CONTRACTING PARTIES PARTIES CONTRACTANTES Thirty-Third Session Trente-troisième session November 1977 Novembre 1977


Chairman: H.E. Mr. G. Alvares Maciel (Brazil)" President :

E.E. Mr. Ali Alatas (Indonesia) ad Vice-Chairmen: Mr. P.-M. Colmant () Vice-Présidents: Mr. J. Nyerges (Hungary)

Chairman of Council: H.E. Baron Cari de Geer (Sweden) Président du Conseil:

Chairman of Committee on Trade and Development: Président du Comité du Mr. M. Abdel-Bari Hamza (Egypt) Commerce et du développement: §

Office of the Chairman/Bureau du Président: A.537> Palais des Nations Tel. Ext. U337

Secretary to the Chairman A.535, Palais des Nations Secrétaire du Président: Tel. Ext. 4335

Secretary of Meeting: Mr. H. van Tuinen, C.W.R., Tel. Ext. 2365 Summary Records Officer: Mr. L. Huehne, C.W.R., Tel. Ext. 2291* Conference Officer: Miss S. Niklaus, Palais des Nations, Tel. Ext. U3UI THIRTY-TRREE/2/Rev. 1 Page 2


Représentantes S.E, Sr. Gabriel 0. Martinez Embajador ante los organismos internacionales en Ginebra, Représentante Especial para las negociaciones comerciales multilatérales

Sr. Julio C. Raimondi Mlnistro (Asuntos Economicos y comerciales), Mision Permanente ante los organismos internacionales en Ginebra

Sr. Valentin Budic Primer Secretario de Embajada, Misidn Permanente ante los organismos internacionales en Ginebra


Representative Mr. R.J. Hall Minister (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Alternate Representatives Mr. A.G.D. White Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. A.J, Glenn Counsellor (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. I.T. Anderson Second Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva THIRTY-TEPEE/^/Rev.3 Page 3


Repre sentative s H.E. Mr. Erik Nettel Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Rudolf Willenpart Director, Federal Ministry for Trade, Commerce and Industry, Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. Viktor Segalla First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Representatives Mr. Muslehuddin Ahmad Minister (Economic), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Leader of Delegation

Mr. Syedur Rahman Section Officer, Ministry of Commerce


Ëepre s entative Mr. Carl Hinkson Counsellor, High Commission in the United Kingdom THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev .1 Page 4


(liste non reçue)


Représentants M. J. Hollants van Loocke Administrateur-Directeur général adjoint des Relations Economiques Extérieures, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

S.E. M. P. Noterdaeme Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire, Représentant permanent auprès de 1-' Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. H. Mabille Directeur général, Ministère des Affaires économiques

M. R. de Cooman Inspecteur général, Ministère des Finances

M. R. Arents Premier Conseiller, Ministère des Affaires économiques

M. E. Detraux Ingénieur principal, Ministère de l'Agriculture

M. M.E. Servais Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genè""-0 THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 5


Repre sentative s H.E. Mr. George Alvares Maciel Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the international organizations at Geneva Head of Delegation Chairman of CONTRACTING PARTIES

Mr. Aderbal Costa Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the international organizations at Geneva Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. P.R. Barthel-Rosa First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the International organizations at Geneva

Mr. Clémente Mourao Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva

Mr. A. Marques Porto e Santos Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva


(list not received) THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev.l Page 6


Représentants M, Astère Girukwigomba Directeur General des Douanes, Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances

M. François-Xavier Ciza Directeur des impôts, Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances


(liste non reçue)


Repre sentative s H.E. Mr. R. Harry Jay Ambassador and Permanent Representative to GATT, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva, Head of Delegation

Mr. Robert J. Martin Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to GATT m

Mr. Ian W, McLean First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. M. Hart Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva THIRrPY-THREE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 7


(liste non reçue)


