty years." ar,nd imrt haa muevd aaln oiurart t letters almost dally from be rsenitcd In dupltcat lv lis mayor the adinilvc beautiful' hardly doea:ie iwt.ed Th ttrtMi) 1h The HtmIak mtm A Memo CHIIoawater agreed wna and attested by Ha rl. ra urxt Ha her last ire Mae "Native acV' and cgpresa pack- - ajlre fUriwofi, wkarata It wa Mr. Wllkarson, and be waxed vary seal tu be lhrunio altachsd. th the snd her slater. Altenc, were aea contain lag ynlnable gifts also fre-Im- m iflaUa tbct AMwrwMn W. It. OUUm-wto- f warn and xtoonant in talkteg against day and year Hrst nbo wrtllrn. and reared tn Denver Allene Huestly enne. Sometime, these pack had nohl hla traa to govnagar notion. "It were addreated to Mrs. bMlth Abtermaa Harrlsoni ORDINANCE Ne. 344. Omtsr la now iho wife of Frd EkOM.1" RcH)M, 8lthH(h raalhUaff M least does not show good baettiesa )alg-nMnt- ," the Denver actnr. now playing the leaner." OflJtH a In proflta, cmmimnI Mora An ordinance aiMhortauiir on ' 7ar ha mM. "t float hoa4a fttraa lo b bM on lb flrm Ttisda of April. atasw man in Ueorge Age's "WlsanJI Mian otster net the man who is re &tKMw than Hit paper aatMoaUNi, UfifHtfi. bayeod that wMch la asoaa ISM, m vote upon ih proposition of of Oa.' I ported to have JiltH her In Oullfornls mA tKwia aair thftt the rmortar who mry. naming ln.sai of hnnda to mittibaev sod Tie Misses Crater took to the singe'I two years ago, th artiolo had mmn humor In I bough! they ought Stand the penperty of the Water mjpply Ahlamna tUI4 tVwapsny; und - aiithoria th mayor IfJ$ raahoup eanal In imoh eaMM. Ahfar Albu-ouerq- than to ha tor at hutet ftttoo. but and city nbir of tho city of dreg Inclimlie. bear Interest a One HMHt(WH, IH 4llMMMflK t QHleawaier vafee-- In behalf of lb .hall si mm Wllhwaett' d Nw Mii' rate not to four aad new half VENERABLE BROTHER mllHtK proMMlkHi, a4All tMai it Maotly aad AMarmaa ham-- ofty, to ntr Into coMrnct with ih mk (trotaatM. nuppl to purenae Ih pee vent annum, payable y wowd be a michty oM .unioii ukaaauMtlr ear water arm . . I "Ti.v. ' prep y of th aakl Water mtpply cow on thit day of January aad w iy i HAM k.. it.l It Li !HHIa-Iln.ttttMn- K 1 waI K WRptWR tJllWHWHtWT, PW" HIM. in Had. aliowed oillenwater and WllKer- - Jety In o-- yor luring their life, and BOTIILPH IS DEAD WW. mmh"MKItttttK Mr JMS J ht U "wfcareaa. irat I JT. aVBSaaan laa d S'aw aflM from tha w,oo lb mtpply company, payable at the option of tbc otty after M bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb J .J eoanoli as an alderimin Mm thatr own way. tor n Wnlr - ' 0&r ami so. It Hi aliened, one s corporation duly onmamsd and stat- tweet rears from the del of thssrdasu- nwnl. T .. ins under and by virtue of ih Isws of anee and abeolutrlt pnyabl thirty years mt tha jarbaao mombera liltK, sella Thsoe bantta wll he MO la number, th urrtlorv of Nw Moalco. has aaracn aner euci wie or inoir iseunnoe. s t rro SOT tJfOtutT ft vSmm there be mighty long of $1,000 each, payable aaml-anniwll- In ll iu ih rliy us pmiM-r-t . ooiailat-In- Seetkm That wld .lection shall he Was President and Principal tft J asHIPK to the aaHlag. not 10 of th pumnlnn plant, machinery. held beta. n the hours of o'clock a. sv UIH8 . K ItOflrlKV Kl.l' IS V 1'AVORITK I'flHK at x rata of Interest exceed i IntlMtnir. rrotrtolr, ImihI. lute, mains, and t n of aakt April I. ISM, K (ho ordlaaaoe meaaa that hog per cent, paid up twenty years aner f way i he following polllnn phtrea la of St. Michael's College rrnnchlat'. rtht anil and st ! asriatra mast go oat of the baalnasa laaaaaoa. at the option f the city, hat nroporty now owm.l liv the ant1 Wn'.cr aid oil., to-- a It Klrm Vnrd. tb otty bondolr, a spaclotis atiari men;, which hi si proceed i he arc li nil 1. um liultdlPS rleeiind ofB.-- e ChaS. M to the oajelal Harbaga men. years after mipptr ramnanv for lb of two Ward at of fronts Pennsylvania avenue "tic vin t 'le rrld.ii t 111 t mt abaotalely paid up thirty and fifty thuuaaiHl lUow.iWi) I'hndwfeli on vsat llotd avenue. Third at Santa Fe. the ett'..r V. H. Mlteholl. hutftrol il th.-- ii h ' v. H la aJ4ed. are Issuance. d.lara. upon th followlns londltlona Ward. "' "ffl. c or K II intahar, ai side aad opens in the atatc trt und tC Ulu I IllUe M (he GaMtaht W. II. opinion f tho the I. the aaM uroncnv b turned orner ioiu avenuv unit mnt on the other It U 'he room form an ait-- , .1 i. room to In the aldermen Tbl . rniro etrri. le 4Mlejiwar aa4 the Hiaaar Traas-tf- r otty will not encounter much dlaarulty uirr to th citi Jiilv I. ittSi, or am-- und Foonii Word. nir orner uf Third which Mrs. Mc Xlnloy preferred lo all floral nltjr hhoooMI-twthMw- t, na iiimv In aa simmI hixI itvvnu HE DIED IN WORK ajMUMwy, than It be dale the iltv prfrr. street t'vniie' LIFE'S hi Urrs In i maneltin, i hough It H:iii 1)1 Iw lot,. mhH In uklng up the uomi at present nera vundltlon us It now la, rcuaonsblr war aoetlon i That :n forma or tn lie lit The M.trlnc alnt SMoh hareto-tK- an ... amel a law ataa by company, amount I allots to he totid l bii.iI election .hill .i tioilheaat exposure. .11 nil mate ui. if 0 In the tha water aad CfpCt. ,r htam s ili eta red by the w fUB.mio, wMb Intrrast at 1 Tho Miv to imv In iiddHun ti tnr be Fur msukik water works bomla. This boudoir hj furnished In Alice by. and It will pl iio march, to frame jrg to about . wiiahi of sareral Mates'. ram of two hundred and fifty thouaorkl aad against issv of water work (SMwrway, Petsrnary 1ft.) Mue carpels, ruga and paperless. abl) tbc wedding from "I.oli. S par rnt, la ror tne new (tSO.iWt ibitlNra th oast vf tb bond.. ii last ejaaaal aH who own ehne actual Even the dainly Japanese water color rln," which th. v.1.1 Im IfShf those bonds for the long tvrm vn at lets Twi-lfl- si reel nsionalon urdrrod by the Sect' n 1 Tluit th mayor he. and Ilruther Botulph. 74 years old oa sftct music l empress flowery I. mm, efrey. rata aad avan ahlaltaas than tha rah. legal ran of Interest city loorM-l- Miid heraftr to n mail, hrei. la. uiKlioilaed and dlrvcletl to day moat'a, whlcli the of the ''unlabel by ibe rbotr of SI and tmpmv. bwni. oriM lum.ittoM uiwl notice of th the necond of this onlng SMfeewt at times on ajartiaaa nm for maawlpal ar always more and all othr eaionstons kingdom pre armed to Miss Roosevelt JllllllKI - bnda onteron r to bv in city lime ,nd places of holding such election director bead III Michael's raitMMf to mill a to oik- - mania mrrM and of sre In pale blue enamel with 't the) of lie tha neaaatable than if private eor- council Tb valuation and Ih i.rlr In it. ordsnr with this nrdlnanre. nnd framod niemlier two fanilli poratsvaa. mere is nmtm twins mad upon ih proparty xa It now that in asm ! ubllehri al college, and n member uf the terri a i. tick of gold oa the edges wt'i pnioecd lo the ast room i. ami uuie oai before Inlst a qwwewi MMHrroa in a aoad star com-pnny'- a atands. thlrn laya ueb tb board of education, The room Is almost lined inlr in to a space which will la- Is. What tha hoMers of the Water a. I ! dally torial died at noon Th contract and he franchla Alliii.rirav Kvenine t'libwn, a mtrror-piatei- i inw, bat H OMjeaie, pub-llahe-d Ail ine aoors arc apt n by a rioral Aa the baai araHOHay bonds will be delighted to make th Water Nwpply company sod new ). taw of gerHTSl clrcubtlhm. yesterday In St. Vincent s hospital, at tor. hauler. afn- - thirty-- lwa two glssies. tie ), mi f the aeon, that the tha trade tor twenty and possibly tb city to he canc4lort and tarmlnalrd In SSkt city. Ih tire! publication Bant Fe. of asthma and catarrh, ae and thtre are cbevel will escort ht dstigkter mm&I h ttt Val 'leu- - of doMrvry or iwop- - nf ii. h eettco o - mad loaat thirty sides lu u bird's promt being srhga mm mute awnera year boMM at t or IH par eeat lb th tb perladaeed by advanced old age. He a ine broad r.lrrer dignity of his nilt. tM as ajtook bt th Hy that oat rry lo the cll day baffler the aakl Anrll I ttot. eye maple drawing ease. cumpanlon will tall to young Tin Interest are not to be aasaaed at. 4. The Wstr Bupply ramwnr III gecti.-- s. That the msvor and ibe had been uneoascloua stnee ( o'clock I Miss HmMevelt a girl rUir, will lie ajsBna, The water ordlnanceami eoaimet turn th urosertv nvr to tne city froo oil lark lu, hoI her are hrUy. Thursday night ana end wag ex- Four of Irleads who one of me uUvr empowered Into the 10 ' DtweH live city and Water eompnny fraaa aH ImWbtrdlna leont the bonds aulhorissd snd to nlr pected tor before It name. have been asked aid her on this Only about 100 of th nearest n hoMlnaftvt awMlenod. whlcl aabt lnda and t earcut a contract in rwnair or .me tine momentnuus occasion Two are her Uvea will be given apace close fi, aiisnteil at Cntarday'i meeting, In Mil Ih- - eMy V aaM Buppl The baf,y was prennrad " THIS MORNING snd dveda uf Iruel aht la lo aakl il with th Water for bnrtnl Mlaa Robinson and mm JoHewt: MI INiy h a part of lb pur. oomtmiiy for lb purchaso of the prop therj Mian el cruslns. Oorlnae altar. These are tho an and tnhen to the Saa Mlaa The CANVASSING THE CITi' CwSS prh abore mentioned. It being erty of sold coniiiany utran the term ciaiirch. whha Is the college chAnel, tarrainf ilobinson other relative nf uie brldo nntt it COSTHAiT. Ufeiarstootl, bnwavnr. thnl lb Water hreiiitforr aei rortn two are Washington girls, but ibey lsaworth-Walkr- r cbm or the kmc THK Supply com puny la to pay mi Dsn samsd tln ISU day of rywaacr jan, where li retnalaed In state, anrreHnd-a- the r lntrol have (remised to heep the secret, The numertms aecontl CENSUS 8EIN4 YAKEN IfnUowlas la Ow batweo snM bunds to tb dot of laeiuesst by lighted candles, nntll this .norH-In- and OPriOUL. the ssM property to the cHy.dltrv rni Mlaa Alios hag senrce ot girl ceuslHa and collateral relations TO SEC WHETHER CITY HAUL K. Wali-- Supply company The shall AtU.l: it r. UF low friends wCu might thlak tkemselves have to take chancoa with tti" OAM BUILT. WahMarv. a. U Wi. Iwtweetl the Water nil it ou any At 6: IS o'clock this morning I RE ba ntltli io Mima due llghled. , guesta. A place will lie man. aecvuet ul lb lime uf tbc iraasfar to nana aakt In the Ian Miguel sped city. There will be In attoailsnce to aaslst ed off (or the diplomatic rorpa a tflrHiH tho taafc of taking . the chapel ar.d the body wna then mo veil Thht oTjTw MftxUu. IMrly we nm pan, a Th Imcded hid. bledneae. hlcb the AND wtll be waiting. This ban been sug-Keel- the rmhinet famlliea. Imt it will my 1.1 Om uSalal of tha otty " Al ally AibuNiHniae..a wmucwai city pay. epesl A LITTLE GIRL to the cathfrdrot. r'Jtre the aelemn Aao at shl la In ,uaMimc und aa as better than to daaeetid the n 111 room an um gMaVUS lltliMkiJ ertMMrHlKHt a awn asiep "!' of requiem mass was anld 10 law am puniun ine 'atljpjja.gnmjtin Mf it wnU fartVam "mi fled in paragraph abov. consists at o'clock. la a HER YELLOW KITTY main stalroaae, which only a few relatives. 'Wtttk n KelBR done hb Ih svrniv-- ihowannd it.ius satinra ef Alter eustrmary prayera the body ef The at iwm of th lerrtiury of Mew lalcf. bonds oT Walvr Hupply "mpuiiy. feet distant from the do-- r of the east Aa the arrangemtmts mrw con-n- - lb the wa Isk) tu ortiaaiUtH f the eKy aouaell far tha putty r l hi- arrowl imrt. wHneasrth: Oetobsr I, Ws. and by a venerable iHstrnmdr room, only party of th flraj datad rest in cemetery. and which weald permit plare that Mlaa Alice shall stand f.i. (liarVesa ef aesertalnlnK whether or ibr. said of ireM to tho Amrlian Uavn od AM APPEAL TO OFFICER KNAFP the Keaarlo HSur wtaMing setny ing rr,n. Mart In Ih wwr mt a sTMnied dtl Co., bosrln per cnt Interest Fe. requiem roaaa wan arm lew hara ef the ntarea the MbMera wlbdews. In the ttterit la a satSeJent number of trifeVm W Trust RESULTED IN FINDING THE Santa The . toot by the imHv of lb awiMW part, uutnor-h- paynme I, isio. one nunaroa pMyed before the party would resell spot whlca six of the White Hon-- aa iictaner dni ted by the Kt. Rev. Itishoji J. IL S"1- - tmatdBBU t tarmlt of the btilUIInK of H to oeoreu wtrwwrtMi In ibe aad tbewsand dotbtrn of L08T RET. it deatinatiMi. aaaiM nkjan ftt m.UiIwa. .. .1 H Atbuquoriii"- - furnUih wmer in Pilar!, assisted by very Rer. FaOier a.Me BU eHr of iod bonds irf lb VYstr ati'.ply rompany There wtll be sight ushers, who will he piloted room n the rlaht of i' f A Ualtwl Uta law stale that tha to In Hy anl Ibr innabkanla (hrof secured liy u deed of trust to the llllncls I' yon please, air. will yon aa tu Antonio Fouiwhegn. vicar general. preaiileal m4 for "that nuriifc. uwl k ltu iitlKt Trust i'o. and davlnns Manb. oyaM board of of col mei ih nnd Ms daashler Mtar and the amtisssndors anil Ml' wmnan of the eKy ean irota far tha t wn ibr Hy f lr my kitty Is In there?'' The directors lae t ef a wrtstn inni. October I. ItH lor at nular Itttcrcat tbei. and se lege Me at the foot of whatever staircase they dignitaries the left. asaiwMatj f buntla nit I oxcee--! ftt)t Alaw)qurnue for thv aupl at water to paying period. Anrll I. and Itrtuber 1 of offered to retire Brother var-tnt- n Knapp. standing In front of lh oitlwii of 4 cHy nail. MM pHy. aad U. alao h iw:ir f each year, on ninety daya notice by lb omer ttilph from active duty, Imt he refused 1x real mvuolrd iv ibf watts, Supply Icaa audi bonds dreaming of tb aiwwww; there ami i8 or mora In eeal Water company). the Blnvi and to quit, saying In reply: nmemaery and reerrvnlr T$J5Pr.,"L aa may b paid bofor lelirr lo lb to.) long wish BENITO FLEEING doabt attract naay store. eoin mj tmri aal i.lura city under and by virtue of the alr.hitut lime when it might tie a 1'olted "I have been here tn JUEREZ t now I want to whom, by (he way, are going Ttm toMowiHK naraona kav toniaa a.OH O10r ,vwh.... fund asreomani In ashl deel of trust, 'he l't.illpilnea to abandon the work io be to that any balum ,,f anld ami. in die in the harness. ' FOR OLD MEXICO late, for bet a very few mor mill appMir fmm tha riinirt f rruvldfl In lioasesaloii th- - aalo awtii with a mart, nail found him ;HHwi 1fcHl-- W. Algaa. Ibr of Hi wish was granted, as with his are needed. H. M new ii lll with m ii appll self i inhlng down into a psit f blue Imv I last i tinarloitaneaa, he continued HIM Wa- r- demotion of londa ahafl und remain w ii.. . i THINKS POLICE ARE AFTER Wllead rnM PWm. - port ey hat gssed ai him lail.ll.y .,. , SfM-- n -- mmm. jstedag lb party f lh- tne pr'UHPrij oi aaio nun) ei in m i i asiinii tn t nr pvhmwii FOR ATTEMPTED ASSAULT Wncd brta .1 wavy of soldrn hair uiitt iir l.. ALBUQUERQUE MAY HAVE iHy miuprll naa iMKTvu in pai from ntaaa i w4 ia m. WrfcllgUaa. . h rou ah Urot'ner Matbew. now WITH KNIFE SATURDAY. mPStf Warn S. 'aatd salty of lh Orel iwn the sum of T The i.almice r mI.I pir huae Ho ' Wty. little girl, what makes m All aawuna am eontnetlmi to an-- ; two hundred i fifty thousand iMasi nil Ilena. uMaltixt aakl U In iher.,1' "le 'naine, unni a REAL BASE B Lr r y mier th'tik your kitten .axririr HH aaaatlena pet thatn by the Wtora for th protM-- of aukl uany pmprl illnother than the Imnda und iit-w-i pointed. The atterenilon between Havino Ro. te In sakl th- - sake. In astonishment of Ih Uiat imrt tnenltoned of truM .laaumil by ball be Thirty-fiv- e 1 amain sea tarn, nndar penalty of a has , nia,- - miui ilt. property W II," was tin repl m l,l't Years Hers. moro at Benito Jim res Saturday OF pert and for lie oiurii, paid lu uah on .lilU.n of Hi. Htoihet Hottilph has ieni the last FORMER MANAS ER CHICA mf not hum than It, nor more than Wblcb aakt pnoaltloii the aald party "f to the .In haw en lost, and u tniin mid me he mornlna at the rlama Fe noal chutes NATIONAL LEASUE TEAM TRY Brat .tcepted flabl offer I ,uul i aeni f Impctsomiient ef not lege la uart haa The illy to iiaaumc ..iriv out yellow one In Hi thirty live vears rf hie useful and when the former waa attached by TO ARRAM0E A Iwliuj to the ap II by aaw i little the - IN NEW Mtx tee. mys nor and aeroplane aul.b'l u written .oinrM.i tm I pious nr.- in work at at Mtcnaei s, with a knife was nenUoned In wore than thirty ... r.-- i Hi- wa like Hti Wedneailay CIRCUIT. proval Of Ibe Ollttlinctl oier tne tli of the Oral part mippl Kin. It , , I0O enu- - pro- colics.-- ami was wen Known sit over Mittnlsy'a HVening It sp- - r both. The aalary of the tit of Albutucriii In the nwnnei uf watertti la ceaaowiaea aad namimlBT no nlgli my mamma took nn to a party Cttlsee. tb me of It most pern, now f In SS a day. vided by law contract .,f rtanl data Willi American itiy gat out and run away. I've southwest ai that Jaurex fled upon seeing I'. K. Mct'anns I In W, Iheeelor. 10 01111 r i I .umber i'o. uruvkltal that no auecbil and scleutloua and vslushlo pioneer teach- Romero leave ibe chutes for police The uwMininta foHuwa: o'-- e .ooked and Ibe of aald on. r und contract with consumer ror nupplytng call. aad called her aad ers. headquarter. loiter from Frank. II Helee. tom afJatttaMw'eaj N(( e tmshereby ie.i aim .iar,-..- i than thorn- now in operation her, but never found 'ner, It la ntli.t water other look. fcr manager !.-- ( . - ttb-- to personal efforts and Terribly frightened, he did not of the UoioO Natlotiul den fMlnnnee to provide for the tah- totluwa: ken W nwda ay Ma Water 8pply ramsaMSr i and have cried every day. for she Owlnn tho eett aw I. The tmrly of the Un" imrt nndtr Jlrai betas auhnuitaii esd approved Mr la his excellent inanageiiieut , tho old go Inirk lo lii bourdiug house, but team, ami until the latter pan of "22aa fg the ofty renaiu of lue city of tti Hy maaeu of H uf Albuaueraaa. M. wax o sweet and played hide and u Iskrs nnd sm uxot from .lu aial 9. college buildings were torn rushed madly alonw lu u westerly di- v taa'ffejSieFmne, N. M. llftv iliou It I undirrsfnod and gre that me. Oh, I do hope she adobe seuMou munagei ,,t the ('luciy,, Ih sum "f two hundr.d I cel. vlth and by rection When last he waa still WdKHrtmeHOd by the oky eounell of ssnd Itaki.uai) for oil the ir,.-rt- ttu Mater Muppl company and the cll was a pathetic down one one and replaced with llonals. who I now anjn.irtuti dllra - con- Is in aer." and there booting It erf other tlwi in- to enter Into u forhial contrail handsome brick structures, easting rapidly toward Old Mexico, Kay MprltiKH h, n Albans anion, M. M.: ofaakl I brea In childish voire, that wood Ml lor Hie sar novate and bill lm lulling iih tain nc tb proi Isbins sIhivc mentioned the ,0tH). now his home, aad unquestionably will ...iMe - ran Tho Institution haa an of Mi ,, SannM 1. That Ute eaiiena of she wnn iu- wnn the provuuon umi tn aam ansu even the stout heart of the hia health, in which 8i feaael.lae from and toniru.l touc eighty-Sv- e never morn be seen tn this city or ter- iitears). Mow Mac too, be abi party of the m cond mtrt. ion! on- - tievome lenplly binding upon the city Otle. attendance of 1U boerdera and lines a plan whereby New M. hiim 1 ritory. so, . to shmi onl In case earn nppruietl by pupils, la entering upon Tho pulton bone at least . aaaajaajaeiaaji aftai' oapHniajn dertama and sre. nun Ih U II. wait a he day and have some real live base bill tb. 4sy on ,01 people. you jus minute." ony party r Ih '.in ine ani il of th . BIS I an era of Drtwnertty of which the lll asnSOO. It Is Mr. Helee h plH r we awegajr w tne ih Amines st 011 ... -- Wbervas. the estimated can of aakl sal.i tSil I H ane. Huptnt uie nin. .of - I foundation waa laid by the venerable COMPAivY G IS ALMOST 'orgiinlne a New Thn nam eeiisiis anaii oomtin n as smh1 lomlltli'ii i it now I. tea- pun has snd estenaion wild water In moment he was back. Tuere's Melci rt --MaVal alio, anaLttgaaa) BlfaAjbtttKM worka la the sum of i.ii..- hundred man wnoee aeatn nas just ooonrreo. rneo, una po Hlllly ., pawajsPPX dvWIl MTW aviiinji fft" rwSaSPWmnw aomtbte " cpii a iw :.i there all right." he TO THE PULL QUOTA ki lexan. I t$asi,tHU) klttsn RECIUiTIiD ' gajajl anSdaBafl'Sey' Uaaaaal Qala aaBataBaljBaBa n.i Iran, uiae iboiissnd dollnrs Hotarph'a family nam waa ArlxaMn town rcprraenU'd waJVJsaVnf arfnyw semn peninmSui I. Th contra. can It Hrother' "tnWE WwJa J "'ya of Ural aod thewirriwriy Whoraaa. lb city of AlhiKiueniuv b a said "OMHe on, and you have the tatrt the iwrt i in vogns. coriax-HtkM- - J. Sehaelder. He waa born Hue. Hunt F". .md Ki l eaW eNy. and the retmrt of the lmil In- - nn charlvrad imAlctpal oraan- If l l'eter Ms the of the Second ohii lawelietl your.' - -- of the pauieiit umnI anil criNtiea under the laws or uie re-- Prussia, near the present city of On In spite of the Inclemency of the' Wtll probably be the mi.h n pi- "ma mMiiinrntora ahall be made un lermlnatsd al th.. time a i)i of the emuliyea. aonewhat dlajn- - a anal wf pnrtbaae nri.-- und the delivery territory of mar Mexico .ind having tasbe. but early emigrated to Amer weather yesterday, shout twenty meiiied. but tn the event that Ham a 'fjfli atewej lied with the clerk of ih povuiatiu.H T litiu ,tly. for the iiretty oreafvrw had or tne iweperty io me m bena Me imH taas than nnd went lo the Company tl rIHe rango dmrnn't come in th.-- some KlHi,t pwreuna by i pet In Phe ica entered the order of curtaunn X. The party r ilie shall on tswuaand aa shews th aln y become a plare. ttri tiri otty In Brotherhood tg the year IMS. Three south of the Irani a Fe hospital for sona town will be asked tu , t. A'.l iHriwHta WHo sue rati turn aald oriewrt' over to Hn cl free asheel eeasus of in hw tahn tar j, . A o atvordakoa same gei , al3dhahtla of all ludeuiedn v .i the mmda the nmolh nf usual in, PERSONAL. of his brothers also entered the practice, t:aptai Kuppa ia eiater "nuc w ... h iHmdf wMhlaw, tb aasK- liclng th last school now being or i, niil nave been ne hereinafter meiillonil ad order. Two are dead, but oae la at the Intcresi abown. and states . . tl'la VrMajSL census in uw city. . and I'enla of truat the aukl lly ahnll taaon teaching In collage In Baltimore. that the fact that the men wish fid eci uoiure. .nil u nevet r prk-- nlm e inciittonid. It la.lna Kew raereror, a io iimoun'.' has Ki nk Jolly, the young man who In t owiiim ,i I IUCK ubaae prlM- - kIhoc meiiitoo.d. n oerea lla n by the aM euunrll of Md. A stater Is also aa Inmate of a go to practice spile uf be unfavora- Wf'awt, nil tir riittl amlotal, home .1 tro- latny the ll of A IUimU ray. New Moalco ha rnaed his mother anch .ouele by the Sisters ol ble weather, shows the lacrewedd in- agemew and the high railroad a uatul ajLEnt mHkAajy iiiut " e baepit! condnoted .... , jpWrnB1 HBkSi "aaaygaywayaj geat ,u on anbt nertloti I Thai unesr ana ay emiie b i, , wIM habits, has decided to ea-tik- ... pan h iu tuierosl rea- - t. FrsJicls at Mewark, N. J. Both terest being taken in the affair of i i..o a man ui or. Ben, h man mee, S. Any unn vtolating the pre to nnic oeiivery 01 a of the proilaloos Of en act of Ibe amy. pro in i m list Halted Etatee death, owlnct Company Q, of. guards, gerwl and esecutue ability ehuoi npun y Ibe nam of Ih smona aapi. of ika I'aiaoa nsaaira vuiiiian ea- - were settled of his but 'be national wmwuwi r wis ofdinstnee shall lo wST sroblon the Vide, he cm peas the aeceaaary alao bhgt eampaay waa intoga it ought to boar fruit Mi rt. aBBanCaaanaBBBBBiMah fl lhBB4BBBUMT . ft., a EMS SM 4. Tit pan ..f the nrst part snail art lo ..mend sot V to their aar they did not come to lie staled tha wjeafpfayajjBBBBBBBBBBj StTVl TT VTaTfdWl P 9WH any mi. leealiv enecml is we la the amli toe atates In the be Kittled to nil aunt due It in .4 - Santa p mr the funeral. mat belac recruited up to Its full letter that bn t,. mhx lew than Rva tJeHW nor were ibe Mm of ih transfer ana errltoriea. le Iarmorial KoorHa- be In Albuquerque r,, at si aoaa eMrnrMl aotweens. Orunafeld. rhalrman of the Alter jotpimc thla atons order, the euota. and he attrlbntpa this met to within tb rfjiMw Wwjaly"wsi' Aaswtaia,if 4 nmi itf aaki proper! lo the party and tor mpni ah d u ana i . n iittiiiai Man-- h . the amentia o aolhorletna who tauarht some in cal- the publicity given the matter by iba aari iaai ai wuiii.i msesM wet less man Um thtfn or More of Ibe second part m. lawr ol eeneiy eanrmlesbaefs, Brother far time B. bonded lndcbl-dn- whk'h in lb laeusnee of vhre buedn-- iboosand MtMlffOgl Kingston, newspapora period-Icnls- . BTowawii.iy mase una city ins ft. a Mfean a Tb of bonds r aakt Hty to reii od to AlbugujoNtte Saturday, lages at ltrolt, and iMrty 4ay, r ly bwth anek party Uie ui to desbtra Pklhvdel-pbk- t. ouayteia whlw he Is aabl t mi .nd imrl - la east, Baltimore, Hookester and Attendance at weakly drills is endeavorma, a. a. IliiikaMUUfelllhllVtlwL ami wwawa.tllA walllaMlftwr uf iu.i aaat of tb iwrcnaar and eiien- aft aa eiL.'ded visit the rnMfti mmm . . . 'wbbbbj amnawas)J weaaBBBTo.ww,TBBrB away eww ww. aula.' and pav under the pmilalnn iha .... m ,w i nm rw't'-- t i CVM proparly of ld Water then much licit Mr than It been for many naM mr dlriri Mum smmms. aanurraob "a l aa foihyws: akm of the wh. gghed by a ropreseatatlve of bnt wna IngUy sent io the has at doi-ht- bsem ordered by h'a phyaictans t. i, neFsSventy-nv- e ibammnd tttt-w- The iwsghjg ClthMW It a Steefhsti of front tar of ..ew tfetrtco. Aa a laanlt months pM. nam aMenethsr, the out ef bawds of the Water Supply look tor spbMrdy the Hi the Koiithwew for some ttnv aaaaUai-m-- k t gBnlJEdxjl llaBaVaBVaBtlftnl SLMI th aaasd of poualy uanimlasiens of hie nprifhf and hard worktSE We a eSHpany for mWWeaaaawaBBBj f VJIHwvaayaoBB, PS apg g as ntr gawjw datad let. Kn. sad ot reel or neraonai eeane it is more than likely w:Tbln i thai I tobr the Aairl- - taaaahin aaM pe'oM at won eailed aeon or aot. elated mm his gMihV and mergf. e amwi ccnning enonmpmsnt is very bright. "atsanfeyaann; jTIPftmjaWTBr, hir a dead of trust lo Ciers - he Will bead ery energy to tbo formh bosiing to be un the flrol Tua- , warn respert MbJ eOHrl of all The fentnres at the ar Hwbm mu Imii and Trnst vwansn. 'ld way itbai Ueere were no mailers or rusi the denes MKtMi of tne 'wuiue As ct nothing 0 iinnaml tkbt ltk 4aa at sis ner neat mtareet ami payout iw Ot April, wu, Bwn in mna pre sat, who piansure was to him, Henry less at i meted many recruits, aad diBu; Mia rcii imiHoianea on hand at there it knw haa mvu iliwuird sHf aWn. her ia. anl-vere- fact aeon the social of KAeflC MnfCIMaj undTMl Ion i. Thai Ibe aald bonds pro. woo in provability be no kMctlng tad the new of bis abath eaaemi the that side JMHHmseeTt and tn tnoussna luaaag Asnem-il- l are of lioodk aecurvd try in be whaH to in the of n, bi, beferv the Irst Monday renwl ami ntonrnlng through " "-f- " - laretrco r. naa Mayer. Sn tmtfloa r on nanism en wS datUn """e"7 ara imy reiurnti K-- lb IINnola Tnial and oat New Mexico. aaaeea. rsvopiiona anu pariraa, win no to lH - reom no i Uirm la Mureh, iroin ilstt rolaHrea Uhlosg' HXmLt r. UmK, my Sterk. Tt pntabtt- i.iotwr 1st. IM. anas, 'numbered bus J9"' A 1R0SS THE CONTINENT IN TWENTY-- KANSAS LAUNCH BOOM BRAVADO OR A PRIOR LOVE AFFAIR? FOR EXPOSITION IN 1911 SIX HOURS AND FIFTEEN MINUTES THE SAY SET IN NEW YORK HAVE TWO VEmiwfMI aa MHtfk Tvaaaa. Xaa.. b. Tae atatc of YURrttf DECISION TO MARRY MIZNSR. lUaaas aropoer to gga In the shade all smrtoua Mtaaaaaa to bold the at -- tatlaa of oaM-aaftfJal- haawnity by aajttlac on the aafjMR, loudaat. moat aawai expoaitioa aUr seen weat of at. LOHi. Oa the .'Sth af January in 181 Xaaaa Territory waa gdautted into the union uud there oy turataned oae Of the immadgfta cauiea ot taa civil war. Kenae Ita grown since then to a buattttt. thriving common -- wealth. la remeenbraiioe ot (be old days and In cjkab ration at the new onvj, th.j state will hold, at Topeka. a world fair a eml- - tnteaaie! rxyo aition on the lit let li oaalreraary of ajmmmmmmmmmmmvakBaaaaaaaaaaaaawHt wwraalat iBaaSaaaBnalB' thi Admiaatoa or iht atate Into the aTaaaanar . 