.1 H .'V. \ amiwna|iai|ir-' rAwunif D dlf Net P i m b ; nnU T, JVNB K MM T w a N T T -im n \F bt ftha Weak WMaA. idlmtrbi^Bt^r Sw ttittg V^rallk \ Arne I t , 1664— : The VFW AiiKlliary will hold Qerk’s'Offfic® a card party tonight at S «t Parties Chide One Another W fhft Audtt ■About Town the poet honie. e f Obefilaftlnn Open Tom orfow Manduutm" A City 0 / VUlagm Chmrm ■ Ik* ItondMiter Itali«ii A n ^ St. Margaret’s Chnle, Daugh­ Over Charter Unit Impasse iMn SocMy win mtonsor “ An ters of Isabelle, will hold a TiM'towB Clerk’s office in the Baikal Night” at 7:30 p.m. to- chicken barbecue and auction Muniekwl Bulling will be oj>en' YOL. Lxxnn. NO. its tTWBLVE p a g e s —TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 27, .1964 (Olnaaifled en Faga •) PRICE SEVHN BoROW at IIB KldrM ^ 8t. ft on July 7 at atSO p.m. at the Town Republicans and Demo-^claims that reconsiderattbn of from 9 a.m. to noon tomorrow iiBah tima there wlu be an home of Mrs. Rose Schwoerer, crats are blaming each other the ohartor quastlqns is being for the sale o f 1964-60 dog li­ Man houee memberahlp drive. 103 Mather St. Items for the censee. ’fhe deadline tor pur­ ■Sheahmenta wlU be eerved. for ’Tuesday night’s impasse made because it the dem­ Blackout by Bird auction may be left at her home onstrated dsaire of the elector­ chase of the dog tags u 6 pjn. anytime. For pickup service over the appointment of a new ;MUtoH R. Hathaway Jr. oi ate, must be discounted in light T^aaday, Cabinet in Italy Resigns MERIDEN (AP) — A members may contact Mrs. Charter Itoviaion Commieeion ’Town a e r k Edward Tomklel Bm Ualted States Air Force, aon of their''ada'mant refusal to con- bird blacked out. alt of Schwoerer. (ORC). aidsf the petition submitted last has Isnied a remlniler to dog STblr. and Mrs. MUton R. Hath­ owners that the sUta has raised Meriden and Cheshire early away, 34 Princeton St., was pro- Although the board of direc­ spring by the (Ntisen’s Com­ today, just Iq) leaving Its Mississippi Residents its fees for the llcenaee: $2.60 noted Sunday to first lieutenant tors unanimously approved, the mittee for Better Government, nest. The trick was that Two-Car Crash for male and spayed female COIN OFKRATBC In A id to Schools Issue at Vandenberg Air Force Base, creation of a new (NIC, refusal K.nd signed by over 2,600 voters, and $6.40 for unspayed fe­ the nest was located under­ the Republican minority to doga WASH-’N-DRT OLBAM Calif., where he is studying In •jgardlng a switch to a mayor- male doge. neath a current transform­ preparation for a position as a Brings Arrest name its nominees stalled the alderman form of government.’’ 11 M A F U MT. er, reported James L. Desk, mlsaUe combat crew comman­ appointment ofits members un­ A<)toae Frona F ln t Nntlsanl ROMII! f AP^— PraaidenteOhrleiian Damocrats and theirajected the budgetary request by Mahoney deplored the delay .-e. mmw Ira. w ^ 4b O ® _«M e WW...— . 1 ^ 4 district manager of the der for the Minute Man Inter­ til next Tuesday. 400 Win Export ‘E’ Stan Parkteg Loft BooiaUat partners over In­ a vote of 328-231 Thursday night, Ckmnecticut Light and Two people were Injured early in appointment of the new OPEN 7 DAVS Antonio Segni began talka creased sla to church schooU. with only Christian Democrats Continental Ballistic Missile Sys- this morning in a two-car acci­ GOP leader and director Power Co. The bird ap­ Asked to Help in Hunt CRC, citing ‘!the very close with politiiuil leadera today, Segni asked Moro to stay on In favor of It. Moro’s Soclaltst, Francis DellaPera said yester­ W a s h i n g t o n —More than 16-lA. Week tito. parently hit the live parts tom (ICBM). dent on the Tolland Tpke., po^ wUle th« president coneulte Democratic Socialist and Re­ day "The delay in miming the timetable that would have to be 400 United SUtes firms have S-Lb. D17 Oleaa—$3A6 geefcing an end to Italy’s of the transformer. The re­ lice said. ■ followed to possibly be ready 5 Lbe. $1.38 with other political figures on publican partners abstained. Adonirem OouncU, Royal and WUliam Twerdy, 32, <rf 738 Republican members to the re­ won Federal Government "B" 26th government crliis sult was a power failure constituted CRC can be placed fw presentation of the charter finding someone to form a new ’The Communists, monarchists Bsleot Maators, will hold a busi- Tolland Tpke., driver, find his awards for their efforts to MUp since World War II. Oabinet. There was speculation and fascists voted against the affecting 23,500 people,. •MS msetlng at S tonight at passenger, Louis Arcari, 8 UConn Graduate right