Repre sentante s 3.E. Sr. Manuel Trucco Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr, Alvaro Zuniga Consejero, Mision Permanente a.nte la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Représentantes S.E. Sr. Felipe Jaramillo Embajador, Représentante Permanente Adjunto ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Sr. Javier Suarez Censejero, Mision Permanente Ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Srta. Clara Leon Primer Secretario, Misiô'n Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra THIRTY-THREE/ 2 /Rev. 1 Page 8

CONGO (République populaire)

(liste non reçue)


Représentants S.E. M. Amara Essy Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de •3 l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Jean Amani-Guilbert Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève


Représentantes S.E, Sr. Carlos Lechuga Hevia Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Lie, Olga Alvarez del Toro Consejero, Misidn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra H Sra. Celia Labora Eapecialista en Polftica Comercial, Ministerio del Comercio Exterior THIRTY-THREE/^ /Rev. 1 Page 9


Representatives H.E. Mr. Andreas V. Mavrommatis Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Nicolaos Maoris Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Representative Mr. Richard Hlavaty Director General, Federal Ministry of Foreign Trade

Alternate Representative Mr. Zdenek Jung Commercial Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Adviser Mr, J. Ammer Federal Ministry of Foreign Trade


Repre sentatives H.E. Mr. H.E. Kastoft Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr, Jens Ostenfeld Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office ë of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. Bjarne Bitsch Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva TRTRTY-THREE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 10


Représentantes S.E. Sr. Leland Rosenberg Embajador, Consejero Economico, Représentante Permanente Adjunto ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Sr. José R. Bursztejn-Lavlgne Consejero, Misidn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Repre s entâtive s Mr. Mahmoud Hamza Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Mohamed Hegazi First Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Alaa A.L. Shalaby Second Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Représentante Sr. José Maria Jerez y Rojas Director General de Politica Comercial, Ministerio de Comercio

Représentantes suplentes Sr. Juan Antonio Castillo Subdirector General de Politica Comercial multilateral, Ministerio de Comercio

Sr. Alvaro Iranzo Delegado Permanente Adjunto para los Asuntos Comerciales THIRTY-THREE/^ /Rev. 1 Page 11

ESPAÏÏA (cont.)

Représentantes suplentes Sra. Maria Rosa Boceta Secretario de Embajada, Misidn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr, Eduardo Moya Direccidn General de Politica Comercial, Ministerio de Comercio

Sr. Juan de la Mota Gomez Acebo Director del Servicio de coordinacién de la Secretaria General Técnica, Ministerio de Economia

Sr. Miguel Angel D£az-Mier Consejero Comercial, » Mision Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. José Barreiro Seoane Consejero de Agriculture, Misidn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sra. Carmen Gonzalez de Amezua Direction General de relaciones economicas internacionales, Ministerio de Asuntos exteriores


Repre sentative H.E. Dr. Paavo Kaarlehto Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the international organizations at Geneva

Alternate representative Mr. Pertti A.O. Karkkainen Assistant Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr. Bjorn Ekblom Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva

Mr. Holger StandertskjSld Attaché, Ministry for Foreign Affairs THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 12


Représentant M. Bertrand Larrera de Morel Directeur, Relations Economiques Extérieures, Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances

Représentants suppléants M, Bernard Bochet Ministre Plénipotentiaire, Chef du Service de Coopération Economique, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

M. François Mouton Représentant Permanent auprès du GATT

Membres Mlle Michelle Guyot Direction des Relations Economiques Extérieures, Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances

M. Daniel Jouanneau Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

M. Pierre Elmanowsky Ministère de l'Agriculture

M. Michel Leflon Attaché commercial, Représentation permanente auprès du GATT

Mme Elisabeth Michaud Attaché, Représentation permanente auprès du GATT


Représentant M. Etienne Agueminya Conseiller économique et commercial, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève


(list not received) THTRTY-THREE/2/Rev. 1 Page 13


Representatives Dr. H. Abramowski Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, Head of Delegation