'Baaaam union, wale will be in the year ltll. tin the Sttt of January, Kansae day. a btg eoareatlon was held In this city to perfect the organisation that la to entry out the wtah of the people. The TS 4)ege who came to this 1ST prwaa, ; Trv:iug the rate at on taa Naw Tork Caatr, rav reptv-Mr- IVBjh conreatto are subatantial aad t n biaJieat speed attalas FASTEST MILE TftAVBLlB. t'lud oaa auta in S3 neaada. or at taa tatlee ektaaas of the atate They tviirtkf rate of arllta an Th waat by a..i or the competing auto lit hoar. win tana a corporation that win tw itmn Frank Marriott, la MtoawMte :SI 15 eeeoade a ayitrai aubtiaaci tna itaaara for not people, lawmak- - Hi, Fin.--B- backed af tae whole at nelo met Ortnoad, B ReJlrand treie, Plaat Bretem : 90 secasds ran ta tala ffouatrr la ft ftta botwoaa noiuwiaas, uawe ui iii !i wwoid travel from New H. A. WaJsAear, motor oycle 1:06 6 aeluuiviilo aau KlaoUag la Mann, hoMera. larBMra aad baetaeaa ma t SaJrator. raaawag race, boraee l:Sa ntUoa York .1 Franniaeo in ? hoare nad IS IWI. whan flro oonaactHMvc who par tha taxes aad who are going Facias, Patch 1:66 14 HMIa lb mlnutee Dm t wr covarad la S:to. a in urorjr to go down into their poeket for Ihe Trotting, Laa mom 1:1 I S Sti aaoaMa, r within 1 a4 accomla of mosey that will be necessary. 1eaving Now York at 6 o'clock Ib W a. Oeorge. running race between men. 4:11 8-- 4 ta raeord aMde at Omaad iioaaa la the treat raak of Its supporters th ff.uralni. U would cover toe M laa: waak. T train oa taa Patat are Ooversor W. Hoch, the hero of mis, to Chicago In hoar ejid agNMaaj. If It travrlaj froat Haw York the Kaaasw Safet on tae Standard oil feo mn ivittuMw Ftvtin Chicago to Omaha. Tbla I pretty fast traveling, kni Jl Mm roene do aot euesteatiete the to Baa rraaelaro, n taa afcaad it d uetoatts; W. It. tuhba, ehalroMa of 4M TTrlle, the apoedlng mechliH would la not r much taster tJa a rattroa rMoa. It nwat be tara la Miad oa IW reaord run. wwald orwr the kepeblloaH Stale Central commit- "i unu three hour and II mlautee train, tnvellng at Vtm amxiatuai apeod.tbet tbe automobile travaAd Ita reo-coul- d ibf S.S60 mlla In 37:60, oar hoar tee and the arch chaatploa of cieaa New York, Keb 9 - What .rtc iel cnueed the Widow YarkeM la haatfm lawr-o- Mi- - pclitlca; P. D. aeeretary of mr. while it w.tild oovnr the Lets cover Ike dtMaaat. Whoa nit la a "bant of ageed." No and t mhitrtea (lower than aoto Cshurn, motlvea were that ebaaged Mr Chas. Mr Wi'trm Misner. Thee mn, . iK.i-,.- Omaha and Oajhwi la Hou aaeJathitod sanee Otamadoae ouatttwee saoh a terrific pace ntobiir by Marriott. le Mate Board of Agriculture, with KtauL at the et dftrm T. Yerkea from a widow of a month Ki.n knowing node of tha c jmn ami 2 mlnatea and tend eject hjr raaww on K mm n taa be sattataisev tor aay grout dw Th praaaat raaalag Ua Immwoon n national reputation been see of Uls tiwu her VBHNjf naa BBmuetBT In ttjn FrH'4iro aix hOOTa tad lb ratoea Unas of :M 14 aaaoaaa there tear i, It ta mtr, Mraa. to eiataafo she Nw York and Han rraaelaro u 10 reaearchea aa dike abeolate reliabil- und n day Into the bride of Wilson iroanded when abc ef-be- I ity of his reports, William Allen ajawmi B Baadaa IftS h. baJBBkaXsaaBat lumoHw later or at b:S6 a. at., after wee.coea1erable gemtaaat to the "batata of saced" of railroad houra. mail train aehadat. It not Mttaer will probably never be told was an v awm s aja ta fsrvw rwa a"? fS agtawTWcpaasnew iledtMing (he (llB gained between) fit taut tats waa mean better tlaetreJns wtta eke aoioaaoWla raeord. probaUa taat ttila (lata will U am White, Ihe newspaper editor, author It la to hi attrmlaed that the gny of tb iraatbM artatnaalm U; wxtrn t.r.ii. time than la RMda tralaa. Rat In Mat, tho Batako MM la Xx .artalljr lowered aoon. aad practical politician, aad Bageae youthful benedict will never give n bftlVCagNns tHMHI IBHClVlflK WHM sgaMftM ud rout tr tailraai im, V. Ware, known to American readers recount of hla wwolng, aad It la more as 14a Jaaat feaww) Cawlj aaa etdlrMa ajyeaa poet, aa Iroagult). the Kaaaaa aad to than probable that ih recent wbtow werid that waa yemHjfc a one- there a Washington atateamen a tha and uewl made wife will never re eesffdOflla 4 SK(3f eeewae'ag SaYywtsj(p wpV STILL BOOSTING FOR GALLUP REJOICES time pension bu.eau on a thorough late the tti.lh of that hurried mar- marry her. DIVERTED RIVER THREATENS buslnae baai riage. Taere are ethara, with aty wgm, Major J Anderenn. icre-tar- y (wwaaV Thotnaa Vr. Yerkta M liner admlU the 46 asJ sf saaPattf aeevweaaaVa fapaS aaaaawws of Topeka club, S)gMsaBjaai bmsj-i- b fLaaaal bkm afj waaaagajBaar THE KELLY DISTRICT! OVER HER WELL the Commercial aummer thnt be haa lived, though agaawka EtaBjawpwaB VY srWBrwa g9eT9Vi DEATH OF 1 PEOPLE Ihe originator of the wxpoaltlon Idoa, to toll the truth aha dtasa aot look a rrvBl. and iMelatad oa a tmff aHP. 0,000 la one of those who helped get the them She t abott Id year the sen- TWa my that Mi bra heat unkm. He I n veteran uajBat aa tgfBHi BaaVaNaaAlAJP- lxghgyBajaaaSaaa) atate late Ibe ior ot her aew lord and twaeter. tfYjaarmj IS IS IWIK Urvllfaw eBBSeBwHC eamayawammaii A. L. tlcister Prophesied Water Enough Developed to of the war of tae rebellion aad oae No Matter how ardent the ntt- - the ceMp)e far a year ar tmm, Ame of the moat honored citlseaa of looter from California may have been the death of Mr. Yurhei tint naw Great Things For Kelly Cover Needs For Many Kanaaa. In hat lore making, atill ajaewlp aeka: mewe areem eonwhlnratl that adheaii Tbe peoala of Kanaaa are plawalag "War aid aaa atarry himr' wohM bu BunlleaM frr liar tmvt Many Years Ago. Years Come. no amall efMr. The federal govern- Aa Mra. Yerkea, the widow of the aad liKHtt. That ho then mm a. to ment will be Mketl for a big appro- aaa teaui i aa aBlaaa 1 at ,1 meant . aaa wasit vbbti mnmilata esaw, aewe w peraMtent ecirUnK for aa ImmeiliBla priation. The atate itlf will tnx K thing that aha aouM dealre."flWith her' MMrrtafftt, arhl tltat Knally alui we reaourcea to ttt Mailt. Tbe cHy of vaet weaiut age eattiH hbvb um tne pfevniled tiptm tti give her ootidaaL AND NOW HE IS HUMOROUS FIRST COUPONS NOT CUPPED Topeka will teene bonda for a large oatree Itiic the meat eyrtuetre t New The eetatHosr waa tnen perfennett. amount and the oouaty of Sbawnea, YtHk's tiKra set. rhat la, aha could with the tlieilnct iiHiterriandW; In which Toaetw la situated, will be It lie bed made the effort atttl con- - upH her pari that tha weddlaig ) to proaaee 9t lortoapoodanca. QallHa la la look. It IH taa expected several hundred In everyvilng that was al. atioulil not lie made known for mv n m.. 8 Manjr ia tbouaaiid ilollara at lea at. The coun- Khe rab. jraara eaatar a grant belt. eoneervatlve and stiff. eral months to onnm It le said wat nK".kh.tibun this wrttor prownaalad a of artasia watar ty, which haa Met (reed Itaelf from had btea kept from the fasvtloMeMe nhe determined to go through a jtera. debt, is already preparing to pot the Me of life on iircount of eertaln little kid tif aonventtonai mernlng and paid to Uia arJlctHm. In mtHl, aurplua that ma bean golag to par affairs of her husband, nail, aeeoril- - nnally go to HHrwpH and thero all bs in oihar branch, of human m ;?. "i JJ,JZ,,w?Wc.f n,US.M' off bonda Into the fuad to be uaed for la to all aldaa. aorlnl nreferment was ner waa to feUow. He, bowver tr" lenvor. ara alwaya two elaaaaa; r- - tbe exposition. one of the things at which nhe rnlnly Ing that even dsenmenlary waa tlira ' TiZ-- prt rn f hmui and faith mil A kola m tna KroaM i.ow graaped. net nuffloieat. let aeme frfwrt fata th llonalrea today and iwupaw umitt- - lnn.J l"n ln"is? ' j"?'lr DECLARED DEAD BY THE .The gaeasee are many aeme h eeeret, and that thbi frin prnvetl Ma row The flmiraa on aaaarar . car - " of aM8U the women of the gay New York net frleiHlMiM by reeking; le newt- - DOCTORS AND STILL LIVES It I I paper nawa. lMr, declare that waa fool ah pride that oiSee with tha tiiMk r mar tbair liappinaaa. ,.A ''w! P1"1! of.,h'" a r,x 1DK tba i.uurl-- a and aoma tou,'" MEXICAN OIRL ATTEMPTS SUI- ...... i.u ialao tka money to tna wrl' UliaV. lid aTth. ra Hta of rook! Para waa aoiao oppoatUaa t W- - THE wOLORADO'8 FLOOD-TID- CIDE BY DRINKINS POISON. -' BALL PLAYER OPENS LAW v iKirc. thay on. j DOWN IRRIQATION eaagaf-- PHYSICIANS PRONOUNCE LIFE trrujth which th. toll i lTI.aiTvJ.M SWEEPS KPOg af-(tn- "wkward In Tit. ulaaa cunaiau for tho urlna DITCHES AND MENACES SET- EXTINCT BURIAL PERMIT IS muat pan. of Mlaaoarlaaa. Tb.r SIONSO RECOVERS. warn t,. min.' tlm gooda. Wall. n nmVJ TLERS OP IMPERIAL VALLEY. OFFICE IN WALL STREET ilti rn.aki-r- ara .rattwred. Bm ara 7-- "w3TL""lvr" lu-e- rogardlees everything . A apeelal dispatch from Rl Paao. lu- mi k anapplnn of polltlca I.o Angela. Keb. Derauae Ibe ithr " el people of Uallup went to the built n dated Feb. 7, aaya: dead nny 1.1I I 'imunnK "aritb Many of the Colorado river natural dam Proaoaaeed Jii poila vot- by Ra- eti- Ilium, m ami Hauler ara and practically unanimously lor itaeit. wMuout consulting me men 11 n three dottore aad a oaronar, vhI'ow watrhot and bank bonku. ed $10,000 to be uaed to get waor In charge of a area' Irritation eater-pr- ther Cat'wssa. a beautiful young Mea-loa- for thin man who rotad Tfi- - y njn) heir "dlnnnrn" at nlnhi. city. Rverr lu.ooti people, now aettlRd In alrt. still Uvea. ikftil iwhlla. Ihu AlilllrA ara MMttlna a 'yaa" can I prood ol hlmaalf. ha the Imperial valley, art in drfuger of For tweaty-soo- r hours kke lay oa Mile naliah" at Im Crurea, tbt uld waa one ot who haa helped telng awept to death. ber bed In the death clumber, while miti) pollaboa drill hrada. ronflk-n-t bring one of the grealaat bleatags About sib eara uau a project wan funeral pteaaratloaa weat forward. ruw ahota morv he will that waa eyi--r given Oallup. atarted to reclaim the Colorado desert At tae eleventh hour a Meatcaa say lttit and for fcrrnk IHIO Pino." Tbia paper a decided stand by tapping the Colorado river win sictaa waa eaUed to see her. Mo aa-plle-d taa "Slltrr r fww th boad lHueikit dar ted consider-!l- great Irrigation canal--oa- e ot the some Tti.' raatarka anant the Met up raaiailea. aad betuie tae dm- - Kelly ha "arrlvad." Mindful apace to tb. matter; looked buneat achemee of Its klad over at aatoniahed eyes of her reaittvea, who on got Holly haa very lataly hmii wrlt-tr- ,t tho law hearing the ewe, a tempted la the world. Had not Nature bad been pnuriag tor tbe repose of up trvm a minium and baatnaaa ittatataant or the formation or the prnred contrary, this onci. barren of lu own aoeord. ao that ihe reela-matl- oa her soul. Bauer gradually showed Upoint. tho writer will only any cauatry, tbe cost of linking the wall desert might haw furnished happy company haa but aided Nature Bisas of ilia. tft and piaoed the quaatloaa before tat homes for thouaaada of families until in hastening her plans. 1 ji irvtiiww ni w w aaiwaaaaaaji h n be hi atill weak, but It Is believed aro ranortad: lironartloa haro people ot Oallup In as nlalllgent a the end ot time, bat Nntnre proved It la llue atom than fire years will cswioletely manner was capable of. that aha recover rbani iianda; otnr dawis ara on; aa the odhor to be a hoet without which, aa usual, autec the Srat wnter waa tumff lato Craaed by the neta of blood polaealas 1 Rvury altart waa uaotl In tho colunna man to Barrow, the Colorado Utak 1'm 4 ).uildlnic and Imnrovlitc. Ara reckoned his deeart. aad in tlaie la her rtager. eauasd by tae prick ion and cants taa aunt total of of this paper to aaow Uia neaaalty At the point where the lie-- IP.noo people have settled aa the im of a waiar that the beat a place. of a needle. aHa aUempted to aad her tuiftkuu ImpplnaaaT TUu paotila of aapply and tea, the Colorado ria a tall of The aoll IncredlUr nrtlle. own life br drlHktag a qunatlty af Kciir not. way to gat one waa to tow the wtiter feat to a mile- - The Imperial canal being deposit left by th OnjawaSo tbiuk bond m aevorat the pa- ao Irrigation waa began. carboue add. Alter two phyaMnBHa Vi a litre Bail prosperous laaUtam (for the duet river ever ataee Una Taw oae power save It 1 had all la their to r .mi !'M Ilarbbr ol Laa VaBaa. per was erHlalaod for the etand named hue a drop ot three feet to, moat flouriablng condition attattOwS -- the Slrl, they aronovticed her dead, - Har-lic- took, waa aacuned af mile. growth etttMtaH f'lnelpnl As a tonche-- MUm r and the editor a The dam relards the water, the of the ooloale cHy i "ataadlag la" to halp gat bonds voted long enough for of ihe detritus tlal brick packing bouses wore erect-(o- The fayekeiaa aad the coroner lcavni nothing to u utwlrad. muck f were oaruM, - t0 be Head to mlaa tmway to go Into which the Colorado enrrloa an ed and comftirtatiia aomes i.uttt. si' and tae femur deciaraa Churrhoa' carwinur. nio aatn- Ufa to he ewtUkM. while the latter am wrll rapraaantad by a church the poohets of a law. All the editor nntounU to aett'e, aad aoonral newaaapera are published In the oirt baa to any Is that ha believe,! that built a dam town. One ot them, the BubHtarlSe.'' signed the burial permit They de or 1'iolr own and a roaldant nrlaat. the river had natural - - clared taataaslrea ampwaaad to eg- npiiltual ot tna Frotaat-unf- a what haa now ttappaaad would haa for Itself. The first tltne the river, la particularly latereatlng ut ontatd- 'iho walfftio plalB the return to lire of the glti la l ooked Biter by tba Kav. Mr. pen aad that Oallup. the city, would after thii. natural dam had Br The valley la many leet below by - Htther, nor narrow eacape froat l'oii.T, f Kanaas City. The t ha much needad water snap!y grown to tremewdoua atrengtb. It bo- the sen level and the "rmeeMriue" sface iti wan -- anncmncaa In aaats. aaa wet ail deatre to die, etiunu KoatiaaiBn aaya that ha drilling deeper tho already atari aa to run through the rtnal At Ita columns that fifia nuarnr haavan haro than In ha d. Oallup now haa the water, and rat thta waa not considered aerlnua, "Neighbor Brown haa gon 10 the tho 11 coupon on the bonda have noon aurfaoe today." RO&BED tM 1 a K . aad wo or Kally. holng a rat hot the promoter of the scheme 0PTWUCJ51LY 11"... puffed up. ignore tba fatt that not bean clipped. became alarmed aa the mighty cur- Of course. It will tak he Colo- lit t.:i'.lod to thf altllnda. The nreeem city council r rather rent of water pounded through the rado yeara to III the Hn 'oa alnk. PHOTOGRAPHER'S LENSES AmuneineMa? Oh. yaa. A regular town board la to tie eoagratulated oa artlSolal duet which had bean con- tbout son feet, but long i'fore the aueeea venture, a repub- water which heu tJj.airr Uood hall; well aopolatad the of tu structed. carved fur iho flranl A thief iod otaee of atralght throagh we Canyon t point In aoeak eat ibe etngc. and a troupe of actors good lican board haa Government expert e aaot tor ha found the low h Katreiift Nuevo Mexico, ot great -- no) "La de enough t. trnvel And all this wA brought to till city one the immediately. It lid take tneee the rim ot hllla aurroundim; the val- thle morning made with two arar re ley, 1111 away and of rougbt about bv home tala and eat boon that Oallup haa aclenllftc men lona to realise that and haa a chance to to photuaraphera' laaaea lieloaglag to the ( ceived Regard lee or pounce tee only a miracle cou'd cwr turn the the aea again, the town .md ran He ,,,,): ninewurtn ana ' iiiti .iin own plau- - Into Front Selda valley proprietor, Enrique Sra. do nnn work in tbnir apaciai line board should receive the river hack its old channel. ot Imperial be Mr aoaa waa In an room drti ot every proportr owner In Oal- - sign which theee men run read In adotalaa lo t'unnera dance aa law mi-- can at i be time and a young man who waa e awinga lup and aa far as that goes In the ,p rock. It Is bellied thnt the river Wbon thlx happens, an.' 'ha Colo- dan Jamea Hilton inuian county. It viiMBged at a printing preea did aot t would twnar of McKlnley Had t aouie prehistoric nv had emptlod rado river becomes an niand aea. .ula until the obaervor to eee the thief reach lato a amall bo iiiiituu) whs handling a million not been for the action of this the Halton aea. which It Is now the climate of all Sontherr 'alltorala neen - - ag HlH'l two. lent board It uiignt never nave doing. And these aauu- wicarrc Ill be changed, and It TES3EasEataaaaama td of . fn 7" d ' It U noesl I 'known Onllup Ilea In an artealaa l.t'U't atrange aea "io-!i- fECbBamnwkjp H M Mortensen an all "round that timaic that In about rears the be to Xi. '' t l" theft would not gKsTeaaaSaflBja' BvemiMtiiy row of millionaire hoir. the have been violin and guitar apei ianai. ueii tbbi win w river would anvc rnange,i it oourw the kih mom rauiisa ot bringing capital to tnia o of Imperial preaent boaet uwmiimvq iwr awmv luav And our u,u,ri.-- t in KMd enough for aettiere and the channel the ditch Paaadena at Chief MeMtltla arrested one M O v . 1 tk.i I. mIiih imltl part ot the country imw W , a anil in a Hrennati, a photographer, who recent. . L...1..H I . . alarayu MoH-ira- . Oallup. situated In the center of and bla baaeball contraet kr llride an t Sanb m, Agnew Ing mon fertile vallev in a aeml-ari- d region, WIPE COMMITTCD 10 of the lettleahlp TV, ihe ried the nroviaion that ha abwaki ace. and Mortenuen can certB' delher ' n b'a iHiaaeaeloa man I gold THE INSANE ASYLUM. or Arkansas Florid an NevrBda. and which tbe Weat h- - uud ha atrtick what better than a groaader to the lair of the noisy be nailed upon to jMay baK aa rfuudn. Hut a rln atarters .1 se t 10 Mr. mine, a flow of water aufflrleai to and Hi torpedo boat alli rum here tnr have stolen from money changer that Is joaraoy day. Pults la a graduate of Wiewn giJUti" builder allow us to present The wife of Martin IVIcadO, Of Host It nDieara that thta same Mr. tbe rUnujrn tho) Irrigate the thomaade ot aore of this today for a rule In the i;!f of Men Davy Faltx na made. Not far from college, where ho waa oae Of taei jtudA and When Qalltna ; u:mn sjobb a w rich aoi: Oallup Jlepubllcmn. Murlun, wa committed to Uo. During ihe sta of i" aaaairon ""'""an raiiea sir, the stock exchange the runner New football atare a few ream aaa Eh tu atniuc ou they aucceed. ieaar-na- y mt the lnaane hoapltal after examination D . hdb Bthlim . war v.... a ... UU ih.n arln altrt feel tns r,v laaj a" "" ... a... . bu York oetaelder ha wuag tbla alga has bean Sttlng bimaoif far ffrrasal JL ". "Jr,.,.: vTA.. nd INHERITED WATCH THAT oeiore wnter Juaiice nun, aavs m were boapltably reeelvrd n the cltl- to the hreese "David 1. Full, at- yeara for the legal p ifsaaatltli ae real letter Optic The husband arrlvad In tbe beo.n t,. tauah Klnallv you foraet JESSE JAMES ONCE STOLE and many eocl.l rut. on. were torney There are raw la tbla avenue while ha onld earn a aaaiiaws gh elty with but unfortunate wife while arranged In their bono. waa with ot the dollar k'ag who oa diamond for saeaaat your woodpile la low. aad nouee H. Klbbey, woo laai waea ' iT saaoclct tae las the ytm hit wilier Judge waa In Fa. ( "newhat ..fTJr 7 time S , Mills absent Santa tha m ha.i4a.ton name pro ton come, yet any he aeaat am rent itua anil i hat vim lack J7S of wgdered wa realsmatlon as assistant i altt.en. nm aad the fees with that ta he Ma T occupied l i.i at reai. Drcaaaa haa atotptng - every- - a house h order .ii osnpelled lon of the well knowu ball player, who the gaate aonte Urn a aS K ti 1 Iiavin g nickl- You forget United Elatea dlatrigl attorney aad n ""J1 a tiahm . wwial Ml1 7Jhe Coatral hotel Url.lKv nnd Sanborn You who frWTMeaon to Irae- - ?' llM, fleet lo leave fur th, nouth. It 'lT5 l.-- r nearly loot hla life In a cUla!oa with loag, hard raw far a yowag; aw blag but has moved ' . ., -- Wfr na etaa"r 11 1 itnaiu nia Horn, taa wira uaiiantiucMi j Mil.1... 111., .I, W n...... ' .... Norman Mberfteid. the ahortetop, d Br- bmim up a praatiae. tag aeoaar act aa though you're drunk, but you're rott. where he wW practase law with . '" alippad wttl , . ' game aw ftof You talk lovingly to your wife. ANoraey Oeaerai Clark, has )gat re-- oal at the bark door aad ,u ,lt to N , oSeaaa. . ine a late lat aeacia. starts la the better, be amall child in her arms, walked 11 we Fulls la a youog mnn of exewaUry will probacy SUSCBIH FMMS M I IVT waa a gt gold whlalt hag hr waera win 111 pan in ewru. rWl, B, ry ,,, Tf Jtert 6i6Hg'l lived a watch a M,mx I 9 hasJ1 laitl aL'itkrl thai Cat lUt twelve miles before ah culd be over ihablla. He Is a Y. M. C A. worker geld with the Maw York Aaearkaiai Wit alfaV Jf eays the Tnoaoa Ottiaeg. uraa reativiuei ta taat cn raea ae.,UB ... .,r.n ... ,,4,iaaii.tram the Moun- - m urea. It Is bellerid that she can be ' r vtiu r diiiii w auti cuirauaiuu ase r The 4 lasn piece waa Inaoftted by will probabl) rHara to .,, tn!e left ontaide the ot- - vy aleop to dream or Bridgo and aan- - Mr Klbboy from bis graad father. cured. CBBrieetoa. t retaaln uniil aarlag flee a (. reviu.tjga ago wa also cer PIANIST CAUSES POVERTY liom Judge Rurbaak, who died Indiana wbea the annual spritu uni practice ried on- - HER HARASS FAIL reauy Is JOHN DUFFY. OF LAS ("OHM We sju not stuck tip, but are tiixiut a jaoath aaa, Tae watch aad beglua aesr Norfolk. HUSBANO APPREHENSION. OF EH EFFECT. . VBSjAS. SHOT IN THE LEO. or. mil of our buatllna miaing cmp mA w aw k.jf,ih tnr PROBABLY CAUSED BV CLltago. Feb II - Puate Bloom- - II. nnyone thinking OBSTRUCTION ON TRACK world-faaaua- - nnd believe tbat M Jaai to order to JoLn Daffy, of Las Vega, received Tl'e ladle of the CiiKragationBl Be Id Balaler. the a nlea- ether tajsreh af tba tuptleaTT -- I tltffCgh "J? aalMWVa had been a bullet wound In the rait of his tag church will glre the "Itanqaet or Nashville, TennTVe).. IS. A 11 baa .llaani .wl frnaa bar bnau boran tha JlV.l'T. north . wtta ugdail . . np by tha at ... I JOBJ. iar.JUA jM Tuesday that will keep him laid on K bniary to, bouad Nashville HaiiUd. sad the policr kav. bea aaked wen aome to Kelly. State" at the church a a BOW While Judaa TUmtOt waa the for a while. "Bob" Burns m na naaba-- i fur kM aaV'be MVimBMBt md A li cult had BBd entertalnmeni k tie a uoet traveling over the Illinois Oastral ial, LAWRF.NCB KJtlSTK't. aer-t- oe Mn- - ihe but demoaMratiaa aajf H ladata aSet ' Prealdeat reached i hilarious ami daagarcas v. in be given wa CbapaaiBS has odea lor sum u feriag wUh the Nfbraeha, aJI'yabM affair Toaat riilroad, derailed ' awhile aaa CAR OCCUPANTS com. aad tiavallag la the stage, "by looMng too Ions upon the on atate i bora, thirty-tw- mIHa trims Naahvilla, malas kclla anl of the tarn the Utwwaa RTREET the dlfferem iiromineat innlr. UaU I OP ullage waa heM up bar ieaia Jamas aad wine that was reA." and was notag to ii tly are apprehenvt e that harm haa ttoa celieetor hawmf la OET WORST WHICH. rata of the city, aad above a grand last night. Six passenger, and three y hi aana. Tha to "ahell oat" out from Uia room with a als- - f befallen "aavarty parade' aa beea t'hicagti. Fri li. A theater trait . . . . 1 aaltr . . dinner will be aarved. t wMaa so Iki- bti r, . .. traiama ware injured, ansec? - sn-ote- Mr they tea aa a danthMi r. tn I'. imH) lknl railroad, run-- was promptly coataueo vita, aaa ta waea pusy intertered, aad iaCMts will U charged waa killed. The wreak Is Di' iilfht to Later Kclsler returned to her waalas aiare 3 o'doafc Wont leal character. it ut twenty mile an hour, crashed anana iook tae new ee petir w, trying to a'asoeue I'urae rrom nil pur have beea caused by aem cintructloa hasia ahoet thw aftiiaaaa. , booty. The time eiaaa waa later poee, receives a leg. She waa ibaueted, mi-- a. atiie car In South Chicago their ball la the A nn the track. aad a night kllllua two per on aad In- - recovered by Judge aajnaag. B H. BURLirrOAME CO., eUaea tu say where aaa ha L'ngiasb has deehJat h Jgdaa ta ihn .:,i. . . , . . L. , 1 SQUADRON 't . .. m- - COAST DEFENSE T- - lawn. J'irini( iweivr amvu euu I.. ASSAY OFnOE-o- TO. IMIl MeOoverB. brother of trihle out af taw Iratta h e rni LIB-Wha- CRUISES IN MEXICAN OULF. iMivd wrre a'.'i ef tbe street SVKBS TOOK FP THE Tirr, has catered tne ftafttlas ta Tike tolkewlaa .um f laeay lal&raat atagaaS oa tha diemsad aaaaseaMy m r The engine and drat coacb ot le Bintliar Cbarias Sfke'i Chart mi oa. S C, Feb. ttla ae MBtkMMCi4an4e.tBI. vltarajaJtat aad they say over in New lot tha Ia cliDued rrom the IteawkM Tava: "FA. aggt tor tt ewUawa. A few yar the ptntinfei trala left the rail aad religion that ha aa forget uimeeif aa cordaacw with orders reoelrtd from be u a eery ahitiy boxer, with a punch W ftaeaeer la dwpaaatas Stagi at taa usjgga iwada a rlctaaa aasaalt - Navy - KMT trn. it i ter The dead are Mrr Wil- to Sgbt la a saloon oa Sua- - ihe Department to.- roast de very aaesh like tfcat of hu riaauaa Needles Patat Fkamaey far a few fiwea dartag the Beapaga at a. atari . 1. am itm-o- Chicago, aad Mta day night ahame. Portland vquadr uader tbe couitnaud of 'nafatriSflii Tatlt etiib toad lot broth. r. Fan has a i.t-kv- bat days Ulaeea ragNhur SAiae hi Kejieaa Caiy. Laeeae la . South For IPWU ifSfe trr beea durlaa t'ie ef the ; nwn wte i ' - old. of Chicago. (Ore.) New Age feAdmiral K W Dlckea. and cuaalit may foraake the paddock entirely. clerk. eaahalf the slae of Ungtaah, !ni. it yctrs .r:o-iT:- t : St.. oer.c--iri - l COaXl tfiHKaj a auoh si saner appear- - presilience ofafaiiDpl af 4 ParaGraphs anoe. jupVt to py j' Weekly ejujagAnMna1 - .ocal Tha aasiag ami waNa were-- aauf Jiia fttje Citizen ai amn; gajajaaiaieWm b. ra (b4 short la IVaBgfjgjgJi, tdmn IPgJfgBBU HM Mt uttmiHf a tmm PaTVaBHVVJnaW IY Afyipsrp ti f IN-VHOI- NEW ROLE of eoal On aBnl Mtuora Subterlpirtrt Hales, the OHraiori and tor the (Tuesday, Psbruary 19.) atttto, the statement thaa given Ha raadeta r v. nwwiljr ORtoea, par year UM by Oftledn, oanirmgn The streets of Adhu aarnue ra la QRSANIZEO BRAMATIC 00 M The are thus fef neary Ueorge, Jr.. a nary gwddy oahajtlaii, nooorrsi. bad bee having saw had HAS Sail? OMfeen, per yaar P9 .ruv proapeat of a general etrlho of the ronl mine WXk Ike aseoptiomlly sloppy PArlV AMD WILL TAKE THE a, weather f tata, but that while R was waVnuvw'TAOt of the Rooky mountains, tnatudtag posnibly A. 8. MaOaffar. who wu at Thar-an- weather that has prevailed tha past ROAD Ah A TAR TURNED OUT an pnalneaa, raturnnd to the c&y tow day. Stravt dfrmmtagtoagr Ttor-e- y dlnagraehala for the ttoa being R OF A PHILADELPHIA HOTEL. Um only patUy organUod werhera la What Virginia, now mat night. 