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\ amiwna|iai|ir-' rAwunif D dlf Net P i m b ; nnU T, JVNB K MM T w a N T T -im n \F bt ftha Weak WMaA. idlmtrbi^Bt^r Sw ttittg V^rallk \ Arne I t , 1664— :

The VFW AiiKlliary will hold Qerk’s'Offfic® a card party tonight at S «t Parties Chide One Another W fhft Audtt ■About Town the poet honie. e f Obefilaftlnn Open Tom orfow Manduutm" A City 0 / VUlagm Chmrm ■ Ik* ItondMiter Itali«ii A n ^ St. Margaret’s Chnle, Daugh­ Over Charter Unit Impasse iMn SocMy win mtonsor “ An ters of Isabelle, will hold a TiM'towB Clerk’s office in the Baikal Night” at 7:30 p.m. to- chicken barbecue and auction Muniekwl Bulling will be oj>en' YOL. Lxxnn. NO. its tTWBLVE p a g e s —TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 27, .1964 (Olnaaifled en Faga •) PRICE SEVHN BoROW at IIB KldrM ^ 8t. ft on July 7 at atSO p.m. at the Town Republicans and Demo-^claims that reconsiderattbn of from 9 a.m. to noon tomorrow iiBah tima there wlu be an home of Mrs. Rose Schwoerer, crats are blaming each other the ohartor quastlqns is being for the sale o f 1964-60 dog li­ Man houee memberahlp drive. 103 Mather St. Items for the censee. ’fhe deadline tor pur­ ■Sheahmenta wlU be eerved. for ’Tuesday night’s impasse made because it the dem­ Blackout by Bird auction may be left at her home onstrated dsaire of the elector­ chase of the dog tags u 6 pjn. anytime. For pickup service over the appointment of a new ;MUtoH R. Hathaway Jr. oi ate, must be discounted in light T^aaday, Cabinet in Italy Resigns MERIDEN (AP) — A members may contact Mrs. Charter Itoviaion Commieeion ’Town a e r k Edward Tomklel Bm Ualted States Air Force, aon of their''ada'mant refusal to con- bird blacked out. alt of Schwoerer. (ORC). aidsf the petition submitted last has Isnied a remlniler to dog STblr. and Mrs. MUton R. Hath­ owners that the sUta has raised Meriden and Cheshire early away, 34 Princeton St., was pro- Although the board of direc­ spring by the (Ntisen’s Com­ today, just Iq) leaving Its Mississippi Residents its fees for the llcenaee: $2.60 noted Sunday to first lieutenant tors unanimously approved, the mittee for Better Government, nest. The trick was that Two-Car Crash for male and spayed female COIN OFKRATBC In A id to Schools Issue at Vandenberg Air Force Base, creation of a new (NIC, refusal K.nd signed by over 2,600 voters, and $6.40 for unspayed fe­ the nest was located under­ the Republican minority to doga WASH-’N-DRT OLBAM Calif., where he is studying In •jgardlng a switch to a mayor- male doge. neath a current transform­ preparation for a position as a Brings Arrest name its nominees stalled the alderman form of government.’’ 11 M A F U MT. er, reported James L. Desk, mlsaUe combat crew comman­ appointment ofits members un­ A<)toae Frona F ln t Nntlsanl ROMII! f AP^— PraaidenteOhrleiian Damocrats and theirajected the budgetary request by Mahoney deplored the delay .-e. . mmw Ira. w ^ 4b O ® _«M e WW...— . 1 ^ 4 district manager of the der for the Minute Man Inter­ til next Tuesday. 400 Win Export ‘E’ Stan Parkteg Loft BooiaUat partners over In­ a vote of 328-231 Thursday night, Ckmnecticut Light and Two people were Injured early in appointment of the new OPEN 7 DAVS Antonio Segni began talka creased sla to church schooU. with only Christian Democrats Continental Ballistic Missile Sys- this morning in a two-car acci­ GOP leader and director Power Co. The bird ap­ Asked to Help in Hunt CRC, citing ‘!the very close with politiiuil leadera today, Segni asked Moro to stay on In favor of It. Moro’s Soclaltst, Francis DellaPera said yester­ W a s h i n g t o n —More than 16-lA. Week tito. parently the live parts tom (ICBM). dent on the Tolland Tpke., po^ wUle th« president coneulte Democratic Socialist and Re­ day "The delay in miming the timetable that would have to be 400 United SUtes firms have S-Lb. D17 Oleaa—$3A6 geefcing an end to Italy’s of the transformer. The re­ lice said. ■ followed to possibly be ready 5 Lbe. $1.38 with other political figures on publican partners abstained. Adonirem OouncU, Royal and WUliam Twerdy, 32, . ONLY a ftve-day visit to Norway. Three firemen were killed, from exile today on the heels eked regime was topped in said. "W e're glad to have them. out in the ares. . near the North Ave. Beach in on Monday. Also dead were three persons of an aiq>eal by Moise Tshombe Gizenga, whose Communist- They're fellow Americans.” Polioe eald the first incident 1 Lincoln Park, In farewell ceremonies at The Blakeelee Building, which Luolta Caste was a descent on a grocery Policeman Joec]^ Trlfone, 82, Skbppsholmen the shlpa island who had come to watch firemen for total reconciliatioh of all eked regime was topped In The sailors are from the near­ in action. Ten were Injured. Congolese. had been a storage building for by Naval Auxiliary Ah- Station 3 : WE GIVE store by 86 youths w)»o "threw ------—In the harbor. Prime Minister January 1962, has been held on the store up tor grabs.” ‘They I (Bm Page Hu«e) Tage Briander said he had en The dead were identified as At the same time, a report Bula-Bemba Island in the mouth goo


nnances, label' its publications llAlfCSESTSB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1964 and In 'other ways dlseio^es^ South Windgor Events Sheinwold on Bridge PAGE THRIV; New Indictment Seen government virtually evety, move it makes. rERFBCT TBCBNlljlIE MA^T W W I Trip[fyer? named for Slobodan. ’There Is . It's (or that reason -that the Temple Beth.Hillel Members In Nation BMI*WtK ▼WBVMN9 no similar attempt to keep Gav- party — already whittled down NOT BE HELPFUL MMriH rilo's memory gnen. Constructioii On U.S. Communists to less than 10,000 members—is WASHINGTON (AP)—In the O K J t But in Sarajevo, there still By ALFRED SHEINWOLD fighting to the last ditch to InsUill Officers Lcist Night newa from Waiahington; V *75 art people who remember the Governor Appeals avoid formally registering with FOR SEC: With only some National Men’s Team tBamptaa 0 Q I 1 0 9 t day vividly. Falls Below il fren On»} I Archduke *8 Deathf to take against the party, in the the Justice Department. half dosen memb«rs on the floor If^'^ou want to be a fine _____ ♦ One is Vuka Brantsfcvljevtc, a light of the Court of Appeals de­ Temple Beth Hillel of 3outh'^ln students and school bulld- the Senate confirmed by a voice bii« Dark Day Recalled mance with jPrtncip. er to reindict the party or to Miner Speaker of officers last night. The riew- accuracy. You must also be a 0 K 7S <> 32 The g-ovemment, demanding. faculty have been directly en­ I to a five-year terpri on the So- When Princlp was in prison, NEW YORK (AP)—New con­ retry the old Indictment. ly-elected officers were installed helpful partner in the defense. OAQ75 OR6431 rssn Pkg* Om ) Ibil-court reconsideration, said gaged In Curriculum work. In- I curitlei and Exchange Commls- f o u m a Czech doctor befriended him. struction is (ailing below its The latter would require thg At Bov« Slate ] following the regular services servtce activities were conduct­ I aion. Olie of the hands of the recent Ry CARL HAR’TMAN ^'Hhey were really good an^ The doctor told afterward how Hm law requires that the party Intercollegiate Championships O AQ7454 year-ago pace. The slip from government to prove that a vol­ at the temple. ed for 44 per cent of the fac­ Budge, who from 1960 was an SARAJEVO, Yugoslavia (AP) kindly fellows.’’ ‘ Prlncip had confided in him his sscorted'out of town by a be registered, not that the per­ In.stalled were; Dr. Lawrence furnishes a good example. ^ K 2 the like period in 1963 could be unteer was available back in Major Francis E. Minor, past ulty." Idaho member of Congreu, de­ —A crown princs with some ’Their plan was simple. YYanzi love for a girl back home he had the first signal of a leveling off News Tidbits uty sheriff after paying a Rnb, son who performs the regri.stra- ' Andrews, president; Abraham North dealer 0 A 34 1961. to register the party. That commander . of the American Bible School Starhi scribes himself aa a conaerva- O K 10 startling political Ideas—a fev­ Ferdinand, his wife antf It small I never klzsed, but meant to to the long boom in this essen­ for speeding. % tlon be a member of the party. ; Gla.s.sman and Marin Eisenberg, Elaat-West vulnerable entourage — in Sarajevo for a ! from the AP Wires The government made it clear course of action would be • en­ Legion Post of Manchester, this The Vacation Bible School of tive Republican. Hla confiima/- erish boy fanatic, manipulated marry. There is a tradition 'in tial segment of the economy. Chief inspector Qwto - ^ l e ormously complicated and ten­ morning gave the Closing ad­■ vice - presidents; Mrs. Allen tion was sharply opposed, by Opening lead—Ten of Spades civic function—lyefe driving in j his family that she had been (hat it felt the party’s use of Brown, trea.surer; Mrs. Sidney the Wapping Community Pas* Past 1 0 PtM from the shadows by a myster­ Or, say construction experts, said two persons had driven uous. at best, in the courts. dress at Nutmeg Boys State, Democralc Senators William In many cases West led a s ^ open cars along the Mil-; picked out as a bride for him it could be only a minor bobble. the Fifth Amendment was a Halpert. corre.sponding .secre­ Church will begrin Monday at trump against four spades. With The Dallaa News in a copy­ past the s ^ t at 11 a.m. Mon­ ■ham. It said the party, through That's why. it was learned, which was held at the Univer­ Proxmlre of Wisconsin and Lee All ious spymaster—shots from a jacks RlvA, which flows' by his elder brother. They note that despite the slip­ tary; Mrs. Bernard Karlin, re- 8;4&a.m. and continue to 11:30 ■trength in all of the side suits through^Ufe city. right story quotes Jack Ruby aa day and reported the station its wide open propaganda pro­ government experts are nearly sity of Connecticut. • Mefcalf of Montana. little automatic. She became a dentist and page in May, the total of con­ . cording .9ecretary; Stanley Sil- daily until ^ July 10. Anyone West was willing to play a wait-1------saying he deliberately planned wagon Was not there. Choctaw gram,, never has hesitated to be .sold on the reindictment and Boys .State is a program of In committee hearings on his After a reception at City Hall married a doctor. She is retired struction projects started so far Iver, auditor, and Louis Cntor, wishing to enroll his child may Did they start World War 1? th$ cars were to drive back; toiJcjll Lee Harvey Oswald "to Indians found the vehicle atilt represented in public by its of­ bn this unusual plan:, ed\ication open to Juniors in nomination Budge—now a state Inggame. ' anything else to do. East will Or would it have come any­ now, and says it is "Inconven­ this year stili is leading 1963 smoking at 5 p.m. and stripped [Nathan Miller and Robert Off- report to the directors in the Declarer usually drew | ^ jhla will de- along the river and through the spare Mrs. John F. Kennedy the ficials, who clearly label them­ To seek out a volunteer, be high .school and. in operation, is church office Monday morning. court Judge lit Boise—said he how, whether the Archdukp ient” for her to give interviews, figures. two hubcape from it, Cole said. ‘ stein, tmstees. , regards the SEC's major func- roun^ of tmmps ' ,eat the contract, main streets. ’The half • dozen anguish of returning to ttie city selves members of the party he lawyer'., newspaperman or a .government unit in which Mrs. Lawrence Andrus, was The church has announced Frans Ferdinand was murdered but she did tell a telephone call­ , The building boom haa been Gov. Johnson visited the slta other unaffiliated Individual ' tion as protecting the Investing and king and then led the queen conspirators stationed them­ one of the chief (actors in the where her husband died.” . .. and disregard the possibility of each boy participates in prac­ in.stalled as president of the Sis one service will be held Sun- of diamonds from dummy for It’s a situaUon in which you on that sunny Sunday mefning er with pride evident in Her where the station wagon was ■elf-incrimination. To inform the party, .some­ I public and that he doesn't see selves at likely points along the voice; Claire Ana-Baporitl Diane T. Zapadka 40-month advance of the gener­ Two American aviators killed tical functroning of town, coun­ terhood. Other officers are | days at 9:30 a.m. beginning in a finesse. If West had nerve must deceive your partner for 50 years ago. river. set ablaze. Later Rita Schwem* Nevertheless, the court re­ how. that a volunteer is ready, ty and state government. Leg­ and July. , how his being a conservative Historians argue ibe point. “ Yes, I am a sister of Nedel- al economy. in Houth Viet Nam when theli' er, wife of one of the mlasing willing and qualified to register Mrs. Marvin El.senberg i could, have any bearing on his enough to refuse the trick, well his own good. Franz Ferdinand with his fused to reconsider the decision. islative. administrative, police Mrs. Marvin Ginsberg, vice- The Republican Town Com­ Some say the riralriee of the jko Cabrinovic, and I knew Central State Graduates April had seen a dip from the helicopter is shot down in the men, also toured the spot. Hie Supreme Court, when the it. [ carrying out this responsibility. Slid good. Declarer would repeat I Dally Quoatton thick upturned moustache and March figures for construction and Judicial programs are de­ presidents; Mrs. Burton Kahn, mittee will meet Monday at the p-eat powers made the conflict his tall green-plumed helmet, Gavrtlo aa well as I know my­ region of Aplong Hoi while gov­ In Washington, Dulles told department took its case there, To give the party a reason­ Proxmire said Budge is no the finesse, and West would be < Partner opens with one spade, self.” ’Two Manchester residents re-^ contracts awarded. But these veloped to hold the interest of treasurer; Mrs. Arthur Travers home of Chairman Frank E. jnevltablc. Others contend that was a prime target. He sat next ernment forces on the g^round newsmen that Gov. Johnson also declined to review it. able time to take up the offer more likely to make the SEC in with the king of diamonds. | and the next player paasee. You Another who remembers is a ceived bachelor's degrees during lumbia University Graduate forerunners of building activity "seemed to take" his recom­ all the. Boys State citizens. ! rorre.sponding secretary, and : Brown, 167.1" Main St., East European stateamen had been to his wife who wore a long School In the fall. reportedly kill 40 Viet Cong The loss was a bitter pill. It and register. a watchdog for public interest At this stage, cold technique hold: Spades, 8-2: Hearts, A-J. handling incidents like this for tall, ruddy-cheeked history commencement exercises at to come still held above the guerrillas in the running battle mendations favorably when he had taken more than 10 years - To go before a grand Jury, Delegates are sponsored by Mrs, Marvin Reeber, recording i Windsor Hill at 8 p.m. than Sen. Barry Goldwater is and good partnership parted 116-6; Diamonds, 2-2; Clubs, 8-4- white dress and (ficture hat. Miss Diane T. Zapadka, April 1963 figures. the local service organizations 40 .years without a major war, As the procession passed near teacher of U, now retired. Vo- Central Connecticut State Col­ that followed. and the President conferred ot litigation before the ^upreme should the party balk, and ob­ secretary. High School Awards to carry Harlem. company. West should make an ' 4-8-2. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John TTien May dipped 4 per cent including Kiwanis. Rotary, The South Wind.sor tax col- Receiving awartls at the re- and given a little less stupidity the Zrinzsko Bridge a young joslav Bogicevic has become lege, New Britain, June 7. With 800 persons looking on. ! with the governor by phone. ^ & Court, in June 1961, upheld the tain a new Indictment. Metcalf said that although he inaccurate play to help his part-' What dojjrou aay? J. Zapadka of 168 Woodland below the year ago total. This CivitaJi and Exchange Clubs, lector’s department has an- cent .South Windsor High they might have handled this printer named Nedjelko Cabrin- the city's most devoted histori­ Sen. Barry Goldwater will es­ Dulles added he would let eonstltutlonality of an Order of The official decision, of course regards Budge as a man of (li- Answer: Pass. Avoid respond­ Miss Claire Ann Saporitl, the St., received a B.S. degree in was the first year-to-year de­ the Knights of Columbus and nounced taxpayers will receit e , g{.fjoQ| awards assembly were: ner defeat the contract. one too. ovlc threw a grenade. It \ an of the conspirators, several cort his 20-year-old daughter I Gov. Johnson express his own ■le Subversive Activities Con­ won't ^ disclosed until the in­ tegrity he considers him as ing when you have only 5 points daughter of Aldo J. Saporiti elementary education. cline in new construction report­ I views and in Jackson the gover­ the American Legion. A com­ the remaining portlon.s of their ' Patricia Dailey and Catherine Bookn48<9l4 M Play laj “••$» •••• — •• ^------^ - C------Some of its mysteries atlll are bounced off the folded back top ' of whom were his schoolmates. down ttie aisle tonight as she trol Board, which had found that dictment is returned. "probably the worst appoint­ unsolved. She was a member of the As­ ed since early in 1963. nor later said Mississippi would mittee from the faculty of the bills for retention until .the sec- p^ost, gold key.s, and A n n The book play for West is the in high- cards and no dtstfibu- of the archduke's car and ex­ He was standing next to one and the late Mrs.' Saporitl of becomes the bride of an oil the party was a Oommunist-ac- Once registered, the party - ment that could poBsibly be "Start with Col, Dragutln Dlm- sociation for Childhood Educs*^ The awards as collected by F, protect civil'rights workers as high schools recommend nom­ three of hearts. The idea is to tional advantage worth mention, ploded in the street, wounding —Cvljetko Popovic—when Cab­ 470 Center St., majored in ele­ tion International, the Student company Junior executive. . . tlnn group, dominated and con­ as the only Communist action made" to the SEC. Hrjevlc, chief of both the Ser­ rinovic threw his grenade near­ W. Dodge Co., a division of ; welPas it can. trol!^ by the Soviet Union. group in the United States inees to the sponsoring groups. t." £ £ ' got East in with the ace of Ing. I several bystanders and two of mentary education. .Education Association, and. the Reliable sources report that hearts to return a club through —------‘ . bian military intelligence and by, and he was on the spot McGraw-Hill, Inc., show that in "We do not have as much po­ The Justice Department still would be required to make Seven boys represented Man­ VINSON: The armed forces the archduke’s aides in the next Mias Saporitl was on the ex­ Newman Club. David Bell, U.S. aid administra­ j - the king Sheinwold's 86-page book- the conspiratorial "Black automobile. within a few, minutes when May contracts for future con­ lice protection as some states !