GON/4* Founded 1886 a J*
p VOL. XLIX. No. 166 PRICE 10/- POST FREE : GON/4* Founded 1886 A j* June, 1966 A CONTENTS Editorial 1 Times Literary Supplement Correspondence 11 r *! Obituaries ... 16 The Stratford Tragi-Comedy 19 Shakespeare Dethroned 42 Odd Numbers 108 Bacon’s Reputation ... 123 - Correspondence 139 Shakespeare Quatercentenary Report © Published Periodically LONDON: Published by The Francis Bacon Society Incorporated at Canonbury Tower, Islington, London, N.l, and printed by Lightbowns Ltd., 72 Union Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight. I THE FRANCIS BACON SOCIETY ■ (incorporated) ; Among the Objects for which the Society is established, as expressed in the Memorandum of Association, are the following: 1. To encourage for the benefit of the public, the study of the works of Francis Bacon as philosopher, statesman and poet; also his character, genius and life; his influence on his own and succeeding times, and the tendencies and results ; of his writing. 2. To encourage for the benefit of the public, the general study of the evidence in favour of Francis Bacon’s authorship of the plays commonly ascribed to Shakespeare, and to investigate his connection with other works of the Eliza : bethan period. Officers and Council: :■ Hon. President: . Comdr. Martin Pares, R.N. Past Hon. Presidents: . Capt. B. Alexander, m.r.i. Edward D. Johnson, Esq. ; Miss T. Durnino-Lawrence Mrs. Arnold J. C. Stuart l Hon. Vice-Presidents: ) Wilfred Woodward, Esq. Thomas Wright, Esq. Council: ; Noel Fermor, Esq., Chairman T. D. Bokenham, Esq., Vice-Chairman Comdr. Martin Pares, R.N. Nigel Hardy, Esq. J. D. Maconachie, Esq. A. D. Searl, Esq. C. J.
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