356 Dwy soman has had a foree of men and toama aventaally MAt good for 1mm tor tho Gtf JLbV ominous. The strikers in suek an event would baslly engaged up (Tuesday, Psbruary II.) Aagll-a- Ta large cotton wood trees, In glltog tha wntor farmers a th awtloek tor ptowty of The lth dap of Ptbrury, IB the RSMt and a number npejroxiinwlty 00,00. and aineo atntoat aa many hows g "Srotty" ia the Third ward, are being first and Second atresia and water m th spring Is retlent. He Th one and only passed eatoodur, ki dwRgghnl bp Twutihuta, who Was a Aro men In Jeg end eat Induatriee rantiguous to the trlmwfjd todny. Ootd aad Railroad treeooes, a war! aa et through th city Sunday night, re- it co staged th ftgaggfjti InnnnnnSnt fnnnennhunVgB flkJNAf mines would be untrained to eeaee labor In coneequenca on other als that eondlUons al Angeles from New llMiaB gngwsvsrpwfsspsmji .x Suf usmjRhP" wjbsbuwj wnpw Mr. Mrs. D. A. Macpfaereos re- streets la the eky ghat ware turning to Los nvmRn Allai jPw mwwiw mora n mflMon a and wmthlag than worhrra about ray-woo-d la an eaeopttonally bad oonalUeu. All School of Mutes won th vary best York aad Htlladoiphkt. He wss seen in A. D. M tl Uk itftMM im T tit ao turned yesterday from a vtett to r llw tef of the adalt male population of the wIkmV conn hot aprtnga. the eroselnps that were not of stone, and that everything pertaining to the by a CRtoag representative, aad s cwm My aWt tt tiiftirtllly ts 4fcft9 fMrittw try'Weuid suddoaiy w idleaeaa. hnve boon reinforced, aa it war, by aehool was awrlu aleng sctletsot-Mir- . wmal picta.watUe and enigmatic fM radnoad to While the Mrs. James hae goee to wad Jtanejra, lira Stat at the grant htogltek dtaUamrlM. eoal monopoly managers have been laying up mountalna a.unsfeid a layer or gravel, so that now otw aan Mors than over, he seemed unbal ft Iueo, called there by tho reported cross n MmptMraUvaty Dr. Roger 1 toy new, of Rl Vado, 1TI1, Um Um your, of ooal for the oomlng emergency, the local unions have street with John Sos4n Ma "upper atory." Ho talked prtotnd In sort "AkMt that of th ertons illness of her father. elaan shoes. Xlo Arriba eoeaty. t in the eity. and wtih'jid reporter unreserved! hl been recruRtng and gathering In dues auainst the con Mrs. M. month February, btras Unrir mate, C Alloa and daughter Ade- Hon, p. A. Hubbeii, who waa Will probabrjr return hrune tomorrow SOW only ,y at tin wd tiageaey of a strlka. it la probnbhi that line, at hla Pf talk batog Interpreted imi Irthermore. are in Chicago, where Mtos Allen sheep ranch In sVteorro county the morning, nocompaalad by Mrs. Mayor kb) habit of stopping to spit every the national eaeeutlve board of the mine worhera' Is rucelvlns niedtonl nttontloh. paat few daya, reutrned to tha city and child, who have been here the tint h took a short whiff of omokc ciwortnip oi" sjrtoloi tavtB oil levy speetot In today sitttft vliittim ilrtwAi will a strike aaueaament. This. probate court a marrkfu thfct mornhtg, and ho predtota, toking past taw weeks tletting her parent, Tig PhHcwdag u lb substance ot that day." Piwuato Panna, kt hla iNwtMUow est it to ijeatiaated, may put Into the mine workora' nation i Ucoao was Iseuad to Jgnadta Rara tho pros sat oanditioa of the count rr awertf and Mar rrfacto ArmljoThe What he unidT troeaury which, to and Juan Msrtlset, both ot Rarelss. 111 jJfeftJOAfOj jMtutftvrtffsn Knuf 94ijmooCo tliot gnt VftiOB" lS.0O8.9e0 with what already there. tetn cocsiderafloti, thnt tho sheep aherttf has been seriously a. St. II had been ta New York to or wilt make a general war chart of swathing more than 0. J. Frank aad W. H. tahRh arve iratooM will enjoy n banner season thto Joseph's hospiui with pneumonia, but gauto a theatrical cawpany, in whim to Okrlattojt farm of nessmlfl-ra- nt tener day th th chuen lperoalla, M,9to,ooo. Thus we witness preparations for aa farwad a parinerrkto aad will engage year. Ho found hto floeke to ho to reported today as improving snd ha would ulav tb alar role. Tii' to Mom Um of In tha 111 encour- -- whisk were feasts be: during mania auntrial conflict on a ghjaaUo aeale greater aad Macku:ih business at eoaiWUoa nnd made all nsissiary hto attending physician glvse oompany hi to moot him In tteutti. fjl Juno, m aeatea Cagjfer avenue. propsrations tor oommence-un- agement nls many friends that he XSbruary, to honor of Pm and heneo Mam with a discipline on both eMaa more ooaapietn than waa tho early to aad they wilt mah.lhgj flrst appeai Jwh) Pwbruta, when, among othet cwimmMw. U Word comes from hoeorro that J. of lambing, Mr. Hwbbotl taya hue passu th daager point. 1 Ml perhaps over before seen hi the huMory of the world." of saet, there on Mart. JO. Tbe ph oustownry to pot the iwww of Into a bog, r. Coast, for maay years deputy sner-f-f tho western seetlon of nooorro oounty, Haa. Stovna Caaovaa. asssssor will will yug wiww Speaking of the menace to tna general puMlc, to county, many sweep now MoKi' toy eoanty, one of the large be called 'SsjoMf,' snd (iww wbtek tnoy drawn by mn, m ehaae ot Socorro la dangerously where Uoueands of and run In eacti city vldtld. a long as wr tin wbtah The CIHaaa called attention, Mr. Oeorge asya: 111, la not live. grass, In covered wkh nutritious grass coal operators of the Oallup soft coal ami OkfteMan enrar. utodhwr. It dintcuK and enpat.4 to shall prove remmheretlve. "Roott that tha "The (oaglot that aaoms Impandlag may not ooaw. It Mr. and Mrs. O. MsCtoahsy rtl aad nil the water hates are ot Ana district, is pending & faw daga In toaposetbto wttlrpet th page praeOoe, fall tit uJM that he took wast with him and to rve t mar at the moment ha diverted. OrgauJaad labnr Chtoago, have arrived hi Alhagusf-oaa-, water city. Mr. ennovna says that all of the tit. by S'tbetAuUug names last so. He ga- - SIMM to Colonel Tay at leant rmtatoue uepeet tbe of and organised monopoly may reach pence terms. Rut and will resMia eevorel Vrinfid, Judge Cranrford admonished young i,aea of tha Oallup diet riot are work- - lor, will be hJI iMtosgar. to rol parttoukir saint tor IIwn of th fair maiden. reanatn the - of Mrs. MeCtoskey'a Howard- Merita In pottoe court last ing steadily awl getting out large Un meunoe to fiw penile wsal moat none the icaa jwi- v Msl-vl- nrgnata th ghmpany. H Um Stotoa 61 mm Drkaia vntoaUrns broJhar, B. suing and allowed him to go. amount eoal. The of soft akd In CrNM ul real heeausa pasarv. It manna taut two great standing W. OrtaNaer. of strth hadlt hto HtboaraphltMC oohe in Phlla oemte, seatlmwiial Or WtRlful are mm through th A. K. Mae CWemodato, of OelroR. k is ajieaed, stubbed 10 year old eoal Miners, which Is expected to tax! urmlea are In country ready at irragular wwtoda to Sun-da- y tidtkglh, where h had pay Is.otw t the Mhra., Is in eMy, guast hto Max QuIawaMlA oa. Seeaml streat ptaa on April 1. will not effort tha .to matt ia mm suae tftnutKles. dottMtose the custom boms agalnet not, be. the tho of befor pftolers woul.l ataah eaah other. Tms is aanwt in the oag-duat- 'afternoon. The MeivHi boy th tsou rowed by the ehoapness of post. Ttw onatora brother, A. J. Mna Cormodato. a MeKInley county mines, aa no union begat natural order of tklags, k nan artoe only from the In tbe outplay aha Amuauet-qu- a that Max aad some other young-ster- n miners are employed ta th district. n't. . ta Praaes ta t4ajr aa H waa la m faNrtaaaUi of I dnPPm he renxhov: Vdiknlrlphla nc aa1ntM moaopoitsathm of the eoal depestte of tint row. try. TrMtkm oompany, phhd onto Mm and k was A horse attached to a carriage be- aatunr. aa4 avary aattaat young iwra hto aurtog Max waa In- - to the RellaWie aXRgford hotel PramH Agalnet auoh a Monopoly labor can have no choice but Mrs. J. A. Vtood, gen thto melee that longing to W. II. Haha's eoal yard be- to Ote K hivm. It ta (tn aaata A wife ot the Mrs. tljujo for wln, rwtuxHn rM alo 8 SMACO OifPARfat94( )T0nTeft4ttfw00 emL manager of (he OoM Ruutm fsrsd. Msinr, the mother of came begtoenail at the minstrel pa- OermaHy aa4 Aaatrta ami VaalN aw Mafftaad, aaaay. called at The Cltmaa oStce red this though to request eI him to wl liowwer, Mr. Qoorae BUggaeta a dlgorenet remedy, MtoMc company of OoUen, N. M., haa afternoon and tied quartans. They was feta ea Ut lamta of MC VawatlHa aay Umt ax. VahnUaa'a tot night, nnd stntod that tin artlele post on near Rallroad-ayanu- . her said he and one whloh The CHteen UHnka to be 'nfarier to taat arrlTUM In tho aRy aad wall remain published paper a TMrdfttreet strenuous them Uy to atoti ranbnteHI In MaaH-aMi- l Chlm. Italy aar' days vtokhsg la thto yesterday broke loose nnd awinglng ths ter too for ami wMeh The OIUmm Heetf suggnatad tho other day. Mr. setantl wjth friends. appeared sanjowhht r nther Rueeta. He then ntamWi oat atoaa from all otttar OtittoUaa ooaatrtoa J, n. Mania, who rataniag ta tab magint. totagy foreRdr stbwK smashed It wen' fJeorNe lays: The ktdy was esaured that, The Rven-in- c IKWaRog. tJito irvaiMot aaa oea to to imtroiraalM aad Hty front Colorado tha other day, will arfttnat a telephone pol and iutdly ia bohmio "Hot what la the puWIo to do? Otin and bear itT Cltken had ho laMntkm to do W .'uhrKaTlns awnyaotty " saw President -- onn. to Ooldeti, will on sMwir, ValMttae, aa of Koma, by prey late aim m wkara ha wad Ikjuottoo. ut If K wkl show no ppirM. then k ought to be monopoly Owtd bar h?r bi an but had WTwVtt hwcud Ciaapk sad CiSnVnCafllwiG P railroad, and to Jaietoai1 a of n(ald. tat tha employ of the Ruirton reported tha Riven pfOMlgjK Mmt tin ridden Hnt how onn R break the monopolyr Uy Mfiilnff company aa stationery faois at befora Phillip", we tottor a son or Dr. Phil- -' r ttatft to take him may or Um ahow windows of towar Judgo IrWSa-- pa Cktaago In AlanaoiiM having the aejenranteat take over tho mlaea and work ' Crawford. Hps, who uHaapBoarod from Albtnuer-q- u Anghwg to ia thlr fearo bean aeon largo and aaaaiKul aotUettaua of valaH-ttae- a, urs. renns. lva thontT ito; that would be agalnet nubile poltoy and, nunonn Rrown, of MUKtoel 14 noma We ago, aro under arrest Thre the of all elawns gk. (Wednesday, Pte. J I IfMHtsatliy will tab oharge of him mtlUaK tin luwtal MtM of tr betddea, would be unneoaaaary. A eimejlsr remedy ' at Clty, who baa been k. the gtatropolhe for stealing a rifle belonging to a boy coaraa boon H avl-4a- a, Mrs. Maok PaHeraoa of Trinidad is aad laud him in New York in Th eomle Man totra of ror I weens, oompaaio aad which they pawned at tweiv kum hand. Inaransu the us on coal toaoa antll the coal seven tbe guest at her In TtoH to one-hal- f - It ta eorialnly nrnttor for enrntnlaHon Umt the chy on a frisniU. H. Renjuman A Company a store on and hours wore. bat UMMOpoly in tamd to death. That would pm a heavy daughter Mrs. Ha pert f. Aopluad. baTl mecy yaar tootr aato la baeotalac mora and more ra-na- aJ tout night for a visit with friends Oohl neonue. He said to the reporter that he burden upon vuluable ooal deposits now boarmg little r lft doator' trt A Oeorgia min- worked lu tbe ARtemarle in aaatbar. n Ijos Angeles. shoo Richards Prlagto's mine no tnm aad la conaeguenoe held out of by the tJ?J'ld'oMnc'ipp. Rlnad In tlt-lP- 0, elee-trl- e with an attack strel troupe arrived to the city lata and he made nta - Manager j. B. Downey, of the monopoly The monapary would ha to pay attrh tai. light J. V. Ray, tho cadet engineer In this afternoon aad naraded through Inqutries for various people at Utnud company, yesterday began nwd In ARtuguorque. It would hurry all of Ma depouttu Into nee. That would chnrga Beioa-Tnto- o eavotr, tho business toot ton of tk eity shortly also ns he visit Trwit tha decoration of the rooms of the of the thto Another Cnomout result in tho mining of more coal aad ooaae juently lower psasod tgtPMigh ally thla morning. before 4 o'etoeh. d eky every few months durlna Ilonry Owwa, to hto toot woaMy rartow of tna atoek Ctonilnai i lal elub, wopnratory to taa thla hto stay at Hlaad. ttom. prleai tor 00 we timer It would ntoo mean more reospthiii of Oovemor lUgarman, Mrs. gotomau Luna of Loo Lanaa aaarkat, wy tint "Uwra to no ttottk ant Umt naa en MARYLAND 8 SUARDS WILL Speaking of bis own mine In Druti) mtuo The tee of would me In 'ram the aonth thto morning, -- beaa ae aort of an aareoMont majwn batwaan taa for workers. cat strikes wnioh occurs Thureuny. HOLD ANNUAL SESSION Vulfoy, Stiotty eaid that he could sell ha gone. And would ae at the capvne merely Jnak Harris, tho old Hall canyon and will remain naUl after the sec- iaroa graat ooaaar tntoraata." A Mow Torn totogram of alt this Baltimore. Md., Pah. II. Th R any day for, but be did u to Oovemor Uaaarmnn. e tally notalto, wbatbar of monopoly, whtoh Is not a gotd, but a laid, thing for miner, in tho eity. Ho sajra ha ond nnnual convention of the Mary- not Intend tn soil at any price, iaat 8atorlr aoaa mora Into bat " waa driven into eity by hoary Snow fell at SaMa re Saturday. Quant b anya Um tha country tbe the land National opened here at it Is Rnpoetblo for any one t. ara eorreetiy romalna to h k that pro- fall of snow, whlcbu occurred other Snnday, Monday aad Tuesday and was Armory today And It. He two on merger: Amalga- The Ottlsan does not heilove that tbe remedy the beautifully tost Un Pourth Regiment baa men at work falfowlns eoacwma aro to ontar the day. .thus prevoHtlag htm frvth wash still coming down and will remain In session two days. It at wagoa ef taeu pur month each, posed by Mr. (luarga can he secured at the present tlm. u mated at flto. Amefl4ft at 10 per M anara. Unttad Ins: laoid nnggetu out of Oawmodora night as th lato train ton for Albu-- and grub: will pro- waiving altoaathar the iihoMIoh of Ha deairnblllly Rut As Un state allowed tmneportsUon and bo need the Copper at f 100. Ulnaliam at $Tt annre. Uuh Kant's rich ptoeer fiejdg. Hero, no to all officers on native list, tho duce of his mine to fall back upon. The OMttea done that the remedy of legal arbi- T. Mrs. he rt ffrO flO Amsriwr, frUmaHlHgit onmmoR at ltfo Day, siisotol agaat for tbe Dr. If. Uahner, who wRfl nt the opentRg meeting he propose to spend In each city what nt ar tration, In tHaputea capital and brffd Dubney will attendance $200 andjrprofanad at 11 M. Kaderal at fWO for the all IrraaoDdhthto between OBuMaautak mtwranae oowyaRy, is and childrun raahla hare, waa unuftHally large. The formal ever he may make in that city over tabor, involving the mseanktee life, could be secured soon go to Netanck. nnd upon a drug alMivo expenses. ooffituoa lad 41M for the iirararrad. National laad ir pejHC his first visit to AlbHero.ue. opening sassion will be this evening, and nw aad would prove amply elfettlve. atty store there. He reoaglly died on k Seotty eearoon at T-r- for Ameriann fmaltera and ana mm all who sou the for tha when addrsases will be delivered by declared that it was nicleta Brat time, ha hi not only tteMghled humeatead ctalm near ItetaHota. Captain a. llMteheeon of the general to talk lit Now York about selling Unll! LoaiI are not giren. hut hamersely astonlnheil to tho Mrs. Ida I ltummur. deputy pro- wuMtern mines. Dealers would not men-tkrn- ed and staff, United States rirmy. and by Col. of eonoarna at the Mnnraa GRI- Tlw inanrar thaw eky so large, welt bnlK and p bate clerk, wishes The Kwonlng M. New York talk to him. The Cklieu got it from 0,0O0.WO, Weathar.aEiid Prospects IMward Rrittan of ths a aaottalisfttton exoaedlnK and MM ghat ia not candi s other sources they would Mr. r. A. Hubboll on hto return to the city this wek to stats she a National franrd. Among the apenh-sr- that not talk 3ta y K. Allen, manager clerk, vice Seotty In pn-vs- k hi thmtKbt that tMa oarpamttoti will abort! rival the told C of the Oallapi for the appointment aa oa program for tomorrow are. to beoaue the report mon trow a rather lengthy visit to bis aheep ranch ea. A. th In rtow Klgsntlo Weal trust- - In addition to the proparttoa Metric Ught conwawr. haa arrived tho death of James Summers. Oaptala Wlfltom ltalrd. U. S. A. tra-Ured- lent York that Seotty'a bmwm The Cltlaen that he had never seen stock loohmg better ia put Hp by syndT'j tloaed, the oomblne will atoo Mho la smaller copper in the nty nnd will remain a few Charles Thomas, a ston mason of and J. P. J. Archibald, who a San Pranclsco at this time of year, that the ranges arw In earetlent cornet-ilo- n eat miners, mine thrawnhoot Utah, MontaHa, and Arlaoaa. daya trnnaactlng business in this city, left lam night for Btond. was a war correspondent with the of who have Death Vnlie ooadl tlon 4h water holes being ".licit with water and Atbu-laerrtu- goes superintend lu rato to sell, and are using Hcott U to aaid Ctogemibeinu will head the combina with his Interests la the Whore be to the Russian army In the Isle war. the tho oaayona packed wRh snow, wbllo the ground Is ltaelt Brick and Tile company, stalling of a boiler for the mill of the for advertising tbe section He ..i.ii P. A- - Ileinee win charge of the aoeper i.- -l tion and that bare naoiy satnrnted. With prices of ahoep, cattle. wa:i and which Ih to develop the shale deposits Keystone Mining A Milling company. that ho was hurrying to AnR. H ta wnteratoed the gMmtord Oil people NOTICE. I' HeMitMMl. remain tag good, be anticipates VMr win a near Algodonea. K. I.. Wash burr., the well hnown to aeo R. (Jscar Hart, who lu knonnj ! hides that l are niHad with Um OwnMJtlMM In deal and tben -- l' "Old-Tim- e . In Chi- - as the New York Scotiy. He nnwi 4e more prosperous year for out ! men than A,apniuiunloMlon, signed, rlotbier who r lu?k In th matter of the Rataic of K'nul- jm anMeieat moaey to pat the deal nn of- tn Romero, visiting Los Angelas, where he hunt Haenainess about proved to be. He is also coaWuced that there will m Repnwlcan." was received at the cago purrhaalng uprtng nnd summer pttla bankrupt tbrtingh. fice Tho Rvenlng Oltlten today, end lock tif goodk, returned to the city To 'Whom It may concern Notice created a furor by burning mom v j plenty of water for Irrigation end that again a large nna l gsoras of big copper mine men and owners ar in Ih evidently intended for publication cm ihe delayed passenger train thla In hereby given that the undersigned Tho real and only Seotty dein or ualrrlgated lands may be made to yield tltindnntly. will In his morning will, 4jw "When flreekl Mow York frowv woatent atatea and too bualneee of If the writer send real bankrupt ou th day I the Vegas Monday Reporta from o es l un ..l eonrta pioattMag iiaeaasary to make the merger per Tbe laa Optic of aald: name ae an evidence of good faith, Prank Hal', the well kpowo hard March, ISM. at l,syistogp-t- 2.jjrupL the every part of I he territory bow that the storm la gen- publication will receive ware merchant of Wins-low- , noon, at coo ntp oou fmx are bamg rapidly carried oa. The purpoeo to for the mutter of aad lurouer tt rt eral In Albuquerquo It snowed almoet all day Satur- connidrnllon. l here mi a visit to hla atster, Hornatlllo county, npply to IXs how oorporation to control nbaoltrioiy the output of the the day and rained at Intervale yesterday In the southern "Won't you lie my vsletitlne" In Mrs. t' M. Poraker Mr. Hall will trtrt jurt of tbe Second Judicial Dis- COLORADOTtLRPHONE COMPANY wad and eottmr oree. Uie enwttlng bvalaees and tbu sale uone by, coming of FVImt Wlnslow of part ot the territory there was a steady rainfall Down dn ihe probably return to tomorrow trict the Territory of New Mexico, WILL BU'LD NEW LlNEl of taa gnanatoJ prodnet. - nry 1 many or for his discharge on the Tesloo-Bele- u rot-o- ff there was considers tilt- snow. meant aale valentlaee night. in bankruptcy. profit it lottery or Durham, the All persons In In the northern pan of tbe territory several mohea of and iinadaome to let The funeral Prank creditors and other deab-- man after- Interest nr hereby appear OVER RATON MOUNTAINS INTOB Tha house committee on the jedlotary. before re snow fell. In Vegas snow aad others who handled the colored who died yesterdny noUfied to las the baa fallen gently, souv.nirs ,of Rt. Vatontlne, but of noon 12:10 o'clock, ptace thla at said time aad place and show DENVERWILL CUT OUT TRIN- IAttogold Mil lerbtddhig gambllwc la the much me King at took potilag the of it as it fell. The storm will db much causo, if any they . IMPORTANT IM The bill late ihe popularity of the day. altatsoon at t: 80 o'clock from tho have, why the IDADOTHER twrHoriea, made ftwr aanantaianta tborate. good to tho ranges aad fanne and win moisten tbe aoti want, episcopal church. prayer of aaid petit loner for discharge PROVEMENTS CONTEMPL ATCOJ ItOO la tho aonth aad ia African Metbodlat provided for puntohaient by m of "not hmm than so that tha duet, which had begun to be dlsagreeu!lc, many In Tie w should not he gran ted, strMHg gradually dying out, and daalere The Interment occurred Pair nor mora than 1 1,000 Title waa amanand by will not be noticeable when tbe spring winds begin. wn mm in targe comet erv, JhSQOlPULA HOWJMIO. A nunatruoUon gang of wir rrtnt, monoy Heretofore ouantuien out the mlBlmura limit of (Me. leaving the part of Tha New MeKtenu or Monday aald (food ronnna of ih mementoes, comlo aad other- A yonng man named Md. Keller, is Bankrupt. era for tin Colorado Tetephon" com Mil sany Che nonaHy to read "HOC wore than Itei." Tno consuming the onndltion of live stock an-- i the range com wise, no longer deal la thorn. Albu- osrrylng around a badly crippled right arrived in the city yeaterds -- NOTICE OP SUIT. ooalalned the penaHy "and by iMprtoooRWRt for not tana to 'he Now Mastoan from all parte of the territory. querque morehaRta report skat they bsHd. Tie la employed at the Amort fraw werhlna: nlonx the iim-- s of Hi two months nor mot than one year." me com-MHt- eo tonne have not bean rushed to death tor val- gan Lumber oampHy put at, and on Territory hhwr company between h.-- and I K than VerHy, It aa If the sheep grower and cattlemen of New Mexico, County ot venna, nsossusry Amok oat "not tons than two meMtlm," and added guitahtNc entines tor tho poet throe or four last Saturday got hto haad In some Bernalillo. In District Cjurt. maKing of tha territory will hnve nnothei proaprouo . ths ( ad yesri-- pos- maeblnery. with the result the toil Rnas, and rlll imtk. A'1' words wither," thaa penalty In raaam-Mand- yaar t, and the ntaforily of them that Willard 8. Striokter. the "or the the it In 1W1 itively Umt day slowly thumb and Index Anger war badly aaerntw weir Neuiliptarterf. mr a e daetare the s raada;: "A Ano of not than a,000 net-vic- Mslnlift - bill wore Finally, tin New Meaiaa cltuiote nnd crwji dying nuMto Injured. aya whin working south of hen- Ih favor. , vs. No 99H. c. and Uf Imprtooninant for not more than one year, or buraaH, In Ha snow Mon-dn- r, Dr. W. returnoa strootlng a line 1o Socorro oi fall bulletin for Jsuusr. dated YeMeroey. the birtbday of Ahrsham 0 Shadraok has CnMnriu Strtohtor. Konaedy rhe oithor." The orhdaal Mil required both Una and Ohleaao, aooow-paalu- hawttet gnng ot tno same mmpany Mya: Tho snowfall during January waa, aa a rule, Uacoia, and InoidentnUy, daaigiatd from to which city ha Strtoktor. M. urc n.. eat-to- o Aitol-l- u and Wtllard Strtohtor, fabtnal, Tin amended Mil pacniHa hath but Is cnnatileratly below tho normal, and, owlna the warm bhroughoHt the Unhad aXatea as "King one of his pnttonts, Mtos Minora, at working aonth H, Kent and vxnoraoo I ad wlUi eNher. The leaet pHiebHHMtt undor the weather, added hot little to amount at close of 1U. Ig tho public schools, was Alton, daughter of N. 0. Alton, tertok ne eieuiiom. com on u the the a Chrtstlnn Kent. Wilt 'tltall h sxehanat, nt It.. odglaal Mil was M0 flne aad one year ot imtwawnment. December In met, all of the lower sit It tide stuitons, ."org. ii tap Issue here, aa "nary a nag" formerly of this dty. Hp reports that at Ms young ben the Defeadanta. which Hoy extHnx to have in workiiui bill greatest puntanment may be 111 waa proud to very wet patient anted front Under the amended the over the plaine. In valleys, lower seas foot nil la, the brasses - Th aalf deftwdants, tbe nnd Journey la pen- on high road Catherine artMT liv the flrei or March Aa soot wUhor IMOo w one year la prleon; wldhi the leaet puu-tohm- or yeei.rdnjr, and no spetital eeetoee ana tho St rick Samuel Kennedy lUtw asmw remained at the close tho month. Tho good nr and Strtck aa the wire gang have completed tin may Una or one day In nrtoea. The wen heid In the public schools o hoaRk. tor, Mtoow. are herolty be autt, Nbwover, had absorbed most of the melt lug snow C. H, Is "Offer- notiRsd that line to ttw,. city they will make Her eCber taw go Into throughout the city. Starr, tie Job printer. a suit hue been In only ainaiidment Is that the does not nnd was In exoellcat eondlHon. In the higher aHlttideu ing feto eye on tmm. commenced the uaiuio inoir nenauuarters and wn Joim Lueckl, who, a short Unto ago, with left th ' Dtolrtet Her-uttllll- oaTost aatll sixty daya after liftman a, cotrsWersble meHlHg bad aha occurred, especially on all any Court of the County of evontunlly work Into Socorio. sold ut hto restaurant on South Ktret lie daakM that local pttginat land Territory of New Mexico, by Another great mprovcmnt southern slopes aad uatlmbored pmcea. but o or tbe toft up n ad him a blow, bat ho does any that, tlm sin. and to look iooatloH eaid plaintiff. That oompany i O onnyona the object of said thia content plates h! Ward eomes from Ntw Tork Unu gjepXtatloas nave aorthorn slopes and In the deep depths were elaewiHNro, has written a Uvtter to oa observing the eclipse the other suit Is for tbe purpose of a to now In or ,i JoM-p- settlement cottrae construction nmo-igrama- nt h evening, aa torn aa ptnon been bagua by the AteMson, Tnnahn, k fhamv Pe aouiowhat Ineransod, generally, by drifting snow. , A- Valo from Rtabeo, Ariaona. a motaor a of tin title snd Interest r said the building or aa entirely new i aye, n. for the sale of th tainalndar of the laaee.ooe lthough the sprees Ions of our oorraapondonts are full Mr need! aaya in hto travels through ant fall aad struck htm oa tha minors in and to certain real estate of wire over Raton mntmiii.i,. somiu-s- putting optic on bum tin onvorMMe bond iseoa ajghartaeil a year ago. R la ot oouhdeace that the ssason's wntor supply will be Arlsnan. he found no town thus that tho described la said complaint, till to Th company already haa line froi, as Hely aa Albuquerque, whloh proper. a if bMhw nun be amngad auooeaafully, ample, this will only be poaathle If the rawalader of the he which was vested In ptointlff during nere io naion wntctt ts tktlog apai i that the connMera the "very bast" In the south Imperial Laundry haa well t ha areoogtegg $1T,IMW, will bo pJaeed winter proves proline In snow, Inciwamn. the smount In The th existence of ton marriage com- duty. The new coostnictlon work an raiimindor. to went Mnrtad on Ita Mg Improvement a. Stone - munity between hlmeeif nnd I en K. routing will done between l,-- m the marhet. Ofgrtato of the Atahtonn have atated tha higher altitude, whereby the prsaowt, depth may ln court In nil lot the Si filiate was session has bees bauled to the for Mriaattr. deceased, and also ror the nad Raton, nnd when oiiiDl.tni tht WMtht tentative afjajg jar the onto of the bonds were oouserved for the late flow. The moat favorable coo moin iig ysaterday, esclusivo-i- y masons wilt be at thai devoted fovndatlott and partition or aald real estate between Iwttl give the AlbuquerqiK' XctiatiK being made, nothing dainate baa aeoiMnpliohed. In ditloae wMhrn the territory ere those for the Rio Uremia i claim of (1 work Tho front of the oM been tho Radaraoco tomorrow. npid minors nnd said plaintiff and tbe mireci connections wRh t tenter $ao.-imj- m valleys, 01 ugaiutt or Bud-- a hWldrsg a few January, ItH, atoaaHahlafs authortaad an toaue of and nan Joan for the mountains Colorado at the estate Paullta de haa bean moved bach of eaid wtnore, Willard wny oi naton. inatsad of Tmn ao-ye- ar una i. wall" put In so ns - - par oant coawrtlMe bunas, ooavertlble the head (em of tlteae atreenia am well supplied with ra. The matter was continued fast, and a "false M. Strtoktor Chrtotina, Kent via which plM- all preneti-, i when and aad Into) eonunon stook at par between Jaae 1. 1PM, sad June oow ntn he flrrt Monday In March, at not to hamper tbe workmen H. now goes, nad as the Trintdu.i wiii get earnest Proderlok Kent; nnd that ualeea time tno eaeeutris was ordered the at work In dead has about ail ii i Vb. 16 reeMved ten-yea- you your the n 1. lilt. nWklwMofa of record the ton Harltag, r --old eater eppeeraaee In said butnK to initke a report on tho rent collected. tbe on die of Ks own. the sdded ahhkiih riejfct to aubecrlbo at Mr for the boada to the estent of Canada, according to the Railway World. hu renllsud Th.. daughter of Mr. Mrs. J. W. Her auk or before the lint day of i..i latas of Ih. J. P. Pearce for med- and March, I tog, doen not make th. m, M pur oant of Unto hoMlags. Altogether tt,4lo.oua of Ideal In the United nMates, by ling, or very judgment by defnult will the of railroad reformer ics ervttes was allowed. wss the victim a serious be between here and Denver tn of Hi were aoid. eontpeny there-Jars- ) ran rendered therein against you. those annvertible bonds The establishing a railway cn meal sat whose Hwera are Mi Stoward-Lam- 8ec-re- at Mvldeat the other day. While playIns lmst, with new the South That the name and poetogice ad- but the rouuiia. (her has 1jmjm of the bonds at Its disposal for much Umn ever aerloualy ad- on it tomor-lurnlu- g lu the yard with aeveral of the little ill be no more aweeping have been milliner, will leave dress of ptointirrs attorney la W. R. a necessity of golnK throua entonalog work. rioa r neighbors, one of tbe boys In handling Trinidad, aad vocated for the Interstate Commerce Comnitaaton. The r the eaatorn marhats, Cbllders, Albuquerque. N. M nnd as a result, tho lm,. wi wh ax in some manner brought It always rl.