■ eoMidaring what new steps available its records, report its chester this year. passed in review Friday night ecutive board of the Internation­ A Manchester High School struction came to $4.6 billion, tor, will soon be named to a Hand.’ ’ His cover name 'was ’The archduke's wife was Princlp Hred the fatal shots. al Association for Childhood Ekl- because we haven’t needed it,’’ in a colorful farewell to a man The trouble with the three ’ ’Apis’’—the bee—and a busier graduate in the Class of 1960, by no means a trivial .^ddition new Saigon post heading Amer­ ' Taxpayers will be afforded a I Award, a scratched on the face by a Bogicevic won’t say now ucation (Jlub, member of Kappa she will begFin teaching in the said the governor. "Our crime 30-day grace period during i ^ tu rijay classes who (ought their battles in Con­ Intriguer no novelist svsr creat­ to economic growth. Arfd they ican economie aid prog^iun In »*DMfectlv’*Ea8t*mav*tW herald. Box splinter. whether he was in on the plot Deltk. Pi national education fall in the second grade at the rate is the second lowest in tbs which time no Interest will be i School and Brad gress—Rep. Carl Vinson, D-Ga. ed.' brought the tfital for the flrk South Viet Nam. L S a r l ^ e d ^ ^ n ^ x r 3318 Grand Central Station, New At the reception, the arch- himself, but he does admit: "If honorary society, and on the Orchard Hill School, South nation." ‘ , ‘ charged. However, failure to pay | ™.vrick. D r a f f i n g Award, a Flags dippe#, brass glistened He wanted to sUmlnate Franz i duke had decided to cancel the they had offered me' a gun, it five months of the year to $19.6 East must return the jack of dean's list. She w ill’attend Co­ Windsor. billion, a pleasant 9 per cent In a prepared statement, GoyJ the first installment within the ■ briefcase. , and military bands blared songs , ...... ___. OoDvrCopyright 1964 Fardlrand, heir to the 84-year-1 drive through the main streets would have been hard to. re­ Johnson said Mississippi "w U from Dixie (or the 80-year-old hearts to defeat the contract. above the like period in 1963. grace period will make the re- i Also, Literary Awards; Gail I General Features Oorp. Old Kmp«ror Frani Josef of j and visit one of the wounded fuse." maintain surveillance of the ac« chairman of the House Armed This is just what West does not The only sour note was that maining portion of the tax' due Cohen. Vicki Flannery, Laura the hospital. But no- Popovic is still alive, head of New Phobias tlvltles of all extreme groups. Riere’s o big difference Immediately following the grace McQuenney, Karen Roberts, Services Committee who is re­ want. Why? ’That’s one of the myi- body told the chauffeurs the ethnographic section of the the May figures, in all cate­ Instead of leading the three of Nikita Ends 88. in P rison gories, dipped below the year This Includes Negro groups as period. Siizanna Stauback and Ctrol tiring from Congress. terles. A ^ s said later it was be- The cars started b'ack along Bosnian National Museum in well as white groups." Town Manager Terry V. White; Ralph Russo, 1964 MAA Units from all the services— hearts West'should lead the nine. Sarajevo, but he refused to talk ago awards. Nonresidential ThLs discourages East from re­ Ferdinand was the river. When they reached Kill Boredom A few hours after Dulles an­ Prenkel announced that appli­ Exam Medal; Ronald Dayton, ! the Army, Navy, Air Force and ^ 4 of the war party in Aus- the street called Franz Josef to strangers. So does another of building was off by 6 per cent; turning a heart. For lack of Sweden Visit, Get Diplomas residential awards by 1 per nounced his recommendation cations for the position of dep­ 1964 Rentschler first-year al­ , Marines — swung jauntily past trla-Hungary and k ling him Qasse, the driver of the lead the conspirators named Vaso for beefed-up FBI actlvitiy in : as Vinson stood in a Jeep be- ceUtT and nonbuliding construc- Bv HAL BOYLE uty tax collector will be re­ gebra prize. $50; audio-visual was a way of fore^ llln g an at-1 car started to turn in toward Cubrilovic who—like Popvic— Mississippi, the agency report­ side Secretary of Defense Rob­ Uon, such as highways, by 8 per NEW YORK (AP)—Are you ceived until June 30. Applica­ squad pins for seniors, Steve I tack on gerbla,, then an mde- the center of the town, failed to throw his grenade. He (Continued from Page One) ed the arrest of three white Mis- ert S. McNamara, who at times Nprway Next cent. tired of having the same old tions nlay be obtained at the Bancroft, Larry Butt, Robert iV'R CONDITIONFD pendant nation and now part of -Not that way, ' you • fo o l- became a professor of history, sissippians on charged 01 threat­ this furnace I has been on the opposite side George A. Oiristie, economi.st fears? town manager’s office or the Yugoslavta. straight ahead!" shouted a eeh- and served lor a time as a teachers act as supervisors, as­ ening civil rights workers at Hurd, Keith Marshall. Jerry of the fence from Vinson in bat- Wouldn’t you like some fresh state personnel department. ’Thls makes Httle aense. Franz eral riding with the archduke. member of President Tito’s (Conttaned from Page One) sisted by inmates and volun­ for F. W. Dodge, prefers to call Martin, Gloria Miller, CSiff Nel­ I ties ov*r defense requirements. anxieties to fret over to make Itta Bena, about 85 miles from Applications should be returned Ferdinand’s murder was used The order brought the little Cabinet. the May figures a sign that new the area where Schwerner, son, John Potyra and Walter I Each of the services present- STATE their mutual dedication to teers—including the mayor who your life more interesting? to the department no later than Strong. by the Austrians as the excuse column to a halt just in front And Gavrilo still is a hero to construction demand has stabi- Goodman and Chaney disap*- ' ed Vinson with its f l ^ for a peace. Well, be of good cheer. The Tuesday., Also Robert Hurd and Jerry tor an attack on Serbia, and of Moritz Schiller's fancy gro- the present head of the family pos.sibilities are endless. peared. Concession Bids memento and McNamara pre- ®'A88. "The May-to-May comparison Martin, yearbook camera crew there ■ were many more eager eery store, where Princlp was in Sarajevo—Bogdan Princlp, a Khrushchev’s visit ended with With self teaching methods is largely a matter of what hap- Medical dictionarie.s now list The men arrested wers The town manager announced ' sented him with the Distin­ pins for seniors: William Stnr- guished Service Medal, highest for war then he had been, stationed. He stepped to the first cousin. Thodgh Bogdan the Swedish government disap- used, the inmate teachers are pened a year ago," he says. "In some 3(X) or more spemfic fears, charged with interfering with that three porson.a have obtain­ devant, service awards for ex­ civilian decoration. A better guess: Franz Ferdi- curb and fired at a range of was nearly three years young­ : pointed that he had failed to available to give examinations, May 1963 the concentration of and the list is growing. They all and threatening three 'civ il That if why owners ed bid forms and specifications cellent service on stage crew; nand had some idea of giving less than 10 feet, killing both er, they were classmates once rights workers—two white per­ [asf Windsor , clear up the mystery of a long- and assist the students when | several very large projects have wonderfully impressive- for conce.ssion at Spring Pond Emery Tapley, audio assistant, DEBT LIMIT: The Senate his own Serb subjects more self- both the archduke and his wife, and Bogdan thinks he might needed. Classes are held in a boosted that month's index of sounding nsEJihes, and the sons and a Negjo — who had Park. Bids will be received at and Junior Red Cross pins and DRIVE-IN ROUTf 5 rule. That might have cooled off R seems ancient history now, have been asked to join the plot I missing Swedish diplomat, but special building from 6 to 10 chances are you have had some been distributing leaflets about report op to gave President Johnson the Intrigued at the prospect of in­ construction by almost 20 points the town mrnager’s office until' certificates td'seniors for school their enthusiasm for breaking even in Sarajevo, where the if he had not been laid up with p.m. Monday through Friday, making it a poor basis for com­ of these dreads all along and a voter registration rally to bs green light Friday to increase creasing trade with the Soviet July 1. ■service. Emily LeVaasuer, Karol the national debt limit by $9 loose from Austria-Hungary and quay along Uys Miljacka looks rheumatic fever. and on Saturday mornings. A parison.” never knew it. held at a Negro church. T^e South Windsor American Kaveckas, Bunn y Andrews, Shown .., joining Serbia, an enthusiasm much as it idoked half a century Uinon. minimum of 12 hours of Instruc­ The leveling off wasn't If you hate losing a golf Dulles said it was suspected, billion to the highest celling Swedish Premier Tage Erlan- 25% saving on oil Legion team has a 2-1 Merrilyn Neiderwerfer, Janet Apis was most eager to keep Ago. tion a week is required. enough to keep the awards from match, your friends may mere­ although not definlteTy known, ever: $324 bilUon. The Increase 4:40 der issued a special statement record. South Windsor will play Lombardi, Dorothea Barber, Is the biggest boost in the debt 4:85 wrarm. The old City Hall serves as a The program, begun in 1961 dipping below the year ago ly put you"' down as a poor "that there was terroristic ac- Indians Leader proclaiming his “ strong disap­ Danielson, a new entry In the Wendy Noordendorp and Caro­ ceiling since World War n. 9:40 Nor YSould It have pleased' IH>rary with an exhibit on the under the direction of Warden figure for , the first time in sport. But if you tell them tivity” against Schwerner, lyn Lane. pointment that the Soviet gov­ league at 2 p m. tomorrow at Without the President's signa­ Oavrilo Prin^p, a frail but ground floor glorifying Yugo- Vernon L. Pepersack, attracted months. you’re suffering from rhapdo- Goodman and Chaney. ernment has not felt it could do the high school field. Also South Wind Awards. ture on the measure, the pres­ flery Serb of 19 from Austria- President’s Tito’s strug- Confined to Bed 768 students this year. Peper- The next few months should phobia—which is the fear of be­ Schwerner had been working The Junior Hammond Orga Alyce Zimmer. Cynthia Monlz. ent temporary limit of $318 bil­ Hungarys’ province of Serbia. 41*-^ In World War n . .more" about the case of Raoui sack, now state commissioner j show whether the long boom ing beaten—they’re bound to in the civil rights field in the Wallenberg, the missing diplo­ Club presented a special pro­ Ronald Gobble, Eileen Doocy, lion would drop to $309 billion Apis supplied him and his fel- Schiller's grocery has been ^ (Oonflimed from Page One) of correction, was the main has really ended or whether the feel more sympathetic. Meridian area for six months. gram of "Around the World" John Creagan, Ben Richard. next Tuesday night and to the low conspirators with auto- turned into a museum which i mat. speaker Friday. current stabilization is forming Perhaps it embarrasses you Goodman was one of the ad­ Rosemary Wholley, Ed Ota, Waiienberg, credited xvith last night. The Hammond Jun­ so-called permanent limit of HASicr susazY aoecar matics and grenades, got them subordinates Princlp to the ac- celed. Officials scheduled to The cost: $30 a year per stu- a base for a new takeoff along if the boss catches you dozing vance guard of an expected iors are sponsored by the Con­ .ludith Lxjngo. Carolyn. Bowers, some target practice and had Hvlty of an organization called saving thousands of Jews in dent for books and supplies. I with the general economy. in your swivel chair at the of­ 1,0(X) summer volunteers—most­ $285 billion on Wednesday. This meet wifli Shastri stood on the Hungary in latter stages of necticut Valley Chapter of Sue Driscoll and Beth Brown, them smuggled across the bor- "Young Bosnia." The official fice. Put your ailment down as ly college students—to work for would be far below the actual lawn in front of the reerldence, World War n , ■was arrested by Hammond Organ Club.s. and service awards from the national debt of some $312 bil­ coua der from Serbia back to Bosnia feeling is that emphasis on hyjmophobla, the fear of falling Negro vote registration and oth­ Edward Rodger, president of guidance office, ClgucHa Sher­ lion. Oo-Hlt and its capital, Sarajevo. Princlp and Apis tends to 'sad- prevented from going inside. the Red army In Budapest to asleep. er rights. January 1946. the sponsoring organization, man, Kathy Sturdevant, Patri­ Prlncip was a sensitive, ideal- )lle|?e. Henniker. N.H, flMIWnRS£.AIKEidlM»Kr I n . Oalo, Norwegian authori­ Europe after the United NaUons BURNSIDE ( m m a heart attack in 1969 but has Hartford, with a Mass of re­ Chrematophobia (ear of the NAACP, told Washington over the years, making the Silent Automatic He has also Suggested that a majoHnK f'vll MkHnimn ties hammered out security ar- crushed Katsfnga dreams of in- money. currlcuhim coTiimittee should be fng)neerlng. He attended Ells- been reported in good health in quiem at All Saints Russian newsmen that civil rights lead­ Wall-Flame burner better and better. But the rangements on a scale hitherto P*"^*"*^*; Chionophobia—fear of snow. ers in Jackson had told Dulles formed to develop science for Memorial High School MEADOWS" recent years. unknown in their country. Kalonji broke out of Orthodox Church, Hartford, at baric principle is still there, and is itill far The Job of leading the world’s 10. Burial will be in Hillside Aulophobia —fear of hearing that If more federal people were Grades 4-6 next vear. i'"'' "a s graduated from Mon- Norwegian authorities said the *** summer of 1962, he flutes. He proposed that new bl- Academy, Monwn, Mass, H 1 Min from G. Fox Oo. biggest democracy hw been Cemetery, East Hartford. sent to the state, they would ahead o f the field. visit would be of a routine good-, been serving a 30 - month Taeniophobla — fear that you logical and physical science IJttle Score* telling on him in the last few Friends may call at the fu­ see that they were kept in­ I n o w : All In Color will nature. They saw no reason sentence for torturing political are harboring a tapeworm. formed continuously of the You can expect more—much more—from programs in Grade 8 be evsl- In recent Little League game.s ■ , 1st f i r s t a r e a SHOWING! weeks, however, and he haa neral home tonight from 7 to 9 AwnaMne PMoocn for discussing an Increase In i enemies in South Kasai. But to- Linonophobia—fear of string. identity and location of civil your heating system when you install Silent uated. and that the acience looked fatigued. the limited Norwegian-Soviet dsy high government officials _ and, „ tomorrow „ from 2 to ^ 4 ^ and ■ Marlon Brando ITS T I«T "OM O" ^ Phronemophobia — (ear of rights workers. Automatic oil beat. For just a few extra dollars program for Qrades 9-12 be Seconds 4-2, The winning pitcher trade. t^*e charges against Kalon- ^ ® P-"'- Ponlhlda will be held thinking. "coordinated an^d improved" Qu'B'ey.Quigley. David Gro- I Shirley Jones : m e t r o -o o ld w y n -m xyeb PRE9Er«rs______•The Norwegian-Hungarian As- J* had "all been fixed.” ‘^o"^o*'row at 8 p.m. Autophobia—fear of yourself. now yon get big fitel sayings from now oH. He al.so recommended Ttiat bel of C^bs hit a home ran. ■ David Niven sociatlon has asked Norwegian His return is likely to cause funeral home. In the senior leagu^ thJle- Ro- Swim Lessons Of course, if you can’t make the elementar>' modern mathe ■ ’’BEDTIME STORY” Socialist Premier Elnar G er-, trouble,,in South Kasai, where Camp Dedication tary beat the Hawks 8-4. The I Rock Hudaon ELVIS PRESLEY& I Mrs. Beda O. Gothberg up your mind what to be afraid AND TO PROVE OUR CONFIDENCE matics committee continue; that Set at Globe hardsen to take up the problem Kalonji’a bitter rival, former of—and the choices are prac­ a 12-week training program be pRcher was Larry Car- ■ Martha Hyer of Hungary with Khrushchev. Congolese Education Minister ' **‘^*'' Olson Gothberg, 72, ■ ’’BATTI.E HYMN” AIMN-MARGRET tically endless—there is a pack­ Slated Tomorrow THE WHITING CORPORATION .set up for Grade 4 teacher.s, ______The association promised that Joseph Ngalula, is provincial ' Overland St., died sudden- age deal available. JACK CUMMINGS'OEOROE SIDNEY PRODUCnON ’ITm recreation de$>artment its members—Hungarian refu- president. ly this morning at the home of | Mancheater Evening Herald You might decide to settle for Dedication of Manchester’s ^ 4 fu.T.culum as soon ^ ^ Windsor eorrespondent, announces that the swimming gees—would not demonstrate Tshombe returned from exile her daughter. Mrs. George At- ' kins, 148 Loomis St. i pantophobia. That means the Kennedy Day Camp for Retard­ as tne Grade 3 curriculum is Brownie „ , Joseph, , w telephone maa 644- VRia IPS Vegas lesson registration for Globe during Khruahehev’a visit. Friday night calling for the re­ (ear of everything. written. Miss Ann Duffv should Mrs. Gothberg was born ed (Children will take place at 2 0148. Hollow Swimming Pool irlll be lease of all political prisoners continue to coordinate the ^ _ PANAVI8iaiM*& METROaOLan and the end of internal squab­ March 22, 1892. in Sweden, and p.m. tomorrow, with Francis held Monday at 9:80, lived in Manchester 50 years. Kelley, superintendent of th«' Grade 7-12 efforts in mathe- _ . , plUH Hilarious Companion Fcaurc Cass Expected bling In order to bring peace matics. Plotkln .said C o r r e « t I o n Lessons will be for Beginners and stability to the Congo. During IVorld tVar IT. she was Voters Session Mansfield State Training E flS T U JO O employed at Cheney Bros. She A curriculum guide In Eng- The Herald erred in Its. poHcs THE WHEELER DEALERS" C, children who have never tak­ The U.N. force which ousted School, the main speaker. GUARANTEES llsh for Grades 7-9 should be arrest column yesterday when Jamce Garner — Lee Remlck en lessons; Beginner B, children To Be Nominee was a Gold Star Mother of The camp is located on a, Tshombe and tried to maintain FIRST RUN 8HOWI who have some ability, but can­ World War II. Set Wednesday developed. Dr. Plotkln said, and * it reported police found Francis ” R H I N O” eesseeeeAeee#' eeeeeoeeeB^W****** peace in the Ck>ngo is scheduled cleared knoll at the Globe Hol­ IF YOU DON'T CUT YOUR GAS. PROPANE. the after-school Jvmlor high hon- Happenny, 53, of 221 School St., not awim the width of the pool; , Survivors, besides her daugh­ low site, off Spring St., and will —In Oolor-^ Charles H. Cass appeared to to pull out by Tuesday. A voter-making .se.ssion will ors group in social studies ^runk and arrested him for Beginner A. for those children ter, include a son, Carl E. Goth­ be open for Inspection by tha 8:10.6:40 - 9:45 be a ahoo-in this morning as the Tshombe’s .statement Friday berg of Andover, and seven be held in the town clerk’s office ELECTRIC OR OIL FUEL BILL BY 2 5 % * should continue for a second breach of peace, who can swim the width of the Republican nominee for state night was interpreted as the gensral public. phia ”T1t4 Golden Arrosr” pool; Intermediate B, for those grandchildren. JVednesday, from 5 to 8 p.m. year, and possibly expanded to . p o n „ answered a oom- In color with Tab Hunter senat^ from the Fourth Sen­ opening salvo of a campaign The first of the three sessions Include English and science in from Francis Happenny who have passed Begjnner A. The Holmes Funeral Home, Applicants mu.st be at least 21 THE WHITING CORPORATION ____ 1:80.4:45 . ____ atorial District, by him to assume leadership of 400 Main St., is in charge of years of age, and must have of two weeks each will atari: lA I h*® brother Peter was ly- All children must be Man­ The GOP district convention a ’’reconciliation government.” Monday morning, with about 80 STARTS SUNDAY. chester residents, and have at­ arrangements, which are Incom­ resided In (Jonneclicut for at Troy Donahue was. set to convene at 11 a.m. "I am convinced that a total plete. least one year, and in the town campers registered. port, "It is evident that this tended at least kindergarten this morning at the Church Cor­ and sincere reconciliation of all surge In curriculum activity injured, Suunne Pleahette Like" Dining Out this paM year. ’There will be a for at least six months. CTlose to 100 campers hav* “A DISTANT TRUMPET" ners Inn in East Hartford to Congolese is the only chance of Naturalized citizens will be signed up for the three sessions,, could not have taken place with- drunk. ticket 'adml'sion charge for saving this country from mis­ 2.5:40.4:40 pick the candidate for state sen­ required to show proof of their with more sxipected to registsn Will Pay the Difference out the help and enthusiasm Fr«ncis. police aay, argusd new sponsor this aeaaon. ery and anarchy,” T.shombe told ator to oppose incumbent Fred Youth Riot Mars of fine teachers, who gave long " '“ h ‘ hem during the Inveatiga- in Tranquil Surroundings? Instructors for the lessons at citizenship. next week. **nie Incredible Mr. LhnpeF* Doocy. a cheering throng in Leopold­ houra at the end of the teach- tio". *nd they charged him with Globe Hollow are Paul Fink- ville’s zoo in his first public re­ 'Baaed an aperaStag eflIolMicy, romparitivr tbermoalat seStlngs and degree ing day. breach of peace. He vvaa not 4:05 - 7dM The nominating speech ia Start of Vacation 7 days. bein, Richard Berube, William slated to be made by Republi­ marks since returning from ex­ "It is also evident that our drunk, as The Herald errone­ MATINEES DAILY Carey's, located in the Saharek, Josephine Haiidley Mon Uuw Fri. . 