Mr. a. Kuehn Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. G, Henze Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. G. Lutz Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva

Mr. D. Greineder Federal Foreign Office

Mr. E. Maegele Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva


Representatives Mr. K.E.W. Glover-Akpey Minister-Counsellor (Commercial), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. G.Y. Anang

•'* First Secretary (Commercial), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Représentants S.E. M. A. Me taxas Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève Chef de la délégation

M. A. Liontas Conseiller Economique, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

» THIRTY-THEEE/2 /Rev .1 Page 14

GRECE (suite)

Représentants M. Th. Metaxas Directeur, Ministère du Commerce

M, C. Dritsas Directeur, Ministère des Finances

M. N. Glentzis Rapporteur, Ministère des Finances


(list not received)


(liste non reçue)


(liste non reçue)

• THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 15


Repre s entative s Mr. Janos Nyerges Special Representative to the international economic organizations, Head of Delegation

Mr. TIbor Fabian Permanent Representative to the GATT, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. Sandor Bojtor First Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Repre s entative a H.E. Mr. Haraldur Kroyer Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. K.J, Sigmundsson First Secretary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva INDIA

Repre s entative Mr. Prem Kumar Resident Representative to GATT, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

3$ Alternate representatives Mr. S.P. Shukla Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce

Mr. K. Sandilya First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 16


Representatives H.E. Mr. All Alatas Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

R.E. Mr. Kahono Martohadinegoro Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Adolf Palilingan Attaché, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Representatives H.E. Mr. Sean Gaynor Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Ms Carmel Broe First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Representatives H.E. Mr. Ephraim P. Haran Ambassador, Delegate for Multilateral Trade Negotiations

Mr. Eliashiv Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Zohar Peri First Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva THIRTY-THREE/2/Rev.1 Page 17


Représentants S.E. M. Rinaldo Petrignani Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Mario M. Alessi Ministre, Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève M. Paolo Janni Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies a Genève Mlle Matilde Barontini Attaché, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève M. Giuseppe Giorgeri Attaché, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève Mme S. Campagnola Ministère des Finances JAMAICA Representative Mr. Cari G. Barnett Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva JAPAN Repre s entât ive H.E. Mr. Masao Sawaki Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegate to the international organizations at Geneva Alternate Representatives Mr. Kiyoshi Takahashi Director-General, International Economic Affairs Department, Ministry of International Trade and Industry Mr. Keiichi Terada Minister Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva TRTRTY-THREE/2/Rev, 1 Page 18

JAPAN (cont'd)

Alternate Representatives Mr, Hidetoshi Ukawa Minister, Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva

Mr. Torn Takeuchi Special Staff for Research and Planning, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Finance

Advisers Miss Kazuko lino Official, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Atsuhiko Umeda Official, Ministry of International Trade and Industry


Representative Mr, J,J, Isige Ministry of Commerce and Industry


Repre s entative H.E. Mr. Shinyong Lho Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Alternate Representatives Mr. Doh Bae Assistant Minister for Tax Policy, Ministry of Finance

Mr. Man Yong Lee Attache*, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva THIRTY-TEREE/2/Rev.1 Page 19

KOREA. REPUBLIC! "F (cont'd)

Alternate Representatives Mr. Ki-Choo Lee Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Tai Won Kwon Attaché, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Dong Ik Lee Director, Commerce Division III, International Commerce Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. H Sang Kwon Director, International Economic Affairs Division, Trade Promotion Bureau, Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Advisers Mr. Chang Lot Kim Assistant Director, Customs Cooperation Division, Customs Bureau, Ministry of Finance

Mr. Chang Sub Um Manager, Light Industry Division, Trade Promotion Cooperation

KUWAIT (• Representatives H.E. Mr. Hassan Ali Dabbagh Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Moussa First Secretary, Permanent the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. Abdulazeez A. Al-Duaij Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva TRTRTY-THREE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 20