-- Canadian Railway ftunmleslou. aa Hrofeaaor Mclean she will porebase her spring the W DA MR, be comparatively Ai sod ummer aad down on foot almost severing four B. buquerque buslneaa, ir Qggry Clews oa the stock marhet: Ponunately, the shows In bis Interesting artlrl" on Railway Regulation stock of millinery her Clerk of the District Court. thus liimulnn h pan. m bats. She will be absent un- toes. The Hurling family now reeMe best of service. The new lln.. i lllUlUg a not In any great the prln-afj- In Canada, haa aupreme power over rates unqaullfled by Pebtuary S. IPtMl the market to eitem, til " no ttme In March, and oa her at Batumi Is. They formerly resided also roRove the gotuherti line of h superior Jiii'ladlcition of ctnirfs, siiIiJ-k- i only publlcatloti Feb 17. ttMM. tagera of atoeka lately having been the "nouveau the the and return wttl be nooowpantod by a Brst- - In this city. rlrst I Press of hanlneas nod service tietwe. iftmu, Vho b pauses aa abuadaaoe or cash, bin a 'm to the Intervention of tbe cabinet claio-- trimmer, whom aha will engage) Last evening as Miss Ora Wagoner Hnre snd Raton as well u u.ii.- yawetveiy limited amount of enparisnce. From the best for ihe aaaoon while at one of the and Miss Mnbel RuthwJge ware driving here nnd Denver will be aresiiy un ohtM of laraaturi there has been a very liniittii deatund Tbe total figures for nil the atatea show that there am. g emporiums. over tbe viaduct the homo became proved. Pm-tern.- ii CATARRH) During month Jnnuary about 100 )iknteer McLaughlin, for Ihe aad getting hto foot over tor sssarlUL the of are held by hunks and trust oawpaaias 'n the United PURCHASED A THOUSAND iinWaga of now bonds were piaoed upon tb market, and, States teseluding private banks and mutual snvlngs Jtretkerbood. who has been fee buggy shaft began kicking. The workmg among the cltlaeus of Aibu-quv- r to thorn seemed ESTANCIA VALLEY SHEEfl though they war readily absorbed. It le notlceelile that bank) the euorwoua sum of f 1.771,000,000 In bonds, ex young ladles did what i i tha paat week or two, has thing and lumped to the Walter M. Tuber, ntnuagt i of tnj ygichaaaa by the ohrwwdeet ehtaa of lnvetore were government sum i equal to tho wisest clusive of bonds. This Inrrt xiod the number of ambers of Ruttodge escaped un- uiuneta Mercantile and Uve Uh MajNiar usnnL ateperteneed buyers turning ground. Miss thaa arc about 17 per oaat of the total deposits aad la greater the moPJ organisation by twenty-a- n injured but Miss Wagoner was not so oompany .returned to Santa Pe froi Ihalr nttontbtn to other dlrerUoaa fur lavestments, nota-V- y thaa Urn total onpatnl of all tho bunks, being 114 pet oeat of whom have been In- fortunate, in some manner bar feet a trip to the hVtancla Vaiiev h, , la the rnl estain hold. Not a few henry lavostnrs of the capital. itial, i. Monday night haa been se- boawno entangled In the lines and she fui purchased l.uoo Jheep for hi otJ nr onrrylng muefa larger balaacee with their bankurs lect. as tho regular meeting night fall heavily .o the ground, sustaining jany. rae sheep are grating tieai i h I, Monday ihan nam awaiting aaore favorable opportuaHlee. Cotorado A company haa sued from now on, with the fourth painful not serious brutoea and wmm "no are in prime ml The fuel Iron lwn In open thikb ton. In gUttus by meg month designated as g sprained ankle. The horse raa on uk me iiguras at which tho the United oircult court at Denver, tbe i I dtabun-aatj- r, we. iug night. slop-- ekaa was made are kept tout K too bad bat after aM his arheralag. Hanover-Hsassm- et to Railroad avenue where ho was urlvaie. Iron aasocintlon of INwasylvaata, for - gnwraaslon, ehteaaery, grafting, grabbing Kri.xgt Meyers is at home from a Th buggy and barnsss waa bad- inuer reporta that range and -- tot and after l,otN. the value of unpaid royal Use on mines situated In nw to Now we tu the alMeghty dollar, poor old D. wseha' trip York' awl tine condition C the aim ill John Boekelellor can't tha Hanover and Central City dtetrteta of iMs territory. lie says New fbrfc bag rl. woatarn part or wktit around any longer aa the rtohaat in worldr raiiudetakta. the Bstancla piali mm the know ii no winter thin iisasog ; aad and tha outlook for the spting i, AUrad the South African wlnlae; bng. la said to to sea-Uo- n tog Mt, His Ad vtot. that n tho nljnoent agricultural Mexico, were Out K drill duty last good. ffeJtgr 0VON than HoehofoUet. in Mouth Halt the mlaea tha hohto aro aa green aa they night and the mptnpln spite of the Afrtow balang to him, Ineluding the tolmtona weatth of reJIiwMlar aahad the man whs Is patriotic but nervoue. usually nra la into aprtng time. Tha toot Uiat them are a number of "raw Nana ths Ciunu Klmtrajigr's diamond output. The aggregala of bis try la Albi;iuirfU0 eokwy In New York are to being whip- ALNtj "Daat to ston 'aw.M Khawarod the mnn who Mayors saya reoruna" oaltotod fast ELY'S OKEAW B .r.JL,""J?.r wealth anuuBt be aUted, but a tough eattmnte (toeee it all wK. Mr. that tha good drilling shape by Cap- - : aUwaye a harry "hhtoourage them to run raster and trouMe earn ia not mtteh that tnw ped into f at lUmjmjm. yearly inoome is $U.too.(MM, ''- - recruits were lilt"?, l2Jl,lL. f! Caroltoa IKPI. oft Washington Star. 111 i" whtojg aar oou i ia a lerrhory as that ,w,mn iiwwc iu snaw xuo onna stand wh being 1 means that ho geta Ilea every mUute of hto life, f pmag thorn (HHrC. 1 of ih.. thlah New Mot ' SIVIS REUEP AT he orders tha ta cmii-- .y v . -- . . . . w or, to put it another way, )tMM k week. liver Artavt MaOnmher, who la in nan fVaaJco. wko h um wnn 1. ww, anu Jl neeaeu rrow ?"" Bah. lanator army Ippinas un- - tinit, soyinnst wvmii nw atorrs, Hnriison & t - " aitsige of tho purs pMhMII oeJmrtolen Anwrtoan Th.- store gf the Alvaraae la IajBM wteassg msmemaa. 11 eurss uatsrrn sad of Pslaesvllle. the board 'jstu that the iJHnrma. f IJtWtoai JPvWta RMMth tna hiiJ Now MevtaMt The cMitene of Ahnignarnue will panpte are vnying annsmnv about (tOOejoo tor adai- - ey, hi gwrnor o rn norew, uTW - oonteoti tiro drill wariong uoid aagtw, la uiutMtng. will hetx havu a very njeaseloa to tieetde on the day of the tarnted and hnVw iwnyt m nrtioies. Thto la about ihrua vast! dnuu. BWjn"''tW"a 0) Nw tn Km In, - 3bwtaus.Osa4isnelMislM aRy eleotiOH nek APM. it lit "gtMJi waior ayetom the tha United Mates. And U vaaan- AllliHfil iinitig I I kuaes pUajMihi f m etHna Sal WW ho taia aha u4 tViifirtiT iaeali RRt Hf WaUr nuHy Umpany ho purobaaeil by ta dpuMMI Um Mil gala through sfet, Ua ae-- e' to tin the it m Um ft a eu Imui targe Pss, at tws is ntolpamy far the saw of U9jm la Iwaja or abali n peam to) h gggfluttlaring Van mttay powerful aneant AV mmUIR1 VW'llil JSf flywTPrmWSPePpTsWgsi wsflj TTtolPMtahyiaaB. adawiwwwwirafn, mftaraua and nocorro, r1 Ul.taat oTla nomiu.. not mr turesis. i& ha rotal I stares, hut to givo tha Prof. Charles R. Kapsa of DLY MpThSMi H WwMH,lf1fpfnt Mot f es hi ixbausted. T. yrfwemeHhm, ST Bound, n, tke new extending Km of ALICE DEEP IN Ml mains. ft as WON IN fteftdbnra. Msrnt vista. I rKKIrrt'prii1 UK AL lisKSVrKniiiirfifi SWEET SINGERS SOULS work w the asojest wRl he common- - ISmbs, tl ptmna. M TO. 4 At (HMk DRESS PROBLEM J. u. sjratt, ltmar toto,. 4S7 ai yearlings, imi W.TO. EXKOUTEP mURDERER HAS ad ASSOCIATION' UNIQUE 20TH CENTURY REVIVAL l4kmM' Co ' 4N wM PiRPcCTE WRITTEN LIFE FOR HEIRS. NEARLY ALL HBR SOWNS STILL ssjaair l MtMHMSnt, MlWk, Psb. ll.Wlll- - TO RECEIVE THE FINISHING L. C. Swtah. Reeky Pord. Oole , ! tM WtlltMIM, condole tO tiMpt owaa, Tt TOUOHES, IN SPITE PAS. sound, f4J8. THE FOUR NETZ SISTERS, OF PITTSEURS, CREDITED WITH THE tor she murder of Joha Keller of It OF Convention Auspiciously Opened in This City 'Ms CONVERSION Of 89 SOULS IN POUR WEEKS MOOehV "TH-O- Paal, met April, wh xoatd by OINATINS STORIES FROM NEW W. r Rmri Maat Vlata. OSkk IN N ELI 81014. kaaghsg Mi the fUmeey coeaty JH YORK. Ill lambs, as aasads. SL lMl, early yesterday, under J. M. alma, Seat Vlata. Otokk, Morning at Commercial Club's Parlors. Mw law. which prohibits Hi ill the Ne Bey Otieir at WetMma--. Her Tram lamb, TO psrnsla, pmimi of spectators at sny hang, D. J fit. Vhru, Yard- -. Detail Ackortnaa. Meal Ook.. Twenty Five Delegates Present Mcmitlag tk oklelal of ike coait Three Plnil of tk Mi lam be, II uoaads. H Tl and Jell, th iwHii o . jacy Bridal Pageant. J. A. Kalry Oo.. Moat Vista, and mm otkr talfM witnesses, mr Oolo, kwabs, ?( mmaoa. fS.TI. Iff Misses refeeed urmMs teTtaBeree its Waaklagion, D, 0 Feb It. Mies H PolkMwV Rooky Pord. Ook 1S PROCEEDINGS OP CONVENTION GIVEN IN DETAIL areajaaSexn-'- of persons who wished to be present ewes, osaads. . the hanging. The preparation Roosevelt kas prsotkmlly drelood all tt tko minor doaatlg wasMHig ( S. DLmc. lAmar. Colo , tM iK'ilfflunk for bunging MM been maoo wry nooot kr ne oora-ple- d skeep afnt yearlings, i peaada, $.SI, carefully, wee leapt ami aka la now koart aad sow! Prkfty, February 18. nam ma; H. J. sad there not tkt dssjgt problem. Joka Yaa Nora, snaky Pord, Colo.. kiteh In prone Bering kki with the Tk meettag of of Pint kmal oaak, AlnaWMpt 1 tk amse.' la eotte of tko fwsalastiag to ewos, M poaada. $4.TS. at tk baakcr confinement In the Jail. wWmwu sccoaats JSasv-- IWsjilsu for tbe parpoae of farm-m- t J. Palea, PtrM Notkwsl Baak, Susm of yokes and Wednssoay, Peer wary T. - wmte h history of hi Mf. wMrw ov- masttltVeat a wealth tattttorml kaakers- isawsmtliw Pe, w. P. Backaasa. rirat Nwtami of ltagerte Worn Now York nearly all J. M. Sims, Moat Vmta. CoK ., a Bank, NtnisBtnirl; ers thirty wo mm of ckntfty writ- 71 IT. saam aaaptrtonsly tkls ntoradag in Mia Becker, First ker gowaa aad all of the latlmatc lambs, poaada, kkHkaatl Bsofc, Btdoa. W. Marray. ten manuscript. Tk kletery kM bosu W. C. St wart, ktoat Vlata. Cohx. h parktrs of the Commsrrlal crab. a portlooa of remlalae finery ar near - Silver Ctty National Baak, City. revised by ftkertft Mleson. and wBl SS laarka, Out of tk forty baaha. In New lees- mut Ins twagpknioa m mnwlnattra. S4 wo. poaaas. $4.u; MS A. P. Cole. ,re44at American probably be pnbllstsd far tk heeetJt TO aag, i ico a total or i rty aetogatea war la New Torfc th. president llank. Kl A V am or th heirs or toe executed murderer. i t rv.i sat i waoa M oomoa i . n. fami. Kerr - dU skier pnrcksssd elegaBt even-wtaa- iirkat n ertcan Natlonnl W WUlmm met fate wltk stoical ree- TO ita.TO. I amsjiwBM, taa amsm lloak, Silver hn aad ake orderedIn a light brown tamba. nonawla. M Firm nsamawi H, 'i'; ajmatrm. and slept well the might he ymm Otlwawater. Montesama Truet com ekttn gown from a tall wb bka Lotkemaa L. Lamar. Coio., Jit, 7 J Arbuquerquw; McReo, fere Ma SI IX SA mPfl A. If. ISMIWjUU, ravun""aOf".""r'(BO W. Prank mado kar ridtag kaMta and her street ikon mA narllua umi NMkmal Haak, Aimtauerquo, 8. njiw of tkls ctty. eostwmsa lnre ak oofed skort Thurv.' Fekrusrv of Las Vesm R SEES PROSPERITY Iisemoyer. Arbaasas Valley. 74T prayer. follow mo: which Fran tflal 4. MeKoe, gsnir of Alaoanetnu. de csoag Baak of Watt una, r u lamks, 88 ponads, $7.08. mi-e- Sko oMaiaed soaw pretty frills aad I Bank, r NEW iivored an inHrsas of n ilssmn oa ! 1'ive, Stiver City Ntttonal FOR MEXICO skiffoas aad several paraaoia la Ootk-am- . Weber, Arkaosaa valley wt iambs. Ctty. ")0im 78 bom mis, I8J0. i feakt of tko psaokiof tho Dako City. bbbbbT fcfllHllB'ifiiB Skt bar IntWa rlijr kaa for tin Mayor OMssrs Hmsletl. IWumtmeday, Feb. M.) Bono tk ncsaftg right to elalm cor at Son. 4 yeaning, n MsKe" AdaM. $8.11; 848 ewes, 88 pounds. MoKso eapraaaed Ike pteaa- - ALtkb aftoraoja's esvidoa be ' C W, ry ropresentlng tk Joka kVwievalt aa a aaSraa. company, As prtdlrtrd ht this correspond- $1.19. nrc . tka rrsldatrta of Alfcuaaerawe at stitalkm aad lo btwa www ee (l e Dttra now of XaasasCkr. M. & L. a. Co.. proa sues in ctty kaak- tlon by sBotkm aad ndsnstod. wkft OmoH ence, tk bridal psgesnt will dsieund atottdard Kaasaa. tke tk of tk tM kondatmrteM la Denver. 874 117 $8.78. Umt wera as ioawsy says from tke seroad fwor by tke narrow wotkor. Bounds. ers of tko territory Ho atatod aa aisdtad tetlow; aoewt la Saata Ke, the J. M tcrtly. Msmto Vista, Colo., 908 oao of tke tonkins fiat ratty It was Prnriimn-- C. N. aBMkweli New XCemonH. Mr. Meory stairway near tko state dlakut latm. makes tkls lambs. 77 pownda, $8.78. usually pleasure to bkt Mam wet--o- Vkac president K. J, Palen.itiMat terrlbsry twfoe a year. II report On the arm of ks prealdeat Ute a. fair brMe. with magaifleoMt rob n. WsKtk. Moato Vlata. Oolo . Mayor MrKee lumod tk keys Pe. Hk good era mveaeets la Nw Mwtlco, hor il kVrcrMary M i ess? SBIH MHl imKmmB of aattn nnd and taint , 84 founds, $iJ8, of tko nuke t'ltj over th dmagnteu Bowman. Ijl Ciu oBBBBBJL jiJBlii(iijBWBBBy.'wHHi BBBBBJl w7rjBBBBBJBJp"XiBBBy and tkOe of sonlkem Now Mexico ft brosad a tram wktcfh will measaro three fnll yaroa Frtdsv. February 9. In the course of kls breeay. strtertala-la- fHltartec. Indeed. - i mi I X. Wirtk, Moato Vista. Colo.. 881 remark, tirglag all to use tkew Trsrisaroi- J. II Hem don. t,it reeoaUy Mealttaval-la- v win mnke the grand tour of Ms atnto He vMted tk 84 He eRplalaod com - corridor to tk ftewor deekod lamb. pound. $8J0. uah uiagl) that and Nmad tk farmers aad kartl- altar Hveotng "Wsally erected n n dais Just In front of tha Abbott. Las AalMaa. Onto.. 18 tttcos would be at tke service of tke Tkls 8s4fi. ouHurlM of tkst saoUos sw COM. Owlag prwtcao parlnir wke( ww wiaaewa of tk east room. yoarlmga, 80 noanda, $8.18. Una vtettors m show them about tbo Ity, to th of tkiTrrtnr for they IralMve wtll be Alnmas, Oslo., 884 owes, 88 nil whut neon laagrrmun la Aiiiiiiaarnaa no eastoa oae moseoiowk yaaia m Tkls promenaao will extend ore evataln to kad doe in of tke 18.83. - woum will be bem lb. irssAtg. All del mt - aearly 1T0 feet ncnt will b ns lmh in past aad whst be ons ta tko kletery af Mow Mexlen. Tho po- t Ing as If It oceurnm In the matellost Taat. Rooky Pord. oolo.. 48 tke future He sincerely t mated that gates wilt sltewd tba reception ae Mo f tbat rwk, valley cmirewnd $4-4- eaeeo-tivr- -, jr-ue- s- SB panada, tke visit ot hankers would be both tends red Rew Mrgl' chief graatly bo-- cathedral. Tko Harm Band the tb- - ikmlvos as aooaraod western ttkyyaalo however, by th llitsburg. Pa. Feb. 13. Rvsngeli.a hortini ifllanc aaao or trs will fumlah tk amslc. Receipts sf Horaoo aad and pr atable, Cbmsserrtal iat It Ik It flO,-ih- im ttavsaai amount ot motet al- H m luaurtoa (hi tiim wltk an automobile literally re- oatiiiatd thai hna coat tiurlag win Very reluctantly Mlsa Mooseveil cattle here skis work kave been Col. W Hopewell prealdeat of th ravrlors of and great daaltof hard Trork to are which kaa fallen tke most entirely stuff purckaasd oa tho the Ooassaprciai wna ligion by mscilnery has been a a tar and over tko early conat ruction of wna compelled to rofnae th offer of club. who lated carry ramury war-far- o asm rorwarsoa tn on ihU twantlMh - tke boy cmolt of St. Doaver market asmia ostlear aa athtrcss of welcome Proaram ter Tamerrsv. method tried In thla city with vw-derfu- l tk diversion dam by the govern Jobs'. lor th canae of ralldon. Tko Tkls ckolr would have to be otsosd sorting mainly at Ham miaokalf of the club, was not present The sraaion ten aortww mornins le suorsss. Four yoUkg woman caMpolcH waa tko roantt of an effort In tke east room, sod wltk tko con S4.M. one drove ot black cattle briar oooBsaastHMy tke pleasure of bosrlag be opened by Mr. Beery nm at Una Graces tk e nutted to tha nreUdaBt of Pit are credited Um of tko Ckrlatlaa chnreh donomtiMUon $1.78. tMa apeaksr waa n-- lata ik vftk glad waa stantly increasing najsnber ot gas lR entertalntaa to bo followed by power , by conversion of a ,K0 aouta. resulting to iMroaao Its wamnarablp. Thla day tko bows received of sarUy nffstea Um favors km term tinder wbfck tk It wtmld have riadaisil tke proklom dofarred aatll sack time that be llevbM Jacob H. Kaasaa ooyror from tk na of modern method In mo4ni aot bollovoa In ooiae; tkmaa more dlmonli of nonttlon It la l In attendance. will Bj vary dam Is to be catretod. too pes tban OTERO Imssrman favor nosemkmge Um greatest religious revival tkls city hi a ttwoorn way. IU mien aro at present. 0. N. Marren'a Address. roes. A aympomusa wore over good worn oa Ikon wltk an add enthusiastic tke con-eatl- evar aeea. 3ktak m to oaten-lftt(on- plena - baa atBHa. Mftmr aakod tkooomtnlttee of WtpkantBatto According to tk most mt ant RETURNS TO SANTA FE Th Mt ure of tko relating- to practical quest kms is aegt four Mat Olive. Ijte. mako tbo that of tke wel- - Tk art. ataloment: uimt water Users' nssoelstios. wkKkwani at th Wkll House, the nam n llaetsing to aa nodrsos of In order on tko program, each duV And Katberlha Net. by Um iowar of Jomm l tk 3irtH and my pomonal bar now bf O. N. MarrtMi of this ctty m to Washington In tke tnterostn of Urnt of ncceptanors roaakoa AND IS ON HIS gato's addros Iratas; Bmltad to )mr attrsaK ttevlor," aatl follow tko tirtwotrt: INTERVIEWED bskjrlf of huM-kt- g xwk akme iIwmmii to project, Tk soil la eskeeially i.ioo. of k bnakwa Albagaema. minute Tke Urns place for In nil porta of "Do wHm you &h you tkaro VISIT TO RANCH IN Mar.-- In atl lo tht mMiliHM b:l the 4o, ho Iorr Mltura sonar The portion I lotted for tk altAr 8HEI3P Mr. mid tkat bidding tko be aom tnmvoiiuaa will b d c ity, go groat right." a4amd to tk of bin th Jsthtwsee olMae to do bta will afford nmpl apace for tke en- QUDALUPE 00UNTY. beakers woleome for tk loam battksaa upott bulnogg Miatba m oreaalona At etoao rovlval QfiM aad Mr. Beery predict tkat In a few closd and onflalekt'd of tholr nlnlnm. the at the o tire wedding party, on enafi abl be dtd soila) no perfunctory or formal almuftttneotia years, ieet culture wttl bo, s tn ow-- and trAHsuMed. whou inoatlima were mombera ami eonvorta In a crowded separated from body at the WKj . Tke Heart fart pioaaur of wa tttnptMyed, rado. one of New Mexico' most Im tba main Drives About tba Oily. ltHid, faat AHloniobllaa wr tkoator partook of As LunTi SHOfior. room, will b nwoas for the dlnjomaUe (Wtdnetday, Pen. 14.) Albuanorauo fratomUy, k said, afternoon, wHI erowtt portant Industrie. MlmMl In tke tka de legates iu trnnanort tkam from om oknrek to while tke overflew wai oarotf sofpe and kigli dlgHltartes of U;e a. Otero ha rortb to every member aad all bo amt HHother. for a He ads a posKlve Indication of tke shown points of ksiersw about Ihflno mig vlaoetl on the In soth w kalL vJtlloy. and tk cksa relatloHs aad return d to Santa Pe tram a trip to bM a bukdred tbouaand woleiMwso. udktasMt Anumg oornars ropentoA tlielr Tke et kA Brosperlly of tba In tko fact to AlbHfiusruus. tko otroot flttton ameerod la spoclslly koaorad friend. Bishop amnty, wtt Trrl-lorla- : la srleotlk; tk Dske Hy as ak flrst pkicsu University to bile alaoo lhov tkroa year that be Una idaeoti largo orders ot Ouodalbp where, to be visited are ot onita. and drew thotiRBiln s wra Satterlse Ko-mn-d place of maotlMg. Mr Mnrroa said that - farm omenta wtth dealers tn Now and kls asajiat. ftT. "oxlao. Indian school, plant at tlin hull wliHru firtr-tr- e clargrtnM of ae. Tkor1 kava raftHHN many flat- Imtf e rary J. W. Raynold. he ho aasumng that Alliusjissrgaa wap) Nr Maulea, Tko sal of all farm imata-mmtt- s Cotion Smirk, restor of St. Johns, AW Mt I Jtmlter com pan) Km Oran- ex go la satonstvsly intorobtod in ratswg cum-merrla- l and vHngllat In a unltvd rJTort tcrtnR oners to m tk mo. will enter th east room front tk tk given cresttt for belug th chief ge Woolen mill, Wool by kls own and oomtlv of seen New Mex- Albomerone groeti drawing room. sheep. Wkaa by a center of New Mexico. He (Md Alba-quvrq- firms la msrfdly iHsroaatng In tkls ter- reporter, Smarts, mill. Pre Ubrary. Tk groom and kls best man, Taos. ican ke said: tbaulked all fnr this glowing tribute. ovoral ritory. "1 never snw thing more prom- Barelaa aad otber Nelson Perkins, of Host on, will Join He assarod tke saiMim blags tkat Iks points of ising than at present in Ouadalape so interest. LIVED IN POVERTY TO SAV Qcrm tksm tkroogk tke samf door aad will Alboqucruue baakt r war proad of Bsnqust In Evening, The Yallew Fever esunty. The heep are In fine con-dttle- a repre- await ine coming ox me onae jtmi distinguished sn asemklago i n will brought baa recently bean discovwed. It sad tke range bw never been ta com mi loo be taa boars a olos timombbmeo to tko ma tMMWbft del. senting, as they do, everything tkat is niiMptrlous close oimonuw Bight wink Th inomaat tb resi appears batter ibape than at present. I pre- good la tkoir respective, oumatunitlea. Tkt func- FOR A knagtrm. To free Um ayslsm from ldat dict n great Increase In Inmbs for a baaeiuct at tke Alrarado. FORTUNE GRAVESTONE germs, affootlve th bagier will round hl gar call. "I assure you, gentlemen, we are will be elaborate IB every detail. okmauu tko most sheepmen during the notnlug yenr, nnd you guests tion romodr Is Dr. long's Now Ufa PMs. 'Tke Salute to tka OMors." a tribute proud to have as our and Manager (heatham promising to undo If price, remain anywhere near sa prof iiril-Hu- cor to required by official statuette when the trust you etay In our city will be hlBMStf n making the affair a Ouaraiitum to all diseases dno g'iod Sh In tbe peat, then ithnep reisers nmbu-i- a eaocvuve appears m kin own homo Itsiiie nnd thoroughly enjoyable." success, mod will lie poison aad constipation. SM will hsve no complaint worth making. social at aO srtinauets. but Instead of the familiar tones. C N. Blaskwtll's Rsply. ly Governor Hagerniaji "Hall to the ."lyi. the con Therw promises to he in abundaace Chief r of m (. N. Bleekwoir roply to the kind querrng Hero ComeK." the lutnd will graaH mid wster the range and RED RIVER MINING st present there t plrr.iy .' feetl to word said was a moat scholarly el WHO THEY ARE. begin tbe rick weddlag chorua I frn tide over the winter fort. He epoke r the, peo "i of Al W P Buchanan, of Tucumi at nn LoknaTin." leuialtiinn ' DISTRICT LOOKS GOOD htiquerque ss being wide awake, enr Ii U. Jcmes, of Hxiita Rism. two Dartsjg tka ceremony the hymti month. ( t Bo getic and enterprising, as inapeotlna known beakers irota their seotlon orisiMlly ekoaan by Mies Hoosevelt "We are coni net Ing fool ware prop- or tho Hy proving this explicitly. the territory, am ie tk city, in ' EASTERN CAPITAL POURINE IN aad Mr. Loaa worth will be olared house, one ator high, on iur erty, Mslado Live Ht k company. Tbe warm hcepltallty of Albuquerque tendaesu on tku imgkers' convention, AND OBTAINING PROPERTIES. softly, will the I aad tk concert continue people was, he nald. proverbial nod It. D. Bowtoa n. i he well known n THE LYNCH MINES. taroagaout It will he ot atone and iiiigh to hav , tko breakpaat, aad tb re always most cardial and ke believed popular banker of ias Cruc-a- I - Uowts. cesjntoa. room for the aurplu or wool this With tko nropMta of tke St. ummer. the local bankers had exosllad thorn, Ueed aswmg the vlsttlag bankers II Hooky Mountain ft Pacific railroad ne - "We have a large number of men, solve m the mount or esAsrtainlng ir aolte aa orator aam win to ei- reaching Misaboth'owa. New Mexico, MARKET LETTER the vlsttlag dslsgatea, Mr, Black well deaos at tk banquet tomorrow night next mm or, mining there Is botng with tbelr families, on tbe ranch now and I wltk many ot to captained how aad why he kad atartnd si toe Alvarado. revived. Maay of tke old mm WMofc visited them H. Special e what they were doing. While the movement toward usiisctkag ao J, Anderson, a prominent citlsest kav boon Idle for years aro being Oorrespondcncs. ttrganlttttlan of territorial or Alnmogorrto, the ooaaty t ut - there I told them If they warned bank. again ttteeei! m eondltlon for Kammn City, Ma.. Pok. M- L- 8 ip- that (More emHrfcy. one of the beat aotiro to cultivate the land, I would give Ho spofc la closing nt some length and work. prosHoeting t going on over of rrooi rang ooun i mokta cattle tka faml'y a twenty on tno grasrtk susd prospsrKf of Now towas la seatem New Monk. hero the KMHiaos every day. Hew mtne try knva been soatterlRg dariHg to each clear title to kohftokktim ai- - and tk Bares, Mexico, of Ma eaoslkmt aouoatkHisJ wltk the kaakera aul Will NO deVMBIlOd. past work nnd mires Imro ndvnnead "Most prefer to work InMtttttkMO, Bow too Immigration hwr ouTtao nisvfaw. Lack of railroad facllitlos nas made from 16 Le Sec ok ail otessua In of them with pov (J. N. BJaskwell, aonompanietl by tkat the sheep. I also visited the district eau kad tmOaiiMly lucreased ha the shipment of tke tk rat ao export! re time. Moat of tke muff received from umtkm a1 commercial Imkornno Mrs Blaskwell, arrived on the No I. tar-of- public schools, nnd bsd a great time tkat U did not to work tho mines. f territory hss ieog Blockers and last Bight, aad took la tk miustr. la ity wltb lk child res. I picked up the' and sHtkalBMtod at least K08 tomes Tk ore bed to be banted In wngoaa rooMere, soma good from ool Um Ir- at the Hike opera limn H Is prast. issuers books, and. while I am not muck oi when alt ymv for Inereaams for sixty miles to tko railroad and oratto going at $(. to $1.71: stock- rigation tnc4iMJs were completod. Tko dent ot tk Plrst National bank of Ra- $1.44). a teacher. I asked ninny riuesttoaa, proceed, than akl)i pod to tk smaller. Tkw er at $1.80 to wkll fad numerous amt osoelloat iiaaklng usptl-tuitos- a ton, asm Is taking pan ht tko will soon bo from tke soutkwost o)d from atr and tsated the memories of tbe little inea of tke bankers' soaveatloo. obviated and the mine at Tkey splen- warn sot omitted aad ao stAtod $1.80; bull $1.80 on. are getting along ijom II. Bntwn. ca skier of tk Bank owners aro gotUBg ready to katn to a few sola at to didly. tkat tho primary purpose of tho con- work In tk early sating. $8.81; some oanner cowa at $1.10 to was of DemlBg, represaata tk Wlndmdl "It's s gioat relief to lie free from vent ion and those to oome to net Is The Lynch mines, esnststlng of tko $(.75; a few keifer at $8 to $8.30. m bank lug In closer Ctty nt tke convenrloa. Mr Brown th responsibilities whicn I tboso onjEBt'd y. Uammn group, tiava reoonUy boon Tke altlo run today was benvy. be- under oo of tko pioneer bankers of tko lung. While 1 trto wltk oat another and enaasar Window GlMner Agreca With Many by or ing U.IMMI but elltsaw are have bosr. so appreciate having to Kw . ta Tken Cbarlm bunted tip another poraaasod Ckaa. oikbon I'klla kead. all holding governor' Hied sreml toptes rskuive to tssakrag Ml partHvr, Henry dolHkia. selllag troag and active, with the de the boner of tho 1888. Mr. Brown kas been wltk tio Partners to save Earning for Mon. Mr sou. Dut Mason 1'.. and Plitskarc eaaltaitata. Oflta In this territory, yet It does me which Might be advaatageously dkv was not long In following Tb price sold for tko mlMs waa tnaad good and tka klgkest of ap- Bnnk of Dentin ainc ita urganuatbm umant, but Survlvsa Them All, and tk ommmo prls good mow 1 am among cusned by tk eon vent Ion Heart r 1808, WIUmmi IM,H)0. m any 1. tkat the ex, aavd in - of Bets. II akw loft a letter Tko iaen wore asm4aod time sine Junusry