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Copyrighted Material INDEX A beef, 44–45 kasha varnishkes, 293–294 aakode, 422 beets, 46 kichel, 307–308 aam ka achar, 16 birds, 52 Kiddush, 310 Afghanistan, 50–51, 105, 310, 416–418, blintzes, 57 kishke, 313–315 434–435 borscht, 64–66 kitniyot, 316–317 ajin (Middle Eastern dough), 565 brisket, 74 klops, 318–319 ajwain, 47 brit milah, 75–76 knaidel, 319–321 Akiva, Rabbi, 345 cabbage, 85 knish, 322–324 alcohol, 20–21, 45–46, 309, 313, 436, carob, 90 kreplach, 329–330 511, 517, 534, 604, 623. See also carp, 91–93 kuchen, 335–337 wine carrots, 94 kugel, 338–341 Aleichem, Sholem, 181, 217, 233, 322, caulifl ower, 95 latke, 352–355 352, 485, 495, 516, 521, 599 charoset, 105 lekach, 359–361 Algeria, 115, 348–349, 584 cheese, 109 lentils, 363 allspice, 37 cheesecake, 110–112 liver, 363–365 almond, 244, 302, 310, 376–377, chicken, 118 lokshen, 367–369 385–386, 388, 497, 589, 593, 610 chicken soup, 120–121 mandelbrot, 385–386 almond paste, 273–274, 282–283, chickpeas, 122 mandlen, 386–387 373–375 cholent, 127–129 matza, 394 aloo bondas, 61–62 chremsel, 131 matza brei, 397–398 Alsace, 92, 129–131, 200–201, 203, citron, 181 milchig, 404 208–209, 341–342 compote, 139 miltz, 406 amalou, 21, 302 cumin, 150 mishloach manot, 409 amaretti, 374 dumplings, 166–168 mushrooms, 413 Amkhanitski, Hinde, 141, 168 eggs, 170–171 mustard, 414 amphorae, 617 eingemacht, 174–175 nusstortes, 420–421 anise, 20–21, 59–60, 303 engagements, 610 onions, 428 anniversary, of death, 621–622 etrogs, for Sukkot, 180 oublie, 431 apfelschalet, 203 falafel, 183 Passover, 442 Apicius, 169, 201, 211, 441, 500 farfel, 187 pastida, 447–448 appakarai, 18 fava beans, 191 pickles, 458–459 appetizers, 205–206, 280, 403–404, 411 fennel, 192–193 Pidyon HaBen, 460 apple, 104, 203, 468–469, 506–507, 530, fl anken, 202 pletzl, 470–472 563–565 fl uden, 203–205 pletzlach, 472–473 aqras kibbeh, 306 forspeis, 205–206 plums, 476 Arabs, 412, 443–444, 501, 572, 614, 632 fricassee, 207–208 p’tcha, 485–486 ariyat, 621 frimsels, 209 Purim, 489–490 armon, 116 fritters, 212 radishes, 494–495 arooq bil riz, 22 gedempte fl eisch, 218–219 raisins, 497 ar- rubb, 22 COPYRIGHTEDgefi lte fi sh, 219–223 MATERIALreshinke, 499 artichoke, 409 glatt meat, 226 rice, 502 arucha, 544 goose, 233 rice pudding, 503 arus, 28 gribenes, 239 Rosh Hashanah, 507 Arzoni, Meir, 109 hamantaschen, 249 rugelach, 509–510 ashishim, 363 Hanukkah, 256–257 rye, 511–512 Ashkenazim. See also specifi c countries helzel, 261–262 sabbath bread, 97 by name herring, 263 sauerkraut, 526–527 almonds, 13 honey, 265 schalet, 529–530 apples, 19–20 Hoshanah Rabbah, 267 scharfe fi sh, 530–531 apricots, 20 in Israel, 276 schav, 531–532 aufruf, 28 kasha, 292 schmaltz, 532–534 bbindex.inddindex.indd 663939 77/23/10/23/10 112:172:17 PPMM 640 F index Ashkenazim. (Continued) Bar Kokhba rebellion, 345, 587 betrothal, 609–610 schnapps, 534 barley, 47, 235–236, 294–295, 330–331, beverages, 136–138, 171–172, 451–452, Seder, 540 614 517–518, 549, 578–581 Shavuot, 550 bar Yochai, Rabbi Shimon, 345–346, Bialystock, Poland, 49 sour