Représentants S.E» M. Jean Rettel Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire, Délégué permanente auprès du GATT Ambassade à Berne

Mme J. Ancel-Lenners Secrétaire de Légation


(liste non reçue)


(not represented)


Representatives Mr. Che Fong Yee Counsellor (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Abdul Husin Rahman Second Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva THJRTY-TBREE./2 /Rev.l Page 21


Efe ^.j. •*. jeiitative Mr. Alfred A. Zarh Acting Permanent Delegate to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


(liste non reçue)


(list not received)


Repre sentative s Mr. J.N. Peij Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva

Mr, J. Tiemensma Directorate-General for Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry of Economic Affairs

Mr. Ï.M. de Jong Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva THIRTY-THREE/2/Rev.1 Page 22


Representatives H.E. Mr. E. Farnon Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. D.W. Greig First Secretary (Economic), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. A.H. McPhail Second Secretary (Economic), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Représentante S.E. Sr. Gaston Cajina Embajador, Représentante permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


(liste non reçue)


Representatives H.E, Mr. Oluyemi Adeniji Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. J.A. Adewakun First Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. B.M. Ukpong Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev.l Page 23


Representatives H.E. Mr. Johan Cappelen Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Head of Delegation

Mr. Erik Selmer Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. N. Joergensen Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Repre sentative s H.E, Mr. Mohammad Yunus Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Leader of Delegation

Dr. M. Humayun Khan Minister, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Mohammad Hamid Counsellor (Economic), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


B Repre sentante s S.E. Sr. Alfonso Arias-Schreiber Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Carlos A. Higueras Ministro Consejero, Représentante Permanente Adjunto ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Carlos Bérninzon Segundo Secretario, Misidn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra THIRTY- THREE/ 2,/Rev. 1 Page 24


Repre s entatives H.E. Mr. Wilfredo V. Vega Ambassador, Permanent Representative to GATT

Mr. Carlos Garrido Finance Attaché, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva


Representatives Mr. T. Jodko Deputy-Director, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Shipping

Mr. Z. Krzysztofowicz Permanent Representative to GATT

Mr. R. Daniel Chief of Section, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Shipping

Mr. S. Kacki First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Représentants S.E. M. Adriano de Carvalho Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. L. de Oliveira Nunes Représentant permanent adjoint THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev.l Page 25


Représentants M. Mircea Petrescou Ministre Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. S. Andrei Conseiller, Ministère du Commerce extérieur et de la coopération économique internationale

M. Serban Théodor Modoran Deuxième secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M, I. Simon Deuxième secrétaire, Ministère des affaires étrangères

(liste non reçue)


Représentants M. Raphael Diouf Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Doudou Diane Direction des Douanes, Ministère des Finances et des Affaires économiques


(list not received) TRTRTY-THREE/2 /Rev.l Page 26


Representative Mr. George Seow Kai Hean Chargé d'Affaires a.i,, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Representatives H.E. Mr. F.D. Tothill Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. G.M.L. Lowry Minister (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. J.J. Pienaar Counsellor (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. D.J. Bezuidenhout Second Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Representatives Mr. W.L.P. de Mel Secretary, Ministry of Trade

Mr. L.J. Mariadason Permanent Representative to GATT, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. J.R. Samaranayake Director, Department of Commerce

Mrs. Nimal Breckenridge First Secretary (Commercial), Permanent Mission to the Office cf the United Nations at Geneva THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev.l Page 27


Repr é sentants S.E. M. Arthur Dunkel Ambassadeur, Délégué du Conseil Fédéral aux accords commerciaux, Division du commerce du Département fédéral de l'économie publique

M. Carlo Jagmetti Ministre, Délégation permanente auprès des organisations internationales à Genève

M. Balz Eberhard Chef de Section, Division du commerce du Département fl fédéral de l'économie publique M. Georges-André Stiinzi Adjoint scientifique, Division du commerce du Département fédéral de l'économie publique