racker plause greeted Mr. Rtaekwell Uavea e,000 for- His Own. supplies are just to rest, rest. rest. I haven't boaa T. J. Kirk, of silver Cti. here giving an of ts earnings to nois. jot tno Burcaassrs by col a. r, fear tkat going to drop doing nny thing Messrs. Mottee aad Marion upon tbe wko ttanter, mining esport of og, ana are keeping up to tke els, alsr Oovernor attseslksaT the lookers' ooaevetuioe. kad Mason's doatk note framed tk Wallaco. ensued HaiSjermAB I will conclusion of tbelr nMresase. -- Hun Franclooo, Out.. Kob. limit, of course, tkatr active buy was Inaugurated. He state tkat be la at present II. A la stiver and knng It at tke foot of ioaao. sad leave sooa for Tstttsorary Ofkosrs Selsotsd. nww - a trip abroad. Prom gaged at Silver t'lty ta forming a lifatlmv aam m ManriNg kla body is It is riaimod that by proper develop- lag la rofloatod In ti strong demand "organ I an nd. tko capital 1 will go to oao Francisco I'ader tke kead of banking coexamay to be known the and wtvlNK M ponniaa tn ordor that One after another of tk mon ha t tke mines m Blanket ktamn will from tn country AS spring tkw" a temporary ebeirman and seer i Prom there by aieemer to Japan, aad American Mat tonal bank, and soessn a macaMeeNt munwrnaat tttiftkt mark ejected as partaora committed enl surpass tkoso of Cripple Crank. eouat.y yora alwaya be- tary were aetocted On motion of K come more, aeason Cklaa, tkrongk tk wei Canal, to to think tkat there a good opening the final rottta )iac of klmaolf ami cms, aek on leaving Ms wordly tkew Lynck took oat of tko BaadMW nctlv and tkls I A t'ahoon, Mr Rlnckwell wss selected - Italy and thence to Prance, where there for tke bank he is organising brotbor. la tfao story of a window wnib 10 voartos, wno aaowea 1 mine, prta- to 1IS0. over (too.OOO they hsv tbe adtid inoentlvn of a The omven , kail meet my sister, la Paris. I may a temporary chairman. T. M. Wlago, a of Et Paso, Okorloa Hott. dtod koro by ta gold- - tsml record breaking from pack-era- D. nkr riMr, wko aavreelatloa framlag tbelr doatk Waee data tk mlaaa bo gone until aoat fnll, but I shall try Hon skto unanimously elected H. who la wall known aero, is attending the oikor day. Fifty fkousand dol- notes In costly style, kav not imea worked. Mickaol Cow with the baowlndejo that feeding em and kagtac to return by time, as I always ; Bowman of fru,e sa its tbo beakers' convention. Mr. Wtngo lar waa tLc roeult of llfo wall In lty, operation are aow n money mab-ta- shearlgf tk maa'a inem atwat sis gteotny chaintw, uatli kr, kaowa tkls kaa been a to on porary awrretary. Is aleo laiereaieo in a new bunk rndoavmr. aeatn came kJm. Pktesd In charge of tke No basis, and wiiii Satterlng pros- Ilk be head for that oorsskm.'' to mine. The governor leaaed bark In bla Oammlttsos Appelated. which started up Iteming Alone, and la (he moat wretched In going: tkroogh tko man's effect expease will be spared to place t. pect ahead. At tbe iBMipat ion of tb roavea ago Ionian nt y chair, aad lighted a cigarette "Yen. time The sum resided poverty, lived In immtty first working A groat Th aheop ultustion la an i he mlaerable lode kerlff Newbert ftmnd evl la elasa order. not sir, ' he said, "I enjoy tils rest. ' lui Chairman Black writ appoluted a Aibuaoerqiw apm years ami, si loca on Pacific at root. The walls of dence skowlag tkgt Bets bad acruraa laflux of immigratloa Is rpctd aa as aro cat U condition just coamllU on jroer, of buslnes nnd a time notng naaaaga of Urn lies, rat bis dismal room were huav wltk snob lated a large fortune. Slowed away In soon as tbo now railroad gets into now. Heavy run tp ap nt all ma- committee on conotltntltm and by Ptekwlnej tmmpaay. aa rket, supply h being IS,-IK- NEW HEAD OP ST. Mrewaome loamantoa tke "death in oroust ot a stwnoa Hit was a let Mlsabotktewu, aad property vaJua tk today lerwtt Ttlev wiia u fttllnw W. O Murray, preeMoat of the Mi' notes" of snloloos. ter donoanclns; all of bis ruimlves and are rapidly Increasing. head The nmrket advanced 10 of lualnee W H gtrlckler, ver City National bank, la In the w - Gkttx Deep M week, tb low" MICHAEL'S COLLEGE rdr , Year aao, ante red Into a bidding them beware of bis return to Tke Tunnel Gold and InIns to lo last' from Albuquerque chalrn-.nn- K.J Psim if ii.p.ll, attendmg tbo aaakcrr,' compact with kla brother Wtlllam, tkl earth after his deatb. cumpaay is looated about two aad oae! point reached Monday aad Tuesday, Hants Pe. I'rlee i tint km ' W'i are bavlBg eiceptloa kla closing weed Arm. Sheep are ( -s ach miroelmi to devota llfo to wuen nets' win was filed it waa balf miles north of Btlssketktown aad tbe BROTHER LEWIS SUCCEEDS on Hot Mm and !) laws E t 'a ally good (ruling In btaBeesa Hn- ami loanln wtadowa and saving hla found that only oao of kls relative has bean carry lag op work for about selling steady todm bet lambs are 5 ,'KMiit. Koswell, ilislt.iiait J It Hern among the luinee, aad vetihins; BROTHER BBTULPH. THE LAT-TSR'- S money, wkiok waa to bo Invested nn4 waa remembered and mat oao, a two years. The owaora have con to 16c lower, puttinic tbom back to tke d ti r li T llasklitn i.oiti'a be future upbuiMm t - Vlbuunt ,u,' inward used after tbelr doatk for tk erect Ion slater wko i a nun la a Port Madison etructed a unutel About aO0 Hmt lowest polat elm- Jaakmry I. The DEATH oMMURRIftS LAST flnn Mlfuc!' hat praareasiw llttl't city," ud Mr. or a aitleodld monument. They lived convent, was left ft. lie asked that kmg, and expect to go auotksr UM demand of packer i Ursa, bat there WEEK. Vats of Thsnk Sstaoosd. Murray. seem--- d . In the most shjeet poverty, but hi body h cremated at a coat not foot. Tk proeldeiat of tk company sems little prospect for Say Improve- On mot ten r I! I Ihiwrnaa a ' R. i, Hals-u- of ta First.. rontented. exceeding SIS. and bw aake mingled la Alsaadr Mclntlre of Pltuborg. ment In prices so loaf as the heavy Brother B. Itwis, prefect of stud- of thanks ws esfendni to Chalrtnan National bank f Hoot Pc. aoeoni Some time ao. William tired of bis with those of kls brotker. Tha bal ra. m late James iyneh or tau city marketing continues. Tk fhttos ies, has been chosen by tho board of laackwell for tb- - luterust be ass tab. panied by hit wife. a la tfc city to leav-1r- c ioO.eoft waa comemny. lambs, Monte Colorado, Usiijsnjs' bargain and cowmtued suicide, anee of tk was to be need in tko treasurer of the. It from Vlata, director of Mt. Michael' ool logo, as la organising nke aiumclatloa and day attmidlng tbe eoaveutkjn. I 88 8.88 ( l a letter ceutkHilag Olmrles. to placing a splendid monument over reported that tky bar recently weighing pound. oid today at Santa p. to All the vacancy evented tke trouble he baa )en to. Asmtker Mr Palea states that tkO Capital fmitui very oopper it saponnt of uu whom he wft kls akare of tMlr earn taetr aeaes. sow rick or. aad other pretty 8"d western lambs by ko death of tbo veaaralbl Brother motloa, just before adjonraatoat, ta Is sajoylng usual As tec-- $8-7- $8.78 osgkMfc bright ( lags, to keep to bis agreemaiit. There no doubt but tbat there Th old mlno, oat of which at agalast a rsaf from Hotalpk, which lest Prion strnolod all delegate to enroll their aosa and with the will by Tue, 1c $748 occurred In Charles took Ike note, kad It framed will be a contest of tke the mllikms were inkn In tko be to last week for tha bast lambs St BBS. nam on tbe oBk-la- l register. This another bsnk to be weeStillskei that tn gold, and bung It at (be bead of km reintrves whom be to completely it-- lag neajotiated for ky Indianapolis here, Yearliaga sell at $8.78 to $8.18. roster is aa fellows: city In tb near rut tare. BBBt8r Ambrose was selected to H W, Hotly, tg K bed. onpltalista. while th purer grounds a string of tka Btaa4fi Moat aad 811 Nooms f Tk Present. of Qros. 117 tko position of prefect, and Brothor Is city ' lying between Qrouae Quick and rut Live Stock wethers. Walgktug Cmarlaa was charge the B. A. Csthocx), rBprss anting the First coiupaay. la the from li Oulon, (.000 together $8.71 today,' placed in of tfas. UobMbblag wkdh tk t.Tritons I embracing arras, potnds. bringing waioh third class, tko pktcv formerly koM Natlooai Baak f Boswell, tno First WILL PROBABLY TEN YEAR' QRAOE FOR wkb the big ditch, miles long, has waa tha aamo price paM for similar teattoaal OiBk of Artasls. the First imnkers aad will nttsad tke Oov t NEW MKXIOO FARMERS, tl by Hrotkor Ambrose. Tke board of llagerniaa rsosptlon toaight snd ti, RESULT IN MURDER. been liergalned for by Sir Thomas stuff last week. The skwrUMss of foad af-te- directors kaa Its meeting Monday r National Baak of Portal, the rtrat Mr. , Bird of Walltngford. Stiglaad la som localities hss mioad la stock, the bankers' ooaveetloe toaaorrow. , A Waaklna-toa- noon. Tho selection of Brother Matlossl Bank of Oarlsbad aad ftefermo Jim In as, a wko saeeml 4lM4tm from I tn going KeUp States tkat Vga Town ta mill wl'w nut are lamb to fsoders hurt kaadV HsuMrmaa National Baak: Matban was aseaalted stabbed Knnta dated Pok. tl, to tk Denver Lewis of too sotbags mssts pogglng akmg la Ha ueoal progrvseite and at week at from 7S to W IS. Put appsaaraj JaJa. City Katlorml Bank. Hoswetl Satar-dsj- r. sayn: il-S- wltk the of tho brotksrs sod prosper P by a notorteas wom lam goat brlag $8 80 to H. B Maasaaaii, lasaBer and that a eseson of la la a sortaoa ooadlttoa. If mar Tke aaoratarr of tha interior km friend r thla groat gestational aUt THE genorally, ago several Baak. Bee well: W. S. mrtckler, bwataess. Uw. A dowawaN atrak of k trnlm aaooowd tko prywoaHloa of iwooosad OUR LUWet STOcTsALK 1or Aikaqaerque; O. M. ekaats In all lines of asm water nsMrer tk LaaaMrg, N. krotkirs who bavr Isjam taasAkM la af Oossssere. Price, uf Hrlce Bros., baak-mercba- at cut a doow stroke la one skeawer itisn asm S. sttate Nsv arsgsst. WITH St, Micaaol's for aafsSf Matroa J. htondos Woeerro. Is in the nohtt penetrated tko loft ikag. Tko Irrigation br whlek Uwt iM - at Ptaokkg young mag rtm of tkmal Baak. AJboqusrque. C N. Bleak- other womM was in tk skto ktet la not will be isvsM ton years' time la which Dr.Kini: Kaaaaa City, Mo.. Psk 8. IMlow-la-g a at ta koad attmdeacu at th New Mealoo Bank- ad I. Baak, aUton; Joe ky k MfNy jsnvatttinaat tor tk aro-mhs- tk laatHMMs. tke alraatata isoj8 Plret National ers' otmteatloo I'rkne Bros, nave tko eriotts. JtmliMs la being earad far tk wore soma aai sf Ftsaotti sksap Prtrs. Prkw Brotkets. aVwoTiu; fHeads. Tko wattm. aJtkoagk wall eanatidinre cf tMWJMO for fnr-- Kansas OHy vigor, advanced httkB, asm a a oa! beak in woooriw ooaaty. Mr sad lambs at tkls wfc M. KMttftg nddrttoaal water sapaiy for New Discovery who wilt be to ansa ao H. Jones. Plrst Notional Baak. Sea Prlos is oa.- - of haaxers aitsndtng known. kM srroated. Tk atan.. t2 abt" the aet bs IIISLS.,.VI taT4sUI bag M. D. sey (bat no aowiamlat kas tkair iMma. INUJ's atajjy lor a Bsodty of ta Boas; Bosfenea. Bewmaa'a tk eoarrBUu.i uegaanhca m bis sa officers PrfSt hWoa. Waatssm. Kaa.. 880 Baak. I Cmoa. aad the Plret N akjlihaad baea mn MnOttM ter. and as tkoy la Dseaaiksr last tba seereUry ac rM ai tlas wets oa the aoestloa. lop (Mkkil.W sslM. saoals, MarMBtk 3mm, ao la HmtHm taswal temk of Bt Paso; a T. He would be single did not H ertmo committed, tky 9 faassa 'nCHF TrML it tt. kt Bxver af stete. OM PeftPTa Prss . I Lag Y x-- A. fSmfC. Mass vlsle, Ckrfo.. 884 of tha Adtmtsoa, Toam Sea Ulsaat rhUtoaal Baak, If It wera aexws, bet as K iu cannet arrest kar. jsfnoaji by wktak tke sam to s g lama. 71 aswaoa. UM. goata Pa rarwoy, la asotod m k.r-la- IT, MWtneo, w box passable. mvore tn next best Hmuod wm so rrnamwi in Shmsc aaaj aoATmlL ke MM DJkOAH got over btr groMok JL Oarooar, Las Affaaa, Cote. 17$ sold tkM sttops will be stoat Br ihtaiT -- stag ska pit Mr Prh. hu wt um mm Mt am j- - g . tH SKe asska. B4 tk soar fotaro at Belea Sov tk mrt Beak ot and wlH fMy wltk MoMoa agall nsJrt tfm a? ls rac m a mossmaat to eurt a ttu Vmr ardiMH- ats4mtITllltglf wmt Aa H. Brwrn. Beak of Oojassj rV WIHf kVfM.JAnaTltWaaritalrf'swajranawmpfcsniv Vwffi ft. j. Asemman, jiuu Tiws. m wtm baah at Socorro. glren a preltnilnary bearing aad tha NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. RATON A BUSY WILL PETITION COUNCIL RBCEIVES bond waa fttod at (MO. Tba prlaoaar SPORTING... waa eierh or Unootn ooubty for two (Application No. I7I torma. hm otto eaptrlng Dapartmaat of the Interior. l and TOWN FOR HOLD WATER mat tana of N. January BUSTLING UP CONTRACT la IMS. Hit father. Timet eo Analla, 0aa, Saata re. M. la. laiTii ...BREVITIES la a prominent atock raJaer of Llnoola 1M. Notloa I hereby gifan thnt in ril:iia .. Ft B. SB If XJT pm MBal IbbSbI county. The prleoner la aged M. Ha purauanca of tba law of tba United William 0. Tight aad ni t. fieeeivcdAt-lentiom-Scw- er la a notary public at Anallm and tba State. Of Bill, Should poat-offic- e Two New Bunks Established, Litticncid It it and Ordinance AHacassUyWfyani oilrera claim that thla la not the ftrat Charlaa B. Ilodgtn, who? Young Makonay aad Hugo Kolly, rrl.nlaal action that haa bean brought addrm U Alhonnerque, N M.. Jiany Buildings GolnH Up, Pass and Become a Law, Extension who racaatly toagitt a draw, will meet annlnat him Ramon Moutoya. who la about to make application t th Tr&vallii! at Hot Spring, raornary it. waa arretted with Aaalla oa the tame United Bute for a patent to tha New Rilon Railroad. Until January, 1907. Proposition Aired, t'barlry Murphy aayt he la banking ebartu, waa bound orer to the grand Placer Mlalng Claim, lo- on Halting- - lint tka "outlawa" tnad' jury In tha tame amount. cated In tha Sftndla mlalag dlairiit. of a nm on tka bank aevaral waeka ago. BvmalUlo county, K. H being the N. Toottachaj a b Th Kanaaa ualvaraHy haa dMlarad Luableat Man la Arhanaat. ft. 1 of tba N. K. Seot T. 10 TIGHT LID ON AT ; GATE CITY school board sign IN SB5I0N THIS AFlERKWfl. II. ymim of for football uadar tha proarat playing "I am tbe tnaktett waa la Ark an N . tt. 6 K. of , M. P. B. aad M. BWawBBsar rulin juti to b aiffaraat front other t " write H. I Stanley, of ttruBO The notlc of location of aald Mod taaxniag. a (Prlggy, February 9.) An !ii:iu.tiona of Thai iha ttnea tba rantoratloa of my wlfa'a gottte claim at of record la the office flpecla) Correspondent . (Priggy. Pstruary I.) Kaniiai way. With the probability of Uw Little A very Important of the health altar flan rar of coatlaaoat of tha Aeenrdor of Bernalillo county, N. M . d - -- aua AlIAcddanls l.ouU Crlgor. of tha Boaton Amer- cough btowdtag or Raton. Peb. This set mt e eonaaou t at- - lig and from the luasa; at Albuquerque, In tba Territory field bit! uv council la being hi this In to bo III a very busy but the ,m ican. bartered erltieally and I owe my good tortuae to the New Meiloo, la Hook J, Mining Her pic. astiu thii ha! nt Maw 1fiMaa at a!1 with neuralgia of thp tplne aad claim that taere it no boom oa Ju " atteo- - feara orid't grdatett medicine, Or. orda. page iolble law la Mm vary talro. f!' reeelte are entertained It wilt go Into Khi Hi. steady growth, with proeauty u Mr - that New Omearery for Oonaumptloa. anj a mnoh agitation haa bee titb th Tj!l"h BI,oM. ofjMuqaer- plnai menlagitla Any all pertoae claiming ill tie insreaee of traoeieat at tit atari, 1 whmh I know from eiparleare will the mlalag ground, vain, lode, new rtaw to getting Hm operation of tire ?,. mC"K" W. Uotild Brohaw, a Ntw York of two railroaaa last are ii i rebxrtro t of the stoat cure eoaaumptlon If takaa la time. pramlae or an portioa thereof o rurt eoua- un ... . nil'lionalre. baa ordered aa autowjo-tiii- e about to batId through Colfax .tM. i.. My wife im proved with tba ft rat bot- deaerlbed, hereby notlflort i ri- held up for ao , tka aae-on- d are that ty a tint, aa to allow 2J5kT,"1IiJ2f,,lf ",:n - that will ma one mile la It - J-- ,h er ys- tle aa twelve bottle completed tba le adveraa elaima are duly filed At tlM hotel, the landlady trld me of a reediutmat of the school spa- jSf - r2rtB Fred H. Marriott will probably cure." Curat tba woret oougba aad laeome. whleh. present eon--( be ftagaged to run It. to Inw and tha regulation thai 1 nave a ruom Juet aa mm an under riLi!-- u ufu or moaay At drug-(law- . mM dittoes, ta entirely Water Qusetien. Battling Nelaon will am to do ciid rofaaded. all thorauader. within the tlma pmacrtbed " e some apt up. wan derived almost hare m The house: Tbaiv la ItMlo nor for the council SOo and 11.90. Trial bottle by Reiki ter ot I 'fOBB revenue frotM - Cv . much training for his coning aght 'iw with tka the full At thm mUurisI- - tha ullraM collected IMlia- w a., r 7 ,Z i w i wi riioimwwB wn-- nivpwiiun with McOotrrra. Neleon weigh only free liaMed Statea Load ta)re, Santa re toi. mt that tHa cotfa waa Juat aold loaal.h.oaoaaaayiv baa dMldad t - Ter- TU I - f'.'M.. In tba county of Santa ra. K : f ia pound bow, aad aa the tight Darning to. aad waa ay la tlw Jj "Jj eK tba ettya aatat-o- IIW.O0I) for II. Wm HlrchfJeld, of unload- ritory Now Meilco. tbay will bo 1 J1!, Www Ma-- at ua, be coma It. cf . tha waifara of can eaally down to ed Nana a Una lot lnoniUi(. - plant. Th rovaatl at It laat waat- - at the Santa yard barred by virtu a of tha provialon of 1 ,ro' ' Joe Oana wtll probably take onj0f Wblte-faco- d im tMtlMlag gohis oo cho1 , JrfUw Iffy. Ibr iaatruetad tba tty attornay to heifer, tba other day. told1 to c w. a aailtloo Jack Dougbart. tba latent aaplraat for teed mat. which had par-- aurh atatulo. raaaaH, aa taluantial cltlw irr prprtni rcl prtFDani a contract an. tba naoaaaary aad ha MAX CM, R. OTMRO. a o -- 5 hono"- - 'fhaaad eoaatltataa aboot twaaty-lr- tba afiora at, claHata that totao ordlaaaeoa partalalng to tba pnrrbaaa PLAN FOR DRAINING wf?,r!!f"t 5?b"y In tba aaat. and waa UMng to Maglater. MMiiaaaeaa. Hflhtaaa aaatnaaa locka ' ovaot t bill pawaaa aad aaaoaiaa piaat. Bnddy Myan tn eight Hlt ran(M Mr. Blrch-a- t of tha Thla ctty Attoraar U. Ml placea him Mr tmtu. 4tm Haaaail tor tw rar, tka work law. tha rarcaaa that baa kawtaiara K. Hlckay haa doaa aad tka aaaa will USELESS SWAMP LAND watjKee and thla a,ra la a wail kuowa Moetttnan la tbe ' ,ur . Nstlee SuR. to baam aa aoaM aa tka waatbar will toalnialaad tba aetcola, vrltl at oaea b wbaamad bafora tka eaaaell today, la line " terrttorr and aiwan baa the boat. of Mrmlt. Tka waathar, bowaroT. I aw aa tMa caaaa- - aoasa - emobed Raltlinnrean ?aaaa. aad a raaalt of dlacuaad at laafta. aad fator- The o' awawp by Root, fongbt ' Territory of tfew Mexico, ia the Die- - maa. naa w graat - drntaafe tba ttada Jaek who has not The Best Phtie. baaa mm aam ;.toa. tbay rlatn. tba tMtme aabom abla aotloa takaa. TMa wtil praetl- meat of drilled walla baa reoalred tn trlet Court far MeraaiiMe County van ut tba winter, aad that had uwaa will lout, aa eally wlad oouaolrt atnee be met Marvin Hart Reno. Whea yon wist a phyaie tbnt ft wild aaffar itauorarilr al ud tbe eonaaetloa K. re-en- Mary Uiawmaa, ga ihr atteaUoa of Wabart Honoa of Nov., will the rlag tbe bitter in effect, stowMtch waa aapaet ta erect baeiaaea tratra-JM- toara wtll ba no laaoma lerU wktok to with tha mattar aad tba aprlac take Chamberlain's at the Italia Itate Oaolaateal Sarray. part of to Pred Run-ae- li PMatlff. oxpoeted at much, tka work kewp up tba choola uatil n tax tya-- tba votora of Albaqnarqaa will this month ueit and Liver Tablets. Prim it cent. i.lkn its maaaar In wbJek thaae walla far a puree of $1,000 The aght Every box wa )et (res saav vs, Ko. ajppn. Might have progrenter through tha aa could b arrauavd. lavlad aad oat-- derlda what bar or Hot (bay want a mated. a vrtutor uahladered aa far aa c iimld ba coat i met ad la act forth In will take place before tbe Kalamasoo and gaatla. easy b take and nleaeant Claude A. ijimnnMB, laetrd. aort tali, ao My Uraaa who raoswtpuj watar plant Hi Defendant, I a paper, faeluded Watar Supply Mbletle slab. pie at any drug stare and try them. weather la concerned have taken above ataoii. wonM Tha tewer Prabfem. , the Irrigation Paper Ho. Ub, KH-n- During tbe progress of a fight in The said defendant, Claude A. I. amp-man- Ojj erldeaaa of tka goaaral pro- -' )Rkl The aewer problem will receive a ad the aom time. pjblaaaUun. mMlUH "OotMrlba-tio- a a tent In-- aa Ohio river town the other Sixteen hflmeatondera ia hereby Hotlfted that a auit h ffPrtty nag growth of Matoa aad Col - Aldeaaa Walker of arrived at Bi It la our Intention." aald a nmmIxn- 'afawtU alrtit. to Ua tlydroiogy at tba laurtem aktbt a big owl 1uttered into the teat tancia Tburnoay. In addition (e theae been oammeaced saalast him by tho ias c)ituty la tba birth of two now f eeliooi myr 0O,n!"Ulc TJ1.' " djoiika, e Albuooetnue boara. "to United Mtaa." aad one of tbe pnsiltota glanced up naw settlers am arrivtag in that val- said ptatetlff. Mary iJMnamaa, Iu the tba Naw Mexico Mat loaal. ink that tba Mil be keW up from ba Wiig Ijamedi. . to aen what the commotion was. Juat ley almost daily. Monrly all of theae Dtatrtct (mart, county, for $100,000, a protege of . - . , . v airantlM Ma la tba artft roTarad area of tba of Bernalillo MUtted m oi . TJ l'u-JM- q, oniag eweoTc. taa erwai iu . aorthorn ailed" State, uumamu aa ke brnkod upward kto antagoolat visit 8a?s Pe either before going to wherein aald plaintiff aeeha sn t- V" .i' ate ttta Muaneqita National bank of tint (I JantijKM I laajv 'l.toirwi - onti miHvit na' ; . . " pttnehed h'.u la tbe Jaw, knocking Betaneta or shortly afterward to aee Into dlvorrj . Colo., aad tha Ratoa National ' i irw ' : . , from the said defendant ntlro ravenae. a I moat, la front wi.tvti iv a:jur tu niwn TT7 (Muih. capita Usei for fTe.uou. whleh taT tha purpoae of etamlalng ""! wuaotit naiutai mnwta, nwuiy blia oat the oldest town la the south weal. tbe maturation of her maiden name, at eonrei'. and a rutting 3Tr Ma Because Wheeling. W. V , won (be Ja urcai) I ted of Bl Pao. Alainogordo, y' i'ftthe nreaent ayetaan recommend- - which are occupied by and auch other milef as may be equl T and. A HabK to evinua would mean that wa wouia ,. ,. penaant laat aeaaon tbo management 8 Rneouraeed. - n on i Aiouquerauo aan Katun capital, local 1 1 I H U IHIWI u,.,!.w - ir drained, the ohy able. tbe ground of neglect ' "l IIHiniMUMVIM, 11".'. I havlag nlgnlag men The mother who h:t arqulred the jeople holding the large part of the - ' " n will he engaged. Inaa noti which tba bottom of tba trouble the of thu aald defendant to support na oa "ill coxth Nearly every player on team de- of keeping na head a botilv of lwk. IWnjamln rthoirod. of Alamo- - "' 1',nUnu' operatio each ,.c M ,)X(M,Hwno4, taught depreatloa wuld often make tba tbe aid plaintiff accordlu to hi mranr .i apecla! cbool mand an Inrreaee in salary They Chamberlain' Cougi Remedv, aae itdo. will I fcMhler of th Inltor tax could ! city that wheu any improYCtncirt ftnMit kind of land for a garden, tallon la life, and ability, and cruet Ih traah nay they a of extra hcraelf a great amount of uneaafnst 4mnk. levied and collided. The caatmta at-- In Km rki.v ahnn I... In nit. dralaago want share the aad Inhuman treatment, that uti- nuiu f. o.i tha ithr aaad. of cash they brought the gate Do and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup, and iloner would make thla lory in Marr h ror,lnc to the moat modern Idea would break up eararraja to le tbe said defendant eaten hi ni New RaMraada. tba stayers on tall-en- d team epr tn whleh children me susceptible, am una loe nr niiietnion woum nomaoc t uUd the pearanco In said cause th.-Nt- new railroad include the aBd that bad the preaont of malaria laden moeajKHaaa, tlemlclkfd looses management? sre Quickly cured by Its use. ceua on or before Mataai abate tbe of the it day lVOs. u.u.nialn A n iu iiiih wj urr urauwry aanaaw araawage n any re-au- tt of Msrch. Jadcmcnt Imla u..1,. aillr w - President Bitot, of Harvard, baa teracts tendency of a cold to Mr '.,T , t"it not bow ba naoeraary to prac- often lawloauate for of will be rendered In said canre agalnat two , A i - tha rmvri another oa football, de- la pneumonia, and If given as . iaiu i naiun abern "". t.ya an "j" aur Moaitv Mmini i an. it ,k., ...i. .i. ....i.ui made attack blm by default. ! soon ' OS" .. claring It to be mom vieinu tbaa a the flrat aymptoma of croup " 5U b a es-y- nt W. at DAMB. Clerk K'r i a H prr-e- mm ai jv mil'" VmUZ mmil a afavt '!T SfS Wo 'SmVr . nr., it. i . .. maTVhVTa. "...... pr!f fighting, tie oaaaea aa appear, It will tba attaak. mi Li ! nmi.i IKCUJIY ft M00HK. Attorney Moraaa, on tha ColOfado A i , s.. " Jr,. J7. 7 " " "i.. ,n,'y 'irwrwo into aaop uniieu wwiia. aareasoM'jIe number at injuries and Thla remedy eoatatae InJuri-o-s for "1.. w t" - ntlbln armnnlng I ii, fj: rr'LrZZZ" ! To drill walla an ordbjary trail- Mfilitttjf, pcaioiaou addroM, Albuquer 1tna9slWVarvea to Mlaabathtown. 7.L" ?"....LrT " , L"". ."""IT - anck neat as. na does not bellewe thai tba aad mothers give It re nttle ones i nw mn we ao mmii up mH.'ir la wwicn AivieitteT- driiier'a outfit I neaaaary. The ar- 4KB, New Mectee. ; aotboriUoa who have penatttad a aan. with a reeling of perlwt aoeHrlly. by wn wflwM '"T -- k aMitauTaf .ZTZlmi tnat ttmf be in abapa ono fa growlttg mMa oe inaiaiiaiioB coat of 3 Inch won. Including gam Plrtt pabrloaUflfi Pab. 3d. m. Uraiiawwwtn rwv wlt ayatam ena dklon of evil tu grow up in tbe ror aale by nil druggteU. i '1 knat tax that will. K and modem aewer Wnen oOMpiateu if bi lbtl M' oaalng. ahoM not exeat! 11 a foot. shnaht be truatad to eliminate that land! of anaaaalty. ba lavlad." I abolnto) neoMaary. m davoktn tba oout ' The month of the well Hhoulti be In evIL it to rumored that eaatera part tea N0TI0E. rinur. A lawyer city baa No Limit to Bend uy an. iwoum, mouh-tMl- a la tain bean sailed Iteua. an excavntlon below bottom of Wren, gietns are oontemplntian purebaae a mir(i urn itoaKjr upon to laat the tbe John aa Australian, tbe of To Bngeto, Albiway. lhisMfl OoaI aampaHz from to prepare a potBton, ami la now Aoaoriilntt the aejmoat. poad. If well provided with a sntlpodes. large of timber from tbe for-e- at Prnnk WaMor ft - I the k to be tbe real sport of the amount at work nrawlna- It mo. Uthac flabk-- AhbBfltierflu nroparty vaiaad at i their huira, an., Ui Maxwatl Land arant eowpany. . " " . rai bell month. Ita oapnclty la nearly Reeently bis borne won tka own rant bureau and will ereet a htrme plant admiaistniters n. ..." "..r .'"T ,aetaij and all persona etalmlag in wbtoh la reported to iasttina ha ohI tout oenuoa win be atmiatl b A"'"""?. doubted. Hie Inflow of water la re-- ra Msbowrae and be eteeaed up tHa at rlaantaff for the mnaHfaetum of on .about aanM acma of land valued )ocnl ua,w"' lured ir a acmen la over tba tidy aunt at M,0on. Wren is trying lumber. A railroad will be built to lereet or title to the Iron Maek and mTwV inoJ rluivl TEJr Z yL -- tatefeaten. and aaat on to iT:hvm, oa- - coun- tb'i aad enterprise Blaek Iron Mining Claims: at tUJHBWi. to ao Umlt tketr mouth of tbe well to the to Inffutn Jeffries to visit that tlntl. abould the ue Ua Vegan, Santa Pe aad plane there toti? laaanne. thla H ndd J. W. Record, forraorly ot other traace ot auexa. a largo Mint oaten try nnd bag offered him wm to be cart led to Ita finish will You I will be raduoati leaa Notified e, raaawtly Batan-o- r, to kbjned by ahe member the amount to than torgvi- - ptoenerity Plagetaff. are hereby that aad mora of of healn, wMb. nmpte aereen oorvrefl aome to Melbourne and moat to the ot ra Mkoel board there. 160,000. Pour per cent of the aaneaaad your In tbe Iron Mik n ataatar laoekanic for thla mad. ' - - opeataga, abould be built around the ebamnion Anatmlmn prise asbter, th WWle la llitle :?iA,,on of Albtmnerou.