140 can Town (Chairman' Francis ile in Spain earlier in the day. curriculum change* have kept ously reported, and we regret tranquil wooded area and Robert Borello. Tshombe t)rged freedom for (Continued from Page One) pace with the dramatic growth our error, of Lebanon, Conn., pro­ DMIaFera. Whiting doTM to nraht this stortling effor boccnist so memy onmors The town's delegates to the leftist lea d * Antoine Glzenga, vides a relaxing change imprisoned since his <3ommu- was injured when he attempted from the heat o f the Cuba Takes Over convention include Mrs. Audrey to break up the disturbances. Brett, Atty. Charles Crockett, nist-backed separatist regime in SUMMER SESSION of Timkon Silont Automatic Wall Fiomo Fumocos and Boilors roport city and more impor­ Stanleyville collapsed in Janu­ He suffered a cut right index tant the kitchen. Louis Champeau, A. Lawrence finger. IllN C T S 2 Riker, Ruoaell Grainnis, Martin ary 1962. eUzenga is the politi­ Ihoso M n g s oftor roplocing othor outomotic hooting oquipmont. TONITE Your favorite girl en­ Soviet Missiles cal heir of the late Premier Pa­ Ben Maggio, 17, and Kenneth WILLIMANTIC STAtE GOLLEfiE Alvord, John Bickley. Robert Lavorate, 18, were struck sev­ THRU TOP HITS joys gracious servics trice Lumumba, who was killed DAY O l d EVININO COURSK k and sxceptlonal food. No mattor whara you go .. .no maftor Starkei, Atty Robert Ctordon in Tshombe’s custody. eral times and treated at a hos­ (teattaaed from Fags Oae) and Raymond Cox. DellaFera ia IN 1 ’IVsat hsr to dinner how long you plan to stay... kaap up Tshombe also called on the pital. Graduate and Undergraduate Courses availaMe hi [tonight a town alternate to the eonven- government to make peace with Logan is a continuation school following areas: TUES. BOLTON NOTCH COLOR with what'i going on at homa by having American base and that a sec­ jlon. C all 649-1166 Anyfime r to u im s PRfI ond riiot was flred at another rebel leaders F4erre Mulele and for students with academic dif­ "Tha Harald" sant to you ovary day. Cuban soldier who tried to go to Gaston Soumiauot, who control ficulties. ENGLISH PSYCHOLOGY Our (growth Is A Result Ot Customer I’ S the oUier’s aid. vast areas In the eastern Congo, The neighborhood around the nHNiiiiraaiiKnnnii BJAKAZAirSPROOUCTIONOF ’Tha United States denounced Giovino Reports including part qf , qopper-rich'i schools is a melting pot of many SCIENCE EDUCATION the charge aa ’’completely Katanga Province. races and nationalities. m a Yh e m a t ic s a r t Confidence and Sdtisfacttbn "Ilie show of onthusiaam for falae.’’ Theft of Auto HISTORY MUSIC BPJiHNiie LOG CABIN Tshombe haa incresised specula- ,tton he may succeed Premier Italian^ Resign HEATMG AND COOLING CONTRACTORS RT. 47—LEBANON CALL CIRCULATION DEFT. A IIM Pontiac, four-door soih Cyrtlle Adtxila when a new !Mtiosi is $i7J9 per esedlHlenr dan, biua and white to ootor, tnuisiUoiuU covenunenf ia Fran Manchester: R t 5 through About Town with rocia^tlon marker num­ Over School Aid y &7.mtt'eWIUMIMGE AhiMver, turn right at junction te sm ^ altar a oonatMuttona] Individual. ber 50S-M5, waa stolen last ratoriakkim. eon tact: onto Route 47. Oonttaiinus on 10 Town flranen fixan Oom- niejit from the paricing .lot at miles to Cavey's 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 . ’IlM rsferendum begins today (UoatteMd from Page One) a JDxXSTAXT .HTNINII i ■ ' pontoa 1 and 4 yesUrday at the Paihade Bowttaf Lanes. and sWl eontlnue imtll mid- Bruce E. Bradford, WUUmaatie I Oellege. THE WHITING CORP. 4:44 p.m. were called out to Bernard Gtovino of 442 W. July. in Parilamfnt. ’This would en­ WilUmaatlc, Connecticut Tb u m p . quell a minor Are in a neon Middle ’Tpke., owner of the car, Adoula told (be Belgian radio able them to rule without the 2B4 BROAD STRUT MANCHUTIR sign ^ the First Foo

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ^NCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALZ), MANCHESTER, CONN,, RATDHDAT, JUNE r j u a F O U R ,-AJ 2f, IV.: H eralding' Homes timao almost imperceptible Area Church^ goutheaot A sIa Taleottvlile fit. FtoncHrtrAtoM^Chto'tli W e have progreaaed closer And closer-, -■ i Church Churches ■ov. O srdsh lEitntttiQ Ifpralb to the point where, in effect, we are die- Rev. Robert K. Wmrnmmm, First Choreh eg tCkrtat, CImndi ot tha Saatii IM b od let ChorCh claiming our own possession o f a choice. Mhdstsr ■ Adana fit. ato Rev, J, Manley Shaw, 0.D. INC. SeleiillBt B ov.^M w ard W e have ended our own pondering of Rev. FTaads d. Rev. Ray O. HolUs Jr. u 447 North Bfatii fit. a.m.. Fam ily worahlp ser- rur OOBB. Pastor Gordon W. Oleon 11 policy and taken our stance. That, aup- vlcs. Sirtooa: 'T h e Salt of tha THOMAS F. FKROUSON 11 a.m., Sunday service, Sun­ Rev. Rraeat J. Ooppa Rev. Jamea M. Gage WALTBR R. FKROUSON posedly, is the end o f our own decision­ Barth." Masses • ( T, fi, 9, 1«;M) and P n b lM i«ra day school and nursery. "Who­ (retired) making process. 11:80 a.m. F M iM M October 1. U81 soever shall not receive the Masses at T, S, t, 10:10 and fit. John’s Episoopal ChDiTh From now on. it Is up to somebody else kingdom of God as a Uttle child, 11:30 a.m. 9 and 10:46 a.m., Morning St. Manrlee pnbttabMl Brer; KeenniB Gzoapl » i ^ y e , ------Bt. M, Vernon id HoUdoya.H( Sintered st Ibe Poet Office U -^to the Viet Cong rebela in Vietnam, to he shall not enter therein” Worship. World Service Sunday. Bev. Bitotoi U McOortb Coem.. a* Secondy Cla MaO fit. Bartbaloniew'a Chiireh Dr. Shaw preaching. “The Art Rev. James L. Grant, Rector Baoebi the Pathet Lao rebels in Laos, to the Ho (Mark 10:16). These words of natter. Christ Jesus will set forth one Rev. Philip Hnssey, Paator -of Communication.” Baby nur­ Chin Minh regime In North Vietnam, to Rev. Uk^mra C. BoUea sery, two and three-year-oM 8 Am., Holy Communion. subscription b a t e s of the major themes of the Bible 9:80 Am., H oly Communion Masses at T, >:80, M and Pairabla ta Adrance Communist Chinn, or poasibly even to Le.sson to be heard at all Chris­ Assiataat Paator nursery. 11:80 a.m. One Tear 9 a.m., God and Country and and sermon. , Six Nontlia •••••••••••••«•••. II*W Russia- to see to it that our stance is tia n , Science churches. Related Masses at 7, t, 0, 10:10 and God and Community Awards Monday, 7:80 p.m., Miss Hazel. ^bree Mntilhe a.W not disturbed or challenged. readings from "Science and Kuhnly will talk on "The Pow-» Sacred Heart CBnrch 0B6 Month • • e e e e e a a ea ea eaae e l.BP Health with K ey to the Scrip­ 11:10 a.m. presented. Rt. 80, Vernon Hbw have we come this far, to the 10:26 a.m., Four- and five er of Priiyer” at the church. MEMBKR OF tures’’,' by Mary Baker Eddy Tuesday, 7:46 p.m., Study Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor point where we ourselves, decision-wise, St. Bridget’s Church year-old kindergarten, at Susan­ THB ASBOCIATBO P R ^ will include the lines p. 323 : 32. Committee and Vestry meeting. Ibe Aaaodafed Preaa la exclualTely enUU^ The subject is “ Christian Rev. John F. Delaney; Pastor nah Wesley HiUl. la the uae of repabllcatlon of all newa d » are locked into the jungle sloughs of WednesdKy, 10 a.m., Holy Masses at T:S0, 8:80, 10 and Scienre." ,. Rev.> Stanley T. HasttOo patcheaCOe* creuucu credited tolU Itit orwt notmvi otborwUevuava we^ cr^tt' Southeast Asia, having left it to any one -Communion. 11:19 a.m. In Uila paper and also the local newa puo- 8 p.m.. Wednesday meeting. Rev. Dennis R. Hnssey The Presbyterian Cfimndi Friday, 9 A m ., Holy Commun­ &■aned here. . a. of all these other people to decl^le wheth­ Reading Room hours at 740 .33 Sprnce fit. All riahta of republlcatlon of epeciaJ d.a- Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 ion. fit. B em aid’s Ohareh patchea nereto are also reaenred. er it is to be peace, or war? Main St., excepting legal holi­ Rev. James L. Ransom, fit. Benwrd’s Ter., Rockville days, Monday through Saturday, a.m. Mlnieter laa. aa- Well, we have come there by degrees, RookvlUe Methodist Oinreh Rev. Patrick P. Mahoney, Th* Herald PmUnp Company. — • — 11 A.m. to 4 p.m. aumea no financialimaiwf i raaponalbillty ...... for Jyp^ and it is, indeed, nothing but a matter 142 Grove St. Paator St. James' C h n r^ 9 a.m., Sunday school with praphlcal errora appealing In Rev. Winard Conklin, Pastor a ^ other reading matter In The Mancheater of degrees. We made the real decision, Msgr. Edward J. Reardon, classes for ages, nursery Concordia Lutheran Church Maapes at T. fi, 9, 10 and 11 Evening Herald. towage war there, long ago, and all that Pastor through-adults. ,,, 40 Pitkin St. t 9:80 a.m.. Morning Worship. a.m. Full aerrlce client of N, K. A Swvloe, Inc. has been happening since Is toat. losing Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, Paator Rev. Eugene E. Torpey 10 a.m.. Morning ' Worship. pnhllabera Repreaenuttvea — TOe JnllM Rev. Joseph H. McCann Sermon: "Dangers We Face.” Nursery. Ifatbewi Special Agency — New Tort Chi- the war, or failing at least to win it. we Monday. 7:16 p.m.. Prayer Unhm Congregational dnreh aago, Detroit and Boatoo. ____ ,,, . 9 a.m., Holy Communion, Rev. John D. Regan Nursery staffed for the conve­ TafiM BER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIHCULA- have had to keep increasing our commit­ nience of mothers with young. and discussion time. Rockville church school and nursery. Wednesday, 10 a.m., Woman’s Rev. Panl J. Bowman, Pastor TIONS______ment^ merely to try to hold our own. 10:30 a.m.. The Service^ Masses at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:10 7 p.m.. Evening Bible School and 11:30 a.m. for yoUng people and adults the Bible Study Group. Diaplay adrertlalng cloalim hoora: this happens, at toe moment, to be church school and nursery. 9 a.m., Morning Worship and For Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. 7 :30 i[i.m., Bible Class. next five weeks. Textbook I For Tueaday — 1 p.m. Mondajr the one place left in the world where our Vernon Methodist Church Servlcs of Holy Communion. For Wednesday — 1 p.m Tueaday. Monday through Thursday, Church of Clulst John. A ll welcome, arms are committed in a manner which Monday, 9 a.m., Second week R t 80 Meditation: “The , “Trend of For Ttairsday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. 9:15 to 11:40 a.m.. Vacation Lydall and Vernon StA Rev. Morton A. Magee For Friday - 1 p.m Thnratoy ignores what should be the true caption Oiurch School. Ihigene Brewer, Minister of Vacation Bible School, New­ Life.” For Saturday — 1 p.in. Friday comers welcome this week. Classified deadline: 10:30 Am. ..adch day m for both thought and policy in our timeA TTiursday, 7 p.m.. Vacation' 9 A m ., Morning worahlp and 9:46 a.m., Bible drill lor ehll- Register by calling the'.church Wapptng Oonuminlty Ohareh • pnbUcatlon except Saturday — Wa.m. . That should read: “ Peace necessary; Church School Program. child care. Sermon. Summer ■------dreil. office. FViur year olds up Congregational war Impossible.” —‘ schedule, only one service. Saturd^F;'Mnc 27 Emanuel Lutheran Church 9:06 a.m., Bible classes for au through Junior h^hschoolers. Rev. Roy R. Htit *Vtonehenge” appearance. 9:30 a.m., Sunday School how, all of them, know enough to make 0:30 p.m., Pre-(3onfirmation Tuesday, 1:80 p.m., Ladies’ tor gallows today ofily minutes aft­ off point to freedom. dens and woodlands, tlje 16- Aiid we Uke toe new, modified deaign, all ages. one common and sensible decision. Leagpie. Prayer Fellowship. er a fellow plotter was executed. Embassy officials are waiting room house was built fOf^Henry Wednesday, 7:80 p.m.. Mid­ 10:46 a.m.. Holiness meeting. sven mora. I 7 p.m.. Young People.’s So­ An appekl to military authori­ for a satisfactory explanation E- Roger.s, son of the week Service with deacons in Music by Citisdel band and song­ from the Austrian government W e aun think, as we thought o f the ciety. ties for clemency won a tempor­ of the Rogers Paper Mills' charge. sters. Sermon by Maj. Lamie. as to why Josef and Eva MUni- • tost deaign, toat auto a preaentatlon of Monday, 9 to 11:46 a.m., Va­ ary stay for Talat Aydemlr, 47, daughter. Miss Gertrude Rog­ cation Bible School continues 2 p.m., Hospital visitation by shortly before he was scheduled lik were deported to their Com­ ' toe historic, moving words uttered by For Sweetness And Ligrht ers occupied the house after the through Thursday. Calvary C2inrch Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson and Mrs. munist country after they had to be hanged. death of her family, and had it Roosevelt would be a moot fitting type of It has been disclosed that Ambassador Wednesday, 0:30 p.m.. Ladies (Assemblies of God) ’Thomas McCann. His attorney based the plea been promised a visa to the M7 E. Middle - Tpke. 6:80 p.m., Pjrayer service. extensively remodeled about 40 memoriad fo r him. Henry Cabot Lodge haa been instru­ Aid box lunch supper and meet­ on a new anti-capital pimlsh- United States. Hie Rev. Kenneto L, 7 p.m., Sendee in Onter ment bill Introduced in the Na­ vears ago. It was purcha.sed by And we think, from deeorlption of the mental in the latest denials of a visa to ing. Thursday. 6:30 p.m.. Closing Gustafson, Pastor Park. Music by Citadel bemd. tional Assembly several months CAIRO (AP) — A German the Reeds about 19 years ago. new deaign, toat K will be, or wrould be, Madame Nhu, who would like to be in exercises of Vacation Bible Sermon by Cadet Butts. ago but not yet ratified. “The rocket expert says toe United when they came to Manchester magnificent this ootmtry to address a rally ot toe School on Church lawn, weather 9:45 a.m., Sunday school arm y said it would rule Sunday Arab Republic is working on a from West Haven. St. John’s Polish Natiomd The piece of deacription which makee Conservative Party of New York next permitting, otherwise in church. classes for all ages. or Monday. space program but indicated the Founded in 1832 by Peter 11 a.m.. Worship Service. “If OatiioHc Church No appeal was made on be­ first launching of a satellite Is Rogers, the Roger.s Paper Mill ss think it would be something very ef- month. The Ambassador reportedly rec­ Center Congregational Church God be for us. . Rev. Walter A. Hyszko half of Fethl Gurcan, 42, a for­ some time off. i was one of Manchester's earli­ fective and beautiful oomee in some Pastor ommended against the visa because the Unltod Ohnrofa of Christ 7 p.m., F’amlly Gospel Ser­ mer army major and Aydemlr’s The television comments of est industries. Under the own­ . writing about toe design by Ada Louise present government in South Vietnam 11 Center Sj. vice. Bible message and gospel aide. He died on the gallows, Dr. Wolfgang Pllz Friday ap­ i*rench gait mirror hangs over marble topped table in entrance hall. 8:80 a.m.. Mass. ership of his son, Henry, mills Huxtable in toe New York Times. would misinterpret and misunderstand Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, singspiraticxi. saying “ the country shall live.” peared to end hopes of a space were operated on Hartford Rd. Minister Wednesday. 8 p.m.. Midweek launching next month during ttie wrote, toe other day, aa foUowa; our cordial reception to her. Gospel Hall and (Charter Oak St. Printed Rev. Joseph H. Dudley, Service of Bible study and pray­ ’TOKYO (AP) — Communist celebrations marking Jthe anni­ papers were used in paper mak- '* >. "The only way to judge this deaign is ’This la, of course, a poasibllity. But er. 416 Center fit. versary of the Egyptian revolu­ Associate Minister Oiina announced a ban today in^ in the Rogers milLs for the . to study toe model three-dimenalonally, K must also be notictad that Ambassador Rev. Francis C. Hawes, on foreign military ships enter­ tion. 10:30 a.m., Breaking . first time in this country. In hnagining the movement throug^i i t via- Minister o< Christian Education fit. Marjr’s Episcopal Church i c the Hainan Strait Ptlz, who said he had come I»d g e intends, as soon as he finds him­ 12:16 p.m., Sunday School. 1893, Henry Rogers discovered Church and Park fits. “The strait, 18 miles wide at to work here after he failed to saliaing the changing relationship of 7 p.m., Gospel meeting. self free for it, to take a part in the ^>- 9:16 a.m.. Morning Worship. Rev. George F. Nostrand its narrowest, separates Hainan find employment in West Ger­ a process for bleaching printed towering alabe like serene classic ool- Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Prayer proaching Republican presidential eam- Sermon: “The Near Ends of Rector Island, off the southeast China many, denied that German sci­ paper, which greatly added to meeting. SBUia, the heroic statue and the eon- Ptogn. God,” the Rev. Mr. Hawes 'Rev. John D. Hughes coast, from the Chinese main­ entists were working on the the material available for pa­ preaching. Nursery in kinder­ Rev. Ronald E. Haldeman Friday, 8 p.m., Bible read^. production of atomic, bacteri­ per stock. toured, tree-rich, earefully landscaped So we are free to guess, if we wish to land. Ships use the strait as a garten room. shortcut to North Vietnamese ological or chemical weapons. A fter the death of her father aurroundingB. North Methodist Church guess that low, that Ambassador Lodgs 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion. ports. and brother. Mi.ss Rogers took **nila Is a subtle, proceesional monu- didn’t want Madame Nhu in this eoun- Chnsch of the Nasarene 10 a.m., Morning Prayer with Rev. Earle R. Oister, over as head of the paper mills. Minister ' An announcement by Peking seentaUty toat depends as much for e f­ try because he didn't want her going 236 Main fit sermon by the Rev. Mr. Halde­ radio also said foreign commer­ An astute business woman, she fect on toe movement of the visitor aa Rev. Robert J. Shoff, Minister man. Nursery at rear of