M. Jean-Daniel Gerber Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Délégation permanente auprès des organisations internationales à Genève


Repre s entative s H.E. Baron Cari De Geer Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Leader of Delegation 1 Mr. C. Magnus P. Lemmel Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Lars Stâlberg First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. C. Manhusen Head of Section, Ministries for Foreign Affairs and Commmerce

Mr. Hans Ericsson Head of Section, Ministries for Foreign Affairs and Commerce THHtTY-THREE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 28


Repre s entative s H.E. Mr. D.N.M. Mloka Ambassador, Embassy in Bonn Head of Delegation

Mr. A.A. Abbas Embassy in Bonn

Mr. E.J. Mbaga Ministry of Trade


(liste non reçue)


Repré s ent ant s S.E, M. K.V. Dagadou Ambassadeur, Ambassade à Bruxelles

Mlle E. Delà Seddoh Premier Secrétaire, Ambassade à Bruxelles TEEETY-THEEE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 29


Repre sentativea Mrs. Annette Auguste Chargé d'Affaires a.i,, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva leader of Delegation

Mr. Premchand Dass First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Arthur Gray First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva • Miss Yvonne Gittens Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Représentants S.E. M. Mohamed Ben Fadhel Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Youssef Mokkadem Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève TURQUIE

Représentants S.E. M. E. Yavuzalp Ambassadeur, ReprésentaJit permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. A.B. Kafaoglu Ministre, Représentant permanent adjoint pour les affaires économiques et financières, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. I. Parman Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev.l Page 30

TURQUIE (suite)

Représentants M. H. Pirinçcioglu Conseiller commercial, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. 0. Guven Conseiller financier, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. P, Paykal Conseiller pour les affaires douanières Mission permanente auprès de l'Office ies Nations Unies à Genève M. T. Ogun Conseiller commercial adjoint, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève


(list not received)


Repre sentative s H.E. Sir James Bottomley Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. K.P.X. Burns Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office •f the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. P.K.Y. Tsao Counsellor (Hong Kong Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. R.C. Lowson First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva TBZRTY-THRËE/2/Rev Page 31


Repre s entative s Mr. A.J. Hunt First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. P.A.S. Wise First Secretary (Hong Kong Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Miss P.M.C. Sung Second Secretary (Hong Kong Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Miss E.A. Sketchley Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Repre sentative The Honorable Alan W. Wolff Ambassador, Deputy Special Representative Trade Negotiations, Executive Office of the President

Alternate Representatives Mr. William G. Barraclough Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs. Department of State

Mr. Robert R. Brungart Minister-Counsellor, Mission to the international organizations at Geneva

Advisers Mr. Ernest Koenig Agricultural Attaché, Mission to the international organizations at Geneva

Mr. Warren A. Lavorel First Secretary, Mission to the international organizations at Geneva THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev, 1 Page 32


Advisers Mr. Harry M. Phelan, Jr. Mini ster-Counsellor, Mission to the international organizations at Geneva

Mr. J.T. Stewart GATT Coordinator, Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations Executive Office of the President URUGUAY

Repre sentante s S.E. Dr. Juan José Real Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Isidoro A. Hodara Ministro Consejero, Mision Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Sr. Carlos Barros Segundo Secretario, Mision Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Repre s entative s Dr. Petar Tomid Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Z. Pandurovid Deputy Director, Federal Secretariat for Foreign Trade

Mr. B. Micovic First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. D. Struic Adviser, Federal Chamber of Economics THIRTY -THREE/2/Rev. 1 Page 33


Représentant M. Mwami Ludunge Premier Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève



Représentants M. J. Loeff D5.recteur Général ad.joi.nt, Direction Générale des Relations Extérieures