- la $10i,- Dtn't Detelve Vetinelf. IxMle aad tha fllaek Iran Uvi: iltu KWta tha raUa am Hat laid yvt. there doubt but what 757.UO. mouth, an that tbe full onpnetty of tbe money to be paid win or has. SAHltNnant, an-- tnc gambuag fraternity post Don't deceive ronrsetf. If vou bam ated la tbe Im Plaeltae Mining Din the inunlHK obibi favor thla Can City Hall well may bo utlllaad. fmttHmx Metoon baa at mat ad move, It adviat-age- . let Bend. MetTnw-er- u ladiaeation take Kodol DyaMpeia triet. county of Sandoval, Territory to a would a ajfMa and ainutr aara, have bagun be to their An coagToea allow rl; Tbe etfeetivenee of thane walla hi forfeit for the fight with lit Inaamui li net of alto longer any Cam. It will retteee you. Rev. W. K. of Now Mexico, bare expended Two jrrtva Raton. a V"1 POWllatlon of 10.0.M) u 1 1) upon tbe panetraUoa of an and them Is no doubt 'ITw IMtna ft Baatara in poatponlng Of thToloairTuanf or fellows will net HoeeU, South Mttis. N. CH says: Hundred Dotton In labor aad improve Santa Pa. J?,! fight of iaaue of bonda for he open rlean re or a pocohh atratnm ot that the two ltl" upon tippatnmtti' of Pa. plncea for n year or i?0'v MP together. McOovern seems to be waa troubled with tadtasettoe for aev taenta anhl lodea, aa will appear a braaih tba Saau J mora after the .rectlon of a city hall to coat not oioru aand and mmorl. ami (t) upon tbe un- 'a years; by certificate la awvnu mUaa la length and bnd paaard. but a New Mexico ba ns good condition aa h ever was aLd eral whatever I ala seemed to filed October Sad 105. k rban derground watera rmrag only to a tlut- - la mama ex M Mto coal flalda aaat of Raton. long twn the utamplng ground II should give tbe Dane the beat battle cause heartburn, soar stamatfa. tbe the Recorder of of Property Haldcra Ataeaaed. ne!.ht intbrw the bottom of tbe pond - county, m Raten la Ore wing. n naeil gambling, it would oaly mean of bis life. Terrible Terry's friends enng or my heart, aad general da- ardor to hold said premise n view of thl peruaal of law and My provisions 2121 Tte AMbaugh the people t the Uate i lie sre confident he will be returned a pn aaloB of mind aad body. drug under of fteetma rontinuaace of the evil for the bet congrnauiimal record aeenia to Never Sriee or Waken. vlsntl, together prvMy wull on the rui-iii thr winner, off odd la glat reconmendod Kodol. and It has Wiawsa of tbo United State. KMtf atleb m Lum puoiir mnooia, aso ror iw Oo They never gripe or akmea. but but will hold for place a popu- - legal hindrance for the city to Letting. abould rtlteved roe can now anything Amount required to hold tbe lantnrnint that tba ha a ah rt time at that, ao Now Mexico float Umd for the plant, the rleanaa and atrongtben tbe atomach the Nelaon be about est 8.000. eat I water 4 nnd sleep soundly night." same par the year endinn Decani bcr of a coneervatlvc otil! well afford to harbor the cli) hull iwer and bowoto. Thla to tbe unlver to nt Rods H.inni. bal evllewr uatcnalon and the digest you eat, list, will place It at The tor a year or ao longer. con- - Th aportlnr frato.nlty this evening nhat make the lBi It ia There Ik a notion among Kveral of al verdict of tbe many tbnaaaada And If ninety lot boaea ahowed 8i otr In 1004. tended, bowevoi gambling who nan Barly win find an path leading to Caalno t.itnach cel. Palatable, it length within dam after thl that the the aldermen, however, aewer DeWltfa Little Rleera y rJatag of calculat-Ina- ; that the two eelng nnd quick Sold notlc k-- pnMbmiion you (all or the uaual method fraternity are not agitating the Detl oau nm be gotten In ahipe for Theae tamou little plli mlbvve bead hall, in Old Albuquerque. Tbe afford relief. refute nopulatiou by bok by matter from t!: Unlver-nlt- y v ail to contribute your proportioa of nucn the ballot Hon a much aa Who really I bem gridiron rival druggist. taiWtplylng Raton bad t.tuo are tboae the aprititf clwtlon and on thla ground ache, const cation, bllloueaaae. jaua (be Central expenditure aa your bv tve havu the public arhool't welfare and oppoaltlon will be Injeeted toward hir- dim, torpid liver, tallow aomplexlen. of New Mexloe nnd oowaer. inter umpumtloa 1M4- - town aaw n High arena est In said will beoume In The beat intereata a: hean. ing the expert. Then there la r feel- etc. Try PJariy Rtoatn. school am to meet in the M A. Otero haa m-- smm the jMrod dnrtag year )P0(. Utile fight out. That It will be s Property of tbo subscribers, naid gtwth the im It may. 1 ahoultl be and 'It" urned to aawita Pe from a tea esys' aadcr New bouaea that aa them no de ing that property ownni goea Sectton Rant la kiub la Ratoa. nying that aaaeaaeil to pay tbe bouda off with. bitter struggle without saying. Is" "j tbe sheen ranch of the fS4. 3, 7 rooma bring $S0 to with the enforcement ot fmao H of and from ihu If they autbortaed. UNIVERSITY NEWS Both club ham been uaur wonting Live Stock com paay in Ouadniupe HBltMBRT 0. K00KB, $B0 However, Uttleaekl law. the ferae t Hem are par month. there am out preparatory for the battle and tbe county Oovernor Otero look fua-bnr-at. C. H. FRAHK. of revenue of the public arhuol aya-ten- i offea-v- e vary fnw vacant bouaea tn Raton. WHAT THE COUNCIL DID, ttam work, basket "aboottag," but s:ay Pint nnblketckm. Jan. m, tape. In tbe territory, would be with- eg his snort nt the rnaob 8MH Making Olgar. drawn, All tbe above matter wer ilincona-e- d (Saturday. February in.) and defoaeire work of both bac evidently done blm pood. atatrttt Maaaay. formerly of Albu-nttr4- aad that It would aerlonaly aowe length. Owing a gen Mr. Preetoa ngTe gresmtlon am aald to be well nigh NOTION cripplo the achoola. temporarily, at to a oamfullr we bati a clgnr abop hem, aad at oral m launder taadlng aa to the time pared talk, yMoraay. at tbe aaaembly pert est. At o eioex noaiuiiwa Centmefi Ceidi Are the Oauts of Many Maa-m- y leaM. gainsaid. To DHPlangl'nl g laat ba la data wall. Mr. cannot be oeuHcil waa to convene today. Juat on wlit eammeueelitAt ttti eonclasloB Wilbur bain, admin Although nothing definite Haa tbe peri, "RadibM." nerteus oieeaaes. istmtorg ana nwBkRc: umidora two clgnr makera in bla baaa a quorum waa preaent and aetioc rela- both club will trr aad forset the Phraiciaa who anlaed n na decided npoti among the Member bare You nr bffW'V trWIIlei) that I i,vr- - aboi) and work at tba beneh blataalt. of tive u tbe water contract drawn by Preaideat TlspMi I haprvnag rapid- worsting or victory la the dance tional reputations as aaalynts f th tnt aebnol aa yet, laaa-muc- h esmendeil In nnd Improvemim ffo (Mi a kmal market eattlotoNt to board bare City Attorney Hiekey and the engag- ly will i on tka bW next slated to take nines. rauaa diseases, labor aa waa auorumpree-tn- aad the of varleua clstm that npoa Lode, a)imbnia tbe product of bla factory. Ur not a t ing of a aewer expert, wa deferred week, though He may not up km Jask O'Brien baa aeoepted the offer it com a tha Kefsie sltusled in bn Having. at ineettag taba pond JoeU eatcBtng could be avoided New PUteera Mining Dtotrict. AMatrlot Attemey Worth the laat of tbe board. until tomorrow afternoon, at a o'clock t.ork actively to eroas the aad ngbl lone of aMan t.'ounu ta tight Tbe R W. achooi far aareral day. eight list deaaeroec ent would of Territory Naw Mexico. The ltd oa la Raton. Honkiaa. of th beard when today a aeaatoa waa adjourned Palmer, keavrw ebniaWKa of aosnr he heard of. Mvery one kuowa Ssata F. of Sunday la enforced to to a mpraeanutlvo The rt nglaad, nurae ot rarly inr ihh year ipm, one law aoaordlac r.aivd of , to. A game of basket ball tbe for a ftHm. thct pneumonia and consumption ong Hundred aUlwtea 1 Vetera ( Doltsrs. will l.v tha aad the donttena of the iweninc CBiaea that tbe matter oft OUy Attorney Hlekey In hii rtiport "VnTHba" on ta June. going Abroad O'Brien from a cn aa amtar to wludowa ending oat a petition was vartlty and tb lae will fleht Tommy nor mm inate eeld. and chronic certlflcals tiled Doeember 38th. nhtee Mast the darbaaed to eoaaretw mlatlve tbe toauance of iionda for nunput, Tu mlay aflerrHHHi, maHbmit Itvan the tarra, broaebltls, and aH throat and ior. aVontag lielnn agitated. to ube j -- dlewelgbt ceam rrioumU I hat Is, If a owes or or wKb midn. It latenUaa in tbe waterf plant atatod that accord In 4S-1- P the .the naoarder aii favor of the NHwer. Scorn, luag troubles nm aggravated aad rand . OoifaK eoaaty baa a brick court congmaa not to mabe tbe law ef-ita-n to an of ciongroaa 'paaaed Ryan oan bo eoaamt into the ring, eouaty, in order lo bold said premise ak ' act ered aerloue by each fresh at' wttMa fltty feet of a watlt maaicl-coul- d There Is somethhW of a aaaptrioji aiurt under provisions Secllon Re hiM9 btHH teetlve tbe territorial llatMrr Mareh 4. iM, all ekartarad Prof. tTrum now preparing to give tack. Do risk your life or of itti. Mnnatnm of aaamatnae aald to be ot arrangementa oorpo population it that when H time for Ryan Jko not t.h vised Statutes of United moat and make pal ration having a Han BtoopH to oonaner," na tbe eoml nhanee whea you bam co!d. the Stst. wary good aaaltiy. tf levy. t.OOO peraoaa. ual put up forfeit piMey he will Mat a bring amount required th.- bMlldlaf for tba lacrente tbe aebool of not leaa than ruuld vanity pl A strong oaat wtll be Ckamiierlain'a Cough Itentedy will to hold bva brtnga a toa delivered. Aa (or health on MitlftjeAt He cannot same year ondlag -- Itlo which at preaent la hot 7ft mltm. lean bond sanitary aad the for the Decembrr Drnpa la vary lilU etatebood talk made up from tbe nnmarona atndeata Mnd.liflC Rrnn ha a bad cure It before these .Haeaaea develop the lealalaturt' doe not mint uatil iraraoeea. the cooatmetlOH of aewer. wontiag department or woeu remedy ao opium, raor 91st. 10B. Oslmx oounty. The land grant March. IPS7, rongraa at in 'he Marvin TttK will ho glvadfW ObAnoe tbi coutatue Aad It within ninety tiny after la will be naked water work and reel imnrovoment. Hon nnd ' phluo or drug thla anal antnoratlona apparently am bold up law ' Attorney Mickey aald that accordingly Oratory. to meet O'Brien la May. other harmful and has notice by publication yon fall re- h4 to the until January. thirty years of repnta'lon back of it. or njpBmt aNy Mad of atatehond, while 1PAT. - be floated pur-ma- a Regarding the annjHi base ball your proportion at laaat. According to tbe Bate- bonda could for theae Among tboee entered for the by nn:!e.' every fuse to contribute of tmm anaamua aeon two-tblr- game to be held it Bernardino, "ned Itt cares ennui naapi neaitare law. th- - aebool hoard oaanot la- - Poaee with tbe aanetlon of content In tbo fait such oxpendltHre as a your ejwitannlaa: UHuaaelve either for or ,tr oaallned votem. itj to take Cal., rebruary Mtweeu teams tlon. Por ih.i by ail druggists. oar any ladebtedneaa beyond tbe pre n" aear - Interest la said ebum will beeouio the iilaMwat atatebood lf of futuir. am tan roiurwin: eta renjagsntraif MBTJfOStce fore- of the Mat ent naenl year, therefore, evea tbe 'n refemuoe to tbe conatrurtlon Hoc McOraw I bowling property ot tba nubserlber under said An an ot1oebjoldr put It. attorney wa au deata: Albrtakt. Allen. Taaeber. tramvpsetgttan iapartnietit and ilrrka not a believer in "Ift borrowlag of fund, la denied tbem.i. "y 'h ton. Keller Haae Ptech. PrankHa. n an aid to a pitcher' arm, aad be Section ttli. tbnea Mtew who am out that want thortaed to prepare' an orainaace pro In the efflees ot the master mechanic OBORuK ALEXANDER la tbo law becomea eCeem... content. Or. atom-keepe- r, aas ti resign omajfe." cm vidian anoofntment of a per Oweaa and mil. Per 00 aad coast liuna a San ordered ntcher Ames and until the aaaeoameat of a achooi for tbe J. A. Henry the ftmt prlxe from u liowllag club. Ames wss also Pint pnblloatien Jan. ft, IMS. on In to take a omen of iiaa offered Bernardino paper aays: levy by tb logialature of 107, no eeh ward S. B. N. aenona. coming to believe his arm might Prkthtfally elf- - la order to aaoartaln whether and aeoater tbe "Tho latest find of the transporta thst NOTIOK. Burned. fiinda could i aalldy be fortteomlag, the by of am 10.000 peraoaa Albuquer- tion team ia "Polly" Auld. who waa be affected too strenuous exertion Cbna. W. Moor, a maflklnltt. ir i he rovonue fra- - them la Tbe nbnn 'ia anewty rendered the mm the gambling to If the pitcher of tbo High school A little bowling undoubtedly Is a To Mary a, Webb, Oeesie White. H WANtt CMp. IHl, bad hie hand fright I que, whmh number aereMary Song, star r rnlty off. beyond preaent following iTograw, yeeterday: Intcr-scbolnat- o cut tbe bonda to e ..oatod for the new league tor a couple good thing, but (he tendency of most wane, n. j. KrwrnqHiat. j. ii tally burned ba no electrical fnnu am mi 1 i"w of 1 mllla The matter will be Bairella cii.tma; recitation, He Is now railroading on bowler to overdo II, with the re Smbmee, Oeorgn H. John- city ball. de-hat- of seasons Haaeiton, Me anptted Buckren'a Anrloa Salr n up the next meeting Haraeb; ou'ioa, Mlaa Perklaa; uk. at of the appoint menta of Santa Pe ape-ri- the tranaportatlon aide of the yard sult fiat their muscle become tired son B. Brawn, J. T. Belly. D. it with tha uaual roeult. "a akk nod hool iionnt. and in probability The "Resil ed, That tbe Chine loae elasticity pamaaaant all olScera Oray and Pntteraoa aad and will occupy the alab for that and their AbraSgm. f. r Baldwin, their hoir. cum." Oroateat healer on , i r iould be to cltlxenahip." iingrea will be It toned to poat iilmHtod team. man bat will , for Wonndn, Bore, Eo- - tet William Hlaton and u O ntevena, aa The behind the Cough admiatotraton and assign and all earth Bom. Ikwo maklUK tbe UtllefteM bill, tn by amrabnlj Xtaae Spits. Hart, T. be Perria. than whom them to no bet One Minute Cum contains not ncmoa etalmlag Pilaa. 3&c, at all drug- - deputy marahala. tbe city , an mom any drugs, It Internet or title to the event of it paesage, a law until were approved by the council 7" K' ter. Auld and "crria should mako of harmful and the Old Timer Lode Mlalag Claim. January, 1P07. y very fast combination. has been curing conga, colds, croup Tbe Kentucky eg!.latur will prob Bate ball "But the mechanical and 'ore and w Hooping cough so loag taat It You am hereby iiotlttod that we SCALX 0MMITTCK Kedei Dlgetta What Yeu aldy Suaday 111 In the 0 "J T team a up It sleeve, has proven Itself to be a tried aad have oxpeaded la labor Imimvo-meni- Cat aboll.h bae termlaalon f"4"'. bouse has card maay aad H0UM StCRBT SBSSION. Juat a little Kodol after mania will Blue atat. Unanr tbe which haa Juat been dlaoovered. aad true frlead to tbe who use It upon tbe Old Timor Lode, sit- tiras for tbe An ratty team am Allen. No your WMkeabarto, Pa., Pen. h-m. relieve that ruleeea. balcahlng, gna oa thla ad da interest, witnin tno next need to fear of child chokint uated la the New Placers Mining I It. Clancy. Alvm I, Henbl. IVIce. Oomiab. from croup One Cough :nb, ra aathnu-lt- e utomach. aad all other aymptoma of Reunb Harms Made Smooth. few day a the office of Head Store with Minute trlet, eounty of Saata Pe, nnd Terr! of we miner J- - H. horny Uya, C Bltiiiiiona, Simnwtna. handy. by Dol-lar- a xniii lomaBaee were hurriedly call inrilxeatlon. Kodol dlgeate what you a man who fuc had rough, keeper Cuater will have been removed Cum Sold all druggist. tory of New Mexico, One Hundred - n ;e Bryan. KoM, Doaoby and M '...M-i:.ei- pur-- eat. and enable the atomach and dl- hand them aa amootb aadlMI Sel. hem from Afbuauereue. in that of for year IMS. as will appear ' today, but for what Hiu. M. R. Otero, register of tbe the - K(ktive organ t - i hanria made them aoft and smoorb fice very battery. In m- j. not given out On irniur iiertorm their fttae force It a fast of eeruueaia men November Mb. non I Witch Haiai bat ba need Albnaneraue tbev have been known United kiiatea lacd oWoe at Santa Fa. ltOS; ' . rikir :i wa atatnd that the com raturaliy. Kodol ia a thorough Pair, seeBbabawal etact of morning Oae Hundred Dollsta for tha will relbyf tbo geaalao bearing tba name Tba reguia km aa Custer battery.' And they have returned to tbnt elur this al ysar will appear by ii . i liatl flnUhed ita boamea and iiviiimt and afford front that AjMkrtta leOi, as certificate l Co., Obioago" otneer of tw Aaaoclaiiea play me ter a few day spent witb his family r a.iv ditorder due to luaarfact diaaa "R. C. OeWItt For been drafted to with the ipet, Ono aronlil nol ti. aaatn iataa In thc waa held Ibm TMeWenjr. Tbe mrmboat la Albuquerque mad November uix, and oSI wal aatlmllation aid by all torts. bU. eatg. bums, brulaee. etc. chanical aad storehouse team." Huadrad Dollars for the year loc, a tnaftrtneo the mlaera met la iasmtti ball aad alter i It liaa no mom, bad afferoa altaou Im- the "Polly" Auld, for yean, was will appear De- aiala the operator, which "rugglata. aoatln-tin- s br eertlficate filed and from blind, it teniae ia rap art ot the faithful carrier for Tbe Beealaa Clt lime, al in Ni w York OB Thura mediate relief bimiaf. cember Nth, In tbe office of the ia ile Jamea Paaton. of tba law Itching and protruding pile. Sold by eoaimli'. e. II. Bryan. liowlaoR, bum. aad we know he will win hto Indigestion Cauaas (he tuy. Today ncr.-- t aaabm. how t, Recorder of said eouaty. In order firm of Moore Pas too of Laa Grace. Mtsae Plm aad Ilbiaeb, elected tba game. hobj veer, liad to ibi Inlief that aome all dnfffftat. following: l'reotdeat, Raaa; to said premise under nrovialon in Alamogordo to rapreeeat tbe peo- ..nn a i. . vine qm-uUo- of Section MM, Revised Statute of Imoortant aroac whbb re ple of Tularoee in tbe watar right BuDertatendeat W. K Ketter waa prtaideat. Uoiirns nwalng; secretary, A Haallna aeansl. StomacH. quired Imraedlitt f com Par saanv vsara It has been aupeetad that the united states, being amount re- attention the In oontroversy pri-rat- Wort:.; tre.H ttaald; board of .1. Warren, ot ceae which baa been iu ine city mi mornm in ni imr. Tbe Bev. r. naator Caixrrfc lb Slemseh eaussd quired ta bold tbe same for tbo yoarr mlitor. None of the officer would coafer-eac- e control. I'riK Tight. Prof. Angel I, Oa., el liidlteea allice IMS. car. No 8. and wa In leat Sharon Baptlat Ccburcb, Balalr, to saxony tba ending November ipfii, Decem- tllcctus tha Medina.. general Mia aad Bryaa. sad dyipia. but lb truth slit, with Onrdner lltokr. Twaisr a of Bloetrlc Blttn: "It's a Ood efpaeiw. !ndlerHMs eatww eaUrife. Re" ber list. 1P01, snd December Slat, Itablng . aolicitor of th Beau Pe. H went Theae omrei win serve ontu nasi to m ankled. It cured me of you aayoee send aixtod artseks ot inaigMNon imixmes me 19M. OBRMANYt PAULT THAT If am acquainted with outh today 10 Mareial. Sept tuber. lame back, stiff joint, sad complete who la dtstreettag 3n messes mamsnaes Ualng tba stemasb sad Aad If within ninety days after tbia CPNPPRBNCI IS PAILURB. troubled with thla Physical collapse. wsa ao weak nerves of tb eu by you ailment, yon can do him ao grnatar ttpesei tbe rtffleh.thet sot loe publloatlon rail or re Washington, I). C. Peb 12. While took ma baif aa hour to walk a mile, lag sesreto mueia toeMNM el your favor to tell h:tn to try Chaav the ctoadsle fuse to contribute proportion of Rjvemrrient r- - tbaa 'Two bottle of Heetrte Bitters have latees sf natural digeeneB. Tbto to expenditure the :trl:lh haa not iierlaln'a Salve It give Inataat milef. the sueh aa your tn liixed it efforn to brln about nn wads mo to strong I nave Just walked tailed Catarrh et tbe Stemseb. In aald claim will become the Thii aalvc alao cur aom nipple mtUa! tot 10 sgtante fsel ten: ngmemeni between Prance and Oer Ithriie sad ! aroperiy of ebe subscriber under and unit Prtce Se cent, 1 I sahl many regartlltiK the Moroccan ikiIIct, iter rheum. jmih over Hie west Ike walking th:ee mora. It' made s KtMiil Dyspis!a Seel loo ai(' by all mi. U lor druggi! I " i.ew msa of me." Oreateet remedy impe It be given of an amieabie o fshavea all Inflammation of the O. I.. BROOKS, eettleaaent. It in rxpectod iu official they wear fir wenknfli and all HUaaaes. Mvet atemaeh. pretosts the W. W I membrane fining the 8. BTRlOKIJtll lu O Tbv'h'. preaidxm of the flSlri Kidney Moid I and cumuialnts. unde breath, rtsinge, ilrclea tbnt tbe Albaetraa bafemano estvac. and ours bad seer Pint publication, Jan. M. lies. will I'ulveral' y of New Mexico, la reported guarantee at all druggists. Prise We break up iraatbly dnrtag thepre a rapidly recovering wound a teaie el latin after ettrag. Ineesnea. from hi ! e-- LINCOLN'S BIRtAdaV PUTS cut week, leaving tie Morooean altu received ia the gawtllae eapbatlon eVaaessts end all Memach treebie. ni ion It wa LINCOLN COUNTV OPP OIL EXAMINATION-Ne- wbero before the confer a week ago. and the. attending: pbyi-oln- PORMIR Ko4ol IMjessU Wkst You Est H'e waa coiled. Oermany to giver, OPPI0IAL UNDER 0L0U0 pfakelbe Sweet. York, Peb. It. The oaamina state that Or Tight wlllb able Steoueh turn of w tneaaea at tbe frbeadeMOii the credit for tbe failure, la fart, It to leate the buanltal aome time t t U'iieveii that Bmperor William, laldro Aualla of Anallt. l.locnla bvaulry, iaatltuted bv Attorney Qen part of thl week It ' now CVO.' D.VvTfTAOO,, SMeage. W. that tbere ia no hope of Oer county, New Mexico, was plawod In PresarMl bf eral lladiey, of MlaMri, wbbb was feared that the use of bla right ear Por by all druggtota. expected to go on today. many't demand belag endoraed by will be I oat Dr Tight forever, ow- Jail at Roawell, late Friday afternoon sale wai to ASK POR 1PM KODOL AL poued until I rrow iv tbe powvre. I now anxkm that the ing to fact that tbe Haamenta nere m the charge ot atealtna two hone THE mil on aavuuul vt the county year wa MAflAC AND 300 YEAR CALENDAR thl being a holiday. conference ehnll fall lorn l.y .be exploaloo. In ('bate iant lie rich will lay anything long aa ike CnniWr'Cri It SPECIAL LETTER price la made to high t?in the ordtn JrKlilULK IJ COMMENTS FROM ary lot of pftplr cannot buy It, and "EVELESS EDEN OF THE WEST' LONGS FOR EVES those win do buy are (hut dtsttftf- - RJAT CDDinHTI V uUhed aa tho owatra of wh- -t ihe maaal JrillUIIILiB FROM NEW YORK ptoplr can poaeaa. lul NATIONAL SEAT of never Prof. IN BIO HORN SOUrfTRV, Matthew lillgert la Ibe genlu who TNI WHSRS THSRB ARE TIN BAOH. brought the "maglr boot" 10 town, Its 700 Inhabitants Live. Off and mob haa been hit tnrccaa that he. BUMS TO ORB lswVRRIAS)SALi Crowded Street Crossings aenpt liny man oonnnicijng nai rceiiy IRL. HAVE A Resources of Southern Ohio Goes THIY ISSUSO fuhea. Charlaa M. flehwoh paid H.O00 Legislature on por vvryft. for a pair, .tnd Rlvhop Pntur put hla call Are Now Tilings of doHrlnal feet In a ft (00 pair, while Part pf County. Record Favoring Popular the wl4vaake John T Brush of baa Mecteo ne. tlVr-- . feh. 10 - Rig ball fame, 000. nlv to a the Past, Invested I. Eiection of Senators. Horn couioy, tbe "Rveleas Kdm ot that they had only tlckird hit OTHER ITEMS OF COLFAX COUNTY the feat a little, but tad done no good to ii West u luer wrest I lag wiih the quae any of h'a foot ailment They worked ACCOUNTS ! !"c."a MAGIC BOOT FOR OVERFLOW to some datrae on the feet, for they; S. M. Feb. 9.- - The TOO FOR POPULARITY "Ll'Zo. '"Sf VS warn aprlftfcM with White pepper. The inhamtanta f ihla place live 1." off tha thdWh more than nn unraarr; d men law la trying to hold Mr Hl! ri. Imt rtuck, irmt and agfu-aitnra- l Intaraau people blgh in catnmunlty r 1 he part of f.'oifas county i I with the southern RAILROADS .1BPIUKN MUST GO Kodak lends Worry Our witling to lie footed, why ah uld Mil- - The Santa re bus a station hare, but W'irlaaoi-- Wives In t not ne anowea 10 iiiiik maaers 01 roan Miilun. a call for ! apnaaie wih kic itcneouie tne ho Miss Alice as She Buys paper at inrhspa a iboittand dollara do nut think the place of aufllrlrnt Im-- nf changing the ratio, eSl o: a pinch? portanro to iiave No. 9 and ihe litn- - .r,',fTP"ei , Mteoiae is ihe storm eenier - ' ' "Th,'" ,hl' u"hu" ' Her Clothes. , Med tralrin atop at !t. iiJUi.?- 2rJ?; , '"l'"". sliwef I "Wi ommonly rr iiercenitK.-- i f unmarried men WARM WtATMKN HAS Tbe town la built on tha et brlak by than tanned alateames of hi own nnd other I eallty. OISTROYKD ICK CROP. M the Cimarron river and eaat of tha pan .,. atlv The ownera ol other et. contlnno. straddle , iwn of the finct unrOiei are bachel NOT MUCH ICE FOR Pe pie are begianlay l worry about nta Tt rallr ad. but It will awaken the world like a HOT MONTHS any Ootou m,i other r. .Mh .1 mrwi tba ( crop. Ira Is sui h a uc onslty wwi 01 me ranroen, as r.. both amliltkrua an.i ihie. bate it...' 1. ,w. .... In city any pottililllty ui work of (hinr.lng the track la already the tuat to walk hla whether 11,., I Kan KfMaal lea ' " lu proarem. At present fol- iieneft le.. Rurn ftl eloeli the supply being rut ftr porten la a tbe track in. 11 r i ...... Nv York, Fob io. When tlM,im . mi.; , .... , many hi ml ere eim- - draadfut condition .( ihlngs In tha lows the rlvr too ctoaely for safety. y mnrruaii rhltiete Imperial came to raik aootit him they itn cannot kiimmj ,tui -- ui. umm-- i m Thla borame evident yrar a ...... " ." " . 1' it If h.artt uf tba oths, miivn a lst wbn help, and though no aatlsfying answer iwn a particularly height Ml of liloeha Hlood not only waabert out considera- ipnepenifiit live singly and rainbow inhad caught coolaeea from crystal nae hoes given. It haa iie,.n atked a In lube beea from sore la a to people In anu ble of the track, hot gav the lower favoring ally and Hang lusnry manntona thouaaad times, "upon what meat Ii bad beea In , part of Dprlnger a ducking well. it ihe expressed determlnntlon athwart workers tha tanements. To sore at loth thla Ceerar feed, tba' he la grown many lk atraaU. Ta OMMM are Ice whose pro- The f line neceaaltatea a of of these bachelor not to tar war not mora there tha iartorlrs, o grant?" marry a anjr captlvallag la be despised, thay new bridge of 4U0 feet waterway. mall order wife," a they duct aat to as Coagreaa came to Wathington In 11 than tha Russian vocabulary, but thair Thl bridge wll' h butit of cement, eaprewa They dtand to tee th are arw deft.erlag large quantliles of December, wlili n . . Krgeeaa raiment not maralr aroeeed - stomach rong4orl Atala In aaloaa, mm k. toa, anpertor In elearnaaa and purity aimllar to thoee on the Santa Pa cat- . -.- -- n - ". " i iw s'-e-..1-i- W..H in-- n,m. x.vb- j the Inncrmsst yelling of the on", which wide atten Miw.iji. emi, bail prepared an elaborate eaaesge hoodlum o tmn to the Ice gathered from the rlvara. have aitneted sreaa la February la raawiy 10 eat out , nUnpu tbe aMwalk. bat an Hut tion because of their substantia! con- then with a llat of eiktlbma raptured all com- tnatr tnal la atUl hot a drop Is hebotdtre. Whare a bucket, lielag struction . The people of Springer aa pany of tha about seven handrad P h' Jocihrn Amerleaa or Britleh oMdala thooaoad tona ntUUo tang wail aa tacee of Itnton, da not feel at to adov other tnctlea. It will wuid hav gaoe aloae; In nalaiaa of tba four coMpicuoutly in evidence "JThere eondnet an employment agcacy rsjsmlred. And no Torkwrg all alarmed over tha building of the ' on a aomberaeaa, Im Htr await have been no threat, ai least, no eltthed monotone Udiagt thay asm Fa cut-off- . The reaeou la mrt black, orVMIaU, r ittt ana letj from lea that kwd and bolsterona three tt Yet con r tbeae flit; oamo down newa-papa-ra bnal-aea- a ih Ihi SaMt, grow tbo re will have tamcleat ,-r- t. to u from eC and nervous as ta lanta mm. a. . aaoklln. dove, and mcTtho? the meal ancient " to taut the full capacities of both ..,-.