how primeval it sounds to our light patterns. I for the tester bed from some of taining a guarantee of such a mocracy. some kind of protec­ the possibility of the separation shouldered his way t)irou|j> a ^ its own clear chance to decide whether to resume some of its ’’political’’ activity. jet age. Walls of the 20 bvUo foot li the curtains. A Victoria sdfa voice for each Connecticut city tion, perhaps quite artificial, for of French-speaking Quebec from crowd on the Sixth Street Hall thinks the lifting of the classi­ Secondly, you must have the ing room 'ars covsred with gol#«and aide chairs, covered in an- f It likea the new modified deaign. Wa or town. the minority which woujd be the rest of Canada. Bridge, boosted himself over the fication of his party as an instrument disposition o f Christ Piety paper patterned with Ivory tique velvet, and a marble tqp- ^ think that anybody who really looks qt To give the least town, one/ forever and completely lost on railing and leaped into the Al­ of a foreign power will be a great vic­ ought to be aaeoclgted with to­ flocklng. The tall windows arc ped table, are placed in a corner " tt, or gets any o f the feeling o f what it tory for constitutional liberty. And in a representative, and then give any one voter one vote system, day’s Church, not yesterday’s VIENNA, Austria (AP)-^U.fi. legheny R iver before he eould the larger towns and ritiee a then it makes less and Isas Bmbassy officials fear a recent hur •■•it' of the room, which Is carpeted ^ might be hke, eould and up wanting H sense, be may be right. A native Com­ monkA Peter in his second e {^ be restrained, poUce salCL drapes, made by Mrs. Reed. In white shag. population - factored multiple asnse not to go all the way, and munist party, unbeholden to Moscow or tile, chapter one, speaka o f be­ Funtishings Include a mps.sive A bright red quilted chintz ^ Tery much. W e hope the Commiation le- number would fill an entire floor have the voters of Connecticut any foreign power or agency, should be lievers ss being "partakers of square piano with carved de- cilvarlet is on the bed of the ” gaily responsible for It sticks with it. of the State Capitol, not just the cast one majority vote among pemiitted in the United States. If for on the divine nature” and o f “ es­ tailing, two .Victorian sofas with room reserved for the Reed’s . great old House. themselves not merely for a r; and that Congreas withholds its own other reason than to keep it In the public caping the corruption which is Today in History rosewood frames and brocatelle grandchildren, the red is re- To elect representatives from one-house legislature, but to ■j snap judgment and gives some of tha eye and demonstrate Jefferson’s conten­ in the world” (vs. 4). He then upholstery, and a rosewood win- peated on the window valances districts which would comprise make that one-house legislature By ’The Aaeodatod Prcee tion that error of opinion should be toler­ elaborates on the qualities the Uns turned over the liberated dow sent with^ro’se satin up- and In the pattern of the wall- people who visit great memorials in various combinations of towns also a one-man affair, who ated as long as reason is free to com­ Christian must possess in order Today U Saturday, June 27, city of Cherbourg to the holstery. A pair of high backed paper. _ Washington a chance to have an opinion would Inevitably have to leave bat it. would legislate all by hlmaelf, to escape bemg ’’barren and un­ the 179th day of 1984. ’There are French. chairs, covered in gold damask, ‘The Reeds found the house many towns without any direct .'o f to sir own. But Ous Hall and the American Com- without any interference or ob- fruitful” (vs. 8). “The ministry 187 daya left in the year. Tears A g a stand in front of the fireplace; with its many rooqas and five voice of their own. mualsts have rarely played it straight. ■tructioo or delay or even pro­ today is ne|dl(

T A < m S B IIANCHESTEE EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNi, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 19M T ■■ ■ ' “ I ' e ...... — MANOHEgrrat e v e n i n g HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, JUNE 27,1M4 ]. UntUB SPORTS B Y R O U S O N OUR BOARDING HOURS with MAJOR HOOPLE DAfLY CROSSWORD PUZZLB 7 )) IP.AMV OP tMAT «MNT ^ 6ASAT CAtMnyMmm! CMTK OCTSONTHSmJS.VLL ^ MmicoHy Speoking^ >A3UUfta -THAT VACUUM IN kOO MMH POKTRAITS ANOTHER RDOM flAM lUW lNd IN SLACK AND SLUE/ across S"-----«< Y A K S THAT FACE OP WMbtoftos MV POSTEAtr ANNW i, AND TmaT NOIM l « OISTEACTIN* DDtVAB NOURSOUTlNTHft AETIST AND Me!<~-e&AD.tfl6N0E KiTCH eN.wrm t u o KSXSB* SM NAlxr/ HAS miNTCO lEVALTI^ ^OTHSft PAN S,IP-n«S *1— SMvM. w . £ I L ' NOtSft a n d 6TATeSMEN«^AND1Hlft UWm S«M h BKGGS BUNNY COMAAOnoN IS TMOCNCSEDNS . ~ MIS SeNSmVK TkMnCAMENTA ISLm SmI MDMck SK f IT ■ ■ rw“ ” f SCREENED LOAM IS 0 MM 6 WXI8 ! C lea n in g GLASS HEflOBB! CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER iSCir Company a For Ante Wtodshlelds U| Hannaway PROCESS CRAVEL v r ICE COLD a Far Store Froata and aS MASInaattpa Stieet slsea ef wtadaws MOaaua ct Del Kaowloa, Soad • StoM - Gravd a For Thbla Thpe ■MDlSi' IT SI SoapHBaUBS Prop. OaU Stl-OOU OPEN S AJL to S P.SL PLUS Seat Cover Co. Triples Stock VU^s Open on Fourth SA TU RD AY 8 AJL-NOOM 3-DAY How dooa your carYi' uphol-^ IPaaUo ladtea Va and Vd o 7 / What ara your plana for tha, Goerg* H. GrMliig, SRaaUas SERVICE! atery look with the brilliant tailored seat covert made. Thajr long Fourth of July waakand? combination that you enjoy. J. A. WHITE JCEOS summer aun showing up ovary will shopr you aamplee o f the If you ara having a group of Call Vic’a 649-S700 and place Ir c . varioua materials and quote paopU la and would raally Ilka your order ahead of time and bit ot Its ahafabineaa, every dirt prieee. There 1^ abeohitely no to aarva thacn aomathlng 'that GLASS C O . OUT OUR WAT BT J. S. WILLIAMS FUXBnrtJBK CLKANWO the plssas will be piping hot Td. 742-7886 VICHI'S spot and ataln? If your answer comparison - between regular will really ploaaa Um^ yet will when you call for them. If you » BiMaO S t —TeL StB-TSSB la, "pretty grim," why not let ready-made seat covers and not make you a lot af woi^, why are having quite a few guests PACKAGE STORE Turnpike Auto Seat Cover C6. those custom tailored; the lat­ not order grindera, plssaa or in, caU Vic's ahead of time so reupholater it for you; the coat ter give your car a touch of apaghetti with that wonderful so BI8 SE LL 8 T. that everything will be ready is moderate and the difference elegance that only properly aauce that only Victor Dubaldo When you want it United f^Ht-CUU in appearance ia worth every PONTIAC MANCHESTER tailored covers can produce. knowa how to make? Vic’s There are ao many different PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER penny. At the present time, AND There Is a wide choice of ma­ Pizxa Shop, 154 W. Middle ptxsas, but when you get Harry Mull, owner of the busi­ terials for seat covers, sarana, EVERY WEEKEND CUSTOM MADE Tpke., will be open on Fourth of from Vic’s you are sure MEMORIAL c a BBS BURNSHYE AVE. ness says that he has the Iai:g- plastics, leatherette; frankly, July, and if you are going to rrs THE SAME EAST HARTFORD eat atock of original upholstery Turnpike Auto Seat Cover Ca o f several different things; time Oppoelte East Ocmetsry STORY/ CANVAS AWNINGS have a large gathering It would after time, the pizza crust will TEMPEST materials he has ever carried; has, or can obtain, practically be wise to place your order 289-6333 as a matter of fact, he has any malarial you wish, within . . - ... j j crisp and brown, the sauca SALES and SERVICE Quality Mumoriob tripled his stock in the last 24 hours. Plastic materials perfection, the right Power and Hand Tools y w i ^ t —tten imu ^ be amount of herbs and spices Palntfaig nnd Decorating three months. Orlginal'trims as wear well but many people ob­ Over SO Years Experlsnen with the thick Tools well as upholstery materials ject to them because they are so PAUL DODCE are also carried at Turnpike hot in the warm weather. Mr. **** Bpeeffy. tomato sauce and topped with Garden and Lnnd Tfadit make a bigger .n y tw n , choose, ^ e en- C o l 649-5807 Ral». Honaehold, Party Auto Seat Cover Co., located Mull suggests choosing a woven PONTIAC, INC. and rBaaquot SuppUoa at 1S6 W. Middle Tpke. If you saran, for this saran is woven in A. AIMETTL Prop. . Invalid Naoda are Interested in having your such a manner that it is much Bis Main S t —TeL MS-tS81 ers from Vic’s Pizza Shop. They, P**^ Harrison St, Maneheatss' car reupholstered, why not drive more comfortable than the solid are so hearty and filling that down there and talk with Mr. plastics in the heat of summer. you need only serve ice cold wa­ i f your plans include serving Mull? He will be glad to give More and more people are re­ termelon for dessert and you ‘ SEE US FOR: you further information as well storing old cars as their par­ have a meal that la aura to i o Aluminum Roll Dp Cii8toin Maie as quote ^prices, all without ticular hobby, and if you have prove a hlL and with absolute-1 .vX* apaghettl Awalaga obligation, of course. chosen this for your hobby, you TOURAINE o Door C^oplao WiRdow Oovfrin^ ly no tnmble on your part Vic’s STEVENSON’S Even a new car can look will be please^ to know that grinder rolla are alwaya freab, crusty Italian bread, plain or o Storm Doon Turnpike Auto Seat Cover Co. shabby If the upholstery is crisp outside and soft inside, with garUc .butter, a tossed # OomfainsttoB Wlxidoars o Window Shades stained or soiled, and, there is has some materials for old cars PAINTS o Vertical and Venetian and the materials used are o f i there will be a mini- ESSO BONNIE RY JOE CAMPBELL Manchester Awning Co. really no necessity for driving dating back as far as 1930. Due the highest quaUty. There a re' "““ J* amount of work on your FOR lEST RESULTS IBB WEST CENTER ST. Blinds, Drapes and a car that looks like this when to the upswing of Interest in 405 MAIN ST. !.a»ta%iiaa Hardware seven different flUinga to chcx>se P*V', * oo*" greets will thor- Telephoue 64S-S091 Turnpike Auto Seat Cover Co. the restoration of old cars,, some from; moat popular are meat-i «“i«y their supper and TEL. 649-5583 ItLGiVE BUTFlRJrrP can do the work for you at such of the manufacturers have ^ S O H £ - SeTTBR CALL AMP " D o you suppoM Janis'R losing intsrsst? T its laat tw6 EatefaUahed IMS baU. sauaaae. Italian ham and, entertaining can and will be fun reasonable prices. started making fabrics in the the regular, but you may choose this easy way. The cost of PAUL'S * TURG-Upt JTHINORSRl CAMCetyaUR FTAMO datss thsrs’s bssn prsotioRlIv nothing in FINDELL'S old patterns. Why not stop in If you have a tear or bum the ones you like beat—or you i STindere, , or spaghetti AWWL/ _A1MAT- L6960M R 7R J.RlMtllM*3 485 MIDDLE TPKE. EAST and ask to see these patterns, PAINT SUPPLY hsr rsfrigsratorl” in the upholstery, this car be may place your order for assort- ] “ “ sauce ? Not a bit more than * Enginu Cluaniiig Mr. Mill] will be pleased to show Phone 64S-tSe5 taken care of very easily and ed grinders. When you order i *t would cost you to prepare the 645 Main Street most materials can be matched; them to you, and It is possible * Minor Rupoirs B. A. PEARL. Prop. that you may find the fabric food from Vic’s Pizza Shop you *neal yourself, and think of how Tel. 649-0.300 and when the job is finished know that only the finest in- >i'ce it would be to give a party T u r d p i k e you will find the interior of the you want Is being manufactured * S tfC Stamps B E N C A S E Y again. gredienta are used, and Victor that you enjoy must as much car looking like new. as your guests? AUTO BODY For those who would like the Those owning foreign cars Dubaldo prides hlmaelf on buy­ AAARCK.MrVS SIVSU5ACHANCSTD PR.CA6CT7HNMS luxury of custom-tailored seat can also avail themselves of ing top quaUty at all times. If you prefer to cook the Upholstery MAMfiOWSRAP CHAI^SI^DCAR-SiyRUCA XXJOMRBCAN For a party held in the eve- spaghetti at the house. Just or­ «AV1MdR-XXM covers, this can be had at rates custom seat covers. Bums and and Iwl Shop ...... JNStWMMlO yOURStSHtNOM that will not be a hit higher tears are repaired and rug. jilng, pizza would be the order der thet sauce, however; mtmy VIC’S PIZZA SHOP M>n«RANDI.NOT iFyouMMiria of the day for pizza is a favor­ peo{He prefer to get both for RE-UPHOLSTERING 168 W. Middle Turnpike JUST WITH OUR- Uian the regular ready-made' cushions can be tailored for your car. For the finest in ite at any hour. Perhaps you the spaghetti is so tasty and Phone 049-8700 B»V.lLPkOfta •■VRBMItMORS 'ones. This may be difficult to * Modum Furnituru iMPORmnny, WRECKER believe hut it Is absolutely workmanship at really reason­ have never tasted a pizza from the sauce simply cannot be equaled. You may choose meat­ and AntiquGS PIZZA ■ R part e A U i true. Just stop in at Turnpike able prices, let Turnpike Auto Vic's Pizza Shop, and if this U 6 - i r . CjSSitKi^ SERVICE Auto Seat Cover Co. and aak Seat Cover Co. do the work for so, you have a real treat in balls or sausage in the sauce. e Store Stools and nootha SPAGHETTI« about the cost of having custom you. store for you — and for your Just order plenty for everyone • Custom Fumltore guests also. There are ao many loves to dunk crusty bread in SUpcoven and Draperies RAVIOLI S H O R T R IB S BY FRANK O’NEAL a Fd toppings to choose from, mush­ this luscious aauce. Vic’s also Made to Order room, meet, sausage, anchovies, has ravioli for those who enjoy Oempleto Selection of i^ M iiR W 7:30 A JI. to 11:00 P.M. TUisPncHa?. HIS fiftsr BALL IS HOWS/ER. FANS. HE — Wonders of the Universe ■■ peppers, onions, cheese or any this particular treat.' Materials IMS; HMSGNEtfIHE WORST 1RZRIBLE.HS0JI2VEIS P^HA»/E MEAT, F r e e e s t i m a t e s S U N D A Y S emuBfONAmeesiN-nig ROOR.ANP HIS SUPER Lower Level of the Parkade 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M .' fPUlMrCbNTROL/ New Pioneer Will Probe pounds of which 37 pounds rep- time and with only four months dte-dBzt IS IMPOSSIBLE''' onA resent scientific payload. It will between scucessive firings thejr CLOSED MONDAYS be spun at 90 revolutions per wishes may be realized, MonchMtar Moving Interplanetary Space minute to make it spin stabil-1 To determine magnetic fields taiaaia and Trucking Co. Ized. A high gain antenna will I NASA personnel will use a "flux- extend from one end and three gate’’ magnetometer which mea- By DR. I. M. LEVITT slon to send Pioneer on its way stabilization booms will be pro-1 sures the strength and sense of DON WILLIS Qstrinsky beyond the earth. If a "Thrust- jected from the mldaecUon of the surrounding magnetic field MORTY MEEKLK Director The Fels Planetarium BY DICK CAVAILJ DUC0«dDUUIXRm)HSHIN6 Of The Franklin Instituta Augmented Thor’’ is used, then the cylinder. A magnetometer along the axis of the Pioneer, DEALER IN WASTE the second stage can go into will be mounted on the end-of Perhaps In a future probe a GARAGE In early 1965 the highly suc­ M AnRIALS AND1HP/A3ACOUNO earth orbit at about 100 miles one boom. A gas jet attitude- search-coil magnetometer will 18 Main St., Tel- 649-'4531 TALic A e o t ir e o c : HUMOR/ 166 AtlDDLE TURNFIKE, WEST cessful Pioneer series of space- 6-21 jIa tL 6TQMPINP0N PEOPLE/ for as long as is needed and control system, with input from be used in conjunction with the AtANCHESTfR ‘ craft for the exploration of in­ then the third stage can fire to four sun sensors, will orient the flux-gate magnetometer the first ICAMBAOiDeSA terplanetary space wHl once Speelolixing in RABS, IRON BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE supply escape velocity. Because Pioneer’aMotigltudinal axis nor- tain all the information aborut PLANerVKHSEETHe I more get under way at Cape the objective is simply to get ma1 to the plane of the ecliptic, the magnetic field. Using the INHABnANT©A05 C^WWEWWWEW'P TH Pf FIMP m B M M T ^ 4 4 3 - 7 0 4 3 Kennedy. This will mark the it away from the earth, an on- that is, .the plane of the Mrth’s flux-gate magnetometer the first RRAKE SERVICE SCRAP METAL GEE.' IF THIS PAINT WAS m e e a a z f/e . first launching of a Ploheer board guidance system will be 'motion around the stm. A series | two Pioneers will be capable of STORED BESIDE THE BCMA TUI New K f since the epoch-making Pioneer unnecessary. It will simply be of thiermal louvres will permit detecting an interplanetary ma- and PAPER IT COULD BE R A D I O - Front End AKg^mont SKIPPED, V of 1960 which provided such aimed and when the rockets temperatures from SO degrees gentle field as low as 0.1 gam- ACTIVI/ significant information about 781 PARBXB ST. CCR.SAVIYER, 1U5AC' stop firing the desired trajecto- to 90 degrees F. to be attained ma (a gamma is a unit of mag- Gunorol Ropoir Work POUND IT IN the environment of the earth within thev spacecraft \;rlth a ' netic intensity). It might be re- Tel. 648-8785 or 64S-687B 'AND THET PONT ry will be achieved. < THE CAVE WITH Reuben Plen’s and proved the feasibility of HAVE A GEIGER Probe Is Simple, further ability to maintain any called that Mariner II on its THE ATOMIC 2 b . long-distance transmission and COUNTER, SO THEY Magnetically Clean desired temperature within 5 trip past Venus recorded an BOMS. reception of radio signals. COUIDNT TEST Texaco Sfafion This probe represents the degrees. | average mangitude of fi gamma THE PWIKT, When the International Quiet simplest of the scientific space-1. To permit optimum results magnetic . field of the ABC APPLIANCE CAMPING POC 381 Main Strtut Sun Year (IQ8Y) comes to a craft put into the sky. It will the space craft will be the m ost. *• about 60,000 gammas, d-a7 conclusion in December 1965, it have a cylindrical shape, 83 magnetically ‘‘Clean’’ probe This couptry has committed REPAIRS PhoiM 643-9149 is hoped that at least two of inches long and 37 Inches In d l-' ever devised. Even though it approximately $31 mUlion for EQUIPMENT 5 ^ the four spacecraft programmed ameter. The entire aluminum | will carry a magiFtometer on the implementation of the Pio­ 41 OAK ST. Tents, Cota, Sleeping Bags, Hydramatio Tranamlaaloa will have been launched to tel- shell of the Pioneer will be the end of a boom it is stiU neer program. If the success of TgI. 649-8879 Air Hattreesea, Stovee, ■'■jt Repalrlag r r emeter to earth more informa- coated with 10,000 solar cells to subject to disturbances from the next four equals that of Pio­ Lanterns I All Work Guanmteed tlon will come when activity on provide the operating energy, the satellite itaelf ahd this has neer V the Information derived REPAIRS ON— • T o r CAPTAIN EASY the sun is a minimum to com- These cells will generate about imposed a ’’low-magnetic’’ field Profiram will mark it BY LESLIE TURNER Texaco LufarloaUon Sorvioa Suburbia Grills. Electric Irens, MANCHESTER plement the data received dur- 60 watts at maximum distance design for all on-board systems. ** finest bargains Toasters, Percointon, OelTHATFUaST. Wo Olvo jtv T OrooB Stampa Ing the International Geophysl- from the sun while at Its closest This" megns that" ‘ soft iron, ever to be gained from our Vacuuna Cleaners, Beaters, SURPLUS SALES CO. yEA..lMTB THrTPUSMT ARRIVW ATWPWSHrjM> space program. 