[email protected] PROFESSIONAL & CIVIC ACTIVITIES BOLOGNA BUSINESS SCHOOL, UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA, ITALY Distinguished Visiting Professor September 2020 – Present Concentration on innovation, geoeconomics and governance. AUTHOR, The Industries of the Future March 2013 – Present Author of non-fiction title The Industries of the Future published by Simon & Schuster. Areas of focus include artificial intelligence, robotics and machine learning, genomics, cyber security, big data/analytics and the geopolitical, cultural, and generational contexts out of which they are emerging. New York Times bestseller and published in 24 languages. Best-seller on 4 continents. AMPLO January 2018 - Present Board Partner Partner in global venture capital firm with +/- $500 Million in assets under management. KING’S COLLEGE LONDON January 2019 – September 2020 Visiting Professor Based at The Policy Institute of the Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy. Concentration on geopolitics, governance and economic performance. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Distinguished Senior Fellow December 2015 – January 2018 Concentration on innovation and emerging technologies COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL & PUBLIC AFFAIRS Senior Fellow January 2014 – July 2015 Concentration on innovation, economic performance and the geopolitics of cyber security. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE April 2009 – March 2013 Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State • Developed and led innovation agenda to advance America’s diplomatic goals. • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top advisor on innovation. • Developed and managed innovative programs to address major foreign policy challenges. • Collaborated with the Department’s leadership to maximize the effective use of connection technologies (e.g., web, mobile, SMS, social networking) in program delivery. • Agenda items included: o Development and leadership of Secretary Clinton’s Internet Freedom Agenda.