- , M7nX on tha njebe. wortihlppr tall thorn that owht the prudent aeem. do. .0 get all iTP and aamt-oprlH- i; rontee. One of the flaeat doable .rarcely give. Um?T 'f tket ancestry it) the very root ef weather t tkt W B9 JUS aaKeg Of It, OUalntMrf vllh .kT or fahraary, not one of titha Uihmoh tracka on tbe ayatem haa Joet been beeanae fuul. kf... n whole traa, earne In brittiaat aak it isn't twsirett haa are enticed their to be- Hirer Ice kooata baa gat herod a pound completed between Raton and Trini- ooaveriea; eartalnlr the tenate haa frm dntlaa and aatlaa, which they wore .wit dig- Op dad. come mlstroaee of some ranch man's A WRIXNMK ARRIVAL THR) BW HORN nity. thla wtaur. on tha baaka of tha no contrition In It a heart n lau't e t:i COUNTRY. Thar war pittlaljr deMgfaied ba-aan- home; doueatb quickly lloaaan there aaa bean walling A Freight Rate Myatery. of the prraldent impnlarlty Hiiecumb to with Now York, aad bare faeeled The distance coal la very t th atrenuoua wooing of tome Rig hn tha lea ittttet waa not. Tha hauled baa rongreas; pep-ula- mine superintendent. wltb good and feted, bnt It la roportad that they wth becana be lan't Horn county a wain, aad ttenographerii board and room. tea ticket eoaatltatee akmoat the sa- little 10 do with the freight rate or In probably i It aeeau certain If are carrying I hair InvaetlgBtloa fact, he th moai and boobkMnera mnA U.wnnut. that the mar The publican n of the Oray Hull lato tire enrrrncy In region during lie coat to the coneumer. ' . .In riageable women thr realma of food wall aa In that unpopular man with Cfinir.iu "alar v...... can be found poal Cub a plant he .1. ready hi ought many at othar tMk-eta- , pay tl.RO ,: tmmt. ,... h 1 mnuta, tha winter and Ice tlckota red While the peop? of Baton nurew wonnaon. iwta :r..aiemeni la.ii lt.. ...ui Inquiries from the aet. nnd depart aad taatead of ordering IS com, p It coete g, ' real' grag'teat thwe te Mrd white tlokota. blue ticket n. yellow1 and for at ringer, meoe wiinout i. rover i and eaat 'Z01 Tl.e need It for tcra are file) given a hi different style, e "..LI nnmhor rvd t I4.SO - ii nta tlckata, pile up In cash drawora of conaumer a ton. The hla quarrel with eongrea. havlna inn1 " w'l h uaekeeper. The and an&wcreii in tiielr they partabe of tha food of tbe vicin- . t-- Jr"erawer'"7- order Thiie age, mercbaata, nocara, butchers, and the from Raton to Springer la about oyerfooked .ni who aireo giri" or Wyoming I to all in far every school maeher even to corn beef and beaaa. 1 bar popu- forty Is nlso j with 10.000 sSeep QD the range, a dw-- and dealers of all kinds. The whole milet. Springer about tenta a member st the family, and ai apply In haa re. have made It evident rfeat titer Ilka eon, Why Can Ho Do it? meatlc is now the wife or one of beea offered lations got out to earn tbeae ticket the bame distance from Dew one the tend church, danrra, and social func- iiiiineratlve employmeat. it la Americana and Amerloan wart. Wit or Col- me nana I explanation " het It la aaerenaats. A young and ra when the Ice annaon la on, laboring of the Important coal eamp lady tion with the beat people, If her char cowan wany vlaltatlont like the praaont one, u rosa I petd the neat ttate wHI (how men, aomatlmee elerke the fax coanty. which was taken over the boeaaao th people are ua of the lartlena, who United married arter 1. Americana amy come to Ilka the from piweldent a1 a marked etiange in the aaMbor of b ya rat of the year by the Phelps-Dodg- e Tbl. undoubtedly e.plaln ha. been led to tba altar by rildf'rom u; rSoatb. ChUteee. atorea. to drlv tha mnlas, and ' her 1. $15 S Usoely bachvlors. they ahlvr and almost freete upon company, owner of the Dnweon rail la part, but not m whole thmte of the gleaming, wind awept sarfaeae of road, that croeees the Saata, Pa seven the thlaga whic.'i the pretideni haal SQUAD POLICE OLEARS miles north of Springer. forced coagret. mm gramina him are tbo latter aa more probable, I th river, from dawn to annaat, in ' ba. vl"w tMlnea Am bealanTne tk eaanda raett .11 be ratnalntng here a few day coa-Uttt- w COMdBSTION ON CROSSINGS. earn tbe money wfcttfi Is paid to them Ocal la htinlad from Oallnp. throngh iii iiur., i ", wilt defined public opinion Hit IMfca fir., 'M.",lWO". ",,Wm " or at aowth to Magdaleaa. where be la Ntw Yorkers are certainly a queer In tbeae twhaU and ao far this win- Albnauorntte and through Doling, a ke dr I.S. 1 wtoh 1 etatebood bill waa u could J?m J2L " Hr ebi.ting leglsialarca. If Itttareatbd In atlalav net one ealab-liabc- d a alagle lee dlttance of mo mllaa. to Silver Cicy. an in. ace reform that haa been ter not ticket haa beea l. I Word baa fnm been raeeived In UtSt in Now York City streets, la paid out by Nie com ponies. aad aold for the amia price that it ooenni appear mat outaue ot ine tern-- ' wnat place hlatary antlgns him tinoa any atrong On aaire. of coarae. a almuitaneout cam y a ne local aaaia otflce INot the rogulaiMn of at root truffle. Can-tai- n bring lu Albuquersjse, wMen la $8 intereatetl there wat subject of Rooaevell a a paltn In r ALREADY IUE HAS per pnblk ileuund for (kit lenlnlatlon nian of deatlny. ait the state to bring a boat train No. I, the Hmitad, caught on tha Piper of tha Police Depart it, ton. At Dokxtng tha eoneumer on of the keeneat the reform. other aid of the frotgnt llol-broo- The prvNldent It. ami of wrack near was aant lu London to Idea ADVANCED IN PRICE. pnys VI tor the aatna asej, and wanted longrraa ol.rvra of men aad affaire e net fran i I Trinidad, aarttoulars which ninety eight mile Oal- It t him. cent y had this to of appear m thi. regulation of tha travel In thai When tha Madaon River lea crop west of . . . .1 AMERICANS OAMT BBLONO to ih,i.. i (Mirfw. u la telegraphic na elsewhere Rt great city, and aa a ramill, aajttada at fall the daaiera torn to blank Now lnp. acroaa the Una In Art tona, pays ri ui wiiioaproitii Th Man f TC DIPLOMATIC COP. In or Deatlny. PS. tkfa laaae, will not arrive until 8:M iKtllreman wore etatloned England, bnt thla year a large ah are li.&n per ton for the asm coal. eatimnnt favor railroad rate Rn at crowdad legialatlou. Iiul velt ia a man of deatlny not Sec tary of State R ot ha Jnat n'cloak VMlght i Rnglnnd The OoMai county mlftea are oper even th demand for rroaaings. an thy mod Mtaallaaed of New has failed to ahow o ccntplcurms au order which cllim the wiann Mr. and Mr. Joseah Price, of So by non-unio- labor, In tbia It more or leaa Mr and not nearly ao nilea that reduce tha tangling of the any promise of a crop, tbo Boaton ated foreigners corro. nre to &a.j v t 11 11 rawmrx in at at of number of Americana whom be tne rpy, visiting tba vehicular a mtuliuutu. '.pay loe dealers having eeht their working iau tkA ..r ooImsi lauumi' iiimarn fiiti in real in that Una aa f!mnii.i travi ""g- - terrtl-jNa- Mlm cleared tha rallrsed troche, and tore,e up to Vermoul and New Hamp- coal mlnera whTeh I. threatened, will degree for whatever Hon. niatilfeatly he .. , rl, ,a (tlnte. mullah tru-?- drlvo.t are shire to cut up the aurface of tbo have no try"' X no looter able t, Mo-- atreet raw lakea with blgh sounding names, ig.. Z&T" T' ,&&ir , S.T2?, ,. ' ly ehe doaen while heavily KHiriccn inch clear ico la reported There It a e of a,.,- I. neer" ft,' -- ca' the'r larirn , Mn To' ,he,r - M ,11,1 - waxone are drawi .nlniir at walk. on tonic ot them, denidti- - the aeaaon, mem among ihe people .f Oolfaa "nituen not 'of Rune he 10 pretlden. of JfiuP JSrtSL which he will nown&AZotopea IdTaWroT .'or federallZ of .he I Inii are turned to the tide, where they but to harvest tec In large quantltlta i,un.y on t.atearwd. The people of Saed nltea ..v. The reputatltm he rhWllo'r.,,7Th?.em - ' WHH 10 districts, gn. In Cuba - an make better In remote region tha Raton acen. loaU, to dlaraa. the tub- jL1!,V'" made him govern- r In n."ml..rt B. Howell, Hoitaa . time thmee!vea. these without ffh-- X ot "he I. III, Mr . apttc Tin y arc aoary. of course, having, all accuruymed laclllilea la ra re dlHIcuit )Mt. Thcqueallon n. to how Ihe poo nd mt to Hooeevel of ...e Ih,.., ,,,,, mm ,nH , XlS had arrived here, to lavaatlgate latf hat they must o for of bost, mail, , '"''b; mor pie feel about It uatially brlnga ihe appmial their .,in, vk... In m.-- . . reports .wither. Mr tbo direct to themaelvea otcept the and coats a great deal and that retl,ent .: - tpaaw-- v '' that hla Mora " " 1 aeesee teaa" I vau die- - ai' ai ie. ami tney .111: propone tptte or 1 !Z'. ff hi nm r tracka, liner want to ute the car coat the 00a turner will have to pay, or antwei that they are too boay to i.imaeif in iurle him Mo,,n'- - hH'' WB" ln should force Into preaileut-i- in the civil count, and enjoyed be ,ow",k "1 rail I at lead of aaphall. becauae tbe be will fall in get a little lump cuaa It. There la a universal opln itldent them BII w ' Pfor'r en t th.-- ni. Privilege, of importing y any ralla afford eaaler haulage Tha dlf to cool hla pa rolled tongue, and ba as Ion. hawever, aad that bi that tbe roe I Bopport any meanura In which without ofrenoe. ihai be lias shown thtj fertnre In the atreeta created uy fee nen y off tnv rich man an camp and (orjMratkin concern will "W nn believe Thou, narue,. himself 10 he t v abkst and the moat tin .1 side Already Boston deal voie to.miy . fi.-.- ...... bouae iu..)ooklnK. new regulation la wonderful At the other tbe zi. ...."'...W .vriUtinitmnttNlauiL.! rViff'.,, ',W Mibac ...... court and uur.LKti cnmMnga, where formerly ihe uaed ers have put up tbo coat 10 throe caatw about --itii'.BOO vote. voirt.rrwtwWd. V'V'iietw iiumu tnai nit mmii'-- thnne may lie placexl In toe and even tnllen. In ili'li tupiott of It. Ann rlcan auiiiv of polllict He lake wen si.iiiwii. liut IHiastbllliy of Im they say that l.ittn of ) - rkuinvr nvemi e in a constant r ingestion. wPh an prlcva. and can truly but In-- lack tin- lunllhoo'l ' cotue 'be ilinal rerklehN rliaocch, h" wai - A jury com makvt altttHi- imli'K rllialde mlxup. .be Improvement they hat only a few Hunda to data above mentioned. a wat t.iere. mi r..u. nimii Up bowekepiUK here aold tne proper out In opposition to the niliiilii'm the mimi imiM.hiiliile mop, he throw Ion-in- u( t of lee- - mltalonei ol the county It quotfd aa while lgall.n are llbeny for la iharmlnc, and the safely of pedea-- obarge it on. Wltn plenty policy. with m ! rnarveloiiit ty Jl.lou and ihoa the and her Baying that out M too votea cast In lion's uie aicuracy. lo iiiiuoly nay number of ABaericaaa band, Mooro, loft the city. la vaatty Inrroaaed, aa wajl aa burgs tailing me ocean tiiue, ott tne . . haa June riant , and when he am to the he Daw eon precinct at the last elec t kacka wmjm.t rit . am b Americana can Mr. go the 7aater peatage of vehicle In both coaat, it would aaem that tne in; the the ball over lt Howell will now to HtaK, - In ihe fence. not" i.e raoognlaed aa And yet somebody la en- geunlty and enterprise of 011 ton thin, the commlaalon ' member ot the oa the aame mlaaioa. he havtag a k directions. """""V.LOOMING UP ALREADY. Thoodoi I K- N'evtrihcle. jmivimi I -1 At balloi hoa reglatmilon books, IVKtHriK .lllitfxnal- - - Ic. - . . wMHf- ttflfalialMril in .M ... HIMkl. wirfa gineering wovtwteat In Albany for gataarars might bring in some nuge Ibe and - r ' iv I. (W. wwimi wiHg a persona who were Mr H ha- - a own tall Kiat " vuineranit- uiplowatlc Uat He haa iw 10 treble blocka from them. The Icebergs could And but seven evlt to intimated lu the uato of bar iearrwriioa in ih the kglalator aboltah tha uia nanow won man ycat h.el TbrouBhout hi adtnlnlat ration gipioatata Washington ua back to Uto hor- ba battarad with eanaon halla. t for the jury boa. it tao Hi lk0 la that aeyluat aa owned a house and k ia iuad, and tarn eould 11 me president one uean ny , In wHh Joknaoti'a Mean la raeorted to be long. reacnea out to tne summer atiaaoon win .aabeiiaiinuiuMt If mtat a.b mat town rible old eyetetu It la Hlmpiy and the "oatlng maawa kauled - atronc aHalnat Joint atalahuod. but of iwik and abut ..n the aim tiom myneiuw pruspeni, i. ricaaa are not, la corilfled MhM Margaret Kyle, of Otleaaa, turn any MettelMa pawon techIt. Lot tko price get - th futur. sunarlor people ha;- Wo-ma- na - elvon Katon the Imdding hopea ol more than one rbe bae lawn at work; u, .. Deotrttaent eeereUry of Yooag ould avar tiraam of a deal re to breftk High enough and tMa wW aurely hap- thl. aaiu iwnort oot at travdM to oealar i ha at Snrlaaor and amblttotta statesman In the prealdent t vei ,a rewarded tbe huabaadUatN; Oltriatbta aaaochubia. la at Me- moat popu- pan. eu w. . ranUZ . . . a BWgt 1st laAai Manaaala. mmJt up tha moat tenilbte and . r . ... tea ... . t ... - I hat afa nf -- Kir the rural dietrieia naa neea roiina un- - own iwny. vune.--i m ... r.- 7." " RBPRE8BNTATIVE HEPBURN al I la Parti, where aha will nddrae tHa lar roMPlatlon ttrnt ttm diy baa ever ' - 7" I Sprlaner, If pahlltan president im nomination 1. J" NOT SURE OP SEAT. atudeatg ot New Xegieo CoiHm liad. The wove mHet ba mada In th COUNTESS, CASTELLAN R true. flad the people of ""W- JSP'J&I HIS th name m ,w-m- m. ' aad Maeaaaio Arte. R Oho REMODELINQ BUILDING. anytblng, in tbe majority in wrrrr ot ine " Tbe daya of Hepoarn of of imereal of trttck driver, and rot inenna, t w5 ,"T' oi. "Pet" Onsteliaae ta a vary THa Inkawnmineaii bound to be beard, it noean matter, r,v.. ... all-- Is laaraea today 'bat Uiaa Kylo win they. If war aaked If Uiay Couniaaa da Joint ttateaood...... VaaaifaagMaaai I laa 1 1 - gat ti li.a, who baa Jaw ted ta railroad oven ticy r anv n .it. -- - nf " -e- -" ooaie math tomorrow momlag. mm gain tlm cover more buay woman hou jdayi. Sh left her with wlc the weeaiy papera w oei ". rale Mil theough the house, are filled dlil not and ipm are a ' may atop huaband. last woak, baoawM he and fax county Bupport atHtobood may be clalmer on the part .f rti pre.idenft """'BC Pednted with trouble. While Cot. "Pete b iadaaad to bare for a day Ktound with their tracka la a day'a - uroperlty country aat we. left In a vary waltllarloua way. aa.tnia.iaa i wv uMieh i be tuat frieudt . . It doean't umiter thai utten- Tbe it nu.luK been laboring won or l naw wontd her ! with un ted atraaaai tittle became of tbo rilHit aouth-itlo- i -- 10 mouey That ia what awhea Taewdar Oevemor llagennan a aoolni eai am) now ahe la roconatrnetlnK that of la called and called Mr :ty to Mis quandom frlaaoa, lie obliged iiilmlt they are alila hf um Ham - cam tha to that .aiu f la wail daya. in HooaeW-l- atatemem laaueti hi elec itooaeveti ta moot popular preaiaoai polltli-lan- a. dar sued thaaa a4e perform more la a Ml van bnlldlag 00 Park How, lit thla city, ArwwHMt are aminat It. and that la' rallroadB, aatMlloaa la tit: to serrlae Nam'B, aiaiii. laaa. itecitrinc.. tnai unuer Hon ia rae nuweroujg affair that bare W-- formerly oocHpletl by tba Dally mlHlac aad other corporate in lint . viH..i iajw.I Rich i h hnwa MHf4ot, have beea aeulag time than thoy did befora J .. . 1.."" 1. bjeea gtvan la hia haaar aad th oUhhu making It Into a warokouaa. are the ruling powem ra, ..."- .. lu...l. .n...... j naaajat yeara cauae the trame Muat! haa imamiiatl and rr tonate ai . - .,,,., ...: ta otna aim. tx bite that ae wtii Santa Pa. tta , eept ano aer u .zzz.iuo auad at ULU TIM It tbe atook aad agricultural latereetB. nominanon . i Hepburn atways had fbaJM. aad Alba-aaarg- ue the way tor them In PHtUgfc Utair '' y -..- .--. yr" ba ui will be gbren a raeeptloa la a man from the Sweetwater Creek die, matter tnat tne tne,, who oru.nar. ttmht bard, far aotolaatlon aad elec- - teams out of the war 'of othan. Kw o ' y by the fommareial elab oa aka NO ARMY BAND year ago are m-- a-d York la nnairiHHHtatr prmHl of tit trtet told roe that a h aad control convntioi.a op,.i " but haa by all aorta lath, aad one in Laa Vegaa by tba aetKhho were very mock oppoaed mm aimeet to a man; n...nm, n - - TJ.Jlltlon. It paffonaw Jtg hi. -- "'7I"" rt narrow margin. 10 . off vie Coauncrcla! riub on the Slat of tala tralHr ftu.J. wrk nt ntaia-bood-. matters, but ne rurt tnat n .."'."'i rhoroagWi. w fflRST ARTILLERY MUSICIANS TO ti Now thay are in troth, .v" ,,. ita.. tne. modaatlr. bat aM shadow rootna m, io u that it flllH all wlntvr't herald withers Ibe moat dell Tu h....r chat thing in tha matron- - MUSTERED OUT, HAVING favor af It. However, ainrald the Ham claim to have him down dud out The Ooaaty School tiuporiataodrttt A. V, lures rare K will plenty tbe political horlaou leate foliage of the tenderwat vice of olla, perfaet tunc aaa. PASSED THE A4E LIMIT. lhoa to. nasa. there be . kingdom ' opNaitton baa mmiiiined, aad inatead 84 roup who returned mat evening fram a a Thla of for me iwib tbe veftctalilc af MttaWury work for It a auppertera talk Rooaiteit of aeverai, Inere will lie one cnndl a trip to Im Orlegoa aad l oe Oand)-ur- ia taa Plrat Artillery band. whU-- h baa to do m fjatfax county. nomiaaiwn w am '. date 10 oppoMe him. report aehoot BMtlenc la CROWDS DISCOMFORT "mj wve OHIO PSOPLE WEARY OP aad t rumiahod weakly roacerta m a nor yei vapinn ' mui llhiMii.1 llanl.rn Urn .lefaaLMl :tn. of Brat elaaa condition. At the (Irieaaa NOTED SHOPPERS i tiy vwnr-wrr- , , THE plan, at Santa . la 10 ba mustered juirbanffci and gcvriOa. ! nsiie friendB. it agaged in ,wn vnm. ' (j,,, utctureoauc ttgurea la uub achool the Muduntt are preparing ao bo ..nn moi far The discomfort whlob a erowd. out of tha aarvlce of tha Naw Meateo Boron. Ind. fab. II. The MBroln arave and reveremi ttateamen. Much hat ocen eaelted In II. life will be removed fr in eongreat a priaa Baelllag eoatewt. J. Korhar event a calamity. t'aally gathered aa one la lu a 04 national guard, baeanaa tba players League of Indian b8 selected l,ln would regard the a Wsabingimi iiy ihe action of the Oblo i iindertlood lhat abouid thla man hat oROred a plow aa Brat prise la tba i may com. lty. gives to any paraoa In anywlao are 45 yeara old aad over. Man of birthday for Ute opening of Its yet are tearful tba1 lealtlaliir. in iidoptliia H resolution i,. uaet. ihe urealdem will take care corn growiag coateat aaa n. a. Jtew- - oaao cln'a ' noted, la well Illustrated la the this age are coaatdarad too old tor aanual convention and whea tbe Ua paita fav ring the election t I'nlnil Mr at en or end iber l talk that he comer baa donated S i the worthf of Miaa Alice, tbe daughter of tha military aarvlce. Tbe oramolaatlon. waa calico to oraer ny rreaiaeni Paw ef ihe A a)irart ta- xenalora Iiy a iHipiilur vote Ii I true may t given a piae ou uic interaiaie SUtea. who Cblcngo. ! i proeldent of the United howovcr. la to be continued under tha harlcs VVIIJard Meaalre of ll uakcrted, Im' nut general Is the Ohio leKNiatiii lallcd '., make t OnnllK rce romoilttlon lieture retwrnlim mi Kannaa City last shopping anant pre.-nt- , l V Miller, preat epent some lino here name of the Santa Pa band of Prof. several hundred delegate were Ileved. ibat there an organ uei fnrntal demar-i- tba' oiiare. call a lening Prank vie i wadding. It la not from parta - . nnt.-HiM.r- i den of Kanaaa City Traag her approaching Pom. The time for muatering tha who had come here all movement n 'hi lifttl Of Mr rtoOHO oui i. ui miiibi nun which ihe Ptunenr auppoaod any peraon In yot league not been in n ro npauy. aad Willi j. Oieed. of taa to be that band out of service has not beea of the state The haa veil 'a frtenda to ii l.eeD him itcfor would tie uu "riiy torm uicn dlaooaasnodo or i LOCAL PARAGRAPHS V rw York wished to el All the Inatmmenta, uniform very active in recent years, beyond public hi nominal lou will iie.Bren. CHIld BliliK' .'Mileatlnn Topeka law Srm of Olaed, Ware - ihe lhat ooo youag conpla rapuh- . . w- ' Ii- - . (Heed, purchased nit. mrree of h annoy or dlaplaaaa the and other equloment now in posses organising large number of ,,lUl)t uvxl vi. - Imi Ii. HI ll. li , .... - r Mkml mti.n ihe'f...... in in any way. yet aha and her ftaaoee aiop of the band, will bo turned over Ilcgn clubs of young men IllI. ,m .nil- conven - i in'en- - .m nn inii u., ikm' g.y and cattle lead the laa republicans meet n national j"" tPriaay, February Arto -. - . . Mraiii on ibe Rio Puereo. The goatle- were chaacd up and down tha atrota. to be adjutant general tor storage. other state. year the league de- f h , , wrkina H mi; alar opinion Uuetlloii WHal JaM beeouie of the nay of women ... .. LlaakUjt laaa.E aalaa aaaaSa a IRti ' ' men. who repreaant heavy oapital a lit made to poae lor an a The moalclua will therefore ba forced w--at.eir in - I Mr. Rooaevelt Year Vcar ;be llotitc of Kci fatnoiia Kmi Mount ulneer ovary way e"- (l) Ulleve lit aftr Urk the mad with sheep aad radio friends, and In a! moat mi to replaoe them, aad have already be f r the national aaaocia .if I. k hat gone on tecord a it A Maii.le. of wat u dlawgrswgl bio .aowledae eenittv Kstancla. lo future, feel rhat It waa a vary nn solicit lot funda tor thla purpose tlonlrf Republican Club. For tola h'', ' being fottered .vorlng a ( "ii.tliiitloim! ametulment All:iiiiinrque vltllor yalerdy uu.1 to th nrai ti - " go New if known prep- III. - u taek to about fork In speaking of tha work done by yer a annual convention apcmi n wh() ate in the cioM'ti no no- o teneioit uay, iiuuaaciinn uutmeaM groom. -- be pruapeetlve bride na band, Antonio Alarld. mana I maoe. ana a num , by popular year .1 I. H to a the the I rat oat nae ten runfldec of the i In tact. tote, anil after yeai .aleamai. foi LOKRCLIIOfl W WflJ CX LURlk'ALl but nobody ' I It waa really shameful, gar. aald: her of oromlnant ojator had been In of men j 'he senate baa rendered the attempt 1' ittiey, wlniicaale uracer, left l.i.l pro-w- ot plan to m yet. invented a organisation haa been In the vlted aaareasee itafore the ftr-w- i-ll aUirilve by corn ur in un j haa. aa "Thla to deliver ,ho Mp looka for ad refutlna to tbi ineni uwiuwt. nip in iwit.i i Itaue Tan - bit will ha such inmiatona on privacy. .lttonal guard aarvlce for eleven league. Among thaea are vice Prcet . qu. "tlo--B well as house rewatutloa If the r.itm. I m '.lnVWW.tMIIJ at- BolHlcal aa ; fOtlOd Ol tUil, the water ordlaaaee perwint In a group hero always roar and haa never disobeyed oM dent Palrbaaka. Uaited State Sanetor . JfmtMi9 mr,. .uapected or liar judged by tha put. the re'- m whici I'iM'tiiti .j upou thit morning at 'he St. asi mknumrium. I . aoopieu anoaimwa op tracts tea more and ao the numbora claly orders. The members went Into Beveridge and United Stai Senator nsvpiMont r their own f'irat " 1,l," iople favor will never l J.,..fcUbs tor anaundlfilll. . tag la gntat crowd, Mm Xoll Rankin, daugktar Doe I ' it. Water Bepaw pile up. until there a the territory's service aa young men. Heawaway. ..f pieeldent la 'brought hImhi in that way. of IT . .. Ia the coafMearo the la i - In ihe oa'raot raragraaaii a large port km f which may not We wish to thank our oSioera for the Mr. la gen 4. Raakiu. reported seriously III - . ".".itV" "Zr'Z Rocretary Neat, ami Root way la Oe Abe 9 4"B going on. A man look- a - aa It aillk lenaaid h.rup at hu. ki.a.a la Ihla know what is good tn-- intent we have received at coin birthday win be otmervea v( resardlag himself - rinwn into a crating at ,rar ewMm aity, IwUaur.- of said laaiatiaBe nriea. .i.aitiiv their haada and we ask the aaeiatnuce y ,M ""' for Tn ' la which ameodwent to it be after aMlsfyUig all llaaa agalaat proa-art- Mow Oale. catiaed a mob to ffaiher, of cltleena now, in maintaining EEinrioo taetTaaS To i0lc1 i ma, Cept r. J. Ibnaat'. of the doteellre tbo of Wwlla-Farg- o Oaaiaa craay whleSwll t beta eeard. The first u for by force of the Rapree other taea th aad tha riot developed, and the wrgnnlsatlon." rrSkan be ta " d - -- a our "rW B 1 aHd de- A T lanuaa aol In to iiriwaoaai-B- ... i Iki laewaiataakatjl ta BtBaaBt company. In ou bb) eewda of trust by the city, people tore down the walla to raactta honor of the day m the aome. Toe '- - ani. V .. It iiie city way to aatatjul poa(WM(er tletiarwl Cortelyou. : ..7" :r..rZT. Bhall supposedly escaping prisoner, whom MININS COMPANY FORMED T. tht: VI f M IBM ljaja. , Rl Haeo be paid, la oaafe oa delivery of. a ' M 'W(lwaalar In U abmit the rol - the utwpert) eRy." steadily gasittf para n bad only POR NEVADA PROPERTY. JSaTfiS tdge. fe. k d b the state to ao- A. VUbiMl ia lay la the foundation to ih tbo Mr Itaaaevelt a , m Naw York New York. Feb -- Charles M. only of cloaejnj bat a couveatiaa far a rooaatag houa oa Tij Thu paragraph haa beea revitedv pretended to ate. So In 1. la uubllc life, who It not a dellbor- - Schwab, who la already the owner friaada be coavoaad to oaidor the oeoi-ee- raa atnaoe, bet wee Third end Kwurtb o to road; "The bateae of aaia (lt nn iken of oeoole can Mr. A. Bordeis haa returned from harboring a arealdentiai paeaag in of Rand Crystal Bullfrog ,., , charged with aiuendaaaata. Tata met bod of are aeeetB. purnbaae price, after all taaea ately stop and appoar Interested th and the lr)p Chicago (fee wr . It - . haa. Aad Lodge it man ..Hurt- aallim I.. Ihe iMalala P. Llneaan, of wa a, du a aaHl nrxinertr to th date of anything than another doaen apeoniiy giap mine, in IB onuirun oieu-rei- - Itatlw ' lm Una pat forward oa every ible occa , ... twavthttwla of nb. vkutor in tbe metropolle ynaterday. traaarev, aad tallafytag all lieaa iHtara ttieoi company, wlthont the Nevada, haa pu rebated iwo adjoining haa n.f iaia n aaaaaaaaaafev .aaaSaaaBBBBBV that the praal ik, a,, returning hla bonao in m'.vm la , agataat knowledge of what It waa all propertle. the MantgomotY-Baosho- ion to dealare ii,llia na. .ir wxr. to aaW property other than ta ntlfftiteat ao wish to eeced hlsjaelf. lenitiaiurea at prolatuly majority oouaty loday. tiooda aad deed of treat abort guardians of ur peace and the Poiaris. lae r ait itbout Hut the -- ann-- t uy, nma to create a Tha UMBIaoanarv.gaoahono baa a - ;0f I bo laiia have goae o--j ieciH aa iteurge J amie, or 'luaai. the aaaouai a wtkrh aald bestir thetneeive I mnat - - , 1 aVV rawrMMila m. p WaM MOLDS arrived io Albuquerqae and iaioade rawt vlaHora aaapww m mImiiIiui WHY PRMIPENT favortag ihe poalar eieetioa of son haada aad deed uf to bo de ayatem that will pratt our .nun iwwe twwt ... AMERICANS, j ramaralag througH iMdy HEARTS OP atort. but a i. umber of them, like Ohio. atveral daya traaaaetlag aaatod from taut ptiraaa arte eC from aueh a oowtlnHoaw outrage Of tHi feet mat the ore baalaeaB a pert'NMti h to, nature. no-liv- upoa Ifteholas umg-wort- under way Tbe Polaris management Tncre are gaa who have attalaed ae railed tuake a fawaoal dewaad f ta0.M than be paid ogah a that parpetmtad e w. s. mr. preetdant ia - vfe charming bride .0 ba. baa made plaaa to . down fee tbe atatur of Icaderealp la la TV-r- la l. rable doubt at to tt aiu- of aald property city." and hla e"' - aaerqwe (laa, bSeotrie light aad Power a who to ktaktag ihew- In loonei-tlo- wRk the Montgomery party iliii whather eaiiara.a aaaaada amapany. 0- arrived la the c'.iy nkaat k, tt. 1 CO aataaaaal wiih more or lest of awe upon Then could be apea last TaeDty.Hu if uaat MANY TIMES RICH FIND Shoshone, and K la eapecteri .list the m1 nadatar freai a buBlaeaa trip to Tut-eo- Aria. the aBMiear bB OtN aaaaaaBBBaft dure RooaeveK. I coavlnoed," even If - few gtar fciaie BOOT TO SPEND MONEY ON. ale will net laIartere with tbl aiaud aamBtaaBBBBaWkbtbaam eoagr, Mrs I.. A Miller, daughter uf Oal. llardiait ia the ouaw have beea ia-vi-td dap. that aeceaaary iwo-tbir- d thorn att U aero. inf, atraaawmaat. Th ooatrol of all aaid a teaaMr, tk ether lu mat" ibe Mr J M Mooro, haa to take 6t th Tha graataat one of R la oa jola laialagyea sho beea tart aaMtoer htm a "Mftflfe Soot," th Schwab Raltfroe; propcrtiea la to eRher PraaMeat oewH af aaeaid ia laaat 'b vtailing bar gaveata apat weaa, toaraaateat ta he Chicago. Ha broaght with very greatest ihe world haa maa eariy ntmnajna tt heif la ot dlspoaod of he vented la a fl.OOfla huldiac com ihe ma wataa taa Mk thi meimiag aa No. I far her March lath As tovttaUoa wUI aiaa and ha ka Moat-mmnrm- v ever Beads sad. a wan of daatlay. or, paaaad oat of aamteace. ad ta twaec, W.OeO "rrajt pa ay, which will be called ihe fldi'VaW la Ateiieop Kaa. be seat to laotea Rereile. amateur for - tkaco aau eta a a greater aad more eoe- bar af Ike noiitiisi c g- nrtua ttbo for oao pair, Oeaaolidated Xlatac is autea L. - atriektor. brother of W. S. aRaraalaa of Paaea. thaaayk M la not that ftrnf-dea-l Bniwiiatp uodlee aaxiclualvely oneo moro tha eowpeny. -- r Beawab tt tw actor than the hhtrioaic of the katislalivf haea aHrickleT. rataiaad to the Ry ktat thaticht that he will be able tw prrt company. MSB ever known need to nota caaaaed. Maay seaaiort bold il bight trwin W tna aaaenioa iaa of the from Aaa FYaaciae aad after 2& PRINCELY SALARIES MANY-- COMPANIES FOR BALL PLAYERS AlE organized THE LINE