169 N. BIAIN ST. m C K E Y F IN N MMMOFYDUCtlidTBP IMCTLV. tho cal Year (IGY) when sunspot approach to the son the wat- steels and certain casings will Fans, Sewing Machines, BY LANK LEONARD MWRMTik HI CLAIM HR MM A Today" O^yrtgbt 1964 ( nt Depot Square WTN A JOVIAL tfTRMMRIlV XNADFORAOrrM MlKPfRCOMtMTTBpiim ISTf activity was at a maximum. tage may so that 120 have to be avoided and the ne- Lamps WHO aOrOFFHBRB.Al90l I The Pioneera ivili be launched watU will be available. A small cessary on-board wUl General Features Corp. ARRWM.TH|BC0RII8CTfj ' Typnwritnr Snrvicn Open Dally^ta.9:00 P.M. At«> l KNEW SHet>m im iTIN' — A W AFTER WE LOSTFOUR <3AMES IN TMA MAM. LEO OARSTL X RiCALU TBS MAOAEINE OF J booste chemical battery will be carried be oriented so their fields can- All work guorontuud J. FARR — 64S-7iU BUT I KNEW 70 KEAD ABOUTAW HITT1M* OOYMRBCAUHIM^I with a solid third stage supply- to provide power during the Inl- cel A8TROMOM1CAL ODDS BE FOaOWIN* A ROW, THEAiANAOeRTOLPAW— M Y FIRST HOMBf! WELL------W NAT r o BEEN E X P E C TIN y* PLEASANT PLACES tag escape velocity to the pay- tlal solar-cell orientation after Hrst launehine will be to- HOUSTON. Tex. (AP) — The SH E N E V E R p to /* Yale load. With this arrangement. all launch. —odds - -o- against it would be astro- A MONTHLY FEATURE IT O iac YOU VE BEEN TRVIN' l ^ powrite n Repafarod three stages will fire In succes-1 The Pioneer will weigh 180 foUow^ Ml^^hit*^whlS will WATKINS-WEST Coll 644-1111 TOO HARO, JOJQ/ m oOIN* and Overhauled OF TOUR HOMETOWN n s 1 ' •“" ‘ ® n*™®® ^ TO BENCH YOU FOR AWHILE.'. range from 0.8 to 1 astrmoml- the Harris County jury wheel, a Standarda and Portablea DAH.T NEWSPAPER second launching husband and wife were chosen FUNERAL * ■* FOB REPAIRS, will be fired away f i r ^ tae ^ for jury service on the same REPLACEMENT Work Plokod Dp A DoUvered FOR CAREFREE COMFORT to reaoh 1.2 astronomical imlts. ' dgy SERVICE ON ALL TYPES OF Maehinea For Rent An astronomical unit Is the Q^nyBon W. Monroe, and his IHm trl^pKtpr m ew distance of th® wlfs. Lus^tle. have been sum- from the sun about 98,000,000 moned to report for criminal ORMAND J. WEST ^ (OMMtRdAl. Fm ils X. Tirlinie elm AUTOMATIC ™*'®*‘ »' jury duty Monday. D ir e c to r Euntittg Ifprald HEAT In addition to um detsctlon of Monroe was the 142nd person PhoiM 649-4986 magnetic fields around the chosen from the big jury wheel, 142 E. CENTER ST. fH A Pill NOMi NIATINf SOIVIT earth there will be several cos- and his wife, the 143rd. mlc ray experiments, a radio County Clerk ft. „. Lindley MaaofieeterYi Oldest WOODCOCK frequency propagation expert- said "this is just like somebody D A V Y J O N E S BY LBFF uid McWn.LIAMS T«L 649-5253 ment, a detector for m icrom e-, winning the Irish Sweepstakes.' With Finest FacUltiee RERIGBRATION CO. MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY teoroida and a plasma probe. VIS. MARCO...ftUT^ In all, eome eeven expertatents ...ANDHERE^ANICE i TMALUCKy FEUOWI AT VLL M T IT TURNS JUST you RBMIMMR^ W. G. GUNNEY CO. have been program m e for the OUT TO M A VtRV I^ T Wt AM OUT HEM first two Pioneer spacecraft. Hm v v Duty H E R ^ VOUR WEHKfe I VARE/WATHYI ^ONEFORYOU, AAONTX V l e a s t I OIDNY GET STUCK EKflNSlVI RIDE FOR TO CATCH A COUPLE OF 336 N. MAIN STREET RAY5 EVERyONE. V WITH THAT SlUV GREEN AAPER! To Detect Magaetle Field. SHOCK The experiment of highest AISORI8RS TWaiawtMiA...wlam)aMiar^lRFiRR priority is the one tatOlving the N at for it,.. la Mian Rmitdi aqfWli|l Hm a I magnetic flelds in space. With qaMUta la ottorT... wlat R atal... kM n A M Painting— Decorating imore than a single spacecraft it will be possible to make W UIIlifiiiartlalewilwrAiAFdnhlJA simultaneous measurements of COM linCIAL • INDUSnUAL • USIDINTIAI. the magnetic field at widely J ■- h a m b u r g er s. Intsrioi— Exterior—Color Consulting Service separated points in interplane­ g^JoA^PAINTCQ tary space. Tbeee data repre­ EACH Complete'Insurance Coverage Distributed by 725 MAIK' 8T . MANC’HEftTER—PHONB 649-4601 sent something •clentlats very much wanted to acquire In the MANOUEfiTBR ». 8UY THE PAINT THAt’S WORTH THE WORK ' E sL 1915 poat but they raalised they were M 7 fortunate to sneoeaMuIly launch AUTO a single probe let alone n com­ took far Cm i i Mi i a rd is... WM. DICKSON ft SON plex of these probes to tela- PARTS 46 WIST ciNTia sraiit meter back to eartli this lalol^ Bit Bread St m m *' PAINTS TeL 549-0920 IfanclMBter, C on n . matton. Now with the Ptonssn SILVIR LA N ! IXTINSION scheduled for a stx-ncRtk Ufa- , J

\ I f i M EIGHT IIANCHESTEft EVENING ;fiERALD. MANCHEBTEB^jCONN^ SATURDAY, JUNE 27. 19M MANCpESTEft EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, JUNE 27. 1964 •Am RooAiif—4idmf 16 niERE OUGHTA BA A ^AW B y FAGALT sml SHORTEN '1 m Musical KastrumaHts S8 U OKM , INC Rooftliv TOUU FMO «UR LETTER IM, Red Hot Angels Extend Win Streak to 11 R. pahfttna. OkrMatnr. iU- iHOMEy-AAF. 1040 BRAND NEW Kay gut- haa aad* a S MuaaT ^OMl- ••41 SECTION A*7-UNDER FILE ^ tar, $48. a4a-oasL Herald Angle CLASSIFIED • Wtitkmaatedp guaraa- ■ coot BX-SISR-BUS­ M Aatnaa St 84»4aoa. SECTION Z-445 Au-w/ 2 . •r Antlques 56 BXDWBU. ROME Improvemaot «V9*nfMATlCA ■ m EARL YOST Shutout A’s ADVERTISING Ootaapay ~ Rooftlag. aiding, al- WORKS Ite THE Furalaked Al i o l taranoM. addltlona aad ra- PILE STACKS- w m ANTIQUES ia m U n q 4 -‘ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS modeling of all typae. Excel­ THREE ROOM fumlteed aaaiB> Twice; Near 8 A J l to B P M . lent wonmaatetp. it a a m . KEEPING T12ACK meat. Porter Street area.' sam One>Two PnnclC'witk Legion OF A ZILLIdt4 Household Goods and floor, $ m o par moofth, fea- OiM-two punch with Manchester’s American Leifion chides ail nuMea. OSa dtS- AMERICAN IJSAOUB COPY CLOSINQ TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. BIDWELL 81D1NO aad roofing. items with Sunday and Monday fcnfK«il team thus far this season has been the keystone Fourth Place NA’nONAL LEAGIIE 848-5879, 875-9109. aato for ^ipaintineni Airait W. L. Pci GB MOMDAT Tfen FBIDAT lOiBi *i M ■BTTTRDAt • a aa nble Jbly 1, 1IB4. combination of Steve Brady and Ron Anderson. Short- W. L. Pcl- NARY A SUP- 79 PITKIN SrntEfljy PhUadelphla ...4 1 S4 .881 BalUmore ...... 48 86 .882 MON OONBTRUCnON—Roof. 648-8880 ANDOVER — Two room tak a t ^ Brady has eight hitA in 13 trips for a .615 average. NEW YORK (AP)—The San fYandseo .48 87 .809 New York ...... ** *7 .888 V/i Ing, aiding, alterattons, cell­ Chicago ...... *7 *7 A78 4 PLEASE READ YOUR AD niahed apartment for rent, ite Second baseman Anderson has six hits in 13 at bats for Lo« Angeles Angels extend­ PtttsM'rgh .87 89 .581 in g , gutters end alumlnmn Minnesola ...... ** ! 1 ’511 ii, OlMMfIni tt *^nnt Ads" ni« takea over the phoM ■■ s wfodowa. 9484852, 84S4666. Wanted— To Buy 58 frigerator, .stove. C. B. g U e ^ a .431 mark. The locals travel to Wethersfield Sunday ed their winning streak to OlnoliiMUl' ,...S 5 S8 A82 7 Route 6, 742-72T8. ,...88 S8 .580 8'/, Oeveland ...... 8* •* oonvealeaoe. The advertiser should read Ida ad the m S T aftemoBB for a doubldiaader. 11 gafnes last night, shut­ Chicago ... B utwhem rr WANTED TO BUT-(-Antlquos • • • each received nine of the 24 ...8 4 85 .498 9 Los Angeles -----85 37 1# DAT IT APPBARR aad REPORT ERRORS In ttane for the and good used furniture. Vu- St.,Louls .. next InsertkML The Herald In reeponMhie for ealy ONE teenr- Roofing snd Chimneys 16-A TWO R(X>M fnrnlahed u a i ^ votes cast by. the Hall of Fam- ting out Kansas City, 1-0 .88 86 .478 10 ...... »* COMES TO •age Peddler Auction House, ment, heated, bedroom soft, ra- Ism Allgelea reot er ondtted teeerttoa tor aay advertiaemeat aad thea ealy Off the Cnff ers eligible for the ballot. Casey and 6-0, and moving into ...8 8 87 .471 19', Detroit ...... W M FIHDIHG SOME* Route 88, BUlngton. 8754m , frigerator, gas range. Frra gnau Houston ... Washington- .. .88 M ,408 18 M the exteat oft a "make gootr hiewrtliia. Bnrora which 4 e ^ B O O r m a - SpeoInHitiE re­ Ksd Smith. 1M4 State Ama­ Stengel, a sure Hall of Famer sixth place, just one-half game ...8 1 87 .458 11 Kj Bob Flucklger, and Son. electricity. Adults. Low rent. Milwaukee Kansas City ... .88 44 .871 18 leaaee the value oft the adverthwineat will aot be eom eted hy pairing roefti of an Mads, new THING IM HER teur (oU ehampion from Man- after his retirement, ca.st the behind Cleveland and two baok New York ...8 1 58 .896 88 rooftk, nittor work, chlmneya AppT,y 10 Depot Square, A pt 4. ehetrter, earned an extra week’s tie-breaking vote for OiMaggio. of fourth-place Minneoota. Yesterflay’s Results "nutke good" Inaertloa. OWN handbag- WE BUY, BETJ. or trade an­ yeoterday’a RedulU Minnesota 2-4. Chicago 8-8. ■eleaaod, repaired. Ahiminura pay from his boss in'manning A Yankee star for his entire aiding. 18 years’ exp^en ce. c h a o s tique and used tuintture, chInn, ROCKVILLE — EbcceptlonellY The streak Is the longest in jM loago 7, Houston 6. glasa, silver, picture framee tte UUe Thursday. The talented major league career, DiMaggio Los Angeles 1-8. Kansas City YOUR COOPERATION W IU. BYee eatimates. Chll Hawley, Idee, $ room fondabed a|wii the league in two and one-half New York 8, MOwauker 4. UNLIMITEOf and old (»>foa, old dolls and ment. First floor, private e n ­ local man, who is expected to drew most of his support from seasons and the' longest in the 0-0. BE APPRECIATED a iS 4 ia . 8484781. Join the pro ranks next year as such contemporaries as Joe Pitteburgh 8, Clnsinnatl 8. Detroit I, New York 8 (11). DIAL 643-2711 guns, hobtqr collectlona. attic trances, riiady yard, heat and majors in slightly more than an apprentice, is employed, at Cronin. Hai^ Greenberg, Joe San Francisco 4, Lo# Ange- Boston I. Cleveland 8 ...... RAT’9 R(X)FINO CO.-Shfogle contents or whole aatatee. Fur­ hot water. R ^dentlal, fcntle- the new Fox Grove Country (hub McCarthy, Bill Dickey. Dizzy two seasons. ’The New York 8- . BalHmore 8. Washington 4 roofs, gutters, bdllt-up roofs, niture Repair Service TalcoftL men preferred, $32. p w week, Yankees won 13 consecutive Phlhulelphla 6, St. Louts Si vllle. Conn. Tel. 643-7449. in Manchester . . . Bill McGoo- Dean, Frankie Frisch, Bob Fell­ (18). roof and chimney repairs, Ray 876-8312, 875-3884. er, Luka Appling and Jackie games In September, 1981, ’Today’s Games Today’s Games Jackson, 648-8825, Ray Hage- •y, head basketballII coach at er, Tmble Reathiii Oir lUverliMrf CASH IMMEDIATELY—We buy .Bristol Central High,h, win also RcRobinson. while the Los Angel'te Dodgers Houston (Farrell 18-1) at Kansas City (O’Donoghue 4-4) now, 649-2214. Speaker, who . performed for picked up 13 in a row in May OMeago (Ellsworth 9-8). anything from a pin to battle­ Bnrincss LocbOmm take over the baseballah duties \n j al Los Angeles (Oiance 8-8), N. ship. Used furniture and ap­ the for the and June of 1682. Los Angeles (Moeller 4-8) at For Rent #4 the spring. McCooey ia a form «v the Detroit (McClain 10) at New MfHter Aatwerhi StnriM pliances. Ask for Mr. Reed. pitcher who hurled for several ‘er(_ eater part of his big league San Fraadsco (Marichal 9-8). York (Ford KM). 2p.m. Heating and Plmnbing 17 ’The Angels could tie those 646-8254. 249-4794. FOR lease—EbcceOeot h of the state’s top clubs . . . Sam tenure, also received the major­ strings by beating the Athletics New York (WUley 8-1) a l Cleveland (Slebert 1-8) at Bos­ Huff has decided not to retire ity of his support from his con­ Milwaukee (SchnHder 1- 1 ), 8:88 Business Opportunities 32 Help Wanted— MSIe 36 Articles For Sale 45 tioo tor doctor’a oCflee or tonight and Sunday. ton (Wilson 7-2), 2p.m. Fne to Hmii Rtakn beauty parior. 415 Main Street. and has signed a one-year con­ temporaries. George Sisler,.Bill p.m. Baltimore (Pappas 84) at N e w INSTALLATIONS and re­ ’The sh

4 I -1 ' r .' • y ■;'^'V :■ V.- \7"' I. ■-n. '7 , - f ■ ^'' .'■ ■■' :U‘ .'; “ • lATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1964 fAXSat TW BLVI . 'A iNahidb^Bter lEvntins H^rallt / ./ «• ■.'.% I About Town I • t' Th« ponflrmaUon LMgu« of Business Bodies Emanuel Lu^eran Church will meet tomorrow at 2:90 p.m. at the homeuof Mr. and Mrs. John A. Johnson. 18 Hillcrest Rd. MODEL HOME OPEN Games will be played and re- GpMn Manoi' Estates, builders freihments served at 6:30. The of Forest Hils, a new cluster pto^am will close with davo- plan coihmunity off Vernon St., tiohs at 7:30 pjn. Those attend­ will be open to visitors this ing are reminded to bring weekend with four planned’ money for refreshmenti and an homes - and topographical lay­ offering. . outs. The community, with homes Members of Hose-Co. 1. Town starting at $25,000, will be cus­ Fire Department, will meet to* tom planned and custom Con­ night at 7 at the Holmes Fu­ structed. An individual lot m ay neral Home. 400 Main St., to be purchased for the buyer’s pay re.spects to Samuel Moore, owTi development for $5,500 and brother of Joseph Moore, a up. member of the company. Forest Hills will have 192 lots, each offering over one- third acre of wooded area. Sur­ Mi.ss Roberta Johns, daugh­ rounded by huge trees and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. shrubbery. Green Manor plans Johns. 250 Greenwood E>r., is to add additional greenery in on the dean's list for the second the form - of small parks and semester at I..ebanon Valley Col­ parklets. , lege, Annville, Pa., where she The present dlspla.v of four is a Junior, majoring in music. homes includes an "L” -snapea ranch with two-car garage, Pvt. Barry W. Cowles, son of three, bedrooms, kitchon qnd M/. and Mrs. Truman F. Cowles huge basement; a raised ranch of 72 Hud.son St. has been as­ with eight rooms including three signed to N Co. of the Second bedrooms, a guest room, three Traihiyr Regiment of the U.S. baths and a laundry; a 65-foot Army ’TrainingUenter, Ft. Dix, Cape Cod home with four bed­ N. J., for infantry training. rooms, three bisths,'kitchen and' large basement: and a colonial ’The Manchester Newcomers st.vled dwelling with eight C’uo will hold fkmlly picric rooms, a dressing room, three "Operation Crossroads Africa.. 1964" proclaims the banner' in French, the language the 10 from 1 to 6 p.m.’’ tomorrow at Tufta "Sports Corps ' participants will speak this summer. From left, the girls include Cathy baths, fireplace, two-car garage Areas 7, 8 and 9 of Wickham and walk-in closets. Gladfelter of Thomasville, Pa.; Sally Case, Harrisburg, -Pa.; and Betsy Kay. North An­ Park. Those attending aris re­ dover, Mass. House, group leader, is the young man in center. Others are David Poplack, City water, sewers, paved I t minded to bring their own re­ roads and driveways pliis side­ Taimton, Mass.; Robert Day, Garden City, L.I.; Walter Rogers, Medway, Mass.; Milton freshments. For further infor­ Quigless, Tarboro, N.C.; Richard Meserve, Waltham, Mass.; and Steven Karp, Stamford. walks, curbs and an abundance mation call Mrs. Barry Nooqan, of trees, are also offered by — ------t ^ ------87 SauHers Rd. Green Manor at FVirest Hills. v'olleyball,. -basketball and ten­ Operdtion^i^rossroads nis; and we will compete in Word has been received by BONANZA CHEF Governor John Dempsey, center,, signs autographs during brief respite of tour through new these sports against city teams cable that Girl Scout Troop I Leon C. Twombly'of 69 Alice Roger's Corporation plant at Rogers yesterday afternoon after dedication speech. Saul M. and against the national .teams landed at 8:30 a.m. yesterday Dr., with 26 years experience Silverstein, Rogers president, wearing glasses, is shown at right, while talking to Norman which will be sent to the A f­ at Liverpool, England, and that in the ' restaurant' business of L. Greenman, executive vice preSMent o f Rogers, who guided tour group through 35,000 rican Games at Braasaville. all were well and happy after a which 22 years were with! square foot plant which will triple firm’s production of Mektron molded circuits. (Herald Art House Leading “One ot,her distinguishing very good trip. Howard Johnson’s Restaurants, photo by Pinto.) feature Is that the entire group Miss Wendy Lawrence, the July issue of the “ apparel tiout River in Mancheater, Soilth speaks FYench. Ten of the 11 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ nities in New England has been retailer,” a New England trade Windsor, East Windsor and East planned for the Btatler-Hilton Sports Corps Abroad students are from Tufts Uni­ nold Lawrence, 571 Porter St., journal published by Larkin Hkrtford. Cutler is a former Hotel in Boston on Sept. 21-22. versity and one is from ■ Har­ and Miss Donna Lee Remkie- publications of Boston. "Opportunities and Problems of vard. We have three girls and wicz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. town treasurer of South Windsor pm ’The feature article praises Defense Conversion” will be Yesterday, a group of ten Tufts University students eight boys, all of whom have Leon J. Remkiewicz, Baker iUid has served on the South Dine for his leadership in mak­ studied. been practicing their French Rd., Vernon, will spend nine Windsor Industrial Development — seven bojM and three girls— took off from New York’s ing House and Hale ”a power­ Commission. . i and undergoing rigorous train­ weeks this summer as counbe- Kennedy Ainx>rt for West Africa, where they will spend ful contender for the Connecti­ W. Leonard Kingman of Man­ ing at Tufts since early March. lore at Camp Hemlocks in the summer teaching the Africans sports in a nine- cut Valley consumer dollar” George W. Duncan of 13 En­ chester has been named super­ These students arc extremely Nichols, operated by the Con­ and based on his management