cream, 556–557 622 bird, 487–488, 532. See also chicken; sponge cake, 561 basturma, 449 duck; eggs; goose; pigeon; turkey strudel, 563–565 beans, 29–30, 128, 151, 365–366, gribenes, 238–239 stuffed cabbage, 86–87 552–553 helzel, 261–262 sugar, 568 bedikah, 58 kosher, 326–327 Sukkot, 569 beef. See also meatballs libatoportyu pastetom, 363 sweetbread, 571 brisket, 74–75, 144–146 schmaltz, 532–534 tea, 579–580 cholent, 128 schnitzel, 536–537 teiglach, 583–584 corned, 144–146 birth ceremonies, 547 Tisha b’Av, 588 deckel, 155 biscotti, 54, 385–386 tomatoes, 590 fl anken, 202 blessings, 55 tongue, 591 gedempte fl eisch, 218–219 bletlach, 56–57 treibern, 592–593 glatt, 226–227 bloater, 262 Tu b’Shevat, 593 goulash, 234–235 blood, 112, 326 turkey, 595–596 hot dogs, 268 Bnai Mikra, 515 tzimmes, 598–600 khalia, 300–301 bobota, 32 udder, 601 kharcho, 301–302 Bogart, Humphrey, 635 walnut, 605 kishke, 313–315 bogo de bana, 571 weddings, 611–612 kolichel, 325 börek, 63–64, 215 whitefi sh, 616 kouclas, 328–329 botteh, 586 wine, 618–619 kufta, 337–338 boymlteig, 581, 582 yahrzeit, 621–622 liver, 364 braided challah, 97–98 Yom Kippur, 626–627 Loof, 369 Brandeis, David, 249 zemmel, 632–633 lungen, 371 brandy, fi g, 196 Asia, 558–560, 562, 579 miltz, 406 Bratislava, 313 asida, 258 pastrami, 450 bratwurst, 527–528 aubergine, 172 sauerbraten, 525–526 bread. See also challah; matza aufruf, 497 shank, 548 bagaleh, 34–35 Aunt Babette’s, 140. See also specifi c sweetbread, 571 bagel, 35–36 foods by name tongue, 590–591 baking, 71–72 Austria, 27–28, 152–153, 311–313, tzimmes, 600 bialy, 49–50 341–342, 478–479, 536–537, 563, udder, 601 bollo, 59–60 632–633 beer, 309, 511 boyo, 68–70 avatiach, 608–609 beets, 64–66, 174–175, 334–335, 508, dabo, 151 avicas, 43 568 fatoot made with, 189–191 awaze, 47, 48 beigel, 35 fl ammekueche, 200 Axelrod, Wolf, 557 beignets, 634–635 grinding grain, 70–71 Azerbaijan, 337–338, 473–474 Bein Hametzarim, 586 Hamotzi, 254 belehat, 55 hoska, 267 B ben David, Anan, 514–515 injera, 274–275 baba bi tamir, 317–318 benedictions, 52–53, 254, 280, 308–310 kaak, 283–284 baby naming, 76 Bene Israel, 121, 303, 381 kada, 284–285 bagels, 49, 371 ben Kalonymus, Kalonymus, 352, 367, khachapuri, 299–300 baked beans, 552–553 444 khobz, 302–303 bakeries, 394–397, 417 benschen, 52 kimochdun, 310 Balkans, 9, 108, 571 Ben Zakhar, 547 kipfel, 311–313 Baltic Sea, 262 berbere, 620 kubaneh, 331–332 banana republic, 39 berches, 98–99 laffa, 344–345 barbari, 415 Berliners, 566 lahmajin, 347–348 barbecue, 75 Beshalach reading, 259, 594 lahuh, 349–350 barches, 98–99 Beta Israel, 554 lángos, 351 bbindex.inddindex.indd 664040 77/23/10/23/10 112:172:17 PPMM index G 641 lavash, 355 cakes, 58–59, 101, 160, 356–357, iab, 272 malai, 380–381 359–361, 377–378, 388–389, ijeh, 272–273 melawah, 399–400 398–399, 420–421, 588–589, kaletzin, 285–286 mufl eta, 410–411 631–632, 635–636. See also coffee khachapuri, 299–300 naan, 415–416 cake kreplach, 329, 330 nan, 416–417 candied almonds, 15–16 kuchen, 337 non, 418–419 candied citron, 182 kugel, 341 overview, 70 candy, 126, 165–166, 235, 264, 