And fliclr Articles of liitor-porTo- H Hpeeiai CorrMffawNmcr New Toek. Pen. m Once more the Are Filed With theatrical weak ojvnH with oaty a Mttft imw produetwn Tata dearth of Tefrlttfrlal Secretary. new dramatic material I sottewunt ttttUMu. It mat be accounted for by i hi- - fact thai the pity now rami ni a dot en tc inor theater am ao ALL SECTIONS ARB REPRESENTED umtoeatty successful that the man- agers ure 1iWiii sbom exchanging firm for untried onr. fsaestay. Pebrttary 11.) Maag Ajpttgltural Park AaaoeiaUou. Madrwi Samara Theater Fares. Tba lnasiainltira, all of whom are At XMBton Square Theater, reeldeuta of AMuuerqua aad who tba the Xew-opme- Mbm I)mii." a farce with own four ahem such, are: C. & r, --which Cbs lee Mawtrey (Mr W. U Trimble. tfUnon lablars, ;pwal a C. M. Levy. '. gree V In wee fMakar. and Jake Tne sweet l.oudou, err capital aback la $m.oM, divined into wealed for tfca rirM time. Tba pUr tn.oo neere Mb Dmh, who la eortetly sjmres of the par value of $10 a each. Tfa time of exjatemaa of the married l a fount painter, who haa cnivoratMgi tn Sxed nt years. port ran (few; to Tka Just eabtefted a of hot la principal ggjca Is located at 1!T West Hoyaj asm demy The coat mm Oold avenue. Albiiquerqaa, where the financially aBberrai, it occurs t InoorpoMearn are In charge. Tba ob- lbH iltgsoJtiaa Mr Wan-- to cause it ject of tba oorporattoa are to agttjb u be Mated in thr mwapaper tha! llab aad age public parks ger pieaaure. Mla 0MW 1HM W 1.K),f0 by to aataWak and operate hotels nad an oM aesllemnn h tmd been roat contamet buildings for mntnl pur l impressed by her portrait. Tbi poses; to aatabiish sad mainUdM race rtrutegem mm only attract attention traaka. stable and other nueauimoda- - to Wars' work, but also a, number of tbwo for rwNng; to relutlvee, two of whom are MIm of any malaa nrcutt I Uve-mo- Van counts. These vie, la an to promoU fair and exMhits of ck amunleg fMMoa with nee tber by nad pwduce; to ranr and acquire vffera at warring t i.or wcaiahy annt horses nasi to devaton asr! cultural mlHtng add to bar grace's emberraentneut by , Mew York Antert-- and reaotirena of the country.' buv hmn. and the rue rosnaa or ware furring her to an ettrvnunt Innn would the fans berleee that incorporation wltfc kave published in The Bvening Clilsen a wardrobe, la keeping bar future wim.' Koelar la nma rioan arounn position. Th comptteaMons be few tlaya ago. atrial K iNiti per aaaeon. grantor Manning not la number gad tn tii their proporttofti. it h only when There are other anniaa fnntou The Maeentc MulMInf Aseealatlen Aegerican appears upon ina ImlU naaala to eoajhre with, and ef Demlng. a wealthy th part tana The lnaarpaiatora all ecent sotd aommitHikHM Ware to paint it la declared by tkatr that ef whan reatde they alao draw end. oHnoe?- - atlvenda at DemtRib and who own u U wtfa'a portrait that a serntkm to fla each, are: John Oorkett. JnttM the young septs' dtmeulttas la pro that they baaitta to make the nn-- t Naaeh. O. HaitkaL A. Tided, mm) tboy depart, leaving ur public for Iear at aacitinc Arthur Arthur their tonal entry. tn It la that Jimmy Tmke aanj Amos FTpSlard Tke axmemlng retail rta to ponder. Thr Cam capital divided Ootltni sets hla la iarae bunchea and alack la tSJed, into M WMhrngtoa, Fat-- 18 -- ta received with a great deal of share of the par mine af ftSo each. a C. 4h all is given (or "raolUwWtng" la spite' nf the rmsstdoiM revenue ey Itkewtee Obrlaty Mbthewaon and g I doaa wa enmanam grNIt Kaajum wbjoh oarfy-la- aad la undoubtedly a mirth Who thr Mffheat acUiriod base The time of the exlstance ut tba com- there Is iwm CUy. ., to Oe railways derive fram Hatu Wnajner, not to mention eerera! in Me Iguatintlua af Na).. Sat miles. tb malls, the roauia quHe provoking success 111 player In the world? That la pany is flaM m to years. Tba prhnai-p- nl are other liUluewas wlsknV the mllwwni harb The rallwwjrs Uvea rderke. tht-- ottlco ta located at Demlag, Luna receive for carrviag of t'te ef the geventeen-Yesr-Ol- intrroatina question thai haa an- - worth I d Play Revived. That these bane ball atar In xaaat taw account of the the malls M6.T8t6 H a year That Tbe poets earn of cheap, fltmay - county, and thr agent charge la The moat Important feature of thr arlacn lnt- the report wua aent out the money paid tbatn la abown In two Arthur C. Knit Del. Tne object of tba to one or twoi mm the amount paid by tba depntt- - atraetlon. Lam year 18 clerks were Week wua ri revival altar m interval recently from Cleveland to the effect war -f- lrat. la their ptnyiu nan man corporation are to deal in. own and seW IWylllSP (Wtt tfurlna the fiaaal sear nf lfgS. tiled owuggbi whli.- - a duly; lit of wvwlwi year 6? Plotow's that Uiwrence l.alolc had alvned n aaerlal ability, and aecond. which la Improve rani estate aad more particu- aad epactal fneimiea on Tbts doss n. Include gaa t mesial sntait ware mmmr injured, and 1 Uw 'Mirtr. " Mtne. Sembrk-h- , who, strange aaajtraot for next aeaaon at n aalary he "meat In the am, to rae man larly the MaGrorty building, block No. enatnn of the tutkevw nnd Saailn Pe tm a. opaarwi la th aurlltn- - known to eneeed rhat of any pburer aaer. their treat drawma; power. S, on tka west aide of (told avenue, WarpOnt Morgan la she eMaf bun-- romla. Tne cpeneatton of tba roads esse of graft waa a special acalit aaaaj'ad Mm role of Hi the Nnttoiwi or Aanerleau Lengnea. Think of the effect the announcement Doming. Of Uue nraft. A uranriuttir asr carrying Mulkt l riinsjnted br Urn act ggeaa by the met ftanaoaw to l4y RrtohatUt. Mr. Cam to aurnad J t bow wweb Lajole drnwa down un- that Mat hew os ta to plteb kaa opon of tba SonHhavn railway ayatem be m old law in accordance wttb wetlak tb tMtlirogskte lgM n mm Uu flnmuli rat amlaa Haaa kla Itrat aaaMtranc der bla contract ta not known, but It the fan whoa money aupport the The W. P. Lewi Hardware Oempsny. handed n eoai $111,171 gmtis every mails an wdghed every four yenvu Siimnffdils winilinnir at Ink Vminr4antt M ennraetar "II la about ITjao n aaan. wklak la ante-ho- w they All the cars leadlax The iHaarpormora. together wltk year. This over nad abate logeti-mat- e in order t datarmine average for ea&rjn lag Dtp 1r tha of Urntatlo. of tt tne mall between San .TrovfiMH." "sv'ttk Mm. Norillna nl within itMO of what tka praaklant of to thr parka, almoat tlgktlnc for the their addrenvea and the number cltarge lor enrryinir tke malt. amount of mail matter oarrled on any Pennesnrn umt Tahiti Jlaluaa nt Hharea SHbwrtbett by enclu are: W AteMKML I. IvHoJa In thr taatllnR parti, waa the larneet bank In (iarmany neu n sent Then compare the inrn or in The Topek & ganin Pal PKI mmr tine On tkm nreatgev the mhiiom mtiea, tNpa n year, oritlHRry H V. Lewta, J. S. Moswle, 6 tMHMoa per iaix in dnrlng Mil wMHel. Moaart'a rat onara, and la tort tban raanr tereet In the name fnrw wen la nt shnrasi ia UJtm nnmtm of mmt campenmtiop m bnseT. ycju. ,uHwiwn bannm reeatve ror an en- aid that Jehu from tha Unahas attarea; l.ttelan K. Colktm. SO nkarea; Inrly 'aay mnnay." Tke castrge etwu often Now, De New Maxtoo, W. ha mnde the weipnt of maile conveyed, to n grant damand. It t tire year. la to do the tw4Hln;. all of Itoawall. and THh hi J net to keep Hie raihraajnj Mmt road bawe wea uf kkwwfns; aa wn by WW lid T Walk, M sknrmt, of Uw Angeles. - 0 tha department rooortle. raar JHhm tflla written, I Hit tka Clereinnd claim U-ok)'- naanea the xrent base ball "goad natared.- when the aovernnHmt UKmta are oom-In- g 4Sf m otmra na tbat The of California. The capital steak Is $,-00- 0. pounds of lettera nnd t&a VMAllty bMHty Ua salary la McneM" amra are drawlBK luat 1 apfHoprilnMon la not recom- nbeHrd io weigh up mnMa. tlier mttcliM, H.gTfi yt ami of "the tt dented valafthte oardi. divided Into SuO sknraa of mr tiie cartk: imiuihIs muale bAVji yreaarvtMl far Uyonil th in an name Manaftelit ralaea the tka mended by tke postmaster gaanwl. nnd they see to tt that there m n good wfelon otuer oiuaa. wih&hi rurniHiiiiK the of value of 91G0 each. Tke principal ai- p. at the full rate of ma ntHl In ae--1 nor bi In the anntml eettmate. load on A pnmi-me- twrioti ox ue (MHftliy (vliottea to worxa tka flfcurun aubetnatiate their nrlee In vrkere ha la to a I board at akat ttnin. lamC brmtgnt n revenue tkeatm de is loaated nt to well, OhnvM It ia jnet n n ewee ptga ot m the ljrrn tlram. sections. initabnrK deolaraa tltnt PrH near, aa the name of ltootevott slilnaa OftHRty. clean rut ot graft nwimber of oonipens wns once Sl.lM.Mt. omrke reeeirea a higher aalary than out over that of Writer, or Nwson an nan be fetind In n yenr'n eenrk. obardM wRh Inadwic several hundren wit ttiM quanatty of mal aetw at Ttiki band-ou- t Sowtk-er- a Ohloeoo Will Judge Flrt. that enrled for In Lajole'R contract, orer llritt. They are the fellows that The Mooellon Power and Trans-millio- n flgf.m to the Mwnu of franked mneter at tke time ramtkir rnteu paid to Mamablp mm wo. mHway la llttla orar month 8 N'aw while tka New York Natlonnla main- - kave "made Mod" wbe nr nt the Company,, niven under prmuuee weum he waa apprised that tke mo tinj ("in"1, showhi nave mm 17 imn . . . uikuk . . .YorHaw. who : haan om want, oe. tain that Jehu McOraw. the scrappy top. Therefore, tkey are entitled to Ine lMNifforatara, togetbar wHk of envmrnaing a fact mnll servtee would t weigned rn The road 'WHO in raera inerf are inner tiipM of frtaamra or baalaaaa arrlvan one. la paid peettHflatt nddreanag and the between New York nnd New QMenne, contributed to hla ampnlgn fund, and reany atcJit1t better than tke Clerelnml the top price In tba salary line. their - rvmpanK and willing to ak Hiitm ana rmtd alorwa or th won number of gbama auteilkeg by each The eubskty fin- the Snnea Pe road be nhnrny wua hacked )v ftHWsvUe me eoutrnri ror mar rtul awwaaa that Tomntttoa are: Btakaty Orgkam. of Denver, its wm nWt'is in caiHB8 Ih nora RETAILING POISONOUS Khares: CuHtpma W. Marriott, of Silver OaM "Mnty-Hv- a Mlirataa from tuyM2&?!. City. 1 fttMr, and Percy WIIhoh, of JHmdway." Whan It wm anwmnoad ready to be presented In tb near lu SPRAYING MIXTURES flilver CHg, I share. The eaptMl atoek aeii altar that Ha ran In the waatarn tare, the ttttes of which, "Tha Squaw-- of the cwajnejiy la Jl.MMUMtO divided iHhtiopttlW waa too brokon abruptly. man from the OoMeu Vwat." auc-- ' Into loongg abnraa of the par value of DASHING LITTL E DUCHESS WHO nm aatna atiUinalaata laapwd at what naato areat noaalbllltlea In tke field GOVERNOR HAQERMAN ISSUES 1U. The UaSa of the existence of the UMr raajnrdort fool hnrdy art of fun It Is the present Plan of the PROCLAMATION TO MERCHANT com patty g g years. The principal Mnr Yorkara that aa Cfcl mnnasfrmant to continue the run of tke TO SELL THEM. trc4hn4o j WtttlKTr to tUat rtrua coaapetlna; with tke roof nrdena' Under Section Itso of the Compiled I'ercy wtlnon. for the patronage of those seeking en La.wa of New Mexico of 1T. none STARTED THE CASTELLANE ROW nhr amaon. ina May, oaine, howavar, tertainmeut of ike light rnrtety. but licensed pkanuaciata wore oermlt- - The Virginia Company U not only wad n aoreaaa. but alao iea to sen a listed number or potsona. Tba Incorporator, together wkh Mutasafi to fill tho Nw Amatordam Maun Adama. In "Pettr Pan." For the purpoaa of alkmlng plnatera their addressee and the number of r?afitr. whtott la on of th Thee seeking originality In the nad orchard arowera to esjdiv aawnea shares subscribed by each are. WH WIFE OF, ONE OF tnrw p. THE RICHEST ttsaatara In Naw York. lueexer are nnaing consiaersoi or it nsnioruu for tne spraying of fruit Ham Uartnan. Jr.. I share. Frank PEER8 OF -- trees, itarman, Lynebburg, FRANCE, SHE 18 in tne piny, rater Pan, in which ate. oovernor ffaMrman haa. bath of KNOWN Prinae df India Great Suaaaaa. Uaaoe Astoma ia atarrrut; nhla eaoa. iaaued a proelamatlon allowing mer YlrgtnJa: DJf.William. SO abares: AR THE UNCROWNED Sto war Klnw Wnmpga, m QUBBN FRBN6TH wanaad Brlanavr io reatiy enjoy me puy, one muat cuaaia eaemiiy to sell certain pots-u- e Josepn u shnrea, nnd W OF SOOIETY. om Ua Initial buccwm In Chicaap, willing to put oneself In the mood on. Tte not tee from the secretarr'a r. nWcMann. IB ahare ail af Tueum-- THE MOST DASHINB WOMAN IN thnjt ttor adopt ad tka pian of ttm oMievingia mt is as eari, Quay .ngrjr. New Mexico, tka fatriea and iseiina; nsw imiowa: capita! ALL FRANCE, vrtgiitt au thoir tdaya In ObtakDO onee neair. ta eon m tuaimw. Un-- , rermory or New Mexico. Omen of stock f tba catnpnHy la 110". immm MlM tLa I M. tilvMed hlWtfi wnnelnx tnnm to fw ram. vnwwm AM luv .iL.1. the Secretary: iM Ijm ahnros of the XWytky, w", mil iuim W gar or lBris, IS, OMtamt Uw WMtaoa's "Tka whole affMr miner childish atHt trfr-la- i vnine JIM each. The time of ran. The entbuslaatlc npwi or ladM" bM It urmlr and will vender, ppt only war Mtaa Notlca of the exempt mhi of areenic of the nxtetettce af the company la dO attantlonatMld to tbe beautiful Duett fWnlMHeo Am in wUta land yeara. The pRHotnaj oMon la locntad tNr. tk norct, Adama baa deroted a whole immn to irom the prarkiiana of Section aa D'Dnea by Count lion Iran- - de Mta of the tyaaatlM Prlaoaac Iran so whimalenJ 1M0 of the OewpUed Law of New la tka PIrot Mejtioaat bank building at a plai'. but why tkaHter THciimanrl. ant) Cnatallone Is aatd to be respeuslble wN tka hxatfMma Tu.kMi iTlnna, goer ara atlU conilsulnic to INI the tka naattt in charge la AaPMntuao ii, oMtatltttta tfaa hwIa erery w. f. Bucmtnag. Tne owceta of tna far his present trouble with the tnenirr eventnt It must be Jfmise la hereby glean that under eompany ar noqulre minernl landa tatoraat. Thrauffboat nil tha nation of (acedoa, moat Ut Hit-H- naa oy ta OoHMasa A una. nee fJould. br araa Ike en virraa er tile lorma of a oanaln aad daal in snwa; to erect bwiaaa. ia inora. Howarar. etalkc Uta mx lc of KMtrrto'a aehnlrars mat mm ah prockinwUoa or daaUtratlon lastiatl by The excewes of lwtil have often mtmu WnndaHnx Jan-- , known a tka OoVernor " wttb iwtiu ur,femi of tke atore attoeaaa la due to illaa tba of tka TarrHorr of Hew to manuractura gll products or tin her been the oatwe of qmrrels between Ir10e of lMila. Vnea tka abdnelliMi iRaoiKntiHK pertonailbr and Mastoo, on Gtk day ine mack ainMU or Lnwl. of rbrnnry. or mineral: to WCpiare for and operate the CMtellnne fnm ot via ndontad dnufbtwr, tka her atHfnc Tftpft A. D. ef-fla-a, ny ft tlaliirbtful of tba im, ktht aww on (lie in my oil or gaa welku to my out town altos ; Hlld hla American wile Krenuent ut m two grant atnplraa la to rounleJt wko we-wl- d Uag-efh- mil boy never jtOw up. tbat nattniK parsonona soiutkm, to 'tea i in atoasa HUn ottoa: to con- orgies at hla auiwrWy fornlshad r worn . d hnra, an raowi mtMara, utrftwraltaH or eompotHMl, duct n geni-m-i warebawtiae business. aimrtmanta wllern daabinx ain. tlla production, both na u play and a Ethel Bareymera and Sllen Terrv. known an ftribptg af lead, la Malaga and woman mainly taaaetaola. waa exempt known far triumph. A laora It ta Interesting to note that wtte from tba nrawtwlnn of Baettiui isan Resky Meuntaln DevelapmMtt Cam- - msir neauty panidanted In the faa-- nwxnifloeRt aattlng ko not ' kaw aoaa Mtbel iMrrmore. one of .ur voaiiMsai of tne Oaennllad Ijmm at Hew uIm. tivnies tnat nnve been more or W in Ohtcnco tor aany yanra. Tka gpr-.0pu- a American aciroaaea. u maniag a re- - unui omerwiae ordered by the Our The namt'H of the Ineorporntora to overlooked by the countess, liecauae KMrttttnaa t- and brilliant affaou marliatita hit in ernor of the TatrHtMy of New Met- - gether with their addresses aad the sueg armtrs are connlderod necessary niply lfy daaeriptlon Tba fttay, a rtra," Mien Terry, who iarred for tco. so aa to allow mer- - number of Hares owned by each are: aaAong men of class, n anoowa, nad permit Boai'a llui the la aapantad to tw U not many years with Henry Irving, and chants nad other Maanaad dealer to rrsn Hrpinaur. or ijw veams, s fcouijentnitioii of his attentions lipon Mtwaa Umt of "m Hur." which who ia old enough to be Miss Barry handle nad aafl dtp same la orlalnnl shares: J Van Houten, Raton, fi the rich nnd banutlfu little duchess fMM shares, cotttinuoua run of orar fonr tor. is soonag a tremend-throuaho- packages, to be used tor the imrposo Charlaa Springer. Cimarron, cowd not be put aside with any mere yoar. Baiataitd In th of spraying fruH trees, said to khares; Henry Koshler, Jr.. St. shrug of shoulder. merchants Louis. 5 B. the Meutleal role. nad dealers in other renpecta to com- Khares: Thorns llnriau. in keeping her since In social Amutlnf Rnfllah St. Louis, & rlr Pty, ply with the laws of the territory of Hhares. Tba eaptlal stock clea tke Oonntee Anna would tw Wkll wa amy tnrn to othara for VI sis Allen Return ta Skakesaearc, of the company Is SllKMHXi. divided ferillinat New Mexico, relative to the handling ctnpallad to met tkls dashing lit- and ajulaltly writtoa It is announced that Mis Viola aad selling potaoaoua inio t.utMi niuiree of the pur value or so. pkaya. thwrn la no writer of article. 100 tle woman of who la known aa of tha front Allen will return to ShatuMpaare after Given under my f each rhe time of tbe existence (he queen dtaann who onn approach Artknr Pla thl season, band aad the Oreat of the comi,tny Is So year. The prin- uncrowned of French so reviving "A Winter's tVal of tha Territory of New Mexico, ciety, and tbe humiliation result lux npa, h Bnnliah plnywrlgbt. cipal oMr-- i at Raton, Colfax There Tale' and "Twelfth Night." nad ure-- at ganta Pe. the Capital, located would be ia. tbarntora. no enuaa for naroriaa this the st.i county, kimi agent In charge la considered too great a price aentlag "Oymbelloe' new pro day of February. A. O. tbe to pay at tha luaiwrt dtaplaya1 ty pinyaoar u ItM. Arthur H. Officer. for the already dearly uur duction, age wilt not naa bar pres- J. W. KAYNOU)), raced "little man monkey" wltk paint- kla bUaat awosaaa, "Hla Hoaa ent play. "The Toaat of the Town.' la Ordwr," wbksh, w Secretary of Territory. The Chicago Cepaer Mining Company. ed fnce, padded etteat and ttgbtiy without 4mM. after June. laced wl'l aab produced here In tb aarly The looor;. orators, tobether with waist. WOMAN USKS KNIFE addr-k-- a truae I the premier of ntjtwM. Tha plot i atrtlrbttiy for" their and tbe number of duke oris Noted Oast "The Triangle." ON MAN SERIOUSLY. K. Prance, aoa lanl, and wnoma Flhaor Jaaaon, wb When Rupert Hughes' now play snares ub iibad by each are. a. of the fnmous and 8eferlno Jtmauaa. until recently Raflcty. ChlMigo. Sfll K. C. wealthy ducbanc, known na "Mine. aaa , eraatad a dreary afeaaaphnre "The Triangle,'' Is produced t4te share. at employed at rnrioaa hotel Kenyon. Chii.igo. ft g. c. Pon Satan," who Boa tanner boot bla aaooad wife. Nina, wbow iw Manhattan Theater. February 1Mb. and oafea share: financed tke in nnnu Pe, an waiter, waa se- ton. Kranstoh. III., 100 shnres; Hohert plot. Ills was nfcrrkMl, a ale flrat wtfa'a rotative many well known player will be In a attractive little wife THM DUC1IR88 D VZK8. verely In T. Cox. s Ctty, Socorro county. 1 a De Luynea, alefer aid, la n ajoaaaat of wanknaaa. aince tke cant. Miss Conaunlo Ysnagn Hall stabbed the breast and back of tba Dukes 4e Saturday night. The affair did not share . I. H iibjgat, Chicago, 1 share Cbaullncs aad De Plcqulngny. She bo waa only th poyarneaa of bii )' a pretty young southern girl, who Thl la woman who joalott become public until Sunday . Tne oapitai of tbe compaay ia '"as adueated la a convent the haa act tke Por th. and humlllutod wif.i Hltd by dia aaintad wlfo. Mow, Nina ha Influents! friends nmong the so- when 'oak aad at tke ttu man' condition became known. fixed at t.")jm, divided Into 10.000 age of 11 was married In Its chattel. natctt to the mine of lealouey. Prom iheie la nympsthy. But poor Anna, ecldaatally oomaa acraaa tkroa or ciety woman I" New York, will make shares of :), pay value flO each. dawn to duak ake haa played with the has few friends among bJUatnjband'H Tour Umt Ill nsaallant, It ia said, waa a wom- of To kar kuabaad. aba brought a dowry! lattora abowad that tba aaiat her flrat appeamno on the local stage, an who Tha time or t no aadatsmea of tbe com or Idle momenta. At tennis, at the races. people. Theae ritocrasKwg tbeli on na Haacruputou lov although sea- became anraged at ktm while fauv,ooti. trrtd nftalr ahe hmi appeared this pany ia H yi-a- The principal ofllce In Society, In tl fMbtouable rendeavona, at the moulders. "It is to be IItW they wlib m f Intoxicated. It ia alleged that ke the Duebcaa Murie Tbgg. bar aaabnad'a frtoaaa. and son with a traveling company. An- Is bMated ai KnUry City, Socorro coun ese la gag Parr des Prince, she baa toyed with say. "It the custom for Hat llttla wm not will took place on tba street. a brilliant woman. Shu Sheald ib. bor tha eUW. other member be Miss Isabel attempted to avoid by ty, nnd the .lanwt in charm la Henry been the Joy of exclusive, time. a title. Ooild ahe exiiect moref" tfah) moao-logiita- t. trouble fee aieele of Jeaaun .but at la Pish, who Is well n. naa. lha known as a Seetag, w badly Cox. or ngg n to uatng tbU wnaana Others company will but overtaken sad iter vivacity origWjtBty ie nittr in the wona4ed. Have made bar n queen and lander bar oaenHaa, le be "Hit It tbtAatlv. until bar haabnnd't Mtas Charlotte Walker and Xeesra. g aatttre, her sub- ANOTHER ATTORNE,Y CRUSHED TO DPATH otrt ( AltteiMfk of psJafut uta OUr of MexsftV PCb. ls.-- Tbe Mast and followers hare wllllnglf brotbar potnta bar tfeat Ferdlnnud Oottaohalh. Kyrofl SOEg BY H tateritt. It Is taewtbt. will not prom Aartling corrsaiijapaaat la mitted to bar away. TO uEMINQ, HEAVY LOO. 4tr all would be tka wtaait aoursa las, Wlllbun Bramwatl and (MM, bare batbj At pursue. Ha ahuwa to r'amnhell nHboggk ka will be unable ta vmrmly concrajprni4 by tbe officinal tke Chateau of Boggallag tke lit- tba lattara work gar Uw a. duebeaa haa In My, Jaaaon nad Jaaauu politely IntHnate HhtKNAHO COrVAM, tm far bla aucceag ht Wa pradiotlona of tle been a leader tba Ralph C. attewnar nt law, Is tke lUcarde Rivera, a young lox hauler Tba wemiAg rumor connset ground bog Sfaatker. It bunt. Kin to nil the historic!!) grant latest addition to rla legal Drofeealou to tha dead anlnt'n rtoec table rain g iar was want lg wna crushed to death between 8 and tke ajnir an iNmtt of n notortoua h.-r- a rrnace, she haa gat'uered around In Demlag, says (Intpbio- - Ho Itaa 4Hree that they need not keep ao ONE ROUND KNOCK-OU- T sni denr g0 day, and report tba S raaort. tka only one Ha bar all noteworthy en- ookk, oa tke morning of January uar him In the futurv. AT SANTA PC of kind U iron ower tttag lg Central America tbe wim nave tke omce, formorty aaanjlau by Judge SaaU Pe. k lg said, to tka ally 'a asj-- trance to exclusive functions. There Aehaafelur. Stnaa Mr. IBy's Hat. near Ike mill of tke Cooper JUm That la how he anally bona one-roun- d that the aaury kind of weather resldenaa atta hla There was a lively fight credit. nWvernl weeks ago efcy they ewarm nnd chatter; men, Darning, kg bag company, in order, near the southwest comer ot tha ailed tui re. Jtmd Most Anything titled In been Interested la bar at CoIoumc Arriba, near tba oounctl teak setton res reins: tkls poHb ssatroas. gttded tmagiMaiai, growth pganmaruy ! plana. In which two men ware put weather repaffA, tba and of tkta Otojssta, aarg the Optic, Prest Aaenfa Ineenlew Trick. aad pnaaed reaalutfan aaesBwig magujljjbmaaaa and TnajDgat callty, and kH activp afforu bare norn do combat by D. J. KaOoy, n Ca, r cagag Its waa taking a load of wga to the police to oloee It M ettc. The SEVERELY BY and aimpering doHttasjtea, ever beea suck aa to One of tha moat tagenlou cut-o- ff INJURED eowmHd tba em, wasp UM creations employe of the Belee at W Agaong man, - a waeei or wamm droi of the preen agent' mind waa abown however, while raponad oioaaa. KIOK PROM HORSE. taem, a pinny wnendes approval gad reapeet of our boat ctti- Unto a kola, lard, says the New Mexleaa. Three rea, to be running openly aa Jbmous Iriak la fjgggt led chuck over she inches tbls week, when, in reapoaae to a no- huhter. tba gm. and the counting ntea engaged in quarrel, and on of nrer. The tnasata sbould long ago Laandro lJadlibV. SI years old. an ite Cnstellnnc. nnd bare nlao ji tba pole broke tice la the pnajefg, crowd of women them waa knoaked down. The vounr- r, nuui rail ntt t,. n Tba other bare been doing tieW In the worn bottler, employed ia Charles c. Clo. fnrebjn woman who got him 0 wn muu dreaaed ia gray presented themselves two aet upon tor This Bay In History. Mki the bagvy rolled upon him and were XK'kleK la the apparently sea's livery was kicked In Near-!i- y down at box oAop fail county Jail, bat iutw, tka an expenaiv bargain. Feb. IS. liS.SJtrangtr In rvansg, the of the derrick The him vtcloualy aa be lay upon a- li tba tdr tkey Immune, stowaek by horse whka - wna ta great Chnleaul 11.110 a. Ur at which "Tba Utile Qmy Lady" walk. ats a the duke of Pea York won 000 In tmimr Ymn aaalataaec The man waa blaairgf fragtr They have beafk in the pact cunrylnx. abortlr after S o'olock. tbe lla. Wd ia by Miss Porbea Jgf mere Hcllevjd waa readked him b prodttoed, and revetted free from hta McOiy. arrested a he John W. Oaten. Tba taga were wouads. Mr. wko afteraiMm, severely eWmSsBsjgsss Tfcs gsnJttSMggJ fMenai aeMl removed as Sbatag tba Wedniiaay tor dtstarbiMff tba peace, but have other and layered. eOflUI Peb. IS. 1T10. lee teen wrattet oelaklr a pocaible, matinae. was passing, oalied to the two aw to found wtlUng to nay 11a waa gig on gggbtng land prices but It waa found Tboae who oould not pes Assist, Mantel their iaan to home Ooiiaffn dncbeas tke bant. higher cn account ef toider that km body wag hum tba aad let the prostrated njan re- Sues. Prtasnla of tba la Mlred man said atraot, la a oondltlen. ta FArtn tbe gtwtiag baa crushed, frm hla of a gray suit, but wbo xad gain feet amlwniaiaua . ljrii weather. waigt to bla ngak, asion hi Tba kicking, kewever, that they tateM to pHMt IVUal ! extent. It a a nsrontwt, lg almost out of r. aaa blessed with gray eyes or gaay continued witk vigor, tab th waMr rv itnt gnrinf the RaMbtanaa to form. renewed nad aad if aaaaatary tba watnaa pat tnaught bia tajuriaa wilt "BrH'BsssV T u ago made sar first Tba Okies so chief knmn air, were equally fortunate. Mr. McCoy's anger wua fmtacuto ttt of notice asm kc The unfertgnatg victim waa S& aroused. He reepoaalbia tor jua inwriM. wru Htai. a; It MUgr kg hurt a WMnee mtnnlod Mnurtaa robin the but laid about htm wltk his flats, ana l m otkar dy. Tkat'i of age. and raemed iR rJbvnxMigM l wgtmi imnjW Mm T If bar own tka tiMe tn sshv vum kat c fm kg feoo. Western Play WW Bffl-A- t qulehly turned In Mkm mii hi. - wbar tenvei a young wWow HM the tide of battle Dora Ialet eaaflalBM wggarng riffHTfirasge, CaHnjJsws to jgnjtg Sle of tvtbsji. atnam ssssrew sv n muieen, gaa wag inwagugHtg- & at WSsnWfceSa Weber's lUM. J Wber fnvor of the mnn cm the sidewalk. The tn ta city tb gnaat ef wag eonsMered hWra Mt damie, hg nwa of the jim Brassier no (tavetUNt Uwigy law ef cUlla upim bar rarit (riendi vw uwn wssMgtfrg f Mgkwar- - UHmrtnnnie Marl aktw atsx of (two then flasL In aa alreblp about tea accUcnt only raaeked time. Lac Vagaa tturky merNing.