weeks experimental program*^ necticut Society for Crippled sign St. Wednesday Marked 38 visor in the group claim divi­ enthusiastic as their long hours 'and merchandising procedures. sion at the home office of Aetna under Operation Crossroads, to Africa in 1958. All the stu of preparation demonstrate. It Children and Adults. Miss years with the Hartford Elec­ House and Hale, taken over Ca.sualty and Surety Co. King- Africa. dents that year and ever since is inspiring to see these ambi­ Lawrence will also serve as tric light Cb. at Hartford. Dun­ The group leader is Arthur by Gorin's last year following man, a graduate of Manchester have either had to pay their tious athletes working on a crafts director. , can is employed In purchasing H. House, son of Judge and Mrs. bankruptcy action, hat contin­ and stores for the power firm. High School, joined the company own way or be sponsored by a project which will be difficult ued to remain ’’the store of vil­ In 1927 and served as a claim Charles S. House of 15(J,West- college for the privilege of The Kiwanis Club will hold a . land St., who helped develop the and strenuous, yet rewarding lage-charm,” the article points examiner before assuming h'ls worknlg with their hands for a round table meeting at noon Barrows and Y^allace Co., real Idea of the Sports Corps. beyond their expectations. out, and has made a giant come­ new post. He lives at 15 Hem­ sununer with young Africans. Tuesday at the Manchester estate firm with offices in Hart- A June graduate of Tufts, “I shall describe in a series back in the retail t r ^ e m iA e t lock 8t. This project is the forerunner Country <31ub. This will be the! ford-mnd a branch office in the House also participated in Oper­ of articles in The Herald our iMt opportunity to notify the here. Manchester Shopping Parkade. ation jCrossroads during the of the Peace Corps and, in fact. trip through the nations of 'i'o- Dine has pro-vided an im­ President Kennedy told us in committee about attending the reports that the net amount of summer of 1962, serving in a go and Dahomey as we try to Kiwanis State Golf Touma-1 portant facet oTHouse and Hale sales agreements written during work party that constructed a 1962 before we left that the develop a strong understanding promotional schemes In main­ May 1964 totaUed $2,782,493. Of success of Crossroads gave him ment to be held July 15 at the' Golf ClubSy schoolhouse in Senegal. relationship with young ath­ Manchester Country Club. The taining separate newspaper and the total sales, 18.2 per cent the idea of a Peace Corps. From Ume to time. House will letes and students through an club with the largest attend­ store window display schedules. were in cooperation with other write home to Herald readers Crossroads is renowned in A f­ ancient means of communica­ ance recel'ves a trophy. Slugg;ish traffic of a year ago brokers. Bag, Cart concerning the Sports Corps’ rica as one of the best links tion — sports. It is hard to im has changed considerably with experiment in international liv­ with the United States and agine as I write this letter to­ wider varitles of ^Mrtswear, Canada. The entire organiza­ Charles H. Romanowski of ing. Here is his first communi­ night that tomorrow afternoon ready-to--wear items, and re­ Disappear tion is run on private dona­ 143 Walker St. an(T*Lawrence que. written just before de­ I will be In Nigeria and on my Hospital Notes establishment of House and tions. E Miller of Vernon, Monday parture. way to Togo. The spirit in our Hale’s original reputation aa a will receive 26-year service cer- (aevinc hU golf gc/r unattended "Ever since the summer of A Negro minister from New group is contagious. If this Vtslttng hours are 2 to 8 p.m. fashion center. tiflcatee from the State High­ mojBenluillbOvhila hg^sjent inie 1962 when Tufts University York, Dr. James H. Robinson, summer is like the one I spent In all areaa excepting matern­ While many of the staple way Department. Highway sent me to Senegal on Opera­ founded. Crossroads and has ity. where Diey a n 2 to 4 pan.' goods are purchased for the 30- Commlseioner Howard S. Ives tion Crossroads Africa I have been its guiding light over the in Senegal two years ago, the excitement of new experience and 6:80 to 8 p n . and private store Gorin chain at the Boston will make awards to Roman­ had an intense Interest both in years. This year over 300 stu­ home office, the article states, will not end until our return in r otns where they a n 10 ajn. owski, an engineer, and Miller, African affairs and In the dents will spend their summers to 8 p.m. V isiton are reqneated buying of fariiion goods is done and other District 1 personnel Operation Crossroads project. In a wide variety of projects September.” not to smoke In patlMU’ rooms. re^onally, for the most part, by In ceremonies to be held at the My dreams have come true, and such as building school houses No more than two "vIsitorB'at the local store buyers. House Highway Department’s Admin­ I am returning to Africa this and health centers, taking a one time per patient. Leon Cl Twombiy Mcf Hale buyers shop the Bos­ istration Building at Wethers­ minuner as the leader of a census and helping on medical Some Vacancies ton shows, Dine replies, accom­ field. group going to Togo and Da­ missions. The group I am lead­ is the new chef al the recently panied, whenever possible, by a PATIENTS TODAY: 255 homey in West Africa. ing is a bit different; we are -opened Bonanza Sirloin Pit No. department head or superyisor. A regional conference to con­ For Cedar Trip 38. at 287 W. Middle Tpke. "O^ratlon Crossroads sent a sports group which will coach ADMITTED YESTERDAY: sider the outlook for defense-. Its first groups of young people Wgh school-aged students in Mrs. Evelyn LaFontaine, ‘W ill- Chef ’Twombiy features spec­ BRIEFS oriented industries and commu-1 The Tall Cedars have three man tic; Vincent Vignone, East ial steaks, "cooked the way John J. Hutchinson of 118 He- buses filled fpr the Orient Point Hartford; Otis Klee, Coventry: you, the customer, likes It.” he laine Dr. has been elected to a Oulse tomorrow. Mrs. Dorothy Ralmondo, 23 Li­ says. Bonanza Is open daily, three-year term on the board of | n A fourth bus still has some lac St.; Wliliams Ryan,» New­ except Mondays, from 11:30 directors of the CUES Managers ' a.m. to 9 p.m. vacancies on It, and anyone ington ; Thomas Ekigleson, Society, an international organi­ wishing to make the cruise zation sponsored by the Credit THE ARMY AND NAVY STATE LUNCH Windsor Locks; Miss Marsha PROMOTED should contact William Steven­ Meek. 76 Wildwood Rd„ Ver­ Union National Aaeociatlon. Hut­ son at 22 Thomas Dr. today, or Howard J. Bidwell of 33 Tan­ chinson Is treasurer and general 699 MAIN STREET non; Randy Castro. South ner St. has been named evecu- be at the Masonic Temple to­ Windsor; Miss Jacqueline Lany, manageV of the Hamilton Stan­ morrow morning at 9:30 when tlve vice president of the Math­ dard Federal Credit Union at Ellington; Robert Murdock. ers Private Investigating Serv­ Finally we can say “ Thank You” to the buses leave for New Lon­ Windsor Locks. don. South Rd.. Bolton; Linda Jasi- ice at West Hartford. tls, 70 Buckingham St.; Mrs. all who have patronized us since our The return trip from Orient The announcement -was made Kissane Realty Co. of West opening. In three weeks of successful Doris Robertson, 11 S. Main Hartford has opened a branch! BINGOAND Point will be at 6:30. business we haven’t had a chance un­ St.; Dennis E. Kllen, Colombia; agency, with multiple • Ustlnfs, til now to place an ad in the Manches­ Isadora Levy, 54 Milford Rd. at 36 Graham R d„ South Wind-i DMdRg Every Saturdef Night ADMITTED ’TODAY: Eric L. sor, under the management of ter Evening Herald, even though "The iPtatamey, 126 N. Elm St.; Mrs. John K. Cutler. Cutler will han­ I O'CLOCK •Oie Herald” ' is next door to us. OPEN A U DAY Mgry Wolff, 18 Femwood Rd„ dle residential and commercial Vernon; Donald Simons. East real eetate eaet of the Connec- i SUNDAY Hartford. Wt'rt Op*n from 6 A.M. fo 1 A.M. Six Days PINE PHARMACY BIR’TllS YESTERDAY: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 664 Center 81— 649-9816 McKeough, 185 HoIlUter St.; Sundoys — 6 A.M. to 9 P.M. a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Edgerton, East Hartford; a son to ,Mr. and Mrs. Leon Proven- Breakfast at An>-time of Day or Evening cher, 811 South 8 t„ Roekville; A la Carte Dinners qt Anytime a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Al­ PIZZA RAYS lan Duchesne; $0 Division St.; ,- Steaks... Grinders. . . Sea Food a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. n o SPRUCE ST. Gregory Lasutsehenkow, Wo still have Chill for our Hamburgs and Hot lV>gs SUMMER HOURS ThompsonviUe. NOTICE OF Mon. - Tues. • Wed. ROSE AND ORLANDO MORICOnI , 2 PJVI. — 11 P.M. BIRTHS TODAY: A son to and family Closed Wedneeday Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Godek, Thurs.,- Fri. Ellington. II.A.M. — II PM. DISCHARGED TDDAY: Ba­ -Ulr- Sat. n A.M. — 12 P.M. sil Henderson. Colchester; Sun. 4 P.M. — lO'TM . FYsnk Burt, 70 Bretton Rd.; Howard J. Bidwell Grinders, Pizza, Spaghetti Herman Heim, Coventry; Mrs. 10-Mln. Service on All Calk Anna Krasntekas, Coventry; b y ih e firm's president, Howard C. Mathere. REFUSE COLLECTION S4S-00S1 Mrs. Alice Bormson,. Glaston­ bury; Arthur Vender, Wap* Bidwell, who has more .than ping; Mrs. Hasel 'Thumith, 10 years of supervisory experi­ - South4' Green Lodge* OonviUesoent ence in the field of Industrial se­ Home. curity, will take over his new post. *■ A Mancheater resident for MALE ’TOPLESS SUIT aome 20 years, Bidwell Is a vet­ TOWlit OF MANCHESTER. CONNECTICUT Methodist WESTOWN SIOUX CITY. Iowa (AP) — eran of world War n, having PHARMACY Members of the Slouxland Ser- served in the tank corps under toms Club who responded in the late Lt. Gen. George 8. Pat­ 489 Hartford Rd— 649-MM force to an announcement that ton Jr. in the European ‘nieater ♦ the toptassr bathing suit would of operatkma. Beginning on Jaly 1.1964 WASTE aad KUBBI8H shall be collected twice Chiirch To malntalB our coatlnulty be modeled at Friday’s lunch­ of medical serrlea we a n eon saw only chib member Irv m a t CITES DINE weekly. Collection daya for yoor area shall be thc'aame as in the past. 1226 MAIN.STREET N t^^w sarii^ serin tnntks and Philip P. Dine, former buyer at (loiin’s Department Stores Open All Day ’Three bathing beauties — all headquarters at Boston, Mass., The rubbiah collection ahafl be made in conjunction with the waste col­ June 28, 1964 with tops—posed with Nogg. and the present manager of Club (t r ia ls admitted it was House and Hale, a Gorin chain lection. Waato in maximum Mm 22 gallon eontainera aball be picked up from SUNDAY a gag to boost attendance at outlet in Downtown Manches­ weekly haoheone. ter, U a fsatured personality In the rear oT the bouae* Rubbish shall be eoUeetsd from the curb. Rubbish to 9 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 10:45 A.M. be collected by endoeed Packer trucks shall be in containers' or burnUoa WORLD SERVICE SUNDAY weighing not more than 66 pounda^a^ shall not be greater than 8 feet in OPEN SUN.! BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVIN8 any dimenMon. Large items that cannot be easily dismantled such as re- Ssrmon: "Tht Art of Ccmmunication” 7 A.M. to 1 PM. o DRIVEWATi o PARKING LOTS With ALL Your frigerators with doera removed, stoves and bed springs shail be picked up Hund^’ Newspapan a «A i flATlONSI a BBASKETBALL i ^ l COURTS by a asparate truck if the hsne ewiMy calla 649*8070. Dr. Shaw praaching Bm aaaBy I CURB SE8V10B Pull Up aad W a A n 166% Get Tour Paper! God and Country and God and Comntunity j RICHARD MARTIN. General Manager A w ards prasantad at 9^o'ejoc|c larviea. TobacfD Ptidi D l MAIO BROTHERS L't 1101 it . NaxA to EeMk’s M . Ue-TWl-rW* Cwrr JMuUta 8«tar

i TV Week] iltanrl|[^0tpr J U N E 27 Itol JULY 3

V H StM IVBD. B. X. DKKOfSOM * CO. tea. TV Notebook Bluegrasa in Willson Special Wf JOAN OKOmY ■. I lesson oo Beethoven and a foot- how to ring the epsniag NUnr YORK (NBA) —■ Leon Music from Broadway, Beeth- BtomplM hoedown. {of Beethoven'a First Sympborijr. JaiMMy jnodestly admits to hav- ovsn and the B^iuegrase country The WUlaohe perform two of MoUy Bee, a pert aohgetreee Img a-'fantaatic memory. The gets the special Meredith 7 ^ - his popular show tunes, "I Ain’t i who typifies WuUon’s hlen of the formor ohitd star, now grown son treatment when the Muate Down Yet" and " 'Til There I girl next door, is featured to a to the hair-Uiinning age, doesn't Mao and his miaeus play host Was You.’’ awinging InteimetaUoiteC "Glad to Debghle Reynolds, Phil Her-1 In a rare television appear­ Rags.” oount sheep when he oan^ get ris, Molly Bee;. The Toung^ to aSeep. He lists the names and ance, Debbie Reynolds ^nga "I A e Young Americana ptevide ' Americana, the Stoney Modn-' Ain’t Down Yet" and " I’ll Nev­ a se-voice c h o ^ background for datep of reign of all the Bng- teM Cloggers, the Stoneman' Ush Mags beginning with WU- er Say No’’ from her starring much of the program and are .Family and the Sldewindera on role in "The Unsinkable Molly spotlighted ill "I Ain’t Gonna • through new . Ham the Conqueror, 10^1087. "The Texaco Star Parade’’ Brown," movie baaed on WIU- U ve No Mor^.’’ eech. Saul M. Mention ahy major league bese- Tuesday from 10-11 p.m. oo aon’s Broadway musical. Miss In their first major nbtwoik ig to Norman paU player of any era, and Jan- CBS-TV. . IReynolds . introduces ecenea appearance, the Stoney Moun­ irough 36,000 ney Wiu give you his height, The hour-long musical special,' from the picture. tain Cloggers, a dance group ;ult8. (Herald weight. With date, batUng or second of the inunmer season I Phil Harris, fast-talktng sing­ from AsheviUe, N.C., end the pttcniag record and fltSdlM starring Willson and his wife,' er-comedian, kids about hoW he Stoneman' Family, a band of ■ '•'I swdg, average. Rinl, has a small-town flavor,] misjudged the musical "The musicians from Gaylax, Va-.^mro A lt he may show up an hour representing his atUtude of typ-;l Music Man" and missed His featured with thb entire oom- ngland haa been late for a lunch date, because . ical . Americana, and a cast' chance for Broadway stardom pany and the Harry Zimmer­ ! Statler-Hllton ha tocgot. of guest stars which he des­ by declining Willson’s proposal man orchestra in a rousii^ hoe- on Sept. 21-22. *Ttt happens to. me once a cribes as "the beet in the that he play the lead in the hit. down number, "He's My ind Problems of yUte,” he said with a rufftil world." IHe proves he would have been Friend," from "The Unafokable rslon" will be asule. “I never keeip a calendar, Ikitertainment highlights in­ right for the role by singing one Molly Brown.’’ and aeoaslonally I just plain clude songs and dMces from of the show’s tunes, "Sadder The Sidewinders, award-win­ forget. But basically I’m either WUlaon’s Broadway musicals, But Wiser." He also sings "This ning barbershop quartet from Ingman of Man- a* ocganlaed disorganised man, film Scenes from. "The XJnslnk- Is AU I Ask" and learns a hu­ Southern California, sing "All n named super­ or a d^ganized organised one. able Molly Brown,’’ a humorous morous lesson from WUlson on Alone." sup claim divl- “0»e other time I forgot an ! office of Aetna appointment — and if s a viyid -eon jrety Oo. King- ■eeraory. I was playing gin Life Aboard ! of Manchester rummy on the second floor of Inald. J. Charming. I wea in the led the company an aotor'e reetaurant when X show two months, then left to He Writes Chillers ftd as a claim do this one.” the show. He. also has ftinied got a telephone from my BeeshaU TlmetaMe Plane Carrier NBW YORK (AP) — Henry i assuming His Snswering service. It turned out two or three hard-cover who­ tree at IS Hem- Janney, who began perform­ Sleear, who has written more dunits, other short stories and out I was due for a recording ing. in his native Ogden, Utah, nib trigorous and often hasard- teievlsifMi shows for Alf'.-d currently has two ideas for aer­ e^rwUofe Theater Guild of the at'the age of 8 ("My mother ous life of the flight deck crews I Hitchcock’s television series ies under consideration by a taught me poems from the time of the huge aircraft carriers in 'than any other author, has flg- network and a film studio. Me Sympathetic Father I could gurgle”), says "I hate the peacetime Navy, ia the sub­ I tired out a way to hara his cake Where does he find his ideas? T couldn't admit I juet for­ all child actors. Show me a full­ ject of "Flight Deck" a special and eat it too. ’’If you write, you «re always got. eo when I got there I had time child sU r and I’ll show "Du Pont Show of the Week" I > Three days a week Slesar con- o» the lookout for something— saede up a oomjplioatett story you a frustrated parent. colorcast Sunday from 10-U , centratee on his job as creative maybe only a line tnat is ovetv aboot a taxi accident in which "My mother ran away to get p.m. on NBC-TV, I director of a large New York heard—that will give you an an old lady was hurt. For years married, but her father tlueat- Producer Al Wasserman and advertismg agmey. The other idea. A story is divided into aftsr,' people who worked with ened to disown her. So she came bis camera crews spent two (our days belong to his flower­ three mam parts—a beginairar. Mhlng how back home, married the fitot weeks aboard the U.S.8. Frank­ ing career .as a fiction writer. a middle and an endtag. The sappear all the taxi accident law suits man she could grab, determined lin D. Roosevelt as it sailed “I keep my advertiaing job,” germ of the idea may te fsr were progressing.” to have a child who would act. ; toward the Mediterranean, and said Slesar "because there is any one of theee. Tliea you keep g«tfr unattAikUd Janney u the kindly father cm my own, I never would have I recorded the entire cycle and no security in writing." fooling around until you. havo fifit into hi "Another; World." a new' picked this. I probably would I rhythm of the dramatic laiUMh- He wrote—and promptly sold filled m the missing parts-" NBC entry in the tele^lon soap have been a lawyer who dealt in ing and landing flight opera­ —his flfet short story about Slesar’s most succeasfot sheet opera foam. unpopular causes or 'hn actuary tions on the carrier. eight years ago when he was story—it has been riqNibMsbed for this Janney got his role in ' Irna In an insurance company.” I The crews which man the ' at home, ill, and had nothing often in anthologiee "iand ssade ttle... PhUlipe' "Another World" as a Baseball ia the timetable on I "cete," as the catapults are else to do. A short time later, mto a Hitchcock program—de­ result of his portrayal of Major mwbl which Janney’s life ia run. He called, will be seen m their Jpait Harrison, producer of the veloped from a remark be over­ Page in "As The.,World Turns,” has a portable radio going every “ rouUne"' day which begins 'then-half-hour Hitchcock show heard in a hotel restaurant. An. another eoapie by Miss PhilUps. second when he isn’t On camera around 8 a.m., conUnues until bought one of his published elderly woman sfid to her com­ "AU my a d u lt, life I have •or on stags. He roots for both ■2 a.m, and, in many respects,' stories. Sinbe then, he has sold panion, "L just-don't know, wbnt either been • vUlaih dr a come­ the San Fransisco Giants and ' never' really ends. The preci-'I close to 40 ptories and scripts^ isToing to* become of Alice. She lo rlia dian, but never the kindly, sym- the New York Mets- • I Sion work of these catapult ; half-hour ahd, later, hour-long— Just sits in that old house and ithetie father. As a child actor. "I bought two chairs from the crews In, around and under the i refuses to leeve.’’ S-1129 was always misunderstood and' £aet demolished Polo Grounds and I ! 76 jet and propeller aircraft on' Slesar worked and .irprked ralways charming. When I was have them ^ u n d my swimming board will be seen, along with — ranging from dangers of around that remark,/ Anally Street told that 1 would pUy the head pool. I ^ a manic-depressive, blasts from jets, to the vacuum coming up with ‘"tte Right activities of others among the of the nose of the jet and the of a child's military academy on I know. But I lean toward the 300 members of the . carrier’s Kind •of Houee,” a rtel thriller the World Turns’; I figured happy side, which is-«i]ne help, lair unit. possibility of an arresting gear • with a snapper ending about Z would be a meanie ^ h o puMied because, while 1 occasionally gqt I In addition to the normal haz­ wire breaking and lasrang elderly woman who remained tote down stairs and broke teen- depreriied, it always comes' as a ards, of aviation, launchmg and acroaa the deck. During the stubbornly await|hg a -^ e r o< ' Bgenf arms. But I was Reg- big shock to me.” landing planes from the carrier filming of “Flight Deck," a a decaying old .house ett which is fraught with potential hazard pilot died' when his plane she had put a. ridiculously high crashed into the sea. sales price. */ Two Inside * TV Stories- That Misled Wastebasket SATURDAY Television PROGRAM tllto ( S> Slty .Klu A ^suitable and unusual occupation ^'<46) Wealed Dead er Alive "I Walked With a Sesteto'" By O rm iA LOWRY T(M (» Lacy-Deal Hoar . . ..■Tom Chmway. fqr the hero of a proposed new Confusion occurs when Lucy' :M( Mavlee TIH Dawn about to start one. ThU invblyes had not been done to death in Ite I I) B.F.D. Me. S G ary {..oclcWood, Andrew “Time Bomb," (Tuit Jiuxeasi n cleaning out of the year’s (II) ru m Prine. Rice is assisned ah :M (I) Measealt. ml ModUattaa TV series," reported the produc­ (4#)) Sheriff ml Om U m counsel for a fellow Karine :M (M> Mevie filea. I fmd that, among items er ruefully... “Finally, the net- 1:U , S) V,mt VmMwiUSSS! accuhed of hit-ai^-run Kovie moet important person present lee. •'•rtie U oa end tbs B. a. Karaball. Robact Roed. "The LIHIeri pUgs" WSBiF. wastebasket. .spoke up for the first time. horse.” Steve Oiolirae. Drama about a wontaira di­ S(ua<4. 1. k wellduiown praducer re- . (•) DrssBol „ vorce case asainsC her hus­ "I’m surprised,’’ he said, (M> Kirs. , band in New York State. . oeatty attended a staff "cre­ m - ie r Imer Blabae shew <01 a t e meetliM" railed to And q "that ia all your talk no one , Ufe deieaee Joe and Bllle attempt to has come up with what is-the <4e> Amerleaa "---irtsed' spend a quiet weekend ia a only really right occupation. Of liM (tt-W> Bssebafl —• (Sovstaad rustic oaMn. (R) VB. NtoBitoto lAwteace Welk Shew course, he has to be a private l:« M'. (**>' M ajer |.«acae BSsaibaB •Luot F a r U fe." Kirk Doug^ Worst of all, the producer- add­ .Whila Sea vt. Twte Jaw. Anthony <}uina. Story of i ed, most of the. people sround 4:|l <■) The Depelv .. the tormented painter,.'Vincent (IS) flaw all OaUs Van Oogh. ■ Now t •• the table nodded' enthusiastical­ 6 ito (3) Sal. At th « B eam ^hinek fiM ( I ) PU Sllvera Shew < < ly and two' werb heard to say, (■->e-4S> WIda Wtirid al 1 ii "Marvelous idea,’!. ' Spar4a The TV 'knack tablm Harry la ELECTRONICS Jt pruduclns on the------aide set B. A writer reporied that his (Bi’hmsr rUm mi The Wash •miaod iy> wito a aovemmeht 1 j: <»*) CUvelaad Qpsa------dmU----- ordar aad wind up St A-Fa-F a - LABORATORIES F E D D i R S Idba for a comedy series was Tcuraam aat tifli----- (wipoot. , ■ ( ■ •i II asgerly embraced by a produc­ I) s iiw of _ >4 tiu i m( II) t l Areead------Towa EPEvWW^wwtowWn tion outfit. It mvolvM if-middie- iiW .!>) » Sperts Stieetai . . . . . i s r a - i " . j’ aghd pouple who rad a college From— WarWc. ___ Memorial_ Bta- 277 BROAD •! in v u m i u i I AAU. W reath Oliatnbtoa- dium, . Bjiffalo.Buffalo. ' N.Y. 60 too top fra te r^ y hMise. Sobn the top -ahlpai at BUiger Bowl of Baer ionic Brtddera • ■ ■ afe d» . 'i mdn of tlw'^ outfit called and ■6=S>- York Worid's Fair, dtvliM . , l6to16to ^ B ^ e m asd asbe^ auavely if the writer could 6:Ma as (I) ilt* Wealker Service enlarge the format k bit to bi- (Ia> Sabacripttaa t V Ml** (J-M) ' 'News, , fosrts aad <») JMII Dana'Show W6NHME ekide as a . regular character a (to) , Jaaior TaUat IMw UiW (JD Saturday Bpoelacalar good-lookihg atudent. from the 6ito (•) OUaa.Dp Oa Ppacts •T ^ Jaaa anger;" Danay T. f. AITKIN CO. WmKwoods country: 6 iU> < •> News Thofnaa, Pegsy Lm. (to) Air IWea ___ (ID OiikUa rim# •» :uT ‘Tou mean," asked the TV- (to WaatdBstea B eset HiM (W> Nows, Sparta Sad Weatb- <-CooIinK wise Writer, "you'd like a series ilie ( I) Brekoe Anew QgalHiMl SiMht’ Mctel Work s(boiH Jethro Clampett goea to (I) laraeila m i Itotmrdu Night Bipaat ( m BW; notate I laSiraalloBal — I

SUNDAY TelevUi&n PROGRAM Fees Parker Back TUESDAY Te#«d.fo« PROGRAM B a s a M •W8 ( 8 ) O 1 : « ( • ) Sm m « Chioairo White Otieat THE NEWEST IN MOTOROLA'S *iM < t) W«iM . V ie naasaua, < S) nMtta nsaota Tartaa. HedrwirHedS iB iM te Roppar, J Ir l IJnMaSer,U b Jtagr In Coonskin Again Ihraas, Im t' toataT ______• t U (M> im. LINE OF FINE CAR RADIOS "Jony W fily" to lianMai a (88) OparaMaa 8) ^ - _ow probably war oomspoadeaL iMi (88) Oal at «M No4a B g BOB 1 wouidB’t ba going on tia afar E I ( 8) Tka Bakal 8 H< _____ 8o ■ o u T n r o o D ( a p > — t w MBO hadn’t E r w oaat Oia tbrea (18) Otf la Adrei i^ r a a s ^^H lng sanotWa. • i«t Enjoy The Best Of jFoora ago, a youag Toxoa wttli* Orookett Stau at tha elk of last a aoftawtox aaaet on the db- OBt BMMk m on to Mo boiuo •iM 8i88 I f ) B y aununer. IlM y er eiBed aueh a gslfad >Ae_wtors_Jrytqg Ja SAwftPd Um b m guitar OB Ms took add- senaatlon an dvar agata that a jimk the HooterrlHe imB. < 8X ______(R) f t i) “ The Scarlet OoaL arkk. A FM and AM Programs daniy totnd MmaoU fampoa u new aarlea was sugMated. - ttau to ____ ( 8-8848) Oiaatoat toatr aa WUde, Aan PTaaote. with his romanea. Dwvy Orodiett. “ Wa want to Dianey’s wtth the ■arth (Oafoa) («• ) Si____ (18) The Ckitsteplisaa MB aalary to r maUng thraa Martha Byer, Deh •:U (M) «MB*i (88) FHas Wi88 t 8) IdetL but tliey weren’t tatereat- The oftoos trleB to (a> Ifer (88-88) Otaralaad Opal { •> From Ono Car Radio OM • hour taiavialoB ohowa aa ed. Beeause of oontraotual mat- aa arena a heawti StM < » SnuocT Tearaaassat <88) Davy waa MW par waak, to ten , they wouidB’t son tbo refusea to vacate. (R) (48) WraalBag “ I) Ithin at the Weak wfeteh was addad MW a waak rtgMs to the oharaeter." > i * JSS’-TL? I ( 8) I've Qa4 A.Saetatk.Boarai (Color) OB-tha-soaoe mport Kuws fl^fi5S lS ?.*aS iy'»«r- («•> Oral Bl___ (18) ■amid at ~ ot f l i ^ dock haaarda. Pfgm 1WO YEAR OUARANTEE COVERS fo r algufaig away Ma future Ib e aohition was "Danlol gaa. A eootrovei-alal erhntoai M:N ( S> Urn* Data . I ( 8) rwaaUatt the aircraft carrier uSB rlgMa to OM fnma- In aH, ha Boone," wlikeh la betag made m case threatens a D.A’a aat- JawMi H am im S ▼ !••• (Part n) Studyly of______aihioida. PiankllB Dl Roosayalt. AU FARTS — AU lAiOR aamad about M,000 aa alar of bltlons. g i) I • ! M v a ' Ha ooatraats. laoliklad: (88) Diefc PawoB Thaatro wtth produeSr Aaron Roiienberg Intenrlew with Bknperor HaOe 18:88 ( 1> What's H y U aa ona of the graataat oUoeoaoaa ta aa bead man. The hour adven­ M iM 8 iN < 8! 9A. IS>J»% ..y Bh» Selassie. (R) ( 8) News Bapart - talavtoloB hutory. ture mesne plenty of work for '' Gasats: Lawrence Welk and MiM ( S> LMk Vp Ami U va (U ) 8aknat>Msa TV U:88 (8 8jB 88 48) N m s. Spaais and Fooa Paxkor will bo drawtag Feoo. hfo orahaatra. (M) Work ot Ote M arynion (»^M> > Meat lha_ _Press STORE HOURS: DAILY 9 TO S:90 8) N e w m ) Baa Praaclsea ■pan- '^aioDBTiea la Peru (88) CkarUa Ohaa UilB ( 8) ■avia Mastsrplseaa appiXHdmatfdy M.Q00 ta bia flr n "But I don’t mind work,’’ he S'iS X m I m u Im d uf < •) lasiaht ■ Waaled Dead' ‘ ar AMra "Thunder Road." Rebart 1HURSDAY 9 TO 9: SATURDAY 9 TO 12 wim as Daniel Boone ta tbo said. "I figure I’ve had a nice to.torsritor Parade (M> S kil a raa 8:88 lUtohum, Qene Barry. BOW NBC aarioa proitaoad by 10-yoar vacatkm. Now tt’s time IM8) eamMdy Sl4B (88) Mews toeclal starrinc MeradMi o ) r Thiaa Alan YoulW. WBbur'a aftorla ( 8) ■kvU _ a M Rtal Wilison. Gneato: ( <> Oai la a ^ to help the daw nalghhoiti “The Horses Mouth." ddaa WUi Contury-rOK. for me to get back to buolneoB.'’ Waak Debble/&yn^de, PhU Harrto, (M ) yield owy havoc. (R) Guineas, Belinda Lee. Tim 88 have changed — and Be baan't reaUy been tpat idle Molly Bee, Yoons Amertoana, Weitera Saaekaiaa "Green ' Fire." Graee KaBy, (88) SVaetaiod PUekets ha relaxed balora thia week’s made a few featm’qe for Dle- 18tM ) What’s Baw (8848) Tafoahsae Maar <0» ' U :M (tt) Amaiteaaa ml Weak (88) Air Power Stetrart GraiUer. 8)Tislh _ w _ 0 m . m Robert O odet, boat. Chioato: , U :M Word at U le (Part n) Lassie hears the Brennan. (88) FUai T:M (8)S Oar Mias Baa aha (8-88-18) The fU U v s ISiM (. » lataraaUaaal Seae 1:88 ( 8) Newseape, ■ a as a a t at ta the higher reedbee of hilly Gfoes to Washington," which sk f»8 8 > At Utmm WMh BM (18) U fa s ( A y . - M v id Janssen, Barry Moisa. screeching of the trapped (48) Nawa <8848) M r. Memh .... < 8) Hoaia Narelac Slery /eagle bw eved to have a . Oaaalart aad Byasa. STANEK pired after S8 weeks—from mal Kimble enlists a newsman’s Moalairaal (88) duunplaasklp Bridgs aseals at MedUaMaa. woodsy, but Fees baa fton to oald. ^ <8S-S8> Lafa Xaha A Daal nhstige tead ier to sjMlanedto 11:88 <84-88-884848) Nows, w tita - U:S8 (8) Wa BeUora troublesome UnsHah olaos. ar MdSparta < 8) CluuBpiaBahIp Brldaa (88) Battle Una etto ways. "YYa'ra atm working He has also developed a large 1:W (88) BIS Daaa Show out a oiNiple of itmnn. ta Uie eon- trailer perk ta Santa Barbara, 8:88 ( 8) Paaaward (88) Talk Baek n t O M I T A L Y 277 RROAD ST. 15. S-8f4*> Osaebat U tft ( n %fos2ay NtavWaht (88) W U Bin Blekak 8:88 (8) My Pavarita Bhtrtlaa traot," he reported. "One of where he maintained his resi- (8848) Laratto TatSHT VIo Morrow. Dddle Albert. ’ •The Youns S t r a n « 8 8 " (48) A it Paieo Slary Ray Walston. Though a tooth­ them has to do with teerohan- denee until "Daniel Boone. World War I donahboy mis­ James MacArthur, Kim Rtol8- n : t t (88) U rla g Ward ache throws him out of fo­ ItAlian actrdas Danlala Bisn-' .A. takes Sauedars for a Oar- li8 8 ( 8) PareapMaa cus, Martin can't visit a den­ FheM 449-1124 , dtsing, and v tt’s mighty com- (88-88) Tha D ^ m man and takes htan prisoner. (88) Tsaisht ( 8) Oplaiaaatad Maa tist br A nse his are not Barth I chi, appearing In the current im catM. But I ’m aura we’U find ( 8-88-48) D or Is O-art (R) (48) Sommer (88-48) tHfOarery <84 teeth. 'm otion picture, ’ ’From RuaalA, Modil^MAlOO a aohitioii.’’ 8 :H (8848) Navra (81) Seleaee Repeater U:88 MA) Sparfo (Part n) Tour of hiatorle (88-88) Waaderfal Warid at With Love," makea her TV and Many Seen, 8<88 ( 8) H U Advaatsre wtth U:8S (8) S p ^ Oreenfleld ViDase, Dearborn, Oalat (Oalar) n ia t’a for darned sure. I f tjsp* LmeU nenuM U tS t (88) Teaenlsht lUcliiKan. (R) Tour of Disney exhibits at UJ3. dehut in a romantic role '*Danlel Boone” suooeede—end ( 8) TraUhiaatar FUm of a caravan tour to (88) n h a the New York World’s Fair with Richard Chamberlain in there’s a lot of important money Tibet from Banatok to La- ■*’S o d ^ u id * a ^ . " John Ons- (88) Weafeia Skalek Book including '^Audlo-Anlmatron- “ Dr. Kildare in Rom e," a hbree- Few Recalled 8:to 3 ^J;5 artLa‘«tf hira- (R ) fleld, Uili Palmer. 1:U (8M8) Dadce Bays ic” figures. (R) r^jUng da ite obanoee—Its back- (ftes) tea Daa’t aev gakeerlptfoa TV 18:88 (48) Tha Load’s Praym 1:88 ( 8) BasebaB ( 8-8M8) Baspire (Calar) part drama to lie .preaented on are foresee a boom in merclian- ___ (84) B < « ^ aad ths Arts 1:88 ( I ) News, Weather—ManMnto , Detroit at New York Richard Egan. Ralph Meeker. NBC-TV’a "D r. KUdara" aariaa dlatag products with the Boone NEW YORK (AP) — Adver­ 4A. (8M) Mameat Ot Faar . , . af MedMatfoa 1:88 ( 8) Paee lha NaMaa ^ A former ranch employe re- next aeaaon. DEMFSEY-TEOELER end C b ^ hie. g S m w b U k Oaaaa Nick Adams, BUInor DoBahua. 8) Newaeape, Maasaato at (88) lu aea aad Aaaarare ^ . turns with new wealth, n)ar- im print A ll tbotw unsold Crock­ tising agencies are turning out ri> Adadnd Jaek Newlyweds Itva to fear aftar S L i (88-88) BaaekaU ries, then leopardises his MB. GMOBOl) r. M»Df80N —----g — ett coonskin cape will be on the Mevlslon commercials at a rate Cleveland at Boatoa w ife’s Hie. (R ) market egata. of about 40,000 a year, most of .(48) Wlaaiaa I ( 8) Bd SaUivaa Shaw ROOVINO OARTOOMOT . nUBNlH,T AMD H EU ntn, IBAMBAOnONS HAMIMJBD ON 1:88 (18) ~1aaebaB Basel A IX EXORANCaBB LIBTXD AMD ITMIJBnDD—MITTVAI, FCNDB That braugbt iq> the question: which reach the air. And if Guest: Connie Francis. some stmerwoman houaewife I N4w York Hete ra. MOtPau- I (88-88) Orladl Bill Mauldin, diatlnguiabad ed­ CM MAIN BXBIIBT Md-IMB Just bow different will Boone WEDNESDAY Television PROGRAM • kee Imogene Coca. Ortndl tries be from QrookettT s - last year bad dedicated herself S:88 ( 8) Aeeeat aa U rla g to persuade poUce that her itorial cartoonist whoae draw­ mt Nyw T«vk B M to w atchliy her sot IS hours (88) DIreatlaBa >84 employer has used a "coeinic ings in war and peace have "Mot very,’’ Pather ' eoa- (88) TaaisM (48) Assigaaaaat Vi regenerator" to turn his Snfe day, aeven days a we4k, al 8:88 (8) SaaaaMr 8enaaa4as __ (88-48) Traltmaater (88) Sammer Playhonae < S :U (8) Taalerdax’ a Mearsreel Into a rabbit. (R ) / earned him two PuUtser Prisea, wotdd have been exposed to 110 4M8 (8848) Nawa ’ •<3lty- ______- T?fcl," M 4:88 '^ 8 1 ) Mavla 8:88 (8) Big „ 8 xkoalaT____ ( 8-88-48) Arrest and Trihl w ill be roving pen-and-itik Ob- sales pitches a (tay. aad Newsesps PampanIne. "Hidden Valley Outlaws." (Thuck Connors, Ben Gaamra. eerver lor CBS News at the Re­ UtS8 (88) Taalsht BUI Elliott. J effren . A retired lasryer tangles with 111000 atatistics were gath 8:48 < T ) Tawa CwUr 8M8 jnj <|) Movie “ The Little Sarace.” Pedro former student John Egan publican and Democratic Con­ SHOF c b m I erod Iw an advertising execu­ Hawkeye U:48 (it) Lard’tLard’s Prayto Armendarls, Rodolfo Hayoo. over trial conduct. (R) vention. 7(88 ( I ) Oealaa » Wild 148 ( •) MewaoeiNewsosos, Ms: SAVE tive, Oordon Webber, for a (8848) Today 8how 8) Tha A f c i J f t S Clpmfori ana Hyaaa IT DOES BA. A D i f f d q>eeoh and reprinted in the our- ( 8) Operatfoa AlphahaS (88) Mews _ _ W H m trett laeue of tha trade maga' 7tU (88) Waather 8t88 ( 8) Booky aad l ^ M a 148 ( 8 ) Neora, Waather and Hto- X 7:88 ( if BPD Ns. 8 Frtoads si lb . Oo8 <|8) FUm Webber, however, went on to 7:M ( » Lat’s Tata AbonI (88) Maverlob MONDAY T elevision PROGRAM THIS note that, ta normal usage of 1:88 ( 8) Oaptatai K a r r a s ___ ( 88) Oherift al Osahlao television, "thmre are disturb­ 8;S { (48) Oparattan^Ophabst 8M8 8 (88-18) Make Boom la 8:88 ( If Mews (81 Oi^raiisa Alphabet (48) Sapermaa ' wagon train. (R) He reported the residts of (■> Oeaand Miapi tol ( 8 ) 87 Proctoat (48) Olea OiuuMB (8848) BaaUey BiliiMij (88) Weather 8:88 ( 8) News aad Waalhar (84) Travel Tima F U R N irU R B recent survey made of one pop- *Tb8 bandabhks.liaa tbe ( 8) Farfeonaa (14) Wkat'e Maw 8:88 I 1) Oaaay Tkemas Skew 1M7 MAON BTn MAMiHUMfBB • BOYW f M, OOVBNTBT idar hour-tong program w h i^ ( 8) Mavla ( 8) Prleiids at Mr.. Oaeher . . (48) Newa M arjorie Lord. Whan Danny U » MAIM BTRBVr (SSTnravel Ttoaa moot widely us^ devieo in olaims he’s .too Ured, a gal- carried eight commerctsle. It S : « (88) Haws ( 8) LeTs Talk Abaal 8:88 (48) Laraarta Prloa Is 748 ( 8) UtOest Msba Amerloon poHtica,’’ mifm XtaffM ( 1) Cssssis Kaagaraa 8:18 ( 8) Sports. News aad WeaSb- lam Italian volunteers to ea- found that SI per cent of 18M| (8841) Mows oort Kathy elghtaeetng hi OUVAnC SSBBO (U ) la Ms PabUe talartat Brinkley. (48) OpersWaa Aj^ahet sampling of viewers could not U to (8848) (Wneaatratfon M totoraala OaBbur ( S) Bap Bleharde 8:14 (81) Olak Bsasa Rome. (R) > M l H ARTFO RD IH>. <848to> Oat ths Mem This has been portleutoaly (84) Maharajas Mast Pay remember any of the commer­ (88) W aafter. Laeal Maws (8) Jaek La Laaae 8:15 (88) S s e ^ Bepart U:S8 <8848) J4oaatdy Rewo aad jron lh ar p^lgna o f the late (Benator Bstoa (48) Basa tea daw a ( 8) Pallew lha Saa \ 17 pwcent, two. UM8 < 8) L ots ot Lifo TtW (H) The Saaara M ( 8) Depaty Dewg (88-38) Haalley BriaUsy Don Knolta. Barney goes ovar- M l MAIN ST. What was most dlaturbtag to THiaa Kefouver,” aooordtag to Brtafc- ( 8) Lmva It Ta Baavar Be port boaid in his duties when two (88) Sperte thieves are turned over to adverttsem waa the large num­ (48) Mewe ley, wdio w ill be on anchor man, ( I) OaMB Far A Day . (14) Dtseavery for Taaa.rraw ‘ are M:88 ( 8) Nawa i i u (18) News the M ayberry Courthouse. (R ) SDR WELL’S TKXACX) ber of viewers vdio wers not 8848) Troth or Oaosai oaoe with Ctaet Huntley, of NBC ffM8> Hsllrwofld aad flM (88-88) Say Whea T:88 ( i ) A fter Dtaaer Mavla 1475 Silver Lane, E. Hartford abls to remember a aingle aalSa Sto-18) Teao. BM oVW a (IB) FUm News’ tele'vMoB ooveroge oEHw (I) Oeaeral Baapital . "Knock on Wood," Danny 18:48 (88) Mows 19(M polltioai oowoentlono. (48) Oleaeaaaaa Kaye, Mai Zotteriing. Joseph Gotten, host-narrator. message on tha show. 1:88 ( f ) Bast • < 8-88-t8) Clips featuring film ixNnad- aad Harriet ’Tt 1s inexpensive, Mmeh M:88 ( 8) Mavla (15) in the PaMIe lateraat STATE BBBV. STATION < 8) Mavlo When Rick’s (ratornttr dance (88) MaU Order Market lans Fred Allen. W. C. Flelda. cheaper than teUviaion ttaftc.