at" the doprstep of the questions at the October town Receives DFC more American goods overseas. The erlato imperiled a aoiuUon Workmen restored service Democratic majority o f the election." Segni would ask Moro to try propoeal. • Gov. Johnson •le Ifcsonlc Temple, Ellington. Kerry St., were treated for mul­ John E. Sterling received a Capt. Joseph P. Kuhlmann fta Italy’s aoonomic proWema, agUn. A few (Christian Democrats at 6:47 a.m.; 25 minutes. Altar the meeting, there ^vill be tiple contusions and lacerations badielor of science degree dur­ board of Directors.” DeUaPera promised that “be­ Including a long aiegt of infla­ after the failure. He accused Mayor Francis Jr., aon of Mrs. Margaret Kuhl­ The reslgnaUon caught the na­ bolted from the governmenf in d social hour and strawberry at Manchester Memorial Hos­ ing commencement exercises at tween now and next Tuesday, I tion and atrUrae. tion by surprise, since the addi­ the secret vote, showing grow­ Speaks Over Mahoqey of ’’reneging on bis mann of 122 Lynese St. and the \ ghertcolM wffl be served. pital. Arcari’s scalp wounds re­ the’ University of Connecticut will contact the Republican Premier Aldo Moro’e center- tional aid sought by Moro’s ing dissatisfaction within the quired twelve stitches to close, June 16 promise that the contro­ m m bers of the' previous CRC* late Joseph Kuhlman received Christian Democrats tor private^ party June 14. ' versial mandatory-review clause left cabinet resigned Friday since Moro formed a a hospital spokesman said. and, if they wish.to serve in the the Distinguished Plying Cross night in a doctrinal wUt be­ schools was less than $240,000 coalition with the Socialists last Truck ^ a s t County Radio nsam sil elanu, clam chowder Sterliilg, the son of Mr. and would be removed from re-con- Now AvailablB Af n id ebweyahme eiaina will be Police said that Twerdy wap Mrs. Clifford M. Sterling of 16 light o f the Democratic major­ for participating in mlssiona in tween the Roman CathoHe The Chsonber of Deputies re Dec. 21. It was the first Cabinet traveling east on Tolland Tpke. sideratfon.” sw riul from 7 to 9 tonight at Oval Lane, majored in mechan­ ity’s policy reversal, 1 shall direct support of the Cuban In 17 years In which the Chris­ when a car driven by Alfred Mahoney, In reply, said that name the same ones." crisis in 1963. He-ia stationed at tian Democrats and Socialists In Poconos PHILADELPHIA^ M ist. tbs Bfea 0Mb tor mentbens and ical engineering. He was a his remarks weri misunderstood Potter, 34, of 47 Waddell Rd., He added, "In the event they Mlsawa Air Base, Japan, with Were allied. (AP)—With a personal ap­ suddenly emerged from Slater member of Theta Chi frater­ and added, “W e (the Demo­ do not wish to serve, I will ap­ the 46th ’Tactical Reconnais­ Actually, the government did peal from the governor tfi St. into the path of the Twerdy nity. A - 1960 graduate of Man­ cratic directors) feel that the sance Squadron. not have to resign, since no Under Probe point any others who are will­ . Sw«M J.' BonSiric, son of Mr. chester H i ^ School, Sterling is voters expressed very well that He was cited for “ extradordl- WESTOWN question of confidence was in- people of this hill country car. ^ . ing to serve.” Youth Riots Mark IMd Ifini. Steidey Sotnbrlc, 89 Both oars were towed from married to the- former Ssmdra they were in favor of all the nary achievement as . a pUot, velvad. The Cabinet decided to MARSHALLS (3REEK. Pa. “ to search your own prem­ St., and Arthur J. the scene. Seldon of Canton. The couple recommended charter changes Members o f the 1963-64 CRC performing his duty with the quit to provide a political clar- „ ificatlon ” ~ Thr««. investigations ises,” the search continued pengwi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Potter is to appear in court have a one-year-old daughter, voted upon at the May 19, refer­ were: Democrats, Atty. Sanford highest. degree of professional­ today for three civil rights John Pcanpei, 39 Plorenoe St., July * to answer a charge of Brenda Lynne. He is working endum. J. Plepler, Beldon'H. Schaffer, ism, utlUz^ superior judgment First Vacation Day Some (jhri.stian Democrats were under way today Into the have bean asidgned to B Oo. of failure to stop for a stop sign. for the General Electric Oo. In “The town chairman of the Olof L. Ainderaon, Nicholas R. and aerial' proficiency.” are eager for new elections, con- explosion of a tractor-trailer workers who mysteriously gba 3rd Training Regiment of Port Wayne, Ind.
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