376–377, labaneh, 344 pandericas, 436–437 472–473, 495–496, 556 latke, 352–355 pita, 466–468 canola, 317, 423 malai, 381 pletzl, 470–472 Carasso, Isaac, 625 masconod, 391–392 pogaca, 476–477 cardamom, 244, 303–304 papanash, 437–438 potatonik, 484–485 cardoons, 23 pasta, 444 pumpernickel, 486–487 Caro, Rabbi Joseph, 177, 447 pastelitos, 445 puri, 488 carp, 220, 221, 577 pastitsio, 446 revanadas de parida, 500 carrot cake, 94 pogaca, 476–477 roscas, 504–505 carrots, 473, 506, 598 in polsterzipfel dough, 478 rye, 511–512 casseroles, 10–12, 27–28, 173–174, 189, quajado, 492 Sabbath, 513 378, 492, 529, 545–546, 573–574 sfoungato, 545–546 seor (starter dough), 542–543 cassia, 132–133 tortelli, 591 Shavuot, 550 Catskills, 66–67 chelow, 242 types of, 72 cayenne, 124 chelow kabab, 296 zemmel, 632–633 celeriac, 18, 95 chemah, 83 bread dumplings, 321 celery, 18–19, 254, 290–291 cherries, 313, 376, 563, 604 bread wheat, 613 Cel- Ray Tonic, 95, 541 chicken Breakstone brothers, 110 Central Europe. See specifi c countries alboronia, 10–11 breba, 196 by name; specifi c dishes by name avgolemono, 29 brides, 28, 570–571 Chagall, Marc, 228, 262 budino di pollo, 77 brinza de vaci, 437 Chag ha’Banot, 257 doro wot, 620 brisket, 144–146 Chair of Elijah, 76 falsche fi sh, 185–186 brit, 499 challah, 267, 507, 626 fesenjan, 193–194 brittle, honey- nut, 556 chametz, 315–316 fricassees, 207–208 brit Yizchak, 76 chamutzta, 333 gundi, 241–242 broilers, 119 charchavina, 390 helzel, 261–262 Brownstein, Harry, 371 Chasidim, 181, 185, 187, 218, 226, 316, keftes, 298–299 brsh (borscht), 64–65 320, 360, 586 liver, 364 buckwheat, 56, 292, 293–294, 316, chatan’s tish, 610 paprikás, 439–440 437 chaykhana, 579 schmaltz, 532, 534 Bukharan foods. See Uzbekistan chazeret, 265–266, 390 schnitzel, 537 bulgur, 41–42, 47, 258–259, 305–306, cheese. See also specifi c cheeses by tabyeet, 572–573 333, 572 name weddings, 611–612 buraniya, 11 almodrote, 11–12 Yom Kippur, 626 burga, 63 bichak fi lling, 51 chicken soup, 320, 329 butter, 361–362, 391, 581–582 blintzes, 57 chickpeas, 61, 183–185, 230–231, butter cake, 388 bolos de queso, 59 241–242, 257–258, 269–271, 299, butter cookies, 67–68, 224–225 bougatsa, 68 344, 547 buttercream, 160 boyos de queso, 69–70 chicory, 390 buttermilk, 272, 405 bulemas, 78 chilies, 47–48, 259–260, 263–264, calsones, 87 268–269, 438–439, 452, 537–538 C custard, 201 China, 166–168, 367–369, 442, 578 cabbage, 130, 288–289, 526–527, 563 fl ammekueche, 200 chocolate, 160, 171–172, 374, 377, cacao, 125, 602 fl uden, 203–205 388–389, 433, 602 cacti, 516–517 gnocchi, 227–228 cholent, 529–530 cafe de bano, 571 gombóc, 230 chopped liver, 364–365 Cairo, Egypt, 490 gomo, 230 choucroute garnie, 527 bbindex.inddindex.indd 664141 77/23/10/23/10 112:172:17 PPMM 642 F index chrain, 265 corn, 236, 380–381 doro wot, 620 cilantro, 115, 537–538 corn cakes, 398–399 dough, 7, 151, 274–275, 368–369, cinnamon, 534–536, 633–634 Cornfeld, Lilian, 142, 183–184 542–543, 564, 565, 581–583, 623, circumcision, 75–76 cornmeal, 32, 143–144, 383–385, 398– 634.
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