„ (8888) Ward tar Ward wni Rogers. Jack Benny, 7T0 MAIN ST. toms Into a ■noU cB m l Ga­ (8-8888) Tha Priea la Blghl (88) Weatker. Local News Me turns up in the middle. doesn't hove to be glued OM like 18:84 (88-88) News (84) Wket’s Maw Marx Brothers, others. (R) (88) News A Weatksr M :88 I 3 ) The Detectives 743 MAIN STREET YTTMAN OIL Oa, (48) Barbara Baraard ■how bunqier atlekara or drtaen tl:8 8 (88-88) Oaaeaatrattaa (11-88) Slag Afoag WMh MUeh - Telephew 441-1191 ( 8) Aa Ma World Tarao BeHsioa aad the around tbe otreato Mhe ootmd (8-8888) Gat Tha Meaaaea T:18-(88) Samaser IBgkllgbls M M A IN ST. A niC FA N S (to ) Have Obb TtlM T 88:88 (88-88) Jeapardy (84) SMrts Pairlotic 'songs sung by LasHe (lidto 'ltoFa Mako a Deal tiuckd, and it oaay even bo af- (44) News Uggams, 'Victor Griffin. (to Mevto 848 ( 848.48) Patty Dahs (8-88-48) Uaks Quests: Ths Fort Myer Fife (84) At lease fectWa, though tbot la bopd to 18:88 ( 8) Lava at U a 't:88 (14) Lifs.d Btliw ^ DID YOU KNOW Be ready for the hot weather um (i84to'K~i 1:88 ( I ) Bast SaBar swept freighter on the rodoi. U:M (8) Spertf View Sffs shotgun at 18 feet. Its prim ary safety faciMH* k derived from trratiiknBl her fora, all tbe bondihakliig rtoba ( 8) Mavie ( S - »H f) % t e r LimMe 11:88 (8) B lr lle v ie im a n ( ______^ (88) FUm Kent Smith, Soott Mariows. "The Other Lova." DwsM M o v f« at 1800 degrees fw . a eeiiBitt period of tim e and quickly air-eoolad Of tm uwnpoiWv tala fingar raw. . (88-88) A t Baasa WMh BMW ri) ™ 3S5tor_ U: Nswf MANCHESTER TRY nothing wrong with bis bend— 8:88 ( 8) Tha Bdsa at MUM BUmiCAL CO. TRULY D E U O ^ (88-88) Aaelker W w il M4HeilESTER cut COVERS but be dM have a sore abouMer. < n Tmllmaatav CYCLE SHOP Tirapikt Tnait CHICKEN Tbs only way be could gat onl- (88-48) Oaaaral B isi Mal OTOUD SA1JB8 * 8BBV1CMI E (8 lOtot f 4to%Owp. of buiidMulitag and hurong Mo 8:88 ( I) Ta TaB The ttuBi BOB P i b w m ki • BHbEteg (8888) Tea Daa*t Say IM S E f Heda^today -WaaBi bond. And E wtortwd.** (88-88) tIassB far e Day a MOTOR TUN* Art8 (1 ) Baagar Aady Shew L s WRHMWM mS • BRAU SBBVKB ' (8M ) Mateh Oaata < •> Adssltai Jgek a WHEBL BALAKOOW (U ) MllllaB Dalter Mavla ICE FLANT OFEN "Son of A^ Sailor." Joe B. Shaiptidi * IBxpcrt Manbi Bl M sat B a ll WILLIS Brown ana Johnny ,Mack BAIiBS Mid SaatVIOB w • AJt. to M 9 r-lf. — Songoya g AJf. to 1 FJ Brown. n ek -iqf wmt PeMvry Biavlw __ UpM; 118.48) M s a a a n a a n. dtAOKED KB — BLOCK KB — OCBM 8:18 U M 8 ) News BOB KlBBNASr. Ppafi, CALL Mg-n-M u n s K V 8:88 (131) Mavk A m r o Tkres. 1 « W. Middle Tphe. SIC CMC Brwid Md W. M da* Mm, NEW or USED L T. WOOD CO. > M g - U M 1—M M AIN ET-, ET. gUEEM an to B b n i ' i ) 1 ‘i A - J ; ’ll (- t i w r< Rl F A G B F O U R MANCHBBTBR 8 VENING HERALD, ItANCHESTER, OONN., S A ^ D A Y , JtJNE 2t , 1 9 « 4 « 1 P» T H U R S D A Y Teie^ion P R O G R A M jr* Hollywood on TV re Baker. Doctor, ^ taUaraataO la n W in or .filur bbUra • m m ah ■ r m o K W M kond jrendidg kcrii siM m iM ^ SSX m wSiSlai. ^naflaeto ffiT T S re BOCi,TWOOD (NBA) —For Fbr a devoted family toian, mm Isil t StaagVa Si4S <. s> __ w OMw •tea ( S>~ The~M Mmaaua ______|%ateK*'lk^Tkrao Bate ■m m who MT« intereotod in nich to jk sactifloe. But he ree ( » m a v m '^ (Ml Oaoal al Maab Oriab IVed MaoHurray. Ihib tota IhMCS, ple«M M adriaed th at that he’a faiveatlBg time now so lias vak. filminl; an epi- Mavanak Impri whan a mllHoa aode on locatton at John Mar- dual. He dislikes the Umeli|bt IISIM («•>I) SkarW at Oaeklaa dollar ooUeotkoa la daatroyad th shall High School in the L m qnd what is known generally as •tea ( Y) Mstra. We- ’eatesr aai I h r lira, ■teUs section of l>oa! Angfeles, the Hollywood life. (Ml it-f ^ O T eale t e His idea of a whale of a time IVkal'a Maw Dean . J'Toola triaa to . po ■ m color of his underwear was SMtwSNMjewT (Ml Maws U. at. John’s a«a hp the last thln( on my mind. is -a coufMe of mts of tennis and • : u < h a eam i Daws * ateS (M) Oksakaaab am aalna for WAVBS to riabt But. heinc a trained repoAer, an eveMng at Home, playing tisa • S> luava h T* Omt t>M S> Saarta News (or a £ua with him. (R) ml .. (SI ttaMa rev a tetv (>t> Bars aad Thara when the opportunity presented with Jamie, who is 2%, end M M ( S) Mows #:U (S*> tSahhaaaa •tM ia-S»Aa> Jh am y Daa Iteelf—lie had to make .a quick KMly, who is oix months old Kshe nmaf M msa (SS) Swaaial navatt (SS-M) Nasal ( Olea O em m (SS-M) MaalWT-Briakbr oouain. (R) switehed from a suit to a sports ing a high si^ool teachers — M:M ( I) Mevie (S4> Jam~ p easaal mi e n t ^ 1 caught the 'quick flash and playing i t so w e ll;— , 1s th at (»M > WevO r » t ITwd Diseavary { •:•• (S) IW ^M arpa# Bl) (Sdi^) The Fitee b SIsW 9sU (Si> Maws M Irl CMmway. Michael.___ Vm o f w hite. he never went to high 'school. 1S:M (flS-SS> M«w( Itea ( S> WjaM Earn ___ A raeMant physicloa So now you know what goes on Be is a prep school product UiOS (SMS) Oeaevatrellie (U> Tha M r rle ta ia oquris anUtroalsm by crdr.. haheatfa th e surface in Jam es (Taft School, ,Watertown, < a-iSte) 0«* the aiossaae (•#)_ laiiaad loalna a nurse while she to u isa (saa-M) ‘ (SS-teOa> Mawt ai oonducUna a otoaa. (R) • ■kapciscus’ life and laundry. Oonn.), and went from there to (SMt) Jeeaerdg^ (•«) Wkat’a New • (SS-M) Satpaasa T haatsr <0) The Maater Flah T a le . U iN ( a> Lev* a f ____ StM (SS) Mass at OaH Lloyd BridsM. OarakMae Something else ia hidden un- So the world of Jefferson High (tt-M> aay Srhea (M> g vat b Brooks. Raraalias a - murder Is all new to Mm. It's a tribute ( a-saot) V a^r I (M)t) MowtNewt clue wtNild Jeopardise a sue* hia natural Mend exterior. U:S0 ( a> oaaioh lev ceatful man's career and mar- to Ms sklU as an actor that be TiSt ' S) rasswaiO 1 Be doesn't wish kfr. N o t Mc a Trwth av COeeeepihBe Otune Show;. Quetta: Peter riaae. (R) has caught the fla'vor of educa­ < aaaoa) Taaa. Kntie WffO Lawtard. Sammr Darla Jr„ IM) AS Issaa Isite Ufa. ..cr tional dedleaticn so accurately. l>aa ( S> Beat Sadat BydIe. Gorine. Pastry C!asa. MiM (t) Tfca SUaat Baraintlsa '1 hope,’’ he said, ‘Ohat M r . (•> Havto ( a-M ^ Tha ntatabaaa (O) (M-M) O.O.P.i Flattnrm P tw Boeak lasts three years. A (SS> n i w campins aeclusloo souabt view. At BaaBa With KM br tha FImtstonea and the Ruh- BKamlnatloq ot past Repub­ 1 •surth year would be rugged. _(4{> Maws ( Maa la ahaltared by bojr lican platforma atid their in* And a fifth—oh, boy. But if H ItM («> Bartnra SaraarO 8he0 BCOUU. OR) nuance on the pollclaa ot Re­ Coming Shows tiaa I s> as the w s m t o m s (as«>>u.a. Me. li Aaierieaa publican Prasidenb. lasta three years, TH be happy, (is SO) lo t’a Kaka a Deal PreBla .... (Oelar) (Ml[M) Oat Door LMe y *V it goes for three yean, rs (M) M avb Spactai. A trip aknc historic II :M (S-S-SASS-SAM) Mpws. ( ha able to do what I want to (» te > Mews tJ.8. Hltthwav Ko. 1 from ’Wsathar, aad 8Mrts Shakaapsare'a comedy "A S> Fort I Kent. Maine: to Kay UiU I •> Tharaday~ a la r do So for the neat X years.’* Y a w West, FloridA (R> "Criaa Crom,” Burt A ' Tou must understand that M idsum m er N ig h t’s D ream ” la The 19a (H ) L ib at BHey ler, Yronne DaCaiio. • t l presented complete with Men- StS te Oaart (St) Para at SwaOaa ttds timetable is part of what (••i Ibalchl su delasohn’a in^dental music Fri- ( I) Saaildt (M) ItoBiBiar Plarhaasa aould be called the Ffahdirous The Darters ■ric Plemins. Clauda Ratos. ••Lor^> The (Sty.” / T* day^at S:1S pjn. MOba at. Mlakt aad iudga tryhia Itbwdy 11:M (SS) l^b M m l them early, handsome ih. TV report on.luw aap#cto-of the S> A aa& ar WeriO Oataa. (R> ( •> Bis ■avia a Hasp ir a te bid fo r fin a n a is j in^' •> ( a M 4#) Daaaa BaeO Shaw 'Latter Prom Unknown Woas- \- eivU rights drive dhrihg the a ^ ■aagllol Doa Drywlab, MTUlle Mars aa,” Joaa Pontaina, Loato m< Sspshdence. aud it k>oks m i f he coming months, is nroadoqat ‘ Jfe Teh tea Tmte aad Lao puroohar. Jaft thinks Jordaa. (S|^> Yea Deat Sar ttu has It made. Wednesday from 7 :S0^ :S 0 p.ss. he'd rather play basahall thaa UteB (M) Lari’s Ptayar an (S *»» a D ar as to colleaa. (^ t te i (S) Maws._W aalbar aaO Ma- I isiriag Toward Msytes ' eontrovendal to p le s s Ilia ( ___ ( ^ Hohaeriatita TV , aMBto a t M sO ttotba m i IVanolsoua says a throe-year bathing suit for women is eyed Arah P e r* (•) Nbwaeapa. Maaaaato af . a » , r ‘ on'NpC-TV’s “Sunday’I tonior- aiaa i i M ) d t. Khoasa ana with Mr. Novak, tht Midi ( U > H Mohard ChemBerlhi, (Sa) Me «ri aohool Albert SohwoMaer, wiH row fro m 5 -g p.m . In . eaoble Mm to be bis own bom . Kli;k Douglas appears as the 1 tormented Dutch artist ViBoont ' far almost all of Ms life. He is M l being paid on a deferred basts, Van Oogh in “lAuit for' Life" to­ F R I D A Y Tefeeisfoa PROGRAM meaning that Ms salary wSi be night on NBC-TVa 'Waturdny H e m . €E|HHHm| t aoathMii^ tong after Mr. Ne- N h ^ at the Movies’’.) at S. lavf(Sa> Maws MfU ( LSSee) Maka That SBaro Danny Thomas'and his televi­ t:M (^Tfcluner Sai Daalk Valtoy Oaya tlteS ( S«-S*-M) Nowo W ehtem wak has'flunked out. ; sion family are guests on the ••b a e rlp tb a TV tlo the series has caught «:M (S) a t OOatea MaU Order M arket matm first of selected broadcasts of ?tawaeaj |j§ (SS) iBg'Naws dbs public fancy, it would seem S> W aatbar. Laaa) Maws (N(M) ) NowsMo aad Waatkar . WJ “The Luoy-Deai Comedy Hour” #>«(•) ^SLpkaae “ ’ «>. What’s Nsw l l t U (S) P f i d ^ W arllfkl Jim’s pr^lem won’t be (t) ra Oriar m Msws flH tonight from on CB8 - fte# (S) kasaaare "Bigger Ihaa iTfa,'' Jo ■etting a three year run, but TV. (SS) Baastosr ■iyhHabla Maaoo, -Barbara Ruah, "Don't (M ______T t d ^ Shaw (M) qpasto Bolhor to Kaoclr’’ ’Mariiim stopping it short of a decade. WUi Rogers, W. a Fields and (i> (teeratlak Alphabaf (M) n i n Monres. Richard I^Mmark. ■>) *^then it’s over,” ' he says, Jack Bonny appear on the sec­ TiSS (SS) IteiM har (riM Adrsatars . (SS) ToalghI (S) BaaMnast Rtohard ^sy. Meals Mo- *Td Hke to oonoentrate on do­ ond part of 'Tlhe Funny Men” ( S) PMestes af Mr. (M) iaaimar Flayhoate Namara. Storr ot tha drilllaa “PaUi.o? Httoo." Rat VValloaai ing aaoviea: ’niat’s what I en- M" wli iawauNl this goal for a relatlve- nor,”- a study‘of-Oho current 1»- Men's Tnack and Ptald Braals. - (la -asagroso.) (M) Ilia OlawB . . f r t long time. And he has, and teg^ration probtema In Miaaia- DowntaK Stadium, Randall's ISiU (M) laid’s Prayer sippi with smphaaia on the three Islsnd N Y life (li) Mar ~ •n is, making aacrifioes to get in lUi 18 faffe”??,Baavar (M) Mavb O aa Will Travsl I t e i (I)(■) Mawaoapa, Ma» Sato missing civil rights, workers, ia ( •> d a M b enviable position. P a r A D ap (M) latorasMaaat ShawHala Oaateart aad Hyma t , presented toMi^t qn NBC-TV M itt I S> Ma Ameche. Tontaht: ':Tbs SiM (S) News. W salhsr e a f U i Never Made High School (SS-M) Maka Baam Wonderful, WqndaiTOl Ooitaa- at eats af Cam lari m j He works' hard — q 73-hour fro m 7 :8O-0 :M. (I) Oaaaral RMpIt hagen Circus.' (R) (M) Qtoa CaaasB (M) A Tim s lot wwek, he says and rarely gets M ;se IS ) M arla (U) OH hoata before S p.m. He usually r (SS-M) W are tor Ward (S4) Oler( Orakastsa ( S-Sa-M> Tha Priaa b (S) B a a b SS Barbra Streisand ie:Sd (SS-M) Maws Martte Milner, Oaorae Ma- PETERHAMPS U:M (SS-W) Oaaeaalratiaa baris. Tod and Bus try to «V (S-S»d*) Oat tka Maaaa bolp whan threats -are made f Is Joining C^S U :M (SS-M) Jaaaardy afalnat a hlgh-psiwered busi­ - (S-SAM) M b riajr'U to w nessm an's son. (IW - SPBCIAUBtS id mOATINO tet Mi** ( S) lAva Of LBa ws NBW TORK (AP ■— (JBS haa a t-m Say Wkan CHIf Robertsoir Janice Rule. W B IN 9 T A U , THB,.. signed Barbra Streisand to a 10- (»4e-M) natker t Kaaws Baal A washed-up fiyhter triaa to 4 oi ye a r $3 million contract. The 33- t t :;••.( “ S) Baarek tar TamarraW keep his bt^xher fronV fa tW - . (SUeTTratk ar Oaaaaenaa Inc his example. (R) - year-old singer-actress, who id (A S^) Taaa. KiatoPard ( ld»te) B ark^ lAw * the brightest new star to eftierge It e i ( J> SaUat Gene Barry, ’ Janet Blair. A in several seasons, will appear ( t) Maria witoh woman predicts her own (Se-SLM) At ■ atoa WIte dsalh and llsta poariMe AwEsicM i-^M nilsnt' in a sorioo of specials next sea­ Kitty r ELECTROKICS P ^ . (R) son -7- pertiapo starting wfth q (M> Nawa' ]* il Draaui PestfvM one-woman show tm-the fall. 1:W (tej Barbara Baraaid Shew IM( S> Twdickt Xoaa LABORATORIES l:Se ( S) Aa Tba WayM .Tom J ^ Klugman. A smalt-Uma GAS BOILER I The competition to sign the (SS-SM<**-**)> Lat’s Make a DasT hpokle ,n u ^ a barRain for I star of the Btoadway hit, “Fim- IM) M aria his son' llTeT (R) 1:MI (Sqst) Maws <“ -••> That Wao The Weak 277 BROAD I hy Qirl,” was hot. CBS apper- SiM I S) Paasw atd ently won -the day by offering Tkal Was o n MOMRM IF (SSteS) LaritMa yaaBst ( S-Se-M) n u tP riaa b BtaM rOUBMONIY ' the sort, of contract tt gave to (M) Palth b r Taday BIU CuMon. ^ omoaa. c S r i l t | CSand Burnett, which permitted S:M I S-SAM) Day la O teri Lawrenos. gueat. 00' (t> Mai P arty M te* (SI Mtred imFkeaak Moat «l< her deyelment in specials un­ (SS-N) I^tan QM. Masrsle Mc­ "WG/1 til the rigtyt aeries comes aloeig. S :H (S faara Namara. Drama of a med­ ,S:ee I S> 31m ICdra at MlsM dling woman and murder ta a ■o (SS-SS) A aataar W and 11 N aw ^K ngli^to^. (R) Co ( a> T M taw atar ( g f t if) Fight at tba Weak M a ' _ (Se-M) O aaaral Maapltoi q 5 0 ^ . Cotton., Saettle. Wash. d tl •tsa I S> Ta Ted,Tha TraSi V IMI . V 'f 1: (SS-M) T ea D m ’t la y psMbmta. iOvoimd liat- • t l m s (S >assa Par o D y jM vyw elrht Oontast. Madtaan dtet Square Garden. NTO, Pll \£dinest>,^L (Bte) dark Pear Pragram ' ( S>. Jaeko ((M ar) • CkNNilipet, a m n rt-n ty to enh* PET FO O PS (Ui MIIHaa D allar Maria'- bd] (She#) Traltmaabr., iM t , Modi fmr t r o t Mmmt '■'r Badli. n Servtoe «;M (SS-««) Naws- ptckpeckpt Dominique. (R) . • 0 bddMNOdt teetditettee.' ' h- «:M I S-SS) R a r b ~ • t PET ATTIRE (Sa> Tkdaa-JHaaaaa W i •te« ( S) miibauMi — (M) Mail Osdaa M g ^ -, tO) Gf^RNER'S (M) WIM Bdl Mtoktei j • t l ffiw '** ^^tefral »ql| PAINTING SteS ( Raeky aad SWaads . riktorter. ■xtorteir MOllaa B allar M aria Itev atick WaOppa er Bodl fg ' ai)a0M>!*i ’'ItepevImBgtag- -t IP y ws H P odpopigogvidd •tea ( t e ^ l ■ I h w b M o W G fS - Ftenn and OMMagw PqlateS M i RgftaMwd tteS ( L s i i ’ noHirAtNUvinr tiM 1 MawteMbd N*hte> VEMrfcnwiuhte OBMaateed I FnHy ttoortg PETERIM irS not CALL «4f-|7S2 u n iE & •’•“(A5CSL-;.- ■ HoMldg Odw Mo SiM (SS) Special Bap LEO PELLETIER ■ ' -I do Ptedla]r-«ete *m f S) Matos • *« 00 »* . i'. M cKi n n e y < t) Maw Btaad u wooN»n)OB Mr. )) Maatby-B • H - t f f B ' . e • J M N v e M BA - >AM ■ M l 0 0 Or 1 for m m iB

• t Mo Wr -■ ■ Dafly N«t PnMi Vor tlM WMk ) 'I ■ I W #1 JOM U . I M i r w M M a C V T C 13,995 X«iIbH> et tlw Audit \ B o n m i «C iStMMUm X MencfcdWer— >4 City of VilUigm Chmrm'

ti(KL. Lxxxm, na SM (TWENTY IMAGES) MANCHESTER, MONDAY, JUNE 29, 19<4 Ml Pucu^lt) PRICE SEVEN CENT%: Events To Delegate His Workload In State Will Press ■ ^ ------Workman Killed NEW DELHI, I n d 1 *9prl«n* m»y b« in action did not allay foara that he (A P )— Ailing PHm« Miniir poalUon to attend to the buai- was critically ill On.Road Project neas of government," an au­ Shastri had been working up t*r LAI Bahadur Shastrl thoritative aource said. Sunday to 18 hours a day, attempting to Side waa reported in generafly night, Shastrl's son. Hart, aald 'Iflve new Impetua to solving the HARTFORDf (AP) — A good condition today but hia father would need at least country's monumental prob­ 60 - year - old ' construction more of his official eched- a month’s rest, and there waa lems. ‘ worker from Middletown specuiaUon aome o f his fides A government official said nle was canceled. would take the relna of gAvem- Shastri awakened in a cheerful was killed instantly today Flies Home For the tirat time there waa a ment ten^rarUy. mood Sunday. He got out of bed when a cable snapped on a public aucgeaUon that the 5»- The son’s statement indicated to change clothes, had morning crane, pouring a bucket­ yaar-old prime mlnlater, who After Ending India was again on the verge of tea with his family and later load of concrete on him on reportedly waa atrlcken with a a period of temporary leader­ ate a little rice and butter. In­ mild heart attack Friday night, ship. After the late' prime min­ formants said. an East-West highway ac­ ahould delegate aome of hia ister Nehru suffered a stroke In President Sarvepalli Radhak- cess road In West Hartford. Saigon Duty reaponaiblllUea. January, he tumed\over mai.y rishnan, HoipeDitie MinisterMil G. L. Dead from the accident waa . llio Timea of India aald no of the burdens of hid. office to Frank Fazzino of 67 Oak St. WASHINGTON (AP) — prime mlnlater can afford to do Shartrl. Since Shastrl . lacked (SeeB TagaP age Nine)I ’Treated fof minor injuries Henry, Cabot Lodge de» without a full-time foreign mlh- Nehru’s authority, the govern­ from the accident and dismissed later, aa ShaaM doea. The pa- ment was beset by lndoi! F Ig U r e surf at St. Augustine Beach {qplaoe ohurdies burned down and two Negroes to seek peace would head the central govern today. The aew aaaault ea tMa to die beat of raolal conflict was reported nearing success, ment. WASHING’rON (AP)—Ameri­ old city’s racial ImutIm v caiae Community leaders predicted as the poastoillto sf a tiues to soulh Georgia oountryslde cans cut down on their smoking tow Uiat any group would have a dif­ By ROPIN MANNOOK . loomed' in the loug couMeS sminers ago . . . Vocal by about 18 billion cigarettes m oap a t mSMam driegates and ficult Ume,because the middle LEO PO LD VILLE, the Congo between Negroes aad whltea (Beta eauttous leadership tanrie ground has all but disappeared (AP)-r-Tlie last United Nations since a government report Penning a wedge, the peUee at annual convention at Na- in the furious, month-long push troops are leaving the Ckmgo linked health hazards to smok­ broke tarough a Has e f 10 Honal Education Association for ihtegraUon by Negroes and with a bang, from exploding ing, the Agriculture Department white seigregatleBlsls aad tomr question of brtegratlag the equaUy determined resist­ grenades lobbed into polling sta­ reported today. walked lato the water la full ■tote and loeal aMUatee In l l ance by whites, tions and the wedding feast of a The cutback was 8.5 per cent balferm. There, they formed ’There has been almost no chief of the Baluba tribe. below the first sU* months of protooHea for' the dsasoastra- Cooper, eommunlcatlon between the two The bombs injured nearly IOC) last year. tor*. The movie star Gary ru e s for more than a week, people Saturday as the Congo The department said more arouad the riag of ■lai to Weetpert following collapse o f the first (^ n ed a nationwide referendum cigarettes are now being toiiatlag aad Jaoriag. M. Oonveree, a plaanc attort to find___ a„ setUement.____ on a new constitution. Agricul' smoked in the United Btatea fat New Tork Oty . . . In the first fruitless attempt, i hire Mlnlater Constantin Tahla- than In the period Just after the PUkNESORAM bright for mete pub- Modem Army on Ancient Carrier ■t. Johns County grand Ju^ la - Mwana was among the report was released last Jsn. HAMILTON. Her at « « • to Nsto Haven Ralirsed The powerful, plodding elephent— militegy transport dating back to HannibalA callad for a 80-day truce in pub- wounded. ' 11, but probably not as many (AP)—Two Air tom s of mass transporU- day— has proven more effective in South Vietnsjnese jungle warfare than the lie demonsttatloM, after which National reconciliation” waa aa before the report. Hjaaoi^eeaMaff'jiu ■ BBW before U .I. esnats, modern' motorised troop carrier. Here an AmericaiiHulvised patrol moves with a Mraclal eommlttac would the keynote of frensled)potlticli< Ogus, p i M roll-yeur- ImiBortsllon odHetatof have bsea sstobHohsd. II m Ne> IzR. It waa Boundad Riost loud' own elgarsttlag' are haeeiiitof'' ..•ovwPrimi ^ pereonMl aboard the native beaata. By oontra^^ ]y by SK • PrssIdsBt Melss istom to 1.00(MBile.aii-hoiir plaaea ace alae vaed in tiia io agb vaa. ,(AV noteiaK.) - 'at Katatoto. kaak alt-