M. P. Luyten Chef de la délégation permanente à Genève

M. R. Abbott Chef de Di-vision, Direction Générale des Relations Extérieures

M. J. Dugimont Chef adjoint de la délégation permanente à Genève

M. B. Adinolfi Délégation permanente à Genève

M. A. Allô Administrateur, Direction Générale des Relations Extérieures


Représentants M. K.-D. Jagstaidt Directeur è. la Direction Générale des Relations Extérieures, Représentant à Genève

M. A. Seguso Administrateur principal THIRTY-TÏÏREE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 34



Représentantes S.E. Dr. Xavier Caballero Tamayo Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

Dr. Armando Loaiza Mariaca Ministro, Représentante Permanente Adjunto ante la Oficina de las Naciones. l'nidas en Ginebra

Srta. Vilma Banzer Primer Secretario, Misidn Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra

BULGARIE Représentants M. S. Entcbev Acting Director, Ministère du Commerce extérieur M. Petko Baev Deuxième Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève COSTA RICA Représentantes S.E. Sr. Carlos di Mottola Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Jefe de la Delegacion Srta. Mérida Morales Représentante Alterno ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra ECUADOR Représentantes Sr. Washington Herrera Ministro (Asuntos economicos), Mision Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Sra. Ximena de Perez Consejero, Mision Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 35


Représentante Sr. Nicolas Rigoberto Monge Lopez Chargé d'Affairs s a.i., Représentante permanente Alterno ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Représentante S.E. Lie. Antonio Collart Valle Embajador, Représentante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra


Representative Mr. Faisal Bandar Al-Tikriti Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Représentants S.E. M. Mahmoud Banna Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève

M. Victor Bitar Premier Secrétaire, Mission Permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève


Représentants M. Driss Ketanni Délégué au Comité Permanent Consultatif du Maghreb à Tunis * M. Ahmed Sinaceur Conseiller, Mission Permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève MEXICO

Représentantes Lie. Sergio Delgado Consejero Economico, Mision Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Lie. Eric Alvarez Consejero Economico, Mision Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra THIRTY-TIffiEE/2 /Rev. 1 Page 36


Représentante S.E, Sr. Aquilino P. Villamonte Ramos Embajador, Représentante Pemanente Alterno ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra THAILAND Representatives Ananda Bhoocha-oom Director-General, Department of Business Economies Ministry of Commerce Head of Delegation Mr. Choophong Angpiroj Commercial Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva

Mr. Karun Kittisataporn Chief International Conferences Sector, •Department of Business Economies Ministry of Commerce

Mr. Chitrik Sreshthaputra First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva


Représentante Sr. Freddy Christians Ministro Consejero, Misiô'n Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra THIRTY-THREE/2 /Rev.l Page 37



Repre sentative3 Mr. D.K. Srinivasachar Trade Adviser, Office in Geneva

Mr. J. Gero Office in Geneva


Representatives Mr. Arne Langeland Deputy Secretary-General

Mr. Erkki Pajari Director, Trade Policy Affairs

Mr. Heinz Opelz First Assistant, Trade Policy Affairs


Representative Mr. S. D'Amico Senior Economist, Commodities and Trade Division


Representatives Mr. Fernando Vera Director, Office in Geneva

Mr. R. Baban Office in Geneva


Representatives Mr. F.J. Glover Director, Special Programmes Mr. H.O. Suarez Special Assistant and Information Officer THTRTÏ-THREE/2/Rev.l Page 38


Représentâtive Mr. Francisco J. Prieto Resident Economist, European Regional Office


Representative Mr. Serge Devos Deputy-Director


Représentante Lie. José Antonio Barahona Représentante de la Oficina en Europa


Representatives Mr. G. Krasnov Chief, External Relations Section, Division for Conference Affairs and External Relations

Mr. N. Stefanov Division for Trade with Socialist Countries

Mr. A. Belkora Manufactures Division


Representative Mr. K. Goldschwend Industrial Development Officer, Inter-Agency Programme Coordination Section, Division of Policy Co-ordination